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Bi tp trc nghim v cc dng cu so snh trong Ting anh

1-Hotels have developed restaurants. A-as rapidly as B-as rapid as C-so rapidly as D-as rapid than 2-Commercial centres are they were many years ago. A-as popular than B-more popular than C-the most popular D-most popular than 3-Computers are considered today. A-much modern than B-the most modern C-modern as D-more modern -A supermar!et is . a shopping centre. A-less covenient as B-not so convenient than C-less convenient than D-the most convenient as "-#ietnam $ecomesto %oreign tourists. A-most and most attractive B-much and more attractive C-the most attractive D-more and more attractive &-Can 'ho is %rom (ai )on than Bien Hoa is. A-%arther B-%urther C-%ar D-%arer *-Bao +en singsthan this singer. A-well B-$etter C-gooder D-more good ,--% all the $all-point pens. which one do you li!e../ A-$est B-the $est C-most D-the most 0-'he..we start. the sooner we will $e $ac!. A-early B-earliest C-earlier D-more early 11-'he sooner. the .. A-$etter B-$est C-good D-more good 11-'he harder this %armer wor!s.he $ecomes. A-the poorest B-the poorer C-the more poor D-poorer 12-2y %ather is as yours. A-old B-as old C-older D-so old 13-Ho Chi 2inh city is.than Ha noi. A-large B-largest C-more large D-larger 1 -(he is the daughter in the %amily. A-older B-more old C-eldest D-oldest 1"-(he spea!s 3nglish as.. as you. A-clear B-clearly C-clearnees D-very clear 1&-Ho Chi 2inh city is .than 4ha 'rang. A- more large B-as large C-not so large D-larger 1*-+our pencil is as mine. A-as sharp B-not sharp C-sharper D-sharp 1,-'his car is . than mine. A-less e5pensive B-as e5pensive C-e5pensive D-not so e5pensive 10-'he.he is.the more misera$le he gets. A-richer B-more riches C-more rich D-none is correct 21-He is the ..student in this class. A-very intelligent B-most intelligentC-more intelligent D-less intelligent 21-6would you li!e to comment on Ann7s 8uali%ication/9

6..the people in the company.Ann is the most s!illed9 A-in all B-%rom all C-o% all D-to all 22-6:ohn7s grades are really $ad9. 6+es.$ut 'im7s are9 A-worse B-worst C-$adder D-so worse 23-6;hich dress do you thin! < should wear to the party/9 6< li!e the $lue one the others9. A-more as B-more than C-more D-$etter 2 -6:ane doesn7t seem interested in learning to swim.9 6+ou =re right.Betty is the o% the two.9 A-most enthusiastic B-more enthusiastic C-enthusiastic D-most enthusiastically 2"-'he original painting loo!s.the reproduction. A-ali!e B-e5act li!e C-li!e D-similar 2&-6Do you li!e the color o% the new carpet/9 6+es.it7s den%initely nicer..the others we loo!ed at.9 A-then B-as C-than D-that 2*-6< don7t thin! this material is the 8uality < want.9 6<7m sorry.<t7s we have right < want9. A-the $estest B-the $etter C-the $est D-the most good 2,-6:ohn and >ate are very.each other9 6+es.<7m surprised that they got married9. A-di%%erent a$out B-di%%erent to C-di%%erent %rom D-di%%erent than 20-6How tall is +vonne/9-6she is .as < am9. A-as height B-so tall C-as same height D-the same height 31-6< have got ten dollars9. 6< thin! < have money than you9. A-least B-%ewer C-less D-%ewest 31-6'his soup is hot?9. @6'he .$etter.9 A-hot the B-hotter the C-hottest D-hotter 32-6Henry and Dolores are care%ul9. -6+es. $ut -lga is .o% the three9. A-the care%ulest B-care%ulest C-the most care%ul D-the more care%ul 33-'he harder we studied.. A-we got more con%used B-the more con%used we got C-we got so con%used D-the most con%used we got 3 -6Have you decided which you li!e $est-the round ta$le or the s8uare ta$le/9 -6-% the two .the round one is9 A-the nicest B-the nicer C-nicer D-a nice one 3"-6;hy are you moving/9-6Because our new house hasspace than the the old one.9 A-a lot o% B-more o% C-a lot more D-most 3&-;ho is ...:im or Alan/ A-more tall B-taller C-tallest D-the tallest

3*-2ore.."1 percent o% the students passed the test. A-o% B-that C-then D-than 3,-Are you ..'om/ A-the same age as B-so did as C-old as D-as old 30-:oe is..o% the two students. A-the 8uietest B-8uieter C-the 8uieter D-8uietest 1-..all the cities <7ve visited.< li!e 4ew +or! the $est. A-o% B-%rom C-out D-with p n bi tp trc nghim v cu so snh 1-A 2-B 3-B -C "-D &-A *-B ,-A 0-C 11-A 11-B 12-B 13-D 1 -D 1"-B 1&-D 1*-A 1,-A 10-A 21-B 21-C 22-A 23-B 2 -B 2"-C 2&-C 2*-C 2,-C 20-D 31-C 31-B 32-C 33-B 3 -B 3"-C 3&-B 3*-D 3,-A 30-C 1-A

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