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Violins Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

Music played an important role throughout Thomas Jeffersons life, from the time he began taking violin lessons as a young boy through his old age, and particularly in his courtship of Martha Skelton (http: !!!"monticello"org site #efferson martha$!ayles$skelton$#efferson% " &ccording to Jefferson family oral tradition as recorded by Jeffersons biographer 'enry S" (andall, )T!o of Mr" Jefferson*s rivals happened to meet on Mrs" Skelton*s door$stone" They !ere sho!n into a room from !hich they heard her harpsichord and voice, accompanied by Mr" Jefferson*s violin and voice, in the passages of a touching song" They listened for a stan+a or t!o" ,hether something in the !ords, or in the tones of the singers appeared suggestive to them, tradition does not say, but it does aver that they took their hats and retired, to return no more on the same errand-.I/J (8footnote/9femhboo% Thomas Jefferson and Martha Skelton !ere !ed the first of January, /001" 2uring his lifetime, Jefferson is thought to have possessed a minimum of three violins" 3n May of /045, his pocket account books sho! that he ac6uired an instrument possibly crafted in 7remona,I1J (8footnote19+b+p+=r% (89ftn1% and this violin remained in his possession until his death"IKJ (8footnoteK9!e4#!/m% &lthough the make of this violin is uncertain, some sources suggest that it may have been an instrument of the school of :iccolo &mati, in !hich case it !ould have been very valuable indeed" ;amily lore claims that this violin !as nearly consumed in the Shad!ell fire of /00<, but saved by a faithful slave,I=J (8footnote=9!D!!a4u% (89ftn=% indicating that the 7remona violin !as of considerable value to Jefferson" 7orrespondence !ith his cousin John (andolph of ,illiamsburg in /00/ sho!s an agreement bet!een the t!o about a violin that (andolph had bought, and that Jefferson coveted" & bargain !as reached in !hich Jefferson !as to receive the violin upon (andolph*s death" 3n e>change, (andolph !ould receive /<< pounds* !orth of Jefferson*s books if Jefferson !ere the first to die"I@J (8footnote@9##/pnd>% 3nstead, ho!ever, (andolph dissolved the agreement and delivered the violin to Jefferson upon his departure for ?ngland in /00@"I4J (8footnote49prcetKu% (89ftn4% The violin*s appearance and 6uality are unkno!n, but in his letters, Jefferson takes care to direct (andolph to !rap the violin in Asome bays or other coarse linenA and then to Apack her securely in a !ooden bo>"AI0J (8footnote09#uc4+De% (89ftn0% & third violin, purchased in Baris in /054, !as not full$si+ed, but instead a Adancing master*s violinA or Apocket violA !hich could be transported easily"I5J (8footnote59ly6D!dt% (89ftn5% Jefferson may later have given this )portable fiddle. to a student at the Cniversity of Virginia, !ho complained that its tones !ere )none of the best".IDJ (8footnoteD9>De5i4m% Bictures of similar models sho! that his viol probably consisted of a fingerboard, bridge, and peg bo>, !ithout the body of a standard violin" &nd although Jefferson broke and permanently damaged his right !rist in /054 (http: !!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections !rist$ in#ury$/054% , he continued to purchase strings and have his bo!s repaired until the early /0D<s"I/<J
(8footnote/<9!D<c6cg% (89ftn/<%

Cpon Jefferson*s death, most of his belongings !ere auctioned to pay his enormous debt (http: !!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections debt% , including at least t!o of his violins, of !hich he is supposed to have said A!ould fetch in Eondon any price"AI//J (8footnote//9a@1kp@f% (89ftn//% These violins !ere sent by :icholas B" Trist (http: !!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections nicholas$philip$trist% from Monticello to Joseph 7oolidge (http: !!!"monticello"org site #efferson #oseph$coolidge% in Foston, !here a Acelebrated performerA !ould e>amine them" &t this point they had no strings and their bridges !ere broken, but 7oolidge reported this to be Aof little conse6uence"AI/1J (8footnote/19fKkr6Kp% (89ftn/1% 3n Gctober of /515, the violins !ere taken to ?ngland by a friend of 7oolidgesH he hoped to Aget /<< to /@< guineas

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Violins Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

for the 7remona in Eondon"AI/KJ (8footnote/K9d4a/@f>% (89ftn/K% 3t is unclear !hat became of the violins after thatH to this day, their location remains a mystery" &lmost as mysterious as the !hereabouts of his violins is the nature of Jefferson*s competence as a violinist" ,hile some biographers claim that he !as Aone of the best violinists of his day,AI/=J (8footnote/=9ca<+<<1% (89ftn/=% and achieved a Aserious mastery of the violin,AI/@J (8footnote/@9pcD65+K% (89ftn/@% some of his relatives declare that Thomas Jefferson never accomplished much more than a Agentlemanly proficiency,A (although in /5@K, his granddaughter ?llen 7oolidge said he had a Asingularly correct earA and a Agreat natural disposition for ImusicJ"A%"I/4J (8footnote/49ntDslib% Since contemporary sources disagree on the level of Jefferson*s musical talent, !e must infer his proficiency based on other clues" The first of these is the number and difficulty of the !orks Jefferson amassed and cataloged in /05K" These !orks included concertos, sonatas, operas, duets, etc" from composers like 7orelli, Vivaldi, 'andel, Bugnani, Foccherini, and more" Surprisingly, there are no !orks by Mo+art in Jeffersons library"I/0J (8footnote/09Kb640r!% Cpon closer e>amination, it can be seen that many of the pieces re6uire advanced bo!ings and left$hand techni6ues (such as double$stops, staccato, martelL, sautillL, and more%" The music of Jeffersons favorite composer, &rcangelo 7orelli, calls for various trills, turns, arpeggios, and left$hand shifts" Still more demanding than 7orelli is Meminiani, !hose sonatas re6uire )no small measure of virtuosity from the performer".I/5J (8footnote/591>#@y#s% Thomas Jeffersons music catalog lists so many pieces, primarily for the violin, and because so many of these are opuses considered challenging even by professional violinists, it is clear that Jefferson must have been at least a very talented amateur" &nother source is Jefferson*s techni6ue book, The Art of Playing the Violin by ;rancesco Meminiani (/45<$/041%, !hich is annotated in Jefferson*s hand" Gne annotation 6uotes almost verbatim an ?nglish music historian named 7harles Furney: Athe Feat upon the unison, octave, or any consonant sound to a note on the violin, !hich so !ell supplies the place of the 7lose$Shake""""AI/DJ (8footnote/D9>#kdmiu% This 6uote evidences Jefferson*s interest in techni6ue, in this case left$hand vibrato, !hich only a fairly advanced violinist !ould master" Thirdly, !e kno! that, as a young student of the la! in ,illiamsburg, Jefferson played together !ith Movernor ;au6uier and others in !eekly concerts and that later, at Monticello, Jefferson !as often praised for his skill by his guests"I1<J (8footnote1<9#Dn>rlg% &ccording to Jefferson himself, there !ere Aat least a do+en years of IJefferson*sJ lifeA during !hich he Aplayed no less than three hours a day"AI1/J (8footnote1/9@ui>!+s% (89ftn1/% That can be calculated to be at least /K,/=< hours of practice, !hich !ould probably indicate 6uite a bit more than a mere Agentlemanly proficiency"A :aturally, !e cannot rule out some e>aggeration on the part of the master of MonticelloH but even so, the tally remains impressive" 'o! important !as the violin and music in general to JeffersonN 3mportant enough that he devoted thousands of hours to the study of it, insisted that all his daughters and granddaughters learn and practice it, secured a tutor from 3taly (;rancis &lberti (http: !!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections francis$alberti% % to teach it, and !rote letters concerning its improvement in the states" 3n an epistle to Miovanni ;abbroni, a young 3talian friend of Jeffersons, he names music the Afavorite passion of IhisJ soul"A This statement is the more impressive given the famously vast scope of Jefferson*s interests" 3n the same letter, Jefferson e>presses a grave concern about the tradition of classical music in the :e! ,orldH he felt that it had descended into a Astate of deplorable barbarismA"I11J (8footnote119rge#@od% 3n a much later letter to :athaniel Fur!ell discussing the education of females, Jefferson !rote that music !as )invaluable,. and that it Afurnishes a delightful recreation for the hours of respite from the cares of the day, and lasts us through life"AI1KJ (8footnote1K9r+>fDD#% The disappearance of Thomas Jeffersons violins, especially the possible &mati, is a great loss to

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Violins Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

Jefferson scholars" :o records !hatever e>ist detailing the violins fate after their #ourney to Eondon" 'o!ever, the hope that one or more of Jeffersons violins !ill someday be identified is not entirely unfounded" The longevity of great violins can be much greater than 1<< years" 3ndeed, many candidates have been presented, though a conclusive, documented connection has yet to be made" Berhaps Jeffersons violins !ill one day find their !ay into historians hands" $ 7laudia ?l+ey, May K, 1<// PRIMARY SOURCES REFERENCES /04K January 1<" (Jefferson to John Bage%" A3 shall visit particularly ?ngland 'olland ;rance Spain 3taly (!here 3 !ould buy me a good fiddle% and ?gypt and return through the Fritish provinces to the north!ard home"AI1=J (8footnote1=9lg4ufii% 1768 February 11. A(ecd" of 7harles 'udson for fiddlestrings 0 4"AI1@J (8footnote1@9ytpreye% (89note$/% 1768 May 25. ABd" 2octr" Basteur for violin O@"AI14J (8footnote149/n>iuKs% 1768 October 4. ABd" at 'ornsby*s for fiddlestrings K "AI10J (8footnote109oh!50#d% (89note$K% 1768 October 13. ABd" at 'ornsby*s for fiddlestrings 1 K"AI15J (8footnote1594hmgoiK% (89note$=% 1769 August 10. ABd" (ichards for fiddlestrings K "AI1DJ (8footnote1D9t6aib6/% (89note$@% 1770 June 23. ABd" 'ornsby for fiddlestrings / K"AIK<J (8footnoteK<9ge45rsf% (89note$4% 1770 June 24. ABd" for fiddlestring 0 Pd"AIK/J (8footnoteK/9dl+rskp% (89note$0% 1770 October 8. ABd" at 'ornsby*s for fiddlestring / /<P"AIK1J (8footnoteK19ptskK0r% (89note$5% 1771 Apri 11. )3t is agreed bet!een John (andolph, ?s6", of the 7ity of ,illiamsburg, and Thomas Jefferson, of the 7ounty of &lbemarle, that in case the said John shall survive the said Thomas, that the ?>ecutors or &dministrators of the said Thomas shall deliver to the said John /<< pounds sterling of the books of the said Thomas, to be chosen by the said John, or if not books sufficient, the deficiency to be made up in money: &nd in case the said Thomas should survive the said John, that the ?>ecutors of the said John shall deliver to the said Thomas the violin !hich the said John brought !ith him into Virginia, together !ith all his music composed for the violin, or in lieu thereof, if destroyed by any accident, 4< pounds sterling !orth of books of the said John, to be chosen by the said Thomas".IKKJ (8footnoteKK9ge#/!k<% 1771 Ju y 15. ABd" at Brintg" office for fiddle strings K /P"AIK=J (8footnoteK=9y1+@0u1% 1771 Ju y 15. ABd" at 'ornsby*s for do" K D"AIK@J (8footnoteK@9nd56o!<% 1775 Ju y 28. ABd" 'illegas for violin strings 1/ K"AIK4J (8footnoteK49D5onrDy% 1775 August 17. )2elivered to 7arter Fra>ton an order on the Treasurer I(obert 7arter :icholasJ in favor of J" (andolph &tty" Meneral for O/K" the purchase money for his violin" This dissolves our bargain recorded in the Men" ct" Q revokes a legacy of O/<<" sterling to him no! standing in my !ill !hich !as made in conse6uence of that bargain".IK0J (8footnoteK09#@fp<pg% 1775 August 25. (Jefferson to John (andolph%" )3 received your message by Mr" Fra>ton and immediately gave him an order on the Treasurer for the money, !hich the Treasurer assured me should be ans!ered on his return" 3 no! send the bearer for the violin and such musick appurtaining to her as may be of no use to the young ladies" 3 beleive you had no case to her" 3f so, be so good as to direct ,att

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Violins Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

Eeno> to get from Brentiss some bays or other coarse !oollen to !rap her in, and then to pack her securely in a !ooden bo>".IK5J (8footnoteK59u/f#64d% 1776 May 24. ABd" 'illegas for fiddle strings 10 "AIKDJ (8footnoteKD9mp41tKi% 1783 !o"e#ber 20. ABd" for pocket book /1 4 $$ mendg" violin 1 4"AI=<J (8footnote=<9<oi5l>k% 1784 !o"e#ber 30. Apd" for fiddle strings 0f="AI=/J (8footnote=/9=!<dpfs% 1788 August 15. ABd" for a small violin K4lt"AI=1J (8footnote=19ou+al4#% 1792 Ju y 13. ABd" for fiddle strings "D0"AI=KJ (8footnote=K9=/nggi5% 1793 $ece#ber 24. ABd" for violin strings 1"<4"AI==J (8footnote==91ag/po>% 1826 Marc% 22. (:icholas Bhilip Trist (http: !iki"monticello"org media!iki inde>"php :icholas9Bhilip9Trist% %" AMr" Jefferson said"""&t first 3 carried about !ith me that little instrument !hich 3*ve given to IMeri!etherJ Ee!is I(andolphJ"""3 have t!o IviolinsJ that !ould fetch in Eondon any price$one a violin of Sir John (andolph*s, the other a 7remona more than a hundred years old"AI=@J (8footnote=@91cDuyDy% 1828 May 14. (Joseph 7oolidge to :icholas Trist%" )RThey are not stringedH and the bridges are brokenH but this 3 suppose is of little conse6uence: !hen 3 kno! his opinion 3 shall !rite to you".I=4J

1828 August 7. (Joseph 7oolidge to Martha Jefferson (andolph%" )My friend ,ormely goes to ?ngland on the /" Gctober, he takes the violinsSand thus saves freight, duty, and commissionsH 3 hope to get /<< to /@< guineas for the 7remona in Eondon".I=0J (8footnote=09aK==rg<%

F&'()*' +O&',*+
'oney!ell, (oy" A& :ote on the ?ducational ,ork of Thomas Jefferson"A History of Education Quarterly D (/D4D%: 4@" Timball, ;iske" )Jefferson and the &rts". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 50 (/D=K%: 1KD" The :ational &ssociation for Music ?ducation" )& Cni6ue 7ollection of Musical 3nstruments". Music Educators Journal @/ (/D4=%: /=D" Mallo, 2enis" )Jeffersons Musical Eegacy". Information Bulletin of the i!rary of "ongress #1<<4%, accessed &pril /@, 1<//" http: !!!"loc"gov loc lcib <4<@ #efferson"html (http: !!!"loc"gov loc lcib
<4<@ #efferson"html%

Search for further sources on Jefferson and violins in the Thomas Jefferson Bortal
(http: t#portal"monticello"org cgi$bin B!ebrecon"cgiN2FUlocalQSEUnoneQS&F/U#effersonVviolinWK;QFGGE/UallVofVtheseQ ;E2/UTitleW17V&uthorVW14VSub#ectV(T&SS%QM(B/U&:2V!ithVne>tVsetQS&F1UQFGGE1UallVofVtheseQ ;E21UTey!ordV&ny!hereV(MT?X%Q7:%

=0" K" =" @" 4" 0" 5" D" /<" //" /1" /K" /=" /@" /4" /0" /5" /D" 1<" 1/" 11" 1K" 1=" 1@" 14" 10" 15" 1D" K<" K/" K1" KK" K=" K@" K4" K0" K5" KD" =<" =/" =1" =K" ==" =@" =4" (8footnoteref09#uc4+De% (8footnoterefK9!e4#!/m% (8footnoteref@9##/pnd>% (8footnoteref=9!D!!a4u% (8footnoteref49prcetKu% (8footnoteref59ly6D!dt% (8footnoterefD9>De5i4m% (8footnoteref//9a@1kp@f% (8footnoteref/09Kb640r!% (8footnoteref/19fKkr6Kp% (8footnoteref/K9d4a/@f>% (8footnoteref/@9pcD65+K% (8footnoteref1/9@ui>!+s% (8footnoterefK/9dl+rskp% (8footnoteref/=9ca<+<<1% (8footnoteref/49ntDslib% (8footnoteref/591>#@y#s% (8footnoteref/D9>#kdmiu% (8footnoteref=/9=!<dpfs% (8footnoteref/<9!D<c6cg% (8footnoteref109oh!50#d% (8footnoterefK09#@fp<pg% (8footnoteref119rge#@od% (8footnoteref1K9r+>fDD#% (8footnoteref1@9ytpreye% (8footnoterefK19ptskK0r% (8footnoterefKK9ge#/!k<% (8footnoterefK@9nd56o!<% (8footnoteref=09aK==rg<% (8footnoteref1=9lg4ufii% (8footnoteref149/n>iuKs% (8footnoteref1594hmgoiK% (8footnoteref1D9t6aib6/% (8footnoterefK=9y1+@0u1% (8footnoterefK49D5onrDy% (8footnoterefK59u/f#64d% (8footnoterefKD9mp41tKi% (8footnoteref=19ou+al4#% (8footnoteref=K9=/nggi5% (8footnoteref=@91cDuyDy% (8footnoteref1<9#Dn>rlg% (8footnoterefK<9ge45rsf% (8footnoteref==91ag/po>% (8footnoteref=49edhs+0t% (8footnoteref=<9<oi5l>k% /" (8footnoteref/9femhboo% (andall, ife (http: !!!"monticello"org
site research$and$collections short$title$list% , /:4="

1" (8footnoteref19+b+p+=r% :icholas Trist Memorandum, 6uoted in (andall, ife$ /:/K/" )Ra 7remona more than a hundred years old".

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Violins Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

1@ May /045" MB (http: (andolph, (http:

!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% , 00"

!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% %omestic


#http&''((()monticello)org'site'research*and*collections'short*title*list+ $ =K"

&greement !ith John (andolph, I&prilJ //, /00/, in PTJ (http: and$collections short$title$list% , /:44" (89ftn@% /0 &ugust /00@" MB (http:

!!!"monticello"org site research$

!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% , =<@"

Jefferson to John (andolph, &ugust 1@, /00@, in PTJ #http&''((()monticello)org'site'research* and*collections'short*title*list+ , /:1=<" :icholas Trist Memorandum, 6uoted in (andall, ife (http: and$collections short$title$list% , /:/K/"
!!!"monticello"org site research$

;rederick 2aniel, )Virginian (eminiscences of Jefferson,. Harper,s$ =5 (/D<=%:/044, /045" See MB (http:
!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% "

:icholas Trist Memorandum, 6uoted in (andall, (http: !!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% ife #http&''((()monticello)org'site'research*and*collections'short*title*list+ $ /:/K/" Joseph 7oolidge to :icholas Trist, before May /=, /515 (http: 2ocument"asp>NdocU/11<5@% " ;amily Eetters 2igital &rchive"

Joseph 7oolidge to Martha Jefferson (andolph, &ugust 0, /515 (http: 2ocument"asp>NdocU/11/<1% " ;amily Eetters 2igital &rchive"


?llen ," (andolph 7oolidge 7omments on 'enry S" (andalls Manuscript 7hapters for ife of Thomas Jefferson (/5@K%$ ?llen 7oolidge Eetterbook, Cniverstiy of Virginia" ?>tracts available in the ;amily Eetters 2igital &rchive (http: retirementseries"dataformat"com 2ocument"asp>NdocUK</1@@44% " ;iske Timball, )Jefferson and the &rts,. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 50 (/D=K%:1KD" ?llen ," (andolph Eetterbook, Cniversity of Virginia" 'elen 7ripe, &ppendi> 3 of Thomas Jefferson and Music$ (7harlottesville: Cniversity Bress of Virginia, /D0=%, D0$/<=" Sandor Salgo, Thomas Jefferson$ Musician and Violinist (Thomas Jefferson ;oundation, 3nc", 1<<<%, =1" ;rancesco Meminiani, /ules for Playing in a True Taste on the Violin 0erman$ 1lute$ Violoncello$ and Harpsicord (Eondon: J" Johnson, /0@/%" (are Fook and Special 7ollections 2ivision, Eibrary of 7ongress" So!erby, =1@@" Salgo, Thomas Jefferson$ Musician and Violinist$/@" :icholas Trist Memorandum, 6uoted in (andall, ife$ /:/K/" Jefferson to Miovanni ;abbroni, June 5, /005, in PTJ #http&''((()monticello)org'site'research*

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Violins Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

and*collections'short*title*list+ $ 1:/D@"

Jefferson to :athaniel Fur!ell, March /=, /5/5, in ;ord, /<:/<=" Bolygraph copy (http: loc"mss mt#"mt#bib<1K/K= % available online from the Eibrary of 7ongress" PTJ (http:
!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% , /:5"


MB #http&''((()monticello)org'site'research*and*collections'short*title*list+ , /:0<" 3bid", /:00" Basteur !as an apothecary !ith a shop on 2uke of Mloucester Street in ,illiamsburg" 3bid", /:51" 3bid" 3bid", /:/=0" 3bid", /:1<@" 3bid" 3bid", /:1<D" &greement !ith John (andolph, I&prilJ //, /00/, in PTJ (http: and$collections short$title$list% , /:44" MB (http: 3bid" 3bid", /:=<K" 3bid", /:=<@" PTJ (http: MB (http:
!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% , /:1=<" !!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% , /:=/D" !!!"monticello"org site research$

!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% , /:1@0"

3bid", /:@KD" 3bid", /:@4D" 3bid", /:0/1" 3bid, 1:504" 3bid, 1:D<0" Trist Memorandum" (andall, ife (http: /:/K/$/K1"
!!!"monticello"org site research$and$collections short$title$list% ,

Joseph 7oolidge to :icholas Trist, before May /=, /515 (http: 2ocument"asp>NdocU/11<5@% " ;amily Eetters 2igital &rchive"


Joseph 7oolidge to Martha Jefferson (andolph, &ugust 0, /515 (http: 2ocument"asp>NdocU/11/<1% " ;amily Eetters 2igital &rchive"


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