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MMC 4341 syllabus / McAdams 1

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MMC 4341 | Sprlng 2014 | SecLlon 099l
Monday perlods 8, 9, 10 (3 - 6 p.m.), 3024 Welmer Pall
lus lndlvldual meeLlngs, by appolnLmenL, requlred weekly

!"#$%&'$(%) Mlndy McAdams, rofessor, ueparLmenL of !ournallsm
*+,-./) mmcadams[[
122.'3) 3049 Welmer Pall
122.'3 4(&%#) 1uesdays 1-3 p.m. | And by appolnLmenL
122.'3 54("3) (332) 392-8436 (nC1L: L-mall ls beLLer. Much beLLer.)
6*78!9*) hLLp://

lmporLanL lnformaLlon appears on Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 and <3=&.%3; 6(%> pages of Lhe onllne syllabus
(webslLe). All sLudenLs are responslble for readlng Lhose pages compleLely and also for checklng Lhem
each week.
2/0.3' 4'3&.+51+/%
Advanced skllls ln approprlaLe Lechnologles for produclng onllne [ournallsm. navlgaLlon lnLerfaces for
onllne lnformaLlon, screen/page deslgn, lncorporaLlon of lnformaLlon graphlcs, vldeo, audlo, phoLos,
anlmaLlon. Lmphasls on currenL professlonal Lechnlques and sLandards. Several varleLles of code and
markup wlll be used. SLudenLs musL be able Lo Lake lnlLlaLlve ln learnlng.
2/0.3' )67'&1+#'3
upon successful compleLlon of Lhls course, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
! use scrlpLlng/programmlng languages aL a baslc Lo lnLermedlaLe level
! use P1ML and CSS aL an lnLermedlaLe level, followlng currenL professlonal sLandards
! Solve deslgn and presenLaLlon problems uslng P1ML and CSS
! Solve deslgn and presenLaLlon problems uslng !avaScrlpL and [Cuery
! LvaluaLe Lechnologles used ln professlonal examples of onllne sLoryLelllng
!11'%"$%&' $%" !11+10"'
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo show respecL for one anoLher and for Lhe lnsLrucLor. ALLendance and arrlvlng
on Llme for class are necessary. !"#$%$&& "%( ")&$%*$& +,-- .$&/-# ,% " -0+$. 1,%"- 2."($ (deLalls on Lhe
<3=&.%3; 6(%> page ln Lhe onllne syllabus). lf you have been absenL, you are responslble for flndlng ouL
abouL any mlssed maLerlal by golng Lo Lhe lnsLrucLor's offlce hours. 1hese maLLers wlll noL be handled
vla e-mall.
Moblle devlces musL be Lurned Cll durlng class. uo noL check LexL messages, e-mall, lnsLagram, eLc.,
durlng class, as your lnsLrucLor conslders Lhls qulLe rude and Lherefore grounds for dlsclpllnary acLlon.
Clve your full and undlvlded aLLenLlon Lo anyone who ls speaklng ln class, lncludlng your fellow sLudenLs.
MMC 4341 syllabus / McAdams 2
SLudenLs wlll use a compuLer durlng class. Powever, use of soclal medla and oLher slLes noL relaLed Lo
classwork ls prohlblLed. When Lhe lnsLrucLor or anoLher sLudenL ls speaklng Lo Lhe class, all sLudenLs are
expecLed Lo glve full aLLenLlon Lo Lhe speaker.
89 !11'%"$%&' -/*+&+'3
> hLLps://
All sLudenLs are expecLed Lo have Lhelr own lapLop compuLer (preferably a Mac8ook ro) wlLh necessary
sofLware lnsLalled.
=';0+.'" >//?3
no books are requlred for Lhls course. 8eadlngs and lessons from onllne slLes wlll be asslgned, lncludlng:
2/0.3' 4'$"*+%'3 $%" ,$?'05 @/.?
LaLe asslgnmenLs are noL accepLed. 1hls means LhaL an asslgnmenL submlLLed laLe ls graded as a zero.
AsslgnmenLs are noL accepLed vla e-mall unless requesLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor. lf an lllness or a personal
emergency prevenLs you from compleLlng an asslgnmenL on Llme, advance noLlce and wrlLLen
documenLaLlon are requlred. Makeup work ls permlLLed only ln exLreme clrcumsLances and
when wrlLLen documenLaLlon ls provlded ln a Llmely manner.
!&$"'<+& 4+3A/%'31B
Academlc dlshonesLy of any klnd ls noL LoleraLed ln Lhls course. lL wlll be reporLed Lo Lhe uean of Lhls
college, and Lo Lhe ul uean of SLudenLs-and ,# +,-- .$&/-# ,% " 1",-,%2 2."($ for Lhls course.
Academlc dlshonesLy lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo:
! Copylng and pasLlng Lhe code, words or lmages of oLhers and presenLlng Lhem as your own.
! uslng any work done by anoLher person and submlLLlng lL for a class asslgnmenL.
! SubmlLLlng work you dld for anoLher class.
89 C10"'%1 2/%"0&1 D E/%/. 2/"'
> hLLp://
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SLudenLs requesLlng accommodaLlons musL flrsL reglsLer wlLh Lhe ulsablllLy 8esource CenLer. 1he
ulsablllLy 8esource CenLer wlll provlde an accommodaLlon leLLer Lo Lhe sLudenL, who musL Lhen glve
MMC 4341 syllabus / McAdams 3
LhaL leLLer Lo Lhe lnsLrucLor when requesLlng accommodaLlons. uo so as early as posslble ln Lhe
89 4+3$6+*+1B ='3/0.&' 2'%1'.
> hLLp://
2/0.3' :#$*0$1+/%3
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo provlde feedback on Lhe quallLy of lnsLrucLlon ln Lhls course by compleLlng
onllne course evaluaLlons. ?ou wlll recelve noLlflcaLlon vla emall near Lhe end of Lhe semesLer when Lhe
evaluaLlons are open. ubllc resulLs of Lhese assessmenLs are avallable Lo sLudenLs.
89 9$&0*1B 2/0.3' :#$*0$1+/%3
> hLLps://
2/0.3' =';0+.'<'%13
lease make sure Lo check Lhe course webslLe aL leasL once a week. lf you rely only on a prlnLed copy,
you may mlss a change ln Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 or <3=&.%3; 6(%> secLlons. AsslgnmenLs and deadllnes
wlll be posLed onllne aL Lhe u8L below.
> WL8Sl1L: hLLp://
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SLudenLs who aLLend classes ln Lhe flrsL week wlll recelve 2 polnLs for dolng so.
lor Lhe followlng four unlLs, sLudenLs wlll compleLe numerous exerclses ouLslde of class and wlll show
and explaln Lhelr work each week. Weekly lndlvldual meeLlngs wlll be scheduled. olnLs are awarded
based on Lhe sLudenL's demonsLraLlon of work compleLed.
! yLhon (4 weeks, 4-8 polnLs)
! P1ML3 and CSS (2 weeks, 2-4 polnLs)
! !avaScrlpL (1 week, 1-2 polnLs)
! [Cuery (3 weeks, 3-6 polnLs)
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Lach sLudenL wlll submlL a pro[ecL plan for approval. A pro[ecL could be, for example, compleLlng Lhe
exerclses ln Lhe yLhon course (Lxerclses 33-32), bulldlng an lnLeracLlve webslLe uslng varlous !avaScrlpL
and [Cuery Lechnlques, creaLlng an lnLeracLlve sLory or app, such as a game or a map (uslng Lechnologles
covered ln Lhls course). lndlvldual meeLlngs wlll conLlnue each week, and sLudenLs wlll show and explaln
Lhelr work.
MMC 4341 syllabus / McAdams 4
2*$33 $11'%"$%&' $%" 5$.1+&+5$1+/%
olnLs may be subLracLed lf you mlss mulLlple scheduled class meeLlngs or lndlvldual meeLlngs, are
chronlcally laLe, leave early, or show lnaLLenLlon (such as uslng soclal medla durlng a lecLure).
arLlclpaLlon ls expecLed, polnLs may be subLracLed lf you do noL conLrlbuLe.
?($3) 1he polnL sysLem ls explalned on Lhe <3=&.%3; 6(%> page ln Lhe onllne syllabus.
Q.$"'3 $%" Q.$"+%K -/*+&+'3
1hls course uses an aLyplcal sysLem for gradlng sLudenLs' efforL vla weekly face-Lo-face meeLlngs wlLh
Lhe lnsLrucLor. CompleLe deLalls are on Lhe <3=&.%3; 6(%> page ln Lhe onllne syllabus. LxpecLaLlons are
spelled ouL for sLudenLs' work each week. SLudenLs show flnlshed work and explaln lL and wlll be
awarded polnLs for adequaLe work.
92-100 percenL A 72-77 percenL C
90-91 percenL A- 70-71 percenL C-
88-89 percenL 8+ 68-69 percenL u+
82-87 percenL 8 62-67 percenL u
80-81 percenL 8- 60-61 percenL u-
78-79 percenL C+ 39 percenL or below L
RG%&/<5*'1'S K.$"'3
A grade of l" wlll noL be asslgned ln Lhls course unless Lhe sLudenL has documenLed exLreme
clrcumsLances, such as a grave medlcal emergency. Asslgned work musL be compleLed "%( &/)3,##$( on
Llme. lf lL ls noL, Lhen Lhe grade for Lhe asslgnmenL wlll be zero (0).
R:T1.$ &.'"+1S
varlous opporLunlLles for exLra credlL are avallable. no work wlll be consldered for so-called exLra credlL
ln Lhls course unless expllclLly lndlcaLed on Lhe <3=&.%3; 6(%> page, ln Lhe onllne syllabus. lease read
LhaL page for deLalls abouL Lhe opporLunlLles for exLra credlL.
89 -/*+&+'3 $6/01 C10"'%1 Q.$"'3
> hLLps://

2/0.3' C&A'"0*' $%" =';0+.'" @/.?
lease noLe LhaL many lmporLanL deLalls are on Lhe webslLe (hLLp:// and do
noL appear hereln. 1he onllne :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page ls especlally useful.
@''? I U V$%W X
lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe course, geLLlng sLarLed wlLh yLhon. Class meeLs on Monday, and one (lf necessary,
Lwo) addlLlonal meeLlngs wlll be seL up on laLer days Lhls week. 1he second meeLlng ls .$4/,.$(.
lndlvldual appolnLmenLs wlll be seL up for %$5# week.
MMC 4341 syllabus / McAdams 3
@''? Y U V$%W IZ
yLhon 1 (varlables, sLrlngs, raw_lnpuL). See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark for Lhls week.
Class meeLs on Monday.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled. ?ou're expecLed Lo demonsLraLe LhaL you worked dally, for abouL one
hour, Lo compleLe Lhe flrsL 12 exerclses ln !$".% 67#80% #8$ 9".( :"7. 8rlng your lapLop and show your
work. All of Lhls was explalned ln class durlng Week 1.
@''? Z U V$%W Y[
yLhon 2 (parameLers, lmporL, modules, argumenLs, readlng/wrlLlng flles, funcLlons). @(";-A ls Lhe MLk
!r. Pollday, so class does noL meeL Monday. PCWLvL8, every sLudenL wlll have an lndlvldual meeLlngs
as scheduled on a laLer day Lhls week.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? M U V$%W Y\
yLhon 3 (funcLlons conLlnued, reLurn sLaLemenL, spllL, pop, sorL). Class meeLs (all sLudenLs) Monday.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? ] U 9'6W Z
yLhon 4 (8ooleans, lf-else, llsLs, for and whlle loops). All sLudenLs meeL on Monday. Llve demo of whaL
you can do wlLh yLhon. ulscusslon of Lhe nexL learnlng pro[ecL (P1ML3 and advanced CSS).
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? X U 9'6W I[
P1ML3 and CSS (1): ulvs, fonLs, color, CMSs (revlew). All sLudenLs meeL on Monday.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? \ U 9'6W I\
P1ML3 and CSS (2): responslve deslgn, frameworks. All sLudenLs meeL on Monday.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? P U 9'6W YM
!avaScrlpL (synLax, varlables, loops, funcLlons, arrays). lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe uCM. All sLudenLs meeL on
Monday. lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? ^ U ,$.&A Z
Sprlng 8reak-no classes.
MMC 4341 syllabus / McAdams 6
@''? I[ U ,$.&A I[
[Cuery 1 (change sLyles, append LexL, Lraverse Lhe uCM, funcLlons, #8,&). All sLudenLs meeL on Monday.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? II U ,$.&A I\
[Cuery 2 (cllck, hover, llsLeners, evenL handlers, fade and sllde, anlmaLlon). All sLudenLs meeL on
Monday. lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
@''? IY U ,$.&A YM
[Cuery 3 (exerclses). All sLudenLs meeL on Monday. lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
SubmlL your 5%(B3'$ 5/-" on Monday.
@''? IZ U ,$.&A ZI
[Cuery 4 ( LuLorlals). All sLudenLs meeL on Monday. lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark.
SLudenLs' 5%(B3'$ 5/-"# wlll need flnal approval 1CuA?.
@''? IM U !5.+* \
All sLudenLs meeL on Monday. Introduction to HTML5 canvas, for drawing and animation.
lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark (ro[ecL parL 1).
@''? I] U !5.+* IM
ro[ecL work. lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark (ro[ecL parL 2).
@''? IX U !5.+* YI
ro[ecL work. lndlvldual meeLlngs as scheduled.
See Lhe :(&%#3 8'43;&/3 page for Lhe benchmark (ro[ecL parL 3).
9+%$*3 @''? H!5.+* YPL
1here ls an opporLunlLy for exLra credlL lf you need lL. See Lhe <3=&.%3; 6(%> page for deLalls.

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