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Week/ T !"#$ Date SEMESTER 1 Chapter 1: Standard Form 1 3/1/06 ii. iii. i. Lea%&"&' A%ea 1.1 Significant figures Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ Students i!! "e a"!e to: i. round off positi#e num"ers to a gi#en num"er of significant figures hen the num"ers are: a$ greater than 1 "$ !ess than 1 perform operations of addition% su"traction% mu!tip!ication and di#ision% in#o!#ing a fe num"ers and state the ans er in specific significant figures so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing significant figures state positi#e num"ers in standard form hen the num"ers are: a$ greater than or e+ua! to 10 "$ !ess than 1 con#ert num"ers in standard form to sing!e num"ers perform operations of addition% su"traction% mu!tip!ication and di#ision% in#o!#ing an( t o num"ers and state the ans ers in standard form so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing num"ers in standard form .dentif( +uadratic e&pressions Form +uadratic e&pressions "( mu!tip!(ing an( t o !inear e&pressions Form +uadratic e&pressions "ased on specific situations 1 Pe%" * a! or'ing out menta!!( finding a!! possi"!e so!utions identif(i ng re!ations 1 ) 1 or'ing out menta!!( identif(i ng re!ations 10/1/06 ,ari Ra(a -ur"an CCTS conte&tu Re)a%k$

1 1 1

1.) Standard forms ) */1/06

ii. iii. i#. Chapter ): -uadratic E&pressions and E+uations ).1 -uadratic e&pression i. ii. iii.

1 1

ng -

c!assif(i arrangin g se+uentia!!( trans!atin g arrangin g se+uentia!!(

).) Factori/ation i. +uadratic e&pression ii. 3 16/1/06

3 )3/1/06

).3 -uadratic E+uation

Factorise +uadratic e&pressions of the form a&)0bx0c10% here b1 0 or c1 0 Factorise +uadratic e&pressions of the form px2 2 q% p and q are the perfect s+uares iii. Factorise +uadratic e&pressions of the form a&)0 bx 0 c% here a% b and c not e+ua! to /ero i#. Factorise +uadratic e&pressions containing coefficients ith common factors i. .dentif( +uadratic e+uations ith one un'no n ii. 4rite +uadratic e+uations in genera! form i.e. a&) 0 bx 0 c 1 0 iii. Form +uadratic e+uations "ased on specific situations

1 1

arrangin g se+uentia!!( c!assif(i ng trans!atin

g ).3 Roots of +uadratic e+uations i. determine hether a gi#en #a!ue is a root of a specific +uadratic e+uation ii. determine the so!utions for +uadratic e+uations "(: a$ tria! and error method "$ factori/ation iii. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing +uadratic e+uations Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ i. ii. a$ descriptions "$ using set notation 6 30/1/06 sort gi#en o"7ects into groups define sets "( comparin g 5 differentiating finding a!! possi"!e so!utions CCTS ) ma'ing genera!i/ations or'ing out menta!!( c!assif(i ng dra ing diagrams comparin g and differentiating c!assif(i ng ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 finding a!! possi"!e so!utions dra ing diagrams identif(i ng re!ations interpreti ng comparin g and differentiating dra ing diagrams identif(i ng re!ations interpreti ng trans!atin g ma'ing genera!i/ation Re)a%k$ )* 2 30/1/06 Chinese 9e :ear 31/1/06 ; a! Muharam <Ma=a! ,i7rah$ 1/)/06 >u"!ic ,o!ida(

Week/ Date

T !"#$ Chapter 3: Sets

Lea%&"&' A%ea 3.1 Set

Pe%" * 1

i#. #. #i. #ii.

identif( hether a gi#en o"7ect is an e!ement of a set and use the s(m"o! or represent sets "( using 8enn diagrams !ist the e!ements and state the num"er of e!ements of a set determine hether a set is an empt( set determine hether t o sets are e+ua! determine hether a gi#en set is a su"set of a specific set and use the s(m"o! or . represent su"set using 8enn diagram !ist the su"sets for a specific set i!!ustrate the re!ationship "et een set and uni#ersa! set using 8enn diagram determine the comp!ement of a gi#en set determine the re!ationship "et een set% su"set% uni#ersa! set and the comp!ement of a set determine the intersection of a$ t o sets "$ three sets and use the s(m"o! represent the intersection of sets using 8enn diagram state the re!ationship "et een a$ A B and A "$ A B and B determine the comp!ement of the intersection of sets so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing the intersection of sets determine the union of a$ t o sets "$ three sets and use the s(m"o!

6 6/)/06

3.) Su"set% uni#ersa! set and the comp!ement of a set

ii. iii. i#. #. #i.

6 2 ?/)/06 Fe"ruar( Month!( Test

? 13/)/06 @ )0/)/06 3.3 Aperations on set


ii. iii.

i#. #.

#i. #ii. a$ "$

Chapter 3: Mathematica! Reasoning * )?/)/06

3.1 Statement

#iii. i&. &. on sets so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing com"ined operations on sets i. determine hether a gi#en sentence is a statement ii. determine hether a gi#en statement is true or fa!se iii. construct true or fa!se statement using gi#en num"ers and mathematica! s(m"o!s Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ i. a$ "$ ii. iii. i#. a!! some construct statements using +uantifier determine hether a statement that contains the +uantifier Ba!!C is true or fa!se determine hether a statement can "e genera!i/ed to co#er a!! cases "( using the +uantifier Ba!!C construct a true statement using the +uantifier Ba!!C or BsomeC gi#en an o"7ect and a propert(C change the truth #a!ue of a gi#en statement "( p!acing the ord BnotC into the origina! statement identif( t o statements from a compound statement that contains the ord BandC form a compound statement "( com"ining t o gi#en statements using the ord BandC identif( t o statement from a compound statement that contains the ord BorC form a compound statement "( com"ining t o gi#en statements using the ord BorC determine the truth #a!ue of a compound statement hich is the com"ination of t o statements ith the ord BandC determine the truth #a!ue of a compound statement hich is the com"ination of t o statements ith the ord BorC identif( the antecedent and conse+uent of an imp!ication Bif p% then qC

represent the union of sets using 8enn diagram state the re!ationship "et een A B and A A B and B determine the comp!ement of the union of sets so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing the union of sets determine the outcome of com"ined operations

1 )

1 1

ng -

C!assif(i 4or'ing out menta!!( Trans!ati ng .nterpreti ng CCTS 4or'ing out menta!!( .dentif(i ng re!ations

Week/ Date 10 6/3/06

Lea%&"&' A%ea 3.) -uantifiers Ba!!C and BsomeC

Pe%" * 1 1 1 1 1


F.RST M.D TERM ,AE.D;: <11F1*/3/)006$ 3.3 Aperations on statements

i. ii. iii.

or'ing menta!!( c!assif(ing


)0 F )1/3/06 March Month!( Test

11 )0/3/06

i#. #. #i. #ii. 3.3 .mp!ication i.

out menta!!(


1) )?/3/06

3.6 ;rgument

3.6 Deduction and .nduction

Week/ Date 13 3/3/06

T !"#$ Chapter 6: The Straight Eine

Lea%&"&' A%ea 6.1 Gradient of straight !ine 6.) Gradient of a straight !ine in Cartesian coordinate

rite t o imp!ications from a compound statement containing Bif and on!( ifC iii. construct mathematica! statements in the form of imp!ication: a$ .f p% then q "$ p if and on!( if q i#. determine the con#erse of a gi#en imp!ication #. determine hether the con#erse of an imp!ication is true or fa!se i. identif( the premise and conc!usion of a gi#en simp!e argument ii. ma'e a conc!usion "ased on t o gi#en premises for: a$ ;rgument Form . "$ ;rgument Form .. c$ ;rgument Form ... iii. comp!ete an argument gi#en a premise and the conc!usion i. determine hether a conc!usion is made through: a$ reasoning "( deduction "$ reasoning "( induction ii. ma'e a conc!usion for a specific case "ased on a gi#en genera! statement% "( deduction iii. ma'e a genera!i/ation "ased on the pattern of a numerica! se+uence% "( induction i#. use deduction and induction in pro"!em so!#ing Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ determine the #ertica! and hori/onta! distances "et een t o gi#en points on a straight !ine ii. determine the ratio of #ertica! distance to hori/onta! distance i. deri#e the formu!a for the gradient of a straight !ine ii. ca!cu!ate the gradient of a straight !ine passing through t o points iii. determine the re!ationship "et een the #a!ue of the gradient and the: a$ steepness "$ direction of inc!ination of a straight !ine i. determine the xFintercept and the yFintercept of a straight !ine ii. deri#e the formu!a for the gradient of a straight !ine in terms of the xFintercept and the yFintercept i.




1 )

ng inferences

C!assif(i Ma'ing

1 1

ng inferences -

c!assif(i ma'ing ma'ing genera!i/ation !oo'ing for patterns ma'ing ana!og( CCTS .nterpreti ng

Pe%" * 1 1 1 ) -


interpreti ng c!assif(i ng

13 10/3/06

6.3 .ntercept

1 )



11/3/06 F >rophet Muhammad=s Hirthda( 13/3/06

iii. 6.3 E+uation of a straight !ine i. ii. iii. i#.

16 1?/3/06



6.6 >ara!!e! !ine

i. ii.

16 )3/3/06

iii. i#.

perform ca!cu!ations in#o!#ing gradient xF intercept and yFintercept dra the graph gi#en an e+uation of the form y = mx 0 c determine hether a gi#en point !ies on a specific straight !ine rite the e+uation of the straight !ine gi#en the gradient and yFintercept determine the gradient and yFintercept of the straight !ine hich e+uation is of the form: a$ y = mx 0 c "$ ax 0 by 1 c find the e+uation of the straight !ine hich: a$ is para!!e! to the xFa&is "$ is para!!e! to the yFa&is c$ passes through a gi#en point and has a specific gradient d$ passes through t o gi#en points find the point of the intersection of t o straight !ines "(: a$ dra ing the t o straight !ines e$ so!#ing simu!taneous e+uations #erif( that t o para!!e! !ines ha#e the same gradient and #ice #ersa determine from the gi#en e+uations hether t o straight !ines are para!!e! find the e+uation of the straight !ine hich passes through a gi#en point and is para!!e! to another straight !ine so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing e+uations of straight !ines

Good Frida( 1 1 ) diagrams comparin g and differentiating or'ing out menta!!( dra ing

comparin g and differentiating

F.RST TERM EI;M.9;T.A9 <) 2 16/6/)006$ F.RST TERM ,AE.D;: <)?/6/06 2 11/6/06$ SEMESTER .. Chapter 6: 6.1 .nter#a! i. Statistics C!ass ii. 1 1)/6/06

Week/ Date

T !"#$

Lea%&"&' A%ea

comp!ete the c!ass inter#a! for a set of data gi#en one of the c!ass inter#a!s determine: a$ the upper !imit an !o er !imit "$ the upper "oundar( and !o er "oundar( of a c!ass in a group data iii. ca!cu!ate the si/e of a c!ass inter#a! Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ i#. #. determine the c!ass inter#a!% gi#en a set of data and the num"ers of c!asses determine a suita"!e c!ass inter#a! for a

1 1

or'ing out menta!!( c!assif(i ng ma'ing inferences CCTS Re)a%k$

Pe%" * )

6.) Mode and mean of grouped data ) 1*/6/06

3 )6/6/06

6.3 ,istograms ith c!ass inter#a!s 6.3 Fre+uenc( po!(gons

3 3/?/06

6.6 Cumu!ati#e fre+uenc( 6 10/?/06 6.6 Measures of dispersion

6 1?/?/06

Chapter ?: >ro"a"i!it( .

?.1 Samp!e space

? )3/?/06

gi#en set of data i. construct a fre+uenc( ta"!e for gi#en set of data i. determine the moda! c!ass from the fre+uenc( ta"!e of grouped data ii. ca!cu!ate the midpoint of a c!ass iii. #erif( the formu!a for the mean of grouped data i#. ca!cu!ate the mean from the fre+uenc( ta"!e of grouped data #. discuss the effect of the si/e of c!ass inter#a! on the accurac( of the mean for a specific set of grouped data i. dra a histogram "ased on the fre+uenc( ta"!e of a grouped data ii. interpret information from gi#en histogram iii. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing histograms i. dra the fre+uenc( po!(gon "ased on: a$ a histogram "$ a fre+uenc( ta"!e ii. interpret information from a gi#en fre+uenc( po!(gon iii. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing fre+uenc( po!(gon i. construct the cumu!ati#e fre+uenc( ta"!e for: a$ ungrouped data "$ grouped data ii. dra the ogi#e for: a$ ungrouped data "$ grouped data i. determine the range of a set data ii. determine: a$ the median "$ the first +uarti!e c$ the third +uarti!e d$ the inter+uarti!e range from the ogi#e iii. interpret information from an ogi#e i#. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing data representations and measures of dispersion i. determine hether an outcome is a possi"!e outcome of an e&periment ii. !ist a!! the possi"!e outcomes of an e&periment: a$ from acti#ities "$ "( reasoning iii. determine the samp!e space of an e&periment i#. rite the samp!e space "( using set notations i. identif( the e!ements of a samp!e space hich satisf( gi#en conditions

1 1 ) ) ng ) 1 ) ) 1 ) 1 ) ) ng identif(i ng re!ations 4or'ing out menta!!( Ma'ing inferences .dentif(i ng re!ations dra ing diagrams interpreti ng dra ing diagrams interpreti ng or'ing out menta!!( dra ing diagrams interpreti .nterpreti

3 F 3/?/06 Ju!( Month!( Test

) 1 1 1 Finding a!! possi"!e so!utions

?.) E#ents

Finding a!! possi"!e so!utions


!ist a!! the e!ements of a samp!e hich satisf( certain conditions using set notations iii. determine hether an e#ent is possi"!e for a samp!e space Week/ Date T !"#$ Lea%&"&' A%ea ?.3 >ro"a"i!it( of an e#ent i. Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$

Pe%" * 1 1 1 ) -

CCTS identif(i ng re!ations


find the ratio of the num"er of times an e#ent occurs to the num"er of tria!s ii. find the pro"a"i!it( of an e#ent from a "ig enough of tria!s @ iii. ca!cu!ate the e&pected num"er of times an 31/?/06 e#ent i!! occur% gi#en the pro"a"i!it( of the use e#ent and num"er of tria!s i#. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing pro"a"i!it( #. predict the occurrence of an outcome and ma'e a decision "ased on 'no n information Chapter @: @.1 Tangents of i. identif( tangents to a circ!e Circ!es ... a circ!e ii. ma'e inference that the tangent to a circ!e is a straight !ine perpendicu!ar to the radius that passes * through the contact point ?/@/06 iii. construct the tangent to a circ!e passing through a point: a$ on the circumference of the circ!e 10 "$ outside the circ!e 13/@/06 i#. determine the properties re!ated to t o tangents to a circ!e from a gi#en point outside the circ!e #. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing tangents to a circ!e SECA9D M.D TERM ,AE.D;: <1* 2 )?/@/06$ @.) ;ng!e i. identif( the ang!e in the a!ternate segment "et een tangent hich is su"tended "( the chord through the contact point and chord of the tangent ii. #erif( the re!ationship "et een the ang!e 1) formed "( the tangent and the chord ith the ang!e in the )@/@/06 a!ternate segment hich is su"tended "( the chord iii. perform ca!cu!ations in#o!#ing the ang!e in a!ternate segment i#. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing tangent to a circ!e and ang!e in a!ternate segment 13 i. determine the num"er of common 3/*/06 tangents hich can "e dra n to t o circ!es hich: a$ intersect at t o points "$ intersect on!( at one point c$ do not intersect ii. determine the properties re!ated to the common tangent to t o circ!es hich: a$ intersect at t o points "$ intersect on!( at one point

1 )

out menta!!( diagrams ng re!ations

4or'ing Dra ing .dentif(i

?F @/@/06 ;ugust Month!( Test

1 )

identif(i ng re!ations

31/@/06 9ationa! Da(

) 1

comparin g and differentiating Finding a!! possi"!e so!utions .dentif(i ng re!ations

13 11/*/06

Chapter *: Trigonometr( ..

*.1 8a!ues of sin % cos and tan

0 360

Week/ Date

T !"#$

Lea%&"&' A%ea

do not intersect so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing common tangents to t o circ!es i#. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing tangents and common tangent i. identif( the +uadrants and ang!es in the unit circ!e ii. determine: a$ the #a!ue of yFcoordinate "$ the #a!ue of xFcoordinate c$ the ratio of yFcoordinate to xFcoordinate of se#era! points on the circumference of the unit circ!e iii. #erif( that% for an ang!e in +uadrant . of the unit circ!e: sin = y coordinate a$ "$ cos = x coordinate Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ iii. c$ i#.


1 1

or'ing out menta!!( interpreti ng identif(i ng re!ations

Pe%" *



tan =

y coordinate x coordinate
determine the #a!ue of:


a$ sine "$ cosine c$ tangent of an ang!e in +uadrant . of the unit circ!e determine the #a!ues of: a) sin

b) c)
for #i. 16 1@/*/06

cos tan

0 360

determine hether the #a!ues of: a$ sine "$ cosine c$ tangent of an ang!e in a specific +uadrant is positi#e or negati#e #ii. determine the #a!ues of sine% cosine and tangent for specia! ang!es #iii. determine the #a!ues of the ang!es in +uadrant . hich correspond to the #a!ues of the ang!es in other +uadrants i&. State the re!ationships "et een the #a!ues of: a$ sine "$ cosine% and

1 )

c$ tangent of ang!es in +uadrant ..% ... and .8 ith their respecti#e #a!ues of the corresponding ang!e in +uadrant . &. Find the #a!ues of sine% cosine and tangent of the ang!es "et een *0K and 360K &i. Find the ang!es "et een 0K and 360K% gi#en the #a!ues of sine% cosine and tangent &ii. So!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing sine% cosine and tangent *.) Graphs of sine% cosine and tangent 16 )6/*/06 i. dra the graphs of sine% cosine and tangent for ang!es "et een 0K and 360K ii. compare the graphs of sine% cosine and tangent for ang!es "et een 0K and 360K iii. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing graphs of sine% cosine and tangent i. identif(: the hori/onta! !ine the ang!e of e!e#ation the ang!e of depression ii. represent a particu!ar situation in#o!#ing a$ the ang!e of e!e#ation "$ the ang!e of depression% using diagrams iii. so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing the ang!e of e!e#ation and the ang!e of depression a$ "$ c$ Lea%&"&' O(t# )e$ i. ii. identif( p!anes identif( hori/onta! p!anes% #ertica! p!anes and inc!ined p!anes iii. s'etch a three dimensiona! shape and identif( the specific p!anes i#. identif( #. identif( norma!s to a gi#en p!ane #i. determine the orthogona! pro7ection of a !ine on a p!ane #ii. dra and name the orthogona! pro7ection of !ine on p!ane #iii. determine the ang!e "et een a !ine and a p!ane so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing the ang!e "et een a !ine and a p!ane i. identif( the !ine of intersection "et een t o p!anes ii. dra a !ine on each p!ane hich is perpendicu!ar to the !ine of intersection of the t o p!anes

ing diagrams paring differentiating rpreting

dra com and inte or 'ing out menta!!( dra ing diagrams iden tif(ing re!ations

Chapter 10: ;ng!es of E!e#ation and Depression 1? )/10/06

10.1 ;ng!e of e!e#ation and ang!e of depression

1 )

Week/ Date

T !"#$ Chapter 11: Eines and >!anes in 3F dimensions

Lea%&"&' A%ea 11.1 ;ng!e "et een !ines and p!anes

Pe%" * 1 -

CCTS mparing differentiating Co and


1@ */10/06

4or 'ing out menta!!( .den tif(ing re!ations

1* 16/10/06

11.) ;ng!e "et een t o p!anes

1 1

or 'ing out menta!!( dra ing diagrams

iii. i#. F.9;E EI;M.9;T.A9 <30/10/06 2 10/11/06$

at a point on the !ine of intersection determine the ang!e "et een t o p!anes on a mode! and a gi#en diagram so!#e pro"!ems in#o!#ing !ines and p!anes in 3Fdimensiona! shapes

1 )

tif(ing re!ations


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