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Presented by: BSN !" # Gr$%& ' ! Chua, Michelle France O. Costales, Ronida L Cristobal, Jo-anne V. Cubos, Maria Excelsa C. De Guz an, Eri!a "ianca #. Del Rosario, Mar$in %. Dizon, &e''ler (annes %. Do in)o, *$e)ail ". Do in)o, Dionebe Jane M. Duru, Mar+)race L. Estrella, Christian R. Gonza)a, Jean-%etit *.

Marcelino #antos Rese(r)* Ad+,ser


*''ro$al #heet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i *c!no/led)e ent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii *bstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii

C*(&ter I THE PROBLE- AND ITS BAC.GROUND 0ntroduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#tate ent o1 the %roble ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conce'tual Fra e/or! -------------------------------------------------------------------------2heoretical Fra e/or! --------------------------------------------------------------------------(+'othesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#i)ni1icance o1 the #tud+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------#co'e and Li itations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------De1inition o1 2er s --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

C*(&ter II REVIE/ OF RELATED LITERATURES Related Literature --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#+nthesis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C*(&ter III RESEARCH DESIGN AND -ETHODOLOGY Research Desi)n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------%o'ulation and #a 'le-------------------------------------------------------------------------Research Locale---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Research 0nstru ent----------------------------------------------------------------------------Ethical Considerations--------------------------------------------------------------------------Data Collection and Data %rocessin)-------------------------------------------------------#tatistical 2reat ent-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


C*(&ter V SU--ARY0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECO--ENDATIONS #u ar+ o1 Findin)s----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reco endations--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


BIBLIOGRAPHY A&&r$+(1 S*eet 2his under)raduate thesis entitled 32he %re1erence o1 1ourth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ on the di11erent 1ields o1 nursin)5 has been 're'ared and sub itted b+ Grou' ,.- "#6.-7 in 'artial 1ul1ill ent o1 the re8uire ents 1or the de)ree in "achelor o1 #cience in 6ursin). 0t has been exa ined and is reco 'resentation. 9999999999999999999999999999 Marcelino #antos :Research *d$iser; *''ro$ed b+ the co ittee on Oral Exa ination /ith a )rade o1 99999. ended 1or acce'tance and a''ro$al 1or oral

99999999999999999999999999999999 *ssociate Dean, 0nstitute o1 6ursin) Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+

*cce'ted and a''ro$ed in 'artial 1ul1ill ent o1 the re8uire ents 1or the de)ree o1 "achelor o1 #cience in 6ursin).

9999999999999999999999999999999999 Glenda #. *r8uiza, R.6 M*6 %h.D Dean, 0nstitute o1 6ursin)

Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ A)2n$31ed4e5ent 2he researchers /ould li!e to extend their heart1elt )ratitude and dee' a''reciation to the 1ollo/in) 'ersons /ho had been $er+ si)ni1icant 1or research 'a'er 'ossible< First and 1ore ost, to our *l i)ht+ Father /ho has al/a+s been there 1or us to continuousl+ )i$e us the stren)th, /isdo , !no/led)e and 'atience to 1inish this stud+. (e has been our )uide all throu)h out the stud+ and has ser$ed to be our $er+ ins'iration that a idst all hardshi's, (e is there to hel' us. 2han! +ou 1or all the blessin)s +ou ha$e 'oured onto us. 2o #ir Marcelino #antos, our 6ursin) Research ad$iser, than! +ou 1or the ti e and e11ort +ou ha$e sho/n to hel' us 1inish this stud+. =ou hel'ed and )uide us 1ro the start and /e are $er+ )rate1ul 1or e$er+thin) +ou ha$e tau)ht us. 2han! +ou to our 'arents /ho, in all /a+s, ha$e been $er+ su''orti$e and understandin) to our needs as researchers. 2he+ ha$e been 1inanciall+, e otionall+ and s'irituall+ su''orti$e to us and /e are than!1ul to ha$e the . 2o our res'ondents 1ro acco students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+, /ho ha$e been a!in) this

odatin), understandin) and coo'erati$e to us all throu)h out the stud+. 2o us, "#6.-7 Grou',.-, /ho sho/ed the 1ortitude and dri$e to do this stud+,

than! +ou 1or the coo'eration and the un1or)ettable a!in) this stud+ a success.

e ories /e all shared to)ether in

*nd to all our class ates, 1riends and to those 'eo'le /ho had been $er+ su''orti$e, hel'1ul, and understandin) e$en in the least /a+ 'ossible, /e than! +ou 1or e$er+thin). God bless us all>


2his stud+ sou)ht to deter ine the e11ecti$eness o1 cocoa in lo/erin) the blood 'ressure o1 +oun) adults a)es -.-?@ in "aran)a+ Co e bo, Ma!ati Cit+, /hich could lead to the de$elo' ent o1 're-h+'ertensi$e to h+'ertensi$e conditions o1 the res'ondents. 2hirt+ res'ondents /ho /ere either ?@ +ears old /ere screened 1ro ale o1 1e ale /hose a)es ran)ed 1ro -.-

"aran)a+. Co e bo, Ma!ati Cit+. 2he res'ondents

ust ha$e the /ill to 'artici'ate and able to ans/er 8uestions indicated. 2he research /as a 8uasi ex'eri ental t+'e. 2he res'ondents under/ent cocoa 'ro)ra )i$en cocoa su''le entation 1or t/o /ee!s. Continuous and /ere

onitorin) /as also done.

2he researchers concluded that

C*(&ter I THE PROBLE- AND ITS BAC.GROUND %lannin) the 1uture eans settin) u' a )oal. #ettin) a )oal in$ol$es choosin) the

ri)ht 'ath. Choosin) the ri)ht 'ath indicates choosin) /hat +ou reall+ desire. *s )raduatin) students, it is $ital to 'lan ahead. 0t in$ol$es not Aust the usual 'lannin). 0t in$ol$es a!in) thorou)h decision o1 /hat +ou reall+ /ant and /hat a!e +ou 1eel

1ul1illed. Facin) the tou)h challen)e o1 choosin) a nursin) career can be o$er/hel in). 2he 1ourth +ear students /ho are )raduatin) ust a!e a decision on /hat 1ield o1

nursin) the+ /ill 'ursue a1ter the+ )raduated and ha$e 'assed the board exa . Chosen nursin) career b+ the 1ourth +ear students should ha$e a har onious blend /ith their s!ills, 'ersonalit+, interests and education or ex'osure to the 1ield. Once their interests are de1ined, the+ ha$e to 'onder about /hat nursin) career 'aths are a$ailable in a s'eci1ic 'lace. *1ter the+ ha$e thou)ht about it, the+ can no/ 'ursue /hat nursin) career the+ /ould /ant. *ccordin) to Lelani 2eru+a, 36ursin) o11ers an+ indi$idual challen)es, the

o''ortunit+ to do di11erent thin)s, and the chance to /or! in di11erent 'laces. 0t is a 'ro1ession that o11ers a $ariet+ o1 e 'lo+ ent and career o''ortunities, 1ro /or!in) in

a hos'ital and clinic to doin) research /or!. #o e nurses are e$en sel1-e 'lo+ed. (a$in) the ri)ht s!ills, !no/led)e, and abilities are necessar+ to 'er1or tas!s o1 'ro$idin) health care. 2he researchers co e u' /ith this 'ro'osal because 1ourth +ear students are soon to beco e re)istered nurses. *s the+ beca e a re)istered nurse there /ill be a


an+ dail+

ti e /hich the+ /ill need to choose /hich nursin) 'ath the+ /ill soon ta!e. *s the+ read this stud+ the+ /ill consider the di11erent 1actors that /ill hel' the nursin) Aob the+ /ill ta!e and /ill hel' and )uide the St(te5ent $6 &%r&$se "ased on the 1ore)oin) 're ises, this stud+ ai s to hel' the 1ourth +ear nursin) studentsB thin! o1 their as'irations a1ter )raduation, /hich /ould be a )uide in choosin) /hat nursin) career the+ /ill 'ursue in the 1uture and the 're1erence and reasons that /ill a11ect the choice o1 career o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in FE4.
Rese(r)* 7%est,$ns 2his research stud+ /ill 1ocus on deter inin) the 're1erence o1 1ourth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ on the di11erent 1ields o1 nursin). #'eci1icall+, this stud+ sou)ht ans/ers to the 1ollo/in) 8uestions< ,. Chat is the studentsD -. Chat is the studentsD ?. Chat is the ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) studentsD ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear 1e ale nursin) ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear ale nursin)

decide in /hich

to ha$e a better li1e in the 1uture.

E. Chat is the )reatest 1actor that in1luences the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in choosin) their 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin)D Hy&$t*es,s (+'othesis :%olit and "ec!, -..E; is the state ent o1 the researchersB ex'ectations about the relationshi' bet/een the $ariables under in$esti)ation.

,. Male Eth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ 're1erred hos'ital nursin) as their 1ield o1 choice in nursin) -. Fe ale Eth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ 're1erred hos'ital nursin) as their 1ield o1 choice in nursin) ?. Most o1 the Eth +ear nursin) student o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ 're1erred hos'ital nursin) as their 1ield o1 choice in nursin) E. Eth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ are in1luenced b+ their 1a ilies, 1riends and the 'eo'le in the societ+ re)ardin) their 1ield o1 choice in nursin).

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY *ccordin) to %olit and "ec! :-..E;. a crucial 1actor in selectin) a 'roble to be

studied is a si)ni1icance in nursin)-es'eciall+ to nursin) 'ractice. E$idence o1 the stud+ should ha$e the 'otential o1 contributin) eanin)1ull+ to nursin) 'ractice.

3E$er+thin) /orth doin) is /orth doin) /ell,5 is an old sa+in) about success. 0t is necessar+ that one is 1ond o1 and $alues an+thin) heFshe do to beco e success1ul. 2his stud+ ai s to deter ine the 're1erence o1 1ourth +ear nursin) students on the $arious 1ields o1 nursin). 2hus< N%rs,n4 Pr()t,)e 2o the nurses, this /ill be o1 )reat hel' 1or the s!ills o1 their 1ield. N%rs,n4 Ed%)(t,$n 2o the 'ro1essors, this stud+ /ill hel' the to deter ine /hat are the subAect because o1 their aster+ in the

atters that can be tau)ht and 'rioritized to the inco in) 1ourth +ear.

2o the school ad inistrator, this stud+ /ill also ser$e as an e+e o'ener 1or the to reco)nize /hat 1ield o1 nursin) students ostl+ 're1erred.

2o the nursin) census, this stud+ /ill ser$e as a 1uture de o)ra'hic distribution basis as to /hat 1ield o1 nursin) /ill be N%rs,n4 rese(r)* 2o the 1uture researcher, the+ can )ain 1unda ental ideas, based on the results o1 this stud+, /hich ser$e as re1erence 1or the co in) studies and researches co$erin) the sa e subAect area. C$55%n,ty 2o the co 1or the unit+, the+ can bene1it b+ ha$in) s!illed nurses in their co unit+ ost e 'lo+ed.

to 1ocus and )i$e attention to the 'roble s 'resent in their 'lace.

SCOPE AND LI-ITATION 2his stud+ is con1ined to the assess ent o1 the 1ields o1 nursin) that is ost

're1erred b+ the 1ourth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+. 2hese 1ields o1 nursin) are as 1ollo/s< hos'ital nursin), 'ri$ate-dut+ nursin), co occu'ational or industrial health nursin), nurse 'ractitioner, nurse unit+ health nursin), ilitar+ nursin), certi1ied

id/i1e, and nurse educator. 0n addition, this stud+ assessed their !no/led)e on

their 're1erred 1ield and the 1actors considered b+ the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in choosin) that s'eci1ic 1ield. 2he researchers li it this stud+ to six hundred se$ent+ t/o :7G-; 1ourth +ear nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ in #a 'aloc, Manila as res'ondents throu)h the use o1 #lo$inHs ade8uac+ o1 sa 'le techni8ue.


ASSU-PTIONS *ccordin) to %olit and "ec! :-..E;, assu 'tions re1er to a basic 'rinci'le that is belie$ed to be true /ithout true 'roo1 o1 $eri1ication. 2he 1ollo/in) are the assu 'tions o1 the researchers. ,. 2hat students based their 1ield o1 choice re)ardin) to their ex'osure to di11erent areas in the hos'itals. -. 2hat students based their 1ield o1 choice re)ardin) to the to'ics tau)ht to the . ?. 2hat students based their 1ield o1 choice re)ardin) to their 1a il+Bs inco e. onthl+

E. 2hat students are in1luenced b+ their 1a ilies, 1riends and the 'eo'le in the societ+ re)ardin) their 1ield o1 choice in nursin).

CONCEPTUAL FRA-E/OR. Conce'tual Fra e/or! is used in research to outline 'ossible courses o1 action or to 'resent a 're1erred a''roach to a 'roAect. Conce'tual 1ra e/or!s act li!e a's

that )i$e coherence to e 'irical in8uir+. "ecause conce'tual 1ra e/or!s are 'otentiall+ so close to e 'irical in8uir+, the+ ta!e di11erent 1or s u'on the research 8uestion or 'roble . 2his stud+ ai s to 1ind out /hat 1ield o1 nursin) the 1ourth +ear nursin) students has a 're1erence a1ter )raduation. 2he inde'endent $ariables in this stud+ are the de o)ra'hic 'ro1ile o1 the res'ondents in ter s o1 )ender, and reli)ionI hi)hest educational attain ent o1 the 1ather and other, their 1a il+Bs onthl+ inco e, their

ost 're1erred 1ieldI and the 1actors that in1luence the

in ratin) that s'eci1ic 1ield.


Gi$en are the di11erent 1ields o1 nursin)< hos'ital nursin)I 'ri$ate-dut+ nursin)I co unit+ health nursin)I occu'ational or industrial health nursin)I nurse 'ractitionerI id/i1eI and nurse educator. 2hrou)h sur$e+, the

ilitar+ nursin)I certi1ied nurse

researchers /ill assess the res'ondents in relation to their de o)ra'hic 'ro1ile and s'eci1ic 1actors that in1luence their choice in order to identi1+ their ost 're1erred 1ield. 0n

addition, the researchers /ill deter ine i1 there is si)ni1icant relationshi' on the choices o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) students and their 1a il+Bs onthl+ inco e

*1ter the anal+sis and inter'retation o1 the results, the researchers co e u' /ith the conclusions and there1ore /ill 1or ulate a''ro'riate reco ad$ance ent and i 'ro$e ent o1 the subAect atter. endations 1or the



F,e1ds $6 N%rs,n4
(os'ital nursin) %ri$ate-dut+ nursin) Co unit+ health nursin)


Occu'ational or industrial health nursin) 6urse 'ractitioners


Ex'osure 0nterest Reli)ion

Militar+ nursin) Certi1ied nurse id/i1e

Fa il+ %eer #ociet+

6urse educator


#alar+ Job o''ortunities #ecurit+ o1 tenure

Fi)., %aradi)

o1 Conce'tual Fra e/or!


THEORETICAL FRA-E/OR. 2heories /ere abstract )eneralization that o11ers a s+ste atic ex'lanation about ho/ certain 'heno ena /ere interrelated. 0n this case, O'en #+ste s Model /as utilized 1or this stud+ /herein 0 o)ene &in) de1ines nursin) as a 'rocess o1 hu an interactions bet/een nurse and 'atients /ho co to unicate to set )oals and then a)ree

eet the )oals. &in)Hs conce'tual 1ra e/or! s'eci1ies three interactin) s+ste s<

'ersonal s+ste , inter'ersonal s+ste , and social s+ste . #he belie$es that the 'atient is a 'ersonal s+ste /ithin a social s+ste , coexistin) throu)h inter'ersonal 'rocesses

/ith other 'ersonal s+ste s. 2he nurse and 'atient 'ercei$e each other and the situation, act and react, interact, and transact. Fro 'erce'tion, co her aAor conce'ts :interaction,

unication, transaction, role, stress, )ro/th and de$elo' ent, and ti e

and s'ace;, she deri$es her theor+ o1 )oal attain ent. &in) describes nursin) as a disci'line and an a''lied science, /ith e 'hasis on the deri$ation o1 nursin) !no/led)e 1ro other disci'lines. #he su))ests that the 'atientHs and nurseHs 'erce'tions,

Aud) ents, and actions lead to reaction, interaction, and transaction, /hich she calls the 'rocess o1 nursin). 6ursin) is an obser$able beha$ior 1ound in the health care s+ste s in societ+. 2he )oal o1 nursin) 3is to hel' indi$iduals aintain their health so the+ can 1unction in

their roles5. 6ursin) is an inter'ersonal 'rocess o1 action, reaction, interaction, and transaction. %erce'tions o1 a nurse and a 'atient also in1luence the inter'ersonal 'rocess.


De6,n,t,$n $6 Ter5s 2his 'art o1 the stud+ la+s the conce'tual and o'erational de1inition o1 si)ni1icant ter s in the stud+. *ccordin) to %olit and bec! :-..E;, conce'tual de1inition 'resents the abstract or theoretical eanin) o1 the conce'ts bein) stud+ /hile o'erational ust 'er1or to collect the re8uired

de1inition s'eci1ies the o'erations that researchers in1or ation. De1inition o1 technical ter s are used to in1or

indi$idual acce't and understand

di11erent /ords /ritten. 2he list o1 ter s and acron+ s are listed 1or better understandin) o1 the in1or ation obtained in the boo!. 2hese are rele$ant ter s and de1inition /hich can encountered in e$er+ cha'ter. Pre6eren)e J the act or attitude o1 li!in) betterI thin) 're1erredI 1irst choice :En)lish2a)alo) Dictionar+ Leo Ja es En)lish;. *s used in the stud+, it re1ers as to /hat 1ield o1 nursin) the student chose in relation to his or her !no/led)e and reason:s;. N%rs,n4 J a 'erson /ho ta!es care o1 the sic!, the inAured, or the old, es'eciall+ under a doctorBs su'er$ision. :2he Corld "oo! Dictionar+, ,@@K;. *s used in the stud+, it re1ers to a 'ro1ession that deals /ith the art o1 carin) and co 'assion to ill 'eo'le. D,66erent J re1errin) to $arious !ind :En)lish-2a)alo) Dictionar+ Leo Ja es En)lish;. *s used in the stud+, it re1ers to the di$ersit+ o1 the 1ields o1 nursin), that each 1ield has distinct characteristics 1ro the others.


F,e1ds J ran)e o1 interestI s'here acti$it+ :2he Corld "oo! Dictionar+, ,@@K;. *s used in the stud+, it re1ers to the di11erent 'ro1essions or line o1 /or!s o1 nursin). C*(&ter II REVIE/ OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES

2his cha'ter is a 8uic! re$ie/ o1 related literature and studies, includin) 1orei)n literature and studies, and local literature and studies, )athered b+ the researchers to 'ro$ide su''ort to the stud+. 2his re$ie/ o1 related literature and studies 'ro$ided discussion o1 1acts, 'rinci'les, trends and 'ractices to /hich 'resent stud+ is related. LOCAL Rese(r)*: * ulti-national sur$e+ o1 critical care nursin) certi1ication.:-..L; 0t is su))ested that the 'ri ar+ 'ur'ose o1 certi1ication is to i 'ro$e the 8ualit+ o1 'atient care and it is contended that to achie$e this )oal research e$idence is needed that exa ines di11erences bet/een certi1ied and uncerti1ied nurses in ter s o1 their 8ualit+ o1 care, 'atient outco es, and 'atient satis1action.

*ll but one o1 the res'ondents rated certi1ication as H$er+ necessar+H or Hnecessar+H. 2he %hili''ine res'ondent rated Hnot $er+ necessar+H, because the+ ha$e the serious and ur)ent 'roble o1 ore

i)ration o1 nurses. 0n the %hili''ines, ex'erienced

nurses tend to see! Aobs in 1orei)n countries /here the+ are o11ered hi)her salaries.


:Ro)ado, -..7; 2he %hili''ines has established excellent basic nursin) 'ro)ra s, and the nurses are /ell 're'ared to /or! in a $ariet+ o1 countries. 0t is an iron+ that )ood education 1acilitates nurse i)ration, resultin) in a nursin) ex'ertise shorta)e.

2his 'heno enon indicates that nursin) s'ecialization is a11ected b+ 'olitical or econo ical stabilit+.

N$n8rese(r)*: *ccordin) to *raceli #. Ma)la+a 9N%rs,n4 Pr()t,)es ,n t*e C$55%n,ty0 ! Co :; ,

unit+ health nursin) hi)hli)hts the 1ollo/in) i 'ortant 'oints< :,; the )oal o1

'ro1essional 'ractice is the 'ro otion and 'reser$ation o1 the health o1 'o'ulationsI :-; the nature o1 'ractice is co 'rehensi$e, )eneral, continual, and not e'isodicI :?; the !no/led)e base co es 1ro nursin) and 'ublic healthI :E; the di11erent le$els o1

clientele J indi$iduals, 1a ilies, and )rou'sI and, :K; the 'ractitionerBs reco)nition o1 the 'ri ac+ o1 the 'o'ulation as a /hole. *ccordin) to L+dia Venzon and Ronald Venzon 9Pr$6ess,$n(1 N%rs,n4 ,n t*e P*,1,&&,ne0 ! <;0 institutional or hos'ital nursin), as a e ber o1 the health care

tea , 'artici'ates in all 'hases o1 'atient care o1 the acute ill, the con$alescin) and the a bulator+ 'atient. 2he nurse cares 1or the 'atient in the hos'ital or in the out J 'atient de'art ent and lanes 1or the nursin) care needs o1 the 'atient about to be dischar)ed. 2he ad$anta)es nurses are u'dated /ith ne/ trends in edicine and in the nursin)

care o1 'atientsI the+ under)o rotation to di11erent units and ha$e a chance to deter ine their s'ecial area o1 choice be1ore the+ are assi)ned 'er anentl+ in one area such a


Medicine, %ediatrics, #ur)er+, 0C4 J CC4, Obstetrics, O'eratin) Roo , Deli$er Roo and the+ ha$e the chance to )et 'ro oted to hi)her 'ositions i1 the+ are 8uali1ied. Chile the disad$anta)es are there is a )reat 'ossibilit+ o1 understa11in) /hich a+ re8uire

nurses to 'ut in o$erti e /or! and sacri1ice so e o1 their 'lans, ad inistrati$e 'roble s and o$er/or! a+ tend to dissatis1+ the sta11 nurse.

* 'ri$ate dut+ nurse a re)istered nurse /ho underta!es to )i$e co 'rehensi$e nursin) care to a client on a one J to J one ratio. #heFhe is inde'endent contractor. 2/o Cate)ories o1 'ri$ate dut+ nurse )eneral %ri$ate Dut+ 6urse /hich has the ca'abilities 1or 'ro$idin) basic nursin) care to an+ t+'e o1 'atient, a on) /hich are the assess ent o1 the 'h+sical conditions and inter'retation o1 the si)ni1icance o1 hisFher 1indin)s as basis 1or 'lannin) the nursin) care. %ri$ate Dut+ 6urse #'ecialist is #!illed in handlin), o'eratin), and onitorin) other co 'licated de$ices. *d$anta)es o1 %ri$ate Dut+

%ractice is the abilit+ to o/n ti e, adAust /or! and 'ri$ate li1e satis1actoril+, and direct o11-dut+ ti e into enAo+able leisureI challen)e o1 )i$in) hisFher best in 'ro$idin) care and ha$in) the satis1action o1 seein) its results. 2he disad$anta)es o1 %ri$ate Dut+ %ractice is there are not enou)h nurses 1or e$enin) and ni)ht-shi1ts, 1or holida+, /ee!-ends, and $acation 'eriodsI 'ri$ate dut+ nurses 1ace 'roble s in 'ri$ate 'ractice bein) inde'endent contractors and there is )reater need 1or liabilit+ insurance. %ublic health nursin) is also called co (ealth %ro)ra o1 the %hili''ines )i$es as unit+ health nursin). 2he 6ational

uch e 'hasis on the 'ro otion o1 health

and 're$ention o1 diseases rather than care o1 the sic!. 2he *d$anta)es 1ocus o1


nursin) care is onl+ on 1a il+ and co

unit+ health rather than on an indi$idual basis. unit+ health. 0t

(ere, the nurse /ill be able to see the total 'icture o1 1a il+ and co

axi izes e11orts to i 'ro$ise /here there are no su11icient 1acilities, su''lies, and e8ui' ent. Chile the disad$anta)esI 1acilities 1or care o1 the sic! are li ited so that 'ractice or s!ills a+ also be li ited.%ublic health nurse edicine or nursin). a+ not be i ediatel+ a/are

o1 chan)es or trends in the 1ields o1

Occu'ational health nursin) is the s'ecialt+ 'ractice that 'ro$ides and deli$ers health care ser$ices to /or!ers. 2he 'ractice 1ocuses on 'ro otion, 'rotection, and su'er$ision o1 /or!ersB health /ithin the context o1 a sa1e and health+ /or! en$iron ent. * ilitar+ nurse 'ro$ides co 'rehensi$e and 8ualit+ nursin) care to all ilitar+

'ersonnel, their de'endents and authorized relati$es. Co co a

on/ealth *ct.6o.,,

onl+ !no/n as the 6ational De1ense *ct, clearl+ 'ro$ided 1or the establish ent o1 edical ser$ice in the ar + o1 the %hili''ines.

*ccordin) to #r. Car en E. Ji enez, D.C., "#E, "#6, M*, ED.D 9C$55%n,ty Or4(n,=,n4 P(rt,),&(t$ry A)t,$n Rese(r)* 6$r C$55%n,ty He(1t* De+e1$&5ent ! <; co unit+ health nursin) 'ractice 'ro otes and 'reser$es the health o1 the

'o'ulation b+ inte)ratin) the s!ills and !no/led)e rele$ant to both nursin) and 'ublic health. Role o1 Co unit+ (ealth 6urse :C(6;


2he Co echanis o1 co

unit+ (ealth 6urse is an i 'ortant 'ersonalit+ in the /hole unit+ health de$elo' ent. (erFhis roles are the 1ollo/in)< *d$ocate

J C(6 see!s to 'ro ote an understandin) o1 health 'roble s loo!in) 1or bene1icial 'ublic 'olic+ and sti ulatin) 1or the e er)ence o1 a su''orti$e co health. Care Mana)er J (el'in) clients to unit+ action 1or

a!e decisions about a''ro'riate health care

ser$ices. Case 1inder J C(6 loo!s 1or clients at ris! a on) the 'o'ulation ser$ed. Counselor J Clients in co unit+ health settin) 1re8uentl+ 1ace di11icult and co 'lex sol$in) assistance. Clinic 6urse J

health concerns and desire su''orti$e and 'roble Clinic ser$ices are increasin)l+ ex'andin) to

eet the needs o1 a))re)ates at ris!.

Grou' Leader J C(6 /or!s in )rou' in 'ractice. (ealth %lanner J %ro$ides health 'ro)ra s 1or the co unit+. *s a researcher he can assists health care 'ro1essionals

in reachin) their )oals throu)h research.

*ccordin) to #al$acion G. "ailon-Re+es 9C$55%n,ty He(1t* B(s,)s $6 Pr()t,)e0 ! ";, Co

N%rs,n4: T*e

unit+ health nursin) is a 1ield o1 nursin) 'ractice unit+

/here ser$ices are deli$ered outside o1 'urel+ curati$e institutions, but in co

settin)s such as the ho e, the school, 'laces o1 /or!, health centers and clinics. 2he sco'e o1 ser$ices 'ro$ided co$ers the /hole ran)e o1 health 'ro oti$e, 're$enti$e, curati$e, and rehabiliti$e nursin) ser$ices, /ith bias to/ards and 'riorit+ )i$en to health 'ro otion and disease 're$ention es'eciall+ 1or the underser$ed and hi)h-ris! indi$iduals, 1a ilies, 'o'ulation )rou's and areas o1 the co obAecti$e o1 care is achie$in) the hi)hest 'ossible le$el o1 co unit+. 2he ulti ate unit+ health b+

de$elo'in) and enhancin) the ca'abilities o1 indi$iduals, 1a ilies, $arious 'o'ulation


)rou's and the co

unit+ as a /hole to ta!e care o1 their o/n health and e11ecti$el+

co'e /ith health 'roble s. *s said b+ Ruth ". Free an 9P%b1,) He(1t* N%rs,n4 ,n t*e P*,1,&&,nes0 ! co co >; ,

unit+ health nursin) re1ers to a ser$ice rendered b+ a 'ro1essional nurse /ith unities, )rou's, 1a ilies, indi$iduals at ho e, in health centers, in clinics, in

schools, in 'laces o1 /or! 1or the 'ro otion o1 health, 're$ention o1 illness, care o1 the sic! at ho e and rehabilitation. F$re,4n Rese(r)*? *ccordin) to Ellis:-...; et, al, en and /o en are acculturated di11erentl+ in

societ+, /ith di11erent ex'ectations i 'osed b+ 1a il+ and 1riends. 6ursin) is thou)ht o1 as a 1e inine career, and its i a)e has not been adAusted to acco 'ers'ecti$es :Meadus, -...I Villeneu$e, ,@@E;. 0t a''ears that enBs interest are in hi)h acuit+ areas :O!rainec, ,@@E;, and their odate di11erent

disinterest are in obstetrics and 'ediatrics :%atterson M Morin, -..-;. *ccordin) to "ou)hn :-..,;, en are oti$ated both b+ salar+ and the 'ros'ect o1 carin) 1or 'eo'le.

FisterBs :,@@@; /or! brou)ht out )ender di11erences as an issue to consider. Villeneu$e :,@@E; noted that en o1ten ha$e trouble 1ittin) in /ith do inant )rou's o1 /o en. enBs 'erce'tions o1 nursin)Bs i a)e, ale nurses as ho osexual and to ainl+ o1

&ell+, #hoe a!er, and #teele :,@@7; ex'lored 1indin) that en /ere sensiti$e to the i a)e o1

nursin) as 3/o enBs /or!5. "ecause the nursin) 'ro1ession is co 'osed


/o en, it cannot be assu ed that the ex'eriences o1 /o en.

en in nursin) are understood b+

*ccordin) to Jossens and Ganle+ :-..E;, clinical interests and students bac!)rounds in1luenced the custo ized clinical assi)n ents, althou)h a $ariet+ o1 ex'eriences /ere re8uired o1 all students *ccordin) to Lelani 2eru+a 9! bedside care and 'er1or nurses and nursin) aides. %ublic health nurses /or! in )o$ern ent, 'ublic a)encies, schools, retire ent co unities, and other co unit+ settin)s. 2he+ /or! /ith indi$iduals, )rou's, and unities. 2he+ instruct others about <;, (os'ital nurses are sta11 nurses, /ho 'ro$ide a+ su'er$ise licensed 'ractical

edical 'rocedures. 2he+

1a ilies to i 'ro$e the o$erall health o1 the co

health issues, disease 're$ention, nutrition and child care. Occu'ational health nurses 'ro$ide nursin) care at /or!sites to e 'lo+ees, custo ers, and others /ith inAuries and illnesses. 2he+ 'ro$ide health counselin) and assess /or! settin)s to identi1+ 'otential health or sa1et+ 'roble s. *ccordin) to Mohsen *dib-(aAba)her+ and Mansur Dianati E$er+ 'ro1ession calls 1or a s'ecial le$el o1 !no/led)e, s!ills and 'ersonal characteristics. 01 the corres'ondence bet/een the a''licantsH indi$idual characteristics and their intended 'ro1ession is not ade8uatel+ ta!en into account, their Aob co 'atibilit+ /ill be ha 'ered. 2ests are no/ada+s used 1or the selection o1 'eo'le to di11erent 'ro1essions. 0n 0ran, uni$ersit+ entrance exa s are ad inistered annuall+ to assess studentsH suitabilit+ 1or ad ission into di11erent 'ro)ra s and 'ro1essions. *d inistration o1 such tests is

a''arentl+ based on a nu ber o1 assu 'tions. 2hese assu 'tions include the 1ollo/in)< #tudentsH test scores indicate their suitabilit+ 1or the intended 'ro)ra 'ro1ession. *''licants /ith hi)her test score are suitable 1or or

ore i 'ortant and

sensiti$e 'ositions. Choice o1 a 'ro1ession or 'ro)ra

is the result o1 the a''licantHs

in1or ed selection. *''licants care1ull+ consider their interests, abilities, and characteristics 1or selectin) an a''ro'riate 'ro)ra tests and the choice o1 'ro)ra a''licants /ill be hi)hl+ or 'ro1ession. #ince 'artici'ation in

are $oluntar+, it is assu ed that the success1ul

oti$ated and /ill 'ro$ide hi)h 8ualit+ ser$ices once the+ )et

into their 'ro1ession. Re'orts, un1ortunatel+, indicate that this is not al/a+s the case. Man+ nursin) students are not /ell oti$atedI nurses tend to lose their interest in their

Aobs earl+I and des'ite an increase in the nu ber o1 nurses /ith )raduate and 'ost)raduate 8uali1ications, the 8ualit+ o1 nursin) care see s to ha$e declined instead o1 i 'ro$in) *li!hani :-...; re'orted that the 'roble such as /ron) selection criteria, teachin) see s to be caused b+ 1actors ethods o1

ethods, content o1 courses, and

e$aluation 2he 'ur'ose o1 test ad inistration is to select the best candidates 1or a 'ro)ra or 'ro1ession. 2his can be achie$ed /hen those /ho are selected ha$e

characteristics co 'atible /ith the 1eatures o1 their 'ro1ession. * re$ie/ o1 ad ission 'rocedures 1or nursin) students in di11erent countries sho/s that these issues ha$e been lar)el+ ne)lected. Dorni! and Vid ar re'orted that in #lo$enia onl+ a hi)h school di'lo a is re8uired 1or ad ission into nursin) schools #i ilarl+, Ehren1eld et al. as /ell as the * erican 6ational Lea)ue 1or 6ursin) ar)ue that ad ission to nursin) schools in * erica is based on testes si ilar to the ones 1or other 'ro)ra s, such as a'titude tests or teacher- ade achie$e ent tests #i ilarl+, in 0ran, uni$ersit+ entrance tests


easure onl+ the theoretical !no/led)e and the a'titude o1 the a''licantsI /hereas, re8uire ents o1 the nursin) 'ro1ession are uch di11erent and broader. 2his is /h+

researchers ha$e e 'hasized, in recent +ears, that a''licants selected 1or nursin) should ha$e the a''ro'riate 's+cholo)ical and 'ersonal characteristics in addition to their !no/led)e and a'titude. 2o account 1or this, 'ersonalit+ tests ha$e also been reco ended to co 'le ent educational a'titude tests . 0n his in$esti)ations o1

di11erent 'ro1essions and Aob conditions, (olland has deter ined 'ersonalit+ 1eatures a''ro'riate 1or the nursin) 'ro1ession. 0n his $ie/, nursin) re8uires social 'ersonalit+, e$en thou)h so e de)rees o1 artistic and ex'lorator+ 'ersonalit+ t+'es desirable Re)ardin) the i 'ortance o1 correct selection criteria 1or the nursin) 'ro1ession, the 'resent stud+ /as carried out to deter ine 1resh an nursin) studentsH 'ersonalit+ 1eatures and to in$esti)ate the co 'atibilit+ o1 such 1eatures /ith stud+in) and 'racticin) nursin). 0t is ho'ed that the results o1 the stud+ /ould hel' 'ro ote nursin) ser$ices and increase Aob satis1action in the 'ro1ession. a+ also be

A n(t,$n(1 S%r+ey $6 N%rs,n4 Ed%)(t,$n @ Pr()t,)e $6 ne31y 1,)ensed N%rses . More than hal1 o1 the )raduates 1elt their clinical education ade8uatel+ 're'ared the ad inister edications b+ co to

on routes, 'ro$ide direct care to - clients, /or! 's+cho otor s!ills :e.). dressin) chan)es

e11ecti$el+ /ithin a healthcare tea , 'er1or

and catherization;, teach clients, docu ent a le)all+ de1ensible account o1 care 'ro$ided and a!e decisions about client care based on assess ent and dia)nostic ore than hal1 o1 the )raduates 1elt that their classroo education

testin) data. #i ilarl+


ade8uatel+ 're'ared the

to understand 'atho'h+siolo)+, teach clients use in1or ation edication side e11ects, eet clients

technolo)+ to enhance 'atient care, reco)nize e otional needs, anal+ze use o1 research 1indin)s. N$n8rese(r)*<

ulti'le t+'es o1 data, understand clientBs cultural needs and

*s said b+ Leslie ". (i ot 9Pr$6ess,$n(1 N%rs,n4 C$n)e&ts (nd C*(11en4es0 ! co <;, nurses toda+ ha$e a /ide arra+ o1 career choices o'en to the . 2he+ a+

it their li$es to direct 'atient care in traditional settin)s such as hos'itals or

'ractice in nontraditional roles such as o/nin) a health-related business. 6urses should be encoura)ed to choose 1reel+ 1ro clai the $ast nu ber o1 o''ortunities o'en to the I to

o/nershi' o1 these roles 1or nurses and nursin)I and to use their 'ositions,

/hether traditional or nontraditional, as 'lat1or s to ser$e as ad$ocates 1or their 'atients and nursin) collea)ues. 6ot all nurses 'ro$ide direct 'atient care as a 'ri ar+ 'art o1 their roles. 6urses conduct research, teach under)raduate and )raduate students, are chie1 executi$es o1 the co 'anies, and 'ractice in rural clinics. 6urses /ho ha$e ad$anced education, such as asterBs and doctoral de)rees, are 're'ared to beco e researchers, nurse

'ractitioners, clinical s'ecialists, and ad inistrators. Further ore, accordin) to her, in decidin) /hich o1 the an+ a$ailable o'tions to

select, nurses should consider their s'ecial talents, li!es and disli!es, and /hether their talents and 're1erences are a )ood consideration. atch /ith the e 'lo+ ent o''ortunit+ under


(os'ital 6ursin) /or!s /ith 'atients /ho ha$e

edical or sur)ical conditions,

/ith children, /ith /o en and their ne/borns, /ith cancer 'atients, /ith 'eo'le /ho ha$e had se$ere trau as :inAuries; or burns, in o'eratin) roo s or e er)enc+ roo s, and in an+ other ca'acities. 0n addition to direct 'atient care roles, nurses in hos'itals ana)ers, and ad inistrators /ho teach or su'er$ise others and

ser$e as educators,

establish the direction o1 nursin) hos'ital/ide. 2here is 'erha's no other settin) that o11ers so uch $ariet+ /ithin the sa e or)anization as do hos'itals.

*ccordin) to &athr+n C. Ca11ert+ 9Ste&&,n4st$nes t$ Pr$6ess,$n(1 N%rs,n40 ! :;, 7GN o all acti$e nurses in the 4nited #tates and its territories are e 'lo+ed in an+ nurse educators and 'ro1essional leaders that hos'ital

hos'itals. 0t is the belie1 o1

ex'erience a1ter )raduation ser$es to enrich the !no/led)e and s!ill the nurse ac8uired as a student. 2he+ also belie$e that such an ex'erience 1acilitates the transition and adAust ent 1ro $alued the role o1 student to the role o1 re)istered nurse. #ta11 nurses are

e bers o1 the hos'ital tea . 2he+ 3 a!e the /heels )o Oround5 as 1ar as

nursin) ser$ices are concerned. 6ursin) in the ilitar+ includes ser$ice in the *r + 6urse Cor's, the *ir Force

6urse Cor's, and the 6a$+ 6urse Cor's. Militar+ nurses ha$e res'onsibilities as nurses and as o11icers. 2he+ sa1el+. 2he+ Cor's ust be ada'table, able to eet challen)es ra'idl+, exactl+, and

ust utilize

ature nursin) Aud) ent. 6urses ser$in) in the *ir Force

ust be /ell oriented to the 'resent as /ell as the 1uture, 1or the+ /ill use

!no/led)e o1 hos'ital nursin) in 'eace ti e and disaster nursin) durin) /ar e er)encies.


*ccordin) to Lillian De =oun) 9T*e F$%nd(t,$n $6 N%rs,n40 !

:;, the


o1 nurses /ill assu e 'ositions in nursin) ser$ices, /hich ha$e the basic obAecti$e o1 eetin) the care needs o1 'atients. 0n ,@7@ a''roxi atel+ 7L.,... re)istered nurses /ere e 'lo+ed in the 4nited #tates, o1 /ho EK-,K.. /ere e 'lo+ed in hos'itals and

related institutionsI EG,,.. in 'ublic healthI ,,-,... in 'ri$ate dut+, o11ices, and other areasI and -G,L.. in nursin) education. 2he nurse also a+ choose to 'ractice nursin) ilitar+ ser$ice 1or /o en.

in the ar ed 1orces. For +ears discri ination occurred in the

0n selectin) a Aob, as said b+ &e$in Frederic!son 9O&&$rt%n,t,es ,n N%rs,n4 C(reer0 ! :;, each o1 these $ariables< anual s!ills, te 'era ent, inter'ersonal s!ills,

sta ina, role 'osition 're1erence, and co)niti$e s!ills, /ill in1luence +our 1inal decision. 0n addition, so /ill +our 'ersonal li1est+le. 01 +ou are arried, +ou a+ select a Aob

'ri aril+ because o1 its re)ular hours and 1ree /ee!ends so that +ou can be ho e at the sa e ti e as +our s'ouse and children. Or +ou 1e/ hours each da+ in order to )i$e +ou are a +oun), sin)le nurse, +ou axi u a+ select a 'art-ti e Aob 1or onl+ a

ti e to +our 1a il+. On the other hand, i1

a+ )i$e hi)h 'riorit+ to a )eo)ra'hical location

/here e 'lo+ ent or social o''ortunities are )reat or /here to' salaries are 'aid. #till other nurses /ith )raduate de)rees a+ select uni$ersit+ or research settin)s that

encoura)e and enhance 'ro1essional de$elo' ent and stud+. 0n such cases salar+ and )eo)ra'hic location selection 'rocess. "e sure that +ou ta!e stoc! o1 and assi)n +our o/n 'riorities to such 1actors as Aob location, salar+, hours, 'ro1essional en$iron ent, o''ortunit+ 1or ad$ance ent, and 1a il+ needs or obli)ations. *dditionall+ +ou i)ht /ant to ta!e into consideration such a+ be onl+ secondar+ considerations durin) the Aob search and


1actors as bi) $ersus s all clinics and attitudes o1 co-/or!ers /hen +ou e$aluate Aob o11ers. Once +ou ha$e deter ined /hich 1actors are o1 )reatest i 'ortance to +ou, the Aob selection 'rocess /ill be uch easier.

*ccordin) to Luc+ Jane (ood and #usan &un Ledd+ 9Leddy (nd Pe&&erAs C$n)e&t%(1 B(ses $6 Pr$6ess,$n(1 N%rs,n40 ! "; , 6urse %ractitioners 'ro$ide

'ri ar+ health care ser$ices to consu ers. 6ursin) care ser$ices 'ro$ided b+ 6%s include assessin) client health usin) a holistic 1ra e/or!I identi1+in) nursin) dia)nosesI 'lannin) and 'rescribin) treat entsI re)i ens 1or indi$iduals, 1a ilies, and co illness and inAur+I and edical and

ana)in) health care

unitiesI 'ro otin) /ellnessI 're$entin)

ana)in) acute and chronic health conditions.

6ursin) education enables ex'erienced nurses to share their !no/led)e and ex'ertise /ith 1uture 'ro1essional nurses. *s a 1acult+ e ber, the 'ro1essional nurse

has o''ortunities to 'olish clinical s!ills, ex'and !no/led)e o1 clinical nursin), en)a)e in nursin) research, and 'artici'ate in co teachin) s!ills /ith 1uture nurses. *ccordin) to Ma. #o'hia Francesca D. Cruz, R6., RM. 9Get A*e(d: A Ste& C1$ser t$ Y$%r C(reerAs S%55,t0 ! u'dated /ith ne/ trends in B; < 0nstitutional 6ursin) ad$anta)es< 6urses are unit+ ser$ice /hile sharin) !no/led)e and

edicine and in nursin) care o1 'atients, Can under)o

rotation to di11erent units, 2he+ ha$e L hour da+ and E. hour /ee! dut+, 2he+ ha$e a chance to )et 'ro oted, #alar+ increases are )i$en 'eriodicall+ sta11 de$elo' ent 'ro)ra s are a$ailable. Disad$anta)es areI )reat 'ossibilit+ o1 understa11in) J o$erti e. Load o1 /or! J no ti e to i 'ro$e s!ills throu)h C%E, *d inistrati$e 'roble s and


o$er/or! J dissatis1action and Co care is 1a il+ and co

unit+ (ealth 6ursin). 2he ad$anta)es< 1ocus o1

unit+ rather than indi$idual, Gi$es the nurse a better unit+ and o1 health 'ro)ra s

'ers'ecti$e o1 the health o1 co

6urses in this 1ield o1 'ractice are ex'ected to be ex'ert clinicians. *lso !no/n as, 'ri$ate dut+ nurse, 'ri$ate nurse 'ractitioner, s'ecial dut+ nurse, and 'ri$ate dut+ nurse s'ecialist. %ri$ate Dut+ nursin) has t/o cate)ories< General %ri$ate Dut+ and %ri$ate Dut+ 6urse #'ecialist. 2he ad$anta)es< Chance to a!e real 1riends throu)h close

associations, the abilit+ to o/n ti e, adAust /or! and 'ri$ate li1e satis1actoril+, the chance to !ee' abreast /ith ne/ !no/led)e and 'rocedures. 2he disad$anta)es< so e 'ri$ate dut+ nurses create a situation in /hich the 'atients beco e totall+ de'endent on the I so e resent su'er$ision 1ro hos'ital 'ersonnelI lone 'ractitioner ini izes

o''ortunit+ 1or de$elo'in) )ood relations /ith other hos'ital 'ersonnelI little assistance is )i$en b+ the head nurse /hen 'atient is criticall+ illI 6o retire ent, insurance and edicare bene1its. Occu'ational (ealth 6ursin) has s'ecialt+ 'ractice that 'ro$ides and deli$ers health care ser$ices to /or!ers. 0t is autono ous and re8uires s'ecial s!ills. =ou ust !no/

co 'an+ 'olicies on 'ersonnel, insurance bene1its, sic! lea$e, 'a+ rates, health 'ro)ra s


C*(&ter III DESIGN AND -ETHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN Research desi)n accordin) to Cilson :,@L@; i 'lies a set o1 instructions that tell a researcher ho/ data should be collected and anal+ze in order to ans/er a s'eci1ic research 'roble . Desi)n and /hat desi)n and consists o1 ethodolo)+ /ill sho/ us the o$er all 'lan and o$er$ie/ on

ethod the researcher used to ans/er the research 8uestions. 0t

ethods and 'rocedures that the researchers used in the stud+. 0t includes

the research desi)n used to 'lan o1 ho/ the stud+ /ill be conducted, the t+'e o1 data to be collected, the location /here the stud+ /ill be conducted, the reasons 1or the choice o1 subAects, the anner o1 deter inin) the sa 'le size, the instru ent to be used and

their $alidation, and the data anal+sis sche e /hich includes the a''lication o1 di11erent biostatistical treat ent o1 data. Rese(r)* Des,4n 2he researchers used the descri'ti$e research. * stud+ that describes the nature o1 the 'heno enon under in$esti)ation a1ter a sur$e+ o1 current trends, 'ractices and conditions that relate to that 'heno enon. 0t in$ol$es anal+sis o1 an extre el+ broad ran)e o1 'heno enaI its result is a co 'rehensi$e 'resentation and inter'retation o1


statistical tabulations o1 data +ielded b+ a sur$e+. 0t ans/ers 8uestions and satis1ies curiosit+ about a certain 'heno enon. 0t also describes and elaborates the nature and causes o1 an existin) 'heno enon at the ti e o1 the stud+. :Calderon; L$)(1e 2he stud+ /as conducted 1ro Januar+ to Februar+ -.,. at Far Eastern

4ni$ersit+ located at 6icanor Re+es #t., #a 'aloc, Manila located in the uni$ersit+ belt. S%bCe)tDRes&$ndents 2he res'ondents o1 this stud+ are the 1ourth +ear le$el nursin) students o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+. 2he researchers li ited this stud+ to six hundred se$ent+ t/o :7G-; 1ourth +ear le$el nursin) students. 2he researchers chose the 1ourth +ear nursin) students as the res'ondents o1 this stud+ 1or the reason that, the+ are )raduatin) students and need to 'lan their career soon. Deter5,n(t,$n $6 S(5&1e S,=e 2he researchers used the ?. 'ercent o1 the /hole 'o'ulation o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) student o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+ in deter inin) the sa 'le size. 2he acce'ted ini u o1 'ercenta)e 1or the deter ination o1 sa 'le size is ?. N o1 the /hole

'o'ulation o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) student o1 Far Eastern 4ni$ersit+. 2otal %o'ulation P ?. N :..?.;Q 777.?


777.? section EG

,E.,G or ,E students 'er

S(5&1,n4 Des,4n (nd Te)*n,7%e 2he researchers used the 'robabilit+ sa 'lin) techni8ue. 2he researchers chose the accidental si 'le rando dra/n 1ro each sa 'lin) /herein the sa 'les :a )rou' o1 subAects; /ere

a lar)er )rou' :a 'o'ulation;. Each indi$idual is chosen accidentall+ and

e ber o1 the 'o'ulation has an e8ual chance o1 bein) included in the sa 'le.

E$er+ 'ossible sa 'le o1 a )i$en size has the sa e chance o1 selection.

T*e Rese(r)* Instr%5ent 0n 1or ulatin) this stud+, the researchers ade used o1 related literatures as /ell ost 're1erred 1ield o1

as 8uestionnaire, as in1or ation )atherin) tool, to identi1+ the nursin) a on) the res'ondents.

2he 1irst 'art o1 the 8uestionnaire includes all 'ersonal in1or ation about the res'ondents< a)e, )ender, and reli)ion. *t the sa e ti e, the second 'art o1 the 8uestionnaire /ill be di$ided into - 'arts< the 1irst 'art dealt /ith ratin) o1 the di11erent 1ields o1 nursin) and then the second 'art dealt /ith ratin) o1 the 1actors the+ consider in choosin) their 're1erred 1ield. V(1,d(t,$n $6 t*e Rese(r)* Instr%5ent


2he instru ent that /as used in )atherin) data is a set o1 8uestionnaire 're'ared b+ the researchers. Validation o1 the instru ent ser$es as the researchersB )uide in editin) the 8uestionnaire. 2he 8uestionnaire /ill $alidate b+ ex'ert clinical instructor /hich is %ro1essor Marcelino #antos *1ter obtainin) the $alidit+ and necessar+ a''ro$als 1or the research instru ent, the researchers 1or ulated a 'ilot test to deter ine the e11ecti$eness and reliabilit+ o1 the instru ent. D(t( G(t*er,n4 Pr$)ed%re *s the 8uestionnaire /as 1inalized, the researchers sou)ht 'er ission to conduct the sur$e+ /ith the said res'ondents. 2here /ere 7G- 1ourth +ear nursin) students used as the res'ondents 1or this stud+. 0t is di$ided to EL sections D(t( Pr$)ess,n4 -et*$d Fro the sur$e+ 8uestionnaire that /as conducted b+ the researchers, rele$ant a!in) it ,E res'ondents 'er section.

data /ill be )athered, )rou'ed, tabulated, anal+zed, and inter'reted accordin)l+. 2he researchers 'resented, anal+zed and inter'reted the de o)ra'hics o1 the stud+ 'o'ulation and results o1 each research 8uestions-h+'othesis to co e u' /ith desired conclusions considered in 1or ulatin) reco 'roble to i 'ro$e the 1ield o1 stud+. endations or solutions to the

B,$st(t,st,)(1 Tre(t5ent


2he researchers used the 1ollo/in) statistics to deter ine /hat 1ield o1 nursin) the aAorit+ ostl+ 're1erred and assessed the 1actors that in1luenced their choice<

,. Fre7%en)y d,str,b%t,$n t(b1e J re1ers to the tabulation o1 data b+ cate)or+ or class inter$als /ith the corres'ondin) 1re8uenc+ 1or each class. a. Fre7%en)y :1; J is de1ined as the nu ber o1 ite s belon)in) to the class or cate)or+. b. Per)ent(4e :%; J is co 'uted to deter ine the 'ro'ortion o1 a 'art to a /hole such as a )i$en nu ber o1 res'ondents in relation to the entire 'o'ulation.

1 %Q x ,.. n

/here< % Q 'ercenta)e 1 Q 1re8uenc+ o1 res'onses n Q total nu ber o1 res'ondents


c. R(n2,n4 J is used to deter ine the order o1 decreasin) or increasin) a)nitude o1 $ariables.

-. /e,4*ted 5e(n 9/-; J re1ers to the o$erall a$era)e o1 res'onsesF'erce'tions o1 the stud+ res'ondents. 0t is the su o1 its 'roduct o1 its 'roduct o1 the

1re8uenc+ o1 res'onses and Li!ert 1i$e-'oint scale.

R :1,x, S 1-x- S 1?x? S 1ExE S 1KxK; CM Q 6

/here< R Q su ati$e si)n

1, to 1K Q 1re8uenc+ o1 res'onses 'er unit /ei)ht x Q unit /ei)ht 6 Q total nu ber o1 res'ondents a. L,2ert s)(1e - is a 's+cho etric scale co and is the onl+ used in 8uestionnaires,

ost /idel+ used scale in sur$e+ research. Chen res'ondin) to


a Li!ert 8uestionnaire ite , res'ondents s'eci1+ their le$el o1 a)ree ent to a state ent. Pre6eren)e ,n t*e 6,e1ds $6 n%rs,n4 9L,2ert S)(1e; K... Most %re1erred :M%; E... More %re1erred : %; ?... %re1erred :%; -... Fairl+ %re1erred :F%; ,... 6ot %re1erred :6%; F()t$rs y$% )$ns,der ,n )*$$s,n4 y$%r &re6erred 9L,2ert S)(1e; K... #tron)l+ *)ree :#*; E... *)ree :*; ?... Fairl+ *)ree :F*; -... Disa)ree :D; ,... #tron)l+ Disa)ree :#D;

b. Ar,t*5et,) 5e(n $r (+er(4e 3e,4*ted 5e(n J describes the central tendenc+ o1 the )i$en criteria or $ariables.


R :/ ; PQ 6

/here< P Q a$era)e /ei)hted R :/ ; Q su )i$en criterion 6 Q nu ber o1 ite s ean eans 'er ite /ith a

o1 the /ei)hted



2his cha'ter 'resented the 1indin)s o1 the stud+, their anal+sis and inter'retation. For better and clearer understandin), the results /ere 'resented in 1i$e 'arts< %art 0 sho/ed the ost 're1erred 1ield o1 ale 1ourth +ear nursin) students in FE4I %art 00 sho/ed the

ost 're1erred 1ield o1 1e ale 1ourth +ear nursin) students o1 FE4I %art 000 sho/ed the ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in FE4I and %art 0V sho/ed the )reatest 1actor that in1luenced the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in choosin) their 're1erred 1ield in nursin). %art 0- 2he FE4 -OST PREFERRED FIELD OF THE FOURTH YEAR -ALE NURSING STUDENTS IN FEU TABLE E 'A ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear Male nursin) students in


Hospital Nursing Private-duty Nursing Community Health Nursing Occupational !ndustrial Health Nursing Nurse Practitioner Military Nursing Certi"ied Nurse Mid#i"e Nurse $ducator

AWM 1.58 1.25 0.99 1.07 1.26 1.27 0.98 1.33

Verbal Interpretation FP FP NP FP FP FP NP FP

Rank 1 5 7 6 4 3 8 2

Inter&ret(t,$n: 2he table sho/s that ale nursin) students 're1erred hos'ital nursin) as their ales still 're1erred

1ield o1 choice, e$en thou)h 1e ale do inated the clinical area clinical settin) since the+ are alread+ 1a iliar /ith the en$iron ent. An(1ys,s:

*s said b+ *lice Donahue and #uzanne Martin :Decision Ma!in) in 6ursin), ,@@7;, in e$er+ !no/n societ+, )ender is a 1unda ental criterion 1or assi)nin) tas!s considered necessar+ 1or the /ell-bein) and continuit+ o1 the indi$idual, 1a il+, and co unit+. #o e tas!s are assi)ned 'ri aril+ on the basis o1 sex-lin!ed 'h+siolo)ical ales are stron)

di11erences, 1or exa 'le, onl+ 1e ales can nurse the +oun)I onl+ enou)h to 'er1or

certain !inds o1 hea$+ /or!. 6or s 'ertinent to the roles and status a+ /ell outlast other t+'es o1 social

o1 the t/o sexes 'enetrate e$er+ sector o1 li1e and di11erentiation

ore thorou)hl+ ex'lored b+ sociolo)ists. TABLE E 'B

%art 00- 2he FE4

ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear Fe ale nursin) students in


Verbal Interpretation P P FP P P P P P

Hospital Nursing Private-duty Nursing Community Health Nursing Occupational !ndustrial Health Nursing Nurse Practitioner Military Nursing Certi"ied Nurse Mid#i"e Nurse $ducator

AWM 2.98 2.46 1.78 2.09 2.24 2.05 2.05 2.42

Rank 1 2 7 5 4 6 6 3

Inter&ret(t,$n: 2he table sho/s that the 're1erred 1ield o1 1ourth +ear 1e ale nursin) students is hos'ital nursin), since hos'ital ex'osure is 'art o1 the curriculu ost chosen 1ield because the+ are used and 1a iliar to it. An(1ys,s: *s said b+ *lice Donahue and #uzanne Martin :Decision Ma!in) in 6ursin), ,@@7;, in e$er+ !no/n societ+, )ender is a 1unda ental criterion 1or assi)nin) tas!s considered necessar+ 1or the /ell-bein) and continuit+ o1 the indi$idual, 1a il+, and co unit+. #o e tas!s are assi)ned 'ri aril+ on the basis o1 sex-lin!ed 'h+siolo)ical ales are stron) in nursin) it is the

di11erences, 1or exa 'le, onl+ 1e ales can nurse the +oun)I onl+ enou)h to 'er1or

certain !inds o1 hea$+ /or!. 6or s 'ertinent to the roles and status a+ /ell outlast other t+'es o1 social

o1 the t/o sexes 'enetrate e$er+ sector o1 li1e and di11erentiation

ore thorou)hl+ ex'lored b+ sociolo)ists.


%art 00- 2he

ost 're1erred 1ield o1 nursin) o1 the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in FE4
&er'al !nterpretation MP mP P mP mP mP mP mP

Hospital Nursing Private-duty Nursing Community Health Nursing Occupational !ndustrial Health Nursing Nurse Practitioner Military Nursing Certi"ied Nurse Mid#i"e Nurse $ducator

AWM 10.09 3.42 2.77 3.16 3.50 3.32 3.02 3.75

Rank 1 4 8 6 3 5 7 2

Inter&ret(t,$n: 2he table sho/s that hos'ital nursin) is the ale and 1e ale nursin) student, this is 1or the in nursin) schools and be able to 'ractice the . An(1ys,s: *s re$ealed b+ the table, (os'ital 6ursin) /as considered as the 1ield o1 nursin) b+ the 1ourth +ear students, /hich i 'lies that li!el+, /ant to /or! in hos'itals. *ccordin) to Leslie ". (i ot :%ro1essional 6ursin) Conce'ts and Challen)es, -..K;, ost nurses :t/o thirds; /or! in hos'ital settin)s. Most ne/ nurses choose to ost 're1erred ost ost 're1erred 're1erence o1 both

to be able to a''l+ /hat the+ learned

aAorit+ o1 the

/or! in acute care hos'itals initiall+ in order to )ain ex'erience in or)anizin) and deli$erin) 'atient care. For so e, sta11 nursin) is extre el+ enAo+able, and the+ continue in this role 1or their entire careers.


%art 000 J 2he 1actor:s; considered b+ the 1ourth +ear nursin) students in choosin) their 're1erred 1ield in nursin).


K E ? , 2otal<

Fre8uenc+ Distribution EEK ,L? EE . . 7G-

%ercenta)e 77.--G.-? 7.KK . . ,..


K E ? , 2otal<

Fre8uenc+ Distribution ?@@ ,@G 77 7 E 7G-

%ercenta)e K@.?L -@.?@.L..L@ ..7 ,..


K E ? , 2otal<

Fre8uenc+ Distribution -.G -,7 ,KK 42 ?K K@ 7G-

%ercenta)e ?..L ?-.,E -?..G K.-, L.GL ,..


Inter&ret(t,$n: *s said b+ #haron *. Etherid)e :2he Journal o1 Continuin) Education in 6ursin), -..G;, the ost hel'1ul learnin) strate)+ 1or learnin) to thin! li!e a nurse /as bein) in

the clinical settin) /ith 'atients and ha$in) $aried ex'eriences /ith 'atients. 0t /as in the clinical settin) that the correlation o1 classroo occurred. An(1ys,s: 0t is sho/ed that the 1irst 1actor or Ex'osure /ith a the hi)hest 'ercenta)e o1 the Tstron)l+ a)reeT 77.-N is ran!ed as ,, second 1actor or 0nterest /ith a K@.?LN o1 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as -, and the third 1actor or Reli)ion /ith a ?.N o1 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as ?. 2his i 'lies that in ter s o1 'ersonal 1actors, ex'osure in1luences the res'ondentBs choice. 0n the clinical settin), students 'ractice nursin) s!ills, ha$e di11erent ex'eriences /ith a $ariet+ o1 'atients, and interact /ith $arious tea e ber-all ex'eriences that ostl+ learnin) /ith actual 'ractice

ha$e si)ni1icance in co 'letin) their 'icture o1 ho/ to be a nurse. ENVIRON-ENTAL FACTORS TABLE E <BF' PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENT ACCORDING TO FA-ILY
K E ? , 2otal< Fre8uenc+ Distribution E-E ,GE 743 G K 7G%ercenta)e 7?., -K.L@ @.-? ,..E ..GE ,..


Fre8uenc+ Distribution -GG -K. ,.@ -@ G 7G%ercenta)e E,.-?G.,7.-E.?,..E ,..

K E ? , 2otal<


Fre8uenc+ Distribution -L. -K? ,.@ ,@ ,, 7G%ercenta)e E,.7G ?G.7K ,7.--.L? ,.7E ,..

K E ? , 2otal<

Inter&ret(t,$n: 0t is sho/ed that the 1irst 1actor or Fa il+ /ith the hi)hest 'ercenta)e 1or 3stron)l+ a)ree5 7?.,N ran!ed as ,, third 1actor or #ociet+ /ith a 'ercenta)e o1 E,.7GN 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as -, and the second 1actor or %eer /ith a 'ercenta)e o1 E,.--N o1 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as ?. 2his i 'lies that in ter s o1 en$iron ental 1actors, 1a il+ ostl+ in1luences the res'ondentBs choice.


An(1ys,s: 2he aAor 1a il+ deter inants o1 childrenHs career de$elo' ent can be

cate)orized as 1ollo/s< )eo)ra'hic location, )enetic inheritance, 1a il+ bac!)round, socio-econo ic status, 1a il+ co 'osition, 'arentin) st+le, and 'arental attitudes to/ard /or! :#'lete M Free an-Geor)e, ,@LK;. *uthorities in 's+cholo)+ and career de$elo' ent belie$e that 'arents are the ost crucial 1actor in the 1or ation o1

childrenHs 'ersonalities and sel1-conce't, and that career choices can be re)arded as the Ti 'le entationT o1 these 8ualities :McDaniels M (u sel1-assess ents and recei$e 1eedbac! 1ro el, ,@LE;. *s children a!e

si)ni1icant others, the+ 1or


as'irations. 2hese in turn are a 'ri ar+ in1luence on educational achie$e ent, the le$el o1 /hich is the sin)le :Otto, ,@LE;. ost i 'ortant deter inant o1 e$entual occu'ational achie$e ent


Fre8uenc+ Distribution E7? ,EE KE L ? 7G%ercenta)e 7L.@ -,.E? L..E ,.,@ ..EK ,..

K E ? , 2otal<



Fre8uenc+ Distribution ELE ,-E K? L ? 7G%ercenta)e G-..,L.EK G.L@ ,.,@ ..EK ,..

K E ? , 2otal<


K E ? , 2otal<

Fre8uenc+ Distribution E.@ ,L. GE G 7G-

%ercenta)e 7..L7 -7.G@ ,,.., ,..E ..? ,..

Inter&ret(t,$n: 0t is sho/ed that the 1irst 1actor or #alar+ /ith a 'ercenta)e o1 G,.LGKN 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as ,, second 1actor or Job O''ortunities /ith 7@..EN 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as -, and the third 1actor or #ecurit+ o1 2enure /ith 7..L7N 3stron)l+ a)ree5 ran!ed as ?. 2his i 'lies that in ter s o1 econo ic 1actors, salar+ res'ondentBs choice. ostl+ in1luences the


An(1ys,s: *ccordin) to a recent sur$e+ b+ =ahoo> (otJobs :October -..7;, nearl+ hal1 o1 colle)e and uni$ersit+ students ex'ect to earn a startin) salar+ o1 UK.,... or Chile this 1i)ure a+ see ore.

lo1t+ 1or +oun) e 'lo+ees )ettin) their 1eet /et in the /or! hi)h /hen it

'lace 1or the 1irst ti e, career ex'erts belie$e students are ri)ht to ai co es to their 1irst inco e. 2he sur$e+ also 1ound that

ore than hal1 o1 students identi1ied a stron) startin) one+ is on

salar+ as one o1 their to' 1actors in choosin) a Aob. 2hereHs no doubt that the

ind o1 +oun) 'ro1essionals ea)er to 1inanciall+ su''ort the sel$es /hile )ainin) in the /or! 1orce.

o entu


6a e< :o'tional; 99999999999999999999999

Direction< %lease acco 'lish the 8uestionnaire b+ ans/erin) the 8uestions on the s'ace 'ro$ided or b+ 'uttin) a chec! :V; on the circle be1ore the ans/er o1 +our choice. Gender< Male Fe ale

Reli)ion< 999999999999999 (i)hest Educational *ttain ent o1 +our Father %ost-Graduate #tudies Colle)e Graduate Vocational Graduate (i)h #chool Graduate Ele entar+ Graduate Others :'ls. s'eci1+; 999999999999999 (i)hest Educational *ttain ent o1 +our Mother %ost-Graduate #tudies Colle)e Graduate Vocational Graduate (i)h #chool Graduate Ele entar+ Graduate Others :'ls. s'eci1+; 999999999999999 2otal Monthl+ 0nco e o1 +our Fa il+ . J ,.,... ,.,.., J -K,... -K,.., J K., ...


K.,.., J GK,... GK,.., J ,..,... ,..,... M abo$e

%lease rate these 1ields o1 nursin) accordin) to +our 're1erence usin) the scale o1 , to K. Chec! the a''ro'riate nu ber that corres'onds to +our ans/er. K E ? , Most 're1erred More 're1erred %re1erred Fairl+ 're1erred 6ot 're1erred K (os'ital nursin) %ri$ate-dut+ nursin) Co unit+ health nursin) E ? ,

Occu'ational or industrial health nursin) 6urse 'ractitioner Militar+ nursin) Certi1ied nurse 6urse educator id/i1e

%lease rate the 1actors +ou consider in choosin) +our 're1erred 1ield usin) scale o1 , to K. Chec! the a''ro'riate nu ber that corres'onds to +our ans/er. K E ? , %ersonal #tron)l+ a)ree *)ree Fairl+ a)ree Disa)ree #tron)l+ disa)ree < : H ! '


Ex'osure 0nterest Reli)ion En$iron ental Fa il+ %eer #ociet+ Econo ic #alar+ Job o''ortunities #ecurit+ o1 tenure


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