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Restored ByYamraaj

History of India
This site is dedicated to information on various aspects of history of India. We have tried to cover most of the related topics and will greatly appreciate any other contribution in this respect.


"India is the cradle of human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only! " Mark Twain.

By Religion o Hinduism
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Islam i!hism "ainism #udhism $hristianity The %arsis The "ews of India $aste ystems in India

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Timelines &ncient India 'edieval India

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'ughal India ( 'aratha )mpire 'odern India* +ise of #ritish India $ontemporary India

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Institutions $ourses on Indian History +esearch Institutes ,niversities %ublishers ( #oo! ellers Organi-ations cholarly ocieties

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#ibliography )ncyclopedias "ournals .ibraries 'useums

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$limatology 'ain 'aps 'aps for Historians 'onuments Historical %laces $ity 'aps



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/emography $ulture )conomic History History of cience ( Technology 'ilitary History %olitics

"n Introduction to Indian History

The Indus valley civili-ation saw its genesis in the holy land now !nown as India around 0122 #$. The people inhabiting the Indus +iver valley were thought to be /ravidians, whose descendants later migrated to the south of India. The deterioration of this civili-ation that developed a culture based on commerce and sustained by agricultural trade can be attributed to ecological changes. The second millennium #$ was witness to the migration of the bucolic &ryan tribes from the 3orth West frontier into the sub continent. These tribes gradually merged with their antecedent cultures to give birth to a new milieu. The &ryan tribes soon started penetrating the east, flourishing along the 4anga and 5amuna +ivers. #y 122 #$, the whole of northern India was a civili-ed land where people had !nowledge of iron implements and wor!ed as labor, voluntarily or otherwise. The early political map of India comprised of copious independent states with fluid boundaries, with increasing population and abundance of wealth fueling disputes over these boundaries. ,nified under the famous 4upta /ynasty, the north of India touched the s!ies as far as administration and the Hindu religion were concerned. .ittle wonder then, that it is considered to be India6s golden age. #y 722 #$, appro8imately si8teen dynasties ruled the north Indian plains spanning the modern day &fghanistan to #angladesh. ome of the most powerful of them were the dynasties ruling the !ingdoms of 'agadha, 9osla, 9uru and 4andhara. 9nown to be the land of epics and legends, two of the world6s greatest epics find their birth in Indian settings : the +amayana, depicting the e8ploits of lord +am, and the 'ahabharta detailing the war between 9auravas and %andavas, both descendants of 9ing #harat. +amayana traces lord +am6s ;ourney from e8ile to the rescue of his wife ita from the demonic clutches of +avana with the help of his simian companions. inging the virtues of /harma<duty=, the 4ita, one of the most priced scriptures in Indian 'ythology, is the advice given by hri 9rishna to the grief laden &r;un, who is terrified at the thought of !illing his !in, on the battle ground.

'ahatma 4andhi revived these virtues again, breathing new life in them, during India6s freedom struggle against #ritish $olonialism. &n ardent believer in communal harmony, he dreamt of a land where all religions would be the threads to form a rich social fabric. Other good resources for History of India

Wikipedia - History of India MANAS - University of California at Los Angeles Internet Indian History Sourcebook - ord!a" University WWW-#L India History

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