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Brief: Apple introduced iCloud in iOS5 as a service to allow applications to store data on
Apples servers and have it synchronized across all devices used by the same person (via their Apple ID) It also has a bac!up component "his document describes how to use some o# the iCloud A$Is provided by Apple to store and retrieve data #rom their servers% with C& samples #or storin' small !ey(value data pairs and #or storin' documents It also discusses how iCloud )ac!up can in#luence the desi'n o# your application

"he iCloud stora'e A$I in iOS5 allow applications to save user documents * application speci#ic data to a central location and access those items #rom all the users devices

Figure 1: iCloud overview "here are #our types o# stora'e available+ Key-Value s orage , to share small amounts o# data with your application on a users other devices UIDo!u"e# s orage , to store documents and other data in the users iCloud account usin' a subclass o# -IDocument

Seminar Report


CoreDa a , S./ite database stora'e I#dividual files a#d dire! ories , #or mana'in' lots o# di##erent #iles directly in the #ile system

$. iCloud
iCloud helps you store your photos% music% apps% documents% calendars and more Its an easiest way to mana'e your content Apple has built iCloud #unctionality directly into many o# their apps and iOS5 0hen you ta!e a photo #rom your i$hone% it can automatically synchronize with iCloud% and be pushed to your i$ad and 1ac 2ou can stop worryin' about !eepin' all o# your devices in sync once they are all lin!ed to your iCloud account

Figure $: s%ow %e wor&i#g of iCloud Once you connect your device to the internet via a wired or 0i(3i connection% all o# your #iles will be automatically synchronized "he )ac!up #eature allows you to store your personal data%

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alon' with music apps and boo!s purchased #rom i"unes 2ou can restore all o# your data directly to your device #rom iCloud% or move it to any new devices you buy Apple has opened up development to third(party developers% which means that there will eventually be iCloud compatible apps #or 0indows aside those developed by Apple 4ventually iCloud development could spread to other plat#orms includin' /inu5% Android% and )lac!)erry I# you switch bac! and #orth between a 0indows $C and your 1ac% it will not be lon' be#ore you can !eep both o# them in sync with iCloud 2ou 'et 56) o# bac!up space #or #ree% and there will li!ely be di##erent pricin' tiers based on how much data you want to store in iCloud 3or 789 :: a year you 'et the Scan and 1atch #eature% which scans your i"unes music library and adds any son's that are available in the i"unes library to your iCloud account It does not matter i# you purchased the son's #rom i"unes% #rom another music store% or ripped the CDs All son's added to your iCloud account usin' the Scan and 1atch #eature will be at 85;!bps (D<1(#ree AAC #iles) re'ardless o# the =uality o# your ori'inal trac! "here is a limit o# 85%>>> son's% but i"unes purchases do not count a'ainst that limit "he Scan and 1atch #eature% otherwise !nown as i"unes 1atch will be available in the #all i"unes ?> @ is available ri'ht now% #or 1acs and $Cs with i"unes ?> @% and it will allow you to download music youve previously purchased to all o# your devices "here is also a beta available now% which re=uires iOS 9 @ @ on the i$hone @6S% i$hone 9% third and #ourth 'eneration i$od "ouch% the i$ad and the i$ad 8

$.1. 're(ari#g for iCloud develo("e# :

Applications must be con#i'ured to use iCloud both in the Apple $rovisionin' $ortal and the proAect itsel# )e#ore developin' #or iCloud (or tryin' out the samples) #ollow the steps below


Seminar Report


$.1.1. )e u( iCloud o# your *((le TV. Its easy to 'et iCloud on your Apple "B Cust turn on Apple "B and enter your Apple ID 2ou can 'et access to your $hoto Stream% i"unes 1atch% and any movies and "B shows youve purchased on your i$hone% i$ad% i$od touch% 1ac% or $C "o correctly con#i'ure an application to access iCloud+ Fi#d your Tea"ID , lo'in to developer apple com and visit the 1ember Center D 2our Account D Or'anization $ro#ile to 'et your CompanyEOr'anization ID (or Individual ID #or sin'le developers) It will be a ?> character strin' (A:@A5C18FG #or e5ample) , this #orms part o# the Hcontainer identi#ier Crea e a #ew *(( ID , 'o to the iOS $rovisionin' $ortal to create an App ID Choose any Description you li!e "he )undle ID you choose #orms part o# the Hcontainer identi#ier ("he samples use com 5amarin samples iCloud) "here is a chec!(bo5 to enable iCloud #or the application ( ma!e sure the bo5 is chec!ed $.1.$. Key-value s orage Iey(value stora'e is intended #or small amounts o# data that a user mi'ht li!e persisted across devices , such as the last pa'e they viewed in a boo! or ma'azine Iey(value stora'e should not be used #or bac!in'(up data

"here are some limitations to be aware o# when usin' !ey(value stora'e+ +a,i"u" &ey si-e , Iey names cannot be lon'er than ;9 bytes +a,i"u" value si-e , 2ou cannot store more than ;9 !ilobytes in a sin'le value +a,i"u" &ey-value s ore si-e for a# a(( , Applications can only store up to ;9 !ilobytes o# !ey(value data in total Attempts to set !eys beyond that limit will #ail and the previous value will persist

Seminar Report


Da a y(es , Only basic types li!e strin's% numbers and booleans can be stored "he iCloudIeyBalue e5ample demonstrates how it wor!s "he sample code creates a !ey named #or each device+ you can set this !ey on one device and watch the value 'et propa'ated to others It also creates a !ey called JSharedK which can be edited on any device , i# you edit on many devices at once% iCloud will decide which value Hwins (usin' a timestamp on the chan'e) and 'ets propa'ated "his screenshot shows the sample in use 0hen chan'e noti#ications are received #rom iCloud they are printed in the scrollin' te5t view at the bottom o# the screen and updated in the input #ields Document Stora'e is desi'ned to mana'e data that is important to your app (and to the user) It can be used to mana'e #iles and other data that your app needs to run% while at the same time providin' iCloud (based bac!up and sharin' #unctionality across all the users devices "his dia'ram shows how it all #its to'ether 4ach device has data saved on local stora'e (the -bi=uityContainer) and the operatin' systems iCloud Daemon ta!es care o# sendin' and receivin' data in the cloud All #ile access to the -bi=uityContainer must be done via 3ile$resenterE3ileCoordinator to prevent concurrent access "he UIDocument class implements those #or youL this e5ample shows how to use -IDocument


Seminar Report


Figure. . "he iCloud-IDoc e5ample implements a simple UIDocument subclass that contains a sin'le te5t #ield "he te5t is rendered in a UITextView and edits are propo'ated by iCloud to other devices with a noti#ication messa'e shown in red "he sample code does not deal with more advanced iCloud #eatures li!e con#lict resolution $.1... )avi#g iCloud Do!u"e# s:

To add a -IDocument o iCloud you can call

-IDocument Save directly (#or new documents only) or move an e5istin' #ile usin' MS3ile1ana'er De#ault1ana'er Set-bi=uitious $.1./. +a#agi#g iCloud Do!u"e# s: -sers can mana'e iCloud documents in the Documents directory o# the Hubi=uity container outside o# your application via Settin'sL they can view the #ile list and swipe o delete Application code should be able o handle the situation where documents are deleted by the user Do not store internal application data


Seminar Report


in the Documents directory -sers will also receive di##erent warnin's when they attempt o remove an iCloud(enabled application #rom their device

Figure /

$.$. iCloud Ba!&u(:

0hile bac!in' up to iCloud isnt a #eature that is directly accessed by developers% the way you desi'n your application can a##ect the user e5perience Apple provides iOS Data Stora'e 6uidelines #or developers to #ollow in their iOS applications "he most important consideration is whether your app stores lar'e #iles that are not user('enerated (#or e5ample% a ma'azine reader application that stores hundred(plus me'abytes o# content per issue) Apple pre#ers that you do not store this sort o# data where it will be bac!ed(up to iCloud and unnecessarily #ill the users iCloud =uota Applications that store lar'e amounts o# data li!e this should either store it in one o# the user directories that is not bac!ed(up (e' Caches or tmp) or use MS3ile1ana'er SetS!ip)ac!upAttribute to apply a #la' to those #iles so that iCloud i'nores them durin' bac!up operations "his article introduced the new iCloud #eature included in iOS 5 It e5amined the steps re=uired to con#i'ure your proAect to use iCloud and then provided e5amples o# how to implement iCloud #eatures


Seminar Report


"he !ey(value stora'e e5ample demonstrated how iCloud can be used to store a small amount o# data similar to the way MS-ser$re#erences are stored "he -IDocument e5ample showed how more comple5 data can be stored and synchronized across multiple devices via iCloud 3inally it included a brie# discussion on how the addition o# iCloud )ac!up should in#luence your application desi'n


Seminar Report



iCloud pre#erences pane on OS N ?> G ? Origi#al au %or0s1 Develo(er0s1 I#i ial release Apple Inc Apple Inc Developers Cune $ublic October ?8% 8>?? ) a2le release ? ? > E 1arch F% 8>?8L 5 months a'o Develo("e# s a us Active O(era i#g sys e" OS 1icroso#t iOS Ty(e 3i!e#se Online bac!up service 3reeware N 0indows ;% release 8>?? release


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Figure 4


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Apple announced that 1obile1e will be discontinued a#ter Cune @>% 8>?8% with anyone who had an account be#ore the unveilin' o# iCloud havin' their 1obile1e service e5tended to that date% #ree o# char'e "he o##icial website% www iCloud com% went live in early Au'ust #or Apple Developers On October ?8% 8>??% iCloud became available to use via an i"unes update iCloud had 8> million users in less than a wee! a#ter launch A class action lawsuit by customers unhappy over the transition #rom 1obile1e to iCloud was #iled in early 1ay 8>?8

$... *##ou#!e"e# :
"he #irst o##icial mention o# iCloud #rom Apple came on 1ay @?% 8>??% when a press release announced that it would demonstrate the service at the 00DC on Cune ;% 8>?? A banner hun' at the 1oscone Center #or 00DC revealed the iCloud lo'o #ive days be#ore the o##icial launch In the 00DC 8>?? !eynote speech% Apple announced iCloud will replace 1obile1e services and that the basic iCloud service will be #ree o# char'e


Fea ures

"he cloud(based system allows users to store music% photos% applications% documents% boo!mar!s% reminders% bac!ups% notes% i)oo!s% and contacts% and provides a plat#orm #or AppleOs email servers and calendars "hird(party iOS and OS N app developers are able to implement iCloud #unctionality in their apps throu'h the iCloud A$I Contacts Calendar 1ail iboo!s

Seminar Report


)ac!up Documents in the cloud $hotostream

$./.1. Cale#dars5 !o# a! s a#d "ails: U(da e every %i#g iCloud stores all the stu## you cant live without P your calendars% contacts% and email P and !eeps it up to date across all your devices Say you delete an email% add a calendar event% or update a contact iCloud ma!es all your chan'es everywhere Same with your notes% reminders% and boo!mar!s


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Figure 6: Cale#dar fea ures a#d wor&i#g


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* !ale#dar %a &ee(s u( wi % you. -pdate your schedule in one place and see your chan'es everywhere 0hen you have multiple devices% iCloud updates them with your most recent appointments P savin' you time #or all the other thin's you have 'oin' on 2ou can also share calendars with other iCloud users A dateboo! your whole #amily can add to Or a team schedule that every player can access As soon as someone adds or edits an event% iCloud updates it wirelessly on everyones devices $./.$. +ail +ail %a delivers. Free. 0hen you set up iCloud% you 'et a #ree me com email account iCloud automatically pushes new email messa'es to all your devices% so your inbo5 is up to date everywhere you chec! it And iCloud !eeps all your #olders in sync% no matter which device youre usin' As with 1obile1e (and 1ac and i"ools be#ore it)% an iCloud account includes an email account -nli!e 1obile1e and its previous iterations% an email address is an optional part o# an iCloud account% in that the user can choose not to use it but can still use the email as their iCloud Apple ID "he email account can be accessed usin' any standard I1A$(compatible email client as well as the web portal mail client on iCloud com Additionally% on an iOS device% iCloud email is push(enabled -sers convertin' e5istin' 1obile1e accounts to iCloud accounts !ept their e5istin' QRme comQ email addresses% and users whose accounts pre(dated 1obile1e and had both me com and mac com email addresses !ept both In iOS ; beta @% Apple 'ave notice to developers that new si'nups would instead 'et QRiCloud comQ email addresses As with the 1ac to 1obile1e transition% e5istin' users 'et to !eep their old addresses and also 'et a matchin' new iCloud com address% so messa'es sent to a valid account with multiple addresses all end up in the same inbo5 -sers settin' up new iCloud accounts% whether completely new or attachin' them to e5istin' non(1obile1e Apple IDs% can opt to not have email with their iCloud account "hese users donOt see the iCloud webmail component when si'nin' in at iCloud com "hey still need a valid email address with another email provider to si'n(up (e ' a 6mail account)% and that e5istin' non(Apple email address becomes their iCloud lo'in

Seminar Report


Figure 7: 8"ail $./... Co# a! s +a&e !o##e! io#s everyw%ere you go. 0ith iCloud% your entire address boo! is on whichever device youre usin'% anytime you need it Say you add someone to Contacts on your i$hone% i$ad% or i$od touch iCloud automatically pushes the new contact to Contacts or Address )oo! on your 1ac or to Outloo! on your $C So you dont have to connect your device to your computer to !eep trac! o# all those names and #aces $././. Do!u"e# s i# %e !loud 2ou can create amazin' documents and presentations on your 1ac% i$hone% i$ad% and i$od touch And with iCloud% you can !eep that wor! up to date across your 1ac and all your iOS

Seminar Report


devices 2ou dont have to mana'e your documents in a complicated #ile system or remember to save them to a special #older 2our documents P with all the latest edits P are stored in your apps% so they automatically appear everywhere iCloud is already built into iOS apps li!e Ieynote% $a'es% and Mumbers It also wor!s with other iCloud(enabled apps So you can do thin's li!e create a to(do list on your 1ac and ma!e edits to it on your i$hone Or start s!etchin' on your i$od touch and add the #inishin' touches on your i$ad 8very do!u"e# 5 every edi 5 everyw%ere. 0ith iCloud% the documents you create stay up to date across all your devices P automatically 2ou dont have to remember to upload your wor! to a special #older% or browse a cluttered #ile system to #ind it a'ain 2our documents are ri'ht there in your app% completely up to date and ready whenever you need them 0hich means you can easily access the latest versions anytime on whatever device you happen to be usin' at the time *((s "ade for iCloud. iCloud is already seamlessly inte'rated with Apple apps #or your iOS devices and your 1ac li!e$a'es% Ieynote% Mumbers% and 6ara'e)and And developers have built iCloud into their apps% too So you can do thin's li!e paint a masterpiece% start a Aournal entry% wor! on a bud'et% and more P and have it all with you on your iOS devices and your 1ac $./.4. '%o os rea": $hoto Stream is a service supplied with the basic iCloud service which allows users to store the most recent ?%>>> photos on the iCloud servers up to @> days #ree o# char'e 0hen a photo is ta!en on a device with $hoto Stream enabled% it is automatically uploaded to the iCloud serversL #rom there% it is automatically pushed to the rest o# the userOs re'istered devices "he service is also inte'rated with Apple "B% allowin' users to view their recent photos wirelessly on their SD"B 0ith $hoto Stream% you can ta!e a photo on one iOS device and it automatically appears on all your other devices% includin' your 1ac or $C Import new pictures to your computer #rom a di'ital camera% and iCloud sends copies over 0i(3i to your i$hone% i$ad% and i$od touch 2ou can even view recent photos on your bi'(screen "B via Apple "B "heres no syncin'% no email attachments% no #ile trans#ers 2our pictures are Aust there P on whichever device you happen to have handy

Seminar Report


Figure 9: Differe# y(es of (i! ure are :oi#ed i# 1 (age wi % %e %el( of '%o os rea".

2our photos everywhere In a #lash "a!e a photo on an iOS device Or import a photo #rom your di'ital camera to your computer iCloud automatically pushes a copy o# that photo over any available 0i(3i or 4thernet connection to the $hotos app on your iOS devices% i$hoto or Aperture on your 1ac% and the $ictures /ibrary on your $C 2ou can even view your $hoto Stream album on your Apple "B So you can show o## your shots to #riends and #amily #rom whichever device youre usin' at the time ?>>> o# your latest photos 0ith you all the time iCloud mana'es your $hoto Stream e##iciently so you dont run out o# stora'e space on your i$hone% i$ad% or i$od touch I# you have $hoto Stream enabled on your iOS device% every sin'le photo you ta!e appears in a special $hoto Stream album that holds your last ?>>> photos 2ou can delete any photos you dont want #rom the $hoto Stream ? "o touch up a photo or !eep a #avorite shot permanently%

Seminar Report


simply save it to your Camera <oll iCloud stores new photos #or @> days% so you have plenty o# time to connect your iOS device to 0i(3i and ma!e sure you always have your most recent shots handy.?>>> photos on your devices+ Mew photos appear on your i$hone% i$ad% or i$od touch in a rollin' collection o# your last ?>>> photos Save your best shots+ I# you ta!e a photo you really love and want to ma!e sure it stays on your i$hone% i$ad% or i$od touch% you can save it #rom your $hoto Stream to your Camera <oll All your photos on your 1ac or $C+ 2our computer automatically !eeps all the photos that come throu'h your $hoto Stream 1aster photo library On your 1ac or $C Ieepin' a complete set o# your photos on your 1ac is as simple as turnin' on $hoto Stream in i$hoto or Aperture 4very new photo you ta!e appears in a $hoto Stream album Aust as it does on your i$hone% i$ad% and i$od touch )ut since your 1ac has more stora'e than your iOS device% it automatically imports every picture #rom your $hoto Stream into your photo library so you can edit% delete% and share the ones you want 0ant to 'et the photos youve ta!en on your point(and(shoot or DS/< camera into your $hoto Stream to view on all your other devicesT "he photos you import to your library #rom a camera or SD card are automatically uploaded to your $hoto Stream I# you have a $C% you can auto(import and upload pictures% too Cust turn on $hoto Stream% 'rab a camera% and start shootin' 1a!e your photos a bi' deal with Apple "B 0ith $hoto Stream and Apple "B% you can view your recent photos on your SD"B #or some truly entertainin' reality television 8 So you can% say% ta!e pictures durin' your dau'hters so#tball 'ame% then watch a photo play(by(play with the #amily 'athered around the bi'(screen "B

2ou can delete unwanted photos #rom your $hoto Stream at any time <eview this article or more in#ormation 2ou can reset your $hoto Stream at iCloud com to remove all photos #rom AppleOs servers <eview this article #or more in#ormation

$./.6. iBoo&s:


Seminar Report


0ith iCloud% the best place to read is anywhere you have an iOS device As soon as you buy a new boo! #rom the i)oo!store% iCloud automatically pushes it to all your other devices Start readin' on your i$ad% hi'hli'ht some te5t% ta!e notes% or leave a boo!mar!% and iCloud automatically updates your i$hone and i$od touch% too Once you buy a boo!% it appears in your i)oo!store purchase history 3rom there% you can download it to any o# your devices at any time And it wont cost you anythin' e5tra

Figure ;: iBoo&s s%ow i# %e a2le %roug% iCloud $./.7. Ba!&u( a#d Res ore: iCloud allows users the option to bac! up iOS devices online (alternatively users can choose to continue to bac!up to their computers)% thus they can be restored #rom online bac!up without connectin' to a computer


Seminar Report


Figure 1<: Res ore (ro!ess i# iCloud iCloud saves %e day. 2ou have all sorts o# important stu## on your i$hone% i$ad% and i$od touch iCloud automatically bac!s it up daily over 0i(3i when your device is connected to a power source 2ou dont have to do a thin' And when you set up a new iOS device or need to restore in#ormation on one you already have% iCloud )ac!up does the heavy li#tin' Connect your device to 0i(3i and enter your Apple ID and password 2our personal data P alon' with your purchased music% movies% "B shows% apps% and boo!s P will appear on your device% automatically iCloud 2a!&s u( your:

$urchased music% movies% "B shows% apps% and boo!s $hotos and video in the Camera <oll Device settin's App data Some screen and app or'anization 1essa'es (i1essa'e% S1S% and 11S)

Seminar Report




*((li!a io#s:

I# you own multiple iOS devices% iCloud ma!es sure your apps are everywhere you want them Download a new app on your i$hone% and it automatically appears on your i$ad 2ou dont have to worry about !eepin' your devices in sync because iCloud does it #or you Or say theres an app you bou'ht way bac! when that you wish you had on your new i$od touch iCloud lets you see your past downloads in one convenient place+ your purchase history on the App Store Since youve already purchased these apps% you can download them a'ain P at no additional char'e P to your i$hone% i$ad% or i$od touch ? $.4.1. Boo&"ar&s5 No es5 Re"i#ders

*lways u( o da e. *lways wi % you. iCloud stores the web pa'es youve boo!mar!ed% notes youve written% and reminders youve created Its all there% everywhere you 'o So when it comes to your devices% you can switch thin's up without mi5in' thin's up $.4.$.

Fi#d +y i'%o#e5 i'ad5 a#d +a!: 2ou must turn on 3ind 1y i$hone% i$ad% and i$od touch in iOS Settin's be#ore your

device can be located

2ou must turn on 3ind 1y 1ac in OS N System $re#erences be#ore your 1ac can be located /ocation data is sent #rom your device only when you re=uest its location (( it is not transmitted or recorded at any other time /ast !nown device location data is stored on AppleOs servers in an encrypted #ormat #or 89 hrs% and then permanently deleted 2ou are automatically si'ned out o# the 3ind 1y i$hone app (on device or on the web) a#ter ?5 minutes o# inactivity

Seminar Report


<emote /oc! allows you loc! a deviceOs screen to prevent others #rom accessin' your data <emote 0ipe lets you permanently and securely erase your data #rom a device

3os . *#d fou#d. I# chec!in' all the usual spots hasnt turned up your missin' device% 3ind 1y i$hone% i$ad% i$od touch% and 1ac can help 9 Cust si'n in at iCloud com or use the 3ind 1y i$hone app on another device to locate yours on a map% display a messa'e on its screen% remotely set a passcode loc!% or initiate a remote wipe to delete your data 'lay a sou#d. )e#d a "essage. Once you realize you havent Aust misplaced your device at home% 3ind 1y i$hone can help you 'et it bac! $lay a sound to help 'et someones attention (even i# your volume is set to silent) And display a messa'e on its screen so whoever has your device !nows how to 'et it bac! to you Kee( w%a =s (riva e5 (riva e. 2ou !eep lots o# important in#ormation on your Apple device% so you mi'ht want to protect its contents until its sa#ely bac! in your hands <emotely set a passcode loc! to !eep your in#ormation private Or initiate a remote wipe to delete your personal data and restore your i$hone% i$ad% i$od touch% or 1ac to its #actory settin's >e a# e"ail w%e# i =s fou#d. I# your device is o##line when you try to locate it usin' 3ind 1y i$hone% you can as! to receive an email as soon as it ma!es a 0i(3i or cellular connection Clic! the email lin! within the ne5t 89 hours to 'et a visual o# where your device was last located $.4... Fi#d +y Frie#ds:

"o use 3ind 1y 3riends% you must #irst download the optional and #ree 3ind 1y 3riends app #rom the App Store 3or someone to see your location% you must #irst 'ive that person e5plicit permission


Seminar Report


2our location is sent #rom your device only when a #riend re=uests to see your location (( it is not transmitted or recorded at any other time "here is a sin'le switch you can use to hide #rom all o# your #riends at any time /ast !nown location data is stored on AppleOs servers in an encrypted #ormat #or only two hours% and then permanently deleted I# you do not have a passcode loc! set on your device% you will be automatically si'ned out o# 3ind 1y 3riends a#ter ?5 minutes o# inactivity

>o frie#d-s(o i#g. "he 3ind 1y 3riends app is a 'reat way to #ind your #riends campsite or !eep trac! o# the #amily while vacationin' at the beach 9 It even lets you see when your !ids have made it home #rom school 2ou can 'ive #riends and #amily permission to see your whereabouts And vice versa 0hen you dont want to be #ound% a sin'le switch ta!es you o## the 'rid Simple as that ?our frie#ds "ar& %e s(o . 1eet up with #riends at an outdoor concert Ieep trac! o# the #amily durin' a day on the s!i slopes Or see when your out(o#(town 'uest has #inally made it past ba''a'e claim "he 3ind 1y 3riends app is a 'reat way to share your location with people who are important to you 3riends who share their locations with you appear on a map so you can =uic!ly see where they are and what theyre up to And since 3ind 1y 3riends wor!s with Contacts and 1aps% you can do thin's li!e #ind the =uic!est route to a surprise party and avoid runnin' into the birthday 'irl P all at once Frie#ds for a day. 0ith 3ind 1y 3riends% you can choose to temporarily share your location with a 'roup o# people Its per#ect #or a wee!end campin' trip or a day at the amusement par! Share locations #or a couple hours P or a couple wee!s 0hen the trip is over% the sharin' ends% too )ee& 0a#d %ide1. 0ith 3ind 1y 3riends% you ma!e the rules A noti#ication appears when you 'et a new #riend re=uest I# you 'ive your #riends permission% they can see you 0ant a little privacyT 6o o## the 'rid with the #lip o# a switch

Seminar Report


Kee( %e" safe. $arental restrictions help you mana'e how your children use 3ind 1y 3riends Controls are =uic! and easy to set up and re=uire a password to override your settin's "hat way your !ids can have #un P and you can ma!e sure they stay sa#e

Figure 11: Fi#d +y i'%o#e 3ind 1y i$hone% #ormerly part o# 1obile1e% allows users to trac! the location o# their iOS device% or 1ac A user can see the deviceOs appro5imate location on a map (alon' with a circle showin' the radius depictin' the mar'in o# error)% display a messa'e *Eor play a sound on the device (even i# it is set to silent)% chan'e the password on the device% and remotely erase its contents "he #eature was #irst announced on Cune ?>% 8>>: and was included in iOS @ > so#tware update as a #eature #or payin' 1obile1e users 3ind 1y i$hone was made #ree o# char'e with the iOS 9 8 ? so#tware update on Movember 88% 8>?>% but only #or devices introduced in 8>?> An iOS app was also released by Apple on Cune% ?G 8>?> which allows users to locate their device #rom other iOS ones runnin' iOS 9 or later so#tware Similar phone #inder services under various names are available #or other #amilies o# smartphones


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$.4./. iTu#es +a !% i"unes 1atch debuted on ?9 Movember 8>?? I# you want the bene#its o# i"unes in the Cloud #or music% i"unes 1atch is the per#ect solution

i"unes 1atch debuted on Movember ?9% 8>??% initially available to -S users only 3or an annual #ee% customers can scan and match trac!s in their i"unes music library% includin' trac!s copied #rom CDs or other sources% with trac!s in the i"unes Store% so customers do not have to repurchase said trac!s Apple lets customers download up to 85%>>> trac!s in 85; !bitEs D<1( #ree AAC #ile #ormat that match trac!s in any supported audio #ile #ormat in the customerOs i"unes libraries% includin' A/AC and 1$@% with users havin' the additional option on their computers to !eep the ori'inal version stored there or to replace it with the version #rom the i"unes Store as they wish Any music not available in the i"unes Store is also able to be uploaded by users #or download onto their other supported devices or computers% but online stora'e needed #or the upload o# trac!s not available in the i"unes Store is ta!en #rom the users separate iCloud stora'e service allowance% as non(i"unes Store audio stora'e is not included% because the annual char'e is #or the matchin' o# non(i"unes bou'ht music only "rac!s not available in the i"unes Store which need to be uploaded that are in the hi'her =uality lossless A/AC #ormat (or 0ABEAI33 ori'inal uncompressed $C1 #ormats)% are #irst transcoded locally on the userOs computer to a separate temporary 85; !bitEs D<1(#ree AAC #ile% prior to bein' uploaded to the userOs separate iCloud stora'e account% leavin' the ori'inal #iles untouched I# a user stops payin' #or the service% the downloaded i"unes Store versions o# trac!s in D<1( #ree AAC #ormat already stored on any device are able to be !ept% whether iOS devices or computers

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iTu#es i# %e Cloud: 2our music% movies% and "B shows 0herever you want them 0ith iCloud% the music you purchase in i"unes appears automatically on all your devices 2ou can also download your past i"unes purchases 0here you want% when you want Mew purchases Automatically everywhere iCloud can automatically download new music purchases to all your devices over 0i(3i P or over a cellular networ! i# you choose 0hich means you can buy a son' #rom i"unes on your i$ad at home% and #ind it waitin' #or you on your i$hone durin' your mornin' commute All without havin' to sync ? 2our past purchases Available on all your devices Mow you can download music% movies% and "B shows youve previously purchased to all your devices 0hen you buy #rom i"unes% iCloud stores your purchase history So you can see what youve bou'ht P no matter which device you bou'ht it on 2ou can access your purchase history #rom the i"unes Store on your i$hone% i$ad% i$od touch% 1ac% $C% or Apple "B And since you already own the son's% albums% movies% or "B shows in your purchase history% you can tap to download them to any o# your devices iTu#es +a !%: 0ith i"unes 1atch% all your music P even son's youve imported #rom CDs P can be stored in iCloud So you can access your music #rom all your devices and listen to your entire library% wherever you are

* "a !% "ade i# iCloud.

0ith i"unes in the Cloud% the music you buy #rom the i"unes Store automatically appears on all your devices ? And #or music you havent purchased #rom i"unes% i"unes 1atch is the per#ect solution i"unes 1atch is built ri'ht into i"unes on your computer and the 1usic app on your iOS devices 8 It lets you store your entire collection in iCloud% even music youve

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imported #rom CDs or purchased somewhere other than i"unes 0hen its in iCloud% its available on all your devices So you can enAoy all your music anywhere% anytime P on your i$hone% i$ad% i$od touch% 1ac% $C% or Apple "B @ow iTu#es +a !% wor&s. i"unes determines which son's in your collection are available in the i"unes Store Any music with a match is automatically added to iCloud #or you to listen to anytime% on any device Since there are more than 8> million son's in the i"unes Store% chances are your music is already in iCloud And #or the #ew son's that arent% i"unes uploads what it cant match (which is much #aster than uploadin' your entire music library) 4ven better% all the music i"unes matches plays bac! #rom iCloud at 85;(Ibps AAC D<1(#ree =uality P even i# your ori'inal copy was o# lower =uality Once your music is in iCloud% you can stream it to any o# your devices Cust browse the complete list o# all your music stored in the cloud "o listen to a son'% tap the iCloud icon ne5t to it and your son' starts playin' 2ou can store up to 85%>>> son's in iCloud (more i# son's are purchased #rom the i"unes Store)% but only what you want to play is stored on your device So you have immediate access to a hu'e music library without ta!in' up stora'e space >e i#g ) ar ed ? 8 @ 9 i"unes 1atch will start scannin' and matchin' your library and uploadin' your music to iCloud ri'ht away 6o to i"unes on your computer% choose i"unes 1atch in the sidebar% enter your Apple ID and password% and clic! Subscribe 0hen its #inished% youll see an iCloud icon in your i"unes library ne5t to those son's stored in the cloud "o turn on i"unes 1atch on your iOS devices% 'o to Settin's% tap 1usic% and turn on i"unes 1atch iTu#es +a !% F*As


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Anyone with an Apple ID in the - S and select other countries can use i"unes 1atch 2ou also need i"unes ?> 5 ? or later on your 1ac or $C and iOS 5 > ? or later on your i$hone @6S or later% i$od touch (@rd and 9th 'eneration)% or i$ad 2ou can match or upload music #ormats that can be played with i"unes "hat includes AAC% 1$@% 0AB% AI33% Apple /ossless% and more i"unes 1atch supports up to ?> devices P includin' your computer% i$hone% i$od touch% i$ad% and Apple "B 2es 0hen you create% edit% or delete a playlist on your 1ac% $C% i$hone% or i$ad% those chan'es will sync across any i"unes 1atch(enabled device you own Sowever% playlists with videos% voice memos% or $D3 #iles will not sync On a computer% any son's stored in iCloud will stream over the air when played% thou'h you can download them at any time by clic!in' the iCloud download button iOS devices will start playin' trac!s #rom iCloud as they download and will store them so that you can listen to them later even i# you dont have a networ! connection Apple "B only streams son's

Bill iTu#es +a !% so#gs dow#load over .> o# "y iO) devi!eC 2es 6o to Settin's U Store on your device "urn on -se Cellular Data I# youd rather download over 0i(3i% turn it o## 0hat i# I add new music to my libraryT Do I need to tell i"unes 1atch to scan itT Mo i"unes 1atch will automatically rescan #or content% so you dont have to Althou'h you can #orce a re#resh by choosin' Store U -pdate i"unes 1atch in i"unes 0hat happens i# I dont resubscribe a#ter the #irst yearT 0ill I lose any up'raded son'sT Mo Any son's youve up'raded or downloaded a'ain are completely sa#e "he only thin' you lose is the central stora'e P iCloud will no lon'er stream or download matched or uploaded son's to your devices On a 1ac or $C% open i"unes and choose Store U"urn On i"unes 1atch "hen turn on your iOS devices% tap Settin's U 1usic U "urn On i"unes 1atch "o turn on i"unes 1atch on Apple "B% 'o to 1usic U iCloud /ibrary Does the Apple ID I use #or i"unes 1atch have to be an iCloud accountT

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Mo I# youve been usin' a separate Apple ID #or purchases% that Apple ID will also wor! #or i"unes 1atch 2ou should use the Apple ID that is associated with the maAority o# your music purchases


) orage:

Free ge s you a lo . 0hen you si'n up #or iCloud% you automatically 'et 56) o# #ree stora'e And thats plenty o# room% because o# the way iCloud stores your content 2our purchased music% movies% apps% boo!s% and "B shows P as well as your $hoto Stream P dont count a'ainst your #ree stora'e "hat 56) 'oes a lon' way #or your mail% documents% account in#ormation% settin's% and other app data And i# you need more stora'e% you can easily purchase an up'rade ri'ht #rom your device 4ach account has 5 6) o# #ree stora'e #or owners o# either an iOS device usin' iOS 5 5 or later% or a 1ac usin' OS N /ion ?> F 5 or later Sowever% certain content purchased #rom AppleOs i"unes Store (currently this includes music% apps% audioboo!s% music videos% "B shows% and movies) does not count towards the included #ree 5 6) limit% as it is separately lin!ed #rom AppleOs i"unes database o# content to the usersO connected Apple ID "his means that any content previously purchased via i"unes Store can automatically% or manually i# pre#erred% be downloaded to any re'istered device (i e iOS devices% and computers) Also% when a user re'isters any new device% all previously bou'ht i"unes content can be downloaded #rom the i"unes servers% or non(i"unes content #rom the iCloud servers On introduction in 8>??% 5 6) o# stora'e was available without char'e Additional stora'e could be purchased in tiers o# ?>% 8>% or 5> 6) (5> 6) bein' the ma5imum) #or -S78>% -IV?9% or W?; per ?> 6) per year In addition to the #ree 5 6) o# iCloud stora'e% previous 1obile1e accounts (to be precise% those QindividualQ accounts% or the master account user only% not the sub(members% on Q#amily pac!Q accounts) were automatically 'iven the e5tra 8> 6) tier on iCloud% and those with 1obile1e accounts with 9> or ;> 6) o# additional purchased stora'e received a

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complimentary up'rade o# 5> 6) o# iCloud stora'e Ori'inally this was 'oin' to be until the close o# the 1obile1e service on Cune @>% 8>?8% but Apple later e5tended this to be until September @>% 8>?8

)ys e" ReDuire"e# s

iCloud re=uires an iOS device usin' iOS 5 5 or later% or a 1ac usin' OS N /ion ?> F 5 or later% to create a new account Synchronisin' with a $C re=uires 0indows Bista (Service $ac! 8) or0indows F usin' iCloud control panel% optionally Outloo! 8>>F or later to sync Calendar% Contacts and <eminders% and optionally Internet 45plorer G or later or Sa#ari 5 ? ? 1obile1e account users could move their account to be an iCloud account% !eepin' the same account details -sers on 1ac OS N ?> ; G Snow /eopard are able to re(setup Rme com email accounts in the 1ail app on their computers in order to continue to have them wor! with iCloud% althou'h calendar and contacts will still not sync with iCloud% thus only remain accessible on computers via iCloud comOs web portal

Na"e Dis(u e

iCloud Communications% a telecommunications company in Arizona% sued Apple in Cune 8>?? #or trademar! in#rin'ement shortly a#ter Apple announced iCloud "he lawsuit was #iled in the - S District Court o# Arizona and demanded that Apple stop usin' the iCloud name and pay unspeci#ied monetary dama'es iCloud Communications chan'ed its name to Clear Di'ital Communications in Au'ust 8>?? and dropped its lawsuit a'ainst Apple shortly therea#ter

*di io#al servi!es i# iCloud: itunes 1atch 3ind 1y i$hone


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3ind 3riends )oo!mar!s% Motes% <eminders


'riva!y a#d se!uri y:

$.7.1. ?our da a is yours. *#d yours alo#e. Apple ta!es data security and the privacy o# your personal in#ormation very seriously and iCloud #eatures are desi'ned with your privacy in mind In #act% iCloud protects your data with the same level o# security used by maAor #inancial institutions Apple ta!es data security and the privacy o# your personal in#ormation very seriously iCloud is built with industry(standard security practices and employs strict policies to protect your data iCloud data is !ept encrypted on Apple servers% but Apple maintains a master !ey and can decrypt it when re=uested by 'overnment a'encies "his article e5plains how iCloud !eeps your personal in#ormation and data secure In addition to this article% you should also review Apples $rivacy $olicy which covers iCloud $.7.$. Da a )e!uri y iCloud secures your data by encryptin' it when it is sent over the Internet% storin' it in an encrypted #ormat when !ept on server (review the table below #or detail)% and usin' secure to!ens #or authentication "his means that your data is protected #rom unauthorized access both while it is bein' transmitted to your devices and when it is stored in the cloud iCloud uses a minimum o# ?8G(bit A4S encryption , the same level o# security employed by maAor #inancial institutions , and never provides encryption !eys to any third parties $.7... )e!uri y a#d iCloud Fea ures "he table below summarizes how your data is secured when usin' various iCloud #eatures+


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8#!ry( io# Da a Calendars Contacts )oo!mar!s <eminders I# ra#si O# server No es 2es 2es 2es 2es 2es 2es 2es 2es 2es A minimum o# ?8G(bit A4S encryption 2es 2es

$hoto Stream 2es Documents in the Cloud )ac!up 3ind i$hone 3ind 3riends 1y 1y







All sessions at iCloud com are encrypted with SS/ Any iCloud com 2es MEA data accessed via iCloud com is encrypted on server as indicated in this table )ac! to 1y 2es 1ac MEA )ac! to 1y 1ac does not store data on iCloud Data retrieved #rom other computers is encrypted with SS/ while

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in transit i"unes in the Cloud $urchased or matched music #iles are not encrypted on server because they do not contain any personal in#ormation All tra##ic between your devices and iCloud 1ail and Motes 1ail Motes and is encrypted with SS/ Consistent with standard industry 2es Mo practice% iCloud does not encrypt data stored on I1A$ mail servers All Apple email clients support optional SE1I14 encryption Ta2le 1 $.7...1. Use of )e!ure To&e#s for *u %e# i!a io#



0hen you access iCloud services usin' Apples built(in apps (#or e5ample% 1ail% Contacts% and Calendar apps on iOS or OS N)% authentication is handled usin' a secure to!en -sin' secure to!ens eliminates the need to store your iCloud password on devices and computers 4ven i# you choose to use a third(party application to access your iCloud data% your username and password are sent over an encrypted SS/ connection


) ro#g 'asswords

0hen creatin' an Apple ID to use with iCloud% your password must have a minimum o# G characters% a number% an uppercase letter% and a lowercase letter -sin' a stron' password is the most important thin' you can do to help !eep your data secure /earn more about creatin' a stron' password here


Seminar Report




Apple has a company(wide commitment to your privacy Our $rivacy $olicy covers how we collect% use% disclose% trans#er and store your in#ormation In addition to adherin' to the Apple $rivacy $olicy% Apple desi'ns iCloud #eatures with your privacy in mind 3or e5ample+


B%a Es %e differe#!e 2e wee# F %e !loud5F !loud !o"(u i#g5 a#d iCloudC

"he cloudQ and Qcloud computin'Q are merely terms used to describe the concept o# storin' and access in#ormation on the Internet (( 'enerally on third(party services "his encompasses everythin' #rom 6oo'leOs services (6mail% 6oo'le Docs% etc) to Dropbo5% 3lic!r and beyond In #act% more literally% Qthe cloudQ re#ers to the Internet in 'eneral (( networ! dia'rams have lon' used a cloud to represent the nebulous nature o# the public Internet at lar'e and everythin' outside o# a companyOs own networ! borders "he thin' is that Qthe cloudQ is really Aust the latest buzzword to describe somethin' that people have been doin' #or at least a couple o# decades One could ar'ue that the very #irst e(mail and Internet servers put up at the dawn o# the Internet bac! in the late si5ties were in #act Qcloud servicesQ and certainly online services li!e Sotmail and 6mail are Qin the cloudQ by de#inition and have been around since the late nineties QiCloudQ is merely AppleOs brand name #or its implementation o# its own cloud services solution 0hile the service is uni=ue in its own ri'ht% thereOs nothin' inherently Qmore cloud li!eQ in AppleOs service compared to any o# the other myriad online services out there UR3 a!!ess (oi# "here are subdirectory (private) access points to each iCloud userOs individual account #unctions on the main iCloud com portal Once si'ned(in% these provide web access to each iCloud userOs account via direct lin!s to each #unction See list+ X8Y , main user lo'in X@Y , userOs 1ail access X9Y , userOs Contacts access

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iCloud X5Y , userOs Calendar access X;Y , userOs 3ind 1y i$hone access XFY , userOs i0or! access XGY , userOs $hoto Stream access

As well as private subdirectory access points% the previous similar 1obile1e service also had subdomains #or public access to certain user account #unctions% which are currently not o##ered in iCloud


iCloud sy#!s da a5 2u i %as draw2a!&s

AppleOs iCloud allows users to sync data #rom various devices% but it does have some limitations iCloud is not a 'ood photo stora'e solution ItOs more desi'ned as a way to trans#er photos between devices 4ven aside #rom the #act that youOre limited to ?>>> photos or @> days% itOs Aust not 'ood #or storin' and mana'in' a collection o# photos "o reiterate what others have said% iCloud is not a 'reat solution #or lon'(term stora'e o# photos I# you have an iOS device with photos on the camera roll (those ta!en with the device or saved directly to the device) they will be included in your iCloud bac!ups (i# your device is con#i'ured to bac! up to iCloud% that is) "he $hoto Stream #eature% i# turned on% will upload and temporarily store your last @> daysO pictures% but this is only so photos added #rom one device can be copied to your other devices automaticallyL they arenOt stored permanently on iCloud iCloud *dva# ages: DonOt have to use a -S) chord to sync in#ormation $ushes all your in#ormation to listen devices ($o'ue% 8>??) 1a!es it easier to sync in#ormation when you 'et a new device ItOs #ree to 'et 4asier access to in#ormation

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iCloud Disadva# ages: you can view #iles stored via the iCloud website% they may only be downloaded% not edited iCloud will only !eep new photos #or @> days usin' the i$hone i"unes has to be open in order to sync music% apps% etc $ossible security issues when you have multiple devices synced to one account Some items #rom 1obile1e were le#t out when they created the iCloud% which is a better% updated version 'ra! i!al +a! "he QcloudQ should remove the anchor that !eeps us sittin' in #ront o# a particular piece o# hardware% whether computer or mobile device% to access a #ile we need Apps in the cloud% such as 6oo'leOs popular 0eb apps% mean we didnOt have to install so#tware to have access to relatively sophisticated pro'rams )ut data are another matter AppleOs iCloud was announced more than a year a'o as the ne5t 'eneration online data system #or Apple% replacin' 1obile1e% which had replaced 1ac% which had replaced i"ools iCloud would have a #ew 0eb apps #or handlin' email% wor!in' with appointments% and viewin' and chan'in' contacts )ut it would serve as a robust bac!(end #or pro'rams to sync data and ma!e it available across multiple devices re'istered to the same account 0hile iCloud launched a year a'o October% most o# its document bene#its remained unrealized until 1ac OS N ?> G (1ountain /ion) shipped in Culy "he launch version synced data (includin' photos) across iOS and ?> F (/ion) systems It also included iOS bac!ups% allowin' restoration o# an i$hone% i$ad% or i$od touch 0hat 1ountain /ion #ully enabled is whatOs called Documents in the Cloud% a #eature by which AppleOs own productivity apps ($a'es% Mumbers% and Ieynote) wor! neatly with iCloud document stora'e Some other pro'rams had beaten it there% includin' SmileOs $D3$en and $D3$en $ro (smileso#tware com)


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In $a'es (7?: ::) and other Apple apps% the Open dialo'ue bo5 appears with two buttons in the upper le#t+ iCloud and On 1y 1ac Clic! iCloud and you see any #iles saved to iCloud #rom $a'es on any iOS device or 1ac that use the same Apple ID account with iCloud Clic! On 1y 1ac% and the traditional #ile(navi'ation controls appear Any chan'es made in iOS or on the 1ac #low bac! to all the other devices (iOS apps donOt support all o# the #eatures in $a'es and other Apple pro'rams% but i'nore the elements they canOt modi#y ) -nsaved #iles in AppleOs pro'rams are automatically bac!ed up to iCloud% too )ehind the scenes% what you see as iCloud is% in #act% a special #older hidden in the user directory that 1ac OS N !eeps synchronized with the iCloud service% sendin' updates and downloadin' modi#ied parts i# a #ile is in use on another computer or device at the same time I# you ma!e chan'es at the same time on% say% an i$hone and a 1acintosh to the same #ile% the version thatOs saved #irst to iCloud becomes the most recent version It can 'et complicated 3iles stored in the cloud can be moved to a 1ac and vice versa In $a'es% hoverin' over a #ileOs name in the title bar #or a moment ma!es a downward(pointin' arrow appear at the nameOs #ar ri'ht Clic! that arrow% and the options 1ove to iCloud and 1ove "o appear 1ove "o lets you select a #older accessible to your computer 1ove to iCloud relocates the #ile in the hidden iCloud #older and starts syncin' it with Apple 0hile you can view #iles stored via the iCloud website% they may only be downloaded% not edited "his reveals a problem with iCloud sync thatOs not at #irst apparent A#ter savin' or movin' an item to the cloud% it can only be accessed by that pro'ram% whether in a 1ac or iOS version 4dit a photo in $review and save it to iCloud and then try to use it in $a'es in a newsletterT 2ou have to move the photo to your computer in $review #irst ItOs not li!e Dropbo5% 6oo'le Drive% and 1icroso#t S!yDrive (see accompanyin' story)% but application(speci#ic #ile synchronization 3or neophyte users or #or particular documents this ma!es sense% but may #rustrate veterans li!e mysel# iCloud isnOt trivial #or developers to add to their so#tware% althou'h many have and many are attemptin' to ma!e the transition 3or instance% 2oAimbo (barebones com)% a portmanteau stora'e pro'ram into which you can place te5t% encrypted notes% $D3 #iles% 0eb pa'e archives% and more% lost its sync option when 1obile1e was shut down "he developer% )are )ones% has

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been wor!in' to move to iCloud% but pro'rams that use a database to mana'e data% as 2oAimbo does% are di##icult to rewor! around the way Apple synchronizes records 3urther% Apple allows third(party so#tware to wor! with iCloud synchronization only i# the so#tware is sold via the 1ac App Store "he App Store is a built(in mar!etplace #ound in 1ac OS N% but it includes only so#tware pro'rams that Apple has vetted and then approved #or sale Outside developers donOt have to sell throu'h the App Store in 1ac OS N% unli!e in iOS where all apps must be bou'ht or downloaded #rom Apple iCloud o##ers the only distinct advanta'e #or third(party so#tware developers (beyond% #or some #irms% the added mar!etin' value Apple provides) Q)ut there are wor!arounds SmileOs $D3 editin' and viewin' so#tware can be purchased #rom its site or #rom the App Store I# you purchase directly #rom Smile% you may buy a ::(cent QconnectorQ app #rom the App Store that provides the conduit to and #rom iCloud and meets AppleOs rules SmileOs approach doesnOt wor! #or all apps Apple includes 56) with a #ree iCloud account% and adds additional amounts #or a #ee 3or a yearly #ees o# 78>% 79>% and 7?>> Apple adds ?>6)% 8>6)% and 5>6) to the base 56) I use iCloud #or bac!in' up my iOS devices and i"unes match% which counts nonmatched #iles a'ainst iCloud stora'e totals "hat pushed me into the additional 8>6) cate'ory Apple has a way to 'o #or iCloud to be as widely used #or documents as it is #or other !inds o# sync "he company built a narrow de#inition o# #ile synchronization that appeals most to users who donOt want to mana'e which #ile lives on what computer #or a particular piece o# so#tware

$.1<. @ow To Use iCloudC

$.1<.1. >e *# *!!ou# "o use this service you must 'o to iCloud com and si'n up #or an account I# you already have a me com email address then you can si'n in with that I# you donOt% then you can si'n up #or one or use a di##erent email address


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I recommend usin' a me com email address so that you can use all o# the available #eatures li!e $hoto Stream Doin' this also !eeps thin's QcleanQ "his way all o# your iCloud data is isolated to one account $.1<.$. I"(or a# - Do No )%are a!!ou# s wi % o %er fa"ily "e"2ers. An iCloud account is very personal in nature 2ou are syncin' your own calendar data% your own contacts% your own photos% your own boo!mar!s etc It mi'ht be temptin' to use your own account #or your !ids or spouse but that really complicates thin's 2our data will no lon'er be your own ( and that reduces the use#ulness o# this #eature $.1<... *lso5 your iCloud a!!ou# does NOT %ave o 2e %e sa"e a!!ou# %a you use o "a&e iTu#es a#d *(( ) ore (ur!%ases. 3or e5ample% our #amily uses one main Apple ID #or ma!in' i"unes and App Store purchases )ut each member o# the #amily has a separate me com address #or usin' iCloud $.1<./. )e U( 8a!% of ?our Devi!es Once your account is set up on iCloud com ( 'o into system pre#erences on your 1ac and navi'ate to the iCloud icon Sere you will be presented with the screen that you see pictured above Chec! o## the services that you would li!e to sync up I# this is your #irst time syncin' with the cloud you will be promoted to use or mer'e the data on your device with that on the server On an iOS device ( 'o into Settin's and input your iCloud credentials ItOs that easy So ( what is iCloudT An awesome syncin' service created by Apple to !eep your data in sync across all o# your 1ac and iOS devices It even wor!s with $C too $.1<.4. * Bord of Bar#i#g )e dili'ent with your passwords As this article points out i# a hac!er 'ains access to your password then that could spell trouble

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Consider usin' a password mana'er li!e ?$assword to create and store stron' passwords

.. iCloud Ter"s *#d Co#di io#s

Apple is the provider o# the Service% which permits you to utilize certain internet services% includin' storin' your personal content (such as iCloud email% contacts% calendars% and photos) and ma!in' it accessible on your compatible devices and computers% and certain location based services% only under the terms and conditions set #orth in this A'reement As soon as you enable iCloud% your content will be automatically sent to and stored by Apple% so you can later access that content or have content wirelessly pushed to your other iCloud(enabled devices or computers QAppleQ as used herein means+ Z Apple Inc % located at ? In#inite /oop% Cupertino% Cali#ornia% #or users in Morth% Central% and South America (e5cludin' Canada)L Z Apple Canada% located at F9:5 )irchmount <oad% 1ar!ham% OM /@< 568 #or users in CanadaL Z i"unes I I % located at @(8>(8 MishishinAu!u% ShinAu!u% "o!yo #or users in CapanL Z Apple $ty /imited% located at /evel ?@% Capital Centre% 855 $itt Street% Sydney MS0 8>>>% Australia% #or users in Australia and Mew [ealandL and Z i"unes Sarl% located at G rue Seinrich Seine% /(?F8> /u5embour'% #or all other users

..1. Use of 3o!a io#-2ased )ervi!es

Apple and its partners and licensors may provide certain #eatures or services throu'h the Service that rely upon device(based location in#ormation% which use 6$S (where available)% alon' with crowd(sourced 0i(3i hotspot and cell tower locations "o provide such #eatures or services% where available% Apple and its partners and licensors must collect% use% transmit% process and maintain your location data% includin' the real(time 'eo'raphic location o# your device% and you hereby a'ree and consent to AppleOs and its partnersO and licensorsO collection%

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use% transmission% processin' and maintenance o# such location data to provide such services In addition% by enablin' andEor usin' any location(based services or #eatures within the Service (e ' 3ind 1y i$hone% 3ind 1y 3riends)% you a'ree and consent to Apple and its partners and licensors transmittin'% collectin'% usin'% processin' and maintainin' in#ormation related to your iCloud account (JAccountK)% and any devices re'istered thereunder% #or purposes o# providin' such location(based service or #eature to you% and use o# your location data and location search =ueries to provide and improve location(based and road tra##ic(based products and services Such in#ormation may include% but is not limited to% your Apple ID% device ID and name% device type and real(time 'eo'raphic location o# your device at time o# your re=uest 2ou may withdraw this consent at any time by not usin' the location(based #eatures and turnin' o## the 3ind 1y i$hone% 3ind 1y 3riends% or /ocation Services settin's (as applicable) on your device and computer 0hen usin' third party services that use or provide location data as part o# the Service% you are subAect to and should review such third partyOs terms and privacy policy on use o# location data by such third party services Any location data provided by the Service is not intended to be relied upon in situations where precise location in#ormation is needed or where erroneous% inaccurate% time(delayed or incomplete location data may lead to death% personal inAury% property or environmental dama'e Apple shall use reasonable s!ill and due care in providin' the Service% but neither Apple nor any o# its content providers 'uarantees the availability% accuracy% completeness% reliability% or timeliness o# location data or any other data displayed by the Service ..1.1. Fi#d +y i'%o#e "he 3ind 1y i$hone and 3ind 1y 1ac #eatures are intended #or your personal use only 0hen enabled on your device or 1ac% this #eature can be used to locate% send a messa'e to% play a sound on% or remotely loc! or wipe your own device or 1ac Devices must be on and connected to the Internet (via a data networ! such as @6 or a re'istered 0i(3i networ!) to be located 1acs must be on and not asleep% connected to the Internet% with 0i(3i on and within the ran'e o# a re'istered 0i(3i networ! to be located I# your device has been remotely wiped% you cannot locate% send a messa'e to% or cancel the remote wipe #or that device /ocation re=uests will impact battery li#e o# the located device or 1ac I# you believe your device or 1ac has

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been stolen you should see! assistance #rom your local law en#orcement and use the remote passcode loc! or remote wipe #eature to protect your data Once you have re=uested your devices location% and the device has been located on a map% you can view the last location o# your device a#ter your initial re=uest #or a period o# up to 89 hours Apple then deletes that in#ormation within F days o# your initial re=uest ..1.$. Fi#d +y Frie#ds "he 3ind 1y 3riends app% available #or download #rom the App Store (compatible hardware and so#tware re=uired)% allows you to share your location with a limited number o# other users via your devices% upon acceptance o# re=uests #rom those users 2ou may also view the location o# a limited number o# other users who have accepted your re=uests to do so% via their devices 2ou may also choose to temporarily share your location with a limited number o# 'roups% and see locations o# all members o# those 'roups 2ou may temporarily hide your devices location #rom other users by selectin' Side 3rom 3ollowers under the 1e tab in the 3ind 1y 3riends app 2ou may revo!e acceptance o# another users permission to see your location by removin' that user #rom the list o# #ollowers on the 1e tab in the 3ind 1y 3riends app 2ou may turn o## the #eature by si'nin' out or uninstallin' the 3ind 1y 3riends app #rom your device 2ou may also use restrictions in iOS settin's to prevent unauthorized chan'es to the settin's you have selected% includin' acceptance o# #ollow re=uests or hidin' location /ocation re=uests will impact battery li#e o# the located device ..1... Ba!&u( Automatic bac!up is available #or devices% and occurs periodically% when the device is screenloc!ed% connected to a power source% and connected to the Internet via a 0i(3i networ! iCloud will store your last three bac!ups )ac!up is limited to device settin's% device characteristics% Camera <oll% messa'es (i1essa'e% S1S% and 11S)% rin'tones% app data% location settin's (such as location(based reminders that you have set up)% and Some screen and app or'anization Content purchased #rom the i"unes Store% App Store% or i)oo!store is not bac!ed up% but may be eli'ible #or download #rom those services% subAect to account re=uirements% availability% and the applicable terms and conditions 1edia obtained #rom other

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sources (such as ripped music or home videos) are not bac!ed up% but can be synced to your computer by usin' i"unes 2our iCloud email% contacts% calendars% boo!mar!s% and documents are stored in% and can be accessed #rom% iCloud It is your responsibility to maintain appropriate alternate bac!up o# your in#ormation and data 0hen iCloud )ac!up is enabled% your device will not bac! up to i"unes automatically durin' a sync% but you may choose to manually initiate a bac! up to i"unes ..1./. '%o o ) rea" 0hen $hoto Stream is enabled on your device or computer% new photos ta!en on your device or imported to your computer will be uploaded to iCloud% and then automatically downloaded to your other devices or computers on which $hoto Stream is also enabled "he downloaded photos will appear in a $hoto Stream view or #older on the device $hoto resolution may vary accordin' to the device to which they are downloaded A 0i(3i connection is re=uired #or use on devices Apple reserves the ri'ht to place limits on the number andEor size o# photos that can be uploaded durin' a 'iven time period in order to limit unintended or e5cessive use o# the service -ploaded photos will be !ept in your Account #or thirty (@>) days $hotos will be permanently deleted #rom your $hoto Stream thirty (@>) days a#ter they are uploaded Devices store a limited number o# the most recent photos in a $hoto Stream album or viewL the oldest photos in e5cess o# the current limitation will be automatically deleted as new $hoto Stream photos are downloaded Downloaded photos can be manually saved to the iOS Camera <oll or a new album on your device or computer prior to deletion #rom $hoto Stream ..1.4. C%a#gi#g %e )ervi!e Apple reserves the ri'ht to modi#y or terminate the Service (or any part thereo#)% either temporarily or permanently Apple may post on our website andEor will send an email to the primary address associated with your Account to provide notice o# any material chan'es to the Service It is your responsibility to chec! your iCloud andEor primary email address re'istered with Apple #or any such notices 2ou a'ree that Apple shall not be liable to you or any third

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party #or any modi#ication or cessation o# the Service I# you have paid to use the Service and we terminate it or materially down'rade its #unctionality% we will provide you with a pro rata re#und o# any pre(payment ..1.6. 3i"i a io#s o# Use 2ou a'ree to use the Service only #or purposes as permitted by this A'reement and any applicable law% re'ulation% or 'enerally accepted practice in the applicable Aurisdiction 2our Account is allocated 56) o# stora'e capacity as described in the iCloud #eature pa'es Additional stora'e is available #or purchase% as described below 45ceedin' any applicable or reasonable limitation o# bandwidth% or stora'e capacity (#or e5ample% bac!up or e(mail account space) is prohibited and may prevent you #rom bac!in' up to iCloud% add documents% or receive new email sent to your me com address "o view your current stora'e and data trans#er or bandwidth allocations% 'o to System $re#erences and select iCloud on your 1ac or use iCloud Control $anel on your $C% or select iCloud% and then JStora'e and )ac!upK in Settin's on your device I# your use o# the Service or other behavior intentionally or unintentionally threatens Apples ability to provide the Service or other systems% Apple shall be entitled to ta!e all reasonable steps to protect the Service and Apples systems% which may include suspension o# your access to the Service <epeated violations o# the limitations may result in termination o# your Account ..1.7. *vaila2ili y of %e )ervi!e "he Service% or any #eature or part thereo#% may not be available in all lan'ua'es or in all countries and Apple ma!es no representation that the Service% or any #eature or part thereo#% is appropriate or available #or use in any particular location "o the e5tent you choose to access and use the Service% you do so at your own initiative and are responsible #or compliance with any applicable laws% includin'% but not limited to% any applicable local laws $ublic )eta 3rom time to time% Apple may choose to o##er new andEor updated #eatures o# the Service (the J)eta 3eaturesK) as part o# a $ublic )eta $ro'ram (the J$ro'ramK) #or the purpose o# providin'

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Apple with #eedbac! on the =uality and usability o# the )eta 3eatures 2ou understand and a'ree that your participation in the $ro'ram is voluntary and does not create a le'al partnership% a'ency% or employment relationship between you and Apple% and that Apple is not obli'ated to provide you with any )eta 3eatures Apple may ma!e such )eta 3eatures available to $ro'ram participants by online re'istration or enrollment via the Service 2ou understand and a'ree that Apple may collect and use certain in#ormation #rom your Account% devices and peripherals in order to enroll you in a $ro'ram andEor determine your eli'ibility to participate 2ou understand that once you enroll in a $ro'ram you may be unable to revert bac! to the earlier non(beta version o# a 'iven )eta 3eature In the event such reversion is possible% you may not be able to mi'rate data created within the )eta 3eature bac! to the earlier non(beta version 2our use o# the )eta 3eatures and participation in the $ro'ram is 'overned by this A'reement and any additional license terms that may separately accompany the )eta 3eatures "he )eta 3eatures are provided on an JAS ISK and JAS ABAI/A)/4K basis and may contain errors or inaccuracies that could cause #ailures% corruption or loss o# data andEor in#ormation #rom your device and #rom peripherals (includin'% without limitation% servers and computers) connected thereto Apple stron'ly encoura'es you to bac!up all data and in#ormation on your device and any peripherals prior to participatin' in any $ro'ram 2ou e5pressly ac!nowled'e and a'ree that all use o# the )eta 3eatures is at your sole ris! Apple may or may not provide you with technical andEor other support #or the )eta 3eatures I# support is provided it will be in addition to your normal support covera'e #or the Service and only available throu'h the $ro'ram 2ou a'ree to abide by any support rules or policies that Apple provides to you in order to receive any such support Apple reserves the ri'ht to modi#y the terms% conditions or policies o# the $ro'ram (includin' ceasin' the $ro'ram) at any time with or without notice% and may revo!e your participation in the $ro'ram at any time 2ou ac!nowled'e that Apple has no obli'ation to provide a commercial version o# the )eta 3eatures% and that should such a commercial version be made available% it may have #eatures or #unctionality di##erent than that contained in the )eta 3eatures As part o# the $ro'ram% Apple will provide you with the opportunity to submit comments% su''estions% or other #eedbac! re'ardin' your use o# the )eta 3eatures 2ou a'ree that in the absence o# a separate written a'reement to the contrary% Apple will be #ree to use any #eedbac! you provide #or any purpose

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Subscription Stora'e -p'rades Additional stora'e is available #or purchase on a subscription basis ..1.9. Fees "he Service accepts credit cards% certain payment accounts% and i"unes Store credit (where available) #or payment Apple may obtain preapproval #or an amount up to the amount o# the transaction Stora'e up'rade #ees are billed annually% in advance o# provision o# the service )illin' occurs at the time o# or shortly a#ter your transaction 2ou a'ree that you will pay #or the up'rades you purchase throu'h the Service% and that Apple may char'e your credit card or payment account #or any up'rades purchased and #or any additional amounts (includin' any ta5es and late #ees% as applicable) that may be accrued by or in connection with your Account% and that Apple may continue to char'e your credit card or payment account #or all #ees or char'es associated with your subscription on an annual basis until you chan'e or cancel the subscription "his means that unless you chan'e or cancel your subscription prior to the ne5t annual billin' date% we will char'e your credit card or payment account the then(current #ees on that ne5t annual billin' date About thirty (@>) days prior to your annual billin' date% we will noti#y you by email to the email address associated with your Apple ID that your Account is about to be billed and to remind you that your credit card or payment account will be billed the indicated #ees on the annual billin' date 2ou can chan'e your subscription by up'radin' or down'radin' your stora'e under iCloud in your Account In#ormation on your device% or under Internet Accounts on your computer "he applicable stora'e #ee #or an up'raded stora'e plan will ta!e e##ect immediatelyL down'rades to your stora'e plan will ta!e e##ect on the ne5t annual billin' date I# Apple is unable to success#ully char'e your credit card or payment account #or #ees due% Apple reserves the ri'ht to revo!e or restrict access to your stored Content% delete your stored Content% or terminate your Account I# you want to desi'nate a di##erent credit card or payment account or i# there is a chan'e in your credit card or payment account status% you must chan'e your in#ormation online in the Account In#ormation section o# iCloudL this may temporarily disrupt your access to the Services while Apple veri#ies your new payment in#ormation

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2our total price will include the price o# the up'rade plus any sales% use% 'oods and services (6S")% value added (BA")% or other similar ta5% under applicable law and based on the ta5 rate in e##ect at the time you purchase the up'rade 0e will char'e ta5 when re=uired to do so under the ta5 rules applicable to the Service ..1.;. *!!ou# I#for"a io# a#d Billi#g I#Duiries 2ou may consult your Account mana'ement pa'e on your device #or details on your Account in#ormation includin' payment method and billin' currency Apple will send an electronic invoice to your iCloud email address whenever any Service #ees are char'ed to your Account I# you believe you have been billed in error #or the Service please try and noti#y us within 95 days o# the billin' date by contactin' iCloud Support at www apple comEsupportEiCloud ..1.1<. Ca#!ella io#s a#d Refu#ds All #ees and char'es paid by you in relation to the Service are nonre#undable% e5cept as re=uired by law or as otherwise stated herein 2ou may contact Apple #or a #ull re#und within ?5 days o# an initial up'rade purchase or within 95 days o# a subse=uent yearly payment "o re=uest a re#und as described herein 'o to www apple comEsupportEiCloud #or more details Applicable local law may vary this policy $lease contact customer support #or details 2ou can cancel your subscription by down'radin' your stora'e to the #ree 56) plan under Stora'e $lan in your iCloud Account In#ormation on your device% #rom your iCloud Account view in System pre#erences on your 1ac% or #rom your iCloud Account view in the iCloud Control $anel #or 0indows on your $C 2our paid subscription will be cancelled on your ne5t annual billin' date $artial re#unds are available where re=uired by law ..1.11. C%a#ges i# 'ri!e Apple may at any time% upon notice re=uired by applicable law% chan'e the price o# the stora'e up'rades or any part thereo#% or institute new char'es or #ees $rice chan'es and institution o# new char'es implemented durin' your subscription billin' year will apply to subse=uent subscription billin' years and to all new subscribers a#ter the e##ective date o# the chan'e I#

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you do not a'ree to any such price chan'es% then you must cancel and stop usin' the stora'e up'rade ?our Use of %e )ervi!e ?our *!!ou# As a re'istered user o# the Service% you may establish an Account Dont reveal your Account in#ormation to anyone else 2ou are solely responsible #or maintainin' the con#identiality and security o# your Account and #or all activities that occur on or throu'h your Account% and you a'ree to immediately noti#y Apple o# any security breach o# your Account 2ou #urther ac!nowled'e and a'ree that the Service is desi'ned and intended #or personal use on an individual basis and you should not share your Account andEor password details with another individual $rovided we have e5ercised reasonable s!ill and due care% Apple shall not be responsible #or any losses arisin' out o# the unauthorized use o# your Account resultin' #rom you not #ollowin' these rules In order to use the Service% you must enter your Apple ID and password to authenticate your Account 2ou a'ree to provide accurate and complete in#ormation when you re'ister with% and as you use% the Service (JService <e'istration DataK)% and you a'ree to update your Service <e'istration Data to !eep it accurate and complete 3ailure to provide accurate% current and complete Service <e'istration Data may result in the suspension andEor termination o# your Account 2ou a'ree that Apple may store and use the Service <e'istration Data you provide #or use in maintainin' and billin' #ees to your Account ..1.1$. *ddi io#al O2liga io#s or Ter"s of Use $articular components or #eatures o# the Service provided by Apple andEor its licensors% includin' but not limited to the ability to download previous purchases and i"unes 1atch (additional #ees apply)% re=uire separate so#tware or other license a'reements or terms o# use 2ou must read% accept% and a'ree to be bound by any such separate a'reement as a condition o# usin' these particular components or #eatures o# the Service

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..1.1.. No Co#veya#!e Mothin' in this A'reement shall be construed to convey to you any interest% title% or license in an Apple ID% email address% domain name% iChat ID% or similar resource used by you in connection with the Service ..1.1/. No Rig% of )urvivors%i( 2ou a'ree that your Account is non(trans#erable and that any ri'hts to your Apple ID or Content within your Account terminate upon your death -pon receipt o# a copy o# a death certi#icate your Account may be terminated and all Content within your Account deleted Contact support at www apple comEsupportEiCloud #or #urther assistance

..1.14. No Resale of )ervi!e 2ou a'ree that you will not reproduce% copy% duplicate% sell% resell% rent or trade the Service (or any part thereo#) #or any purpose

..$. *((le 'riva!y 'oli!y

2ou understand that by usin' the Service% you consent and a'ree to the collection and use o# certain in#ormation about you and your use o# the Service in accordance with Apples $rivacy $olicy 2ou #urther consent and a'ree that Apple may collect% use% transmit% process and maintain in#ormation related to your Account% and any devices or computers re'istered thereunder% #or purposes o# providin' the Service% and any #eatures therein% to you In#ormation collected by Apple when you use the Service may also include technical or dia'nostic in#ormation related to your use that may be used by Apple to support% improve and enhance Apples products and services 3or more in#ormation please read our #ull privacy policy at http+EEwww apple comEprivacyE 2ou #urther understand and a'ree that this in#ormation may be trans#erred to the -nited States andEor other countries #or stora'e% processin' and use by Apple% its a##iliates% andEor their service providers $lease note that personal in#ormation

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re'ardin' individuals who reside in a member state o# the 4uropean 4conomic Area (44A) is Aointly controlled by Apple Distribution International in Cor!% Ireland% and Apple -I /imited in -5brid'e% -nited Iin'dom ..$.1. Co# e# a#d ?our Co#du! ..$.1.1 Co# e# QContentQ means any in#ormation that may be 'enerated or encountered throu'h use o# the Service% such as data #iles% device characteristics% written te5t% so#tware% music% 'raphics% photo'raphs% ima'es% sounds% videos% messa'es and any other li!e materials 2ou understand that all Content% whether publicly posted or privately transmitted on the Service is the sole responsibility o# the person #rom whom such Content ori'inated "his means that you% and not Apple% are solely responsible #or any Content you upload% download% post% email% transmit% store or otherwise ma!e available throu'h your use o# the Service 2ou understand that by usin' the Service you may encounter Content that you may #ind o##ensive% indecent% or obAectionable% and that you may e5pose others to Content that they may #ind obAectionable Apple does not control the Content posted via the Service% nor does it 'uarantee the accuracy% inte'rity or =uality o# such Content 2ou understand and a'ree that your use o# the Service and any Content is solely at your own ris! 2ou a'ree that you will MO" use the Service to+ a upload% download% post% email% transmit% store or otherwise ma!e available any Content that is unlaw#ul% harassin'% threatenin'% harm#ul% tortious% de#amatory% libelous% abusive% violent% obscene% vul'ar% invasive o# anothers privacy% hate#ul% racially or ethnically o##ensive% or otherwise obAectionableL b stal!% harass% threaten or harm anotherL c i# you are an adult% re=uest personal or other in#ormation #rom a minor (any person under the a'e o# ?G or such other a'e as local law de#ines as a minor) who is not personally !nown to you% includin' but not limited to any o# the #ollowin'+ #ull name or last name% home address%

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zipEpostal code% telephone number% picture% or the names o# the minorOs school% church% athletic team or #riendsL d pretend to be anyone% or any entity% you are not P you may not impersonate or misrepresent yoursel# as another person (includin' celebrities)% entity% another iCloud user% an Apple employee% or a civic or 'overnment leader% or otherwise misrepresent your a##iliation with a person or entity (Apple reserves the ri'ht to reAect or bloc! any Apple ID or e(mail address which could be deemed to be an impersonation or misrepresentation o# your identity% or a misappropriation o# another personOs name or identity)L e en'a'e in any copyri'ht in#rin'ement or other intellectual property in#rin'ement (includin' uploadin' any content to which you do not have the ri'ht to upload)% or disclose any trade secret or con#idential in#ormation in violation o# a con#identiality% employment% or nondisclosure a'reementL # post% send% transmit or otherwise ma!e available any unsolicited or unauthorized email messa'es% advertisin'% promotional materials% Aun! mail% spam% or chain letters% includin'% without limitation% bul! commercial advertisin' and in#ormational announcementsL ' #or'e any "C$(I$ pac!et header or any part o# the header in#ormation in an email or a news 'roup postin'% or otherwise puttin' in#ormation in a header desi'ned to mislead recipients as to the ori'in o# any Content transmitted throu'h the Service (Jspoo#in'Q)L h upload% post% email% transmit% store or otherwise ma!e available any material that contains viruses or any other computer code% #iles or pro'rams desi'ned to harm% inter#ere or limit the normal operation o# the Service (or any part thereo#)% or any other computer so#tware or hardwareL i inter#ere with or disrupt the Service (includin' accessin' the Service throu'h any automated means% li!e scripts or web crawlers)% or any servers or networ!s connected to the Service% or any policies% re=uirements or re'ulations o# networ!s connected to the Service (includin' any unauthorized access to% use or monitorin' o# data or tra##ic thereon)L

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A plan or en'a'e in any ille'al activityL andEor ! 'ather and store personal in#ormation on any other users o# the Service to be used in connection with any o# the #ore'oin' prohibited activities ..$.$. Re"oval of Co# e# 2ou ac!nowled'e that Apple is not responsible or liable in any way #or any Content provided by others and has no duty to pre(screen such Content Sowever% Apple reserves the ri'ht at all times to determine whether Content is appropriate and in compliance with this A'reement% and may pre(screen% move% re#use% modi#y andEor remove Content at any time% without prior notice and in its sole discretion% i# such Content is #ound to be in violation o# this A'reement or is otherwise obAectionable ..$... Ba!&u( ?our Co# e# 2ou are responsible #or bac!in' up% to your own computer or other device% any important documents% ima'es or other Content that you store or access via the Service Apple shall use reasonable s!ill and due care in providin' the Service% but Apple does not 'uarantee or warrant that any Content you may store or access throu'h the Service will not be subAect to inadvertent dama'e% corruption or loss

..$./. *!!ess o ?our *!!ou# a#d Co# e# Apple reserves the ri'ht to ta!e steps Apple believes are reasonably necessary or appropriate to en#orce andEor veri#y compliance with any part o# this A'reement 2ou ac!nowled'e and a'ree that Apple may% without liability to you% access% use% preserve andEor disclose your Account in#ormation and Content to law en#orcement authorities% 'overnment o##icials% andEor a third party% as Apple believes is reasonably necessary or appropriate% i# le'ally re=uired to do so or i# we have a 'ood #aith belie# that such access% use% disclosure% or preservation is reasonably

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necessary to+ (a) comply with le'al process or re=uestL (b) en#orce this A'reement% includin' investi'ation o# any potential violation thereo#L (c) detect% prevent or otherwise address security% #raud or technical issuesL or (d) protect the ri'hts% property or sa#ety o# Apple% its users% a third party% or the public as re=uired or permitted by law ..$.4. Viola io#s of %is *gree"e# I# while usin' the Service% you encounter Content you #ind inappropriate% or otherwise believe to be a violation o# this A'reement% you may report it by sendin' an email to abuseRme com Content Submitted or 1ade Available by 2ou on the Service /icense #rom 2ou 45cept #or material we may license to you% Apple does not claim ownership o# the materials andEor Content you submit or ma!e available on the Service Sowever% by submittin' or postin' such Content on areas o# the Service that are accessible by the public or other users with whom you consent to share such Content% you 'rant Apple a worldwide% royalty(#ree% non( e5clusive license to use% distribute% reproduce% modi#y% adapt% publish% translate% publicly per#orm and publicly display such Content on the Service solely #or the purpose #or which such Content was submitted or made available% without any compensation or obli'ation to you 2ou a'ree that any Content submitted or posted by you shall be your sole responsibility% shall not in#rin'e or violate the ri'hts o# any other party or violate any laws% contribute to or encoura'e in#rin'in' or otherwise unlaw#ul conduct% or otherwise be obscene% obAectionable% or in poor taste )y submittin' or postin' such Content on areas o# the Service that are accessible by the public or other users% you are representin' that you are the owner o# such material andEor have all necessary ri'hts% licenses% and authorization to distribute it ..$.6. C%a#ges o Co# e# 2ou understand that in order to provide the Service and ma!e your Content available thereon% Apple may transmit your Content across various public networ!s% in various media% and modi#y


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or chan'e your Content to comply with technical re=uirements o# connectin' networ!s or devices or computers 2ou a'ree that the license herein permits Apple to ta!e any such actions

.... )of ware

....1. *((le=s 'ro(rie ary Rig% s 2ou ac!nowled'e and a'ree that Apple andEor its licensors own all le'al ri'ht% title and interest in and to the Service% includin' but not limited to 'raphics% user inter#ace% the scripts and so#tware used to implement the Service% and any so#tware provided to you as a part o# andEor in connection with the Service (the JSo#twareK)% includin' any and all intellectual property ri'hts that e5ist therein% whether re'istered or not% and wherever in the world they may e5ist 2ou #urther a'ree that the Service (includin' the So#tware% or any other part thereo#) contains proprietary and con#idential in#ormation that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws% includin' but not limited to copyri'ht 2ou a'ree that you will not use such proprietary in#ormation or materials in any way whatsoever e5cept #or use o# the Service in compliance with this A'reement Mo portion o# the Service may be reproduced in any #orm or by any means% e5cept as e5pressly permitted in these terms ....$. 3i!e#se Fro" *((le Apple 'rants you a personal% non(e5clusive% non(trans#erable% limited license to use the So#tware as provided to you by Apple as a part o# the Service and in accordance with this A'reementL provided that you do not (and do not permit anyone else to) copy% modi#y% rent% loan% distribute% create a derivative wor! o#% reverse en'ineer% decompile% or otherwise attempt to discover the source code (unless e5pressly permitted or re=uired by law)% sell% lease% sublicense% assi'n% 'rant a security interest in or otherwise trans#er any ri'ht in the So#tware% and you shall not e5ploit the Service in any unauthorized way whatsoever% includin'% but not limited to% by trespass or burdenin' networ! capacity ...... 8,(or Co# rol

Seminar Report


-se o# the Service and So#tware% includin' trans#errin'% postin'% or uploadin' data% so#tware or other Content via the Service% may be subAect to the e5port and import laws o# the -nited States and other countries 2ou a'ree to comply with all applicable e5port and import laws and re'ulations In particular% but without limitation% the So#tware may not be e5ported or re( e5ported (a) into any - S embar'oed countries or (b) to anyone on the - S "reasury DepartmentOs list o# Specially Desi'nated Mationals or the - S Department o# Commerce Denied $ersons /ist or 4ntity /ist )y usin' the So#tware or Service% you represent and warrant that you are not located in any such country or on any such list 2ou also a'ree that you will not use the So#tware or Service #or any purposes prohibited by -nited States law% includin'% without limitation% the development% desi'n% manu#acture or production o# missiles% nuclear% chemical or biolo'ical weapons 2ou #urther a'ree not to upload to your Account any data or so#tware that cannot be e5ported without prior written 'overnment authorization% includin'% but not limited to% certain types o# encryption so#tware "his assurance and commitment shall survive termination o# this A'reement

..../. U(da es As part o# the Service% you may #rom time to time receive updates to the So#tware #rom Apple which may be automatically downloaded and installed to your device or computer "hese updates may include bu' #i5es% #eature enhancements or improvements% or entirely new versions o# the So#tware 2ou a'ree that Apple may automatically deliver such updates to you as part o# the Service and you shall receive and install them as re=uired ....4. Ter"i#a io# 2ou may terminate your Account andEor stop usin' the Service at any time I# you wish to stop usin' iCloud on your device% you may remove your iCloud account #rom the device by openin' Settin's on your device% tappin' iCloud% and tappin' the Delete Account button "o terminate your Account contact iCloud Support at www apple comEsupportEiCloud Any #ees paid by you prior to your termination are nonre#undable (e5cept as e5pressly permitted otherwise by this A'reement)% includin' any #ees paid in advance #or the billin' year durin' which you terminate

Seminar Report


"ermination o# your Account shall not relieve you o# any obli'ation to pay any accrued #ees or char'es ....4.1. Ter"i#a io# 2y *((le Apple may at any time% under certain circumstances and without prior notice% immediately terminate or suspend all or a portion o# your Account andEor access to the Service Cause #or such termination shall include+ (a) violations o# this A'reement or any other policies or 'uidelines that are re#erenced herein andEor posted on the ServiceL (b) a re=uest by you to cancel or terminate your AccountL (c) a re=uest andEor order #rom law en#orcement% a Audicial body% or other 'overnment a'encyL (d) where provision o# the Service to you is or may become unlaw#ulL (e) une5pected technical or security issues or problemsL (#) your participation in #raudulent or ille'al activitiesL or (') #ailure to pay any #ees owed by you in relation to the Service In addition% Apple may terminate your Account upon prior notice via email to the address associated with your Account i# (a) your Account has been inactive #or one (?) yearL or (b) there is a 'eneral discontinuance or material modi#ication to the Service or any part thereo# Any such termination or suspension shall be made by Apple in its sole discretion and Apple will not be responsible to you or any third party #or any dama'es that may result or arise out o# such termination or suspension o# your Account andEor access to the Service% thou'h it will re#und pro rata any pre(paid #ees or amounts ....4.$. 8ffe! s of Ter"i#a io# -pon termination o# your Account you will lose all access to the Service and any portions thereo#% includin'% but not limited to% your Account% Apple ID% email account% and Content In addition% a#ter a period o# time% Apple will delete in#ormation and data stored in or as a part o# your account(s) Any individual components o# the Service that you may have used subAect to separate so#tware license a'reements will also be terminated in accordance with those license a'reements


Dis!lai"er of Barra# ies

../.1 I#de"#i y

Seminar Report


2ou a'ree to de#end% indemni#y and hold Apple% its a##iliates% subsidiaries% directors% o##icers% employees% a'ents% partners% contractors% and licensors harmless #rom any claim or demand% includin' reasonable attorneys #ees% made by a third party% relatin' to or arisin' #rom+ (a) any Content you submit% post% transmit% or otherwise ma!e available throu'h the ServiceL (b) your use o# the ServiceL (c) any violation by you o# this A'reementL (d) any action ta!en by Apple as part o# its investi'ation o# a suspected violation o# this A'reement or as a result o# its #indin' or decision that a violation o# this A'reement has occurredL or (e) your violation o# any ri'hts o# another "his means that you cannot sue Apple% its a##iliates% subsidiaries% directors% o##icers% employees% a'ents% partners% contractors% and licensors as a result o# its decision to remove or re#use to process any in#ormation or Content% to warn you% to suspend or terminate your access to the Service% or to ta!e any other action durin' the investi'ation o# a suspected violation or as a result o# Apples conclusion that a violation o# this A'reement has occurred "his waiver and indemnity provision applies to all violations described in or contemplated by this A'reement "his obli'ation shall survive the termination or e5piration o# this A'reement andEor your use o# the Service 2ou ac!nowled'e that you are responsible #or all use o# the Service usin' your Account% and that this A'reement applies to any and all usa'e o# your Account 2ou a'ree to comply with this A'reement and to de#end% indemni#y and hold harmless Apple #rom and a'ainst any and all claims and demands arisin' #rom usa'e o# your Account% whether or not such usa'e is e5pressly authorized by you ../.$. No i!es Apple may provide you with notices re'ardin' the Service% includin' chan'es to this A'reement% by email to your iCloud email address (andEor other alternate email address associated with your Account i# provided)% by re'ular mail% or by postin's on our website andEor the Service ../... >over#i#g 3aw 45cept to the e5tent e5pressly provided in the #ollowin' para'raph% this A'reement and the relationship between you and Apple shall be 'overned by the laws o# the State o# Cali#ornia% e5cludin' its con#licts o# law provisions 2ou and Apple a'ree to submit to the personal and

Seminar Report


e5clusive Aurisdiction o# the courts located within the county o# Santa Clara% Cali#ornia% to resolve any dispute or claim arisin' #rom this A'reement I# (a) you are not a - S citizenL (b) you do not reside in the - S L (c) you are not accessin' the Service #rom the - S L and (d) you are a citizen o# one o# the countries identi#ied below% you hereby a'ree that any dispute or claim arisin' #rom this A'reement shall be 'overned by the applicable law set #orth below% without re'ard to any con#lict o# law provisions% and you hereby irrevocably submit to the non( e5clusive Aurisdiction o# the courts located in the state% province or country identi#ied below whose law 'overns+ Speci#ically e5cluded #rom application to this A'reement is that law !nown as the -nited Mations Convention on the International Sale o# 6oods >e#eral "his A'reement constitutes the entire a'reement between you and Apple% 'overns your use o# the Service and completely replaces any prior a'reements between you and Apple in relation to the Service 2ou may also be subAect to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use a##iliate services% third(party content% or third(party so#tware I# any part o# this A'reement is held invalid or unen#orceable% that portion shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to re#lect% as nearly as possible% the ori'inal intentions o# the parties% and the remainin' portions shall remain in #ull #orce and e##ect "he #ailure o# Apple to e5ercise or en#orce any ri'ht or provision o# this A'reement shall not constitute a waiver o# such ri'ht or provision 2ou a'ree that% e5cept as otherwise e5pressly provided in this A'reement% there shall be no third(party bene#iciaries to this a'reement .././. C%a#ges Apple reserves the ri'ht at any time to modi#y this A'reement and to impose new or additional terms or conditions on your use o# the Service I# you do not a'ree with them% you must stop usin' the Service and contact customer support to retrieve your Content 2our continued use o# the Service will be deemed acceptance o# such modi#ications and additional terms and conditions 56) o# data with a #ree iCloud account "hat stora'e space covers mail% documents% and mobile bac!up data 2our purchased music% apps% boo!s% and $hoto Stream photos (more on that belowPwont count a'ainst your 56) limit

Seminar Report


2ou can buy more stora'e #rom the iCloud pre#erence pane Apple o##ers several tiers o# stora'e% priced by the year 2ou can up'rade to ?56) #or 78>Eyear% 856) #or 79>Eyear% or 556) #or 7?>>Eyear I# you chan'e your mind% Apple also allows you to cancel at any time and receive a prorated re#und (youll only be char'ed #or the portion o# the year you used the e5tra stora'e #or% rather than the #ull amount)% or select a plan to down'rade to at the end o# your billin' year 2ou can purchase more stora'e #rom your 1ac% $C% or on your iOS device On your 1ac% open the System $re#erences app and clic! on the iCloud button 3rom there% clic! 1ana'e% then )uy 1ore Stora'e On your $C% you can #ind similar pre#erences in the control panel% under Metwor! and Internet I# youre purchasin' stora'e on your iOS device% tap the Settin's app% then iCloud (U Stora'e * )ac!up (U )uy 1ore Stora'e -nli!e Dropbo5 and Su'arSync% which are desi'ned to let you sync any #ile or #older on your computer throu'h their services% iCloud is #ocused on inte'ration with apps+ Any iCloud( enabled app will sync documents automatically to the services server As such% you wont be able to sync individual #iles #rom apps that dont o##er iCloud support Cust li!e 1obile1e% you can see your 1ail% Contacts% Calendars% and access 3ind 1y i$hone throu'h your browser by 'oin' to iCloud com In addition% you can access your i0or! #or iOS documents% and upload i0or! documents #rom your 1ac to iCloud so that you can wor! on them in your apps All iCloud #eatures are available ri'ht now i# youre runnin' iOS 5 on your mobile devices and /ion on your 1ac i"unes 1atch is available #or those runnin' i"unes ?> 5 ? or later on OS N /ion or Snow /eopard


Seminar Report



Do!u"e# a#d da a sy#!

iCloud will sync documents created with Apples apps ($a'es% Mumbers% and Ieynote% #or e5ample) as well as any third(party apps that are adapted to ta!e advanta'e o# the service $resumably% iOS and 1ac developers will eventually 'et on the iCloud bandwa'on% but there will be a transition period where some apps will sync with iCloud and others wont "hat means users will need to be care#ul not to assume that all their #iles are automatically saved to iCloud% because only some apps will do the Aob I# you have iClouds mobile bac!up #eature enabled% the service will store your apps dataPits documents% 'ame saves% etcPbut will not sync it to other computers or devices Other than the data mentionedPphotos% media% mail% contacts% and calendarsPnot at this time )ut its entirely li!ely that iClouds purview may e5pand to application data on the 1ac+ It may only be a matter o# time be#ore youll be able to sync% say% your application and system settin's% and perhaps even your lo'in sessions% between your 1acs 2ou can selectively enable contacts% calendars% reminders% boo!mar!s% notes% $hoto Stream% 3ind 1y i$ad% and iCloud bac!up on and o## individually on each device One iCloud account can be the primary account (associated with your $hoto Stream% 3ind 1y i$hone% )ac!ups% and document sync) Secondary (and tertiary) accounts can only sync mail% contacts% calendars% reminders% boo!mar!s% and notes I# your 'ame has iCloud support% your 'ame saves can be synced% so you can pause on an i$ad and pic! up on an i$hone


'ur!%ase "a#age"e# a#d iTu#es +a !%

-sin' your #ree iCloud account% you can access a complete record o# all your purchases #rom i"unes Choose to download new music% apps% and boo!s automaticallyL and redownload anythin' #or #ree I# youve purchased trac!s #rom the i"unes Store in the old ?8G(!bps protected AAC #ormat and re(download them% theyll be delivered in that same #ormatPthey wont be o##ered to you as unprotected 85;(!bps AAC #iles (#or that% youll have to pay @> cents a trac! to up'rade them throu'h i"unes) I# trac!s that youve purchased are no lon'er available #rom the i"unes Store% you wont be able to re(download them )rowsin' purchased music on an i$ad 3or a #ee (785Eyear)% you can also enable i"unes 1atch% which allows you to stream and download any content youve bou'ht #rom the i"unes Store

Seminar Report


onto your devices 2oull also be able to upload any music you own that you didnt ori'inally purchase #rom i"unes (see the ne5t =uestion #or more in#ormation)

/. iCloud-su((or ed devi!es
4ven better% once i"unes 1atch has JmatchedK those trac!s% it replaces low(bit rate versions with 85;(!bps% D<1(#ree AAC versions 3or son's that i"unes cant #ind in its ?: million son' library% youll be able to store up to 85%>>> additional manually(uploaded trac!s i"unes 1atch was supposed to launch in late October% but Apple missed the release dateL the company has no proAected date #or the o##icial launch I# you have i"unes 1atch% yesL i# you dont% you can listen to a preview o# your purchased music within the i"unes Store to help you identi#y a trac! be#ore downloadin' it% but you wont be able to access son's directly #rom within your 1usic app or i"unes

/.1. 3o!a io# aware#ess

As part o# your iCloud account% you can opt(in to two o# Apples location(based services+ 3ind 1y i$hone and 3ind 1y 3riends 3ind 1y i$hone is sli'htly misleadin'+ "he service will actually let you #ind any iOS device or 1ac you own that youve enabled within iCloud pre#erences 3ind 1y 3riends wor!s by broadcastin' your location to any o# your #riends youve allowed to see it 2ou can set up temporary events% broadcast your location at all times% or never use the service at allPits up to you

/.$. +o2ile 2a!&u(

Sow do I use iCloud o 2a!& u( "y iO) devi!eC I# you have an iCloud account associated with your i$hone% i$od touch% or i$ad% you can use it to bac! up your device I# youve owned an iOS device be#ore% youll #ind iCloud bac!ups very similar to tethered i"unes bac!ups /i!e i"unes% iCloud bac!s up in#ormation on your

Seminar Report


purchased content (music% apps% and boo!s)% your Camera <oll% device settin's% data% home screens% messa'es% and rin'tones% but instead o# savin' that in#ormation in a #ile on your computer% the service stores it online instead 2our purchases themselves arent bac!ed up to your iCloud accountL instead% your bac!up !eeps a record o# what you own 0hen you restore your device #rom a bac!up% those purchases automatically redownload bac! in place% aided by your bac!ed(up app data and home screen positionin' "his way% you should always be able to restore in#ormation without ever needin' to plu' your device into your 1ac or $C 0hen your iOS device is connected to a power source and on a 0i(3i networ!% iCloud will bac! it up automatically once a dayL you can also #orce a bac!up by 'oin' to the Settin's app and tappin' iCloud (U Stora'e * )ac!up (U )ac! -p Mow Can I still ma!e i"unes bac!ups i# I bac! up my device to iCloudC 2ou can% but only manuallyL youll have to connect your device to i"unes% chan'e the )ac!up to )ac! up to this computer% and press Sync A#ter the bac! up has #inished% chan'e this bac! to )ac! up to iCloud to continue bac!in' up remotely

/... Trou2les%oo i#g iCloud

Ive 'ot lots o# Apple IDs Ive 'ot a 1obile1e account I want to convert Ive 'ot an i"unes account with all my apps and music on it% we have #amily 1obile1e accounts #or email\ what does the advent o# iCloud "ea# for "eC Can you use the 1ail app with a custom domain% or does it have to be me comT 2aou can use 1ail with any mail account you want )ut iClouds email system is based solely on the me com domain Can you delete apps #rom all your devices throu'h iCloudC It doesnt loo! li!e theres any #acility to delete items on other devices #rom a sin'le device 0hich is nice% because it mi'ht ma!e the other people who share your Apple ID =uite an'ry 0ill iCloud ea u( "y da a (la#C Or will i o#ly use Bi-FiC


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iCloud seems to be intentionally #ocused on 0i(3i syncin' )ac!ups wont happen unless youre on 0i(3i and plu''ed in% #or e5ample )ut some #eatures will sync over cellular connections% and yes% they will use your data plan -sers on limited data plans will need to consider their iCloud strate'y care#ully


For %e +o2ile+e usersG

Im a 1obile1e user 0hat happens nowT 2ou will be able to convert your 1obile1e account into an iCloud account when the new service launches Chec! out Apples 1obile1e transition document or our common si'nup scenarios article #or more in#ormation Can I 'et a re#undT I# youve recently purchased a bo5ed update and havent used the code yet% or have an unused code in your account% you may be eli'ible #or a re#und Apple has posted a support doc detailin' how the process wor!s 2ou can also re=uest a pro(rated re#und #or the remainin' portion o# your subscription 3or everyone else% Apple has e5tended your 1obile1e subscription until Cune @>% 8>?8 Fi#d +y i'%o#e is o#e of %e fea ures we e,(e! o s i!& arou#d. 6alleries% iDis!% i0eb% and 1ac )ac!up will continue to #unction as they have #or 1obile1e usersPeven i# you move your account to iCloudPuntil Cune @>% 8>?8 A#ter that point% theyll be no more )ac! "o 1y 1ac is available to 1ac users with an iCloud account 0hen you move your 1obile1e account to iCloud% however% you will lose one thin' immediately+ additional sync #eatures -nli!e 1obile1e% iCloud will not sync Doc! items% !eychains% system pre#erences% or Dashboard wid'ets

4. Refere#!es


Seminar Report


http+EEwww apple comEiphoneE#eaturesE http+EEwww =uora comE0hats(the(di##erence(between(the(cloud(cloud(computin'(and( iCloud http+EE4n 0i!ipedia Or'E0i!iEiCloud


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