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Roma Lusitana

Church of St. Roch (So Roque), Chapel of St. John the Baptist Lisbon "... It was during the patriarchate of Cardinal d'Almeyda ( !"#$ that the famous chapel of Saint %ohn the &aptist' now in the church of So Roque' was (uilt in Rome at the e)pense of *ing %ohn +' and consecrated (y ,ope &enedict -I+. At what date the patriarchs of .is(on (egan to quarter the tiara with three crowns' though without the /eys' on their coat of arms is uncertain and there are no documents referring to the grant of such a pri0ilege ..." (C1$.

Read more 2 .a(els3 Caeremoniale Romanum' ,atriarch of .is(on ,ri0ileges' ,atriarchate of .is(on' ,ortugal' Roma .usitana ,osted (y &. *. at 4 5465 " 5 3 7355 ,8

Patriarchate of Lisbon
Includes the districts of Lisbon and Santarem

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.is(on' ,A>RIARC?A>1 @:' .IS&@A1ASIS$' includes the districts of .is(on and Santarem. >he area of the district of .is(on is =5#B sq. milesC pop. !57'B57 ( 755$. Area of Santarem 6'BBB sq. milesC pop. 6D='E B". .is(on is said to owe its origin to Flysses' and hence its oldest name Flissypo or @lissipo' which (ecame on ,hoenician lips Alisu((o' meaning the "friendly (ay". Its charm was

ac/nowledged (y the Romans in the name they ga0e it' :elicitas %uliaC and when the 8oors came they changed it (ac/ to Al Asch(una' a 0ariant of the ,hoenician title. :rom Alisu((o and Al Asch(una we ha0e the later name .issa(ona' whence the modern ,ortuguese .is(oa and the 1nglish .is(on. It lies on the north (an/ of the >agus' 6 miles from the open sea' clustered around se0en hills that rise a(o0e one another' ending in the Serra of Cintra. >he town was ta/en (y the 8oors in ! # and remained in their possession until "B' when Affonso ?enriques with the assistance of an army of Crusaders' 1nglish' Aormans and :lemings (ound for the ?oly .and' dro0e out the in0aders' and remo0ed the capital of the country from Coim(ra to .is(on. An 1nglish mon/ named Gil(ert who was with the e)pedition was chosen &ishop of .is(on at this time. @n two occasions the city suffered from disastrous earthqua/esC in B= more than B55 houses were destroyed' (esides many churches and palaces. @n Ao0em(er ' !BB' a second disastrous earthqua/e shoo/ the city and more than =5'555 of the inha(itants perished. >o add to the misery' a fire (ro/e out which lasted four days. Car0alho' 8arquis of ,om(al' at that time 8inister of Har' too/ charge of the panicEstric/en city' and ha0ing e)tinguished the flames' drew up plans for the re(uilding of .is(on. A (ronIe equestrian statue of *ing %ose with a medallion of ,om(al' was erected in the new ,r a do Commercio to commemorate the re(uilding. 1)cept in this new quarter' around the ,raca do Commercio' the streets of .is(on are irregular and steep' (ut there is an ela(orate electric trolley system connecting all parts of the town' and the ascensores or giant lifts help to o0ercome the difficulties of high and low le0els. >here are fountains e0erywhere and the streets are lined (y trees' of which the olaia or JudasEtree is the most common. >he oldest portion of .is(on is along the steep Slopes of the Castello de S. %orge' which had (een the stronghold of the 8oors. In the neigh(orhood of the Cathedral or Se' Roman remains ha0e (een found including the ruins of a Roman >heatre. >he Se or Cathedral of Santa 8aria is the oldest church in .is(onC it dates (ac/ to the year =5#. It ser0ed as a mosque for the 8oors during their occupation of the city' and the facade with its towers and massi0e portico was re(uilt during the fourteenth century. It has (een restored many times. @utside what were the old walls of .is(on stands the church of S. +incente da :ora (St. +incent's without$ with a monastery attached' which is now the residence of the ,atriarch of .is(on. >he church contains the mortuary chapel of the *ings of the ?ouse of &raganIa' and the great consta(le Auno. Al0ara ,eriera lies (uried here. St. +incent is the patron saint of .is(onC he was martyred for the :aith under Kiocletian. According to the legend' his (ody was attached to a millstone and flung into the sea (==#$' (ut was miraculously disco0ered on the sands at +alencia (y some Christians of that place. In the eighth century the 8oors too/ +alencia' and the inha(itants fled (y sea' ta/ing the relics of St. +incent with them. >hey were dri0en ashore on the coast of Algar0e at the cape now /nown as Cape St. +incent' and there they remained until K. Affonso ?enriques had e)pelled the 8oors from .is(on' when they were (rought from Cape Saint +incent and deposited in the cathedral he had Just (uilt. At this same time Affonso (egan the (uilding of the Cistercian monastery of Alco(aca' in fulfilment of a 0ow he had made to (uild a monastery for St. &ernard's mon/s' if he were successful in his war against the 8oors. >he Castello of S. %orqe was (uilt in the time of %ulius Caesar' and strengthened (y the 8oors' who held out there against the assault of Affonso ?enriques. It had three towers' /nown as Flysses' Al(arram' and 8anagem' (ut e0ery trace of them disappeared in the earthqua/e of !BB. It

was the royal residence until the Spanish /ings of ,ortugal chose the famous ,aco do >erriero which was ruined in !BB. Kon %oao I made St. George its patron saintC he had married an 1nglish princess ,hilippa' daughter of %ohn of Gaunt. >he procession on the feast of Corpus Christi from the Castello to the church of S. Komingo was a (rilliant one in former years. St. George' lance in hand and on horse(ac/ in hea0y armor' was personated (y one of the faithful and his standard was (orne (efore him (y another rider. *ing and court all too/ part in this procession' the patriarch carrying the sacred ?ost. >?1 8@K1RA CI>L.9>he church of St. Roque loo/s onto a square of its own nameC it contains the chapel of St. %ohn the &aptist' (uilt in Rome from designs (y the architect +aneteli. Its costly mar(les and mosaic reproductions of paintings (y Guido Reni' Raphael' and 8ichelangelo too/ ten years to complete. Close (y is the Casa de Fnisencordia a hospital and an orphanage. Aear at hand is the Graca church and con0ent (now a (arrac/s$ facing the city. >he church contains a remar/a(le crucifi) /nown as Aosser Senhor dos ,assos da Graca. >he church of the Carmo' a (eautiful relic of ,ortuguese Gothic' is now a museum. &elem' a su(ur( of .is(on' contains the church and monastery of Santa 8aria' /nown locally as the %eronymos. >he old name of &elem was Restello' and it was from here that +asco da Gama set out to disco0er a sea route to India. A chapel had (een (uilt on the spot (y ,rince ?enry the Aa0igator' and to it /ing and court went in procession' %uly D' "7!. @n that same day +asco da Gama em(ar/edC he returned in Septem(er' "77' ha0ing rounded the Cape of Good ?ope. >o immortaliIe the e0ent *ing 8anuel (uilt a monastery near ,rince ?enry's chapel' changed the name of the locality from Restello to &elem or &ethlehem' and ga0e the new (uilding to the mon/s of St. %eromeC hence the name %eronymos. >he first stone was laid in B55. >he (uilding is of white stone from the quarries of 1stramadura' and the foundations were laid on piles of pinewood. >he style of architecture is pure 8anueline (a mi)ture of Gothic' Renaissance' and 8oorish$ and the doorway is e)u(erantly decorated. >he church is fast (ecoming a mausoleum of cele(rated men. It contains the tom(s of +asco da Gama' of Camoes' the great poet' and of Almeida Garrett' the chief ,ortuguese poet of the nineteenth century. In the chapter house of the monastery is the tom( of Ale)andro ?erculano' greatest of ,ortuguese historians. >he columned arches of the cloisters are decorated with the twisted ca(le moulding so common in 8anueline (uildings. ?igh a(o0e &elem stands the AJuda ,alace' (uilt early in the nineteenth century to replace the royal palace which had (een destroyed (y the earthqua/e of !BB. It is a conspicuous edifice and is one of the first seen on entering the port of .is(on. >he actual residence of the royal family is the ,alace of the Aecessidades. Since D=" the Cortes' a generic designation for the Constitutional Cham(ers of peers and deputies' occupies the monastery of an &ento. >he actual num(er of deputies is "D' elected (y the people' whereas the cham(er of peers consists of nominated mem(ers appointed (y the crown' and none of them under "5 years of age. @ne of the most remar/a(le monuments connected with the city is the Aqueducto das Aguas .i0ras ((uilt in ! =$' which reaches a distance of ten miles to Chellos. Aear the 1strella Gardens is a ,rotestant cemetery containing the tom( of ?enry :ielding' the 1nglish no0elist' who died in .is(on in !B". >his part of the city also contains the &asilica' of the SS. Coracao de %esus with its commanding cupola of white mar(le. >he old :ranciscan con0ent has (een turned into a museum of fine artsC and a portion of the (uilding contains the Aational .i(rary of .is(on' where are stored a(out =55'555 0olumes'

(esides many rare manuscripts. >he first (oo/ printed (y Gutten(erg is shown there' and a &i(le from the same press. It also contains (oo/s from the Ku/e of Aorthum(erland's li(rary (rought to .is(on when the nuns of Sion were dri0en out of 1ngland during the Reformation. >he largest church in .is(on is S. Komingo in the ,rapa do Rocio. It was dedicated in 6" ' and has undergone many changes. >he /ings of ,ortugal are usually married there' and it was the former church of the Inquisition. In !# it witnessed the auto da ft of :ather 8alagrida the %esuit' who was falsely accused of complicity in a plot against ,om(al's life. 1)cept around the ,raca do Commercio' nearly all the important (uildings of .is(on are or ha0e (een churches and monasteries. Since their suppression' 8ay 6D' D="' the monasteries ha0e (een mainly used as (arrac/s. >he Catholic :aith is the State religion' (ut all other forms of worship are tolerated' and in go0ernment circles the feeling is antiE clerical if not antiEreligious. >he press is represented (y two a(le Journals' the "Kiario dos Aoticias" and "@ Seculo". >he population of .is(on in 755 was computed at =B!'555. >he present *ing of ,ortugal is 8anuel II' (orn Ao0em(er B' DD7' who succeeded to the throne on the assassination of his father and elder (rother :e(ruary ' 75D. >he reigning dynasty (elongs to the ?ouse of &raganIaECo(urgC %ohn I+ of &raganIa ha0ing e)pelled the Spaniards from .is(on in #"5' and 8aria II of &raganIa' ha0ing married :ernando' ,rince of Co(urgEGotha' in the middle of the nineteenth century. >he A0enida da .i(ertade is one of the new (oule0ards. It (egins at the ,raga do Restoradores' which commemorates ,ortugal's Independence Kay' Kecem(er ' #"5' when the Ku/e of &raganIa freed the land from Spanish domination. >he a0enue is lined with trees and su(tropical plants and is di0ided (y flowerE(eds and roc/eries into three arteries to facilitate traffic. >wenty years ago all this district did not e)ist' and as in the newer quarters in Rome' there has (een some o0er(uilding. &ehind the A0enida lie the &otanical Gardens with their leafy lanes and wealth of tropical 0egetation. >he ,raga do ,rincipe Real' a few minutes' wal/ from the gardens' stands on the site of the Se ,atriarchal' (uilt (y %oao + ( !5#E !B5$' as the cathedral of Hestern .is(on' and destroyed (y fire during the great earthqua/e. >he port of .is(on' one of the safest and most commodious roadsteads in the world' is annually entered and cleared (y an a0erage of #555 0essels sailing under e0ery flag. >he chief manufactures of the neigh(orhood are pottery' woollens' glass' preser0ed food' and fish. >he wine trade of .is(on is also important. &esides the pu(lic (uildings referred to' the Academia Real' the 1scola ,olytechnica (BD5 pupils$' and the 1scola 8edicoECirurgica (66" pupils$' as well as the o(ser0atory' deser0e mention. .is(on has also a military school (==7 students$' a school of fine arts (#7 students$' and a Conser0atorio (B5= students$. .is(on was occupied (y the :rench in D5!' (ut the 1nglish too/ it in D5D and made it a center of operations against Aapoleon during the ,eninsular Har. 1CC.1SIAS>ICA. ?IS>@RL.' >he See of .is(on dates from early Christian times' and tradition has enshrined the names of its (ishops as far (ac/ as the su(EApostolic epoch. It seems certain that a St. ,otamius' who too/ part in the Council of Rimini (=B#$' was &ishop of .is(on. @ther (ishops are mentioned up to the year ! # when .is(on passed into the hands of the 8oors and the see remained 0acant till "!. &efore the 8oorish conquest the diocese was suffragan of 8eridaC the li(eration under Alfonso I too/ place in "!' and in

77 .is(on was made suffragan of Compostela. At the request of *ing %ohn I' ,ope &oniface I-' (y &ull dated Ao0em(er 5' =7"' erected .is(on into an archdiocese and ga0e it as suffragans' Coim(ra' .eiria' Guarda' 10ora' and Sil0es (in =7#' howe0er' 10ora was detached (y the same pope$ and the first arch(ishop was %ohn Anes. Among his more famous successors were RoderigueI da Cunha ( #=#$ and Cardinal .uiI da SouIa ( #!#$. As ,ortugal grew in political importance and colonial possessions' the Jurisdiction of the 8etropolitan of .is(on e)panded' and we learn from Stadel' "Compend. Geogr. 1ccles." ( ! 6$ that Coim(ra' .eiria' ,ortalegre' 1l0as' :unchal' Angra' Congo' St. %ames of Cape +erde' San >horne' and &aia of All Saints were suffragans of .is(on. As a reward for assistance against the >ur/s' Clement -I in !5D raised the Chapel of the Royal ,alace to Collegiate ran/ and associated with it three parishes in the dioceses of &raganIa and .amego. .ater in that same year' yielding to the request of %ohn +' he issued the &ull "In Supremo Apostolatus Solio" (@cto(er 66' ! #$' /nown as the Golden &ull' (ecause the seal or (ulla was affi)ed with gold instead of lead' gi0ing the collegiate chapel cathedral ran/' with metropolitical rights' and conferring on its titular the ran/ of patriarch.'>he town of .is(on was ecclesiastically di0ided into 1astern and Hestern .is(on. >he former Arch(ishop of .is(on retained Jurisdiction o0er 1astern .is(on' quid had as suffragans Guarda' ,ortalegre' St. %ames of Cape +erde' San >horne' and San Sal0ator in Congo. Hestern .is(on and metropolitical rights o0er .eiria' .amego' :unchal' and Angra' together with ela(orate pri0ileges and honors were granted to the new patriarch and his successors. It was further agreed (etween pope and /ing that the ,atriarch of .is(on should (e made a cardinal at the first consistory following his appointment. >he first ,atriarch of .is(on was a saintly man' >homas d'Almeyda' formerly &ishop of ,orto' and he was raised to the cardinalate Kecem(er 65' !=!. >here thus e)isted side (y side in the city of .is(on two metropolitical churches. >o o(0iate the incon0enience of this arrangement &enedict -I+ (Kecem(er =' !"5$ united 1ast and Hest .is(on into one single archdiocese under ,atriarch d'Almeyda' who ruled the see until !B". >he dou(le chapter howe0er remained until D"=' when the old cathedral chapter was dissol0ed (y Gregory -+I. It was during the patriarchate of Cardinal d'Almeyda ( !"#$ that the famous chapel of Saint %ohn the &aptist' now in the church of Sao Roque' was (uilt in Rome at the e)pense of *ing %ohn +' and consecrated (y ,ope &enedict -I+. At what date the patriarchs of .is(on (egan to quarter the tiara with three crowns' though without the /eys' on their coat of arms is uncertain and there are no documents referring to the grant of such a pri0ilege. &y Apostolic letters dated Septem(er =5' DD the metropolitan of .is(on claims as suffragans the Kioceses of Angola' St. %ames of Cape +erde' San >horne' 1gitan' ,ortalegre' Angra' :unchal. >he archdiocese comprises the ci0il districts of .is(on and Santarem' and has a Catholic population of !6D'!=7. >he estimated num(er of ,rotestants and %ews is B555. >he total num(er of parishes is =" ' of priests ##6' and of churches and chapels BBB. >he present patriarch is Antonio 8endes &ello' who was (orn at Gou0ea in the Kiocese of Guarda in %une' D"6' appointed Arch(ishop of 8itylene 8arch 6"' DD"' translated to :aro Ao0em(er =' DD"' and appointed patriarch of .is(on' Kecem(er 7' 75!' in succession to Cardinal Aeto' who resigned. >he patriarch is assisted (y an au)iliary (ishop' mgr. %ose Al0es de 8attos' titular Arch(ishop of 8itylene. Cardinal Aeto' the e)patriarch' was (orn at .agos in the Kiocese of :aro' :e(ruary D' D" C was ordained in D#=C Joined the @rder of :riars 8inor in D!BC was appointed &ishop of Angola and Congo in D!7C (ecame ,atriarch of .is(on in DD=C

was named Cardinal of the >itle of the >wel0e Apostles' 8arch 6"' DD"' and at present ran/s as senior cardinal priest. ?e resigned his patriarchate in Ao0em(er' 75!' and retired to a con0ent of his own order in .is(on. In #6" a college for 1nglish students desiring to study for the priesthood and for mission wor/ in 1ngland' was founded in .is(on (y ,ietro Catinho' a' mem(er of an illustrious family. It is /nown as SS. ,eter and ,aul's and has the same rights and pri0ileges as the 1nglish College' Rome. It suffered se0erely from the earthqua/e of !BB' (ut continues its wor/s to this day' and is now go0erned (y 8onsignor ?ilton' who was (orn in D6BC educated at .is(onC ordained$ DB5C ser0ed some time on the mission in the Kiocese of Shrews(ury' 1nglandC made a domestic prelate in DD C and returned to .is(on as president in DD=. college for Irish students was founded (y royal charter in B7=C it escaped all inJury from the earthqua/e' (ut was closed during the ci0il wars in ,ortugal in the nineteenth century and has ne0er (een reopened. A con0ent of Irish Kominican mon/s and another of Irish Kominican nuns e)ist in .is(on to this day. SAA>AR18.' >he ancient Scala(is' the ,rcesidium %ulium of the Romans' and capital of the district of Santarem lies on the right (an/ of the >agus a(out "# miles from .is(on. >he population in 75 was 7"55. It does a large trade in wine and oil' and is the 0egeta(le garden of .is(on. In the si)teenth century it was of more importance than nowadays' and its population stood at 6 '555. A long narrow (ridge spans the >agus' and on a roc/ in the ri0er stands the castle Almourel' a (uilding in Gothic architecture. Roman relics unearthed in the 0icinity incline archaeologists to the opinion that the noted Aa(antia of the Romans and Goths stood there. >he :ranciscan con0ent is now a (arrac/s' and the con0ent of Santa Iria o'r Irene is in ruins. Saint Irene (whence the name 8 the town Santarem$ is said to ha0e (een the niece of the prior of the &enedictine monastery when the Goths ruled that portion of ,ortugal. %. C. GR1L

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