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Business Communication

Tips to Improve

Facilitated By :Sumit :Sumit Bhardwaj

Tips: Written
Never hit the send button right after Writing: y Even if you are not writing an emotionally charged email, hitting send too fast can hurt you.

You might have sounded a little more harsh than you meant to, or you might not have written as clearly as you could have.

Tone it down:

You may not mean to come off harshly, but people always take your emails and memos the wrong way. If this happens to you, you may not realize how harsh you sound in your writing. Sometimes when people read something negative, it blocks them from absorbing your entire message. Before sending out your email, read it over carefully to make sure your message is not negative.

Write in Microsoft Word first:


Microsoft Word has the Spell Check feature, and your email probably does not. The feature does not catch every mistake, but it may help you spot some typos that you otherwise would have missed.

Break it up:

People have difficulty absorbing long unbroken blocks of text. To make your emails and other communications more reader-friendly, break them up into shorter paragraphs, each containing a single main idea. This will make it easier for readers to understand your point.

Don't be too casual:


The Internet has given rise to a lot of casual acronyms and shortenings of words, such as ur for your and u for you. Avoid these at all costs in business communications. They are too casual for a business environment.

Consider your audience:


Are you writing to a marketing exec, a programmer or other technical employee, or the company president? Are you writing to one specific person or to a large audience with different levels of technical understanding? You should always tailor your communications to your audience. If you are writing to employees who are not technical, avoid specialized technical words and break concepts down so that laypeople can understand.

Personal contact:

In this age of electronic communication, far too many managers use email as a substitute for personal interaction. Would you try to arrange and close a deal with a large group of customers via email? Would you hire a key executive without meeting this individual? Of course you wouldnt.

Establish Clarity:

When you give instructions or discuss a business situation, do not assume that everyone understands you. Ask whether you have been clear or if further information or explanation is necessary.

Communicate Openly:
Be honest:

Tell employees about the hardships facing the company. It is likely that they have already sensed the situation, but it is important that they hear the news directly from management.

Demonstrate leadership:
This is the time for top management to be highly visible and accessible. Listen and respond carefully to employee concerns. Have a game plan and be forthright about it. Explain the companys plans for a more efficient and profitable future, and how the contemplated actions will help the company to attain its goals.

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Look towards the future:


Generate a practice of ongoing communication to rebuild security and confidence. Focus on plans going forward, project momentum and purpose, and involve employees in actively helping the organization to succeed and prosper.


Tell employees that they are appreciated. Reinforce that they are valued, and that they will play a vital part in the organizations future success. Increase motivation and recognition efforts.

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