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A Project Report On


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING By B.K. SRI MANIK (10261A0576) CH. MAHESH VARMA (10261A0577) Under the guidance of M . L. VASUDEVA MURTHY H!"#$ CED Of !I"# !I$ ELECTRONICS CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED %A &o'ernment of India nterprise(


M"%"&'" G"(#%) I(*&)&+&! O, T!-%(./.01

%Affiliated to )*$U +yderabad,Acrcedited by *BA#AI!$ ( -o.apet%'ill(, Rajendra nagar%mdl(, !/B/I/$ Post, &andipet, +yderabad # 011120


3e hereby declare that the project entitled P/"-!'!(& O,,)-! A+&.'"&).( submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of B"-%!/. ., T!-%(./.01 in C.'2+&! S-)!(-! "(# E(0)(!! )(0/ $his dissertation is our original wor. and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles and no part of it has been published or sent for the publication at the time of submission/

B.K. SRI MANIK (10261A0576) CH. MAHESH VARMA (10261A0577)



3e wish to ta.e this opportunity to e4press our deep gratitude to all those who helped, encouraged, moti'ated and ha'e e4tended their cooperation in 'arious ways during our project wor./ It is our pleasure to ac.nowledgement the help of all those indi'iduals who was responsible for foreseeing the successful completion of our project/ 3e would li.e to than. M . L. VASUDEVA MURTHY (H!"#$ CED) and e4press our gratitude with great admiration and respect to our project guide M*. B. S4"&%) for their 'aluable ad'ice and help throughout the de'elopment of this project by pro'iding us with required information without whose guidance, cooperation and encouragement, this project couldn5t ha'e been materiali6ed/ "ast but not the least7 we would li.e to than. the entire respondents for e4tending their help in all circumstances/

B.K. SRI MANIK (10261A0576) CH. MAHESH VARMA (10261A0577)


T.2)1. I(& .#+-&).(

8/8/ Abstract

P"0! (.. 01

2. O 0"()5"&).( P .,)/! 7. P .8/!' D!,)()&).( 6. S1*&!' A("/1*)*

9/8/ 4isting System

06 05 06

9/:/ Proposed System


5. F!"*)8)/)&1 S&+#1
0/8/ $ypes Of <easibility


6. P .9!-& O:! :)!4

;/8/ Project =odules


7. D!,)()&).($ A- .(1'*$ A88 !:)"&).(* ;. S1*&!' R!<+) !'!(&*

>/8/ Software Requirements >/:/ +ardware Requirements

12 17
8? 8?

=. T!-%(./.0)!*
@/8/ /net @/:/ ASP/* $ @/?/ Sql ser'er

89 8> ::

10. S1*&!' D!*)0(

81/8/ Use !ase Aiagram 81/:/ !lass Aiagram 81/?/ Sequence Aiagram 81/9/ Acti'ity Aiagram

:; :2 :> :@

11. S- !!( L"1.+& 12. D"&"8"*! D!*)0(

8:/8/ $ables

71 67

17. T!*& R!2. & A(# T!*& P/"( 16. C.(-/+*).(

51 55

I(& .#+-&).( $his project is aimed at de'eloping an online application for placement dept/ of college/ $he system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organi6ation and outside as well with proper login pro'ided/ $his system can be used as an application for the PO %placement officer( of the college to manage the student information with regards to placements/ Students logging should be able to upload there info in form of !B/ Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a !'/ BisitorsCcompany representati'es logging in may also accessCsearch any information put up by students/ P .9!-& "("/1*)* $his application consists of ; modules in itD 8/ S$UA *$ :/ !O=PA*E A $AI"S ?/ P"A! = *$ O<<I! R 9/ )OB S AR!+ 0/ AA=I*IS$RA$OR ;/ R POR$ M.#+/! I> S&+#!(& $his module contains details about students li.e name, id, email, s.ill, details etc/ Students can upload their !B5s/ $hey can update their personal details, s.ill details and !B/

M.#+/! II> C.'2"(1 D!&")/* A company can register itself +ere company releasing the primary s.ills, e4perience, and no of 'acancies ,opening date and closing date $here will be a list of company details 'isiting, last 'isited, eligibility details and mode of e4ams $here will placement record details of all batches

M.#+/! III> P/"-!'!(& O,,)-! &ather information on local employment opportunities =aintain information on outcomes achie'ed

M.#+/! IV> ?.8 S!" -% $his module allows us to search for the jobs based on the registered companies in the system M.#+/! V> A#')()*& "&. $he administrator module ha'ing all the pri'ileges about this entire project +e can delete, and modify the details about student, company, etc

M.#+/! VI> R!2. &* &enerate reports as per requirement

!I" was setup under the department of Atomic nergy in the year 8@;2 with a 'iew to generate a strong indigenous capability in the field of professional grade electronic/ $he initial accent was on self#reliance and !I" was engaged in the Aesign Ae'elopment !I" thus e'ol'ed as a multi#product =anufacture and =ar.eting of se'eral products emphasis on three technology lines 'i6/ !omputers, control systems and communications/ company ser'ing multiple sectors of Indian economy with emphasis on import of country substitution and de'elopment of products and ser'ices that are of economic and strategic significance to the country/ lectronics !orporation of India "imited % !I"( entered into collaboration with OSI Systems Inc/ %www/osi#systems/com( and set up a joint 'enture F !I"GRAPSI!A* "I=I$ AF/ $his )oint Benture manufacture the equipment5s manufactured by RAPSI!A*, U/-, U/S/A with the same state of art $echnology, Requisite $echnology is supplied by RAPSI!A* and the final product is manufactured at !I" facility/ Recogni6ing the need for generating quality I$ professionals and to meet the growing demand of I$ industry, a separate di'ision namely ! A has been established to impart quality and professional I$ training under the brand name of !I$/ !I$, the prestigious offshoot of country/ !I" is an emerging winner and is at the fore front of I$ education in the

!I"5s mission is to consolidate its status as a 'alued national asset in the area of strategic electronics with specific focus on Atomic critical sectors of strategic national importance/ nergy, Aefense, Security and such

$o continue ser'ices to the country5s needs for the peaceful uses Atomic Special and Strategic requirements of Aefence and Space, System and Support for !i'il a'iation sector/ $o establish newer $echnology products such as !ontainer Scanning Systems and 4plosi'e Aetectors/ $o re#engineer the company to become nationally and internationally competiti'e by paying particular attention to deli'ery, cost and quality in all its acti'ities/ nergy/ lectronics Security

$o e4plore new a'enues of business and wor. for growth in strategic sectors in addition to reali6ing technological solutions for the benefit of society in areas li.e Agriculture, =anagement etc/ ducation, +ealth, Power, $ransportation, <ood, Aisaster

$he !ompany is organi6ed into di'isions ser'ing 'arious sectors, national and !ommercial Importance/ $hey are Ai'isions ser'ing nuclear sector li.e !ontrol H Automation Ai'ision %!AA(, Instruments H Systems Ai'ision %ISA(, Ai'isions Ser'ing defence sector li.e !ommunications Ai'ision %!*A(, Antenna Products Ai'ision %APA(, Ser'o Systems Ai'ision %SSA( etc/, Ai'isions handling !ommercial Products are $elecom Ai'ision %$!A(, !ustomer Support Ai'ision %!SA(, !omputer ducation Ai'ision %! A(/

EA2. &*
!I" is currently operating in major business !ontrol and Automation and se'eral other components/ IPOR$ segments li.e Instruments and systems design, IndustrialC*uclear, Ser'o Systems, Antenna Products, !ommunication,

S! :)-!*
$he company played a 'ery significant role in the training and growth of high calibre technical and managerial manpower especially in the fields of !omputers and Information $echnology/ $hough the initial thrust was on meeting the !ontrol H Instrumentation requirements of the *uclear Power Program, the e4panded scope of self#reliance pursued by !I" enabled the company to de'elop 'arious products to cater to the needs of Aefence, !i'il A'iation, Information H Broadcasting, $ele communications, etc/


$his project will be used by the placement department of the college/ Pre'iously the placement used to ta.e place in the following way/ Students are notified that a company is coming for placements/ $he students then ha'e to go placement department, ta.e an application form from them, then they are required to fill the application form and submit it with there resume/ $his is a 'ery long process and error some also because while filling the form a student can ma.e mista.e if heCshe a mista.e they can5t rectify it/ 3hile storing the student details an error can occur by the placement department/ Both these errors lead5s to problem for the students/ $here is a need for a single centrali6ed location in which the company can post their jobs, students can see these jobs, placement officer can post the placement records, student5s can apply to the jobs posted and also search them/ 3e ha'e to de'elop an online application for placement dept/ of college/ $he system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organi6ation and outside as well with proper login pro'ided/ $his system can be used as an application for the PO %placement officer( of the college to manage the student information with regards to placements/ Students logging should be able to upload there info in form of !B/ Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a !'/ BisitorsCcompany representati'es logging in may also accessCsearch any information put up by students/ $he admin has full access to the database and manages the information/ Students can also apply for the jobs which they want to/ Placement officer is registered by the admin/ Students are registered by the placement officer/ $he company which has registered itself for the placements is 'alid or not is chec.ed by the admin/

$he application form is handed personally to the candidate by placement dept/ $he candidate submits the filled in hand to the placement dept,with resume/ $he placement dept, then forwards it to the company D)*"#:"(&"0!*> 8/ "ot of time is ta.en as the wor. is done manually/ $he application is filled by the candidate personally then submitted to placement dept/ the dept/ then digiti6es the records :/ might creep in as the wor. is done manually/ ?/ Searching time is more in this/ As the wor. is done manually searching time is more 9/ !andidates cannot rectify there 0/ A lot of paperwor. is required in this


Ae'eloping an online application that can accessed throughout organi6ation and outside as well with proper login pro'ided students logging should be able to upload there information in form of a c'/ A#:"(&"0!*> 8/ Searching time is less :/ =odification and updating can be done easily as the details are stored in database/ ?/ "ess chance of the creeping in 9/ !andidates can login and see there details and also results of the placements 0/ !ompanies can easily register themsel'es and can see the candidates details

A feasibility study is an e'aluation of a proposal designed to determine the difficulty in carrying out a designated tas./ &enerally, a feasibility study precedes technical de'elopment and project implementation/ In other words, a feasibility study is an e'aluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project/ <easibility studies aim to objecti'ely and rationally unco'er the strengths and wea.nesses of the e4isting business or proposed 'enture, opportunities and threats as presented by the en'ironment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success/ In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and 'alue to be attained/ As such, a well#designed feasibility study should pro'ide a historical bac.ground of the business or project, description of the product or ser'ice, accounting statements, details of the operations and management, mar.eting research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and ta4 obligations/ &enerally, feasibility studies precede technical de'elopment and project implementation <easibility studies address things li.e where and how the business will operate/ $hey pro'ide in#depth details about the business to determine if and how it can succeed, and ser'e as a 'aluable tool for de'eloping a winning business plan/ 3%1 A ! F!"*)8)/)&1 S&+#)!* *. I'2. &"(&C $he information you gather and present in your feasibility study will help youD

"ist in detail all the things you need to ma.e the business wor.7 Identify logistical and other business#related problems and solutions7 Ae'elop mar.eting strategies to con'ince a ban. or in'estor that your business is worth considering as an in'estment7 and Ser'e as a solid foundation for de'eloping your business plan/

'en if you ha'e a great business idea you still ha'e to find a cost#effecti'e way to and sell your products and ser'ices/ $his is especially important for store#front retail businesses where location could ma.e or brea. your business/ <or e4ample, most commercial space leases place restrictions on businesses that can ha'e a dramatic impact on income/ A lease may limit business hoursCdays, spaces, restrict the product or ser'ice you can offer, and in some cases, e'en limit the number of customers a business can recei'e each day/

T12!* O, F!"*)8)/)&1

1. TECHNOLOGY FEASIBILITY $he assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of Input, Processes, Output, <ields, Programs, and Procedures/ $his can be quantified in terms of 'olumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, etc/ in order to estimate whether the new system will perform adequately or not/ $echnological feasibility is carried out to determine whether the company has the capability, in terms of software, hardware, personnel and e4pertise, to handle the completion of the project. 2. ECONOMIC FEASIBLITY conomic analysis is the most frequently used method for e'aluating the effecti'eness of a new system/ =ore commonly .nown as costCbenefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and sa'ings that are e4pected from a candidate system and compare them with costs/ If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system/ An entrepreneur must accurately weigh the cost 'ersus benefits before an action/ !ost#based studyD It is important to identify cost and benefit factors, which can be categori6ed as followsD 8/ Ae'elopment costs7 and :/ Operating costs/ $his is an analysis of the costs to be incurred in the system and the benefits deri'able out of the system/ $ime#based studyD $his is an analysis of the time required to achie'e a return on in'estments/ $he future 'alue of a project is also a factor/

7. LEGAL FEASIBLITY Aetermines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal requirements/

6. OPERATION FEASIBLITY Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system sol'es the problems, and ad'antage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system de'elopment/ 5. SCHEDULE FEASIBLITY A project will fail if it too long to be completed before it is useful/ $ypically this means estimating how long the system will ta.e to de'elop, and if it can be completed in a gi'en time period using some methods li.e paybac. period/ Schedule feasibility is a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is/ &i'en our technical e4pertise, are the project deadlines reasonableJ Some projects are initiated with specific deadlines/ Eou need to determine whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable/

$his product is aimed at de'eloping an online application for placement dept/ of college/ $he system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organi6ation and outside as well with proper login pro'ided/ $his system can be used as an application for the PO %placement officer( of the college to manage the student information with regards to placements/ Students logging should be able to upload there info in form of !B/ Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a !'/ BisitorsCcompany representati'es logging in may also accessCsearch any information put up by students/ $he admin has full access to the database and manages the information/ Students can also apply for the jobs which they want to/ Placement officer is registered by the admin/ Students are registered by the placement officer/ $he company which has registered itself for the placements is 'alid or not is chec.ed by the admin/
T%! ! " ! 6 '.#+/!* )( )&>

8/ S$UA *$ :/ !O=PA*E A $AI"S ?/ P"A! = *$ O<<I! R 9/ )OB S AR!+ 0/ AA=I*IS$RA$OR ;/ R POR$ $he abo'e modules comprises the whole system/ STUDENT $his contains student information/ 4ample name, id, email, etc/ Student can upload their resumes/ $he student can update or modify their personal information/ $he placement officer registers the student and pro'ides a user name and password/ $hey can search for jobs and e'en apply/ $hey can 'iew placement details/


COMPANY Any company can register itself $he companies can register and chec. their status that is if appro'ed or not $hey can post a job $he placement officer can also inform students through this $hey can 'iew company details $his helps the students to .now about company details, eligibility criteria and mode of e4am It easy for both the student and company when it comes to placements as it is 'ery clear, what the company wants/

&ather information on local employment opportunities =aintains information on outcomes achie'ed Placement officer uploads the student information and 'erifies the company Placement officer enter placement record details $he PO .eeps a trac. of e'erything, no of companies joined, no of students applied for job, etc/ +e also informs students about the placements/

$he student can apply for the search as per the s.ills possessed by himCher $he PO can also use this

Admin has control o'er the database Admin is the controller of the whole system Admin gets the additional pri'ileges Admin register a PO and can delete a student details $he admin can 'iew company details Admin can also 'iew job details Admin can 'iew student details also


Reports are generated for each module/



ASP/* $

D Acti'e Ser'er Pages

D Structured Kuery "anguage D Placement Officer

!B !SS

D !urriculum Bitae D !ascading Style Sheet

ASP.NET ASP/* $ is a 3eb application framewor. de'eloped and mar.eted by =icrosoft to allow programmers to build dynamic 3eb sites, 3eb applications and 3eb ser'ices/ SDL SERVER It is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrie'e data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a networ. %including the Internet(//


Operating system $echnology 3eb ser'er 3eb $echnologies Aatabase Software tools D D D D D D 3indows IP SP:, 3indows 2 /* $ IIS ASP/* $ SK" S RB R =icrosoft Bisual Studio :11> or :181, Sql Ser'er :110 or :11>


!PU +ard Ais. RA= D D D Intel P9 or higher 91 &B +AA :0; =B


=.1.1. NET FRAME3ORK $he /* $ <ramewor. %pronounced dot net( is a *.,&4" ! , "'!4. E that runs primarily on M)- .*.,& 3)(#.4*/ It includes a large /)8 " 1 and pro'ides language interoperability %each language can use code written in other languages( across se'eral 2 .0 "'')(0 /"(0+"0!*/ Programs written for the /* $ <ramewor. e4ecute in a *.,&4" ! en'ironment %as contrasted to %" #4" ! en'ironment(, .nown as the C.''.( L"(0+"0! R+(&)'! %!"R(, an "22/)-"&).( :) &+"/ '"-%)(! that pro'ides important ser'ices such as security, '!'. 1 '"("0!'!(&, and !A-!2&).( %"(#/)(0/ $he class library and the !"R together constitute the /* $ <ramewor./

$he /* $ <ramewor.Ls Base !lass "ibrary pro'ides user interface, data access, database connecti'ity, cryptography, web application de'elopment, numeric algorithms, and networ. communications/ Programmers produce software by combining their own source code with the /* $ <ramewor. and other libraries/ $he /* $ <ramewor. is intended to be used by most new applications created for the 3indows platform/ =icrosoft also produces a popular integrated de'elopment en'ironment largely for /* $ software called Bisual Studio/

=icrosoft started the de'elopment on the /* $ <ramewor. in the late 8@@1s originally under the name of *e4t &eneration 3indows Ser'ices %*&3S(/ By late :111 the first beta 'ersions of /* $ 8/1 were released/ Bersion ?/1 of the /* $ <ramewor. is included with 3)(#.4* S! :! 200; and 3)(#.4* V)*&"/ Bersion ?/0 is included with 3)(#.4* 7, and can also be installed on 3)(#.4* BP

and the 3)(#.4* S! :! 2007 family of operating systems/ On 8: April :181, /* $ <ramewor. 9 was released alongside V)*+"/ S&+#). 2010/ $he /* $ <ramewor. family also includes two 'ersions for '.8)/! or !'8!##!# de'ice use/ A reduced 'ersion of the framewor., the .NET C.'2"-& F "'!4. E, is a'ailable on 3)(#.4* CE platforms, including 3)(#.4* M.8)/! de'ices such as *'" &2%.(!*/ Additionally, the .NET M)- . F "'!4. E is targeted at se'erely resource#constrained de'ices/ =.1.2 DESIGN FEATURES I(&! .2! "8)/)&1 Because computer systems commonly require interaction between newer and older applications, the /* $ <ramewor. pro'ides means to access functionality implemented in programs that e4ecute outside the /* $ en'ironment/ Access to !O= components is pro'ided in the of System/Runtime/InteropSer'ices the framewor.7 access to and other System/ nterpriseSer'ices namespaces

functionality is pro'ided using the PCIn'o.e feature/ C.''.( L"(0+"0! R+(&)'! E(0)(! $he !ommon "anguage Runtime %!"R( is the e4ecution engine of the /* $ <ramewor./ All /* $ programs e4ecute under the super'ision of the !"R, guaranteeing certain properties and beha'iours in the areas of memory management, security, and e4ception handling/ L"(0+"0! I(#!2!(#!(-! $he /* $ <ramewor. introduces a !ommon $ype System, or !$S/ $he !$S specification defines all possible datatypes and programming constructs supported by the !"R and how they may or may not interact with each other conforming to the !ommon "anguage Infrastructure %!"I( specification/ Because of this feature, the /* $ <ramewor. supports the e4change of types and object instances between libraries and applications written using any conforming /* $ language/ B"*! C/"** L)8 " 1 $he Base !lass "ibrary %B!"(, part of the <ramewor. !lass "ibrary %<!"(, is a library of functionality a'ailable to all languages using the /* $ <ramewor./ $he B!" pro'ides classes that encapsulate a number of common functions, including file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction, I=" document manipulation, and so on/

S)'2/),)!# D!2/.1'!(& $he /* $ <ramewor. includes design features and tools which help manage the installation of computer software to ensure it does not interfere with pre'iously installed software, and it conforms to security requirements/ S!-+ )&1 $he design is meant to address some of the 'ulnerabilities, such as buffer o'erflows, which ha'e been e4ploited by malicious software/ Additionally, /* $ pro'ides a common security model for all applications/ P. &"8)/)&1 3hile =icrosoft has ne'er implemented the full framewor. on any system e4cept =icrosoft 3indows, the framewor. is engineered to be platform agnostic, and cross# platform implementations are a'ailable for other operating systems %see Sil'erlight and the Alternati'e implementations section below(/ =icrosoft submitted the specifications for the !ommon "anguage Infrastructure %which includes the core class libraries, !ommon $ype System, and the !ommon Intermediate "anguage(, the !M language, and the !NNC!"I language to both !=A and the ISO, them a'ailable as open standards/ $his it possible for third parties to create compatible implementations of the framewor. and its languages on other platforms/ =.1.7 ARCHITECTURE

Bisual o'er'iew of the !ommon "anguage Infrastructure %!"I( C.''.( L"(0+"0! I(, "*& +-&+ ! (CLI) $he purpose of the !ommon "anguage Infrastructure %!"I( is to pro'ide a language#neutral platform for application de'elopment and e4ecution, including functions for EA-!2&).( %"(#/)(0, G" 8"0! C.//!-&).(, security, and interoperability/ By implementing the core

aspects of the /* $ <ramewor. within the scope of the !"I, this functionality will not be tied to a single language but will be a'ailable across the many languages supported by the framewor./ =icrosoftLs implementation of the !"I is called the C.''.( L"(0+"0! R+(&)'!, or !"R/ .NET "**!'8/1 $he CIL code is housed in .NET "**!'8/)!*/ As mandated by specification, assemblies are stored in the P. &"8/! EA!-+&"8/! %P ( format, common on the 3indows platform for all DLL and EBE files/ $he assembly consists of one or more files, one of which must contain the manifest, which has the '!&"#"&" for the assembly/ $he complete name of an assembly %not to be confused with the filename on dis.( contains its simple te4t name, 'ersion number, culture, and 2+8/)- E!1 to.en/ Assemblies are considered equi'alent if they share the same complete name, e4cluding the re'ision of the 'ersion number/ A pri'ate .ey can also be used by the creator of the assembly for strong naming/ $he public .ey to.en identifies which public .ey an assembly is signed with/ Only the creator of the .eypair %typically the /* $ de'eloper signing the assembly( can sign assemblies that ha'e the same strong name as a pre'ious 'ersion assembly, since he is in possession of the pri'ate .ey/ Strong naming is required to add assemblies to the G/.8"/ A**!'8/1 C"-%!/ =.1.6 SECURITY /* $ has its own security mechanism with two general featuresD C.#! A--!** S!-+ )&1 %!AS(, and 'alidation and 'erification/ !ode Access Security is based on e'idence that is associated with a specific assembly/ $ypically the e'idence is the source of the assembly %whether it is installed on the local machine or has been downloaded from the intranet or Internet(/ !ode Access Security uses e'idence to determine the permissions granted to the code/ Other code can demand that calling code is granted a specified permission/ $he demand causes the CLR to perform a call stac. wal.D e'ery assembly of each method in the call stac. is chec.ed for the required permission7 if any assembly is not granted the permission a security e4ception is thrown/ =.1.5. MEMORY MANAGEMENT $he /* $ <ramewor. !"R frees the de'eloper from the burden of managing memory %allocating and freeing up when done(7 it handles memory management itself by detecting when memory can be safely freed/ =emory is allocated to instantiations of /* $ types %objects( from the managed heap, a pool of memory managed by the !"R/ As long as there e4ists a reference to an object, which might be either a direct reference to an object or 'ia a

0 "2% of objects, the object is considered to be in use/ 3hen there is no reference to an object, and it cannot be reached or used, it becomes garbage, eligible for collection/ * $ <ramewor. includes a 0" 8"0! -.//!-&. which runs periodically, on a separate &% !"# from the applicationLs thread, that enumerates all the unusable objects and reclaims the memory allocated to them/ $he /* $ G" 8"0! C.//!-&. %&!( is a non#deterministic, compacting, '" EF"(#F*4!!2 garbage collector/ $he &! runs only when a certain amount of memory has been used or there is enough pressure for memory on the system/ Since it is not guaranteed when the conditions to reclaim memory are reached, the &! runs are non#deterministic/ ach /* $ application has a set of roots, which are pointers to objects on the managed heap % managed objects(/ $hese include references to static objects and objects defined as local 'ariables or method parameters currently in scope, as well as objects referred to by !PU registers/ 3hen the &! runs, it pauses the application, and for each object referred to in the root, it !-+ *):!/1 enumerates all the objects reachable from the root objects and mar.s them as reachable/ It uses /* $ metadata and !,/!-&).( to disco'er the objects encapsulated by an object, and then recursi'ely wal. them/ It then enumerates all the objects on the heap %which were initially allocated contiguously( using reflection/ All objects not mar.ed as reachable are garbage/ $his is the mark phase/ Since the memory held by garbage is not of any consequence, it is considered free space/ +owe'er, this lea'es chun.s of free space between objects which were initially contiguous/ $he objects are then compacted together to ma.e used memory contiguous again/ Any reference to an object in'alidated by mo'ing the object is updated by the &! to reflect the new location/ $he application is resumed after the garbage collection is o'er/ $he &! used by /* $ <ramewor. is actually generational/ Objects are assigned a generation7 newly created objects belong to Generation 0/ $he objects that sur'i'e a garbage collection are tagged as Generation 1, and the &eneration 8 objects that sur'i'e another collection are Generation 2 objects/ $he /* $ <ramewor. uses up to &eneration : objects/ +igher generation objects are garbage collected less frequently than lower generation objects/ $his helps increase the efficiency of garbage collection, as older objects tend to ha'e a larger lifetime than newer objects/ $hus, by remo'ing older %and thus more li.ely to sur'i'e a collection( objects from the scope of a collection run, fewer objects need to be chec.ed and compacted/ =.2. ASP.NET

ASP/* $ is a 3!8 "22/)-"&).( , "'!4. E de'eloped and mar.eted by M)- .*.,& to allow 2 .0 "''! * to build dynamic 3!8 *)&!*, 3!8 "22/)-"&).(* and 3!8 *! :)-!*/ It was first released in )anuary :11: with 'ersion 8/1 of the .NET F "'!4. E, and is the successor to =icrosoftLs A-&):! S! :! P"0!* %ASP( technology/ ASP/* $ is built on the C.''.( L"(0+"0! R+(&)'! %!"R(, allowing programmers to write ASP/* $ code using any supported .NET /"(0+"0!/ $he ASP/* $ SOAP e4tension framewor. allows ASP/* $ components to process SOAP messages/

=.2.1. CHARACTERISTICS P"0!* ASP/* $ 3eb pages, .nown officially as 3eb <orms, are the main building bloc. for application de'elopment/ 3eb forms are contained in files with an F/asp4F e4tension7 these files typically contain static %B(HTML mar.up, as well as mar.up defining ser'er#side 3eb !ontrols and User !ontrols where the de'elopers place all the required static and dynamic content for the 3eb page/ Additionally, dynamic code which runs on the ser'er can be placed in a page within a bloc. <% -- dynamic code -- %>, which is similar to other 3eb de'elopment technologies such as PHP, ?SP, and ASP/ 3ith ASP.NET F "'!4. E 2.0, =icrosoft introduced a new code-behind model which allows static te4t to remain on the /asp4 page, while dynamic code remains in an /asp4/'b or /asp4/cs or /asp4/fs file %depending on the programming language used(/G10H D) !-&):!* A directi'e is special instructions on how ASP/* $ should process the page/ $he most common directi'e is OPQ Page PR which can specify many attributes used by the ASP/* $ page parser and compiler/ U*! -.(& ./* User controls are encapsulations of sections of pages which are registered and used as controls in ASP/* $/ User controls are created as AS!I mar.up files/ $hese files usually contain static %B(HTML mar.up, as well as mar.up defining ser'er#side 3eb controls/ $hese are the locations where the de'eloper can place the required static and dynamic content/ A user control is compiled when its containing page is requested and is stored in memory for subsequent requests/ User controls ha'e their own e'ents which are handled during the life of ASP/* $ requests/ An e'ent bubbling mechanism pro'ides the ability to

pass an e'ent fired by a user control up to its containing page/ Unli.e an ASP/* $ page, a user control cannot be requested independently7 one of its containing pages is requested instead/ =.2.2. D) !-&. 1 *& +-&+ ! In general, the ASP/* $ directory structure can be determined by the de'eloperLs preferences/ Apart from a few reser'ed directory names, the site can span any number of directories/ $he structure is typically reflected directly in the UR"s/ Although ASP/* $ pro'ides means for intercepting the request at any point during processing, the de'eloper is not forced to funnel requests through a central application or front controller/ $he special directory names %from ASP/* $ :/1 on( areD A22 C.#! $his is the Fraw codeF directory/ $he ASP/* $ ser'er automatically compiles files %and subdirectories( in this folder into an assembly which is accessible in the code of e'ery page of the site/ AppG!ode will typically be used for data access abstraction code, model code and business code/ Also any site#specific http handlers and modules and 3eb ser'ice implementation go in this directory/ As an alternati'e to using AppG!ode the de'eloper may opt to pro'ide a separate assembly with precompiled code/ A22 D"&" $he AppGAata ASP/* $ Airectory is the default directory for any database used by the ASP/* $ 3ebsite/ $hese databases might include Access %mdb( files or SK" Ser'er %mdf( files/ $he AppGAata is the only directory with 3rite Access enabled for the ASP/* $ web application/DS:1T

A22 L.-"/ R!*.+ -!* /g/ a file called !hec.Out/asp4/fr#<R/res4 holds locali6ed resources for the <rench 'ersion of the !hec.Out/asp4 page/ 3hen the UI culture is set to <rench, ASP/* $ will automatically find and use this file for locali6ation/ A22 G/.8"/ R!*.+ -!* +olds res4 files with locali6ed resources a'ailable to e'ery page of the site/ $his is where the ASP/* $ de'eloper will typically store locali6ed messages etc/ which are used on more than one page/

A22 T%!'!* Adds a folder that holds files related to themes which is a new ASP/* $ feature that helps ensure a consistent appearance throughout a 3eb site and it easier to change the 3eb site5s appearance when necessary/ A22 3!8 R!,! !(-!* +olds disco'ery files and 3SA" files for references to 3eb ser'ices to be consumed in the site/ B)( !ontains compiled code %/dll files( for controls, components, or other code that you want to reference in your application/ Any classes represented by code in the Bin folder are automatically referenced in your application/ =.2.7. PERFORMANCE ASP/* $ aims for performance benefits o'er other script#based technologies %including !lassic ASP( by compiling the ser'er#side code to one or more DLL ,)/!* on the 3!8 *! :! / $his compilation happens automatically the first time a page is requested %which means the de'eloper need not perform a separate compilation step for pages(/ $his feature pro'ides the ease of de'elopment offered by scripting languages with the performance benefits of a compiled binary/ +owe'er, the compilation might cause a noticeable but short delay to the 3eb user when the newly#edited page is first requested from the 3eb ser'er, but will not again unless the page requested is updated further/ $he ASPI and other resource files are placed in a 'irtual host on an I(&! (!& I(,. '"&).( S! :)-!* ser'er %or other compatible ASP/* $ ser'ers7 see Other implementations, below(/ $he first time a client requests a page, the /* $ <ramewor. parses and compiles the file%s( into a /* $ assembly and sends the response7 subsequent requests are ser'ed from the A"" files/ By default ASP/* $ will compile the entire site in batches of 8111 files upon first request/ If the compilation delay is causing problems, the batch si6e or the compilation strategy may be twea.ed/ Ae'elopers can also choose to pre#compile their FcodebehindF files before deployment, using =S Bisual Studio, eliminating the need for 9+*&F)(F&)'! -.'2)/"&).( in a production en'ironment/ $his also eliminates the need of ha'ing the source code on the 3eb ser'er/ It also supports pre#compile te4t/


=.7. SDL SERVER =icrosoft SK" Ser'er is a !/"&).("/ #"&"8"*! *! :! , de'eloped by M)- .*.,&D it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrie'e data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a networ. %including the Internet(/ $here are at least a do6en different editions of =icrosoft SK" Ser'er aimed at different audiences and for different wor.loads %ranging from small applications that store and retrie'e data on the same computer, to millions of users and computers that access huge amounts of data from the Internet at the same time(/ =.7.1. D"&" *&. "0! $he main unit of #"&" *&. "0! is a #"&"8"*!, which is a collection of tables with &12!# columns/ SK" Ser'er supports different data types, including 2 )'" 1 &12!* such as Integer, Float, Decimal, Char %including character strings(, Varchar %'ariable length character strings(, binary %for unstructured 8/.8* of data(, Te t %for te4tual data( among others/ $he .+(#)(0 of floats to integers uses either Symmetric Arithmetic Rounding or Symmetric Round Aown %Fi ( depending on argumentsD SELECT R.+(#(2.5$ 0) gi'es ?/ =icrosoft SK" Ser'er also allows user#defined composite types %UA$s( to be defined and used/ It also ser'er statistics a'ailable as 'irtual tables and 'iews %called Aynamic =anagement Biews or A=Bs(/ In addition to tables, a database can also contain other objects including :)!4*, *&. !# 2 .-!#+ !*, )(#!A!* and -.(*& ")(&*, along with a transaction log/ A SK" Ser'er database can contain a ma4imum of : ?8 objects, and can span multiple OS# le'el files with a ma4imum file si6e of : :1 TB/G71H $he data in the database are stored in primary data files with an e4tension .'#,/ Secondary data files, identified with a .(#, e4tension, are used to store optional metadata/ "og files are identified with the ./#, e4tension/ Storage space allocated to a database is di'ided into sequentially numbered pages, each > -B in si6e/ A page is the basic unit of ICO for SK" Ser'er operations/ A page is mar.ed with a @;#byte header which stores metadata about the page including the page number, page type, free space on the page and the IA of the object that owns it/ Page type defines the data contained in the page # data stored in the database, inde4, allocation map which holds information about how pages are allocated to tables and inde4es, change map which holds information about the changes made to other pages since last bac.up or logging, or contain large data types such as image or te4t/ 3hile page is the basic unit of an ICO operation, space is actually managed in terms of an e tent which consists of > pages/ A database object can

either span all > pages in an e4tent %Funiform e4tentF( or share an e4tent with up to 2 more objects %Fmi4ed e4tentF(/ A row in a database table cannot span more than one page, so is limited to > -B in si6e/ +owe'er, if the data e4ceeds > -B and the row contains Varchar or Varbinar! data, the data in those columns are mo'ed to a new page %or possibly a sequence of pages, called an "llocation #nit( and replaced with a pointer to the data/ <or physical storage of a table, its rows are di'ided into a series of partitions %numbered 8 to n(/ $he partition si6e is user defined7 by default all rows are in a single partition/ A table is split into multiple partitions in order to spread a database o'er a -/+*&! / Rows in each partition are stored in either BF& !! or %!"2 structure/ If the table has an associated )(#!A to allow fast retrie'al of rows, the rows are stored in#order according to their inde4 'alues, with a B#tree pro'iding the inde4/ $he data is in the leaf node of the lea'es, and other nodes storing the inde4 'alues for the leaf data reachable from the respecti'e nodes/ If the inde4 is non#clustered, the rows are not sorted according to the inde4 .eys/ An inde4ed :)!4 has the same storage structure as an inde4ed table/ A table without an inde4 is stored in an unordered heap structure/ Both heaps and B#trees can span multiple allocation units/ =.7.2. D"&" !& )!:"/ $he main mode of retrie'ing data from an SK" Ser'er database is <+! 1)(0 for it/ $he query is e4pressed using a 'ariant of SDL called TFSDL, a dialect =icrosoft SK" Ser'er shares with S18"*! SDL S! :! due to its legacy/ $he query #!-/" "&):!/1 specifies what is to be retrie'ed/ It is processed by the query processor, which figures out the sequence of steps that will be necessary to retrie'e the requested data/ $he sequence of actions necessary to e4ecute a query is called a <+! 1 2/"(/ $here might be multiple ways to process the same query/ <or e4ample, for a query that contains a 9.)( statement and a *!/!-& statement, e4ecuting join on both the tables and then e4ecuting select on the results would gi'e the same result as selecting from each table and then e4ecuting the join, but result in different e4ecution plans/ In such case, SK" Ser'er chooses the plan that is e4pected to yield the results in the shortest possible time/ $his is called <+! 1 .2&)')5"&).( and is performed by the query processor itself/ SK" Ser'er includes a cost#based query optimi6er which tries to optimi6e on the cost, in terms of the resources it will ta.e to e4ecute the query/ &i'en a query, then the query optimi6er loo.s at the #"&"8"*! *-%!'", the database statistics and the system load at that time/ It then decides which sequence to access the tables referred in the query, which sequence to e4ecute the operations and what access method to be used to access the tables/

<or e4ample, if the table has an associated inde4, whether the inde4 should be used or not # if the inde4 is on a column which is not unique for most of the columns %low Fselecti'ityF(, it might not be worthwhile to use the inde4 to access the data/ <inally, it decides whether to e4ecute the query -.(-+ !(&/1 or not/ 3hile a concurrent e4ecution is more costly in terms of total processor time, because the e4ecution is actually split to different processors might mean it will e4ecute faster/ Once a query plan is generated for a query, it is temporarily cached/ <or further in'ocations of the same query, the cached plan is used/ Unused plans are discarded after some time/ SK" Ser'er also allows *&. !# 2 .-!#+ !* to be defined/ Stored procedures are parameteri6ed $#SK" queries, that are stored in the ser'er itself %and not issued by the client application as is the case with general queries(/ Stored procedures can accept 'alues sent by the client as input parameters, and send bac. results as output parameters/ $hey can call defined functions, and other stored procedures, including the same stored procedure %up to a set number of times(/ $hey can be *!/!-&):!/1 2 .:)#!# "--!** &./ Unli.e other queries, stored procedures ha'e an associated name, which is used at runtime to resol'e into the actual queries/ Also because the code need not be sent from the client e'ery time %as it can be accessed by name(, it reduces networ. traffic and somewhat impro'es performance/ 4ecution plans for stored procedures are also cached as necessary/ =.7.7. SDL S! :! M"("0!'!(& S&+#). SDL S! :! M"("0!'!(& S&+#). is a GUI tool included with SK" Ser'er :110 and later for configuring, managing, and administering all components within =icrosoft SK" Ser'er/ $he tool includes both script editors and graphical tools that wor. with objects and features of the ser'er/ SK" Ser'er =anagement Studio replaces E(&! 2 )*! M"("0! as the primary management interface for =icrosoft SK" Ser'er since SK" Ser'er :110/ A 'ersion of SK" Ser'er =anagement Studio is also a'ailable for SK" Ser'er 4press dition, for which it is .nown as $%& $er'er (anagement $t#dio ) press %SS=S (/ A central feature of SK" Ser'er =anagement Studio is the Object 4plorer, which allows the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the ser'er/ It can be used to 'isually obser'e and analy6e query plans and optimi6e the database performance, among others/ SK" Ser'er =anagement Studio can also be used to create a new database, alter any e4isting database schema by adding or modifying tables and inde4es, or analy6e performance/ It includes the query windows which pro'ide a &UI based interface to write and e4ecute queries/

=.7.6. B+*)(!** I(&!//)0!(-! D!:!/.2'!(& S&+#). B+*)(!** I(&!//)0!(-! D!:!/.2'!(& S&+#). %BIAS( is the IDE from M)- .*.,& used for de'eloping data analysis and B+*)(!** I(&!//)0!(-! solutions utili6ing the =icrosoft SDL S! :! A("/1*)* S! :)-!*, R!2. &)(0 S! :)-!* and I(&!0 "&).( S! :)-!*/ It is based on the M)- .*.,& V)*+"/ S&+#). de'elopment en'ironment but is customi6ed with the SK" Ser'er ser'ices#specific e4tensions and project types, including tools, controls and projects for reports %using Reporting Ser'ices(, C+8!* and #"&" ')()(0 structures %using Analysis Ser'ices(/



10.1. U*! C"*! D)"0 "'


10.2. C/"** D)"0 "'

ADMI N + user id + password + po reg() + student reg() + view po details() + view company details() + view student() + view job det ails() + change password() + assign st atus() + update() STUDENT + user id + password + modify() + view() + view company details() + view placmeent record() + view job details() + search job() + apply job() + change password()

PLACEMENT OFFI CER + user id + password + st udent reg() + view student details() + view company details() + add placement record() + view placement record() + view job det ails() + change password() + manage student details() COMPANY + user id + password + modify details() + post a job() + view() + status() + change password()

10.7. S!<+!(-! D)"0 "'



!A"#M#N$ %&&I"#'

"%M AN(




- . chec/ database() 0 . access granted()

1 . register placement officer()

2 . register company() 3 . verify company() 4 . stored in database()

5 . company login()

6 . chec/ database() ,7 . access granted()

,, . register student() ,- . post a job()

,0 . view job()

,1 . view placement() ,2 . student login()

,3 . chec/ database() ,4 . grant access()

,5 . modify details()

,6 . view job details() -7 . apply for job()

-, . view student detials() -- . add placement records()

-0 . view company details()

-1 . view student details() -2 . delete student details()

-3 . view company details() -4 . view placement records() -5 . view po details()

-6 . view job details()


10.6. A-&):)&1 D)"0 "'*

10.6.1 A-&):)&1 D)"0 "' F. A#')(




register student yes yes view company details view po details enter correct login details view 8delete student details no update status rejected view job details


register po


update company status accepted

10.6.2 A-&):)&1 D)"0 "' F. A P/"-!'!(& O,,)-!

yes lacement officer view job details no yes add8view placement record yes register student view company details enter correct login details view student details


10.6.7 A-&):)&1 D)"0 "' F. S&+#!(&

)tudent yes ye yes yes view8modify student details

apply for job


view placement

view8search job

enter login details correctly

10.6.6. A-&):)&1 D)"0 "' F. C.'2"(1



no register yes view8modify company details enter correct login details chec/ status wait for status updation

post a job


+O= PA&



R &IS$ R !O=PA*E

AA=I* +O= PA&


AA=I* P"A! = *$ O<<I! R R &IS$RA$IO*


AA=I* * 3 !O=PA*E A $AI"S


AA=I* S$UA *$ A $AI"S


AA=I* P"A! = *$ R !ORAS

AA=I* P"A! = *$ R !ORA

P"A! = *$ O<<I! R +O= PA&


P"A! = *$ O<<I! R R &IS$ R S$UA *$

P"A! = *$ O<<I! R !O=PA*E A $AI"S


P"A! = *$ O<<I! R S$UA *$ A $AI"S

!O=PA*E +O= PA&






S$UA *$ +O= PA&


S$UA *$ !O=PA*E A $AI"S

S$UA *$ PRO<I"


S$UA *$ )OB S AR!+



S$UA *$ P"A! = *$ R !ORA BI 3



COMPANYREGISTRATION <ieldname !O=PA*EIA !O=PA*E*A= +R*A= E AR S$AB"IS+ A !==I" B " PASS3ORA !O*<OR=PASS3ORA AAAR SS "O!A$O* PI*!OA =AI" !O*$A!$ 3 BSI$ S$A$US Aata $ype Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( !onstraint Primary .ey

STUDENTREGISTRATION <ieldname S$UA *$IA S$UA *$*A= Aata $ype Barchar%01( Barchar%01(

!onstraint Primary .ey


Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01(

PLACEMENTRECORD <ieldname S$UA *$IA S$UA *$*A= RO""*O S I BRA*!+ E AR AAAR SS AOB SS!=AR-S I*$R=AR-S PASS3ORA !O*<OR=PASS3ORA Aata type Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( !onstraint Primary -ey

?OBAPPLICATION <ieldname S$UA *$IA S$UA *$*A= RO""*O S I BRA*!+ E AR AAAR SS AOB SS!=AR-S I*$R=AR-S PASS3ORA !O*<OR=PASS3ORA ?OBPOSTING <ieldname Aata $ype !onstraint

Aata $ype Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01(

!onstraint <oreign .ey


Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01(

Primary .ey


Aata $ype Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01( Barchar%01(

!onstraint Primary .ey



T!*& R!2. & "(# T!*& R!*+/&*

T!*& R!2. & 1 P .9!-& N"'!D Placement Office Automation M.#+/! N"'!D "ogin <orm U()& N"'!D Username, Password T!*& R!*+/&D by entering the 'alid id number the student or the admin or the po or the company can log into the application and can be able to process with their respecti'e jobs/ T!*& P/"( %UnitC=oduleC<ormCIntegration( T!*& P/"( F. D Placement Office Automation U()& I#D Placement Office Automation #"ogin <orm T!*& C"*! I#D Username, Password T!*& &12!D Unit "e'elC<orm "e'elCIntegration "e'el F. ' N"'!D "ogin <orm B"*! T"8/!D "ogin P+ 2.*!D each and e'ery user and user is pro'ided with a unique id with which they can be able to log into the application/ T!*& -"*! #!*- )2&).(D by entering a 'alid id and password, the application cross chec.s from the database and then allow the user or the users to get access to the application/ If the login id or password is incorrect or do not e4ist then it is not a 'alid user/

4#IA#Barchar %01( !onstraint#Primary -ey


T!*& D"&" S/*O I*PU$ SP !I<I!A$IO* 8/ !olumn *ameD Username Balid InputD if the username is correct Balid OutputD if the username and along with user password then the form password are correct then form will be na'igated to allotted form na'igation will be done OU$PU$ SP !I<I!A$IO*

In'alid InputD if the username is incorrect In'alid OutputD if the username is :/ then username will be reentered !olumn *ameD Password incorrect it will as. for enter it again

Balid InputD if the password is correct Balid OutputD if the username and with its username then it will chec.ed in password are correct then it will the database for na'igating into another na'igate to appropriate allotted form form In'alid InputD it as.s to reenter the In'alid InputD if the password is incorrect correct password if the username then it will as. enter correct password for entered is correct/ the gi'en username

T!*& C.'2/!&).( C )&! )"D "ogin form will be used for allowing correct user to use the application/ 'ery person will be gi'en a username and password/ $hey can enter into and use the application after logging in to the software with the correct username and password/ $he username will be entered in the te4tbo4 gi'en for username and password will be entered in the te4tbo4 gi'en for password field/ $hen if the user clic.s on login button then it will 'erify with database, if the user is appropriate user with correct password then he will allow the user to access the application, otherwise he will not be able to access the application/ T!*& R!2. & 2 P .9!-& N"'!D Placement Office Automation M.#+/! N"'!D Placement Officer =odule

U()& N"'!D Placement Officer IA T!*& R!*+/&D the IA will be tested and 'erified/ $his will be used to 'iew the registration details of placement officer/ T!*& P/"( %UnitC=oduleC<ormCIntegration( T!*& P/"( ,. P/"-!'!(& O,,)-! A+&.'"&).( U()& )#D Placement Office Automation T!*& C"*! I#D placement officer id T!*& T12!D Unit "e'el $esting F. ' ("'!D Placement officer <orm B"*! T"8/!D POR & P+ 2.*!> $he IA number will be used to Reteri'e the details of po and register student/ $he IA number will be unique in the number so this will be used to differ one PO from another PO/ T!*& C"*! D!*- )2&).(> IA 'archar%01( Primary .ey T!*& D"&"

S/*o 8/

Input specification !olumn nameD IA number Balid inputD if the registration details are correct then all the details will be stored in the database/

Output specification Balid outputD if the details are correct then the details will be stored to database for future use/

In'alid inputD if the registration details with the registration number In'alid outputD if the registration details are incorrect then the details shall be are entered wrongly, then the user will entered correctly/ reenter the details carefully again/



!olumn nameD officer name Balid inputD if the officer name of the Balid outputD the officer name will be 'ehicle will be entered correctly/ inserted in the database/ In'alid inputD the officer name of the 'ehicle should reenter correctly/ In'alid outputD the officer name will not be inserted in database/


!olumn nameD address Balid inputD owner address will be Balid outputD address will be inserted in entered into database the database/ In'alid inputD address will be In'alid outputD address should be reentered correctly/ reentered/ !olumn nameD date of birth Balid inputD date of birth will be Balid outputD date of birth will be inserted entered into database in the database/ In'alid inputD date of birth will In'alid outputD date of birth should be reentered correctly/ reentered correctly/ !olumn nameD address Balid inputD the address will Balid outputD the address will be a'ailable be entered correctly in database/ in database/ In'alid inputD the address will be In'alid outputD the address should reentered correctly/ be entered correctly/



T!*& C.'2/!&).( C )&! )"> $he IA number will be used as primary .ey to identify each 'ehicle uniquely/ Based on the IA number we can find the Placement Officer details and register student/


$he pac.age was designed in such a way that future modifications can be done easily/ $he following conclusions can be deduced from the de'elopment of the project/

Automation of the entire system impro'es the efficiency It pro'ides a friendly graphical user interface which pro'es to be better when compared to the e4isting system/ It gi'es appropriate access to the authori6ed users depending on their permissions/ It effecti'ely o'ercomes the delay in communications/ Updating of information becomes so easier/ System security, data security and reliability are the features/ $he System has adequate scope for modification in future if it is necessary/ $his application a'oids the manual wor. and the problems concern with it/ It is an

easy and fast way to access the updated information/


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