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American Civilization I Mid Term Review

Maps- Label a blank 13 Colonies Map Primary Source Analysis- Students will be given a choice of 2 and have to analyze 1 using

Key Terms
Clan Monarch Line of Demarcation Columbian Exchange Migration Barter System Feudalism Norsemen Christopher Columbus Magna Carta Charter Colony Conquistador Indentured Sea Dog

Croatan Tobacco Proprietary Magellan Jamestown Albany Plan of Union Ben Franklin Iroquis Treaty of Paris Pontiac Mercantilism Bullion Navigation Acts Cotton, tobacco, sugar Proprietary Colony Royal Colony Charter Colony Salutary Neglect Triangle Trade

Revolt Restricted Travel Boycott Loyalists Patriotism Redcoats Sons of Liberty Delegates Patriot Militia Repealed Import Parliament Protested Representatives

Questions (T/F, Matching, Fill in Blank, Short Answer)

1. What modern day country did the Norsemen come from?

2. Did Christopher Columbus actually land in America?

3. Where did Christopher Columbus actually land?

4. Who were the first inhabitants of North America?

5. How did the Native Americans arrive in North America?

6. What were the clans/tribes from these regions known for?

a. Northern Coastal

b. Northeast

c. Southwest

7. Give one example of goods that were bartered.

8. Explain how feudalism worked?

9. Which document is the Declaration of Independence loosely based on?

10. How many ships did Christopher Columbus bring on his voyage? (EC if you can name them)

11. What was one reason for Christopher Columbus exploratory voyages?

12. Which two societies were very similar in structure?

13. Which part of Africa did the slaves come from?

14. What was the number one killer of Natives?

15. Name one of the two West African powers?

16. What is the name of the famous Norsemen explorer?

17. Who hired Christopher Columbus to explore a new trade route?

18. Before people were taken from Africa, who did the Europeans try to use to work the


19. What class of people was created and eliminated feudalism?

20. Why does present day Brazil speak Portuguese if the rest of South America speaks Spanish?

21. What three countries conquered the Americas? 22. The Incas and Aztecs were conquered by who ( 2 answers country and vocab word)?

23. First person to sail around the world? 24. What country originally colonized Florida?

25. What geographic area did Spain try and control when they pushed forward into the United States? 26. What were the missionaries trying to do what?

27. Name one person and what significant modern day thing they are named after? 28. Who were the Sea Dogs hired to attack?

29. What word was carved on the tree at the failed settlement of Roanoke? 30. Why did the Jamestown colony fail?

31. What crop became popular and profitable in Europe?

32. What modern day country did the French settle in?

33. Why were the New England colonies established? 34. Name the 6 New England colonies? 35. Why were the Middle Colonies established? 36. Name the 4 middle colonies? 37. How did the southern colonies get started? 38. How were the French able to make money? 39. How long was the term for indentured servants? 40. Were the Native Americans open to being converted? 41. What was the name of the larger war going on between French and English during French and Indian War? 42. What was the name of the land that the French and British were fighting over during F and I War? 43. How many states did the Ohio River Valley cover? 44. What was the name of the fort where the war started? 45. What city did the British capture that turned the war in their favor? 46. What were the results of the Treaty of Paris? 47. What was Pontiacs Rebellion? 48. What was the Proclamation of 1763? 49. What did the colonies provide England with?

50. What was the English economic policy called?

51. What was a parent country company?

52. Name one of the laws that were declared in the Navigation Acts?

53. Eventually all of the colonies turned into what type of self-government?

54. Great Britain is what two countries?

55. What was the New England colony economy based on?

56. What was the Middle Colonies economy based on?

57. Describe the southern economy life?

58. In the 1700s 1 out of how many people were slaves?

59. What was the name of the trade route between West Africa, New England and the Caribbean?

60. Describe the conditions of the slaves being transported on ships?

61. What was one form of indirect revolt the slaves use?

62. Why were free blacks sometimes worse off then slaves?

63. List one rule that slaves had to follow?

64. What was the major cash crop grown in the South?

65. Name one export from West Africa?

66. Name one good that was imported to New England?

67. What was a major export from the Caribbean?

68. What were colonial women in charge of?

69. Which specific group of people lived the longest and ate the best?

70. Name one of three colleges that existed before the 1740s?

71. Did children receive a formal education?

72. Where were slaves sold?

73. Were slaves allowed to work independently?

74. Know the following British Acts a. Sugar Act b. Stamp Act c. Quartering Act d. Declaratory Act e. Townshend Act f. Tea Act

g. Coercive Act 75. What were the reactions from members of Sons of Liberty? 76. Why did the British start taxing the colonists? 77. Where was the First Continental Congress held? 78. What did the 1st Continental Congress decide? 79. What happened during the Boston Massacre? 80. What was the Declaration of Independence?

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