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eMagazine of the global network

for sustainable urban mobility

1 1/ /2 20 00 09 9

Medelln: lnnovative mobility promotes
social cohesion
World Congress of Cities for Mobility

1/2009 2

WeIcome Io Ihe !ourIh ediIion o! Ihe CiIies !or MobiIiIy
eMagazine !
Dear members, parlners and lriends ol Cilies lor Mobilily,
in a lew weeks Slullgarl will once again hosl lhe World Congress ol
our nelwork. The evenl has eslablished ilsell as an oulslanding
plallorm lor lhe presenlalion and exchange ol excellenl ideas in all
lields ol urban mobilily.
Since lhe launch ol our nelwork, one ol our aims has been lo locus
yearly on one ol lhe lhree main pillars ol Cilies lor Mobilily socially
inclusive mobilily, economy-locused mobilily and environmenlally
lriendly mobilily. On lhis occasion, we have eslablished lhe lopic
"sociaIIy incIusive mobiIiIy" as lhe main !ocus o! Ihis year's
WorId Congress and aIso o! Ihis ediIion o! Ihe eMagazine.
l am very impressed wilh lhe cover slory aboul lhe |e|rocab|e
projecl in Medellin. ll shows nol only lhe imporlance ol urban
mobilily lor lhe improvemenl ol lhe social condilions ol our cilizens,
bul also il also demonslrales lhe scope ol our possibililies il we have
lhe courage lo pursue innovalive solulions in our cilies.
Al lhe momenl, we are working hard lo oller you an exciling evenl
nexl June. l hope lo have lhe honor ol welcoming you in Slullgarl.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Wollgang Schusler
Mayor ol Slullgarl

Premium Partners

International partners

1/2009 3


World Congress of Cities for Mobility 4
CfM News 6
From the UCLG: 2
meeting of the Urban Mobility Committee 7
From the GTZ-SUTP: Road to Copenhagen 7
From the GTZ-SUTP: Urban transport policy and planning documents 8
Cover story
The Medelln experience: Public transport by cable cars 10
Best practices
Towards a new mobility in Rosario 13
Road safety good practice manuals 16
Current projects
Initiative Cycle to work 2008 17
CO2NeuTrAlp: Step by step to solar mobility 19
Project forum
Project initiative SOL Save Our Lives 21
Project initiatives 23
Running projects 26
Publications from the GTZ-SUTP on transport 28
New members of CfM
AZLogica: From common sense to telematics 29
Believe Sustainable Mobility: The low carbon economy 31
Net Engineering: Global engineering for urban mobility 33
List of new members of CfM 35
EVS 24 World Electric Vehicle Symposium 36
International Conference mobil.TUM 2009 37
Exhibitionc - The street belongs to all of us 38
International event list 39
Animals on the way 40

1/2009 4

Cities for Mobility World Congress 2009

Cities for Mobility celebrates its 3
World Congress
Under lhe lille "Towards a socially inclusive mobilily Access lor all"

As recenlly announced in a special edilion
ol our eMagazine, lhe global nelwork
C|||e: |or |ob||||y will celebrale ils World
Congress 2009, under lhe lille "5ociaIIy
incIusive mobiIiIy - Access !or aII". The
evenl will lake place in 5IuIIgarI !rom
1une 14 Io 16, 2009. lor lhe lhird year in
a row, lhe congress will serve as a
plallorm lor discussion and exchange ol
experiences in lhe area ol urban mobilily
lor lhe purpose ol joinlly developing
innovalive projecl ideas and implemenling
lhem on lhe local level.
ThemaIic !ocus
Lmphasizing on sociaI dimension o!
IransporI, lhis year's evenl will pay special
allenlion lo lhree main lopics, which will
be discussed wilh more delail in lhe
lollowing workshops.
Hov Io !ace Ihe chaIIenges o! daiIy
mobiIiIy in our ciIies
Lack ol access lo mobilily leads lo reduced
lile qualily and job opporlunilies, leading
lo social exclusion.
Hov Io inIroduce young peopIe Io
non-moIorized mobiIiIy
ll young people learn lo use suslainable
modes ol mobilily lrom an early age, il is
more likely lhal lhey will keep lhis
behavior as adulls.
Hov Io provide mobiIiIy in an
ageing socieIy
Whal impacl will lhe changes in lhe
populalion slruclure have on urban
Please visil our websile lo read lhe
complele descriplion ol lhe workshops.
CaII !or posIers
A novelly al lhe World Congress 2009 is
lhe posler session. Cilies lor Mobilily will
oller a new plallorm lor lhe presenlalion
ol innovalive ideas and projecls. The
posler session will lake place on June !5,
in lhe congress area ol lhe Cily Hall.
Pequiremenls lor presenling a posler.
Poslers may be submilled inlo one ol
lhe lhree workshop calegories
lormal. maximum !x2 m.
All cosls associaled wilh crealion ol lhe
posler will be lhe responsibilily ol lhe
Lach posler should have al leasl one
presenler who musl remain wilh lheir
posler lhroughoul lhe session
PosIer session absIracIs musl be
submilled lo lhe Coordinalion Ollice
( no IaIer
Ihan May 30, 2009. These should
specily lo which ol lhe lhree calegories
lhey apply and should include a briel
descriplion ol lhe conlenls ol lhe
posler, as well as conlacl inlormalion.
The Coordinalion Ollice reserves lhe
righl lo rejecl any submilled abslracl
Lxhibilors musl give permission lor
posler abslracls lo be published wilh
conlerence malerials, as well as posled
on lhe ClM websile

1/2009 5

Cities for Mobility World Congress 2009

Con!irmed speakers
Michael Sommer, Presidenl ol lhe
Conlederalion ol Cerman Trade Unions
(DC8), Depuly Presidenl ol lhe
lnlernalional Trade Union Conlederalion
Anne Houtman, Direclor lnlernal Markel
& Suslainabilily, Direclorale-Ceneral lor
Lnergy and Transporl, Luropean
Commission (8russels, 8elgium)
Denise Iampou, Mayor ol Douala
Drio 8erger
Mayor ol llorianopolis (8razil)
Prof. Pan Haixiao, Direclor ol Pesearch ol
lhe Tongji Universily (Shanghai, China)
Lars Gemzoe, Associale Parlner al Cehl
Archilecls, Member ol 8oard al "Walk 2!"
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
5ix reasons vhy you shouId aIIend
MeeI over 300 decision-makers
and experIs in urban lransporl area
lrom more lhan 30 counlries in one
EnIarge your inIernaIionaI pro!iIe
and nelwork ol conlacls and analyze
innovalive lransporl solulions applied
in cilies world-wide
PresenI your ovn ideas and
projecIs lo a large inlernalional
audience disseminaling widely lhe
achievemenls in your cilies
5hare experiences and approaches
in solving and managing problems in
lransporl area wilh olher nelwork
finding projecI parIners.
Parlicipanls have lhe opporlunily lo
gel in conlacl wilh polenlial projecl
parlners and lo iniliale innovalive
cooperalion proposals
GeI inspired by lhe experiences ol
olher parlners lor implemenling lhem
in your cily

HighIighIs - MobiIiIy on-siIe
This year's World Congress loresees lhe
lollowing lechnical visils.
Visil lo lhe lnlegraled Trallic
Managemenl Cenler ol Slullgarl
Visil lo lhe Mercedes 8enz Museum
Slullgarl Cily lour on public lransporl
and presenlalion ol lhe projecl
"Slullgarl 2!"
Visil lo lhe newly opened Porsche
Sighlseeing lour on Pedelecs and
presenlalion ol lhe public bike renlal
syslem "Call a 8ike"

Stuttgart City Hall
Rathaus, Marktplatz 1
70173 Stuttgart, Germany

Registrate now!!
Online under www.cities-for- and by Fax or E-mail
to the Coordination Office
Registration deadline May 30, 2009

Congress attendance is free of
charge, the cost of travel and
accommodation must be covered
by the participants

Language: During the plenary
sessions on June 15 and 16,
simultaneous interpreters will be
available in English, Spanish and

1/2009 6

CfM n e w s

InIernaIionaI icycIe Week in fIorianopoIis

llorianopolis is hosling lhe nexl C|||e: |or
|ob||||y Pegional Meeling, which is a
preparalory evenl lo lhe 3rd World
Congress ol Cilies lor Mobilily lhal will be
held lrom !4 - !6 June 2009 in lhe cily ol
Slullgarl. This Soulhern 8razilian cily,
logelher wilh l8C lrom lhe Nelherlands, is
responsible lor lhe lhemalic area Non
|o|or|zed 1ran:por| (NMT) in ClM. The
regional meeling will generale an
invenlory ol needs and aclual
developmenls regarding NMT in Lalin
America, which will be lhe inpul lor lhe
nexl World Congress ol Cilies lor Mobilily
in Slullgarl.
The ClM Pegional meeling is parl ol lhe
InIernaIionaI CycIing Week o!
fIorianopoIis, where C|||e: |or |ob||||y,
lhe b|cyc|e |ar|ner:h|p |rogram
Wor|:hop:, |bC, |ov|||za||on and |n|er|ace
|or Cyc||ng |xper||:e will provide
lnlernalional experlise, conlribuling lo
local ellorls ol cycling promolion and cycle
planning in lhe cily ol llorianopolis.
The InIernaIionaI CycIing Week o!
fIorianopoIis addresses municipalilies,
public and privale lechnicians,
prolessionals, universilies and NCOs
inleresled in cycling as componenl ol
urban mobilily. The meeling and lhe
workshops will locus on |ran:por| and ||:
ro|e |n |he proce:: o| 5oc|a| Cohe:|on.
Olher relevanl lopics will be covered, such
as pub||c b|cyc|e:, acce:: |o :choo|:, |he
ro|e o| N|1 |n |he promo||on o| |he
||||enn|um Coa|: (reduclion ol poverly,
righl lo educalion and suslainabilily). The
oulcomes ol lhe inlernalional week on
cycling will be presenled al lhe 3rd World
Congress ol Cilies lor Mobilily.

ReIaunch o! Ihe CiIies
!or MobiIiIy homepage

C|||e: |or |ob||||y has relaunched ils
homepage (
The new sile appears in a new design
which is modern, colourlul and user-
lriendly. Thanks lo a new and clear
slruclure, lhe objeclives and aclivilies ol
lhe nelwork can be idenlilied easier. The
new homepage also includes a "lalesl
news" area, inlorming regularly on
inleresling news lrom lhe nelwork as well
as on evenls, projecls and olher
developmenls in lhe lield ol urban
mobilily. A special highlighl is lhe new
"membersmap" (under Membership)
where all member cilies ol lhe nelwork are
marked. You can see on lhis map how our
member cilies are dislribuled around lhe
world. We hope you will enjoy lhe new
homepage and we are looking lorward lo
receiving your commenls on il. Don'l
hesilale lo give us your opinion.

For more information
on this event please
Vera Lucia Gonalves
da Silva from the
Urban Planning
Institute of

1/2009 7

from our partners

meeIing o! Ihe Urban MobiIiIy CommiIIee in IsIanbuI

The UCLC Urban Mobilily Commillee held
ils second meeling in lslanbul in November
27, 2008 during lhe World Council
Meelings. Mayor Dr. Wollgang Schusler
proposed lo locus in 2009 on lhe issue ol
socially inclusive mobilily. ln lhis conlexl he
presenled a projecl idea lor lhe
Medilerranean area. The aim is Io shov
Ihe imporIance o! urban mobiIiIy !or
Ihe sociaI cohesion in Ihe ciIies. The cily
ol Medellin in Colombia has proved lhal
an innovalive mobilily syslem can serve as
a molor lor lhe improvemenl ol lhe social
silualion ol lhe cilizens in poor urban
dislricls. Walch.
lollowing lhe meeling, lhe Marmara
Pegion in Turkey elaboraled a projecl
proposal in lhe lramework ol lhe C|U|A|
|rogramme ol lhe Luropean Commission.
The lead parlner is Cazianlep in Turkey,
olher parlners are Paris, Slullgarl, Aleppo
in Syria and Amman and lrbid in Jordan.
The concepl nole has been accepled by
lhe Luropean Commission, lhe parlners
are working on lhe projecl proposal lor
lhe second slage ol lhe approval process.
Olher poinls ol lhe meeling.
Mrs. Sibel 8ulay lrom LM8APQ,
lslanbul, presenled lhe objeclives and
aclivilies ol LM8APQ, especially ils
supporl lo lhe cily ol in lslanbul in
suslainable urban lransporl.
Mr. Wollgang lorderer lrom lhe Cily ol
Slullgarl presenled lhe Commillee's
websile www.cilies-lor-
mobilily.nel/uclg) and lhe new power
search engine "KNOOCLL", which is a
Coogle-based search engine especially
lor lhe lield ol mobilily. The
programme has been designed and
developed by lhe Universily ol
Michigan and Lcoplan in Paris.

GTZ-5UTP. ridging Ihe gap - Road Io Copenhagen

Transport is recognised as a key contributing factor to Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
However, compared to other issues like deforestation or energy, transport plays a minor role
under the current regime and in the negotiations of the Post-Kyoto process. There is recognition
that transport is a significant part of the solution and many transport related organisations are
discussing the links between transport and climate change. One of the main barriers to
achieving an effective link between transport and climate change, is a clear understanding of
the different negotiation streams and how to develop a clear targeted strategy to integrate
transport into the current negotiations.
GTZ, UK's Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), Veolia Environnement and the International
Association of Public Transport (UITP) are working to facilitate the process in 2009 to improve the
link between the transport sector and the climate change negotiations. This website provides an
overview of our activities, and information on related upcoming events.
Please find more about this issue on the website:

1/2009 8

from our partners

Urban transport policy and planning documents
A compilalion lrom lhe CTZ-SUTP

The CTZ (Cerman Technical Cooperalion) has elaboraled an overviev on urban IransporI pIans and sIraIegies
!rom ciIies aII over Ihe vorId. ln lhis edilion, we presenl a seleclion ol lhe urban lransporl policy and planning
documenls wilh lheir respeclive links, which can be copied and pasled in your browser.

City Content
Masterplan Mobility
Transport in General
Program on the improvement of the traffic situation
Concept for non-motorized transport
Plan de movilidad
Transport department
Program on the integration of transport means 2001-2006, still in action
Rio de
Masterplan Transport


Sao Paulo
Legal Framework for Transport
Mobility Pact,4022,173124074_173248819_3,00.html
mobil2010 - Stadtentwicklungsplan Verkehr
TRANSPORT 2025 - Transport challenges for a growing city
TRANSPORT 2025 - Transport vision for a growing world city
Traffic Plan Paris

Mobilittsstrategie Zrich
Integrated Transport Plan 2003 / 2008

Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authoritys Lagos Urban Transport Project;

Conlinues on lhe nexl page ..

1/2009 9

City Content
Melbourne Transport Strategy

Transport and Parking
Greater Mumbai City Development Plan (2005 to 2025) Strategy for Transportation
Provision of decent public transportation service - Four-year Plan (2006-2010) p.119
Transport Construction and Traffic Management Plan (Draft 2002)
Land Transport Masterplan

Shanghai Metropolitan White Paper
Plan de Transport,7757563&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
New York
NYC Transport Plan


Transit City Transportation Plan
White Paper - European transport policy for 2010 : time to decide:
Green paper on urban transport: "Towards a new culture for urban mobility
Sustainable Urban Transport Plans Technical Report 2007/018:

Cities on the Move: A world Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review
National Strategy for the Development of Cycling
Germany's National Cycling Plan


Cycling in the Netherlands

GTZ Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) provides advisory services and
training in order to assist decision-makers and planners to meet their goals in
making urban transport more sustainable. Based on more than 25 years of
practical experiences, GTZ developed the publication Sustainable Transport: A
Sourcebook for Policy-Makers in Developing Cities ( with a wealth
of information and knowledge on appropriate solutions.
Armin Wagner / Transport Policy Advisor
GTZ Water Energy Transport

1/2009 10

cover story

Cubes of hope that touch the sky
Cable car syslem. a new allernalive lor public lransporl in Colombia

The MedeIIin experience. from Iourism
Io urban IransporIaIion by cabIe car
Medellin Melro's decision lo embark on a
lechnical venlure lo converl lhe cable car
syslems used lo carry lourisls inlo an
inlermediale capacily heavy-duly syslem
lor urban lransporl, inlegraled inlo lhe
melro-lype mass lransil syslem, was
molivaled by numerous reasons. These
include lhe harsh lopography ol Medellin,
characlerized by ils dislricls cleaved lo lhe
mounlains surrounding lhe valley, and lhe
Company's commilmenl as a slale-run
enlerprise lo serving working class
communilies living in deprived areas and
sullering lrom linancial and social
dillicullies and needs, and laced wilh high
lransporl cosls due lo urban deliciencies.
This challenge was mel wilh a serious
commilmenl lhal malched lhe
requiremenls. lhe in-deplh developmenl
ol all phases ol lhe sludy and an
exhauslive projecl appraisal ranging lrom
essenlially lechnical aspecls lo ils logislic,
environmenlal and social implicalions.
lurlhermore, conceplual ideas ol experls
in lhe lield were soughl. operalors,
designers, advisors, conslruclors and
organizalions responsible lor lhe
developmenl ol lhis lype ol syslems, such
as lhe lnlernalional Organizalion lor
Transporlalion by Pope (OlTAl). Pegular
lechnical visils lo lhe mosl operalionally
demanding cable-car syslems were also sel
up, company delegales allended
convenlions locusing on lhis lype ol
lechnology and design and audiling
conlracls were drawn up wilh accrediled
inlernalional lirms.
The end resull was clear. lhe conlirmalion
ol lhe leasibilily ol rope-cable lechnology
lor urban lransporl and lhe generalion ol
new know-how lor Medellin Melro. To-
day, lhe company is in a posilion lo under-
lake new projecls ol ils own and is ready
lo provide advice and consullancy services
lor olher cilies in Colombia and abroad.
The |e|rocab|e sludies are coordinaled
direclly by |ede|||n |e|ro, which is
responsible lor lhe majorily ol lhem, and
backed up by experl lirms when dealing
Luis Perez Carrillo
Metros Planning
Office of Medellin
The sky of Medellin is unlike any other. A sky where
peoples dreams and hopes can soar.
Gripping the cables that climb up the sides of the city,
you will find hope for a better future, the smiles of its
inhabitants and the certainty of a kinder present for everyone.
The mountains of Medellin are its most outstanding feature.
They surround the city and define a valley that has
channelled the dreams and opportunities of its people.
Nonetheless, hundreds of homes, inhabited by families
with financial and social difficulties, have suddenly sprung up
on the mountainsides. For them, the construction of a new
transport system, symbolized by the colored cubes
that rise upwards above the roofs of their homes, has
brought the city centre near to their green gardens
that seem to touch the sky.
Metrocable, has used an aerial system to transform the
cable cars which are used for tourism in many mountainous
countries into a solution for urban passenger transport.

1/2009 11

wilh more specialized issues. Using lhis
acquired know-how, lhe company has
provided a number ol cilies bolh in
Colombia and abroad wilh advice on
lechnical appraisals, conlracls and
operalions lor similar projecls, especially
lhose relaling lo urban syslems, where
MelroCable is currenlly lhe only exisling
relerence anywhere in lhe world. lndeed,
lhe inlensive usage rales rellecl lhe real
silualion in lerms ol cosls and
suslainabilily, logelher wilh ils skill in
social and environmenlal issues in complex
The oIher dimension. Ihe deveIopmenI
projecI and sociaI improvemenI
Social managemenl is one ol lhe mosl
oulslanding allribules ol lhe conslruclion
ol urban cable cars, as lhe physical
inlervenlion ol lhis lransporl syslem
impacls posilively on communily living and
urban developmenl
5ociaI engineering. During lhe sludy
and syslem conslruclion phases,
Melro's Social Croup carried oul
communily work lhal became a model
lor social developmenl lor lulure slale
projecls in zones wilh complex social
problems. Throughoul lhe projecl, lhe
residenls represenled lhe local poinl
lor change, slimulaling individual
values lhrough communily involvemenl
in leisure and educalional aclions and
user lraining.

1/2009 12

The design ol a melhodology lor
appraising lhe land purchased musl also
be highlighled. This included social
compensalion laclors, priorilizing lhe
human elemenl wilhin lhe lramework ol
public law. Albeil wilh some adjuslmenls,
lhis melhodology is currenlly in use on
olher projecls being carried oul by lhe
Medellin Mayor's Ollice.
linally, lhe crealion ol new jobs in lhis
projecl provided a boosl lor lhe area, and
also aclivaled commerce in lhe adjacenl
Urban deveIopmenI. The public
works required lor lhe implemenlalion
ol lhe cable car syslem led lo lhe
crealion ol leisure spaces around lhe
slalions and supporl pylons as parl ol
lhe Melro's urban developmenl
program. This was laler exlended lo
olher parls ol lhe cily under lhe
guidance ol lhe Mayor's Ollice and ils
lnlegral Urban Plan (lUP). This plan
locused on improving ol living
condilions in lhe dislricls, crealing new
green spaces and educalion and
inslilulional inlraslruclures.
lollowing lhree years ol ongoing
operalions, Medellin Melrocable has
proved lhal, il is lechnically leasible as an
oplional mass passenger lransil syslem lor
mounlainous areas, ollering major
advanlages over olher applicable
lechnologies. ln addilion, il is an
allernalive lor generaling social progress
and residenls' commilmenl in inaccessible
and deprived areas, a common silualion in
hillside residenlial dislricls in major Lalin
American cilies.

You can find a video about Metrocable on:
- Doppelmayr, Arthur. Conceptual inputs for
optimizing the functional efficiency of
circulating mono-cable ropeways, 1996
- Metro de Medellin Ldta, Direccin de
Planeacin. Evaluacin tcnica del sistema de
transporte para el corredor de la calle 107 en
Medellin, Colombia, 2001

1/2009 13

b e s t p r a c t i c e s

Towards a new mobility in Rosario
Aclion Plan lo improve mobilily and air qualily in lhe cily cenler

The ciIy o! Rosario and iIs
The cily ol Posario lies on lhe banks ol lhe
Piver Parana in lhe soulh-easl ol lhe
Province on Sanla le, in lhe cenlre ol
Argenlina. ll is lhe capilal ol a number ol
lowns and municipalilies lhal make up a
mulli-inlerdependenl urban/rural area wilh
a melropolilan populalion ol more lhan
!,200,000. The capilal has long been
consolidaled as lhe area's economic, social
and cullural hub.

The Melropolilan Area is lirmly eslablished
as a local poinl lor agricullural exporls.
76' ol Argenlina's grain and sub-producl
(oil, vegelable sub-producls and biodiesel)
exporls pass lhrough ils porls, as well as
increasing amounls ol olher bulk producls
as well as general and conlainer lrallic.
Coods lrallic llows inlo lhe porls and
mobilily in Posario cily cenlre are lhe
principal problems lhal require allenlion.
The Posario Ping Pailway Projecl was
crealed in order lo address lhe issue ol
goods lrallic llows. This consisls ol a
railway line lhal diverls goods lrallic
lowards lhe porl areas wilhoul having lo
enler urban zones. The objecl ol lhis sludy
is mobilily in lhe cily cenlre.
The probIems in Ihe ciIy cenIre
Covering jusl 4.7' ol lhe developed area,
lhe cily cenlre is however lhe poinl ol
deparlure or deslinalion lor 44' ol all
journeys made in lhe cily. This high
concenlralion ol journeys is due lo
diversily ol uses relaled lo lhe lerliary
seclor and high populalion densily.
Over lhe lasl 6 years, lhe use ol privale
vehicles has risen by 3!' and lhe number
ol molor vehicles by 20', pulling lhe
currenl rale ol vehicle ownership al 0.48
vehicles per inhabilanl.
Molor vehicle lrallic moves lreely
lhroughoul lhe seclor, and no priorily is
given lo public urban lransporl. Parking is
lorbidden in lhe seclor known as lhe
||crocen|ro, silualed al lhe core ol lhe
cily cenlre, lhereby crealing whal is
known as lhe Zona Ca|ma or 'Calm Zone'
where lhe speed limil is reslricled lo 30
kph. Llsewhere, parking is regulaled.
This scenario, combined wilh an urban
layoul ol narrow slreels, leads lo
considerable lrallic congeslion, high noise
levels and reduced air qualily, which in
lurn has resulled in a sleady rise in
pollulion levels and lhe consequenl drop
in qualily ol lile

Ente del Transporte
de Rosario
Department of
Strategic Planning
for Mobility
Eng. Mnica
Alvarado, Arch.
Mariana Monge
and Eng. Javier
City centre population (2008) 117,920 inh.
Population of Rosario (2008) 964,811 inh.
City centre area 5.54 sq. km
Developed area in Rosario 117 sq. km
Total area of Rosario 178.69 sq. km

1/2009 14


CurrenI daIa
The breakdown ol modes ol lransporl
reveals a high use ol public passenger
lransporl in lhe cily cenlre. Yel allhough il
is lhe mosl popular mode ol lransporl, in
lerms ol urban inlraslruclures, il is
relegaled lo sharing lhe available space
wilh privale vehicles, and has no priorily in
lhe urban slruclure. Due lo problems
relaled lo privale vehicle parking,
commercial speed in lhis seclor slands al
!! kph, compared lo !7 kph in lhe cily as
a whole.
Noise levels reach 75d8A, wilh morning
measuremenls clearly exceeding 70d8A al
all measuremenl poinls. (According lo lhe
World Heallh Organisalion's Occupalional
and Communily Noise Cuide, prolonged
exposure lo lhis level ol noise leads lo
hearing impairmenl.)
Air qualily measuremenls reveal lhal lhe
average annual NOx rale is 78

which exceeds lhe eslablished vegelalion
proleclion limil ol 30

. ln winler, lhis
ligure rises lo over !00

, lhe limil
eslablished by local bylaws, and which can
cause respiralory problems.
PIan o! acIion.
A key parl ol lhe Slralegic Planning policy
implemenled in Posario and lhe
surrounding area, based on crileria ol
IerriIoriaI inIegraIion, sociaI incIusion
and susIainabIe deveIopmenI, is lo
progress in lerms ol lhe inleraclion
belween Iand usage and IransporI
pIanning in order Io improve
residenIs' quaIiIy o! Ii!e and Io reduce
environmenIaI poIIuIion processes.
The lnlegral Urban Mobilily Plan is
currenlly being implemenled. The local
poinl ol lhis plan is lhe aclual residenls,
who acl as a unil ol measuremenl in order
lo eslablish lhe lollowing usage hierarchy.
Public urban lransporl
Non-molorised lransporl
Privale lransporl

1/2009 15

Several measures have been pul lorward
lor lhe cily cenlre, designed lo improve air
qualily and guaranlee suslainable mobilily.
The inlroduclion ol special lanes lor
public urban lransporl in order lo
improve running limes and increase
lheir commercial speed by belween
30' and 40'.
The inlroduclion ol mass lransporl
corridors, slarling wilh lhe mosl widely
demanded corridor linking lhe lar norlh
and soulh ol lhe cily and crossing
lhrough lhe cily cenlre. The mosl
suilable oplion is currenlly under sludy,
wilh indicalions poinling lo a lighl
railway syslem.
Tolal and/or parlial reslriclion ol privale
vehicle lrallic in cerlain areas.
Since January 2009 parking has been
lorbidden in lhe Microcenlro, and lhe
parking areas in lhis zone will be
eliminaled as lhe exclusive lanes are
Lxlension ol pay parking areas.
Parking policies include lhe
inlroduclion ol parking areas aimed al
dissuading privale vehicles lrom
enlering lhe cily cenlre. The objeclive is
lo eliminale slreel parking, lhereby
providing public urban lransporl and
pedeslrians wilh grealer space.

A 'Calm Zone' has been proposed in
order lo lavor pedeslrians. The idea is
lo eslablish an area lhal privale vehicle
owners are dissuaded lrom enlering,
lhereby generaling residenl-lriendly
spaces, lree lrom lhe pressures crealed
by vehicle priorily.
This proposal includes a number ol specilic
measures such as reducing lhe speed limil
lo 30 k.p.h., which will be clearly
signposled, logelher wilh lhe inlroduclion
ol urban inlraslruclures and inslallalions
lhal lorce vehicles lo reduce lheir speed
and oller grealer comlorl lor pedeslrians,
as well as boosling commercial and service
ln keeping wilh lhese aims, lhe Poad
Unilicalion slralegy, which levels oll roads
and pavemenls, will also enhance lhe
pedeslrianized elemenls ol lhe slreels,
lhereby boosling accessibilily lo a wider
seclion ol lhe populalion.

The Action Plan for
the Rosario City
Center has
generated a
positive impact

1/2009 16

Campaign to
improve the use of
helmets in Brazil

b e s t p r a c t i c e s

Road safety good practice manuals
Conlribulion ol lhe CPSP lo road salely

lor cilies lrying lor lhe lirsl lime lo cope
wilh lhe complex lask ol managing road
salely, gelling molor-cyclisls lo wear
helmels, convincing drivers lo clap on
sealbells, encouraging lhem lo keep lheir
speed down - lhere's no simple lurn-key
solulion. These are complex problems lhal
involve managing human behaviour on a
large scale in order lo reduce risk lor all
road users. This is one reason why key
members ol lhe Uniled Nalions Poad
Salely Collaboralion - lhe Clobal Poad
Salely Parlnership (CPSP), lhe World
Heallh Organizalion, lhe World 8ank and
lhe llA loundalion - are cooperaling lo
publish a series ol road sa!eIy good
pracIice manuaIs aimed al assisling local
governmenls lackle lhese problems
lhrough a holislic approach.
Lxperience has shown lhal il is possible lo
change behaviour and manage complex
risks by lollowing a slep-by-slep approach.
building parlnerships belween relevanl
agencies and organisalions, conducling
research lo assess lhe problem, designing
and implemenling largeled solulions, lhen
assessing lhe impacl.
The good pracIice manuaIs, deveIoped
based on Ihe experiences o! success!uI
e!!orIs in various parIs o! Ihe gIobe,
lake on lhe praclices lhal have been
shown lo be mosl crilical in ensuring sale
road lravel. wearing a helmel, managing
speed, nol drinking belore driving and
wearing seal bells. Available in numerous
languages, lhe manuals are being used as
a praclical guide lo build lhe capacily ol
cilies lo lake on lhese issues on lheir own.
ln 8razil, lor example, CPSP is working
wilh various cilies, ollering lraining
sessions on how lo use lhe helmel manual
as a guide lo convince lhe rapidly growing
molorcycle ridership lo wear helmels. The
cilies have lhen developed and
implemenled programmes lo increase
helmel wearing rales. ln 2007, CPSP
presenled lhe good praclice manual
"Helmels" in Sao Paulo lo represenlalives
ol lhe sixleen CPSP/CPSl lowns lhal were
inviled. The lowns lhen dralled lheir own
helmel-aclion programs.

ln Poland, CPSP has been working wilh
lhe cily Olszlyn in 2008 lo develop and
implemenl a drink-drive prevenlion
programme using lhe good praclice
manual, Drinking and Driving. A cily aclion
plan was developed by cily slakeholders
and lhe lirsl slrenglhened enlorcemenl
and public educalion campaign was held
in Oclober and November 2008 under lhe
palronage ol lhe mayor's ollice and wilh
slrong supporl lrom communily
The idea lherelore is nol lo impose a
single solulion lo all cilies in all counlries,
bul lo give a uselul guide lo sleer lhe
process ol linding lheir own solulion.

The GRSP - Global
road Safety
Partnership -
collaborates to
improve road safety
conditions around the
world. For more
information, please
visit the website:

1/2009 17

c u r r e n t p r o j e c t s

Initiative Cycle to work 2008
More people are making cycling parl ol lheir everyday lile

This summer, around 60,000 cyclisls
(!8,000 leams) lrom more lhan 6,300
companies look parl in lhe "Cycle lo
Work" campaign in lhe Slale ol 8avaria,
Cermany. Now in ils eighlh year, lhe
number ol parlicipanls ol lhis join-in
aclivily rose yel again by 30'. The aim ol
lhis campaign, inilialed by lhe 8avarian
lederal Slale Associalion ol lhe Ceneral
Cerman 8icycle Club (ADlC) in 200! and
since lhen run in collaboralion wilh lhe
healh insurance company AOK, is lo
counIeracI Ihe Iack o! physicaI exercise
and Ihe resuIIanI diseases. lrom lhe
oulsel, lhe campaign has also been
supporled by lhe 8avarian 8usiness
Associalion (vbw), lhe Cerman Trade
Union Congress ol 8avaria (DC8) and lhe
8avarian Minislry ol Heallh. The palron
was Dr. Olmar 8ernhard, Minisler ol Slale
al lhe 8avarian lederal Slale Minislry ol
lhe Lnvironmenl, Heallh and Consumer
ln lhe inilialive, men and women cycled lo
work in lhe period lrom lhe !
ol June lo
lhe 3!
Augusl. As an incenlive lhere were
allraclive prizes provided by sponsors.
Anyone who cycled lo work lor al leasl 20
working days enlered lhe draw lor lhe lop
lhree prizes. a Medilerranean cruise, a
heallh & lilness holiday and a cily break
including a concerl lickel. Allraclive prizes
were added lo lhe regional draws, lrom
bicycles and bike bags lo railway lickels.
Lnlries were open lo small groups ol nol
more lhan lour parlicipanls. Like lasl year,
lhe leam price was a balloon lrip.
The campaign also happened nalionwide.
ln Cermany, more lhan !70,000 cyclisls
(43,000 leams) oul ol !8,000 lirms look

Good argumenIs !or aII parIicipanIs
AOK 8avaria supporls lhe inilialive Cyc|e
|o Wor| "wilh no ils or buls", says
Peinhard Harno, lhe markeling manager
ol AOK 8avaria. "Our reasons are plain lo
see. As lhe Heallh lnsurance lund, we lry
lo molivale people lo adopl a heallhier
lileslyle. 8ul lhere should always be an
elemenl ol lun. The special charm ol lhe
campaign is lo make cycIing parI o!
everyday Ii!e, i.e. nol jusl a Sunday ride
in lhe counlry. Aller all, experls agree lhal
jusl hall an hour ol physical aclivily a day
subslanlially benelils your heallh. Lasl
year's average ol 9.3 km per working day
shows lhal even lhose who are "oul ol
lraining" can easily lake parl. And lel's nol
lorgel all lhe commulers, who cycled lrom
home lo lheir public lransporl slop/slalion
or lrom lhere lo work", says Harno.
Bicycles of the Cycle
to work initiative in
front of the City Hall of
Reinhard Harno
AOK Bavaria

1/2009 18

ADlC lederal Slale Chairman Hans-Dieler
8erg adds. "The way lhe campaign has
laken oll speaks lor ilsell. we slarled oll in
lhe cily ol Cunzburg in 200!, and since
2002 il's been on a roll. The increase in
parlicipanls lrom 45,000 in 2007 lo some
60,000 in 2008 is massive. Whal pleases
me in parlicular is lhal lhe campaign
successlully wenl ahead in every lederal
slale in Cermany. And lhey all wanl lo join
in again nexl year." And he adds. "l'm so
much looking lorward lo lurlher
developmenls. As l see il, lhere is slill
plenly ol polenlial. Nexl year we inlend lo
work more closely logelher wilh lhe local
aulhorilies, lo make lhe leap lrom lhe
behaviour prevenlion so lar lo silualion
prevenlion. Thal can only work wilh an
aclive parlnership."
The 8avarian Minislry ol Heallh has been a
parlner in lhe inilialive lrom lhe oulsel.
Secrelary ol Slale Marcel Huber, in lhe
name ol lhe palron ol lhe campaign. "The
mollo ol our heallh inilialive
|ea||hy||v|ngbavar|a suils lo lhe Cyc|e |o
Wor| campaign very well. Therelore we
are promoling lhe campaign lhis year as
lhe main sponsor lor lhe sevenlh lime
wilh C 40,000. ln a co-operalive approach,
lhe projecl is pursuing key heallh
objeclives ol lhe 8avarian heallh policy.
Aller all, a lack ol physical exercise is a
decisive risk laclor ol numerous diseases.
Physical exercise is lhe righl medicine. And
cycling is precisely an ideal means ol
incorporaling heallhy and environmenlally-
aware behaviour in our everyday rouline,
al lillle expense lor young and old
Thal heallh is also dear lo lhe social
parlners' hearl is shown by lhe
overlapping supporl lor lhe campaign
lrom lrade unions and employers. "ll is in
lhe workers' own inleresl lo develop skills
lo cope wilh lhe increased demands ol
working lile, and lo remain heallhy and lil
lor work. ll is scienlilically undispuled lhal
work and heallh are very closely

inlerlinked. Unlavourable working
condilions can lrigger oll or be a
conlribulory cause ol harm lo heallh. Thal
is why we welcome and supporl lhe
campaign by asking lhe local work
councils and slall commillees lo molivale
employees lo join in", says Lorenz
Canlerer, Chairman ol lhe DC8 8avaria.
And Huberlus Pade, Depuly Managing
Direclor ol vbw adds. "The sickness ligures
lor inslance in lhe 8avarian melal and
eleclrical engineering induslry which
llucluale depending on lhe lime ol year
and lhe economic climale are aboul lour
per cenl. On average, sickness-relaled
absenleeism cosls aboul !,!60 euros per
employee (bolh in lhe employee's pay and
lor lhe measures laken lo close lhe gap in
lhe worklorce lhal lhe sick employee has
lell behind). As you can well imagine, il
you exlrapolale lhal ligure lo every lirm in
8avaria and lhe lolal cosl lo lhe economy
is considerable. The Cycle lo Work
campaign kills lwo birds wilh one slone. il
benelils lhe company because il lhe
worklorce keeps lil, lhe sickness rale and
wilh il cosls are lowered. And il benelils
lhe employees, because lhey are doing
somelhing lor lheir heallh and well-

For questions on the initiative please contact:
ADFC Bayern e.V. - Landesgeschftsstelle
Contact: Hubert Strhle
Landwehrstr. 16, 80336 Mnchen
Tel. (089) 55 35 75, Fax (089) 550 24 58
Press Officer: Traudl Schrder
Tel. (089) 746 898 35, mobile (0170) 280 71 84
AOK Bayern - Die Gesundheitskasse
Zentrum Marketing und Vertrieb
Frauentorgraben 49, 90443 Nrnberg
Contact: Reinhard Harno
Tel. (0911) 218-293, Fax (0911) 218-9400293
Peinhard Harno,
markeling manager ol
AOK 8avaria

1/2009 19

c u r r e n t p r o j e c t s

CO2NeuTrAlp: Step by step to solar mobility
A new projecl lor lhe Alpine area

CO2NeuTrAIp in a NuIsheII
Lnvironmenlally lriendly mobilily is leasible
- by means ol renewable energies and by
promoling inler-modalily! Nowadays 98'
ol road lransporl in lhe LU depends on
lossil luels. How can renewable resources
be used in lransporl wilhoul endangering
lhe local and global environmenl? ls lhe
use ol bioluels or eleclricily in public or
privale lransporl, in cily logislics or e-bike
renlal syslems, elc. leasible? !5 parlners
lrom live Alpine counlries will lesl and
demonslrale in !3 pilol projecls unlil mid
20!! how mobilily can enler lhe solar age.
The projecl is co-lunded by lhe Luropean
Terrilorial Cooperalion programme lor lhe
Alpine Space.
The basic projecl idea has been developed
in lhe lramework ol Cilies lor Mobilily in
2007. CO2NeuTrAlp is coordinaled by lhe
ClM member 8.A.U.M. Consull CmbH,
Munich (, a company
specialised on lhe promolion ol
suslainable developmenl policies and
slralegies wilhin public adminislralions
and privale enlerprises. 8.A.U.M. Consull
is one ol lhe leading compelence cenlres
lor inlelligenlly linking produclion and
demand concerning renewable eleclricily
produclion on one side and eleclric
mobilily on lhe olher.
PiIoI ProjecIs (PiP). io!ueIs and E-
MobiIiIy in PubIic TransporI, Tourism
and CiIy LogisIics
During lhe projecl implemenlalion phase
unlil mid 20!!, allernalive propulsion
lechnologies lor lransporl on lhe basis ol
renewable energies will be implemenled in
parlnership wilh experls lrom research and
privale business. Public aulhorilies and
lransporl companies will be enabled lo
lesl in !3 pilol projecls dillerenl available
propulsion lechnologies in varying local
applicalions. Those solulions will be
analysed regarding lheir applicabilily, cosl
elliciency, local environmenlal loolprinl,
ecological and economic ellecls as well as
lheir lranslerabilily lo olher localions.
Some ol lhe pilol projecls will be brielly
presenled here (please lind a descriplion
ol all lhe pilol projecls on
PiP ViIIard de Lans and 5a!ari Park
Peaugres (france) - E-MobiIiIy !or
Tourism TransporI
( cooperales wilh lhe
Municipalily ol Villard de Lans in order lo
sel-up a solar charging syslem and lo
inlroduce eleclric buses lor lhe lransporl
ol lourisls lrom lhe parking areas lo lhe
ski lills during winler lime. ln summer lhe
buses and drivers could be used lor
lransporling visilors ol lhe Salari Park
Peaugres lrom parking area lo lhe park
enlrance. ln combinalion lhe e-buses and
drivers will be needed all year long and
lherelore lhe overall cosls ol lhis new
inler-modal mobilily service would be

1/2009 20

PiP Graz (AusIria) - iogas !or PubIic
The public ulilily company Craz AC
( already runs lhe bus lleel
ol lhe Cily ol Craz on bio diesel, produced
lrom used vegelable oil. Now il is loreseen
lo shill lo lhe even cleaner biogas. lor lhis
purpose bio degradable wasle shall be
used lor biogas produclion in order lo
avoid lhe compelilion wilh lood crops.
The aim is lo specily lechnical and
economic requiremenls lor lhe use ol
biogas in buses concerning lhe
gasilicalion/purilicalion ol lhe raw
gas/lilling lechnology/vehicle engines/on
board slorage. lurlhermore, il is planned
lo specily and validale lhe colleclion
concepl wilh lhe help ol lhe companies
and lhe cily ol Craz, and lo lesl lhe

PiP AIIgu (Germany) - E-MobiIiIy as a
ComponenI o! InIeIIigenI Grid
The public eleclric power company AUW /
Allgaunelz CmbH ( / will losler lhe use
ol eleclric vehicles (e-lorry lor lhe delivery
ol merchandise, e-cars, e-scoolers and e-
bikes lor lhe company lleel). ln close
cooperalion wilh lhe LU projecl AlpLnergy
(www.alpenergy.nel) innovalive charging
inlraslruclure (including plug roaming) will
be developed and lesled in lhe Allgau
region in order lo allow lhe inlegralion ol
e-mobilily wilh inlelligenl grid
managemenl, an imporlanl prerequisile
lor enhancing lhe share ol lluclualing
renewable energy sources in lhe eleclricily
PiP CiIy LogisIics Padova (IIaIy) - E-
Lorry !or CiIy LogisIics
lnlerporlo di Padova SpA
(, wilh lhe supporl ol
CLPTeT (, will inserl in
ils cily logislics lleel an eleclrically
powered Zero Lmission Vehicle (ZLV),
equipped wilh a relrigeralion unil, lor lhe

dislribulion ol perishable goods. The
vehicle will be lesled under normal
working condilions. All lesl resulls will be
compiled and analysed in order lo creale a
sound basis lor lulure decision making
regarding lhe suilabilily ol eleclrical ZLV
vehicles in cily logislics.
PiP Maribor (5Iovenia) - Pure PIanI OiI
us and e-CabIe Car !or PubIic
TransporI and Tourism
The lnslilule ol Transporlalion Sciences ol
lhe Universily ol Maribor (
develops an inlegraled inler-modal bus-
cableway lickel lor lourism lransporl in
Maribor. The bus line will be served by a
Pure Planl Oil (PPO) bus. A sound sludy ol
lhe endogenous resource polenlials will
guaranlee lhal lhe use ol PPO is in line
wilh suslainabilily requiremenls, including
lood crop demand.
5usIainabiIiIy GuideIines
The projecl parlners ol CO2NeuTrAlp have
developed :u:|a|nab||||y gu|de||ne: lhal
shall serve as orienlalion lor local decision
making wilh regard lo lhe use ol
renewable energy sources in lransporl. The
documenl will be subjecl lo revision al a
laler slage ol projecl implemenlalion,
laking inlo consideralion lhe experiences
made. Al an earlier slage, lhe
CO2NeuTrAlp suslainabilily guidelines
were discussed and improved by ClM
members in lhe lramework ol lhe C|||e:
|or |ob||||y web lorum. lurlher proposals
lor amendmenl or modilicalion lrom your
side will be apprecialed.

If you are interested in closely following the project results you are
welcome to subscribe to the quarterly project newsletter
(, News, Subscribe). Organisations that
are interested in receiving detailed project information and even
assistance in implementing similar projects may join the project
partnership as observer (no financial or legal obligations implied).
Please contact: Further information
The CO2NeuTrAlp

1/2009 21

p r o j e c t f o r u m

Project SOL Save Our Lives
A C|||e: |or |ob||||y projecl inilialive on road salely lor Lasl Lurope

The projecI's hisIory
During lhe Cilies lor Mobilily World
Congress 2007, parlners lrom !5 counlries
and live conlinenls developed a projecl
idea called "TLPS - Training and Lducalion
lor Poad Salely". The inlenlion was lo
conlinue lhe inlensive aclivilies lhal had
already been developed in lhe lramework
ol lwo pre-decessor projecls in lhe lield ol
road salely wilh parlners lrom Lurope and
Lalin America. VlCOPOSA (Virlual
Communily lor road salely - prevenlion ol
road acci-denls and dillusion ol lhe
cullure ol sale-ly) and OPOS (Observalory
lor Poad Salely).
The second Call lor Projecls (deadline !8
March 2009) ol lhe |uropean 1err||or|a|
Coopera||on |rogramme |or Cen|ra|
|urope ollered an inleresling opporlunily
lo implemenl lhe projecl concepl ol TLPS
in a specilied slralegy lilling exaclly lo lhe
considerable road salely challenges ol lhis
region. Unlorlunalely, only a parl ol lhe
TLPS parlners could join lhe SOL projecl
inilialive due lo lhe limiled geographic
scope ol lhis LU program. However, TLPS
parlners and Cilies lor Mobilily members
lrom all over lhe world are inviled, in case
ol approval, lo closely accompany lhe
projecl implemenlalion. An ideal
opporlunily lo do so is lo join lhe SOL
projecl's online experl lorum.
The road sa!eIy chaIIenge
Lvery year more lhan 40,000 people lose
lheir lives on Lurope's roads alone. ln lhe
LU, one oul ol every live child dealhs due
lo injury is a resull ol road crashes (WHO
UNlCLl World reporl on child injury
prevenlion, 2008). While many weslern
Luropean counlries are making conlinuous
progress in reducing lhe number ol lives
losl, lalalily rales in Lasl Lurope remain
high and in some counlries lhey are even
increasing. Wilh lhe exceplion ol Hungary
all olher easlern Luropean counlries have
been conlronled wilh a rise in lhe number
ol lalalilies on lheir roads in 2007 (in lhe
Czech Pepublic by !5' and in Ukraine
even by 38'). According lo lhe
lnlernalional Transporl lorum (OLCD,
2008) "Cenlral and Laslern Lurope bolh
show signilicanl increases in lalalilies.
Papid molorizalion is a laclor in lhe region
bul lhe ligures show lhe lack ol
conlinuous and delermined polilical ellorl
in lhese counlries". Poad crashes have a
severe negalive impacl on lhe social and
economic silualion in lhe region, cosling
up lo 2' or more ol lhe CDP.
The road sa!eIy mission
Lven lhough lhere are some good praclice
examples also in easlern Lurope where lhe
road salely challenge has been addressed
successlully in lhe pasl years, severe joinl
ellorls will be required by all relevanl
slakeholders on all levels lo make a
conlribulion wilhin lhe cenlral and easlern
Luropean region lo reach lhe overall policy
goal sel by lhe Luropean Commission in
2003 lor whole Lurope (3rd Poad Salely
Aclion Programme). lo halve lhe number
ol lives losl on Luropean roads lrom
50,000 per year lo 25,000 by 20!0.
Transnalional cooperalion lor mulual
learning and lhe joinl developmenl ol
To join the forum, please send an
email to:

1/2009 22

slandards and innovalive road salely
measures has proved lo be lhe mosl
elleclive inslrumenl lor advancing lhe
qualily slandards and ellecliveness in
managing road salely issues. The approach
ol SOL sees road salely also wilhin lhe
conlexl ol suslainable mobilily, i.e. lo
make walking and cycling sale and lo
promole a model shill lrom lhe privale car
lo public lransporl and non-molorized
lorms ol mobilily.

The road sa!eIy parInership and iIs
SOL uniles some ol lhe mosl compelenl
road salely organizalions lrom cenlral and
easlern Lurope and worldwide, among
lhem lhe Cilies lor Mobilily member
"CPSP Clobal Poad Salely Parlnership"
ol lhe lnlernalional Ped Cross and Ped
Crescenl Socielies in Ceneva, Swilzerland,
specialized in promoling road salely in
close cooperalion wilh parlners lrom
lransilion and developing counlries. The
mulli-seclor parlners lrom nine counlries
ol lhe cooperalion area have joinlly
developed a slralegy lhal supporls lhe
region in calching up wilh highesl LU road
salely slandards.
!. Assess lhe problem, policies and
inslilulional sellings relaling lo road salely
and lhe capacily lor road injury
2. Slrenglhen inslilulions and creale
elleclive horizonlal and verlical mulli-
seclor parlnerships lor elleclive road
salely promolion,
3. Prepare regional/local slralegies and
aclion plans and allocale endogenous
resources lo address lhe problem,
4. lmplemenl specilic aclions lo prevenl
road lrallic crashes, minimise injuries and
lheir consequences,
5. Creale a grealer level ol awareness,
commilmenl and inlormed decision-
making al all levels lrom sociely al large lo
lhe legislalive bodies,
6. Develop replicable lools lor cenlral and
Laslern Lurope as well as lhe olher LU
regions and worldwide,
7. Pul road salely policies in lhe conlexl ol
promoling suslainable lorms ol mobilily.
All major oulpuls ol SOL will be evalualed
and validaled regarding lheir applicabilily
in olher sellings ol lhe region and
worldwide. 8y lhe end ol lhe projecl lhe
lollowing lools will be available and
disseminaled lo lollowers.
!. A specilic and comprehensive road
salely assessmenl slralegy lor cenlral and
easlern Lurope lo deline lhe mosl urgenl
need lor local, regional and nalional
2. Concepl lor ideal road salely
managemenl slruclures involving regional
mulli-seclor locus groups ol all relevanl
3. Cuidelines lor joinlly elaboraling and
implemenling regional/local road salely
programmes and aclion plans,
4. Sel ol good praclice examples lor
successlully lackling road salely challenges
in dillerenl lields lailored lo lhe specilic
largel groups,
5. Slralegies lor raising public and polilical
awareness as a lirsl slep lowards concrele
aclion in largel areas.

1/2009 23

p r o j e c t f o r u m

Cities for Mobility promotes project initiatives
Thirleen ideas lo be developed by parlners

ln lhe second hall ol 2008, lhe nelwork Cilies lor Mobilily inlensilied lhe promolion ol projecl inilialives among ils
members. The idea was lo supporl lhe inilialion ol a series ol projecl ideas in all lields ol mobilily, which had mainly
resulled lrom lhe lasl lwo World Congresses ol lhe nelwork in 2007 and 2008. CiIies !or MobiIiIy assumed Ihe roIe
o! a !aciIiIaIor and inIermediary belween polenlial coordinalors and projecl parlners.
The promolion ol inilialives had a greal response. A lolal ol lhirleen inilialives gained greal inleresl among many ol
our members, who expressed lheir inlenlion lo parlicipale in lhe developmenl ol specilic projecls. Some parlners even
expressed lheir willingness lo assume lhe preliminary coordinalion ol an inilialive and lo moderale lhe communicalion
process wilhin lhe projecl nelwork. The !irsI Iask o! Ihe preIiminary coordinaIors viII be Io manage Ihe nexI
sIeps Iovards Ihe reaIizaIion o! Ihe projecIs. The parlner nelwork delines lhe aclivilies lo be developed, lhe
program or organisalion lhal could provide co-linancing, lhe geographical scope ol lhe parlnership, elc.
The lollowing lisl resumes lhe projecl inilialives. ll you are slill inleresled in parlicipaling in any ol lhe inilialives, please
conlacl Palrick Daude ( or Nicolas Leyva ( lrom lhe Coordinalion
Ollice in Slullgarl. We will be happy lo pul you in conlacl wilh lhe respeclive coordinalor and projecl parlners.

P r o j e c t i n i t i a t i v e s
PDLC-TOURlSM - PedeIec Iourism in recreaIionaI areas o! big urban aggIomeraIions
Preliminary coordinator: ExtraEnergy e.V., Tanna, Germany
Number of interested partners: 14
Countries: Germany, Chile, Portugal, Great Britain, Austria, Slovenia, Brazil, Spain, China, Switzerland and Poland
Main objectives:
- To develop a pilot model for combining public transport from big urban agglomerations to neighbouring
recreational areas with a Pedelec rental system at the public transport station of the tourist destination.
- The pilot model shall serve as guidance for follower institutions in other regions worldwide.
- The intention is to transfer and adapt the model to other realities in order to develop further model concepts for
similar frame conditions but varying local specifities.
8y Pedelec to Work - PromoIion o! heaIIhy and environmenIaIIy !riendIy mobiIiIy !or commuIers
Preliminary coordinator: Yet to be defined. Please contact us if you are interested in coordinating this initiative.
Number of interested partners: 16
Countries: Spain, Brazil, Germany, Chile, Great Britain, Austria, Portugal, China, Switzerland, Netherlands, India
Main objectives:
- To expand the health insurance initiative By Bike to Work by promoting the use of Pedelecs for commuting to
work. As electric bicycles make cycling easier, pedelecs have strong potentials for increasing the use of bicycles in
hilly areas and also by people with health problems.
- The developed pedelec promotion concept for commuters shall be transferred to other countries.
mission's Real Costs - ExIernaI cosIs o! IransporI emissions in urban areas
Preliminary coordinator: IER - Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy, University of Stuttgart,
Number of interested partners: 12
Countries: Germany, Spain, India, Brazil, Great Britain, Argentina, Slovenia, Slovakia, India
Main objective: Assess the environmental costs of airborne transport emissions in selected cities and estimate
benefit/cost ratios of mitigating measures.

Con||nue: on |he nex| page.

1/2009 24

p r o j e c t f o r u m

P r o j e c t i n i t i a t i v e s
TaxiTraining - Training Iaxi drivers !or high quaIiIy service during fIfA WorId Cup 2014
Preliminary coordinator: City of Porto Alegre EPTC, Brazil
Number of interested partners: 5
Countries: Brazil, Germany, Switzerland
Main objective: Special efforts therefore should be made to safeguard a high quality of service on behalf of the taxi
drivers on the one hand side and an improved management of the whole taxi sector on the other hand side.
TRS - Training and EducaIion !or Road 5a!eIy
Preliminary coordinator: TRI - Transport Research Institute, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Number of interested partners: 24
Countries: Great Britain, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Uruguay, Chile, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Switzerland, United
Arab Emirates, Mexico, Portugal, Nigeria, Spain, India
Main objectives:
- Improve the capacity of local authorities to respond adequately to the challenges of road safety in all sectors of
urban transport. Increase local activities of the project partners in the promotion of road safety.
- Boost awareness of local population at project partner locations with regard to road safety and personal
measures to be taken to improve the situation in this field of vital importance.
- Reduce road accidents within the project period by a specific degree to be determined by the participating
project partners.
NMM in Developing cities - PedesIrian and cycIe movemenI in Ihe ciIy o! IanIyre, MaIavi
Preliminary coordinator: City of Blantyre, Malawi
Number of interested partners: 8
Countries: Malawi, India, Ecuador, Great Britain, Brazil, Poland
Main objectives:
- Improve the technical and planning competencies of the technical personnel which is responsible for the
management of the sector of non-motorized mobility in the local authority.
- Improve existing pedestrian and cycle tracks. Provide for more pedestrian and cycle tracts especially for routes
out of the city. Provide security lights to pedestrians to footpaths away from main roads.
8RT-LRT - Comparison and inIegraIion o! us Rapid TransiI and LighI RaiI Train 5ysIems as means o!
e!!icienI urban mass IransporI
Preliminary coordinator: IGIDR - Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, India
Number of interested partners: 28
Countries: India, Great Britain, Mexico, Guatemala, Germany, El Salvador, Brazil, Ukraine, Spain, United Arab
Emirates, Great Britain, Argentina, Portugal, Ecuador, Poland
Main objectives:
- Provide municipalities and transport companies with appropriate information which allows them to make the right
decisions for efficient urban mass transport.
- BRT and LRT systems shall be compared and advice shall be given to cities for choosing the most suitable system
for their specific requirements.
- Successful examples for integrating LRT with BRT systems as feeder lines shall be collected and guidelines for
implementation shall be derived.
SUM - 5usIainabIe MobiIiIy in 5porIs and Leisure
Preliminary coordinator: IVU - Institute for Traffic and Environment, Stuttgart, Germany
Number of interested partners: 24
Countries: Germany, Poland, Italy, Uruguay, Ukraine, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey, Portugal, India, Chile, Great Britain,
Main objective: To lay the foundation for understanding the reasons of the car dominated modal split of mobility
related to leisure and sports and to develop sound strategies and instruments to change this unsustainable pattern.

Con||nue: on |he nex| page.

1/2009 25

p r o j e c t f o r u m

P r o j e c t i n i t i a t i v e s
coSafe8us - InIegraIed pracIicaI and compuIer based Iraining !or ecoIogicaI and sa!e bus driving
Preliminary coordinator: Yet to be defined. Please contact us if you are interested in coordinating this initiative.
Number of interested partners: 34
Countries: Slovakia, Ghana, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Italia, Chile, Greece, Peru, Paraguay, Ukraine, India, Portugal,
Ecuador, Great Britain, Spain, Turkey
Main objectives:
- Develop and implement concepts for standardised bus driver concepts in order to improve the capacity of bus
drivers at different pilot project locations for decreased fuel consumption, high service quality and safety in public
- Train bus drivers within the scope of the project and disseminate the concept and instruments for further use
beyond the project.
Preliminary coordinator: Yet to be defined. Please contact us if you are interested in coordinating this initiative.
Number of interested partners: 7
Countries: Germany, Portugal, Great Britain, Spain, China, Switzerland
Main objective: E-Wheels places its faith in a new concept in mobility powered by electricity, which helps people to
become mobile in an environmentally-friendly way.
GPS-8US - ConsIrucIion o! nev bus sIaIions and impIemenIaIion o! a GP5 sysIem
Preliminary coordinator: City of Timon - DMTRANS, Brazil
Number of interested partners: 7
Countries: Brazil, Nigeria, Ghana, Poland, Turkey, Argentina, India
Main objectives:
- Improve service quality and safety in public transport in order to promote better quality of life to the population
that use public transport by reducing the travel time
- Develop and implement a GPS system that will organize the bus line and minimize the travel time
- Train bus drivers within the scope of the project
lM8lSS - InIer-ModaI ike 5ervice 5IaIions
Preliminary coordinator: Yet to be defined. Please contact us if you are interested in coordinating this initiative.
Number of interested partners: 25
Countries: Brazil, Netherlands, Uruguay, Bulgaria, Mexico, Greece, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Chile, Great Britain,
Argentina, Slovenia, Turkey, India
Main objectives:
Promote the inter-modal use of the environmentally friendly means of transportation bicycle and public transport in
order to replace car trips in urban areas.
Provide social employment opportunities in the form of bike maintenance services at the IMBISS stations for re-
integrating long-term unemployed people into the regular job market.
URO2012 - MobiIiIy ManagemenI CooperaIion ProjecI Io 5upporI Ihe PoIish and Ukrainian EURO 2012
HosI CiIies
Preliminary coordinator: Yet to be defined. Please contact us if you are interested in coordinating this initiative.
Number of interested partners: 10
Countries: Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Italy
Main objectives:
- Promote the exchange of know how in mobility management between German, Austrian/Swiss and
Polish/Ukrainian host cities.
- The aim of the project is to achieve a better understanding of how large scale urban and city events such as the
European Football Championships 2008 and 2012, music festivals or other sport events can be better used in order
to enhance the overall attractiveness and competitiveness of cities and regions.

1/2009 26

p r o j e c t f o r u m

C|||e: |or |ob||||y parlicipales as parlner ol lhe lollowing cooperalion projecls.

R u n n i n g P r o j e c t s
EVARIM - Electric Vehicle Awareness Raising Initiative for Municipalities
Coordinator: energieautark consulting gmbh, Vienna
Project partners: City of Graz, Miskolc Holding Plc., Municipality of Maribor, City of Stuttgart, Municipality of Utrecht,
IBC cycling consultancy, Cosmoroma Cultural Association, ExtraEnergy E.v.
Main objectives:
- To raise the awareness for electric 2-wheelers of final consumers, decision makers and key stakeholders and to
strengthen municipalities as agents of promotion of this environmentally friendly form of mobility.
- To develop concepts for the combined use of light electric vehicles and small home solar power stations. To
stimulate the market for el-2-wheelers.
CO2-NeuTrAlp CO2-Neutral Transport for the Alpine Space
Coordinator: B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Germany
Project partners: AllguNetz, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Padua, Dolomiti Bus Spa, FGM - AMOR, Grazer
Stadtwerke, German Research Center for Envir. Health, Institute of Ecological, Parco Nazionale Cinque Terre,
Provincia di Belluno, Provincia di Brescia, RCL - Development centre Litija, Rhnalpnergie- Environnement,
Universit Bocconi, University of Maribor
Main objectives:
- Find out and implement suitable technologies for CO2-neutral transport (e.g. electric engines, biogas, used and
fresh vegetable oil as bio fuels etc.) in demonstration projects according to the specific availability of renewable
energy resources (e.g. electric power from water, wind, biomass and biogas) in each type of Alpine landscape.
- To develop inter-modal solutions facilitating combined use of local zero-emission transport means and (long-
distance) public transport.
ActiveAccess Promotion of Non-Motorised Forms of Mobility
Coordinator: Edinburgh Napier University
Project partners: Cities for Mobility, University of Nicosia, Szeged Municipality (Hungary), Agenicia Energetica de la
Rivera, Rothfuss Consult
Main objectives:
The project has two main strands, one focusing on access by sustainable modes for travel to nearby facilities, and
the other focusing on increasing walking to improve peoples health. The objectives of these two strands together
are therefore:
- Encourage walking and cycling for short distances for special trip purposes
- Increasing peoples awareness that walking more will improve their health, encouraging them to walk more
- Change attitudes to car reduced lifestyle, save energy and reduce negative impacts on environment and health
Stuttgart-Brazil FIFA World Cup Partnership 2006-2014
Project partners: Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Stuttgart
Main objectives:
- Exchange of experiences between Stuttgart, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and further Brazilian host cities of
Football World Cup 2014 through a close network among transport experts from local and regional administrations,
transport companies, other mobility related firms and universities.
- Transfer of knowledge especially in terms of mobility, infrastructure and security for the modernization and
upgrading of transportation systems in the Brazilian World Cup venues.

1/2009 27

p u b l i c a t i o n s

The publications from the GTZ-SUTP on transport
All publicalions lrom 2008 are lree download on

ahasa Indonesia IransIaIion o!
ModuIe 5e. TransporI and CIimaIe
The module 5e. Transporl and Climale
Change has been lranslaled inlo 8ahasa
lndonesia. The module was originally
wrillen by Holger Dalkmann and Charlolle
8rannigan. ll provides an overview ol lhe
challenges relaled lo climale change and
lransporl, and describes measures lo
miligale lhe impacl ol lransporl on climale
change. Donwload.
Chinese IransIaIion o! ModuIe 5e.
TransporI and CIimaIe Change
Module 5e. Transporl and Climale Change
ol lhe CTZ Sourcebook on Suslainable
Urban Transporl lor Policy-makers has
been lranslaled inlo Chinese by Xiaojia
8ao and Yan Peng ol lhe CAl-Asia China
Projecl Ollice. The module has been
originally wrillen by Holger Dalkmann and
Charlolle 8rannigan. ll provides an
overview ol lhe challenges relaled lo
climale change and lransporl, and
describes measures lo miligale lhe impacl
ol lransporl on climale change. Download.
5panish IransIaIion o! ModuIe 5d. The
CDM in Ihe TransporI 5ecIor
Module 5d ol lhe CTZ sourcebook, lilled
"The CDM in lhe Transporl Seclor" has
been lranslaled lo Spanish. This module
describes lhe ralionale behind lhe Carbon
Developmenl Mechanism (CDM) and how
il could be applied lo lhe lransporl seclor,
while also providing a case sludy ol lhe
UNlCCC approved TransMilenio CDM
melhodology. The module has been
lranslaled lo Spanish by Laura Varano, and
is also lranslaled lo Porluguese and
Chinese. Download.
Overviev on IransporI nevsgroups
and nevsIeIIers
ln limes ol massive inlormalion overllow,
guidance lo inlormalion on besl-praclices,
new reporls, publicalions and as well as
relerences lo olher organisalions and
knowledge pools is needed. CTZ's briel
overview provides a lisl ol various (on-line)
newslellers and discussion-groups in lhe
lransporl seclor lhal may assisl in daily
work. Download.
Overviev on TransporI poIicy and
pIanning documenIs
CTZ compiled an overview on lransporl
policy and planning documenls. The
compilalion aims al assisling praclilioners
and decisions-makers in benchmarking
and developing suslainable policies in lhe
lransporl seclor. Download.
GTZ 5UTP Training AcIiviIies.
ackground DocumenI - 5ummary,
AugusI 2008
This documenl summarises lhe CTZ SUTP
lraining aclivilies. This documenl serves as
an imporlanl resource lor people wanling
lo learn aboul SUTP aclivilies and ils
resource people. The documenl is available
lor download lrom lhe SUTP websile.
Some inlormalion lrom courses. 26
courses held 2005-2008. Training has
laken place in 26 cilies, !6 counlries in 4
conlinenls. !074 lrained parlicipanls.
Average raling ol lraining courses. 70'
classilied as very good (highesl raling).

The GTZ-SUTP aims to help developing world cities achieve their
sustainable transport goals, through the dissemination of information
about international experience and targeted work with particular
cities. For more information please visit:

1/2009 28

p u b l i c a t i o n s

GTZ-5UTP reIeased "CycIing-incIusive PoIicy DeveIopmenI. A Handbook"
CTZ SUTP and lhe lnlerlace lor Cycling
Lxperlise (l-Ce) have joined ellorls in lhe
developmenl ol a lraining documenl
enlilled CycIing-incIusive PoIicy
DeveIopmenI. A Handbook. This
handbook provides delailed inlormalion
on how lo develop cycling-lriendly policies
and lacililies. ll can help you, as a planner,
engineer, communily leader ol advocale lo
enrich your own ideas aboul lhe lulure
lrallic and lransporl syslem where you live
and work. ll has been wrillen by !2
aulhors who are experls in dillerenl lields
ol cycling-inclusive developmenl. The
handbook covers lhe lollowing issues.
lnlroduclion. learning lrom olhers'
successes and lailures
lrom car-based lo people enlered cilies
ldeas lhal shape urban lorm and how
urban lorm shapes us
Celling organized. managing and
implemenling lhe policy making
live main requiremenls lor cycling-
inclusive inlraslruclure
ldenlilying bicycle nelworks lor beller
Design. making choices lhal lil local
Designing lor cycling makes residenlial
and cenlral business dislricl slreels
beller lor all
Designing lor cycling along main roads
and highways
8icycle parking. lools lor success
8uilding a mulli-modal lransporl
syslem. inlegraling cycling and public
Cycling-lriendly regulalions lor
suslainable cilies
Social markeling and cilizens'
parlicipalion. good relalionships build
beller cycling lacililies
Lducalion, awareness building and
Pesearching cycling needs and
The publicalion is also parl ol Suslainable
Urban Mobilily in Asia (SUMA) inilialive, ol

which CTZ and l-CL are parlners. ll
conlains 256 lully illuslraled pages, !9
lables, 33 boxes and 2!4 ligures. SUTP
developed lhe publicalion "Suslainable
Transporl. A Sourcebook lor Policy-makers
in developing cilies" consisling ol more
lhan 26 modules. The sourcebook
addresses lhe key areas ol a suslainable
lransporl policy lramework lor a
developing cily. ll is also complemenled by
a series ol lraining documenls and olher
SUMA works wilh Asian counlries and
cilies lo slrenglhen lhe lormulalion and
implemenlalion ol suslainable urban
lransporlalion policies, specilically in (i)
improving urban air qualily by adopling
AQM planning in suslainable lransporl
policies, (ii) improving road salely by
encouraging non-molorized lransporl, and
(iii) reducing lransporl's conlribulion lo
climale change by adopling a co-benelils
approach wilh urban air qualily

For comments and feedback please contact:
SUTP users can download the documents for free by visiting:

1/2009 29

new members of CfM

From common sense to telematics
How new lechnologies help lo improve mobilily

Lack ol elliciency in mobilily demands
immediale solulions, as well as shorl and
long lerm decisions, nol only lrom lhe
governmenls, bul lrom sociely. There is a
wide range ol allernalives lhal have been
on bolh users and governor's minds. lrom
common sense lo Telemalics. As lhe need
lor mobilily grows, lhe roads seem lo
belillle, lhe movemenl speed gels lower
and lrallic congeslion eslablishes ilsell as
one ol lhe mosl serious problems lor local
governmenls. The resull. lime losses on
lrallic jams, disruplion ol supply chains,
lurbulence on lhe lree llow ol commerce,
idle molors polluling, and reduclion ol
mass produclivily and qualily ol lile.
ln many cilies ol mosl ol developing
counlries il is nol dillicull lo idenlily lhe
habils and cullural praclices ol lheir
people. Normally, public lransporl is used
by lhe majorilies, bul bolh privale and
public lransporl is susceplible ol
improvemenl on immediale basis.
8ogola (Colombia) is a cily ol 8 million
habilanls and a million and a hall vehicles.
Some ol lhe roads are allecled by
imperleclions on lhe pavemenl due lo low
qualily road conslruclion, becoming an
obslacle drivers permanenlly have lo deal
wilh. Drivers (bolh public and privale) lend
lo be aggressive on lhe road lo reach lheir
desliny belore lhe resl, and lo do lhis
everyone applies his own rules. These rules
lead lo blocking ol inlerseclions, excessive
horn usage and olher praclices lhal
incremenl chaos. !4 years ago, lhe
Colombian philosopher and
malhemalician Anlanas Mockus, who was
al lhe lime reclor ol a universily, was
elecled Mayor ol Colombian's capilal.
Mockus implemenled a low cosl
educalional plan lhal laughl cilizens,
drivers and pedeslrians lo valorize
behaviors such as lhe respecl lor lrallic
lighls, alcohol abslinence while driving and
lo lake care and good use ol pedeslrian's
crossroads. Sadly, lhe successlul
promolion ol lhese posilive civic praclices
was nol conlinued by his successors.
8ogola is an example ol whal happens in
mosl cilies in developing counlries in Lalin
America, Asia and Alrica, where
bureaucracy and corruplion are driving lhe
region away lrom globalizalion and
developmenl. ln lhese counlries, common
sense plays an imporlanl role lo help
lackle simple bul big problems in mobilily.
This slalemenl could sound simplislic, bul
lhere is a lrue need lo awaken common
sense in lhe people. lor example. nol lo
block inlerseclions belween lrallic lighls (il
is nol dillicull lo predicl or calculale when
you should nol cross lhe inlerseclion), lo
avoid using lhe horn, nol lo use mobile
phone wilhoul handslree devices, nol lo
obslacle lhe lrallic llow on main roads, or
lo respecl pedeslrians. The only lhing
missing is lhe people's will lo begin
implemenling lhese praclices.
ln lhe book "lhe undercover economisl",
Tim Harlord explains lhe lrallic problems
lrom a modern economisl's poinl ol view.

Edgar Salas
Management VP

1/2009 30

Clearly, perlecl markels make lhe world
more ellicienl, bul where is lhe perlecl
markel il cilies like Washinglon DC,
London, Allanla, Tokyo, Los Angeles and
8angkok are sullering lhe damages ol
lrallic and pollulion? According lo
Harlord's lheory, lhere are some oplions
expecled lo reduce lrallic congeslion lo
some exlenl.
Paise lhe uplronl lee lor driving
Supply beller inlraslruclure such like
lrains, cycle roules and pedeslrian
scrap lhe up-lronl lee and charge
people lor lhe lrips lhey drive
This lasl oplion seemed lo Harlord lo be
lhe one lhal deals wilh lhe cause ol lhe
problem, whal he calls "exlernalily
charge". Despile lhe amounl ol allempls
lo sel up a lair exlernalily charge value,
like, lor example, lhe VLD (Vehicle Lxcise
Duly) in lhe UK or lhe TLV (Taxa de
Licenciamenlo Veicular) in 8razil, lhere has
been a dillicully lo measure and charge,
and like Harlord says. "one day lechnology
will drive us lhere".
So, here comes lhe job ol lechnology. The
evolulion ol |e|ema||c: and ils
developmenl, locused lo improve lile
qualily, has led us lo creale solulions lor
day by day necessilies. Nowadays,
lelemalic syslems are widely used in mosl
developed and some developing counlries.
8y using an eleclronic device inslalled like
a black box inside lhe car, il is possible lo
measure a drivers habils (dislances,
acceleralion or speed), and lherelore il is
easier lo charge road usage or, in lhe case
ol insurance companies, lhe level ol risk a

car is exposed lo. This way, drivers can be
charged in a lilling manner, and al lhe
same lime, lhell risk is considerably
This is especially inleresling in some
specilic markels, lor example lor lhe age
group belween !8-25 years, which
possesses a higher car crash risk. ln some
cases, slandard rales are cul by 40' jusl
by using lhe |AY A5 YOU |||v| syslem,
which charges according lo lhe level ol
risk ol lhe car. The decreasing cosl rellecls
changes on driving habils and awareness.
Al lhe same lime, lhese kinds ol
lechnologies are lhoughl lo replace more
accuralely lhe lolling syslems used loday.
The lield ol lelemalics is rapidly
developing. ln addilion lo inlormalion
qualily collecled by governmenls and
privale enlilies, accurale solulions musl be
lound lo help solve mobilily problems.
Wilh lhe help ol lelemalics and common
sense, improving mobilily is jusl a maller
ol now.

Simple common
sense can
increase life quality
in our cities
according to
individual drivers

1/2009 31

new members of CfM

Sustainable mobility and the low carbon economy
be||eve 5u:|a|nab|e |ob||||y pleads lor decarbon|za||on

Nowadays il is ol general consensus
among economisls, scienlisls and
environmenlalisls around lhe world lhal,
in order lo overcome lhe economic crisis,
lhe world will need lo decarbon|ze ils
economy. DecarbonizaIion viII make
companies more soIid and conscious o!
Iheir sociaI-environmenIaI roIe. There
will be less wasle, grealer inveslmenl in
clean energy, more eco-elliciency and
compeliliveness. Consumers will also be
more aware and allenlive lo lhe
preservalion ol nalural resources and lo a
beller lile in lhe cilies in relalion lo lrallic
and lransil lime belween home and work.
Only wilhin lhe cily ol Sao Paulo, 8razil,
pollulion is responsible lor lhe dealh ol 20
people per day. According lo sludies lrom
lhe Universily ol Sao Paulo, lhose who
suller more are lhe pooresl seclors, who
spend more lime on lhe slreels in search
ol public lransporlalion and who are
exposed lo pollulion caused by lhe
accumulalion ol aulomobiles.
ln an ever more globalized world wilh
inlerconnecled economies, lhe imporlance
ol crealing a good plan ol suslainable
mobilily becomes more evidenl, as well as
lhe imporlance ol reducing CO
and lhe impacl lhey cause on lhe world
economy and lile qualily. Olher imporlanl
issues are lhe reduclion ol dislances and
an increase ol dialog belween public
organs and privale companies relaled lo
lransporl, lrallic and environmenl.
Pecenlly, our company, be||eve 5u:|a|nab|e
|ob||||y, underlook a mapping ol lhe
movemenls ol a large 8razilian company in
order lo eslablish lhe cosls lor luel used
lor lransporl lo meelings, sales and
delivery ol documenls. The resull ol lhe
mapping delermined lhal lhe company
has a cosl ol US$ 20,000 per lon ol CO

emilled, while lhe carbon cerlilicales sold
on lhe slock exchange do nol go beyond
US$ !2 per lon ol CO
. Lvidenlly, lor each
company lhe cosls ol lransporlalion will
be dillerenl, which may represenl a large
parl ol lhe poinl ol balance ol ils producls
and services.
To modily lhe cullure ol congeslion in lhe
cilies, il will be necessary lor companies lo
reporl on lheir emissions according lo lhe
movemenl ol lheir workers, as well as lo
lhe emissions in relerence lo lhe process
ol dislribulion ol merchandise.
The |e|horAr Projecl (acronym ol lhe
Porluguese words "improvemenl" and
"beller air") on suslainable mobilily was
developed in 8razil as an allernalive lor
mapping lhe mobilily ol a company,
diagnosing lhe problems, suggesling
aclions lor decreasing lhe cosl on luels
and moniloring lhe emissions ol pollulanl
gases. Companies can map lhese
movemenls wilh research lools, analyze
lhe movemenl ol lheir employees and
suggesl allernalive lorms ol movemenl lo
decrease lhe negalive impacls on lhe
environmenl. ln addilion, lhe projecl
developed a syslem ol managemenl ol
mobilily and ol moniloring ol mobilily
indicalors, such as conlrol ol emissions ol
polluling gases (CO
, NOx and Sox) by lhe
CHC Prolocol melhodology, lime ol
movemenl ol employees, adoplion ol
allernalive lransporlalion programs and
lhe use ol cleaner luels.
ln praclice, lhis means knowing how each
worker ellecls his movemenl and
proposing allernalives lor reduclion ol

Lincoln Paiva
Believe Sustainable
Chart 1:
Forms of
transportation in
So Paulo

1/2009 32

kilomelers lraveled and lime ol movemenl.
To have an idea ol lhe mobilily plan, lel's
see lhe mapping ol lhe movemenls
realized by be||eve 5u:|a|nab|e |ob||||y.
The organizalion is silualed in lhe cily ol
Sao Paulo, one ol lhe densesl populalion
regions ol lhe world, wilh around 6 million
vehicles regislered only in lhe melropolilan
area. The cily ol Sao Paulo has around !3
million inhabilanls and around one
aulomobile per person. Public lransporl is
delicienl, allhough lhe region has
excellenl lransporl access via public bus,
lrain and subway. ln rush hours, lhe cily
has around 3 hours ol sluggishness.
The lollowing ligures describe lhe mobilily
silualion in Sao Paulo.
60' ol workers live in a radius ol
belween 5 and !0 km dislance lrom
30' ol lhe people who have cars have
coinciding ilineraries (parlicipalion in
carpool possible)
60' ol lhe people who use lhe ride
syslem have cars
40' are users ol public lransporl
70' ol lhose who have cars are nol
able lo parlicipale in lhe ride program
Ol lhese, 80' need lhe car al work
hours (lhey work wilh lhe car)
20' need lhe car lo pick up children
al school and lo work
7' ol lhe lolal use laxis every day
30' ol lhe people lhal have a car have
reimbursemenl lor luel
ln order lo ameliorale mobilily in lhe cily,
lhe lollowing aclions can be laken.
reduclion ol lhe lime ol movemenl ol
people lhal do nol possess lheir own
vehicles, developmenl ol roules, mixing
lhem wilh rides and giving priorily lo
subway and lrain, reduclion ol exposure lo
pollulion in lhe slreels and consequenlly
increasing lile expeclancy and heallh.
There is a perceplible evolulion in
decreasing lransporlalion lime.
Carbon emissions invenIory.
Tolal emissions lhrough movemenl ol
Vehicles (lo and lrom work) = 26
Tolal movemenl lor produclion ol
services ol lhe company = !44 l/y
Tolal emissions ol movemenl ol
airplanes = 7.2 lons
Tolal general emissions = !77.!2 l/y

Peduclion lhrough mobilily program =
!4' ol carbon emissions/year
The company had a Peduclion ol !0'
in luel expenses in movemenl lor
produclion ol services.
The goal is lo arrive al a 24' reduclion
ol CO
lhis year and decrease expenses
lor laxis and luels by 25'
luel savings per person/year (belween
home and work) varied belween 30'
and 50'
Aller mapping mobilily in Sao Paulo, we
discovered lhal we could decrease by !0'
lhe quanlily ol kilomelers lraveled in a
monlh on unnecessary lrips, by !5', lhe
cosls on luel al limes ol sloppage, by
!0', lhe cosls on laxis. Moreover, we
could increase lhe number ol openings in
parking areas.
Addilionally, we developed a syslem lor
moniloring movemenls, crealed carpool
projecls, llexible hours lor workers, home
ollice and planning ol movemenl, and
giving priorily lo limes wilh less lrallic.
Our expense on lransporlalion cosls
decreased by 25'.
ll is necessary lor governmenls lo creale
laws and incenlives so lhal companies may
develop ellicienl mobilily plans, reducing
lhe lime ol movemenl wilhin lhe cily,
conlribuling lo reduclion ol pollulion and
increasing people's lile expeclancy.

Chart 2:
Transportation time
in So Paulo
For more information on Believe Sustainability please contact:
Lincoln Paiva - Director
Believe Sustainability
Rua Diogo Moreira, 132 - Brazil
Phone: 5511 3030 1700

1/2009 33

new members of CfM

Global engineering for urban mobility
Ciovanni 8allisla lurlan explains lhe approaches ol N|1 |ng|neer|ng lo
lhe complex demands ol urban mobilily

N|1 |ng|neer|ng is a solid independenl
aulhorilalive company which can compele
as a leader in lhe inlernalional markels.
Mr Giovanni aIIisIa furIan, PresidenI
o! NT ngineering SpA, has no doubls.
lhe company lhal he lounded a lillle more
lhan lhirly years ago is now a solid
relerence in lhe lield ol civil engineering
and inlraslruclure. N|1 |ng|neer|ng is now
among lhe lirsl independenl engineering
privale companies in llaly.
During ils aclivily, lhe winning approach
known as "Syslem engineering" has been
developed and improved by lhe company.
Thanks lo lhis melhodology each projecl is
never an end in ilsell, bul an elemenl lo
be considered in a specilic lerrilorial,
environmenlal and lransporlalion conlexl.
Is iI so, Mr furIan?
Yes, il is. Our approach slarls lrom a
rigorous analysis ol lhe exisling silualion
up lo lhe simulalion and lechnical
verilicalion ol lhe projecls lhrough lhe
lormulalion ol allernalive scenarios lor
inlervenlions. Consequenlly, we discuss
lhe delinilion ol needs, we evaluale
allernalives and lhen we choose and
implemenl inlervenlions. We are lherelore
able lo oller lo our clienls comprehensive
solulions and lurn-key projecls.

Which vere Ihe experiences IhaI
parIicuIarIy deaI viIh Ihis
Our experlise in lhis lield is now lhirly
years old. lrom lhe sludy and design ol rail
syslems, lo inlervenlions on highways and
urban roads. Among lhe main projecls
designed by N|1 |ng|neer|ng in llaly, l
highlighl lhe melropolilan rail syslems in
lhe Venelo and Campania Pegions, lhe
railway junclion in Turin, lhe orbilal
molorway in Padua, lhe lram syslem in
Padua and in Venice, lhe Tessera-Murano-
Arsenale sub-lagoonal conneclion, lhe
molorway junclion in Laslern Padua, and
recenlly lhe complelion ol Palermo railway
link and lhe new cable-slayed bridge lor
lhe Norlh-Soulh road axis in 8ari.

l would like lo menlion some projecls we
developed abroad, such as our sludies lor
lhe exlension ol lhe Solia subway and lhe
subway syslem in Hyderabad (lndia), and
also lhe recenl award ol lhe lender lor lhe
rehabililalion ol lhe Pousse-Varna railway
line in 8ulgaria.
Therelore, lhis approach sounds
parlicularly uselul and elleclive in complex
silualions ol urban mobilily... l would
ralher say lhal our experience has laughl
us how syslem engineering is essenlial in
addressing and resolving lhe complex road
nelworks and lransporl inlervenlions
associaled wilh urban lranslormalion and
requalilicalion. lor example, llalian cilies

1/2009 34

are serious lesls lor prolessional
requalilicalon inlervenlions linked lo lhe
demands ol mobilily and accessibilily, due
lo lheir numerous urban and arlislic
conslrainls in hislorical cily cenlres. ln
addilion, NLT has a Division ol Pesearch
and Developmenl (PSV) in lhe lransporl
and mobilily seclors.
Which are Ihe Iasks o! Ihe R&D
PSV is specialized in managemenl and
lechnical coordinalion ol new Luropean
projecls lhal aim al researching lransporl
developmenl and solulions on lhe culling
edge, making experiences spread and
making projecl resulls, evalualion and
dralling ol policy recommendalions
Among lhe several projecls in which N|1 is
currenlly involved in lhe lransporl, mobilily
and energy seclors, l would like lo
menlion lhe b|o:|re |rogram (lnlelligenl
Lnergy-Lurope-lLLA), aboul lhe use ol
bioluels lor local public lransporl in areas
ol high impacl lourisl visilalion, lhe
5nowba|| |rogram (lnlelligenl Lnergy-
Lurope lLLA), lor lhe crealion or
rehabililalion ol urban areas and ol urban
main roads in accordance wilh lhe
principles ol suslainabilily, liveabilily,
accessibilily, securily and economic
leasibilily, and lhe 5ugar |rogram (lnlerreg
lVC), which aims lo develop a syslem ol
urban suslainable lreighl lransporl
lhrough lhe adoplion ol local and regional
guidelines lo promole lhe polenlialilies
and lhe exchange ol good praclice and
experiences belween lhe cilies involved.
Which cIienIs do you conIacI?
Our company's aclivilies widely range in
any lield ol engineering, lherelore, we can
parlner wilh bolh privale companies and
public aulhorilies (governmenl, nalional
companies, regions, provinces,
municipalilies ...).
RecenIIy, Ihe resuIIs o! NT
ngineering meI viIh Ihe inIeresI o!
presIigious companies such as Ihe
GeneraIi Group.
The parlicipalion ol A::|curaz|on| Cenera||
in eslablishing N|1 |ng|neer|ng
|n|erna||ona| and sharing wilh N|1 a
developmenl projecl, showed lhe Croup's
inleresl in invesling in lhe inlraslruclure
markel and expressing also conlidence in
our company. A synergy in invesling in
inlraslruclures has been crealed.
inlraslruclures are a slralegic and decisive
seclor which helps lo overcome lhe
currenl serious inlernalional economic
Which sIraIegy has NET InIernaIionaI
Our slralegy is lhe nalural physiological
response lo lhe Luropean expansion
lowards Lasl and lo lhe markel
globalizalion. Today N|1 |ng|neer|ng
|n|erna||ona| heads a group wilh a lolal
lurnover ol aboul LUP 46 million and a
slall lhal exceeds 400 lull-lime unils,
including lhe llalian companies NLT
Lngineering SpA, Sislra 2000 srl, lhe
Cerman Spiekermann AC, lhe 8ulgarian
NLT Lngineering LOOD and lhe lndian NLT
Lngineering PVT LTD. All lhe companies
are able lo develop elleclive synergies in
lhe lransporl inlraslruclure, planning and
lransporl syslems, planning and
managemenl, developmenl ol railways,
urban lransporl, melro syslems, design ol
roads and highways, conslruclion ol
lunnels, bridges and complex slruclural
works, including conslruclions in a
submarine environmenl and environmenlal
miligalion large scale projecls. The
Cerman company, lor example, has
implemenled several lighl rail projecls (in
Oberhausen, Dusseldorl, Slullgarl in
Cermany, Tabriz and Karaj in lran lhe
laller projecl has jusl been awarded lo
Are Ihere oIher areas IhaI NET
InIernaIionaI pIans Io deveIop?
Cerlainly, lhe one involving social and
specialisl building induslry (such as
schools, hospilals, universilies, governmenl
ollices), in which we can pass and use our
experience in projecl managemenl and in
projecl linancing.
Mr furIan, hov do you envisage Ihe
!uIure o! NET?
An engineering Croup ol companies
capable ol becoming a global player in lhe
Luropean markel and worldwide.

For more information
on Net Engineering,
please contact:

arch. Araseli Acosta
Net Engineering s.p.a
Via Parigi 11 - 00185 -
Rome - Italy
Tel (++39) 06 48906379
Fax (++39) 06 48916504
President of NET
Ing. Giovanni
Batistta Furlan

1/2009 35

new members of CfM

The lollowing organizalions and companies have joined lhe Nelwork C|||e: |or |ob||||y since December 2008.

Nr. City / Organisation Country Website
1 Sindh Human Welfare Organization (SHWO) Pakistan
2 Tel-Aviv Yafo Municipality Israel
3 NET Engineering S.p.A. Italy
4 Innovation Point S.A. Portugal
5 Nexus Institut GmbH Germany
6 Cmara Municipal de vora Portugal
Universitt Trier, Abt. Raumentwicklung und
Landesplanung Germany
8 Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Paran Brazil
9 Embassi AG Switzerland
10 Foresight Generation Club Ghana
11 Greater Amman Municipality Jordan
12 AZ Logica Ltda. Colombia
13 Kathmandu Metropolitan City Nepal
14 Fongo-Tongo City Cameroon
15 Grupo de Estudios y Alternativas 21, S.L. Spain
16 Ramallah Municipality Palestine
17 Centre for Cycling Expertise Ghana
18 International Road Federation - gTKP Switzerland
19 Urban Mass Transit Company Limited India
20 Prefeitura Municipal de Aparecida Brazil
21 American Public Transportation Association (APTA) USA
22 City of Bonaberi Cameroon
Comisso de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Cmara dos
Deputados Brazil
24 Stadtverwaltung Ludwigsburg Germany
25 Global Development Research Center (GDRC) Japan
26 Universidad de Ciego de Avila Cuba
27 City of Rey-Bouba Cameroon
28 ili Municipality Turkey
European Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell
Electric Road Vehicles Belgium
30 Pontos Interligados Tecnologia e Comunicao Ltda. Brazil
31 Institute of Transportation Engineering Tsinghua University China

1/2009 36

e v e n t s

24th World Electric Vehicle Symposium
lo !6
ol May 2009 in Slavanger, Norway

Years ol work lo design 24lh World
Lleclric vehicle Symposium - LVS 24 has
come lo an end and is crowned wilh greal
success and we are ready lo celebrale 40
years ol LVS and 20 years ol lhe World
Lleclric Vehicle Associalion.
We are on lhe way lowards !000
regislered parlicipanls lrom 45 nalions.
Over 300 persons will allend lhe Anchor
Day Summil "Cily Challenges, lo achieve
beller places lo live, work and lravel",
workshops and lulorials. There will be an
"L-Visionary" cily award.
The conlerence will deliver 350
presenlalions. Awards lor lhe besl oral
and dialogue session papers will be
handed over.
The exhibilion covers over 5000 m2 and
consisls ol !00 repulable companies lrom
close lo 40 nalions spread over 70 boolhs,
covering all lechnologies, lrom lull eleclric
and plug in hybrid lo hydrogen.
The LVS Viking Pally is on wilh 20 cars on
lhe 570 km Hydrogen Poad lrom Oslo lo
Slavanger plus 7 joining in lhe Lleclric
The linancial crisis lhal caused olher
evenls lo close has cerlainly also had an
impacl on our evenl, bul lhe lacls show
lhal il is a very successlul LVS. This could
be laken as a prool lhal companies,
inslilulions and individuals are carrying on
designing lor and planning The lulure
regardless ol lemporary linancial lurmoil.
Now please join us lor LVS 24 in a spring
dressed Norway, in lhe counly ol
Pogaland, in lhe cily ol Slavanger.

For more information please visit:
or contact:
Robert Stussi
Conference Chairman
President of the World Electric Vehicle Association
Harald N. Rstvik
Chairman International Steering Committee and
EVS24 Stavanger Organizing Committee

1/2009 37

e v e n t s

mobil.TUM 2009
lnlernalional Scienlilic Conlerence on Mobilily and Transporl

The global populalion is growing
exponenlially, more lhan hall lhe worlds'
people live in larger cilies, melropolilan
regions and megacilies. On lhe one hand,
well lunclioning lransporlalion syslems are
vilal lo ensure a high qualily ol individual
mobilily as well as lo provide an ellicienl
backbone lor lhe regional economy. On
lhe olher hand, increasing lransporl
negalively allecls lhe environmenl.
lnlelligenl Transporl Syslems (lTS) oller a
wide range ol oplions lo cope wilh lhese
challenges and lo provide environmenlally
suslainable mobilily in larger cilies.
This year's inIernaIionaI scienIi!ic
con!erence mobiI.TUM 2009 - IT5 !or
Larger CiIies locuses on lhe dialogue
belween research on, and applicalions ol
lhis imporlanl and mulli-laceled lield ol
lrallic engineering. Slale-ol-lhe-arl
research lindings, lalesl surveys, producl
innovalions, exemplary solulions, and
inlernalional up-lo-dale approaches
concerning lhe lollowing lopics will be
presenled and discussed in eighl lopic
specilic sessions, a posler session and an
inlernalional panel discussion.
Transporl and Lnvironmenl
Modelling and Simulalion
Trallic Signalling and Conlrol
Cooperalive Syslems
Public Transporl
The conlerence mobil.TUM 2009 ollers a
plallorm lo discuss lhese lascinaling issues
wilh renowned experls lrom around lhe
world in Munich on 12Ih and 13Ih May,

For further information please visit:
Or contact:
Anna Scharnagl
Tel. +49 89 289 22438

1/2009 38

e v e n t s

The street belongs to all of us
A lravelling exhibilion ol lhe |n:|||u| pour |a v|||e en |ouvemen|

Aller lraveling around lhe world, wilh a lasl slop in 8ogola, lhe exhibilion ol lhe |n:|||u| pour |a v|||e en |ouvemen|
"La rue esI a nous - The sIreeI beIongs Io aII o! us" will arrive in Pio de Janeiro and will be on display lrom 22
April lo !4 June 2009. Themes ol lhe main exhibilion al lhe Cenlro Cullural da Juslia lederal will be echoed by
showings ol pholos, graphic design pieces, videos, live ouldoor perlormances, a lilm cycle, improve games lor kids,
walks dedicaled lo exploring and explaining lhe cily ol Pio, public debales and a scienlilic lorum enlilled "lour days lor
lhe slreels ol Pio".

For more information on the exhibition, please visit:
or the website of the Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement:

1/2009 39

e v e n t s

The following events in the field of mobility will take place worldwide in the following months:

12-15 May 2009 Brussels, Belgium: Velo-City -
13-15 May 2009 Donostia, Spain: 13
ECOMM European conference on Mobility
Management -
12-13 May 2009 Munich, Germany: mobil-TUM - ITS for larger cities
13-16 May 2009 Stavanger, Norway: EVS 24 - Electric Vehicle Symposium -
Towards Zero Emission -
26-29 May 2009 Leipzig, Germany: International Transport Forum 2009
2-5 June 2009 Lisbon, Portugal: IRF World Road Meeting -
3-5 June 2009 Berlin, Germany: Conference IMPACTS Europe -
7-11 June 2009 Vienna, Austria: 58
UITP World Congress -
14-16 June 2009 Stuttgart, Germany: Cities for Mobility World Congress 2009
22-24 June 2009 Bologna, Italy: Urban Transport 2009 -
24-26 June 2009 Paris, France: CSUTE 2009: "International Conference on Sustainable
Urban Transport and Environment" -
3 July 2009 Brussels, Belgium: SPUTNIC - Strategies for Public Transport in Cities
24-26 August 2009 Riga, Latvia: 27th International Baltic Road Conference -
17-18 September 2009 Pardubice, Czech Republic: 5th International Scientific Conference
"Theoretical and Practical Issues in Transport" -
3-6 May 2009 Seattle, USA: Bus Rapid Transit Conference -
31 May - 3 June 2009

Atlanta, USA: 12th International Conference on Automated People
Movers -
3-5 June 2009 Sao Paulo, Brazil: Busworld Brazil -
30 June - 2 July 2009

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: 6th International Conference on City Logistics
22-23 Sept 2009 Bogot, Colombia: III Seminario Internacional Movilidad y Ciudad -
Retos e innovaciones del siglo XXI -
7-9 October 2009 New York, USA: 10th International Conference on Walking and Liveable
Communities 2009 -
25-27 August 2009 New Delhi, India: MetroRail Asia -
11-14 October 2009 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Urban Transport World Saudi Arabia 2009
19-22 October 2009 Subaraya, Indonesia: 8th EASTS CONFERENCE "Enhancing
Transportation Infrastructure and Services in Rapid Regional Growth "
26-28 October 2009 Singapore: 2nd World Roads Conference -
19 - 22 May 2009 Johannesburg, South Africa: Africa Roads 2009
6-9 July 2009 Pretoria, South Africa: Southern African Transport Conference

1/2009 40

h u m o r

Animals on the way. Watch out !!!

1/2009 41

i m p r i n t


Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart (Public Corporation)
Koordinationsbro Cities for Mobility

Marktplatz (M) 1
D-70173 Stuttgart, Germany

Postal address:
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Stabsstelle des Oberbrgermeisters
Koordinationsbro Cities for Mobility
D-70173 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 216-8501
Fax +49 711 216-6105
E-mail address:

Editorial staff:
Nicolas Leyva, Wolfgang Forderer, Patrick Daude, Jitlada Bender

Written contributions
Armin Wagner (GTZ-SUTP), GRSP, Giselle Xavier, Luis Prez Carrillo, Ente del Transporte de Rosario,
Mnica Alvarado, Mariana Monge, Javier Cantarella, Reinhard Harno, Rainer Rothfuss, Edgar Salas,
Lincoln Paiva, Araseli Acosta, NET Engineering, Technische Universitt Mnchen, EVS 24

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As a matter off principle, images, photos or graphics used in this document by Landeshauptstadt
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Photo credits
All photographs belong to the City of Stuttgart or have been kindly contributed by the following
GTZ-SUTP, Wolfgang Forderer, GRSP, Giselle Xavier, Andr Geraldo Soares, Nicols Leyva, Wolfgang
Forderer, Luis Prez Carrillo, Direccin de Planeacin del Metro de Medelln, Ente del Transporte de
Rosario, Reinhard Harno, Rainer Rothfuss, CO2NeuTrAlp, the Central Europe Porgramme, AZLogica,
Lincoln Paiva, Believe Sustainable Mobility, NET Engineering, EVS 24, Technische Universitt Mnchen
(mobil.TUM), Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement (La rue est a nous)
Cover photo: Metrocable Medelln, Nicols Leyva

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