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Meaning of life restored through Jesus Christ Real meaning in life, both now and in eternity, is found in the

restoration of the relationship with God that was lost with Adam and Eve's fall into sin. That relationship with God is only possible through His Son, esus !hrist "Acts 4:12; John 1:12; 14:6#. Eternal life is gained when we repent of our sin "no longer want to $ontinue in it# and !hrist $hanges us, ma%ing of us new $reations, and we rely on esus !hrist as Savior. Real meaning in life is not found only in a$$epting esus as Savior, as wonderful as that is. Rather, real meaning in life is when one begins to follow !hrist as His dis$iple, learning of Him, spending time with Him in His &ord, $ommuning with Him in prayer, and in wal%ing with Him in obedien$e to His $ommands. 'f you are not a !hristian "or perhaps a new believer#, you might be saying to yourself, (That does not sound very e)$iting or fulfilling to me*+ ,ut esus made the following statementsCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will gi e you rest! "a#e my yo#e u$on you and learn %rom me, %or I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will %ind rest %or your souls! &or my yo#e is easy and my burden is light' ()atthew 11:2*+ ,-.! (' have $ome that they may have life, and have it to the full+ "John 1-:1-b#. ('f anyone would $ome after me, he must deny himself and ta%e up his $ross and follow me. .or whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it+ ")atthew 16:24+2/#. (/elight yourself in the 01R/ and he will give you the desires of your heart+ "0salm ,1:4#. &hat all of these verses are saying is that we have a $hoi$e. &e $an $ontinue to see% to guide our own lives, whi$h results in emptiness, or we $an $hoose to pursue God and His will for our lives with a whole heart, whi$h will result in living life to the full, having the desires of our hearts met, and finding $ontentment and satisfa$tion. This is so be$ause our !reator loves us and desires the best for us "not ne$essarily the easiest life, but the most fulfilling#. The !hristian life $an be $ompared to the $hoi$e of whether to pur$hase the e)pensive seats at a sporting event that are $lose to the a$tion, or pay less and wat$h the game from a distan$e. &at$hing God wor% (from the front row+ is what we should $hoose but, sadly, is not what most people $hoose. &at$hing God wor% firsthand is for whole2hearted dis$iples of !hrist who have truly stopped pursuing their own desires to pursue instead God's purposes. They have paid the pri$e "$omplete surrender to !hrist and His will#3 they are e)perien$ing life to its fullest3 and they $an fa$e themselves, their fellow man, and their 4a%er with no regrets. Have you paid the pri$e5 Are you willing to5 'f so, you will not hunger after meaning or purpose again. 67898:767

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