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<AVRStudio> <MANAGEMENT> <ProjectName>PocketWatch_atsln </ProjectName> <Created>17-Jan-2014 12:52:56 </Created> <LastEdit>17-Jan-2014 12:52:56 </LastEdit> <ICON>Object.

bmp </ICON> <ProjectType>1 </ProjectType> <Created>17-Jan-2014 12:52:56 </Created> <Version>4 </Version> <Build>4, 13, 0, 528 </Build> <ProjectTypeName>AVRObjectFile </ProjectTypeName> </MANAGEMENT> <CODE_CREATION> <ObjectFile>PocketWatch.atsln </ObjectFile> <EntryFile> </EntryFile> <SaveFolder>C:\Users\GEO\Desktop\ledpocketwatch-master\code\ </SaveFolder> </CODE_CREATION> <DEBUG_TARGET> <CURRENT_TARGET>AVR Simulator V2 (preview) </CURRENT_TARGET> <CURRENT_PART>ATmega128.xml </CURRENT_PART> <BREAKPOINTS> </BREAKPOINTS> <IO_EXPAND> <HIDE>false </HIDE> </IO_EXPAND> <REGISTERNAMES> <Register>R00</Register> <Register>R01</Register> <Register>R02</Register> <Register>R03</Register> <Register>R04</Register> <Register>R05</Register> <Register>R06</Register> <Register>R07</Register> <Register>R08</Register> <Register>R09</Register> <Register>R10</Register> <Register>R11</Register> <Register>R12</Register> <Register>R13</Register> <Register>R14</Register> <Register>R15</Register>

<Register>R16</Register> <Register>R17</Register> <Register>R18</Register> <Register>R19</Register> <Register>R20</Register> <Register>R21</Register> <Register>R22</Register> <Register>R23</Register> <Register>R24</Register> <Register>R25</Register> <Register>R26</Register> <Register>R27</Register> <Register>R28</Register> <Register>R29</Register> <Register>R30</Register> <Register>R31</Register> </REGISTERNAMES> <COM>Auto</COM> <COMType>0 </COMType> <WATCHNUM>0 </WATCHNUM> <WATCHNAMES> <Pane0></Pane0> <Pane1></Pane1> <Pane2></Pane2> <Pane3></Pane3> </WATCHNAMES> <BreakOnTrcaeFull>0</BreakOnTrcaeFull> </DEBUG_TARGET> <Debugger> <Triggers> </Triggers></Debugger><IOView> <usergroups/></IOView> <Files></Files><Workspace> </Workspace> <Events><Bookmarks> </Bookmarks> </Events> <Trace> <Filters> </Filters> </Trace> </AVRStudio>


Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 # Atmel Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 Project("{54F91283-7BC4-4236-8FF9-10F437C3AD48}") = "PocketWatch", "PocketWatch.cproj", "{01B677C0-6BE9-452E-B8D2-80DC92ED490C}" EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|AVR = Debug|AVR Release|AVR = Release|AVR EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution {01B677C0-6BE9-452E-B8D2-80DC92ED490C}.Debug|AVR.ActiveCfg = Debug|AVR {01B677C0-6BE9-452E-B8D2-80DC92ED490C}.Debug|AVR.Build.0 = Debug|AVR {01B677C0-6BE9-452E-B8D2-80DC92ED490C}.Release|AVR.ActiveCfg = Release|AVR {01B677C0-6BE9-452E-B8D2-80DC92ED490C}.Release|AVR.Build.0 = Release|AVR EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE EndGlobalSection EndGlobal

/* LED Pocket Watch #ifndef pocketwatch_h #define pocketwatch_h #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/io.h> // pin definitions #define PORTx_BUTTON1 PORTB #define DDRx_BUTTON1 DDRB #define PINx_BUTTON1 PINB #define PIN_BUTTON1 3 #define PORTx_BUTTON2 PORTB #define DDRx_BUTTON2 DDRB #define PINx_BUTTON2 PINB #define PIN_BUTTON2 1 #define PORTx_LOWBATTDET PORTA #define DDRx_LOWBATTDET DDRA #define PINx_LOWBATTDET PINA #define PIN_LOWBATTDET 3 #define PORTx_BUZZER PORTA #define DDRx_BUZZER DDRA #define PINx_BUZZER PINA #define PIN_BUZZER 4 #define PORTx_MOTOR PORTA #define DDRx_MOTOR DDRA #define PINx_MOTOR PINA #define PIN_MOTOR 6 #define PORTx_RINGS PORTF #define DDRx_RINGS DDRF

#define #define #define #define #define


// useful macros #define button1_is_down() bit_is_clear(PINx_BUTTON1, PIN_BUTTON1) #define button1_is_up() bit_is_set(PINx_BUTTON1, PIN_BUTTON1) #define button2_is_down() bit_is_clear(PINx_BUTTON2, PIN_BUTTON2) #define button2_is_up() bit_is_set(PINx_BUTTON2, PIN_BUTTON2) #define battery_is_low() bit_is_clear(PORTA, PIN_LOWBATTDET) #define #define #define #define #define #define debounce() _delay_us(100) HOLD_CNT_THRESH (10 * 1000 / 50) TIMEOUT_THRESH (20 * 1000 / 50) MOTOR_TICK_LENGTH 0x06 ANIMATION_SPEED_1 0 ANIMATION_SPEED_2 0


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<Value>F_CPU=1000000</Value> </ListValues> </avrgcc.compiler.symbols.DefSymbols> <avrgcc.compiler.optimization.level>Optimize for size (Os)</avrgcc.compiler.optimization.level> <avrgcc.compiler.optimization.PrepareFunctionsForGarbageCollection>True</avrgcc.compiler. optimization.PrepareFunctionsForGarbageCollection> <avrgcc.compiler.optimization.PackStructureMembers>True</avrgcc.compiler.optimization.Pac kStructureMembers> <avrgcc.compiler.optimization.AllocateBytesNeededForEnum>True</avrgcc.compiler.optimizat ion.AllocateBytesNeededForEnum> <avrgcc.compiler.optimization.DebugLevel>Default (g2)</avrgcc.compiler.optimization.DebugLevel> <avrgcc.compiler.warnings.AllWarnings>True</avrgcc.compiler.warnings.AllWarnings> <avrgcc.linker.libraries.Libraries> <ListValues> <Value>m</Value> </ListValues> </avrgcc.linker.libraries.Libraries> <avrgcc.linker.optimization.GarbageCollectUnusedSections>True</avrgcc.linker.optimization.G arbageCollectUnusedSections> <avrgcc.assembler.debugging.DebugLevel>Default (-Wa,g)</avrgcc.assembler.debugging.DebugLevel> </AvrGcc> </ToolchainSettings> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <Compile Include="pins.c"> <SubType>compile</SubType> </Compile> <Compile Include="PocketWatch.c"> <SubType>compile</SubType> </Compile> <Compile Include="pocketwatch.h"> <SubType>compile</SubType> </Compile> </ItemGroup> <Import Project="$(AVRSTUDIO_EXE_PATH)\\Vs\\Compiler.targets" /> </Project>

.code in C

LED Pocket Watch #include "pocketwatch.h" #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include <util/delay.h> volatile uint8_t cur_hour; volatile uint8_t cur_minute; volatile uint8_t cur_second; volatile uint8_t alarm_hour; volatile uint8_t alarm_minute; volatile uint8_t alarm_already_off; volatile uint8_t alarm_active; volatile uint8_t alarm_enabled; volatile int8_t display_second; volatile int8_t display_minute; volatile int8_t display_hour; volatile uint8_t to_sleep = 0; volatile mode_t mode = MODE_SLEEPING; ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { // one second event, add to time cur_second++; if (cur_second >= 60) { cur_second = 0; cur_minute++; if (cur_minute >= 60) { cur_minute = 0; cur_hour++;

if (cur_hour >= 24) { cur_hour = 0; } } } if (battery_is_low() == 0 && (mode == MODE_CURTIME_SHOWING || mode == MODE_SHOW_ENTERING || alarm_active != 0)) { PORTx_MOTOR |= _BV(PIN_MOTOR); // turn on the motor } // check if alarm should go off if (alarm_enabled != 0 && alarm_hour == cur_hour && alarm_minute == cur_minute) { if (alarm_already_off == 0) { alarm_active = 1; alarm_already_off = 1; DDRx_BUZZER |= _BV(PIN_BUZZER); if (mode == MODE_SLEEPING) { mode = MODE_ALARMING; to_sleep = 0; } } } else { alarm_already_off = 0; } } ISR(TIMER2_COMP_vect) { if (alarm_active == 0) { PORTx_MOTOR &= ~_BV(PIN_MOTOR); // turn off motor

} } volatile uint8_t animation_cnt; volatile uint8_t ovf_cnt = 0; ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { // 2.05 KHz event if (alarm_active) { // buzz the alarm buzzer, set pin low, use the compare match to set pin high for 4.1 KHz PORTx_BUZZER &= ~_BV(PIN_BUZZER); if (battery_is_low() == 0) PORTx_MOTOR |= _BV(PIN_MOTOR); } if (mode != MODE_SLEEPING) { // display LEDs if not sleeping uint8_t which_ring = ovf_cnt % 3; // each ring will only get 1/3 duty cycle if (which_ring == 0) // hour { set_hour_led(display_hour); } else if (which_ring == 1) // minute { set_minute_led(display_minute); } else if (which_ring == 2) // second { set_second_led(display_second); animation_cnt++; } if (ovf_cnt >= 125)

{ ovf_cnt = 0; } else { ovf_cnt++; } } else { // should go back to sleep, nothing to do clear_leds(); } } ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect) { // toggle the buzzer pin again, this makes the buzzer frequency about 4.1 KHz PORTx_BUZZER |= _BV(PIN_BUZZER); } ISR(PCINT1_vect) { // turn off alarm alarm_active = 0; // disable the output on buzzer but leave pull-up resistor on to save power PORTx_BUZZER |= _BV(PIN_BUZZER); DDRx_BUZZER &= ~_BV(PIN_BUZZER); // at this point, the processor has woken up } // remember the last LED being lit so it can be turned off efficiently volatile uint8_t* last_led_port; volatile uint8_t* last_led_ddr; volatile uint8_t last_led_pin; void set_hour_led(int8_t number)

{ volatile uint8_t idx; // turn off last LED *last_led_port &= ~last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr &= ~last_led_pin; if (number >= 0) { // put the ring low PORTx_RINGS = PORTx_RINGS & (~_BV(PIN_RING_HOUR)) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD); // calculate appropriate index idx = (number % 12) * 5; idx /= 2; // set the LED on and remember which one last_led_port = portx[idx]; last_led_ddr = ddrx[idx]; last_led_pin = pins[idx]; *last_led_port |= last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr |= last_led_pin; } } void set_minute_led(int8_t number) { volatile uint8_t idx; // turn off last LED *last_led_port &= ~last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr &= ~last_led_pin; if (number >= 0) { // put the ring low, depending on which one is needed if (bit_is_clear(number, 0))

{ PORTx_RINGS = PORTx_RINGS & (~_BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN)) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD); } else { PORTx_RINGS = PORTx_RINGS & (~_BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD)) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD); } // calculate appropriate index idx = number % 60; idx /= 2; // set the LED on and remember which one last_led_port = portx[idx]; last_led_ddr = ddrx[idx]; last_led_pin = pins[idx]; *last_led_port |= last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr |= last_led_pin; } } void set_second_led(int8_t number) { volatile uint8_t idx; // turn off last LED *last_led_port &= ~last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr &= ~last_led_pin; if (number >= 0) { // put the ring low, depending on which one is needed

if (bit_is_clear(number, 0)) { PORTx_RINGS = PORTx_RINGS & (~_BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN)) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD); } else { PORTx_RINGS = PORTx_RINGS & (~_BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD)) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD); } // calculate appropriate index idx = number % 60; idx /= 2; // set the LED on and remember which one last_led_port = portx[idx]; last_led_ddr = ddrx[idx]; last_led_pin = pins[idx]; *last_led_port |= last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr |= last_led_pin; } } void clear_leds() { // turn off all the LEDs *last_led_port &= ~last_led_pin; *last_led_ddr &= ~last_led_pin; PORTx_RINGS = PORTx_RINGS | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD); } int main() {

// read in time from eeprom, to keep things interesting during development cur_second = (eeprom_read_byte(0) & 0x7F) % 60; cur_minute = (eeprom_read_byte(1) & 0x7F) % 60; cur_hour = (eeprom_read_byte(2) & 0x7F) % 24; // read in alarm settings from eeprom alarm_minute = (eeprom_read_byte(3) & 0x7F) % 60; alarm_hour = (eeprom_read_byte(4) & 0x7F) % 24; alarm_enabled = (eeprom_read_byte(5) & 0x7F); // ground all grounded pins DDRA = 0x00; DDRB = 0x00; DDRC = 0x00; DDRD = 0x00; DDRE = 0x00; DDRG = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; PORTB = 0x00; PORTC = 0x00; PORTD = 0x00; PORTE = 0x00; PORTG = 0x00; // setup pins DDRx_RINGS = _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD); PORTx_RINGS = _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_ODD) | _BV(PIN_RING_HOUR) | _BV(PIN_RING_SECOND_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_EVEN) | _BV(PIN_RING_MINUTE_ODD); // setup inputs and outputs DDRx_BUTTON1 &= ~_BV(PIN_BUTTON1); DDRx_BUTTON2 &= ~_BV(PIN_BUTTON2); PORTx_BUTTON1 |= _BV(PIN_BUTTON1); PORTx_BUTTON2 |= _BV(PIN_BUTTON2); PORTx_BUZZER |= _BV(PIN_BUZZER); DDRx_BUZZER &= ~_BV(PIN_BUZZER); DDRx_MOTOR |= _BV(PIN_MOTOR);

PORTx_LOWBATTDET |= _BV(PIN_LOWBATTDET); DDRx_LOWBATTDET &= ~_BV(PIN_LOWBATTDET); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) { uint8_t* p = portx[i]; *p &= ~pins[i]; uint8_t* d = ddrx[i]; *d &= ~pins[i]; } last_led_port = portx[0]; last_led_ddr = ddrx[0]; last_led_pin = pins[0]; // setup async timer 2 ASSR = _BV(AS2); // enable async xtal input OCR2A = MOTOR_TICK_LENGTH; // set the tick length TIMSK2 = _BV(TOIE2) | _BV(OCIE2A); // enable overflow and tick interrupt TCCR2A = _BV(CS22) | 0 | _BV(CS20); // start timer with clock div 128 // setup timer 0 #if F_CPU == 1000000 TCCR0A = _BV(CS00); // start timer with clk div 1 #elif F_CPU == 8000000 TCCR0A = _BV(CS01); // start timer with clk div 8 #else #error bad F_CPU #endif OCR0A = 0x80; // setup compare match at 50% duty cycle TIMSK0 = _BV(TOIE0) | _BV(OCIE0A); // enable overflow and compare match interrupts // setup button interrupts PCMSK1 |= _BV(PCINT11) | _BV(PCINT9); EIMSK |= _BV(PCIE1); // setup power saving features power_all_disable(); // PRR = 0x0F; // disable all (ADC, USART, SPI, TMR1) SMCR = _BV(SM1) | _BV(SM0); // set power-save mode

sei(); // enable global interrupts uint32_t held_cnt = 0; uint32_t timeout_cnt = 0; uint8_t button_was_down = 0; uint8_t eeprom_is_dirty = 0; mode = MODE_SLEEPING; to_sleep = 1; for (;;) { if (mode == MODE_SLEEPING || mode == MODE_ALARMING) { if (button2_is_down()) { // go directly into settings mode mode = MODE_SETTIME_HOUR; to_sleep = 0; display_second = -1; display_minute = -1; display_hour = -1; debounce(); while (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 0 : 1; // indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((cur_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; // indicate current settings display_hour = cur_hour; }

debounce(); } else if (button1_is_down()) { // go into time display mode mode = MODE_SHOW_ENTERING; display_hour = -1; display_minute = -1; display_second = -1; animation_cnt = 0; to_sleep = 0; held_cnt = 0; debounce(); } else if (mode != MODE_ALARMING) { to_sleep = 1; } } else if (mode == MODE_SHOW_ENTERING) { if (battery_is_low()) { mode = MODE_CURTIME_SHOWING; // save power by ignoring animation } else { // show a nice startup animation timeout_cnt = 0; // no timeout during animation if (button1_is_down()) { held_cnt = (held_cnt > HOLD_CNT_THRESH) ? held_cnt : (held_cnt + 1); to_sleep = 0; } else

{ held_cnt = 0; } // move the LEDs if it's time to do so according to the animation speed if (animation_cnt >= ANIMATION_SPEED_1) { if (display_second < cur_second) display_second++; else display_second = cur_second; if (display_minute < cur_minute) display_minute++; else display_minute = cur_minute; if (display_hour < (cur_hour % 12)) display_hour++; else display_hour = cur_hour; animation_cnt = 0; } // the animation finishes when the displayed time matches the current time if (display_second == cur_second && display_minute == cur_minute && display_hour == cur_hour) mode = MODE_CURTIME_SHOWING; } } else if (mode == MODE_CURTIME_SHOWING) { // indicate current time display_minute = cur_minute; display_hour = cur_hour; if (battery_is_low()) { // save some power by not showing seconds // this also indicates low battery status to the user display_second = -1; } else { display_second = cur_second; }

debounce(); // this delay both debounces and also helps with pacing the counters if (button1_is_down()) { held_cnt = (held_cnt > HOLD_CNT_THRESH) ? held_cnt : (held_cnt + 1); timeout_cnt = 0; to_sleep = 0; } else { if (battery_is_low()) { // save power if battery is low // or if user holds down the button for longer than 5 seconds mode = MODE_SLEEPING; to_sleep = 1; } else if (held_cnt >= HOLD_CNT_THRESH) { mode = MODE_SHOW_EXITING; animation_cnt = 0; } else { timeout_cnt = (timeout_cnt > TIMEOUT_THRESH) ? timeout_cnt : (timeout_cnt + 1); if (timeout_cnt >= TIMEOUT_THRESH) { // button has been release for a sufficiently long enough time to sleep mode = MODE_SHOW_EXITING; animation_cnt = 0; } else { // did not timeout yet, do not sleep

to_sleep = 0; } } // no longer held down held_cnt = 0; } } else if (mode == MODE_SHOW_EXITING) { if (battery_is_low()) { // save power by ignoring animation mode = MODE_SLEEPING; to_sleep = 1; } else { // show a nice exit animation timeout_cnt = 0; // no timeout during animation if (button1_is_down()) { held_cnt = (held_cnt > HOLD_CNT_THRESH) ? held_cnt : (held_cnt + 1); to_sleep = 0; mode = MODE_SHOW_ENTERING; // button is down, so undo the animation } else { held_cnt = 0; } // move the LEDs if it's time to do so according to the animation speed if (animation_cnt >= ANIMATION_SPEED_2) { if (display_second >= 0) display_second++;

if (display_minute >= 0) display_minute++; if (display_hour >= 0) display_hour++; animation_cnt = 0; if (display_second >= 60) display_second = -1; if (display_minute >= 60) display_minute = -1; if (display_hour == 12 || display_hour >= 24) display_hour = -1; } // go to sleep once animation is finished if (display_second < 0 && display_minute < 0 && display_hour < 0) { mode = MODE_SLEEPING; to_sleep = 1; } } } else if (mode == MODE_SETTIME_HOUR) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 0 : -1; // indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((cur_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; // indicate current settings display_hour = cur_hour; if (button1_is_down()) { // change cur_hour = (cur_hour + 1) % 24; display_hour = cur_hour; eeprom_is_dirty = 1; // indicate AM or PM

display_minute = (((cur_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; debounce(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (button_was_down == 0 ? 10 : 5) && button1_is_down(); i++) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 0 : 1; // indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((cur_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; // indicate current settings display_hour = cur_hour; debounce(); } button_was_down = 1; if (button1_is_up()) { button_was_down = 0; debounce(); } } else if (button1_is_up()) { if (button_was_down != 0) { debounce(); } button_was_down = 0; }

if (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 5 : -1; display_hour = -1; eeprom_is_dirty = 1; // goto next mode mode = MODE_SETTIME_MINUTE; to_sleep = 0; debounce(); while (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 5 : 1; // indicate current settings display_minute = cur_minute; } debounce(); } } else if (mode == MODE_SETTIME_MINUTE) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 5 : -1; // turn off display_hour = -1; // show current settings display_minute = cur_minute; if (button1_is_down())

{ // change cur_minute = (cur_minute + 1) % 60; display_minute = cur_minute; eeprom_is_dirty = 1; debounce(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (button_was_down == 0 ? 10 : 5) && button1_is_down(); i++) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 5 : 1; // show current settings display_minute = cur_minute; debounce(); } button_was_down = 1; if (button1_is_up()) { button_was_down = 0; debounce(); } } else if (button1_is_up()) { if (button_was_down != 0) { debounce(); } button_was_down = 0; } if (button2_is_down())

{ // clear display display_second = -1; display_minute = -1; display_hour = -1; if (alarm_enabled == 0) { // skip alarm time set modes, instead go to enable/disable alarm mode mode = MODE_SETALARM_ONOFF; to_sleep = 0; debounce(); while (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 20 : -1; // indicate alarm enabled status display_hour = (alarm_enabled != 0) ? (5 + (cur_second % 3)) : ((11 + (cur_second % 3)) % 12); } debounce(); } else { // goto alarm time set mode mode = MODE_SETALARM_HOUR; to_sleep = 0; debounce(); while (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 10 : -1; // indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((alarm_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60;

// indicate alarm hour time display_hour = alarm_hour; } debounce(); } } } else if (mode == MODE_SETALARM_HOUR) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 10 : -1; // indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((alarm_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; // indicate current settings display_hour = alarm_hour; if (button1_is_down()) { // change alarm_hour = (alarm_hour + 1) % 24; display_hour = alarm_hour; eeprom_is_dirty = 1; // indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((alarm_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; debounce(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (button_was_down == 0 ? 10 : 5) && button1_is_down(); i++) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 10 : 1;

// indicate AM or PM display_minute = (((alarm_hour >= 12) ? 58 : 28) + (cur_second % 5)) % 60; // indicate current settings display_hour = alarm_hour; debounce(); } button_was_down = 1; if (button1_is_up()) { button_was_down = 0; debounce(); } } else if (button1_is_up()) { if (button_was_down != 0) { debounce(); } button_was_down = 0; } if (button2_is_down()) { // clear display_hour = -1; // goto next mode mode = MODE_SETALARM_MINUTE; to_sleep = 0; debounce();

while (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 15 : 1; // indicate current settings display_minute = alarm_minute; } debounce(); } } else if (mode == MODE_SETALARM_MINUTE) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 15 : -1; // turn off display_hour = -1; // show current settings display_minute = alarm_minute; if (button1_is_down()) { // change alarm_minute = (alarm_minute + 1) % 60; display_minute = alarm_minute; eeprom_is_dirty = 1; debounce(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (button_was_down == 0 ? 10 : 5) && button1_is_down(); i++) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 15 : 1;

// show current settings display_minute = alarm_minute; debounce(); } button_was_down = 1; if (button1_is_up()) { button_was_down = 0; debounce(); } } else if (button1_is_up()) { if (button_was_down != 0) { debounce(); } button_was_down = 0; } if (button2_is_down()) { // clear display display_second = -1; display_minute = -1; display_hour = -1; // goto next mode mode = MODE_SETALARM_ONOFF; to_sleep = 0; debounce(); while (button2_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 20 : 1;

// indicate alarm enabled status display_hour = (alarm_enabled != 0) ? (5 + (cur_second % 3)) : ((11 + (cur_second % 3)) % 12); } debounce(); } } else if (mode == MODE_SETALARM_ONOFF) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 20 : -1; display_minute = -1; // turn off // indicate alarm enabled status display_hour = (alarm_enabled != 0) ? (5 + (cur_second % 3)) : ((11 + (cur_second % 3)) % 12); if (button1_is_down()) { alarm_enabled = alarm_enabled == 0 ? 1 : 0; // change display_hour = (alarm_enabled != 0) ? (5 + (cur_second % 3)) : ((11 + (cur_second % 3)) % 12); eeprom_is_dirty = 1; debounce(); while (button1_is_down()) { // indicate mode display_second = bit_is_set(cur_second, 0) ? 20 : 1; // indicate alarm enabled status display_hour = (alarm_enabled != 0) ? (5 + (cur_second % 3)) : ((11 + (cur_second % 3)) % 12); } debounce(); } if (button2_is_down())

{ mode = MODE_RANDOM; srand(TCNT2); display_second = (random() & 0x7F) % 60; display_minute = (random() & 0x7F) % 60; display_hour = (random() & 0x7F) % 12; debounce(); } } else if (mode == MODE_RANDOM) { #ifdef ENABLE_RANDOM_MODE if (button1_is_down()) { display_second = (random() & 0x7F) % 60; display_minute = (random() & 0x7F) % 60; display_hour = (random() & 0x7F) % 12; debounce(); } if (button2_is_down()) #endif { display_second = -1; display_minute = -1; display_hour = -1; mode = MODE_SLEEPING; to_sleep = 1; debounce(); } } else if (mode == MODE_ALARMING) { if (bit_is_set(cur_second, 0)) { display_second = -1; display_minute = -1; display_hour = -1; } else

{ display_second = cur_second; display_minute = cur_minute; display_hour = cur_hour; } } if (to_sleep) { // nothing to do, disable LEDs and go to sleep display_second = -1; display_minute = -1; display_hour = -1; mode = MODE_SLEEPING; // save data if required if (eeprom_is_dirty) { eeprom_update_byte(0, cur_second); eeprom_update_byte(1, cur_minute); eeprom_update_byte(2, cur_hour); eeprom_update_byte(3, alarm_minute); eeprom_update_byte(4, alarm_hour); eeprom_update_byte(5, alarm_enabled); eeprom_is_dirty = 0; } if (alarm_active == 0) { TIMSK0 = 0; // disable interrupt to save power sleep_enable(); // SMCR |= _BV(SE); // enable sleep sleep_cpu(); sleep_disable(); // SMCR &= ~_BV(SE); // disable sleep, prevent accidental sleep TIMSK0 = _BV(TOIE0) | _BV(OCIE0A); // re-enable interrupt } } }

return 0; }

#include "pocketwatch.h" #include <avr/io.h> uint16_t portx[30] = { &PORTF, &PORTF, &PORTF, &PORTA, &PORTA, &PORTA, &PORTC, &PORTC, &PORTC, &PORTC, &PORTG, &PORTG, &PORTD, &PORTD, &PORTD, &PORTG, &PORTG, &PORTB, &PORTB, &PORTB, &PORTB, &PORTB, &PORTE, &PORTE, &PORTE, &PORTE, &PORTE, &PORTE, &PORTE, &PORTE, }; uint16_t ddrx[30] = { &DDRF, &DDRF, &DDRF,

&DDRA, &DDRA, &DDRA, &DDRC, &DDRC, &DDRC, &DDRC, &DDRG, &DDRG, &DDRD, &DDRD, &DDRD, &DDRG, &DDRG, &DDRB, &DDRB, &DDRB, &DDRB, &DDRB, &DDRE, &DDRE, &DDRE, &DDRE, &DDRE, &DDRE, &DDRE, &DDRE, }; uint8_t pins[30] = { _BV(3), _BV(6), _BV(7), _BV(1), _BV(2), _BV(5), _BV(3), _BV(2), _BV(1), _BV(0), _BV(1), _BV(0), _BV(7), _BV(6), _BV(5), _BV(4), _BV(3), _BV(7), _BV(6), _BV(5), _BV(4), _BV(0), _BV(7),

_BV(6), _BV(5), _BV(4), _BV(3), _BV(2), _BV(1), _BV(0), };

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