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Sample Short Speeches of Welcome and Thanks

(Bare-bones 'models' to be developed as appropriate and delivered extemporaneously) TRENAK11 Englis !ubli" #pea$ing (%op$ins) &epartment o' Translation #tudies( )niversity o' Tampere

1. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning! On behalf of the Department of Translation Studies I would li e to wel!ome all of "ou toda" to our !lass in #ubli! Spea ing. $s "ou now, we ha%e long had su!h a !lass in our &nglish Se!tion !urri!ulum, and it is a pleasure to ha%e all of "ou as a part of the !lass this "ear. The theme of our !lass toda" is the Short Spee!h of 'el!ome, and we are fortunate to ha%e with us Miss (Mr.) ***, of +++, who will spea to us on this sub,e!t. Miss (Mr.) ***, as we well now, is uni-uel" -ualified to spea to us on this topi! through her (his) parti!ipation in this !lass . . . . It gi%es me great pleasure, therefore, to be able to present to "ou our spea er for toda". Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss (Mr.) *** ***.

.. Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen/ This morning we are %er" pleased to be able to wel!ome Miss &li0abeth 1ohnson as our guest spea er. Miss 1ohnson has !ome to address us on the sub,e!t of 23ew $ntibioti!s,2 and as the London Drug 4ompan", whi!h she represents, is nown to be one of the leaders in this field, we are %er" fortunate indeed in ha%ing their representati%e here to tal with us about this important sub,e!t. It should be a great help to us, parti!ularl" as we are presentl" resear!hing some of these drugs. So, on behalf of all of us, I5d li e to wel!ome our guest spea er, Miss &li0abeth 1ohnson.

6. Ladies and Gentlemen/ On behalf of the 7ni%ersit" of Tampere I would li e to wel!ome our spe!ial guest, #rofessor +utsio +amamoto, who holds the &mperor5s 4hair in #h"si!s at the 7ni%ersit" of Sapporo. 'e are delighted to be able to ha%e su!h a distinguished s!holar ,oin us, and are parti!ularl" happ" that he will be able to sta" for the whole !onferen!e. 'e are most fortunate this e%ening to be able to hear #rofessor +amamoto spea to us on 21apanese Indust" and the &n%ironment.2 I am sure we are all loo ing forward %er" mu!h to this interesting presentation, and so without further ado I would li e to turn o%er the podium to #rofessor +amamoto. Ladies and Gentlemen, #rofessor +utsio +amamoto.

8. Than "ou %er" mu!h, Miss (Mr.) ***, for "our e9!ellent presentation. I am !ertain that I !an spea for all of us when I sa" that seldom ha%e I heard this topi! presented so !learl". $gain, we %er" mu!h appre!iate "our being able to ,oin us toda": it would be a pri%ilege indeed if "ou !ould return to address us again sometime in the future. Ladies and Gentlemen, this !on!ludes the formal part of toda"5s meeting, and so we !an now ad,ourn for our informal tea and re!eption (where;), during whi!h "ou will be able to meet and tal with Miss (Mr.) ***. Than "ou.

Opening and Welcome Speech Mrs Werawan Tangkeo The Deputy Secretary General of Thai Food and Drug Administration @ The Siam ity !otel" #angkok

$%& Fe'ruary $(()

Dr *iner" Dr Ste+ens" Dr Sato" and Dr Sudhichai" Distinguished participants" ,adies and Gentlemen.t gi+es me a great pleasure to welcome all of you and chair the Opening eremony this

morning to the /Ad+anced Workshop- 0e+iew of Drug De+elopment in linical Trials1 2ointly organi3ed 'y Asia 4acific 5conomic o%operation and Food and Drug Administration" Thailand6 The significance of Drug linical Trials and apacity #uilding for Drug 0egulatory Agencies are well noticed 'y se+eral international networks including AS5A7 or Association of South 5ast Asian 7ations" A45 or Asia 4acific 5conomic ooperation" and . ! Glo'al ooperation

Group6 This pro2ect has 'een endorsed 'y AS5A7 Working Group on Technical ooperation in 4harmaceutical 8AWGT 49" A45 ,ife Sciences .nno+ation Forum 8,S.F9 and . ! Glo'al

ooperation Group 8G G9 since the year $(($" $((& and $((:" respecti+ely6 #y the listed international cooperation" indeed" we ha+e recei+ed technical" financial" and moral supports6 4lease allow me to recall the last year achie+ement of hosting $ training workshops in Thailand" those are /4reliminary Workshop - 0e+iew of Drug De+elopment in linical Trials1 and /#asic Workshop on G 4; linical 0esearch .nspection16

The accomplishments of 'oth mentioned courses ha+e 'rought to the $nd pro2ect endorsement 'y A45 in later of the year $((<6 Therefore" Thai FDA again is a'le to

organi3e the $nd or ad+anced phase of the training courses" which include the ad+anced

course of clinical trial assessment and ad+anced course of clinical trial inspection6 Today=s workshop would include num'ers of ad+anced topics regarding the drug de+elopment in clinical trials and their assessments to ensure >uality and safety of the AD*A7 5D WO0?S!O4 - 05*.5W OF D0@G D5*5,O4M57T .7 ,.7. A, T0.A,S #A7G?O?" $%& F5# $(()


,S.F 40OA5 T / apacity #uilding For Drug 0egulatory Agencies

on linical Trial and Good linical 4ractice 84hase $91

clinical trials and the in+estigational drugs themsel+es6 This workshop has 'een designed to 'e practical with lectures" eBamples and eBercises to pro+ide skills" encourage participation and eBchange information6 Today=s workshop is attended 'y C speakers representing 'oth leading Drug 0egulatory Agencies and .ndustries" those are !ealth anada" 4harmaceutical and Medical De+ice Agency 8AA4A79" and 7o+artis" and officers from Drug 0egulatory Authorities of D( different economies and country including #runei" Ara'ia" Singapore" hile" .ndonesia" Malaysia" 4eru" 4hilippines" Saudi

hinese Taipei" and Thailand6 Therefore" this workshop will pro+ide us

not only essential knowledge 'ut also a great opportunity to share eBperiences 'oth technical and regulatory issues . would like to take this opportunity to eBpress my sincere thanks to the organi3ers and in particular our honora'le speakers6 All of them ha+e 'een working with us since the 'eginning of the planning stage and they are still here today for all of us" e+en though they are 'oth +ery 'usy with their responsi'ilities at their agencies6 We truly appreciate your dedication6 Again" this training program could not ha+e 'een made possi'le without A45 " . !" AS5A7" !ealth anada" 4MDA" and 7o+artis " who foresee the importance of linical Trial Assessment6 . hope that e+eryone would take the results of this program to de+elop our regulatory system to ensure the >uality and safety of clinical trials and in+estigational

products6 Finally" this is an opportune time for me to declare the official opening of the /Ad+anced Workshop- 0e+iew of Drug De+elopment in linical Trials1 and . wish all E fruitful days of interesting and 'eneficial program and also that you ha+e a pleasant stay in #angkok6 . warmly welcome you again6

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