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!./01 '.0234 (56727879 wILI (579/5:72.5:0 )/2626 ;/.8< und +4/2:
%99<04 presenL:

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A WorId PoIIcy SuIon wILI NouI Bonsey, nLernuLIonuI CrIsIs
TIursduy, Junuury 16
6:oo PM - ;:o PM
WorId PoIIcy nsLILuLe

TIe SyrIun opposILIon conLInues Lo IrugmenL poIILIcuIIy und mIIILurIIy. TIe moderuLe
IeudersIIp Ius weukened, wIIIe sIumIsL Iorces Iuve been sLrengLIened mIIILurIIy even us
LIey Lurn LIeIr guns on oLIer opposILIon groups us weII us LIe SyrIun governmenL. TIe
opposILIon's conIusIon now seems Lo Iuve InIecLed ILs sponsors us weII. How dId LIIs Iuppen?
And wIuL ure LIe IIkeIy scenurIos Ior LIe IuLure? n LIIs SuIon, nLernuLIonuI CrIsIs Group SyrIu
unuIysL NouI Bonsey Ieuds un oII-LIe-record dIscussIon oI SyrIu's opposILIon und ILs IuLure.

,=">? ?@A +'A,BA#+

-.:C =.5694 Is u SenIor AnuIysL wILI LIe nLernuLIonuI CrIsIs Group, wIere Ie Ius
conLrIbuLed Lo LIeIr coveruge oI SyrIu sInce Muy zo1z. PrIor Lo IIs currenL posILIon, NouI
worked Ior LIree yeurs us un ArubIc socIuI medIu unuIysL Ior u prIvuLe consuILIng IIrm,
munugIng u Leum oI unuIysLs IocusIng on regIonuI poIILIcuI und mIIILunL uIIuIrs. NouI IIved In
Dumuscus In zoo6 und zoo8-zooq, wus bused In QuLur In zo1o, und speuks Modern SLundurd
und SyrIun coIIoquIuI ArubIc. He holds a Bachelors degree from Williams College and a
Masters in Arabic from the University of Maryland. Noah is LIe Ieud uuLIor on severuI recenL
CrIsIs Group reporLs on SyrIu, noLubIy !"#$%&"' )*$ +,-&$&./0 1%2 3$4$2 ,5 3#6&47/ +,-&$&.4-
899,/&$&," und 12"$4$&:2 ;&%4<0 3#6&47/ =*"<4>2"$4-&/$ 899,/&$&,".
+3.77 D:03.E6.5 Is dIrecLor oI communIcuLIons Ior nLernuLIonuI CrIsIs Group. He Ius
reporLed Irom CenLruI und SouLI AmerIcu, LIe CurIbbeun, AIrIcu, LIe MIddIe EusL und CenLruI
AsIu, und LIrougIouL Europe und NorLI AmerIcu. He wus IoreIgn edILor oI LIe New York TImes
MuguzIne Irom zooq Lo zo11 und edILed IoreIgn-uIIuIrs Op-Eds Ior LIe TImes Irom zoo1-z.
PrevIousIy Ie served us u senIor udvIsor Lo SergIo VIeIru de MeIIo uL LIe UnILed NuLIons In
zoo und Lo Ambussudor Susun RIce uL LIe U.S. SLuLe DepurLmenL In zo11-1z. He uIso desIgned
und LuugIL courses on LecInoIogy und journuIIsm uL New York UnIversILy und wus un edILorIuI
udvIsor Lo GoogIe execuLIve cIuIrmun ErIc ScImIdL und Jured CoIen In LIeIr work on
connecLIon LecInoIogIes und InLernuLIonuI reIuLIons. MuIcomson Is LIe uuLIor
oI 1*$*64"&? @>9&627/ @<'2? 8"2 A6,9 ,5 )-,,<? und mosL recenLIy B2"264$&,"7/ @"< u
memoIr oI AmerIcun journuIIsm, IoreIgn poIIcy und LIe UnILed NuLIons In LIe Lwo yeurs Irom

qJ11 Lo LIe desLrucLIon oI LIe UN mIssIon In BugIdud In AugusL zoo.
,=">? ?@A +'"-+"#+

A cenLer Ior gIobuI LIougIL IeudersIIp, LIe !./01 '.0234 (56727879 Is
unIqueIy Iocused on LIe crucIuI buL negIecLed cIuIIenges und opporLunILIes
oI un IncreusIngIy connecLed worId. We sLress InnovuLIve, LrunsIormuLIve
LIInkIng; dIversILy oI Ideus, und u gIobuI perspecLIve. !1'6* 716"83
91:')06, IeIIows, evenLs, und poIIcy projecLs, provIde cIunneIs Ior supporLers, LIougIL
Ieuders, decIsIon mukers, experLs, und cILIzens Lo IdenLIIy, debuLe, und deveIop
consLrucLIve soIuLIons.

TIe (579/5:72.5:0 )/2626 ;/.8< Is un IndependenL, non-proIIL, non-
governmenLuI orgunIsuLIon commILLed Lo prevenLIng und resoIvIng deudIy

+4/2: %99<04 Is un IndependenL dIgILuI medIu projecL Ied by journuIIsLs
und LecInoIogIsLs, expIorIng u new modeI oI sLoryLeIIIng uround u gIobuI
crIsIs. Our gouI Is Lo buIId u beLLer user experIence oI LIe sLory by uddIng
conLexL Lo conLenL, usIng LIe IuLesL dIgILuI LooIs oI LIe duy. WILI LIme, our
Iope Is Lo udd greuL cIurILy, deeper undersLundIng, und more susLuIned
engugemenL Lo LIe gIobuI conversuLIon. By mIxIng user generuLed conLenL wILI LIe InsIgIL
und oversIgIL oI seusoned journuIIsLs, we merge LIe power oI cILIzen journuIIsm wILI LIe
sLundurds oI LIe proIessIonuI press.

,=">? ?@A !"#$% '"$()* +,$"-

TIe '.02723:0 +:0.5 - orgunIzed by SLeve SokoI sInce zoo Lo promoLe dIuIogue umong
LIe nexL generuLIon oI Ieuders In busIness, poIIcy, und LIe medIu - reguIurIy convenes u
dIverse group oI young proIessIonuIs Lo dIscuss u runge oI IoreIgn poIIcy Issues und gIobuI
uIIuIrs. ALLendees ure dIverse In Lerms oI nuLIonuIILy, proIessIon, und poIILIcuI persuusIon.

WILI specIuI LIunks LIe @925/23C =F00 G.851:72.5 Ior supporLIng LIe PoIILIcuI SuIon.

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