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Financial Plan

Plan Summary
NET WORTH /A77ro81 9otal Assets /!s, #*( lacs1 + 9otal )ia2ilities /!s, "#* lacs1 !s, 743 la s C!"H #$OW :early ;ncome4 !s, 2* lacs :early 087enditures4 !s, lacs :early Premiums4 !s, 9 lacs NO SURPLUS

Personal Details: Raj Mehta & Reena Mehta 52 years 49 years Advocate, Housewife Businessman Parents Rasiklal Mehta & Tarulata Mehta 77 years & 7 years !etired Children Rishi Mehta & Mansi Rishi Mehta 2" years 2# years $BA %ewellery &esi'ner Pooja Mehta 2( years ))B

"TREN%TH" Ade<uate =et >ort. ?ood Healt. @wn House Self & A.ildren 0ducated >ill already 7re7ared WE!&NE""E" Hi'. )ia2ility ;nade<uate life ;nsurance )ower $ediclaim =o Aas. Sur7lus in Aas. Flow

*2+A, !oom no, 7-"- 4, st floor, S.indewadi, &adar /0ast1, $um2ai 3 4*** 4 $o2ile4 *9(2((*("22 0mail4 ra5me.ta6'mail,com

!ssets Parti ulars Pro7erty /Fully Paid1 Pro7erty /Bnder Aonstruction1 PPF Senior AitiCen Savin's Sc.emes Post @ffice BanD F& Aa7ital ?ain F& Bonds $utual Funds S.ares ;nsurance Surrender value BanD Balance StaDe in 0di2le @il Business / *E1 StaDe in 0di2le Aonst, Business / *E1 )oans Total -./3 !'ount (!s, la s) 2*5 "*" 5 (* 4 9* #* * (* 7* 4* 2* 5* 5* T*+e P.ysical Asset P.ysical Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Financial Asset Cate,or* ;lli<uid ;lli<uid Partly li<uid Partly li<uid Partly li<uid Partly li<uid ;lli<uid ;lli<uid )i<uid )i<uid )i<uid )i<uid ;lli<uid ;lli<uid ;lli<uid

$ia0ilities !'ount 0orro1ed (in !s, la s) ( 5* 5 * o2s +rin i+al (in !s, la s) (5*

Details ;nterest free loan Future lia2ilities

EM3 *

Rate *

3nsuran e
Pre'iu' out6lo1 (in !s,la s) ",7*,557 ,**,*** 4"22( " 4*9 7 ! ident Co7er (in !s, la s) 49,**,*** * 5,**,*** 2,**,***

"r4 No4

Poli * Holder5s Na'e !a5 $e.ta

Co'+a n* );A );A );A );A

T*+e 9radition al B);P 9radition al A.ild Plan

"u' !ssured (in !s,la s) # *

2 ( 4

!a5 $e.ta !is.i $e.ta Poo5a $e.ta

#uture :alue (in !s,

%oals !etirement ?ift to dau'.ter durin' marria'e ?rand c.ildrenGs education S7ecial 7rovision for 'rand dau'.terGs future /if any 'rand dau'.ter1

#re8uen * =A )um7su m )um7su m )um7su m

"tart 9ear 2* " 2* ( >.enev er 2orn >.enev er 2orn

End 9ear 2*4( 2*4( 2* years .ence 5* years .ence

Rat e *E F 2E 2E

3n7est'ent Re8uired (in !s,la s) Already enou'. *

la s)
4*5 299 9



; -/< +ost retire'ent

Current !sset !llo ation

T*+e )i<uid &e2t 0<uity Pro7erty

!'ount (in !s, la s) 2* 27* (** * (

Wei,hta,e (<) ,25E #,"4E ",7 E #(, 9E

$i8uid De0t E8uit* .34-@<




Chan,es in asset allo ation i6 le7era,e is redu ed As 7er your risD taDin' a2ilities & willin'ness we recommend to reduce your 7ortfolio e87osure of .i'. risD assets w.ic. .ave created unneccasry levera'e, Hence t.e asset allocation in case can 2e4 " ene -: !tleast !0out = rore o6 +ro+ert* sold:
T*+e )i<uid &e2t 0<uity Pro7erty !'ount (in !s, la s) 2* 27* (** 5*( Wei,hta,e (<) ,"(E 24,7*E 27,45E 4#,*2E

" ene >: E8ui7alent +ro+ert* sold to o'+letel* re'o7e the lia0ilit* (Hi,hl* re o''ended):
T*+e )i<uid &e2t 0<uity Pro7erty !'ount (in !s, la s) 2* 27* (** 5( Wei,hta,e (<) 2,#9E (#,(4E 4*,("E 2*,59E'es in &irect 0<uity Portfolio 4

;t is recommended 'radually you 'et out of direct e<uity 7ortfolio at a2out Sense8 2 , *** levels & invest t.e same amount into e<uity mutual funds, ;f at all, t.e only recommended stocDs w.ic. need not 2e sold are Relian e 3ndustries $td4A HD#C $td4A 3C3C3 Bank $td4A $arsen & Tou0ro $td4A BHE$A Cro'+ton %rea7es $td4A "tate Bank o6 3ndiaA "ie'ens $td4A "terlite Te hnolo,ies $td4

!ecommended investments
>e recommend to invest in t.e ratio of 5*45* 2etween e<uity & de2t Amon' 0<uity instruments we recommend to invest in e<uity mutual funds wit. dividend 7ayout o7tion in t.e followin' 7attern4
E8uit* 3n7est'ents T*+e o6 6und )ar'e ca7 Fle8i ca7 $id ca7 S7ecialty EC+osure #*E 5E 5E *E
Midcap, 15% Largecap, 60% Flexicap, 15% Speciality, 10%

Re o''ended $ar,e Ca+ #unds: + + + + + H&FA 0<uity Fund &SP 0<uity Fund ;A;A; Focused Blue A.i7 Fund Birla Sun )ife Frontline 0<uity H&FA 9o7 2** Fund

Re o''ended #leCi Ca+ #unds: + ;A;A; Pru &ynamic Fund + !eliance !e'ular Savin's Fund

Re o''ended Mid Ca+ #unds: + Birla Sun )ife $id Aa7 Fund + ;&FA Premier Fund + &SP BlacD!ocD Small & $idca7 Fund

Re o''ended #unds:

"+e ialt*

+ FranDlin &ynamic P-0 !atio Fund + H&FA Prudence Fund + 0delweiss A2solute !eturns Fund

Amon' &e2t instruments we would recommend to invest in ?ilt Funds if yield on * year 'overnment 2ond 'oes around "E, 9em7leton ;ndia ;ncome @77ortunities Fund or !B; Bonds also are 'ood de2t o7tions to invest in,

)ease rentals 2y leasin' out 7ro7erty can also 2e considered as de2t income 7lus t.ey 7rovide 'rowt. o77ortunity, Postal Sc.emes liDe Senior AitiCen Savin' Sc.eme, Post @ffice $ ;ncome Sc.eme,
&e2t investment calls differ from time to time, 9.e a2ove recommendations are 'ood as of today, 2ut may differ at t.e time of maDin' actual investment, Su''estions
!e'ular income not sufficient to offset any im7endin' risD due to a s.ar7 fall in t.e 7ro7erty or e<uity marDets, Hence recommended to decrease t.eir e87osure to a total of a2out 4*E to #*E, Aonsiderin' your current =etwort., lia2ility of only a2out 25E of =etwort. can 2e desired, Some concerns on t.e overall cas. flow 'eneration as & w.en t.e money is re<uired, =eed to looD into it 7ro7erly, 9ry to .ave dividend 7ayout & interest 7ayout o7tions in all your investments, Since your son & dau'.ter in law are currently stayin' in Australia, its recommended once t.ey comes 2acD, to create an environment w.erein t.ey stay near you 2ut not wit. you,' liDe you .ave two se7arate flats 2ut in t.e same 2uildin', will Dee7 you to' & still 'ive t.em t.e s7ace w.ic. t.ey would 2e accustomed to, 0ven as far as 7ossi2le Dee7 finances se7arate, Senior AitiCen Savin' Sc.eme interest to 2e used 2y your 7arents as 7er t.eir wis. for t.em to .ave t.e freedom of s7endin', 0ven communicate t.e same to t.em, ;ncrease t.e mediclaim sum assured to !s, 5 lac 7er 7erson, Aoncerns arise on t.e mana'ement of t.e direct e<uity 7ortfolio, ;f is not 2ein' 7ro7erly monitored, t.en mi'.t as well transform t.e entire money to 0<uity $F sc.emes, >e .ave 7rovided t.e minimum re<uired to 2e 'ifted to your dau'.ter, 2ut you can always increase t.e amount as 7er your a2ility & willin'ness, Hee7 reviewin' your will, ;t is also advisa2le to review your 7lan every ( years to c.ecD & rectify if any deviations from t.e ori'inal 7lan,

EDPEN"E PROTECT3ON ($i6e 3nsuran e re8uire'ent) 0very individual w.o contri2utes to familyGs e87enses needs to ensure if' fatal were to .a77en to tomorrow, t.ere are enou'. assets to taDe care of t.e familyGs livin' e87enses so t.e loved ones do not .ave to 'o t.rou'. a financial loss as well, 9.e e87ense 7rotection cor7us is t.e sum total of assets and

insurance minus lia2ilities if any w.ic. is availa2le to cover t.e familyGs livin' needs, 9.e assets alon' wit. t.e insurance 7olicies you .ave are enou'. to cover t.e e87enses of your family, But to cover your lia2ilities you need additional insurance of a2out !s, 4 Ar, For t.e same you can try 'ettin' term insurance form Ae'on !eli'are for SA !s, 4 Ar, 9.e 7remium would 2e around !s, 752** 7,a, t.e ma8 term you can 'et in it is for ( years, ;f not Ae'on, you can even .ave a word wit. );A for term cover, ad5ustin' a'ainst e8istin' 7olicies, 3n ase *ou are redu in, *our lia0ilities then +ro+ortionatel* *our insuran e re8uire'ents 1ill also redu e4 One o+tion is *ou 0u* a nu'0er o6 +oli ies & dis ontinue the' si'ultaneousl* as & 1hen the lia0ilit* redu es4

Rates o 0<uity $utual Funds4 2E o &e2t $utual fund & de2t instruments4 7E o ;nflation4 "E o ;nflation in 0ducational e87enses4 #E o Post !etirement !eturns4 *E o Pro7erty /on lon' term 2asis14 5E $i6e EC+e tan * o6 Raj: "5 years

;nvestment Policy Statement to 2e followed

>e would e87ect a2out E returns from your overall 7ortfolio 2ased on t.e followin' ideal asset allocation for you4 T*+e )i<uid & &e2t 0<uity & Pro7erty Wei,hted a7era,e return Wei,hta,e 5*E 5*E Returns 7,**E 5,**E --4//<

Aonsiderin' similar returns on your overall 7ortfolio you will .ave a2out !s, 4* Ar at your a'e "5 w.ic. you can leave as estate t.e comin' 'enerationsIIII

; /we1 .ave reviewed, a77roved, understood and ado7ted t.e Financial Plan 7re7ared JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Alient Si'n JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJ &ate JJJJJJJJJJJJJ

AdvisorGs Si'n


"er7i e Poli * & Dis lai'ers "ER:3CE: ?.alla & B.ansali Securities Pvt, )td, desi'ns a Financial Plan in accordance wit. your 'oals & availa2le & e87ected resources, PROCE"": A c.ecDlist is re<uired to 2e filled 2y you wit. details suc. as ;ncome, 087enses, Assets, )ia2ilities, ;nvestments, ;nsurance, and ?oals etc, >orD on t.e 7lan will start on su2mission of c.ecDlist, A draft is discussed first and'es made accordin'ly, Su2se<uently, a Final Plan alon' wit. an Action Plan is 7resented 2y ?.alla & B.ansali Securities Pvt, )td, PR3:3$E%E": Aonfidentiality confidentiality wit. 7ersonal affairs, 3 ?.alla & B.ansali Securities Pvt, )td, will maintain utmost res7ect to all and any information relatin' to your financial and

D3"C$O"ERE": a, ?.alla & B.ansali Securities Pvt, )td, is <ualified and e87erienced to 'ive advice in t.e said matters of 7ersonal finance, >e .ave a team of Aertified Financial Planners /AFPA$1 & Associate Financial Planners /AFP1, 9.e AFP Aertification is 7romoted 2y FPSB + Financial Plannin' & Standards Board ;ndia, an affiliate of FPSB, &enver BSA and is committed to t.e develo7ment and 7romotion of standards for Financial Plannin' 7rofessionals to 2enefit and 7rotect t.e citiCens, 2, ?.alla & B.ansali Securities Pvt, )td, assures you we will always 2e u7front a2out any conflict of interests arisin' from our relations.i7 wit. you and accordin'ly disclose at t.e start of our relations.i7,

D3"C$!3MER: a, Financial Plan will 2e for t.e sole use of t.e 7erson to it is addressed and for no 7ur7ose, =o res7onsi2ility is acce7ted to any t.ird 7arty w.o may use or rely on t.e w.ole or any 7art of t.e content of t.e financial 7lan, 2, ;n 7re7arin' t.e financial 7lan ?.alla & B.ansali Securities Pvt, )td, will rely u7on t.e information 7rovided to it a2out your current situation, your o25ectives and needs, A summary of t.ese will 2e included in t.e 7lan, 9.ere2y, all recommendations and strate'y will 2e 2ased on data alone and .ence is accurate and com7lete only to t.e e8tent of t.e accuracy and com7leteness of t.e data, c, 0stimates of income and 'rowt. in t.e 7lan will 2e 2ased on assessments of 7revailin' economic conditions and investment mana'er 7erformance, However no 'uarantee of future 7erformance will 2e 'iven and results may vary from t.e estimates 8

s.own, 9.e fi'ures in t.e 7lan include various estimates wit. res7ect to ta8ation and )aws w.ic. we 2elieve to 2e relevant, d, service a'reement is not enforcea2le 2y )aw and is a document of trust and fait.,

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.

%halla & Bhansali "e urities P7t4 $td4 (rd Floor, S.ri Aine Studio Aom7ound,, $ad.av &as Pasta !oad, @77osite Profession Aouriers, =ear A.ate' Alasses, &adar /0ast1, $um2ai 3 4*** 4 P.4 *22+4*49"2** Fa84 4*49"2*2

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