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Certified iPhone Apps

Certified iPhone Apps Developer

Certified Certified Certified Certified iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone Apps Developer Apps Developer Apps Developer Apps Developer

Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1049
Vskills certification for iPhone Apps Developer assesses the candidate for developing
applications for iPhone smartphones. he certification tests the candidates on vario!s areas
in developing applications for iPhone smart phone "hich incl!des kno"ledge of iPhone
frame"ork# screen la$o!t# %& design# packaging and p!'lishing.
(no"ledge of (no"ledge of (no"ledge of (no"ledge of )'*ective )'*ective )'*ective )'*ective- -- -C and +acintosh C and +acintosh C and +acintosh C and +acintosh is pre is pre is pre is pre- -- -re,!isite for certification. re,!isite for certification. re,!isite for certification. re,!isite for certification.
-h$ sho!ld one take -h$ sho!ld one take -h$ sho!ld one take -h$ sho!ld one take this certification. this certification. this certification. this certification.
his Co!rse is intended for professionals and grad!ates "anting to e/cel in their chosen
areas. &t is also "ell s!ited for those "ho are alread$ "orking and "o!ld like to take
certification for f!rther career progression.

0arning Vskills iPhone Apps Developer Certification can help candidate differentiate in
toda$1s competitive *o' market# 'roaden their emplo$ment opport!nities '$ displa$ing
their advanced skills# and res!lt in higher earning potential.
-ho "ill 'enefit from taking thi -ho "ill 'enefit from taking thi -ho "ill 'enefit from taking thi -ho "ill 'enefit from taking this certification. s certification. s certification. s certification.
2o' seekers looking to find emplo$ment in vario!s & companies or freelance# st!dents
generall$ "anting to improve their skill set and make their CV stronger and e/isting
emplo$ees looking for a 'etter role can prove their emplo$ers the val!e of their skills
thro!gh this certification
est Details est Details est Details est Details
D!ration3 D!ration3 D!ration3 D!ration3 40 min!tes
5o. of ,!estions3 5o. of ,!estions3 5o. of ,!estions3 5o. of ,!estions3 60
+a/im!m marks3 +a/im!m marks3 +a/im!m marks3 +a/im!m marks3 60# Passing marks3 76 8609:
here is no negative marking in this mod!le.
;ee Str!ct!re ;ee Str!ct!re ;ee Str!ct!re ;ee Str!ct!re
<s. =000>- 8&ncl!des all ta/es:

Certified iPhone Apps Developer

Companies that hire Companies that hire Companies that hire Companies that hire Vskills Vskills Vskills Vskills Certified Certified Certified Certified iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone Apps Developer Apps Developer Apps Developer Apps Developer
Vskills Certified iPhone Apps Developer finds emplo$ment in 'ig or small iPhone 'ased
mo'ile soft"are development companies. here is a shortage of skilled professionals in
this field and companies are in a constant look o!t of people "ell ac,!ainted "ith the "ork
c!lt!re and the processes involved. Candidate can also start on o"n '$ developing
applications for the iPhone app store '$ Apple.

Certified iPhone Apps Developer

Table of Contents

1. 1. 1. 1. &ntrod!ction &ntrod!ction &ntrod!ction &ntrod!ction
1.1 iPhone platform and evolution
1.2 SDK framework and elements
1.3 IDE and simulator

7. 7. 7. 7. Single vie" Application Single vie" Application Single vie" Application Single vie" Application
2.1 Outlet and action declaration and definition
2.2 View controller and connection with outlet and action

=. =. =. =. %ser &nterface %ser &nterface %ser &nterface %ser &nterface
3.1 View Libraries
3.2 View Hierarchy and switching

4. 4. 4. 4. &np!ts &np!ts &np!ts &np!ts
4.1 Keyboard Inputs
4.2 Screen orientation and rotations

6. 6. 6. 6. +!lti vie" Application +!lti vie" Application +!lti vie" Application +!lti vie" Application
5.1 Windows based application
5.2 Tab Bar application
5.3 Utility application

4. 4. 4. 4. Data Vie" Data Vie" Data Vie" Data Vie"
6.1 Table view
6.2 Application preferences
6.3 SQLite 3, file storage and data persistence

?. ?. ?. ?. +iscellaneo!s +iscellaneo!s +iscellaneo!s +iscellaneo!s
7.1 Multi touch
7.2 Animations and Transitions
7.3 Location Based Service
7.4 Camera, SMS and Shake API

Certified iPhone Apps Developer

Co!rse )!tline Co!rse )!tline Co!rse )!tline Co!rse )!tline

&ntrod!ction &ntrod!ction &ntrod!ction &ntrod!ction
Explaining the history and evolution of iPhone platform and App store
Describing the various elements and framework of the SDK
Details on IDE and simulator for iPhone apps development

Single vie" Application Single vie" Application Single vie" Application Single vie" Application
Illustrating the underlying workings of outlet and action in iPhone SDK
Explaining the view controller and steps for connecting them with outlet and action

%ser &nterface %ser &nterface %ser &nterface %ser &nterface
Explaining different view libraries to display images, alerts, buttons and web content
Describing the tree structure of view hierarchy in iPhone SDK
Illustrating the steps for switching between different view using the SDK

&np!ts &np!ts &np!ts &np!ts
Utilizing keyboard inputs using the SDK
Explaining the different screen orientation, events and their response by views

+!lti vie" Application +!lti vie" Application +!lti vie" Application +!lti vie" Application
Describing windows based view and navigation applications in iPhone SDK
Illustrating development of tab bar application for iPhone SDK
Explaining creation of utility application using the SDK

Data Vie" Data Vie" Data Vie" Data Vie"
Developing table view by using the iPhone SDK
Illustrating techniques to store, access and reset application preferences
Explaining the usage of SQLite 3, file storage and data persistence in iPhone

+iscellaneo!s +iscellaneo!s +iscellaneo!s +iscellaneo!s
Illustrating and implementing multi touch in iPhone
Steps to implement animations and transitions using the SDK
Describing the process of accessing and using location based service
Accessing and using the camera, SMS and Shake API

Certified iPhone Apps Developer

Sample @!estions Sample @!estions Sample @!estions Sample @!estions

1. 1. 1. 1. Acode Acode Acode Acode is is is is a> a> a> a>an an an an BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB.
A. Compiler
C. &D0
C. &nterpreter
D. 5one of the a'ove

7 77 7. . . . C CC Con*o!r is an component of on*o!r is an component of on*o!r is an component of on*o!r is an component of BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB.
A. +edia
C. Core )S
C. Core Services
D. 5one of the a'ove

= == =. . . . D./i'E e/tension files define D./i'E e/tension files define D./i'E e/tension files define D./i'E e/tension files define BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB.
A. s!perclass method
C. init method
C. %&
D. 5one of the a'ove

4 44 4. . . . &n !tilit$ applications# ever$ D./i'E fil &n !tilit$ applications# ever$ D./i'E fil &n !tilit$ applications# ever$ D./i'E fil &n !tilit$ applications# ever$ D./i'E file ee e is represented '$ is represented '$ is represented '$ is represented '$ BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB.
A. Vie" and vie" controller
C. Vie" and &con
C. Vie" and &mage
D. 5one of the a'ove

6 66 6. . . . &n ta'le vie"# insertion of a cell in a partic!lar location is done '$ &n ta'le vie"# insertion of a cell in a partic!lar location is done '$ &n ta'le vie"# insertion of a cell in a partic!lar location is done '$ &n ta'le vie"# insertion of a cell in a partic!lar location is done '$ BBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBB.
A. ta'leVie"3cell;or<o"At&nde/Path3 event
C. ta'leVie"3cell;orCellAt&nde/Path3 event
C. ta'leVie"3cell;or&nsertAt&nde/Path3 event
D. 5one of the a'ove

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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