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Alexandru A BOTICI, 2Dan DUBINA, 3Viorel UNGUREANU, 4Alexandru M BOTICI

Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Civil Engineering Facu lty, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Ioan Curea no. 1, 300224 Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: 2 Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Civil Engineering Faculty, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Ioan Curea no. 1, 300224 Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: 3 Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Civil Engineering Faculty, Politehnica Universi ty of Timisoara, Ioan Curea no. 1, 300224 Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: 4 Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Civil Engineering Faculty, Politehnica University of Timisoar a, Ioan Curea no. 1, 300224 Timisoara, Romania, e-mail:

In the present context, the Romanian population, as like that of Eastern Europe, lives in collective residential buildings with concrete structure and great-sized prefabricated panels, built from 1953 to 1989, in a percentage of 25% to 45%. Most of them raise issues regarding on their compliance with quality requirements, thermal and waterproof insulation, energy saving, noise protection, and some, especially the ones erected before the 70s, to resistance and stability, as well as problems regarding the interior space division and aesthetical treatment. Starting from the representative typologies of executed buildings, the context when they appeared, their evolution in time, the way in which they have redesigned the urban tissue and their current and actual problems, the paper presents some directions, modalities, intervention methods and their implementation for rehabilitation. There are also presented, some types of approaches, for retrofitting the existing residential building stock, such as punctual interventions, on a single housing block, as well as complex interventions that deal with multiple units or even an entire neighborhood, based on social and contextual analysis of that neighborhood. The conclusions presents some considerations on some reliable retrofitting systems, in terms of current concepts such as sustainability, maintenance, performance criteria , aspects of performance based design, that may be implemented on these structures. In contextul actual populatia din Romania, la fel ca si cea din Estul Europei, locuieste intr-un procent de 25% pana la45% in cladiri de locuinte collective, cu structura din beton si panouri prefabricate, construite intre anii 1953-1989. Majoritatea acestora ridica probleme privind conformarea lor la cerintele de calitate, izolatie termica, hidrofuga si economie de energie, protectie impotriva zgomotului si unele, cu precadere cele dinante de ani 70, la rezistenta, stabilitate, respectiv siguranta in exploatare, dar si probleme ce tin de divizarea spatiului interior si estetica. Pornind de la tipologiile representative de cladiri executed si contextul in care acestea au aparut, evolutia lor in timp, modul in care au reconfigurat tesutul urban si problemele lor actuale, lucrarea prezinta cateva directii, modalitati, metode de interventie si implementarea acestora pentru reabilitarea cladirilor. De asemenea sunt prezentate cateva tipologii de abordari pentru reabilitarea fondului construit, atat interventii punctuale, pe o singura unitate locativa, cat si interventii complexe care trateaza tronsoane sau chiar la nivel global un cartier, plecand de la analiza social contextuala a cartierului. Concluziile prezinta cateva aprecieri asupra unor sisteme fiabile de reabilitare, din punct de vedere a unor concepte actuale precum sustenabilitate, mentenanta, criterii de performanta (aspects of performance based design) posibil de implementat pe aceste structuri.

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