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Andrew McCauley: Hello everybody. Welcome back to show #11.

My name is Andrew McCauley and I am excited to be presentin this show today. !" course we always have lovely Heather #orter. Hey Heather$ how are you doin % Heather Porter: Hey Andrew& Hey everybody& It is really ood to be back as well and$ Andrew$ I cannot believe we are on #11. How ood is that& Andrew McCauley: I know$ I know. !ne o" the thin s that has happened I uess last time we did' last podcast we were in a car drivin in Melbourne and it was cold$ wet and rainin ( it)s settin up like that "or me ri ht now. Heather Porter: Hot is it there%

Andrew McCauley: I am in #alm *prin s which is usually the hottest part o" the country in the +* and lookin at my thermometer ri ht now it)s ,- de ree Celsius$ which is around about 11, .ahrenheit. It)s a little hot over here ri ht here. Heather Porter: And I am sittin next to a heater literally$ on top o" it almost$ in *idney and it is "ree/in and it)s overcast. Andrew McCauley: I am lucky it is a dry heat. I would hate to be down south where it)s really muddy and really hot and sweaty. *o$ that)s a ood thin and I know a lot o" people would love to be here than in the cold but that)s me. Heather Porter: *o$ what are we oin to talk about today$ Andrew% Andrew McCauley: Well$ two podcasts a o we talked about 0witter and we decided to extend that into two shows because there was a lot o" in"ormation that we 1ust didn)t et to cover in that "irst show. *o$ today I would like to continue. I have a "ew people ask some 2uestions since the last show about certain thin s on 0witter and how to use it "or your business. *o$ we are oin to o throu h that today and 1ust add a "ew more bits and pieces and some cool tricks and tips "or you. Heather Porter: 3eah. *o$ overall$ like the "irst episode we really 1ust talked about what is 0witter$ what do we use i" "or$ what are some o" the tips on how to tweet$ what you need "or your pro"ile( and today$ we are oin to o more into the advanced stu""$ so the automation and really kickin into ideas "or adverti/in and ettin more tra""ic to your 0witter accounts. *o$ this is excitin . Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ yeah$ yeah and 0witter is chan in all the time and still every couple o" weeks they are brin out a new "unction or new tools inte rated to 0witter. *o$ there is always somethin new to use 0witter with. I actually have my own little 0witter story this week. !ver here I am watchin the !lympics and the covera e$ let)s say$ is not the best on 45C and I wanted to watch the 166 meter sprint with +sain 5olt and Asa"a #owell$ those uys$ and I couldn)t "ind it anywhere$ they wouldn)t show on 07. 0hey were showin some 18 th place e2uestrian. 9ook$ there is not anythin wron with e2uestrian but the lamour event o" the !lympics wasn)t even bein shown$ it ot replaced by e2uestrian by a uy that wasn)t even in the medal hunt. *o$ I couldn)t watch it live on streamin because it)s very di""icult to et live streamin because o" the rules and the re ulations around the video that !lympic Committee let you stream on the net.
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*o$ I ended up watchin the race via 0witter "eed. tweets about' let)s "ace it$ the race was over in ood to see exactly who won 2uickly and keep up there. *o$ that)s is my little !lympic 0witter story

It)s cool. I was watchin all the under ten seconds' but it was to date with what was oin on this week.

Heather Porter: I love it. I mean$ it)s bein used now as a news"eed more now than ever$ especially "or events around the world i" you don)t have access to 07 to actually watch them. *o$ you brou ht up a ood point. I love it. 9et us et stuck in Andrew McCauley: 9et us have a look at some o" the stu"" that we would like to talk about today. I uess one o" the 2uestions that we o"ten et is >How do I automate this stu"" because do really have time to be sittin in "ront a tweet "eed$ lookin at people sendin me messa es$ answerin them$ respondin to them% When do I et any work done%? sort o" thin . Heather Porter: 3eah. Andrew McCauley: *o$ there are a number o" tools out there which I would like to o throu h today 1ust to help you mana e your time on 0witter and in "act even some o" the other social networks as well so that you are not spendin all o" that time on one activity when you should be spendin your time on overall business rowth. Heather Porter: 3eah$ reat. *o$ where do you want to start% @o you want to start with the tools or kind o" take a step back a little bit and revisit some o" the basics o" 0witter perhaps% Andrew McCauley: !kay let us start with that. I uess one o" the thin s "irst and "oremost about the whole entire social media plat"orm is that it is not there 1ust to be pushin sales in"ormation out to people you are "ollowin . I" you o back to businesses pre<internet days not that lon a o$ they were doin their business on "oundations o" ood relationships$ knowin $ likin and trustin people that they would like to do business with and that is exactly the same as any o" the social plat"orms. 3ou really want to be buildin that relationship with your "ollowers so wants to see more and wants to et more "rom you and also essentially buy "rom you whatever products or services you may have. *o$ the trap with a lot o" these automated services is that it)s easy to line up a whole ran e o" 0weets all sayin >5uy my stu""?$ >buy my stu""? and then 1ust postin them out ad nauseam. 3ou will 2uickly lose interest$ you will 2uickly lose connection and en a ement with people. *o$ one o" the thin s that you want to make sure is you are not @o you want to say somethin about that% oin to do that.

Heather Porter: 3eah$ I was oin to say exactly ri ht. I mean$ social media is social$ isn)t it. *o$ you can use automation tools but use them in con1unction with actually en a in live with your actual "ollowers as well. *o$ it)s a "ine line o" doin both.

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Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ yeah$ totally$ totally. I don)t think we need to o too much into it. 0he other podcast that we did$ #A$ has a ood ran e o" some basic in"ormation there. *o$ i" you haven)t listened to that$ o back and have a listen. 3ou will et some reat insi hts there. 9et)s move on to some o" the stu"" that we want to talk about today. Heather Porter: *ounds ood.

Andrew McCauley: What I want to talk about is third<party applications and a third party<application is somethin that another company B not 0witter$ but another company B has developed to work in con1unction with that plat"orm. *o$ let us say a company like Hootsuite has developed a pro ram that interacts with 0witter so that it works seamlessly to ether. 0hird<party applications are pretty much everywhere and it)s this third<party application that I think has really exploded rowth in internet and technolo y over the last ten years because back in the old days$ let)s say ten years a o$ there were companies that would have$ let)s say Microso"t$ i" they created somethin it was created inside Microso"t "or Microso"t and everybody had to pay "or it. 4ow$ what happened Apple opened up their doors$ =oo le opened up their doors$ .acebook have and 0witter have and what they have done is they thou ht >3ou know what$ we have a certain amount o" people that work "or us and we only have a limited amount o" knowled e in that roup o" people that work "or us. *o$ why don)t we open up the doors to the smartest people in the world wherever they are$ we don)t have to necessarily pay them to do this work but i" they want to create some cool stu"" to "ul"ill the need that they may have in the community$ then let)s ive them access to our backend pro ram so that they can create some stu"" that we never would have ever dreamt about. Heather Porter: 3eah and it really opens it ri ht up. I love what you had said which is exactly ri ht because there are eniuses out there that have these reat concepts and ideas on how to utili/e the pre<existin plat"orms better and that)s where these third<party applications come in. I mean$ applications are everywhere( apps$ they are on phones$ there are little so"tware tools that you can use to en a e with 0witter like we are oin to talk about today. 0he "act that this whole world has been opened up to allow other people to develop these pro rams is excitin because that)s where this really usin 0witter to your advanta e comes into play. Andrew McCauley: 3eah. I mean$ when we need to comment$ there is an app "or that and it)s are pretty much easy and that)s because third<party developers have been able to create anythin that they want with the blessin o" those bi companies that own the plat"orm in the "irst place. *o$ let)s o then to the "irst one. 0he "irst one that I would like to talk about and this is what I pre"er to use the most and that)s an app called Hootsuite. Heather Porter: 3eah$ we love that. I use it and our team uses it "or our clients as well. It)s a "antastic tool. *o$ what is it% What is Hootsuite$ Andrew%

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Andrew McCauley: *o$ has a "ree version and also a pro version. Cssentially what it does it lets you do a number o" thin s. It lets you collect all o" your "eeds in one spot. *o$ you may have your .acebook pa e$ your 0witter "eeds$ you 9inkedIn "eeds$ you may have =D account there and you o to one central dashboard and look at everythin that)s comin in rather oin into each individual plat"orm$ lo in in$ seein who has written somethin about you$ ri ht back and response and then lo out and o to the next plat"orm. It lets you centrali/e everythin so that you only have to lo in once and it pulls in"ormation "rom those plat"orms and puts a link to your central dashboard. *o$ it is a very reat way to keep a track o" who is talkin about you$ who is doin what and keepin your "in er on the pulse. *o$ the other part o" that thou h is it lets in"ormation comin in and in"ormation oin out. Hootsuite also lets you post to all o" those particular plat"orms as well with a sin le push o" a button. *o$ you may have a reat article that you want to send out to all your "ollowers$ you can select .acebook$ you can select 0witter$ 9inkedIn$ it)s like all at once and all you need to do is hit the button and it will send out the tweet to all those plat"orms at the same time so that you know all o" your "ollowers are ettin the messa e at the same time. Heather Porter: And speakin o" that$ what I love about Hootsuite is that little hootlet that it has. It)s a "ree little thin that you can install ri ht up into your browser)s bookmark up at the top and basically when you are sur"in around the net$ i" you can come across somethin that you think would be valuable to share with your di""erent accounts$ you click on it and then it actually takes the +E9 o" that pa e and shrinks it down into mini trackable +E9 and then you could type any messa e you want around it and then choose your various social media accounts and then 1ust click Fdo it now)$ Fupdate now) or you can even schedule it "or the "uture directly "rom this cool little hootlet( it)s reat. Andrew McCauley: 3eah. 3ou brin up two ood points. .irstly$ trackable links are very important. 3ou want to know i" you are sendin out tweets to your "ollowers$ which ones are ettin the responses that you need$ which ones are people clickin on$ how many people are actually takin action on the in"ormation you are sendin out. *o$ Hootsuite have a reat "unctionality$ checkin and trackin how interactive your "ollowers are with you. *o$ that)s a reat "eature o" Hootsuite. 0hen the other point you brin out is bein able to schedule that. *o$ you don)t have to lo into Hootsuite every 16 minutes to o and post a tweet. 3ou can actually set them up so that while you are travellin or while you are sleepin or whenever you want$ you have ot tweets oin around round the clock as much as you need to. *o$ you don)t need to keep lo in back in every day to make sure that you have ot in"ormation and your "ollowers are interactin with you. *o$ it)s an awesome way to keep the conversation alive without havin to lo in every sin le day. Heather Porter: 3eah$ well said. What else do we have we can use% Andrew McCauley: Well$ there is a number o" other plat"orms. Hootsuite has a couple o" other "unctions( I am not oin to et too deep into it now but 1ust but 1ust to understand they are the ma1or ones as you really want to use Hootsuite "or.
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0here is another plat"orm called 0weetdeck and 0weetdeck is a very similar pro ram. It is a matter o" pre"erence which one you use. As you said earlier$ we pre"er to use Hootsuite because we have been usin it "rom pretty much day one. I also used 0weetdeck and I like it but I 1ust sort o" ravitated towards Hootsuite. 0here is number o" those ones. 0here is a couple o" other ones out there. *eismic I think is still around. *ocial !omph is still around. 0heir "unctionalities are a little limited$ so I am not a bi "an o" those but 1ust remember thou h you don)t want to be postin stu"" all the time and talkin about yoursel"( you ot to build relationships even thou h you have this "unctionality o" automation. Heather Porter: And on the point o" automation is in 0weetdeck you can set up an actual direct response email or direct response tweet that oes out to people and new "ollowers o" yours% Andrew McCauley: I think *ocial !omph does that. Heather Porter: *ocial !omph$ yeah.

Andrew McCauley: *ocial !omph$ that)s a direct messa e. *o$ when people like you$ there is an automated messa e to say >Hey$ thanks "or likin me? or >0hanks "or "ollowin on 0witter. #lease check out my website or check my homepa e.? Heather Porter: Cxactly$ exactly. And I have actually have done a little testin on that and somebody else in our network said that this is one o" the pieces that they always implement with their clients and it works and basically$ yeah$ you set up your "irst little auto<responder$ I uess direct reply is what it)s called in 0witter$ and in that you 1ust say >Hey$ reat that we are connected. We would have to han out with you on .acebook as well? and leave your .acebook link and I actually have done that on my own 0witter account and I have had people that are comin to my .acebook pa e as a direct result o" those little direct replies. 4ow$ a lot o" people "ind them annoyin $ so you are not oin to probably et a hu e amount o" bene"it but it)s still worth tryin . Andrew McCauley: 3eah. #ersonally$ I think I still have one set up "rom many moons a o but I really don)t look at them anymore( I haven)t looked at direct messa e "or a lon time. I am 1ust not a bi "an o" them because there are many e<mails and 0weets and *kype chats$ I do not need anymore. Heather Porter: Cxactly. And only hit certain part o" the market I think. *o$ a lot o" us are very busy. Andrew McCauley: It)s ri ht. Cven thou h it)s worth doin at it and you et a sale "rom it$ then it)s de"initely worth. Heather Porter: Cxactly$ exactly. *o$ consider that. it$ i" someone looks

!kay. *o$ what else do we have that are some reat automated tools% Andrew McCauley: I think that)s pretty much it "or automated tools. Gust recently you could easily connect your 0witter account to your 9inkedIn account but there has been bi cost up there. *o$ 9inkedIn and 0witter are not in bed to ether anymore( they have had a bit o" a "allin out. 9inkedIn will still send
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posts "rom 9inkedIn back to 0witter but you won)t be able to send tweets into 9inkedIn. *o$ i" you use an automated tool like Hootsuite or 0weetdeck$ you can still et around that issue. *o$ i" it)s mainly the "allout i" you are usin it directly "rom the plat"orm sendin tweets directly into 9inkedIn. Heather Porter: 3eah$ yeah. Well$ another topic I would love to B sli htly on the topic o" automation still is the 0witter)s version o" =oo le alerts which technically kind o" is an automation piece I suppose to this. *o$ what)s that called$ Andrew% What exists to allow us to very easily be alerted when certain thin s 0weeted% Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ there is a whole bunch o" di""erent thin s out there. +p until recently you could actually et an E** "eed in searches that you did on 0witter( I think they disabled that "unction now but there are a number o" third< party applications that you can use to alert you anytime somebody mentions you or a keyword that you are interested in. 9et)s say you are a real estate a ent and you are in *idney$ anytime someone posts a tweet that says >House "or sale$ *idney? or somethin like that$ you can set up an alert. !ne o" the tools that I like to use is called 0wilert and it)s a "ree web app that sort o" enables you to see re ular email updates o" tweets containin your brand$ your product and your service$ pretty much any keyword at all that you like. *o$ I use it all the time. It)s a reat way to connect with people particularly i" they are lookin "or publicity$ so they are able to et out there 2uickly because they et this tool and can say >Hey$ I 1ust noticed you posted o" that H$ 3$ I. I have ot an answer "or your problem. Here it is%? Heather Porter: 0hat)s brilliant to listen in. *o$ it)s ood "or market research$ it)s ood "or "indin new "ollowers$ potential leads and clients but also seein what people are sayin about you and your brand "or brand reputation mana ement. *o$ i" there is a problem$ you very 2uickly will know that they are talkin about you and you can et in there and do some proactive mana ement o" what)s oin on. Andrew McCauley: 0otally. !ne o" the other thin s that people don)t reali/e they can use is "or is spyin on a competition. 0hey can o and see what they are doin $ "ind out what they are talkin about$ what people are talkin about to them because that is also awesome. I mean$ you could never do that ten years a o unless you sat the door o" the shop that you are competin a ainst and tryin to listen into what people are sayin as they transact with them. 4ow$ you can o and "ind out what people are sayin about your competitors and have the upper hand. 3ou can even "ound out who your competitors) customers are which is really$ really cool. Heather Porter: How incredible and you 1ust set it up$ sit back and let all this in"ormation come to you. Andrew McCauley: 0otally$ totally. And you can have this in the "orm o" an email. *o$ you can et daily e<mail and look at it all day. 3ou 1ust lo on in the mornin $ check your emails$ you o and act on those accordin ly. Heather Porter: 9ove it. 9ove$ love$ love it. Ei ht. *o$ shall we move on "rom our automation area%

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Andrew McCauley: 3eah. *o$ the other 2uestion then we ot comin us is >I know that we can order that stu"" but I am runnin out o" thin s to say. I would like to know what else I can talk about because I am not that creative and I think that people are ettin sick o" what I am talkin about.? *o$ we have been doin a lot o" tests on di""erent thin s that people are respondin to throu h our .acebook and our 0witter accounts and were are "indin a whole ran e o" awesome in"ormation about what people are respondin to and how the interactions are happenin . I think$ pictures and photos are one o" the bi est thin s that we are ettin $ pictures alone$ ettin some results "rom pictures and comments. *o$ I wanted to 1ust spend a couple o" minutes 1ust ivin you some really cool tools that we can use to post so people say >Hey$ you uys are postin some really "un stu"" or some really relevant stu"". *o$ what it is that you are talkin about%? without havin to sit there and wreck your brain every day. *o$ havin said that$ one o" the "irst sites that I really do like is a site called Alltop is a syndicated site that has a collection o" in"ormation about any topic that you can possibly think o" and it shows you the best blo s that are out there in a particular industry. *o$ I want to o to Alltop ri ht now as we speak( I am oin to do a 2uick search. *o$ ive me an industry or a niche that you think we can talk about. Heather Porter: investment. Well$ some o" our clients ri ht now are doin property

Andrew McCauley: Alri ht. *o$ let)s look at property. I will type Fproperty) in the search box there$ Fproperty investment) and what comes back is a whole bunch o" results about bankin $ probably investment bankin $ crowd "undin $ interior desi n$ patents$ real estate$ taxes. I can click on one o" those. 9et)s 1ust click on Freal estate) and what it brin s back to me is the top "ive blo s in about 166D di""erent blo s that are all relevant and recent about property investment an real estate. *o$ all you need to do is click on the link( it takes you directly to that particular blo pa e which is reat. 0hen you can post that to people and say >Hey$ I have 1ust read this reat article. Here it is. Check it out.? And this was posted on Guly J8th$ so that)s only 1ust recently. 3our people will start thinkin that you are o""erin them reat service by ivin them current up<to<date in"ormation that)s relevant to them. Heather Porter: 3ou are literally positionin yoursel" as a hub o" in"ormation so they don)t have to o anywhere else( they start to notice you as the expert in that space$ don)t they% Andrew McCauley: Cxactly$ exactly and you will never$ I uarantee$ never run out o" content when you are usin this site. It)s phenomenal how much in"ormation has been sucked into this site and you can use it all across the board. 0hat)s Alltop. @o you have any other 2uestion about Alltop% Heather Porter: 3eah. I think more o" a su estion really i" I am thinkin "or people that are listenin to this ri ht now$ 1ust some tips would be to perhaps in the mornin you et on or whenever you are oin to do your social media mana ement$ et on$ o to Alltop$ et a "ew ideas "rom that$ plu them into your Hootsuite and schedule them in to o out throu hout that day or throu hout that

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week and all that would take you what$ next to -<16 minutes maybe% much.

4ot too

Andrew McCauley: 0otally$ totally and that)s it. 3ou spend 1- minutes a day on your social stu"". Gust ive yoursel" 1- minutes and all you ot to do is post some stu"" the rest o" the day. Heather Porter: #ost some stu"" and then "ind out what people are sayin to you so then "ind out i" they are respondin to your tweets or actually on .acebook sayin stu""$ o in there$ respond back to them$ like them back or say >Hey$ thanks "or that?$ en a e with them and then spend the last - minutes o" K minutes checkin your 0wilert email and then o en a e with those people$ answer their 2uestions. 9ook$ 1- minutes$ so you o$ you 1ust use these ama/in tools and you have en a ed and you have put content out and you have checked out what your competition is doin . Andrew McCauley: 3es. Alri ht$ so we have looked at 0wilert$ we have looked at Alltop. 0he last one I am oin to ive you in this podcast is a side called www.stu"" It)s like peoples) tweet on the web and what it does is it ives you a summary o" the most popular articles or posts that are comin "rom di""erent sources. *o$ "or instance$ #opular LLinaudibleMM 2317 which is a bookmarkin site$ Popular Delicious( there is a whole ran e o" "ree Nindle e<book within it$ o check it out( Popular On YouTube$ what are the videos that are makin a splash on 3ou0ube ri ht now( Popular On Life or 0MI which is the entertainment 07 channel$ Mashable which is all about the internet markin channels. 0here is also a Popular Photos$ Popular On CNN$ Wikihow$ New York Times( there is a whole ran e o" di""erent stu"" and i" you can)t "ind in"ormation between Alltop and stu""Jtweet$ then you are not really lookin at all. 0hey even have Popular On Craigslist which is cra/y. Heather Porter: 5rilliant. "or *uperhero)s *idekick

Andrew McCauley: Here is one thin . 0hey are lookin now

Heather Porter: *i n me up. 0hat)s 1ust a little inside 1oke obviously$ uys( part o" our little systems we are settin up to automate our stu"". Anyway$ so movin on "rom that 2uickly$ now what I love about www.stu"" is it keeps up with the trends as well. How cool is that& 3ou know in an instant exactly what people are likin ri ht$ what they are talkin about and I am always a bi believer o" usin social media "or marketin $ market research. *o$ this is a reat site to actually o in and see what people want and then you can create a little raphics$ visuals$ tweets$ stories around what people are already interested in. Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ totally. And it doesn)t have to be a massive amount o" in"ormation. Gust rab the headlines and then post it out. Awesome. Heather Porter: 3eah$ lovin it.

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Andrew McCauley: 0hat)s I uess we now move on to the actual part o" 0witter that many people don)t understand and that)s the sponsored stories and sponsored tweets or promoted tweets that have been actually paid "or to 0witter. *o$ you can et your tweets "ound and searched by more people than what)s 1ust on your list. *o$ is it okay i" we di into that% Heather Porter: 9et us di in. 3eah$ let)s start ettin on that because I know it)s new and 2uite unknown and people are probably ri ht now listenin to this and thinkin >3eah$ how is that oin to work%? *o$ how does it work% 9et)s start with how$ I uess$ where it shows up because my "irst 2uestion is >!kay$ so you et these promoted tweets$ where do they actually show up$ how do people see them%? Andrew McCauley: *ure. *o$ when you do a search "or somethin on twitter$ let)s say you wanted to type in !lympics and you et a whole bunch o" results "rom people that have used the word F!lympics) in their tweets. I" you have paid "or this promoted tweet with the keyword F!lympics) in it$ your tweet is oin to show up at the top o" that particular result and it is not oin to et crushed down in the timeline as new tweet comes on( it will stay at the top o" that tweet list until you have stopped payin "or that. *o$ you want to promote your tweets when you want to reach users when they are searchin "or thin s on 0witter$ as I said. 0hey will tar et search terms and they are oin to stay at the top o" the results pa e. *o$ it is a pretty cool way$ i" you have ot a hot topic or somethin that know people search a lot "or and you can pay "or promoted tweet. 3ou are oin to "ind that people will click on your link because it may be relevant to them and still stay at the top and ettin seen by more people. Heather Porter: 0hat)s reat. And does that show up 1ust i" you are on and you are usin their search "acilitates. Andrew McCauley: 3es. Heather Porter: !kay. Andrew McCauley: *o$ you can also tar et "ollowers. *o$ you can o and "ind tar eted people who are your "ollowers so that only your "ollowers et to see that particular result so there is more o" a connection there or you can even use tar etin people that are very similar to what your "ollowers are like. *o$ what that does is it extends the reach o" your campai n and the brand to more users who are receptive to your messa e. *o$ let)s say you have ot a thousand people that "ollow you and you promoted posts to users who are like your "ollowers$ you mi ht have another "ive thousand people that are very similar to your current "ollowers. 0hat makes you to et in "ront o" those people alon which is an awesome way to start rowin the list. Heather Porter: 0his is reat. And where do I "ind it because I am actually oin to ri ht now. How do you purchase these promoted ads% Andrew McCauley: !kay. *o$ you ot to o down the very bottom you will see on the le"t<hand side the blo and the adverti/in button$ at the very bottom on the le"t<hand side. @o you see that%
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Heather Porter:

I do see them. FAdvertisers)$ yeah.

Andrew McCauley: Click on Fadvertisin ). Heather Porter: =reat.

Andrew McCauley: And you will "ind that that will take you to a pa e where you are oin to apply. 3ou can)t 1ust run an ad 1ust o"" the bat. 3ou do need to o throu h a little bit o" a process will 0witter itsel" but once you are up and runnin $ you will "ind some reat results. *o$ you can see that sort o" stu"" there. *o$ that)s promoted tweets. 4ow$ let)s look at the next one. 0he next one is promoted trends. 0rends have 1ust chan ed a little bit recently. +p until not so lon a o trends were the thin s that were makin the most noise$ the most splash in the 0witterverse. *o$ i" +sain 5olt won the 166 meter$ he would be one o" the most trendin topic because everyone is talkin about him. *o$ 0witter would say >0his is one o" the most trendin topics.? When Michael Gackson died$ Michael Gackson was the most trendin topic "or a lon time. *o$ you can actually promote trends. 4ow$ because o" its placement$ a promoted trend will et you massive exposure and it is pretty much like the only place to kick start or ampli"y a conversation on 0witter and beyond. *o$ ima ine havin your business name or your product or service as a promoted trend on the le"t hand side when you are lookin at 0witter. I am not sure i" you see that when we are talkin ri ht now. Can you see the trends on the le"t hand side underneath your' i" you o to the Fhome) button on your 0witter account% Heather Porter: 3eah$ I see that$ yup. Andrew McCauley: 3ou see the trend. *o$ you can promote trends. 3ou should see a promoted trend there$ in this instance on mine I have ot #dineoutday. *o$ some company has promoted that trend to be at the top. *o$ somebody)s oin to check this out. Heather Porter: *o$ I see one that)s di""erent$ obviously bein in Australia. *o$ I see #C7*5eautClub. *o$ would that mean somebody is promotin that trend. Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ and trends will be di""erent to everyone. 3ou and I won)t see the same trends because we all have di""erent interests. *o$ they will try and promote trends to people that are relevant. 0here is no point spendin a lot o" money on trend i" no one is interested in that. Heather Porter: *o$ let)s use an example. *o$ i" I have a mortar business$ I am a naturopath$ let)s say$ how would I use that "or my business and I am branchin out to sell products like supplements and thin s on the internet throu h my website% What would I use a trend "or% Andrew McCauley: Well$ you could use it as the name o" your business so people see that the name o" your business is a trend. Gust by bein curious$ they are oin to see what that trend is all about. *o$ they are oin to click on it.

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Heather Porter: =ot it. Andrew McCauley: I" I o and click on #dineoutday or my trend ri ht now$ it)s oin to show me all the results "or dine out day and there is a whole ran e o" di""erent promotions that they have been doin over the last couple o" hours I can o throu h and read and "ind out what)s it all about and maybe spend some money with those people. Heather Porter: It)s almost like a press release to 0witter$ isn)t it% It)s kind o" like here I am around$ here are the thin s oin around this trend. Andrew McCauley: Heather Porter: Cxactly$ exactly.


Andrew McCauley: *o$ this one here can be 2uite an expensive one thou h. *o$ 1ust keep in mind that it)s not a cheap thin to be on top o" the trends and while we are on trends$ i" you can see the word Fchan e) next to Ftrends)% Heather Porter: 3up$ I can.

Andrew McCauley: 3ou can actually chan e the location o" your trend. *o$ ri ht now you probably have a lobal trend ri ht there. I" you click on the word Fchan e)$ you can o and pick which country you want to see trends "rom. Heather Porter: well. It)s reat. 3eah$ worldwide$ I can see all the di""erent countries there as

Andrew McCauley: Cxactly. *o$ I am in the +* but I would like to see what)s trendin in Australia. *o$ I have my trends set to Australia so I can see what)s oin on in keepin track o" news that)s comin out o" Australia. *o$ you can do that. I think in the +* you can actually chan e to di""erent states in the +*( you can pick certain states in the +*. Heather Porter: Wow&

Andrew McCauley: *o$ i" you are livin in Cali"ornia$ you can see what)s oin on in Cali"ornia rather than 1ust +* as a whole entire trend. Heather Porter: 3eah$ what a reat tool& 0his is ama/in &

Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ yeah. Alri ht$ so that)s sponsored trends. 0he "inal one is the promoted accounts. Heather Porter: !kay.

Andrew McCauley: 4ow$ Fpromoted accounts) is a "eature in the search results that shows you who to "ollow. 9et)s click on your Fhome) button a ain and you will see there will Fpromoted) and in my case I have a Eapid*even as a promoted "ollower. 0hey have paid money to turn up at the top and say >0his person here best represents closely what you are all about and you should "ollow them because

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0witter when they are over with them$ they say >3ou person because he is a reat match here.?

uys should "ollow this

Heather Porter: I am so lad that I work with you$ *ocial Media 5loke$ because I was wonderin what this stu"" was and the other day I was actually kind o" cullin my list$ ettin rid o" a "ew people that I am "ollowin that are 1ust not in my area anymore and I kept clickin on tweets that were comin up in my tweet "eed and it would keep comin up o" people that I was not "ollowin and I could not "i ure out why they were appearin there. *o$ this totally makes sense. All these little new areas are exactly "rom what you are talkin about here. It)s all the new promoted area o" 0witter. How lon has it actually been around% Andrew McCauley: It has been around "or a while now. When they introduced it I think .acebook 2uickly "ollowed suit with their promoted posts and as you know we have been playin with some promoted post activity recently but one o" the 2uestions that we do o"ten et is how much is this sort o" stu""% Is it expensive% Heather Porter: 3eah.

Andrew McCauley: *o$ let me tell you this. #romoted tweets are the "irst one we spoke about$ promoted tweets are o""ered on a cost<per<en a ement basis B C#C$ cost per en a ement. *o$ you pay your bid price when a user clicks on or re< tweets or replies to your "avorites on your promoted tweet. *o$ to put a number down$ it)s probably somewhere between O6.J6 and O-. *o$ it)s almost like .acebook ads or Adwords where you are oin to pay per click. *o$ cost per en a ement is almost as the same as cost per click. Whether they click on it$ re< tweet it$ reply or "avorite$ it is oin to cost you money. *o$ that)s oin to be the cost o" promoted tweets. 4ow$ promoted trends are o""ered "or a "lat "ee. *o$ it)s 1ust one "ee( put your trend out there and it)s oin to char e you round about tens o" thousands o" dollars B it)s not cheap B per day. *o$ i" you have to look at all these companies that are on trends ri ht now$ think about their bud et and say >Well$ these uys are spendin some serious cash? but you are oin to understand$ I am thinkin the number now o" 0witter users are around about J-6 million the other day and i" you can et your trend on top o" or in "ront o" everybody else and you have ot people clickin throu h$ then tens o" thousands o" dollars may be chump chan e i" you are ettin some ood results. Heather Porter: 3ou know the little devil)s advocate in me is now sayin >!kay. *o$ is this only seen on because so many people are usin these third< party applications now% Are they oin to see any o" these promoted tweets or trends in their Hootsuite$ "or example%? Andrew McCauley: I think they do actually. 0hat)s a reat 2uestion and I lo ed on my Hootsuite be"ore we "inish but the thin about trends is that it is Fexclusive by). *o$ it puts your chosen trend at the top o" every lo ed user trendin topics. Heather Porter: 0hat are on their website$ 1ust on their website$ yeah$ and I am 1ust sure their apps as well. Andrew McCauley: 0he'

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Heather Porter:

I spun you out with a 2uestion.

Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ you did$ you did. *o$ it)s not a cheap option to do. 4ow$ let)s o into the other one B and I will "ind out the answer "or you B the promoted accounts. 0hey are the ones that 0witter su ests that you "ollow. 0hey are o""ered on a cost<per<"ollower basis. *o$ you bid say O6.-6 or O-$ however much you want to bid and you bid that to have your account promoted at the top o" an interest tar eted 0witter user)s pro"ile. *o$ as you saw$ on the who to "ollow$ it will appear there. Heather Porter: 3es.

Andrew McCauley: Advertisers promote their account to build up critical mass o" loyal "ollowers. *o$ it)s a reat way to build your list pretty 2uickly. Heather Porter: *o$ i" I were wantin to et in there as business and 1ust havin to play with this area o" 0witter$ would you recommend doin a promoted account or a promoted tweet to start with% What)s the easiest thin % Andrew McCauley: #robably promoted tweet because it will be a lot easier$ cheaper. 3ou 1ust want to be care"ul and set your bud et$ set a limit so that you know that i" all o" a sudden you hit really hard$ you don)t want to somebody have it built "or a couple o" thousand dollars and you weren)t ready "or it. Heather Porter: 3eah$ that)s a reat point. *o$ start with your tweets$ look at their accounts and i" you are truly a rock star company and you want to o ri ht into the 16$666 ND a day bud et$ o "or the trends. Andrew McCauley: 3es. And I am lookin at my Hootsuite account ri ht now and I don)t believe that Hootsuite shows the trends or the promoted tweets. It doesn)t show trends$ that)s "or sure. It)s not showin promoted' 9et me 1ust do one search "or it and I will about your 0witter chat. et back to you. 9ast time we spoke

Heather Porter: 3es$ I am doin it all the time now. Andrew McCauley: those. 3es. *o$ tell me what you "ound since you started doin

Heather Porter: *ure. *o$ there is an or ani/ation that I am involved with on their social media advisory team called Women *peakers) Association and what they do is every sin le week at the same time they have a 0weet chat on 0witter which is ama/in . *o$ what)s startin to happen as a result o" that is basically we et an expert to come in and then anybody that wants to 1oin the chat can ask live 2uestions to this expert and then this person can respond with answers in that 0weet chat. *o$ it allows a couple o" thin s to happen. It allows you to access an expert that you probably wouldn)t normally have access and literally ask them a 2uestion and et a response. It also enerates viral and how that works is durin the 0weet chats i" there is somethin that you are re<tweetin or you really like or you are respondin to as bein part o" the 0weet chat and your "ollowers say >Wow& 0hat)s a really cool thin . What)s oin on%?$ then they 1ump on the
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bandwa on$ they start re<tweetin what you are sayin and then your chat starts to expand all over the internet. *o$ we are startin to et more and more "ollowers and people that are comin in on a weekly basis that are en a in with these chats. 0hey are really$ really easy too$ Andrew. 5asically$ all you need to do' that would be one o" Andrew)s little voice in the back round' Andrew McCauley: He 1ust wandered in. scribblin that he is doin ri ht now. Heather Porter: *o$ excuse the pencil writin and

Wants to say hello to all o" you uys out there.

Andrew McCauley: I had him on sta e last week actually. *o$ he loves it now. Heather Porter: !h$ love it$ love it. *ee$ the beauti"ul thin about the internet is you start to build up some "reedom and "lexibility in your li"e and et kids en a ed$ travel( it)s ood stu"". *o$ we are back to some more interestin stu"". Hash ta B so$ how a hash ta works is basically you hit the # si n or the # ta si n on your keyboard which is Shift ! and then' !h$ he is very excited over there. Andrew McCauley: He is one. I am sorry about that. Heather Porter: *o$ I recommend you 1ust o to and then you o up into the search bar and you do a hash ta and then a word B it has to be all one word with no spaces B to see what other people are usin . !urs is #speakerchat. 4ow$ we are usin that because no one else is usin it and we kind o" wanted to make it our own. 3ou can literally 1ust create your own hash ta and start to use it on an on oin basis and it becomes your own and then at a certain time every week or every month you o in you 1ust$ all o" you$ when you are tweetin $ you use the hash ta in your tweet. 0hat)s how you know that there is a 0weet chat oin on. 0here is a tool as well that we use as well that)s really$ really easy to use and I too am on the internet 1ust like you$ Andrew$ and I am lookin "or answers to my 2uestions. Andrew McCauley: Well$ why are you lookin "or that% I am 1ust oin to let people know that Hootsuite does not show the promoted tweets. *o$ you only see that inside 0witter itsel". Heather Porter: 7ery interestin ( I had a "eelin because it)s a third<party application. *o$ keepin that in mind$ there is a lot o" us usin these third<party applications. *o$ it)s still worth tryin the promoted tweets and accounts. Andrew McCauley: 3eah$ it)s 1ust a measure$ it)s 1ust a measure to see how it works. Heather Porter: 0o see how it works. 4ow$ the tool to use i" you want to do 0weet chat is really. It)s http:;;;room; and then the actual hash ta that you are usin B so$ in our case$ it was;room;speakerchat B and what that allows you to do is you are now han in out in a live chat room directly
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on 0witter)s plat"orm and whenever you are typin your tweets back and "orth to each other$ your 2uestions and your answers$ it automatically adds the hash ta Fspeakerchat) at the end o" your tweets$ so you don)t have to keep includin it$ and it keeps everybody)s tweet in one place. *o$ a reat little tool( I totally recommend you uys try as a business owner$ especially i" you are an expert$ a coach$ a speaker$ an author B reat way to allow people to en a e with you on a live basis by askin you 2uestions and really ettin your "ollowers to en a e with what you are doin . Andrew McCauley: chats soon I think. Heather Porter: 0otally$ I love it. 4ow$ we will have to do our little 0weet

We will.

Andrew McCauley: We will do that live thin . Heather Porter: And I know$ by the way$ uys because we are always throwin out +E9s and resources and tools on our podcasts that like always you can 1ust o and "ind' we will list all the +E9s and the tools that we have talked about today on this podcast on our website which is;podcast and you can 1ust o in there and "ind this episode and click in there and you will see all these beauti"ul little tools listed there "or you$ so you can use those. Andrew McCauley: I think we have "ried some people)s brains today. Heather Porter: I think so. I" my brain is 1ust a little bit "ried which is 1ust a little bit today$ then I am more excited I think than anythin but i" that is the case$ then I am sure everybody else)s is ultra<"ried. Andrew McCauley: 3eah. *o$ I think we will wrap it up. We covered some ood stu"" on 0witter. Heather Porter: 3eah. oin

Andrew McCauley: And the next call we do B I am not sure when we are to do B we will have to sit with the listeners. We will do a surprise on next.

Heather Porter: 3es$ yes and i" you uys$ like always$ have comments$ 2uestions or su estions$ you can o" course o to our website and leave us a comment there underneath our latest episode and we will en a e and brin that into our upcomin events or upcomin podcasts. !ne o" the thin s too$ o" course we are on .acebook and this is a really easy way to reach us and ive us some ideas. *o$ our .acebook is Auto#ilot3our5usiness on Andrew McCauley: 3eah. Alri ht$ Heather$ thank you very much. It)s been a reat podcast #11$ done and dusted. Heather Porter: 0hank you. Andrew McCauley: 0his is 11 or 1J%
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Heather Porter: 11. Wow& 0here is a lot oin uest appearance o" your lovely little on as well. Andrew McCauley: 3es$ yes.

on and thanks "or the special

Heather Porter: #er"ect. 0hanks$ Andrew. 0hanks so much and thanks uys "or bein with us a ain on another episode. +ntil next time. Andrew McCauley: *ee you later. Heather Porter: 5ye$ bye.

**End of Audio**

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