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=== Verbose logging started: 10/5/2013 20:56:23 Calling process: C:\WINDOWS\Mi crosoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Window~1\ServiceModelReg.

exe === ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:234]: Warning: Could not detect IIS installation or II S is disabled, skipping the Web Host Script Mappings component since it depends upon IIS to function properly. If you believe this message is an error, check your IIS installation to make sur e it is installed properly. ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:234]: Information: The ServiceModelReg tool will take the following actions: Reinstalling configuration section system.serviceModel to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.N ET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config. Reinstalling configuration section system.runtime.serialization to C:\WINDOWS\Mi crosoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config. Reinstalling configuration section system.serviceModel.activation to C:\WINDOWS\ Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config. Adding configuration entry for BuildProvider: System.ServiceModel.Activation.ServiceBuildProvider, System.ServiceModel , Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Reinstalling compilation assembly node to System.Web section group: System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKe yToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL Reinstalling compilation assembly node to System.Web section group: System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b 77a5c561934e089, processorArchitectur... ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:249]: Installing: Machine.config Section Groups and Ha ndlers ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:906]: Uninstalling: System.Web Build Provider ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:921]: Warning: A configuration entry for BuildProvider System.ServiceModel.Activation.ServiceBuildProvider, System.ServiceModel, Versi on=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 does not exist. ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:921]: Installing: System.Web Build Provider ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:952]: Uninstalling: System.Web Compilation Assemblies ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:968]: Warning: All compilation assembly nodes do not e xist in System.Web section group. ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:968]: Installing: System.Web Compilation Assemblies ServiceModelReg [20:56:23:999]: Uninstalling: HTTP Handlers ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:015]: Warning: HttpHandlers node *.svc does not exist in System.Web section group. ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:015]: Installing: HTTP Handlers ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:046]: Uninstalling: HTTP Modules ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:046]: Warning: HttpModules node ServiceModel does not exist in System.Web section group. ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:046]: Installing: HTTP Modules ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:062]: Repairing: WMI Classes ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:062]: Starting tool 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\mofcomp. exe' with parameters '"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communica tion Foundation\ServiceModel.mof"'. ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:265]: Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.1.26 00.5512 ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:265]: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1997-2001. All rig hts reserved. ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:265]: Parsing MOF file: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Frame work\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModel.mof ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:265]: MOF file has been successfully parsed ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:265]: Storing data in the repository... ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:265]: Done! ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:281]: ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:281]: ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:281]: Tool 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\mofcomp.exe' with parameters '"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foun

dation\ServiceModel.mof"' exited with code '0'. ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:359]: Information: ASPNET local user account does not exist, skipped setting WMI permissions for ASP.NET ServiceModelReg [20:56:24:359]: Repairing: Windows CardSpace (idsvc) ServiceModelReg [20:56:25:109]: Repairing: Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service (NetTcpP ortSharing) ServiceModelReg [20:56:26:249]: Uninstalling: HTTP Namespace Reservations ServiceModelReg [20:56:26:249]: Warning: HTTP namespace reservations are not ins talled. ServiceModelReg [20:56:26:249]: Installing: HTTP Namespace Reservations ServiceModelReg [20:56:26:249]: Information: The ServiceModelReg tool has comple ted successfully. === Verbose logging stopped: 10/5/2013 20:56:26 ===

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