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REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

Questions: 1) Name the 3 largest mobile networks in o!r co!ntr and gi"e an a##ro$imate market share the hold% I& market share is not a"ailable' then who o!t o& the 3 is the largest and who is the smallest% Market share by number of users o Mobile Telephony of Serbia (MTS) (3')* o Telenor Serbia 3+',* o VIP mobile 1)'13* Market share by total revenue o Telenor Serbia -3'(,* o Mobile Telephony of Serbia (MTS) 3,%,-* o VIP mobile 1.'(, * /) 0o the o&&er Pre#aid SIM card ser"ice1 All of these mobile networks offer prepaid SIM ard ser!i e" 3) 2hat #lans to the o&&er1 - incl!de all the #lans a"ailable &or each network and s#eci&ic onl to Pre#aid SIM ser"ice% 3 #lans I mean' di&&erent carriers ha"e di&&erent rates !nder di&&erent #lans o! can choose when s!bscribing to a new SIM card% 0i&&erent #lans gi"e o! di&&erent call rates and di&&erent o&&ers on data and SMS messages%
Telenor Serbia offer following tariff packages for prepaid costumers:

1% Tako lako 4So eas ) tari&& #ackage im#lies the same #rice &or all calls Minute pri e towards all networks ost #$#% &S' SMS pri e ($#% &S' )i*ed fee for ea h initiated all is #$#% &S'" All alls are har+ed at ,% se onds inter!al" 'ata transfer in national traffi is har+ed for -./ 0 %"%, &S' The pri e of the prepaid pa ka+e 1Tako lako2 is 3%%$%% &S' (VAT in luded)" The pa ka+e in ludes 4%$%% &S' initial redit !alue 5ustomers usin+ this pa ka+e an a ti!ate a tariff add6on )a!orite number /% Por!ke 4Messages) tari&& #ackage im#lies best SMS message #rice% Minute pri e in Telenor network ost #"#% &S' Minute pri e to other national networks --"7# &S' SMS pri e is 3"#% &S' )i*ed fee for ea h started all is #$#% &S'" 5alls from tariff pa ka+e 8Poruke8 are har+ed a ordin+ to the number of minutes started 'ata transfer in national traffi is har+ed for -./ 0 %$%, &S'

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

A start pa ka+e is 3%%$%% &S' (VAT in luded) and it ontains 4% &S' initial redits 5ustomers usin+ this tariff pa ka+e are able to use and a ti!ate Telenor add6on 6 8 Add fa!orite number8 Initial prepaid pa ka+e ontains re+istration ard that enables user to be ome an owner of a prepaid number pur hased and$ in ase of ard loss or dama+e$ the number will be retained" A prepaid user is entitled by the re+istration to a +ift 9 -%% SMS on the a ount Tariff pa ka+e han+e is possible and it is free of har+e" 5han+e an be done only in Telenor stores"

3% Pri5a 4Talk) tari&& #ackage im#lies talk and send messages at e$ce#tionall &a"o!rable call #rices with other Telenor !sers% Minute pri e in Telenor network ost :$4% &S' Minute pri e to other national networks --$7# &S' SMS pri e is ($#% &S' )i*ed fee for ea h started all is #$#% &S' 5alls from tariff pa ka+e 8Pri;a8 are bein+ har+ed by e!ery ,% se onds 'ata transfer in national traffi is har+ed at -./ 0 %$%, &S' Start pa ka+e ost 3%%$%% &S' (VAT in luded) and it ontains 4%$%% &S' initial redit 5ustomers usin+ this tariff pa ka+e are able to use and a ti!ate Telenor add6on 6 8 Add fa!orite number8 Initial prepaid pa ka+e ontains re+istration ard that enables a user to be ome an owner of a prepaid number pur hased and$ in ase of ard loss or dama+e$ the number will be retained" A prepaid user is entitled by the re+istration to a +ift 9 -%% SMS on the a ount Tariff pa ka+e han+e is possible it is free of har+e" 5han+e an be done only in Telenor stores -% Old #re#aid #ackages Grand prepaid package represents a uni<ue offer$ a pa ka+e with three prepaid ards$ between whi h alls are har+ed at pri e of -$%% &S' per minute (VAT in luded)= This benefit shall be a!ailable immediately after the pur hase of the pa ka+e$ permanently and un onditionally" Posle 4 (After 4 o clock) ostumer an all and write whene!er he want$ how mu h he want$ while the best all pri e is between (:%% PM and 7:%% a"m" ne*t mornin+ and o!er weekends" Minute pri e within inter!al ost 4$7> &S'" Minute pri e outside the inter!al ost --$7> &S' and SMS pri e is ($#% &S' (% Pre#aid Telenor #la gi"es o##ort!nit to b handset with this tari&& #ackage% 5ostumers an hoose between Sams!ng 6ala$ 7ce Pl!s and Telenor Smart Telenor smart

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

a" Monthly bonus redit 6 4%%$%% &S' b" Total bonus redit 6 ,%%%$%% &S' " Phone 6 >%%%$%% &S' Sams!ng gala$ 7ce Pl!s a" Monthly bonus redit 6 4%%$%% &S' b" Total bonus redit 6 ,%%%$%% &S' " Phone 6 -:%%%$%% &S' The bonus redit and MS ser!i e are +ranted for umulati!e top up of o!er 4%%$%% &S' durin+ one month" The bonus is !alid for :% days and an be used in national traffi " The pri e of Telenor Play? prepaid pa ka+e is :%%$%% &S' and in that pa ka+e you +et a new number with initial 4%$%% &S' redit" The minute pri e to all numbers is #$#% &S' and pri e of messa+es is ($#% &S'" The fi*ed fee for ea h initiated all is #$#% &S'$ whereas alls are har+ed per ea h ,% se onds" 'ata traffi (Internet) in national traffi are har+ed for - ./ 0 %$%, &S'" All pri es are +i!en with VAT in luded and relate to the national traffi "

VIP Mobile offer following tariff packages for prepaid costumers

1% One Price 8 the Most Sim#le Tari&& #ackage implies that all all (fi* or all mobile networks)$ at any time of day and ni+ht$ ha!e a same pri e 9 3( hours$ > days in week"
5alls to fi*ed and all mobile networks in Serbia 5alls to Voi email Ser!i e (>>>>) @mer+en y 5alls 5alls to 5all entersA intera ti!e !oi e response (%,%B-3:() 5on!ersations with 5all enter a+ent SMS (national) SMS to international networks MMS (national) CP&S - ./ data 5han+e of SIM ard (if dama+ed) #$#% &S' %$%% &S' %$%% &S' %$%% &S' -%$%% &S' ($#% &S' -4$%% &S' -3$%% &S' %$%, &S' %$%% &S'

At this moment there is an a ti!e promotion for new prepaid ustomers" This promotion han+es from time to time$ dependin+ on the so iety needs" /% Pre#aid to tell 6 Pro!ides that the e!ery re har+e amount of 3%%$%% &S' and more +i!es -%%% minutes in Vip network$ -%%% SMS to all networks and -%% M/ of internet traffi " Ser!i e Pri e 5alls to fi*ed and all mobile networks in Serbia ost #$#% &S'Bmin$ SMS ost ($#% &S' $ MMS ost -3$%% &S'$ 5all set up fee ost #$#% &S'" 3% 2ith 9i# :tek' there are no restrains - ea h time when user re har+e his redit with any amount$ re har+e will be tripled$ to the end of the year" 5alls to fi*ed and all mobile networks in Serbia ost #$#% &S'Bmin$ SMS ost ($#% &S'$ MMS ost -3$%% &S'$ 5all set up fee #$#% &S'"

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

-% SIM 0;O implies two SIM ards$ by pri e 3%%$%% &S' and initial redit of -%%$%% &S' by ea h SIM" @!ery re har+e with 3%%$%% &S' and more be omes double" Phone alls between these two numbers ost -$%% &S' per minute for e!er"

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

Mobile Telephony of Serbia (MTS) following tariff packages for prepaid costumers 1% Mo< Pre#aid 4M Pre#aid) 5alls in national network SMS messa+e in national network MMS messa+e in national network SMS messa+e in international traffi 'ata transfer in national traffi

#$#% &S' ($#% &S' -3$%% &S' -3$%% &S' ,$%% &S' per -%% k/

/% Mo< =l!b 4M >l!b) This tariff pa ka+e is hara teriDed by the same pri e to all national networks$ and pri e for all of -$%3 &S' per minute to three fa!orite numbers in MTS network and the same pri e is for SMS towards this numbers" This tariff pa ka+e is desi+ned to those who lo!e our bi++est football teams ). 5r!ena E!eDda ()5 &ed Star) i ). PartiDan ()5 PartiDan) ?= >r"ena @"eAda 4?> Red Star) tarri& #ackage
5alls in national traffi 5alls to sele ted )riends and )amily numbers SMS to sele ted )riends and )amily numbers SMS in national traffi SMS to international destination MMS in national traffi 'ata transfer in national traffi per -%% k/ 'efinin+ or han+in+ )F) number after : free #$%4 &S' -$%3 &S' -$%3 &S' ($47 &S' -3$%% &S' -3$%% &S' ,$%% &S' -3%$%% &S'

?= PartiAan 4?> Partisan) tarri& #ackage

5alls in national traffi 5alls to sele ted )riends and )amily numbers SMS to sele ted )riends and )amily numbers SMS in national traffi SMS to international destination MMS in national traffi 'ata transfer in national traffi per -%% k/ 'efinin+ or han+in+ )F) number after : free #$%4 &S' -$%3 &S' -$%3 &S' ($47 &S' -3$%% &S' -3$%% &S' ,$%% &S' -3%$%% &S'

3% There are an old tari&& #ackages TIPI' TO=I and =;B &or e$isting c!stomers b!t the no longer o&&ered%

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

4) What is the minimum recharge amount? Telenor Serbia: Minimum re har+e amount is 4%$%% &S' Mobile tele#hon o& Serbia: Minimum re har+e amount is 4%$%% &S' 9IP mobile: Minimum re har+e amount is 4%$%% &S' ) What is the cost to get a ne! "#M card? Telenor 6 Gew SIM ard ost 3%%$%% &S' and in ludes an initial redit of 4%$%% &S' e* ept for Telenor Play prepaid pa ka+e whi h ost :%%$%% &S'$ also with 4%$%% &S' initial redits" MTS 6 Gew Prepaid SIM ard osts 3%%$%% &S' and in ludes an initial redit of -%%$%% &S'" 9IP mobile 9 Gew SIM ard ost 3%%$%% &S' with -%%$%% &S' initial redits $) %o! long !ill the credit on the "#M card last before it e&pires? ' different plans offer generally different e&piry lengths( MTS 6 5redit e*pires -7% days after the last re har+e" Telenor 6 5redit e*pires -7% days after the last re har+e" 9IP Mobile 6 5redit e*pires -7% days after the last re har+e" .) Cow long will the SIM card contin!e working &or &rom the &irst date o& #!rchase1 - 0!ring this #eriod' can it recei"e #hone calls1 Recei"e SMS1 MTS 6 Period of !alidity of a prepaid SIM ard is ele!en months plus one month" This means that ostumers an use their SIM ard durin+ ele!en months after a ti!ation or last re har+e$ without payment of loans" Hne month after this period$ ostumers an only re ei!e alls" Telenor 6 Period of !alidity of a prepaid SIM ard is :%% days" This means that ostumers an use their ard durin+ ten months after a ti!ation or last re har+e$ without payment of loans" Two months after this period$ ostumers an only re ei!e alls" 9IP Mobile - Period of !alidity of a prepaid SIM ard is -: months from the last re har+e$ without payment of loans" ,) 2hat is the minim!m recharge amo!nt and how long will this recharge amo!nt e$tend the "alidit o& the SIM card1 As I wrote in fourth answer$ minimum re har+e amount for all pro!iders ost 4%$%% &S'" &e har+e amount does not affe t the duration of !alidity of the SIM ard"

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

D) 2hat is the best recharge amo!nt that will gi"e the most da s o& e$#ir 1 ?or e$am#le' E1 might gi"e 3+ da s o& e$#ir and E( might gi"e 1,+ da s o& e$#ir % &e har+e amount does not affe t the duration of !alidity of the redit" This is a rule for all operators" @* eptionally VIP Mobile an apply shorter periods of !alidity redit spe ial promotional pa ka+es" 1+) 2ill these SIM cards do roaming1 7s in' o! b! a SIM card #re#aid and then take it to another co!ntr F will it be able to recei"e #hone calls or SMS1 I& not #hone calls' will it recei"e SMS1 SIM ards from all pro!iders an re ei!e both alls and SMS in the roamin+" 11) Incl!de a list o& the codes 4i& an ) a"ailable to acti"ate andGor get in&ormation on ser"ices% ?or e$am#le' H1+1I might ret!rn the amo!nt o& mone a"ailable remaining the SIM card% H1+/I might ret!rn in&ormation abo!t what n!mber it is% E"er carrier has di&&erent codes and e"er code will do di&&erent things% I need these codes and i& not a"ailable' wh not1 - 2hat are the alternati"es to get in&ormation1

I-3-J 5urrent redit amount I:3-IphoneKnumberJ 5all Me I#-3 5redit re har+e o!er LSS' ser!i e in roamin+ III The alternati!e to +et information is all 5onta t entre on %,:B#%%%" Apart from the 5onta t 5entre at %,:B#%%%$ pri!ate users an also use a fa* number %,:B#%%and e6mail address: ser!isMtelenor"rs to send the <uestions$ su++estions$ as well as re<uests for numbersIII

-) I-3:J 6 Status he k 3) -3,- Send an SMS ontainin+ the te*t: SHS 6 SHS re har+e :) -3:(- Send an SMS with the te*t: - (for the option: Nith Vip Otek$ there are no restrains=)P 3 (for the option: )ree within the network)P : (for the option: )ree SMS)P ( (for the option: Surprises ne!er end)P 4 (for the option: I want better than +ood=) 6 5han+e prepaid options 4) -3,4 6 A ti!ate the new Vip number information ser!i e 4) I-3:I then the thirteen di+it number from the re har+e !ou her J 6 &e har+e with !ou hers ,) >>>> To a ti!ate$ send: Q@S$ and to dea ti!ate$ send: GH by SMS 6 Voi e mail >) -33- Send an SMS ontainin+ the te*t: G@T for settin+s 6 Settin+ up CP&S and MMS III The alternati!e to +et information is all 5ostumer ser!i e on number %,%B-3:(III

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards


-) 3) :) () 4)

H13.I H13,I H1+(I H1++I H1-+H#honeJn!mberI

(Minutes in MTS network) (SMS messa+es) (M/) MTS +uide 5all Me

Alternati!e is to all number >7# whi h in lude: Automati Speaker or Intera ti!e Voi e &esponse System Talk to the a+ents who are spe ialiDed in ertain areas >>7 number for han+in+ tariff pa ka+e and lan+ua+e >7- Voi email /y email korisni kiMmts"telekom"rs /y letter for omplaint department 1/) I& the SIM cards 0O roam internationall ' do the immediatel roam witho!t needing an sort o& acti"ation method be&ore lea"ing the co!ntr 1 - or does the !ser o& the SIM card need to acti"ate the roaming &eat!re #rior to lea"ing the co!ntr 1 - Cow is it done i& acti"ation is reK!ired1 9IP mobile 6 Nhen enterin+ another ountry$ mobile phone will automati ally a ept the si+nal and be re+istered to the roamin+ partner network without a ti!ation" Telenor 6 Prepaid number users do not ha!e to fulfill spe ial onditions in order to use their prepaid number outside their home network" That means immediate a ti!ation of roamin+ ser!i e with whi h they an tra!el outside Serbia and enRoy the ad!anta+es roamin+ offers" MTS 9 A ti!ation of roamin+ ser!i es is automati ally$ without manual onfi+uration" 13) 7re there an bon!s #lans that can be #!rchased to get BOTS o& chea# calls1 7re there an b!ndles that can be #!rchased &or BOTS o& SMS i& o!Lre a big te$ter1
Telenor There are Telenor add!ons

700 7BB offer that +i!es all that is needed for ommuni ations: minutes in Telenor network$ in national traffi and unlimited internet" 700 T7B=S 7N0 MESS76ES is the offer intended for users who$ in addition to alls$ like to te*t" In addition to minutes in Telenor network$ there are messa+es in national traffi also" 700 T7B=S enables rela*ed alls" This add6on +i!es minutes that an be used within Telenor network"

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

III/onuses in all offers e*pire > days from the a ti!ation date and an be bou+ht in unlimited number of times" T7RI?? P7>=76E TEBENOR PB7M incl!ded &ollowing Telenor add-onsN CITN 3%% minutes in Telenor network ? :%% SMS messa+es in national traffi ? -%% M/$ Pri e: -4%$%% &S' ME67CIT: (%% minutes in Telenor network ? ,%% SMS messa+es in national traffi ? -%% M/$ Pri e: 3%%$%% &S' )ld prepaid *elenor add'ons A++ "M" ' Telenor add6on 8Add SMS8 is ideal for users who send a lar+e number of SMS messa+es" The offer in ludes the followin+ tariff Add6ons: O7dd SMS (+O (in lude 4% messa+es and ost 47$7% &S')$ O7dd SMS /++O (in lude 3%% messa+es and ost ->7$7% &S') and O7dd SMS -++8 (in lude (%% messa+es and ost ::($7% &S')" A ti!ation of these ser!i es drasti ally lowers the messa+e pri e" 700 ?79ORITE N;M3ER - )or the monthly subs ription of --7$7% &S' users an talk to fa!orite person at pri e of only -$3% &S' for a minute" All prepaid users an a ti!ate this Telenor add6on" Setup fee is har+ed with the amount of :$(7 &S'" T7RI?? 700-ON O700 INTERN7TION7B >7BBSO - Telenor add6on for international alls at these pri es makes it possible for you to make a dire t all abroad from your mobile phone$ with no need to dial a lo al number first$ enter asterisk$ hash or se ret odes" Simply said$ with this Telenor add6on you an all numbers abroad dire tly from your address book at the pri e of ($#% &S' per minute"

OPTION ?REE ON NET 6 /y re har+in+ a ount with 3%%$%% &S' or more$ users +et a bonus redit for alls$ SMS and MMS of -%%%$%% &S' will apply > days after the day of re har+in+ and will not a umulate" /onus redit an be used for SMS and MMS only for %,%B%,- numbers" The bonus redit may not be used for roamin+$ CP&S$ international messa+es and added !alue ser!i es . OPTION ?REE SMS - /onus of -4%% free SMS messa+es that users an send to all networks that are !alid for > days after redit re har+e with 34%$%% &S' or more" 1-) 2hat is the n!mbering s stem in o!r co!ntr 1 - #lease list the n!mbers that are t #icall !sed b these 3 carriers% ?or e$am#le' seeing a n!mber that starts on +1/3 might immediatel tell o! that it belongs to MP@ network and seeing +-3/ might mean that it belongs to network RTM - so #eo#le know the "ario!s networks and who is s!bscribed to who sim#l b looking at the n!mbers% Telenor: ?:7-,3$ ?:7-,:$ ?:7-,# MTSN ?:7-,3$ ?:7-,:$ ?:7-,($?:7-,# 9IP mobile ?:7-,%$ ?:7-,-

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

1() Is n!mber #orting a"ailable in o!r co!ntr 1 - is it eas to shi&t &rom one mobile carrier to the ne$t or di&&ic!lt1 - Cow long does it normall take to mo"e to another carrier whilst kee#ing o!r original n!mber1 4This is what #orting means) 9IP Mobile phone number portability refers to the possibility of keepin+ old phone number when ostumers wish to han+e their mobile operator" The pro edure of the mobile phone portin+ is rather simple$ and an be arried out in any VIP retail$ where their administrators will omplete all re<uired do uments on ostumer behalf" In the ourse of mobile phone portin+$ there will be no ser!i e intermission and ostumers will be able to use your number all the time$ as usual" A prepaid user an port hisBher mobile phone number by submittin+ a !alid identifi ation do ument$ SIM ard and PL. number" TEBENOR Gumber portin+ is a!ailable" Gumber portin+ pro edure an be laun hed if future ostumer has no ontra t obli+ation to pre!ious operator" @!eryone an be ome Telenor user and keep old phone number" This is a le+al obli+ation of all mobile operators in a ordan e with law and the &ules of number portability in publi mobile tele ommuni ations networks" The &epubli an @le troni 5ommuni ations A+en y pres ribes the pro ess of filin+ the re<uest and Telenor has no influen e on the appro!al and portin+ time limits" &e<uest for the transfer of the MTS network user may submit in two ways 6 in the offi es of Telekom Serbia$ on web site throu+h on6line or by allin+ the ustomer ser!i e number %,(B>7#" Nithin two days of re ei!in+ the re<uest$ the user who wants to swit h to the MTS network will be informed as to whether the onditions for the transfer of" If a re<uest is made by -(:%% hours$ re<uest shall be deemed filed the day$ while the re<uest is filed after -(:%% hours onsidered a re<uest submitted the ne*t business day"


Sin e the introdu tion of number portability is not possible to know in whose network the number is$ only based on the phone number (%,%$ %,:$ %,()" In order to prote t the onsumer$ the person who transferred the all number before makin+ a all$ +et the messa+e: 8The number is transferred to the operator S " )rom the time of appli ation for transfer from one number to another network to the realiDation of the transfer an take ( workin+ days (3 workin+ days to pro ess he ks eli+ibility and 3 workin+ days to transfer the number)" 1)) Bist their res#ecti"e web sites and i& the are a"ailable in English or not% MTS www"mts"telekom"rs $ a!ailable only Serbian !ersion Telenor www"telenor"rs $ a!ailable in Serbian and @n+lish !ersion 9IP www"!ipmobile"rs $ a!ailable in Serbian and @n+lish !ersion

REPORT - Research on mobile networks - PrePaid SIM cards

1.) Is it #ossible to recharge the SIM cards online1 - b !sing a credit card1 I? not' what is the recharge method a"ailable1

/y Mondo portal www"mondo"rs$ in ate+ory Mobile ser!i e$ ustomer need to hoose option Dopuna prepaid kredita (&e har+e prepaid redit)" There are followin+ options: re har+e !ia bank transfer$ by Visa$ Master5ard$ Maestro i 'ina ard and re har+e from postpaid number" There are and other re har+e methods: /y SMS /y MTS +uide I>#>J /y fi*ed telephony$ allin+ number %7%%B-%%6#%% /y e6 re har+e at all outlets of authoriDed distributors throu+hout Serbia Hn ATMs at ertain banks At the bank /y !ou her @*press re har+e )riendly re har+e


by e6shop from www"telenor"rs $ ate+ory Ser!i es B Prepaid TopLp e6re har+e by VISA ard by 'IGA ard by 'iners 5lub International ard Prepaid users an re har+e their a ounts at sales spots of Telenor distributors of ele troni re har+e 5redit re har+e at ATM Ser!i e 9 Send re har+e

@6Top Lp &e har+in+ !ia !ou her Top6up usin+ a Payment 5ard &e har+in+ !ia ATM

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