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bnder Craduate Fregrammes

Fk0SFC1bS | 2013
Shaping a beLLer uLure or mankind by developing eecLive and socially responsible
individuals and organizaLions.
lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology emphasizes all-round developmenL o iLs sLudenLs. lL aims aL
producing noL only good proessionals buL also good and worLhy ciLizens o a greaL
counLry, aiding in iLs overall progress and developmenL.
lL endeavours Lo LreaL every sLudenL as an individual, Lo recognize Lheir poLenLial and Lo
ensure LhaL Lhey receive Lhe besL preparaLion and Lraining or achieving Lheir career
ambiLions and lie goals.

Nirma FducaLion & Research FoundaLion 02

8oard o 1rusLees 08
Nirma UniversiLy 04
8oard o Covernors 05
PresidenL 06
DirecLor Ceneral 07
From Lhe DirecLor's Desk 09
1he lnsLiLuLe 10
Academic Programme 16
lnrasLrucLure 18
Library Resource CenLre 22
Pedagogy 24
NeLworking lniLiaLives 26
lndusLry lnsLiLuLe lnLeracLion Cell 28
Looking 8eyond Curriculum 80
DeparLmenLs 82
Chemical Fngineering 84
Civil Fngineering 88
CompuLer Science & Fngineering 42
FlecLrical Fngineering 48
Mechanical Fngineering 54
MaLhemaLics & HumaniLies 58
How Lo SLudy 60
Ragging - zero Lolerance 62
Board of Trustees
Dr. Karsanbhai K. PateI (Chairman)
PresidenL, Nirma UniversiLy
5hri Ambubhai M. PateI (Managing Trustee)
vice PresidenL, Nirma UniversiLy
5hri 5hrenikbhai K. LaIbhai
lndusLrialisL and FducaLionisL &
Hon. Chairman and Managing
DirecLor, Lalbhai Croup
5hri Rakeshbhai K. PateI
vice Chairman, Nirma LLd.
5hri K. K. PateI (Joint Managing Trustee)
Chie OperaLing Oicer, Nirma UniversiLy
5hri Hirenbhai K. PateI
Managing DirecLor, Nirma LLd.
5hri R. D. 5hah
CharLered AccounLanL
ln 1994, Lhe ounder o Nirma lndusLries and an inLernaLionally
amous enLrepreneur Dr. Karsanbhai K. PaLel crysLallized his
long cherished dream o providing world-class aciliLies or
proessional educaLion in CujaraL. He esLablished Nirma
FducaLion & Research FoundaLion (NFRF), which in Lurn
esLablished, in a 110-acre campus, six leading insLiLuLions.
Nirma lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology in 1995, Nirma lnsLiLuLe o
ManagemenL in 1996, Nirma lnsLiLuLe o Diploma SLudies in
1997, lnsLiLuLe o Pharmacy in 2008, lnsLiLuLe o Science in
2004 and lnsLiLuLe o Law in 2007. 1he esLablishmenL o Lhe
Nirma UniversiLy in April 2008 was a naLural consequence o
Lhe very high sLandards achieved by Lhe irsL Lhree insLiLuLes.
1he irsL Lhree insLiLuLes have now become consLiLuenL
lnsLiLuLes o Nirma UniversiLy.
Nirma ducation &
Research loundation
2 3
Board of Governors
Nirma UniversiLy, Ahmedabad has been esLablished in Lhe year
2008 as a sLaLuLory universiLy under Lhe CujaraL SLaLe AcL aL
Lhe iniLiaLive o Lhe Nirma FducaLion & Research FoundaLion. lL
is also recognized by Lhe UniversiLy CranLs Commission (UCC)
under secLion 2() o UCC AcL. Dr. Karsanbhai K. PaLel,
Chairman, Nirma Croup o Companies & Chairman, NFRF is
Lhe PresidenL o Lhe UniversiLy.
Nirma UniversiLy consisLs o FaculLy o Fngineering and
1echnology, FaculLy o ManagemenL, FaculLy o Science, FaculLy
o DocLoral SLudies & Research, FaculLy o Pharmacy and
FaculLy o Law. 1he diploma, graduaLe, posL-graduaLe and
docLoral level programmes oered by Lhese aculLies are raLed
high by indusLry, business magazines and by Lhe sLudenLs.
lnnovaLion, excellence and qualiLy are Lhe driving orces on Lhe
campus and Lhis has LranslaLed Lhe vision o Lhese insLiLuLions
inLo a realiLy over a shorL period o Lime. 1oday Lhe campus
vibraLes wiLh noL only world class curricular acLiviLies buL also
wiLh myriad co-curricular and exLra-curricular acLiviLies like
inLernaLional convenLions, symposia, conerences, sLudenL
compeLiLions, conclaves, shorL-Lerm indusLry relevanL
programs, culLural acLiviLies and sporLs.
Nirma University
Dr. Karsanbhai K. PateI (Chairman)
Nirma FducaLion and Research FoundaLion
(NFRF) & PresidenL, Nirma UniversiLy
5hri Ambubhai M. PateI
Managing 1rusLee, NFRF and
vice PresidenL, Nirma UniversiLy
Dr. P N Bhagwati
lndusLrialisL & FducaLionisL,
Chairman, 8hagwaLi Sphero CasL LimiLed
5hri R. D. 5hah
CharLered AccounLanL,
1rusLee, NFRF
5hri Hasmukh Adhia (lA5)
Principal SecreLary, FducaLion DeparLmenL,
CovernmenL o CujaraL
Prof. (Dr.) N. R. Madhava Menon
l8A-CLF Chair in ConLinuing Legal FducaLion &
Former DirecLor, NLSlU, 8angalore & NaLional
Judicial Academy 8hopal
Prof. (Dr.) Purvi PokhariyaI
Dean, FaculLy o Law
Nirma UniversiLy
Dr. Anup K. 5ingh
DirecLor Ceneral,
Nirma UniversiLy
5hri Hirenbhai K. PateI
lndusLrialisL, Managing DirecLor, Nirma LLd.
Dr. Pankajbhai PateI
Chairman & Managing DirecLor,
Zydus Cadila HealLhcare LLd.
5hri J. P. Joshipara
5hri Vipinbhai 5. Parikh
AdvocaLe, High CourL o CujaraL
Prof. (Dr.) Manjunath Ghate
Dean, FaculLy o Pharmacy,
Nirma UniversiLy
Dr. A. 5. PateI (5ecretary)
l/c. FxecuLive RegisLrar
Nirma UniversiLy
4 5
Dr. Karsanbhai K. PateI
Chairman, NFRF
PresidenL, Nirma UniversiLy
Life 5ketch of the President
Like oLher insLiLuLes, lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology draws much o iLs inspiraLion and sLrengLh rom iLs ounder, Dr.
Karsanbhai K. PaLel, Chairman, Nirma LimiLed. Dr. Karsanbhai K. PaLel has been conerred wiLh "Padma Shri"
Award or Lhe year 2010. He is also Lhe recipienL o Lhe "Udyog RaLna" Award - 1990, "CujaraL 8usinessman"
award - 1998, FrnsL & oung "LieLime AchievemenL" Award - 2006, "Sardar vallabhbhai PaLel vishwa
PraLibha Award - 2009", 1he 8aroda Sun "LieLime AchievemenL" Award 2009 and "ChemLech Award o Hall
o Fame".
Dr. PaLel is renowned or his conLribuLion Lo indusLrial developmenL in Lhe counLry. ln abouL Lhe lasL 15 years,
he has Lurned his aLLenLion Lo Lhe growing challenges in educaLion. 1his has perhaps been Lhe mosL
purposeul developmenL or Lhe younger generaLion o Lhe counLry.
Dr. PaLel is awarded Honorary DocLoraLe o Humane LeLLers by Florida ALlanLic UniversiLy, USA or 8usiness
and MarkeLing acumen and philanLhropy. He was also awarded Honorary D. LiL by Devi Ahilya
vishwavidhyalaya, lndore. Among many social projecLs LhaL he has iniLiaLed, Nirma FducaLion and Research
FoundaLion (NFRF) is monumenLal o his commiLmenL Lo socieLy.
Dr. PaLel irmly believes LhaL Lo wiLhsLand global compeLiLion and Lo saLisy Lhe growing need o qualiLy
proessionals, an academic insLiLuLion musL consLanLly grow, innovaLe, build sLrengLh and sLrive Lo become
Dr. Singh is an eminenL academician and LhoughL leader. He did his Ph.D. rom Lhe UniversiLy o Allahabad,
Allahabad and PosL DocLoral Fellowship rom Lhe UniversiLy o Michigan, Ann Arbor. He was a visiLing
Scholar aL Lhe J.L. Kellogg CraduaLe School o 8usiness AdminisLraLion, NorLhwesLern UniversiLy, FvansLon. He
has eighL books Lo his crediL. He has published more Lhan 85 arLicles in repuLed journals. He has received
several awards or his Leaching excellence.
He has conducLed several research projecLs. He was Lhe ediLor o vision. Lhe Journal o 8usiness PerspecLive.
He has consulLed wiLh several naLional and inLernaLional organisaLions. He developed NaLional Human
Resource DevelopmenL Policy or Lhe Royal CovernmenL o 8huLan. He is closely involved wiLh Lhe up scaling
o managemenL educaLion in lndia. His research inLeresLs are Leadership, SLudenL FngagemenL and
lnsLiLuLion 8uilding.
Farlier he was Lhe DirecLor, lnsLiLuLe o ManagemenL, Nirma UniversiLy, Ahmedabad and a Proessor o
OrganizaLional 8ehaviour aL Lhe ManagemenL DevelopmenL lnsLiLuLe, Curgaon. He was also a Proessor and
Dean (CorporaLe RelaLions) aL Lhe lnLernaLional ManagemenL lnsLiLuLe, New Delhi. He had a brie sLinL aL
Jaipuria lnsLiLuLe o ManagemenL, Noida as iLs DirecLor.
Director GeneraI
Dr. Anup K. 5ingh
DirecLor Ceneral
6 7
luture is curs tc Crecte
Nirmc University-
World in general and Higher educaLion in parLicular is
undergoing a dramaLic, drasLic and inLeresLing Lime. lL
oers beLLer lie qualiLy and beLLermenL o socieLy. On
one hand, iL is hearLening Lo noLe Lhe pleLhora o
engineering insLiLuLion making educaLion accessible Lo
everybody, on Lhe oLher hand iL is dismal Lo noLe Lhe
plunging o educaLion sLandards and qualiLy o
ln such a Lime, Lo keep Lhe vision irm and Lo deliver
pragmaLic, groundbreaking and holisLic programs in
engineering domain so as Lo creaLe global engineers
wiLh sLrong characLer and good values seL aparL Lhe
paLh leaders rom Lhe paLh ollowers.
We, Lhe lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology are Lhe PaLh leaders
and blazers.
1his year we are celebraLing Lhe LenLh years o
esLablishmenL o Nirma UniversiLy. 1he journey so ar
was exhilaraLing, rewarding and promising. We have
been a caLalysL o change when we enLered inLo Lhe
arena o educaLion bereL o sel-inance colleges, and
Loday wiLh greaL saLisacLion, we can call ourselves Lhe
paLh leaders.
Realizing Lhe peneLraLion o DigiLal Lechnology in
higher educaLion scene and undersLanding Lhe way iL
has Lransormed Lhe way educaLion is delivered,
perceived, supporLed and evaluaLed. We have Lurned
Lhe challenge Lo Leach CeneraLion-nexL or Millennial
sLudenLs inLo opporLuniLy. 8y doing severe curriculum
reorms in Lerm o changing and including Lhe courses
as well radical Leaching- learning meLhods we have
Lried Lo bridge Lhe gap beLween Lhe digiLal
naLives(sLudenLs) and us(digiLal immigranLs). We have
also amalgamaLed Legacy courses (core and
humaniLies) wiLh FuLure courses (Lhe one which are
emerging and will emerge).
1he inLroducLion o new curriculum also demands new
meLhod o evaluaLion criLeria, which is being
implemenLed successully.
lL is our commiLmenL Lo oer lielong learning courses,
enrichmenL courses, value added courses among oLher
equally imporLanL ancillary programs. Courses such as
CriLical 1hinking, Law or Fngineers, CreaLiviLy and
lnnovaLion, FxLension acLiviLy ( as a course), FLhics and
values will inculcaLe Lhe iner aLLribuLes o characLers
whereas Lhe indusLry orienLed conLenL will smooLh Lhe
LransiLion rom campus Lo corporaLe easy and wiLhouL
We inviLe all o your Lo conLribuLe or Lhe said goal and
leL us LogeLher make Lhe dierence in socieLy and upliL
Lhe mankind.
Dr K Kotecha
lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology
Nirma UniversiLy
lrom the Desk of Director
8 9
The lnstitute
lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology is a leading insLiLuLe oering mulLi disciplinary undergraduaLe, posLgraduaLe and Ph.D.
programmes in engineering. 1he insLiLuLe is a consLiLuenL o Lhe Nirma UniversiLy.
LocaLed in peaceul and sylvan surroundings, abouL 15 km rom Ahmedabad Railway SLaLion, iL is also easily
accessible rom Lhe sLaLe capiLal Candhinagar. A disciplined, serene and pleasanL environmenL envelops Lhe campus.
lL blends beauLiully wiLh Lhe green landscaping, aesLheLic elegance o arches and Lhe vibranL pursuiL o knowledge
by Lhe young aspiranLs. 1he academic ambience gives ull scope or group acLiviLies, which are plenLy, as also Lo
individual pursuiLs or developmenL on preerred Lracks.
1he insLiLuLe shares Lhe Nirma UniversiLy campus wiLh ive oLher insLiLuLions. lnsLiLuLe o ManagemenL, lnsLiLuLe o
Pharmacy, lnsLiLuLe o Science, lnsLiLuLe o Diploma SLudies and lnsLiLuLe o Law. All have disLinguished record o
achievemenLs. SLudenLs joining Lhe lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology have Lhereore, an opporLuniLy o inLeracLion wiLh Lhe
academic communiLy o Lhe enLire Nirma UniversiLy complex. 1he academic environmenL generaLed by Lhe
inLeracLion beLween proessional disciplines has a sLimulaLing inluence, especially in Lhe ormaLive years o young
sLudenLs. Fxposure Lo such environmenL helps Lhe sLudenLs Lo develop good communicaLion skills, an inLegraLed
personaliLy and greaLer compeLiLive spiriL.
1he dedicaLion and commiLmenL wiLh which Lhe sLudenLs and aculLy have worked over Lhe pasL sixLeen years have
paid rich dividends and Lhis has made Lhe insLiLuLe Lhe mosL preerred one among Lhe sLudenL raLerniLy. 1he
sLudenLs o Lhis insLiLuLe were consisLenLly securing Lop ranks in examinaLions even when iL was ailiaLed Lo CujaraL
UniversiLy. 1he perormance o a sLudenL in Lhe examinaLions is noL Lhe sole criLerion o Lhe qualiLy o educaLion
acquired, neverLheless, iL is an imporLanL indicaLion o Lhe eecLiveness o Lhe academic inpuLs.
We are




Researchers 1rainers
Channels we use


virLual ParLners

Roles we play





We do





Our KeysLones
FaculLy HR l1 FS lnrasLrucLure
Our vision and Mission
Nation 5ociety 5tudents
NU - we are
10 11
o A research sLudy on lndian lnsLiLuLes o Fngineering &
Sciences has ranked Lhe lnsLiLuLe aL 47Lh posiLion in 1op
50 or research perormance, which is published in
CurrenL Science 2009.
o lnsLiLuLe has been ranked in irsL 1op 25 Fngineering
Colleges across Lhe counLry as per survey conducLed in
lndia 1oday in 2010.
o Ranked 17Lh, 14Lh and 18Lh in Lhe lisL o 1op 85 PrivaLe
Fngineering Colleges published by OuLlook magazine, in
2009 respecLively.
o Ranked 22nd in irsL 1op 50 Fngineering Colleges and
6Lh among sel inanced colleges across Lhe counLry by
OuLlook Magazine in 2010
o Ranked 80Lh in 1op 75 Fngineering Colleges and 8Lh
among sel inanced colleges across Lhe counLry by
OuLlook Magazine in 2011
o Ranked 84Lh in 1op 75 Fngineering Colleges and 9Lh
among sel inanced colleges across Lhe counLry by
OuLlook Magazine in 2012
o 1he lnsLiLuLe has been ranked 12Lh in 1op 25
engineering colleges in 2009 and 16Lh in 1op 75
engineering colleges in 2010 across Lhe counLry by
CompeLiLion Success Review-CHRDC Fngineering
College Survey.
o Ranked 18Lh in 1op 110 engineering colleges across Lhe
counLry and ranked 2nd in 1op engineering colleges o
Fxcellence caLegory by CompeLiLion Success Review-
CHRDC Fngineering College Survey in AugusL 2011
o Ranked 6Lh in 1op 50 Fngineering Colleges across Lhe
counLry, 6Lh in irsL Lop 10 LalenL hub colleges, 8Lh in
Lop 10 Lechnology hub colleges, 9Lh in Lop 10
inLernaLional exposure and 8Lh in Lop 10 in
lnrasLrucLure colleges as per survey conducLed in
FlecLronics For ou in May 2011
o Ranked 89Lh in 1op 50 Fngineering colleges across Lhe
counLry as per Lhe survey conducLed by Careers 860 in
June 2011
o lnsLiLuLe is ranked 24Lh among PrivaLe Colleges in irsL
Lop 50 across Lhe counLry as per survey conducLed by
HindusLan 1imes in 2010.
o lnsLiLuLe is ranked 8Lh in 1op 70 engineering colleges in
2011. lnsLiLuLe is ranked 5Lh and 2nd in 2010 & 2011
respecLively among preerred engineering colleges in
WesL Zone as per Lhe survey conducLed by 1he Week.
o Ranked 50Lh in 1op 100 Fngineering colleges across Lhe
counLry as per Lhe survey conducLed by 1he Week in
l5T Awards
NaLional Award or Fngineering College having 8esL
Overall Perormance or Lhe year 2002.
NaLional Award or 8esL Principal or Lhe year 2002
NaLional Awards or Lhe 8esL 1eacher in CujaraL sLaLe in
year 2002, 2008, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 &
8esL ChapLer Award or Lhe year 2007-08, 2008-09,
2009-2010 & 2010-11, 2011-12.
8esL SLudenL ChapLer Award or Lhe year 2008, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2010 and 2012
SCSl1S NaLional Award or 8esL Research by
oung 1eachers o Fngineering Colleges or Lhe year
1sL Prize & 2nd Prize or 8esL M.1ech 1hesis in Civil
Fngineering and Chemical Fngineering respecLively or
Lhe year 2010
1sL Prize 8esL M.1ech 1hesis in FlecLrical & FlecLronics
Fngineering or Lhe year 2011.
CSFC NaLional Award 2011 or 8esL M.1ech 1hesis in
Mechanical Fngineering
NaLional Award 2011 or 8esL 8.1ech SLudenL ProjecLs in
Civil Fngineering and lnsLrumenLal & ConLrol
Other Awards
SLudenLs won naLional championship Doordarshan
RO8OCON 2002, 2008, 2006, 2008, 2011 and 1sL
Runner-Up in RO8OCON 2012.
SLudenLs won Cash Prize o Rs.2 lac or '8esL 1echnology
lnnovaLion' in 8AJA SAF lndia 2012 and 2018.
8esL SLudenL 8ranch Award by CompuLer SocieLy o
lndia or Lhe year 2011
1eam o 8rd semesLer sLudenLs o Chemical Fngineering
deparLmenL won 1sL prize or 'FarLhian Face OFF
Challenge" in FarLhian SusLainabiliLy program or
schools and colleges organized by Wipro in 2012
lFFF SLudenL 8ranch, (WlF) Women in Fngineering
AiniLy Croup won Lhe 2011 lFFF R10 (Region 10) WlF
SecLion / SLudenL 8ranch AiniLy Croup o 1he ear
Awards wiLh a cash bonus o USS 250 and a CerLiicaLe
A Leam consisLing o sLudenLs rom FC, lC and CompuLer
Fngineering parLicipaLed in Lhe Freescale Cup
compeLiLion organized by Freescale Semi-conducLors
and llSc, 8angalore and won 2nd Prize o Rs.1 lacs as
prize money.
1he campus vibraLes wiLh varied acLiviLies like inLernaLional convenLions, symposia, conerences, workshops, sLudenL
compeLiLions, conclaves, shorL Lerm indusLry relevanL programmes, lS1F approved ConLinuing FducaLion Programmes
lnormaLion 1echnology Fxpo, February 2000.
XXX lS1F Annual NaLional ConvenLion, December 2000.
46Lh All lndia Library Conerence o lndian Library AssociaLion, 2001.
Seminar on lnormaLion 1echnology, 2001 by Cll.
N8A NaLional AccrediLaLor's Workshop, 2002 by AlC1F.
NaLional Doordarshan RO8OCON 2008 2004, RoboLics CompeLiLion.
lndian Science Congress, January 2005.
lnLernaLional workshop on "Monsoon ClimaLe variabiliLy and Change and Lheir impacLs on waLer, ood and healLh",
NaLional Seminar on Advances in 8uilding ManagemenL SysLem (A8MS), November 2007.
Advances in RemoLe Sensing 1echnology and ApplicaLions wiLh special emphasis on Microwave RemoLe Sensing
NaLional Conerence on CurrenL 1rends in 1echnology, NUCONF in 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009.
A naLional level seminar "NanoSys-10" on "NanoLechnology- 1oday and Lomorrow", March 2010.
lnLernaLional Conerence on CurrenL 1rends in 1echnology, NUiCONF in 2010, 2011 & 2012.
5peciaI Achievements
lmportant vents Hosted / Organized
12 13
CollaboraLive and JoinL projecLs wiLh lndusLry / R&D
insLiLuLes are underLaken by Chemical Fngineering
DeparLmenL. A good number research papers are
published in reerred inLernaLional as well as naLional
journals o repuLe by aculLy members and research
scholars. DeparLmenL is having 1hirLeen Ph.D. sLudenLs
working in Lhe LhrusL area o Chemical and FnvironmenLal
Fngineering area.
FaculLy members o Chemical Fngineering DeparLmenL
have goL Lhe unding or Lhe research work in Lhe area o
FnvironmenLal Fngineering and Chemical Fngineering rom
Lhe unding agencies like DS1, CUJCOS1 eLc.
AparL rom Lhe regular academic work, Lhe aculLy
members o Chemical Fngineering DeparLmenL are also
acLively involved in Lhe consulLancy such as.
FnvironmenLal AudiL [CPC8 recognized Schedule -l
Fnergy AudiL [8FF CerLiied Fnergy AudiLor]
Process Problem SoluLions & Process ModiicaLion
Process FquipmenL Design
Cleaner ProducLion and Cleaner 1echnology
PeLroleum ProducL 1esLing and CharacLerizaLion
SysLem Analysis & Modelling and SimulaLion
WaLer & WasLe WaLer 1esLing and Analysis
FluenL 1reaLmenL PlanL Design
AnalyLical ChemisLry based 1esLing
1he Civil Fngineering DeparLmenL wiLh Lhe help o aculLy
members and research scholars working or Ph.D. and
M.1ech, conLribuLing signiicanLly by underLaking
sponsored research projecLs. DeparLmenL has close co-
operaLion wiLh lndian Space Research OrganisaLion (lSRO)
or cuLLing edge research in Lhe ield o waLer resources,
lood orecasLing, soil mapping using microwave remoLe
sensing, and in general ClS and remoLe sensing
applicaLions. DeparLmenL is also having research projecLs
unded by CUJCOS1 and lnsLiLuLe o Fngineers, in Lhe area
o green building and concreLe Lechnology. Also ew more
research proposals are submiLLed or unding Lo DS1,
CUJCOS1 and lSRO (under Respond programme)
ConsulLancy services Lo governmenL and indusLries are
major acLiviLies aLer academic and research. ConsulLancy
works are underLaken by DeparLmenL in Lhe areas o
SLrucLure, CeoLechnical, FnvironmenL, ProjecL ManagemenL,
WaLer Resources, 1ransporLaLion and ClS-RemoLe Sensing.
MOUs have been signed wiLh ClDC and Dr. FixiL lnsLiLuLe
or consulLancy works and conLinuing educaLion
programmes. 1here are well-equipped laboraLory aciliLies
in all divisions.
FaculLy members o CompuLer Science & Fngineering
deparLmenL are acLively engaged in research areas like,
NeLworking, ArLiicial lnLelligence, Mobile CompuLing,
Hardware/SoLware Co-design, MulLimedia SysLems, Crid
CompuLing, lmage Processing, Parallel CompuLing eLc.
Research publicaLion o papers/arLicles aL lnLernaLional
level is a regular eaLure o Lhe deparLmenL. ConsulLancy
aciliLies are available in Lhe deparLmenL or soLware
qualiLy assurance, sysLem Luning, visual conLrol sysLems
eLc. DeparLmenL imparLs Lraining in various sLaLe o Lhe arL
Lechnologies Lo sLudenLs/corporaLe personnel. FaculLy
members o Lhe deparLmenL are also handling Lhe
CUJCOS1/lSRO sponsored projecLs.
1he aculLy members o FlecLrical Fngineering DeparLmenL
are acLively involved in research and developmenL. Many
aculLy members have pursued Lheir Ph.D. rom renowned
insLiLuLes like ll1s, llSc, Nl1s and mosL o Lhe remaining
aculLy are pursuing Ph.D. Followings are some o Lhe areas
in which aculLy members have experLise and many
consulLancy assignmenLs have also been successully
SoLware developmenL or various indusLrial
Power FlecLronics, lndusLrial Drives, lndusLrial Process &
SwiLched Mode Power Supplies, UPS, ConLrol o
ConverLers and lnverLers
Fnergy ConservaLion, Power FacLor lmprovemenL, Load
Power QualiLy, AcLive and Passive Power FilLers
CompuLer Aided Design o FlecLrical FquipmenLs
High volLage and FxLra High volLage 1ransmission Line
PC8 Designing
Microprocessor and MicroconLroller RelaLed
DigiLal Signal Processing Hardware and SoLware
DigiLal Logic Design on FPCA
Wireless CommunicaLion and NeLworks
RF CircuiLs Design and LesLing
AnLenna SysLem Design
OpLical NeLworks
SoL CompuLing ApplicaLions in ConLrol Fngineering
Power ConLrol & OpLimizaLion
PLC & SCADA based lnsLrumenLaLion & AuLomaLion
1esLing. lnducLion MoLor upLo 5 HP RaLing,
1ransormers upLo 11 kv, lnsulaLors upLo 88 kv, Lv
Cable, Relay 1esLing, 1ransormer Oil 1esLing
DigiLal vLSl Design
lmage Processing
1he Mechanical Fngineering DeparLmenL oers
consulLancy and LesLing services Lo Lhe indusLry in Lhe
various areas o Mechanical Fngineering. Some o Lhe
LesLing and consulLancy works compleLed include.
Re-design o Lhe lyer (a componenL in Roving Frame
o 1exLile Machine).
Process ModiicaLion or MinimizaLion o "earring"
during Lhe manuacLuring o bearing cage.
1esLing o 1hermal ConducLiviLy and lammabiliLy or
cemenL based insulaLion.
1hermal conducLiviLy deLerminaLion o Lhermal
insulaLions as per AS1M/lSO sLandards.
1esLing o various properLies o Lhermal insulaLions
such as compressive sLrengLh, waLer absorpLion, vapour
Lransmission, Lhermal resisLance, linear shrinkage, eLc.
as per AS1M/8lS sLandards.
FiniLe FlemenL Analysis o a cryogenic vessel.
FiniLe FlemenL Analysis o CaLe valve
FiniLe FlemenL Analysis o 8all valve
Redesign o HeaL SeLLing Chambers or "SLenLor
Design o LransporLaLion SysLem or "SLenLor machine"
Also, Lhe Mechanical Fngineering DeparLmenL has
underLaken various research projecLs unded by DepL. o
Science and 1echnology, CovL. o lndia and CUJCOS1, CovL.
o lndia.
Dr. R. N. PaLel received research granL worLh o Rs 10.88
lakhs rom DeparLmenL o Science and 1echnology
(DS1) New Delhi or Lhe projecL under SFRC scheme or
Lhe year 2010.
Pro. D.S.Sharma, Pro. N.D.CheLiya and Pro. S.v. Jain
received granL worLh Rs. 1.7 lakhs rom Nirma
UniversiLy or projecLs under Minor Research.
Dr. R. N. PaLel & Pro. S.v.Jain received research granL
worLh o Rs 4.8 lakhs rom CujaraL Council o Science
and 1echnology (CUJCOS1), CovL. o CujaraL.
1his laboraLory is irsL o iLs kind in Lhe counLry
esLablished or Lhe LesLing and developmenL o Lhermal
insulaLions as per various NaLional and lnLernaLional
SLandards. 1he LaboraLory is Lhe ouLcome o a projecL
under Lhe NaLional FaciliLies in Fngineering and
1echnology wiLh lndusLrial CollaboraLion (NAFF1lC)
Scheme o Lhe All lndia Council or 1echnical FducaLion
(AlC1F), New Delhi. 1he LaboraLory has MoUs wiLh
more Lhan LwenLy-ive indusLries associaLed wiLh
Lhermal insulaLions or Lhe uLilisaLion o Lhe LesL
aciliLies. 1he LoLal cosL o Lhe projecL is approximaLely
Rs. 160.0 Lakhs. 1he Nirma FducaLion and Research
oundaLion (NFRF) has unded Lhe major expense o
Lhe LaboraLory besides providing all Lhe inrasLrucLure
needed or Lhe esLablishmenL o Lhe LaboraLory. 1he
presLigious seLup in Lhe LaboraLory include a Cuarded
HoL PlaLe SysLem used or Lhermal conducLiviLy
deLerminaLion in Lhe LemperaLure range o -20C Lo
550C according Lo AS1M C177 and lSO 8802. An
Advisory CommiLLee comprising o eminenL
personaliLies associaLed wiLh Lhe area o Lhermal
insulaLions/heaL Lranser has been ormed Lo provide
proessional guidance or Lhe uncLioning o Lhe
LaboraLory. 1he laboraLory aciliLies are being acLively
uLilized by various indusLries or Lhe LesLing o Lhe
qualiLy o Lhermal insulaLions.
NationaI Laboratory for
Testing and DeveIopment of
ThermaI lnsuIations
Research and ConsuItancy Areas
14 15
B.Tech. (lour Years, ight 5emesters)
M.Tech. (Two Years, lour 5emesters)
1. Chemical Fngineering
2. Civil Fngineering
8. CompuLer Fngineering
4. FlecLronics & CommunicaLions Fngineering
5. FlecLrical Fngineering
6. lnormaLion 1echnology
7. lnsLrumenLaLion & ConLrol Fngineering
8. Mechanical Fngineering.
1. Civil Fngineering (CompuLer Aided SLrucLural Analysis & Design)
2. Chemical Fngineering (FnvironmenLal Process Design)
8. Chemical Fngineering (Chemical Process and PlanL Design)
4. FlecLrical Fngineering (Power FlecLronics, Machines and Drives)
5. FlecLrical Fngineering (FlecLrical Power sysLems)
6. FlecLronics & CommunicaLion Fngineering (vLSl Design)
7. FlecLronics & CommunicaLion Fngineering (CommunicaLion Fngg.)
8. FlecLronics & CommunicaLion Fngineering (Fmbedded Fngg.)
9. lnsLrumenLaLion & ConLrol Fngineering (ConLrol & AuLomaLion)
10. CompuLer Science & Fngineering
11. CompuLer Science & Fngineering (lnormaLion & NeLwork SecuriLy)
12. lnormaLion & CommunicaLion 1echnology
18. Mechanical Fngineering (CAD/CAM)
14. Mechanical Fngineering (1hermal Fngineering)
15. Mechanical Fngineering (Design Fngineering)
16. Mechanical Fngineering (CompuLer lnLegraLed ManuacLuring)
17. lnLerdisciplinary Programme (Fnergy Fngineering - Proposed)
M.Tech. (by Research)
Master of Computer AppIications (MCA)
Ph.D. Programmes
M.1ech. (by Research) Programmes in engineering are oered depending on available experLise.
(1hree ears, Six SemesLers)
Ph.D. programmes in Fngineering are oered depending on available experLise.
Procedure and Mode of Admission & IigibiIity
SeaLs (including NRl/NRl Sponsored) will be illed in by us as per CovernmenL o CujaraL Cuideline.
CandidaLe musL have passed 12Lh Science FxaminaLion wiLh Physics, ChemisLry and MaLhemaLics wiLh Lhe
percenLage o marks as Lo be decided by Lhe CovernmenL o CujaraL under Lhe rules o admission and appeared in
JFF (Main) 2018 or admission Lo 8. 1ech. Programmes.
lnternationaI 5tudents
15% supernumerary seaLs are available or admission Lo PlO (Persons o lndian Origin) & Foreign sLudenLs. OuL o
Lhis abouL one-Lhird i.e. 5% is reserved or Children o lndian Workers in Cul CounLries and SouLh FasL Asia.
CandidaLe seeking admission Lo Lhese seaLs should also meeL Lhe eligibiliLy criLeria. All Lhe admission will be on Lhe
meriL basis.
1he ee or PlO & Foreign sLudenLs is USS 6000 or equivalenL lndian Rupees per year. 1he ee or Children o lndian
Workers in Cul counLries and SouLh FasL Asia is USS 4000 or equivalenL lndian Rupees per year.
A one Lime processing ee o Rs. 25000/- (non-reundable) is Lo be paid by PlO / Foreign sLudenLs & Children o
lndian workers in Cul CounLries and SouLh FasL Asia.
For urLher deLails, please conLacL Lhe AssisLanL RegisLrar (Academic), Nirma UniversiLy.
lee 5tructure.
No. ParticuIars Amount ( )
1. 1uiLion Fee (Per Annum) 104600
2. OLher Fees
UniversiLy FnrollmenL (One 1ime) 400
SemesLer Fnd FxaminaLion, Sessional Fxam,
SemesLer Crade ReporL (Per SemesLer) 2500
Seminal, OrienLaLion, Welcome KiL (One 1ime) 1000
8. DeposiLs
CauLion Money DeposiLs (Reundable) 1000
Library DeposiLs (Reundable) 4000
4. FligibiliLy CerLiicaLe (i required) 500
TotaI (1+2+3+4) 114000

Transportation charges as prescribed wiII be extra, if appIicabIe.
Academic Programmes
16 17
Computing laciIity.
Servers . 19
SysLems/LapLop. 1115
82 Mbps (1.1) lnLerneL 8andwidLh on Lease Line connecLiviLy
List of the 5oftwares in C5 Department. List of 5oftwares in Other Departments of lnstitute of TechnoIogy.
AppIication 5oftware
1. ClS V^P lhF0 9
2. V^P B^SlC
3. vERJlC^L V^P
4. PR0 Sh^KE
5. Ll0uEFY PR0
6. PRlV^vER^
7. SJ^^0 PR0 vERSl0h 3.0
8. SJ^^0 PR0 2003 uPCR^0E FR0V SJ^^0 lll
9. SJ^^0 PR0 2005 uPCR^0E FR0V SJ^^0 lll
10. EJ^BS (10 uSER LlCEhSE )
11. EJ^BS h0hLlhE^R (20 uSER LlCEhSE )
12. S^P (20 uSER LlCEhSE )
13. ^uJ0C^0 2009 (P^CK)
14. Vl0^S CEh S0FJw^RE
2. VuLJlSlV
3. VEhJ0R CR^PhlCS: FR0hJ-Eh0 ^h0 B^CK-Eh0 0ESlCh
4. XlLlhX lSE 13
5. XlLlhX E0K 13
7. J^hhER J00LS
8. vlSu^L 0SP
9. XlLlhX ChlPSC0PE 6.3
10. 0PSlV
11. 0RC^0
12. Jl CCS
13. ^LJER^ 0u^RJuS 2 (wEB E0lJl0h)
14. ^LJluV 0ESlChER
1. V^ChEJ v6 20/30 PV30/20
2. EJ^P - P0wER SJ^Jl0h
3. PSlV
4. SPEE0
5. ^hSYS VuLJlPhYSlCS v.10.0
6. PSC^0 vERSl0h 4.5
7. V0J0RS0LvE
1. V^JL^B 6.5
2. L^BvlEw 10
3. JwlhC^J
1. V^SJER C^V 7.1
2. ^hSYS 8.0
3. ^uJ0C^0 2002
4. ^uJ0C^0 2004
5. ^uJ0C^0 lhvEhJ0R 2009 (hEJw0RK LlCEhSE FR0V C-
7. ^LJ^lR hYPERw0RKS 10
8. C^Jl^
9. l-0E^S
10. FLuEhJ 6.3.26
11. C^VBlJ 2.4.6
12. hX C^C^0 100 ^0v^hCE V^ChlhlhC vERSl0h hX 7.0
13. R0B0CELL 5.32
14. hJRl- XCh^hCER SulJE E0uC^Jl0h^L vERSl0h
15. ^uJ0V^Jl0h SJu0l0
1. 0lClJ^L VEhJ0R
1. VS 0FFlC PR00EESSl0h^L
2. ClRCulJ V^KER 2.2
3. VlCR0S0FJ 0FFlCE 2000
5. ^uJ0C^0 R-13 ^h0 R-2002, R-2004 & R-2007 (ELECJ &
6. V^CR0 VE0l^ 0lRECJ0R 8.0
7. ^00BE lh0ESlCh 1.5
8. ^00BE PREVlERE 6.0
9. ^00BE ^FJER EFFECJS 5.0
10. ^00BE wEB C0LLECJl0h
11. VS FR0hJ-P^CE 98 & 2000
13. P0PKlh S0FJw^RE 2001 (SYSJEV ^RChlJECJuRE)
14. R^Jl0h^L R0SE wlJh 10 uSERS LlCEhSE
15. VS0h PR0FESSl0h^L & uhlvERS^L
16. VS0h ^^ (REhEwE0 EvERY YE^R)
20. SJR^R 0FFlCE 6.0
21. RJ LlhuX
22. 0K4 0ESlCh SulJ
23. VuLJlSlV 9.0
24. Ll0uEFY PR0 5.0
25. hEJ./1.1 (L^h JR^lhhER S/w.)
1. VlCR0S0FJ vlSu^L B^SlC 4.0
2. VlCR0S0FJ vlSu^L C++ 4.0
3. B0RLh0 0B^SE F0R 00S
4. B0RL^h0 C++ 3.1
5. C++BulL0ER 6
6. C0B0L 85 /00S 1.003
7. VlCR0S0FJ vlSu^L SJu0l0 6.0
8. (vlSu^L B^SlC, vFP, vC C++)
9. VlCR0S0FJ vlSu^L SJu0l0 .hEJ
10. SYB^SE- P0wERBulL0ER (31 SEJ)
11. VlCR0S0FJ IBulL0ER
12. LEX & Y^CC F0R wlh00wS
13. LP^ PR0L0C
1. wlh00wS hJ 4.0 (3 SEJ)
VSSVS 2.0)
3. wlh00wS hJ JERVlh^L SERvER
4. wlh00wS 2000 ^0v^hCE SERvER (2)
5. wlh00wS 2003 SJ0. SERvER E0lJl0h
6. SC0 uhlX 5.0
7. h0vELL hEJw^RE 5.0 (100 uSER LlC.)
8. wlh-2000 PR0FESSl0h^L
9. wlh00wS XP PR0FF. (3-C0PY & 120 P^PER LlC.)
10. VS-00S (121 C0PY)
11. wlh00wS XP PR0FESSl0h^L
12. RE0 h^J LlhuX 7.3 / 9.0 PR0FESSl0h^L
13. RE0 h^J LlhuX EhJERPRlSE ES 2.1
14. ^PPLE lV^C
15. wlh00wS vlSJ^ BuSlhESS
16. wlh00wS 7 PR0FESSl0h^L (190 Lic)
1. 0R^CLE 8 F0R wlh00wS-hJ (CLlEhJ SERvER)
2. 0R^CLE 8l F0R wlh00wS-hJ (CLlEhJ SERvER)
3. 0R^CEL 10C (uhLlVlJJE0 uSER LlC.)
1. ^00BE wEB PREVluV CS 5
AN1I vIkUS S0f1WAkL:
1. PR0JECJuRE PLuS 2.6
2. h0RJ0h ^hJl vlRuS
3. VC^FEE vlRuS SC^h
4. ESEJ h00E 32 C0RP^R^JE E0lJl0h
18 19
HosteI Accommodation
1ransporLaLion aciliLy is provided Lo sLudenLs
rom dierenL locaLions in CiLy Lo Lhe lnsLiLuLe
and back. For Lhis, NFRF has iLs own leeL o buses
which ply on pre-decided rouLes in Ahmedabad
and Candhinagar.
LimiLed accommodaLions are available or PC
SLudenLs only. However, guidance is provided or
hosLel accommodaLion available ouLside Lhe
campus, aL dierenL places in Ahmedabad CiLy.
For Lhe beneiL o Lhe sLudenLs, and sLa
members, Kalupur Commercial Co-operaLive 8ank
is having iLs branch working on Lhe campus.
5tudent 5tore
5tudents 5ection
PIay Grounds
A sLudenLs' sLore is run on a no proiL no loss basis, and
provides all Lhe necessary maLerials like sLaLionary, insLrumenL
eLc. Lo sLudenLs
1his SecLion looks aLer admissions, regisLraLions, sLudenLs'
records and veriicaLions, examinaLions, scholarships and
concessions. lL also issues various cerLiicaLes and LranscripLs.
A modern canLeen building provides hygienic and wholesome
ood, snacks and beverages.
Playgrounds or CrickeL, volleyball, ooLball and oLher games
are mainLained on Lhe campus. lndoor games aciliLies have
also been creaLed. A ull-ledged gymnasium aciliLy is also
available or sLudenLs.
Key laciIitators
5hri D. P. Chhaya DirecLor (Ceneral and
Academic AdminisLraLion)
5hri Ashish Desai Hon. HoD, SLudenLs AcLiviLies
5hri B. J. PateI DepuLy RegisLrar
5hri Nipen 5hukIa Manager -
CorporaLe RelaLions
Ms. HiraI PateI Librarian
20 21
Library Resource Center
1he Library aims Lo aciliLaLe learning, Leaching, research, Lraining and consulLancy acLiviLies aL Lhe lnsLiLuLe. 1he
lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology Library is one o Lhe besL engineering libraries in Lhe SLaLe.
An user-riendly library soLware called Alice For Windows (AW) has been adopLed aL Lhe Library Resource CenLer so
as Lo make iL ully auLomaLed. 1his inLernaLionally popular soLware aciliLaLes auLomaLed circulaLion (issue & reLurn) o
Lhe books and speedy access Lo bibliographies, locaLions and availabiliLy inormaLion o Lhe books sLocked in Lhe
library. A web based caLalogue is also available on Lhe inLerneL or inquiring abouL Lhe books. ln addiLion Lo Lhis Lhe
soLware aciliLaLes biomeLric idenLiicaLion o users, provided eicienL resource managemenL sysLem and generaLes
useul managemenL inormaLion or eecLive decision making.
AparL rom Lhis, Lhe cenLer has also adopLed laLesL inormaLion Lechnology mediums like CD, DvD, MulLimedia KiLs,
8ar-Code Scanners, 1exL as well as Craphic Scanners and biomeLric readers or Lhe convenience o Lhe parLicipanLs.
1he library porLal aciliLaLes access Lo digiLal resources like journals, magazines, videos, CDs, eLc and also provides all
relevanL and useul inormaLion abouL Lhe library in addiLion Lo linking Lhe CenLral Library Resource CenLer o Lhe
Reading FaciliLies, Reerence, CirculaLion, PhoLocopying, video CDs viewing, CompuLerized lnormaLion Search, Library
OrienLaLion Programme, Newspaper Clipping, CurrenL Awareness Services, lnLer Library Loan, New Arrival LisL,
SelecLive DisseminaLion Service, Online Journal Access, RemoLe Login FaciliLy.
The Library offers the foIIowing services
1he collecLion is mainly sLrong in engineering and Lechnology, however good inormaLion sources on humaniLies and
social sciences are also available. 1he Library has a collecLion o over 49,818 books, 8170 bound volumes, 270 currenL
subscripLions Lo journals, magazines and newspapers, 2020 sLandards. AparL rom Lhis more Lhan 700 e-journals are
available in Lhe online journal daLabases (like ASCF - American SocieLy o Civil Fngineers, lFFF/lF1 FlecLronic Library
Online, ACM - AssociaLion o CompuLing Machinery DigiLal Library, & Science DirecL) subscribed by Lhe Library. 1he
non-book maLerials collecLion includes 8682 CDs/DvDs/vCDs/Floppies, 265 video CasseLLes, and 275 Audio CasseLLes.
Moreover one unique resource (video lecLure series) rom NP1FL (NaLional Programme on 1echnology Fnhanced
Learning) has been added Lo Lhe CollecLion. 1here are 170 compleLe video courses , each o orLy hours duraLion in
engineering branches and core Science Programmes produced by ll1 and llSc Proessors, 1hese lecLures can be
accessed rom anywhere on Lhe NU campus Lhrough Lhe Library home page.
lnstitutionaI Membership
1he Library is an lnsLiLuLion Member o.
1he 8riLish Library - Ahmedabad, lnsLiLuLe o Fngineers - KolkaLa, lndian SocieLy or FarLhquake 1echnology (lF1F),
Developing Library NeLwork (DFLNF1), lndian CeoLechnical SocieLy (lCS), American lnormaLion Resource CenLer -
DigitaI Library
Keeping in Lune Lhe global developmenLs we are creaLing an insLiLuLional reposiLory using DSpace SoLware (DigiLal
Library SoLware). We are inpuLLing insLiLuLional inormaLion like, aculLy papers, Lhesis, and disserLaLions in PDF ormaL
aL DSpace. SLudenLs can access Lhis digiLal inormaLion anywhere in Lhe campus Lhrough our server.
Book Bank 5ervice
1he Library Resource CenLer provides book bank aciliLy Lo Lhe sLudenLs o lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology. 1he main purpose
o Lhis service is Lo help Lhe needy meriLorious sLudenLs.
22 23
lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology is a consLiLuenL o Nirma
UniversiLy and, Lhereore, iL has ull reedom Lo develop
new courses, inLroduce innovaLions in Leaching and
educaLion sysLems wiLh greaLer emphasis on
inLerdisciplinary programmes.
1he insLiLuLe makes use o an appropriaLe mix o
pedagogical Lools Lo Lrain sLudenLs Lo handle
proessional responsibiliLies. 1hese include lecLures by
an appropriaLe mix o in-house and visiLing aculLy,
experL lecLures, discussions, seminars, projecL
assignmenLs and visiLs Lo indusLries and projecL siLes.
ConLinuous evaluaLion and counseling are imporLanL
parLs o Lhe academic programme.
Rigorous coaching & conLinuous evaluaLion
CrediL based sysLem wiLh weighLage o dierenL
componenLs o sLudy.
Learning Lhrough classroom Leaching, pracLical
work, indusLry visiLs, projecL work and video
lecLures Lhrough mulLi media.
Academic rigor and innovaLive pedagogical Lools
The Approach to Learning
Fmphasis on ield based projecLs and inLeracLion
wiLh pracLiLioners
FaculLy guidance and advisory sysLem wiLh FaculLy
as Counselors Lo sLudenLs
ConLinuous enhancemenL o CommunicaLion Skills
PromoLing use o compuLers in every learning
ConLinuous up gradaLion o sLaLe o Lhe arL
knowledge and skills.
AcLive parLicipaLion o sLudenLs in creaLive co-
curricular acLiviLies
Nirma UniversiLy has a crediL based evaluaLion sysLem.
lL is devised Lo moLivaLe sLudenLs or sysLemaLic and
conLinuous sLudy. 1erm assignmenLs, laboraLory and
projecL work are given greaL imporLance and are
conLinuously assessed. Moreover, Lhere is a SemesLer
Fnd FxaminaLion or Lheory courses.
1he insLiLuLe has also iniLiaLed a number o measures Lo
bring Lhe curricula and assessmenL sysLem o iLs
Courses and Assessment
programmes in conormiLy wiLh inLernaLional norms. Provision is also
made or remedial Leaching wherever necessary.
Special aLLenLion is given Lo improve Fnglish language and
CommunicaLion Skills o Lhe sLudenLs. SupplemenLary courses LhaL
promoLe sel-developmenL, socieLal and environmenLal awareness are
also oered. For LalenLed and moLivaLed sLudenLs, Lhere is a provision
o AudiL courses. 1hese are addiLional and opLional courses Lo
culLivaLe amiliariLy wiLh emerging or advanced inLerdisciplinary Lopics.
1he lnsLiLuLe has earned a name or qualiLy educaLion. 1his is due Lo
eorLs and devoLion o well-qualiied aculLy o Lhe insLiLuLion. 1he
academic calendar or Lhe whole year is noLiied in Lhe beginning and
is sLricLly adhered Lo. SLudenLs' aLLendance is compulsory and shorLall
is noLiied. lL is expecLed rom every sLudenL LhaL he/she should
conducL himsel/hersel wiLh discipline, decency and digniLy boLh
inside and ouLside Lhe campus. 1he insLiLuLe sends progress reporLs
o Lhe sLudenLs Lo Lheir parenLs periodically wiLh a view Lo keep Lhem
SLudenL counseling is a disLinguished eaLure o Lhe insLiLuLe. Fach
aculLy member is assigned abouL 15 sLudenLs. 1he aculLy meeLs
Lhem periodically and reviews Lheir aLLendance, submissions,
academic perormance and provides necessary guidance or
improvemenL. ln addiLion Lo Lhis, Lhe lnsLiLuLe also provides Lhe
services o a proessional psychological counselor who can be
approached or any oLher issues LhaL hinder Lhe learning processes o
Lhe sLudenLs.
1he LhirLeen baLches o UC sLudenLs and eighL baLches o PC sLudenLs
have graduaLed rom Lhe insLiLuLe. All acLiviLies necessary Lo ully
inLegraLe Lhe Alumni AssociaLion wiLh Lhe developmenLal eorLs o
Lhe insLiLuLe are being acLively planned. Regular conLacL wiLh Lhe
alumni is mainLained and eorLs or Lheir ull parLicipaLion in Lhe
acLiviLies o Lhe insLiLuLe are being made. Alumni geL LogeLher is an
annual evenL. Nl1AA is also giving scholarships Lo brighL and needy
Free scholarship o an amounL Lo be deLermined by Lhe PresidenL will
be awarded Lo Lhe sLudenLs o all Lhe aculLies aL Under graduaLe and
PosL CraduaLe level on meriL-cum-means basis. lnsLiLuLe oers Lhe
amounL equal Lo 50% and 100% inLeresL on Lhe loan obLained by
sLudenLs admiLLed under dierenL courses o UniversiLy rom Lhe
NaLionalized or Scheduled 8ank will be awarded on meriL-cum-means
basis. 1he PresidenL will decide Lhe number o scholarship Lo be
awarded in above caLegories or considering Lhe meriL-cum-means
basis. Alumni AssociaLion o Lhe lnsLiLuLe also awards scholarships.
SLudenLs admiLLed in Lhe lnsLiLuLe under Lhe SC/S1, O8C, PwD
caLegories are eligible Lo geL scholarship as per Lhe norms prescribed
by CovernmenL AuLhoriLies.
DiscipIine - The Keyword
AIumni Association (NlTAA)
24 25
MOU with ducationaI lnstitutions /
Research Organizations
lndian lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology, Mumbai
lndian lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology, Delhi
lndian Space Research OrganizaLion
lnsLiLuLe o Plasma Research
Physical Research LaboraLory
MOU with loreign Universities
UniversiLy o SouLhern Caliornia, USA
Florida ALlanLic UniversiLy, USA
Columbia UniversiLy, New ork
RMl1 UniversiLy, AusLralia
Memorandum of Understanding.
MoU with lndustries
MicrosoL lndia
lnosys 1echnologies
1aLa ConsulLancy Services
l8M lndia
ClSCO NeLwork Academy
lnspiron Fngineering
CujaraL lndusLrial DevelopmenL CorporaLion
Harsha Fngineers
Dr. FixiL lnsLiLuLe o SLrucLural ProLecLion and
lFFF and Science DirecL
Networking lnitiative
26 27
AL lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology, Nirma UniversiLy Lhere is a separaLe dedicaLed wing or lndusLry lnsLiLuLion lnLeracLion.
lndusLry lnsLiLuLions lnLeracLion Cell [lll Cell] which Lakes care o all Lhe Lraining and placemenL relaLed acLiviLies. 1his
cell is ully equipped wiLh all modern inrasLrucLures.
lll Cell aciliLaLes aspiring sLudenLs by providing indusLrial projecLs, lndusLrial & SoL skills 1raining, lndusLrial visiL,
various lndusLry MeeLs and FxperL LecLures by respecLive proessionals.
Following are some o Lhe key acLiviLies carried ouL by lll Cell
Campus inLerviews are organized by inviLing various companies or Lhe placemenLs o Lhe sLudenLs or jobs. lL ulills
dual purposes, one or sLudenLs securing Lheir uLure career, and indusLry securing Lhe besL resh LalenLs available in Lhe
lll Cell organizes indusLrial meeL aL Lhe insLiLuLe. 1wo such meeLs were organized by Lhe lll CFLL. 8oLh Lhe meeLs proved
ruiLul or Lhe sLudenLs, aculLy and Lhe indusLry personnel. FuLure plans or nexL meeL will be announced shorLly.
1raining is Lhe inLegral parL o Lhe sLudy Lo acknowledge Lhem or real world problems. SLudenLs are placed aL various
indusLries or 6 Lo 8 weeks and under supervision and guidance o respecLive indusLry personnel. 1he aculLy carries ouL
moniLoring and evaluaLion regularly.
Programmes Lo orienL sLudenLs abouL indusLry expecLaLions are organized. AddiLional seminars are underLaken by Lhe
sLudenLs in each semesLer Lo improve learning in Lhe areas like LiLeraLure Survey, PersonaliLy DevelopmenL, Croup
Discussion and PresenLaLion Skills. Moreover, opporLuniLies o 1echnologies or communicaLion skills enhancemenL are
Campus PIacements
lndustry Meet
lndustriaI Training for the 5tudents
Career Orientation Programmes
Ceneral FlecLric - CF
CNFC [CujaraL Narmada FerLilizer
valley CorporaLion]
CSFC [CujaraL SLaLe FerLilizers
CujaraL Cas LimiLed
CujaraL MariLime 8oard
Hazira LNC PrivaLe LimiLed
HewleLL Packard lndia PrivaLe
HindusLan Uniliver LimiLed
lClCl 8ank
lndian Oil CorporaLion LimiLed
lnosys 1echnologies LimiLed
Jacobs Fngineering PrivaLe LimiLed
JK Laxmi CemenL LimiLed
JMC ProjecLs (lndia) LimiLed
JyoLi LimiLed
Larsen & 1oubro lnoLech LimiLed
Larsen & 1oubro LimiLed
Linde Process LimiLed
Mahindra & Mahindra LimiLed
MicrosoL lndia PrivaLe LimiLed
Mi sys lnLernaLi onal Fi nanci al
MoLorola lndia PrivaLe LimiLed
Mu Sigma
NaLional lnsLrumenLs SysLems
(lndia) PvL LLd
Nokia Siemens LimiLed
Oracle lndia PrivaLe LimiLed
PersisLenL SysLems PvL. LLd
Philips LimiLed
Reliance lndusLries LimiLed
Reliance CommunicaLion
SabarmaLi Cas PvL. LimiLed
SAMSUNC lndia FlecLronics LimiLed
Secure MeLers LimiLed
SHAPOORJl Pallonji & Co. LimiLed
Siemens LimiLed
S1 MicroelecLronics PrivaLe LimiLed
Synopsys (lndia) PrivaLe LimiLed
1aLa ConsulLancy Fngineers PrivaLe
1aLa ConsulLancy Services LimiLed
1aLa Power Company LimiLed
1hermax LimiLed
1horogood AssociaLes
1orrenL Power [AFC] LimiLed
1ransormers & RecLiiers (lndia) LLd
1vS MoLor Company LimiLed
UCS SoLware
UniLed Phosphorus LLd
vedanLa Resources Plc.
Wipro 1echnologies LimiLed
Zensar 1echnologies LimiLed
AccenLure lndia PrivaLe LimiLed
ADANl Croup
A1UL LimiLed
8ayer Crop Science LimiLed
8irla Cellulosic LimiLed
8NR lnLernaLional LimiLed
Capgemini lndia Co. PrivaLe LimiLed
CaLerpillar lndia PvL LLd.
CC CoreFl Logic SysLems LLd
CognizanL 1echnology SoluLions
CrompLon Creaves LimiLed
Cybage SoLware PrivaLe LimiLed
DeloiLLe ConsulLing lndia PrivaLe
DlAKlN Air Cond. LLd
DLF LimiLed
Dolphin SLeel ConsLrucLion LLC
Ficher MoLors LimiLed
Finochips LimiLed
FMCO LimiLed
Fmerson Process ManagemenL
Frricson lndia PrivaLe LimiLed
FlNANClAL 1echnologies
FLD SmiLh LimiLed
FORD lndia
Cammon lndia LimiLed
lndustry lnstitution lnteraction CeII {lll CeII]
lew of the Ieading companies visited lT NU
28 29
Looking Beyond CurricuIum
5tudent Associations
Co-curricuIar Activities
xtra CurricuIar Activities
1he lnsLiLuLe makes all possible eorLs or all round developmenL o each and every sLudenL by way o exLra
curricular as well as co-curricular acLiviLies. 1o arrange such acLiviLies, Lhere are many sLudenL orums. 1hese branch
wise sLudenL associaLions are ormed Lo serve as Lhe pivoLs, around which Lhe diverse acLiviLies revolve and play a
signiicanL role in Lhe developmenL o Lhe sLudenLs. 1hrough ouL Lhe year, Lhese associaLions arrange many acLiviLies
like experL lecLures by eminenL speakers, dierenL compeLiLions, debaLes, quiz, eLc. SLudenLs also organize blood
donaLion camps, "Cry" card sale, blood disease awareness programmes, eLc. 1he insLiLuLe also encourages sLudenLs
o dierenL deparLmenLs Lo organize naLional / sLaLe level Lechnical esLivals including a naLional level mega evenL
NU-1ech. AparL rom branch wise associaLions, sLudenL chapLers o naLional / inLernaLional proessional bodies are
also operaLive such as lFFF, SAF, CSl, lSA, RO1RAC1, lS1F eLc.
1he lnsLiLuLe also gives equal imporLance Lo projecLs, indusLrial visiLs and Lraining during vacaLions Lo supporL Lheir
curricular work. Seminars enable sLudenLs Lo develop many skills. 1hey develop searching skills Lhrough inLerneL,
e-journals, books and journals on a speciic Lopic. 1hey also enhance Lhe library reading, wriLing and presenLaLion
skills. Special programmes on humaniLies, communicaLion skills, compuLers, oreign languages are oered Lo
sLudenLs on a regular basis. 1wo addiLional courses on career orienLaLion have been added in Lhe curriculum, so LhaL
sLudenLs are sensiLized abouL Lheir poLenLial and can plan Lheir career. NaLional compeLiLions such as RO8OCON,
SAF-8AJA, eLc. provide Lhe incenLive Lo work beyond classroom hours in inLerdisciplinary areas.
SporL evenLs are regularly organized every year. Programmes like High AlLiLude 1rekking Camp and MoLor 8ike
FxpediLion are also planned during Lhe summer vacaLion. 1his inculcaLes Lhe spiriL o advenLure and builds Leamwork
among sLudenLs.
AlongwiLh Lhe regular academic courses, Lhe lnsLiLuLe carries ouL culLural acLiviLies, liLerary evenLs, ine arLs eLc. Lo
develop various required skills among Lhe sLudenLs. FvenLs like "Annual Carba MahoLsav", "Freshers' 1alenL",
"A8HlvAK1l", "vAUDFvlLLF-CulLural FesLival", CelebraLion o lndependence day & Republic day, Farewell uncLion
or Lhe graduaLing sLudenLs, FeliciLaLion on Lhe FoundaLion day, Alumni geL LogeLher are some o Lhe regular evenLs
o Lhe insLiLuLe.
1he lnsLiLuLe organizes a unique orienLaLion programme o ive days or Lhe new enLranLs. various lecLures on 1ime
ManagemenL, Coping wiLh sLress, Human relaLions, PosiLive aLLiLude, CommunicaLion skills, eLc. are delivered by
eminenL speakers Lo Lhe sLudenLs. 1his programme enables Lhe sLudenLs and aculLy Lo inLeracL wiLh each oLher,
undersLand each oLher and iL also provides smooLh LransiLion rom school lie Lo a new environmenL o proessional
Orientation for lreshers
30 31
RoIe of Departments
DeparLmenLs play a pivoLal role in developing and
implemenLing academic programmes. 1here are six
deparLmenLs viz. Chemical Fngineering, Civil
Fngineering, CompuLer Science & Fngineering,
FlecLrical Fngineering, Mechanical Fngineering, and
MaLhemaLics & HumaniLies. Fach deparLmenL has
d i e r e n L s e c L i o n s a c c o r d i n g L o L h e
programmes/specialLies handled by iL. 1he insLiLuLe
has evolved a parLicipaLory model o adminisLraLion
Lhrough which all proposals o budgeLary allocaLion,
academic developmenL, curricular reorms, laboraLory
updaLes eLc. irsL originaLe aL Lhe secLion level and
Lhen inalized aL Lhe deparLmenL and higher level. ln
Lhis conLexL Lhe role o Lhe aculLy in Lhe LoLal process
o Leaching-learning assumes greaL imporLance.
1hrough a judicious recruiLmenL policy and
enlighLened approach, UniversiLy has ensured LhaL Lhe
insLiLuLe is sLaed by a well-qualiied and compeLenL
aculLy Lo shoulder Lhe responsibiliLies o mainLaining
high sLandards o educaLion in Lhe insLiLuLe. ln keeping
wiLh Lhe aims ouLlined in Lhe mission sLaLemenL, Lhe
aculLy members remain ully conscious o Lheir dual
role boLh as Leachers Lo imparL eicienLly Lechnical
knowledge Lo sLudenLs as well as counselors Lo guide
Lhem or Lheir overall developmenL.
1he Leachers are encouraged Lo updaLe Lheir
knowledge and skills Lhrough various Lraining and
learning modes. ConsLanL eorLs are being made by
Lhe ManagemenL Lo achieve Lhis aim. Some o Lhe
iniLiaLives Laken in Lhis direcLion are lisLed below.
1. DepuLaLion or higher sLudies or M. 1ech and
Ph.D. in lndia and abroad.
2. l n-ser vi ce regi sL raL i on Lo pur sue Ph. D.
8. ParLicipaLion in repuLed conerences and seminars
on Lechnical subjecLs.
4. ParLicipaLion in collaboraLive research projecLs.
5. PromoLion o consulLancy.
6. 1raining in indusLries and specialized LesLing work
7. 1o organize and conducL naLional / sLaLe level
Lraining programmes or proessionals.
lacuIty DeveIopment Programmes
32 33
B. Tech. in ChemicaI ngineering
CurricuIum. Main SubjecLs
Basic 5ciences. Physics, Organic chemisLry, Physical &
AnalyLical ChemisLry, MaLhemaLics, CompuLer
Programming, Fngineering Mechanics, FlecLrical
Fngineering and FlecLronics, FnvironmenLal SLudies.
AppIied TechnoIogy. Fngineering Drawing, Workshop
Humanities. Fnglish, CommunicaLion Skills, Fconomics,
ManagemenL, Foreign Language
Iectives 5ubjects.
Project-5eminar -lndustriaI Training
Organic ChemisLry, Fluid Flow OperaLions, Chemical Process lndusLries, Solid Fluid OperaLions, HeaL 1ranser
OperaLions, Process CalculaLions, Chemical Fngineering 1hermodynamics, Mass 1ranser OperaLions, Chemical
Fngineering CompuLaLions, Applied lnsLrumenLaLion, Process Dynamics & ConLrol, Process FquipmenL Design,
Chemical ReacLion Fngineering, Hydrocarbons 1echnology, FnvironmenLal PolluLion ConLrol and SaeLy
ManagemenL, Modeling & SimulaLion, Minor and Major ProjecLs based on Lhe basic undamenLals o Chemical
Fngineering, 1ransporL Phenomena, PlanL ULiliLies and Fnergy Ficiency.
Food 1echnology, Non-ConvenLional Fnergy Sources, Dye and Dye lnLermediaLes, UniL Processes, NanoLechnology,
Advance SeparaLion 1echniques, FerLilizer 1echnology, Polymer 1echnology, Chemical Fngineering Fconomics and
PlanL Design, CompuLer Aided Chemical Process Design, PharmaceuLical 1echnology, Process OpLimizaLion, Air
PolluLion ConLrol Lechniques, FnvironmenL ManagemenL, 8io-Chemical Fngineering, CaLalyLic ReacLion Fngineering,
Process lnLegraLion, Advances in Chemical Process ConLrol, Applied Chemical Process 1hermodynamics, Solid WasLe
1reaLmenL 1echniques, Advanced Chemical AnalyLical lnsLrumenLaLions. 1he deparLmenL oers degree in 8.1ech., M.1ech. and
Ph.D. in Chemical Fngineering. 1he deparLmenL
comprises o dierenL major areas like Core Chemical
Fngineering, FnvironmenLal Process Design, Chemical
Process PlanL Design and ChemisLry.
Programmes Offered
- B.Tech. in ChemicaI ngineering
- M.Tech. in ChemicaI ngineering
(nvironmentaI Process Design)
- M.Tech. in ChemicaI ngineering
(ChemicaI Process and PIant Design)
- M.Tech. in ChemicaI ngineering
(nergy ngineering - Proposed)
- Ph.D. in ChemicaI ngineering
Dr. 5. 5. PateI - HOD
34 35
Laboratory laciIities
Well-equipped laboraLories.
Mass 1ranser OperaLions
Fluid Flow OperaLions
Chemical ReacLion Fngineering
lnsLrumenLaLion & Process ConLrols
HeaL 1ranser OperaLions
Solid Fluid OperaLions
1ransporL Phenomena
Modeling & SimulaLion
Hydrocarbons 1echnology
FnvironmenL LaboraLory
CompuLing Lab
SophisLicaLed AnalyLical lnsLrumenLaLion Lab
equipped wiLh CC, AAS, Uv-SpecLrophoLomeLer,
1OC eLc.
ASPFN.HSS, H1Rl Fxchanger SuiLe, SuperPro
Designer, gPROMS
Continuing ducation Programmes
Department has conducted AlCT/l5T approved
5hort Term Training Programmes on.
Fnergy ManagemenL & OpLimizaLion in Chemical
Process lndusLries
lmproving global compeLiLiveness in indusLry by
applicaLion o CP/C1 Lools
RecenL advances in caLalysis and iLs applicaLions
New horizon o 8io-process engineering and Nano-
bioLechnology applicaLions
Process SimulaLors in Chemical Fngineering
FnvironmenLal MoniLoring and Analysis
FnvironmenLal ManagemenL or SusLainable
lndusLrial DevelopmenL
Resource ConservaLion Lhrough Process Design and
NationaI LeveI 5eminars conducted by Department
NanoLechnology and lLs RecenL 1rends
Nanoways 2009 - NanoLechnology. 1oday and
Nanosys 2010 - NanoLechnology. 1oday and
RecenL Lrends in CaLalysis and CaLalysL- 2018
Dr. 5.5. PateI Ph.D. (ll1 Delhi)
Proessor and Head
Dr. J. P. RupareIia Ph.D. (ll1 8ombay)
Dr. A. P. Vyas Ph.D. (Nirma UniversiLy)
Sr. AssociaLe Proessor
Dr. R.K. Mewada Ph.D. (lCl Mumbai)
AssociaLe Proessor
Dr. M. H. Joshipura Ph.D. (Nirma UniversiLy)
AssociaLe Proessor
Dr. Parin 5hah Ph. D. (D.D. UniversiLy
AssociaLe Proessor Nadiad)
Prof. (Ms.) l. J. PateI M.F. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. N. R. 5hah M.F. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof .R. N. Reddy M.1ech. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Dr. 5.G. PiIIai Ph.D. (CujaraL UniversiLy)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. (Ms). L. V. Bora M.F. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. (Ms). P. 5. PateI M.1ech. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. (Ms). N. P. Chokshi M.F. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Parag 5axena M.F. (Chem. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. (Ms). Neha Patni M.Phil. (Fnergy)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5andip 5harma M.F. (FnvL. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Dr. Ankur Dwivedi Ph.D. (CujaraL UniversiLy)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. (Ms) 5weta M.F. (Chem. Fngg.)
Prof. 5amayam M.1ech. (Chem. Fngg.)
Prof. Ronak PateI M.1ech. (Chem. Fngg.)
lacuIty in ChemicaI ngineering Department
5tudent Activities
Resource persons.
Chemical Fngineering SLudenLs' AssociaLion (ChFSA) is a sLudenL
organizaLion in Chemical Fngineering DeparLmenL. ChFSA, in iLs 14Lh
year, conLinues Lo acknowledge Lhe eorLs o sLudenLs LhaL nurLure
Lhe legacy o our uLure Lorchbearers. ChFSA organizes NaLional Level
Symposium "Chemozale" every year. 1his year iL will be organised as a
"Chemology" under NU-1ech 2018. ChFSA also organizes seminars,
lecLure series, social acLiviLies, compeLiLions, workshops, sporLs
acLiviLies aL deparLmenL and insLiLuLe level. Such acLiviLies provide a
plaLorm or iLs members Lo evolve Lheir organizaLional skills along
wiLh Lheir Lechnical skills.
Shri K.U.MisLry, Chairman, CujaraL PolluLion ConLrol 8oard,
Shri R. M. CurseLji, Head -1echnology DevelopmenL, Sud- Chemie-
lndia PvL LLd., Ankleshwar.
Dr. R. v. Jasra, Head, R & D Division, RlLvMD, vadodara.
Dr. D. Rajeshwar, DirecLor, R & D CenLer, RlL Mumbai.
Shri Shakarbhai PaLel, Chairman, CFSCSL, vaLva, Ahmedabad
Dr. C. 8. Upasani, JyoLi Om LaboraLories, Ankleshwar
Mr. A.K. Jindal, Ceneral Manager, L&1 WaLer Division, Pune
Dr. Jubin varghese, WaLer Programme Manager, SlFMFNS,
Shri R. A. Soni, Dy. Ceneral Manager-Process, Alpha ProjecL
Services PvL. LLd., vadodara.
36 37
B.Tech. in CiviI ngineering
CurricuIum. Main SubjecL Areas
Basic 5ciences. Physics, ChemisLry, MaLhemaLics, ArL
o Programming, Mechanics o solids, FlecLrical
Fngineering & FlecLronics, and FnvironmenL & energy
AppIied TechnoIogy. Fngineering graphics,
Mechanical & FlecLrical Workshop PracLices, lC1 Lools
Humanities. CommunicaLion Skills, CriLical Lhinking,
Foreign languages, Fngineering Fconomics,
ManagemenL, FnLrepreneurship
ngineering 5ciences.
Civil Fngineering Craphics, Surveying, building and
1own planning
Mechanics o Solids, SLrucLural Analysis, Analysis
and Design o various 8uildings and Special
FarLhquake Fngineering
ConsLrucLion ProjecL FxecuLion, ConsLrucLion o
SLrucLures and ManagemenL o Works, ConLracLs
ManagemenL and Proessional PracLice, Fconomics
and CosL FsLimaLion
Ceology and CeoLechnical Fngineering, FoundaLion
WaLer Recourses and lrrigaLion, Fluid Mechanics,
Hydraulic SLrucLures and FnvironmenLal Fngineering
Surace 1ransporLaLion Fngineering, Docks &
Harbours, AirporL Fngineering
PracLical 1raining on Civil Fngineering ProjecLs SiLe
Civil Fngineering ProjecL
Laboratory laciIities
Computer laciIities.
MaLerial 1esLing
CemenL & ConcreLe
SLrucLural Fngineering
CeoLechnical Fngineering
1ransporL Fngineering
Surveying & ClS
FnvironmenLal Fngineering
Shock Lable aciliLies
CompuLing Lab
1he deparLmenL has access Lo lnLerneL and oLher web
based resources like e-journals and has all required
soLware like. S1AAD/Pro, SAP2000, F1A8S, MlDAS,
ANSS, MA1LA8, Proshake (Cround response analysis
soLware), Liquey PRO, Primavera, Maplno, Ceomedia
Pro, WaLer CAD-Sewer CAD, and AuLoCAD.
Programmes offered
- B.Tech. in CiviI ngineering
- M.Tech. in CiviI ngineering
(Computer Aided 5tructuraI
AnaIysis & Design)
- Ph.D. in CiviI ngineering
Dr. P. H. 5hah - HOD
38 39
Continuing ducation Programmes
1he deparLmenL organizes various conLinuing educaLion
programmes in diverse areas. Some major programmes
are lisLed below.
Design o High Rise sLrucLures
Services in Modern 8uildings
Programming wiLh C--
1raining on S1AAD-Pro
FvaluaLion, Repair and RehabiliLaLion o DisLressed
SmarL SLrucLures, MaLerials and SLrucLural SysLems
ConcreLe and iLs proporLioning
Non-desLrucLive FvaluaLion 1echniques
ProjecL ManagemenL using Primavera
ApplicaLions o RemoLe Sensing and Ceographic
lnormaLion SysLem in Civil Fngineering
CPS and iLs ApplicaLions
CeomaLics or Civil Fngineers
WaLer Resources Fngineering and ManagemenL
ApplicaLions o ClS or CroundwaLer
FarLhquake ResisLanL Design and ConsLrucLion o
MechanizaLion or ConsLrucLion ProjecLs
Advanced 8uilding SysLem and Services
Advanced FoundaLion Design
ConcreLe HealLh MoniLoring
SLrucLural SLeel Design - LimiL SLaLe MeLhod
CeomaLi cs i n l n rasLrucLure Desi gn and
ManagemenL. WaLer SecLor
CeoLechnical AspecLs o FarLhquake Fngineering or
lnrasLrucLures DevelopmenL
Diagnosis, Repair and ProLecLion o ConcreLe
AdmixLures or High Perormance ConcreLe
Fmerging 1rends in ConsLrucLion Chemicals
ApplicaLion o Ceo-lnormaLics or lnrasLrucLure
ProjecL DevelopmenL and ManagemenL
5tudent's activities
OrganizaLion o Civil Fngineering SLudenL (OrCFS)
organizes various sLudenLs evenLs such as paper
presenLaLion, model making compeLiLion, green
building compeLiLions, quiz, career guidance seminar,
eLc. every year.
Resource Persons
Dr. . M. Desai, Proessor, l.l.1. 8ombay
Pro. C.N.PaLel, Former Head, Civil Fngineering
DeparLmenL, Nirma UniversiLy
Pro. C. H. Shah, ConsulLing SLrucLural Fngineering,
Shri Pavan 8akeri, DirecLor, 8akeri Fngineering and
lndusLries LLd., Ahmedabad
Pro. N. C. vyas, Former AdjuncL Proessor, Civil
Fngineering DeparLmenL, Nirma UniversiLy
Shri S. C. vora, L & 1, FCC, Ahmedabad
Dr. 8.S. Munjal, Sr. ScienLisL, SAC, lSRO
Dr. P. H. 5hah Ph.D. (CeoLechnical Fngg.),
Proessor and Head ll1 8ombay
Dr. P. V. PateI Ph.D. (SLrucLural
Proessor Fngineering), MSU 8aroda
Dr. U. V. Dave Ph.D. (SLrucLural
Proessor Fngineering), ll1 8ombay
Prof. 5. 5. KoIte M.1ech. (FnvironmenLal
AssociaLe Proessor Fngg), Pursuing Ph.D.
Dr. P. R. PateI Ph.D. (CeomaLics),
AssociaLe Proessor ll1 8ombay
Dr. 5. P. Purohit Ph.D. (SLrucLural
AssociaLe Proessor Fngineering), ll1, 8ombay
Prof. A. M. Popat M.F. (WaLer Resources)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5. P. Thakker M.F. (SLrucLural
AssisLanL Proessor Fngg.), Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. A. A. Kandya M.1ech. (FnvironmenLal
AssisLanL Proessor Fngg.), Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Jahanvi 5uthar M.F. (SLrucLural Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor S. P. UniversiLy, v. v. Nagar
Prof. Pratima 5ingh M.S. (Urban lnrasLrucLure
AssisLanL Proessor ManagemenL), NeLherlands
Prof. Krutik Trivedi M.1ech. (SLrucLural Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. D. D. Joshi M.1ech. (SLrucLural Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. V. P. PateI M.1ech. (1ransporL Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor ll1 Roorkee
Prof. H. H. Morbia M.1ech. (SLrucLural Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Nl1 Warngal
Prof. Priyanka Bhagat M.1ech. (SLrucLural Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor CFP1 UniversiLy
lacuIty in CiviI ngineering Department
40 41
B.Tech. in Computer ngineering
CurricuIum. Main subjecLs
Basic 5cience. Physics, ChemisLry, Calculus, Linear
Algebra , ArL o Programming, Mechanics o Solids,
FlemenLs o FlecLrical Fngineering, FnvironmenLal
SLudies, Fngineering Craphic, FlecLrical Workshop
PracLice, MaLhemaLical oundaLion o CompuLer
Sci ence, Fngi neeri ng Fconomi c & 8usi ness
ManagemenL, ProbabiliLy SLaLisLic and Numerical
Programmes Offered
- B.Tech. in Computer ngineering
- B.Tech. in lnformation TechnoIogy
- M.Tech. in Computer 5cience and
- M.Tech. in lnformation and Communication
- M.Tech. in Computer 5cience and
ngineering (lnformation & Network
- Master of Computer AppIications (M.C.A)
- Ph.D. in Computer 5cience & ngineering
Dr. 5anjay Garg - HOD
Humanities. Fnglish, CommunicaLion Skills,
FnLrepreneurship, Career OrienLaLion - l, Career
OrienLaLion - ll., Foreign Language
ngineering 5ciences. FundamenLals o DigiLal
FlecLronics, FlecLronic CircuiLs, DaLabase ManagemenL
SysLems, DaLa SLrucLure and AlgoriLhms, Microprocessor
ArchiLecLure and lnLeracing, CompuLer ArchiLecLure and
Peripherals, ObjecL OrienLed SoLware Fngineering,
lnLerneL and Web DevelopmenL, Advance
Microprocessors, CompuLer Craphics, CompuLer
NeLworks, Design o OperaLing SysLem, 1heory o
CompuLaLion, OperaLing SysLem, SysLem Programming,
DaLa Compression and FncrypLion, DaLa CommunicaLion,
ArLiicial lnLelligence and FxperL SysLems, Principles o
Compiler Design, Seminar, SoLware ProjecL Lab,
FssenLials o CompuLer Fngineering.
Iectives. Parallel CompuLing, DaLabase Design and
AdminisLraLion, Analysis and Design o AlgoriLhm,
Advanced Java Programming, Mobile CompuLer
ArchiLecLures, DisLribuLed SysLem, Advanced OperaLing
SysLem, DaLa Warehousing and Mining, lmage Processing
and PaLLern RecogniLion, SimulaLion and Modeling,
lnormaLion 1heory and Coding, FRP, SCM and CRM,
Cloud CompuLing
SupplemenLary Courses. oga & MediLaLion, Courses or
PersonaliLy DevelopmenL, Managerial Fconomics, CriLical
FlecLives rom oLher discipline. Programmable Logic
ConLroller, lndusLrial lnsLrumenLaLion, DigiLal SysLem
Design, Fmbedded SysLems, AlLernaLe Fnergy Sources,
OpLimizaLion 1echniques or Fngineers, FnLrepreneurship
DevelopmenL, lnLroducLion Lo AccounLing, 1echnical
WriLing, FlemenLs o MarkeLing ManagemenL eLc.
lndusLry ProjecL. Full semesLer projecL work in indusLry or
R & D insLiLuLes.
42 43
B.Tech. in lnformation TechnoIogy
CurricuIum. Main subjecLs
Basic 5ciences & Humanities. As oered in 8.1ech. in
CompuLer Fngineering
ngineering 5cience. FundamenLal o DigiLal
FlecLronics, FlecLronics CircuiLs, DaLabase
ManagemenL SysLem, DaLa CommunicaLion, OperaLing
SysLem, CompuLer ArchiLecLure & Peripherals, DaLa
SLrucLure and AlgoriLhms, Microprocessor ArchiLecLure
and Programming, ObjecL OrienLed SoLware
Fngineering, CompuLer Craphics, Web 1echnologies,
CompuLer NeLworks, Seminar, ManagemenL
lnormaLion SysLem, Design o OperaLing SysLems,
DaLa Compression, Minor ProjecL, OpLimizaLion
Principles and 1echniques, NeLwork ProLocols, Major
ProjecL, FssenLials o lnormaLion 1echnology.
Department Iectives. 1heory o AuLomaLa & Formal
Languages, lnormaLion 1heory and Coding, FRP, SCM
& CRM, DigiLal lmage Processing, Language 1ranslaLor,
DisLribuLed SysLems, DisLribuLed DaLabase
ArchiLecLure, DaLa Fngineering, Ceographical
lnormaLion SysLem, DisLribuLed SysLem, Advanced
NeLwork and SecuriLy, Mobile CompuLing, ArLiicial
lnLelligence and FxperL SysLems, DaLa Compression,
Advanced CompuLer ArchiLecLure, Service OrienLed
ArchiLecLure, Cloud compuLing.
Iectives from other discipIine. Same as 8.1ech in
CompuLer Fngineering.
Computer/ Laboratory faciIities
1here are well equipped laboraLories wiLh sLaLe o
Lhe arL machines loaded wiLh laLesL soLwares
necessary or each programme.
All necessary neLworking equipmenLs such as
rouLers, swiLches, wireless access poinLs, Add-on
devices eLc are also available or laboraLory work.
Special SysLems. MulLicore Machines, Craphics
WorksLaLions, iMac, SimpuLer, FPCA design kiL, DSP
kiLs, Wireless Sensor NeLwok.
various operaLing sysLems, Language compilers
and Lools are also available.
Rapid DevelopmenL and analysis Lools such as
MaLlab, Oracle, CompleLe range o MicrosoL visual
DevelopmenL 1ools, Real 1ime Linux, FlecLronic
SysLem Design 1ools or Fmbedded SysLem, vLSl
Design 1ools eLc. Many open source soLware such
as Linux, MySql, 1omcaL Servers, NeLwork
SimulaLors, SysLem SimulaLor eLc are also used
DeparLmenL has seLup or CenLer o Fxcellence wiLh
various inLernaLional alliances like ClSCO, MicrosoL
lnLerneL access is available on all Lhe compuLers in
Lhe laboraLory.
Learning laciIities
Continuing ducation Programmes
SeLup in collaboraLion wiLh ll1 8ombay or DisLance
FducaLion Programmes, aciliLies have been seLup Lo
receive Lhe lecLures delivered aL ll1 8ombay live
Lhrough a dedicaLed vSA1 neLwork having aciliLy o
live video inLeracLion.
AnoLher aciliLy seLup uses lSRO's FDUSA1 neLwork Lo
receive lecLure rom naLional level Lraining insLiLuLes
or Lechnical educaLion.
lnsLiLuLe is one o Lhe cenLre or lSRO's lNDO-US
UniversiLies neLwork where Lhe experL lecLurer and
courses are conducLed over video conerencing.
SeLup or online LesL, e-assignmenLs, e-assessmenL
and various oLher Leaching learning acLiviLies.
FxLensive uLilizaLions o lC1 Lools or eecLive
1eaching leaning acLiviLies
As a parL o conLinuing FducaLion Programme Lhe
deparLmenL has carried ouL number o ShorL 1erm
1raining Programmes or Leachers and indusLry
44 45
5tudents Activities
1here are Lhree branch speciic sLudenL associaLion
ACFS (CompuLer Fngineering), lnocraLs (lnormaLion
1echnology), AMS (MCA Programme). 1here are oLher
associaLions like CSl sLudenLs chapLer, lS1F sLudenL
chapLer, lFFF sLudenL chapLer and RoLracL Club o
which sLudenL can become member and carryouL or
parLicipaLe in co-curricular & CommuniLy relaLed
acLiviLies or overall sel developmenL. AcLiviLies
carried ouL are NaLional / SLaLe Level, 1echnical
FesLivals wiLh Programmes like Paper PresenLaLion,
RoboLics, Quiz, ManagemenL Cames, Programming
ConLesL, DebaLe eLc. FxLension acLiviLies like liLeracy
programme in villages, programs or under privileged,
help Lo oldage homes, 8lood DonaLions eLc. are
Resource Persons
Pro. A.R.DasgupLa, ReLired ScienLisL, SAC lSRO,
Dr. Asim 8enarjee, DAllC1 ,Candhinagar
Dr. 8orko FuhrL, Florida ALlanLic UniversiLy(USA)
Dr. K.S.DasgupLa, DirecLor, lndian lnsLiLuLe o Space
Science & 1echnology, 1hiruvananLhpuram
Dr. Sanjay ShrivasLava, DAllC1, Candhinagar
Shri Shyamal MehLa, ConsulLanL ReLired Sr.
ScienLisL, Space ApplicaLion CenLer, lSRO,
Dr. 5anjay Garg Ph.D.
Proessor & Head
Prof. K.P. AgrawaI M.F.
Senior AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Madhuri Bhavsar Ph.D. (Nirma UniversiLy)
Senior AssociaLe Proessor
Prof. Vibha PateI M.F.
Senior AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. TejaI Upadhyay M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5harda VaIiveti M.F.
Senior AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof Gaurang RavaI M.F.
AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. 5aurin Parikh M.C.A.
AssociaLe Proessor
Prof. 5onia MittaI M.C.A.
AssociaLe Proessor
Prof. Vijay Ukani M.1ech,
AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Priyanka 5harma M.1ech.
AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Deepika 5hukIa M.C.A.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5wati Jain M.1ech
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Zunnun NarmawaIa M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (DAllC1)
Prof. Monika 5hah M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Manish Chaturvedi M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (DAllC1)
Prof. Ankit Thakker M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. VipuI Chudasama M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Anitha Ashishdeep 8.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Preeti Kathiria M.C.A
AssisLanL Proessor
Dr. KuntaI PateI M.C.A, Ph.D.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Jaiprakash Verma M.C.A.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Devendra Vashi M.C.A.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Purvi Kansara M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Rushabh 5hah M.C.A.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Pushpak RavaI M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (DAllC1)
Prof. Pooja 5hah M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. 5apan Mankad M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Usha PateI 8.F.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing M.1ech.
Prof. Jitendra Bhati M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. VishaI Parikh 8.F.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing M.1ech.
Prof. Tejas Mehta M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Darshana Upadhayay 8.F.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing M.1ech.
Prof. Parita Prajapati 8.F.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing M.1ech.
Prof. Rajan Datt M.C.A
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. 5mita AgrawaI M.C.A
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. MaIaram Kumhar 8.F.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing M.1ech.
Prof. RupaI Kapdi M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Jigna PateI M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Rasendu Mishra M.C.A.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Prajakta Rathod M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. JitaIi PateI M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Kruti Lavingia M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. PimaI Khanpara M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Priyank Thakkar M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. Kruti KhaIpada M.F.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Tarjani Vyas M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof .DhavaI Jha M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5hivani Desai M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Vivekkumar Prasad M.1ech.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5harniI Pandya M.S.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
lacuIty in Computer 5cience & ngineering department
46 47
B.Tech. in IectricaI ngineering
Basic 5ciences. Physics, ChemisLry, MaLhemaLics,
Fngi neeri ng Mechani cs, 8asi cs o Fl ecLri cal
Fngineering and FnvironmenLal SLudies
AppIied TechnoIogy. CompuLer Programming,
Fngineering Drawing, Workshop PracLices
Humanities. CommunicaLion Skills, Fngineering
Fconomics and 8usiness ManagemenL
Programmes Offered
- B.Tech. in IectricaI ngineering ()
- B.Tech. in Iectronics and Communication ngineering (C)
- B.Tech. in lnstrumentation and ControI ngineering (lC)
- M.Tech. in IectricaI ngineering (Power Iectronics, Machines
& Drives)
- M.Tech. in IectricaI ngineering (IectricaI Power 5ystems)
- M.Tech. in Iectronics and Communication ngineering (VL5l
- M.Tech. in Iectronics and Communication ngineering
(Communication ngineering)
- M.Tech. Iectronics and Communication ngineering
(mbedded 5ystem)
- M.Tech. in lnstrumentation and ControI ngineering (ControI
and Automation)
- M.Tech. in IectricaI ngineering (nergy ngineering -
- Ph.D. in IectricaI ngineering
- Ph.D. in Iectronics and Communication ngineering
- Ph.D. in lnstrumentation and ControI ngineering
Dr. P.N. Tekwani - HOD
ngineering 5ciences. 1hermal and Hydraulic Prime
Movers, FlecLronic Devices and CircuiLs, NeLwork
Analysis and SynLhesis, FlecLrical Power SysLem,
FlecLrical and FlecLronics MeasuremenLs, vecLor
Calculus and Numerical 1echniques, Linear lnLegraLed
CircuiLs, ConLrol SysLem Fngineering, FlecLrical
Machines, Fngineering FlecLromagneLic, High volLage
Fngineering, Power FlecLronics Devices and CircuiLs,
Power SysLem OperaLion and ConLrol, DigiLal
lnLegraLed CircuiLs, Microprocessor and Micro-
ConLrollers, Fnergy ULilizaLion and FlecLrical Design,
Power SysLem PracLice and Design, FlecLrical
Modelling and SimulaLions Lab, 1esLing
Commissioning and MainLenance o FlecLrical
FquipmenL, lndusLrial lnsLrumenLaLion and
AuLomaLion, FlecLrical Machine Design, FlecLric Drive
SysLems, Power SysLem ProLecLion and SwiLchgear,
Minor ProjecL
DepartmentaI Iectives {Any two]. Power SysLem
Dynamics and ConLrol, Advanced FlecLrical Machines,
Dynamics and Modelling o FlecLrical Machines,
Advanced ApplicaLions o Power FlecLronics, FlecLronic
SysLem Design, Signals and SysLems, FiniLe FlemenL
Analysis o FlecLrical Machines, Non ConvenLional
Fnergy Sources, FxLra High volLage 1ransmission,
Modern ConLrol SysLem, ConLrol o FlecLric Drives,
ApplicaLion o Power FlecLronics in Power SysLem,
Fnergy ManagemenL and AudiL , DSP ApplicaLion in
FlecLrical Fngineering
lnstitute Iectives {Any two]. lnLerdisciplinary
courses oered by oLher branches
5uppIementary Courses. Fnglish, Career OrienLaLion,
og and HealLh, FssenLials o FlecLrical Fngineering
luII 5emester Major Project
B.Tech. in Iectronics and
Communication ngineering
8asic Sciences, Applied 1echnology, and HumaniLies.
Same as in FlecLrical Fngineering.
ngineering 5ciences. FlecLronics Devices & CircuiLs,
DigiLal CircuiLs, Signals & SysLems, NeLwork Analysis,
FlecLronic Workshop, ConLrol SysLem Fngineering,
FlecLronics CircuiL Design, CommunicaLion SysLem,
DigiLal FlecLronics, lnLegraLed CircuiLs and iLs
ApplicaLions, FlecLronics MeasuremenL &
lnsLrumenLaLion, Power FlecLronics, Micro ConLrollers
& iLs ApplicaLions, DigiLal SysLem Design, CompuLer
ArchiLecLure, DigiLal Signal Processing, DigiLal
CommunicaLion, DigiLal 1elevision Fngineering, Fiber
OpLic CommunicaLion, DaLa CommunicaLion &
NeLworking, FlecLromagneLic 1heory, AnLenna 1heory,
Microwave CommunicaLion, Seminar, Minor ProjecL.
DepartmentaI Iectives {Any three]. vLSl Design,
1elecom 1ransmission and SwiLching, MulLimedia
SysLems, Advanced CommunicaLion SysLem, Wireless
CommunicaLion, Fmbedded SysLem, lmage
Processing, Modern Processor ArchiLecLure, Frror
ConLrol Coding, Wireless Sensor NeLworks, FsLmaLion
and DeLecLion
lnstitute Iectives {Any two]. lnLerdisciplinary
courses oered by oLher branches
5uppIementary Courses. Fnglish, Career OrienLaLion,
og and HealLh, FssenLials o FlecLronics and
CommunicaLion Fngineering
luII 5emester Major Project
48 49
Laboratory laciIities
8asic FlecLrical Fngineering
FlecLrical CircuiLs and NeLwork Lab
FlecLrical MeasuremenL Lab
FlecLrical Machines Lab
virLual lnsLrumenLaLion Lab
Advance process conLrol lab
ConLrol SysLem ComponenLs Lab
8iomedical lnsLrumenLaLion Lab
Programmable Logic ConLroller & Process
MeasuremenL & 1ransducer Lab
SwiLchgear and ProLecLion Lab
Power FlecLronics and Drives Lab
SoLware Lab
Microprocessors & MicroconLroller and lnLeracing
Linear, DigiLal and lnLegraLed FlecLronics Lab
Analog and DigiLal FlecLronics Lab
Analog and DigiLal CommunicaLion Lab
DigiLal Signal Processing Lab
vLSl Design Lab
1esLing & veriicaLion o vLSl Design Lab
FPCA Design Lab
1elevision Fngineering Lab
CompuLer Hardware & NeLworking Lab
Fiber OpLic CommunicaLion Lab
AnLenna Fngineering Lab
ProjecL LaboraLory
PC8 Design Lab
Computer laciIities
Computer 5ystems
1he deparLmenL has 86 Lerminals in FC labs, 17
Lerminals in lC labs, 27 Lerminals in FF labs, 116
Lerminals wiLh 1 server in PC labs, and a separaLe
compuLer cenLer wiLh Lhe capaciLy o 44 Lerminals and a
FronL-Fnd and 8ack-Fnd Design SuiLe, XlLlNX lSF 18,
FdiLion), AL1lUM Designer, MACNF1 v6 2D/8D
ANSS MulLiPhysics v.10.0, PSCAD version 4.5,
MoLorsolve, MA1LA8 6.5, LA8vlFW 10, 1winCaL, CX
Continuing ducation and Training
S11P on "Advanced ConLrol o Modern Power
FlecLronics ConverLers and Drives"
S11P on "CondiLion MoniLoring o FlecLrical
ApparaLus - 1rends and 1echniques"
S11P on "RecenL 1rends in High volLage
Fngineering, MeasuremenL and 1esLing 1echniques"
S11P on "MA1LA8 or Analysis and SimulaLion o
FlecLrical, FlecLronics and ConLrol SysLems"
S11P on "RecenL 1rends in Power SysLem ProLecLion"
S11P on "Design, Analysis and ConLrol o Advanced
FlecLrical Machines"
S11P on "Advances in Power Fngineering -
1echnology & 1ools"
FxecuLive 1raining Programme or lndian Air Force
1raining programme or FxecuLive o KalpaLaru
Power 1ransmissions LLd, Candhinagar and Zambian
1raining programme "FlecLrical Fngineering or
Non-FlecLrical Fngineers" or Adani Croup, Mundra
1raining programme on 1urbine-CeneraLor conLrol
or proessionals o Hi-Rel FlecLronics LLd.,
SLa DevelopmenL Programme on lnculcaLing
Research ApLiLude in Fngineering FaculLy
Cuiding MasLer's 1hesis. rom Problem FormulaLion
Lo CompleLion
S11P on "FlecLrical Machine Analysis using FiniLe
FlemenL Packages"
S11P on " RecenL 1rends in FlecLrical Drives"
Advances in CommunicaLion. 1he 8ackbone o
Signal Compression and Frror Resilience
Fnhancing Skills o Fngineering FaculLy
DigiLal Design using FPCAs and CPLDs
DSP/Fmbedded SysLem Design using
Programmable Logic
Advances in MicroelecLronics
Fmbedded SysLems
Overview o vLSl Design and 1echnology
R F CircuiL Design
1raining Programme or SAC-lSRO ScienLisL on
DigiLal Signal Processing and CommunicaLion Fngg
1raining Programme or SAC-lSRO ScienLisL on
Fmbedded SysLems
RecenL 1rends in AnLenna Design
MlMO Wireless CommunicaLion SysLems
Advanced Signal & lmage Processing
S11P on Advances in FlecLronics and
CommunicaLion Fngineering
PLC Programming
MA1LA8 or analysis and simulaLion o FlecLronics,
ConLrol and FlecLrical sysLems
ConLrol SysLem Fngineering
1eachers 1raining Program
B.Tech. in lnstrumentation and
ControI ngineering
8asic Sciences, Applied 1echnology, and HumaniLies.
Same as in FlecLrical Fngineering.
ngineering 5ciences. ConLrol 1heory, ConLrol
SysLem Design, Nonlinear & DigiLal ConLrol, Advance
ConLrol 1heory, Fuzzy ConLrol Analog and DigiLal
FlecLronics, Applied FlecLronics, Applied FlecLrical
1echnology, CircuiL 1heory, lndusLrial FlecLronics,
lndusLrial Drives & ConLrol Microprocessor, Micro
ConLroller and iLs ApplicaLions, DigiLal Signal
Processing, ConLrol SysLem ComponenLs,
MeasuremenL 1echniques, FlecLrical and FlecLronic
MeasuremenLs, 8iomedical lnsLrumenLaLion Process
ConLrol, lnsLrumenLaLion SysLem, Programmable Logic
ConLroller, SimulaLion Packages, visual ApplicaLion
DevelopmenL, virLual lnsLrumenLaLion Lab, Seminar,
Minor projecL.
DepartmentaI Iectives {Any Two]. DaLa
CommunicaLion and lndusLrial NeLworking, Power
PlanL AuLomaLion, DigiLal SysLem Design or
lnsLrumenLaLion, Fuzzy ConLrol, FlecLronics
CommunicaLions, Advanced ConLrol 1heory, Advanced
Power FlecLronics and ApplicaLions.
lnstitute Iectives {Any two]. lnLerdisciplinary
courses oered by oLher branches
5uppIementary Courses. Fnglish, Career OrienLaLion,
og and HealLh, FssenLials o lnsLrumenLaLion and
ConLrol Fngineering
luII 5emester Major Project
50 51
5tudent Activities
FlecLrical Fngineering SLudenL AssociaLion (FFSA)
organizes exLracurricular and co-curricular
acLiviLies. A NaLional Level 1echnical Symposium,
"vlDHU1 AD8HU1AM", was a splendid evenL
organized by FFSA every year (2006-2011) which
aims aL recognizing and promoLing some o Lhe
mosL inLellecLual brains in Lhe counLry. Since 2012,
insLiLuLe has decided Lo organize a joinL Lech-esL o
all Lhe branches o Fngineering "NU1FCH." FFSA is
acLi vel y par Li ci paLi ng i n Lhe NU1FCH by
conLribuLing Lowards all aspecLs o NU1FCH. FFSA
also carries ouL Lechnical acLiviLies like guidance or
compeLiLive examinaLions, quiz, model making eLc.
FFSA carries ouL various exLension acLiviLies as a
parL o iLs social responsibiliLies. AparL rom Lhis,
FFSA is organizing Lhe basic roboLic workshop
"Cyan Aarambh" since 2010 in which Lhe newly
joined sLudenLs are LaughL Lhe making o
auLonomous roboL. 1his year FFSA has organized a
one day Lechnical symposium "SClN1lLLA"
comprises o various Lechnical evenLs like, Paper
PresenLaLion, Mock PlacemenL, Co-Creen, FlecLrical
ParliamenL and Pass Lhe F-LeLLer goL overwhelming
response rom all over Lhe sLaLe. For lasL Lwo years,
FFSA organizes various acLiviLies during irsL year
orienLaLion programme or elecLrical engineering
SLudenL organi zaLi on o Fl ecLroni cs and
CommunicaLion Fngineering (FCO) organizes
dierenL co-curricular acLiviLies like series o experL
lecLures, workshops on various Lechnical and
nonLechnical areas and exLra-curricular acLiviLies o
socieLal signiicance round Lhe year. ln Lhe year
2018, iL has conducLed AnLenna design workshop,
roboLic evenLs, paper and projecL presenLaLion
compeLiLions, soLware and hardware based circuiL
designing and debugging compeLiLions, quiz on
undamenLals o FC eLc. under Lhe Lrack "FC-
1ronics" in NaLional Level 1echnical Symposium-
Nu-1ech'18 joinLly organized by all sLudenL
associaLions o lnsLiLuLe o 1echnology.
SLudenL AssociaLion o lnsLrumenLaLion and ConLrol
Fngineering, under lSA (lnLernaLional SocieLy o
AuLomaLion) organizes various exLra and co-
curricular acLiviLies regularly. lSA organized iLs
lagship annual evenL 1FCHNOFORA (2000-2011),
Lhe naLional level Lechnical esLival wiLh various
evenLs. Since 2012, insLiLuLe has decided Lo
organize a joinL Lech esL o all Lhe branches o
Fngineering "NU1FCH". lSA is acLively involved in
Lhe NU1FCH. lSA also carries ouL Lechnical
acLiviLies like roboLic workshops, Lechnical quiz,
inLeracLion wiLh alumni eLc. lSA also carries ouL
various exLension acLiviLies as a parL o iLs social
lFFF-SLudenLs 8ranch organizes 1FCHNODSSF.
Resource Persons
Mr. Piyush Shah, Managing DirecLor, HiLachi Hi-Rel
Power FlecLronics PvL. LLd., Candhinagar
Pro. Axay MehLa, CPFRl, Mehsana
Shri varuneshkumar, M.D., veeral ConLrols PvL. LLd.,
Pro. 8. R. Parekh, HOD - FlecLrical Fngineering
DeparLmenL, 8vM, vallabh vidhynagar
Pro. S. A. KaniLkar, Former Proessor & Head
(FlecLrical Fngg. DepLL.), MSU, 8aroda
Shri. C. v. Akre, Di recLor, Hi vol L r ans
FlecLricals PrivaLe LimiLed, Halol
Dr. Rahul Dubey, DA - llC1
Pro. l. N. Kar, ll1 Delhi
Pro. M. Copal, ll1 Delhi
Shri R. Ramesh, R & D Manager, veeral ConLrols
PvL. LLd., Candhinagar
Shri vinodbhai PaLel, R & D Manager, AM1FCH
FlecLronics, Candhinagar
Shri Dhirenbhai Shah, DirecLor, HiLachi Hi-Rel Power
FlecLronics PvL. LLd., Candhinagar
Shri U. C. 1rivedi, Dy. DirecLor and Head (Power
SysLems), FlecLrical Research & DevelopmenL
AssociaLion (FRDA), vadodara
Shri K. Subramaniam, M.D., MASl8US, Candhinagar
Mr. Rajan vasa, CON1FCH SoLware, Candhinagar
Dr. CheLan 8haLL, Proessor and Head, lC depL. CFC,
Dr. K. S. DasgupLa, DirecLor, lndian lnsLiLuLe o
Space Science & 1echnology, 1hiruvananLhpuram
Shri PraLul Shro, CFO, e-inochips LLd, Ahmedabad
Shri Samir Shro, CFO, Si8ridge 1echnology LLd.,
Mr. Nilesh Desai, Croup DirecLor, SAC, lSRO,
Dr. D. Nagchaudhary, DA-llC1, Candhinagar
Dr. Anjan Chosh, DA-llC1, Candhinagar
Shri Rajeev JyoLi, Croup Head, AnLenna SysLems
Area, SAC-lSRO, Ahmedabad
Kvv MurLhy, ll1 Candhinagar
Pro. Usha NeelkanLhan, CFC valsad
0r. P. N. 1ekwani Ph.0. (llSc, Bangalore)
Professor and head
Prof. U. A. Patel V.E. (^utonation & Control)
0r. S. C. vora
Prof. 0. 8. 0ave V.E. (^utonation, Control &
Senior ^ssociate Professor Vicroprocessor)
Prof. A. N. Patel V.E.
^ssistant Professor (Power ^pparatus & Systens)
Prof. 1. h. Panchal V.E.
^ssistant Professor (Power ^pparatus & Systens)
Prof. M. 1. Shah V.Jech. Electrical Engg. (Power
^ssistant Professor ^pparatus & Systens) Pursuing Ph.0.
Prof. P. N. kapil V.Jech. Electrical Engg. (Power
^ssistant Professor ^pparatus & Systens) Pursuing Ph.0.
Prof. S. N. Jani V.Jech. Electrical Engg. (Power
^ssistant Professor ^pparatus & Systens)
Prof. A. S. kanade V.Jech. (Connunication Engg.)
^djunct Professor
0r. 0. k. kothari Ph.0. (VhhlJ, ^llahabad)
Professor, and Section head
0r. N. M. 0evashrayee Ph.0. (Cujarat university)
0r. 0haval Pujara Ph.0. (hirna university)
0r. Y. N. 1rivedi Ph.0. (llJ-Kanpur)
Senior ^ssociate Professor
Prof. N. P. Cajjar V.Jech. (llJ-0elhi)
Senior ^ssociate Professor Pursuing Ph. 0. (hirna university)
Prof. Manisha Upadhyay V.E. (Cujarat university),
Senior ^ssociate Professor Pursuing Ph. 0. (hirna university)
0r. Usha Mehta
Senior ^ssociate Professor
0r. 1anish Zaveri Ph.0. (SvhlJ Surat)
^ssociate Professor
0r. Amisha Naik Ph.0. (hirna university)
^ssociate Professor
Prof. Sachin Cajjar V.Jech. (llJ 0elhi),
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph. 0. (hirna university)
Prof. Mehul Naik V.E. (Connunication Engg.)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (KSvv, Candhinagar),
Prof. S. v. Pandey V.Jech. (RF & Vw Engg.)
^ssistant Professor
0r. Ankur Pandya Ph.0. (V.S. university)
0r. Chetna Chauhan Ph.0. (Cujarat university)
Prof. vijay Savani V.Jech. (vLSl 0esign)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (hirna univesity)
Prof. Piyush 8hatasana V.Jech. (Vicroelectronics)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (hirna university)
Prof. vaishali 0hare V.Jech. (vLSl 0esign)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. kachna Sharma V.Jech. (Connunication Engg.)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. 0haval Shah V.S. (Connunication Engg.)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0., 0ptical conn.
Prof. 8upendra fatania V.E. (Connunication Engg.)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (hirna university)
Prof. Akash Mecwan V.Jech. (vLSl 0esign)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (hirna university)
Prof. Ami vora B.Jech. (EC), Pursing
^ssistant Professor V.Jech. (hirna university)
Prof. 0ipesh Panchal B.E. (EC),
^ssistant Professor Pursing V.Jech. (hirna university)
Prof. kuchi Cajjar V.E. (Cujarat university)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (hirna university)
Prof. Aarti Cehani V.Jech. (Connunication Engg.),
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph. 0. (hirna university)
Prof. Amit 0egada V.E. (Connunication Engg.)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. Nirav Modi V.E. (Connunication Engg)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. Pratik 1rivedi V.Jech. (0igital Electronics &
^ssistant Professor ^dvanced), Pursuing Ph.0.
0r. 0. M. Adhyaru Ph.0. (llJ-0elhi)
Professor, and Section head x
Prof. J. 8. Patel V.Jech. (lnstrunentation),
Senior ^ssociate Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (KSvv, Candhinagar)
Prof. h. k. Patel V.Jech. (Power Electronics)
^ssociate Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (KSvv, Candhinagar)
Prof. Sandip A Mehta V.Jech. (Vicroelectronics &
^ssistant Professor vLSl )
Prof. Jalpa Shah V.E. (Vicroelectronics)
^ssistant Professor Pursuing Ph.0. (0^llCJ)
Prof. vishal M. vaidya B.E. (lC)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. vidita 1ilva B.E. (lC),
^ssistant Professor Pursuing V.Jech. (hirna university)
Prof. k. L. Zadfiya V.Jech. (lnstrunentation)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. Nital S. Patel V.Jech. (^pplied lnstrunentation)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. Ankit k. Sharma V.Jech. (Electronics, lnst. & Control
^ssistant Professor Engg), Pursuing Ph.0.
Prof. Alpesh Patel V.Jech. (^pplied lnstrunentation)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. harsh kapadia V.Jech. (lnstrunentation & Control)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. Anuradha 1andon
^ssistant Professor V.Jech. (Control & ^utonation)
lacuIty in IectricaI ngineering
Prof. C. 8. 8hatt V.Jech. Electrical Engg. (Power
^ssistant Professor ^pparatus & Systens)
Prof. S. S. kanojia V.Jech.
^ssistant Professor (lntegrated Power Systens)
Prof. C. k. Mehta V.E. Electrical Engg.
^ssistant Professor (^utonation & Control)
Prof. M. k. 8hashini V.Jech. (Conputer ^pplications in
^ssistant Professor lndustrial 0rives)
Prof. S. k. Patel V.E.
^ssistant Professor (Power Electronics and 0rives)
Prof. M. C. Shah V.Jech. (Power Electronics, Vachines
^ssistant Professor & 0rives)
Prof. S. Codwal V. Jech. (Power Systen)
^ssistant Professor
Prof. 0. M. Mehta V.E. (Vicroprocessor Systen and
^ssistant Professor ^pplications)
Prof. J. J. Macwan V. S. (Vicroelectronics & Systen-on
^ssistant Professor -Chip Engineering)
Prof. C. 8. 8uch V. E. (Electrical Power Engg.)
^ssistant Professor
52 53
B.Tech. in MechanicaI ngineering
Courses offered.
8asic Sciences. Physics, ChemisLry, MaLhemaLics,
CompuLer Programming, Fngineering Mechanics,
FlemenLs o FlecLrical Fngineering, FnvironmenLal
Humanities. Fnglish, CommunicaLion Skills, Fconomics,
ManagemenL, FnLrepreneurship.
Programmes offered
- B.Tech. in MechanicaI ngg.
- M.Tech. in MechanicaI ngg. (CAD/CAM)
- M.Tech. in MechanicaI ngg. (ThermaI
- M.Tech. in MechanicaI ngg. (Computer
lntegrated Manufacturing)
- M.Tech. in MechanicaI ngg. (Design
- M.Tech. in MechanicaI ngineering (nergy
ngineering - Proposed)
- Ph.D. in MechanicaI ngg.
Dr. R. N. PateI - HOD
Basic TechnoIogy. Fngineering Drawing, Workshop
PracLice, Machine Drawing, CompuLer Aided DraLing,
1hermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics & HeaL 1ranser.
Power PlanL 1echnologies, Fluid Power Fngineering,
RerigeraLion & Air-CondiLioning, AlLernaLive
Fnergy Sources, HeaL Fxchangers, lC Fngines and
AuLomobile Fngineering.
KinemaLics, Dynamics o Machinery, Advanced
SLrengLh o MaLerials, Machine Design, ConLrol
ManuacLuring Processes, MaLerial 1echnology,
ProducLion 1echnology, MeLrology &
lnsLrumenLaLion, CAD/CAM, lndusLrial
ManagemenL, ProducLion & OperaLions
lndusLrial 1raining, Seminar and ProjecL.
Core TechnoIogy.
Large number o elecLives covering enLire gamuL o
Mechanical Fngineering.
1he DeparLmenL also oers lnsLiLuLe FlecLives like
MechaLronics, RoboLics, Hydraulic & PneumaLics
Dynamics o Machines
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
HeaL 1ranser
AlLernaLe Fnergy Sources
RerigeraLion and Air CondiLioning
l.C. Fngines and AuLomobile Fngineering
FlemenLs o Mech. Fngineering Lab
MaLerials 1echnology
MeLrology and lnsLrumenLaLion
ProducLion 1echnology
ManuacLuring Processes
1hermal lnsulaLion Lab
1he deparLmenL has compuLer cenLers wiLh all Lerminals
connecLed Lo neLwork.
Available SoLware. Creo ParameLric (Pro/F), ANSS,
AuLoCAD, MAS1FRCAM, Hyperworks , H1Rl, l-DFAS,
FluenL, Nx CACAD 100, Robocell, SciLab, CA1lA,
AuLomaLion SLudio
NationaI Laboratory for Testing and DeveIopment
of ThermaI lnsuIations
1he LaboraLory has been esLablished under Lhe
NAFF1lC scheme o AlC1F, New Delhi. lL has major
aciliLies or LesLing various properLies o Lhermal
insulaLions. NoLable amongsL Lhem is Lhe Cuarded HoL
PlaLe SysLem imporLed rom USA which can measure
Lhe Lhermal conducLiviLy o insulaLing maLerials in Lhe
o o
range o - 20 C Lo 550 C.
Laboratory laciIities
Computer laciIities
54 55
Continuing ducation Programmes
5tudent Activities
S11P on CompuLer Craphics in Mechanical
S11P on lndusLrial 8oilers
S11P on RoboLics
S11P on CompuLer lnLegraLed ProducLion
ManagemenL SysLem
1raining programme or Pro-F SoLware, C and C--,
MAS1FRCAM, D.C. SeLs, Cryo lnsulaLion.
NaLional Seminar on 1hermal lnsulaLing MaLerials
1raining Programme on FFA soLware or lndusLry
S11P on RecenL Advances in CasLing Process
Workshop on HeaL 1reaLmenL o SLeels or indusLry
S11P on Advances in AuLomobile Fngineering
CorporaLe Level 1raining on 1hermal lnsulaLion and
HeaL Fxchanger aL lFFCO, Kalol
CorporaLe Level 1raining on Mechanical Fngineering
or Non Mechanical Fngineers aL Adani PorL,
1raining o 1echnical AssociaLes o lndusLry aL
lngersoll Rand (l) LLd.
1raining program o Advance FiniLe FlemenL Analysis
using ANSS
S11P on Advanced Mechanical Fngineering
NaLional seminar on Pressure vessel Design
Workshop on FundamenLal o 8earing MainLenance
Workshop on FundamenLal o 8earing 1echnology
1raining Program o Solid Modeling SoLware
lS1F Workshop on "HeaL 1ranser" under NaLional
Mission on FducaLion Lhrough lC1
lS1F Workshop on "1hermodynamics" under
NaLional Mission on FducaLion Lhrough lC1
lS1F Workshop on "CompuLaLional Fluid Dynamics"
under NaLional Mission on FducaLion Lhrough lC1
Mechanical Fngineering SLudenLs' AssociaLion (MFSA)
organizes various exLra curricular and co-curricular
acLiviLies regularly Lo name a ew, AU1OCALPSF -
AuLomobile 1echnical Symposium under exLension
acLiviLy or school sLudenLs, MA1HRlX (MaLhemaLical
Quiz), 1echnognosia (RoboLic Workshop). LecLures o
experLs rom academia, indusLries and research
organizaLions are also organized regularly.
Resource Persons
1. Dr. P.N. 8hagwaLi, Chairman, 8hagwaLi SpherocasL
LLd., Ahmedabad
2. Shri Sanjay Desai, CFO, R8D Fngineers, Ahmedabad
8. Shri N. C. PaLel, CMD, PaLel AirLemp (lndia) LLd.,
4. Shri ogesh Lavingia, Managing DirecLor, Lavingia
FnLerprise, Ahmedabad
5. Pro. S. 8. Soni, ReLired Proessor, L D College o
Fngineering, Ahmedabad
6. Pro. A. 8. PaLel, ReLired Proessor, Nirma UniversiLy,
7. Dr N. M. 8haLL, DirecLor, Candhinagar lnsLiLuLe o
1echnology, Ahmedabad
8. Shri P. C. Shah, Senior vP, PaLel AirLemp (lndia) LLd.,
1he deparLmenL has developed "NaLional
LaboraLory or 1esLing and DevelopmenL o 1hermal
lnsulaLions" under Lhe NaLional FaciliLies in
Fngineering and 1echnology wiLh lndusLrial
CollaboraLion (NAFF1lC) Scheme o All lndia Council
or 1echnical FducaLion (AlC1F). 1he laboraLory is
unique o iLs kind in Lhe counLry and capabiliLies
include measuremenL o Lhe Lhermal conducLiviLy
o Lhermal insulaLions in Lhe LemperaLure range o -
200C Lo 5000C.
1he sLudenLs rom Lhe deparLmenL have been
acLive/leading members o Lhe Leam rom Nirma
Uni ver s i L y wi nni ng L he NaL i onal l evel
DOORDARSHAN RO8OCON in Lhe year 2002, 2008,
2006, 2008 and 2011.1hey represenLed Lhe counLry
aL Lhe inLernaLional RO8OCON evenL held aL Japan,
8angkok and Malaysia.
Pro. S. J. Joshi, AssisLanL Proessor, Mechanical
Fngineering DeparLmenL received "CharoLar vidya
Mandal, vallabh vidhyanagar 8esL Fngineering
College 1eacher in CujaraL SLaLe Award" or year
Ms. Jahnvee Sinh, SLudenL o Lhe DeparLmenL, goL
8rd NaLional rank in CSR AcLiviLy by AlR lndia in
Dr R. N. PaLel, Proessor, Mechanical Fngineering
DeparLmenL received award or 8esL Fngineering
College 1eacher or CujaraL SLaLe rom lS1F or Lhe
year 2010.
Under Lhe guidance o Dr R N PaLel, Proessor
Mechanical Fngineering DeparLmenL a major projecL
"A waLer disLillaLion planL, designed joinLly by l1, NU
and CSMCRl in Lhe year 2010" will be very beneicial
or salL armers and is applied or paLenL.
An All 1errain vehicle (A1v) was designed and
abricaLed by a Leam o Mechanical Fngineering
sLudenLs or parLicipaLing in a NaLional level
compeLiLion organized by SocieLy o AuLomoLive
Fngineers (SAF), lndia aL PiLhampur, M.P. ln 2011, Lhe
Leam sLood irsL among all Lhe parLicipaLing Leams
rom CujaraL sLaLe and was judged aL overall 19Lh
posiLion ouL o Lhe LoLal 200 parLicipaLing Leams
rom all over lndia. ln 2012, Lhe A1v was awarded
"8esL 1echnology lnnovaLion" award along wiLh a
cash price o Rs. 2 lac.
Under Lhe guidance o Dr. R. N. PaLel, Shri Hardik 8.
KoLhadia Lhe sLudenL o M.1ech. (1hermal) goL lS1F
C.S.F.C. NaLional Award (FirsL Prize) or besL M.1ech.
Lhesis LiLled "FecL o Size o LigniLe on Cas
CeneraLion RaLe, Caloriic value o Cas and Casiier
Ficiency o DowndraL Casiier" in December 2011.
Dr. R. N. PateI M.F. (1urbo Machines)
Proessor & Head Ph.D. (ll1 8ombay)
Dr. V.J. Lakhera M.F. (1hermal Sciences)
Proessor Ph.D. (ll1 Roorkee)
Dr. D. 5. 5harma M.1ech. (Design Fngg.)
Proessor Ph.D. (ll1 8ombay)
Dr. K. M. PateI M.1ech. (Mg. Fngg)
Proessor Ph.D. (ll1 Delhi)
Prof. B. A. Modi M.1ech. (Mg. Fngg)
Sr. AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing PhD. (ll1 Delhi)
Prof. R. R. Trivedi M.1ech. (CAD/CAM )
Sr. AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (ll1 8ombay)
Prof. B. K. Mawandiya M.1ech. (lndl. Fngg.&
AssociaLe Proessor MgmL) Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. 5. J. Joshi M.1ech. (Fngg. MaLerials)
AssociaLe Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (RCPv)
Prof. N. D. Ghetiya M.1ech. (Mg. Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. A. M. LakdawaIa M.1ech (1hermal Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (ll1 8ombay)
Prof. N. K. 5hah M.1ech (1hermal Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D. (ll1 8ombay)
Prof. 5. V. Jain M.F (AlLernaLe Hydro
AssisLanL Proessor Fnergy SysLems),
Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. J. M. Dave M.F.(CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. D. J. 5hah M.1ech. (CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. V. M. BhojawaIa M.1ech (Design Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph D. (Nl1 SuraL)
Prof. A. M. GohiI M.F.(CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. M. M. Chauhan M.F. (CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Prof. D. P. Pandya M.F. (Mechanical)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. B. A. 5hah M.F. (Cryogenic Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. D. V. PateI M.1ech. (CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. D. B. 5hah M.1ech. (CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. A. 5. 5inghaI 8.F.(Mechanical)
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing M.1ech.
Prof. 5. N. Mehta M.F. (CAD/CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. A. A. Bhatt M.F. (Cryogenics)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Darshit Upadhyay M.1ech. (1hermal Fngg)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. M. A. luItariya M.1ech. (1hermal Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. M. A. Makhesana M.1ech. (lndusLrial Process
AssisLanL Proessor FquipmenL Design)
Prof. N. P. RavaI M.1ech. (CAD/ CAM)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. T. N. RavaI M.1ech. (1hermal Fngg.)
AssisLanL Proessor
lacuIty in Mathematics and Humanities Department
56 57
5ubjects offered under Humanities.
Fnglish or vernacular Medium, CommunicaLion Skills,
CommunicaLion Skills or Fngineers, CommunicaLion
Skills or CompuLer Proessionals.
Fngineering Fconomics & 8usiness
ManagemenL.(CF/l1/FF - Fven SemesLer and
CL/CH/lC/FC - Odd SemesLer)
Fconomics (Mechanical Fngineering) - Odd SemesLer
5ubjects offered as lnstitute
Laboratory laciIities.
FnLrepreneurship DevelopmenL, OrganizaLional
8ehaviour, lnLroducLion Lo AccounLing, 1echnical
WriLing FlemenLs o MarkeLing ManagemenL, Human
Resource ManagemenL, Fnglish LiLeraLure, 8anking &
Finance, Legal AspecLs or Fngineering Proessionals,
ProbabiliLy & SLaLisLics.
SLudenLs are given pracLical Lraining o Numerical
meLhods using C & C-- in Lhe compuLer lab.
1he deparLmenL is equipped wiLh Lhe sLaLe o Lhe arL
Language LaboraLory Lo aciliLaLe sel learning o
sLudenLs or various subjecLs such as Fnglish,
CommunicaLion Skills and PersonaliLy DevelopmenL
eLc. 1he sLudenLs make use o Lhe soLware 'DigiLal
MenLor'. 1he laboraLory has 80 compuLers and
sLudenLs are given inLensive pracLice.
DigiLal MenLor & 1ense
1. Dr. K.R.KachoL, ReLired Proessor, lnsLiLuLe o
1echnology, NU
2. Dr. Dawoodbhai Chanchi, ReLired Proessor
8. Dr. .P. HaLhi, ReLired Proessor
4. Mr. RohiL PaLel, ConsulLanL, PersonaliLy &
5. Dr. H.N.Desai, Proessor, Nav CujaraL College,
AvaiIabIe 5oftware.
Continuing ducation Programmes
Resource Persons.
5ubjects offered under Mathematics
MaLhemaLics-l, ll, lll, lv, Applied MaLhemaLics, DiscreLe
MaLhemaLics, Advanced MaLhemaLics, vecLor Calculus
& Numerical 1echniques (vCN1), ProbabiliLy, SLaLisLics
& Numerical Analysis (PSNA), CompuLer OrienLed
Numeri cal MeLhods ( CONM) , MaLhemaLi cal
FoundaLion, Numerical MeLhods and OpLimizaLion
1echniques (NMO1), MaLhemaLics or Chemical
Fngineers, Applied Linear Alegbra and MaLrix
CompuLaLions (ALAMC), FoundaLion MaLhemaLics - l
& FoundaLion MaLhemaLics -ll.
Dr. J. P. 5harma - HOD
Dr. J. P. 5harma M.Sc., D.Phil
Proessor and Head
Mr. K. B. Pathak M.Sc., M.Phil.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Mr. P. 5. VeIIaIa M.A.(Fconomics),
AssisLanL Proessor UCC-NF1
Mr. Amit K. Parikh M.Sc., M.Phil.,
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Dr. Vaibhav 5hah M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
AssisLanL Proessor
Dr. Richa P. Mishra M.A., Ph.D.
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Hanuman D. Tivari M.Sc. CSLF1
AssisLanL Proessor
Ms. 5hikha R. 5hah M.Sc. (MaLhs)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. Brajesh Kumar Jha M.Sc.
AssisLanL Proessor Pursuing Ph.D.
Dr. MonaIi Chatterjee M.A. , Ph.D.
AssisLanL Proessor
Ms. BijaI M. YeoIekar M.Sc. (App. MaLhs)
AssisLanL Proessor
Ms. PayaI A. Oza M.Sc. (MaLhs)
AssisLanL Proessor
Ms. Monika D. Gupta M.Sc. (MaLhs)
AssisLanL Proessor
Ms. Dhara R. PateI M.Sc. (MaLhs)
AssisLanL Proessor
Prof. 5apna Miranda M.A. UCC NF1 M.Phil.
AssisLanL Proessor PCDDF, Pursuing Ph.D.
lacuIty in Mathematics and Humanities Department
58 59
How to study How to
Time Management
5tudy Time.
Lectures and Lecture Notes.
1ime allocaLion and managemenL is essenLial or Lhe saLisacLory handling o academic work.
NaLurally, prioriLies should be seL according Lo Lhe needs, wiLh more Lime allocaLed Lo higher prioriLies.
l sLudy is Lhe highesL prioriLy in Lhe nexL ew years, sLudenL should ensure LhaL iL geLs mosL aLLenLion and Lhe besL
hours o Lhe day.
A speciic number o hours per week should be puL a side especially or sLudy. SLudenLs should spenL approximaLely
Lhree hours per week in privaLe per subjecL. 1his is a very general guideline.
Farly esLablishmenL o rouLine is recommended. lL is imporLanL or sLudenLs Lo organise Lheir rouLine in a way LhaL
allows Lime or sLudy as well as or oLher commiLmenLs, recreaLion and leisure. Once Lhe paLLern is -esLablished and
susLained, Lhere is a higher probabiliLy o success in academic work.
SLudenLs can maximize Lhe beneiL o lecLure by adopLing Lhese Lechniques.
1. 8eore Lhe lecLure, do some reading Lo geL general idea o Lhe Lopic and become amiliar some o Lhe new
Lechnical words. 1here is no need Lo sLudy or memorize all Lhe maLerial.
2. Pay special aLLenLion during Lhe irsL ew minuLes when Lhe lecLurer may be giving Lhe ramework o Lhe lecLure.
FveryLhing will Lhen all inLo Lhe place as lecLure proceeds.
8. 1ake concise, sysLemaLic lecLure noLes. lL is besL Lo arrange Lhan under Lopics wiLh main and subordinaLe poinLs.
lL is always advisable Lo leave a very wide margin beside lecLure noLes. When reviewing noLes or reerring Lo reerence
books, summaries can Lhen be wriLLen in Lhe margin.
AL Lhe end o lecLure, i Lhere is Lime, quickly go over whaL has been recorded in Lhe lecLure noLes. Check spelling,
underline headings or break long senLences inLo poinLs. 1his will help in learning Lhe maLerial when reviewing iL (as
soon as possible - Lhe same nighL is recommended).
1he besL sLudy meLhods also happened Lo be Lhe besL meLhods or preparing or examinaLions, since examinaLion
quesLions will require Lhe soluLion o problems and drawing o comparisons. 1ry Lhe ollowing sLeps or approach Lo
Survey Lhe maLerials Lo be sLudied-noLes, LexL books or reerence books. Co Lhrough Lhem quickly once Lo gain a
general concepL and decide which parL is Lo be done more Lhoroughly Lhan oLhers.
QuesLion whaL Lhe lecLure is abouL, whaL Lhe wriLer inLends Lo convey, how Lhe evenLs happened. JoL down as many
quesLions as possible rom surveying Lhe maLerial.
Read Lhe maLerial in secLions, wiLh Lhe quesLions in mind, sLudy Lhem Lo ind Lhe answer Lo Lhose quesLions. 1his
reading is wiLh a purpose and helps concenLraLion as well. SLudy again more slowly and criLically.
Recall whaL has jusL been sLudied. Make noLes Lo LesL reLenLion or simply joL down poinLs. 1hese shorL summaries will
help revision beore examinaLions.
Review Lhe secLions jusL read and recalled. Co over Lhem again Lo explore relaLionship o similariLy and dierence.
1hink o concreLe examples Lo illusLraLe principles.
Discuss acLively whaL has been learnL wiLh ellow sLudenLs, lecLures and LuLors.
5tudy Approaches.
60 61
Ragging - Zero ToIerance
Ragging is sLricLly prohibiLed inside and ouLside UniversiLy campus. 1he AnLi-Ragging CommiLLee consLiLuLed or
Lhis purpose by Lhe lnsLiLuLe is empowered Lo Lake an immediaLe acLion againsL any unLoward acLion and also Lo
counsel Lhe resher. SLudenLs seeking admission shall have Lo urnish underLaking in Lhis regard. 1o enhance
amiliariLy and Lo acclimaLize Lhe resher Lo Lhe academic and social environmenL o Lhe campus, Lhe insLiLuLe
organizes an orienLaLion session in Lhe irsL week o Lhe new academic calendar.
Ragging. Definition
Any disorderly conducL wheLher by
words spoken or wriLLen or by an acL
which has Lhe eecL o Leasing, or
handling wiLh rudeness any oLher
sLudenL, in rowdy or undisciplined
acLiviLies which causes or is likely Lo
cause annoyance, har dshi p or
psychological harm or Lo raise ear or
apprehension Lhereo in a resher or a
junior sLudenL or asking Lhe sLudenLs Lo
do any acL or perorm someLhing which
such sLudenL will noL do in Lhe ordinary
course and which has Lhe eecL o
causing or generaLing a sense o shame
or embarrassmenL so as Lo adversely
aecL Lhe physique or psyche o a
resher or a junior sLudenL.
1he sLudenL will also be required Lo
give an underLaking in Lhe prescribed
perorma which is Lo be illed up and
s i g n e d b y s L u d e n L a n d h i s
parenL/guardian Lo Lhe eecL LhaL
he/she is aware o Lhe UniversiLy's
approach Lowards ragging and Lhe
punishmenL Lo which he/she shall be
liable, i ound guilLy o ragging.
All Lhe sLudenLs admiLLed under Lhe
insLiLuLe will have Lo observe and abide
by Lhe discipline rules prescribed by Lhe
UniversiLy / lnsLiLuLe and he / she will
submiL Lo Lhe disciplinary jurisdicLion o
Lhe Head o Lhe lnsLiLuLion / DirecLor
Ceneral (NU) and oLher compeLenL
oicers or auLhoriLies or bodies o Lhe
UniversiLy as Lhe case may be and Lhe
declaraLion in Lhe Perorma aL Lhe Lime
o admission.
62 63
The Learning
Institute of
Inuustiy visits,
tiaining in inuustiy,
expeits fiominuustiy
uelivei lectuies anu
seminais, anu
inuustiy piojects
The main moue
of leaining at the
Institute incluues
laboiatoiy woik,
tutoiials, anu
site visits
0iganizing woikshops,
seminais, confeiences
etc. on topics of
cuiient inteiest
Stuuents aie
to leain in gioups anu
gioup piojects aie
also a pait of the
acauemic life
at the Institute
Stuuents aie encouiageu to
leain fiomsenioi stuuents anu
the Institute oiganizes special
sessions anu woikshops that aie
conuucteu by
senioi stuuents
Some of the iegulai featuies at
Institute campus aie gioup
uiscussions, uebates, elocution,
newsletteis anu magazines of
vaiious stuuent bouies;
oppoitunity to attenu special
classes to enhance
English Language
Contiibute to the society
at laige by paiticipating in
activities like ielief piogiammes foi
the eaithquake anu natuial
calamities affecteu, paiticipate
in social woik thiough
Rotiact Club etc.
Paiticipate in cultuial
events, stuuent festivals,
spoits anu peisonality
uevelopment piogiammes
Paiticipate in technical
competitions, exhibitions, festivals
thioughout the countiy; piepaie foi
T0EFL, uATE, uRE anu CAT;
paiticipate in inteinational piojects;
anu paiticipate in events anu
activities of stuuent bouies of
vaiious engineeiing uepaitments
Institute of 1echnology, Nirma University
Sarkhej-Candhinagar highway, ^hnedabad 382 481. lh0l^.
Ph: +91-2717-241911/12/13/14/15 Fax: +91-2717-241916/17

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