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China Unit: 18 terms

1.) Confucianism: i. A philosophy started by a scholar named Confucius ii. Confucianism is a philosophy iii. Ethical system based on accepted principles of right/wrong b. Confucius Bio: i. Born in 551 B.C, time during Zhou dynasty decline ii. Led scholarly life iii. Stressed that children should practice Filial piety Definition: Respect to ones parents and ancestors iv. Confucius wanted rulers to govern wisely Duke of Lu was impressed of his teachings appointed him minister of justice v. Mencius, disciple of Confu, spread Confucius ideas vi. Started bureaucracy. Definition: Trained civil service/those who run the government vii. Confucianism spread and influenced throughout East Asia c. Mandate Of Heaven: i. Definition: In Chinese history, the divine approval thought to be the basis of royal authority ii. The Zhou dynasty used the Mandate of Heaven to justify themselves as leaders Also the reason why they overthrew the previous rulers, the Shang. iii. Also described as the divine approval iv. Natural calamities meant the ruler was displeasing ancestral spirits Lost power v. The Dynastic Cycle describes patterns of rise, decline, replacement of dynasties d. Confucian relationships: i. Confucius believed harmony would be attained if society organized itself around five basic relationships ii. In order, from most important to the least important: Parent to child Ruler and ruled Husband and wife Elder sibling to younger sibling Friend to friend 2.) Daoism: i. Chinese religion

ii. Goal for Daoists is to understand the way, resulting in inner peace and power and personal freedom from concerns iii. Believe nature is above everything else b. Dao i. Known as the way The source of all creation Force that keeps world in motion, etc. c. Qi i. The breath, or energy of the universe ii. Divided into yin and yang d. Yin i. Represents all that is cold, dark, soft, and mysterious e. Yang i. Represents all that is warm, bright, hard, and clear f. Wu-Wei i. The idea that people shouldnt engage in useless efforts or go against nature g. Mencius i. Chinese philosopher/Disciple of Confucius ii. (All that I know of him my bad) h. Daodejing i. Laozis book of teachings ii. (Book of the way and its power) or (The Way of Virtue) i. Laozi i. Legendary fonder of Daoism Not sure if he even existed ii. Rumors state he lived to the age of 160 iii. Rumors state his mother carried him in her womb for 62 years, then born with white hair and wrinkled skin iv. Believed the government should do little, and leave the people alone v. Believed that people could do little to influence the outcome of events 3.) Han Emperor: Wudi i. Liu-Bangs great-grandson ii. Reigned from 141-87 B.C iii. Called Martial Emperor Because he adopted the policy of expanding the Chinese empire through war b. Shi Huangdi i. Qin ruler ii. Adopted the name Shi Huangdi Means First Emperor iii. Defeated invaders, doubled Chinas size iv. Uprooted 120,000 noble families to prevent political opposition v. Ordered the murder of hundreds of Confucian scholars to prevent criticism

vi. Developed autocracy Definition: a government that has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner vii. Ordered the construction of the Great Wall of China c. Han Dynasty i. Liu Bang founded the Han dynasty ii. Han ruled more than 400 years iii. Liu Bang followed centralized government Definition: in which a central authority controls the running of a state iv. Empire replaced rival kingdoms v. Centralized, bureaucratic government vi. Conquered diverse peoples vii. Chinese was the common written language viii. Ongoing conflict with nomads ix. Empire collapsed and the Tang took its place in 618 A.D d. Tang Dynasty i. An emperor named Wendi: founder of the Sui Dynasty ii. Overthrown, Tang Taizong founded the Tang Dynasty The Tang ruled for 300 years (618-907) Tang Taizong ruled from 626-649 iii. Wu Zhao is the next emperor of the Tang (625-705) The first female emperor of China iv. Tang weakens due to harsh taxes in the mid-700s Muslim armies defeated the Chinese (Battle of Talas) v. Tang collapses in 907 by Chinese rebels Murdered the last emperor, who was a teenager at the time e. Song Dynasty i. General Taizu reunited China, and founded the Song dynasty Ruled 300 years (960-1279) ii. Fairly smaller in size compared to the Tang Dynasty iii. Manchurian people called the Jurchen conquered northern China Song emperors only ruled the southern part of China (I left out the agriculture, art, and society)

Buddhism Unit: 14 terms

0.) Buddhism: i. Began in India around sixth century B.C.E ii. Spread throughout East, SE, and Central Asia b. Shakyamuni i. Founder of Buddhism ii. Name means Sage of the Shakya Clan iii. Born 490 B.C.E to a royal family Born from his mothers hip who remained standing in a grove of trees





iv. Shakyamunis father prevented his son to see beyond the palace walls Shakyamunis curiosity could not be stopped by his father He then saw four sights that changed his perception of life Four Sights i. Old Age ii. Sickness iii. Death iv. Seeker of religious truth v. These sights inspired Shakyamuni to leave the palace and home behind to understand the suffering of humans so he could help relieve it Four Noble Truths i. Part of the Dharma Life is suffering Suffering is caused by craving Suffering can have an end There is a path which leads to the end of suffering Eightfold Path i. Consists of three categories: Moral Conduct, Concentration, and Wisdom Moral Conduct: Right speech (refraining from falsehood, malicious talk, and abusive language) Right Action (refraining from stealing, killing, and unchastity) Right livelihood (earning a living through proper means, not killing living beings, making astrological forecasts, or practicing fortune-telling) Concentration: Right effort (energetic will to prevent or get rid evil and promote goodness) Right mindfulness (to be diligently aware, mindful, and attentive) Right concentration (to rid oneself of unwholesome thoughts and achieve pure equanimity and awareness) Wisdom consists of: Right thought (selflessness and detachment, universal thoughts of love and nonviolence) Right understanding (understanding of things as they are, a full understanding of the Four Noble Truths Asceticism

g. h.


j. k. l.


i. Describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from various worldly pleasures, often with the aim of pursuing religious and spiritual goals. Reincarnation i. The endless cycle of rebirth Reflects the impermanent nature of human existence Nirvana i. Ultimate goal of Buddhism Its to end the cycle of suffering (or reincarnation) One needs to be enlightened to reach Nirvana Karma i. The idea of ones moral choices in life have consequences ii. How one is reborn depends on ones deeds and intentions behind the deeds in ones former life Dharma i. The Buddhas lectures and teachings Middle Way i. The term Siddhartha Gautama used to describe the character of the path he discovered that leads to liberation Bodhisattva i. A being who has attained enlightenment, but vows not to enter into final nirvana ii. Basically, until the whole world has achieved enlightenment, the Bodhisattva will reincarnate forever and ever. Guanyin i. Bodhisattva of compassion Worshipped, very popular in East Asia Desires to be reborn to help others achieve enlightenment

(Rest of) East Asia Unit: 28 terms

1. Silk Road ii. A system of ancient caravan routes across Central Asia, along which traders carried silk and other trade goods iii. Silk Production Silk was made from silkworms (Bombyx Mori). Had to boil the cocoons of the silkworms which eventually turns into silk Empress Lu iv. She was the real ruler after Liu Bang (her husband) passed away Originally, her son became emperor only by name She outlived her son She remained in control until her death in 180 B.C People who remained loyal to Empress Lu executed her deceased husbands family (Liu Bang Family)


~~~~~~~~HAN DYNASTY~~~~~~~~ 1.) Empire replaced rival kingdoms 2.) Centralized, bureaucratic government 3.) Built roads and defensive walls 4.) Conquered many diverse peoples in regions bordering China 5.) At its height- area of 1.5 million square miles and a population of 60 million 6.) Chinese became common written language throughout the empire 7.) Ongoing conflict with nomads 8.) Empire fell apart; restored by Tang Dynasty in 618 ~~~~~~~~ROMAN EMPIRE~~~~~~~ 1.) Empire replaced republic 2.) Centralized, bureaucratic government 3.) Built roads and defensive walls 4.) Conquered many diverse peoples in regions of three continents 5.) At its height- area of 3.4 million square miles and a population of 55 million 6.) Latin did not replace other written languages in empire 7.) Ongoing conflict with nomads 8.) Empire fell apart; never restored

1. Tang Taizong a. Founder of the Tang Dynasty i. This dynasty ruled for 300 years b. His reign lasted from 626 to 649 A.D 2. Wu Zhao a. The first empress of China i. Held the real power during her time 3. End of Han Dynasty a. The Han collapsed in A.D 220 b. A main problem was economic imbalance i. Caused by customs that allowed the rich to gain more wealth at the expense of the poor 4. End of Tang Dynasty a. The Tang collapsed in A.D 907 b. Mainly due to meet the rising costs of the government i. The government imposed crushing taxes during the mid 700s c. Rebellion and invaders gradually weakened the government d. When the capital collapsed by Chinese rebels, they murdered the last Tang emperor, a child 5. Angkor Wat a. A temple complex built in the Khmer empire and dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu 6. Korea

a. Located on a peninsula that sticks off the Asian mainland b. A mountainous area 7. Invaders of Korea a. Over the last 2.000 years, there have been 8 major invasions and countless smaller wars (All I have on invasions) b. Conquered by China many years ago, and by Japan during WW1 8. Korean foundation myth a. The first Korean state was founded by Tangun i. Father was a god, his mother was a bear ii. This myth shows that Koreans were a distinct people who developed their own native traditions b. Another legend states that a royal descendant of the Chinese Shang Dynasty founded Korea i. This legend would tell that Koreas culture was shaped by Chinese influences from early dynastic times 9. Shilla, Koguryo, and Paekche a. Three major kingdoms of Korea i. Each developed their own hierarchy system ii. Power was passed from father to firstborn iii. Only members of certain families could be part of ruling councils and positions 10. Three Kingdoms period (Incomplete, cant find info on it yet) a. Refers to the interval between the founding of the state of Cao Wei (220265) in 220 and the conquest of the state of Eastern Wu (229280) by the Western Jin Dynasty (265316) in 280 11. Sokkuram Grotto Shrine a. A hermitage and part of the Bulguksa temple complex. b. A temple dedicated to Buddha 12. Won Kon a. ???? I dont know him, and cant find him sorry 13. Koryo Dynasty a. Lasted four and a half centuries, A.D 935 to A.D 1392 b. Modeled its central government after Chinas c. Established a civil service system d. Attacked by the Mongol Empire and was occupied until the 1360s e. Was overthrown in 1392 by a scholar-official group and military leaders i. Established the Choson (Yi) Dynasty 14. Celadon a. Pottery known for its milky green glaze b. Inspired by Song porcelain artists 15. Choson Dynasty a. Ruled for 518 years b. Founded by Taejo Yi Seong-gye 16. King Sejong a. The fourth king of Choson b. The founder of Hangul, the language used by Korean people today i. Before Hangul, the Korean people used Chinese characters as their writing system

ii. 28 letters iii. Published in 1446, and people who studied the written language learned it in a couple of days 17. Colonialization of Korea in the 20th century a. Korea was colonized by Japan from 1910 to 1945 b. Mainly to gather more land, and its agricultural abundance c. Everything was censored relating to Korean history/culture 18. Korean War a. Started in 1950 when North Korea crossed the 38th parallel for a surprise attack b. Korea remained divided after the war i. The demilitarized zone still exists 19. Juche a. A political thesis of Kim-Il Sung which states that the Korean masses are the masters of the countrys development 20. Kim Il Sung a. North Koreas communist dictator until 1994 21. Kim Jong Il a. Son of Kim Il Sung, N. Koreas second dictator i. Made nuclear weapons under his rule but had serious economic problems ii. Died in 2011 22. Kim Jong Eun a. Son of Kim Jong Il, N. Koreas current dictator 23. North Korean Politics a. Based on a Single party system i. Also on centralization 24. North Korean Constitution a. Basically praises their founder (of N. Korea) and his greatness

Ancient Civilizations Unit: 5 terms

1. Fertile Crescent a. A curved-shape region with rich land b. Located between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea in Southwest Asia c. Provides the best source for farming 2. Pharaoh a. A king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and military leader 3. Shang Dynasty a. Arose around 1700 B.C to 1027 B.C i. Capital is Anyang Was built mainly of wood ii. Higher classes lived in timber-framed houses, and peasants lived in huts iii. Family was the central to Chinese society iv. Society was divided between nobles and peasants

v. Believed in the spirits of ancestors who could bring good fortune or even disaster to living members of the family vi. Developed a writing system where each character generally stands for one syllable 4. Hammurabi a. Reigned the Babylonian empire from 1792 B.C to 1750 B.C i. Hammurabis most enduring legacy is the code of laws he put together 5. Harappan Civilization a. A civilization of the Indus River Valley i. Evidence dates back to 7000 B.C with domesticated goats and sheep ii. Evidence also dates back to 3200 B.C with farmers living in villages iii. Indias first cities built around 2500 B.C iv. The Indus Valley people were known for their sophisticated city planning Basically they laid out their cities on a precise grid system v. Had irrigation systems as well

Ancient Greece Unit: 10 terms

1. Greece a. People from the plains along the Black Sea and Anatolia migrated and settled in mainland Greece i. At the same time, Minoans started settlement in 3000 B.C 2. Peloponnesian war a. Lasted from 431-404 B.C b. Athens was defeated by Sparta and its allies i. Sparta had the strongest army ii. Athens had the strongest navy 3. Geography of Greece a. Mountainous Peninsula sticking off the Mediterranean Sea b. Includes 2,000 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Sea


4. Roman Republic: Executive Two consuls, elected by the assembly for one year- chief executives of the government and commanders in-chief

of the army Legislative Senate of 300 members, chosen from aristocracy for life- controls foreign and financial policies, advises consuls Judicial Praetors, eight judges chosen for one year by Centuriate Assembly- two oversee civil and criminal courts (the others govern provinces) Legal Code Citizenship Twelve tables- a list of rules that was the basis of Roman legal system All adult male landowners

4. Consuls a. Rome had two officials i. Commanded the army and directed the government ii. Power was limited however iii. One year term iv. Same person could not be elected until after 10 years v. One consul could always overrule, or veto, the others decision 5. Rome in the 1st Century B.C: refer to page 160-165 (too much info) 6. Twelve Tables a. Considered to be the plebeians most important victory b. Its because patricians officials often would interpret the laws to suit themselves c. 10 officials began writing down Romes laws in 451 B.C d. They were carved on 12 tablets/tables i. Established the idea that all free citizens had the right to the protection of the law 7. Christianity in Rome a. Started from the teachings of a man named Jesus i. Born sometime between 6 to 4 B.C

ii. He grew up to be a public minister iii. Christianity spread after his death b. Many Christians were persecuted mainly due to their refusal to believe in Roman gods i. Referred to as martyrs, people who were willing to die for a cause India Unit: 12 terms 1. Mauryan Empire a. Begun in 321 B.C i. After the overthrowing of the Nanda king ii. First king was Chandragupta Maurya 2. Gupta Empire a. Indias second empire b. Presented a rise in both the Indian civilization and in Hindu culture c. Chandra Gupta was the first emperor of the Gupta empire 3. Chandragupta Maurya a. First emperor/king of the Mauryan Empire b. Followed Kautilyas book called the Arthasastra i. It was a rulers handbook It included spying, tough-minded policies, and employing political assassination c. By 303 B.C, the Mauryan Empire stretched more than 2,000 miles 4. Chandra Gupta I a. First emperor of the Gupta Empire b. Took the title Great King of Kings in A.D 320 c. His empire included Magadha and the area north of it and with his main base along the Ganges River 5. Asoka a. Chandraguptas grandson b. Became king in 269 B.C c. A war against Kalinga brought a devastating amount of casualties

i. This saddened Asoka, who always once a king who brought bloodshed ii. Studied Buddhism and decided to rule by Buddhas teachings iii. He cared for his subjects well being One example, he made rest houses and wells every nine miles along constructed roads This was part of Asokas edicts, to treat his subjects humanely and fairly iv. Erected huge stone pillars inscribed with his new policies throughout the empire 6. East Pakistan/Bangladesh a. ??? 7. Jawaharlal Nehru a. Born in 1889, born and raised in England b. Indias first prime minister c. Devoted his life to improving conditions in his country 8. Mohandas Gandhi a. Became the leader of the independence movement for India after the Amritsar Massacre i. This massacre killed 400 and left 1200 wounded ii. A British commander commanded his soldiers to open fire onto the crowd iii. Teachings blended ideas from all world religions including Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity iv. People called him Mahatma, meaning great soul 9. Muhammad Ali Jinnah a. Lawyer, politician, and statesman and the founder of Pakistan 10. Indira Gandhi a. Nehrus daughter b. Next prime minister of India c. Faced problems against the Sikh extremists who wanted an independent state

d. Indira Gandhi was assassinated by two of her bodyguards (who were Sikh) in retaliation on an attack she ordered on a Sikh temple 11. Sri Lankan Civil War a. Formerly known as Ceylon b. Gained independence in Feb 1948 c. Three quarters of the population are Sinhalese, who are Buddhists i. A fifth are Tamils, a Hindu people of southern India and northern Sri Lanka d. Indian troops entered Sri Lanka to help disarm Tamil rebels i. Efforts failed ii. Indian troops left in 1990 iii. This civil war between Tamils and other Sri Lankans continues today 12. Kashmir a. Small region, lies north of India b. Hindu leader, Muslim-dominated population c. India and Pakistan fought over Kashmir d. A ceasefire was ordered in 1949 i. Ceasefire left a third of Kashmir under Pakistani control ii. India and Pakistan continue to fight over Kashmir

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