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ApacheCon Europe 2000

Olympia Centre London, England October 23-25, 2000


ApacheCon Europe 2000 Proceedings

Welcome to the ApacheCon Europe 2000 Proceedings. Use this page to access PDF versions of the papers presented at the conference. The papers are arranged according to the conference schedule. ou can also access the papers !" the paper name or the spea#er$s last name. Monday, October 23, 2000
)02 ,e#eloping )03 ,ynamic (eb $o&ard the !ites &ith -a#a!er#er Pages !emantic (eb a #ie& o% .)L %rom and outer space Course notes )05 Apache !er#er on (indo&s )01 .)L and ,atabase "ntegration

Premier sponsors

)0* Apache pro+ects o#er#ie& !ponsored by

)0/ Apache 200

"nternet Pa#ilion sponsored by

)02 Apache 200 %or (indo&s

)04 5sing )03 Apache A scalable -etspeed to teaching and build learning deli#ery dynamic, en#ironment built contenton Apache dri#en Portals

Presented by $he Apache !o%t&are 'oundation Produced by Camelot Communications (ebsite by One!top!ite

)*2 5sing Apache )*0 )** Ale6andria (riting Apache in the real %or creati#e Apache 200 &orld - beating Open )odules the inhouse bias !ource7-a#a code managemen t )*3 )*/ )*5 "ntroduction A69it - an to the Apache Comanche, A 85" .)L !er#er Con%iguration $ool Publishing $ool:it %or %or Apache

)*1 "ntroduction to P;P

&ith notes %or Comanche O#er#ie& %or the end user and )*2 $he <ac:hand Pro+ect loadbalancing and monitoring Apache (eb clusters


)*3 E6tending P;P /

)*4 Ad#anced P;P (eb Applications !essions and Authenticatio n

)20 ;igh !calability %or !!L and Apache

)2* !ecurity !olutions &ith !!L

Tuesday, October 24, 2000

$0* mod=sna:e 'le6ible Apache modules in Python $02 Con%iguring Apache and mod=perl applications $03 !ecuring -a#a Application !er#ers

$05 $01 $0/ <uilding #isually- )igrating P;P %rom an consistent, Apache "$ )anager>s multilingual (eb -!er# Perspecti#e sites &ith Apache Applications and mod=perl to $omcat $04 Ad#anced $omcat Con%iguratio n and Per%ormanc e $uning $*2 $urbine <uilding )odel 2?* (eb Applications

$02 P;P ;ac:ers Paradise

$03 8etting !tarted &ith mod=perl

$*0 $** ,esign "mpro#ing scripts Patterns in and handlers (eb per%ormance Programming under mod=perl

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

(0* (02 (03 @unning a C?? and Apache )anaging a !uccess%ul using C?? !er#er comple6 (eb ;osting (eb site

<usiness, plus (or:shop %or !mall to )edium !iAe "!Ps Entering the (eb ;osting "ndustry and (eb ;osting %or 'ame and 'ortune

&ith Cocoon

(0/ O#er#ie& o% mod=perl Bersion 200

(05 (ebshell A $clbased (eb application %rame&or:

(01 -a#a and .)L Parsing 5sing !tandard AP"s (04 $ransparent Content Cegotiation, plus Course notes

(02 Apache7(inC $ !ecurity !ecurity, security, &here%ore art thou, securityD

(03 (eb,AB and Apache, plus Course notes

Unscheduled Papers
;elping Eour Clients )a:e the )o#e to eCommerce plus Course notes AP@ (hat "s "t, and (hy (e 5se "t "n Apache Adding .)L Capabilities &ith Cocoon

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