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WEEK THEMES/ TOPICS LEVEL Lan"ua"! #o$ Int!$p!$ onal U ! Int$oductio n o# S%lla&u 1 P!opl! Good Times Together (Topic 1) 2 /S Talk about one s !amil" L Talk about ho# "ou spent "our holida"s %ead poems )ontractions )onsonants +l+ and +r+ Words to describe people and things TS Thinking skills , e'aluating VC -alues . citi/enship Words related to descriptions o! holida"s LANGUAGE SKILLS Lan"ua"! #o$ In#o$mational U ! Lan"ua"! #o$ A! th!tic U ! G$amma$ LANGUAGE CONTENT Sound S% t!m Voca&ula$% Educational Empha !

/S Talk about ho# "ou spent "our holida"s

+ %ead and locate in!ormation on ho# students spent their holida"s W Write a description & !amil" and !riends W Write descriptions o! places and people

%ead introductions to stories

*#h #ords& to ask $uestions

3 Literature: What is a Poem ? '(I Wond!$) &% *!anni! Ki$&% P!opl! 3obs People 4o (Topic 2) 1 L/S Listen to descriptions o! places and ans#er $uestions

Talk about e'ents in te(ts similar to those e(perienced in "our li!e

0"nopsis1 2nal"sis o! the poem Point o! -ie#

/S Talk about 5obs people do

+ %ead and locate in!ormation about 5obs

%ead a poem

Positi'e and negati'e sentences

)onsonant +'+ and +#+

Words beginning #ith +'+ and +#+

LHTL Learning ho# to learn skills , gathering in!ormation $uickl"6 MI 7ultiple intelligences , )reate a poster

/S Talk about and describe occupations L/S Listen to a 5ob description and complete a $uestionnaire

+ %ead a dialogue about a 5ob + Pla" a language game W Write a description o! a 5ob

%ead about the people1 places and e'ents in a stor"

)ollecti'e nouns

Words related to certain 5obs Words related to certain 5obs

Literature: '(I Wond!$) &% *!anni! Ki$&%

/S )onduct an inter'ie# to gather in!ormation on occupation

Themes 7oral 'alues 0etting

P!opl! and En,i$onm!n t )hanging 0cenes (Topic 3)

/S Talk about "our to#n or 'illage

+ %ead and opinions and supporting points

%ead poems

2d5ecti'es o! comparison: )omparati'e s 0uperlati'es

)onsonants +s+ and +/+

Words related to to#ns and 'illages(en'iro nment)

VC -alues and citi/enship

/S 2sk $uestions politel" to get in!ormation L Listen to descriptions o! homes and complete a table /S 2sk $uestions politel" based on a chart /S Talk about "our home /S )onduct an inter'ie# to gather in!ormation

W Write opinions and supporting points R %ead and locate in!ormation in 'erses

4escribe characters based on ho# other characters respond to them

3 + %ead articles in ne#spapers and maga/ines relating to "our to#n+'illage

KA 9no#ledge ac$uisition , using the internet1 ne#spapers1 maga/ines and telephone directories to gather in!ormation

Literature: '(I Wond!$) &% *!anni! Ki$&%

L/S 8n!ormation $ui/

Themes1 7oral -alues Point o! -ie# Tone .


En,i$onm!n t and P!opl! )it" :(tra (Topic ;)

/S Talk about li!e in cit"

+ %ead and locate in!ormation in a te(t

0imple Present Tense& to sho# truth+!act + %ead scenes in stories to identi!" se$uence o! e'ents

-o#els +e+1 +ae+1 +< +and +u:+

Words related to cit" li!e and en'ironment

/S Gi'e opinions about li'ing in a cit" L/S Listen to a ne#spaper report

+ %ead a passage to identi!" problems and solutions W Write opinions on problems related to cro#ded cities + %ead ne#spaper and maga/ine articles + 4ra# tables1 charts to present in!ormation

)on5unctions , and1 but6 so1 because

Words related to problems in the cit"

P+W Preparation !or the %eal World , The generation gap in 3= "ears time MI 7ultiple 8ntelligences , %ole&pla"

Literature: *H!i$ Conditionin ") &% MSHANmu"a lin"am

0"nopsis1 2nal"sis o! the poem Point o! -ie#

P!opl! and Social I u! The -alue o! >riendship (Topic ?)

/S Talk about "our !eelings in 'arious situation + %ead dialogue

+ 4ictionar" #ork

2d'erbs& #here1 #hen

-o#els &+u+1 +u:+ &+8+1 +8:+

Words related to $ualities in a person

TS Thinking skills , Problem sol'ing

L/S Listen to a radio announcement

W Write do#n main idea and supporting details !ound in paragraphs W Write a letter

+ %ecite a poem on !riendship %etell e'ents in

0imple Past Tense

L/S 0ing a song about !riendship Literature: *H!i$ Conditionin ") &% MSHANmu"a lin"am

describing a holida"

stories in "our o#n #ords

Themes1 7oral -alues

P!opl! and Social I u! 4a" 8n 4a" @ut (Topic A)

/S Talk about dail" routines /S 2sk $uestions politel" to get in!ormation L Listen to a poem and !ill in the blanks 2 L/S Listen to a te(t on a timetable Prepare an itinerar" !or a trip

+ %ead an itinerar" and locate in!ormation

+ %ead a poem + read scenes !rom stories

0imple Present Tense& habitual actions

-o#els +B:+ and +<+

Words related to dail" routines Words used in an itinerar"

W Write sentences about dail" routines W Write an article !or a school maga/ine 2ct out scenes !rom stories

0e$uences connectors

Words related to de'ices used !or measuring time

ICT 8)T skills& Gathering in!ormation !rom the internet TS Thinking skills , Problem sol'ing P+W Preparation !or the %eal World , >acing challenges Tone . 7ood 0tructure 0t"le Point @! -ie#

Literature: *H!i$ Conditionin ") &% MSHANmu"a lin"am

P!opl! and Social I u! Precious 7oments (Topic C)

/S Talk about ho# to spend time #isel" /S Talk about dail" routines

7odal 'erbs &can1 cannot

Past Tense !orms +d+ and +t+

Words related to using time #isel"

2rticles + %ead and locate in!ormation in a

2 L Listen to situations and

match them to the pictures 3

dialogue bet#een a students and a counselor W Write a *To do list %ead and describe characters in a stories &8ntroduction &2uthor &0"nopsis

7ake a poster Literature: What is 0hort 0tor"? (On! I On! and All Alon!) &% Nichola .i / H!alth and P!opl! 2 Dealthier Eou (Topic F) 1 /S Talk about a health" li!est"le G; /S Talk about routines /S 2sk and ans#er $uestions politel" L/S Gi'e directions based on a map 3 L Listen to a dialogue and identi!" ke" ideas Literature: (On! I On! and All Alon!) &% Nichola .i / L Listen to a te(t and match home remedies #ith common health problems + 4ictionar" #ork& matching problems #ith pictures stimuli + %ead and locate in!ormation gi'en in a table W Write a dialogue gi'ing ad'ice

Prepositions o! Time Prepositions o! 4irections

Past Tense !orms *ed +d+ and *ed +t+

Words related to a health" li!est"le

Predict outcomes based on a situation gi'en

)haracters )haracteri/a tion &ma5or &minor &non&human

H!alth and Social I u! Dealth is Wealth (Topic G)

/S Talk about health+en'ironment al issues /S Talk about health+en'ironment al problems L Listen to complaints and identi!" problems L+0 0uggest solutions !or problems + %ead and locate in!ormation in letters % 8denti!" causes and e!!ects o! problems

%ead a poem #ith correct pronunciation

7odal -erbs ,must1 musn t Plural Houns

Plural !orms +s+ and +/+

Words related to health issues

2 3

Talk about characters in a stor"

Words !ound in letters to the editor

Literature: (On! I On! and All Alon!) &% Nichola .i /

Plot1 0etting1

P!opl! and Social I u! Wise )hoices (Topic 1=)

/S Talk about ad'ertisements and products /S talk about choosing a gi!t L/S %ecount orall" an e'ent that has taken place /S Talk about the ad'antages o! ad'ertisements L Listen and se$uence a stor" /S 2gree and disagree politel" L Listen to a stor" and gi'e a recount o! it orall" L/S >ind out more about shoppers and shopping , a $uestionnaire

+ %earrange sentences to !orm a dialogue

*0ome and *2n" Preposition o! measure

Plural !orms +s+ and +/+

Words related to labels

+ %ead and locate in!ormation !rom a te(t

MI 7ultiple 8ntelligences

W Write a dialogue

7ake simple predictions as to #hat #ill happen ne(t Themes1 7oral -alues Point o! -ie#

Literature: (On! I On! and All Alon!) &% Nichola .i / P!opl! and Social I u! Looking 2head (Topic 11) 1 /S Talk about "our dreams1 hopes and ambitions /S Talk about $ualities needed to achie'e success L/S 2sk $uestions politel" to get in!ormation L Listen to a stor" and ans#er $uestions 3 /S %etell a stor" + %ead a dialogue on dreams1 hopes and ambitions Talk about ho# characters in a stor" achie'ed their goals The apostrophe >uture Time using *#ill Plural >orms +i/+1 +'/+ and +ai/ Words related to ambitions

+ %ead and locate in!ormation in an inter'ie# W Write a letter to a !riend about "our hopes1 dreams and ambitions

P+W Preparation !or the %eal World , 9no#ing ho# to pre'ent !loods ICT 8)T 0kills&Ising the internet to gather in!ormation

Literature: What is 4rama?

W Write a success stor"

8ntroduction :lements o! 4rama 0"nopsis

Sci!nc! and T!chnolo"% Waste Hot1 Want Hot (Topic 12)

+ %ead comments on reusing and disposing o! #aste /S Talk about reusing and disposing o! #aste L/S Listen to a description o! a rec"cling process and ans#er $uestions L/S Gather ideas on rec"cling /S Talk about disposing o! #aste that cannot be rec"cled + %ead and locate in!ormation in a passage on rec"cling

+ %ead about ho# people o! di!!erent backgrounds li'e together /S talk about li'ing together in harmon"

0ub5ect&-erb agreement

4iphthongs +au+

W Write a )omposition on rec"cling

P+W Preparation !or the %eal World , kno#ing more about 'olcanoes ICT 8)T 0kills&Ising the internet to gather in!ormation on 'olcanoes MI 7ultiple intelligences , )reating a poster

Literature: 4rama : (+umpl! til /in) &% An"!la Lan%on Sci!nc! and T!chnolo"% Garden Treasures (Topic 13) 1 /S Talk about !lo#ers /S talk about gardening % %ead and en5o" a poem /S talk about $ualities o! characters in stories + %ead and locate in!ormation in a poem /S 4escribe people in a stor" 8mperati'es *#h #ords , to ask $uestions 4iphthongs Words related to a poem Words related to gardens

&8ntroduction &0"nopsis &)haracters

2 L Listen to clues and identi!" items in a picture

7ake cards and pictures using dried !lo#ers and lea'es 3 L/S >ind out medicinal 'alues o! !lo#ers and lea'es + %ead a description o! a hobb" W Write a composition about gardening as a hobb" LHTL Learning Do# to Learn 0kills , Ising the enc"clopedia to look !or more in!ormation6 KA 9no#ledge 2c$uisition )haracters and )haracteri/a tion

Literature: 4rama : (+umpl! til /in) &% An"!la Lan%on

Sci!nc! and T!chnolo"% 0a'e our 3ungles (Topic 1;)

/S Talk about #hat happens #hen trees in 5ungle are cut do#n + %ead and locate in!ormation on The 8mportance o! Hational Parks

The >uture Time , going to

0tress in compound #ords

Words related to %a!!lesia Words related to catchments areas Words related to trees

MI 7ultiple 8ntelligences , )reating a poster KA 9no#ledge 2c$uisition J Gather 8n!ormation on the importance o! national parks

2 /S Talk about #hat can be done to sa'e our 5ungles L/S Listen to te(ts on the %a!!lesia and the pitcher plant and ans#er $uestions

0imple and compound sentences

W Write a composition on The

Talk about character s

Literature: 4rama : (+umpl! til /in) &% An"!la Lan%on

8mportance o! Hational Parks

e(periences Themes 7oral -alues

Sci!nc! and T!chnolo"% 2 Peep 8nto the >uture (Topic 1?)

/S Talk about li!e in the !uture& robots doing #ork /S Talk about li!e in the !uture , based on situations

+ %ead and locate in!ormation in a stor"

7odal 'erbs , ma"1 might 2d'erbs o! 7anner

0tresses in t#o and three s"llable #ords

Words related to a stor" Words related to the !uture

ICT 8)T 0kills& )hecking se'eral Web sites

/S Listen to a te(t and se$uence pictures L/S Talk about negati'e and positi'e changes in the !uture L/S 4esign a !uturistic home

W Write responses to pictures stimuli

W Write a stor" set in the !uture

Literature: 4rama : (+umpl! til /in) &% An"!la Lan%on

L/S 4esign a !uturistic car

Plot+:'ents1 0etting



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