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This document provides you with a mini-library of tips and techniques for developing the mindset of a champion. It doesnt matter if you are student, athlete, business professional or ballroom dancer, your success is directly related to your mindset. Because you have this product, you are interested in building and sustaining the mindset of a champion. Share these tips with your subscribers to further strengthen your reputation as a champion. A true leader builds a community of like-minded, success oriented followers. You have the skills and inventory. Now share the wealth. ORDER OF TOPICS: 1. The Champions Mindset 2. Persistence 3. Fearlessness 4. Thinking Before You Speak 5. Sincerity 6. Having a Positive Attitude 7. Showing Integrity 8. Helpfulness 9. Ambition 10. Taking Responsibility 11. Being Compassionate

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

INTRO 2 1. Subject: Mindset and Posture: Why Soldiers Stand Tall 2. Subject: Is Your Office Setup Sending the Wrong Message? 3. Subject: Job Interviews: Initial Impressions 4. Subject: First Impression Seconds to Win or Lose Favor 5. Subject: Setting Boundaries on Selfless Acts of Generosity 6. Subject: Are You The Bamboo Farmer Or Idea Bagger? 7. Subject: IQ Matters More than Persistence
Subject: Filtering Feedback 8.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

9. Subject: Persistence Does Not Equal Insanity

Subject: What is Fear? 10.

11. Subject: On Fear: Converting Retreat into Victory 12. Subject: Fearlessness Is Not an Independent Achievement 13. Subject: On Fearlessness and Vulnerability 14. Subject: Developing a Champion Mindset Requires Failure 15. Subject: When its Best Not to Be the Best 16. Subject: How to Avoid Responses Motivated by Anger 17. Subject: Crisis Management Think Before Speaking Part 1 18. Subject: Crisis Management Think Before Speaking Part 2 19. Subject: Your Words and Social Media 20. Subject: Encouraging Discussion In Blogs or Social Media

Subject: Sincerity In Leadership 26 21.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

22. Subject: The Secret to Dealing with People 23. Subject: The Difference Between Flattery and Appreciation 24. Subject: The Art of Inspiring 25. Subject: How to Make Friends 26. Subject: Attitude - Secret Weapon for Success 27. Subject: Isnt it time to move on? 28. Subject: Wash Your Window 29. Subject: Affirmations for a Positive Attitude 30. Subject: Hangout with a Positive Crowd 31. Subject: Integrity in Business 32. Subject: Unleashing Greatness (Part 1) 33. Subject: Unleashing Greatness (Part 2) 34. Subject: Integrity Questions in the Job Interview Part 1 35. Subject: 5 More Integrity Interview Questions 36. Subject: Building a Reputation as a Leader by being Helpful 37. Subject: When Being Helpful Does More Harm Than Good 38. Subject: Do You Allow Team Members to be Great with Customers? 39. Subject: New Loyalty Strategy Relevant Helpfulness 40. Subject: Mentoring to Develop Leaders & Loyal Supporters 41. Subject: What Comes First? Ambition or Motivation 42. Subject: Free-lancers, Interns and Team Motivation 43. Subject: Tips for Staying Motivated 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

44. Subject: How Tony Robbins Gets Out of a Slump 45. Subject: More Unslumping Tips from Tony Robbins 46. Subject: Being Strong And Fit Will Help You Be A Champion 47. Subject: Taking Responsibility 48. Subject: Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life 49. Subject: The Power of Taking Responsibility 50. Subject: Compassion and Leading People 51. Subject: Compassion is Good for Business 52. Subject: Be Generous When Youre Hungry 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

Subject: Mindset and Posture: Why Soldiers Stand Tall

Have you ever watched soldiers marching in formation? Perhaps you attended a military function where the battalion marched on the parade field or even in a movie. Maybe it was your own child wearing a uniform. Did the soldier have sagging shoulders or assume a slouched posture? Training soldiers to establish a strong posture whether they are standing still in a formation or marching on a parade field has a strong impact to both the individual as well as the observer. Standing tall with shoulders back and solid presents a confident personality and can reveal a lot about your level of self-esteem. The research linked sitting or standing with expansive posture (wide open and tall) with personal feelings of power, confidence in decision making, and control. Your posture indicates a lot about your self esteem. Studies have revealed that people with an upright posture easily recall positive thoughts and tend to have a stronger selfimage. This can also help them push aside negative thoughts and worry. ACTION POINT If you spend a lot of hours slumped in a chair make it a practice to check your sitting posture throughout the day. Another strategy is to spend more time standing while you work. Do you think youll get your tasks done more quickly if you do them standing instead of sitting? Decks are available now that allow you to stand while working.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

Subject: Is Your Office Setup Sending the Wrong Message?
Something a simple as rearranging your office furniture can communicate a better message about your strengths. Your office space is a statement about you and your brand so it pays off in impressions by arranging your office space to portray the right visuals. Also, your furniture arrangement can improve collaboration and agreements. Consider where a member of your team or client sits when discussing a project with you. Is the chair directly across from yours? Does the person sit a bit lower than you and have to look up when speaking directly to you? This positioning places them at a disadvantage and elicits a more competitive than collaborative spirit. Try placing the guest chair to the side of your desk instead of across the space from you. If space allows, create a conversation area away from your main desk. A smaller circular table with 2-3 chairs placed around it is more conducive to collaboration. King Arthur had the right idea using a round table for strategy sessions with his Knights of the Round Table. ACTION POINT How does your office space look? Is it cluttered and disorganized? Its time to clear the desk and evaluate your office setting.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

Subject: Job Interviews: Initial Impressions
Whether you are interviewing for a new job or position, or even waiting to deliver a sales presentation, your body language needs to project confidence even while in the waiting room. How you sit while waiting for an appointment sets the stage for the rest of the interview. In many cases, the first time a prospective employer or client engages with you is when they greet you in the company waiting area. In fact, many corporate waiting areas are monitored remotely so there is a chance your behavior is observed prior to the initial handshake. Most business professionals prepare for the interview, but few realize that their posture and activity while waiting in the reception area has everything to do with their initial impression. Nervous about an upcoming presentation or job interview? Holding ones body in high-power poses for short time periods can summon an extra surge of power and sense of well-being when its needed. ACTION POINT If you are preparing for an interview or sales pitch, take a few minutes right now and visualize yourself in the waiting room. Think of how you will sit and what will you be doing. For example, sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, shoulders back. Visualize greeting your interviewer with a confident handshake. Remember its not about the content of the message, but how you are communicating it.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

Subject: First Impression Seconds to Win or Lose Favor
Have you read that you can lose a visitor to your website in the first 8 seconds? When you meet someone face-to-face you can win or lose favor in the same amount of time. First impressions are established more with nonverbal communications and here are 7 tips to making the best first impression. 1. Adjust Your Attitude: It doesnt matter to the other person that you had a flat on the way into work or that you left home without your phone, take a moment to adjust to a positive attitude. 2. Straighten Your Posture: Stand or sit tall and confident. 3. Smile: And be the first smile as well as to extend a hand in greeting. 4. Make Eye Contact: This part should go with the smile and handshake. Never speak to someone else while looking at the floor with your head bowed. That noneye cue contact leads to distrust and is also demeaning. 5. Raise Your Eyebrows: As if youve just met the person youve waited for all your life. This is called the eyebrow flash. 6. Shake Hands: This is a fairly universal greeting in industrialized countries. However, if you are travelling abroad, check into that cultures greeting standards. 7. Lean In: This is something men tend to do better than women. When women greet each other they often square up facing each other directly. This is a confrontational posture like a boxer or wrestler. On the other hand, men tend to greet each other at an angle and lean in to speak to each other. Go figure that one! ACTION POINT Practice a winning first impression. Try it with a trusted partner and then work it at your next business networking event or workshop.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen

Subject: Setting Boundaries on Selfless Acts of Generosity
Do you know of or work with someone who seems to always be helping people? We all learn that it is important to act unselfishly, but can you take it too far? In 1984, psychologist Nancy McWilliams coined the term pathological altruism. It refers to someone who has a compulsive need to offset guilt, shame, or other negative feelings at the sight of anothers suffering by devoting their life to humanitarianism. This altruism turns destructive when people end up hurting the very things they want to help. Think animal hoarders. However, there are various shades of grey which can appear in your professional or social life. It may be you turning into a pathos altruist or perhaps an employee or co-worker. Similar to hoarders or cults, the behavior does require some intervention as it can lead to tension and bad feelings in the workplace. It can also affect work deadlines and family priorities when you are tied up helping everyone else. ACTION POINT A practical solution if you feel the urge to swoop in as someones savior is to take a moment to consider whether the target of your altruism actually wants or needs your assistance. Its a lesson in learning to say no and setting personal boundaries of involvement. Establishing a champion mindset means asking yourself how this type of commitment helps you achieve your goals. Its not all about selfless service.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Are You The Bamboo Farmer Or Idea Bagger?
One of the classic writings about living as a champion and reaping the rewards of successful living is Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich. There is an entire chapter devoted to persistence. In fact, he references the word 97 times throughout the book. He was good friends with Henry Ford and Thomas Edison and said the common thread these two men shared, was persistence. They stuck with their vision until they succeeded in bringing it into the world. And they changed the world, Edison with the incandescent light bulb and Ford known for his automobiles. People with a champion mindset are able to carry on even when everyone else has given up. There is an Asian bamboo plant which offers a great metaphor for the concept of persistence. This bamboo plant lies practically dormant for 5 years. The bamboo farmer is persistent in believing that one day hell be able to harvest the bamboo and build a hut for his family to live in. After 5 years he waters it one more time, clears away some weeds and finally sees a hint of growth, like a tip of grass peeking through the soil. Hes heartened by this tiny hint of growth and waters the bamboo again. The next day he returns and finds the bamboo had grown nearly 2 feet overnight! The plant continues this way until reaching nearly 90 feet in about six weeks. THINKING POINT Amazing and true. So heres the question for you to ponder. Did it take over five years for the bamboo to grow 90 feet, or did it take 6 weeks?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: IQ Matters More than Persistence
A high intelligence quotient is not required for a Champion Mindset. But champions have a higher grit quotient. Grit is best defined as the perseverance and passion for a long-term goal and having high levels of it will get you past those tough times. There is enormous interest in how to improve performance and what factors predict success and researchers have investigated some of the individual differences that predict success. One of the differences may be how much Grit someone has. In particular the research tried to explain why some people accomplish more than others, when they are of similar intelligence. Grit was defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals.Grit entails working strenuously toward challenges, maintaining effort and interest over years despite failure, adversity, and plateaus in progress. The gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina. Whereas disappointment or boredom signals to others that it is time to change trajectory and cut losses, the gritty individual stays the course. THINKING POINT Do you have a firm grasp on your vision? One that provides you with excitement and heartfelt belief to keep you moving constantly forward to see it come to life. Or have you bagged that dream and flipped on to your next shiny object?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Filtering Feedback
Champions learn to filter feedback. You will need to filter both positive and negative feedback. First, you will get feedback from friends, family and peers who dont share your vision. Many well-meaning, and sometimes not so well-meaning people, can really dampen our budding dreams. Sometimes even a comment meant in jest can set you off on a tailspin if left unfiltered. Be open to advice, but dont be too open with your game plans. Like-minded Champions will respect your desire to keep specifics to yourself and still have insight from which you can benefit. You have an inner wisdom; that feeling in your gut that too often we overlook. Sometimes is best to filter all the feedback and set it aside deferring to your internal counselor. However, there is another powerful feeling that can cause you to abandon your dream. Fear can be very real, but often its made up of monsters that are our own expansion of a fear. Its your inner warning system designed to keep you from being eaten by the wolf. However, today, these fears end up providing excuses to damper your dream or even dump it altogether. Champions find ways to turn fear into fun. Okay, maybe not fun, but they find ways to overcome or to welcome it because it means they are getting one step closer to realizing their dream. ACTION POINT Write down 3 things that you are postponing doing because you are afraid to resolve them. These are the fears stopping you from realizing your dream. How can you work through these fears? To whom can you talk to about the issues? What would you ask that person?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Persistence Does Not Equal Insanity
One of the most over-used clichs is attributed to Albert Einstein a German physicist. Einstein developed the theory of relativity and was also awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his explanation of the phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect. He came up with a doozy of a definition for insanity and it really clicked (or clichd?). Here it is: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Its so simple its beautiful. So leave it to the inventor of the Theory of Relativity to set us straight on insanity. You see, scientists prove out ideas (their vision) by testing for differences. When results change during the testing process then that is considered scientific progress. When they remain the same, no progress and doing the same thing over and over again is, well, kooky. Being persistent doesnt mean continuing to do the same thing you have been doing and still expecting different results. If you are at a plateau in whatever you are striving, then its time to change up the ingredients. Usually this means getting beyond something you fear, or dread. TAKE AWAY Reflect on your goals. Are you stuck and not achieving things quickly enough or not at all? Ask a member of your trusted circle of mentors or peers how they would handle this blockage. Its not acceptable to keep doing what isnt working for you so try something different.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: What is Fear?
Have you felt these conditions lately? Increased heart rate, clenched jaw, heightened senses or sweaty palms? These are the biological transformations in the human body that control a physical response to fear. Cortisol and adrenaline are released into your bloodstream causing this type of physical response. These are protective measures which are built into your chemistry designed to help you live longer. People who experience extreme exposure to fear often recall the time as being very slow. They knew that they had to do something to save themselves or another. These are protective mechanisms to increase our chances of survival. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes fear becomes maladaptive and causes people to struggle with anxiety, phobias and panic attacks. Fear is also the cause for reasons not to move beyond certain limits or blockades to personal goals. Successful people learn how to embrace their fears in order to move forward in their mission. TAKE AWAY Fear is not a weakness, but a physical response to real or perceived danger. Success is built around learning how to recognize the fear and create a response mechanism the can manage the fear for non-life threatening situations. A Champions Mindset embraces fear recognizing it as the next step towards achieving their goal.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: On Fear: Converting Retreat into Victory
In Franklin D. Roosevelts 1933 Presidential Inaugural Address he coined the phrase which will forever resonate in the heart of a champion. To quote: the only thing we have to fear is fear itself In 1933 the depression was at its worst. Instead of taking an approach focusing on rebuilding America and recovering great financial losses, FDR took a more solemn, even spiritual tone. He used only broad terms as to how he was going to govern and reminded Americans that their purpose in life transcended the financial debacle. He referred to the nations common difficulties which concerned only material things. Here is an excerpt from his speech So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfnameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. TAKE AWAY Having a Champions Mindset involves a deep connection with your belief in your goal. At times, you will need to touch others with a spiritual connection in order to lift them up to take action, to convert fear into progress.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Fearlessness Is Not an Independent Achievement
The notion of being fearless suggests that one does it on their own. To live fearlessly also doesnt mean living without fear. Instead it means that you find a way to put a straightjacket on your fear, walk with fear in front of you, but now you are pushing it forward. You see, as a champion you understand that fear doesnt leave town or go on vacation. You live with fear and move forward together through every accomplishment. That nag is there, still pecking at your drive, but youve managed to get control of fear. Beyond having fear as your success partner, you dont have to get over fear alone. Every successful person deals with fear, some with great bravado, others with quiet strength and still others surround themselves with people who have been there, done that. ACTION STEP Seek out stories or videos about champions living with fear or living fearlessly. Ask a trusted colleague to share a story about how he or she got over a fearful period in their life. Deepen your connections with others so at to receive and to give support through adversity.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: On Fearlessness and Vulnerability
Teddy Roosevelt. You know him as a former US president, in fact the youngest ever to take office prior to John F. Kennedy. He was also the lieutenant colonel who lead the Rough Rider Regiment in the Spanish-American War. He was the guy who loved to say, Speak softly and carry a big stick He also recognized the strategic need for the Panama Canal and made that happen. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War. He expanded and protected conservation in the US by creating national parks and forests in the West, reserved lands for public use, and fostered massive irrigation projects. Teddy understood the relationship between fearlessness and vulnerability. In his 1920 speech he delivered at the Sorbonne, he said: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strived valiantly; who errs, who comes again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. TAKE AWAY Embrace being vulnerable. It means you are in the game. Whether you win or lose, you are in it for real.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Developing a Champion Mindset Requires Failure
Are you sitting on a partially completed project/product fearful of releasing it to the public? Why? If its good then quality isnt an issue. Usually there is some unknown holding you back. Perhaps you fear rejection. This is one of the greatest fears we have. Its in our nature to crave acceptance. Here are some steps you can take to move forward. Ask someone you know to review your product. Tell them you want genuine feedback regarding:

The quality of the project/book. Did they find any grammatical or spelling errors Did the product live up to the promises made in the sales copy Were they disappointed that something wasnt included and what was
that something

On a 5-star scale, how would they rank this product Would they recommend the product and if so, may you reference it as a
testimonial for it This is a powerful stuff because not only do you get your product reviewed, but your reviewers have a new respect for your integrity. Plus, you will get some testimonials you can post to the sales page! ACTION ITEM Dust off that product you are sitting on and roll it out for some pre-release reviews.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: When its Best Not to Be the Best
As a leader you have extraordinary competencies in various aspects of your life. However, dont fall into the pattern of feeling you must excel at everything. Having a competitive spirit is part of the Champion Mindset and so is realizing when its time to let someone else hold the trophy. Then there are times when you know you have to move forward with fear and learn something new or develop a new skill. Contrary to popular belief, knowing how to be the best at something is not that hard. Most of us excel at things we already do well. Sure it takes some effort, some practice, and a bit of time, but being the best at something youre already good at isnt that tough. On the other hand, stepping into a new role or business also means you probably are NOT going to be the best in many areas. When moving into a new career you are passionate about or starting a business from scratch, but have no prior training - now that takes guts. Its also humbling and puts you back in touch with gratitude. TAKE AWAY Now the lesson is to figure out how to connect with others who have the competencies you dont have. Champions know how to ask for help.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: How to Avoid Responses Motivated by Anger
Responses motivated by anger always end up being responses we regret. Instead of providing an immediate retort to someone elses communication, people with a Champion Mindset will let things simmer a bit. If you find yourself in a face-to-face exchange where the other person angers or frustrates you, give yourself a time-out before responding. In fact, a silent response can be deafening. Your angst may be high, but the power returns to you when you think before responding. Here are some tips to help you develop a response to a confrontational or frustrating exchange. 1. Evaluate the intent. Was the other person intending to be confrontational, unkind or rude? If someone is simply being thoughtless, its usually not worth the energy required for a clever retort. If a person is really ignorant, its likely he wont understand your response anyway. That will only add to your frustration. 2. Why are you reacting? Was this a poorly timed exchange? Was the drive into the office awful and now you are going to take it out on another person? Perhaps you dont like the person at all. Nothing they say is going to please you, so dont spend energy on them. If you really disagree with the comment look for a way to respond without making the other person look stupid. 3. What you say is what you are, so who do you want to be? People will remember your response and rate you as the type of person who would make that type of response. Cruel. Kind. Thoughtful. Crafty. Direct. What kind of person do you want to be remembered? 4. Is your relationship with the other person important? If this person is important to your overall objectives, then dont belittle them with a trivial or cruel response. ACTION POINT Think back on times when you wished to take back what you said. In hindsight, how could you have responded like a Champion?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Crisis Management Think Before Speaking (Part 1)
Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. -Napoleon Hill As the leader of your company, your words can wreak havoc. Even if you arent a television or music celebrity, your words are subject to scrutiny. Thoughtless outbursts will instill irreversible damage to your brand. So the first step in averting a brand disaster is to think before speaking. As the spokesperson for your company, how do you react when the company in involved in a crisis? The first days after a disaster can make or break the brands reputation. What you say and do after a crisis can worsen the reputational damage. Think BPs response following the oil rig disaster in 2010. BP deeply underestimated the breadth of the oil leak and the time to repair. BPs chief executive Tony Hayward, tried to minimize the environmental impact, saying it would be very, very modest and that the Gulf of Mexico is a big ocean. That cost him his job. Since the disaster, BP has spent billions in environmental and reputation clean-up. Even if you arent a BP, chances are your company will have to deal with some type of crisis. Take responsibility for the problem; be visible and sensitive to your customers angst and provide them with timely information on a resolution.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Crisis Management Think Before Speaking (Part 2)
How will you deal with a disaster? Hey, things happen. Even the best planned product release has problems caused by factors out of your control. Here are tips for crisis management, be they tiny or massive: 1. Be visible: Dealing with disappointed customers is not an easy time for a leader. However, leaving customers to stew for hours or days without information only fuels public outrage at your brand. If you are the companys support desk then be certain you are available and monitoring email or the phone. 2. Accept responsibility: Do you remember the Tylenol tampering incident when people were poisoned after taking Tylenol? Even though the company firmly believed an outsider tampered with the bottles, Johnson & Johnson accepted and announced a nationwide recall costing them $100 million. The companys chairman, Jim Burke, was later named one of historys ten greatest managers by Fortune in 2003. The companys response to the situation has become a casebook study on crisis management. 3. Just deal with the facts: In the heat of crisis, facts are often jumbled. Keep responses concise and factual. Dont promise a resolution you arent certain you can keep. 4. Be sensitive to your customers angst: Dont trivialize the situation or the impact to their business. Perhaps they have their own customers depending on your product. ACTION ITEM What is your plan for a crisis? Do you have a support structure in place? Would this system be able to address a large problem with product delivery or customer support? What do you need to put in place to plan for problems?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Your Words and Social Media
In todays digital and social marketplace, your words can go global faster and with more impact to your business than ever before in history. While thoughtless sound bites are great fodder for the media, they can turn your reputation to mush. Your words will live on in infamy passed from one Facebook fan to another Twitter follower and so on. Refusing to use social media isnt the answer either. The key is to use caution and thoughtfulness before you shout (type) it out to the world. If you fail to think of the implications of a response, rest assured, someone somewhere has it documented, tweeted or recorded. Then all they need to do is upload the video to YouTube, post a recording to a blog and then share via their favorite social medium. Then Google does the rest of the work making it available to all who search for it.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Encouraging Discussion In Blogs or Social Media
Your business will thrive once you engage people in discussion whether through email, blogs or social media. People are happy to provide feedback and today anyone can connect with your brand using a variety of channels. Of course, there are going to be negative comments, but those serve to strengthen your brand or even spark new product ideas. Here are some tips to get people engaged.


yes/no questions by asking open-ended questions. This means the responder has to provide some thought to the response. You can use this method at the end of a blog post. For example, lets say you are looking for some ideas on topics for informative reports. You could ask, Whats hot in your niche? respectfully. Dont turn off the interaction from people with difficult retorts.

Dont be afraid to disagree or play the "devils advocate." However, do so

Give reasons for your opinion. The because in a sentence is very powerful for swaying opinion. If you can back it up with facts or a story then that is ideal. Dont just toss out opinions to stir the pot. On the other hand, stir up the mix by thinking outside-the-box. Dont be afraid to propose a new idea or ask a probing question to generate conversation. Share tips and resources. Sometimes this is done by backlinks or even inserting excerpts from other blogs. The latter method is referred to a curation and is a powerful method for and is a powerful method for building interest and traffic between blogs.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Sincerity In Leadership
The phrase to fake it till you make it is often heard in the business environment. Its often used to inspire a salesperson to move forward with a sales presentation even though the person isnt very knowledgeable about the product. This gives the wrong impression to those who think they can move through life successfully by faking it. In this case, the better tactic from a leader to the team member would be to instill personal belief that the individual can succeed, even without all the answers. But that belief must be delivered with a sincere heart. Similarly, when someone disappoints, the correction should be made with equal conviction and belief that the individual will make a change to provide the desired result. ACTION STEP Explore your own values and beliefs. Do your actions reflect these ideals?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: The Secret to Dealing with People
Theres a lot written about building relationships with customers and employees, but the only way people ever take action is when they want to do it. Sure, you can intimidate employees into cooperating, but once your back is turned, the work slows and quality degrades. American philosopher, John Dewey, said, The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important. Be the best, be the first, be No. 1, to be on top of the world In 1921, Andrew Carnegie hires Charles Schwab to become the first president of the newly formed United States Steel Company. He was one of the first people in the US to have a million dollar salary back when earning $200 a month was considered well paid. Carnegie hired Schwab for his ability to inspire and motivate people. He said he could find plenty of men to handle operations of a steel mill, but finding someone who could deal with people. As Schwab tells it: "I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people. The greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault." ACTION STEP Seek out someone who does good work for you and praise them, thank them.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: The Difference Between Flattery and Appreciation
People love a compliment. However, does the axiom, Flattery will get you everywhere feel right on you? By that I mean, doesnt it seem shallow? Well, it is because a flattering statement is often delivered without an element of sincerity. In fact, often the flatterer is thinking just the opposite. Thoughtful words which express appreciation for a peer or subordinate do more for the individuals self-esteem than flattery. Do you spend more time nurturing self-esteem in your employees or family members? It seems we earnestly deliver the groceries to feed the family, but do little to nourish the self-esteem of loved ones. Paul Harvey, in one of his radio broadcasts, "The Rest of the Story," told how showing sincere appreciation can change a person's life. He reported that years ago a teacher in Detroit asked Stevie Morris to help her find a mouse that was lost in the classroom. You see, she appreciated the fact that nature had given Stevie something no one else in the room had. Nature had given Stevie a remarkable pair of ears to compensate for his blind eyes. But this was really the first time Stevie had been shown appreciation for those talented ears. Now, years later, he says that this act of appreciation was the beginning of a new life. You see, from that time on he developed his gift of hearing and went on to become, under the stage name of Stevie Wonder, one of the great pop singers and songwriters of the seventies.* And now you knowthe rest of the story.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: The Art of Inspiring
Do you recall the feeling you had the last time you made a significant donation of time or money? If you hadnt wanted that feeling more than you wanted the money or time, then you wouldnt have done it. We take action based upon what we want and that is why having a clear desire or vision precedes defining goals and the steps to achieving the vision. In order to inspire people to take action, you have to help them define their own vision. Once that is in clear, its a lot easier to find out how to motivate someone to want to do their job, task, or pursue a new role. Henry Ford offered great advice on the art of inspiring people. If there is any one secret of success," said Ford, "it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own." ACTION STEP Write down your vision statement and share it with your spouse and a business associate.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: How to Make Friends
Are you challenged when it comes to building strong friendships or bonds? Humans are social creatures, but we are also very self-centered. Not you? Heres a test. Look through your photo files and find a family portrait or even a picture with you and business associates. It doesnt matter if its a professional photo or a casual setting. Just go find a photo of you and a group of people. Open it up and look at it and note the first person you look at. It was you. So heres a secret to making friends. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. ACTION STEPS Make a list of questions you can ask people about their lives. Some questions may be more appropriate for business associates and others for friends or family members. Dont include What did you do today? Or How was your day today? Those types of questions are fairly indifferent. Heres three to get you started: 1. Are you releasing any new products this month? 2. Whats your biggest challenge using social media in your business? 3. I see you have an iPhone. Why did you select that over an Android or Blackberry?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Attitude - Secret Weapon for Success
"A man without a smiling face must not open a shop." Ancient Chinese Proverb Every time you deal with another person your attitude shows up so opt to make it a positive appearance. You probably are young enough to remember Christopher Reeves, an actor remembered for his role as Superman, but even more-so for his ability to navigate through life with a positive attitude even though a tragic fall from a horse left him a quadriplegic. A month after the accident, Reeves rolled his wheelchair onto the stage at the Academy Awards and delivered a special presentation. He was still paralyzed physically, but his Superman attitude was firmly in place. He spent the remainder of his life providing inspiration to others. Most of us face much smaller challenges. The real challenge for each of us is to reflect the wisdom of the French writer Antoine de Saint Exupery who wrote, "The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude toward them." TAKE AWAY As you travel the road to personal success, your attitude is your secret weapon keep it positive.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Isnt it time to move on?
You are not what you think you are. But what you think YOU ARE! Dr. Norman Vincent Peale When you spend your life working at something that doesnt inspire you or worse that you dread it may seem impossible to keep a positive attitude. Chances are your work performance suffers. When this topic comes up in performance reviews, the downward cycle continues. Like so many things in life, attitude is a choice. People choose to be positive or negative. Your success begins in your mind. Attitude is directly related to your own belief that you are on the right course. A person with a positive attitude also influences others in a positive manner. ACTION STEP Heres an attitude quiz:

A person with a positive attitude thinks [I can/I cant.] A person with a positive attitude dwells on [problems/solutions.] A person with a positive attitude finds [fault/goodness] in others. A person with a positive attitude focuses on [what they dont have/their blessings.] A person with a positive attitude sees [opportunities/limitations.]

Can you sum up the positives? I bet you can!

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Wash Your Window
Have you been told no a few times? It seems thats the way were taught to raise our children. In fact, some people feel compelled to threaten their child when he or she fails to behave in the desired manner.

Teachers criticize and mark up papers with red xs to make sure we see
our error

Children in schools ridicule others for the way they look, speak or respond
to questions

Rejection from lovers and friends Stagnancy in job role and wages No recognition for efforts above and beyond
All this negativity clouds our window view of the world. Its easy to become bitter and frustrated trying to see out a grimy window. So whos responsible for washing away the crud on your window? Your boss, spouse or kids? The longer you sit and stew behind a dirty window, the more negative you will become about your future. The choice is yours. Its not as hard as you think it is to wipe that window clean. Watch as the view clears and you see whole world full of opportunity and adventure waiting for you. ACTION STEP Ask a peer and a family member to keep track of every time your negative attitude appears. They just need to make a tick on a piece of paper. At the end of the day, tally up the ticks and pay your scorekeepers a quarter for each negative point. Do this for 5 days. Your goal is to own nothing by the end of Day 5.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Affirmations for a Positive Attitude
Our subconscious thoughts account for our success. Affirmations can help overrule subconscious negativity. Here are some tips for using affirmations: Commit to setting time aside for repeating affirmations. You only need 5-10 minutes

Choose affirmations that are not too long If possible, choose to write out your affirmations first, then speak them aloud Dedicate focus to the time spent with affirmations. Dont mix affirmations
when doing other activities

Relax as you write or say affirmations Create affirmations you choose to believe Create a mental picture to use with the affirmation Say affirmations in the present tense, not future. For example, instead of
saying, I will publish a book this year say I am publishing my book this year and visualize it! By stating what you want to be true in your life in the present tense, you tell the universe that the time is now. TAKE AWAY Write out 5 affirmations.

Say your 5 affirmations aloud. Say your 5 affirmations to yourself. Do they feel good on you? You may
need to adjust them over time and thats ok.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Hangout with a Positive Crowd
You werent born with an attitude. You learn an attitude from the company you keep. Your parents may have imprinted a poor attitude on you. They never meant harm and were reacting to their own circumstances, making their own choices in positioning their attitude. They were clouding their personal attitude-window. So your learned behavior created negative attitudes. Even work-at-home professionals who arent integrated with their teammates physically, are not immune from negative attitudes which become apparent in telephone conversations, internet chat sessions, email and similar virtual collaboration. While you may not be able to completely disassociate from these people, you can limit the time spent with them. Set aside time to connect virtually online with people exhibiting positive attitudes. You may find a new dimension to networking by attending offline business meetings, trade-shows and community events, too. Expand your attitudinal latitude! ACTION STEP Seek out mastermind groups available in your niche. These may be groups found on Skype, Facebook, through paid internships or coaching. Of course, there are offline business groups such as Business Network International (BNI), local chambers of commerce, MeetUp groups, and similar business groups. Seek out the people with positive attitudes and a Champion Mindset.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Integrity in Business
In biblical times, people didnt use stone tablets to draft contracts or business deals. Business agreements were sealed with verbal promises. Today, an oral agreement is also binding by law, but if there is no witness to attest to the agreement its hard to prove in court. As you face new opportunities or challenges, remember that you are an ambassador to a higher purpose. Your role is to show the highest integrity in all facets of your life. If you have employees, or children, they will take note and know when you do right by them. Your reputation is built on whether or not you keep your word. Your brand is also a promise to commit to certain levels of quality and service. Establishing a brand also helps you make decisions on what to offer your customers. If you are tempted to introduce a cheaper ingredient into your brand, consider what ramifications it has on your brands promise. For example, lets say you own a restaurant where your brands promise is to use local inseason produce in offered menu items. However, there are times when locally grown lettuce isnt available. How will using lettuce bought through the grocery, therefore not locally grown, impact your brands promise? Should you let patrons know that the lettuce isnt available? Or should you just let it go? After all, these things happen and you just cant stop serving salads because local lettuce isnt available. TAKE AWAY Does your business brand need reevaluation? Will you be able to live up to your brands promise or is it at risk.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Unleashing Greatness (Part 1)
I first learned of Lewis Howes when I found his Linked influence product. Howes is a former professional Arena football player and currently on the USA Mens National Handball Team. Lewis is a lifestyle entrepreneur who built a seven-figure business in two years while starting out sleeping on his sisters couch. I want to share his 4 of his 9 points for unleashing your inner greatness. 1. Focus on things you can control: Are you a worrier? Do you worry about things for which you have no control or responsibility? You control your own thoughts and actions. Dont waste time worrying about what everyone else is doing and focus on your goal. 2. Play to win: Put your best effort on the line and dont play to lose. 3. Leave it all on the playing field: Dont hold back and if you lose do so gracefully. 4. Forget failures: Learn from your failed attempts then forget them. Football players know this one well. The most important action they can take after dropping the ball is to develop amnesia about the mistake, not dwell on it for the rest of the game or season.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Unleashing Greatness (Part 2)
In my last tip I introduced former arena football player turned motivational speaker and lifestyle consultant, Lewis Howes. For a guy who started his new career by sharing an apartment with his sister, Howes is an example for how to make a transition into a brilliant new career. Today he runs a seven figure business, has graced lists such as Details Magazines 5 Internet Gurus Who Can Make You Rich and Incomediary.coms 50 Most Influential People in Blogging. He writes motivational articles with exciting title like How to Unleash Your Inner Greatness and Kick Ass. But be assured you dont need to become someone, just be who you are. Think twice before trading your identity or integrity for any amount of fame, money, or monetary gains. 5. Dont compromise who you are: You dont need to become someone, just be who you are. Think twice before trading your identity or integrity for any amount of fame, money, or monetary gains. 6. Celebrate small victories as they help you reach your goals. 7. Dont be seduced by your own success: Dont feel youve finally arrived because that usually means you are standing still. 8. Always, always, always keep improving: Just because you hit the target once doesnt mean you are done. 9. Mentor others: Pass it on. Learn from others. Pay it forward.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Integrity Questions in the Job Interview (Part 1)
If you have ever interviewed for a job its likely the focus was more on your skills and experience. Today, you should prepare to answer questions dealing with integrity. In fact, even if you arent interviewing for a job and you are the face of your own business, its a good idea to think through your responses to these questions. If you cant come up with a sincere response, then theres work to be done. 1. Why is there a gap in your work history? Honestly list activities you did during a period of unemployment. Training for new skills, freelancing, and volunteer work or caring for family members are positive responses. How will you respond? 2. Can you think of a recent problem in which old solutions wouldnt work? The interviewer is looking for how knowledgeable you are in todays workplace and what new creative ideas you have to solving problems. 3. What would the person who likes you least in the world say about you? Highlight an aspect of your personality that could initially seem negative, but is ultimately a positive. 4. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? Willingness to take risks is considered positive because you are ready to reach beyond your normal responses and extend your experiences. Prepare to recount how you pursued something risky, failed and rebounded or succeeded. 5. Have you ever had a supervisor challenge your behavior? How? How did you manage that? Prepare to share the lesson learned in your response. ACTION STEP Think through and write out your responses to these questions.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: 5 More Integrity Interview Questions (Part 2)
This is a continuation of integrity interview questions presented in the former tip. 6. Describe a time when you were part of a project or planning team that could not agree. The interviewer wants to understand how you handled this situation and what you learned from it. Explain what actions you took to develop consensus and the result. 7. If you could change one thing about your last job what would it be? Avoid people references and stick with technology issues. 8. Explain x (where x is something in your industry) to an 8-year old. This sounds like a trick question, but your response shows how well-versed you are in your area of expertise. 9. Tell me about yourself. For many candidates, this request is one of the toughest to respond. Keep things brief and cover: early years, education, work history, and recent career experience. 10. Why should we hire you? If you prepared for this question you are ahead of 90 percent of candidates. Have a clear understanding of the position and articulate why your past experiences can benefit the company. ACTION STEP Think through and write out your responses to these questions.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Building a Reputation as a Leader by being Helpful
One of the fastest ways to expand your reputation as a leader is by helping others. Even if your role is not as an official manager, you can position yourself as a leader within your organization by helping your team be successful. It can be tough to take on a new problem or challenge when youve already got your hands full of your direct responsibilities. Ignore the temptation to push off questions or requests for help, instead take them on. While you are at it, start compiling a Frequently Asked Question list to share with your team. Encourage people to ask questions and make the answers available throughout the organization or within the team. This is similar to teaching people how to fish. Once they know the proper procedure or where to find the answers they have the power to be more productive. Encourage lessons learned sessions where people can share what went wrong, how the situation was handled and how to prevent it from reoccurring. Recognize and reward helpfulness. Thank others for what you learned from them or for what they contributed to the success of a project. ACTION STEP Think of someone who helped you resolve a problem or challenge. Write down what they did and how you benefitted. Call that person and offer a sincere thank you. Think of someone you know who is struggling and think of how you could help them. Do it.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: When Being Helpful Does More Harm Than Good
Sometimes providing a helping hand can do more harm than good. Have you helped someone who continues to return for more assistance when what they really need to do is to extend their own capabilities or experience? Thats a situation where continuing to provide help doesnt benefit the situation it only makes the recipient dependant. Carefully determine the extent others are capable of and responsible for helping themselves. Sometimes continuing to help reinforces their belief that they are incapable of doing something. Youve probably heard the saying, Give a man a fish and hell eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and hell never go hungry. In order for someone to be able to fish and eat the fish, they have to get past their angst at putting the bait on the hook or cleaning the fish. As a leader, your role is to help others get stronger, more capable and more confident. Sometimes that means withholding a helping hand.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Do You Allow Team Members to be Great with Customers?
Often customer support teams are drilled in process and procedures. The idea is that this speeds up response times, provides a consistent customer experience and reliable responses. So what happens when a team member offers assistance above and beyond the standard code? Is she told that was out-of-line and against company policy? Is it better to stick with policy and create a legion of mechanical responses with team members just going through the motions? Is it enough to provide brisk responses and then move on to the next person in the support queue? In a world revolving around social connections, its time to look at a broader system where employees can embrace customer service. Sometimes helping customers understand the response does more to strengthen brand relations rather than just providing the solution. Some ideas might be providing an online newsletter, FAQ page, and How-to Videos. ACTION ITEM Ask your support team if they have suggestions for ways they can be more helpful to customers. Find out their ideas on how to implement their suggestions.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: New Loyalty Strategy Relevant Helpfulness
What does the Geek Squad and Vanderbilt University Medical Center know about building relationships? They realize that the key to building a sustainable business, even if the organization is a renowned medical university, is to become the top-ofmind choice for IT needs and medical training. Their new strategy is to understate the importance of a sale by finding ways instead to help their customers. In his book Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype, author Jay Baer states that "Sell something, and you make a customer. Help someone, and you make a customer for life." The helpfulness is both online and in-store. Here are some tips for creating a culture of helpfulness:

Show favoritism: Give ultra-exclusive offers to the biggest spenders. Serve others in difficult situations: When companies create new solutions for

people who are in tough situations, they not only win fans from those helped, but often win extra media coverage. While free advertising shouldnt be the motivation for action, who is to argue with the added benefit?

More convenience, fewer hassles: How can you reduce the number of steps customers must take to complete a transaction or inquiry? Can you make it more fun? Add an unexpected bonus: In the online world the bonus is almost as expected as the actual product. So much so that its almost an afterthought and not a bonus. Instead of a lot of bravado about extra bonuses, include an unexpected delight.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Mentoring to Develop Leaders & Loyal Supporters
Do you have a team member who shows promise of being a strong leader? Mentoring others is a great way to put your own knowledge and skills to the test. In fact, its your experience using your knowledge and developing skills that make you the best person to mentor new leaders in your organization. Dont have time? Your business wont grow without new leaders. Developing leadership skills in people is as important as keeping up with product sales and delivery. The other side of mentoring is when you become a paid coach. Coaching is a great way to develop partners and get paid to do it. By teaching others how to perform advanced marketing skills, for example, you open up opportunities for them to make more money. In doing so, often those you mentored return with new opportunities for your business. ACTION STEP Is there a coach inside you waiting to get out? Think of areas where you could train or coach others.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: What Comes First? Ambition or Motivation
Motivation cant occur without ambition. Ambition is linked to your vision. If you havent defined that, then your ambition level is weak and you wont have motivation to pursue the vision. This quote from Napoleon Hill pretty well sums up the notion of ambition. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat. ACTION STEP Review your vision or ambition. What goals are you most motivated to complete? What goals are you procrastinating?

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Free-lancers, Interns and Team Motivation
When people have little interest in a position or role, its very difficult to motivate them. This is one of the challenges using freelance services. Free-lancers may not be motivated by learning opportunities, greater responsibility, or challenging projects. Generally, they are happy to keep the status quo in job responsibilities. Money is often a freelancers key motivator. On the other hand, interns who aspire to be the best at some aspect of the profession are easily motivated by new challenges and learning opportunities. So if you are looking for someone to augment specific areas of your business, consider hiring and training an intern. On team motivation: It's important to get to know the individuals within your team. The more you know about their personal lives and goals, the better you'll be able to structure rewards that keep them motivated. What motivates one person may be a big turn-off to another. For instance, a good way to motivate single parents might be to offer them flexible working hours, or on-site day-care. On the other hand, the day-care wouldnt be a motivating influence for team members who dont have kids. The flex-time idea may be attractive to them, but finding out other interests will give insight to better ways to motivate these people.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Tips for Staying Motivated
Whether you are building a business or working at a job, never forget that your role exists for a reason. Finding the meaning in what you do is the key to staying motivated. Once you understand how your role helps others, then it becomes easier to take satisfaction even in small wins and yes, even the boring parts of the job. No one can focus effectively for eight hours straight. Consider setting up blocks of time to focus on specific projects or tasks. Take a short walk or do a 5-minute stretching routine. Even a little amount of exercise will get your blood flowing, help relieve stress, and help you focus better. Recognize that you have natural talents. Find ways to incorporate them into your role. Performing things you do well will keep you motivated. ACTION STEP Write down the three things you are naturally good at. Are you good at writing, graphics, singing, finding grammar errors, etc? Write them down and think of ways to put them to work for you.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: How Tony Robbins Gets Out of a Slump
Even the most ambitious and motivated leaders can find themselves in a slump. Slumps are dangerous obstacles and you cant let yourself simmer in a slump. Motivational speaker, author and all around example of someone with a Champion Mindset, Tony Robbins, offers 16 tips for getting out of a slump. Im summarizing the first 8 in this tip and the last 8 will be in the next tip! 1. One Goal: Do you have a lot going on and getting nothing done? Trying to do too many tasks can lead to a slump. Its hard to focus on accomplishing anything when you try to accomplish too many goals at once. Instead, pick one goal and focus on it completely. Start with a small goal you can accomplish in a few days. 2. Find inspiration: YouTube is a fabulous source of inspirational videos. Start your day reading or watching something inspirational. 3. Get excited: Have you talked about your goal with someone? Writing it down, reading it aloud, visualizing and speaking about a goal will keep you out of slumpmode. 4. Build anticipation: Have you thought about the build-up for achieving your goal? Its not unlike a build-up for a product release. Robbins offers a twist to this. Instead of starting a goal today postpone it. Yes, postpone it. Set a Start Date for beginning the process to complete your goal. Watch how you get excited about starting it. This excitement will carry you forward. 5. Post your goal: Write out your goal in big words and post it. Use Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram to share your goal with fans and friends. Too scary? Start by printing out the goal and post it to several places you frequent in your home. If you can present the goal as an image and print that out thats even better for visualization. 6. Commit publicly: See above. Or if social media is too public, just share it with your family, a friend or colleague. Then provide updates to your progress. 7. Think about it daily: This helps to motivate and remindjust in case you forget. While you think about the goal, visualize completing it. Then add a little more to it. For example, if you want to make enough sales over the next 30 days to buy a new computer then add on another component or some software. 8. Get Support: This can be the same people with whom you shared your goal, or online support forums, community groups, etc. You are not alone.
52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: More Unslumping Tips from Tony Robbins
In my last tip I shared the first 8 of 16 techniques Tony Robbins uses to get out of a slump. Here are the last 8 tips. 9. Realize that theres an ebb and flow: Everything in life is a cycle with ups and downs. Re-read your goal, say it aloud heck, shout it out and watch your internal motor kick into gear. 10. Stick with it: Chances are you are going to run into bumps or mountains along the way to completing your goal. Just stick with it. Talk about the issue with people who are aware of your goal. They will help you find a resolution. 11. Start small. Really small: Sometimes the reasons we postpone or stop pursuing a goal is that we start too big. That doesnt mean you should forgo your vision, but you need to break it down into some smaller goals. 12. Build on small successes: This goes back to pursuing one, simple goal. Allow yourself to succeed. You cant fail if you start with something really easy. Take that successful feeling and build on it, with another baby step. 13. Read about it daily: I thought this was really novel. I never thought about reading about my goal. When you find yourself in a slump, read a book about achieving your goal. For some reason, reading can help motivate and focus you. 14. Call for help when your motivation ebbs: This is slightly different than the earlier tip to get support. That reference was more about joining a group or forum with people who can provide support because theyve been there too. Here, you are asking for help. Get a partner bounce ideas off or to join you. For example, buddy up to lose a pound a week. 15. Think about the benefits, not the difficulties: Do you always look for the difficulties in doing something? Looking for the problems that can happen usually causes us to kill the dream. Instead, think about the benefits, the reasons why you want to achieve your goal. This will lift you up out of the doldrums. 16. Squash negative thoughts; replace them with positive ones: Monitor your thoughts and hang up the phone when you start having a non-belief or negative conversation with yourself.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Being Strong And Fit Will Help You Be A Champion
A strong body leads to a strong life. Strength physically can help you become more assertive, bold, and confident and creates more energy, better stress management and a lower chance of depression and other diseases. If you want all-encompassing success, you need to take care of your health, and body. If you want to be optimal, and at your best in every sense of the word, you again, have to include your body on the list of important things that will make you successful. Your mind and body are connected and intertwined. The health of one effects the others not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. The problem: as your career grows, you become more successful, some may even have a family, and as a result your body and your health and fitness are put on the backburner. As your body becomes less healthy, you have less energy, less confidence, and this correlates to a lack of success in other areas of your life as well. ACTION STEP If you are not already implement and perform a proper exercise program at least 2-3 times each week. That program should include both strengthening exercise and interval training. Following this type of program means every minute you spend is quality and time efficient to obtain best results for successful people. This will help you build a stronger, more resilient, and better-looking body that will improve other areas of your life as well.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Taking Responsibility
When you blame others, you give up your power to change. - Unknown Have you heard the saying hes a product of his environment? Ive heard it used to reference criminal or abusive behavior. Do you believe your situation is related to not being given the right opportunities? Are you a product of a bad environment? People choose to leave behind poverty, imprisonment and abuse to become successful leaders. Look at Nelson Mandela as an example. The South African activist and former president helped bring an end to apartheid in South Africa and is a renowned advocate for human rights. Heres a snippet from regarding Mandellas history. beginning in the 1940s, he was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against the white minoritys oppressive regime in a racially divided South Africa. His actions landed him in prison for nearly three decades and made him the face of the antiapartheid movement both within his country and internationally. Released in 1990, he participated in the eradication of apartheid and in 1994 became the first black president of South Africa Now there is taking responsibility for the future. Imagine experiencing freedom for the first time in 30 years and then running as a black African for president in a strongly apartheid country. And winning! Not taking responsibility may be less demanding, less painful and mean less time spent in the unknown. Its more comfortable. You can just take it easy and blame problems in your life on someone else or something else your environment. But there is always a price to pay. When you dont take responsibility for your life you give away your personal power.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life
Ziglar died at age 86. A World War II veteran, Zig Ziglar became the top sales person in several organizations before striking out on his own as a motivational speaker and trainer. With a Southern charm and lessons grounded in Christianity, Ziglar wrote over two dozen books and amassed a following of millions who were encouraged by his lessons for success. Below are 10 quotes from Zig Ziglar that have the power to completely change the direction of ones life. 10. Remember that failure is an event, not a person. 9. You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want. 8. People often say motivation doesnt last. Neither does bathingthats why we recommend it daily. 7. There has never been a statue erected to honor a critic. 6. People dont buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons. 5. Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. 4. If you go looking for a friend, youre going to find theyre scarce. If you go out to be a friend, youll find them everywhere. 3. A goal properly set is halfway reached. 2. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. 1. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: The Power of Taking Responsibility
Blame sets in motion a self-feeding cycle of excuses for failing. Part of the power of taking responsibility for your actions is that you silence the negative voice in your head. When you spend your thinking time on success and goal accomplishment, instead of on making excuses, you free up the emotional space inhabited by negativity. Worry is another aspect of not taking responsibility. Sometimes I think we are rather sadistic species when wed rather spend more time worrying than visualizing success. The strength behind taking responsibility is you remove the power from others or conditions to make you fail. You own the power to find the solution, to make the due date, to believe in your mission and succeed. When you take responsibility, others cant take that away from you. According to a recent RBS survey, a record number of young people are starting their own business. However, the survey also reported that more than 60 percent of the surveyed women admitted that fear of failure would stop them trying to start their own business, compared with just over 50 per cent of men. ACTION STEP Write down one thing you blame for your current situation. Next, determine how you can take responsibility and remove that roadblock.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Compassion and Leading People
Here are some tips to leading your team with more compassion and less judgment. Employees want to be understood. Too often leaders rush to judgment without taking time to gather all the information necessary for making a decision. If you are struggling with team performance or facing difficult layoff decisions, a good rule to follow is to seek first to understand. Encourage team members to speak with you as part of an open door type management philosophy. Or offer them an alternative listening point. This is usually a different manager or department leader not directly related to your team such as the human resource department. Employees appreciate appreciation. Warren Buffett is the highly successful chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. He took a cue from Charles Schwabs people management style and never misses a chance to praise his managers in private or at public celebrations. Employees want to be heard. Bernard Baruch, the business advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt said, Most of the successful people Ive known are ones who do more listening than talking. Employees work better when they are in an environment where their ideas are heard and their opinions solicited.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Compassion is Good for Business
More than 80 percent of US workers say that their jobs cause them stress. Stress leads to poor productivity and health problems. In fact, workplace stress has been linked to coronary heart disease. Poor health means higher medical costs. 52 percent of employees report that workplace stress led them to look for a new job, decline a promotion, or leave a job. Heres a question for you. Why are we moved to tears when we see selfless acts of courage and kindness from one stranger to another? When we witness an act of kindness we often are left with a desire to help another person. In doing so, we feel that is helps us to become a better person. Creating a culture of compassion where employees and managers help each other leads to a happier and more productive workplace. A 2005 study found that when managers were fair and self-sacrificing, employees experienced a state of heightened well-being, and were more likely to feel loyal to their company and act kindly toward their co-workers. TAKE AWAY Is being compassionate one of your leadership values? As you go through your week, look for people showing acts of compassion. It may be at work, on the news or other media. Have a heightened awareness for acts of compassion and look for opportunities where you can extend an offer to help.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


Subject: Be Generous When Youre Hungry
Marketing and leadership guru, Seth Godin, offered this insight: "It's difficult to be generous when you're hungry. Yet being generous keeps you from going hungry. Hence the conflict." As we go about pursuing our goals, we need to get something from others: get websites designed, get articles written, get new products tested, and so on. Instead of focusing on what you need, take a step back and look at the value you provide. Caring about the quality of the product and service you deliver creates a culture of prosperity. This can extend beyond your inventory to help employees understand the value they add into the mix. You have to help others before you can ever expect that they will help you. Give first. Help them, praise them, share with them, and introduce them. Feminist thinker Simone de Beauvoir believed that caring for others was what gave life meaning. She wrote, One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, and compassion.

52 Tips and Inspirations for Developing and Maintaining a Champion Mindset Copyright 2014 Carolyn Hansen


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