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TO PHYSICS Wee Le!"#$#% Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. O&'e()$*e 1 O"$e#)!)$,# 324141354414136 2 07.1.1 3 11.1.1 3 1.1 Understanding Physics A student is able to: explain what physics is S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. N,)e. 0,(!&+1!"2

$bser!e e!eryday ob"ects such as table% a pencil% a #irror etc and discuss how they are related to physics concepts. &iew a !ideo on natural pheno#ena and discuss how they relate to physics concepts. 'iscuss (ields o( study in physics such as (orces% #otion% heat% light etc. 'iscuss base )uantities and deri!ed )uantities. *ro# a text passage% identi(y physical )uantities then classi(y the# into base )uantities and deri!ed )uantities. +ist the !alue o( pre(ixes and their abbre!iations (ro# nano to giga% eg. nano ,10--.% n#,nano#eter. 'iscuss the use o( scienti(ic notation to express large and s#all nu#bers. /ase )uantities are: length ,l.% #ass,#.% ti#e ,t.% te#perature ,0. and current ,1. 2uggested deri!ed )uantities: (orce ,*. 'ensity , . % !olu#e ,&. and !elocity ,!. 3ore co#plex deri!ed )uantities #ay be discussed /ase )uantities4uantiti asas 'eri!ed )uantities 5 4uantiti terbitan +ength- pan"ang 3ass 5 "isi# 0e#perature 5 suhu 6urrent 5 arus *orce 5 daya 'ensity 5 4etu#patan &olu#e 5 isipadu &elocity - hala"u 1

recogni e the physics in e!eryday ob"ects and natural pheno#ena

1.2 Understanding base )uantities and deri!ed )uantities

A student is able to: explain what base )uantities and deri!ed )uantities are list base )uantities and their units list so#e deri!ed )uantities and their units. express )uantities using pre(ixes. express )uantities using

scienti(ic notation Wee Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. express deri!ed )uantities as well as their units in ter#s o( base )uantities and base units. sol!e proble#s in!ol!ing con!ersion o( units S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 'eter#ine the base )uantities, and units. in a gi!en deri!ed )uantity ,and unit. (ro# the related (or#ula. 2ol!e proble#s that in!ol!e the con!ersion o( units. N,)e. 7hen these )uantities are introduced in their related learning areas. 0,(!&+1!"2 2cienti(ic notation 5 bentu4 piawai Pre(ix- i#buhan

1.3 A student is able to: Understanding de(ine scalar and !ector scalar and !ector )uantities )uantities 3 18.1.1 3 19.1.1 3 1.8 Understanding #easure#ent

6arry out acti!ities to show that so#e )uantities can be de(ined by #agnitude only whereas other )uantities need to be de(ined by #agnitude as well as direction. 6o#pile a list o( scalar and !ector )uantities. 6hoose the appropriate instru#ent (or a gi!en #easure#ent 'iscuss consistency and accuracy using the distribution o( gunshots on a target as an exa#ple 'iscuss the sensiti!ity o( !arious instru#ents Accuracy- 4e"ituan 6onsistency4epersisan 2ensiti!ity-4epe4aan :rror- ralat ;ando# 5 rawa4

gi!e exa#ples o( scalar and !ector )uantities.

A student is able to 3easure physical )uantities using appropriate instru#ents :xplain accuracy and consistency :xplain sensiti!ity


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. :xplain types o( experi#ental error

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 'e#onstrate through exa#ples syste#atic errors and rando# errors. 'iscuss what syste#atic and rando# errors are. Use appropriate techni)ues to reduce error in #easure#ents such as repeating #easure#ents to (ind the a!erage and co#pensating (or ero error. $bser!e a situation and suggest )uestions suitable (or a scienti(ic in!estigation. 'iscuss to: a. identi(y a )uestion suitable (or scienti(ic in!estigation b. identi(y all the !ariables c. (or# a hypothesis d. plan the #ethod o( in!estigation including selection o( apparatus and wor4 procedures 6arry out an experi#ent and: a. collect and tabulate data b. present data in a suitable (or# c. interpret the data and draw conclusions d. write a co#plete report



Use appropriate techni)ues to reduce errors

8 21.1.1 3 2<.1.1 3

1.< Analysing scienti(ic in!estigations

A student is able to: 1denti(y !ariables in a gi!en situation 1denti(y a )uestion suitable (or scienti(ic in!estigation *or# a hypothesis 'esign and carry out a si#ple experi#ent to test the hypothesis ;ecord and present data in a suitable (or# 1nterpret data to draw a conclusion 7rite a report o( the in!estigation

2cienti(ic s4ills are applied throughout

LEARNING AREA: 24FORCES AND MOTION Wee < 29.1.13 5 1.2.13 Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 2.1 Analysing linear #otion Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: 'e(ine distance and displace#ent 'e(ine speed and !elocity and state that
v= s t

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 6arry out acti!ities to gain an idea o(: a. distance and displace#ent b. speed and !elocity c. acceleration and deceleration

N,)e. A!erage speed > total distance = ti#e ta4en

0,(!&+1!"2 'istance 5 "ara4 'isplace#ent 5 sesaran 2peed 5 la"u &elocity 5 hala"u Acceleration 5 pecutan 'eceleration% retardation 5 nyahpecutan

'e(ine acceleration and deceleration and state that a =

v u t

6alculate speed and !elocity 6alculate acceleration=deceleration 2ol!e proble#s on linear #otion with uni(or# acceleration using

6arry out acti!ities using a data logger=graphing calculator=tic4er ti#er to a. identi(y when a body is at rest% #o!ing with uni(or# !elocity or non-uni(or# !elocity b. deter#ine displace#ent% !elocity and acceleration 2ol!e proble#s using the (ollowing e)uations o( #otion: v = u + at
1 2 at 2 v 2 = u 2 + 2as s = ut +

v = u + at
s = ut + 1 2 at 2 v 2 = u 2 + 2as

30=1-1=2 Wee ? 8.2.1 3 9.2.1 3 Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 2.2 Analysing #otion graphs Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: plot and interpret displace#ent- ti#e and !elocity-ti#e graphs deduce (ro# the shape o( a displace#ent-ti#e graph when a body is: i. at rest ii. #o!ing with uni(or# !elocity iii. #o!ing with nonuni(or# !elocity deter#ine distance% displace#ent and !elocity (ro# a displace#ent 5ti#e graph deduce (ro# the shape o( !elocity- ti#e graph when a body is: a. at rest b. #o!ing with uni(or# !elocity c. #o!ing with uni(or# acceleration deter#ine distance% displace#ent !elocity and acceleration (ro# a

P;A-U2/* 1 S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 6arry out acti!ities using a data logger=graphing calculator= tic4er ti#er to plot a. displace#ent-ti#e graphs b. !elocity-ti#e graphs 'escribe and interpret: a. displace#ent-ti#e graphs b. !elocity-ti#e graphs N,)e. ;e#inder &elocity is deter#ined (ro# the gradient o( displace#ent 5ti#e graph. Acceleration is deter#ined (ro# the gradient o( !elocity 5ti#e graph 0,(!&+1!"2

'eter#ine distance% displace#ent !elocity and acceleration (ro# a 'istance is displace#ent 5ti#e and !elocity5ti#e deter#ined (ro# the graphs. area under a !elocity 5 ti#e graph.

2ol!e proble#s on linear #otion with uni(or# acceleration in!ol!ing graphs.


!elocity5ti#e graph sol!e proble#s on linear #otion with uni(or# acceleration. Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. N,)e. 0,(!&+1!"2


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

7 11.2.1 3 1<.2.1 3

2.3 Understanding 1nertia 2.8 Analysing #o#entu#

A student is able to: explain what inertia is relate #ass to inertia

6arry out acti!ities=!iew co#puter si#ulations= situations to gain an idea on inertia. 6arry out acti!ities to (ind out the relationship between inertia and #ass. ;esearch and report on a. the positi!e e((ects o( inertia b. ways to reduce the negati!e e((ects o( inertia. 6arry out acti!ities=!iew co#puter si#ulations to gain an idea o( #o#entu# by co#paring the e((ect o( stopping two ob"ects: a. o( the sa#e #ass #o!ing at di((erent speeds b. o( di((erent #asses #o!ing at the sa#e speeds 'iscuss #o#entu# as the product o( #ass and !elocity. &iew co#puter si#ulations on collision and explosions to gain an idea on the conser!ation o( #o#entu#

@ewtonAs *irst +aw o( 3otion #aybe introduced here.

1nertia - inersia

gi!e exa#ples o( situations in!ol!ing inertia suggest ways to reduce the negati!e side e((ects o( inertia. A student is able to: de(ine the #o#entu# o( an ob"ect de(ine #o#entu# ( p ) as the product o( #ass ,#. and !elocity ,!. i.e. p = mv state the principle o( conser!ation o( #o#entu#

;e#inder 3o#entu# as a !ector )uantity needs to be e#phasi ed in proble# sol!ing

3o#entu# 5 #o#entu# 6ollision 5 pelanggaran :xplosion 5 letupan 6onser!ation o( linear #o#entu#4eabadian #o#entu#


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% ,+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 7

describe applications o( conser!ation o( #o#entu#

6onduct an experi#ent to show that the total #o#entu# o( a closed syste# is a constant 6arry out acti!ities that de#onstrate the conser!ation o( #o#entu# e.g. water roc4ets. ;esearch and report on the applications o( conser!ation o( #o#entu# such as in roc4ets or "et engines . 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing linear #o#entu#

sol!e proble#s in!ol!ing #o#entu#

9 19.2.1 3 22.2.1 3

2.< Understanding the e((ects o( a (orce

A student is able to: describe the e((ects o( balanced (orces acting on an ob"ect describe the e((ects o( unbalanced (orces acting on an ob"ect deter#ine the relationship between (orce% #ass and acceleration i.e. F = ma.

7ith the aid o( diagra#s% describe the (orces acting on an ob"ect: - at rest - #o!ing at constant !elocity - accelerating 6onduct experi#ents to (ind the relationship between: - acceleration and #ass o( an ob"ect under constant (orce - acceleration and (orce (or a constant #ass. 2ol!e proble#s using F = ma

7hen the (orces acting on an ob"ects are balanced they cancel each other out ,net (orce > 0.. 0he ob"ect then beha!es as i( there is no (orce acting on it. @ewtonAs 2econd +aw o( 3otion #ay be introduced here

2ol!e proble# using F=ma Wee Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 9

2<.2.1 3 1.3.13

2.? Analysing i#pulse and i#pulsi!e (orce

A student is able to: explain what an i#pulsi!e (orce is . gi!e exa#ples o( situations in!ol!ing i#pulsi!e (orces de(ine i#pulse as a change o( #o#entu#% i.e.
Ft = mv - mu

&iew co#puter si#ulations o( collision and explosions to gain an idea on i#pulsi!e (orces. 'iscuss a. i#pulse as a change o( #o#entu# b. an i#pulsi!e (orce as the rate o( change o( #o#entu# in a collision or explosion c. how increasing or decreasing ti#e o( i#pact a((ects the #agnitude o( the i#pulsi!e (orce.

Accuracy- 4e"ituan 6onsistency4epersisan 2ensiti!ity-4epe4aan :rror- ralat ;ando# 5 rawa4

de(ine i#pulsi!e (orces as the rate o( change o( #o#entu# in a collision or explosion% i.e.
mv - mu t

F =

2.7 /eing aware o( the need (or A student is able to: sa(ety (eatures in describe the i#portance o( !ehicles sa(ety (eatures in !ehicles

explain the e((ect o( ;esearch and report situations where: increasing or decreasing ti#e o( a. an i#pulsi!e (orce needs to be i#pact on the #agnitude o( the reduced and how it can be done i#pulsi!e (orce. b. an i#pulsi!e (orce is bene(icial 'escribe situation where an i#pulsi!e (orce needs to be reduced and suggest ways to 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing i#pulsi!e reduce it. (orces describe situation where an i#pulsi!e (orce is bene(icial 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing i#pulsi!e (orce ;esearch and report on the physics o( !ehicle collision and sa(ety (eatures in !ehicles in ter#s o( physics concepts. 'iscuss the i#portance o( sa(ety (eatures in !ehicles. S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. N,)e. 0,(!&+1!"2 -



Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

O&'e()$*e 10 8.3.13 9.3.13 11 11.3.1 3 1<.3.1 3 USBF 1 2.9 Understanding gra!ity A student is able to: 6arry out acti!ity or !iew co#puter explain acceleration due to si#ulations to gain an idea o( acceleration due to gra!ity. gra!ity 'iscuss a. acceleration due to gra!ity b. a gra!itational (ield as a region state what a gra!itational in which an ob"ect experiences a (ield is (orce due to gra!itational attraction de(ine gra!itational (ield and strength c. gra!itational (ield strength ,g. as gra!itational (orce per unit #ass deter#ine the !alue o( 6arry out an acti!ity to deter#ine the acceleration due to gra!ity !alue o( acceleration due to gra!ity. de(ine weight ,7. as the product o( #ass ,#. and acceleration due to gra!ity ,g. i.e. 7 >#g. sol!e proble#s in!ol!ing acceleration due to gra!ity 'iscuss weight as the :arthAs. gra!itational (orce on an ob"ect 7hen considering a Bra!itational (ield 5 body (alling (reely% #edan gra!ity g ,> -.9 #=s2. is its acceleration but when it is at rest% g ,>-.9 @=4g. is the :arthAs gra!itational (ield strength acting on it. 0he weight o( an ob"ect o( (ixed #ass is dependent on the g exerted on it.

2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing acceleration due to gra!ity


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 10

12 2.- Analysing 19.3.13- (orces in 22.3.13 e)uilibriu#

A student is able to: describe situations where (orces are in e)uilibriu# state what a resultant (orce is add two (orces to deter#ine the resultant (orce. ;esol!e a (orce into the e((ecti!e co#ponent (orces . 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing (orces in e)uilibriu# A student is able to: 'e(ine wor4 ,7. as the product o( an applied (orce ,*. and displace#ent ,s. o( an ob"ect in the direction o( the applied (orce i.e. 7 >*s.

7ith the aid o( diagra#s% describe situations where (orces are in e)uilibriu# % e.g. a boo4 at rest on a table% an ob"ect at rest on an inclined plane. 7ith the aid o( diagra#s% discuss the resolution and addition o( (orces to deter#ine the resultant (orce. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing (orces in e)uilibriu# ,li#ited to 3 (orces.. $bser!e and discus situations where wor4 is done. 'iscuss that no wor4 is done when: a. a (orce is applied but no displace#ent occurs b. an ob"ect undergoes displace#ent

;esultant 5 daya paduan ;esol!e- lerai

13 1.8.13 <.8.13

2.10 Understanding wor4% energy% power and e((iciency.



Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

CUTI PENGGAL 1 ,2<.3.13-2-.3.13. S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 11

13 1.8.13 <.8.13

O&'e()$*e 2.10 Understanding wor4% energy% power and e((iciency.

with no applied (orce acting on it. Bi!e exa#ples to illustrate how energy is trans(erred (ro# one ob"ect to another when wor4 is done. 'iscuss the relationship between wor4 'e(ine 4inetic energy and done to accelerate a body and the 1 state that Ek = mv 2 change in 4inetic energy. 2 'iscuss the relationship between wor4 'e(ine gra!itational done against gra!ity and gra!itational potential energy and state potential energy. that :p > #gh 6arry out an acti!ity to show the principle o( conser!ation o( energy 2tate the principle o( 2tate that power is the rate at which conser!ation o( energy. wor4 is done% P > 7=t. 'e(ine power and state 6arry out acti!ities to #easure power. that 'iscuss e((iciency as: P > 7=t Use(ul energy output x 100 C :nergy input :!aluate and report the e((iciencies o( :xplain what e((iciency o( !arious de!ices such as a diesel engine% a de!ice is. a petrol engine and an electric engine. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing wor4% energy% power and e((iciency. 2tate that when wor4 is done energy is trans(erred (ro# one ob"ect to another.

Da!e students recall the di((erent (or#s o( energy.


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 12

2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing wor4% energy% power and e((iciency 'iscuss that when an energy trans(or#ation ta4es place% not all the energy is used to do use(ul wor4. 2o#e is con!erted into heat or other types o( energy. 3axi#ising e((iciency during energy trans(or#ations #a4es the best use o( the a!ailable energy. 0his helps to conser!e resources 6arry out acti!ities to gain an idea on elasticity. Plan and conduct an experi#ent to (ind the relationship between (orce and extension o( a spring. ;elate wor4 done to elastic potential energy to obtain E p =
1 kx 2 . 2

2.11 Appreciating the i#portance o( #axi#ising the e((iciency o( de!ices.

A student is able to: recogni e the i#portance o( #axi#ising e((iciency o( de!ices in conser!ing resources.

18 9.8.13 5 12.8.1 3

2.12 Understanding elasticity.

A student is able to: de(ine elasticity de(ine Doo4eAs +aw

de(ine elastic potential energy and state that

Ep = 1 kx 2 2

'escribe and interpret (orceextension graphs. 1n!estigate the (actors that a((ects elasticity. ;esearch and report on applications o( elasticity 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing elasticity.

deter#ine the (actors that a((ect elasticity 'escribe applications o( elasticity 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing elasticity


LEARNING AREA: 34 FORCES AND PRESSURE Wee 1< 1<.8.1 3 1-.8.1 3 Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 3.1 Understanding pressure Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: 'e(ine pressure and state that P =

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. $bser!e and describe the e((ect o( a (orce acting o!er a large area co#pared to a s#all area% e.g. school shoes !ersus high heeled shoes. 'iscuss pressure as (orce per unit area ;esearch and report on applications o( pressure. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing pressure P;A-PP0

N,)e. 1ntroduce the unit o( pressure pascal ,Pa. ,Pa > @=#2.

0,(!&+1!"2 Pressure > te4anan

'escribe applications o( pressure 1?=8 5 19=8 1? 22.8.1 3 2?.8.1 3 sol!e proble#s in!ol!ing pressure

3.2 Understanding pressure in li)uids

A student is able to: relate depth to pressure in a li)uid relate density to pressure in a li)uid explain pressure in a li)uid and state that P > hEg describe applications o( pressure in li)uids. sol!e proble#s in!ol!ing pressure in li)uids.

$bser!e situations to (or# ideas that pressure in li)uids: a. acts in all directions b. increases with depth $bser!e situations to (or# the idea that pressure in li)uids increases with density ;elate depth ,h. % density ,E. and gra!itational (ield strength ,g. to pressure in li)uids to obtain P > hEg ;esearch and report on a. the applications o( pressure in li)uids b. ways to reduce the negati!e e((ect o( pressure in li)uis 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing pressure in

'epth 5 4edala#an 'ensity 5 4etu#patan +i)uid - cecair


li)uids Wee 17 2-.8.1 3 3.<.13 Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 3.3 Understanding gas pressure and at#ospheric pressure Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: explain gas pressure S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 6arry out acti!ities to gain an idea o( gas pressure and at#ospheric N,)e. 2tudent need to be introduced to instru#ents used 'iscuss gas pressure in ter#s o( the to #easure gas beha!iour o( gas #olecules based on pressure the 4inetic theory ,/ourdon Bauge. and at#ospheric 'iscuss at#ospheric pressure in ter#s pressure ,*ortin o( the weight o( the at#osphere acting baro#eter% on the :arthAs sur(ace aneroid baro#eter.. 'iscuss the e((ect o( altitude on the 7or4ing #agnitude o( at#ospheric pressure principle o( the instru#ent is not ;esearch and report on the re)uired. application o( at#ospheric pressure 1ntroduce other units o( 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing at#ospheric at#ospheric and gas pressure pressure. including baro#eter and #ano#eter 1 at#osphere > readings. 7?0 ##Dg > 10.3 # water> 101300 Pa 1 #ilibar > 100 Pa S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. N,)e. 0,(!&+1!"2

explain at#ospheric pressure

describe applications o( at#ospheric pressure sol!e proble#s in!ol!ing at#ospheric pressure and gas pressure


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.



3.8 Applying PascalAs principle

A student is able to: state PascalAs principle. :xplain hydraulic syste# 'escribe applications o( PascalAs principle. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing PascalAs principle.

$bser!e situations to (or# the idea that pressure exerted on an enclosed li)uid is trans#itted e)ually to e!ery part o( the li)uid 'iscuss hydraulic syste#s as a (orce #ultiplier to obtain: $utput (orce > output piston area 1nput (orce input piston area ;esearch and report on the application o( PascalAs principle ,hydraulic syste#s. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing PascalAs principle

Da!e students recall the di((erent (or#s o( energy.

:nclosed- tertutup *orce #ultiplierpe#besar daya Dydraulic syste#s 5 syste# haudrauli4 0rans#itted 5 tersebar

3.< Applying Archi#edesA principle.

A student is able to: :xplain buoyant (orce

6arry out an acti!ity to #easure the weight o( an ob"ect in air and the weight o( the sa#e ob"ect in water to gain an idea on buoyant (orce. 6onduct an experi#ent to in!estigate ;elate buoyant (orce to the weight o( the li)uid displaced the relationship between the weight o( water displaced and the buoyant (orce. 2tate Archi#edesA principle. 'iscuss buoyancy in ter#s o(: a. An ob"ect that is totally or 'escribe applications partially sub#erged in a (luid Archi#edes principle experiences a buoyant (orce e)ual to the weight o( (luid displaced b. 0he weight o( a (reely (loating ob"ect being e)ual to the weight o( (luid displaced c. a (loating ob"ect has a density less than or e)ual to the density o( the (luid in which it is (loating.



Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. ;esearch and report on the applications o( Archi#edesA principle% e.g. sub#arines% hydro#eters% hot air balloons



2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing Archi#edes principle

2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing Archi#edesA principle. /uild a 6artesian di!er. 'iscuss why the di!er can be #ade to #o!e up and down.

19 ?.<.1310.<.13 113.<.1317.<.13 20 3.? Understanding 20.<.13 /ernoulliAs principle. 2<.<.13

PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN ,?=< 5 17=<. A student is able to: 2tate /ernoulliAs principle :xplain that resultant (orce exists due to a di((erence in (luid pressure 'escribe applications o( /ernoulliAs principle 6arry out acti!ities to gain the idea that when the speed o( a (lowing (luid increases its pressure decreases% e.g. blowing abo!e a strip o( paper% blowing through straw% between two pingpong balls suspended on strings. 'iscuss /ernoulliAs principle 6arry out acti!ities to show that a resultant (orce exists due to a di((erence in (luid pressure. &iew a co#puter si#ulation to obser!e air (low o!er an aro(oil to gain an idea on li(ting (orce. ;esearch and report on the 17

2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing /ernoulliAs principle

applications o( /ernoulliAs principle. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing /ernoulliAs principle. LEARNING AREA: 44HEAT Wee Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 21 8.1 Understanding 13.<.13 ther#al e)uilibriu#. 19.<.13 8.2 Understanding speci(ic heat capacity

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: :xplain ther#al e)uilibriu# :xplain how a li)uid in glass ther#o#eter wor4s A student is able to: 'e(ine speci(ic heat capacity , c. 2tate that c =
Q mc

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 6arry out acti!ities to show that ther#al e)uilibriu# is a condition in which there is no net heat (low between two ob"ects in ther#al contact Use the li)uid-in-glass ther#o#eter to explain how the !olu#e o( a (ixed #ass o( li)uid #ay be used to de(ine a te#perature scale. $bser!e th change in te#perature when: a. the sa#e a#ount o( heat is used to heat di((erent #asses o( water. b. the sa#e a#ount o( heat is used to heat the sa#e #ass o( di((erent li)uids. 'iscuss speci(ic heat capacity Plan and carry out an acti!ity to deter#ine the speci(ic heat capacity o( a. a li)uid b. a solid ;esearch and report on applications o( speci(ic heat capacity. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing speci(ic heat capacity.

N,)e. Deat capacity only relates to a particular ob"ect whereas speci(ic heat capacity relates to a #aterial

0,(!&+1!"2 ther#al e)uilibriu# 5 4esei#bangan ter#a speci(ic heat capacity 5 #uatan haba tentu

'eter#ine the speci(ic heat capacity o( a li)uid. 'eter#ine the speci(ic heat capacity o( a solid 'escribe applications o( speci(ic heat capacity 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing speci(ic heat capacity.

Buide students to analyse the unit o( c as 1 1 Jkg K or

1o Jkg C


CUTI PERTENGAHAN TAHUN ,27.<.13-7.?.13. Wee 22 10.?.13 -18.?.13 Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 8.3 Understanding speci(ic latent heat Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: 2tate that trans(er o( heat during a change o( phase does not cause a change in te#perature S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. 6arry out an acti!ity to show that there is no change in te#perature when heat is supplied to: a. a li)uid at its boiling point. b. a solid at its #elting point. 7ith the aid o( a cooling and heating cur!e% discuss #elting% solidi(ication% boiling and condensation as processes in!ol!ing energy trans(er without a change in te#perature. 'iscuss a. latent heat in ter#s o( #olecular beha!iour b. speci(ic latent heat Plan and carry out an acti!ity to deter#ine the speci(ic latent heat o( a. (usion b. !aporisation 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing speci(ic latent heat. Buide students to analyse the unit o( (l ) as Jkg 1 N,)e. 0,(!&+1!"2 3elting 5 peleburan 2olidi(icationpe#e"alan 6ondensation 5 4ondensasi 2peci(ic latent heat 5 haba penda# tentu

(l )

'e(ine speci(ic latent heat 2tate that l =

Q m

'eter#ine the speci(ic latent heat o( a (usion. 'eter#ine the speci(ic latent heat o( !apori ation 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing speci(ic latent heat Wee 23 17.?.13 Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e 8.8 Understanding the gas laws Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. A student is able to: explain gas pressure%

2peci(ic latent heat o( (usion 5 haba penda# tentu pela4uran 2peci(ic latent heat o( !aporisation 5 haba penda# tentu pepengewapan

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. Use a #odel or !iew co#puter si#ulations on the baha!iour o(





te#perature and !olu#e in ter#s o( gas #olecules. 'eter#ine the relationship between pressure and !olu#e at constant te#perature (or a (ixed #ass o( gas% i.e. p& > constant 'eter#ine the relationship between !olu#e and te#perature at constant pressure (or a (ixed #ass o( gas% i.e. &=0 > constant 'eter#ine the relationship between pressure and te#perature at constant !olu#e (or a (ixed #ass o( gas% i.e. p=0 > constant :xplain absolute ero :xplain the absolute=Fel!in scale o( te#perature 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing pressure% te#perature and !olu#e o( a (ixed #ass o( gas

#olecules o( a (ixed #ass o( gas to gain an idea about gas pressure% te#perature and !olu#e. 'iscuss gas pressure% !olu#e and te#perature in ter#s o( the beha!iour o( #olecules based on the 4inetic theory. Plan and carry out an experi#ent on a (ixed #ass o( gas to deter#ine the relationship between: a. pressure and !olu#e at constant te#perature b. !olu#e and te#perature at constant pressure c. pressure and te#perature at constant !olu#e :xtrapolate P-0 and &-0 graphs or !iew co#puter si#ulations to show that when pressure and !olu#e are ero the te#perature on a P-0 and &0 graph is 5 27306. 'iscuss absolute ero and the Fel!in scale o( te#perature 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing the pressure% te#perature and !olu#e o( a (ixed #ass o( gas.

LEARNING AREA: 74 LIGHT Wee Le!"#$#% Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. N,)e. 0,(!&+1!"2 20

O&'e()$*e 28 28.?.13 29.?.13 <.1 Understanding re(lection o( light A student is able to: 'escribe the characteristic o( the i#age (or#ed by re(lection o( light $bser!e the i#age (or#ed in a plane #irror. 'iscuss that the i#age is: a. as (ar behind the #irror as the ob"ect is in (ront and the line "oining the ob"ect and i#age is perpendicular to the #irror. b. the sa#e si e as the ob"ect c. !irtual d. laterally in!erted 'iscuss the laws o( re(lection 'raw the ray diagra#s to deter#ine the position and characteristics o( the i#age (or#ed by a a. plane #irror b. con!ex #irror c. conca!e #irror ;esearch and report on applications o( re(lection o( light 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing re(lection o( light

2tate the laws o( re(lection o( light 'raw ray diagra#s to show the position and characteristics o( the i#age (or#ed by a i. plane #irror ii. con!ex #irror iii. conca!e #irror 'escribe applications o( re(lection o( light 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing re(lection o( light


Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 21

2< 1.7.13 <.7.13

<.2 Understanding re(raction o( light.

A student is able to: :xplain re(raction o( light 'e(ine re(racti!e index as

= sini sinr

$bser!e situations to gain an idea o( re(raction 6onduct an experi#ent to (ind the relationship between the angle o( incidence and angle o( re(raction to obtain 2nellAs law. 6arry out an acti!ity to deter#ine the re(racti!e index o( a glass or perspex bloc4 'iscuss the re(racti!e index% % as 2peed o( light in a !acuu# 2peed o( light in a #ediu# ;esearch and report on pheno#ena due to re(raction% e.g. apparent depth% the twin4ling o( stars. 6arry out acti!ities to gain an idea o( apparent depth. 7ith the aid o( diagra#s% discuss real depth and apparent depth 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing re(raction o( light

;eal depth 5 'ala# nyata Apparent depth 5 dala# 4etara

'eter#ine the re(racti!e index o( a glass or Perspex bloc4 2tate the re(racti!e index% % as 2peed o( light in a !acuu# 2peed o( light in a #ediu# 'escribe pheno#ena due to re(raction

2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing re(raction o( light



Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.


0,(!&+1!"2 22

2? 9.7.13 12.7.13

O&'e()$*e <.3 Understanding A student is able to: total internal :xplain total internal re(lection o( light. re(lection o( light 'e(ine critical angle ,c.

6arry out acti!ities to show the e((ect o( increasing the angle o( incidence on the angle o( re(raction when light tra!els (ro# a denser #ediu# to a less dense #ediu# to gain an idea about total internal re(lection and to obtain the critical angle. 'iscuss with the aid o( diagra#s: a. total internal re(lection and critical angle b. the relationship between critical angle and re(racti!e angle ;esearch and report on a. natural pheno#ena in!ol!ing total internal re(lection b. the applications o( total re(lection e.g. in teleco##unication using (ibre optics. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing total internal re(lection

;elate the critical angle to the re(racti!e index i.e.

= 1 sin c

'escribe natural pheno#enon in!ol!ing total internal re(lection 'escribe applications o( total internal re(lection

2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing total internal re(lection


Wee 27 1<.7.13 1-.7.13

Le!"#$#% Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e. O&'e()$*e <.8 Understanding A student is able to: lenses. :xplain (ocal point and (ocal length deter#ine the (ocal point and (ocal length o( a con!ex lens deter#ine the (ocal point and (ocal length o( a conca!e lens 'raw ray diagra#s to show the positions and characteristics o( the i#ages (or#ed by a con!ex lens. 'raw ray diagra#s to show the positions and characteristics o( the i#ages (or#ed by a conca!e lens. 'e(ine #agni(ication as
m= v u

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e. Use an optical 4it to obser!e and #easure light rays tra!eling through con!ex and conca!e lenses to gain an idea o( (ocal point and (ocal length. 'eter#ine the (ocal point and (ocal length o( con!ex and conca!e lenses. 7ith the help o( ray diagra#s% discuss (ocal point and (ocal length 'raw ray diagra#s to show the positions and characteristic o( the i#ages (or#ed by a a. con!ex lens b. conca!e lens 6arry out acti!ities to gain an idea o( #agni(ication. 7ith the help o( ray diagra#s% discuss #agni(ication. 6arry out acti!ities to (ind the relationship between u, v and f 6arry out acti!ities to gain an idea on the use o( lenses in optical de!ices. 7ith the help o( ray diagra#s% discuss the use o( lenses in optical de!ices such as a telescope and #icroscope 6onstruct an optical de!ice that uses lenses. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing to lenses


0,(!&+1!"2 ther#al e)uilibriu# 5 4esei#bangan ter#a

;elate (ocal length ,(. to the ob"ect distance ,u. and i#age distance ,!. i.e.
1 1 1 = + f u v

'escribe% with the aid o( ray diagra#s% the use o( lenses in optical de!ices. 6onstruct an optical de!ice


that uses lenses. 2ol!e proble#s in!ol!ing to lenses.


Wee 29 230 31-38 3< 3?-380-81 82 - 83

Le!"#$#% O&'e()$*e

Le!"#$#% O+)(,-e.

S+%%e.)e/ A()$*$)$e.




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