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Advanced Math Syllabus (College Algebra) Early Start Program Fall 2011 Southeastern Lou s ana !

n vers ty Math 1"1 Mrs# Colombo

Course Description
$h s course s des gned to %ollo& the Southeastern Math 1"1 College Algebra course# $he ma n %eature o% the course s that t re'u res act ve (art c (at on %rom the students rather than the trad t onal %ormat o% lecture# )n th s vers on students & ll be n lecture 2*+ o% the &ee, and n lab -*+ o% the &ee,# )n the lab. students & ll be us ng s(ec al so%t&are called Math/L &h ch s s(ec % c to the te0tboo, Southeastern uses# 1ome&or,. 'u 22es and tests are ta,en us ng e0erc ses generated by the so%t&are# $h s (rogram has %eatures that allo& students to see e0am(les. go through a tutor al. or &atch v deos# Sect on v deos are ava lable on the LS! math &ebs te %or students &ho &ant add t onal classroom nstruct on or & ll be absent %rom class# $h s act ve a((roach to learn ng gets students do ng math nstead o% &atch ng someone else# 3e(eated o((ortun t es and nd v dual 2ed %eedbac, (romote learn ng each conce(t to a mastery level# $he ult mate goal o% the course s to get the student to master the mater al and get college cred t n Math 1"1 at Southeastern#

Course Assessment
$he Southeastern course s a dual enrollment course# 4ou & ll be enrolled as a student at Southeastern# $h s means that % you rece ve a "5#*+ or h gher n the course accord ng to Southeastern6s assessment gu del nes. you & ll rece ve a grade o% P((ass) and cred t %or Math 1"1 at Southeastern# $here%ore. you & ll have a transcr (t at Southeastern and your cred t s trans%erable# )% you rece ve a grade lo&er than "5#*+ you & ll rece ve an F on your college transcr (t# )% you & thdra& %rom the college class you & ll rece ve a W on your transcr (t# )% a student & thdra&s %rom a class. th s & ll a%%ect h s7her el g b l ty %or Early Start %und ng %or the %ollo& ng semester# $he h gh school grade s determ ned by the teacher alone# 4our overall grade %or Southeastern may be d %%erent than the overall grade you rece ve %or the h gh school class# 888 9ctober 21. 2011 s the :)$1;3A:AL deadl ne %or the course#

Class & Lab

Math 1"1 s set u( to be 2*+ lecture and -*+ lab# 2*+ lecture & ll be the teacher teach ng ma<or conce(ts cover ng 1 to 2 sect ons# $h s s not a t me %or go ng over home&or, (roblems# $h s & ll be done n lab# -*+ lab s &here students &or, on math (roblems# $he lab g ves students mmed ate. (ersonal 2ed hel( & th math conce(ts and s, lls# Students & ll be do ng home&or,. 'u 22es. rev e&s. and tests n lab# Students & ll be allo&ed to &or, on home&or, and 'u 22es at home#

Participation Grade
4ou are e0(ected to (art c (ate n lecture or lab every day# 9n lecture days. you are re'u red to ta,e notes# 9n lab days. you are e0(ected to &or, on home&or, or 'u 2 ass gnments# Part c (at on s 10+ o% your overall grade# )% you are absent and t s not e0cused. you & ll not rece ve (art c (at on cred t %or that day# $he teacher ult mately dec des % a student rece ves (art c (at on cred t %or the day#

4ou are e0(ected to do all o% the ass gned home&or, us ng Math/L# 1ome&or, ass gnments can be attem(ted an unl m ted number o% t mes (r or to the due date# $he home&or, due date s (osted on Math/L and s due at 11=*5PM on that due date# 1ome&or, s access ble at home us ng Math/L# )% a student s absent. they are re'u red to st ll have the ass gnment com(leted by the due date# E0ce(t ons & ll only be made % a((roved by the teacher and adm n strat on# $he 2 lo&est home&or, grades & ll be dro((ed at the end o% the semester

$here & ll be 1> 'u 22es dur ng the semester# ?u 22es can be attem(ted 10 t mes (r or to the due date $he h ghest grade o% the 10 attem(ts & ll be recorded# ?u 22es are also access ble at home us ng Math/L# )% a student s absent. they are re'u red to st ll have the 'u 2 com(leted by the due date# E0ce(t ons & ll only be made % a((roved by the teacher and adm n strat on# $he 2 lo&est 'u 2 grades & ll be dro((ed at the end o% the semester#

Tests and Final

$here & ll be > tests dur ng the semester. (ass&ord (rotected# 9nly 1 attem(t s allo&ed %or each test# Each test & ll be ta,en n t&o (arts# Part ) @ Part )) o% each test & ll be ta,en on consecut ve days# 4ou are not allo&ed any ass stance on tests# 4ou are !T allo&ed to use "rap#in" calculators# 4ou can only use a $)AB0/))S# $here & ll be 1 % nal e0am at the end o% the semester# 9nly 1 attem(t s allo&ed and the t me l m t s 2 hours# )% a student s absent the day o% the test. a val d doctor6s note & ll be re'u red %or a student to be allo&ed to ma,eAu( the test# $h s must be a((roved by the adm n strat on#

Gradin" $cale
A= 50A100+ D= E0AE5+ C= -0A-5+ ;= "0A"5+ F= 0A*5+

8 C1* %ee %or the math (rogram code ()% &r t ng a chec,. ma,e t out to L ve 9a, 1 gh School) 8 D nder &7 loose lea% (a(er 8 Calculator= $)B0/ ))S 8 B rd @ "th hour (2> (ac, o% (enc ls)

Assessment %or t#e Hi"# $c#ool Grade

10+ Part c (at on 10+ 1ome&or, 10+ ?u 22es *0+ $ests 20+ F nal

Assessment %or $out#eastern Credit

10+ Part c (at on 10+ 1ome&or, 10+ ?u 22es >0+ $ests B0+ F nal

Advanced Math Syllabus (College Algebra Math 1"1)

Syllabus Fer % cat on ) have read and understand the content o% the syllabus %or Advanced Math (College Algebra) # ) am a&are o% the &ay the course s des gned and set u(# ) am also a&are o% grad ng (rocedures %or th s course# ) am also a&are that my ch ld has a co(y o% the Math 1"1 assessment coverage and a tentat ve calendar o% ass gnments. labs. lectures. 'u 22es. and tests dates %or the semester# ) am also a&are that ) can loo, at my ch ld6s grade on the math0l (rogram by access ng the r account# ) am also a&are that at anyt me ) can contact Mrs# Colombo to % nd out ho& much actual t me my ch ld s s(end ng on home&or, ass gnments and 'u 22es# )% you have any 'uest ons about the course %eel %ree to call me at school or you can ema l me any t me at <am e#colomboGl(sb#org# $he Early Start Program s o%%er ng your ch ld the o((ortun ty to rece ve B cred t hours o% math at the college level at no cost to you# ) really th n, th s s a great o((ortun ty %or your ch ld and ) am really e0c ted about teach ng th s class# S ncerely. Mrs# Colombo

Parent S gnature


Student S gnature


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