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T 5th Semester (Client Server Architecture) (Unit 2ndTest Paper)

Mar s! "# Time! " h$ur

". Which of the following is TRUE(i) In the early 1980s, Ethernets 10-mb s !"egabits er secon#$ ban#wi#th a eare# ine%ha&stible' (ii) ()*s were e%ten#e# with re eaters, #e+ices which assi+ely am lifie# signals form one segment to the ne%t' (iii) In the early 80s, bri#ges were intro#&ce#' (iv) *,- !*etwor. file system$ was intro#&ce# in 198/' (a) T T , T (%) , , T T (c) T T T , (d) )ll (e) *one 2. Which of the following is TRUE(i) Ro&ters connect logically same networ.s' (ii) Ro&ters o erate in the 0resentation layer (iii) UT0 is more e% ensi+e an# less config&rable than Thic. an# Thin-net' (iv)1&bs ha+e become o &lar as re lacements for switches' (a) T T , , (%) T , , T (c) T T T , (d) )ll (e) *one &. Which of the following is TRUE(i) "ost switches &se tra#itional store 2 forwar# bri#ging metho#s' (ii) ,ast Ethernet en3oys the s& ort of more than 4/ networ. an# system +en#ors' (iii) )T" is a cell-switching an# m&lti le%ing technology that combines the bebefits of #e#icate# circ&its with those of switching' (iv))T"s cell length is /5 bytes' (a) T , T T (%) T T T , (c) , T T T (d) )ll (e) *one '. Which of the following is TRUE(i) )T" stan#ar#s #efine a broa# range of ban#wi#ths from 1'/ mb s to 677 mb s an# abo+e' (ii) )ll #e+ices in an )T" networ. attach #irectly to an )T" switch' (iii) "&lti home# ser+ers can be #irectly attache# to all s&bnets' (iv)(ocali8e# #ata #e loyment collects all #ata at the root of the networ., &s&ally together with other share# com &ter-ser+er reso&rces for analysis9sim&lation, #atabase, web, mail, news an# so on' (a) T , , T (%) T T , T (c) T T T , (d) )ll (e) *one 5. Which of the following is TRUE(i) In locali8e# #ata #e loyment, file ser+ices can be #is erse# cam &s-wi#e' (ii) 1ierarchical #ata #e loyment might be consi#ere# &n#er circ&mstances where a locali8e# a roach might be less effecti+e or &nnecessarily costly' (iii) In a b&s to ology, all networ.e# no#es are interconnecte# &sing m&lti le cables' (iv)In star to ology, each networ.e# wor.station ha# two connections: one to each of its nearest neighbors' (a) T , , , (%) , T T T (c) T T , , (d) )ll (e) *one (. Which of the following is TRUE-

(i) The ty ical ()* with a switche# to ology feat&res m&lti le connections to a switching h&b' (ii) ) switch increases the aggregate ban#wi#th a+ailable thro&gho&t the n9w' (iii) In #aisy chaining, the h&bs in a networ. are connecte# in a arallel fashion' (iv)-tar networ.s can be scale# & by interconnecting m&lti le rings in a hierarchical fashion' (a) T T , , (%) T , T T (c) , T T , (d) )ll (e) *one #. Which of the following is TRUE(i) -tar to ologies can be im lemente# in hierarchical arrangements of m&lti le stars' (ii) ) hierarchical star to ology &ses one tier for &ser an# ser+er connecti+ity an# the secon# tier as a bac.bone' (iii) ;etermining which bac.bone to ology is correct for yo&r ()* is not easy' (iv)) #istrib&te# bac.bone can be #e+elo e# by centrally locating the bac.bone h&b' (a) T , T T (%) T T , , (c) T T T , (d) )ll (e) *one ). ,ill in the blan.s(A) Ethernet interfaces em loy <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< metho#s to #etect other traffic on the networ. an# await o ort&nities for safe transmission' (a) contention-a+oi#ance (%) collision-a+oi#ance (c) traffic-a+oi#ance (d) *one (B) -ome +en#ors em loy =<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<> switching, wherein forwar#ing commences imme#iately & on arri+al of the #estination a##ress ortion of the hea#er, e+en while remain#er of the is still being recei+e# on the incoming ort' (a) c&t-thro&gh (%) (c) circ&it (d) *one (C) "&lti le )T" switches can be combine# in a fabric sometimes calle# an =<<<<<<<<<<>' (a) +irt&al circ&it (%) s&bnet (c) )T" clo&# (d) *one (*) <<<<<<<<< &ses a combination of switche#-Ethernet an# ,;;I wor.gro& an# ro3ect affiliate# =cl&m s> of logical s&bnets' (a) cirr&s logic (%) hierarchical n9w (c) locali8e# #ata #e loyment (d) *one (+) ) <<<<<<<<<<<<< to ology #escribes the geometric arrangements of com onents that com rise the ()*' (a) logical (%) hysical (c) +irt&al (d) *one (,) <<<<<<<<<<< to ologies consist of more than one layer of h&bs' (a) com le% (%) #aisy chains (c) hierarchical rings (d) *one (-) The =<<<<<<<<<<> is interconnecte# with a small ,;;I loo , while the lessrob&st &ser stations are interconnecte# with Ethernet' (a) client farm (%) ser+er farm (c) ring farm (d) *one (.) ) <<<<<<<<< bac.bone is nothing more than a series of h&bs #aisy chaine# together' (a) serial (%) arallel (c) hierarchical (d) *one (I) ) colla se# bac.bone to ology feat&res a <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ro&ter that interconnects all the ()* segments in a gi+en b&il#ing' (a) centrali8e# (%) locali8e# (c) hierarchical (d) *one (/) The <<<<<<<<<<<<< bac.bone to ology is a mo#ification of the colla se# bac.bone' (a) serial (%) arallel (c) com le% (d) *one

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