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(Windows 2000/XP)
README.RTF Copyright 2004 Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cakewalk is a registered trademark, and S !A" is a trademark o# Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. This file contains supplemental information on SONAR, Version 4. It was prepared on September 15, 2004.


Whats New in SONAR 4

If you have upgraded to SONAR 4 from a previous version of SONAR, please see the New Features in SONAR 4 section in the online Help. You can access this Help topic from Help-Whats New.

New in SONAR 4
The #ollowing enhancements have $een introd%ced in S !A" 4&

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

S%rro%nd 'i(ing )S !A" *rod%cer only+ S%rro%nd,ridge )S%rro%nd -##ects .inker+ )S !A" *rod%cer only+ /oystick S%pport )S !A" *rod%cer only+ .e(icon *antheon S%rro%nd "ever$ )S !A" *rod%cer only+ Sonit%s S%rro%nd Compressor )S !A" *rod%cer only+ 0ideo Th%m$nail Track )S !A" *rod%cer only+ Track 1olders 1ree2e Synths or Tracks .oop Constr%ction 0iew -nhancements ,%s3a$le A%dio 'etronome 4ro%p -diting )'%lti clip Slip3-diting, #ades, and splits+ Take 'anagement and Comping -nhancements Track layers *ower#%l cross#ade tool #or cropping overlapping clips '%te Tool 3 Clip3$ased )Clip '%te+ or time3$ased within a clip, and Isolating )Clip Soloing+ 0ideo -(port to 5%ickTime, 6indows 'edia 0ideo, and A0I -nhanced 7ey ,indings !%dging

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

!avigator view A%dition )Selection *lay$ack+ Cakewalk TTS38 9:i Synth * 63r 9ithering )S !A" *rod%cer only+ *rosoni; '*-: Time Scaling )S !A" *rod%cer only+ Con#ig%ra$le "'S and *eak 'eter ,allistics Si( stereo panning laws *ower#%l presets #or #re;%ently %sed e(port settings -(port $%ses and tracks into a composite mi(down, or as individ%al #iles 6'A<, =.8 6'A< *ro, and 6'A< .ossless -ncoding pen s%pport #or e(ternal command3line encoders Color -nhancements )Console view and clips+

Top Issues in SONAR 4

Windows 2000/XP and SONAR
To install and r%n S !A" in 6indows 2000, 6indows :* *ro#essional and >ome -dition, yo% m%st $e logged in as a %ser with administrative privileges. To %se the prod%ct yo% m%st $e logged in as the same %ser that installed the program? otherwise, yo% will not have access to yo%r 9irect: e##ects presets.

Bac wa!ds Co"pati#i$it%

SONAR 4 can load SONAR 1.x, SONAR 2.x, and SONAR 3.x projects, but projects that are saved in SONAR 4 cannot be re-opened in SONAR 1.x or SONAR 2.x. In case you need to open a pre-SONAR 4 project in an earlier version of SONAR, it is recommended that you always create a backup copy of the original project before you re-save the project in SONAR 4.

&e'icon Pantheon Re(e!#

*lease note that the .e(icon *antheon rever$ pl%g3in will only work in S !A".

&e'icon Pantheon Su!!ound Suppo!ts Su!!ound )o!"ats o* + Channe$s o! &ess

I# a S !A" 4 pro@ect is %sing the .e(icon *antheon S%rro%nd pl%g3in, an error may occ%r i# yo% change the pro@ectAs s%rro%nd #ormat #rom =.8 to a s%rro%nd #ormat containing more than B channels )C.8, D.8, etc.+ The .e(icon *antheon S%rro%nd pl%g3in is only compati$le with s%rro%nd #ormats o# B channels or less )=.8, 5%ad, etc+.

Also, i# the c%rrent s%rro%nd #ormat is already set to C.0 and a$ove, the .e(icon *antheon S%rro%nd pl%g3 in will #ail to patch in an e##ect $in.

Bus So$o
6hen a $%s is soloed, S !A" will not m%te 'I9I tracks that are assigned to e(ternal 'I9I ports. This is intentional, as the e(ternal 'I9I deviceAs a%dio o%tp%t might $e #ed $ack to S !A" via an a%dio track inp%t.

,T!ac Inte!$ea(e and P!e-SONAR 4 P!o.ects

6hen loading pre3S !A" 4 pro@ects in S !A" 4, please $e advised that the Track Interleave toggle $ehaves di##erently in S !A" 4, which may res%lt in yo%r pre3S !A" 4 pro@ects so%nding a little di##erently. In S !A" E.8.8, the track interleave $%tton implicitly speci#ies the inp%t interleave o# the e##ects $in. It has no e##ect on the act%al data streamed o%t o# the track $%s when no e##ects are present. In S !A" 4, track interleave $%tton act%ally speci#ies how the data is streamed to downstream $%ses. 1or e(ample, yo% can now switch a stereo trackAs interleave to mono and it will send mono data #rom its o%tp%t )or sends+ to all downstream $%ses. S !A" E.8.8 doesnFt do this 3 it ignores the track interleave $%tton %nless e##ects are present. This change will potentially make a S !A" E.8.8 pro@ect so%nd di##erent i# it was saved with the interleave $%tton set to mono $%t no e##ects were present in the e##ect $in. I# this is an iss%e, and yo% need the pro@ect to so%nd the same again, simply set the track interleave $%tton $ack to the desired state.

P!e-)ade! Sends and P!e-SONAR 4 P!o.ects

In SONAR 3, track/bus mute and solo affected pre-fader sends. This has changed in SONAR, where mute and solo has no effect on pre-fader sends. Please be advised that mixes created in SONAR 3 may sound different in SONAR 4 when soloing and muting tracks/buses if pre-fader sends were used.

/P0X Ti"e/Pitch Sca$in1 2 3i1h Sa"p$e Rates

SONAR 4.0.0 uses the MPEX2 time/pitch scaling algorithm, which currently will not work with any sample rates greater than 96kHz. A future update to SONAR 4 will introduce MPEX3, which does not have this limitation.

/u$tichanne$ I"po!t/0'po!t S%ste" Re4ui!e"ents

The #ollowing minim%m system re;%irements apply #or importing and e(porting m%ltichannel #iles in S !A" 4& Requirements for multichannel audio import

G 6indows :* )optionally with S*8HS*2+ G Not supported under Windows 2000. This is a doc%mented 'icroso#t S limitation. A%dio #rom
s%ch #iles will import as stereo only. Requirements for multichannel audio export

G 6indows :* )optionally with S*8HS*2+ G 6indows 2000 with S*4. I# yo% wish to e(port to m%ltichannel 6indows 'edia #iles, yo% sho%ld
additionally have 6indows 'edia *layer < installed. )not 800I s%re a$o%t the 6'* re;%irement+ Requirements for multichannel Windows Media Video Import in SONAR

G 6indows :* )optionally with S*8HS*2+ G Not supported under Windows 2000. This is a doc%mented 'icroso#t S limitation. )only the
video will import normally, a%dio will import as stereo+ Requirements for multichannel Windows Media Video export in SONAR

G 6indows :* )optionally with S*8HS*2+ and %pcoming 5AS1.9.. hot#i( #rom 'icroso#t. The
hotfix should be available on the Cakewalk web site ( by the time SONAR 4 is released. G 6indows 2000 with S*4 and 6indows 'edia *layer < installed. )not 800I s%re a$o%t the 6'* re;%irement+, and %pcoming 5AS1.9.. hot#i( #rom 'icroso#t

5e%#oa!d Sho!tcut )o! ,P!e(iew &oop In &oop Const!uction 6iew

In previous versions of SONAR, the keyboard shortcut for Preview Loop in the Loop Construction view was Shift+Spacebar. Please note that this has changed to Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar in SONAR 4 since Shift+Spacebar is now a global command for auditioning the selected data in a project.

5e%#oa!d Sho!tcut )o! ,P!e(iew &oop In &oop 0'p$o!e! 6iew

In previous versions of SONAR, the keyboard shortcut for Preview Loop in the Loop Explorer view was Shift+Spacebar. Please note that this shortcut has been overridden in SONAR 4 by the global Audition command that previews selected data in a project. Use the Key Bindings dialog ( Options-Key Bindings) to assign a new keyboard shortcut for Preview Loop in the Loop Explorer View Binding Context.

5e%#oa!d Sho!tcut )o! ,P$a% 0(ent In 0(ent &ist 6iew

In previous versions of SONAR, the keyboard shortcut for Play Event in the Loop Explorer view was Shift+Spacebar. Please note that this has changed to Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar in SONAR 4 since Shift+Spacebar is now a global command for previewing the selected data.

Audio Pe!*o!"ance Issues

The #ollowing iss%es concern improving and tro%$leshooting a%dio per#ormance in S !A".

7Xis 2 &oo -ahead P!ocessin1 at 3i1h &atencies

Some pl%g3ins, s%ch as the Sonit%s&#( '%lti$and and other dynamics processors, %se a look3ahead $%##er mechanism, which res%lts in a short delay $eing introd%ced to the o%tp%t signal when the pl%g3in is %sed in real3time. S !A"As a%tomatic delay compensation )A9C+ takes care o# any delays, $%t yo% may e(perience some anomalies when %sing s%ch a pl%g3in to process the o%tp%t o# a 9:iJespecially i# S !A" is con#ig%red to %se a high mi(ing latency. The symptoms incl%de a%dio that appears to drop o%t, andHor missed notes )#rom the 'I9I track that is assigned to the 9:i+. Again, this is more prone to occ%r with higher latency settings. This may happen i# S !A" doesnAt p%mp ahead eno%gh 'I9I data to compensate #or A9C. To #i( this pro$lem, go to Options-Glo al-MI!I and increase the Prepare Using [n] Millisecond Buffers val%e.

Sa"p$in1 7Xi8s and the 90na#$e /u$tip!ocessin1 0n1ine9 Audio Option

A few DXi's that employ sample playback may click or pop if the multiprocessing audio engine is enabled. At the time of the 4.0 release we have confirmed that the DS864 DXi and the LiveSynth Pro both have this limitation.

3%pe!Th!eadin1 / /u$tip!ocesso! Opti"i:ation

The a%dio con#ig%ration dialog )Options-Audio+ has a check$o( K-na$le '%lti*rocessing -ngineK on the Advanced page. This check$o( is only active on m%lti3processing )or hyper3threaded+ machines. 6hen checked, the a%dio engine will %se a dedicated worker thread #or each C*L, and optimally distri$%te mi(ing and 9S* tasks

across m%ltiple C*LFs. Mo% will notice signi#icant per#ormance $ene#its on tr%e m%lti3processor systems with this option ena$led.

/I7I P!epa!e Bu**e! Si:e and Auto"ation

If your project contains several track/clip automation envelopes, setting your MIDI playback buffer size too low (in Options-Global-MIDI) can cause audio to crackle if your audio latency is also set very low. This problem will be somewhat worse if you enable multiprocessing in the audio engine. To minimize or eliminate these crackles, please be sure to keep your MIDI playback buffers at or above the default setting of 500 msec.

I"p!o(e Responsi(eness o* Rea$-Ti"e /)X P$u1-Ins

/*'&oo Ahead;<tic s= >de*au$t;?+0@4A This new TTSS-5.I!I varia$le de#ines how m%ch e(tra 'I9I data is sent to '1: pl%g3ins, so that they have e(tra room to ;%anti2e events into the #%t%re. .ower val%es mean '1: pl%g3ins can work more K@%st in timeK. This varia$le sho%ld $e set in the N *TI !SO section. 1or e(ample& [OPTIONS] MfxLookAhead=480

Con*idence Reco!din1 Wa(e*o!" P!e(iews

Wa(eP!e(iewSa"p$e)!e4uenc%;<B-B0= >de*au$t;BA By default, waveform previews take a meter sample for each meter frame. The default interval between meter frames is 40 milliseconds. The WavePreviewSampleFrequency CAKEWALK.INI variable lets you specify how frequent samples are taken. The value can be an integer between 1 and 10, and represents the number of frames to sample. It goes in the N6incakeO section o# CA7-6A.7.I!I. 1or e(ample& [WinCake] WavePreviewSam !e"re#$en%&=' With the default value (1), every meter frame gets written to the history file. With higher values (2-10), frames will be skipped, causing fewer history frames to be written to the history file. Higher values may be desirable if the waveform previews are affecting playback performance.

/ete! )!a"e Si:e

/ete!)!a"eSi:e/S;<B0-200= >de*au$t;40A@ 'eters in S !A" show peak )or "'S+ val%es at a given instant in time. The act%al peak val%e displayed $y a meter is the highest peak recorded in an interval o# time re#erred to as a K'eter 1rameK. The de#a%lt si2e #or a meter #rame is 40 milliseconds, which is an acc%racy o# 2= 1*S. The P'eter1rameSi2e'SA AL9.I!I varia$le allows yo% to change the si2e o# this interval. It goes in the N6aveO section o# AL9.I!I. 1or e(ample&

Me(er"ramSi)eMS=40 Setting this val%e to a lower val%e will make the meters record peak in#o #or smaller time slices. >owever this can also increase the metering C*L and memory cost. Q R altho%gh S !A" doesnAt en#orce a #i(ed val%e range, the recommended range sho%ld $e $etween 80 and 200 milliseconds.

Cont!o$ Su!*aces With Co1 Whee$

There are two new CAKEWALK.INI variables that control the behavior of using a control surface jog wheel to change SONARs Now time: Co1PosTi"e!;<"i$$iseconds= >de*au$t;B20A PauseOnCo1;<0 o! B= >de*au$t;0D o**A /og*osTimer is the period o# the now time throttle. 6hen a @og message comes in, S !A" sets the transport time immediately $%t will not set the transport time again #or this length o# time. 9%ring the time, S !A" @%st remem$er the latest @og time received. *a%se n/og is the main switch. 8 does a pa%se and invokes the throttle timer. 0 @%st sends the now time with no pa%se and no throttle timer. I# 0, the setting o# /og*a%seTimer is KdonFt careK. This varia$le sho%ld $e set in the N6incakeO section. 1or e(ample& [Win%ake] *o+Po,Timer='-0 Pa$,eOn*o+=0

The #ollowing topics cover general iss%es in S !A".

Windows /edia 6ideo >W/6A P!o*i$es

S !A" 4 incl%des several pro#iles #or e(porting 6'0 #iles. Mo% can a%thor yo%r own 6'0 pro#iles i# yo% wish to %se speci#ic settings. To do so, yo% need to download and install the 6indows 'edia *ro#ile -ditor, which is incl%ded with the 6indows 'edia -ncoder < Series. 9ownload #rom here& http&HHwww.microso#t.comHwindowsHwindowsmediaHdownload In PSelect 9ownload&A choose K6indows 'edia -ncoderK In PSelect 0ersion&A choose PS< SeriesS The set%p program will install the 6indows 'edia *ro#ile -ditor %tility. I# yo% a%thor yo%r own pro#iles ).*": #iles+, they m%st $e placed in the T9oc%ments and SettingsTAll LsersTApplication 9ataTCakewalkTS !A" 4 *rod%cer -ditionT6'0 *ro#iles directory in order to $e availa$le in S !A". !ote& i# yo% %se S !A" St%dio -dition, s%$stit%te U*rod%cerS with USt%dioS.

Ca ewa$ 0'te!na$ 0ncode! Con*i1 Fti$it%

S !A" 4 s%pports e(ternal command3line encoders, s%ch as .A'-, gg 0or$is, 'onkeyAs A%dio, etc. I# an e(ternal command3line encoder is installed on yo%r machine, the PCakewalk -(ternal -ncoder Con#igA %tility allows yo% to add the encoder to S !A"As list o# availa$le #ile #ormats when e(porting a%dio )"ile-#xport-Audio+. To %se the %tility, start S !A" and go to $ools-%a&ewal& #xt #ncoder %onfi', then speci#y the proper settings or the encoder yo% wish to %se. !ote& the S !A" 4 C93" ' incl%des several pre3de#ined pro#iles #or vario%s encoders. These pro#iles can $e #o%nd in the TLtilitiesT-(ternal -ncoder *ro#iles #older on C98. Mo% can %se these pro#iles as a starting point when creating yo%r own pro#iles. Simply do%$le3click the appropriate ."-4 #ile to add the in#ormation to the 6indows registry, then %se the PCakewalk -(ternal -ncoder Con#igA %tility to speci#y the correct install path o# the encoder.

T!ac 6iew Wid1et Reo!de!in1

In SONAR 4, it is possible to alter the default order layout of the Controls (Widgets) in the Track view. This requires adding entries to the CAKEWALK.INI file. All non3#i(ed controls )controls not #orced in the track header like !ame, '%te, Solo, "ecord Arm, minimi2e and ma(imi2e+ will layo%t $ased on these I!I keys. You can independently change the order for Audio Tracks, MIDI Tracks, and Buses by putting entries in three different sections: [Audio Widgets], [Midi Widgets], and [Bus Widgets] Each type of strip has a fixed number of widgets. Type of Strip Audio Track MIDI Track Bus Number of Widgets 8 13 8

Each type of strip has different types of widgets on it as well which are identified by name. The following table shows the names of the widgets for each type of strip: Audio Track Volume Pan Trim Input Output Fx Aux Interleave MIDI Track Volume Pan Trim Input Output Fx Bus Volume Pan Contents of Widget Group Volume Slider Pan Slider Trim Slider Input Selector Output Selector Fx Bin Aux Send, Pan, Enable, Pre-Post switch Phase and Interleave switches Input Gain Slider Input Pan Slider MIDI Channel Picker MIDI Program Bank Picker MIDI Patch Picker MIDI Key Offset MIDI Time Offset MIDI Chorus ( CC99 ) Slider MIDI Reverb ( CC91 ) Slider

Output Fx Aux Interleave Inputgain Inputpan

Channel Bank Patch Key Time Chorus Reverb 3ow the INI is *o!"atted to !eo!de! wid1ets A 7ey30al%e pair is de#ined as& Wn=name

where n is the sort order, and name is the widget gro%p name. The name is not case sensitive. Start with a section name for the type of strip you want to reorder widgets on. It looks like this for Audio Tracks:

[A$dio.Tra%k] Now, add the 8 entries that specify the widget order for Audio Tracks. Here is one example: W0=/o!$me W'=Pan W-=In(er!eave W0=Trim W4="1 W2=A$x W3=O$( $( W4=In $( !ote& the layo%t order will revert to the hard3wired list i# any o# these scenarios are tr%e&

8V 2V EV 4V

Any section is missing Any individ%al key is missing 1alse val%e or name #or a key 9%plicate keys

All sections and keys m%st s%cceed, or S !A" reverts to the de#a%lt hard3wired layo%t order. 0'a"p$e o* wo! in1 wid1et !eo!de!in1 ent!ies In order to c%stomi2e the control layo%t order, yo% can copy the sections $elow and paste them into CA7-6A.7.I!I. The layo%t $elow mimics the hard3wired layo%t. To reverse, #or e(ample, the 0ol%me and *an order, set 60R*an and 68R0ol%me. These settings are loaded Q !C-Q per strip when the strip is created, so yo% can #or e(ample make a change to the N'I9I 6idgetsO section and create another 'I9I strip with the new layo%t )yo% donFt have to restart the application+, $%t all 'I9I strips will have the same layo%t the ne(t time yo% open the pro@ect. [A$dio.Wid+e(,] W0=/o!$me W'=Pan W-=In(er!eave W0=Trim W4="1 W2=A$x W3=O$( $( W4=In $( [Midi.Wid+e(,] W0=/o!$me W'=Pan W-=Trim W0="1 w4=5ever6 w2=Chor$, W3=Channe! 10

w4=7ank w8=Pa(%h W8=O$( $( W'0=In $( w''=9e& w'-=Time [7$,.Wid+e(,] W0=In $(:ain W'=In $(Pan W-=/o!$me W0=Pan W4=O$( $( W2=A$x W3="1 W4=In(er!eave

Wa!nin1G Input 0cho /a% Cause )eed#ac &oop

Depending on how your studio equipment is connectedand how audio tracks in a SONAR project are routed--keep in mind that Input Echo on audio tracks may introd%ce #eed$ack loops which can ca%se damage to yo%r speakers. I# yo%r so%nd card has a K6hat L >earK record inp%t, please disa$leHm%te this inp%t $e#ore %sing Inp%t -cho on a%dio tracks, and i# yo% are %sing an e(ternal mi(er, please lower its master vol%me $e#ore proceeding. In case o# #eed$ack, choose $ransport-Reset.

A$wa%s 7isp$a% Wid1ets in T!ac 3eade! Ba!

T6Wid1etsStic In3eade!;<0 o! B= >de*au$t;0A ,y de#a%lt, Track view controls )widgets+ will only appear in the track header $ar i# the track is minimi2ed and there is eno%gh room to display at least one control. S !A" 4 has a CA7-6A.7.I!I varia$le that allows yo% to always display controls in the track header $ars, regardless o# whether a tracks are minimi2ed or not. It goes in the N6incakeO section o# CA7-6A.7.I!I. 1or e(ample& [Win%ake] T/Wid+e(,S(i%kIn;eader=' 6hen T"L- )val%eR8+ widgets stay in the header $ar regardless o# the height o# a track.


!ote& the #ollowing controls will never appear in the track header $ar& Send widgets, 'eters, and 0ertical 1: ,in.

7isp$a% 7!op Shadow On C$ips

ShowC$ipShadow;<0 o! B= >de*au$t;0A ,y de#a%lt, a drop shadow is not displayed on clips in the Track view. This is di##erent #rom previo%s versions o# S !A". S !A" 4 has a CA7-6A.7.I!I varia$le that allows yo% to always display a drop shadow on clips. It goes in the N6incakeO section o# CA7-6A.7.I!I. 1or e(ample& [Win%ake] ShowC!i Shadow=' 6hen T"L- )val%eR8+ clips display a small drop shadow.

Conso$e 6iew Auto-Resi:in1

,y de#a%lt, the Console view will a%tomatically resi2e itsel# vertically as mod%les are shown or hidden. I# yo% pre#er, yo% can keep the Console view #rom a%tomatically resi2ing $y holding down the Shi#t key as yo% click on a mod%leAs ShowH>ide toggle )le#tmost pane in the Console view+. This will preserve the c%rrent Console view si2e witho%t resi2ing the view to #it all visi$le mod%les.

7e*au$t 0H Position >SONAR P!oduce! 0dition On$%A

7e*au$t04Position;<0 o! B= >de*au$t;0A The integrated channel -5 can $e either pre 1: $in or post 1: $in. The de#a%lt position is pre 1: $in, $%t yo% can change the position o# any channel -5 $y right3clicking the -5 plot and choosing the desired position #rom the conte(t men%. The P9e#a%lt-;*ositionA AL9.I!I varia$le lets yo% speci#y the de#a%lt -5 position #or all new tracksH$%ses. This varia$le lives in the NA%dO section o# AL9.I!I, and legal val%es are& 0 )pre 1:+ or 8 )post 1:+. 1or e(ample& [A$d] <efa$!(=#Po,i(ion=' !ote& this varia$le only applies to S !A" *rod%cer -dition, not S !A" St%dio -dition.


Fse! Cont!o$ o* Pause 7u!in1 )i$e Sa(e

Pause7u!in1Sa(e;<0 o! B= >de*au$t;0A ,y de#a%lt, when saving a pro@ect #ile d%ring play$ack, S !A" saves the #ile asynchrono%sly while play$ack contin%es. 6hile this is not a pro$lem with most pro@ects, comple( pro@ects %nder high C*L load conditions )partic%larly while r%nning %nder low latency+ may take longer to save than i# the transport was not playing. The new CA7-6A.7.I!I varia$le P*a%se9%ringSaveA changes the de#a%lt $ehavior and pa%ses play$ack temporarily #or the d%ration o# the #ile save. This allows the #ile save to proceed as #ast as possi$le $e#ore play$ack res%mes. P*a%se9%ringSaveA sho%ld $e set in the N6I!CA7-O section o# CA7-6A.7.I!I. .egal 0al%es are& 0 )de#a%lt+& #ile is saved asynchrono%sly while play$ack contin%es. The save operation may take longer than i# the transport was not playing. 8& play$ack is pa%sed #or the d%ration o# the #ile save operation. This allows the #ile save to proceed as #ast as possi$le, res%ming play$ack when completed. 1or e(ample& [WINCA9=] Pa$,e<$rin+Save='

Auto"atica$$% Sendin1 Cont!o$$e! Resets to 7Xis

SendResetsToSo*tS%nths;<0 o! B= >de*au$t;0A This new TTSS-5.I!I varia$le controls )glo$ally+ whether S !A" sends 'I9I controller resets to 9:iAs. This varia$le sho%ld $e set in the N *TI !SO section. .egal val%es are& 0 )de#a%lt+& "esets are not sent to 9:iAs 8& S !A" will send 'I9I controller resets to 9:iAs. This is what S !A" already does #or hardware synths. 1or e(ample& [OPTIONS] Send5e,e(,ToSof(S&n(h,='


I# yo% are #ree2ing synth tracks that have 'I9I controller messages, setting this varia$le to T"L- )8+ will ens%re that synths will have their 'I9I controllers reset $e#ore a #ree2e operation.

,Ie!o Cont!o$$e!s When P$a% Stops Is Not App$ied When )!ee:in1 S%nths
*lease note that the glo$al Zero Controllers when Pla !tops" setting is not applied when #ree2ing so#t synths. This means that the c%rrent state o# a contin%o%s controller when play is stopped can ca%se %ne(pected res%lts when #ree2ing a synth. I# yo% e(perience this iss%e, rewind the pro@ect $e#ore #ree2ing the synth.

Fp1!adin1 to SONAR *!o" an 0a!$ie! 6e!sion o* a Ca ewa$ P!oduct

S !A" S-TL* does not overwrite yo%r e(isting MAS$#R(INS #ile. That #ile contains the instr%ment de#initions that S !A" loads every time it starts. S-TL* installs new (INS #iles #or each s%pported man%#act%rer. These #iles contain the latest complete set o# availa$le instr%ment de#initions. To learn how to import any o# these .I!S #iles, see the online >elp topic titled #$%porting $nstru%ent &efinitions'(

O$d Co$o! Settin1s A!e Not /i1!ated When Fp1!adin1 To SONAR 4

SONAR 4 has many new color settings that most often result in poor results when importing color presets that were created in previous versions of SONAR. Because of this, old color presets are not automatically migrated to SONAR 4 if you are upgrading from a previous version of SONAR. If you would still like to use your old color presets in SONAR 4, you can do so by following the steps below (warning: only do this if you are comfortable with editing the Windows registry; you may wish to back up the registry first): [1] Export the following registry branch (pick the SONAR version you are upgrading from): SONAR 3 (color presets): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\3.0\Presets\{6B0298E5-C4B7-4AAF-90EF-B214D18F7654} SONAR 3 (current colors): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\3.0\Colors SONAR 2 (current colors): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\2.0\Colors


SONAR 1 (current colors): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\1.0\Colors [2] Open the exported registry file in a text editor (to use Notepad, right-click the .REG file and choose Edit). [3] Change the path to reflect SONAR 4: If you exported all color presets from SONAR 3, enter the following path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\4.0\Presets\ {6B0298E5-C4B7-4AAF-90EF-B214D18F7654}] If you exported the current/default colors from SONAR 1/2/3, enter the following path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\4.0\Colors] Note: if you are using SONAR 4 Studio Edition, substitute Producer with Studio. [4] Save and then close the .REG file, then double-click the REG file to add the information to the registry. Your old color settings should then be available in SONAR 4.

5nown Issues
The #ollowing topics cover known iss%es in S !A" that may $e addressed in the #%t%re.

Huic Ti"e Issues

In order to importHe(port 5%ickTime #iles in S !A" 4, yo% m%st install $oth the #ilters A!9 5%ickTime. ,oth can $e optionally installed $y the S !A" 4 installer. ,elow are some other known 5%ickTime iss%es&

G 5%ickTime ImportH-(port re;%ires version B.=.8 or higher o# the 5%ickTime *layer to $e

installed )an optional install in the S !A" 4 installer+.

G -(porting to 5%ickTime is a two3step process& one pass is done $y S !A" and the ne(t pass is
done in the $ackgro%nd $y 5%ickTime, independent o# S !A". I# yo% wish to cancel the second pass o# the e(port, it m%st $e done in the 5%ickTime P-(port to 'ovieA dialog. G -(ports to 5%ickTime creates a potentially large temp #ile that has a #ile si2e that depends mainly on the #rame si2e o# the movie %sed in the S !A" video pro@ect. Since the temp #ile is stored in the same partition as the e(ported movie, the $est practice is to save the .' 0 in a partition that has several giga$ytes o# #ree space. G A%dio mi(down to 5%ickTime m%st $e set to 8B $its stereo or mono, or the res%lting e(port will create a %n%sa$le #ile or a$ort with an error.


G A%dio mi(down to 5%ickTime m%st $e set to 4D 7>2 or less or the res%lting e(port will create a
#ile that plays $ack incorrectly.

G 6hen e(porting to 5%ickTime, the #rame rate o# the 5%ickTime video compressor will de#a%lt to
K$est possi$le.K Since not all movies in a S !A" video pro@ect correctly report their #rame rate, the $est practice is man%ally enter the desired #rame rate. This is done in the video settings o# the 5%ickTime video compressor. G -(ports to 5%ickTime #rom a S !A" video pro@ect created #rom an A0I %sing the Indeo video compressor will create a movie with white #rames. G -(ports to 5%ickTime may have an e(tra white #rame on the last #rame o# the movie. This e(tra #rame can $e removed with the 5%ickTime *ro *layer or another 5%ickTime editing application. 'any o# these limitations will $e addressed in a #%t%re %pdate to S !A".

Audio /et!ono"e Issues

The de#a%lt a%dio metronome so%nds are 44.8k>2 samples. This may res%lt in a pop when play$ack or record is started and stopped when %sing a%dio hardware that %se a native sample rate o# 4Dk>2 )s%ch as S, .iveW+. This is an arti#act o# the internal sample rate conversion that the a%dio hardware per#orms. !ote& this is not an iss%e i# yo%r S !A" pro@ects %se the 4Dk>2 sample rate.

0na#$in1 /ono on a Bus//ain Wi$$ A**ect Fpst!ea" /ete!s

I# yo% make a )us or %ain out mono $y toggling its 'onoHStereo switch, any U%pstreamS metersJthat is, meters on any tracks or $%ses that are assigned to the mono $%sHmain o%t33#rom the $%sHmain o%t will also display as mono. Note: this only affects the meter display, not any audio that is bounced or exported.

Addin1 /I7I 7e(ice /a% B!ea Cont!o$ Su!*ace Suppo!t and /I7I 5e% Bindin1s
6hen adding a new 'I9I 9evice in ptions3'I9I 9evices, control s%r#ace s%pport and 'I9I key $indings may no longer work properly. "estarting S !A" will solve this pro$lem.

/PJ )i$es With 2K+5 Bit Rate /a% Not P$a% in SONAR 4
'*E #iles that are created in Cakewalk 'edia6orks version 8.0 with a setting o# 2=B7, may play $ack as silence when imported into S !A" 4. This may also apply to '*E #iles that are a%thored in S !A" 4 at 44.8k>2, 8B3$it, 2=B7 @oint stereo. ther $it rates sho%ld $e #ine.


Fsin1 Ca ewa$ 5inetic E!oo(e S%nth in SONAR 4

I# yo% are a Cakewalk 7inetic c%stomer and yo% are %sing the 7inetic 4roove Synth in S !A", please $e advised that any saved S !A" pro@ects that make %se o# the 4roove Synth can no longer $e opened i# yo% %ninstall 7inetic. Attempting to open s%ch a pro@ect may res%lt in a crash. The 7inetic %ninstaller is removing the 4roove Synth sample #ile, $%t not the act%al synth. ,oth m%st co3 e(ist or yo% will r%n into the iss%e a$ove. To address this, make a $ack%p copy o# the *=antom Q.9AT #ile $e#ore %ninstalling 7inetic, then copyHmove *=antom Q.9AT #ile $ack to its original location a#ter 7inetic has $een %ninstalled.

I"po!tin1 /P0E 2 )i$es in SONAR 4

SONAR 4 does not directly support MPEG 2 import, but if you have installed Cakewalk Pyro Plus, SONAR 4 will be able to import MPEG 2 files by virtue of the shared libraries and filters from the Ligos components of Pyro Plus. However, please be advised that if WinDVD or Power DVD have been installed before Pyro Plus (or MediaWorks) is installed, SONAR may crash when attempting to import MPEG 2 files.

Cop%in1 )!o:en C$ip /a% C!eate New 7Xi T!ac Instead o* Audio T!ac
If a DXi track has been frozen and you Ctrl+drag (copy) the frozen clip below the last track to create a new track, SONAR may create a new DXi track instead of an audio track. If this occurs, you may no longer be able to unfreeze the original DXi track. To address this, change the Input control of the new track so it is assigned to a hardware input port (or None) instead of a DXi port.

0'po!tin1 24-#it Audio to W/6 )i$es

At the time of writing this ReadMe file, SONAR 4 cannot export 24-bit audio to WMV files. This is due to be addressed in an upcoming QASF.DLL hotfix from Microsoft, which should be available on the Cakewalk web site ( by the time SONAR 4 is released.

Successi(e Snapshots 7o Not Fpdate 0n(e$ope Node 6a$ues


6hen taking m%ltiple a%tomation snapshots at the same !ow time, new envelope nodes are created instead o# %pdating any e(isting envelope nodes. To address this iss%e, %ndo the previo%s a%tomation snapshot $e#ore per#orming a new snapshot.

Potentia$ ,Pops When Fsin1 Su!!ound Auto"ation >SONAR P!oduce! 0dition On$%A
I# yo% record PAngleA s%rro%nd pan a%tomation, please note that a pop may occ%r as the angle parameter @%mps #rom 0 degrees to 8D0 degrees. This may occ%r i# the @%mp is not instantaneo%s, and can $e easily solved $y 2ooming in the envelope a%tomation and moving the top and $ottom nodes so they are aligned in time )tip& ena$le Snap to make it easier to align the envelope nodes+.

/ono P$u1-Ins on Su!!ound Buses

'ono pl%g3ins may not work properly when inserted in a S%rro%nd $%s e##ect $in. A common symptom is a "%ntime error message.

Sta** 6iew )ont /a% Re4ui!e Re#oot A*te! SONAR is Insta$$ed

S !A" installs a #ont that is %sed $y the Sta## view. This #ont is only installed temporarily when S !A" is installed, and $ecomes permanently installed a#ter the machine is re$ooted. n some machinesJeven i# the Sta## 0iew #ont is s%ccess#%lly temporarily installedJsome #%nctions that re#erence the #ont may #ail %ntil a#ter a re$oot. The pro$lem is easily identi#ied $y corr%pt Sta## 0iew graphics.

0!!o! When Fsin1 FA7-B P$u1-Ins as 7i!ectX 0**ects Whi$e &oopin1

6hen %sing the LA938 powered 9S* card pl%g3ins as 9irect: e##ects and S !A"As transport is looping, a U*owered *l%g3Ins -rrorS dialog may appear, and a%dio may event%ally $ecome silent. I# this occ%rs, disa$le looping and restart S !A"As transport in order to regain any a%dio signal. The LA938 pl%g3ins sho%ld work properly i# looping is disa$led. For the best possible performance in SONAR 4, we recommend that you use the VST versions of the UAD-1 plug-ins wrapped with the latest VST Adapter (version 4.4.2). 1or more in#ormation, please see the U*& +eadMe(t,t #ile that is incl%ded with the LA938 powered 9S* card.


/ono FA7-B/TC Powe!Co!e P$u1-ins 7o Not Su" Audio on Ste!eo T!ac s

When using mono LA938 or TC *owerCore pl%g3ins on stereo tracks in S !A", the a%dio is not s%mmed? the le#t channel is processed and delayed )delay compensation is not applied+, and the right channel is %nprocessed and not delayed.

/-Audio /idispo!t L'L Co"pati#i$it%

The '3A%dio 'idisport D(D driver )as o# v. 4.8.28+ has a limitation that only allows yo% to %se %p to 8= 'I9I inp%t ports sim%ltaneo%sly.

)!ontie!/Tasca" ASIO 7!i(e!s

The 1rontierHTascam ASI drivers install two #lavors o# the ASI driver in the registry& a 243$it one and a 8B3$it one. S !A" may have pro$lems trying to pro#ile $oth drivers. The sol%tion is to remove one o# the drivers #rom the registry.

0-/F BL20 Co"pati#i$it%

?+ 3: Sa"p$e Rate I# a 44.8H4Dk>2 session is loaded in the *atchmi( 9S* application, a crash may occ%r i# yo% change S !A"As sample rate to <Bk>2. To address this, load a <Bk>2 session in the patchmi( 9S* application $e#ore changing the sample rate in S !A". ASIO Pane$ I# the -3'L ASI *anel is open, a crash may occ%r i# yo% try to la%nch the S !A" online >elp #rom the A%dio ptions dialog )Options-Audio+. To address this, yo% m%st #irst man%ally close the -3'L ASI panel. A host application has no way o# knowing i# the ASI panel is open or closed.


SONAR On$% Suppo!ts Ei1aStudio Sa"p$e Rate When Fsin1 W7/ 7!i(e!s
6hen %sing 4igaSt%dio and S !A" with 69' drivers, S !A" m%st %se the same sample rate as 4igaSt%dio is %sing.

Can8t P!int i* Sta** 6iew is )$oatin1

It is not possi$le to print the Sta## view i# the Sta## view is #loat3ena$led. I# necessary, temporarily disa$le #loating i# yo% need to print #rom the Sta## view.

RI))//I7 Wi$$ Not &aunch SONAR When 7ou#$e-c$ic ed

9o%$le3clicking "I11 'I9I #iles and Standard 'I9I #iles will #ail to la%nch S !A" even i# these #ile types are associated with S !A".

)Xpansion B)7 6e!sion BM0M?M0 /a% C!ash SONAR in Rewi!e /ode

6hen %sing 1:pansion ,19 version 8.0.<.0 in "e6ire mode, S !A" may not start properly. Lse ,19 as a 9:i or 0STi synth instead.

Son% Pitch Shi*t P$u1-in

The Sony *itch Shi#t pl%g3in prod%ces more o%tp%t data than the inp%t data S !A" gives it. So this will ca%se a dropo%t when %sed in real3time, $eca%se S !A" has no way to $%##er %p this e(tra data inde#initely. This pl%g3in is only s%ita$le as an o##line process in S !A".

SONAR 7oes Not Reco!d When Fsin1 Pin1 7Xi Without a /I7I T!ac
*ing 9:i m%st $e #ed $y a 'I9I track, or else S !A" will #ail to record a%dio.

/uted /I7I Ran1es a!e Not 7istin1uished 6isua$$%

6hen %sing the '%te Tool to m%te a time range in a 'I9I clip, there is no vis%al indication in the *iano "oll 0iew, the -vent .ist or the Sta## 0iew to di##erentiate $etween m%ted and %nm%ted data.


Standa!d A6I Audio Codecs 7o Not Suppo!t /u$tichanne$ Audio

!one o# the standard A0I a%dio codecs s%pport m%ltichannel a%dio. 6hen e(porting m%ltichannel a%dio to an A0I video #ile, do not select an a%dio codec )no compression+, or %se a codec that is known to s%pport m%ltichannel a%dio.



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