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To understand the Webdynpro for ABAP let us use the same methodology which we used during our school

days, splitting the word Webdynpro for ABAP. Web + dynpro + ABAP.

A Web application which can be accessed via internet which has a capability of dynamic UI and build using ABAP is we called Webdynpro for ABAP Application. ow you will loo! pu""led if you already !now about #T$. Why we need it if we already ha%e #T$& #T$'( internet transaction ser%er. What #T$ does is, it con%erts all the sap gui screen into )T*+ pages. This can be %iewed from the browser. $o it was $AP,s baby steps towards the web application. But if you -oogle it you will find many disad%antages. .ou can refer the /////////'Article to !now about how it wor!s and can be used. After #T$ it was time for B$P 0Business $er%er Pages1 #f you are a 2A3A -uy you will be surprised by name as we already ha%e something called 2$P 02a%a ser%er pages1.

B$P is also used to de%elop the web application it has its own tags which ma!es the 4# element on the browser. .ou can code in 5b6ect oriented programming at technology end to implement the business logic. #f you compare B$P and Webdynpro for abap. 5f course winner will be Webdynpro for abap. Webdynpro for ABAP is based on the *37 architecture. To e8plain it in simple way let,s start with Traditional application Browser directly accesses the required page. Lets say if user types And the server will return the page to the user as response.

MVC application Browser directly accesses 7ontroller

$o now *r. 7ontroller comes in between which help us to segregate the business logic and 3iew part. hat is MVC

*37 is an architectural 9esign pattern *37 separates the web application into three different modules

To better understand *37 architecture let ta!e a simple e8ample +et,s say tomorrow is .our brother or sister,s birthday. $o you decided to buy a ca!e and %isit a Ba!ery $hop.

.ou re:uest the ba!er to ma!e a wonderful ca!e and the Ba!er collects all the ingredients to ma!e the ca!e. After collecting all the ingredients the ba!er decides on how the ca!e should loo! li!e and selects the appropriate pan0it may be s:uare, circle etc.1.When the ca!e is ready the Ba!er responds i.e. gi%es you bac! the ca!e to celebrate your sisters or brothers birthday. # hope this e8ample ma!es you clear %iew on how *37 architecture wor!s.

*37 is a collection of *odel;3iew;7ontroller Benefits of MVC


#t !eeps your business logic separate from your 0)T*+'based1 %iews <eeps your code clean and neat in one place


=epresents the information and the data from the database 3alidation of the data

9ata presentation and user data =endering models into one or more formats, such as )T*+,>)T*+, >*+, or e%en 2a%ascript


9ispatches re:uests and control flows connects the model with the %iew Process the data that comes from the model.

# thin! you would ha%e got a clear idea about *37 which is the base of the Web9ynpro ?or ABAP.

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