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CEREALS: Barley cebada bran salvado corn cornflakes granola cereales de avena cruel gachas maize malt millet mijo muesli oat oatmeal harina de avena porridge gachas rolled oats copos de avena rye centeno semolina smola wheat germ grits smola de maiz

Grain products like bread, cereal, rice, and pasta are important sources of vitamins and minerals and also good sources of carbohydrates. FRUITS, SEEDS AND PARTS: acorn bellota kernel almendra, grano berry baya nut fruto seco cocoa bean peel piel manzana naranja coffee bean peelings cscaras, cone pia peladuras, mondas conker castaa pine cone pia core corazn centro pine nut pin flesh pulpa pip pepita husk cscara pit (Am.E) /stone (Br.E) hueso PASTA: angel hair cannelloni gnocchi linguine macaroni noodle penne ravioli rigatoni spaghetti tagliatelle tortellini udon (thick noodles) vermicelli (very thin spaghetti) canneloni lasagna (Am.E) lasagne (Br.E) rind cscara, corteza, piel seed pepita seed corn semilla seedless grapes / oranges sin pepitas / hueso egg / nut shell cscara potato / tomato / banana / plum skin cabbage / lettuce stalk tronco

brown / wild rice White / Brown / Homemade / Rye / Thin-crusted / Stale vs Fresh / bread, Breadcrumbs, VEGETABLES: Marrow calabaza alrgada cscara verde Pumpkin calabaza Brussel sprouts Cauliflower Endive Asparagus Parsley perejil Sweet pepper Leek puerro Radish rbano Horseradish picante Beet remolacha

Artichoke alcachofa Celery apio Sweet potato Aubergine Br.E berenjena Eggplant Am.E Garlic ajo Broccoli

Broad bean haba French bean habichuela Turnip nabo

Fresh vegetables are naturally low in fat, calories and sodium. Extra fat and calories can come from cooking or other types of processing.

FRUITS: Avocado aguacate Apricot albaricoque Blueberry / Bilberry arndano Raspberry frambuesa . Blackberry mora Plum ciruela Date dtil Pomegranate Currant pasa Black currant grosella Fig higo Prickly pear higo chumbo Kiwi fruit Tangerine mandarina Mango Quince membrillo Medlar nspero Papaya = pawpaw Grapefruit pomelo

MILK: Whole / Semi-skimmed / Skimmed milk Low-fat yoghurt Cream / Fresh cream / Blue / Edam / Sheeps / Parmesan / Cottage cheese, Cheese spread, Fruits are important sources of vitamins and carbohydrates like fiber and sugar. They are low in calories and naturally sweet Milk and foods made from milk are the best source of the mineral calcium. They also provide us with vitamin A, protein and phosphorus. PROTEINS: Meat: Lean sin grasa / Mince or Ground picada / White / Red / meat Beef ternera, Mutton aojo, Lamb cordero, Veal ternera, Venison venado, Quail codorniz, Cutlet chuletita, Turkey, Partridge perdiz Boiled ham, Mortadella, Pt, Salami, Hard pork sausage salchicha, Sausage embutido, Liver hgado Fish & Seafood: Cod bacalao, Clam almeja, Anchovy anchoa, Herring arenque, Kipper arenque salado y ahumado, Tuna atn, Sea bream dorada, Red bream besugo, Bonito, Mackerel caballa, Squid calamar, Crab cangrejo, Crayfish langosta cigala, Winkle bgaro, Spider crab centollo(a), prawn langostino, Lobster langosta bogavante, Sole lenguado, Sea bass lubina, Shellfish marisco, Mussel mejilln, Hake merluza, Oysters, Barnacle percebe, Whiting pescadilla, Octopus, Angler fish pescado de roqueo, Turbot rodaballo, Salmon, Red mullet salmonete, Grey mullet mjol, Trout trucha. Meat, poultry carne de ave, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts are important sources of protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Dried fruit as Almond, Kidney bean judas, Hazelnut avellana, Peanut, Chestnut castaa, Chickpeas garbanzos, Dried peas, Dried broad beans, Dried fig, Toasted maize, Lentil, Raisin pasa, Sunflower seed, Pistachio FATS, OILS AND SWEETS: Sunflower / Corn / Refined / Soya / Vegetable oil, (Virgin) olive oil, Peanut / Cocoa butter, Lard manteca, grasa de cerdo, Vegetable fat, Rice pudding, Cane sugar, sugar lumps terrones, Brown sugar, Milk / Fruit shake batido, Sponge cake, Cocoa, Milk / Plain / Dark / White / Drinking chocolate, Compote, Preserve confitura, Stewed apples, Crme ptissire, Custard natillas, Cream nata, Preserved fruit, Quince jelly dulce de membrillo, Crme caramel, Marzipan, Apricot jam / jelly, Marmalade de naranja amarga, Whipped cream nata montada, Egg custard flan, Pastry pastelito, Pudding, Apple tart, Cheesecake, Nougat turrn. Fats and oils like salad dressings alio, aderezo, mayonnaise, butter, margarine and lard tend to be high in calories because of the fat they contain. When we cook we can cut down on some of the fats and sugars by reducing the amounts of these ingredients in the recipes we make. 2

yum yum am am yummy! hmm!, qu rico! riqusimo I think I'll have some more of that yummy chocolate cake. There are some yummy -looking desserts over there. Is that your stomach rumbling? Eso que ruge son tus tripas? I'm a bit peckish: Empiezo a tener un poco de hambre. Keep stirring. Continua removiendo, batiendo. I just add a splash of chill sauce. Lo que hago es aadir un toque de salsa chile. Was that coriander it had in it? Lo que llevaba era cilantro? Bananas make me constipated: los pltanos me estrien. Spare me the details! Ahrrame los detalles Squirrel? I'd rather eat my cat! Ardilla? Preferira comerme / antes me como a mi gato. Personally, I'd draw the line at brains! Personalmente / Yo / Para m, el lmite lo pondra (en comer) sesos. I just associate macaroni with school. Tiendo a asociar los macarrones con el colegio You're so unadventurous: No te gusta la novedad / probar cosas nuevas. Sprinkle each side with pepper: Espolvorea con pimienta cada lado. I can't stand the texture No puedo aguantar la textura. No wonder he's so fat! No me extraa que est tan gordo It's not in season. No est en temporada. It's treated with so many pesticides. Est tratado con tantos pesticidas. Mind you, it is very convenient: Para nada, (el restaurante) est muy a mano. It wasn't exactly filling: No era exactamente relleno. My whole face swelled up like a balloon: Se me puso la cara hinchada como una sanda / baln. I left it to marinate overnight: Lo dej toda la noche en adobo. It's gorgeous: Est buensimo / de muerte. You must give me the recipe: Me tienes que pasar la receta. I forgot to grease the tin: Se me olvid engrasar la bandeja. You should've soaked them longer : Deberas haberlas dejado a remojo ms tiempo. Just sprinkle some grated cheese on top: Slo tienes que espolvorear queso rallado por encima.

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