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Migration of WebSphere Application Server 6.1 to 8.5 Migrate Dmgr from WAS 6.1 to WAS 8.

Overview: I am migrating WebSphere 6.1 Cell with a dmgr and a node to WebSphere 8.5. WebSphere 8.5 is installed on same box as WebSphere 6.1. Both the versions an o!exist a"ter the migration. Steps: 1. #a$e ba $%p o" WebSphere 6.1 on"ig%ration %sing ba $%pCon"ig &. '%n W(S)re*pgrade ommand: /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer/bin/WASPreUpgrade. h /home/vinod/temp!ar /home/vinod/WebSphere/AppServer61 "re#$ire%mbeddedD&Migration fal e "traceString Migration.'lo()finer*Migration.+)fine "trace'ile /home/vinod/temp!ar/log /WASPreUpgrade,-.1-,.8,18/18,11,05,105.trace "oldProfile Dmgr.1 "2eepDmgr%nabled tr$e where /home/vinod/temp!ar is the temporar+ "older where on"ig "iles are extra ted /home/vinod/WebSphere/AppServer61 is the W(S 6.1 installation "older /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer is the W(S 8.5 installation "older Dmgr.1 is the dmgr pro"ile in W(S 6.1 "2eepDmgr%nabled "lag will not disable W(S 6.1 dmgr a"ter migration "re#$ire%mbeddedD&Migration "lag will ontin%e with migration i" ex eptions o %r "or ,mbedded databases -. Create .mgr pro"ile in W(S 8.5 /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer/bin/manageprofile . h "create "profile3ame WAS85Dmgr "templatePath management " erver/4pe D%P567M%3/,MA3A8%9 "cell3ame vinod" laptop:ell.1 "ho t3ame localho t "node3ame vinod"laptop:ellManager.1 " tartingPort -1-13ote* #he Cell /ame0 node/ame m%st mat h W(S 6.1 dmgr pro"ile. )ro"ile/ame an be an+thing. #he )orts an be set di""erent "rom W(S 6.1 I started the dmgr in WS 8.5 and it started leanl+. I sh%t it down and pro eeded to next step. 0. '%n W(S)ost*pgrade ommand: /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer/bin/WASPo tUpgrade. h /home/vinod/temp!ar "oldProfile Dmgr.1 "profile3ame WAS85Dmgr " cript:ompatibilit4 tr$e "replacePort fal e "incl$deApp fal e "2eepDmgr%nabled tr$e "traceString Migration.'lo()finer*Migration.+)fine "trace'ile /home/vinod/temp!ar/log /WASPo tUpgrade,-.1-,.8,18/18,10,10,68;.trace

where "oldProfile is W(S 6.1 dmgr pro"ile/ame "profile3ame is W(S 8.5 dmgr pro"ile/ame " cript:ompatibilit4 "lag will enable1disable ba $ward ompatibilit+ o" s ript. "replacePort "lag will not overwrite W(S 8.5 dmgr ports with W(S 6.1 ports. I" we set this "lag as tr%e0 both the dmgr will have di""erent ports and an exist parallel+ "incl$deApp "lag will in l%de the appli ations d%ring migration. I have set it as "alse "2eepDmgr%nabled "lag will not disable W(S 6.1 dmgr a"ter migration #he migration is s% ess"%l. I started the dmgr again and I see W(S 6.1 node %nder S+stem (dministration 2 /odes in admin onsole:

/ow we pro eed with the migration o" the node "rom W(S 6.1 to W(S 8.5

Migrate 3ode from WAS 6.1 to WAS 8.5

Steps: 1. #a$e ba $%p o" WebSphere 6.1 ell %sing ba $%pCon"ig 3Important Step4 &. '%n W(S)re*pgrade ommand "or the node

/home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer/bin/WASPreUpgrade. h /home/vinod/temp!ar1 /home/vinod/WebSphere/AppServer61 "re#$ire%mbeddedD&Migration fal e "traceString Migration.'lo()finer*Migration.+)fine "trace'ile /home/vinod/temp!ar1/log /WASPreUpgrade,-.1-,.8,1</.8,-;,51,00<.trace "oldProfile AppSrv.1 where0 /home/vinod/temp!ar1 is the temporar+ "older where on"ig "iles are extra ted /home/vinod/WebSphere/AppServer61 is the W(S 6.1 installation "older /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer is the W(S 8.5 installation "older AppSrv.1 is the node pro"ile in W(S 6.1 "re#$ire%mbeddedD&Migration "lag will ontin%e with migration i" ex eptions o %r "or embedded databases -. Create a node pro"ile in W(S 8.5 /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer/bin/manageprofile . h "create "profile3ame WAS853ode "templatePath managed "ho t3ame localho t "node3ame vinod"laptop3ode.1 3ote* #he node/ame in W(S 8.5 m%st mat h the node/ame in W(S 6.1. #he pro"ile/ame an be an+thing. #he node sho%ld not be "ederated to dmgr. #he node will be "ederated to dmgr as part o" W(S)ost*pgrade ommand 5. I tried W(S)ost* ommand b%t it "ailed sin e W(S 8.5 dmgr SO() port is not 8867 3I have not "o%nd a wor$ aro%nd "or this +et 84. Change the SO() port o" W(S 8.5 dmgr "rom &-&-5 3 %rrent val%e4 to 8867 and start W(S 8.5 dmgr. #he SO() port an be hanged ba $ to &-&-5 a"ter the node migration is omplete. 5. '%n W(S)ost*pgrade ommand /home/vinod/WebSphere85/AppServer/bin/WASPo tUpgrade. h /home/vinod/temp!ar1 "oldProfile AppSrv.1 "profile3ame WAS853ode " cript:ompatibilit4 tr$e "replacePort fal e "traceString Migration.'lo()finer*Migration.+)fine "trace'ile /home/vinod/temp!ar1/log /WASPo tUpgrade,-.1-,.8,1</.8,-;,51,051.trace #he migration is s% ess"%l. In W(S 8.5 dmgr admin onsole0 I see this now:

. (ll the 9:;<s0 /amespa e bindings0et "rom W(S 6.1 is now migrated to W(S 8.5. Change the SO() port to &-&-5 and restart W(S 8.5 dmgr. W(S 6.1 dmgr will wor$ a"ter this migration =mportant 3ote: *nli$e in dmgr W(S)re*pgrade1W(S)ost*pgrade0 there is /O O)#IO/ to $eep the node pro"ile in W(S 6.1 enabled a"ter migration. #he node pro"ile in W(S 6.1 will be disabled

a"ter W(S)ost*pgrade b%t there is a wor$ aro%nd "or this. =ollowing will be logged d%ring node migration: M=89.0.0W* Do not $ e the node agent in the old config$ration. =t ha been di abled. #o ma$e /ode pro"ile in W(S 6.1 to wor$0 "ollow these steps: 1. 'estore Con"ig "rom step 1 in Migrate 3ode from WAS 6.1 to WAS 8.5 %sing restoreCon"ig ommand in W(S 6.1 &. .o a "%ll s+n o" the nodes and start the node agents in W(S 6.1 >ere is the s reenshot o" W(S 6.1 ell a"ter the migration:

W(S 6.1 and W(S 8.5 versions o!exist in same box now.

=or an+ ?%er+0 please "eel "ree to email me at om

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