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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: 410.537.1829 www.j !"#$o.o%$

Rona&' McDona&' (o)*# C a%"t"#* Awa%'* + !"#$o ,%ant to R#ac T o)*an'* o- C "&'%#n w"t L"-#*a."n$ Ma&a%"a S#%."c#* Baltimore, Md. (January 28)Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins Uni ersity, re!ei ed a "#$%,%%% grant from &onald M!'onald House (harities (&MH() to strengthen and e)pand malaria pre ention and treatment ser i!es to ulnera*le pregnant +omen and !hildren in (had. Jhpiego, a glo*al health non,profit +orking in more than $% !ountries, +as among nine organi-ations sele!ted *y the glo*al offi!e of &MH( to impro e the skills of health !are +orkers through inno ati e approa!hes that dire!tly *enefit the health and +elfare of ulnera*le !hildren around the +orld. .he &MH( grant +ill *uild on Jhpiego/s !urrent +ork in (had to redu!e deaths from malaria, the leading !ause of death of !hildren under fi e in the !entral 0fri!an !ountry. 1Jhpiego is thrilled to *egin this ne+ relationship +ith &MH( to ensure that !hildren re!ei e 2uality health !are ser i!es in (had and sur i e,// said 3eslie Man!uso, 4resident and (56 of Jhpiego. 1More !hildren under fi e in (had die from malaria than from any other !ause. 7n !ooperation +ith the go ernment, +e +ill *uild the !apa!ity of !ommunity health olunteers to edu!ate families on malaria pre ention and promote home use of inse!ti!ide,treated nets. .hese olunteers +ho go door to door are often the first line of !are in many !ountries, pro iding *asi! health messages and !onne!ting families to health fa!ilities.8 .he goal of the pro9e!t funded *y &MH( is to allo+ more !hildren under fi e and pregnant +omen to re!ei e mu!h,needed ser i!es *y training #% Master .rainers, +ho +ill then edu!ate and train #%% !ommunity health olunteers in malaria pre ention a!ti ities. .his approa!h +ill *uild a sustaina*le method for ser ing pregnant +omen and !hildren in their !ommunities. Jhpiego +ill target #%:,$;# !hildren under fi e and 2$,<== pregnant +omen +ho li e in malaria,endemi! distri!ts in the 5ast 3ogone region of (had. .hrough its >lo*al >rants and mat!hing grants program to lo!al U.?. &MH( (hapters, the (harity has a+arded nearly ":; million in grants in the last ## years. 1(hild mortality rates around the glo*e !ontinue to *e alarming. .here is a need to in est in resour!es and training to !reate lasting !hange,8 said 'a id (. Herman, M', M?MM, 4resident and (56, @idant Health, and &MH( Board of .rustees mem*er. 1Aor <% years, &MH( has *een part of the solution in helping to eliminate some of the *arriers that make it more diffi!ult for families and !hildren to get the health !are they need.8 Aor more information a*out Jhpiego and its lifesa ing mission, !onta!t Melody M!(oy, <#%,$B;,#82: or melody.m!!

About Jhpiego Jhpiego (pronoun!ed 19a,pie,go8) is an international, non,profit health organi-ation affiliated +ith Johns Hopkins Uni ersity. Aor <% years, Jhpiego has empo+ered front,line health +orkers *y designing and implementing effe!ti e, lo+,!ost, hands,on solutions to strengthen the deli ery of health !are ser i!es for +omen and their families. Aor more information, go to

About Ronald McDonald House Charities &onald M!'onald House (haritiesF (&MH(F), a non,profit, $%# (!) (B) !orporation, !reates, finds and supports programs that dire!tly impro e the health and +ell,*eing of !hildren. .hrough its glo*al net+ork of lo!al (hapters in $8 !ountries and regions, its three !ore programs, the &onald M!'onald HouseF, &onald M!'onald Aamily &oomF and &onald M!'onald (are Mo*ileF, and millions of dollars in grants to support !hildrenGs programs +orld+ide, &MH( pro ides sta*ility and resour!es to families so they !an get and keep their !hildren healthy and happy. 0ll &MH(,operated and ,supported programs pro ide a!!ess to 2uality health !are and gi e !hildren and families the time they need together to heal faster and !ope *etter. Aor more information, isit +++.rmh!.org, follo+ us on .+itter (C&MH() or like us on Aa!e*ook (Aa!e*ook.!omE&MH( >lo*al).

The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald's Corporation and its affiliates: Ronald McDonald House Charities, Ronald McDonald House Charities ogo, RMHC, Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald !amily Room and Ronald McDonald Care Mobile"

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