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We are 143 years old but new every Wednesday
No. 33
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Philipstown & Putnam Valley 50¢

Monitoring Marathon
EPA installs contamination monitors at site of former plant
by Michael Turton Once heavily polluted with approximately $100 million. state that, “The purpose of the
cadmium, nickel, and other The factory closed in 1979. drilling is to install additional
Activity of any kind on the toxins, the site was taken Pamela Tames, a Profes- groundwater monitoring wells
old Marathon Battery factory o ff o f t h e E PA ’ s N a t i o n a l sional Engineer with the Re- … to fully characterize the
has a way of turning heads in Priority Listing in 1996 after mediation Branch of the EPA, contaminant plume and gather
Cold Spring. In recent weeks, additional information about
crews have been working on the aquifer.”
the Environmental Protec- One of the Constitution
tion Agency (EPA) Superfund Street wells was drilled in Bob
Cleanup Site nestled between Ferris’s front yard. The wells
Kemble Avenue and Boule- will monitor groundwater in
vard and Constitution streets. the aquifer below, contami-
According to an EPA official, nated decades earlier by the
the works are part of “normal factory’s effluent. Ferris’s
investigative practices” and wife and daughter recently
the site is now considered had blood work done to test
“remediated and ready for for trichloroethylene and
development.” perchloroephylene, volatile
The current work will be organic chemicals that have
completed by the end of been detected beneath their
August. Three groundwater home. The blood tests, which
monitoring wells have been B ob F e r r i s Mr. Ferris declined, proved
installed along Constitution A contamination monitoring well. negative. A venting system—
Street; in addition, six cores similar to a radon reduction
are being drilled on the old contaminated sediments were indicated in an email to the system—is being installed
factory grounds with small removed through dredging op- PCN&R that the works are in the Ferris’s basement to
wells installed in three of erations carried out between part of “normal investigative remove any vapors that could
them. 1992 and 1994, at a cost of practices,” and went on to (See Marathon on Page 8)

M a r g a r e t O’S u l l i va n
Bagpipes, Burglaries, and Villagers Protest Polling
Budgets in Cold Spring Place Consolidation
‘The Stream that Sweetly Laves the Banks by Michael Mell course of the year for many
But elections commissioners
by Castle Bannerman’ In a lengthy meeting on
Tuesday, August 11, the vil-
municipalities. Per discussion
at the previous workshop,
the board passed a resolution defend cost-saving decision
by Margaret O’Sullivan but in fact, it was the home and Cup and Saucer Tearoom in August 9 was a meaning- lage board addressed water authorizing payment of bills
business of Francis Banner- Beacon, and held in the gardens ful date for the tea since it discoloration, the recent spate prior to the monthly meeting, by Michael Mell election board’s decision. He
Yo u m a y h a v e c a u g h t a man VI. It is Mr. Bannerman’s surrounding the residence. The was the 40th anniversary of of burglaries, and the structure which streamlines the process has garnered over 150 sig-
glimpse from the train or version of a Scottish castle residence, located not far from the day Bannerman’s castle of the special board created to for the board and accountant. Cold Spring’s village board natures and asked that his
from your car of a structure and it was his hope that his the arsenal, is quite small, burned in 1969. It is said craft a comprehensive plan. The report by Building In- approved an unanimous reso- petition be included when the
in the Hudson River. “What’s substantial collection of mili- and is where the Bannermans that the flames reached 300 During the building inspec- spector James Hartford iden- lution August 11 criticizing village submits its resolution.
that?” you exclaim, whether by tary items, from pith helmets lived when they visited the feet in the air and the fire- tor’s presentation, one resi- tified the building permits the County Board of Elec- Describing his attempts to
yourself or with a companion, to cannonballs—which he also island. When the Bannermans boats could not approach it dent questioned the mayor’s issued, inspections made, and tion’s consolidation of local communicate with the election
and sometimes you are going sold for a living—would lead arrived, the summer social due to the heat generated by use of his home garage as a citations issued. An old issue, polling places. The village board last June, Mr. Moeller
too fast, or there is too much to the study of war so that the season officially began in and the recycled creosote timbers bagpipe-making shop, though however, took up the major trustees said changes in poll- said, “they basically said ‘no’,
foliage, for you to realize it is world would no longer have around Beacon and Fishkill. used by Bannerman to build the inspector has ruled that portion of Mr. Hartford’s time ing locations are confusing it’s a done deal.” Moeller is
a castle, or actually the ruins to practice it. Both structures are on Pol- the castle. He was truly a the mayor has acted in accord with the board. Tom Valentine, and serve as a disincentive awaiting a written reply. “We
of a former one. When you Never having visited Ban- lepel Island, which can be frugal Scot, using recycled with all codes. a village resident, expressed to vote. The village board’s don’t intend to sit still and
approach it from the north the nerman’s Castle before, I was seen from various vantage materials throughout for the Village accountant Ellen his disagreement with the de- action follows a Town of Phil- have them ram this down our
lettering on the building reads prompted to go and enjoy a points, whether from the river building of the structure. The Mageean presented the un- termination made in regards ipstown resolution that the throats,” Moeller said.
Bannerman’s Island Arsenal, Victorian Tea catered by The or from land. (See Castle on Page 9) audited account of the past to Mayor Gallagher’s use of new North Highlands Fire Trustee Ralph Falloon point-
quarter. New procedures to his garage to build bagpipes. House be used as a polling ed out that the election board
track revenues and expendi- The larger issue is permissible place for districts 7 & 8. Per has always been insistent on
Dining Out in P h i l ip s t ow n
Haldane Bond tures more accurately continue
to be effective and to allow a
real time evaluation of village
activities in which village
residents may engage, in their
house, garage or other adja-
the election board’s decision,
North Highlands citizens will
have to vote at Cold Spring’s
maintaining the Nelsonville
Fire House as a polling place.
Resident Mike Armstrong

Rating Rises finances. The board passed

a budget amendment reso-
lution, shifting funds from
cent structure on the property.
Mr. Hartford has previously
made a determination that the
Methodist Church, 3.3 miles
from the newly constructed
and expansive fire house.
asked whether this the election
board’s failure to consult with
local political entities was a

And the tax rate falls selected accounts showing mayor is not in conflict with Hans Moeller, a North High- legal issue. “It’s typical, of
a surplus to those requiring village or state code. While lands Fire House booster, a long-standing arrogance by
supplemental funds, a fairly Mr. Valentine maintains that spoke to the board about his the election board,” he said.
by Michael Turton In a second bit of good finan- common occurrence over the (See CS Board on Page 9) ongoing efforts to oppose the (See Polling on Page 8)
cial news, Business Manager
Good grades aren’t limited Anne Dinio reported that a
just to the students in a school
system. Moody’s Investors’
Service has upgraded the Hal-
tax rate increase originally
estimated at 2.48 percent and
approved by public referen-
Going After Grants in Putnam Valley
dane Central School District’s
bond rating from A-3 to A-2,
dum as part of the 2009-10
budget has been reduced to
Plus a rare moment of agreement between Tendy and Davis
a report card that is more 1.87 percent. Villanti again by Michael Mell residents for winter heating, more appropriate town agency that septic systems in the
than merely favorable, as it pointed to conservative bud- and others for commercial to receive and rule on requests district will be suitable and
will save taxpayers money geting practices as the reason With the summer now in purposes, gained traction in for variances. Town Attorney appropriately maintained.
whenever the District uses why the preliminary estimate full swing, one might think many communities last fall. Bill Zutt informed the board Bill Zutt described two pos-
bonds to raise funds. has decreased three years in that heating buildings would Concern continues to be ex- that this seemingly simple sible approaches. The first
Superintendent Mark Vil- a row. be the last thing on anyone’s pressed about the proposed change would nevertheless is a regulatory approach that
lanti beamed as he made the On the heels of those an- mind. This was not the case, law’s allowable period of trigger an additional public would require residents in the
announcement at the August nouncements, trustees contin- however, at the Putnam Val- use conflicting with unsea- hearing. The board scheduled district to submit proof, every
11, 2009, Haldane School ued their long-term financial l e y To w n B o a r d ’ s A u g u s t sonable cold weather. Year- the fourth public hearing in two to three years that their
Board meeting. A statement planning by addressing the 12, 2009, workshop, which round commercial users fear advance of the September 9 septic systems are in com-
Annie Chesnut from Moody’s said in part, inevitable increase in the cost led off with a hearing about an adverse impact upon rev- meeting, with a vote sched- pliance. The second would
Cold Spring Café Offers “The A-2 rating reflects the
District’s strong management
of funding the New York State
and Local Employees Retire-
the regulation and operation
of wood boilers. Residents
enues. The board maintains
that applications for variance,
uled for September 16.
The board then turned its
use taxes from the disposal
district to fund maintenance
Country Flavors … positive financial perfor-
mance that has significantly
ment Fund. Establishment of
a $660,000 reserve fund was
and board members seemed
comfortable that the “third
provided in the proposed law,
will adequately address those
attention to a proposal to
create a wastewater disposal
of the systems by the town.
S u p e r v i s o r B o b Te n d y
improved the district’s finan- approved, using monies from
Part of a series on tablishments in which he was
cial flexibility.” the unappropriated unreserved
time would be the charm,” concerns. district for Lake Oscawana. voiced his preference for
local eateries cooking, they married and in settling this oft-discussed Discussion of the mecha- A $30,000 grant has been t h e f o r m e r, “ r e g u l a t o r y, ”
began raising a family that “Moody’s believes that the fund balance for the 2009-09 issue, but it was not to be. nism of the law concluded that sought to finance the district, approach because it would
by Annie Chesnut now includes three boys, the District’s three-year trend of school year. The idea of regulating these the zoning board would be the with the goal of ensuring (See Boilers on Page 9)
oldest of whom waits tables at sound financial management (See Haldane on Page 9) outdoor boilers, used by some
Peter Inserillo has owned the café. Christine runs “the practices will continue,” the
report said. “The District’s
and operated the Cold Spring
Bakery and Café for close to
front of the house” and Peter
works in the back. All of the conservative budgeting has
produced operating surpluses
eight years, but the family-
o w n e d - a n d - o p e r a t e d b u s i-
recipes are his, and he care-
fully supervises the prepara- in the last three years.”
Villanti said that the upgrade
NOTICE News Opinion Sports
ness was decades in the tion to make sure everything P h i l i p s to w n
making. is up to his standards. is unusual given the current
Peter graduated from the The café feels like a coun- tough economic climate. In
addition to conservative bud- Notice is hereby given, that the Town Board of Phil- Advice for the New
Culinary Institute of America try kitchen, with cheerful ipstown will conduct a Public Hearing on September 3, Rep. Hall
and then spent time working flowerboxes outside, the geting, “Our fiscal fitness Sheriff Candidates vs. Sheriff Smith Putnam Valley
has improved considerably 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 238 Main Street,
i n high-en d c o u n t r y c lubs windows, white walls hung Cold Spring. The purpose is to hear comments for/ Debate in Carmel Athletic Director
and restaurants both in New with local photographs and because of our emphasis on
long-term planning and the against the proposed increase and improvement of the Letters to the Editor
York and Colorado. When other artwork, folding wood- facilities of the Garrison’s Landing Water District.
he met his wife, Christine, en chairs, and polished plank creation of reserve funds to
offset known future costs,” See notice on page 16 for more details. page 12 page 6
a waitress at one of the es- page 14
(See Café on Page 8) he said.
Page 2 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cold Spring Hosts Annual Senior Picnic Hudson Ramble Celebrates Cultural Landscape
T h e H u d s o n R i v e r Va l - ary explorations, and historic leys will welcome visitors
ley National Heritage Area, site tours that highlight the free of charge or at signifi-
Hudson River Valley Gre- significant historical, cul- cantly reduced rates for ex-
enway, and New York State tural and natural resources ploration and participation
Department of Environmental found throughout the Hudson in special events. Heritage
Conservation Hudson River River Valley. Weekend event listings can
Estuary Program is encourag- This year, the 2009 Hudson be found at heritageweek-
ing residents of the Hudson Fulton Champlain Quadri-
Va l l e y a n d b e y o n d t o g e t centennial Commission has All Ramble events are led
ready for the Tenth Annual partnered with the National by naturalists, ecologists,
Hudson River Valley Ramble, Heritage Area and the Histor- historians, geologists and
The heat is probably the main topic these days. Too scheduled for September 5-7, ic House Trust of New York trained volunteers from 200
bad we can’t bottle some of it so it can be released in 12-13, 19-20, & 26-27, 2009. City to inaugurate the state’s participating groups. Events
t h e middl e o f J a n u a r y. K eep yours elves , childre n a n d During this Quadricenten- first ever New York Heritage are offered for all abilities,
pets well protected and hydrated during these hot days. nial Year, the Ramble will Weekend which will be held most are free, and many are
• Speaking of pets, Dr. Peter Bach of the Animal Hos- f e a t u r e a l a rg e r t h a n e v e r during the second weekend family oriented.
pital of Cold Spring has informed the PCN&R that there roster of events stretching of the Ramble, September The Hudson River Valley
has been a sudden rise in Kennel Cough Infection in from Saratoga and Washing- 12-13. During this special Ramble is sponsored by the
Westchester. Dr. Bach will be offering additional hours in ton Counties and the Capital weekend, the museums, his- Hudson River Valley National
the evenings and on Thursdays to accommodate the extra Region to New York City. Par- torical societies, heritage Heritage Area (HRVNHA).
needs of dogs under his care until the end of September. ticipants will enjoy guided areas, historic places, parks, Visit www.hudsonriverval-
There is a vaccination against KCI and they have suf- walking, hiking, kayaking, and recreation areas of the
ficient numbers of the vaccine in stock for the patients and biking experiences, estu- Hudson and Champlain val-
at the Animal Hospital of Cold Spring.
• Lots of people are on vacation the last two weeks
of August but there are still some things to do around Kristine Sansone
town. The Chamber of Commerce Sunset Series: Slip- Left to right: Kaelin Martin, Marina Martin, Bridget Batignani, Lucy Austin, and
p ery Chick en /B u d d y Traina Band: Rockabilly/Ro ck & Frankie Batignani.
Blues will be at the Cold Spring Bandstand at 5:30 on ready and eager to help us,” he so many desserts! … brown-
Sunday, August 23. by Catherine Garnsey explained. “This is a chance ies and cupcakes and 3 great
• The book and media sale is still going on at the Des- for us all to show apprecia- big cheesecakes from The
mond Fish Library in Garrison, Boscobel has a lecture “And if you should survive tion to those folks who were Cheesecake Factory. Also,
on framing on Monday August 24, and some restaurants to a hundred and five,
so good to us when we kids. this is the first year that we
around town have summer specials and music. Look at all you’ll derive
I really enjoy seeing them had live entertainment. Some
• One of our Lake Peekskill readers reported an un- out of being alive
Then here is the best part and serving them once a year of the members of The Depot
usual skunk sighting last weekend. Leaving the house like this, and I know that the Theatre cast of “Annie” came
You have a head start
for a beach trip at around 5 in the morning, he noticed seniors always look forward to sing for us. (photo above)
If you are among the very
that the trash in front of the house had been raided, and young at heart.” to this picnic.” Those kids were wonderful!
the culprit was still there on the brick walkway. It was a Jean DePaolis, one of the Mrs. DePaolis continued, “Af-
baby skunk, spinning around in circles and acting dazed. from “Young at Heart,” 1953 guests, said that she had a ter that, many of us just sat
Rabies? No, Yoplait. The poor critter had a plastic yogurt Lyrics by Carolyn Leigh great time at the Senior Pic- around chatting while some of
container stuck on its head and was in a frenzy trying to Music by Johnny Richards
nic. “Oh, it was lovely!” the other seniors played cards
get it off. Our reader donned some garden gloves, and, s h e r e p o r t e d , “ T h e f o o d or backgammon, listening to
hoping not to get sprayed, waited until it went behind The Cold Spring Senior
was delicious … hamburg- our favorite music from the
a small stepladder, where he reached in and pulled the Picnic, held at Mayor’s Park,
ers with tomatoes, onions, CD player.
yogurt cup off the animal’s face. No spray was evident, Cold Spring, on Saturday,
and cheese, hot dogs, ziti, All in all, it was a beautiful
and all seemed well, until the determined little skunk August 15, 2009, hosted close
potato salad, tossed salad, and day, a little hot, but it really
decided to head back to the torn trash bags for more! A to 80 area senior citizens who
elbow macaroni salad. And didn’t matter.”
few noisy screen door slams, and it was finally on its came to enjoy an afternoon of
way back to the woods. food, fun, and entertainment
• Happy Birthday greetings to Sara Savastano, Joseph as the guests of the Village
S a v a s t a n o , Ta r a D u g g a n , C h a r l e s J u n j u l a s J r. , C a r o l Board of Cold Spring.
Saltzman, Julia Famularo, Rhett Prentice, Maria Cofini, Mayor Seth Gallagher was
Paul White, mary Jane Smith, Mimi Solis, Geoffry Lil- on hand flipping burgers and
burne, Luke Meisel, Christina Strebel, Stewart Sawyer, cooking hot dogs on the grille
Haywood Fincham Sr., Michael Lyons, Arvindbhai Shah, and was happy to talk about
Grace O’Malley, Simon Spence, Marcella S. Sakala, Bob this annual event. “Our se-
Sampogna. Best wishes to all! niors have contributed so
much to our village and town
C o r r e c t i o n : In last week’s issue we reported that Anne in past years and many of
Impellizzeri was present at a meeting of the Cold Spring them are still active serving
Village Board on July 28. She was not present. our community. This is our
way of saying ‘thank you’
to them … and the seniors
really seem to be enjoying
Bruce Campbell, Village
Trustee, who has lived in the
village for 56 years, worked
hard to get the food and drinks
for the day donated by the
town’s restaurants, delis, and
bars. “This is one event that
always touches my heart …
and as I went around for dona-
tions to our area merchants,
everyone had their hands out,

Letters to
the Editor
Are on Page 6

Meetings This Week

7:00 PM - PVCSD BOE Meeting - PVHS
No Meetings Scheduled 6:00 PM - PV Planning Board 7:30 PM -Cold Spring Board Weekly 7:30 PM-Philipstown Board Weekly
7:00 PM - Cold Spring ZBA
PV TOWN HALL CLOSED 7:30 PM - Philipstown ZBA Workshop Workshop
7:30 PM -Philipstown Planning Board -
Public Hearing - VFW Hall
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 3

Children’s String Festival Is a Success B a r n D a n c e

Gala Benefits
Glynwood, the non-profit
organization whose mission
is to help save farming in
the northeast, will hold its
first Barn-Dance Gala in
ST. MARY’S its new barn at Glynwood
EPISCOPAL CHURCH Farm. Cocktails and a dinner
IN THE HIGHLANDS showcasing products from
1 Chestnut Street, local Hudson Valley farms
Fair Street, Cold Spring Academy & Cherry Cold Spring, NY 1051
Cold Spring will be followed by dancing
(845) 265-3718 Streets Unless otherwise
Fr. Shane Scott- and a live auction. Proceeds Cold Spring - 265-3220 indicated, all services
Hamblen, Rector, 265- from the Gala will help sup-
Fr. Brian McSweeney, Rev. Leslie Mott, Pastor take place at St. Mary’s
2539 L e e A n n P o m pla s port Glynwood’s programs
Pastor Parish House, Cold Pictured at the concert are: Back Row, (l-r) Damon Banks, Pam Read, Gwen Laster, Sophia
Mr. Ron Greene, Senior to help save farming.
Masses: Sat. 5:30pm, Sun. email: FPCP@verizon. Spring. Wallach, David Rothenberg and Lianna Culp; Middle Row: Ava Adler, Hanna Scali, Anna
Warden, 265-3624 The event will take place
7 : 3 0 a m , 9 , & 11 : 4 5 a m . , net services/10:30am, leader tba Brief; Front Row, Roy Smith, Eden Bruening, Aria Shahbodaghi, Luke Marinelli.
www.stmaryscoldspring. on Saturday, September 12,
Weekdays: 8:15am, St. Jo- Worship Service: 10am Fri. Sept. 18, Rosh Hashanah After a week of intensive with Violinist/Teaching Artist strings on bass clarinet to 2009, with cocktails and
seph’s - Garrison, Sun., Chancel Choir Rehearsal: evening services, 8pm
Sun. Masses: 8am (spoken); p r i v a t e l e s s o n s , e n s e m b l e Pam Read, was a first for the perform Rothenberg’s “Whale dinner beginning at 7pm, at
10:15am. Holy Days: 8:15am Wednesdays 7pm Sat. Sept. 19, Rosh Hasha-
10:30am (sung); Sunday p l a y i n g , a n d c o m p o s i t i o n village of Cold Spring. The Music,” with the sounds of the Barn at Glynwood Farm.
& 7:30pm Mass, Holy Day Office Hours: Tue, Wed & nah morning services, 10am
school in Parish Hall dur- lessons, young string play- t h e m e o f t h e c o n c e r t w a s whales recorded live in Ha- Glynwood is located on
Vigil: 530pm Thu, 8-12 Sun. Sept. 27 - Kol Nidre
ing 10:30 mass e r s f r o m t h e H u d s o n Va l - New, Traditional, and Non waii. All music was accom- Route 301 in Cold Spring.
Confessions: Sat., 4:30-5pm Food Pantry: Saturdays evening service, 8pm
Thurs. Fri. & Sun.: AA in ley presented their final day Traditional Music. The nine panied by Laster on violin Individual tickets are
Bingo - Thursdays, doors 9-10am Mon. Sept. 27 - Yom Kip-
parish hall, 8pm concert on Friday, August 7, young artists performed origi- and piano, Read on violin, $ 2 5 0 . Ta b l e s p o n s o r s h i p s
open 6pm, first game begins pur services, 10am and 3pm;
UNITED METHODIST 2009, at the Chapel of Our nal compositions, traditional and Banks on electric bass are available. To purchase
7 : 1 5 p m . $ 1 , 5 0 0 i n To t a l discussion 1pm, break fast
FRANCISCAN FRIARS CHURCHES OF COLD Lady Restoration. and Suzuki compositions, and a n d w a s r e c o r d e d l i v e b y tickets, please call Anita
Cash Prizes. Concessions community mail, 6pm, all
OF THE ATONEMENT SPRING & SOUTH The Hudson Valley Sum- non-traditional music using sound engineer Joe Johnson. Barber at Glynwood, 265-
available. at St. Mary’s Parish House
Route 9, Garrison HIGHLAND (Garrison) mer Strings Festival, led by improvisation. For info on lessons and next 3338.
424-3671 ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH (265-3365) Vi o l i n i s t / Te a c h i n g A r t i s t Clarinetist/composer David year’s Festival, call 265 2878
graymoorcenter@ IN THE HIGHLANDS South Highland UMC,
Gwen Laster in conjunction Rothenberg who joined the or visit 1101 Route 9D, Garrison 19 Snake Hill Rd. Quaker Meeting
Sunday Eucharist - 11am,
Pilgrim Hall.
Rev. Francis H. Geer, Rec.
Cold Spring UMC,
(845) 424-3525 NHFD Runs First Training Course Andrew Kelvas Graduates
Meeting for Worship – 2nd &
Daily Mass - Mon. - Sat.
424-3571 - e-mail:
216 Main Street
Pastor Margaret (Peggy)
4th Sundays of each month, Special to the PCN&R members are now trained as
Training Instructors for the
From Maritime Academy
Summer schedule: 10am, at 848 Old Albany 3rd Assistant Engineering
Mondays - Holy Hour, 8pm. Laemmel Post Road (Whyatt Stone On August 12 and August Emergency Escape and Self
Centering Prayer - 8pm. 8am - Holy Communion South Highland in Garrison merchant marine license and
Cottage), Garrison. Call for 16 the North Highlands Fire Rescue System.
Monthly Prayer Meeting 2nd 10am - Main Service; child- worship service at 9:30am. a U.S. Armed Forces com-
directions. Children of all Department’s Firefighters North Highlands recently
Sunday of every month at care available for 10am ser- Cold Spring worship service mission at the ceremony. He
ages welcome. used their new building for purchased 22 R.I.T. Emer-
2 p m. Rec o v e r y I n c . e very vice at 11am. additionally was awarded a
training for the first tine. The gency Escape and Self Res-
Wednesday, 7:30pm. Sat. Sept. 12 - Bake Sale, Bachelor of Science degree.
GRACE UNITED building was built with a self cue Systems which are being
Sat. Aug. 27 - Career Coach- Foodtown, 9:30am-noon REFORM TEMPLE OF Midshipman Kelvas was
METHODIST CHURCH escape window, which the given out to their interior
ing Workshop 7pm, res. req’d PUTNAM VALLEY nominated to the academy
337 Peekskill Hollow firefighters use to simulate firefighters upon completion
Renewal Farmers’ Market: COLD SPRING 362 Church Road by former Congresswoman
Road, Putnam Valley escaping a situation such as of a training class. The Emer-
Every Friday, 10-3, during BAPTIST CHURCH Putnam Valley Sue Kelly.
Pastor Tony Mecca being trapped in a room with gency Self Escape Rescue
growing season. (American Baptist Rabbi Allen Darnov U.S. Secretary of Transpor-
845-526-3788 no other way out than the System consists of a Class
Churches, USA) (845) 528-4774 tation Ray LaHood delivered
Sunday Service & Sunday window. II harness with 50 feet of
Paul Laurelli the keynote address at the
ST. JOSEPH’S CHAPEL School: 10 am. The class this past week was webbing and a descending
(Interim Pastor) Shabbat Services: Fridays, Academy’s 73rd commence-
A mission Chapel of Our Prayer Service w/ Com- a Train the trainer class given device. This allows the fire-
245 Main St., Cold 8 p m ; Yo u n g p e o p l e ’ s s e r- ment.
Lady of Loretto Church munion: Tues 7 pm. “Tues- by First Due Training from fighter to escape dangerous
Upper Station Rd., Spring vice- third Friday of the Rear Admiral Allen B. Wor-
days w/ Tony” - Discussion Staten Island. The class was situations when trapped in
Garrison, 265-3718 265-2022 month, 7pm. Hebrew School, ley, the superintendent, pre-
group, 9am. attended bun ne firefighters: rooms above the first floor.
Sunday Mass: 10:15am Sunday Services, 10:30am ages 3+ Midshipman Andrew M. sented the Class of 2009 with
Chief Joseph Hyatt, Assis- These systems were recently
ST. LUKE’S LUTHERAN Wednesdays: Prayer- Fel- Kelvas, who resides in Putnam their academic credentials.
tant Chief Pat Scherer, 2nd mandated by NFPA.
CHURCH lowship time, 7pm HISTORIC TOMPKINS Valley, graduated on June 22 The academy is operated by
CAPUCHIN YOUTH & Assistant Chief Matt Riner, The Fire Department wants
65 Oscawana Lake Rd., CORNERS UNITED from the U.S. Merchant Ma- the Maritime Administration
FAMILY MINISTRIES Captain Chris Hyatt, Lieuten- to remind everyone we are
Putnam Valley TEMPLE ISRAEL METHODIST CHURCH rine Academy, Kings Point, of the U.S. Department of
781 Route 9D, Garrison ant Barbara Vivienzo, 2nd always seeking new members
www. 140 Lake Drive 729 Peekskill Hollow with the 197 members of the Transportation.
424-3609 Lieutenant Karolina Alves, and anyone wishing to join Lake Peekskill Road, Putnam Valley class of 2009. Midshipman Kelvas is now and Firefighters James Ma- is urged to call the firehouse
528-8858, Rabbi Jeff Cymet 845-528-5076 The son of Patti and An- working for military sealift
Fri/Sun Aug. 28/30 - G.I.F.T. tero, Mike Lisikatos, and at 265-9595 or stop by any 845-528-2305 drew Kelvas, he received a command (MSC).
(Growing in Faith Together), John Van Tassel. All of these Sunday morning.
Sunday Worship - Service: Shabbat Services: Fridays 1st Sunday of the month
Catholic retreat for teenag-
9am, Coffee hour: 10:15am, 8pm; Saturdays 9:15am. worship: 2pm
ers. Call or visit online. Reg.
deadline Aug. 25 Family Communion Service
Fri/Sun Sept. 4/6 - Refresh including Sunday School:
and renew, retreat for CYFM 10:30am
alumni. Call or visit online. Thu. - Prayer Service, 8pm
2020 Rte 301, Carmel 845-454-0570
845-228-4283/4288 www.templebethelpok.ny Shalom Tots - First Sat. of each month - 11:15am
Sunday programs: Sun. Aug. 23 - Sisterhood of
9-10am - Chanting and Medi- Temple Beth-El picnic, 11am,
tation Bowdoin Park, Pavilion #1.
10-11am - Dharma Talk $10/family donation rq. sis-
11 a m - 1 2 p m - N o o n B o o k
Discussion Group Fri. Aug. 28 - Intergenera-
Vegetarian lunch, Saturdays tional service, 6-630pm; in-
& Sundays, 12-1pm teractive Torah story, Shab-
bat melodies, more.
Page 4 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sat. Sept. 5 - Collaborative Sat. Sept. 12 - Army vs. Duke Sat. Sept. 19 - Family History Sun. Oct. 4 - HH Land Trust Sun. Oct. 11 - 4th Annual Hudson Sun. Nov. 8 - Concert: Alex-
Concepts Farm Project 2009: Football, Philipstown Pop War- Fair, 10am-3pm, free classes, Take-a-Hike! Fire on the Moun- Highlands Greenway Triathlon: ander Fiterstein, clarinet, Rolf
more than 60 artists installing ner fundraiser, 12 noon, $29p/p, lectures, info booth re-building tain w/ Jordan Dale. Bring a kayak, bike, and run or team Schulte, violin, Aaron Wunsch,
art on a historic, working farm. arrive early for tailgating, Phil- your family tree. Church of Jesus bag lunch. Meet: 10am. Sur- up. Register at See piano. A selection of classical
Opening: 2-6pm; open every ipstown Hawks take the field Christ of Latter-day Saints, 801 prise Lake Camp Main Bldg. www.HudsonHighlandsTriath- music. 4pm, free. Chapel of Our
day, dawn to dusk through Oct. post-game. footballhawks@ Kitchawan Rd., Ossining. www. 4 hrs, difficult.:, for info. 845-803-4145. Lady Restoration, 45 Market
31. 853 Old Albany Post Rd., familyhistory.dreamhosters. 424-3358 St., CS, park at Metro-North
Garrison. 845-528-1797 com, 914-736-1791 station.
Thu. Oct. 15 - Philipstown
Sat. Sept. 12 - Boot-Stompin’ Sun. Oct. 4 - Sunset Series: Seniors River Rose Cruise &
Sun. Sept. 6 - CS Chamber of Black-Tie Barn-Dance Gala to Sun. Sept. 20 - Concert: Jason Readings at Chapel of Our Lady River Grill Luncheon. Lunch Wed. Nov. 18 - Philipstown
Commerce Sunset Series, M benefit Glynwood. 7pm cock- Cutmore, piano, playing Al- Restoration. Poet Edwin Torres. & cruise the Hudson. $45 mem- Seniors trip to Lincoln Center
Shanghai String Band: Amer- tails & dinner at The Barn at beniz, de Severac and Schubert. 4pm, wine & cheese reception bers/$50 non members. Eileen, Theater, NYC to see South Pa-
We d . A u g . 2 6 - H o l i s t i c 4pm, free. Chapel of Our Lady
moms network hosts chat icana, 5:30pm, Cold Spring Glynwood Farm. $250p/p. Anita, follows. Free, park at Metro- 265-5098. cific w/ lunch at Carmines. $125/
ONGOING: Bandstand, free. 265-3338. Restoration, 45 Market St., CS, North station. members, $130/non-members.
and play at Cold Spring park at Metro-North station.
Tiny Tots McConville Park, Eileen, 265-5098.
Sun. Oct. 18 - Walkabout at Tilly
Cold Spring Farmers’ Market, 3pm. Wed. Sept. 9 - Annual Cold Sun. Sept. 13 - Sunset Series: Sat. Oct. 10 - Sustainable Put- Foster Farm. Guided historical
Saturdays through Thanks- Spring Farmers Market Com- Readings at Chapel of Our Lady Sun. Sept. 20 - Walkabout at nam Workshop: Water Wisdom/ tours, 1pm. Reservations rec, Sat. Dec. 5 - Cold Spring by
giving, 8:30am-1:30pm, munity Dinner, 7pm, The Gar- Restoration. Novelist Valerie Tilly Foster Farm. Guided his- Protect Drinking & Surface space ltd. 845-279-4474, www. Candlelight – Holiday Festival
at The Nest, Chestnut St. rison. Martin. 4pm, wine & cheese torical tours, 1pm. Reservations Water, sponsored by Cornell & House Tours. Historic homes
COMING UP: rec, space ltd. 845-279-4474,
reception follows. Free, park Coop Extension. Putnam County and sites will be open to the
Putnam Valley Farmers’ Mar- at Metro-North station. Emergency Training Ctr., Don public during this 6th annual
kets: Fridays, 3-7pm, Tomp- Sat. Aug. 29 - Putnam Chorale, Thu. Sept. 10 - HH Trust Take- Smith Campus, 112 Old Route Fri. Oct. 23 - HH Land Trust tour to benefit PARC. Carol-
kins Cnrs Methodist Church, 2nd annual Summer Sing & Open a-Hike! Musical Tot Trek II 6, Carmel. www.cce.cornell. Take-a-Hike! Spooky - Not ing, discounts at local stores
w/ Stacy Labriola. Ltd. space, Sun. Sept. 13 - HH Land Trust Sun/Thu Sept. 20/24 - Philip- Scary: Stories on the Hudson
outdoors, 729 Peekskill Hol- House, Mozart’s Requiem w/ stown Seniors trip to Wildwood, edu/Putnam or 845-278-6738. and restaurants, holiday music,
low Rd. June 19-Oct. 9 ALSO orchestra, 7:30pm, First United reg. req’d. 10am, 1 hr., easy/ Take-a-Hike! Night Sky Out- w/ Storyteller Jonathan Kruk. visits with Old St. Nick and
family-friendly., ing w/ astronomer Frank Suits. NJ, 5 days/4 nights, visit At- 5pm Little Stony Point Park
Wednesdays, 3-7pm at Putnam Methodist Church, Brewster, lantic City, winery tour, Cape more. 1-6pm, benefit for PARC.
Valley Grange, Adams Cnrs, free. 424-3358 Bring blanket & binoculars. Sat. Oct. 10 - HH Land Trust bridge, Cold Spring. 1 hr., easy/ Advance tickets: $25/adults,
8pm, Garrison Golf Club parking May boardwalk & boat cruises. Take-a-Hike! Fall Foliage & Tree family-friendly,
128 Mill St. Indoor/Outdoor, $379 incl. 3 dinners/4 bfasts. $20/seniors; $12/children under
through Dec. 16.845-528-0066 lot. 2 hrs, easy/family friendly. ID w/ arborist Lew Kingsley. 424-3358 12. Day of event: $30/$25/$15.
Sat. Aug. 29 - Home Garden Fri. Sept. 11 - Jazz vocalist, 424-3358 Eileen, 265-5098.. 9am, Garrison Train Station
Produce Swap; bring items from Michelle LeBlanc and quartet, 845-278-PARC, ext. 287 www.
Historic Walking Tours of Cold Parking Lot, 2 hrs., easy/family-
your garden and trade for those “I Remember You,” 8pm, Arts friendly/no strollers. www.hhlt. Sat. Oct. 24 - HH Land Trust
Spring conducted by volunteers on the Lake, 640 Route 52, Fri/Sat Sept. 18/19 - Philip- Sat. Sept. 26 - Constitution Take-a-Hike! Castle to Castle
from Putnam County Histori- from someone else’s. 9-11am, Island Family Day, 10am-3pm. org, 424-3358.
Tilly Foster Farm. www.cce. Kent Lakes stown Garden Club flower show, w/ the Osborn Family. Space is
cal Society, Sundays at 2pm, open to public for viewing from Exhibits, demos, birds of prey, limited, reg. req’d. 1pm at Cat The Putnam County News &
free, meet at foot of Main St.; horse & wagon rides, boat rides, Recorder is happy to announce
2-5 on Fri and 10:30-5 on Sat, Sat. Oct. 10 - Bake sale, spon- Rock, Garrison, for shuttle to
through Labor Day weekend. Sat. Sept. 12 - Summer Sun- Desmond-Fish Library, Gar- Rev. War Trail walks. Shuttle sored by South Highland UM Castle Rock. 3hrs., moderate/ your event. A complete list-
Sat/Sun Aug. 29/30 - Haldane set & Fireworks Cruise on the rison. runs from south end of Metro- Church, 9:30am-noon, in front difficult level., ing of Coming Events are on
Varsity volleyball fall plant sale, Hudson, in celebration of the North CS parking lot. 845-446- of Foodtown 424-3358 our website at
9am-3pm at Foodtown. 400th Anniversary Hudson sail, 8676, www.constitutionisland. To send your listing: PCN&R,
THIS WEEK: cruise on the River Rose. Din- Sat. Sept. 19: Tots Park Jam- org PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY
ner buffet, open bar, music, boree: 4-6pm at McConville Sat. Oct. 10 - Mid-run reception: Fri. Nov. 6: Putnam Family 10516; fax 265-2144; e-mail,
Wed. Aug. 19 - Philipstown Sun. Aug. 30 - CS Chamber of dancing, silent & live auctions, Park. Bring a picnic blanket and Collaborative Concepts Farm & Community Services’ Din-
Commerce Sunset Series: Jona- Peekskill Celebration Fireworks enjoy some live music while you Sat. Sept. 26 - 32nd annual Project 2009: more than 60 art- ner Dance Benefit, including
Pop Warner fundraiser: “Worth Cold Spring Harvest Festival.
Its Weight in Gold.” Bring un- than Kruk/Annie & the Natural Display. 8-11p.m., $100 per help raise funds for the park. ists installing art on a historic, whodunit mystery. 6:30-11pm,
Wonder Band Storyteller/dances person, benefit for PARC. 845- Suggested donation: $20/family. Starts at 10am; details tba. working farm. 2-6pm; open every Sinapi’s Ceola Manor in Jeffer-
wanted gold, silver, selected
Swiss watches, coins, silverware, about animals, 5:30pm, Cold 278- PARC, ext. 287 or www. day dawn to dusk through Oct. son Valley. $95p/p. Reservations/
etc. for jeweler to pay cash, Spring Bandstand, free. Fri. Oct. 2 - HH Land Trust’s 31. 853 Old Albany Post Rd., sponsorship: Cheryl, 845-225-
Sat. Sept. 19 - HH Land Trust Garrison. 845-528-1797 2700, x136 or cmckeever@PF-
10% of proceeds to Pop Warner. 20th Anniversary Celebration

Take-a-Hike! What Henry saw &;
5:30-8pm, Mayor’s Park. Sun. Aug. 30 - Tour de Putnam Sat. Sept. 12 - Bake sale. spon- more w/ historian Ray Phillips. Dinner, The Garrison. For tickets
call 424-3358.

Cycling Festival, 153-5-75/100 sored by South Highland UM Part of the Hudson River Valley Sun. Oct. 11 - Concert: Camille
Sun. Aug. 23 - CS Chamber mile routes. www.VisitPutnam. Church, 9:30am-noon, in front Ramble.10am, Ft. Montgomery King, soprano, Regan Smith Sat. Nov. 7 - 5th Annual Choices
of Commerce Sunset Series: org, 800-470-4854. of Foodtown Visitors’ Center, 2 hrs., Moder- and Carol Leone, piano. Haydn, for Sustainable Living Expo, co-
Slippery Chicken/Buddy Traina ate., 424-3358 Mendelssohn and Rachmaninoff. presented by HHLT & Teatown
Band: Rockabilly/Rock & Blues, 4pm, free. Chapel of Our Lady Lake Reservation, 9am-2pm,
5:30pm, Cold Spring Bandstand, Restoration, 45 Market St., CS, The Garrison,,
free, bring blanket & picnic. park at Metro-North station. 424-3358
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 5

Doansburg Ensemble Closes Rock, Pop, and Jazz From

Season at St. Mary’s Buddy Traina at Sunset
hornist Susan LaFever, and
guitarist Seth Himmelhoch
will be the featured soloists.
Christine Smith is a gradu-
ate of the Juilliard School of
Music, Pre-College Division,
and holds a Masters Degree
Rtes. 301 & 9D Route 9D & 403, Garrison Garrison’s Landing Depot Square, Garrison’s Wind Ensemble, and has per-
845-265-3040 845-424-3020 845-424-3960 Landing formed at Paul Hall, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, and
Mon & Wed: 10am-8pm Hours: M/ W/F: 10am-5pm 845-424-3900 the Saratoga Performing Arts
T, T, F and Sat: 10am-5pm Tue & Thu 2-9pm; Gallery Hours: Tue/Sun Fri. Sept. 19 - Music Tracks Center.
Sun. 12-3pm Sat 10am-1pm, Closed Sun- 12-5pm presents Head Soup, 8pm Susan LaFever, a graduate
ONGOING PROGRAMS days until September 13 Through Sept 8 - GAC-
of the Manhattan School of
Bouncing Babies (infants Through Mon Aug. 24 - sponsored CURRENTwith- STONECROP GARDENS Music, has been a soloist,
thru 24 mos.), Tue, Wed, & Friends Book & Media sale. out at Boscobel Sculpture 81 Stonecrop Lane chamber, and orchestral mu-
Thu, 10am Sale hours: Saturdays from on Display at GAC and on Cold Spring Susan LaFever Just back from performanc- c o m i n g C D Wo rd s o f A r t .
sician in concerts throughout
Little Bookworms (2.5 thru 10-5; Sundays from 1-5; Boscobel’s Grounds 845-265-2000 es in Europe, Buddy Traina The band will also perform The Doansburg Chamber the United States, Western
4.5 years) Thu, 12:30pm Weekdays from 2-5. will be performing with his classics from his extensive
PARAMOUNT CENTER Mon–Fri, plus 1st & Ensemble will close their 2009 Europe, Mexico, and Japan.
Pokemon Club, (Grade 1 & Fri/Sat Sept 18/19 - Philip- band on Sunday, August 23, catalogue, and surprise cov-
1008 Brown Street, 3rd Sat., 10am – 5pm; season with performances on Seth Himmelhoch holds
up), Alternate Weds. stown Garden Club Flower 2009, at 5:30pm at The Cold ers. Opening for Buddy is
Peekskill also open Fri. until Saturday, September 5, at 7pm degrees from the Manhattan
New Moms’ Book Group, S h o w, o p e n t o p u b l i c f o r Spring Area Chamber of Com- “Slippery Chicken,” a rock-
914-739-2333 dusk through Oct 2; $5/ at St. Mary in the Highlands School of Music, and is the di-
Fridays, 10am, bring babies viewing 2-5 on Fri, 10:30- merce Sunday Sunset Music a-billy group. members - no charge Episcopal Church at the in- rector of guitar studies at Wil-
Wi i B o w l i n g f o r S e n i o r s , 5 on Sat. Series. Several of Buddy’s CD’s
FILM: Treeless Mountain, Sat. Sept. 19 - Tea in the tersection of Routes 9D and liam Paterson University in
Mon, 10:30am The current line-up of the will be on sale.For more in-
Fri. Aug. 28 at 8pm incl q Garden - self guided tours, 301 in Cold Spring, and on Wayne, NJ. He has made solo
Butterfield Book Group - band includes Traina on gui- formation on the Summer
PUTNAM COUNTY & a with director; Aug. 30 exhibits, refreshments, Sunday, September 6 at 4pm appearances at such venues as
one Monday a month, 7pm tars & vocal, Michael Larocco Sunset Music Series and the
HISTORICAL SOCIETY at 3pm; Sept. 3 at 8pm 10am-5pm, $5, members free at Trinity Lutheran Church Alice Tully Hall, Wagner Col-
Alternate Fridays, 3:30 pm on drums and percussion, and Cold Spring Area Chamber of
& FOUNDRY SCHOOL Wed. Sept. 16 - Los Lobos, Sun. Sept. 20 - Garden Con- at 2103 Route 6, just west of lege in Staten Island, and St.
Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Evan Schwartz on bass. Commerce, visit www.cold-
MUSEUM 8pm servancy Open Day, 10am- Brewster. Presentations will Paul’s Chapel in NYC. Tickets
6th grade & up 63 Chestnut St., Cold Traina performs an eclectic or call
Fri. Nov. 13 - Dionne War- 5pm, $5; free for members include performances of C. are available at the door at $9
Spring blend of rock, pop, folk, and 845-265-3200.
wick, 8pm & GC ticket holders Förster’s Concerto No. 2 in for general admission and $8
845-265-4010 jazz songs from his forth-
PUTNAM VALLEY Sat. Nov. 21 - Johnny Maestro Tue. Sept. 22 - Guided Gar- E Flat Major, Sinfonia No. for seniors and students. For
LIBRARY den Tour - Dahlias, 6-7pm, further concert information,
& The Brooklyn Bridge, 8pm 30 by L. Boccherini, Sym-
M u s e u m h o u r s : We d - S u n ,
30 Oscawana Lake Rd.,
845-528-3242 11am-5pm CHAPEL OF OUR LADY
$10/members - no charge phony No. 6 in D Major by
F. J. Haydn, and F. Carulli’s
or to order advance tickets,
please call 845-228-4167 or
Bring Your Veggies to Home
Hours: Sun. 1-5; Mon. 10-6;
Office hours: Tues/Fri 10-5
Through mid-August - Ex-
45 Market St.,
Route 9D, Garrison
Concerto in G Major. Flut-
ist Christine Smith, French
Garden Produce Swap
Tue/Wed 10-8; Thu/Fri 11-5; hibit: “George Pope Morris: Cold Spring 845-265-3638
Sat - 10-5 Defining American Culture” 845-265-5537
Book Club begins again in
Sept. 3rd Tues of each month. CONSTITUTION
Sun. Sept. 13 - Sunset Read-
Opendaily except Tues.,
9:30am-5pm,last tour
Library Seeks Teens For
Sept. book is Moby Dick;
Oct. book is Ahab’s Wife.
West Point, NY
ing Series: Valerie Martin,
novelist, 4pm, free
$16/adults, $12/seniors,
Film Editing Project
845-446-8676 Sun. Sept. 20 - Concert: $7/children, 6-14, under The Desmond-Fish Library transitions, screen wipes, Jason Cutmore, piano, play- 6/free is looking for teens to learn insert narration, include a
PUTNAM ARTS Grounds only $8 film production and editing soundtrack, and add special
COUNCIL P ublic to urs throu gh S e p - ing Albeniz, de Severac and
Mon. Aug. 24 - Lecture on with the Library’s Flip Video effects to their film using
Tilly Foster Farm tember, Wed & Thu at 1 and Schubert. 4pm, free.
Framing, 5pm camcorder. This handy device Windows Movie Maker. Class
100 Route 312 2pm, leaving from South Sun. Oct 4 - Sunset Reading
Sat. Sept. 12 - Big Band allows the filmmaker to easily participants are encouraged
Brewster Dock at West Pt. Res. req’d. Series: Edwin Torres, poet
845-278-0230 Concert and Sunset Picnic, transfer film onto a computer to bring their own laptops,
Sat. Sept. 26 - Family Day, 6-8pm and edit it with download- but computers will be avail-
10am-3pm, exhibits, demos, THE HOWLAND
Art Classes for all ages. CENTER Sun. Sept. 13 - Dutchess able software. Teens who are able. Registration for this
boat rides, trail walks, house
Express Yourself, summer 477 Main Street,Beacon County Day. Free admission interesting in learning how class is required. The class Cornell Cooperative Exten- No buying or selling will be
tours; depart from CS Metro-
arts program (845) 831-4988 for all county residents to make videos for YouTube will be free. sion, Putnam County, is host- allowed. Home-grown pro-
North parking lot
Through Aug. 23 - 17th Thursdays, 7-9pm - Medi- Sun. Sept. 20 - Horse & or for use in the classroom Teens who complete their ing a home garden produce duce only.
Annual Art After 75 Show, tation Classes, drop in, no Carriage Day, 12-4pm should contact the library at videos will be eligible for swap on Saturday, August Cornell Cooperative Exten-
MANITOGA/THE pre-reg req’d, $8 class 424-3020. a film festival to be held at 29, from 9–11am, at the Tilly sion Educators and Master
RUSSEL WRIGHT Sat. Aug. 22 - Jazz pianist HUDSON VALLEY Library Staff member Pam Foster Farm, 100 Route 312, Gardener volunteers will be
VAN BRUNT GALLERY the library in September. All
DESIGN CENTER SHAKESPEARE Brewster. on hand to answer gardening
137 Main St.. Beacon Route 9D, Garrison Marilyn Crispell, 8pm McCluskey will be teaching entries to the film festival
Sun. Aug. 23 - Playwrights FESTIVAL Do you have zucchini or questions and share important
(845) 838-2995 (845) 424-3812 155 Main Street a class in video editing to will receive a movie theater Lab, 5:30-7:30pm teens who respond. They will gift card. corn? And, would you like gardening news. For more
Cold Spring
Thu/Mon 11am-6pm Tours on selected weekdays; Fri. Sept. 25 - Graham Peformances at Boscobel learn how to create frame cucumbers or beets? Bring information call Cooperative
T h ro u g h A u g . 3 1 : S u s a n every weekend at 11am and Parker, 8pm (845) 265-7858 items from your garden to the Extension of Putnam County
English & Thomas Huber, Box Ofc: (845) 265-9575 swap and trade for something at 845-278-6738; www.cce.
1:30pm, res. a must. Grounds
open for hiking all year. STORM KING
ART CENTER Japanese Film to Screen at from someone else’s garden.
The Complete Works of Wil-
HOWLAND LIBRARY Sat. Sept. 13 - Orange County
Old Pleasant Hill Rd. liam Shakespeare (Abridged) Howland Public Library
313 Main St., Beacon
(845) 831-1134
Day: discount tour rates for
residents; reg. req’d.
(845) 534-3115
Much Ado About Nothing The Japanese film Shall to meet the beautiful dance Wilderness Survival Skills
M, W, F: 9:30am - 5:30p
Sun. Sept. 20 - Hudson River
Ramble, 2-4pm, hike to Lost
Open through Nov. 15
We Dance? will be shown at
the Howland Public Library,
The Howland Public Li- Workshop at Stony Kill
Tu & Th 9:30am - 8p Pond. $10 admission sup- PUTNAM VALLEY 313 Main Street, Beacon, on brary shows a different in-
Wed/Sun, 11-5:30, Closed HISTORICAL SOCIETY Shane Whitefeather of There is a registration fee of
Sat.10-4pm, Sun.12-4p ports trail maintenance. Friday, August 28 at 7pm in ternational film each month.
Mon/Tue Mill St. & Peekskill Hollow the Mountain Scout Survival $20 for this workshop, open to
the Community Room. Door Refreshments always include School will teach primitive adults and children 12 years
Putnam Valley
(845) 528-1024 opens at 6:30pm. In this film, a delicious, culturally-match- skills, including: how to start and older. Preregistration is
Hrs: T&W 9am-2pm; a middle-aged businessman’s ing dessert. This month’s fires without matches, animal required for this workshop.
Sun. 1-3pm. dull life takes an interesting film will be shown in Japa- tracking, wilderness shelter Call 845-831-8780, ext. 300,
turn when he signs up for a nese with English subtitles. building, making cordage or visit
ballroom dance class just Admission and refreshments from bark and other fibers, Stony Kill Farm Environ-
are free. and more on Saturday, August mental Education Center is
For more information, 22 from 10am to 3pm at the located 2 miles north of the
please contact Alison Her- New York State Department Beacon-Newburgh bridge (I-
rero, Adult Services Librar- of Environmental Conserva- 84) on State Route 9D in the
ian, at (845) 831-1134, ex- tion’s Stony Kill Farm Envi- Town of Wappingers Falls.
tension 105. ronmental Education Center.
Page 6 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Putnam County News Perspectives

and Recorder
Editor’s Note: The Putnam County Courier, sister publication of the PCN&R, ran the following op-ed piece by Congressman John Hall on August 6. This week we are
printing both Rep. Hall’s original piece and Sheriff Donald Smith’s reply for our readers in Philipstown and Putnam Valley.

Criminals Don’t Always Keep Congress Has Failed to Address

Regular Hours Illegal Immigration
As Putnam County’s repre- It was truly disappointing Based on my research and occasions during the past 9
sentative in Congress, it is my to read a recent opinion piece after lengthy discussions with months. He evidently doesn’t
duty to ensure that the federal written by Congressman John ICE agents, I have concluded know that the LESC is essen-
government works closely Hall whereby he provided that the 287G program is in- tially a records center having
with local law enforcement
Covering to keep our communities safe.
readers with inaccurate and appropriate and unnecessary the capabilities of conducting
misleading statistical infor- for Putnam County. Police record and wanted checks on
Philipstown and Putnam Valley departments much larger than individuals, and that the LESC
in New York’s Hudson Highlands the Putnam County Sheriff’s will issue a detainer only if the
REP. JOHN SHERIFF DON Office, such as NYPD having person in question is a fugitive
founded in 1866 more than 35,000 police offi- or was previously deported.
HALL SMITH cers, the New York State Police Thus, contrary to Mr. Hall’s
as the Cold Spring Recorder having some 4,500 troopers assertions, the LESC would
mation concerning the reports and the MTA Police Depart- not have issued a detainer to
Communication is an es-
a publication of sential component of this re-
made by the Putnam County ment, have elected NOT to hold the man who was recently
Sheriff’s Office to ICE. This take part in the 287G initiative. bailed on a local drunk driving
the Putnam County lationship—federal agencies was exceptionally disturbing In fact, there isn’t any law charge, because the man was
News & Recorder, LLC, must understand the needs since the Congressman was enforcement agency in New neither a fugitive nor previ-
a subsidiary of the of the County and local law provided with the correct data York State that participates ously deported. It was through
enforcement must be aware
Hudson Valley Freedom Press, LLC of the federal tools available
by my administrative team in the 287G program. the Sheriff’s Office’s notifi-
and me before he wrote his Instead, my administrative cation to the area Detention
to them. However, a recent article. One would think that team and I, working collabora- and Removal Unit of ICE that
article in the Journal News any elected official would tively with members of ICE, a detainer was subsequently
The Putnam County News led me to question how well
could not be reached on the situation when the safety of feel compelled to provide his have developed a highly effec- issued in that case.
local law enforcement and
& Recorder Immigration and Customs weekend.” our community is at stake. constituents with the most tive program which has been Mr. Hall neglected to men-
precise and updated informa- implemented at the Putnam tion that the Putnam County
is published weekly on Wednesdays Enforcement (ICE), a federal On June 9th I met with top I thought the best way to
tion especially concerning a County Correctional Facil- Sheriff’s Office and Correc-
(except for certain holiday conflicts) agency, have been commu- officials at ICE to convey fix this problem would be to
my concerns. I was told that bring federal officials to the volatile topic such as illegal ity. This procedure has been tional Facility has actually
nicating with one another. immigration - which continues described by ICE officials as reported nearly 600 criminal
On June 7, 2009, I read an while ICE’s regional office Hudson Valley to discuss the
86 Main Street, in Dutchess County may not services they provide, hear to garner nationwide interest. being a “seamless” partner- illegal aliens to the Detention
article in the Journal News The truth is that since mem- ship. Everyone committed and Removal Unit of ICE over
Cold Spring, NY 10516 that stated: “But after Brew- have been reachable over the directly from local law en-
bers of Congress have failed to to the custody of the Putnam the past 3 years. His failure to
weekend, the National Law forcement about the unique
Periodicals postage paid at ster police arrested Segundo adequately address this issue County Correctional Facility disclose these vital statistics
Ordonez-Tanay, 26, on Friday Enforcement Support Center needs of our community, and
Cold Spring, New York (LESC) is reachable 24 hours, foster a better working rela- and continue to ignore public of questionable citizenship is accurately were indeed a dis-
on a misdemeanor charge of outcry, we on the local level are reported to the Detention and service to both the dedicated
driving while intoxicated, 7 days a week, and 365 days tionship. Regardless of how
left to manage the complexi- Removal Unit of ICE located members of the Sheriff’s Of-
USPS 605-240 ICE was not called because a year. Furthermore, this ser- well Sheriff Smith’s office
ties surrounding the impact of at Castle Point in Dutchess fice and the general public.
vice has only been utilized works with the regional ICE
POSTMASTER: it doesn’t take calls on the
twice in Putnam County in office on weekdays, criminals dealing with criminal illegal County. Notification is made Now that Mr. Hall has de-
Send address changes to weekend, Undersheriff Pe- aliens in our communities. by using a 24/7 telephone ho- veloped a keen interest in our
ter Convery said. As a re- the past 9 months—a number don’t always keep regular
The Putnam County News & Recorder, smaller than in every other hours. The lines of com- No other law enforcement tline, followed by both email country’s illegal immigration
sult, Ordonez-Tanay …was executive in New York State and fax notifications. ICE then problem, perhaps now he will
P.O. Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516 released after posting the c o u n t y I r e p r e s e n t b y f a r. munication between local
has done more to develop a conducts their investigation take swift and meaningful steps
$5,000 bond.” F o r e x a m p l e , We s t c h e s t e r and federal law enforcement
County used this service 589 are paramount to keeping us comprehensive, sensible and and determines if a “detainer” on a federal level to enact a
A report that ICE was un- reachable on the weekends, times. Orange County used safe. A failure to maintain cost effective approach in deal- warrant will be issued. Due to comprehensive plan to se-
ing with criminal illegal aliens the outstanding relationship we cure our boarders and enhance resulting in the release of this service 142 times. But them is nothing less than a
Putnam only used it twice. failure of leadership. than I. I have extensively enjoy with ICE, we can now homeland security. A failure an illegal immigrant who researched the much-touted receive a verbal “detainer” to do so is nothing less than a
had been arrested, obviously With these facts it became
clear there was a breakdown Mr. Hall represents New 287G program, consulted with over the telephone—followed failure in leadership.
deeply concerned me. So I
Telephone (845) 265-2468 contacted this federal agen- regarding how to best com- York’s 19th Congressional ICE officials on numerous oc- by the written document.
casions, and even co-hosted a Mr. Hall’s article suggests Brigadier General Donald
Fax (845) 265-2144 cy to determine why “they municate after hours with district.
statewide forum on this topic that Putnam County had only Smith (USA, retired) is Sheriff
ICE’s LESC, an unacceptable
which was well attended by contacted ICE’s National Law of Putnam County.
federal, state, county, and lo- Enforcement Support Center
Elizabeth Ailes, Publisher Send letters and op-ed ideas to cal law enforcement officials. (LESC) in Vermont on two

Margaret O’Sullivan
Vice President, Advertising
Letters to the Editor US Mail: PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516

Joseph P. Lindsley Jr.

Editor-in-Chief Better Behavior, frustration with both sides for is shameful. Those who told The ugly fact is: if we fail many dog owners in the village have successfully been able
Production Manager Better News putting their interests ahead Ms Brady the lies that have to reform the current system, simply do not pick up after to address these problems and
of the public’s. To under- caused her so much concern we will continue to condemn their dogs and believe it is hopefully Cold Spring can do
To the Editor: stand what really upsets the (see her letter of last week) at least 20,000 people per acceptable not to do so. This the same. The situation as
Alison Rooney This week the people of complainers, just go to the should apologize. I’d like year to death—either because obvious “quality of life” issue it stands now is deplorable.
Copy Editor Garrison could celebrate very videotape. It will show how to correct the misinformation they have no insurance (often and community heath hazard
good news. In contrast to “sober” the PCN&R has been – and Congressman Hall pro- due to job loss or divorce) has been virtually ignored Steven Goff
last summer, when no full in reporting the contributions vides more at http://johnhall. or because their insurance by the village government Cold Spring
Annie Chesnut negotations occurred, reps of dozens of parents over companies deny coverage or for the 11 years that we have
Associate Editor for the GUFS Board and the many hours. vsfacts.asp: benefits when they become ill. lived in Cold Spring. Now the
teachers have agreed to meet 2. Why are officials so nos- • The outlandish rumor Why do so many Republican problem is escalating due to
on August 18th and 26th. Will talgic for stories about their that reform means euthana- politicians and talking heads the increasing number of dogs Action Now Report
Matt Mellon this little group finally end its exchanges of praise with no sia for seniors is absolutely make such false claims about as well as visitors coming to
Graphics and Layout 26-month secret war that has mention of failure or discord, untrue. The proposed legisla- healthcare reform? When into the village. To the Editor:
done so much to divide us? which they recorded in sani- tion would allow Medicare to Medicare was enacted in 1965, Almost everyday we see Congressman John Hall was
Each side will owe a gener- tized minutes? Yes, report- reimburse doctors for their and Social Security in 1935, people walking away from speaking at the Westage Cen-
ous expression of thanks to the ing what actually happens time in counseling patients conservatives claimed it was their dog’s feces on the streets ter in Fishkill on Monday,
Caroline Balducci many parents who have voiced at public meetings attracts about health care proxies and the end of the United States as in our neighborhood. Litter is Aug. 10. As expected, he
Business Manager their dismay with both sides readers. Why is that bad? Do living wills – and only if the a democracy. Well, it wasn’t. also a constant problem. As extolled the great advantages
while favoring neither. Par- they want NPR to censor the patient voluntarily asks for In fact it made us better as homeowners we constantly of government run universal
ents have demonstrated that toughest parts of presidential the counseling. This proposal a nation. have to pick up soda cans, health care. The interesting
Submissions the parties’ tactics of silence,
delay, and t-shirts harm our
press conferences?
3. Are those offended by
was originally introduced by
a Republican. In 2008, then Ellin Feld
empty cigarette packs, and
other junk, even used dispos-
part of this meeting was the
large organized group, most of children and our hamlet. We facts aware of the conde- Gov. Sarah Palin sponsored Garrison able dippers from the side- whom were dressed in uniform
have also made it clear that scending elitism reflected in a “Healthcare Decision Day” walks in front of our home. t-shirts. They listened intently
Subscription Rates resoulution of their destruc- their contempt for ‘the lowest to encourage Alaska citizens The village is neglecting to the congressman, clapping
$25/year in Putnam County tive dispute is not an end in common denominator? Why to talk to their doctor about Misdiagnosis both of these problems in and cheering as John Hall
$30/year out of County itself, but a prerequisite for such disdain for those who advance directives! So this two obvious ways. The first spoke about moving forward
working together to improve share a common interest in is hardly a “socialist plot”. To the Editor: is the lack of signage in high with legislation that may ul-
Subscribe at the quality of education in disclosure? • Healthcare reform doesn’t visibility locations informing timately bring us government
In a recent letter to the
Garrison. It’s rarely a good sign when “add” people to the healthcare the public of the laws and health care.
Rate Schedule for Display Another vote of thanks officials worry more about system. The truth is, the 40
PCN&R, Dawn Powell, Dem-
ocratic candidate for Putnam associated fines. The second I was curious to find out who
Advertising will be well deserved by the perception than performance. million uninsured are now be- Valley Supervisor, referred obviously is enforcement. sponsored the t-shirt (Action
email inquiries to press, primarily the PCN&R. Forget about attacking par- ing “cared for” (inadequately, to me as “shortsighted.” Both of these deterrents re- Now Not Later) group. Pick-
Straightforward coverage of ents who attend meetings to inefficiently and expensively) Technically, or medically, I main virtually non-existent ing up some literature I found
Legal Advertising what actually happens at open
meetings enables readers to
speak up courageously about
their pain over such failures
through hospital emergency
rooms and other ad hoc means.
am, in reality, “nearsighted.”
Just wanted to set the record
in the village.
I’ve lived in New England
that they were sponsored by
the American Cancer Society.
First Insertion: 38.5 cents/line grasp poor public situations as a 780-day labor fight, as Reform will mean that all straight. most of my life and have It seems strange that the
Additional insertions: 29.5 cents/line and expect change from those well as the media who report will be cared for in the best visited many of the “charm- American Cancer Society
Tabular: 45 cents/line responsible. Sadly, the maxim the pain and failure. There’s and most economical way Robert Tendy ing village” destinations in would be spending donated
that the better the story, the no need to fool around with possible. Town Supervisor New York, Connecticut, and money, time, and organization
Classified Advertising more it will irk office-holders
lives again in some recent
PR. If public officials truly
seek public esteem, all they
• Reform will do away with
some of the most nefarious
Putnam Valley Massachusetts. One thing they
have in common are visible
skill sponsoring and dressing
up community organized po-
$1.25 per line, paid in advance letters alleging that a desire have to do is perform publicly aspects of the current system: signs informing residents and litical action groups through-
$1.50 per line, if billed “to titilate the public and esteem-able acts. discrimination for pre-exist- visitors of the fines they’ll be out the country.
Minimum charge—$6.25 for five lines perhaps sell more papers” ing conditions, insurers that Clean up the Streets subject to (almost always $200 I was unable to find out
motivates the PCN&R not to Gordon Stewart cancel coverage when you get and up—less is meaningless) who funded the large tent and
© 2009 The Putnam County report public meetings in a Parent sick, gender discrimination, Letter sent to Mayor Seth should they disobey the laws catered food provided after
“sober manner,” but rather to Garrison and lifetime and yearly limits in these matters. The result the speech. It seemed that the
News & Recorder, LLC on coverage.
Gallagher, reprinted at the
is that in hundred of such congressman, his entourage,
“play to the lowest common request of the author
d e n o m i n a t o r. ” Aw k w a r d a s • I heard Congressman Hall towns these problems simply and invited guests were having
All rights reserved. No material may it may be in a small commu- Responding to say that his vision of a satis- Dear Mayor Gallagher: do not exist. a nice time on said investment.
be reproduced without nity, such stuff should not be Healthcare Concerns factory public option is one I’m writing to call your I would suggest that if our Have we already found a
written permission. ignored, even at the risk of that he, and the other members attention to the serious prob- goal as a community is to cure for cancer?
giving offense. Why? of Congress, would sign up lems of litter and people not make Cold Spring an ever-
To the Editor:
1. Because some in power for. Ms Brady—you, I, and picking up after their dogs in more pleasant place to live Frank Keenan
The misinformation about
Deadline for Copy & Advertising take offense at seeing accu- health care reform being fed
our Congressman are on the the Village of Cold Spring. and to visit, we need to take a Cold Spring
Monday at 12 noon rate accounts of widespread to us by the “just say no” gang
same page on this. The appalling truth is that good look at how other towns (See Letters on Page 7)
(unless early deadline
is announced for holidays) Please send letters to the editor to and include your phone number
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 7

Governor Should Eliminate DMV Fee Hikes
I, as your Putnam County dollar budget deficit, but, any keep the same plate number, due to E-Z Pass or a parking
Clerk, am calling on Gover- first-year economics student they will need to pay an ad- permit not recognizing the new
nor David Paterson and the realizes that a government ditional $20.00. The last plate license plate. This governor
NYS Department of Motor cannot tax itself into a recov- exchange occurred in 2001, has shown a remarkable lack
Vehicles officials to elimi- ery—especially in these hard with the replacement of the of empathy and understanding
nate a number of DMV fee economic times when people liberty plates at a cost of $5.50, toward his upstate constitu-
increases passed as part of the are already struggling with and replaced plates that were ents through these proposed
2009-2010 budget, including high taxes and an uncertain in circulation for more than hikes. I will have petitions
the controversial new “plate job market. The new license 15 years. This exchange is available at our DMV office
exchange” program. plate exchange is ludicrous redundant, unnecessary. and in Brewster and at our County
because the state already had only serves to pad the NYS Clerk’s office in Carmel to
one in 2001 at a much cheaper general fund for programs that protest and oppose these outra-
DENNIS fee. People in Putnam County do not benefit NYS drivers. geous, unnecessary fee hikes.
SANT and upstate New York depend The proposed license plate Perhaps the governor should
on their cars and trucks for exchange may cause chaos take the time to consult and
transportation and for their among our drivers whose work with the local officials,
These fee increases are un- livelihood. Governor Paterson plates are tied to parking per- such as the county clerks, who
necessary and will impose is just making it harder for us mits, E-Z Passes, and other relate closely with the public,
additional financial hardships to make our living. transportation-related activi- instead of unilaterally taking
on Putnam County and NYS The proposed 2010 plate ties. A driver who neglects this action that will cost our
residents already struggling exchange scheduled to be- to update their information state drivers more than they
under a high tax burden and gin in April will cost state because they choose not to can afford to pay.
the weak economy. residents $25.00 to exchange pay a $20.00 fee to keep the
I understand that New York their current plates for a new same number may be subject to M r. S a n t i s t h e P u t n a m
State is facing a multi-billion set. If a resident wishes to fines and additional state fees County Clerk.

Nimham PowWow at Veterans Park

Gil “Cryinghawk” Tarbox of

Svetlana (left) and Tammy (right) at the Nimham PowWow Kent has been organizing the
Intertribal PowWow for years.
The Annual Daniel
Nimham Intertribal Pow
Wow is a gathering of na-
tive peoples and Putnam
County residents to raise
money for Native Ameri-
can war veterans and to
provide education on the
history, beliefs, and folk-
ways of America’s native
peoples, particularly the
Wappinger tribe that lived
in what is now Putnam
and Dutchess counties.
Patriot Daniel Nimham
was the Wappinger chief
and was killed by British
soldiers during the Ameri-
can Revolution.
P hoto E ssay by
M ichael B rendan
Two authentic wigwams were erected at the PowWow. D ougherty

LETTERS (Cont’d from pg. 6)

Leave Bear which they have documented be tried “As Though” the as often as they do on that
Mountain Alone with statistical studies and individual were an adult. basis is in itself an injustice
scientific basis. The human What are we talking about and some would say a crime.
Letter sent to Regional Di- brain, which is a real physical here? Please look at the full
rector, New York State Office organ, is not fully developed implication and meaning of J. DiBon
of Parks Recreation & His- until after the age of 21. Con- the word AS, used in this Cold Spring
toric Preservation; reprinted sequently, the individual’s context. The use of this term
at the request of the author ability to understand the con- inadvertently suggests the
sequences of his behavior Court’s own admission of Local Heroes
As a Hudson Valley resi- and outcome are not fully justice being compromised.
dent and sometime hiker in developed as well. No one It strongly points to the fact To the Editor:
the Hudson Highlands area, argues this point w i t h t h e that the individual in ques- On July 5th, I fell while
I was stunned to read the ar- companies who set these rates tion is in fact NOT a fully walking on the Appalachian
ticle appearing in the July 29, that affect every family with developed adult, with a fully Trail and was unable to move
2009, Putnam County News a teen, even those families developed brain. my left leg. I later learned
& Recorder (“Cell Tower on where the parents of a teen- Therefore full capacity to that I had ruptured the quad-
Historic Hudson Horizon”). ager are judicial servants in understand the consequences ricep tendon. I was totally
Is New York State so finan- our community. of negative and even hos - incapacitated and unable to
cially impoverished that it is Now, go back in time, and tile behaviors, that are often move.
actually considering leasing you will find in our history impulse ridden and without After being carried from the
space for a cell tower on State books, the wisdom of Greek thought is not possible. The trail by members of the Put-
Parkland in the shadow of philosophers referring to this concept “to understand” does nam Valley fire Department,
Bear Mountain, Anthony’s same notion, when they speak not mean a superficial pseudo members of your Department
Nose, and other scenic and on the law and justifiable pun- -intellectualized response that relieved them and carried me
historic sites? Please “say it ishment for an act of crime. is one of lip service to what to a waiting ambulance. This
ain’t so.” Cell phones may The age of the defendant who is known to be socially right was not easy work. Although
have become a fact of life, is charged with a criminal or wrong. I am not a heavy person, car-
but compromising such a pris- act must, they say be taken Observe any young teen or rying anyone cross country
tine, scenic and historic area into consideration and the young adult carefully, even through hilly terrain has to
with a 120 ft. tower topped punishment must reflect that those children who do not be difficult and challenging.
off by fake tree limbs would individual’s capacity given have marked psychosocial Members of the team were
be a crime. his mental status and, of stressors, and you will see professional, confident, car-
course age. that there are significant gaps ing, and reassuring.
William A. Zutt So what has happened in our in what they have been told I did not have a chance to
Garrison supposedly civilized and for- is correct behavior and their tell the members of the Gar-
ward moving times reflected ability to execute that knowl- rison Fire Department how
in our current judicial system? e d g e c o n s i s t e n t l y, w h i c h much I appreciated their help
How Old is a The wisdom of the old Greek requires an internalization before being transferred to
‘Grownup?’ scholars goes unheeded, re- and integration of informa- the ambulance.
mains in our history books, tion. This process relies on I will forever be grateful
To the Editor: and we compartmentalize our a physical and emotional de- for the assistance and care
Recently, I suffered an in- knowledge, splitting it off and velopment towards maturity, provided by members of your
crease in my car insurance ignoring the findings docu- which is still in progress for department and hope they
which now covers my teenage mented by science, except of that teenager. The idea that receive appropriate recogni-
son. The cost has doubled course when we are confronted anything less then this process tion and commendation for
and represents during these by the inarguable cost of car is considered when our courts their efforts.
times an enormous hardship. insurance for our teens. try children “AS” adults is
However, the insurance com- The phrase to be “tried as in itself simplistic. For our Joel Shufro
panies make a salient point, an adult”, means in fact to judicial s ys tem to operate B r o o k ly n
Page 8 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009

MARATHON (Cont’d from front pg.) POLLING (Cont’d from front pg.)
the former battery factory cove in 1976, and in 1983, The resolution passed by secuted.” new machines work.
site. In order to change the Foundry Cove was declared the village lists several argu- Scannapieco, who said that Cold Spring, with voter en-
site’s zoning from industrial an EPA Superfund Cleanup ments against the consolida- the elections board was not rollment under 1,500, has seen
to residential or other uses, Site. High levels of contami- tion, including the citation required to notify the towns waits of up to half an hour to
public hearings would be nation were found in fish, from NYS election law that and villages of the change in vote before the consolida-
required. According to Cold crabs, and other aquatic life designation of polling places advance, said that the new vot- tion, with the older voting
Spring Mayor Seth Gallagher, in the area. In 1986 the EPA shall be made “in consultation ing machines the county will machines.
the special board is keen ordered the factory’s former with each city, town, and vil- utilize this fall will expedite The September 15 primary
on hearing what the public owners to clean up the site. lage.” Neither Cold Spring, the voting process, allowing election will be the first held
would like to see happen Dredging of the marsh and Nelsonville, nor Philipstown the county to save money by under the consolidation and
on the Marathon property. cove and disposal of con- were consulted or contacted closing some polling places. will also be the first time that
Asked how he feels about it taminants were completed prior to the change. “We figured people would be optical scan voting machines
being developed, Gallagher in 1994 and replanting of Anthony G. Scannapieco, pleased to have a centralized will be used, in lieu of lever
said, “We don’t have a lot of marsh vegetation began the the Republican commissioner place to vote,” said Robert J. machines.
choice. The EPA has signed following year. In 1996, the of the board of elections, said Bennett, the Democratic com- The Mayor will convey the
off on the property. By rights, EPA removed the site from in an interview Tuesday that missioner of the county board resolution to County Board
[Kearney] could develop it the National Priority list. A the decision to consolidate of elections. He said that in of Elections Commissioners
for industrial use,” under the series of five-year reviews polling places in Philipstown the other five towns of Putnam Robert Bennett and Anthony
current zoning. by the EPA provided updates was part of a county-wide County the elections board had Scannapieco, County legisla-
The Marathon Battery on the condition of the site consolidation. “absolute complete success in tor Vincent Tamagna, County
Company plant was built by beginning in 1998. “As I have said numerous doing consolidation.” legislature chair Anthony Hay
the U.S. Army Corps of En- According to the EPA web- times, we went from 27 polling Bennett, also speaking to the and the village of Nelsonville
gineers in 1952 and produced site, “Because of nationwide places to 20 [countywide],” PCN&R on Tuesday, added and the Town of Philipstown.
nickel-cadmium batteries, concerns regarding vapor he said. “The Town of Phil- that the September 15 primary Last, the resolution requests
initially for military use. ipstown is the only one that election would serve as “some- that the election commission-
Ownership changed hands complains … In Philipstown, what of a metric” to see how ers provided a written response
a number of times over the
The Marathon they think they are being per- both the consolidation and to the resolution.
Bob Ferris years and included Sonotone Battery site is
An EPA crew installs contamination monitors off of Constitution Drive. Corporation, Clevite Cor- CAFÉ (Cont’d from front pg.)
poration, and Gould Elec- “remediated
seep in from below through
cracks in the foundation.
was below EPA’s risk levels.
However, it was at a level
seven acres, both owned by
developer Ken Kearney. The
tronics. Inc. Gould is now
identified as the “Potentially
and ready for floors. The café specializes
in breakfast, brunch, and
Peter and Christine decided to
incorporate the bakery and ice
once he can get a new door
installed on the Kemble Av-
“As a homeowner and vil- that would require regular smaller parcel is divided into Responsible Party” (PRP) development,” lunch. Eggs and pancakes, cream business into the café enue side of the building,
lage resident I’m outraged monitoring of the sub slab 23 lots which Kearney would and as such bears the brunt hearty sandwiches, stews, itself when they were able to ice cream and other baked
a t t h e E PA , ” s a i d F e r r i s , and indoor air.” like to develop as 13 residen- of the costs. according to the homemade salads, soups, and, obtain additional space in the good sales will increase, as
whose house was purchased “The decision to install tial units in a loop that would For years, wastewater from EPA of course, pies and other well-over 100-year-old café well, since customers will
on July 8, 2004. “What’s a ventilation system was a connect to the Constitution the factory was discharged baked goods are all made from building and reconfigure the not have to walk through
going to bubble up 25 years purely economic one, as the Street subdivision. into the Hudson River via fresh ingredients, including dining areas. the dining room to purchase
from now?” he asked. “And cost to monitor one house over “I’ve always felt that the Cold Spring’s sewer system, intrusion at residential prop- real butter. All of their soups “I used to spend so much these items. “I hope to have
what about the value of my a number of years … would village would be best served as well as directly into East erties located near sites with and sauces are homemade, time walking up and down everything ready by next
property? No one’s going to be equal to or greater than the if the property was developed Foundry Cove. Cadmium, volatile organic compound- as well, something that is Main Street that it just didn’t spring,” he said.
want to buy it. Who’s going cost to install a ventilation f o r r e s i d e n t i a l u s e ” K e a r- nickel and, for a time, co- contaminated groundwater, becoming rare in today’s make sense,” Peter said. “Be- One of the simplest items
to say ‘tricloroethylene and system,” Tames said. ney said, while acknowleding balt were part of the effluent the five-year review called restaurant market, said Peter. tween ordering and delivering in the bakery case, the but-
perchloroephylene? Yeah, I’ll The future of the old fac- “There are various opinions that ranged from 100,000 for a vapor intrusion survey” “From the time I was a supplies, managing the staff, ter cookies, are a delight to
have some of that,’” tory site itself remains un- on that.” to 200,000 gallons per day. at the Marathon site. That teenager I never wanted to bringing baked goods up to taste. The cinnamon apple
In correspondence with the certain. The fenced, 12-acre Several years ago, when According to the State Uni- work was performed in late do anything else but work in the café, and keeping an eye scones are another baked item
PCN&R, Tames said that “the plot, all of which is zoned zoning for the old lumber yard versity of New York at Stony 2008 and led to the work a restaurant,” he said. on inventories,” it was not a worth looking into. Prices
level of contamination be- for industrial use, is divided on Cold Spring’s waterfront Brook, the site “earned the undertaken in recent weeks. “I love to bake,” Peter said. good use of his time. are reasonable to moderate,
neath … the (Ferris) home … into two parcels of five and was changed to residential, dubious distinction of being Much of the original 70 The bakery, which is now While the move to Main and there is limited outdoor
Kearney asked the village the most cadmium-polluted acres once occupied by the part of the Café located on and Kemble initially cost the seating on the front porch.
also to designate the Mara- site in the world.” Marathon Battery Company Main Street at the corner of bakery some business, Peter Peter declared that his favor-
thon site as residential, but An initial, but inadequate, factory is now owned by Sce- Kemble, used to be located says that the pie and custom ite menu item is the chicken
the request was turned down. remediation by the plant’s nic Hudson, which manages about a half block down on the cake sales have remained pesto panini with fresh moz-
Subsequently, a request by owners in 1972 saw 90,000 it as a conservation area. opposite side of Main Street. steady, and he’s hoping that zarella.
Kearney for a variance that cubic meters of contaminated,
would have allowed him to dredged material buried in
build one residence on part an underground vault on the
of the 23 lot parcel was also factory site. Nineteen years
denied. later the EPA ordered that the
The special board that is buried material be excavated
developing Cold Spring’s new and removed from the site.
comprehensive plan is look- Cadmium and nickel were
ing into acceptable uses for discovered in the marsh and

Just one
pint of
blood can
help save
as many
as three
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 9

CS BOARD (Cont’d from front pg.) BOILERS (Cont’d from front pg.) CASTLE (Cont’d from front pg.)
he does not find Gallagher’s and said his department is not unduly burden the town now requires that employ- seven-story structure burned
bag pipe business objection- examining the distribution and non-compliant residents ers take steps to reduce the for three days and this year
able per se, he remains con- systems. Phillips suggested could be fined. Mr. Zutt noted risk of violence to employ- marks the 100th year since the
cerned about precedents that a flush of the system. As ad- that communities could also, ees. Those at risk include final tower was built.
may impact the character of equate manpower is not im- at their discretion, establish employees handling money, The island and the structures
the village in the future. The mediately available for this, co-ops, to help maintain costs. transportation of persons, had been purchased by NY
mayor and trustees agree that he asked the board to authorize In a related matter, town justice department personnel, State Dept of Parks in 1967
maintaining the “character” an outside contractor, and the resident Tim Fisher appeared and those who work late at but it took until 1993 for the
of the village is a matter of board agreed. Phillips said that before the board to discuss night or early in the morning. Bannerman Castle Trust to
concern to all. Special Board updates on the flush will be the formation of a wastewater A policy would be developed be formed. During the tea
co-chair Mike Armstrong said posted on the village website committee. He discussed how by the Safety Committee via party, Neil Caplan, Executive
that this is a “keystone issue” and in the PCN&R. recent rainfall has exacer- surveys of town staff, review Director, introduced State
and that a meeting to solicit Regarding the corrective ac- bated existing conditions, of OSHA logs, and templates Senator Stephen Saland, who
public opinion on the matter tion plan required by the state especially in Lake Peekskill, provided by the State. The was instrumental in securing
is planned. “Quality of life for comptroller, Phillips reports where the houses, wells, and draft would be submitted to $50,000 to put towards the ma-
village residents and economic that it has been reviewed with septic systems are all very the Teamsters Union and the sonry work on the residence,
sustainability is an issue of the mayor and he believes it close together in a precari- CSEA for approval and then the structure that is going to be
concern for the special board,” to be complete. As part of the ous balance. Installation of could be adopted by the town stabilized first. The Trust also
Armstrong said. plan, a leak detection survey a new septic system for his and incorporated into the em- received a grant from the EPA
is planned for September and property could cost up to ployee handbook. In addition, for $350,000 to stabilize the
The Police quarterly data on flow ver- $40,000, and so Mr. Fisher the town is required to create residence. To date they have
sus consumption will now be has been researching alterna- a written training program for raised more than $220,000,
Department compiled. tives. Fisher has discussed the all town employees. including the funds secured
reported on Mike Armstrong presented issue with county legislators After discussion of the by Sen. Saland. An “Historic
the recent the report from the Special Vincent Tamagna and Sam violence policy, Ms. Man- Structures Report of the Ban-
Board for the Comprehen- Oliverio, as well as supervisor no informed the board that nerman Residence” funded
burglaries, which sive Plan/Local Waterfront Tendy. Seeking a comprehen- the Town of Putnam Valley by The Dyson Foundation
are still under Revitalization Plan, which is s i v e a p p r o a c h , M r. F i s h e r would be sharing a $51,000 and prepared by Jan Hird
M a r g a r e t O’S u l l i va n
in the final stages of drafting asked, “What can we do on grant with adjacent communi- Pokorny Associates has been
investigation an individual basis . . . and ties. The Municipal Separate completed. The stabilization
A tea party in the shadow of the ruins of Bannerman residence.
a request for proposals for
submission to the NY Depart- what is the feasibility of a Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) of the Bannerman Residence Castle is the only castle of
ment of State, which will fund town-wide system?” is a federally funded pro- is important because it will its kind and it is right here “Castle Gordon”
Concern about recent bur- the consultant. The special Former supervisor Sam gram to assist communities allow the Trust to open the in our own backyard in the
glaries, which are still under board is also in the process of Davis suggested that septic to control stormwater runoff island to more visitors. Hudson Valley. To make a Streams that glide in orient plains,
investigation, represented the revising the Vision and Goals enhancements, now available, and improve water quality. Also enjoying the tea were donation send a tax deductible Never bound by Winter's chains;
major portion of the report statement, which will guide might be acceptable to the special guests Fishkill town donation the The Bannerman Glowing here on golden sands,
from the Police Department. their recommendations. Arm- board of health. He said the supervisor Joan Pagonis and Castle Trust, Inc. PO Box 843 There immix’d with foulest stains
Officer George Kane urged strong requested that Catha- county should be lobbied on Beacon mayor Steve Gold. As Glenham, NY 12527.
burglary victims to call po- rine Square be appointed as this matter. “In the past they How will a Neil Caplan says, Bannerman
From Tyranny's empurpled hands;
These, their richly gleaming waves,
lice immediately and not to secretary to the special board have not been responsive,” website reduce I leave to tyrants and their slaves;
touch anything. The board and that Cathryn Fadde be he said, “but perhaps with
stormwater HALDANE (Cont’d from front pg.) Give me the stream that sweetly laves
concurred with Trustee Gor- appointed treasurer. greater public pressure they The banks by Castle Gordon.
The ongoing capital project dents on campus, and deten-
don Robertson’s suggestion
that a workshop be held with
The special board also re-
quested that its complement
would be.”
In a rare moment of concur-
runoff? to replace the roof on the el- tion policies, to students’ right
ementary and middle schools to a full hearing and search Spicy forests, ever gray,
village police, the sheriff, of members be reduced from rence with Davis, Supervisor Shading from the burning ray
along with other repairs is and interrogation policies. A
merchants, and residents. eleven to nine. The current Tendy agreed, saying “the Hapless wretches sold to toil;
on time, within budget, and special committee charged
Robertson added that he will size has made it occasionally issue is reaching crisis pro- Or the ruthless native’s way,
within quality specifications, with updating the code met
investigate and report to the difficult to achieve a quorum, portions . . . and it is incum- The town’s share amounts to Bent on slaughter, blood, and spoil:
according to Director of Fa- with parent representatives in
board about the possibility according to Armstrong, who bent upon the County Board $3,200 and will cover creation Woods that ever verdant wave,
cilities Wayne Robinson. Rain June. Public hearings on the
of a presentation by security added that a smaller group of Health to take action.” of a professionally designed I leave the tyrant and the slave;
has slowed the project at times, revised code, now available
experts. Armstrong raised the would make it easier to focus. Fisher agreed to lead the new website for the participating Give me the groves that lofty brave
but Robinson reported that if on the District website, were
idea, last discussed two years After some discussion the committee and inquired how communities, publication of The storms by Castle Gordon.
necessary some work would held on July 1 and August 11.
ago, of instituting a commu- board approved the appoint- he should proceed. Tendy, up to 10,000 informational
be undertaken on a third shift Earlier this summer school
nity watch program, which, he ments of Square and Fadde, describing the procedure, said handouts, and education ses- Wildly here, without control,
once classes resume to keep board trustees spent a day in
acknowledged, would require but tabled consideration of that the board would first vote sions for highway employees, Nature reigns and rules the whole;
the project on schedule. a retreat. Superintendent Vil-
a concerted effort by the citi- reducing the board till the to establish the committee and who are often in the forefront In that sober pensive mood,
Trustees adopted an updated lanti reported that two areas
zens. Mayor Gallagher agreed. next meeting. solicit members. Afterwards, when addressing stormwater Dearest to the feeling soul,
code of conduct for Haldane discussed included finding
The frequent discoloration Unfinished business includ- meetings could commence runoff. The board approved She plants the forest, pours the flood:
students at last week’s meet- more ways to cooperate with
of village drinking water and ed authorization for Mayor with periodic reports to the the resolution with little dis- Life's poor day I'll musing rave
ing, but not before Cold Spring the Village of Cold Spring
compliance with state require- Gallagher to sign the Fire board as appropriate. cussion. And find at night a sheltering cave,
resident Maureen Vahos as- along with ways to improve
ments were the prime elements Protection Agreement with Town Facilities Manager The next meeting of the Where waters flow and wild woods wave,
sertively quizzed them on the communications with the pub-
of the sewer and water report. the village of Nelsonville Susan Manno next discussed Town of Putnam Valley will By bonie Castle Gordon.
rationale behind a number of lic regarding workshop topics,
Superintendent Greg Phillips and to approve the draft Fire the institution of a Work- be held on August 19 at 7pm
provisions in the code, rang- including more effective use
said the discoloration did not Protection Agreement with p l a c e Vi o l e n c e P o l i c y f o r in the Town Hall. —Robert Burns
ing from the right of military of the PCN&R.
originate from the reservoir Philipstown. the town. NY State labor law
recruiters to speak with stu-
Page 10 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Home Garden Notes from Glynwood ‘Bandancing’ at West Point Jazz Masters Bring Summer Delight
Gardener offers advice on dealing with the tomato blight The West Point Band con-
ducted by Lieutenant Dae
open to all. by Eric Starr jazz standards and original Ocean" but quickly changed
Please allow extra travel time compositions. gears, performing brand new,
Glynwood Farm’s Gardener is impractical, the plants and emerge next year from the Kim will present a concert for the 100 percent vehicle and Who says you need to go The duo paid homage to still untitled, material from
Dave Llewellyn has impor- fruits should be bagged in a area where they were grown of dance music from around photo ID inspection at Stony to NYC to hear jazz's finest? jazz legends Bill Evans and Abercrombie.
tant tips for home gardeners heavy duty garbage bag and in 2009, they should be de- the world on Sunday, August Lonesome and Thayer gates. Last Sunday, the Chapel of Jim Hall throughout their 75 Masters of their craft,
whose tomato crops have put in the trash. stroyed. The viable seed from 30 at 7:30pm in the Trophy For concert information, can- Our Lady Restoration in Cold minute performance. LaVerne and Abercrombie
been infected with a blight. "The late blight spore can the infected crop can bring Point Amphitheater. The con- cellations and updates, call the Spring presented the fourth The concert showcased each transported the audience with
“I recommend that home gar- live 3-5 years. Rotating late blight back to the garden. cert will feature the music of Academy Band’s 24-hour hot- concert in its 2009 season to instrumentalist's unique mu- each musical offering, de-
deners cut their plants at the crops is an important step S i m i l a r l y, i n f e c t e d p o t a t o Michael Gandolfi, Maurice line at 845-938-2617; or visit a packed house. Bringing sical gifts, which included spite the hot, muggy weather.
soil level with loppers and in controlling this disease. plants will pass the disease Ravel, George Gershwin, and new meaning to the term "hot refined yet virtuosic solos Check out the Chapel of Our
bury the plants under five To m a t o a n d p o t a t o p l a n t s t o t h e t u b e r, s o v o l u n t e e r others. The concert is free and jazz," pianist Andy LaVerne a n d d y n a m i c i n t e r p l a y. A Lady Restoration's website
feet of soil, away from where should be planted as far away potato plants should also and guitarist John Abercrom- varied set, LaVerne and Ab- ( c h a p e l o f o u r l a d y. c o m ) f o r
they may intend to grow to- as possible from 2009 plants. be pulled.” bie overcame the summer ercrombie opened with the more exciting, world-class
matoes next year. If burying If volunteer tomato plants swelter with a riveting set of familiar "How Deep is the events to come.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 11

P V M a n C h a r g e d w i t h T h re e A r re s t e d f o r D r u g Host an International Teen Mt. Gulian Receives Grant

Menacing, Weapon Possession P o s s e s s i o n i n P h i l i p s t o w n areForeign high school students cal” host families, P.I.E. can
scheduled to arrive soon fit a student into just about
Thanks to a Museums for Executive Director of Mount
America (MFA) grant from the Gulian. “The program will put
Sheriff Donald B. Smith pointed a handgun a t h e r. Putnam County Sheriff Possession of a Controlled for academic semester and any situation, whether it is federal Institute of Museum a spotlight on the overlooked
reports the arrest of a Putnam T h e d e p u t y h a d m a d e a r- Donald B. Smith reports the Substance in the Seventh year homestay programs, and a single parent, a childless- and Library Services (IMLS), African American history in
Valley man on a charge of rangements for Mr. Drake to recent arrest of three young Degree, a misdemeanor; and the sponsoring organization couple, a retired couple or a Mount Gulian Historic Site the Hudson Valley.”
menacing after he pointed surrender at the substation. men on drug charges during with Unlawful Possession of needs a few more local host large family. will create a new education “By making it their mission
a handgun at a neighbor. The handgun was recovered a traffic stop in the Town of Marijuana, a violation. families. According to Pa- Families who host for P.I.E. program based on the compel- to provide the public with
On August 5, 2009, at pursuant to the arrest. The Philipstown. The three defendants are cific Intercultural Exchange are also eligible to claim a ling journal kept by James F. top-notch programming and
3:30pm, at the Putnam defendant was arraigned be- On August 13, 2009 at i d e n t i f i e d a s M a x w e l l T. (P.I.E.) President, John Doty, monthly charitable contribu- Brown, a fugitive slave who knowledgeable staff, the 2009
County Sheriff’s Depart- fore Town of Putnam Valley 6:10am, Deputy Sheriff Vin- Tiffany-Miller, 18, of 120 the students are all between the tion deduction on their item- worked for the Verplanck fam- MFA grantees have demon-
ment Putnam Valley Substa- Justice Louis DiCarlo and cent Dalo, accompanied by Philangeli Forest Road, Cold ages of 15 and 18 years, are ized tax returns for each month ily at Mount Gulian, and whose strated that they know what
tion, Deputy Sheriff James committed to the Putnam his K-9 partner Dunkin, Spring, who was the driver; English-speaking, have their they host a sponsored student. writings contain information is important to their com-
Stasiak arrested Richard County Correctional Facility stopped a speeding motor- John J. Jesek, 19, of 9 West own spending money, carry The organization is desig- significant to national history munities,” said Anne-Imelda
Drake, 63, of 2 Oakdale in lieu of $500 cash bail. ist on Fishkill Road in the Bank Street, Cold Spring; and accident and health insur- nated by the United States De- and the history of New York Radice, Director of IMLS. In
Road, Putnam Valley, and The defendant was released Town of Philipstown. Upon Jesse C. Mason, 16, 76 Clove ance, and are anxious to share partment of State and is listed State’s Hudson River Valley. 2006, 156 million U.S. adults
charged him with Menacing after posting bail, and will approaching the vehicle, the Brook Road, Cold Spring. The their cultural experiences with by the Council on Standards “With the support of the visited museums 1.2 billion
in the Second Degree and be required to appear in deputy detected the odor of defendants were processed at their new American families. for International Educational IMLS, a new program that times, in person and remotely.
with Criminal Possession the Town of Putnam Valley marijuana emanating from the Putnam County Correc- P.I.E. currently has programs Travel (CSIET), certifying interprets James F. Brown and These numbers prove that mu-
of a Weapon in the Fourth Justice Court to answer the the interior of the vehicle. tional Facility and released to match almost every family’s that the organization com- Mary Anna Verplanck, will seums, like this year’s MFA
Degree, misdemeanors. charges at a later date. The deputy’s investigation in their own recognizance needs, ranging in length from plies with the standards set give visitors a new perspec- recipients, are vital institu-
The arrest was made as a If found guilty of the mis- revealed that the three oc- pending a future appearance one semester to a full academic forth in CSIET’s Standards tive on regional and national tions that play a significant
result of a criminal inves- demeanor charges, the de- cupants of the vehicle were in the Town of Philipstown year, where the students at- for International Educational history,” said Elaine Hayes, role in people’s lives.”
tigation that was initiated fendant could face up to a in possession of a glass pipe Justice Court to answer the tend local public and private Travel Programs.
when a local resident re-
ported that Mr. Drake had
year in jail and a fine of up
to $1,000 for each charge.
containing marijuana and a
plastic bag containing psi-
charges. If found guilty of
t h e m i s d e m e a n o r c h a rg e s ,
high schools.
P.I.E. area representatives
To learn more about student
exchange, or arranging for a Keep Farming is Growing
locybin, an illegal halluci- each defendant could face match students with host meeting with a community rep- Glynwood has received Northeast. Keep Farming is
nogenic drug. The deputy up to a year in jail and a fine families by finding common resentative, please call P.I.E., grants from the Claneil Foun- Glynwood’s unique method of arrested the three men and

charged them with Criminal
of up to $1,000.00. interests and lifestyles through
an informal in-home meeting.
Prospective host families are
toll-free, at 1-866-546-1402.
The agency also has travel/
dation and the Education
Foundation of America to cre-
ate and launch implementa-
empowering communities to
support farming and conserve
farmland. For more informa-
study program opportunities
able to review student appli- available for American stu- tion of a 5-year business plan tion visit
cations and select the perfect dents as well as possibilities to replicate their Keep Farm- Programs/KeepFarming.html

Related SeRviceS
match. As there are no “typi- for volunteers. ing® program throughout the

Real Estate and

Page 12 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Last Argument of Kings: Putnam Hospital Receives Candidates for Sheriff Trade Barbs in Carmel
Revolutionary Guns Program Radiation Accreditation Photograph of sleeping inspector general ignites passions
Putnam Hospital Center in cists who are experts in the by Michael Brendan Dougherty my life in working and teaching challenger Kevin McConville. two weeks ago because the ICE
Carmel is proud to announce field. Opened in August of in the criminal justice system,” The forum, attended by nearly office in Castle Point could
that it has been awarded a last year, the Agarwal Center Tuesday was a steamy night Perry said. “This candidate’s 200 spectators, was marked not be reached on weekends.
three-year term of accredita- for Radiation Oncology in in the Carmel VFW, where the actions were despicable, at- by accusations of patronage, Borkowski added that Smith
tion in radiation oncology as Putnam Hospital Center’s League of Women Voters held tacking my personal honor absenteeism, poor crime con- was away in Florida during
the result of a recent survey Wagner Cancer Pavilion un- a candidate forum for Carmel and reputation after I received trol methods, and low morale the incident, which Smith at-
conducted by the American derwent the intense accredita- Town Board, Carmel Supervi- cancer treatment.” in the department. tempted to correct by saying
College of Radiology (ACR). tion process to demonstrate sor, and Putnam County Sheriff. “I have six children and 11 In his opening statement that, in fact, he was in New
The prestigious ACR accredi- its commitment to quality Inadequate air conditioning grandchildren, and all I have Sheriff Smith touted declines Hampshire at the time.
tation is awarded to those fa- patient care. in a crowded venue seemed to pass on to them is my good in crime dating back to the The candidates focused on
cilities which demonstrate the The American College to add to the testy tone of the name and reputation,” Perry time he took over in 2002. He the themes of their campaign.
achievement of high practice of Radiology is a national gathering. said. said he changed the culture in DeStefano promised to “take
standards following a volun- organization serving more The most dramatic moment On Wednesday, Sheriff Don the sheriff’s department and back the streets of Brewster Vil-
tary peer-review evaluation than 32,000 diagnostic- of the night came when an Smith called Perry “one of the dramatically stepped up DWI lage.” He added that quality of
by the ACR’s Committee on interventional radiologists, audience member asked about most honorable, decent, and enforcement. Retired NYPD life issues like beer-drinking in
Radiation Oncology Practice radiation oncologists, and low morale in the sheriff’s hardworking gentlemen that Captain DeStefano opened by the street, disorderly conduct,
C o n t i n e n t a l A r m y S o l d i e r s M i c h a e l M c G u r t y, f ro m Accreditation. nuclear medicine and medi-
Montgomery, in front and Grant Miller, from New Windsor, department. Candidate Jim I have ever known.” saying, “I’m not a politician. and code violations “were not
ACR evaluations are de- cal physicists with programs Borkowski produced a pho- “His integrity and willing- I’m a cop. I’m not endorsed federal issues” and could be
in back, perform a military drill signed to assess the quali- focusing on the practice of tograph of former Inspector ness to go into harm’s way, to by the good old boys. Policing dealt with by the department
In September 1782, the waited to see whether they fications of the personnel medical imaging and radiation General Patrick Perry sleeping stand up for what is right and is my career, not a stepping and funded by asset forfeiture.
northern Continental Army would attack the British in and the adequacy of the oncology, and the delivery of at his desk, and asked, “How just, and to always look for stone.” Borkowski emphasized his
staged an elaborate battle New York City, in the spring, facility equipment and are comprehensive health care low must morale be for an of- the total truth, made him the Jim Borkowski, former strong relationships with police
demonstration for the com- or receive news of the peace conducted by board-certified services. ficer to risk his job by taking perfect choice” for inspector Southeast judge, asked if on the force, his law-and-order
manders of the French Army treaty and get to go home. physicians and medical physi- this picture?” Borkowski had general, Smith said. “I believe people felt safer than they did background, and his record of
at Verplanck’s Point, present Though peace might be an- already accused Perry of being that this personal attack on four years ago and if people reducing costs to taxpayers by
day Buchanan, New York.
Washington tried to demon-
nounced, Washington still
ordered his soldiers to con- September Dates Set for the recipient of a patronage
position for managing Smith’s
him is the lowest of the lows,
occurring in a campaign that
felt secure walking through
the streets of Brewster or in
promoting teleconferencing
in the Putnam County jail.
strate the military prowess
of his command to convince
tinue to train for battle. On
Saturday, September 12, from
Cancer Support Groups campaign in 2001. The In-
spector General is a part-time
has been riddled with lies,
innuendos, distortions, and
downtown Mahopac. He noted
that he had been endorsed by
McConville highlighted his
experience and promised to
the French to join him in 10am to 5pm and Sunday, The following free, con- Sept. 16, at 7pm position that pays $80,000. personal attacks.” 57 Policeman’s Benevolent clean up the streets by having
an expedition against New September 13, from 1 to 5pm, fidential, support groups At Mahopac Public Library D u r i n g B o r k o w s k i ’ s r e- Borkowski said he would Associations. McConville, the cops walk a beat and build
York City. The capture of soldiers will bring to life the are scheduled in Putnam in Mahopac: marks, Perry shouted from not reveal the identity of the former chief of the MTA po- relationships in the community.
New York would eliminate Continental Army’s final win- and Dutchess in September *Breast Cancer Support the audience that Borkowski photographer, in order to pro- lice, said that while crime has Smith stood up to close the
the largest British base in ter encampment with musket through the non-profit group, Group: Third Monday of the had “some nerve” to produce a tect the person’s position in been falling in Westchester and debate, saying that the sta-
the United States and effec- and cannon firings, medical Support Connection: month, Sept. 21, at 10:15am photograph taken by a “scum- the sheriff’s department, and Dutchess over the last three tistics spoke for themselves,
tively end the war. Needing demonstrations and other as- At Putnam Hospital Center At East Fishkill Community bag,” noting that he had been he told the Courier he does years, it is rising in Putnam. emphasizing that Putnam was
to reinforce their Army in pects of daily life. At 2pm in Carmel: Library in Hopewell Junction: struggling with cancer treat- not regret showing the photo. Much of the debate revolved the second safest county in New
the Caribbean, General Ro- each day see demonstrations *Breast and Ovarian Can- *Breast Cancer Support ment. “My comments about Don around problems stemming York and by far the safest in
chambeau, commander of the of the soldiers of the New cer Support Group: Second Group: Second Tuesday of the “I was just back from Sloan- Smith and Patrick Perry are from illegal immigration. the Hudson Valley.
French Expeditionary force, Windsor Cantonment’s prow- Monday of the month, Sept. month, Sept. 8, at 10:15am Kettering,” Perry said to those not personal,” he said. “It’s Sheriff Smith cited statistics The League of Women Vot-
demurred and bid Washington ess in military drill and can- 14, at 10am For a complete calendar, in attendance. “I came back and about whether or not the job about the number of times ers is sponsoring another de-
a fond adieu. Disappointed, non firing. Following these *Breast Cancer Support visit www.supportconnection. I’m a cancer patient and some in the Sheriff’s office is get- his department had worked bate Thursday, August 20,
the Americans moved north firings, children enlist in the Group: Third Thursday of o rg . A d v a n c e r e g i s t r a t i o n slimeball took that picture.” ting done.” with Immigration and Cus- in Kent, at the Lake Carmel
into winter quarters at the Continental Army, drill with the month, Sept. 17, at 7pm is required for all groups; Speaking to the PCN&R on The sheriff’s debate includ- toms Enforcement (ICE), while Community Center, and an-
New Windsor Cantonment. wooden muskets and get paid *Ovarian & Gynecological call 914-962-6402 or 800- Wednesday afternoon, Perry ed incumbent Sheriff Smith, DeStefano, Borkowski, and other in Patterson the last
During the winter of 1782-83, in Continental currency for Cancer Support Group: Third 532-4290. said Borkowski’s action was Borkowski and fellow Re- McConville hammered him for week of August, with the date
the soldiers of the northern their service. For more infor- We d n e s d a y o f t h e m o n t h , “an all-time low.” publican challenger Andrew the release of a criminal illegal and time to be announced.
Continental Army anxiously mation call 845-561-1765. “I have dedicated 45 years of DeStefano, and Democratic alien, Segundo Ordonez-Tanay,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 13

Try Out New Voting Architect of Chapel’s New HVHC Opens Hyperbaric Medicine Institute
Machine at Kent Library Chancery Joins Their Board Special to the PCN&R the latest computer technology
Special to the PCN&R Cast is a direct result of the there for 20 years before mov- to allow technicians to control
H e l p A m e r i c a n s Vo t e A c t ing his practice to Newburgh, Community and business pressure and temperature, as
On Thursday, August 20, (HAVA), passed by Congress specializes in the design of leaders joined elected offi- well as communication and
from 10am to 12pm, the Put- in 2002. unique houses, a number of cials and administrators from entertainment options for the
nam County Board of Elec- In addition to its ballot- them in Philipstown, master Hudson Valley Hospital Cen- patients.
tions will be demonstrating scanning capabilities, the planning, and small institu- ter (HVHC) on August 13, “Often in cases of non-
the new ImageCast optical ImageCast is also a ballot- tional projects, as well as 2009, to cut the ribbon and healing wounds, it’s due to a
scan voting machines at the marking device, giving those historic preservation. officially open the hospital’s lack of oxygen,” Dr. Willard
Kent Public Library, 17 Syb- unable to physically mark His approach to The Chan- new, state-of-the-art Institute said. “Hyperbaric oxygen helps
il’s Crossing, in Kent. These their ballots an opportunity cery was to alter the setting for Wound Care & Hyper- transport oxygen to tissues
ImageCast optical scan voting to vote confidentially at the as little as possible with a baric Medicine. According that have been compromised
m a chines w i l l r e p l a c e the polling without relying on design that responds to cut to HVHC, the institute is one at a rate you can’t normally
old lever voting machines outside help. stone foundation walls, the of the most advanced single- achieve.”
at all Putnam County vot- “We are thrilled to work remains of a mid-19th cen- patient hyperbaric chamber Dr. Willard is board-certified
ing locations beginning with with the Putnam County Board tury addition destroyed by facilities in the world today, in hyperbaric medicine and
the 2009 Primary Election of Elections to provide this The Chapel of Our Lady fire in 1931. Funding of the equipped with the latest soft- Some five million Americans patient’s medical needs,” Dr. certified in wound manage-
on September 15, and the demonstration to the com- Restoration has announced architectural phase of the ware, chamber technologies, annually suffer from chronic Gary Willard, medical director ment. Dr. Willard and most of
2009 General Election on munity,” said Kent Library that Peter Smith, architect p r o j e c t b y T h e N e w Yo r k and monitoring systems. wounds, causing pain and re- of the Institute for Wound Care his staff speak Spanish.
November 3. Come and find Director Frank Rees. “Like of the chapel’s new support State Council on the Arts “We are pleased to be able to sulting in inactivity. Often & Hyperbaric Medicine. “We The Institute for Wound Care
how the new machines work t h e L i b r a r y, e ff i c i e n t a n d building, The Chancery, has is testimony to how well he offer our community a state- these types of wounds are use advanced healing tech- & Hyperbaric Medicine sees
before casting your ballot. confidential voting is vital joined its Advisory Board. succeeded. of-the-art wound healing pro- found in people with diabe- niques and combine them with patients on an outpatient basis.
Implementation of Image- to our democracy.” “Our board, all of us volun- M r. S m i t h r e c e i v e d h i s gram,” hospital president John tes, poor circulation, cancer hyperbaric oxygen therapy To schedule an appointment
teers, has the responsibility degree from Pratt Institute, C. Federspiel said. “The ad- patients who have undergone when necessary to help patients call 914-734-3030. Hudson
of funding and maintaining where he also did post-grad- vanced technology, combined radiation therapy and patients achieve positive outcomes.” Va l l e y H o s p i t a l C e n t e r i s
American Blue Rabbits this treasured landmark. Peter uate field work in 17th and with the highly qualified and
experienced staff, will ensure
who have experienced trau- The new institute houses two located on Route 202 (1980
Crompond Road) in Cortlandt
Smith’s expertise in historic 18th century American archi-
Spotlighted at Tilly Foster preservation, along with his tecture, planning and design, HVHC as a leader in wound
matic injury.
“Our team employs a multi-
oversized Bara-Med XD hyper-
baric oxygen therapy chambers Manor. For more information,
many other capabilities, is and has been a recipient of management and treatment in disciplinary approach to wound that can accommodate larger call 914-737-9000 or visit
absolutely invaluable,” said the Rome Prize Fellowship our region.” care that is customized to each patients, and are equipped with
William R. Kohler, President. in Architecture, American
Mr. Smith, who lived in
Garrison and had an office
Academy in Rome.
GAC Fair Attracts Thousands Chamber and
Garrison Art Center’s ex-
e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r, C a r i n d a
Business Group
Evening Series at Stony Kill Swann, was in her element
as she welcomed guests to
Form Alliance
Spotlights the Nocturnal the 40th Annual Garrison Art
Center Fine Arts and Crafts
A new alliance between the
Business Council of West-
J o i n s t a ff a t S t o n y K i l l the amazing adaptations some Fair at Garrison’s Landing last chester (BCW) and the Hud-
Farm Environmental Edu- of these creatures have to weekend. The weather was son Valley Gateway Chamber
cation Center Manor House succeed in a darkened world. perfect on the shores of the of Commerce (HVGCC)will
Photo of American Blue, owned by Ryan Haag, courtesy of each upcoming Thursday in Hudson, where more than 100 allow the groups to speak
American Rabbit Breeders Association August from 7 to 8:30pm for a Thursday, August 27: artists, restaurateurs, and lo- with one voice in Albany
relaxing summer evening out- The Incredible Spider: discuss cal sponsors had pitched their and Washington.
The American Blue Rab- eration farmer who has been doors. Learn about the many the basic anatomy of spiders display tents and laid out an The groups want to protect,
bit is a unique breed with a working with rabbits since kinds of wildlife and plants and take a closer look at some array of shopping opportuni- promote and enhance busi-
mandolin shape and wonderful he was big enough to help that make Stony Kill their live spiders. Learn about some ties for 3,500 in attendance. ness interests through out
blue hue. Definitely, not your his granddad carry a bucket home through fun, nature- of the species common to Pottery, clothing, woodwork, the region by working to-
typical household animal! of feed. In 2008 Eric retired related activities for children N e w Yo r k a n d t a l k a b o u t African baskets, photographs, gether to create an economic
On Saturday, August 22, at from his full time job at the of all ages and their caregiv- the important role spiders leatherwork, and food items environment conducive to
11am and 2pm Tilly Foster Sedgwick County Zoo to take ers. Enjoy nature crafts and play in local food webs and were among the items on sale. growth, monitor and influ-
Farm will host an introduc- on rabbit production full – games, wildlife watching, ecosystems. Crafts and games The fair is the premier fund- (Above) ence legislative initiatives,
tion to the American Blue by time at the family farm. In insect study and more. for everyone. raising event of the year for Fairgoers and offer an expanded array
Callene and Eric Rapp. Cal- addition to the rabbits Eric Stony Kill is located on GAC, which attracts regional visit the of business development.
lene Rapp is Senior Keeper and Callene also raise Piney- Thursday, August 20: Route 9D in Wappingers Falls, and national craft folk whose pottery “Our collaboration ... will
at the Sedgwick County Zoo woods cattle, Jacob sheep, Sounds of the Night: explore about 2 miles north of the talents range from making booth of give businesses a stronger
in Wichita, KS, home to 27 and Nankin bantams. Stony Kill with your ears wide B e a c o n - N e w b u rg h b r i d g e batik fabrics and glassblowing Cherie voice in the legislative arena,
different breeds listed on the While there is no charge for open as you help identify (I-84). to crafting jewelry. Jemsek from and create more opportunities
American Livestock Breeds the public program, reserva- some of the animals that New For more information about WHUD radio was on hand to Saugerties. for members to do business
Conservancy (ALBC) Con- tions are requested to ensure Yorkers hear in the night. Stony Kill Farm please call broadcast the event, and there and form their own strategic
servation Priority List. your spot. Call 845-279-4474 Discuss the important role 845-831-8780, ext. 300., or was live music throughout the (Right) partnerships,” said Business
Eric Rapp is a third gen- or email that nocturnal animals play visit weekend. The sloop Woody Julie of Council President/CEO Dr.
in the local ecosystem and tion/1833.html. Guthrie was also available Your Secret Marsha Gordon. for a free river cruise.
—Annie Chesnut

Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE and Finance, Putnam Valley Request and amendment applications: (TM: 73.18-1-34.2/File: noted below. The right is
NOTICE OF FORMATION NOTICE OF FORMATION Central School District, 146 to Decision and Order dated A LOCAL LAW Communications: 2009-0044) reserved to reject all bids.
OF LIMITED LIABILITY OF LIMITED LIABILITY Peekskill Hollow Road, February 21,2008. To Amend Section 7.07 of 5:30pm The applicant is proposing ATTENTION
C O M PA N Y. N A M E : COMPANY. NAME: KNH Putnam Valley, New York New Applications the Putnam County Charter Regular Meeting Start a 2-Lot subdivision on +11.2 CONTRACTORS,
M O N A C O R E A LT Y CONSTRUCTION LLC. 10579: up to 1:00pm, August 3) Piotrowski, Craig 123 Entitled "Supplemental Time: 6:00pm acres of land located on Contractors should be
M A N A G E M E N T, L L C . A r t i c l e s o f O rg a n i z a t i o n 20, 2009, at which time Lake Front Rd 62.10- appropriations; transfers of Kramers Pond Road in the advised of new legislation
A r t i c l e s o f O rg a n i z a t i o n were filed with the Secretary and place said bids will 2-2 R3 appropriations; reduction AGENDA R-2 Zoning District. The for Lobbying on All
were filed with the Secretary of State of New York be opened. Specifications Request variance under of appropriations " adopted PUBLIC HEARING s ubject property contains Procurement Contracts
o f S t a t e o f N e w Yo r k SSNY) on 07/16/09. The will be available beginning Article XI, Section 165- by the Putnam County The following public a s ing le- family r es id en ce effective January 1, 2006.
(SSNY) on 07/27/09. Office latest date of dissolution is on August 12, 2009, at the 44A(1) & (2) for increase Legislature on August 4, hearing have been scheduled and therefore the proposed Details of guidelines,
location: Putnam County. 12/31/2060. Office above office, weekdays in height and increase in 2009, Resolution R #224 for August 24, 2009 at action will result in one regulations and forms
SSNY has been designated location: Putnam County. between 9:30 am and 2:30 livable space by more than This Local Law 6:00PM (or as soon thereafter additional dwelling. The are provided on the
as agent of the LLC upon SSNY has been designated pm. Mandatory walk- 20% and lake front setback. Amends Section 7.07(B) of as agenda conditions permit) Planning Board will Department’s Web Site. For
whom process against it as agent of the LLC upon through of kitchen facilities 4) Acosta, Anthony 20 the Putnam County Charter at the Putnam Valley Town determine if any variances more information, Contact
may be served. SSNY shall whom process against it may on Wednesday, August 19th Rockhill Rd 62.11-1- by giving the Legislature Hall, 265 Oscawana Lake are required from the Zoning Person(s) Jodi Riano, Bill
mail a copy of process to the be served. SSNY shall mail at 10am. Details will be 67 R3 the power to initiate the Road, Putnam Valley, New Board of Appeals. Howe NYSDOT Contract
LLC, c/o George Monaco, a copy of process to given when Bid Specs are Request a side yard review of the budget in the York, 10579. All interested 4. Kisslinger Robert- Management Bureau 50 Wolf
276 Buckshollow Road, the LLC, 105 Palmer Trail, picked up. The Board of variance to construct a metal middle of a fiscal year on its parties are invited to attend West Shore Drive Road, 1st Floor, Suite 1CM,
Mahopac, New York 10541. Carmel, New York 10512. Education reserves the right storage building. own authority and to reduce and will be heard. A copy (TM: 62.6-1-3, 4&5/File: Albany NY 12232 Email:
Purpose: For any lawful Purpose: For any lawful to reject any and all bids. 5) Loewenstein, Claude appropriations as it sees fit, of the application materials 2008-0026) j r i a n o @ d o t . s t a t e . n y. u s ,
purpose. purpose. BOARD OF EDUCATION 33 Hemlock Point Dr North without the need for County and plans may be inspected The applicant is proposing w h o w e @ d o t . s t a t e . n y. u s
PUTNAM VALLEY 62.-1-26 R3 Executive approval to do during normal business the construction of a (518) 457-3583 Suzanne
CENTRAL SCHOOL Request variance for so." hours at the office of the single-family residence on C h a r l e s N Y S D O T O ff i c e
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE DISTRICT handicap accessible steps Copies of the Local Law Planning Board Clerk, Town approximately 1.5 acres of of Legal Affairs Email
Notice of Qualification of Notice of Formation Maureen Bellino and platform less than 75' are available at the Office of Putnam Valley Town Hall. land located at the terminus s c h a r l e s @ d o t . s t a t e . n y. u s
SPI Litigation Direct, LLC. of a Limited Liability District Clerk from the lake. of the Putnam County 1. David Amy-194 West of West Shore Drive in the (518) 457-3583
Authority filed with NY Company (LLC): Name: Any questions please call: 6 ) N a g o r n y, A n d r e i 6 4 Legislature, Room 313, 40 Shore Drive R-3 Zoning District. The Reg. 08, Joan Dupont,
Dept. of State on 7/27/09. SMALL BUSINESS Paul N. Lee at Tanglewylde Rd 83.73- Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, (TM: 62.10-1-28/File: Planning Board will discuss Regional Director, 4 Burnett
Office location: Putnam WEBSITES, LLC, Articles (845) 528-8125 1-18 LP New York 10512. 2009-0036 violations that have occurred Blvd., Poughkeepsie, NY
County. Principal business of Organization filed with Request for variance At the aforesaid time and The applicant is proposing on the subject property and 12603
address: 2960 Professional the Secretary of State of New under Article XI, Section place all persons interested to construct a one-story remediation measures. D261279, PIN 8809.32,
Dr., Springfield, IL 62703. York (SSNY) on 06/25/09. LEGAL NOTICE 165-44A(2) of the Zoning in the subject matter thereof addition to a single family MISCELLANEOUS Columbia, Dutchess,
LLC formed in DE on Office location: Putnam TOWN OF PUTNAM Ordinance to increase will be heard concerning residence located on ±.918 5. Adorno, Ralph, F/K/A Orange, Putnam, Rockland,
11/6/01. NY Sec. of State County. SSNY designated VALLEY ZONING BOARD livable space by more than same. acres of land in the R-3 MacDonald- Peekskill Ulster & Westchester Cos.,
designated as agent of LLC as agent of LLC upon whom OF APPEALS 20%, to legalize finished This Local Law shall Zoning District. The subject Hollow Road Guide Rail Replacement
upon whom process against process against it may be 265 OSCAWANA LAKE basement. be subject to mandatory property is located on Lake (TM# 62.-2-4.2) at Various Locations, Bid
it may be served and shall served. SSNY shall mail ROAD 7) Schnieder, John Elm referendum, and shall Oscawana and is located Request for minor site Deposit $400,000.00, NO
mail process to: c/o CT copy of process to 94 Seven PUTNAM VALLEY, Rd 91.32-1-3 LP take effect immediately in the Town’s Ground and plan amendment. PLANS, Proposals $25, plus
C o r p o r a t i o n S y s t e m , 111 Oaks Lane, Brewster, NY NEW YORK 10579 Request amendment u p o n f i l i n g i n t h e o ff i c e S u r f a c e Wa t e r P r o t e c t i o n APPROVAL OF $8 Postage. Goals: MBE/
8 t h Av e . , N Y, N Y 1 0 0 11 , 10509. Purpose: Any lawful Phone: (845) 526-2439 to Decision and Order of the Secretary of State District. A public hearing MINUTES WBE 0 - 0%
registered agent upon whom purpose. Fax: (845) 526-3307 dated September 28, 2006 if it is approved by an has been scheduled and all 6. Approve Minutes of Federally Aided Contracts
process may be served. EMAIL: nprontelli@ requesting frontline and affirmative vote of the interested parties are invited August 10, 2009 identify a DBE Goal, and
DE address of LLC: 1209 LEGAL NOTICE rearline variances for qualified electors of the to attend and will be heard. 100% NY State Funded
O r a n g e S t . , Wi l m i n g t o n , N O T I C E proposed new one family County of Putnam voting SKETCH PLAN Contracts identify both MBE
NOTICE OF FORMATION and WBE Goals. Contracts
D E 1 9 8 0 1 . A r t s . o f O rg . OF LIMITED LIABILITY Work Session Beginning at dwelling. upon a proposition for its 2. Landi, Joseph & LEGAL NOTICE
filed with DE Sec. of State, 6:30 PM – Communications 8) O’Brien, Frank 28 approval at the next general Nancy-33 Seifert Lane NYS DOT with 0% Goals are generally
COMPANY. NAME: single operation contracts,
401 Federal St., Dover, DE MUSHKOLAJ LLC. Notice is hereby given P e e k s k i l l H o l l o w Tr n p k election in conformity with (TM: 53.-3-6.2/File: REQUEST FOR BIDS
19901. Purpose: all lawful to interested parties that 92.-1-8 R1 the provisions of Section 2008-0017) Sealed bids for the where sub-contracting is not
Articles of Organization expected, and smaller size
purposes. were filed with the Secretary a Public Hearing will be Request variance under 34 of the Municipal Home The Planning Board following projects will be
held by the Putnam Valley Article XI, Section 165-27 Rule Law. previously approved a Site received in an envelope contracts – both of which
o f S t a t e o f N e w Yo r k may present direct bidding
(SSNY) on 07/01/09. Office Zoning Board of Appeals on E2 of the Zoning Ordinance, Dated: Carmel, New York Development Plan for the annotated with project name
Thursday, August 27, 2009 and sideline and rearline August 10, 2009 construction of a single- and number until 10:30 a.m. opportunities for Small
LEGAL NOTICE location: Putnam County. Business Firms, including,
SSNY has been designated at 7:30 PM at Town Hall, variance for detached Jennifer S. Bumgarner family residence on 5.3 on September 17, 2009 at
Notice is hereby given that 265 Oscawana Lake Road for garage. Putnam County Attorney acres of land located on the Office of Contract but not limited to, DBE or
as agent of the LLC upon MBE and WBE.
a license, number 2151834 whom process against it the purpose of considering Miscellaneous Seifert Lane. The residence Management, NYS Dept. of
f o r b e e r, l i q u o r a n d w i n e may be served. SSNY shall the following petitions 9) Warex Terminal Corp. LEGAL NOTICE has since been constructed Transportation, 1ST FLOOR LEGAL NOTICE
has been applied for by mail a copy of process to the and requests together with 157 Bryant Pond Road 74.- Town of Putnam Valley and during a site visit it was SUITE 1CM, 50 WOLF RD,
Bridgette Bacon Enterprises, all other matters that may 1-60 discovered that the driveway HEART 2 HEART CHILD
LLC, c/o The Law Offices Planning Board A L B A N Y, N Y 1 2 2 3 2 a n d CARE CENTER LLC, a
LLC D/B/A Nightlife to sell of James C. Kahn, 175 Main properly come before the Open for discussion. 265 Oscawana Lake Road was constructed over a will then be publicly read. A
b e e r, l i q u o r a n d w i n e a t Board at this time. portion of the adjacent lot domestic Limited Liability
Street, White Plains, New Putnam Valley, New York certified or cashier’s check Company (LLC) filed with
retail in a restaurant under York 10601. Purpose: For AGENDA 10579 and field conditions were not payable to the NYS Dept. of
the Alcoholic Beverage Held over case LEGAL NOTICE consistent with the approved the Sec of State of NY on
any lawful purpose. (845) 526-3740 Transportation for the sum 6/5/09. NY Office location:
Control Law at 443-445 1 ) K i s s l i n g e r, R o b e r t NOTICE IS HEREBY Site Development Plan. In specified in the proposal or
O s c a w a n a L a k e We s t GIVEN that a public hearing Fax (845) 526-3307 addition to Amended Site Putnam County. SSNY is
Oscawana Lake Road, a bid bond, FORM CONR designated as agent upon
P u t n a m Va l l e y 1 0 5 7 9 f o r 62.10-1-49 R-3 will be held before the Development Plan Approval, 391, representing “25% of
LEGAL NOTICE Request a use variance County Executive of the NOTICE 8a/2009 the applicant requires a Lot whom process against the
on premises consumption. Please be advised that the the bid total” as specified LLC may be served. SSNY
Bridgette Bacon INVITATION TO BID to construct a boathouse/ County of Putnam at Room Line Change. The Planning
SEALED BIDS WILL BE next meeting of the Planning in the contract proposal, shall mail a copy of any
Enterprises, LLC garage where there is no 300 of the County O ffice Board will continue its must accompany each bid.
RECEIVED FOR: primary residence, and for Building, 40 Gleneida Board will be held at Town review of the project plans. process against the LLC
D/B/A Nightlife Hall, 265 Oscawana Lake Plans and proposals can be served upon him/her to
443-445 Oscawana Lake Road School Lunch Services a lake front setback. Avenue, Carmel, New York DISCUSSION
The bids will be received R o a d o n M o n d a y, A u g u s t obtained from the Plan Sales The LLC, 32 Kentview Dr.,
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 2) Fields, Cary 290 Church 10512 on the 26th Day of 3 Munsell, Daniel and Unit, at the above address;
at the Office of the Assistant Rd 73.-1-43 R3 August, 2009 at 2:00 P.M. 24, 2009, for the purpose of Sharon-Kramers Pond Road Carmel, NY 10512 General
Superintendent for Business considering the following a n d t h e R e g i o n a l O ff i c e s purposes
Page 14 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eric Sabel is Constitution Ensembles, Trios, Quartets Highway Department Installs

Philipstown Marsh’s Garden Club Intern Fill Chamber Circle’s Season Culvert on Foundry Dam Road
For its seventeenth season not to area music lovers—is

of bringing outstanding mu- the young violinist Tim Fain
sicians to the Mid-Hudson with pianist Cory Smythe.
Valley, the Howland Chamber The Howland Chamber Mu-
Music Circle has again been sic Circle will also present
by Don H. MacDonald a b l e t o s e c u r e t h e p e r f o r- its popular mid-winter Piano
mances of some of the most Festival with three excit-
exciting young artists today. ing young pianists of varied
“MAIN STREET’S COZY SHOWPLACE’” The eight-concert chamber backgrounds: Nareh Argha-
music series presents four manyan, an Armenian pianist,
(Part 1 of 2) shoot ‘em up westerns that string quartets: the Shang- now based in Austria, Lithu-
Two years prior to “sound” often starred Gibson, Mix, hai, Alexander, Biava, and anian Andrius Zlabys, and
having guaranteed Holly- Hart, and a seemingly end- Daedalus String Quartets, Venezuelan Vanessa Perez.
wood’s fame, fortunes, and less parade of “Hollywood in eagerly awaited repeat Early Music New York will
future, a diminutive, unpre- cowboys.” performances. again bring a concert of Re-
tentious movie house in Cold Under question is whether Also returning to the series naissance music at St. Mary’s
Spring opened its doors for the “live” accompaniment by pi- Thanks to the Internship happy to mentor Eric and share is the Peabody Trio, who will in the Highlands Episcopal
very first time. The bulbous ano was in tandem with the Program sponsored by the their scientific expertise with Under the direction of High- sands of dollars,” he added.
be joined by violist Roger Church in Cold Spring.
stone-facaded building, the silents at the neighborhood Philipstown Garden Club, him. Eric in turn has enjoyed way Superintendent Roger M. Over the years, the dam has
Ta p p i n g , f o r m e r l y o f t h e All other concerts take
ground floor of which housed Hudson Theater during the Eric Sabel has been having working at the Nature Center, Chirico, the Highway Depart- caused numerous problems
Takacs Quartet, for a piano place at the Howland Center,
the theatre, stands today at mid to late ‘20s. Man and an exciting summer at Consti- and interpreting the natural ment has been hard at work for residents who live on
quartet. 477 Main Street, Beacon, a
its original address, 50 Main his legendary piano worked tution Marsh Audubon Center history of the fish, plants, installing a 25-foot culvert Foundry Pond. Due to heavy
New to the series are two historic building with a small,
St., though now a far cry from synchronically with the jit- & Sanctuary. Eric’s 20-hour and other marsh animals to on Foundry Dam Road. Due rainstorms and erosion the
chamber ensembles. The intimate hall noted for its
having been a notable motion tery motion picture in most workweek has included early the many visitors. Eric’s gen- to the size and location, the road was in serious disrepair.
Wa l d e n C h a m b e r P l a y e r s , excellent acoustics.
picture haven that ran for a movie houses of that boister- morning bird banding at the eral responsibilities have also culvert had to be built in place. With the assistance of The
drawn from the Boston Subscriptions to a series
respectable 44 years. ous, anything-goes decade. marsh (part of a federal proto- included trail maintenance, “This was a huge project and Village of Cold Spring and the
Symphony and other lead- of 4 to 8 concerts run from
Debatable is whether or Piano and movie had become col to accumulate long range general upkeep, and maintain- most highway departments do Town Board it was decided
ing orchestras, will bring $110 to $185. Student tickets
n o t the “H u d s o n T h e a tre” inextricably wedded to one data on breeding songbirds), ing the fish exhibits. not have the knowledge or that a culvert was the only
an ensemble of flute, violin, are $10. The 3-concert piano
was the first such in Cold another. Not to have been and, ‘stomping’ the invasive The Philipstown Garden equipment to take on a task answer. Once the culvert was
viola, and harp performing a series is $80. Tickets to in-
Spring. During the earlier integrated as one entity could plant species phragmites (part Club selects and coordinates of this size” said Chirico. approved, Highway Superin-
variety of works. Continuum dividual concerts are $30.
1920s silent films were shown be likened to a lovely melody of the marsh’s invasive species the placement of the intern at “I am very proud of my men tendent Chirico worked with
has become a leading advocate Brochures and/or tickets
in Cold Spring’s Philipstown sounding lifeless, without control project that involves Constitution Marsh Audubon and wish people only knew the DEC and outside com-
of the music of contemporary can be ordered by mail at:
Town Hall, but how regularly, graceful lyrics. knocking down the plants and Center & Sanctuary with the the magnitude of this job.” panies to commence work.
composers. Their program Howland Chamber Music
or for what duration these The marveled advent of then covering them with black $1,000 stipend being paid “Because this project was This project is scheduled to
at the Howland Center will Circle, P.O.Box 224, Chelsea,
viewings were presented is sound, having dramatically tarps so that the sun bakes and jointly by Putnam Highlands completed in-house, it saved be completedby September
feature music from Latin NY 12512-0224, by phone:
a n u n k n o w n . M e n t i o n h as pierced the silence in movie kills them). During bird band- Audubon Society, and the the Town of Philipstown thou- 30 of this year.
America. at 845-297-9243 or at how-
been made concerning a few theatres in 1927, had magi- ing Eric has learned how to Philipstown Masonic Lodge Also new to the series—but
scattered buildings in Cold
Spring and Nelsonville, many
cally replaced attendance with
demand. Fifteen additional
identify and release songbirds
after they have had a tiny band
The PGC partners with Con-
Period Framing Techniques
years ago, having been used
for presentations of films,
seats were squeezed in, for a
total of 300. The owners of the
attached to their leg with a
unique identifying number.
stitution Marsh, Boscobel,
Glynwood, Manitoga, and
Insight Opening Offers to be Discussed at Boscobel
though not considered actual
theaters. These same struc-
theatre could certainly enjoy
looking forward to “packed
Eric’s passion is fish, so
he has enjoyed helping the
Stonecrop Gardens in this
unique and successful intern-
Art, Music, Wine Monday August 24 at 5pm,
framing experts Gill & La-
tures, and perhaps others, houses” at most every show- marsh staff lead canoe trips ship program. Visit the club’s Insight Gallery, located in- is the owner of the recently godich Fine Period Frames
were also utilized for live ing for a respectable period of through the tide channels. website,, for side the Many Light Hands opened Gallery Warwick, a & Restoration will present
performances, especially by time forward. What a ticket Marsh naturalists have been more information. building on Main Street in fine art gallery and private an informal gallery talk and
children, or for musicals. had cost at the theater during Cold Spring, is having an art showroom in Warwick, NY. lecture focusing on the exhibi-
Maximum capacity was held its earliest history appears opening for its third show on Imogene Drummond’s art- tion to illustrate period styles,
at 285 seats at the little theatre unknown. A seat, however, Area Student Helps Set Flute Record Saturday, August 29, from 4 work has been exhibited and frame history, and appropriate
off Main Street when it opened during the 1940s, or at least On August 14 in New York set in Fushun, China, in July. to 7pm.   View the work of collected internationally.  Her period frame applications.
in 1925. Seating was com- during a part of that bitter- C i t y, s i x t h g r a d e H a l d a n e The ensemble played “Gal- Hudson Valley artists Michael clients range from luxury G ill & Lagodich, N Y C,
fortable, though if memory sweet decade, had cost 50 student Jerome Famularo way Fantasie” by David Over- Gaydos and Imogene Drum- hotels to corporate and pri- Julie Hart Beers, Hudson Valley is home to more than 2,000
serves, rows of seats were set cents, to be mesmerized by joined flutists from all over ton. To celebrate his 70th mond. Stop by, have a glass vate collectors. Originally at Croton Point, in an 1860s frames and has a prominent
at one floor level throughout. a top shelf movie of the day, the world at the National birthday this year, Sir James of wine, and enjoy music by a photographer, Drummond American painting frame with clientele.
Ye t t h a t n o w e l d e r l y m o - perhaps Casablanca, Mrs. Flute Association’s 2009 An- Galway commissioned “Gal- the band Truck Love. became a psychotherapist, gilded foliate-pattern stenciled This special educational
ment in time must have later Miniver, or High Sierra. El- nual Convention to set a new way Fantasie,” and he was Michael Gaydos, a painter, and then a painter. She lives sand decoration. event will be in the Exhi-
been recalled as a priceless evation to 6o cents per ticket world record for the largest the featured honoree at this draftsman, and printmaker and works in Garrison, NY. bition Gallery in the lower
jewel where the fast paced came sometime later. Wide- flute ensemble. The ensemble convention where he received from Warwick, NY, has been Truck Love is composed of Frames are an essential part level of Boscobel House from
antics of Chaplin, Keaton, eyed children could enter the boasted 1,989 registered flut- a 2009 Lifetime Achievement the subject of a number of solo singer songwriters Joe Raposo of the display of artwork, as 5-6pm on Monday, August
Lloyd, Laurel and Hardy, or enchanted den of sight and ists. Coached and conducted Award. exhibitions over the past few and Adam Linn. They perform can be seen by the paintings 24. Regular grounds/exhibit
the Keystone Cops graced sound for half that price, an by renowned flutist Sir James Jerome currently studies years, and his work is in pri- an array of original material in Boscobel’s current exhibi- admission applies. Limited
the muted screen. And how enviable buy by any parent’s Galway, the ensemble broke with Sgt. Maj. Lynn N. Cun- vate collections worldwide. spanning the American musi- tion Home on the Hudson: capacity. To guarantee your
strange viewing the “sound- standard. the prior Guinness World Re- ningham, principal flute with Gaydos is a graduate of The cal landscape. Women and Men Painting place, call 265-3638, x115.
less” gun fights in those old cord™ of 1,975 participants the West Point Concert Band. Cleveland Institute of Art and   Landscapes, 1825-1875. On or visit
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 T HE P UTNAM C OUNTY N EWS A ND R ECORDER Page 15

Kayak Race and Fundraiser St. Christophers Hosts

for Wildlife Sanctuary Centennial Golf Classic
O n M o n d a y, S e p t e m b e r to the rehabilitation of men in
14, 2009, St. Christopher’s crisis, St. Christopher’s Inn,
Inn will be continuing their a ministry of the Franciscan
yearlong celebration by host- Friars of the Atonement, of-
ing the St. Christopher’s Inn fers a continuum of quality
Centennial Golf Classic at health care services that fa-
The Garrison Golf Club in cilitate physical, emotional,
Garrison. and spiritual healing by pro-
The individual golfer fee of viding chemical dependency
$200 includes breakfast, golf, treatment, primary health care
cart, awards reception and and temporary housing.

To p Te n T h i n g s t h e N e w P u t n a m BBQ buffet, and the “Centen-

nial” foursome rate is $700.
In addition to participating
Located at Graymoor off
Route 9 in Garrison, the first
St. Christopher’s Inn was ac-

Va l l e y A D S h o u l d K n o w Kayakers from the 2008 event

On August 23, 2009, there go to
w i l l b e a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o for details.
as a golfer, there are also
sponsorship opportunities
available to celebrate The
tually a chicken coop. Today,
100 years later, The Inn is an
impressive three-story facil-
cusable in this neck schoolers, and throwback record as saying we strive for support a local treasure and While the race is underway Inn’s 100th year. ity and offers a wide variety
of the woods. Make cave rabbits. Just remember the greater good here. You watch a world class kayak race staff and volunteers from the Proceeds of the golf classic of services to nearly 1,000
no mistake, though, that lacrosse comes first and have my complete devotion right here in Cold Spring. At Constitution Marsh Wildlife will help St. Christopher’s Inn men every year.
they’ll run you outta you’ll be good. to ensure that our continued 11am, there will be a 14-mile Sanctuary will be hosting a continue to provide care and For more information on
here if you’re not 6. We’ve lost some good good relations with the PV kayak race on the Hudson w a l k / h i k e o f t h e p r o p e r t y services for those who are the St. Christopher’s Centen-
their man after a year coaches over the years and athletic department remain River from Cold Spring to and a Hudson River seine. struggling to survive. nial Golf Classic, centennial
or so. filling the shoes of folks at full capacity. the Bear Mountain Bridge This fun family activity will Over the last century, St. activities and mission call
9 . A p p a r e n t l y, like Jerri Cohen and Tracy 3. The local sports media and back. Racers are tuning b e f o l l o w e d b y l o c a l l i v e Christopher’s Inn has helped Father Bill Drobach, S.A. at
we are a “lacrosse Parchen are tasks I wish you are good people, all striv- up for the Mayor’s Cup New music. All participants get tens of thousands of men 845-335-1013 or visit stchris-
school”, which is the best of luck with, but ing to recognize the student York City Kayak Champion- a race day t-shirt and lunch change their lives. Dedicated
good if you like la- you’ve got some darn good athlete’s achievements while ships. Racers are coming in with proceeds going to the
crosse like I do, but ones in place to rely upon in exposing fraudulent effort from as far away as Tennes- Audubon center.
bad if you’re, say, guys like Will Carano, Bob from administrators and/or see and Maine to enjoy the This fun family event is
hoops coach Ralph Baker, Brian Kuczma, and coaches who aren’t in it for Hudson Valley. an inexpensive way ($25 for
Smith. No doubt many others. The founda- our kids. But I am persistent The cost of this 14-mile adults and $10 for kids) to
some are openly hop- tion for Class B greatness and fair, best as I can tell. race is $45 pre-registered, highlight the local treasure
ing you’ll throw an is in place should the Valley 2. Listen to Will Carano. and $50 on race day and all of the marsh as well as cel-
ol’ “hasta la vista, folk follow you down the He’s lived or worked in these c a p a b l e p a d d l e r s a r e w e l - ebrate the Hudson River on
baby” Ralphy’s way. straight and narrow path of parts for the better part of c o m e . T h e r e w i l l b e o v e r this Quadricentennial year.
Truly, though, if you success. But your leadership 40 years, and he knows the $5,000 in prizes awarded so
must know: There at the top, Mr. Lybolt, will good people like I know the
has been some less- either make or break an entire cave rabbits, the ol’-guard

I sat down with the new Ath-

than-stellar c o a c h -
ing, as well as a lack
athletic department, thus an folk who mean well but want
to hold us back to some pre-
Cycle Through Time with
entire town.
letic Director, Mark Lybolt, at of genuine commitment from 5. Our kids are tough but Dick Nixon era where we Fishkill Historical Society
Putnam Valley High a couple the entire community. There undersized, which doesn’t don’t pay outrageous taxes
On August 22, 2009, the of Fishkill as well as parts of
weeks back. It’s too early to is also a lack of gym space help the hoops crisis or the and still wear flannel shirts
Fishkill Historical Society Beacon. The guide will stop
tell if the Middletown, NY, for feeder programs since we plight of the head coach. They and Wrangler jeans to gym
invites riders to join them to briefly share information
product will be around long can’t get youngsters more are sharp kids, driven, and class. Caroline Balducci
for a 24-mile guided “His- about each site along the way.
enough to make an essential than an hour a week in a gym they can take a punch when And the No.1 thing you
toric Bicycle Tour of Olde Registration for the event John Rotando (L) and Andrew Balducci (R) of the Salt Point
impression the way former with a basketball, and some they have to, so if you go the should know: When you run
Fishkill.” The guided tour begins at 9:15am, and is free; Highlanders 14U baseball team participated in the New
AD Bill Conroy did at the sense of structure because extra mile for them, we’ll all into one of them there cave
covers 24 miles, with some donations are gratefully ac- York Elite Baseball 14U Summer League Championship
turn of the century or Pete we have too many kids with go the extra mile for you. rabbits, tell ‘em I said hi! It
challenging hills, and vis- cepted. The tour begins at Van tournament over the weekend. The Highlanders registered
Kuczma did a couple years a hankering and not enough 4 . Yo u n e e d t h e t o w n ’ s might free you up in a jam,
its 26 historic sites; it goes Wyck Homestead, located at back to back shutouts versus the #2 Tri-County Bulldogs
back, but I get the impression gyms (three in all) or gym fields as badly as the town or, in my best Lynyrd Skynyrd,
through the Village and Town 504 Rt. 9, Fishkill. Visit www. (8-0) and #3 Team Demarini (1-0) in the quarter and
he means well. time to teach the country needs your gyms, which is give you three steps toward for semi-final games. These hard-fought wins carried the
boy to play an urban game why we met in the first place. the door.
more details. team to the championship game vs. #1 Tri-State Cyclones
correctly. Unfortunately, the And since I have been charged Good night, y’all; I’m
on Sunday night in New Windsor. The #7 Salt Point
RAY head varsity coach is always with the task of making the going on vacation for two
Highlanders won the championship game and the title
the one to draw the heat in relationship work from the weeks. Catch ya on the grid-
GALLAGHER these circumstances, so pre- town’s end as its Athletic iron whence I return.
in extra innings (4-3) capping off an incredible season.
pare for a full boil this winter C o o r d i n a t o r, I w i l l g o o n
against a very good but al-
Here’s the top 10 list of legedly overmatched man.
things I can tell you about 8. Our two-time Section 1
your inheritance, Mr. Lybolt, champion boy’s lacrosse and
having spent nearly 40 years field hockey programs are
as a jovial man about the top freakin’ notch since we
town’s athletic scene. jumped aboard at the turn of
10. Since Conroy left less the century. Give those two
than ten years ago, you are programs whatever they need
the fourth guy/gal to take on to succeed in order to keep us
this job, and the instability on the map, but keep watch
is killing a lot of us. I hope over that boy’s hoops deal
you stick around for that with a fine magnifying glass
reason alone; because another and do tell us what gives.
botched kick would be costly 7. Putnam Valley’s finest
to the student athletes of are a cross between upscale
Putnam Valley, which is inex- socialites, well-to-do old
Page 16 THE PUTNAM COUNTY NEWS AND RECORDER Wednesday, August 19, 2009


RENTALS w/option to buy. $1500/mo.
completely renovated 2 BR
HOME 2 bath, lvng rm, w/fire-
place, dn rm, EIK, w/new ap-
country cottage on 1/2 A. New pliances. Lrg yard w/built-in
COLD SPRING MAIN ST HW floors, kitch, bath, heat, pool. Walk to train. Available
REAL ESTATE NEEDS store for rent 1000 sq ft. Great lake rtes. Energy efficient. immed. Newly painted. $2300
Limited Editions Realty 21 location 1 block RR $1600/mo. Refs. & 1mo security. 914- a month 845-809-5397
Main Street, Cold Spring. Call
845-265-3111 or go to
CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDOW KIMMEL BUILDERS ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS avail at 3021 Rte 9, Cold Spring. apt. Parking/Heat washer/dryer.
Cleaning Service. Specializing phases of construction. Large Kitchens, bathrooms, play- HORSEMEN TRAIL FARM Warehouse 1,600 sq. ft. with Walk to train. Hardwood flrs.
SERVICES on all shapes and sizes, store, and small projects. many satis-
fied customers. view our
rooms & tile work. Licensed &
insured. Call 845-849-2299 for
All offers considered. 1820's
timber P/B Farmhouse 1880's
office 300 sq ft. $2,000 a month. $1400/mo 914-475-9241
and painters helper. Full or
office, & home. Free Estimates, Great for any type of contrac- part time availability. Must
fully insured."Got Windows"? website, free estimates by Nick carriage barn, sheds, pasture w/ tor. Utilities not incld. Pls call have own tools and transporta-
PHILIPSTOWN TREE SER- 845-656-4956 lic PC941 Mastrantuono. 1/2 mile rock walls. 20 ac. 845-265-3434 LAKE VALHALLA PRI-
Year round service. Call 845- tion. 845-519-4746
VICE: Land clearing, take RTE 9 Loc. 845-265-2665. VATE contemporary lake front
431-6967. home. 3 bdrms + office 2 1/2
downs, trimmings. Stump Re-
moval. Fully insured. Reg. No. EXPERT GROUNDS MAINT MUSIC LESSONS OFFICE SPACE 11' x 13' bths, 3300 sq ft. Gabled roof,
PC 607. (845) 265-2187. KC PAINTING - Interior &
Exterior painting - sheet-rock-
Gardening, planting, landscape
designs plus installation, stone
Jazz Improv - all instruments COLD SPRING VILLAGE
convenient location, close to
all, Garrison. $525.00 incl all
cedar shakes, panoramic view.
Private beach, rowboat/canoe/ FOR SALE
ing - taping - plaster repair. walls, paver, walkways, pa- with Rob Scheps. CS Village Home: 3BR, 1+1/2 BTH, FPL, utilities except phone. call 914- tennis court. $2900/mo. call cell
NR MASONRY LLC: New References, insured. PC #260. tios. New lawns installed/ fun, patient, creative. Call 503- Hd Wd Flrs, Garden, Off St. 720-4835 ask for Ann 914-260-2970 or 845-265-2300 QUEEN SIZE RAISED
homes, additions, all types 265-3291. maintained. Lic/Insured. 381-5983, cell. pkng, + detached 2 story ga- CAPTAIN'S bed with head-
stonework - patios, entrance 845- rage w/500 Sq Ft. office/artist board and storage and drawers
pillars, fireplaces, walls, curb- 424-2323 studio. Great location, walk to COLD SPRING 2BDRM APT 2 BDRM APT COLD SPRING under, matching six drawer
ing, Unilock. Brickwork, WEST SIDE CYCLE CHEFALOCONSTRUCTION.COM train and shopping. $385,000. 1 bath, EIK, lvng rm, lrg yard, walk to everything, walk in dresser. Both natural finish,
stucco, repairs. PC Lic #373, for all your motor cycle needs 28 years of remodeling, reno- by appt only 845-265-2944 4 blks to train. W/D , pkng & closets, hrdwd flrs, off st. pkng, heavy solid wood. $500. Call
cell 914-527-1287 or H 845- located at 120 Old Rte 9, ADULT CAREGIVER vation, new construction and water incld. $1395/mo. Newly heat. Laundry on premises. 914-804-0006
424-3795 Fishkill. 845-897-2444 available. Exp, drive to all restoration in the Philipstown painted. One mo sec, 845-661- $1300/mo. 845-265-3030
appts. Dispense meds. Com- area. Call Jim at 914-456- GOT EXTRA PROPERTY? 6632
We'll pay cash for your extra THIS END UP FURNITURE
panion. Call Ray 845-265-3769 4131 or 845-896-7472 for free 3 seat couch 2 seat couch, chair,
BEST DEAL IN TOWN - Get TRANSPORTATION estimates or consultation. acreage. We're looking for a COLD SPRING SPRING-
a Classified Ad in the Putnam small piece of land to put up a GARRISON 3BDRM 2BATH BROOK 1 BR Condo. Reno- ottoman, cushions completely
AW Limousine. Affordable PC#2360-A
County News for as little as PC COMPUTER TROUBLE small house in Garrison off/ house renovated 1860 farm vated EIK w/washer/dryer. replaced. For pictures 845-739-
rides in luxurious Towncars to
$6.25. Our classifieds get re- Repair/Instruction/Upgrade near 9D. GarrisonLand@ house, beamed ceilings, River & mtn views from MBR 4087
all airports & NYC. Profes-
sults! 265-2468. sional courteous drivers. 1-866- needed? We can help, reason- CLEANING SERVICE skylites, sub zero. Unique in- balcony. Heat, hot water, cable,
304-LIMO (5466) able rates 845-265-3089 Experienced, dependable, and holding in Fahnstock State Park pool, parking included. No IKEA VRADAL LOFT BED
detail oriented. Satisfaction amid 3500 acres of forest, smoking. Walk to shops, RR, Excellent condition, light pine
TREE SERVICE: Pruning, guaranteed. Refs avail 845-337- lakes, water falls, meadows. & river. $1375/mo. Ref, Sec, wood. with or without mat-
cabling, removal, stump grind- METICULOUS HOUSE ALL EXCAVATION. 1403 Garrison school, lawn care, Fee. Indian Brook Properties tress. $75. Call 845-424-3366
ing, shearing. Consultation.
Certified Arborist. Fully in-
Cleaning. Affordable rates, re-
liable, excellent refs. Insured.
Expert & affordable service,
septics, new/repaired, drainage
PETS lake & beach permits incld.
$2400/mo 845-265-2519
sured. Call Henry L. Kingsley, Call 845-590-7146 work, all site work, land clear- CEDAR HILL LANDSCAP- Dover Plains NY 2 br 1 ba.
265-3721. PC#1566. ing, demolition, foundations/ ING Lawns, landscape Design, LOST OR FOUND PET? Call COLD SPRING VILLAGE Screened porch, car port, shed.
pools dug, driveways etc. 26 Gutters, Hedge Trim, Pruning, Dog Control Officer, 265-4732. COLD SPRING VILLAGE 1 br Apt - 4 minute walk to 1/2 mi Metro North. For pic-
HOMETOWN HANDYMAN years local experience insrd/ Gravel, Mulch, Pressure wash- Call Sheriff's Dept., 225-4300 large 2 bdrm w/closets located train. All utilities and off street tures 914-523-8436
MASSAGE: painting, dry wall, all your PC#3332 Jeff 845-635-1717 ing, No Job Too Small, reason- only in an emergency. at 211 Main Street, offers 1 parking included. No pets, no
Feel Good Again! maintenance, repair & improve- or 914-330-1747, The Best for able rates, visit us bath, EIK, living room, laun- smoking. $975/mo 845-380-
Georgia Christy, ment needs. No job too small. Less!! CEDARHILLLANDSCAPING.NET, dry, heat/hot water, off Street 1108
Licensed Massage Therapist.
Courteous dependable, afford-
able service. Refs available. PC
Licensed and insured. 845-705-
trol office operates small im- parking included. Pets allowed,
ask for Mitch on Mobile 914-
lic #2807-A. Call George 845- PAINTING AND PLASTER pound. Please contact them if COLD SPRING VILLAGE
your dog is missing and might 263-4689 or office 212-447- HORSEMEN TRAIL FARM
265-4710 Repair, Interior, 22 yrs exp. 6206. You can also contact Pat 2bdrm. 1ba, LR/DR, EIK, W/
YOUR DISPLAY ADS can George Kimmel 845-831-8723 HOUSECLEANING AVAIL have travelled into Putnam Val- D, Ample Storage, Pets OK Potluck! Solarfest & Nofa
go on the PCN&R web site for ley. They maintain list of lost at Limited Editions 845-265- recap starts 7pm Wed Sept 2
Houses, apartments, offices. 3111, listed on MLS. rent is $1450. avail immed, Call 845-
an additional $10. Call Marga- LOCAL LOCKSMITH Experienced and local refs. call dogs and sightings. Adoptions 406-5784 Info at 845-265-2665 or
ret @ 265-2468 for more info. PERFECTION PAINTING are also available. 526-3293 $1500/mo.
Services. Licensed Bonded In- 845-809-5336
sured 24 Hr. emergency ser- "Simply the Best!" Home Im-
vice. Security since 1970 - provements, Pressure Washing. COLD SPRING/BEACON 9D
SWEDISH MASSAGE: Free estimates. Cold Spring DOGGIE DAY CARE &
locks, safes, camera systems Mins, DIA, I84, RR, 70 NYC,
Back pain, neck pain, stress?
Sleep better, heal better,
and more. Call 845-528-5021.
welcome your furry friend as a Hudson Views, Boats, 3bdrm,
think better, feel better. Dan true guest in my home. They den, 2 bth, $1600 914-584-
Anderson LMT 527-7533 HOUSEKEEPING AVAIL PATTERSON FLEA MARKET have total access to my home 7137 or 914-960-0069
NAIRN CONTRACTING CO., by European woman, ten years Rte 22, Patterson, NY. Every and my one acre fenced yard in
LLC. Remodeling - Building - experience long term local refs: Sunday, 8-4. New and Old the woods. Bow Wow Haus
Renovations - References - In- Contact Zuzana at cell 914-469- Commercial office rental at The
by Toland Construction. Reno- sured - PC#441 Est 1987 845- 1594 able$35, 845-265-4414 or 845-424-6017 John Funck 43
vation, restoration, remodeling Stone House. Excellent loca-
265-7810 Cutler Lane, Garrison
and new construction. All size tion. Rte 9 at Putnam/
jobs. PC#1244 and insured. H O U S E K E E P I N G Westchester border. $475/mo.
MULTI FAMILY GARAGE IGON A SWEET YOUNG Includes heat, electric, park-
845-265-2253 MELLON ELECTRIC by Sandra and Wendy. con- sale. August 22 10-4, 20
dos, apartments, offices. Laun- cat that would love to play with ing. Refs, Sec. Indian Brook
Residential - Commercial. New Manitou Road. off So. Moun- Properties 845-788-4191
homes & additions. Service dry, Own car, Refs. 914-510- you as well as be your best
tain Pass, Route 9D, Garrison friend. This handsome boy
HONOR THY PLUMBER upgrades & generators. No job 3141 collectibles, clothes, work-
Villanova Plumbing & Heat- too small. PC#4409 845-446- would make a wonderful addi-
bench, sofas, garden furniture, tion to any family. Come and OFFICE SPACE 37 MAIN ST
ing. Masters of the fine art of 2579 Bob household itiems. Much much
plumbing and heating for over TUTORING GRADES 1-4 meet him and all the wonderful Rent incl heat, elec, CAC, park-
Masters degree/certified for more. Priced to sell. cats and kittens who are wait- ing. Next to train. Pls Call 845-
25 years. Repairs, new instal-
lations including radiant & HW Childhood Ed 1-6. All sub- ing for their forever homes. 265-6301
heat. No job too small. Call Windows slow? computer jects. Contact Adam 917-862- Igon's adoption fee is $100. He
845-528-3158 anytime. crash? We can help! virus re-
moval, performance tuning,
4224 or 845-809-5211
MISC is up to date on all his vaccina-
tions, neutered and will be
2 offices, can be combined. 1
upgrades, Wi-Fi, backups, lost microchipped. Putnam Humane room 290 sq ft w/private bath
GARRISON TREE, INC. pictures, lost music, iPod/ HOUSECLEANING AVAIL BIJOU GALLERIES LTD Society, Old rte 6, Carmel 845-
Tree takedowns, pruning, Reliable, experienced, afford- Check out our display of $750. 1 room 230 sq ft w/river
iPhone/Blackberry sync. Call 225 -7777. Mon-Fri 10am-6pm views $625. Heat + parking
landclearing, cabling, chipping, us for all your computer needs, able. Call Mary 914-954-1382 china, glassware, jewelry, Sat-Sun 10am-4pm. Also visit
firewood. Landscape design, and books! 50 Main Street included. Walk to train. 845-
we service individuals and busi- our thrift Shop on Rte 52 in 424-3937
planting, plant health care, nesses. MS Cert. MAC to. In Cold Spring Daily 11-5 Lake carmel. Open Wed-Sat
stump grinding, mulch. Con- FINE ART PRINTMAKERS
biz for 20+ years . 1(845) 284- Hi res scans of originals 10am-3pm
sultations available. Joshua R. 2390
Maddocks, certified aborist up to 6 X 8ft. Color and B&W TENNIS TENNIS TENNIS!!
Archival inks, papers, and
cert. # NY 5332A. Fully In- NTRP 5.0 singles player with
sured. Reg. No. PC2213-A canvas. Any length X 64"W. clay court in Cold Spring. some
Please Call: 845-265- State of the art digital week days & all weekends, late
3434 since 1997. 845-809-5174 June to early Sept. Bill at 917- HUD VALLEY AUCTIONEERS 680-1465 or 845-265-2175 Antique and Estate buyers
commission sales, auctions
SHEAFORSUPERVISOR.COM held monthly, 432 Main St.
Beacon 845-838-3049, Neil
Vaughn. For info visit www.

for animal care and assistance
at Animal Hospital of Cold
Spring, located next to Drug
World. Apply in person.

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