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Format for Preparation of Seminar Report

1. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS: The sequence in which the seminar report material is to e arran!e" an" oun" shoul" e as #ollows: $1. Co%er &a!e $'. Certi#icate $(. Ta le o# Contents )&a!e No. shoul" start #rom a stract* $+. ,ist o# Ta les $-. ,ist o# Fi!ures $.. Ac/nowle"!ement $0. A stract $1. Matter $2. Re#erences '. 34N54NG: Seminar report shoul" e printe" on A+ si6e pa!e 7 shoul" e spiral oun"e". (Front Cover - White sheet, Back Cover- Blue sheet* (. T8&4NG 4NSTR9CT4ONS: One an" a hal# spacin! shoul" e use" #or t:pin! the !eneral te;t. The !eneral te;t shall e justified an" t:pe" in the Font st:le <Times New Roman= an" Font si6e 1'. Subheadin shall e t:pe" in the Font st:le <Times New Roman= with bold letters an" Font si6e shall e 1'. !eadin shall e t:pe" in the Font st:le <Times New Roman= with bold letters an" Font si6e shall e 1+. +. FORMATS: (.1 Cover Pa e> A specimen cop: o# the Co%er pa!e o# the pro?ect report is !i%en in Appen"i; 4. (.' "ckno#led ement@ A specimen cop: o# the ac/nowle"!ement is !i%en in Appen"i; 44. (.' "bstract > A stract shoul" e one pa!e s:nopsisA it shoul" summari6e the aimsA

conclusions an" implications o# the topic o# seminarA t:pe" with "ou le line Spacin!A Font St:le Times New Roman an" Font Si6e 1'.

(.( $able of Contents > The ta le o# contents shoul" list all material #ollowin! it as well as an: materialA which prece"es it. The pa!e num ers o# which are in lower case Roman letters. One an" a hal# spacin! shoul" e a"opte" #or t:pin! the matter un"er this hea". A specimen cop: o# the Ta le o# Contents o# the seminar report is !i%en in Appen"i; 444. (.+ Chapters > The chapters ma: e roa"l: "i%i"e" into ( parts )i* 4ntro"uctor: chapter i.e. "e%elopin! the main theme o# the topic )ii* ,iterature re%iew )iii* Summar: or Conclusions. The main te;t will e "i%i"e" into se%eral chapters an" each chapter ma: e #urther "i%i"e" into se%eral "i%isions an" su @"i%isions. @ Each chapter shoul" e !i%en an appropriate title. @ Ta les an" #i!ures in a chapter shoul" e place" in the imme"iate %icinit: o# the re#erence where the: are cite". (.- %ist of References &ver' student is re(uired to prepare minimum )* Copies of the seminar report+ Seminar report must contain minimum number of *) pa es+

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Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHE OR O! TECHNO O"# $Ra%a&than Te'hni'al (ni)er&it*+ ,otaIN

SESSION $/0112/01/S1B,2$$&3 $45 BO5 Electronics 7 Communication En!ineerin! S1B,2$$&3 B65 Name o# Stu"ent C444 Semester ECE RT9 Roll No.

3epartment of Ele'troni'& . Communi'ation Engineering Ra%a&than College of Engineering for 4omen Bhan5rota+ A%mer Road 6aipur

I would like to thank my supervisor M&7 Neelam 3adhi'h (Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering) for providing me opportunity to work under her and her consistent direction; she has fed in my work It!s my privilege to acknowledge my profound sense of gratitude to my supervisor for her comments, suggestions, encouragement and inspiring guidance throughout the seminar work

I am e"tremely thankful to #rincipal 3r7 C7S7

amba, $CE% for providing me good

infrastructural facilities to work in, without which this work would not have &een possi&le 'lso I like to thank (ead of ECE Department, Mr&7 Shweta Sharda $CE% for his day to day knowledgea&le information sharing for smooth operation of ) *ech program 't last &ut not the least I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude to the whole Electronics and Communication Department and all the faculty mem&ers for their stimulating guidance and continuous encouragement throughout the completion of my seminar Name RollNo7 888877





ABSTRACT 17 INTRO3(CTION + + ,E-E$'L +. + . + ,eneral + . . + ,eneral /7 ITERAT(RE RE9IE4 . + ,E-E$'L ..+

ii iii iv vi "vi ""

CE$*I/IC'*E *his is to certify that the 0eminar $eport entitled 1Seminar Topi'2 has &een su&mitted &y 3s Name of Student in partial fulfillment for the award of the

degree of )achelor of *echnology in Electronics 4 Communication Engineering for the academic 0ession .5++6 .5+. 0he has undergone the re7uisite work as prescri&ed &y $a8asthan *echnical 9niversity :ota ($a8asthan)

(3s -eelamDadhich) 0eminar Coordinator Department of E4CE #lace;< Date;<

!ig :7; Leaky waves in rectangular patch Table :71Comparison of feeding techni7ues Chara'teri&ti'& Spuriou& feed radiation Mi'ro&trip line feed 3ore Coa<ial feed 3ore Aperture 'oupled feed Less Pro<imit* 'oupled feed 3inimum

Reliabilit* Ea&e of fabri'ation Impedan'e mat'hing Bandwidth$a'hie)ed with impedan'e mat'hing-

)etter Easy Easy .<=>

#oor due to soldering 0oldering and drilling needed Easy .<=>

,ood 'lignment re7uired Easy .<=>

,ood 'lignment re7uired Easy +?>

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