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A Real Angel?

Sometimes our cameras can see what human eyes cannot. Could what you are looking at actually be a photo of a real angel? At a recent Promise Keepers conference in Cedar Falls !owa a "aptist pastor took two photographs of the stage during a time of praise and worship. "oth of those photos show #a radiant glowing white figure$ that was not supposed to be there and that could not be seen with the naked eye. At the time these photos were taken the band on the stage was singing these words% #&esus take all of me. ! run to you ! run to you. ! lay e'erything at your feet. (et my life be yours.$ Could it be possible that the camera picked up an angel that was standing on the stage during that time of praise and worship? Could this picture actually be physical e'idence that angels really e)ist? *r could this phenomenon ha'e been caused by something else? +ou ha'e to admit that the image in this photograph is pretty compelling. ,ere is a closer look at the photo-

*n their Facebook page the Promise Keepers organi.ation has stated that they belie'e that #something S/P0R1A2/RA($ definitely happenedSomething S/P0R1A2/RA( took place in Cedar Falls today. As hundreds of men repented of sin in their li'es a man in attendance took two pictures. "oth had an angel on them. As the worship band said #&esus take all of me $ 3od sent a miraculous sign to confirm what ,e was doing. At the time when this photograph was taken the men at the conference were repenting of sins such as pornography and adultery. And throughout history repentance has always been at the heart of e'ery great mo'e of 3od. So it would not be surprising to see 3od mo'e during a time of truly heartfelt repentance. 2here is always the possibility that photos such as these could ha'e been altered in some way. !n fact many will undoubtedly use that line of reasoning to dismiss these photographs completely. "ut the wife of the pastor that took these photos says that they were not altered in any way. She released a statement in which she said the following#4y husband took these photos. 1o photo shop. 0n5oy debating angels and stage lights but don6t miss the miracle of a few thousand men gathering to praise 3od and to be challenged to be men of honor who keep their promises7 At least 89 of them were our guys. 2hat6s a miracle. 2hey were in our church Sunday gathering at the front praying with their families and friends. 4iracles happen.$ *n Facebook the following is what pastor said about these photos! took the pics. ! did not see it until ! looked at my gallery. ! asked two friends if they saw anything- any lights on the stage. 2hey said #no$ and ! snapped another with the same #light$ in it. ! took my tablet to the stage at the ne)t break and showed the worship team. ! told them they might ha'e more #singers$ with them than they knew7 :e laughed and re5oiced and they took me to the PK program director. And in the Scriptures angels are described as #a flaming fire$ so it would seem that these photos are consistent with that description. 2he following are the first four 'erses of Psalm 8;<-

"less the (ord * my soul. * (ord my 3od thou art 'ery great= thou art clothed with honour and ma5esty. :ho co'erest thyself with light as with a garment% who stretchest out the hea'ens like a curtain% :ho layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters% who maketh the clouds his chariot% who walketh upon the wings of the wind% Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire All of this reminds me of another incident that a Christian minister named "ruce >. Allen e)perienced. >uring a ser'ice in 4alaysia he witnessed an angel standing in the church and a photo taken by somebody attending the ser'ice actually captured part of the hea'enly 2orah scroll that the angel was carrying#*n this night in 4ay in 4alaysia this angel was standing in the church and what looked like a large 2orah Scroll was in actuality a hea'enly manifest. 2he spirit of prophecy came upon me as ! was witnessing this 'ision and ! began to prophecy to that church and that region that the (ord was about to release the resources of hea'en to a faithful people and a great awakening was about to begin in that part of the world. Some of those in attendance were taking photos during the sessions and what was caught on the digital media defies e)planation ? e)cept it was e)actly what ! was seeing in the spirit. A large scroll can be seen from the perspecti'e of where the angel would ha'e been standing ? as if he were holding the scroll and taking the picture$ Posted below is a blown up image of the portion of the photo containing the hea'enly 2orah scroll. As you can see it e'en appears to ha'e ,ebrew writing on it-

*f course there will always be doubters and skeptics. *'er the years ! ha'e found that most people end up belie'ing e)actly what they want to belie'e. !f someone out there is absolutely determined to belie'e that supernatural e'ents do not e)ist then a hundred more stories 5ust like this will not persuade that person.

Personally ! am fully con'inced that the 3od who created all things is still doing supernatural things today 5ust like ,e always has been. :hat about you?

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