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This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields.

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The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

About Me
Im Paul Ong, the Author of The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self eBook. Firstly congratulations for downloading this eBook and welcome to 5 Life Principles family. I truly believe if follow your ideal self blueprint you will we be amazed at what you have achieved by the end. Now, you may be wondering what makes these 5 principles so powerful compared to all the other self-help guides on the market? In order to answer that let me explain a bit about my background and how Ive used the 5 Life Principles I was born into a family of ethnic Chinese refugees who escaped Vietnam (after the war) in the late 1970s on a boat with little money and the clothes on their back. In my childhood years, I got poor grades because of my dyslexia, which remained untreated. As a teenager, I didnt do much physical activities which lead to high body fat and no muscle development. It wasnt until my early 20s that my first discovery of 5 Life principles began. My older brother was undergoing a transformation of his own and he was one day explaining it to me. Most of it was in one ear and out the other as who listens to their older brother anyways. One piece of information did stick however and that was life was basically made up of health, wealth and relationships. See at the time I was barely passing university, no job, unfit, no gf and little friends other than the computer. Appling that simple structure to my life allowed me to graduate with Honours from a Top Sydney University and immediately landed a job for a company founded by Microsoft and Accenture. Taking care of my appearance and ditching the computer for a social life. 3
The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

It seemed like I had conquered a mountain at the time but I soon realised work life was long hours and minimal salary increases. It put a downer on my spirits made me lower my expectations on everything. To be honest it wasnt that life sucked it was what I would call in the comfort zone and just plotting by. Until I stumbled upon a movie call The Secret and learned about the powers of the Law of Attraction. Put simply everything we attract in our lives is through our thoughts. So if your thoughts is focused on the lack of everything we attract it and if we focused on how plentiful everything is we attract that also. This kicked me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to aim for more once again. Eventually helping me have a 6 figure income, buy my first car and my apartment by the age of 25. Now youre probably thinking yes yes I heard of this powers of attraction stuff all before nothing is that easy. I couldnt agree more but belief is cornerstone of all future success. What I cover in 5 Life Principles is categorising the most talked about self-help topics in context of each other. Over the years I have also combined the above with goal setting, being positive, being happy and making the right impression. Now at the age of 31, I have achieved what some people do not achieve in a lifetime. A property portfolio to be envied which include a condominium in the heart of Sydney City and a 4 bedroom house in one of Sydneys wealthy suburbs. A full life, having travelled to over 20 countries including UK, Hong Kong, USA, India and many more... But beyond the wealth aspects of my success, I have developed many long term, supportive relationships and has lead an active, healthy lifestyle.

In achieving my goals, I understood that this was all possible because I was able to combine the importance of health, wealth and relationships with positive beliefs and powers of attraction to reach my goals.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................... 2 About Me ......................................................................................................................... 3 The Blueprint ................................................................................................................... 7 1. Understand Your Ideal Self ......................................................................................... 8 Understanding the components of Yourself ................................................................. 8 Life Stages ................................................................................................................. 12 Developing your Ideal Self through Inspiration .......................................................... 13 2. Have Goals and Hobbies .......................................................................................... 17 Goals vs Hobbies....................................................................................................... 17 Setting SMART Goals................................................................................................ 19 Selecting Useful Hobbies........................................................................................... 22 3. Motivation - Being Positive ........................................................................................ 24 Things to can watch and read .................................................................................... 24 Socialise with like minded people .............................................................................. 24 Progress your goals ................................................................................................... 25 Supplements .............................................................................................................. 25 4. Enjoyment - Being Happy.......................................................................................... 26 Look Forward to things .............................................................................................. 26 Rewards .................................................................................................................... 27 5. Bring out the impression ............................................................................................ 28 Look the part .............................................................................................................. 28 Act the part ................................................................................................................ 28 Laws of attraction....................................................................................................... 29 6. References ................................................................................................................ 32 Mindset ...................................................................................................................... 32 Gaining muscle .......................................................................................................... 33 Losing weight ............................................................................................................. 34 5
The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Attracting men ........................................................................................................... 34 Attracting women ....................................................................................................... 35 Parenting ................................................................................................................... 36 Wealth ....................................................................................................................... 36

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

The Blueprint

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

1. Understand Your Ideal Self

Understanding the components of Yourself
There are many factors that may affect who you are today. Right from your birth, these factors have something to do with your behaviour, perceptions in life and how you deal with people and things around you. Whatever you think or act, it will reflect most aspects of your personality. This helps build the foundation of your beliefs which one of the biggest aspects that influences what you want and how successful you are at getting it.

The next biggest aspects of yourself is health, wealth and relationships. As many people mention almost all your personal concerns can be put in one of these buckets. Sure you can choose to ignore small issues but once your buckets get too full in any one area, your life can become difficult and stressful. You will certainly find it hard to stay truly complete and remain balanced all throughout your existence.

To delve deeper into the components of yourself and maintain a good balance, you have to understand each component further. After that, try to reflect and realize what each exactly means to your own self and then make it a life that counts.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Feel healthy enough to do what you need to and achieve your dreams.

Have enough to match what your responsibilities are and what you want to do/have. It s not about being greedy.

Appearance of health by your definition.



Friends / Family Acquaintances People you present your image to. Your world/reality - People that you see and interact with.
Health Have you ever felt sick and thought to yourself nothing else matters. I just want to get better! This is why your physical health is one of the most essential things to maintain and should never be taken for granted. You will find it very difficult to accomplish other goals until you have this under control. This could be even more important if you have love ones which are dependent on you.

Positive and Happy

Other beliefs are fine as long as they are congruent / don t interfere with your health, wealth, relationships

Also related to your health is your physical appearance as this is the image of yourself you show when dealing with other people. As studies have shown that between 60 to 90 percent of a messages effectiveness is done by non-verbal cues. So it is equally 9
The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

important to feel good on the inside and look the best you can on the outside. In order to get the most out all your interactions.

Wealth Living life pay check to pay check and always worrying about bills will definitely weigh you down and put you off balance. You need to start thinking of wealth an aspect that helps you achieve your dreams, goals or ideal lifestyle because that is what your life should be focused on.

Well how do you gain wealth? In this modern age the knowledge of wealth creation is out there in many forms books, courses and seminars (both online and in person). However knowledge alone will not get you there without action and attitude of trying. I was at a KC See seminar recently where he share a simple poll. The majority of people who attend his talks understand the importance of multiple streams of income yet less than 20% actually do anything about it. So I want you to be in 20% that take action and use all 5 Life Principles to put yourself on track to achieve your ideal wealth.

Relationships The relationships you have can be both positive and negative. You need to ask yourself what the net effect of each relationship to you is. Bearing in mind all relationships will have its ups and down. A positive relationship net effect will be that you are able to achieve your goals and they bring you happiness. A negative relationship net effect is that they bring you more issues and overall block you from achieving your goals.

The next step is understand how to manage this relationship. For instance a friend that is a bad relationship to have can be easily cut off. However if it is a close family member it becomes more complicated. Some may think its just a matter of trying to change the other person then it will be fine. However everyone is in charge of their own reality and you have enough work trying to improve yourself.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Beliefs Your beliefs are a strong force in your life and the development of a new belief system doesnt happen overnight. However if open your mind up to accept it and take one step in the right direction youll find that it will you empower to take another step. This is the process of becoming your ideal self.

So the two most fundamental beliefs that all people need to adopt are being positive and happy. These will help to stay focused and motivated. The power of this is that once youve applied it and achieved a goal you will gain more confidence in it. Then cycle repeats over and over again to reach YOUR FULL POTENTIAL.

These important aspects will work together to develop yourself with positive and admirable personality. You should be able to handle them well since each of them takes a great part of your entire life. The type of person you are now reflects the people, things and circumstances you have been into the past years of life.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Life Stages
There are different personal stages and career stages in life. These are considered as the two most important factors that are associated with the priorities, responsibilities, hobbies, and the goals that you actually have. Thus, it is essential that you put these factors into consideration when it comes to identifying your own ideal self. Ideal self can change over time as you are moving from one stage to another stage of your life. It is also possible that you have multiple careers / sources of income at anyone time.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Developing your Ideal Self through Inspiration

There are lots of ways on how to develop your ideal self in a quicker way. The following is a good inspiration where you can find and learn a lot of things that can be useful. Characters from movies or TV Shows The media are one of the most influential tools to people. Characters in movies or TV play a big role in the life of people. It is a good source of ideal characteristics. Celebrities you admire Inspiration from a celebrity is also good but you must know how to limit yourself. Looking at the brighter side they are very influential in changing ones life. But there are still things that are not good about them that shouldnt be followed. People you know When it comes to the people that you know this can be a great option to look upon. This might be your dad or mom and even your love ones that you think can serve as a good inspiration in your life. Following their steps is a good guidance but along the way you must learn on what are the things that you really want to reach. Then think of Qualities you want to have Each individual has their own qualities and not all can be gained at the same time. By thinking on what are the things you are good at and expanding it is the best way in achieving your goals. Activities you want to do Think about all the things that you enjoy doing. Get a bucket list or google others bucket list as a good source of inspiration. Possessions you want to own As an individual everyone wants to have their own possession. This serves as an achievement on what they have reached in life.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Handy Tip : Use Pinterest to store your inspirations online and is a powerful method of visualization. Below is a sample of my Pinterest.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Your Ideal Self

Here you can fill in the worksheet in table format or diagram format. Please photo and upload to pinterest or share with me to review if you want feedback. Area Personal Stage Currently Career(s) Stage Currently Ideal Self Health
Feel healthy enough to do what you need to and achieve your dreams. Appearance of health by your definition.

Description / Pinterest Board

Ideal Self Wealth

Have enough to match what your responsibilities are and what you want to do/have. Its not about being greedy.

Ideal Self Relationships

Friends / Family Acquaintances People you present your image to. Your world/reality - People that you see and interact with.

Ideal Self Beliefs

Positive and Happy Other beliefs are fine as long as they congruent / dont interfere with your health, wealth, relationship

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

2. Have Goals and Hobbies

Goals vs Hobbies
Everyone has their own goals and hobbies in life. These two factors can be used in order to achieve your ideal self. Using motivation as your tool to achieve success is definitely something that you can do. However, you need to balance both of your goals and hobbies for both of these can either help you build your ideal self or not. There are different things that usually motivate people, thus you need to discover the things that can motivate you such as your goals in life and your hobbies.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Goals Goals should be results oriented. Your goals in life may revolve around the different aspects of your life such as health, wealth, relationships, and beliefs. Health: Your goals may be focused about getting yourself healthy of bodily fit. Setting your goals to achieve an optimum health is necessary. Wealth: Your goals may also be focused about becoming wealthy or successful in life. Your goals in wealth can include a particular income or amount of assets. Relationships: Your goals can be focused on having a happy and strong relationship or finding new ones. You can also use your goals as your motivation to being a good partner, friend, parent, son, daughter, brother or sister. Beliefs: You can also use your goals in life to maintain your beliefs as well as your principles. Or you can also rely on your beliefs and principles in order to achieve your goals. They both works effectively that way.

Hobbies Your hobbies are mainly targeted to improving your happiness and beliefs. You hobbies are not focused on the different aspects of your life such as health, wealth and relationships. But it depends upon how you handle your hobbies in life. It could be very beneficial as long as you know how to incorporate it to the betterment of your future and to improve yourself. You can even use your hobbies as your motivation of achieving your ideal self.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Setting SMART Goals

Where would you be without goals? Goals give a person motivation, direction, and parameters to aim for. Thus, every action that you take in your life needs to be results and goal oriented. Success can only be achieved if you actually set clearly defined and planned goals. You should know where exactly you want to be headed in order to avoid going around in random directions or in circles, wasting energy, time, and resources. One effective way of setting your goals is by following the S.M.A.R.T objectives. S stands for Smart, M stands for measurable, A stands for Attainable, R stands for Realistic, and T stands for Time-bounded. Goals should be SPECIFIC You should set specific goals using real and targeted actions. You cant achieve anything by just setting a random goal. You should answer these questions: o What do you want to achieve? o Who are the people involved? o Why are you doing that? o How can you achieve your aimed results? Goals should be MEASURABLE Establish your benchmarks as well as target dates in order for you to measure and assess your progress. Reaching target will help you in gauging your current standing in your plan. You just have to make sure that your goals are measurable. Goals should be ATTAINABLE- You can break down goals into easily and smaller attainable ones. It is good to set higher goals but they should be attainable. Never aim for the impossible, aim with higher potential for success. Goals should be REALISTIC- Establish goals that are ideal and applicable both to your professional and personal development. Set your goals within a realm of possibility. Goals should be Time Bounded Set a deadline and then stick to that deadline. This will serve as your guide in you progress. 19
The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

After establishing your SMART goals, you have to make it into action. Make sure that you stick to your purpose and plans; this is the best way for you to achieve what you had set out to do. Goals ultimate purpose is to act as your motivator. When goals are planned and thought out properly, they will offer you highly realistic points.

Having SMART goals is one the most effective ways to achieve your ideal self. Use this to achieve your ideal self health, ideal self wealth, ideal self relationships, and ideal self beliefs.

Factors That Will Make Your SMART Goals Successful Dont forget and neglect to write your SMART goals and keep all of them clear and fresh. Dont isolate them from the other essential aspects of your life. Dont let these goals compete and conflict with each other.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Area Ideal Self Health


Ideal Self Wealth

Ideal Self Relationships

Ideal Self Beliefs

Handy Tip : Use goal setting apps like Everest to track goals.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Selecting Useful Hobbies

Your hobbies are those things that you enjoy doing in your free time. Whether it is a sport, hiking, reading, writing stories, or spending time with your friends and family, it is important to have some time to take advantage of these hobbies and the things that you love doing. Your hobbies can also define the things that your heart wants.

If there are a lot of things that you love doing, think about those things that you have always been dreaming of. List down all the things that can make your life happy, and those that are giving you motivation to do well with your life. Through this, you will be given an opportunity to understand yourself and identify your goals in life. This is now the right time for you to select your useful hobbies.

Determining Hobbies Aligned with Your Goal Through selecting your useful hobbies which are aligned with your goals and the things that you want to reach in life, there will be a great and compounding effect that can help you reach your goals. Determine those hobbies that are related to your goal and this can serve as a helpful way in reaching your dreams. Considering your hobbies towards fulfilling your goals is really a great thing. It is very easy and simple for you to turn your hobbies or the things that you love doing into a future career.

Most hobbies always correspond to your real world positions and needs. Think about what you can do and think how those things might fit into your career. For instance, if playing video games is what you love to do, think about becoming a programmer or video game designer. If art is your passion, consider becoming a painter or a graphic designer. Most of the time, your hobby is defined by what you will be in the future, so learn to choose the right hobbies which you can turn as your future career and can bring success in your life.

You may not really realize it but your hobbies can define your success in the future. By carefully choosing your hobbies that are related to your goals can help you become 22
The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

successful in your life. Your future career and your success can sometimes be defined by how you are going to choose your goal and use them to your advantage.

Handy Tip : Subscribe to youtube channels and rss feeds.

Health / Wealth/ Relationship / Beliefs


Personal / Career Stage


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound


Find Hobbies related to your Goals


The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

3. Motivation - Being Positive

Motivation is an internal energy that can drive an individual to do something to be able to achieve something. Motivation is also important for a person to become successful in any field of endeavour that he may undertake. This can be positive, intangible or tangible. This also plays a vital role in the efficiency of people in doing their tasks and achieving their goals in life.

Things to can watch and read

Sometimes, the source of ones motivation can be taken from the thing that he/she may see or read. Nowadays, there are a lot of sources of information that can motivate you in times of trouble or when you are depressed. When you lack focus and life seems so complicated, there are also some common tools that you can make use of to pick your mood and start to realign your focus. These tools include the following: Quotes Pinterest has a large number of daily quotes that can be pinned right directly to your own Pinterest board. You can have motivational quotes about life, family and some other quotations that may relate to your particular situation. Likewise, you can obtain quotes about life from 101 powerful affirmation Facebook page. Religion if you feel like you need some things to feed your spirituality, this is will serve as your best source of motivation. You can watch discussions about life and uplift your spirit.

Socialise with like minded people

Having people around you with same way of thinking and goals can help you to become positive and to keep your life going even when things seem so tough. To reach your friends of common interest and goals in life, some strategies would be: Joining Facebook Community Align those people that you hang around Find A Mentor 24
The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

These strategies will not only help you identify those people who you share your likes and interest, this can also offer a great way for you to be inspired to stay positive and happy with your life. Through their help, you can also discover to your current problems and your issues in life.

Progress your goals

Making progress and seeing your achievements can feel like some small victories and can be assisted by the following: Create a to-do list with the help of apps like Everest and to do. Educate yourself for further learning. Keep track on your progress every day. Handy Tip : See section 6 for tips, websites, videos and courses that targeted to specific goals.

Most of your feelings are actually driven by some chemicals. There are some effective supplements that can help you be more present, active or awake. These supplements include caffeine, nootropics and nicotine. However, before taking any of these supplements, it is first important to consult your doctor. In using these supplements, it is also important for you not to abuse them to obtain their complete benefits. There are really many things that you can do to stay motivated. If you are motivated to achieve your goals, you will surely fulfil your goals and obtain all the things that you have been dreaming of.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

4. Enjoyment - Being Happy

Life is always full of surprises; sometimes, people experience pain and difficulties in the most unexpected moments. There are also times that you are bombarded with many problems that you just want to quit, but this will never bring happiness into your life. If you think that life has been so harsh to you, just start to compose yourself, breathe some air and then look at the positive side of life.

Look Forward to things

If you want to get through the rough times in your life, just count in days. This is proven to be an effective and refreshing way for you to look at life. Once you have something to look forward to, you are also increasing your happiness and you are gaining more confidence. Also, make sure that you always have many things to look forward to everyday, or at least on just a weekly basis in order for you to bring things up. As your guide, here are some of the great things that you may want to make notes on or mark your calendar because these will surely build up excitement on your heart. Hanging Around your Friends if you want to forget some of your worries in life, hanging out with your friends is one of the most important things that you may want to do in the following. Anticipating this event can create excitement in you as the date gets closer. Going To Events sometimes, since life can often be very busy because of your work or family commitments, we can easily forget to reward yourself in going to events that will keep you entertained. This will give you an opportunity to be in a different environment. Meeting New People this is a refreshing activity that you want to include in your schedule. Those people around you can create great impact on your life. If you want to find be happy, it is also necessary for you to surround yourself with new happy people. You many not really realize it but meeting people can make you feel better.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Going Somewhere New being isolated in your office or at home can really be so overwhelming. Going on places that are new to you can bring refreshment into your mind. Being in a different environment can help you get rid of those bad feelings that you felt inside your workplace or stress at home.

If you have some things to look forward to, there will be a feeling of anticipation and excitement that you will feel. As you look forward to the days to come, you also set your goals to yourself and the things that you want to have in your life. Then once you achieve your goals, it is always good to make sure that you are being rewarded. If you are searching for a perfect way of storing all your lists of things that you want to achieve or rewards that you want obtain, the Pinterest board is the right one for you.

Health / Wealth/ Relationship / Beliefs


Personal / Career Stage


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound


Find Hobbies related to your Goals




Be Positive, Be Happy

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

5. Bring out the impression

What your thoughts today can actually make great impacts on your life in the future. Today is the perfect time for you to think about what you have been saying and about your life as a whole because this can really make an immediate shift in your life tomorrow and in the near future. People may not really realize it, but the fact that the outside world is related to your future is true. There is indeed truth in this regard.

Look the part

The common saying First impressions count is primarily based on looking the part. By just the appearance and body language of an individual, people have made conclusions about who he/she really is. They have also made an impression about the whole being of that person just based on a single characteristic that they have noticed the first time they see the person, even when they do not know anything about him/her. Likewise, the single part actually came from the combination of your perception of appearance, wealth that was based on clothing, health and hobbies.

Act the part

Fake it until you are able to make it, this will ensure that all your motivations, enjoyments and goals are kept up. Doing this can also give the appearance of your success. If you want other people your progress, you can show it with the use of social media sites like Facebook. Share with people what you have been doing, and the things that you have achieved in the course of your life. This process is also known as social proof wherein you are able to show many people about yourself. This can also be your guide to see what your achievements are so far. Just continue doing the things that you want and trying to fulfil your goals.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Laws of attraction
If you want to achieve success and become happy with your life, just make an image of what you want. Think positively and you must also be able to speak words positively and the universe will be the one to make things happier for. This concept is actually based on the Law of Attraction. Whatever you want in life, whatever things you want to achieve, just think about it, believing that you will fulfil your goals, and it will come to pass.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Your Ideal Self Blueprint

Health / Wealth/ Relationship / Beliefs


Personal / Career Stage


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound


Find Hobbies related to your Goals




Be Positive, Be Happy

Act the part

First Impressions Count Fake it till you make it

Look the part

Law of Attraction

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Area Personal Stage Career(s) Stage Health Ideal Self / Goal / Hobby

Description / Pinterest Board

Wealth Ideal Self / Goal / Hobby

Relationships Ideal Self / Goal / Hobby

Beliefs Ideal Self / Goal / Hobby

Motivation Techniques


Impression Looking and Acting

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

6. References
In this section we have include some tips, websites, videos and courses for specific goals.

Having the correct mindset is important in becoming your ideal self. You need to believe it can happen before it can materialise. Below are some resources that can help you with this.

Youtube watch The Secret. This an excellent video that will change the way you think about what is possible : Youtube watch Tony Robbins. He is a world renown motivational speaker often used many famous athletes and celebrities. There is alot to learn from this man : A powerful video with a complete system that help change your mindset and fill your life with abundance :

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Gaining muscle

If youre looking to build strength this is proven method of increasing your PRs. Especially if you are eating right. I have personally used this to Strength Training Program : If youre looking for an iphone app that tracks your workouts this is what I personally use. Its quick and simple without all the bloat of others on the market : Eating right will ultimately determine the amount of success you will have at bulking or cutting. The best way to track calorie and marco intake is this app. Also used by other fitness youtubers. Definitely cant go wrong with this one : If you are sick of the research, trial and error or the costs of getting a Personal Trainer try this online course. The information and tips in it will save you a lot of time and effort.

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

Losing weight

Eating right will ultimately determine the amount of success you will get at losing weight. The best way to track calorie intake is this app. Also used by other fitness youtubers. Definitely cant go wrong with this one : If your new to how to eat right to lose fat then this course might put you in the right direction and get you there the quickest way possible :

Attracting men

Even though some might not like to admit it is important that you have some sort of companion in life in the form a partner. It is natural to have this as something you find important. Here is how you can learn more about the topic :

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

It is normal to go after the things you want be it an object or a relationship with a certain person. This course will discuss the things you wish people were open enough to talk about :

Attracting women

Dating and getting to know girls is a natural part of life for a single male. However there some topics that arent always discussed. Here you will find articles to see other peoples experiences : Though it may come natural to some attracting and getting women is something some men struggle with. This doesnt mean you are doomed forever this a good way to find a way complete that missing part of your life :

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,


While not being a parent myself I understand that it becomes one of your key priorities when it does happen. Here is something useful I found to help with parents who want discipline better.


Im generally not much of a reader but this one book I could not put down and read it cover to cover. Absolutely should be a foundation to everyones financial education:

The 5 Life Principles to Your Ideal Self,

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