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McGill University

COMP 206 McGill University School of Computer Science

School of Computer Science

Software Systems
Due: J nu ry !"# 20"$ on My Courses t 2!:%% &t'o l te ( ys# -%) e ch ( y*

Systems + Oper tin, Systems

-uestion ": Short ns'er .uestions "/ Give (efinition for the term Soft' re System# s seen from our cl ss lectures/ 2/ 0hy is Uni1 consi(ere( to 2e system3 !/ Goo,le the 45inu1 Document tion Pro6ect7 n( loo8 roun( the 'e2 site/ 9hen Goo,le 45inu1 Document tion Pro6ect M nifesto7 n( for this .uestion# summ ri:e the m nifesto in one or t'o sentences/ $/ ;ro'se the http:<<linu1counter/net 'e2 p ,e/ =(entify the three top 5inu1 usin, countries/ %/ 0h t re >i# >im# ?m cs# n( Pico3 6/ Usin, Goo,le i(entify 'hich tools >i# >im# ?m cs# n(<or Pico h ve n ctive online user community/ =(entify this 2y 'ritin, (o'n one e1 mple U@5/ A/ Given the inform tion in the U@5 of the ctive user community you i(entifie( 2ove# 'hy (o they support the tool3 -uestion 2: 9he Uni1 Comm n(-line 0rite sep r te Uni1 comm n( for e ch of the .uestions 2elo': "/ 5ist ll the files in the current (irectory th t h ve three letter file e1tension of 'hich 'e only c re th t the l st 2 letters of the file e1tension re 4oc7/ 2/ Bin,er ll the currently lo,,e( in users 'ho h ve the strin, 4;o27 or 42o27 in their n me/ !/ Cssumin, you re in your home (irectory# 'rite ll the Uni1 comm n(-line comm n(s you 'oul( use to (o the follo'in,: cre te su2-(irectory c lle( Source/ 9he Source (irectory 'ill h ve t'o ((ition l su2-(irectories: ; c8up n( Docs# cre te these s 'ell/ Cssume your home (irectory h s 2unch of /(oc n( /6 v files/ 0rite t'o comm n(s 2ut e1ecute( on sin,le comm n(-line th t copies ll the /(oc files into the Docs (irectory n( the /6 v files into the Source

>y2ih l

P ,e " of !


McGill University

COMP 206

School of Computer Science

(irectory/ 0rite ll the 2ove comm n(-line comm n(s 'ithout movin, ' y from your home (irectory/ -uestion !: ; sh Pro,r mmin, = m currently 'or8in, on the 2 c8-en( of n in(ustry server 'here the follo'in, ctivity is re.uire(: 'hen pro,r mmers lo, into their Uni1 ccount ll the source files in their Source (irectory must 2e copie( into their ; c8up (irectory utom tic lly n( imme(i tely/ 9he Source (irectory is su(-(irectory of their home (irectory n( the ; c8up (irectory is su2-(irectory of their Source (irectory/ 9hey lso ' nt the pro,r mmers# 'hile usin, the comm n(-line# to 2e 2le to 'rite sin,le comm n( th t 'oul( utom tic lly (o this 2 c8up oper tion imme(i tely/ 5 stly# they ' nt# fter lo,in# to li s the comm n( 4ls -l - 7 to 4ls 7/ 9hey lso ' nt to mo(ify the comm n(-line prompt to inclu(e the comp ny motto &2ut you c n put your o'n motto*/ 9his me ns th t 'h tever the comm n(-line prompt currently (ispl ys it shoul( continue (ispl yin, 2ut in ((ition it 'ill inclu(e your motto &or phr se# nythin, you li8e*/ Cre te the 2ove (irectory structure on your U2untu ccount in 9rottier/ Use 2 sh to 'rite script th t 'ill perform this 2 c8up oper tion usin, rel tive p ths 'hen type( t the comm n(-line s comm n(/ Cssume this script is s ve( in the Source (irectory/ Up( te your 9rottier lo,-in script to utom tic lly run this 2 c8up script every time you lo,-in/ Mo(ify your lo,-in script to lso implement the li s oper tion n( the prompt mo(ific tion oper tion/ Use the 4m n7 comm n( to help you (o this/ D me your 2 c8up script 42 c8up7 n( su2mit th t s your ns'er/ =(entify 'hich lo,in script is your ctive lo,in script in 9rottier# mo(ify it# then su2mit th t file s your ns'er/

>y2ih l

P ,e 2 of !


McGill University

COMP 206

School of Computer Science

?verythin, must 2e su2mitte( to My Courses 2efore the (ue ( te/ @emem2er th t you c n h n( in your ssi,nment up to t'o ( ys l te 2ut there 'ill 2e pen lty of %) e ch ( y/ Cfter th t# your ssi,nment 'ill not 2e ccepte(/ Ple se h n( in the follo'in,:

Bor .uestion ": C te1t# 'or( or PDB file n me( C"-" 'ith the ns'ers/ Bor .uestion 2: C te1t# 'or( or PDB file n me( C"-" 'ith the ns'ers/ Bor .uestion !: 9he 2 sh n( lo,-in file you e(ite(/


9he 9C 'ill use the follo'in, instructions 'hen ,r (in, your ssi,nment/ 9CEs re often ,iven ((ition l instructions not presente( here 2ut compile( from common stu(ent .uestions or foun( pro2lems in the ssi,nment or (6ustments to the ssi,nment proce(ures/

CSS=GDM?D9: is 'orth tot l of 20 points/ -U?S9=OD ": is 'orth A points

" point for e ch .uestion

-U?S9=OD 2: is 'orth ! points/


" point for e ch .uestion

-U?S9=OD !: is 'orth "0 points/ o Gr (e( proportion lly/ o % points for the 2 c8up script o % points for the lo,-in script

9he follo'in, rules re follo'e( 2y the 9C 'hen ,r (in, ssi,nments:

C pro,r m must run in or(er to ,et ,r (e &even if it (oes not run 'ell*/ =f it (oes not run &(oes not compile* it 'ill receive :ero/ &M 8e sure to run your pro,r ms from 9rottier F they sometimes (o not run the s me from home 'hen lo,,in, in usin, putty/ Mimi is not the s me server s the one you use in school/* Cll .uestions re ,r (e( proportion lly & ssumin, the pro,r m runs t ll*/ 9his me ns th t if $0) of the .uestion is correct# you 'ill receive $0) of the ,r (e/

>y2ih l

P ,e ! of !


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