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Steam Turbine Operation

Expansions Fault Tracing

Fault Other symptoms Alarm or display: Differential expansion high Positive (+) differential expansion or Negative (-) differential expansion



Rotor longer than casing Rotor shorter than casing

Check the annunciation to if positive (+) or negative I-I expansion is high; determine transient of expansion; start measures to stop further differential expansion; shut down turbine generator unit if permissible differential expansion is reached and wait for expansion to recede;

Differential expansion of HP turbine at front end high Positive (+) differential expansion

During non-steady-state operation, rotor heats up sooner than casing

NegativeH differential expansion

Main steam temperature too high Poor sliding of HP turbine during warm-up of turbine casing During non-steady state operation, rotor cools down sooner than casing

Wait for temperature equalisation between rotor and casing or for differential expansion to recede before performing speed or load changes; Reduce main steam temperature; Improve sliding of HP casing during next inspection; Wait for temperature equalisation bet ween rotor and cBsing or for differential expansion to recede before performing load changes; Raise main steam temperature; improve sliding of HP casing during next inspection

Main steam temperature during start-up too low. Poor sliding of HP turbine casing during cool-down. Differential Expansion of IP turbIne, at rear end hIgh Positive (+) differential expansion

During non steady state operation, rotor heats up sooner than casing

Rehea temperature too high Poor sliding of IP turbine casing

In many cases, better steam flow through the IP turbine casing will brin a reduction in differential expansion; increase speed and load within permissib.le limits and notice effects; if this does not causes the differentia expansion to recede. wait for temperature equalisatiorl before performing further speed or load changes; Reduce reheat temperature. Improve sliding of IP casing during next inspection

BHEL, Hardwar


Fault Other symptoms Negative(-) differential expansion

Cause Negative differential expansion at this measuring occurs only under extremely un favourable operating conditions, as positive (+) different!al expansion is to be expected due to the mean temperatures of rotor and casing during operation Pronounced drop in reheat temperature Severe restriction in expansion of turbine casing during cool-down. High rate of expansion change due to forced cool- down of IP turbine by means of air or steam


stop reheat temperature drop immediately; Irnprove sliding of turbine casing. Reduce air or steam flow;

Differential expansion of LP turbine at rear end high Positive (+) differential expansion

The maximum differential expansion usually depends on the mean rotor temperature and the differential expansion of the IP turbine Increase in mean LP turbine rotor temperature as a result of prolonged no -load operation

Check differential expansion at rear end of IP turbine and start proper measures to reduce differential expansion; Load the set and normalize rotor temperature; Note: When shutting down the turbine due to impermissible expanslon, it must be remembered that the LP tlKbine rotor becomes shorter during rated speed operation as a result of transverse contraction; So an increase in differential expansion is to be expected during shut-down;

Negative (-) differential expansion

Negative differential expansion occurs only if the differential expansion at the rear end of the IP turbine becomes negative. This effect is to be expected only if expansion of IP turbine is severely restricted

Reading of shaft position in thrust bearing differs from previous readings under otherwise identical conditions Check positive Qhanges in positive( +) direction (thrust towards the rear) or negative (-) direction (thrust towards the the front.

Higher residual thrust on thrust bearing; wear in thrust bearing

Check stage pressures; Check bearing metal tempel ature at thrust bearing


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