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location Santiago de Compostela function culture, museum contributed by joaogameironeves Designed and constructed between 1988 and 1993

by the Portuguese architect lvaro Siza Vieira (Pritz er Prise 1993!" the building that houses the #entro $alego de %rte #onte&'or(nea is located in one of the &ost evocative and sy&bolic areas of Santiago)s &onu&ental zone* alongside the #onvent of San Do&ingos de +onaval (currently an ethnogra'hic &useu&!, Siza)s building reflects his ad&iration for rationalis& and the -odernist &ove&ent" and at the sa&e ti&e his own 'ersonal vision of architecture and s'ace, .ine" light and volu&e co&bine to 'roduce an architecture that is both austere and serene, Stone is used" lin ing with tradition and setting u' a dialogue with the surrounding buildings" in an e/'ression of res'ect for the sense of history that 'ervades Santiago,0he building centers on a single long a/is" its inner s'aces o'ening out along this a/is li e the leaves of a fan, 1/ternally" it is bounded by high walls2 yet the inside is flooded with light,

Designed and built between 1988 and 1993" the #$%# #entro gallego or conte&'orary art is a cultural s'ace where art is 'resented through e/hibitions that reflect on the current art scene and the variety of for&ulations and &ethods 'resented, 3ts architect" %lvaro Siza Vieira" new 'erfectly fra&ing a building in the &ost 'ersonal art in a baro4ue architecture" as it is very close to the for&er convent of San Do&ingos +onaval currently galego Pobo -useu&, 3n fact" the site of the #$%# is an old garden of the &onastery, Dialogue is ongoing between the two buildings" aun(ndose in 'erfect har&ony of &aterials and for&s and austere lines" res'ecting the rural environ&ent that characterizes this 'art of #o&'ostela,

0he building is located in one of the &ost fascinating and sy&bolic &onu&ents of Santiago de #o&'ostela" on the edge of the historic city" and beside the old entrance door of the 5rench 6ay,

0he &useu& will feature a built e&'hasizing horizontality" strengthening the urban structure that consists of two buildings and three levels" for&ing an urban structure significantly, Siza building defines the 'ara&eters of the streets with their flat facades" volu&etrically occu'ies land available around the triangular7sha'ed and designed as fro& the roof terrace 'rovides e/hibitions and do&inates the city, %bstractionist and sober treat&ent of the roof of granite" is o''osed to all the 'lastic intensity of the city" this feature is essential to understand Siza)s 'ro'osal" the building in its boundaries is a big blan wall of 'olished granite" wanting to 0his inertia ee' their volu&etry triangular 'ris&" altered only by subtracting the volu&e deliberately &ade at the ra&' and access,

0he building is built around an a/is" o'en interior s'aces as if it were a choice" constrained by high walls e/ternally and internally flooded with light, 5or the &ain hall can access the e/hibition halls" auditoriu& and library, 0he u''er terrace siluetea the floor and gives a &agnificent view of the historic town" and will include integrating the author of the building, 3t has four floors and roo&s are convertible" the terrace area can also 'rovide e/'osure container security artwor s,

0he o'tion of using si&'le &aterials such as granite e/terior" which is everywhere in Santiago de #o&'ostela is satisfactory" and that over ti&e due to the 'orosity of the &aterial it will lose its original color and beco&es little by little the color of the +aro4ue buildings" &ore integrated whole, 0he cut granite bloc s for&ing" li e the old buildings which also consists of 'arts or bloc s, 8egarding the &aterials used in the building" it is i&'ortant to note those used in the interior" ta ing three &ain &aterials* the use of granite e&'lastado is 'ainted white" &arble and wood, 9ne can see the te/ture of the wood gives a contrast to the 'redo&inantly white floors" walls and roofs, 0he white &arble $ree s'reads evenly over the floor and furniture in 'ublic areas, %nother note is the &aterial granite 'lasters" used on walls" colu&ns and roof of the building, 0he &arble and granite e&'lastado give a character of 'urity and cal& to the entire &e&bershi', 0he wood is reserved for the e/hibition roo&s" the a&'hitheater and the library,

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