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Eveiaiuo E.

1uu Campus Centei
Seasiue, CA 9S9SS
(8S1) S82-Suuu

Su }anuaiy 2u14

uoogle Web Bevelopei

Beai uoogle Team,
Befoie I staiteu stuuying Communication Besign at Califoinia State 0niveisity,
Nonteiey Bay, I uiu not know anything about BTNL oi any computei language. The
only time I hau seen BTNL was when cieating my NySpace piofile, anu even then I
hau no iuea I was messing with BTNL. In fact, befoie I went to Califoinia State
0niveisity, Nonteiey Bay the only language I hau leaineu at community college was
visual Basics. Though visual basics was new to me, it helpeu me to choose a caieei
path wheie I coulu builu things with computeis.
I staiteu attenuing Califoinia State 0niveisity, Nonteiey Bay as a junioi tiansfei
fiom Community College of the Aii Foice. In the yeai anu a half that I have been at
Nonteiey Bay I have uevelopeu a gieat amount of web uesign anu uevelopment
skills. I became veiy familiai with BTNLS anu CSS uevelopment concepts. I've also
leaineu a lot about uatabases using NySQL, PBP, }avaSciipt, anu jQueiy. Nonteiey
Bay has not only taught me how to haiu coue websites fiom sciatch, it has also
taught me how to builu websites using content management systems such as
Eveiaiuo E. Bominguez
1uu Campus Centei
Seasiue, CA 9S9SS
(8S1) S82-Suuu

To uemonstiate the skills I have leaineu at Nonteiey Bay I have teameu up with
anothei Communication Besign stuuent to builu a website foi a client. The client is
pait of an auventuie iacing team in Califoinia calleu Altituue }unkies. The goal of the
website is to spieau awaieness about auventuie iacing thioughout Califoinia. Noie
awaieness will help Altituue }unkies giow as a team, as well as attiact moie
sponsoiships to be able to host auventuie iacing competitions thioughout
Califoinia. Since Altituue }unkies uoes not cuiiently have a logo, we will stait by
cieating one foi them. We will then builu them a website using Biupal anu cieate a
manual so that Altituue }unkies coulu upuate it themselves once we finish builuing
the website. Some of the featuies we hope to auu is a live viueo feeu, weie theii
followeis can watch Altituue }unkies thioughout theii iace. We also hope to builu
the website that is paiallax. The theme of the website is that of climbing a mountain.
0nlike many websites, the usei will stait at the bottom of the page anu scioll up to
view the iest of the website. We will achieve this effect by using }avaSciipt, jQueiy,
anu some of the mouules pioviueu by the Biupal community. Anothei featuie we
want to achieve is making the website iesponsive. To achieve this featuie we plan
on using a iesponsive Biupal theme, as well as cieating uiffeient CSS style sheets foi
the uiffeient web baseu platfoims. Thank you veiy much foi the oppoitunity, I look
foiwaiu to one uay giowing with the team.
Eveiaiuo Bominguez
Everardo Dominguez
100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955
Phone: 510-396-3902 E-Mail:
California State University, Monterey Bay 2012- Present
Studying Communication Design with an emphasis in Web Design.
California Air National Guard, Airfield Management March 2011- Present
! Supervise and perform airfield management functions and activities.
! Procure, maintain, and produce information on safe operation of aircraft through the national
and international airspace system.
! Coordinate with aircrews, air traffic control, and various base agencies that provide for safe operation of
aircraft in the airfield environment and through national and international airspace.
Dobake, General Baker August 2011- October 2011
! Separated the various products and packaged the products.
! Set labels on the products and on the containers.
! Cleaned facility to provide a safe working environment
FedEx, Package Handler November 2010- January 2011
! Loaded and unloaded packages onto or from delivery vehicles, conveyor system carts and load gratings.
! Lifted, carried, pushed and pulled packages on a continuous and repetitive basis for approximate shifts of
two to four hours.
! Counted, weigh and recorded number of units of materials moved or handled on daily production sheet.
Knowledgeable with HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL.
Skillful with Drupal and Adobe Creative Suite.
Motivated, creative, great communication skills.
Knowledgeable in Microsoft Office software.
Proficient in Pc and Mac.
Proficient in Spanish.

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