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How To Build & Improve Self-Confidence

Brought To You By: Michael Lee, Self-Help Specialist

Author of How To Be An Expert Persuader

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The author and publisher have used their best efforts in preparing this report. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this report. The information contained in this report is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this report, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. EVERY EFF RT !"# $EE% &"'E T "(()R"TE*Y RE+RE#E%T T!,# +R ')(T "%' ,T-# + TE%T,"*. ! .EVER, T!ERE ,# % /)"R"%TEE T!"T Y ) .,** ,&+R VE ,% "%Y ."Y )#,%/ T!E TE(!%,0)E# "%' ,'E"# ,% T!E#E &"TER,"*#. E1"&+*E# ,% T!E#E &"TER,"*# "RE % T T $E ,%TER+RETE' "# " +R &,#E R /)"R"%TEE F "%YT!,%/. #E*F2!E*+ "%' ,&+R VE&E%T + TE%T,"* ,# E%T,RE*Y 'E+E%'E%T % T!E +ER# % )#,%/ )R +R ')(T, ,'E"# "%' TE(!%,0)E#. Y )R *EVE* F ,&+R VE&E%T ,% "TT",%,%/ T!E RE#)*T# (*",&E' ,% )R &"TER,"*# 'E+E%'# % T!E T,&E Y ) 'EV TE T T!E +R /R"&, ,'E"# "%' TE(!%,0)E# &E%T, %E', 3% .*E'/E "%' V"R, )# #3,**#. #,%(E T!E#E F"(T R# ',FFER "(( R',%/ T ,%',V,')"*#, .E ("%% T /)"R"%TEE Y )R #)((E## R ,&+R VE&E%T *EVE*. % R "RE .E RE#+ %#,$*E F R "%Y F Y )R "(T, %#. &"%Y F"(T R# .,** $E ,&+ RT"%T ,% 'ETER&,%,%/ Y )R "(T)"* RE#)*T# "%' % /)"R"%TEE# "RE &"'E T!"T Y ) .,** "(!,EVE RE#)*T# #,&,*"R T )R# R "%Y$ 'Y E*#E-#, ,% F"(T % /)"R"%TEE# "RE &"'E T!"T Y ) .,** "(!,EVE "%Y RE#)*T# FR & )R ,'E"# "%' TE(!%,0)E# ,% )R &"TER,"*. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties 4e5press or implied6, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other conse7uential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided 8as is9, and without warranties. "s always, the advice of a competent professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this report. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Preliminary teps Chapter ": #uildin$ the %ill Chapter ': The Cure of elf(consciousness Chapter !: The Power of )i$ht Thinkin$ Chapter *: ources of +nspiration Chapter -: Concentration Chapter &: Physical #asis Chapter ,: .indin$ /ourself Chapter 1: 2eneral 3abits Chapter 10: The 4an and the 4anner Chapter 11: The 5iscoura$ed 4an Chapter 1": 5aily teps in elf(culture Chapter 1': +ma$ination and +nitiative Chapter 1!: Positive and 6e$ative Thou$ht Chapter 1*: The peakin$ 7oice Chapter 1-: Confidence in #usiness Chapter 1&: Confidence in ociety Chapter 1,: Confidence in Public peakin$ Chapter 11: Toward the 3ei$hts Chapter "0: 4emory Passa$es that #uild Confidence ! & 11 1! 1, "" "* '0 '' ''1 !" *1 -" -, &1 &! && ,1 ,*


The development of self(confidence be$ins properly with intelli$ent self(examination. The mind must be closely scrutini8ed, undesirable tendencies checked9 faults eradicated, and correct habits of thou$ht and conduct firmly established. To achieve the best results this personal overhaulin$, or stock(takin$, should be thorou$h and fearless. .ear thou$ht is a disease, to be dia$nosed as carefully as any other malady. +t arises lar$ely from perverted mental habits. The mind is permitted habitually to dwell upon thou$hts of doubt, failure, and inefficiency. o $reat does this power become, when permitted to rule unchecked, that it affects to $reater or less de$ree almost every act of one:s life. The extremes to which timidity will sometimes $o are as amusin$ as they are absurd. 4en fear poverty, darkness, ridicule, microbes, insomnia, do$s, li$htnin$, bur$lars, cold, solitude, marria$e, .riday, lawyers, death, thirteen, accident, and $hosts. The catalo$ of dreaded possibilities mi$ht include black cats, mice, ill luck, criticism, travel, disease, evil eyes, dreams, and old a$e. +t is true there is a le$itimate and honest fear, like that of the youn$ soldier who, upon bein$ asked after his first battle how he felt, replied: ;+ was afraid + would be afraid, but + was not afraid.; +t is ri$ht and proper that one should fear to do a mean or cowardly thin$, to in<ure another, or to commit any kind of wron$. This fear, however, instead of weakenin$ personal character, imparts to it new and manly force. To walk strai$ht up to the thin$ feared will often strip it of its terror. +n one of the old fables we read that when man first beheld the camel its hu$e si8e caused him to flee in dreadful fear. #ut later, observin$ the animal:s seemin$ $entleness, he approached him less timidly, and then, seein$ the almost spiritless nature of the beast, he boldly put a bridle in his mouth and set a child to drive him. %e can in like manner con=uer fearthou$hts of the human mind. .ear has well been called our most ancient enemy. Primitive humanity were unprotected a$ainst more powerful animals, and in those early days they had $ood reason, doubtless, for manifestin$ >$reat fear9 but it is difficult to <ustify the wide(spread fear that exists to(day. Thousands of persons can say truthfully: ;+ have all my life feared thin$s that never happened.; The dan$er of this fear attitude is that it fre=uently attracts that which is dreaded most, and the words of ?ob are literally fulfilled: ;.or the thin$ which + $reatly feared is come upon me and that which + was afraid of is come unto me.; %e are told that one of the bravest of African chiefs was driven into a cold sweat of a$oni8in$ fear merely by the constant tickin$ of a watch. +f worry is due to lack of self(reliance, fear is an acknowled$ment of inferiority. +t does not stand still, and unless throttled will $radually overwhelm its victim, makin$ him at last ;@ike one, that on a lonesome road 5oth walk in fear and dread, And havin$ once turned

round walks on, And turns no more his head9 #ecause he knows a fri$htful fiend 5oth close behind him tread.; Timidity is =uickly reco$ni8ed by the world, and not only ar$ues an i$noble mind, as 7ir$il says, but actually invites pursuit and imposition. ?ohn .oster observes in his splendid essay ;An 5ecision of Character ;: B%eakness, in every form, tempts arro$ance9 and a man may be allowed to wish for a kind of character with which stupidity and impertinence may not make so free. %hen a firm, decisive spirit is reco$ni8ed, it is curious to see how the space clears around a man, and leaves him room and freedom. The disposition to interro$ate, dictate, or banter, preserves a respectful and polite distance, <ud$in$ it not unwise to keep the peace with a person of so much ener$y.; +t is surprisin$ how confidence be$ets confidence. Coura$e in dan$er is sometimes half the battle, while self(reliance will often safe$uard a man:s interests and $ive him an abidin$ sense of security. +t makes him feel e=ual to almost any undertakin$, however difficult, leadin$ him to think with 5ry den that ;They can con=uer who believe they can.; The buildin$ of self(confidence is not difficult, but it re=uires patience and intelli$ent effort. There should be no strainin$, no anxiety, and no haste. The story of the man who tried to <ump over a hill should be kept in mind. 3e went a lon$ way back, then ran so hard toward the hill that when he $ot there he was obli$ed to lie down and rest. Then he $ot up and walked over the hill. 4any men are always preparin$, but never achievin$. +t is said that with re$ard to any final or definite end, most men live at ha8ard, and without any fixed star to $uide them. 3ence, as a writer has expressed it, ;To him that knoweth not the port to which he is bound, no wind can be favorable9 neither can he who has not yet determined at what mark he is to shoot, direct his arrow ari$ht.; +ndecision is a fre=uent cause of the fear habit. 4en hesitate to take a step one way or the other lest they do the wron$ thin$, and this spirit of irresolution and hesitation often leads them into the very mistakes they would avoid. +t is like a man on a bicycle, endeavorin$ to steer clear of an obstruction on the road, but all the while keepin$ his eye fastened upon it so that a collision is inevitable. There is nothin$ more disastrous to manbuildin$ than infirmity of purpose. ;3e who hesitates is lost,; while he $rows $reat who puts on ;the dauntless spirit of resolution.; The world $enerally accepts a man at his own valuation. +f you $ive an impression that you are afraid, you will beside(elbowed and imposed upon at almost every turn. @et me illustrate: The other day + saw a do$ leisurely pass a cat on the street, and to all appearance there was no ill feelin$ on either side. The cat looked him strai$ht in the eye as he approached, and the do$ returned her confident $lance and =uietly passed on. Then the cat, seein$ a $ood chance for escape, bolted across the street, but the instant the do$ saw her runnin$ he turned and followed in hot haste. +t was cat and do$ for some yards, when suddenly the cat stopped, humped her back and looked defiantly at her adversary. 3e stopped, cau$ht his breath, blinked uncertainly, turned up his nose, and walked off. As lon$ as the cat showed fear and ran, the do$ chased her9 but the moment she took her stand, he respected her. %hen a man stands up boldly and sell(confidently for his ri$hts, fear slinks tremblin$ly into the shadows. /ou, who enter upon this study of self(confidence, resolve to follow it to completion with bulldo$ tenacity. Ceali8e that no weak(hearted, intermittent efforts will achieve your desired

purpose. 3old before you the supreme assurance that you can and will achieve this indispensable power, and $reat will be the reward of your ener$y and perseverance.

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The importance of will(power is reco$ni8ed by most men, yet few deliberately $ive any time or thou$ht to its development. %hy we resist one thin$ and yield to another, may be due to ;the stron$est motive,; but what more particularly concerns us in the study of self(confidence is in what way this mi$hty power can be built and directed. 5oes desire control the will, or will desireD The psycholo$ist points to the testimony of consciousness as confirmin$ our freedom to choose a certain course and to pursue it, with the feelin$ that we could choose some other course if we desired. +n either event, there is no feelin$ of compulsion, and this would seem to confirm the idea of freedom of will. @et desire, then, be the startin$(point of the student:s attempt to educate his will. To stren$then immediately his desire for a stron$ will, he should dwell intently upon the advanta$es this power will confer upon him. 3e should think deeply upon the satisfaction that will come to him from doin$ thin$s definitely and promptly, and the increased self(confidence that will surely follow from the habit of finishin$ in a thorou$h manner everythin$ he undertakes. #y dwellin$ lon$ and earnestly upon the inestimable value of a stron$, well( directed will, there will $row in his mind an intense desire to possess this faculty, to use it to his daily advanta$e, and finally by its aid to reali8e his life:s ambition. There are many thin$s we desire to avoid, such as poverty, pain, misfortune, and ill(health9 while there are thin$s we much desire to have, such as wealth, power, knowled$e, and independence. +t is, however, the intensity of our desire that counts for most. ;+ desire to become a $ood public speaker,; says one. ;3ow stron$ is your desireD; asks the teacher. ;%ill you practice re$ularly every day for an hourDE; ;+ don:t think + can,; says the student, ;because my time is so much occupied durin$ the day, and at ni$ht + am too tired.; ;%hat personal sacrifices are you ready to makeD; ;6one,; is the answer. ;Then,; replies the teacher, ;your desire is not stron$ enou$h to make you a $ood public speaker.; This applies with e=ual force to you who read these pa$es in search of help to develop your self(confidence. 3ow stron$ is your desire to ac=uire this $reat powerD +s it stron$ enou$h to lead you carefully to read all the su$$estions offered here and to put them into actual practiceD %ill you enter upon this study with intense earnestness and perseveranceD %ill you make reasonable sacrifice to achieve this $reat endD /our answer to such =uestions as these will lar$ely determine what your success will be. +n the life of every man there are many times when he is in an exalted frame of mind. There is a sudden reali8ation of new and mysterious power, when, indeed, all thin$s seem possible to him. 3e there upon resolves to do better and $reater thin$s than ever before, but in a little while this feelin$ dies away, leavin$ only the sli$htest impress behind it. The student bent upon educatin$ his will should resolve in his mind to take advanta$e of these favorable moments to fortify such thou$hts with other favorable thou$hts, to brin$ instantly to bear upon himself every conception and emotion that will deepen this sudden inspiration, and to proceed without delay to put these results into actual practice. ; ei8e the very first possible

opportunity,; advises ;%illiam ?ames, ;to act on every resolution you make and on every emotional promptin$ you may experience in the direction of the habits you aspire to $ain.; To choose intelli$ently between our complex and conflictin$ desires we must avoid impulsiveness. +n every important matter we shall wei$h thin$s pro and con, and carefully consider the advanta$es, dan$ers, and probabilities before determinin$ our course of action. This will teach us caution and self(restraint. %e are told to ;look before we leap,; to ;think twice,; and a$ain that ;haste makes waste.; A little more prudence and deliberateness would prevent most of the serious mistakes of life. ometimes an idea must be repeated many times before an endurin$ impression can be made upon the mind. This is illustrated in modern methods of advertisin$. The first time you see an announcement it impresses you perhaps feebly. #ut it is repeated a$ain and a$ain, in newspaper, ma$a8ine, letter, and fence(poster, until at len$th a sufficient number of impressions lead you to become a purchaser. 4ental habits are established in the same way. A su$$estion is made to your mind once, twice, a hundred, or a thousand times. ome day this repeated su$$estion has become a fixed habit, and fulfils its duty unconsciously. The power of reiteration is so $reat that, if a timid man were to repeat aloud for a few minutes daily, with earnestness and concentration, a list of words such as coura$e, valor, bravery, $allantry, intrepidity, manliness, pluck, backbone, and audacity, he would shortly find these =ualities bein$ incorporated in his own personality. %e must be particularly careful about outside influences. A certain course of conduct is decided upon, after mature consideration, when suddenly we yield to the interposition of a friend who advises an alto$ether different course. Then when it terminates disastrously, we blame our friend for his interference, and our self for weakness of will. There are times, of course, when the advice of others should be sou$ht and considered, but once havin$ determined what our conduct shall be, let us pursue it without hesitation. %e should be as frank with ourselves as we are with others. %e are not slow to point out to them the dan$ers that lie in a certain course. %e can =uite as earnestly advise, caution, and ur$e ourselves in what is best to do. A reali8ation of personal responsibility has an important influence upon the buildin$ of the will. %e owe it to our manhood, to others dependent upon us, and to our eternal destiny, that we make the most of ourselves here and now. Aur will, no less than our other powers, is $iven to us for intelli$ent development. As we more clearly reali8e this responsibility we shall see the vital importance of willpower and make an increasin$ effort to build it for hi$h and definite ends. ;The education of the will,; says 5r. 4orell, ;is really of far $reater importance, as shapin$ the destiny of the individual, than that of the intellect9 and it should never be lost si$ht of by the practical educator, that it is only by the amassin$ and consolidatin$ of our volitional residua in certain $iven directions that this end can be secured. Theory and doctrine, and inculcation of laws and propositions, will never of themselves lead to the uniform habit of ri$ht action. +t is by doin$ that we learn to do9 by overcomin$, that we learn to overcome9 by obeyin$ reason and conscience, that we learn to obey9 and every ri$ht act which we cause to sprin$ out of pure principles, whether by authority, precept, or example, will have a $reater wei$ht in the formation of character than all the theory in the world.; The fatal habit of procrastination should be fou$ht persistently. To do thin$s promptly, clearly,

and systematically, will insure peace of mind and pleasure in one:s work. A business man upon bein$ asked how he mana$ed to attend to so many intricate details of his daily business with apparently no care or worry, said it was due to an invariable rule to clear off his desk by the close of the day in order to be$in the followin$ day clear and fresh. This same plan can be advanta$eously followed in the orderin$ of one:s mind. +nstead of permittin$ ideas and plans to lie about the mind in confusion, like scattered papers on an untidy desk, they should be classified, ;pi$eon(holed,; and put into their proper places. Then a man can take a problem at a time9 $ive it due consideration, and dispose of it in satisfactory and orderly fashion. This actually doin$ thin$s $radually stren$thens the will and at len$th renders it capable of $reat achievement. To be$in is often half the battle. ;+ shall start to(morrow,; pleads the indolent man, for$ettin$ that ;to(morrow; never comes. ;6ext winter + shall study .rench, drawin$, shorthand, or public speakin$,; says another man of $ood intention. #ut the season comes and $oes, and at the close he finds he has not done one of these thin$s. Procrastination, love of ease or amusement, indefiniteness, imprudence, or miscalculation, have conspired a$ainst him, so a whole lifetime may be frittered away in needless and unproductive occupations, due not to lack of ability but to weakness of will. 2oethe sin$s: ;Are you in earnestD ei8e this very minute. %hatever you can do, or dream you can be$in it.; +t is surprisin$ how difficulty yields before a stron$ and earnest will. A little more resolution and effort, a determination ;to do or die,; and the seemin$ly impossible is accomplished. This has been remarkably illustrated in the achievements of men of advanced a$e. Cato learned 2reek, Plutarch studied @atin, and ocrates music, in old a$e. 2ladstone became a$ain Premier of )n$land at ei$hty(three, and spoke with $reat elo=uence, while Tennyson at the same a$e wrote his imperishable hymn, ;Crossin$ the #ar.; A record of the $reat thin$s done by men between the a$es of seventy and ninety, chiefly throu$h indomitable willpower, would include such names as 4ichelan$elo, 2oethe, Titian, %esley, Fant, 7on 4oltke, pencer, ?efferson, #rownin$, Clay, Calhoun, and #ismarck. ;%here there is a will there is a way,; is still true, and if a man draws upon the infinite resources within him he may exclaim with 6apoleon, ;There shall be no Alps.; 6o man should allow temporary failure to disarm or discoura$e him. A too easy success would hardly be worth the winnin$. +t is the reali8ation of difficulties overcome, of opposition con=uered, and of $reat hei$hts scaled that brin$ satisfaction to the mind and <oy to the heart of the victor. +n his su$$estive essay on ; elf(Culture,; Channin$ reminds us that ;A vi$orous purpose makes much out of little, breathes power into weak instruments, disarms difficulties, and even turns them into assistances.; A man who firmly says ;+ will,; is already on the way. #ut he must not suffer himself to be lured away into by(paths. Ance the $oal is fixed before him, let him walk unswervin$ly toward it. 5r. ?ules Payot, in his inspirin$ work on ;The )ducation of the %ill,; says: ;%hen a youn$ man has formed this very important and productive habit of decidin$ thin$s definitely and of doin$ his work without feverish haste, but in a thorou$h, strai$htforward and honest manner, there is no hi$h intellectual destiny to which he may not aspire. %hether he has new ideas or whether he sees old =uestions from a new point of view, he is $oin$ to

harbor these ideas in his thou$hts durin$ ei$ht or ten years of steady work. They will $radually become surrounded by hundreds of similes and comparisons and likenesses hidden to others, which will become or$ani8ed and nourish the ori$inal ideas until they have $rown stron$ and powerful. And <ust as $reat trees sprin$ from acorns, so from such thou$hts, fostered by one:s attention for many years, there will be put forth powerful books, which will be to honest souls in their stru$$le a$ainst evil what clarions are soundin$ the char$e to soldiers, or else these thou$hts will become concrete and will express themselves in a beautiful, harmonious life of upri$htness and $enerous activity.;G G :: The )ducation of the %ill,:: ?ules Payot. .unk H %a$nalls Company, 1110. To no one is a stron$ will more essential than to the public speaker. %endell Phillips had this power in hi$h de$ree. The more an audience refused to listen to him, the $reater was his determination to compel them. This $ift it was that made him :: an American patriot, a modern son of liberty, with a soul as firm and as true as was ever consecrated to unselfish duty, pleadin$ with the American conscience for the chained and speechless victims of American inhumanity.; As an instance of ready coura$e, supported by a stron$ will, it is related of ?ohn 3unter, a celebrated sur$eon of his day, that he found pleasure and relaxation in studyin$ the habits and instincts of animals. Two leopards that he had kept chained broke loose one day and enterin$ the yard were surrounded by a number of do$s. Aroused by the barkin$ of the do$s, 5r. 3unter rushed into the yard, laid hold of the leopards, and took them back to their den. Then, in reflectin$ on the risk he had incurred, he became so a$itated that he was on the point of faintin$. 5urin$ the rei$n of ?ames ++, ir ?ohn Cochrane became a prisoner. At that time the mail between )dinbur$h and @ondon was conveyed in saddle ba$s by a mounted rider. Cochrane:s dau$hter, knowin$ the time when a warrant for her father:s execution was expected, attired herself in men:s clothes, and, armed and mounted, waited at a lonely spot between #erwick and #elford until the carrier with the mail(ba$ containin$ the death warrant approached. Confrontin$ him with pistols, she induced him promptly to relin=uish his ba$. A second warrant was then sent for, but it was sei8ed as was the other by the heroic $irl. #y this time ir ?ohn:s father, throu$h influence and bribery, had secured a pardon from the Fin$. +f one:s motive be stron$ enou$h, one may attempt almost anythin$, however difficult and dan$erous, and if the will be firm and resolute, may hope to achieve it.

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5aily speech offers one of the vast opportunities for eliminatin$ self(consciousness. The student should aim here to develop definiteness of idea, sincerity of expression, and concentration of mind. 6othin$ leads so =uickly to hesitation and embarrassment in a speaker as mental uncertainty. To speak confidently, he must not $uess, or ima$ine, or take for $ranted: he must know. @ack of proper mental e=uipment is responsible for a lar$e part of the fearfulness of men. Ane who really knows whereof he speaks, and is absolutely sure of it, is likely to be sure of himself. +t manifests itself in his voice, his use of words, his manner, and his entire personality. The speaker should cultivate sincerity in his conversation. 3e will avoid formal compliments and empty platitudes. 3e will not talk like a book. 3e will not talk for talkin$:s sake. 3e will speak for a purpose, and this will enable him easily to concentrate his mind upon the sub<ect of his conversation. 3e will listen attentively and interestedly to others. Above all, he will not speak of himself unless obli$ed to do so, and then briefly, modestly, and $ently. +n what manner, then, shall he speak; 6ewman:s definition of a $entleman here rin$s in our ears: :: 3e $uards a$ainst unseasonable allusions or topics which may irritate9 he is seldom prominent in conversation, and never wearisome. 3e makes li$ht of favors when he does them, and seems to be receivin$ when he is conferrin$. 3e never speaks of himself except when compelled, never defends himself by a mere retort9 he has no ears for slander or $ossip, is scrupulous in imputin$ motives to those who interfere with him, and interprets everythin$ for the best.; This self(discipline be$ins naturally with deep breathin$. 4any men do not reali8e that the manner in which they breathe affects their attitude of mind. +t is alto$ether too common to use but one half of the breathin$ capacity. A man who breathes only with his upper chest is without the vi$or and vitality essential to a hi$h de$ree of self(confidence. 5eep breathin$ should be practiced daily until it becomes an unconscious habit. %hat is the remedy for this dreaded self(consciousnessD +t is mainly a matter of securin$ control of one:s thou$hts and intelli$ently directin$ them. The mind is a machine, which must be made obedient to the owner:s will. %hen brou$ht under sub<ection, it will serve man:s hi$hest and best purposes, but left to itself it may run easily to confusion and destruction. 3ere you perhaps interpose: ;#ut my mind wanders.; Then $o after it and brin$ it back. /ou say you can notD %ho is operatin$ your mindD 5oes it run itselfD %hat would you think of a train that had no en$ineer, no conductor, no one to direct it, and was allowed to run anywhereD /et this is what you permit with your train of ideas. #e sensible. Take hold of yourself seriously. et your will to work. trai$hten your spine. Take time to(day for mental overhaulin$. /ou are about to educate your will and it is serious business. Procrastination will not do. .rom this time forward resolve to control and direct your mental powers for definite purposes. @et it be said here, without attempt to morali8e, that wron$doin$ will contribute its share to self(consciousness. +t may be an in<ury done another, an unfair advanta$e in business, or a

secret habit9 but whatever it be, its mark is seared upon the conscience, and sooner or later finds expression in embarrassment. %hat should one do who comes under this classificationD Cepair the in<ury, stop every undesirable habit, and resolve hereafter to deal <ustly with all men. Constantly hold in your mind a hi$h estimate of yourself, but be sure you have reasons for doin$ so. +t is of little use to say you are well if you are ill. 5o not deceive yourself. /ou are no $reater than the sum of your thou$hts and habits. 3ave you $ood and sufficient reasons for your self(approbation. Are you a man of noble impulsesD +s your ambition loftyD 3ave you hi$h ideals and do you work persistently to reali8e themD Are you doin$ the best you canD 3ave you an uncompromisin$ love for truthD A business man recently wrote to a teacher, sayin$: ;+ lose control and become embarrassed when + speak even to my own employees, and can not keep a strai$ht face at any time when meetin$ stran$ers. + feel embarrassed, turn red in the face, and otherwise feel uncomfortable when talkin$ to a sin$le individual. +f + were called upon to address an audience, + believe + should drop dead.; This is an illustration of the extremes to which self(consciousness may carry its victim. The mind is a prolific field for the $rowth of all kinds of thou$ht. +f false and ne$ative ideas are allowed to take root, they, like weeds of an ordinary field, spread with wonderful rapidity, and may easily discoura$e and overwhelm the owner. The man to whom we have referred has lon$ ne$lected his mental field and now finds himself in a bad way. The remedy for him, and for others so situated, is patiently to root out every obnoxious habit and to substitute stron$, healthy, positive thou$hts in its place. 3e must at first be content with small victories, since he has permitted his mental field and $arden to be overrun with these ob<ectionable thou$ht habits, but he can comfort himself with the assurance that in this way he can and will attain success. Timid people concern themselves too much about what others will think and say. They are constantly studyin$ the impression they are makin$ upon people who probably are not even thinkin$ of them. Their super sensitiveness causes them to ima$ine themselves bein$ critici8ed, sli$hted, and unfairly condemned by those who all the while are absorbed in their own affairs. A man may be on the road to success when a sin$le act of timidity may annul all his chances. People lose confidence in him if he lacks faith in himself. Coura$e is admired, fear never is. Coura$e is di$nified, fear is repulsive. The man of coura$e is welcomed everywhere, while fear invites itself to a seat in the rear. The followin$ incident actually occurred in a second( hand bookshop. The salesman had been talkin$ for some time to a customer, when another man who had selected a book for himself mustered up enou$h coura$e to say: ;5on:t let me interrupt you, sir, if you are busy with that $entlemanI+ wanted to $etIthis book((but + can <ust as well call in on my way back((+ would have to trouble you anyway((to chan$e((a five( dollar bill((and perhaps((you haven:t((the chan$e(so +:ll come back((in a little while((don:t trouble, sir((and then +:ll have the ri$ht chan$e with me.; This sounds exa$$erated, but it can be vouched for. %hat chance, think you, has such a man as that for advancement or distinction in the worldD 3e is foredoomed to failure unless he chan$es his entire mental attitude. )very man should learn to stand firmly upon his own feet. As himself he may become $reat9

as an imitator he will amount to little. ;+ntellectual intrepidity,; says amuel miles ;is one of the vital conditions of independence and self(reliance in character. A man must have the coura$e to be himself, and not the shadow or the echo of another. 3e must exercise his own powers, think his own thou$hts, and speak his own sentiments. 3e must elaborate his own opinions, and form his own convictions. +t has been said that he who dare not form an opinion must be a coward9 he who will not, must be an idler9 he who can not, must be a fool.; The timid man should take inspiration from the experience of many of the world:s $reatest orators and actors. .or the most part they at first were self(conscious men. 5emosthenes, Cicero, Curran, Chalmers, )rskine, Pitt, 2ladstone, 5israeli, 4irabeau, Patrick 3enry, Clay, 2ou$h, #eecher, alvini, 3enry +rvin$, Cichard 4ansfield, and many others were sub<ect to ;sta$e(fri$ht.; #ut this sensitiveness of nature, when at last controlled and intelli$ently directed, enabled them to reach a foremost place amon$ distin$uished men. +t is said of Cufus Choate, the $reat lawyer, that before an important address to a <ury he looked as nervous and wretched as a criminal about to be han$ed. Probably every public speaker who has amounted to anythin$ could testify to this initial feelin$ of nervousness or anxiety, but the cure lies in becomin$ so absorbed in one:s sub<ect, or the welfare of others, as to for$et one:s self. elf(consciousness may arise from self conceit. The victim says to himself: ;%hat impression am + makin$D; ;5o + look wellD; ;%hat are they thinkin$ and sayin$ about meD; An the other hand, it may be due to extreme humility. uch a man says inwardly: ;+ am not e=ual to this,; ;+ lack so many thin$s,; ;+f + had only been born ri$ht,; ;4y father was bashful before me,; ;+ shall surely fail.; 6atural diffidence need not necessarily be a stumblin$(block to any man. +t is a safe$uard a$ainst rashness, familiarity, and over(confidence. The evil of extreme self(consciousness is that it makes a man do so many thin$s he does not wish to do. +t chan$es his line of conduct a hundred times a day, makes him say ;yes; when he would rather say ;no,; and, in short, robs him of his power and individuality. %hen Thackeray said that sensitiveness was a $reat mistake in a public man, he doubtless meant that super sensitiveness by which a man loses initiative, self(reliance, and independence. A self(conscious man must sooner or later rid himself of this fault if he is to be preeminently successful. To this end the student:s attention is next directed to the power of ri$ht thinkin$.

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Chapter & T E P#!ER #$ RIG T T IN'ING

%e should not apolo$i8e to ourselves. A sense of the di$nity of life, and the soverei$nty of the soul, should keep us stron$ and positive. %e should be too bi$ for the little habit of excuse(makin$. elf(depreciation never won a sin$le battle of life. +t has, on the contrary, killed ambition, weakened the will, and incapacitated thousands of men for noble work. Apolo$y is weakness on parade. Avoid it. Abserve some man who comes toward you, walkin$ with short, <erky steps, his dress careless, the corners of his mouth turned down, keepin$ well to one side of the walk. As he passes, he $ives you a hasty, fri$htened $lance, which tells you unmistakably of despair, discoura$ement, and failure. The man:s whole life probably has been ne$ative in its character and outlook. The daily, and perhaps hourly, streams of false su$$estions poured into his mind have at last overwhelmed him and his life closes in an eclipse. 4any a man tormented by fear and timidity does not reali8e what a flood of ne$ative thou$hts daily affects him. 3e hed$es himself in with su$$estions of limitation, incapacity, and unworthiness. 3e constantly thinks not of how he will succeed, but of how he will surely fail. %hen %ashin$ton +rvin$ was asked to preside at a public dinner to Charles 5ickens, upon his visit to America, he hesitated and said he would surely fail. +t was pointed out to him that he was really the man properly to direct that hi$h function, and at last was prevailed upon to accept. #ut to many friends he repeated his fear that he would fail. The ni$ht came, and before a brilliant $atherin$ +rvin$ arose to speak. 3e made an excellent be$innin$, but suddenly stopped and brou$ht his remarks to a close. As he sat down, he whispered to a friend on his left, ;There, + told you + would fail, and + didE; +n developin$ the habit of positive thinkin$((of seein$ only the best in yourself and others((of re$ardin$ yourself as capable of $reat thin$s((it is well to bear in mind that our thou$hts really make us what we are. %hat you did yesterday makes you what you are to(day, and what you do to(day determines what you will be tomorrow. uppose you put these practical =uestions to yourself: 5oes ne$ative thinkin$ payD +s it desirable for me to encoura$e thou$hts in my mind that break down, hinder, and incapacitate me for $ood workD 5o + want ne$ative thou$hts that inevitably brin$ discontent, unhappiness, and ultimate failure in their trainD /our answer will be, of course, that you do not want them. #ut such thou$hts work insidiously, and will find an entrance into your mind if you are not extremely vi$ilant. The surest way to keep them out, however, is to fill the mind completely with vital positive thou$hts, to think constantly of yourself as a man of unlimited possibilities, $rowin$ daily in mental and spiritual power, e=uipped for $reat thin$s, a necessary part of 2od:s $lorious creation, and movin$ forward toward a triumphant and immortal destiny. +t is difficult to construct positive thou$hts out of the poor stuff from which dreams are made. A man should devote himself particularly to the practical thin$s of life. ome men learn this lesson all too late, for, as Thoreau says, :: /outh $ets to$ether the materials for a brid$e to the moon, and maturity uses them to build a wood(shed.; The habit of ri$ht thinkin$, when firmly established, becomes a source of attraction. 2ood

thou$hts soon become $reat thou$hts, and the mature mind attempts even the impossible. The power of a sin$le thou$ht at the be$innin$ of a day can hardly be estimated. +t can chan$e despondency into hope, and fear into coura$e. +t can nerve the arm for $reat and noble deeds. +t can stren$then a weak and timid character into four(fourths of a man. +t is possible for it to set in motion an influence that will reach the ends of the world. The importance of ri$ht thinkin$ is its effect upon ri$ht doin$. 3ow many disastrous mistakes are made for lack of proper thou$htD 3ow many of life:s failures are due to a careless and unwise selection of a business or professionD +t was idney mith who said: ;+f we represent the occupations of life by holes in a table, some round, some s=uare, some oblon$, and persons by bits of wood of like shapes, we shall $enerally find that the trian$ular person has $ot into the s=uare hole, the oblon$ into the trian$ular, while the s=uare person has s=uee8ed himself into the round hole.; #ut meditation, too, is an essential part of clear and ri$ht thinkin$. A writer said that there is not much real, honest thinkin$ done in the world, but we are not inclined to a$ree with him. 4uch of the thinkin$ is honest enou$h, but it is badly or$ani8ed, and even more badly applied. %e must learn to brood more over our thou$hts, to dwell lon$ and intently upon ideas that seem dark and obscure, to fashion patiently intricate links of truth into chains of powerful ar$ument. +n his pursuit of ri$ht thinkin$ the student should learn the art of definition. Thou$hts fully matured in the mind are seen to be there in so many words. %hat do our thou$hts or words really meanD The first step is to define them, and next to consider their truth. The habit of Bconstant and searchin$ reflection,; recommended by 2ladstone, is what more than anythin$ else produces ri$ht thinkin$. ;+ wish to con$ratulate you, 4r. %ebster,; said a youn$ admirer, ;upon your wonderful impromptu effort to(day.; ;+mpromptuE; exclaimed the $reat orator, ;my youn$ friend, + have been thinkin$ out that speech for over six monthsE; B3ow lon$ does it take to prepare a sermonD; some one asked 5r. ?ohn %atson. ;+f you mean to write the manuscript, then a day may suffice9 but if you mean to think a sermon, then it may be ten yearsE:: +t is well sometimes to think aloud, when alone, in order to brin$ one:s thou$hts out into concrete form. There is the advanta$e of definiteness, of $ettin$ an impression of the sound of words, and of tan$ibleness. Thou$hts when uttered take on at the instant a life, reality, and character not possessed before. They can then better be considered, analy8ed, and assi$ned to their proper duty or thrown upon the scrap(heap. The very act of $ivin$ expression to our thou$hts illuminates and invests them with new power and si$nificance. An excellent way to furnish the mind with material for ri$ht thinkin$ is to commit to memory some of the sayin$s of $reat men and to ponder them at leisure. This assists in establishin$ a standard of truth, and at the same time furnishes the mind with many nourishin$ and useful thou$hts. 3ere are some examples: ;The confidence which we have in ourselves $ives birth to much of that which we have in others.::((@a Cochefoucauld. BJTis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.:: ((Tennyson.

;3e who has once been very foolish will at no other time be very wise.::((4ontai$ne. ;6othin$ is said nowadays that has not been said before.::((Terence. :: 3e must necessarily fear many, whom many fear.::(( eneca. ;Coura$e in dan$er is half the battle.; ((Plautus. ;The multitude is always in the wron$.; ((5illon. ;Thou$ht once awakened does not a$ain slumber.::((Carlyle. :: econd thou$hts, they say, are best.:: ((5ryden. ;There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune9 Amitted, all the voya$e of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.; (( hakespeare. ;%e should not let others do our thinkin$ for us. Aur individuality is too precious to be so sacrificed. Too many persons are like a chief of the outh ea +slands described by ir ?ohn @ubbock. ;%ishin$ to =uestion him, ir ?ohn first bountifully fed him, whereupon he fell into slumber. ;%hen awakened he simply said: ;+deas make me sleepy.; There are men who dislike thinkin$ for them( selves9 it is too much like work9 it makes them drowsy, and, after all, what is the use of itD uch men lack the true spirit of independence and coura$e. They are not in line9 let it be said with pity, for $reat work, leadership, and noble success. Ci$ht thinkin$ $ives tone and vi$or to the physical man, purifies and enlar$es his mental world, and leads him into spiritual reali8ation. %hile our thou$hts are buildin$ body and character, they are also shapin$ human destiny. ;%hat a man thinks in his spirit in the world,; declared wedenbor$, ;that he does after his departure from the world when he becomes a spirit.; To think that our thou$hts comprise ;the city of man:s soul; should awaken in us a determination not to waste this precious substance in reckless prodi$ality. A man who thinks ri$ht has reason to feel proud of himself, and he walks abroad with ;the holiday in his eye.; There is no weakness, no timidity, no hesitation, since to him ri$ht is mi$ht. 3e has learned to make his thou$ht selective, by aid of which he takes the $ood and re<ects the bad. 3e knows, too, how to fit each thou$ht into its proper place, make correct inferences, and form well(considered <ud$ments. This clear and positive thinkin$ is constructive in its character9 it builds new power and discloses ever(widenin$ fields of usefulness. %ron$ or ne$ative thinkin$ is destructive9 it produces nothin$ but paralysis, fear, hopelessness, and heartrendin$ failure. )i$ht thinkin$ means cheerful thinkin$. +t means that a man is an intellectual optimist, who sees nothin$ but $ood in himself and in those about him. 3is thou$ht $oes out to clarify and bri$hten the lives of other men. @et Cobert @ouis tevenson inspire discoura$ed men to similar heroism. Propped up in bed for weeks at a time, and racked by pain, not a weak or ne$ative thou$ht escaped his lips. #ut his $lorious mind framed this: ;A happy man or woman is a better thin$ to find than a five(pound note. 3e or she is a radiatin$ focus of $ood

will9 and their entrance into a room is as thou$h another candle had been li$hted. %e need not care whether they could prove the forty(seventh proposition9 they do a better thin$ than that, they practically demonstrate the $reat theorem of the livableness of life.; %hen a difficult =uestion came to %ebster he would say, ;@et me sleep on it.; 3e must $ive his thou$ht time to mature. 5eliberateness and patient meditation played a prominent part in the buildin$ of his mind. 3ow shall a man exclude fear thou$ht from his lifeD Certainly not by affirmin$ such sentences as ;+ have no fear,; ;+ am not weak,; ;+ do not lack ability,; ;+ am not a failure.; Cememberin$ that only positive thou$hts are constructive, he will avoid even the use of ne$ative symbols as ;weak,; ;fear,; ;lack,; ;failure.; 3e will say, rather, ;+ am self(confident,; ;+ am stron$,; ;+ am able,; ;+ am a success.; These affirmations will be made both silently and audibly, always with deep conviction and earnestness. @et the student remember, however, that these affirmations must be confirmed by actual performance. A man mi$ht sit in his office chair and continually affirm that he was a success, and nothin$ but success, until he fell over from heart failure. %hen you say ;+ am coura$eous,; you must demonstrate it in your daily life. /ou may say ;+ am hopeful, powerful, buoyant, cheerful,; but if you then proceed to sit down in a corner by yourself and bemoan your fate, you are simply deludin$ yourself. +t is not sufficient that you believe what you affirm9 you must be it, live it, and act it. )very man who aspires to ri$ht and lofty thinkin$ should shut the door of his mind a$ainst fear thou$ht and ne$ative thou$ht as he would a$ainst the bitterest foes. .ear thou$ht works its way cunnin$ly, by plausible excuse and subterfu$e, until it holds a man in its death(like $rasp. +t subdues, discoura$es, weakens, intimidates, and at last brands its victim a failure and outcast. To harbor it in one:s mind is to entertain an enemy. Ci$ht thinkin$ means that which constructs, stren$thens, and ennobles. +t means better manhood, the pluck to do and to dare, and the heroism of mi$hty endeavor. +t knows no limitation, but reaches out daily for new con=uests. +t is a power unto itself, $rowin$ throu$h its own use. Aur habits of thou$ht must be $overned by fixed principles. Ane clear(cut, positive su$$estion made in $ood time may fri$hten off a thousand petty ne$ative thou$hts. The thin$ we repeat fre=uently enou$h in our mind comes to ac=uire undisputed authority. %e should not seek to perform some one $reat act of coura$e, but coura$eously perform all acts, however small, of our every(day life. Pascal says: ;)i$ht fear comes from faith, wron$ fear from doubt9 the ri$ht fear, <oined to hope, because it is born of faith and we hope in the 2od in whom we believe9 the wron$, <oined to despair, because we fear the 2od in whom we have faith9 some fear to lose 3im, others fear to find 3im.; @et us persist in our aim to think ri$ht, and to do ri$ht, knowin$ that ;true coura$e consists in lon$ perseverin$ patience.; @et us more earnestly direct our thou$ht toward the lofty and sublime. Above all let us seek the best sources of inspiration, that the $reat thou$hts of other men may become our thou$hts, and that we may rise into the fullness of our rich inheritance.


The masterful thou$hts of $reat minds are ours for the askin$. A mans intent upon developin$ his self(confidence will read the bio$raphies of such men as Caesar, 6apoleon, %ellin$ton, 4ilton, 2oethe, 4acaulay, 4o8art, %ilberforce, Tennyson, Cuskin, %ashin$ton, .ranklin, %ebster, @incoln, and Phillips #rooks. +t develops a man:s self(confidence to study bio$raphy and to know what other men have done in the face of difficulty and discoura$ement. %hen he reads what they have done, he has a burnin$ desire to $o and do likewise. ?ust as ;we reco$ni8e in a work of $enius our own re<ected thou$hts,; so we often see ourselves in the pa$es of a $reat book. %ho could fail to be inspired by such a description of unaffected self( confidence as this of %ashin$ton: ;6o nobler fi$ure ever stood in the forefront of a nation:s life. %ashin$ton was $rave and courteous in address: his manners were simple and unpretentious9 his silence and the serene calmness of his temper spoke of a perfect self(mastery9 but there was little in his outer bearin$ to reveal the $randeur of soul which lifts his fi$ure, with all the simple ma<esty of an ancient statue, out of the smaller passions, the meaner impulses of the world around him. ... +t was only as the weary fi$ht went on that the colonists learned little by little the $reatness of their leader((his clear <ud$ment, his heroic endurance, his silence under difficulties, his calmness in the hour of dan$er or defeat, the patience with which he waited, the =uickness and hardness with which he struck, the lofty and serene sense of duty that never swerved from its task throu$h resentment or <ealousy, that never throu$h war or peace felt the touch of a mean ambition, that knew no aim save that of $uardin$ the freedom of his fellow countrymen, and no personal lon$in$ save that of returnin$ to his own fireside when their freedom was secured.; +t was Corre$$io who, after lookin$ at the work of 4ichelan$elo, exclaimed, ;And +, too, am a painterE; #y closely observin$ the lives of $reat men, we assume some of their $reat =ualities. They embody the wisdom of their time, and pass it on to us as our herita$e. ;+ am a part of every man + have met,; said a sympathetic writer, and one mi$ht as truthfully say, ;+ am part of all + have read.:: Channin$ well says: ;+t is chiefly throu$h books that we en<oy intercourse with superior minds, and these invaluable means of communication are in the reach of all. +n the best books $reat men talk to us, $ive us their most precious thou$hts, and pour their souls into ours. 2od be thanked for books. They are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past a$es. #ooks are the true levelers. They $ive to all who will faithfully use them the society, the spiritual presence, of the best and $reatest of our race. 6o matter how poor + am, no matter thou$h the prosperous of my own time will not enter my obscure dwellin$. +f the sacred writers will enter and take up their abode under my roof9 if 4ilton will cross my threshold to sin$ to me of Paradise, and hakespeare to open to me the worlds of ima$ination and the workin$s of the human heart, and .ranklin to enrich me with his practical wisdom, + shall not pine for want of intellectual companionship, and + may become a cultivated man thou$h excluded from what is called the best society in the place where + live.; The student of self(confidence should choose his books as carefully as he does his personal friends. #ooks are our intimate companions, with the unusual privile$e of settin$ them down

or takin$ them up at will. +t is not worth while to spend any time over a book that does not cause the reader to raise from it a better man. ;/outh is a prophesy, and old a$e a history, :: but $reat books never $row old and are ours to command and serve at will. %hat, then, shall a man readD .irst and supreme over all other books, the #ible. 3ere is history, bio$raphy, poetry, drama, and every form of literary art in its hi$hest perfection. %here else will you find sublimity of thou$ht embodied in such simplicity of lan$ua$e as this: ;And 2od said let there be li$ht, and there was li$htE; 5r. 3illis says: ;#ead all other books, philosophy, poetry, history, fiction9 but if you would refine the <ud$ment, fertili8e the reason, win$ the ima$ination, attain unto the finest womanhood or the sturdiest manhood, read this #ook, reverently and prayerfully, until its truths have dissolved like iron into the blood.; The student of public speakin$ will read Kuintilian:s ;+nstitutes of Aratory, or the )ducation of an Arator,; supplementin$ it with Cicero on ;Aratory and Arators,; and Cicero:s ;Arations.; .or self(culture he will read Plato:s ;Cepublic,; and the ;5ialo$ues; relatin$ to ocrates. 5emosthenes ;An the Crown,; the $reatest world:s oration by the $reatest of all orators, should receive special attention. hakespeare, 4ilton, 5ante, %ordsworth, Tennyson, and @on$fellow will have a prominent place upon the wise man:s book(shelf. To shape his mind to stron$ and lo$ical thinkin$, he will studiously read @ocke ;An the Conduct of the Lnderstandin$,; #erkeley:s ;Principles of 3uman Fnowled$e,; @eibnit8:s ;5iscourse on 4etaphysics,; 5escartes: ;5iscourse on 4ethod,; and @ot8e:s ; 4icrocosmus.; The student of self(confidence will read stories of heroism and self(sacrifice. cott:s novels, and tevenson:s stirrin$ stories of the sea, will arouse in him a desire to play a noble part in the drama of life. 3e should read only those books that move his finest impulses, fire his blood, and e=uip him for better and lar$er service. 4any men are not sufficiently familiar with the $reat books of the world to choose for themselves. .or their benefit the followin$ su$$estive list is offered: 2reat 5ramatists: ?ob, A)schylus, ophocles, )uripides, Aristophanes, hakespeare, 4oliere, 2oethe, heridan, chiller. 2reat )ssayists: 4ontai$ne, Addison, @amb, 5e Kuincey, Carlyle, 4acaulay, 6ewman, )merson, Cuskin, 4atthew Arnold. 2reat Philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, 3obbes, 5escartes, pino8a, @eibnit8, #erkeley, Fant, chopenhauer, @ot8e. 2reat cientists: 2alileo, 3erschel, 6ewton, A$assi8, @a Place, 5arwin, Tyndall, 3elmholt8, 3uxley. 2reat @awyers: 5emosthenes, Cicero, #lackstone, )rskine, 4arshall, 4ackintosh, Clay, %ebster, Prentiss, ?eremiah #lack. 2reat Teachers: Kuintilian, A=uinas, )rasmus, #acon, @ocke, 3erbart, .robel, pencer. 2reat @o$icians and Political )conomists : 4ontes=uieu, Adam mith, #entham, 4althus, 3e$el, %hateley, 3amilton, 4ill, ?evons.

2reat tatesmen: Pericles, Cassar, #urke, %ashin$ton, ?efferson, #onaparte, 5israeli, @incoln, 2ladstone, #ismarck. 2reat Theolo$ians: aint Paul, aint Au$ustine, @uther, Calvin, 3ooker, )dwards, chleiermacher, #ushnell. 2reat 3istorians: 3erodotus, Thucydides, @ivy, Polybius, Plutarch, Tacitus, 2ibbon, 4acaulay, Carlyle, 2rote, #ancroft, 4ommsen. The advanta$es of <udicious readin$ are many. 6ot only is the mind stored with precious thou$hts and the ima$ination filled with ex=uisite pictures, but unconsciously a free and melodious )n$lish style is ac=uired. There should be daily readin$ aloud. +t is of distinct advanta$e to learn the author:s words throu$h the additional sense of hearin$. +t makes them more endurin$, and the very act of expressin$ them aloud will often cause the reader very particularly to brin$ their meanin$ into full view. Ceadin$ aloud should be more widely cultivated than it is. There is a charm in the spoken word that is not found in the cold printed pa$e. peech invests a writer:s words with new life and bids them live a$ain. These $reat treasures, $athered up in the books of the world, mean much to men who know how to claim and use them. ;+n books,; writes Carlyle, ;is the soul of the whole past time((the articulate audible voice of the past, when the body and material substance of it has alto$ether vanished like a dream. 4i$hty fleets and armies, harbors and arsenals, vast cities, hi$h(domed, many en$ined they are precious, $reat9 but what do they becomeD A$amemnon, the many A$amemnonMs, and their 2reece((all is $one now to some ruined fra$ments, dumb, mournful wrecks and blocks9 but the books((Ni.e., Nthe thou$hts((of 2reeceE There 2reece, to every thinker, still very literally lives((can be called up a$ain into lifeE 6o ma$ic Come is stron$er than a book((a thou$ht, or collection of thou$hts. All that mankind has done, thou$ht, $ained, or been, it is lyin$ as in a ma$ic preservation in the pa$es of books. They are the chosen possession of men.; A source of inspiration to one who would cultivate self(confidence is that of min$lin$ with self( confident men. %e $row to be like those with whom we associate. 3uman society is the $reat leveler, takin$ man out of himself, and teachin$ him the power of sympathy and unselfishness. 4an was not made to live alone, and it is only in some form of service to others that he attains unto the truest $reatness. #eecher called the study of man the hi$hest of sciences, and his own marvelous wealth of illustrations and anecdotes was due lar$ely to his habit of keepin$ close to the people. ;+ take $reat deli$ht,; said he, ;if ever + $et a chance, in ridin$ on the top of an omnibus with the driver, and talkin$ with him. %hat do + $ain by thatD %hy, my sympathy $oes out for these men, and + reco$ni8e in them an element of brotherhood((that $reat human element which lies underneath all culture, which is more universal and more important than all special attributes, which is the $reat $eneric bond of humanity between man and man. +f ever + saw one of these men in my Church, + could preach to him, and hit him under the fifth rib with an illustration, much better than if + had not been ac=uainted with him.; The blush(persecuted, timid man is usually found to have lived too much by himself. 3e has had too much time for introspection. The result is that when he steps out into society he is ill at ease, and its very stran$eness causes him embarrassment. uch men very often act

awkwardly and unnaturally, not for lack of knowled$e, but for lack of familiarity and practice. A $atherin$ of people confuses him, and at the first opportunity he seeks refu$e in solitude. uch men, diffident, self(conscious men, should force themselves out into the common society of others where they may learn some of the most inspirin$ lessons of life. %hen you rise from readin$ a $reat book that has inspired you to better and $reater thin$s, then is the time to set down in writin$ your new(made resolutions and to put at least some: part of them into immediate practice. Perhaps you have decided to seek a hi$her place amon$ your fellow menD Then $o out amon$ them, prepared to render service. #e interested in their welfare, and $ive to them freely of your sympathy and cheerfulness. Cultivate a true( hearted and intelli$ent optimism toward everyone. Carry in your voice and manner a messa$e of hope and $ood will, and $ive what you can without thou$ht of receivin$. Possibly you have determined to employ your time to better advanta$e. #e$in, then, to do so to(day. 3ave a definite pro$ram. #e economical of the little spare moments that are so easily frittered away. %hen a thin$ is to be done, do not merely survey it, or worry about it, but be$in it at once and keep at it until it is done. +f you are interrupted, excuse yourself as soon as possible, and apply your time and ener$ies with increased dili$ence. %ork daily toward lar$er and more important thin$s. Think of nothin$ as bein$ too hi$h or too $reat for your ambition. Cesolve to waste no time. Autside of your re$ular callin$, devote yourself earnestly to studies and recreations that up build, stren$then, and fit you for lar$er pursuits. Perhaps you have resolved to develop more coura$e and independence. tand up at once, lift your chest hi$h and full into the attitude of the man you would be. @ook the next person you meet strai$ht in the eyes, and as you talk to him put earnestness and conviction into every word you utter. Think of yourself as a stron$, ener$etic, cheerful, positive character, while all the time endeavorin$ to express these =ualities in your face, voice, words, manner, walk, and daily life.

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5istin$uished men have invariably had $reat concentration. +n art and science, business and warfare, literature, politics and philosophy, the real achievements of the race have been due to this power. Concentration arises chiefly from bein$ deeply interested, and is allied to persistency and definiteness of purpose. +t is an enemy to self(consciousness and vacillation. +t enables a man to do the best that is in him. +t is a characteristic mark of $enius itself. A timid man is fitful in his habits. 3e shifts constantly from one thin$ to another, accomplishin$ nothin$ worthy of the name. +s it a book he is readin$D oon he turns the pa$es impatiently, skims li$htly over the most important parts, hastens to learn the conclusion, and casts the book aside. +s it a new business ventureD 3e enters upon it enthusiastically, but at the first si$n of difficulty loses heart and $ives up. )very chan$e he makes entails a loss of time and ener$y, so that he is always $oin$ but never arrivin$. A man makes his own thou$ht world. To cultivate attention he must think and do only one thin$ at a time. Concentration is the faculty of continuous and intense application. +t is not abstraction9 hence it can not be offered as an excuse for carelessness. A youn$ man in one of our banks took out for collection a note for O&*,000. 3e received the customer:s check for the amount, had it certified, and returned to the bank. The cashier immediately en$a$ed him in conversation, and sent him out a$ain. 3e loitered on the way, and when he returned the bank had closed and the cashier had $one home. That ni$ht the youn$ man told his father how he came to have the check still in his pocket. 3is father made him telephone to the president and the cashier of the bank, and early next mornin$ the youn$ man handed in the check. The president called him into his office and said: ;%e do not re=uire your services further.; Thorou$hness is one of the marks of a self(confident man. 3e does everythin$ he undertakes <ust as well as he can. +f it is a business matter to be discussed, he first informs himself so completely that he is able to talk with accuracy and intelli$ence. +f it is a public speech to be delivered, he does not wait until the day before and then put to$ether a few hastily considered thou$hts, but all is carefully and thorou$hly prepared lon$ in advance. uch a man speaks little of what he is $oin$ to do, but first does it and lets his work speak for itself. )very man should $et a ri$ht idea of values. There can be no true culture where time and talent are s=uandered. ;)very moment lost,; said 6apoleon, himself a wonderful example of concentration, ;$ives an opportunity for misfortune.; The buildin$ of a self(confident man re=uires effort, self(sacrifice, and sin$leness of purpose. +t is not =uantity but =uality of work that differentiates one man from another. Ane thin$ well and thorou$hly done is better than any amount of slipshod work. The man who is completely absorbed in the present duty has no time for discontent and discoura$ement. Time does not han$ heavily on his hands, for the clock is not his master. 6o one can become deeply interested in work that is distasteful to him. Thousands of men stru$$le up(stream all their lives because they are in their wron$ callin$. An anonymous writer well says: ;+t is a sad parody on life to see a man earnin$ his livin$ by a vocation which has

never received his approval. +t is pitiable to see a youth, with the ima$e of power and destiny stamped upon him, tryin$ to support himself in a mean, contemptible occupation, which dwarfs his nature, and makes him despise himself9 an occupation which is constantly condemnin$ him, ostraci8in$ him from all that is best and truest in life. 5i$ trenches, shovel coal, carry a rod9 do anythin$ rather than sacrifice your self(respect, blunt your sense of ri$ht and wron$, and shut yourself off forever from the true <oy of livin$, which comes only from the consciousness of doin$ one:s best.; +n order to cultivate concentration a man must brin$ his will to bear stron$ly upon his work and life. 3e should reali8e that every difficulty yields to this power, and that uninterrupted application to one thin$ will achieve the seemin$ly impossible. 4ental shiftlessness is powerless in the face of difficulty, but a man of stron$ will and concentration uses obstacles as steppin$(stones to hi$her thin$s. @et the student be$in to develop his concentration to(day in little thin$s. @et him cultivate the most intense earnestness in whatever he may be doin$. @et him say to himself: ;This one thin$ + do and + do it to the very best of my ability. 4y purpose is sure and steady. 4y aim is accurate and certain. + hold my thou$ht severely and positively to the work in hand. 4y endeavor is to do better at each succeedin$ effort. + take no thou$ht of the morrow, for to(day demands the best that is in me. + move =uietly but persistently toward a definite $oal. + shall be immensely successful throu$h constant, earnest and sincere application to my work and duty. + $row daily in my power of concentrated effort. + am absorbed in all + do.; 6ot only in matters of business should a man concentrate, but in his readin$ and recreation. This $reat power brin$s with it many other valuable elements, such as order, punctuality, thorou$hness, self(respect, and self(reliance. Throu$h concentration a man may aspire to the hi$hest achievements. #y its aid there is practically no limit to ambition. #uskin says that ;men:s proper business in this world falls mainly into three divisions: .irst, to know themselves, and the existin$ state of the thin$s they have to do with. econdly, to be happy in themselves, and in the existin$ state of thin$s. Thirdly, to mend themselves, and the existin$ state of thin$s, as far as either are marred or mend able.; %e hear men constantly deplorin$ the fact that they lack concentration, memory, definiteness, and other =ualities of excellence, but who make not the sli$htest effort to cultivate them. .ew persons are born with really $reat $ifts9 most of the truly $reat have achieved $reatness. 6apoleon ascribed his $reatest victories to his ability to concentrate his forces on a sin$le point in the enemy. 2ladstone was remarkable for this same power. %hen the $reat statesman died, @ord )osebery said: ;4y lords, there are two features of 4r. 2ladstone:s intellect which + can not help notin$ on this occasion, for they were so si$nal, so salient, and distin$uished him so much from all other minds that + have come in contact with, that it would be wantin$ to this occasion if they were not noted. The first was his enormous power of concentrationE There never was a man, + feel, in this world, who, at any $iven moment, on any $iven sub<ect, could so devote every resource and power of his intellect, without the restriction of a sin$le nerve within him, to the immediate purpose of that sub<ect.; The story is told of an )n$lish statesman whose powers of concentration were so $reat that after a $reat debate in Parliament, he hurried from the 3ouse bareheaded, passed his coach at the door, and walked all the way home in a pourin$ rain. +n the hi$hest form of public speakin$ men become so absorbed in their sub<ect that they lose for the time bein$ all consideration and

thou$ht of everythin$ else. This power is really indispensable to the hi$hest form of extempore address. The $reat pulpit orators of the world possessed this faculty in preeminent de$ree. %hitefield, 4irabeau, %ilberforce, Parker, pur$eon, #eecher, Phillips #rooks, all were men of tremendous earnestness and concentration. ?ohn #ri$ht was so completely absorbed in the sub<ect of a forthcomin$ speech that he brooded over it day and ni$ht, talked it over with his friends, and when no one else was available discussed it with his $ardener. #ut alon$ with a man:s concentration there must be actual performance. 5r. 6icholas 4urray #utler says that ;+ndefinite absorption without production is fatal both to character and to the hi$hest intellectual power. 5o somethin$ and be able to do it well9 express what you know in some helpful and substantial form9 produce, and do not everlastin$ly feel only and revel in feelin$s((these are counsels which make for a real education and a$ainst that sham form of it which is easily reco$ni8ed as well(informed incapacity.; The power of concentration is to be developed so as to enable a man to do better work, to produce the best of which he is capable. +t does not mean broodin$ and meditatin$, with no thou$ht of action and production. +t is to encoura$e work, not restrain it. +t is a mistake to think that concentration means a strainin$ of the mind. An the contrary, it is power in repose. +t is not a nervous habit of doin$ one:s work under pressure, but the ease of self(control. )very man should have one $reat ideal in life toward which he directs his best powers. #y constantly keepin$ that aim before him, by bendin$ his ener$ies to it, he may hope eventually to attain to his hi$hest ideal. %hen a successful financier was asked the secret of his $reat success, he said that as a youn$ man he made a stron$ mental picture of what some day he would become. 5ay and ni$ht he concentrated his powers upon that one $oal. There was no feverish haste, no nervous overreachin$, no s=uanderin$ of mental and physical power, but a stron$, reposeful, never(waverin$ determination to make that picture of his youth a livin$ reality. uch is the power of concentration9 such is the secret of success.

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!lick "ere To Turbo.!harge Your /nergy


+t is difficult to ima$ine a hopeful, self(confident, buoyant man dra$$in$ around a half dead body. The mental and physical natures are so interdependent that you can not affect one without the other. 3ence the ideal has ever been ;A stron$ mind in a stron$ body.; %hat a boon is health to man, yet how easily it is s=uandered. +n many cases a horse is better $roomed and receives better care than his master. ;2ive me health, and a day,; sin$s )merson, ;and + will make the pomp of kin$s ridiculous.; This exuberant health is the very <oy of livin$ and the basis of self(confidence. .irst, then, let the student assume the physical attitude of the man he would be, with erect carria$e, chest hi$h and active, the back of the neck pressed a$ainst the collar, and the manner su$$estin$ power in reserve. +n a remarkably short time, by merely ;playin$ the part,; he will establish it as a habit, and the mind itself will assume these self(same =ualities. 5on:t for$et the order: An act, a habit, a character. A still better way is to hold in the mind a vivid picture of the physical man you would be. Think of yourself as of manly and di$nified bearin$, with spine stron$ and strai$ht, shoulders thrown back, countenance clear and frank, the step sure and firm. Think of yourself as positive, deliberate and ma$netic. )ndeavor to make this picture a reality by puttin$ all this into practice. Cesolve to make the most of yourself, be$innin$ not tomorrow but to(day((now. At this moment while you read these words, strai$hten yourself up, draw in a full deep breath, and ask whether this simple act does not increase your feelin$ of self(reliance. Avoid the ;leanin$; habit. 4any men feel uncomfortable unless they can rest their chin on the hand, cross their le$s, or find constant support for their back. The difficult problem of how a busy man may properly exercise is still unsolved. 3e has tried the $ymnasium, but found no inspiration there. There is no fun in exercisin$ at a mechanical rowin$ machine. 3e has bou$ht a ;home exerciser,; but after a few mornin$s both his enthusiasm and the exerciser disappear. 3e has bou$ht a library of books on physical culture, but some of their pa$es are still uncut. %hat is he to doD @isten: Two minutes devoted re$ularly each mornin$ upon risin$, to half(a(do8en bendin$, twistin$, and stoopin$ movements of the arms, waist and le$s, coupled with ri$ht habits durin$ the day, will $ive an avera$e man all the physical exercise he re=uires. The importance of the daily bath should no lon$er need to be emphasi8ed. The particular form((whether it be hot or cold, spon$e or tub, at ni$ht or in the mornin$((may be adapted to one:s particular case, but the entire surface of the body should be washed at least once a day. The reason is not so physiolo$ical as it is psycholo$ical. A clean body has a most direct and immediate effect upon one:s thou$hts. The mind tele$raphs its messa$e by delicate and mysterious means to all parts of the body. A bath has an intimate relation to a man:s soul. Physical up buildin$ should be part of a man:s every(day life. An his way to the office he can $et off the street(car ten blocks away and feel the invi$oratin$ effect of walkin$ for the rest of

the way. 5urin$ the day he can rise from his desk, inhale a deep breath six times or more, accompanied by a movement of the arms, and return to his duties refreshed and exhilarated. )specially can he be careful to sit up strai$ht, to breathe deeply, and do his daily work without strain. +t is a nervous a$e, when men do everythin$ under pressure and tension. +f such a man would be$in his day an hour earlier, he could conduct all his affairs deliberately and even leisurely, and feel that he was always an hour ahead. To start in $ood time will often obviate the wear and tear of the avera$e business life. The fresh(air fiend has the best side of the ar$ument. There are some persons who still insist that too much fresh air is dan$erous, but we know of some of the wonders that have been wrou$ht by this comparatively new treatment. Ane in very delicate health will be cautious not to overdo this, and will properly be advised by a physician. #ut for the rank and file of men, more life in the open air would mean to them more <oy in their work and $reater lon$evity. +t is said that the hopefulness of consumptives is due to accelerated breathin$, and that livin$ in the open air produces bodily exhilaration and arouses san$uine expectations even on the ed$e of the $rave. +s it not stran$e that people who re<ect stale food, will breathe stale air with perfect complacencyD Closed cars, closed offices, closed bedrooms, in these they live the $reater part of the day, and wonder they are lackin$ in self(confidence. +t was 3uxley who said that ;The health of the mental and bodily functions, the spirit, temper, disposition, correctness of <ud$ment, and brilliancy of ima$ination, depend directly upon pure air.; The memory itself depends upon $ood physiolo$ical conditions, and when properly nourished receives better and more endurin$ impressions. Axy$en is the universal scaven$er. Professor Tyndall says N; NThere is assuredly morality in the oxy$en of the mountains, as there is immorality in the miasma of a marsh,; and $oes on to say that the purer the stream of blood the $reater will be the $low of the heart. %hen we take air into our lun$s the blood absorbs the oxy$en and carries it to all parts of the body. After it has performed its life($ivin$ office, it returns with its impure products of combustion as ;cinders of the fire within us.; Physicians assert that the ma<ority of men do not use three(fourths of their lun$s in ordinary respiration. Children who play and run do so, but neither men nor women in their daily occupations exercise their lun$s as they should. %hich do you prefer to look at, a silver stream of pure flowin$ water, or a muddy oneD %hich would you prefer to have flowin$ throu$h the arteries of your body, a stream of red blood or a muddy oneE +f you would be self(confident, live out(of(doors as much as possible, breathe pure fresh air, and be a lover of nature, for, as 3umboldt says: :: 4ere communion with nature, mere contact with the free air, exercise a soothin$ yet stren$thenin$ influence on the wearied spirit.; Ane of the most favorable times to practice deep breathin$, coupled with positive mental su$$estion, is immediately after retirin$ at ni$ht. @ie flat on the back, inhale deeply, slowly, and fully, expandin$ both the abdomen and chest9 then slowly exhale while allowin$ all the parts to relax $ently. The mind is peculiarly amenable to su$$estion <ust before one $oes to sleep. Positive su$$estions made at this time sink deeply into the consciousness and become a permanent part of one:s personality. The student will find it helpful in connection with this

exercise to impress his mind with the thou$hts he seeks to materiali8e in his life and character. 3e may formulate his own sentences, and mentally repeat them several times with $reat sincerity and positiveness. 3e may say: ;+ am $rowin$ daily in self(confidence. + have unlimited power within me. Toni$ht + shall rest calmly and cheerfully. + now relax every part of my body, and shall have deep refreshin$ sleep. All my power comes from 2od and + commend myself to 3is care. + shall to(ni$ht $ather new power for the new day. + am an immortal soul, and know no limitation. 4y arms and le$s $row heavy, my head is heavy, my eyelids are heavy, my entire body is heavy, heavy, heavy as lead, and my mind is relaxed, completely relaxed, and + $row sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.; At a ban=uet $iven in 6ew /ork to 3erbert pencer, the eminent thinker was fearful that he would inade=uately express himself on that occasion because of impaired health. ;Any failure,; said he, ;in my response you must please ascribe, in part at least, to a $reatly disordered nervous system.:: 3ere was fear( thou$ht arisin$ directly from physical weakness. ;%ithout $ood health there can not be endurance, and therefore little confidence in one:s abilities. 2ladstone owed his wonderful stayin$ powers to robust health, maintained by careful mastication of his food and exercise in choppin$ down trees. 3is splendid physical powers were the basis of his more wonderful elo=uence. The marvel of it all is that the human body endures so much abuse and ne$lect. 3ere are upward of two hundred bones, and more than twice as many muscles, and yet many men expect this wonderfully intricate and complex machine to run itselfE +s it any wonder that a well and healthy man is so rarely seenD A common source of ill(health comes from the worry habit. +n its a$$ravated form this is said to cause cancer. Plow( ever that may be, we know that it does cause endless trouble and $rief. The time and ener$y that are often spent in worry would be sufficient, if properly applied, to remove wholly the cause of worry. Timid men are much addicted to this debilitatin$ habit. They worry not only about the past but about what is to come. This is particularly noticeable in the case of a diffident man who knows he must make a speech at some function or other. 3e spends his days and ni$hts, not so much in dili$ent preparation as in worryin$ over the thou$ht of embarrassment and failure. 3e spends sleepless ni$hts in thinkin$ how he will surely discredit himself in the eyes of all his friends, and when he stands before them to speak he has lost all natural control of his powers. To cure the worry habit it is of little practical use to say ;5on:t worry.; A man so afflicted should ask himself pertinent =uestions, such as, what am + worryin$ aboutD 3ow can + remedy the matterD %hen he knows what should be done, let him proceed to do it. Perhaps it looks impossible. @et him at least try. Lpon close analysis we very often find that the matter we have been worryin$ about is not worth it. %hy, for instance, should a man rack body and soul over a few dollarsD +f a man owes you money and will not pay it, is it not better to cancel the debt than to cancel your health and peace of mindD /our worryin$ man exerts a bad influence. +t was a rule of one of the CothMs childMs, a $reat financier, not to have anythin$ to do with an unlucky man or an unlucky plan. %hyD #ecause the man who has been unlucky $ets to think himself unlucky and is commonly a man who worries. Throu$h contact with him, you readily $et into your system the microbe of discontent and presently two worryin$ men sprin$ up where only one was before. 6o one cares to meet the lon$(faced man, the man with the hard(luck story. The reason is evident. %e know that a man who takes time to $rumble and complain is takin$ that time from actual hard work. To worry is to acknowled$e that thin$s

and events are too lar$e for you, and that you are in some way inferior. The man who is intent upon buildin$ a hi$h de$ree of self(confidence will avoid worry, real or ima$inary, and if he has a $rievance he will lose it in his work. +n these bustlin$ times it is well to be on one:s $uard a$ainst the habit of nervousness. 4any men are livin$ at too intense a pace. The expenditure of nerve force is out of proportion to the supply, and actual results do not warrant the hi$h price of worn out, nervous, physical collapse, and premature death. At the end of a year, a man of poise will achieve many times more than a nervous, erratic person, who possibly spends half his time in rectifyin$ hasty mistakes. )very man, then, should cultivate poise. @ike a piece of finely ad<usted machinery, his thou$hts and acts should be carried on without strain or friction. #ut let it be remembered that poise be$ins in the mind and should be developed there that it may express itself in the outward life of a man. As 3oratio %. 5resser says: ;@et us seek first that calmness which spares us the petty frictions of life, then $radually attain ad<ustment. ince it is the little interior friction, the mental worry and the nervous tension which wear us out, we should pause and let down the tension, take off the strain. +nner poise we must have if we would be outwardly at peace9 and poise is a balance of opposites, a nice ad<ustment9 such that we move alon$ with the stream of life, instead of a$ainst it.; A man should not work at his maximum. There should be somethin$ in reserve for the extra ;spurt; that may be demanded by some emer$ency. elf(confidence depends in no little de$ree upon reserve power. To use up one:s vitality as =uickly as it is $enerated, is to live close to the dan$er(line. Then one day somethin$ snaps, and we see a man movin$ about uncertainly, like a steamer that has been crippled and disabled in mid(ocean and sends out si$nals for help. )very man should have a playtime for at least a small part of each day, and a reasonably lon$ vacation every summer. 2ood health is impossible when the machinery works incessantly durin$ many years. There must be rest and relaxation, a chan$e of air and scene, a new line of thou$ht, a lar$er and better outlook. aid a successful publisher, ;+ would keep better hours if + were a boy a$ain. + would $o to bed earlier. leep is our $reat replenisher. +f we sit up late, we decay, and sooner or later we contract a disease called insomnia. @ate hours are shadows from the $rave.; A prominent cler$yman declares that many business men $o to see him, broken down in the prime of life <ust when they should be in the best condition for real work. 3e attributes their trouble not to la8iness but to strenuousness. They have been usin$ one set of their powers too much, and other powers perhaps not at all. To this want of balance and harmony, he ascribes their premature downfall. 3ealth is too precious to be thus frittered away. /oun$ men particularly should take warnin$ from the ob<ect(lessons they have on all sides. Too many men are breakin$ down at thirty(five and forty, and Bthree(score(and(ten; is more and more becomin$ the exception. %hen a nervous, diffident man asks: ;%ill the use of alcohol or tobacco impair my chances of becomin$ self(confidentD; we invariably answer, ;/es, most emphatically.; %e have already said that a hi$h de$ree of $ood health is essential to a hi$h de$ree of self(confidence. Anythin$, then, that affects the one affects the other. Alcohol is an irritant. +f indul$ed in it will tell a$ainst the bodily tissues sooner or later. A self(confident man should be a $ood speaker, but the use of tobacco directly affects the delicate linin$ of the throat, and a habitual smoker

finds in time that his voice loses its clearness and brilliancy. +rritation of throat leads to more serious troubles, susceptibility to ;sore throat; increases, and in time the speaker be$ins to lose his nerve. )xceptions to this, it is true, may be found, but in a $eneral way both the drinkin$ and the smokin$ habit are detrimental to the buildin$ of self(reliance.

)cientific 0reakthrough *ives You The 1ncredible (ower To !ontrol %inds, !hange 0ehaviors, +nd %ake +nyone /+*/R To #ulfill Your /very ,esire... 2ithout Them /ver -nowing 1t !lick "ere #or ,etails

Chapter + $INDING Y#URSEL$

+t is said that the lobster when washed hi$h and dry makes no effort to $et back into the water, but waits for the sea to come to him. +f it does, well and $ood9 if it does not, he simply dies. There are literally thousands of men who complain that no one helps them, and who frown upon the success of others as due wholly to $ood luck or the influence of friends. The time spent in bemoanin$ their lot, if applied to honest endeavor, would yield splendid results and $ive them their proper place in the world. uch men have not found themselves. There is another class of persons who are fairly successful, but work with their left hand. That is to say, they are at constant disadvanta$e because they have not learned to do their work in the best way. .or example, a man may perform the duties of the day as an automaton, and, like a machine, wear out. As the years $o by he becomes less and less valuable, and finally $oes down under the $eneral classification of failure. Ar a man limits himself by the belief that he must be on a fixed salary, that he can not risk branchin$ out for himself. +f reproached for his lack of ambition, his excuse is that all men cannot be principals, that some must fill the subordinate positions. This may be true, but he should not play ;second fiddle; any lon$er than he must. There may be rare cases where a man has reached the limit of his liftin$ power, and there remains for him only the task of doin$ his particular work the best he can. #ut many others are conscious of not doin$ their best, not pressin$ forward to a hi$her place in the world, not usin$ their powers as they should. These men have not yet found themselves. There is still another class who live an artificial life, constantly strivin$ to appear what they are not and never can be. The result is they do not find their real selves, and lar$ely for lack of a little common sense. There is a false pride and a real pride. The ri$ht kind of pride is one of the $reatest spurs to ambition. %e see this illustrated in persons who are short in stature, or who are handicapped by some physical defect. +n order to measure up to others, they will put forth 3erculean efforts in other directions. +f 6apoleon had been an inch taller he probably would never have been a $reat commander, for, as a writer says: ;+t was the nickname of :@ittle Corporal: that probably first pricked the sides of his ambition, and stun$ him into that terrible activity which made all )urope tremble.; A man should $ive little thou$ht to his weaknesses, but concentrate his time and ener$ies upon the best that is in him. The way to con=uer difficulties is to wear them out by hard work. @et a man sub<ect himself to severe self( analysis. @et him determine to be severely honest in this examination. +f he really has limitations he should reco$ni8e them and keep within them. +f he has unused powers, let him develop them. +f he has defects that are holdin$ him back, let him eradicate them. +f he feels he is capable of $reater thin$s, let him attempt them. The best school at last is the world, and the best teacher is one:s self. Any one who ever becomes four(fourths of a man must learn to think for himself. Teachers may $uide him in an elementary way, but at len$th he is placed upon his own resources, and it is only then that his real development is possible. Af course many men are dependent all their lives. They want others to do all their ;sums,; carry all their responsibilities, plan for them, work for them, and even suffer for them. These men never find themselves. 3ow readily a man is placed in the estimation of others. 3ere is one who is constantly <okin$,

or talkin$ about thin$s of no importance. 3e is treated with indifference and even with discourtesy. 3e has placed himself low down in the social scale, and no one takes him seriously. Another man, perhaps with no $reater natural abilities, is di$nified in thou$ht and bearin$, has a hi$h sense of his personal worth, and believes himself to be the e=ual of other men. Athers do not dare to belittle him, for his manner instantly disarms any such intention. To this extent he has found himself, has taken his place amon$ the world of men. A stron$ motive is a compellin$ force in a man:s life. +f he sets before him a hi$h aim, and reali8es what it will mean to attain it, he will probably bend every nerve to that one definite end. uch a man will make himself worthy of the respect of others. +n his personal appearance, and thou$ht, and conversation, he will instantly commend himself to others 3e will seek to develop <ud$ment and far(si$htedness. 3e will be industrious. 3e will seek the counsel of other men. 3e will be $uided by his intuition and conscience. %hen he believes a thin$ is ri$ht he will do it9 when he knows a thin$ is wron$ he will avoid it. 3e will make each day count toward his certain pro$ress. 3e will find himself by discoverin$ and developin$ all that is $ood and best in him. To such a man any reasonable achievement is possible. ir Thomas #uxton said, ;The lon$er + live, the more + am certain that the $reat difference between men, between the $reat and the insi$nificant, is ener$y, invincible determination, an honest purpose once fixed, and then death or victory. This =uality will do anythin$ in the world9 and no talents, no circumstances9 will make a two(le$$ed creature a man without it.; This has been the animatin$ spirit of the world:s $reat men. This must be the rulin$ principle of any one who eventually finds himself. ;%e have more force than will,; says @a )ochefoucauld, ;and it is often merely to excuse ourselves that we ima$ine certain thin$s are impossible.; +t is easier to let thin$s take their course than to make a path for ourselves, easier to accept the opinions of others than patiently to formulate <ud$ments of our own. #ut independence and self(reliance are essential elements of $reatness. A man must learn to do his own thinkin$ and plannin$. 5octor Tilley in his inspirin$ book, ;4asters of the ituation,; says: ;)very man carries within himself to a $reat extent his own destiny. Lndaunted will, unflinchin$ ener$y, ever and everywhere make their mark and brin$ success. +n business, who is the man who succeedsD The man who thinks clearly, who plans wisely, and executes promptly and with untirin$ ener$y.; A man who is not $ettin$ on in the world as he should may well =uestion himself thus: %hat is it + lack to insure successD %hy have + not accomplished what + set out to doD %herein may + profit from my experience as well as that of othersD +n what way can + better re$ulate my lifeD Are there not lar$er and better ways to employ the abilities + have nowD 3ow can + set to work this very day to advance myself to hi$her thin$sD To what end does my present course leadD Am + surely on the ri$ht road, and why am + sureD +f + am not on the ri$ht road, what is the best way to $et on itD Am + improvin$ my powers dailyD Am + fittin$ myself for lar$er usefulnessD These and similar =uestions will disclose a man to himself, show him his needs, indicate the proper course to pursue, lead him to find himself. Procrastination will weaken the stron$est resolution. The thin$ that is ri$ht to do to(day should be done to(day. Tomorrow a man may have lost his enthusiasm. To(day is the time to strike and to strike hard. 6o man willin$ly cares to be classified with the ne:er(do( wells, the non( producers, the shiftless and aimless, who are to be seen on every hand9 yet thousands unthinkin$ly do not rise very far above this class for lack of proper ambition and dili$ence.

4ax A:)ell, the .rench humorist, said: ;@uck means risin$ at six o:clock in the mornin$9 livin$ on a dollar a day if you can earn two9 mindin$ your own business, and not meddlin$ with other people:s. @uck means appointments you have never failed to keep9 trains you have never failed to catch.; 3ere is philosophy in a nutshell for the man who would make the most of his power and opportunities. @et him rise early in the day that he may have every advanta$e9 let him exercise reasonable economy in order to become independent9 let him meet every obli$ation promptly that his name may be a source of capital9 above all else, let him keep constantly before his mind a lofty ambition to which he $ives unceasin$ and ener$etic devotion. @et every discoura$ed man remember that %ashin$ton lost more battles than he won, but out of his failures he or$ani8ed success. 6either 5emosthenes nor %ebster, whose names are associated as the world:s two $reatest orators, was a $ood speaker in his youth. +n both cases an impediment spurred them to study oratory. 3undreds of men mi$ht be cited who achieved distinction mainly because of obstacles to be overcome. @ike @ord Chatham, they trampled upon impossibilities. ;The battle is completely lost,; said an intrepid commander, ;but it is only two o:clock, and we shall have time to $ain another.; 6o matter how many times a man has failed in the battle of life, he may still hope for success if he can coura$eously say: ;+t is only two o:clock, and + shall win yetE;

%iscover How This &u e 'n 'rrogant (er) *ets 'nything He Wants !lick "ere To #ind $ut


Confidence is marked by composure, fear by haste. +t is the sum of a man:s habits that determines what he is. .ew people reali8e the difference between the thou$ht habits of a fearful man and those of one who is self(confident. The man with fearthou$ht in his mind $oes to the fields for a mornin$ walk. 3e looks timidly about him for possible run(away horses. As he walks alon$, he examines the $rass lest a snake suddenly run up his trousers. 3e hears the mooin$ of a cow and has visions of the animal char$in$ him, or possibly a distant voice startles him into thinkin$ he is trespassin$ on private $rounds. 4eanwhile, with his mind overchar$ed with these and other fearthou$hts, he misses all the beauty and invi$oratin$ effect of his environment. A self(confident man, on the contrary, sees first, perhaps, the opal tints in the autumn leaves9 sees a profusion of wild flowers(($olden(rod, ox(eyed daisies, and sweet(scented clover9 hears twitterin$ birds and locusts, watches $reat billows of $ray clouds ridin$ the blue, or sees the breakers rollin$ ma<estically on the shore. 3e sniffs the bree8e into his nostrils, and lookin$ heavenward exclaims: ;3ow wonderfully beautiful is Thy handiworkE; A man should cultivate his individuality and independence. @et him reco$ni8e as early in life as possible that there is a definite place for him in the world which no one else can fill. This should $ive him a sense of personal pride and a determination to =ualify for his hi$h estate. There are, of course, established customs which a man must observe, but he should not hesitate to i$nore public opinion if he deem it for the hi$hest $ood. The world:s $reatest reformers have been intrepid men, who dared to do ri$ht in face of criticism, persecution and even death. ome men devote all their lives to little thin$s and wonder why they never achieve anythin$ worth while. +t is as thou$h a man should content himself with conductin$ a peanut(stand when all the while he mi$ht be a $reat lawyer. elf(imposed limitation, a wron$ idea of values, or a narrow and perverted view of life, holds many a man in bonda$e who mi$ht be scalin$ the hei$hts. +t is said that there are still business men who use the backs of old envelopes for scribblin$ paper while writin$(pads may be bou$ht for twenty(five cents a do8en. A mind that is constantly absorbed in little thin$s, that ad<usts its eye to see out of the small end of: the telescope, has no place for the lar$e and $lorious possibilities of life. A hi$h =uality of self(confidence breeds $enerosity in a man. 3e can not stoop to do a mean thin$. 3e pays his way wherever he $oes((or he doesn:t $o. 3e refuses to be a sycophant. A man should remind himself ninety(and(nine times every day to make the most of himself. 3is mind as well as his body should be constantly disciplined. The effort to put a new set of habits into force should be as continuous as possible, since many broken resolutions eventually weaken character. elf(respect is the very basis of self(confidence. +f a man makes little of himself, others will make still less of him. +f he fails to observe the conventionalities he may easily suffer in the estimation of others. Abse=uiousness is wholly distasteful and instantly writes a man down as inferior. +t is possible to be $entle without bein$ effeminate. 2entleness is controlled stren$th.

A stron$ personality does not move in <erks but in curves, and its consciousness of power frees it from the necessity of $oin$ on exhibition. 7iolence is weakness. +t is an admission of inferiority, and repels where it aims to control. An$er is an enemy to self(confidence. +t dissipates a man:s forces and lessens his influence with others. +t leads him at len$th to discoura$ement. A pernicious mental habit is that of discoura$ement. +nstead of mendin$ matters, it a$$ravates them and works destruction. 5ifficulties should be met coura$eously, for when a man says ;+ canE; and ;+ willE; it is marvelous how clouds of discontent may be dissipated. A clenched fist struck upon a table may instantly shake off the shackles of mental servitude. +t has been said, indeed, that death itself will wait for a brave spirit. ome men are forever travelin$ in the wron$ direction. ;+f + travel strai$ht on from here, how far is it to 6ew /orkD; asked a stran$er of a passer(by. ;%ell,; said he, ;if you keep strai$ht on the way you are $oin$ it is about twenty(five thousand miles, but if you turn around and walk the other way it is about a mile and a half.; +t is not sufficient that one keep $oin$9 he must move in the ri$ht direction. 5oin$ the wron$ thin$ many times never makes it ri$ht. )xperience should teach us not to commit the same error twice. Aur estimate of a person may completely be reversed by some untoward circumstance. A sli$ht money transaction has been known to destroy a lifelon$ friendship. A triflin$ criticism, made in an offensive tone of voice, may turn $ood(will into deadly hate. +t is a canon of $ood form in conversation that only pleasant thin$s be said of any one. Ar$ument, pedantry, in=uisitiveness, and interruption are alike forbidden by tact and considerateness. )very man is more or less conscious at the close of day of duties unfulfilled, of work ne$lected, or of opportunities lost. 3e reali8es sometimes how much more and better he mi$ht have done. 3e may well ask himself the cause of these repeated failures. +s it lack of willD +s it want of ener$y, definiteness, or initiativeD +f he would take conscious possession of the powers within him, all these faculties mi$ht =uickly be developed. +t is not surprisin$ that men fall so far short of their ideal when they make so little effort to attain it. Avoid the hat(in(hand attitude, the habit of seekin$ favors, and especially that of wishin$ somethin$ for nothin$. +ndependence is a =uality of $reatness. A letter of introduction easily may be an acknowled$ment of weakness. A man who succeeds with such a letter would succeed <ust as well without it. The important thin$ after all is the man himself. enator #everid$e tells youn$ men to $ive heed to little matters commonly ne$lected. 3e says: :: Lse clean linen. %ear $ood and well(fittin$ clothes. Take care of your shoes. @ook after all the details of your personal $roomin$.; %ho will doubt that enator #everid$e himself owes his distinction in considerable de$ree to this careful attention to little thin$sE Coura$e is admired9 fear never is. Coura$e is di$nified9 fear is repulsive. A particularly $ood story is told of a do$ named ;?erry.; 6o one knew where he came from, nor what kind of a do$ he was, but from the be$innin$ he was kicked and abused as an absolutely worthless animal. 3is very attitude invited the treatment he invariably received. Ane could see that he expected to be kicked, and kicked he was. %hen his farmer(master went to town this do$ would slink under the wa$on and run alon$ half(scared. The do$s alon$ the route spied him out, however, chased him and fou$ht him until he closely resembled the losin$ side of the fiercest kind of a do$ fi$ht. Alto$ether he was a very miserable and unhappy do$, and one day, chased by his fellow canines, fell into a trap that had been skillfully arran$ed by some

boys, and down he went into the pit. A little later a youn$ bear of an investi$atin$ turn of mind dropt into the pit too, and ?erry at once scented trouble. A series of fi$hts ensued in which the do$ seemed to be $ettin$ the worst of it, and the bear was puttin$ the final touches on him, when suddenly, ?erry appeared to wake up and to take on a new lease of life. 3e <umped at the bear:s throat and $ave him reason for retirin$ to a corner to reflect a little. .rom this time on ?erry displayed a lar$e set of teeth not unlike those seen on the top of dentists: si$n. 3e also $ave an occasional snarl which caused the bear to remain =uietly in his corner. 6ext mornin$ the boy shot the bear and lifted the do$ out of the pit alive. ?erry had completely chan$ed in character, poise and self(respect. 3e ran toward home with a new self(confident air. 3is old do$ friends did not at first reco$ni8e him9 when they did the first chased him as usual, but received a surprise that made it necessary for him to be sent to the do$ hospital. .rom this time on ?erry $radually came to be re$arded as the bi$$est do$ in town, and he $ained the respect and $ood(will of every do$ for miles around. 4any a man is like ?erry. ;%ith fear written across his face, he is denied even before he asks. 3e is taken advanta$e of at every turn, for people =uickly see what manner of man he is. 3e applies for a position, but another applicant, with half his ability but twice his self(confidence, wins the preference. At church he is placed in the back pew9 at the theater he secures a ticket for a seat behind a pillar9 at the hotel he $ets the smallest room on the top floor9 in the restaurant he $ets the tou$hest steak9 in every store the clerks cut him off short or sell him thin$s he does not wish to buy. )very man should cast out this mental fear and take his proper place in the world. 3e should hold himself erect, and look at the world stron$ly and bravely. 3is outward bearin$ should constantly express the inward reali8ation of true manhood. %hen such a man becomes the : self(confident, self(respectin$, stron$, manly man he ou$ht to be, the world will appraise him as such.

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The way in which a man is dressed has much to do with his feelin$ of satisfaction and self( confidence. The advice of an expert to a man who feels thin$s are $oin$ a$ainst him, is to ;stop and shave, take a bath, and put on a smart, well(fittin$ suit of clothes.; A prominent business man acknowled$es that when properly dressed he can approach other men with twice his usual de$ree of self(confidence. )very one has noticed how a person badly dressed becomes self(conscious upon enterin$ into the presence of well(dressed people. 3e feels suddenly at a disadvanta$e9 a sense of inferiority creeps over him, and his $reatest desire is to beat a hasty retreat. +t has been said that a well(modulated voice testifies to a strain of $ood blood in the speaker:s ancestry, but it does more than this. +t serves as an index to his self(confidence. The de$ree of earnestness and conviction in the speaker:s mind is disclosed in his voice and manner. The instant he speaks he declares himself, and our first estimate will not easily be chan$ed. 5iffidence is a serious handicap to any man. ;+ hate,; exclaims )merson, ;where + looked for a manly furtherance, or at least a manly resistance, to find much of concession.; 4en who lack self(confidence do not hold themselves in hi$h esteem, and others accept them at their own valuation. %hen a brutal soldier raised his sword to ?ohn 4ilton and said ;+ have power to kill you,; that $reat souled man replied, ;And + have power to be killed and to despise my murderer.; +t is this dauntless spirit, even in the face of imminent dan$er, that proves a man:s worth. @et a man speak out like a man, not like a weaklin$. ervility is not politeness, nor are weakness and effeminacy marks of $ood(breedin$. Trainin$ in self(confidence belon$s properly to childhood. Parents are doubtless responsible for much of the fearthou$ht that prevails in after life. As Chamberlain says: ;)very u$ly thin$ told to the child, every shock, every fri$ht, $iven him, will remain like splinters in the flesh, to torture him all his life lon$. The bravest old soldier, the most darin$ youn$ reprobate, is incapable of for$ettin$ them all the masks, the bo$ies, o$res, hob$oblins, witches and wi8ards, the thin$s that bite and scratch, that nip and tear, that pinch and crunch, the thousand(and(one ima$inary monsters of the mother, the nurse, or the servant, have had their effect9 and hundreds of $enerations have worked to denaturali8e the brains of children. Perhaps no animal, not even those most susceptible to fri$ht, has behind it the fear heredity of the child.; #ut if one has reached youn$ manhood and is distressed by timidity and fearthou$ht, let him take coura$e, from the fact that thousands like him have finally mastered themselves. %e have before hinted that such a man must take himself in hand for the most severe mental overhaulin$. This must be well and thorou$hly done, and stron$ resolutions put into immediate effect. #ut havin$ made this careful and honest dia$nosis of his own case, and decided upon a definite course of action, he should then stop his introspection, stop thinkin$

about his fears and shortcomin$s, and en$a$e his mind wholly with stron$ up buildin$ thou$hts. #ut this is not all. These thou$hts must be translated into acts. The fable of the 3unter and the %oodman reminds us that a hero is brave in deeds as well as in words: ;A hunter, not very bold, was searchin$ for the tracks of a lion. 3e asked a man who was fellin$ oaks in the forest, if he had seen any marks of his footsteps, or if he knew where his lair was. :+ will,: he said, :at once show you the lion myself.: The hunter, turnin$ very pale, and with his teeth chatterin$ from fear, replied, :6o, thank you. + did not ask that9 it is his track only + am in search of, not the lion himself.: BThe fault of many men is that they are careless about trifles. +t is the little thou$hts and acts of a man:s every(day life that chiefly enter into the makin$ of his personality. Anly once in a $reat while can one hope to perform some si$nal act of bravery, but the coura$e of little thin$s can be manifested every hour of the day. %hen a friend called the second time on 4ichelan$elo he found him still workin$ at the same statue. :: /ou have been idle,; he exclaimed, ;since + saw you last.; ;6o, indeed,; answered the sculptor((;+ have retouched this part, and polished that9 + have softened this feature, and brou$ht out this muscle. + have $iven more expression to this lip and more ener$y to this limb.; ;#ut,; said his friend, ;these are trifles.; ;+t may be so,; replied 4ichelan$elo, ;but please recollect that trifles make perfection and that perfection is no trifle.; +t is throu$h care in apparently unimportant thin$s that a man builds confidence and character. ;#y systematic discipline all men may be made heroes,; and one may say with hakespeare, ;+ dare do all that may become a man9 who dares do more is none.; A man unconsciously expresses himself in his manner. 3e attracts or repels by voice, look, $esture, walk, or appearance. 3e is liked or disliked on the instant. 3e pleases or arouses pre<udices, warms or chills one, persuades or discoura$es, and often can not $ive the reason why. #ut let him be sure of himself, and his certainty and confidence will inspire these same =ualities in others. ;+f a man,; says )merson, ;will but plant himself on his instincts, the $reat world will come round to him.; A man who is $iven much to levity loses in public estimation. The professional <oker is too capricious to be accepted seriously, and the self(assurance with which he perpetrates his tiresome and superannuated <okes is not the kind of self(confidence we recommend. The basis of the truly self(reliant man, like that of the $reat orator, is serious, stron$(willed, and earnest. 4odesty is not incompatible with power and self(confidence. :: A man never speaks of himself without loss,; wrote 4ontai$ne. +t is not too much to say, indeed, that a man who talks much about himself is fundamentally weak. A stron$, self(reliant person should attract attention to what he says more than to what he is. %hately:s description of the difference between two orators applies also to men in private intercourse. ;%hen the moon shines bri$htly,; he says, ;we are apt to exclaim, :3ow beautiful is the moonli$htE: but in the daytime we say, :3ow beautiful are the trees, the fields, the mountainsE:((and, in short, all ob<ects that are illuminated9 we never speak of the sun that makes them so. ?ust in the same way, the really $reatest orator shines like the sun, makin$ you think much of the thin$s he is speakin$ of9 the second(best shines like the moon, makin$ you think much of him and his elo=uence.:: This sinkin$ of self in one:s words and work should be the earnest and constant aim of every student of self(confidence. +t is one of the marks of $reatness.

;#e $entle, and keep your voice low,; says the motto. elf(confidence does not imply that a man should be bold and boisterous, scatterin$ everythin$ around him like ;a bull in a china( shop,; and intimidatin$ every one who ventures to cross his track. elf(confidence means considerateness and $entleness, a due re$ard for the ri$hts and feelin$s of others, and a desire to please as well as to affirm. #al8ac says: ;2entleness in the $ait is what simplicity is in the dress. 7iolent $esture or =uick movement inspires involuntary disrespect. Ane looks for a moment at a cascade, but one sits for hours, lost in thou$ht, and $a8in$ upon the still water of a lake. A deliberate $ait, $entle manners, and a $racious tone of voiceIall of which may be ac=uired(($ive a mediocre man an immense advanta$e over those vastly superior to him. To be boldly tran=uil, to speak little, and to di$est without effort are absolutely necessary to $randeur of mind or of presence, or to proper development of $enius.; @et the student of self(confidence cultivate a hi$h $rade of di$nity. Aver familiarity may easily result in self(consciousness and embarrassment. %e resent the style and manner of certain men who $reet you by your first name, slap you on the back, poke you in the ribs, call you a $ood fellow, in=uire into your private affairs, and invite themselves to spend their vacation at your summer home. They call at inopportune times, en$a$e you in lon$ and tedious conversation, make unseasonable comments, while all the while you are mentally plannin$ how most expeditiously to $et rid of them. @earn to $reet people pleasantly. how them at once that you are interested in what they say. #e a willin$ and sympathetic listener. 2ive to them the best that is in you. 5o not intrude your own affairs, and especially your troubles, upon them. Cemember that the more you think and talk about yourself, the less interestin$ you will be to others. /our constant attitude of mind should be that of a stron$, self(confident man, expressin$ your power not in self(praise, but in deeds.

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%hen a man loses faith in himself he =uickly forfeits the confidence and respect of others. 5iscoura$ement if allowed full sway may undermine the stoutest character. +t often be$ins with some triflin$ matter, a passin$ disappointment perhaps, which ima$ination and feelin$ proceed to ma$nify into a mountain. A man broods over it day and ni$ht, instead of promptly castin$ it aside, until to him it has become an insurmountable obstacle. Anly recently a man of this type had so completely lost his $rip that he could no lon$er $o in person to seek employment, but sent his wife instead. he called upon a leadin$ business house to speak for her husband, but no en$a$ement followed. %hyD #ecause they wanted some one who would be called upon to speak for them, and they felt that he must first be able to speak for himself. A man who lacks the self(confidence to $o out into the business world to seek employment, is not likely to be successful in securin$ customers. %hen a man finds himself in this condition the remedy is =uite simple. +t is a matter of takin$ hold afresh, of findin$ a new startin$(point. 3e should reason with himself somethin$ like this: B+ have a mind, + have hands, + have feet, + have physical stren$th, and + am certainly e=ual to many men who are now employed and are succeedin$. +f + apply myself in the ri$ht way, positively and persistently, + am sure to win. + am absolutely sure of it.; 4erely to think such thou$hts as these $ives him the desired startin$ point, and so he be$ins to plan. %e recall a case of this kind, where a man had lost his spirit, and felt that opportunity had passed him by for the last time. Ane ni$ht the overmasterin$ thou$ht came to him that he was as $ood and as capable as thousands of other men, and then and there he determined to put forth the mi$htiest effort within him. 6ext mornin$ he dressed himself in the best suit of clothes he had, assumed a happy expression of face, and went to the business section of the city to find a position. +f he had been like some timid men, he would have $iven up at the first si$n of refusal. +f he had said to himself that he would $o down town and look around, but that he did not think he would $et anythin$, there would probably have been no success for him. #ut he had made up his mind that there was a place for him somewhere, and he was determined to find it. At the first place where he in=uired, he was told that the principal was very busy and that he could not see him. ;#ut + must see him,; was his prompt answer9 ;the matter is important enou$h for me to wait, and + will wait until he can see me.; To(day this man whom we have described occupies a hi$h and responsible position at the head of a lar$e and prosperous or$ani8ation. /oun$ men should be amenable to advice. They should seek the counsel and experience of older men, and learn to avoid their mistakes and emulate their $ood example. A man should temper his boldness with $ood sense. elf(confidence should not close a man:s mind to the valuable lessons that can be learned on all sides. 3e should associate with self(reliant men, listen to their talk, observe their ways and habits, both of speech and conduct, and catch their spirit of manhood and independence. Too much introspection is fatal. +t is well to examine one:s resources from time to time, but to

dwell much upon one:s own faults and shortcomin$s, or on ;what mi$ht have been,; is disastrous to real pro$ress. %hy should a man forever dwell upon little, ne$ative, worthless and insi$nificant thin$s in his nature, when he possesses so much else that is $ood and nobleD @et a man not $ive even the time necessary to denial of the weak and false that may be in him, but $ive all his time and ener$y to developin$ his divine $ifts. ome men do not be$in to live and do thin$s until they are fifty or more. A successful business man tells us that he seems to have been preparin$ all his life for the $reat work he is now doin$ at the a$e of fifty(five. 6o man should feel discoura$ed because of a$e. +t is a mistake to say, ;+ am too old to do this,; ;6owadays they want youn$er men,; ;Anythin$ is $ood enou$h for me now,; ;+t isn:t worth the stru$$le,; or ;+:ve lost my hold.; As lon$ as a man has health, there should be a place for him in the world, and the older he is the more valuable should be his experience. %e have met elderly people who mi$ht have been doin$ useful work of some kind, but who repeated over and over a$ain such ne$ative phrases as, ;4y day is passed,; ;+f + could only live my life over,:: ;+ wasn:t brou$ht up ri$ht,; ;+:m tired of livin$,; ;+ was too honest,; ;+ should have saved,; ;+ must take a back seat,; ;+ married too soon,; ;The end is not far off,; ;+:ll welcome death,; ;3ope +:ll $o soon,; ;#e sure not to bury me alive.; A man should not dissipate his ener$ies by attemptin$ too many thin$s. +t is well to have a clearly(defined ob<ect in view and to concentrate all one:s forces upon that. +n his inspirin$ work, ;2ettin$ on in the %orld,; %illiam 4atthews says: ;Ane well(cultivated talent, deepened and enlar$ed, is worth a hundred shallow faculties. The first law of success in this day, when so many thin$s are clamorin$ for attention, is concentration((to bend all the ener$ies to one point, and to $o directly to that point, lookin$ neither to the ri$ht nor to the left.; 4en constantly bemoan their lack of opportunity, when all about them are more opportunities than they possibly can use. ome say they can not $et alon$ because they are without capital. #ut how did many of the rich men of to(day make a start fifty years a$oD +n many instances they were poor boys. %hat they have done can be done over and over a$ain. +t is not opportunity that men lack, but dili$ence. The human race contains a natural streak of la8iness. To do thin$s worth while, a man must lift himself up above animal desire for ease and comfort, set his will to work and his heart on fire with 8eal for achievement. A. T. tewart started life with a dollar and fifty cents. This merchant prince be$an by callin$ at the doors of houses in order to sell needles, thread, and buttons. 3e soon found the people did not want them, and his small stock was thrown back on his hands. Then he said wisely, ;+:ll not buy any more of these $oods, but +:ll $o and ask people what they do want.; There after he studied the needs and desires of people, found out <ust what they most wanted, endeavored to meet those wants, and became the $reatest business man of his time. Procrastination may easily rob a man of his inheritance. @ack of decision may lead to as disastrous results as lack of brains. A man says to himself, :: + will do it to(morrow, + do not feel like it to(day,; but, lose this day loiterin$((:twill be the same story tomorrow, and the next more dilatory9 the indecision brin$s its own delays, and days are lost lamentin$ over days. Are you in earnestD ei8e this very minute, what you can do, or dream you can, be$in it. #oldness has $enius, power and ma$ic in it, only en$a$e and then the mind $rows heated((be$in, and then the work will be completed. The difference between a self(confident and a timid man, between success and failure, often lies in the two words, ;+ willE; tron$ determination to do or die has distin$uished all the $reat men of history. The pertinacity of 2rant was expressed in

the phrase, ;+ intend to fi$ht it out on this line if it takes all summer.; 4any men $ive up <ust as victory is within si$ht. A little more patience and stayin$ power and all would have been won. +f a man:s mind is weak and vacillatin$, he can stren$then it by sayin$, ;+ willE; +f he has lost faith in himself, he may be$in a$ain by sayin$, ;+ willE; @et him read the lives of resolute men, and min$le with people who do thin$s. oon there will sprin$ up in his mind and life this wonderful power to will and do. +t is a useful habit to take little disappointments as a matter of course, and to crowd them out as fast as they enter the mind by fixin$ the attention upon bi$ values and fundamentals. +f thin$s do not $o <ust ri$ht, take a little trip into the country. %hen you return you will probably find they have untan$led themselves, or are not =uite as bad as you thou$ht. At the first approach of discoura$ement, a man should rouse himself out of his lethar$y, and $o forth into the open air with some inspirin$ lines upon his lips like these by ; usan Coolid$e;: )very day is a fresh be$innin$9 every morn is the world made new9 you who are weary of sorrow and sinnin$, 3ere is a beautiful hope for you((A hope for me, and a hope for you. )very day is a fresh be$innin$: @isten, my soul, to the $lad refrain, and, spite of old sorrow and older sinnin$, and pu88les forecasted and possible pain, Take heart with the day, and be$in a$ainE All thin$s are possible to a coura$eous man. The $reat leaders of the world have been of intrepid character, doin$ their duty as they saw it. There is an insistent cry to(day for capable men((real men who can do real thin$s. Ane is told that every business and profession is overcrowded, that the chances for advancement are thin$s of the past. This is not so. 6ever in all the history of the world has there been so many $olden opportunities for worthy men. The $reatest pri8es yet await the men who make the proper effort to win them.

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A plan is here offered to the student whereby he may systematically develop a hi$h type of manly self(confidence. 3e may be$in on any day of the month, with the lesson assi$ned for that day, and continue to repeat the entire series throu$h as many months as may be necessary for his re=uirements. To $et conscious possession of his powers, he is recommended first to cultivate poise. Then lie will sub<ect himself to a ri$id examination, in order to determine what =ualities should be developed in his character and what repressed. +t is important for a $ood be$innin$ that he be optimistic, lookin$ for the best both in himself and in others. The difference between seein$ the bri$ht and the dark side of life is almost the difference between success and failure. The student should remember that wisdom is not a mere accumulation of cold and dry facts, but that ;+n the lips of him that hath understandin$ wisdom is found.; There can be no real self( culture without real earnestness. 3alf(hearted efforts produce nothin$ worth while. As the student:s powers unfold, he will more and more reali8e what unlimited possessions he has for development. 3is enthusiasm, however, must not run away with his <ud$ment, since patience and deliberateness will be a necessary part of his work. The lamp of faith should be kept constantly burnin$ in order that no shadows of discoura$ement hinder his pro$ress. 3is unselfishness will manifest itself in systematic thinkin$ of other people:s interests. 3e will $ladly share with them the results of his new(found knowled$e. 3e will aim to do thin$s promptly, and to put new resolutions into immediate practice9 to build and $uard his health9 and to have fre=uent periods of silence for needful meditation and self(analysis. 3is self( confidence, meanwhile, will increase, and he will no lon$er depreciate himself, but think of the wonderful resources within him. Throu$h sincerity he will cultivate his power of concentration, which will enable him to do thorou$hly everythin$ he undertakes. A man without affection would become a mere machine. The student of self(culture develops his heart as well as his brain. 3e cultivates a $enuine love for people, nature, books, music, paintin$, and sculpture, and for the $ood and beautiful everywhere. o his power $rows and multiplies, and he becomes conscious of havin$ increased his reserve force. +n turn he cultivates temperance, sympathy, and $eniality, until these =ualities become conspicuous in his daily life and character. 3e seeks the truth and speaks it as he knows it. 3is purity of mind and heart renders his life pure. 3e now works for definite ends. +nte$rity of thou$ht, word, and deed, $ives him profound enthusiasm for his work. 3e does <ustice to all alike. 3e uses tact and avoids $ivin$ offense. +n his ima$ination he holds a picture of what he would be in his life. o by means of systematic self(culture, patiently and persistently buildin$ one stone at a time, there at len$th emer$es a stron$ ma$netic, self(confident personality. 3is foundation stones will be: 1. Poise ". Aptimism '. %isdom

!. )arnestness *. Ceali8ation -. Patience &. 5eliberateness ,. .aith 1. Lnselfishness 10. Promptitude 11. 3ealth 1". 1'. 1!. ilence elf(confidence incerity

1*. Concentration 1-. @ove 1&. Power 1,. Temperance 11. ympathy

"0. 2eniality "1. Truth "". peech

"'. 5uty "!. Purity "*. 5efiniteness "-. +nte$rity "&. )nthusiasm

",. ?ustice "1. Tact '0. +ma$ination '1. Personality $#R T E $IRST DAY Poise((To(day + will avoid all nervous and unnecessary movements of the body, and all thou$hts that cause waste of nerve force9 + will cultivate calmness, repose, peacefulness, and deliberateness. )xercise(( it still, thorou$hly relax the body, empty the mind of distractin$ thou$hts, and concentrate on the followin$: 1. Poise which $ives power. ". Poise which $ives purpose. '. Poise which $ives self(control. !. Poise which discloses possibilities. *. Poise which accumulates mental force. 4emori8e the followin$: The star of the uncon=uered will, he rises in my breast, serene, and resolute, and still, and calm, and self(possessed. ((@on$fellow. $#R T E SEC#ND DAY Aptimism((Persist in seein$ the bri$ht side of life, rememberin$ that:: 3e that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.; #e optimistic9 believe in the triumph of $ood over evil. ;Today is mine.:: )xercise((5well intently upon these thou$hts: 1. A smile disarms an$er and discontent. ". %hat + look for, that + find. '. #elieve in the world:s betterment. !. The best time to be happy is now.

*. There is no evil, but thinkin$ makes it so. 4emori8e the followin$: 2ive us, oh, $ive us, the man who sin$s at his workE 3e will do more in the same timeIhe will do it better((he will persevere lon$er. Ane is scarcely sensible of fati$ue while he marches to music. The very stars are said to make harmony as they revolve in their spheres.((Carlyle. $#R T E T IRD DAY %isdom((5evelop common sense9 observe closely, think clearly, <ud$e prudently9 be discreet9 think before you speak9 be serious9 to(day aim particularly to form <udicious and accurate <ud$ments9 $row daily in mental power and discernment. )xercise((Think deeply on these thou$hts: 1. %isdom is better than riches. ". To know is to con=uer. '. : + am as $reat as my thou$hts.: !. 4y mental power is unlimited *. + know more to(day than yesterday. 4emori8e the followin$: %isdom is the principal thin$9 therefore, $et wisdom9 and with all thy $ettin$ $et understandin$.((Proverbs. $#R T E $#URT DAY )arnestness((#e ea$er for achievement9 $et the best by doin$ the best9 be deeply sincere9 concentrate9 become interested9 be determined9 resolve to succeed9 be ambitious and ener$etic9 feel stron$ and active. 4otto for to(day: :: This one thin$ + doE; )xercise(( ay these resolutely: 1. 5o but one thin$ at a time. ". A spirit of enterprise animates me. '. 4y happiness $rows out of earnestness. !. + know no limitations. *. + concentrate as never before.

4emori8e the followin$: + am in earnest. + will not e=uivocate9 + will not excuse9 + will not retreat a sin$le inch9 and + will be heard.((%illiam @loyd 2arrison. .AC T3) .+.T3 5A/ Ceali8ation((Ask yourself: %hat abilities have +D %hat can + do bestD %hat should + develop mostD 3ow can + use my resources to the best advanta$eD B3ow can + employ my unused powerD %hat do + lackD uch =uestions disclose needs and help to apply abilities in newer and lar$er ways. )xercise((5well on these: 1. + can use only what + know. ". + am what + am. '. Thou$ht can achieve wonders. !. 4y efficiency $rows throu$h exercise. *. + reali8e my power for $reat achievement. 4emori8e the followin$: tatin$ the thin$ broadly, the human individual usually lives far within his limits9 he possesses powers of various sorts which he habitually fails to use. 3e ener$i8es below his maximum, and he behaves below his optimum.(( %illiam ?ames. $#R T E SI.T DAY Patience((This wins self(respect, and the $ood(will of others. +t is a si$n of superiority. 4aintainin$ an unruffled temper under all circumstances will $ive vastly increased power and advanta$e. Cesolve to be kind, courteous, thou$htful, and forbearin$. )xercise((Cepeat the followin$ several times with $reat earnestness: 1. Patience $ives me power. ". Patience overcomes difficulty. '. Patience is a virtue. !. Patience weakens pre<udice. *. Patience wins friends.

4emori8e the followin$: till achievin$, still pursuin$, @earn to labor and to wait. ((@on$fellow. $#R T E SE*ENT DAY 5eliberateness((Carefully wei$h facts and ar$uments9 think deeply9 try to reach correct and mature <ud$ments9 reflect much9 look before you leap9 avoid hasty conclusions9 take all the time necessary9 think and speak deliberately. )xercise((4editate upon the followin$: 1. Think before you speak. ". Premeditation saves one from mistakes. '. To wei$h well is to do well. !. .oresi$ht is better than afterthou$ht. *. 3aste makes waste. 4emori8e the followin$: Power can do by $entleness that which violence fails to accomplish9 and calmness best enforces the imperial mandate.((Claudianus. $#R T E EIG T DAY .aith((.aith $ives confidence and encoura$ement. .aith brid$es difficulties and accomplishes the seemin$ impossible. All power comes from it. Throu$h faith we look into the future with assurance. ;+ can9 + will.; )xercise((Concentrate upon these and similar thou$hts: 1. .aith can remove mountains. ". .aith has inspired all $reat minds. '. .aith is evidence of thin$s not seen. !. .aith disarms all fear. *. .aith points the way. 4emori8e the followin$: + held it truth, with him who sin$s to one clear harp in diverse tones, that men may rise on

steppin$(stones of their dead selves to hi$her thin$s. ((Tennyson $#R T E NINT DAY Lnselfishness((#e $enerous and kind. 2ive to others. #y daily acts of kindness, and words of cheer, make others happy. Think $ood thou$hts for all mankind. @et the supreme <oy be to serve others. )xercise((Think deeply on these: 1. All + have is what + $ave away. ". +t is more blest to $ive than to receive. '. To $ive much is to have much. !. + am thou$htful to the old and poor. *. To(day + shall do at least one act of kindness. 4emori8e the followin$: 2ive unto me, made lowly wise, the spirit of self(sacrifice9 the confidence of reason $iven9 and in the li$ht of truth Thy bondman let me liveE ((%ordsworth. $#R T E TENT DAY Promptitude((#e up and doin$. To(day let everythin$ ;be on time. 5elays are dan$erous. Punctuality $ives poise and peace of mind. Time flies. Feep every en$a$ement and obli$ation promptly. 4en know us by our promptitude. )xercise((Cepeat these positively: 1. 3e who hesitates is lost ". + do everythin$ on time. '. Promptitude $ives many advanta$es. !. Procrastination is the thief of time. *. .inish to(day:s business to(day. 4emori8e the followin$: Fnow the true value of time9 snatch, sei8e, and en<oy every moment of it. 6o idleness, no la8iness, no procrastination9 never put off :till tomorrow what you can do to(day. ((Chesterfield. $#R T E ELE*ENT DAY

3ealth((A stron$ mind in a stron$ body is the ideal. top everythin$ that impairs health, and do those thin$s that will build it up. 2ood health is a vital element of coura$e. ?oy in work will daily stren$then physical forces. Aim to develop endurance. )xercise((3old in the mind the positive thou$ht of perfect health. 1. #reathe deeply. ". 4asticate food thorou$hly. '. leep ei$ht hours.

!. 2ive ten minutes to exercise. *. 3ave one ;play time; daily. 4emori8e the followin$: nor love, nor honor, wealth nor pow:r, can $ive the heart a cheerful hour when health is lost. #e timely wise9 with health all taste of pleasure flies. ((2ay. $#R T E T!EL$T DAY ilence((@isten much to(day. ilence $ives thou$ht time to mature and deepen. +t su$$ests power in reserve. Throu$h fre=uent periods of silence think thin$s out to a conclusion and form sound <ud$ments. )xercise(( ilently dwell on these: 1. Talk most and you learn least. ". till waters run deep.

'. Ceal $rowth is silent as it is $radual. !. The mi$htiest forces in nature are silent. *. To hear the spiritual you must listen. 4emori8e the followin$: ilence is the element in which $reat thin$s fashion themselves to$ether9 that at len$th they may emer$e, full(formed and ma<estic, into the dayli$ht of life, which they are henceforth to rule.((Carlyle. $#R T E T IRTEENT DAY elf(confidence((Assurance, boldness, coura$e, positiveness, resolution, initiative, leadership, bravery, independence((these thou$hts hold uppermost in the mind this day.

Claim your own now. 2row in $reatness and self(confidence. #e self(reliant. #e e=ual to every emer$ency. ;+ can do all thin$s.:: )xercise(( ay these boldly: 1. elf(confidence is essential to success.

". + rely wholly upon myself. '. The $reatest possession is self(possession. !. 4y self(confidence $rows daily. *. + have a hi$h and true estimate of myself. 4emori8e the followin$: +t is easy in the world to live after the world:s opinion9 it is easy in solitude to live after our own9 but the $reat man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the serenity of solitude.(()merson. $#R T E $#URTEENT DAY incerity((This is truth in the concrete. Cultivate the strictest fidelity to truth, both in thou$ht and speech. incerity will be manifest in frankness of manner, directness of purpose, and upri$htness of life and conduct. )xercise((Affirm these with $reat sincerity: 1. ail under true colors.

". 4ean what you say. '. 5o everythin$ thorou$hly. !. %hat the heart thinks let the ton$ue speak. *. 5o not e=uivocate, prevaricate, or exa$$erate. 4emori8e the followin$: /ou know + say <ust what + think, and nothin$ more nor less, and, when + pray, my heart is in my prayer. + can not say one thin$ and mean another: +f + can:t pray, + will not make believe. ((@on$fellow. $#R T E $I$TEENT DAY Concentration((.ix the mind upon one thin$ at a time. #e interested in what you do. Persistently work for a definite ob<ect. Take new responsibilities. Apply yourself dili$ently. @et desire for achievement make you concentrate with power on the work in hand.

)xercise((3old these in your mind: 1. 5o only one thin$ at a time. ". )xamine thin$s closely. '. Avoid everythin$ that distracts. !. Plan all work as well as you can. *. Concentrate with all your power. 4emori8e the followin$: + $o at what + am about as if there were nothin$ else in the world for the time bein$. That:s the secret of all hard(workin$ men9 but most of them can:t carry it into their amusements. ((Charles Fin$sley. $#R T E SI.TEENT DAY @ove((This is ;the $reatest thin$ in the world.; +t means sympathy and willin$ sacrifice for others. ;All the world loves a lover,; and to be lovable is to attract and win. @et the heart $o out to all mankind. )xercise((Cepeat these earnestly: 1. @ove envieth not. ". @ove linketh noble minds. '. @ove sacrifices all thin$s. !. + love my nei$hbor as myself. *. 2od is love. 4emori8e the followin$: All thou$hts, all passions, all deli$hts, whatever stirs this mortal frame, all are but ministers of @ove, and feed his sacred flame. ((Colerid$e. $#R T E SE*ENTEENT DAY Power((#ecome e=ual to $reat achievements. 5o everythin$ with indomitable will and ener$etic purpose. Put your best into all you do. Accomplish $reater thin$s than ever before. #ecome daily more influential. #ecome positive, ma$netic, stron$. #e resolute and perseverin$. #ecome e=ual to every undertakin$. :: + can and will do what + will to do.::

)xercise(()mphasi8e the followin$: 1. All power is mine. ". + depend upon my own efforts. '. True power comes from 2od. !. Persistent effort spells success. *. 4y power increases daily. 4emori8e the followin$: 2ive me a lever lon$ enou$h and a prop stron$ enou$h, + can sin$le( handed move the world. ((Archimedes. $#R T E EIG TEENT DAY Temperance((Practice sobriety, self(denial, and moderation. #e temperate in all thin$s. #e stron$ and resolute. 4ake the most of yourself. As ;the wish is father to the thou$ht,; think particularly of those thin$s you desire to brin$ to pass. Feep yourself in stron$ and healthy condition. )xercise((Affirm these earnestly: 1. @et your tastes be simple. ". Avoid excess of every kind. '. 5aily practice self(restraint. !. #e temperate in all thin$s. *. Abstain from that which will harm you. 4emori8e the followin$: %ell observe the rule of not too much, by temperance tau$ht in what thou eat:st and drink:st. ((4ilton. $#R T E NINETEENT DAY ympathy((.eel kindly toward others. #e thou$htful and tolerant. 4ake the path smooth for others by acts of kindness and words of cheer. Practice self(for$etfulness. 3elp others to be happy, confident, hopeful, and successful. )xercise((Think particularly of these thin$s:

1. + am part of all + have met. ". 2row stron$ throu$h sympathy. '. #e always $racious toward others. !. 3ave sympathy for all human kind. *. Constantly develop lar$e(heartedness. 4emori8e the followin$: /et, tau$ht by time, my heart has learned to $low, for others: $ood, and melt at others: wo. ((Pope:s 3omer. $#R T E T!ENTIET DAY 2eniality((Cheerfulness wins friends. The mind is li$hted by mental sunshine, and reflects itself in the face. Ane can not be depressed while the corners of the mouth turn up. 4ake yourself attractive, ma$netic, and interestin$ to others. Constantly influence and attract friends. )xercise(( ay these words smilin$ly: 1. + am always cheerful. ". 4y life makes for happiness and success. '. + smile in the face of trouble. !. + am bri$hter and happier every day. *. + am smilin$ now. 4emori8e the followin$: .or it stirs the blood in an old man:s heart9 and makes his pulses fly, to catch the thrill of a happy voice, and the li$ht of a pleasant eye. ((%illis. $#R T E T!ENTY%$IRST DAY Truth((@et the motto be ;The truth, the whole truth, and nothin$ but the truth.:: Think the truth, speak the truth, live the truth. Power and self(confidence come from consciousness of bein$ ri$ht. @et the life be based upon truth. )xercise((Cepeat these words many times: 1. The truth at any cost.

". Truth is born of honesty and sincerity. '. + dare to be true. !. + love truth for truth:s sake. *. The truth is always ri$ht. 4emori8e the followin$: Truth crushed to earth shall rise a$ain: The eternal years of 2od are hers9 but error, wounded, writhes in pain, and dies amid her worshipers. ((#ryant. $#R T E T!ENTY%SEC#ND DAY peech((To(day use the deep tones of the voice. peak deliberately, and articulate words clearly. @et the aim be to use simple, direct )n$lish. Avoid slan$ and loose expressions. +nvesti$ate every word whose meanin$ or pronunciation is doubtful. )xercise((Practice these aloud. 1. Cepeat e, a, aw, ah, o, oo. ". '. trike sharply he, ha, haw, ho, hoo. in$ ;bell,; sustainin$ the ;1.;

!. Cepeat rapidly be(ba(baw(bah(bo(boo. *. #urst the voice on ba, baw, bo, boo. 4emori8e the followin$: peak not at all, in any wise, till you have somewhat to speak9 care not for the reward of your speakin$, but simply and with undivided mind for the truth of your speakin$.((Carlyle. $#R T E T!ENTY%T IRD DAY 5uty((5o the work that lies nearest. 5o it as well as you can. 5o it $ladly. The reward of doin$ one duty is the power to do another. #e constantly inspired by a love of work well and faithfully done. )xercise(( ay these words positively: 1. + daily do my full duty. ". 4y course is ever onward.

'. 5uty is the path to success. !. 5uty knows no fear. *. + dare to do my duty. 4emori8e the followin$: o ni$h is $randeur to our dust, so near is 2od to man. %hen 5uty whispers low, thou must, the youth replies, + can. (()merson. $#R T E T!ENTY%$#URT DAY Purity((Cultivate purity of mind and body. 2uard a$ainst evil thou$hts. @et moral inte$rity be a priceless possession. Personal example stimulates others. Practice self(restraint. 5aily $ive stron$ spiritual and moral su$$estions. )xercise(()mphasi8e these thou$hts: 1. To the pure all thin$s are pure. ". Purity be$ets pride and worthiness. '. Clean hands, clean heart, clean conscience. !. The windows of purity are always clear. *. Purity is beauty of life. 4emori8e the followin$: To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the ni$ht the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. (( hakespeare. $#R T E T!ENTY%$I$T DAY 5efiniteness((Aim at definite results. Fnow precisely what you want and work directly for it. 3ave fixed plans, and make every moment count toward their fulfillment. 5ecide everythin$ carefully, and then push ahead with determination. )xercise(( ay these words definitely: 1. This one thin$ + do. ". + know what + am workin$ for.

'. + am ener$etic and resolute. !. + accomplish definite thin$s daily. *. + will. + can. + will. 4emori8e the followin$: Thy purpose firm is e=ual to the deed: %ho does the best his circumstances allow does well, acts nobly9 an$els could no more ((/oun$ $#R T E T!ENTY%SI.T DAY +nte$rity((@et it be said of you: ;3is word is as $ood as his bond.; Feep every promise, en$a$ement, and obli$ation. 5eal fairly and <ustly with every one. #uild for eternity. .ear no man, because armed with honesty. )xercise((Cepeatedly affirm these thou$hts: 1. 3onesty is the best principle. ". 3onor peereth in the meanest habit. '. + am honest with all men. !. To lose my honor is to lose myself. *. 4y honesty dispels fear. 4emori8e the followin$: +nte$rity of life is fame:s best friend, which nobly, beyond death, shall crown the end. ((?ohn %ebster. $#R T E T!ENTY%SE*ENT DAY )nthusiasm((Put inspiration to work. #e capable of $reat thin$s. )nter with the whole heart upon every undertakin$. Fnow no limitations. cale $reat hei$hts. )arnestness con=uers in the face of every difficulty. #e doin$ $reat thin$s now. )xercise((Cepeat these enthusiastically: 1. + have hi$h ideals. ". 4y enthusiasm is infectious. '. + am in earnest. !. 4y blood tin$les for achievement. *. + will achieve.

4emori8e the followin$: The passions are the only orators that always persuade: they are, as it were, a natural art, the rules of which are infallible9 and the simplest man with passion is more persuasive than the most elo=uent without it. ((@a Cochefoucauld. $#R T E T!ENTY%EIG T DAY ?ustice((Cultivate a spirit of ;fair play.; Take a lar$e view of thin$s. Try to see the ;other man:s; standpoint. @ove <ustice and hate ini=uity. #elieve that <ustice and wisdom will con=uer in the end. ?ustice teaches pity, liberality, and re$ard for the interests of others. )xercise(()mphasi8e these: 1. ?ustice is an attribute of 2od. ". +t is one of the $reatest virtues. '. ?ustice triumphs. !. 4ercy seasons <ustice. *. ?ustice is a form of $reatness. 4emori8e the followin$: Thrice is he arm:d that hath his =uarrel <ust, and he but naked, tho lock:d up in steel, whose conscience with in<ustice is corrupted. (( hakespeare. $#R T E T!ENTY%NINT DAY Tact((Aim to say the ri$ht thin$, at the ri$ht time, in the ri$ht way. Try not to $ive offense. Cultivate daily a ready power of nice perception and discrimination. 5o what is re=uired by the circumstances. @et manner and speech be conciliatory. )xercise((Cead these carefully: 1. #e considerate toward others. ". %ei$h conse=uences carefully. '. Cultivate a refined taste. !. tudy the fitness of thin$s.

*. Think of what :: other men:: may think. 4emori8e the followin$:

Talent is power, tact is skill9 talent is wei$ht, tact is momentum9 talent knows what to do, tact knows how to do it9 talent makes a man respectable, tact will make him respected9 talent is wealth, tact is ready money. ((Anonymous. $#R T E T IRTIET DAY +ma$ination((.ill the mind with helpful, inspirin$ pictures. All $reat thin$s are first wrou$ht out in the ima$ination. Constantly see before you the kind of man you wish to be. Picture a $reat definite life purpose, and work for it deliberately, and ener$etically. )xercise((Picture these vividly: 1. %hat kind of man do + wish to beD ". %hat $reat purpose have + in lifeD '. %hat lar$e thin$ can + do for othersD !. %hat must + accomplish to(dayD *. %hat is my hi$hest ambitionD 4emori8e the followin$: And as ima$ination bodies forth the forms of thin$s unknown, the poet:s pen turns them to shape and $ives to airy nothin$ness a local habitation and a name. (( hakespeare. $#R T E T IRTY%$IRST DAY Personality((#uild daily a stron$, ma$netic personality. Command success. 2row in power. #e stron$ in thou$ht and purpose. #ecome a leader. 5evelop the best in you. #e self( confident. #elieve your power is unlimited. #e successful. )xercise((Affirm these forcefully: 1. + am a stron$ personality. ". + develop myself daily. '. 4y power $rows throu$h use. !. + undertake lar$er responsibilities. *. + express my power throu$h deeds. 4emori8e the followin$: 2reat 4aster, touch me with thy skilful hand, let not the music that is in me die9 2reat culptor, hew and polish me, nor let, hidden and lost, thy form within me lie. ((Adapted.


)very $reat work in the world first has its place in the human ima$ination. +f a man is about to build a bench, he first pictures in his own mind the kind of bench it should be. imilarly the painter, architect, contractor, or manufacturer, traces in his ima$ination an ima$e of that which he would produce. The ima$ination, then, is a $allery in which we han$ pictures, both of what we have done and what we intend to do. %e may not always turn these pictures into realities at once, but they are there to interest and encoura$e us, and to come to our aid when needed. Lpon one occasion %ebster used, in one of his speeches, an illustration that he had carried in his ima$ination for fifteen years. #eecher, who was endowed with an unusually vivid ima$ination, placed this faculty first in importance in the makin$ of a preacher. 3e affirmed that a man with a trained ima$ination could not possibly wear out or become uninterestin$ to his con$re$ation, and asked pertinently: ;5id you ever hear anybody say that sprin$ has been worn outD +t has been comin$ for thousands of years, and it is <ust as sweet, <ust as welcome, and <ust as new, as if the birds san$ for the first time9 and so it will be for a thousand years to come.:: +f it be important that a man have a clear and accurate ima$e of what his material product is to be, how much more important is it that he have a picture of the character and life he is buildin$. +t has well been said that no man ever made his mark in the world who did not have a master passion for some one thin$. %hen a boy is scribblin$ a picture on paper and in answer to your =uestion tells you he doesn:t know what it is $oin$ to be, you feel sure it will not amount to much. %hen you ask a youth what callin$ he intends to follow, and he replies that he has not yet made up his mind, you be$in to fear for his success. #ut what will you say to a man who at thirty, forty, and even fifty, has not determined what his life:s ambition is, to what ultimate $oal he is workin$D 4ay not the fact that less than five per cent of men succeed be attributed to this aimless, hit(or(miss way of livin$ one:s lifeD +n the ima$ination we find a$ain much of the difference between the timid and self(confident man. Ane pictures defeat and failure, the other sees himself as successful and influential. Ane man thinks of all the ways in which he will fail, photo$raphs them upon his mind, places them in the $allery of his ima$ination, there to haunt him day and ni$ht. The other man thinks of the one way in which he will succeed sketches himself as a stron$, noble, coura$eous character, places the picture before his mind:s eye, deli$hts in it by day and dreams of it by ni$ht. .ear is nowhere else more destructive than in the ima$ination. +t is often a $reater enemy than the thin$ feared. %e have all heard of the soldier, a prisoner who was experimented upon many years a$o, blindfolded and then told he was bleedin$ to death, while merely water was tricklin$ from his arm. %hen subse=uently examined he was found to be dead, althou$h not the sli$htest in<ury had been done to his body. The fearthou$ht had so completely possessed him that he believed he was actually bleedin$ to death. .ear sometimes rises from over(caution, but fre=uently is the result of selfishness. %illiam ?ames puts it in a stron$, appealin$ way when he says: :: The attitude of unhappiness is not only painful, it is

mean and u$ly. %hat can be more base and unworthy than the pinin$, pulin$, mumpy mood, no matter by what outward ills it may have been en$enderedD %hat is more in<urious to othersD %e ou$ht to scout it in ourselves and others, and never show it tolerance.; Physicians tell us that nine(tenths of the ills of their patients are ima$inary. +n many instances a breads pill is all that is necessary to affect a complete cure. %e all know of persons who think themselves born under an unlucky star, or pursued by some unhappy fate. Their ima$ination is crowded with pictures of the direful thin$s that will surely happen to them sooner or later. They reproach themselves for physical weakness, lack of memory, want of ambition, fear of failure, inability to attract friends, or other short comin$s. +nstead of resolutely settin$ out to develop themselves, they exhaust their remainin$ powers in useless re$rets. They are for all the world like the ;limp; people described in an )n$lish ma$a8ine, utterly unable to initiate a sin$le thin$ on their own behalf. ;A molluscous man,; it says, ;too suddenly e<ected from his lon$(accustomed $roove, where, like a toad embedded in the rock, he had made his niche exactly fittin$ to his own shape, presents a wretched picture of helplessness and unshiftiness. +n vain his friends su$$est this or that independent endeavor9 he shakes his head, and says he can:tIit won:t do9 what he wants is a place where he is not obli$ed to depend on himself, where he has to do a fixed amount of work for a fixed amount of salary, and where his fiberless plasticity may find a mold ready formed, into which it may run without the necessity of for$in$ shapes for itself. 4any a man of respectable intellectual powers has $one down to ruin, and died miserably, because of his limpness, which made it impossible for him to break new $round, or to work at anythin$ whatsoever, with the stimulus of hope only. 3e must be bolstered up by certainty, supported by the walls of his $roove, else he can do nothin$9 and if he can not $et into his friendly $roove, he lets himself drift into destruction. +n no manner are limp people to be depended on, their very central =uality bein$ fluidity, which is a bad thin$ to rest on.; .ew people reali8e how important a part ima$ination plays in the every(day matters of life. A business man endeavors to $ive a prospective customer a mental picture of his products, or of what they will do for him. The physician holds before his patient an ima$e of what he will be and can do when well. The politician describes the condition of thin$s as he would brin$ them about if elected. The public speaker illuminates and illustrates his sub<ect chiefly by means of the ima$ination. o in every human activity the order is first the mental picture, then the act. Anly second in importance to the ima$e(makin$ faculty is that of initiative, or the power of ori$inality. 4any business and professional men acknowled$e that, had they known what difficulties awaited them, they could not have $one forward so hopefully. #ut neither had they the coura$e to turn back once they had put their hand to the plow. The story of almost every successful man would be a recital of uphill work at first, with many obstacles to be met and overcome, disappointments to be bravely borne, new resolutions of determination made at the be$innin$ of each day. There are a thousand imitators to one who can ori$inate. A man who is constantly watchin$ to see what others are doin$ in order to steal their thunder, is not true to himself nor developin$ his best faculties. 6othin$ could be more belittlin$ to one than the inner reali8ation that he is a mere copyist, a make(believe. %e should avail ourselves, it is true, of the experience and ideas of others, and frankly acknowled$e our indebtedness to them, but we can not ri$htly call this material our own until we have put it throu$h our mental process and stamped it with our

individuality. @et a man take to heart these inspirin$ words of )merson: ;+nsist on yourself9 never imitate. /our own $ift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life:s cultivation9 but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession. That which each can do best, none but the 4aker can teach him. 6o man yet knows what it is, nor can, till that person has exhibited it. %here is the master who could have tau$ht hakespeareD %here is the master who could have instructed .ranklin, or %ashin$ton, or #acon, or 6ewtonD )very $reat man is uni=ue. The cipionism of cipio is precisely that part he could not borrow. Another hakespeare will never be made by the study of hakespeare. 5o that which is assi$ned you, and you can not hope too much or dare too much. There is at this moment for you an utterance brave and $rand as that of the colossal chisel of Phidias, or trowel of the )$yptians, or the pen of 4oses or 5ante, but different from all these. 6ot possibly will the soul, all rich, all elo=uent, with thousand(cloven ton$ue, dei$n to repeat itself9 but if you can hear what these patriarchs say, surely you can reply to them in the same pitch of voice9 for the ear and the ton$ue are two or$ans of one nature. Abide in the simple and noble re$ions of thy life, obey thy heart and thou shalt reproduce the foreworld a$ain.:: %hen hakespeare says, ;To thine own self be true,; he indicates the way to ori$inality. @et a man first place in the $allery of his ima$ination only such pictures as he would care to see materiali8ed in his life. Then let him $o bravely forth, resolved to make these a livin$ reality, and by dint of ori$inality, initiative, and coura$e, wins an endurin$ place amon$ successful men.

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Precisely what does positive thinkin$ meanD +t means habitually to dwell upon the pleasant side of thin$s, to see the $ood in others, and to encoura$e only thou$hts that are helpful and constructive. Positive thou$ht is a$$ressive in character, expressin$ itself in the real and substantial, as opposed to ne$ative thou$ht that seeks rather the disa$reeable and destructive. The difference between men of these two types is as $reat as the opposite poles. @et us illustrate this with a concrete example. A man of ne$ative disposition be$ins the day in an unpleasant frame of mind. 3e is irritable, ill(natured, and the scowl on his face betokens a cloudy day. The first person who happens to run into him receives a look he is not likely soon to for$et. The street(car conductor takes him a block past his office, and is openly reprimanded. Aur crusty friend reaches his place of business, for$ets to say ;$ood(mornin$; to the office(boy, and plun$es discontentedly into the work of the day. )verythin$ $oes wron$. The bookkeeper is stupid, the steno$rapher careless and inaccurate, and the office(boy slow. Arders haven:t come in as they should, money is hard to collect, and the business is $oin$ to the do$s. The man $oes to lunch, eats hurriedly, snaps at the waiter, and leaves his umbrella behind him. #ack at the office a$ain he resumes his $rumblin$, his unhappy mood communicates itself to every one around him, and the day is set down as a black .riday. %hen he reaches home that ni$ht, he is tired, discoura$ed, crotchety, and more irritable than ever. uch is the insidious and destructive power of ne$ative thinkin$. #ut here is another man who awakens with noble aspirations blossomin$ in his mind. 3e is $rateful for the blue sky overhead and for the birds sin$in$ in the trees. 3e reflects their music in his rin$in$ ;$ood(mornin$,; and as he steps out into the clear, invi$oratin$ air he determines to see only the best in all around him. 3is attitude of mind is positive, stron$, and constructive. 3e $oes forward under $ood auspices, for hope and enthusiasm are a force of constant attraction. There is no dawdlin$, doubt, hesitation, fear of any kind. 3e is confident, upri$ht, and optimistic. The stron$ and unwaverin$ faith he has in himself others soon come to have in him. 3e enters upon every undertakin$ with the most positive assurance and self( reliance. The $reat and mi$hty force of his persistent thinkin$ makes his life what it is, and his friends write him down a successful man. The $reatest force in the world to(day for developin$ personality is auto(su$$estion. There is practically no limit to which a man may build both his mental and spiritual powers throu$h the application of su$$estions from himself to himself. The psycholo$ists may be trusted to work out the =uestion of whether there are two minds in man, the conscious and subconscious, but we know that the e$o, the ;+,; the soul, call it what you wish, is constantly at work within us and constantly su$$estin$ to our outward workin$ mind what it should or should not do, all the while makin$ for $ood or evil, success or failure. Can we control this thou$ht of oursD %e can. To illustrate: /ou are readin$ a book and suddenly discover that, while your eyes have been followin$ the printed pa$e, your mind has wandered far and distant. Then you brin$ back your mind, so to speak, put it upon the printed pa$e, and a$ain you read. %hat was it that discovered your mind wanderin$ away and $ently led it backD +f you can direct your mind in this way to the thou$hts of a book, you can as readily apply it to any other sources you choose. The workin$ mind, then, is a machine, and

workin$ alon$ positive lines and for positive ends, it moves in harmony and imparts to the owner a sense of satisfaction and confidence. 6o one likes to think of physical bonda$e, yet thousands of men dwell in mental bonda$e without bein$ conscious of it. 3abit, pre<udice, unbelief, skepticism, or some other ne$ative element so hed$es them in that their lives are warped, circumscribed, and unfruitful. .earthou$ht of some kind holds them in complete thralldom. #ut the miracle may be performed any mornin$. A sin$le positive thou$ht enters the mind and be$ins its wonderful work. This thou$ht leads to another and another, and soon a man be$ins to think he is perhaps not so badly off after all. 3e may at least make the effort. 3e takes new coura$e and then and there his hori8on widens, his interests increase, and by reiteratin$ and emphasi8in$ his positive thou$hts he chan$es his entire life. A man should train himself not to resent the petty little happenin$s that are an inevitable part of his every(day life. 3e should rather welcome them as opportunities for self(development. uppose a fellow man does accidentally come into collision with you on the street, is that any reason why you should deepen the lines of your face with a disa$reeable frownD 5oes that mend mattersD %hom do you in<ure but yourselfD 5oes it make the other man feel any better toward youD These are pertinent =uestions and worthy of careful answers. A matter has been worryin$ you for weeks, possibly a money matter, and you lose hours of sleep over it. top to in=uire whether it is really as important as that. %ould you not rather lose that money than lose your healthD %ill you sacrifice your disposition and comfort for a few dollars that you may lose as soon as you $et themD +s it worth whileD These worries that we build up for ourselves are insi$nificantly small and petty in the li$ht of eternity. A man desirous of becomin$ self(confident in the hi$hest sense should be too bi$ for such little thin$s. %AC5 @+ T 6A. + /ou should develop yourself daily to be: Confident +ntrepid Commandin$ Coura$eous Lnflinchin$ 4asterful Cesolute 3ardy 4i$hty(#rave 5etermined Cobust Chivalrous +ndomitable turdy #old Aspirin$ 7i$orous 5arin$ )a$er

Powerful elf(reliant Ambitious tron$ Celiable )ner$etic 3opeful Audacious +nvincible an$uine 3eroic Cesistless )nthusiastic Plucky )fficient )xultant 4anly Capable Aptimistic 7aliant Potent Cheerful 2allant .orcible 2enial pirited +nfluential 7ivacious Animated Attractive Triumphant 3appy 4a$netic uccessful ?ubilant +nfluential Prosperous Charmin$ 5ominant 7ictorious %AC5 @+ T 6A. ++ /ou should develop yourself daily to be: )arnest Persistent 5i$nified Pealous

Perseverin$ Cefined )a$er trenuous Courteous Prompt +ndustrious ociable 5ili$ent Lntirin$ 2racious )xpeditious Tenacious ?ust erious .irm Ci$ht Ceady Prudent Ceasonable Able Careful Trustworthy Proficient Alert 3onorable a$acious Provident 2ood ensible Considerate Assiduous ?udicious Candid )nterprisin$ Cational incere kilful 5iscernin$ .rank Cesourceful Astute crupulous Punctual Thorou$h Truthful Competent 5eliberate Positive

Kualified teady Certain Thrivin$ Constant +ndependent @ucky %AC5 @+ T 6A. +++ /ou should develop yourself daily to be: 2reat )levated Temperate upreme @ofty 4oderate .oremost Princely Pure Paramount 4a$nanimous 4odest 4atchless @iberal .aithful overei$n Lnselfish Celi$ious Preeminent Punctilious ensitive +ncomparable #enevolent .astidious uperlative ympathetic 2enteel Peerless Charitable Polished Transcendent 4erciful Composed Celebrated 3umane Calm Cenowned

Findly Lpri$ht Cemarkable Abli$in$ Abservant .amous .or$ivin$ @oyal 6otable Cespectful True Conspicuous 5eservin$ Abedient )xalted +mpartial Peaceful 6oble %orthy 3armonious Aristocratic )xemplary 3elpful A..+C4AT+A6 /ou should read these words aloud daily: + resolve to be self(confidentE + am ea$er for achievementE + am $rateful for life and opportunityE + desire to be influentialE + lon$ for powerE + am determined to pro$ressE + covet $reatnessE + have absolute faith in myselfE + daily $row in coura$eE + am ambitious for con=uestE + will positively succeedE + have set my heart upon truthE + aspire to lofty hei$htsE + am developin$ self(relianceE + am pushin$ to the frontE + shall absolutely winE

Chapter 1( T E SPEA'ING *#ICE

There are still many persons who think of the speakin$ voice as an endowment of nature, and that all attempts to cultivate it are worthless and superfluous. The specious excuse is offered that conscious trainin$ leads to artificiality. The conse=uence is that, instead of hearin$ full( toned, melodious speakin$ voices, we are sub<ected on every side to instruments that are nasal, hi$h(pitched, discordant, or otherwise disa$reeable. +t is surprisin$ that intelli$ent men should be satisfied to express their thou$hts and feelin$s by means of an untrained and totally inade=uate vehicle. A $reat violinist must have a tradivarius, a pianist a teinway, and even the ordinary workman demands the best tools for his particular trade. %hy, then, should a man ne$lect to train his voice, the most wonderful instrument of all, and to make it responsive to his varied thou$ht and emotionD +t is said that a well(modulated voice testifies to a strain of $ood blood in the speaker:s ancestry. +t is the most distin$uishin$ mark of a refined and cultivated mind. The instant the tone of a man:s voice is heard he is estimated, set down, and thereafter known by that first involuntary proclamation. The voice is one of the $reatest revealers of a man:s inmost nature. There you may observe his stren$th or weakness of character, the peculiarities of his temperament, the lack or possession of self(confidence, and the hundred(and(one disclosures of mind and heart. The first thin$ for one to learn to do is to use the voice without strain. The throat should have free play, and all effort should be made at the abdominal muscles. The tone should be low rather than hi$h, and soft rather than loud. )specially should a speaker learn to speak in tune. That is to say, he should know how to adapt his voice to the sub<ect and the occasion. .or ordinary conversation a moderate volume is most desirable, but in public speakin$ lar$er treatment is necessary. The student of self(confidence should accustom himself to speak in slow, easy, deliberate tones. This will not only enable him to keep better control of his powers, but will make a more favorable impression upon others. A distinct enunciation has an important bearin$ upon the speakin$ voice, brin$in$ out more completely its =ualities of purity and resonance. The student should listen carefully to his own voice and check undesirable tendencies. The common faults of nasality, throatiness, and speakin$ throu$h half(closed lips, are unconsciously ac=uired, and these and like faults of speech should be constantly $uarded a$ainst. A most excellent way to train the voice is to read aloud for a few minutes daily. +t may be an extract from an )n$lish stylist, or part of a $reat poem. +f a man feels sensitive about practicin$ before others, he may read aloud from his newspaper, in this way $ettin$ actual vocal practice while at the same time interestin$ those who may listen to him. Time spent in cultivatin$ the voice will be amply repaid. Ane who is thorou$hly in earnest will be able to find the time for practice. +t is detrimental to a $ood speakin$ voice to talk when under nervous excitement. +n our lar$e cities it is often a contest between a person:s voice and noise of the street to see which can best be heard. The noise in the street is usually victorious. This

develops in a speaker sharpness and hardness of tone, and unnaturalness in the speakin$ style. )lapid speech and hi$h pitch are wearin$ alike to speaker and hearer. The voice is an instrument of delicate and wonderful ad<ustment, and althou$h it will sometimes stand abuse for a while, it will sooner or later rebel a$ainst ill treatment. )ner$y of thou$ht should manifest it(self not in loudness but in intensity of voice. +f a man put the proper earnestness into his utterances, naturalness and reality will necessarily follow. The voice must be colored from within, so that the vividness and intensity with which the speaker himself sees and feels will be communicated to others. +n connection with this sub<ect, one may be reminded that the mouth is capable of infinite de$rees of expression, 5elsarte placin$ its variations at over ",000. +n every $ood speakin$ voice there should be sympathy, or heart(force. This produces $eniality and frankness in the speaker which instantly commend him to the listener. 3e seems to take the hearer into his confidence, speakin$ to him as man to man, and impressin$ him with the force and conviction of what he says. A well(trained voice imparts satisfaction to the man himself, and $ives him a self(confidence he mi$ht not otherwise possess. %hen a man attempts to speak in public, especially for the first time, what startles him most is the stran$e and inade=uate effect of his own voice. +f it has not been trained, he reali8es his deficiency and at once becomes self(conscious and uncomfortable. +t is a sad commentary upon a $rown man that he can not speak loud enou$h to be heard at the end of a lar$e hall. 3e mumbles, and whispers, and pipes his tones, but all to no purpose. Cries of ;louder; only embarrass him the more, and at last perchance he must sit down covered with confusion. The whisper of %illiam Pitt, the youn$er, could be heard in the most remote parts of the 3ouse of Commons. +t is said that, at the a$e of twenty(one, his wonderful speakin$ voice really ruled the #ritish nation. All the $reat )n$lish orators developed their voices to the hi$hest efficiency. 4any a man, credited with $reat natural ability in this respect, has privately and patiently trained his voice throu$h practice. %ebster:s voice was so full and resonant in =uality that it would rin$ in the hearer:s ear lon$ after the actual sounds had died away. An one occasion he uttered a phrase with such power of voice that several of his nearest auditors were observed to half rise from their seats. .or purposes of public speakin$ a voice must be of wide ran$e and flexibility. The student is recommended to ;try all methods, from the sled$e(hammer to the puff(ball. #e as $entle as a 8ephyr, and as furious as a tornado. #e, indeed, <ust what every common sense person is, in his speech, when he talks naturally, pleads vehemently, whispers confidentially, appeals plaintively, or publishes distinctly. Alter the key fre=uently, and vary the strain constantly. And so, let the bass, the treble, and the tenor take their turn.; +t is difficult to atone for a poor voice in a public speaker. An unfavorable impression once made will not be effaced sometimes even by the most superior mental endowments. 6ext in importance we name the element of sympathy, which lends a peculiar charm to the speakin$ voice. This =uality more than any other reaches the minds and hearts of men. %e like to be able to say of a speaker: ;There is a man who knows and understands me9 he has a messa$e for me, perhaps9 + will listen to him.; A well(trained voice should be capable of expressin$ the entire $amut of human emotions, since men are often reached throu$h the heart and ima$ination when all other means fail. ;6ot a heart,; says Amiel, ;but has its

romance9 not a life which does not hide a secret which is either its thorn or its spur. )verywhere is $rief, hope, comedy, tra$edy9 even under the petrifactions of old a$e, as in the twisted forms of fossils, we may discover the a$itations and tortures of youth. This thou$ht is the ma$ic wand of poets and preachers.; This sympathy can be cultivated by intimate touch with human sufferin$, by sincere and heartfelt interest in the welfare of others. +t is an emanation of the heart, by which the speaker is himself moved before he attempts to influence others. Combined with authority and sympathy, the voice should be trained for ade=uate expression. The demands upon it may be $reat and varied, ran$in$ from $entle conversation to vociferous appeal. @ike a vast cathedral or$an, it must be responsive to every touch of the master((now li$ht as a tinklin$ bell, then deep as the cannon:s roar9 here sweet as the shepherd:s flute, there shrill as the trumpet:s blast9 risin$ and fallin$, recedin$ and swellin$, heavin$ hi$her and still hi$her with its ;thrillin$ thunders, compressin$ air into music, and rollin$ it forth upon the soul.; Then, as %ashin$ton +rvin$ speaks of the or$an, ;%hat lon$(drawn cadencesE %hat solemn sweepin$ concordsE +t $rows more and more dense and powerful, it fills the vast pile, and seems to <ar the very walls, the ear is stunned, the senses are overwhelmed. And now it is windin$ up in full <ubilee9 it is risin$ from earth to heaven9 the very soul seems wrapped away and floatin$ upward on this swellin$ tide of harmony.; uch is the wonderful power of the human voice, and it should be every man:s richest possession.

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There is somethin$ in the bearin$ of a successful man that instantly proclaims itself. +f you will closely observe him you will be particularly impressed by his speech and manner. 3e carries himself erect, looks you strai$ht in the eye, and speaks in a voice that is direct and authoritative. 3e is sure of himself, and without apparent effort commands your attention and approval. 3e is a thinker. 3is opinions have been thorou$hly thou$ht out and formulated into <ud$ments. 3e has the facts. 3ence, he does not =uickly resent opposin$ opinions, knowin$ he can at will combat and overthrow them. 3e has poise. This he has learned from his lon$ experience with the world of men. 3e does not scatter his powers, but concentrates upon one thin$ at a time. 3e is master of himself, and therefore easily masters others. 3e is, in short, what is known as a self(confident man. elf(reliance can be cultivated by persistently affirmin$ the thin$ which one desires to do and be. The words ;+ can and will,; if repeated earnestly and often enou$h, should con=uer the most formidable difficulties. %hen a man says, ;+ think + will see mith about this, and perhaps he will do what + want,; he is not workin$ on successful lines. %hen, however, he says firmly and positively,:: mith is the very man for this9 + will make him do it,; the very determination of his purpose multiplies many times his chances of success. The business man who is desirous of developin$ a hi$h de$ree of self(confidence, should be$in by assumin$ the physical attitude of the man he would be. 3is walk should be brisk and elastic, but not hurried. As a special exercise, lie may say mentally, at each step, ;+((am(( a((stron$((di$nified((ma$netic((self(confident((man.; Ar he may repeat to him(self, :: +((will(( accomplish((this((business((that((+((now(($o((to((secure.:: Aver and over a$ain he should say, ;+((am((vi$orous((stron$((successful(((and self(confident. +(($row((daily((in((ambition(( power(((influence((cheerfulness Q and achievement.; %hen the head of a business is self(confident, he silently communicates this =uality to his employees. They in turn inspire the same feelin$ in their customers, so that the entire atmosphere of such a house becomes one of trust and respect. The structure of the whole business world, indeed, has its foundation in mutual confidence. Politeness is one of the most valuable assets in business. The principal of a corporation recently sent a tele$ram to each of its thousands of employees, askin$, ;5id you say :thank you: to every customer you waited on to(dayD; +t is a mistake to think of courtesy as weakness or servility. The stron$est and most valiant men have been noteworthy for this hi$h =uality. cores of instances in business and professional life mi$ht be cited where pleasin$ manners have won fortune and fame. +n business, as in society, a man:s personal appearance counts for much. 3is clothes, linen, shoes, the care of his teeth, nails, and hair, all contribute to his feelin$ of self(respect and to the impression he makes upon others. A smart(lookin$ suit, polished shoes, and clean( shaven face, have sometimes taken precedence over ability. +n most business houses a shabbily(dressed man will not be employed, however talented he may be. A $ood personal appearance is as indispensable to success as it is to self(confidence. .or this reason it is

vitally important that a man keep himself in prime physical condition. .resh skin, clear eyes, favorable and vi$orous manner are indications of personal character. An attractive force in business is that of cheerful thinkin$. ome men are always complainin$ that business is bad, or not what it used to be. They cast a $loomy shadow over every one they meet, $radually drivin$ people away until at len$th their business slips entirely from them. A cheerful man is an attractive force. People like to meet him and will choose to return to him a$ain and a$ain. +t is the cheerful man in business who knows how to face disappointments, ad<ust difficulties, and turn hostility into friendship. A sunny smile will often disarm the most dis$runtled customer, and a pleasant remark may conciliate an enemy. +t is well known that cheerful(faced clerks report the lar$est cash sales at the close of the day. An optimistic, cheerful, self(confident temperament is too valuable a business asset to be disre$arded, and, more over, no $reat success is possible without it. Properly to conduct a lar$e business in these days of keen competition one must possess many varied abilities. )ner$y, <ud$ment, decision, invincible determination, self(reliance, and similar =ualities are essential. As a writer says: ;The perpetual call on a man:s readiness, self( control, and vi$or which business makes, the constant appeals to the intellect, the stress upon the will, the necessity for rapid and responsible exercise of <ud$ment((all these constitute hi$h culture, thou$h not the hi$hest. +t is a culture which stren$thens and invi$orates, if it does not refine9 which $ives force, if not polish. +t makes stron$ men, and ready men, and men of vast capacity for affairs, thou$h it does not necessarily make refined men or $entlemen.:: #ut we know that a business man can be and often is a hi$h type of $entleman. Findness, frankness, courtesy, and all the polished manners of refined society, may be carried into the countin$ room. ystem and re$ularity in business are conducive to self(confidence. Poise and tran=uility of mind are not possible where thin$s are topsy(turvy. A definite time and place for everythin$ exercises a surprisin$ effect upon a man:s $ood nature. %hen soldiers are on the march, it is necessary for those in front to move forward in re$ular order, else those in the rear will be thrown into confusion. o in business, when a man makes it a rule to dispose of his routine matters promptly and thorou$hly he is able to be$in each day with a clear mind and free from undue anxiety. +t is ama8in$ how some busy men of affairs transact their daily business without haste or friction, and all because of well(or$ani8ed system. Promptitude is a =uality that inspires confidence in a man. To be on time is an aid to self(possession. Ane who is late in risin$, late in reachin$ the office, late for lunch, late for en$a$ements, works at a constant disadvanta$e, and it is small wonder that such a man soon loses faith in himself. 2rant has been compared to 6apoleon in his punctuality and scrupulous attention to details. herman once wrote to him, sayin$: ;/ou went into battle as if the event of possible defeat had never for a moment entered your thou$ht. + can compare it to nothin$ but to the faith of a Christian in his avior. +t was this that $ave us confidence.; Ceal coura$e is infectious. The bri$ht, enthusiastic, independent man infuses these same =ualities in those about him. 3e creates an atmosphere of success so that others are ea$er for association with him. 6othin$ succeeds like success. The crowd follows the leader. Ance a business man is prosperous, he has no difficulty in securin$ patrons. To the lawyer of lar$e practice, the specialist with a ;waitin$ list,; and the minister with a well(filled church, all are anxious to $o. A business man should be a $ood <ud$e of human nature, know how to adapt himself =uickly to unexpected circumstances, know precisely when to ar$ue and when merely to su$$est.

Arro$ance and do$matism should never be confounded with self(reliance. A disposition to yield, when <ud$ment dictates the wisdom of such a course, is an element in the confidence we have been recommendin$ in these pa$es. %ho is most rapidly promoted in a business houseD 6ot the timid, apolo$etic, humble man who is afraid to su$$est, initiate, or speak out for himself. +t is he who pushes ahead while others contentedly remain in the rut, and who, strivin$ to make the most of himself, determines that to(day will be better than yesterday, and who speaks forth his innermost convictions with unwaverin$ coura$e. +t is this efficient, independent, self(reliant man who is in constant and increasin$ demand, and who at last becomes indispensable. @et the man who would succeed in business build his confidence to the hi$hest de$ree. @et him be stron$ and valiant in the most difficult undertakin$s. @et him be ea$er to assume new and lar$er responsibilities. @et him keep his counsel, while doin$ his work faithfully and well. @et him stand proud and erect, with fearthou$ht crushed beneath his feet. @et him reali8e the inexhaustible power within him that awaits development. @et him cultivate all he can of courtesy, cheerfulness, re$ularity, promptitude, and determination. Constantly let him affirm ;+ am, + can, + will, + must, + dare,; and no hei$ht will seem too $reat for him. This invincible resoluteness has been the con=uerin$ spirit of all hi$hly successful men. This should be the rulin$ ambition of every noble soul.

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4en who live much in solitude are often surprised to find themselves awkward and embarrassed when obli$ed to enter society. This is particularly noticeable in literary celebrities who perchance forsake their study and books for some social or public function at which they are expected to speak. #ut the rule applies here as to everythin$ else, that only throu$h practice and familiarity does one ac=uire ease, $race, and self(confidence. At first the painter holds his brush with fear and tremblin$, because of conscious lack of skill. The musician, too, finds his fin$ers cold and inflexible, for want of trainin$ and skill in techni=ue. The student of dancin$ is awkward and self(conscious while he attempts to imitate the steps of the master. )ven the public speaker owes his first embarrassment not to lack of brains and ability, but simply to insufficient practice. The first thin$, therefore, for a man to do to $ain self(confidence in society is to move as much as possible amon$ people. 3e must become one of them, enter into their interests and foibles, be capable of indul$in$ in ;small talk; on occasion, and above all know how to be a $ood listener. #y this we mean he should be able to become absorbed in what another is sayin$, even tho he wish himself elsewhere. Adaptability is the handmaiden of ability in society. +f some one tells a story one has heard before, he will not say ;+ have always en<oyed that so muchE; but will lau$h heartily over it as if for the first time. A careful speaker will not accompany his remarks by such expressions as ;5on:t you knowD; ;@istenE; ;/ou seeD; ;@ook hereE; ; ayE; and other common tricks of speech. +f he can not hold the attention of the hearer it is time for him to chan$e his sub<ect or his delivery. 4oreover, it is irritatin$ to most persons to be reminded of their inattention and lack of interest. 6or should the listener inter<ect such expressions as ;CeallyE; ;/ou don:t say soE; ;+ndeedE; and ;+ declareE; These are ob<ectionable to the speaker, and hinder rather than help him. There are many men who speak well and fluently to one person at a time, but in the company of many are stricken suddenly dumb and helpless. Their self(consciousness is super induced by a false idea that all eyes are upon them, and that they must necessarily appear to disadvanta$e. This super sensitiveness sometimes leads to many kinds of foolish fear, renderin$ the victim awkward and artificial. To this class belon$s the blush(persecuted man who mistakenly thinks he is the sub<ect of constant and critical examination. 3is mind is so completely absorbed in himself that he has no thou$ht for anythin$ else9 conse=uently he blunders, apolo$i8es, and $enerally misconducts himself. #e well $roomed that you may feel self(confident in your dress and appearance. 6o man can feel entirely at his ease when he knows he is not attired as he should be. Clothes do not make the man, it is true, but they play an important part in the impression he makes upon others. 5ress is an expression of a person:s taste and individuality. A well(fittin$ suit of clothes may testify to care and $ood <ud$ment in other matters. A famous inscription on some ancient $ates read on the first $ate, ;#e boldE; on the second

$ate, ;#e bold, be bold, and evermore be boldE; on the third $ate, ;#e not too boldE; @ikewise in enterin$ the $ates of society, one should be self(confident, but not too much so. There is much to learn and observe. There are ri$hts and limitations to be respected. Ane of the most fatal thin$s is familiarity, which is well said ;to breed contempt.; Ane should take warnin$ from the lines of Cowper wherein he speaks on friendship: The man that hails you Tom or ?ack, And proves, by thumpin$ on your back, 3is sense of your $reat merit, +s such a friend that one had need #e very much his friend indeed To pardon, or to bear it. +n=uisitiveness may easily become impertinence. arcasm should be used seldom, if at all. +t is a dan$erous weapon, and sometimes cuts like a two(ed$ed sword. lan$ does not lend $race and refinement to speech. %it and humor should be used sparin$ly, lest it set a man down as superficial. #luntness that seems to say, ;%ho was your fatherD; before you have been fairly introduced, is a mark of ill(breedin$. These and many other little thin$s are worthy of care from one who essays to bear himself self(confidently before others. +n society one must talk upon a $reat variety of sub<ects. A man should, therefore, have a sort of ;current(events; education. 3is newspaper and ma$a8ine will $ive him information upon topics of the day, and these may be supplemented with special books and reviews. ociety is the schoolhouse of $ood manners. %e reco$ni8e the breedin$ of a man first, and his abilities afterward. +ntimate association with one:s fellow men develops courtesy and ma$nanimity. ;3ow sweet and $racious, even in common speech, +s that fine sense which men call CourtesyE %holesome as air and $enial as the li$ht, %elcome in every clime as breath of flowers, it transmutes aliens into trustin$ friends, and $ives its owner passport round the $lobe.; Lnfailin$ courtesy teaches a man to say the ri$ht word and to do the ri$ht thin$. This is the politeness that has been called ;benevolence in little thin$s.; )merson says: :: There are certain manners which are learned in $ood society, of that force, that, if a person have them, he or she must be considered, and is everywhere welcome, thou$h without beauty, or wealth, or $enius.; +t is society that teaches a man the art of pleasin$, which Chesterfield said was the art of risin$, of distin$uishin$ one:s self, of makin$ a fi$ure and a fortune in the world. A sincere speaker may pay a delicate compliment without descendin$ to flattery. A word of well(deserved praise is always acceptable, and makes a man forever welcome in the society of $ood people. Politics and theolo$y are not safe sub<ects for easy conversation. A contradictory man is usually counted a bore and a nuisance. /ou perhaps venture the opinion that it will rain, but he tells you firmly he doesn:t think so. A$ain, there is the arro$ant man, whose word is law, and who resents the sli$htest opposition. %hen he stalks forth, the only thin$ to do is to subside into silence and let him stalk and talk. The man with the too lon$ story will be made uncomfortable in intelli$ent society. An )n$lish writer, in speakin$ of @ondon society, says pointedly: ;Topics are treated li$htly and, above all, briefly. +f you want to preach a sermon, you must $et into a pulpit or a newspaper9 preach it at table you can not. /ou may tell a story, but you must, in 3ayward:s phrase, cut it to the bone. +f you do not cut it short, you will be cut into and before you are half(way throu$h9 another

man will have be$un and finished his, and your audience will have $one over to the enemy.; %hen a man is known for too lon$ storytellin$ he is re$arded as insufferable and is $enerally avoided. The experience of @ord Chesterfield should encoura$e any man desirous of becomin$ self( confident in society. At first he was exceedin$ly awkward and almost fri$htened ;out of his wits.; 3e bowed obse=uiously9 thou$ht himself beneath others, suspected every whisper was about him and his particular defects. #ut he persevered, throu$h many and seemin$ly insurmountable difficulties, and became, as all know, the most polished $entleman of his day. #ut with all one:s superiority the basis must ever lie in simplicity. The test of a truly $reat man is his humility. An )n$lish woman of keen observation says: ;+ have never yet come across a person really far above the avera$e, either mentally or morally, who ever became too bi$ for his boots or his #ible.; elf(assertion should never be substituted for self(confidence. 6o one cares to listen lon$ to a man clothed in infallibility, or who prates much about himself. %hen Charles Fin$sley was asked what were his favorite topics of conversation, he answered, ;%hatever my companion happens to be talkin$ about.; A man should be ready for self( effacement, whenever that may be necessary. +t is the unpretentious man that most easily wins favor. A bashful man should purposely seek the society of women. Their refinin$ influence will tend to brin$ out the best that is in him, to polish off the rou$h places, and to lift him to hi$her ideals. 4any of the world:s $reatest men have testified to their indebtedness to women, not only for practical help, but for those hi$her spiritual =ualities that transform men into heroes. 6o man should live unto himself. ilence and solitude if lon$ protracted have a depressin$ effect upon all the noblest elements in a man. @et a man, then, $o into society with lofty spirit and ma$nanimous bearin$, and these =ualities will be reflected back to him. Too hi$h(minded for petty thin$s, he will see the best in others and they will see the best in him. .inally, let him carry in his heart the inspirin$ son$ of @owell: :: #e nobleE and the nobleness that lies in other men, sleepin$, but never dead, will rise in ma<esty to meet thine own.;

%iscover How To +vercome Your Shyness, Have a .opular 'n Happy Social Life, an Become the Spar) of 2veryone3s 4nterest

!lick "ere To #ind $ut


The one thin$ needful in the development of self(confidence in public speakin$ is practice. +n all first efforts, whether it be to swim, write, skate, or dance, we have crudeness, uncertainty, and limitations. The be$inner in public speakin$ is on unfamiliar $round, and he can not help bein$ self(conscious. This is a necessary part of his development. There can be no proper freedom in what he is sayin$ so lon$ as he has to think of how he is sayin$ it. 3is first efforts should, for this reason, be simple. A few ideas, plainly spoken, are all he need here attempt. After he has $ained some facility and self(reliance, he may, like the swimmer, venture into deeper water. @et us assume that the reader of these pa$es is afflicted with an extreme form of fear and diffidence in attemptin$ even this simple first effort. 3e may belon$ to that class described as ;tremblin$ at the knees,; or ;$lued to the chair,; when invited to address an audience. +n short, what is a man to do if he can not brin$ himself to the point of facin$ an audience at allD +n such case he must be$in by declaimin$ his speeches in the privacy of his room. 3e must become accustomed to ;hearin$ himself talk.; These speeches may be his own, or selected models of others, but they are to be rendered aloud, while standin$ before a lookin$($lass, with suitable voice and $esture. 3e may ima$ine an audience before him, and speak as directly and earnestly as he would were they actually present. 6ext, he may invite a member of his family, or a friend, to listen to him. 2radually but surely he will find himself $ainin$ in assurance, and at the proper time he will be ready for his ;maiden effort; in public. 6o matter how slow the process may be, the ultimate results are certain. Another excellent preparation for self(confidence in speakin$ is that of tellin$ stories. %e need hardly remind the reader that these stories should be as new as possible, have $ood points, and be told in an interestin$ manner. The speaker must concentrate his mind upon the story and really relish tellin$ it, so that he will be sharin$ a pleasure with others. 3ere a$ain he may be$in with the members of his own family, who will be lenient with him if these first efforts are not wholly effective. tory(tellin$ is not a difficult art, but consists chiefly of two thin$s: 2ettin$ a $ood fund of stories, and tellin$ them without self(consciousness. A few short recitations, thorou$hly memori8ed, may also be used as a means of accustomin$ the student to facin$ an audience. +t may here be repeated that a fre=uent cause of timidity is a lack of proper knowled$e of the sub<ect. An audience becomes severely critical when a speaker appears not to have an ade=uate $rasp of the facts. They will overlook his diffidence, settin$ it down to modesty, but they will not overlook palpable weakness and uncertainty in the sub<ect(matter. A man who has the facts may readily be for$iven for lack of ability in presentin$ them, but one who stands to speak before others without proper knowled$e of his sub<ect is <ustly re$arded as a pretender. To become thorou$hly self(confident a man should believe in his own ideas, live them, and advocate them with earnestness and conviction. 3e will be steadied by the consciousness of bein$ in the ri$ht. All of which means that every man should spare no pains to ascertain the facts bearin$ upon his sub<ect before attemptin$ to $ive them to others. 2ettin$ the facts is the very foundation of self(confidence in speakin$. %e all know of men who boldly proclaim

ideas of which they really are not certain, and then because of a sli$ht contradiction suffer instant defeat and humiliation. 6ext to havin$ a solid foundation of facts, the speaker should know how to present them interestin$ly and effectively. 3e can not hope to do this without developin$ his powers of expression. A man, for example, who has no control of the pitch of his voice, but permits his earnestness to carry him into a hi$h key or unduly loud tone, will not convince intelli$ent men as he should. +ndistinctness of enunciation, a common fault with timid speakers, will tell seriously a$ainst him, since men $row inattentive if obli$ed lon$ to strain themselves to hear. Ln( $racefulness and violence of $esture will detract from the impression made by the speaker. +n fact, any shortcomin$ in delivery, however sli$ht, will have its share in producin$ an adverse effect. ometimes this nervousness in a public speaker, even in the case of experienced men, is due to over(anxiety. 3e wishes his speech to make a $ood impression, or his cause to succeed, or a sense of personal responsibility oppresses him. All these seem le$itimate in themselves, but a sensible man should know that undue anxiety will possibly defeat the very purpose he has in view. %hen a man is over(anxious he is not at his best nor can he be. 3e lacks freedom and flexibility, and his real self is for the time in sub<ection. 3is mind is divided between his sub<ect and the impression he is makin$, self( consciousness is inevitable, and his fear silently but surely communicates itself to the audience. A sli$ht nervousness at the be$innin$ of a speech may act in favor of a speaker by enlistin$ the sympathy and $ood(will of his hearers, but he must be able to rise above this feelin$ as he enters into his sub<ect, else he will fail to carry conviction. %hen 2ladstone was asked if he was ever nervous in public speakin$ he said, ;+n openin$ a sub<ect, often9 in reply, never.; The assumption is that once a speaker is well started, he no lon$er thinks of himself, but pours into his delivery all the power, intensity, and coura$e that his sub<ect demands. The nervousness of many men in addressin$ an audience is due to lack of proper elocutionary trainin$. They have no knowled$e of the speakin$ voice and its use, no facility of musical expression, and no idea of what to do with their hands and arms. They do not come to reali8e the importance of this trainin$ until they have actually tested themselves before an audience. Then, perhaps, it dawns upon them that the art of speakin$, like any other art, must be developed throu$h study and practice. A writer says, ;4y sub<ect is not elocution, or emphasis, or dramatic readin$, or $esticulation, but public speakin$.:: 3e for$ets that he can not properly consider one without the other. The public speaker is deeply concerned with all the elements of elocution((of inflection, emphasis, pausin$((and he can not be a $ood speaker if he disre$ard any one of these. +n this study there must, of course, be taste and <ud$ment. A man:s elocution, althou$h important, is not to be prominent. Proper expression will not attract attention to itself. The purpose of the study of elocution is ultimately so to free the speaker:s mind that he can safely abandon himself to spontaneous expression. This knowled$e of techni=ue is an essential part of all art. The painter, musician, sculptor, architect, writer, no less than the orator, must at first be conscious of the principles that underlie his work, since it is this knowled$e that finally $ives him perfect freedom. A lar$e workin$ vocabulary is a valuable aid to self(confidence. The speaker is not hampered

by lack of the ri$ht word, nor is he embarrassed by poverty of lan$ua$e. hould his memory fail re$ardin$ one set of words, he promptly brin$s forward others to take their places. Ane of the best ways to amass a fund of such words is to read aloud daily two or more pa$es from some master stylist, and carefully note his use of lan$ua$e. #eadin$ aloud $ives the additional advanta$e of hearin$ the words, and by fittin$ them to the mouth imparts to the or$ans of articulation both familiarity and flexibility. The voice receives much of its =uality from the lips, ton$ue, palate and throat. +f these are held ri$idly, the voice will be of like character. +n very earnest ar$umentation the speaker should be cautious about contractin$ the muscles of the mouth and throat. This is the time to be particularly careful to $ive the vocal apparatus its $reatest possible freedom, and to keep the key of the voice low. The speaker may be intense, but not loud9 he may enforce, but not threaten9 and, above all, his voice should accompany, not lead, his ar$ument. There are times when a speaker must express himself with unusual feelin$. The power of the mind and the earnestness of the speaker will pro<ect themselves into his eyes, mouth, voice, $esture, perhaps into a sin$le fin$er, and this passion made so manifest will the more likely become aroused in the hearer. #ut in whatever manner his sub<ect may re=uire him to speak, he must not violate elocutionary canons, but do all with becomin$ $race and skill. Cicero:s advice to the student may be followed to advanta$e: ;The =ualities that attract favor to the orator are a soft tone of voice, a countenance expressive of modesty, a mild manner of speakin$9 so that if he attacks any one with severity, he may be seen to do so unwillin$ly and from compulsion. +t is of peculiar advanta$e that indications of $ood nature, of liberality, of $entleness, of piety, of $rateful feelin$s, free from selfishness and avarice, should appear in him9 and everythin$ that characteri8es men of probity and humility, not acrimonious, nor pertinacious, nor liti$ious, nor harsh, very much conciliates benevolence, and alienates the affections from those in whom such =ualities are not apparent. The contrary =ualities to these, therefore, are to be imputed to your opponents. This mode of address is extremely excellent in those causes in which the mind of the <ud$e can not well be inflamed by ardent and vehement incitation9 for ener$etic oratory is not always desirable, but often smooth, submissive, $entle lan$ua$e, which $ains much favor for the defendants, a term by which + desi$nate not only such as are accused, but all persons about whose affairs there is any liti$ation9 for in that sense people formerly used the word.; +t can not be too often repeated that the style of one:s every(day conversation will lar$ely determine what his public speakin$ will be. 3ere a speaker should form his best habits both of thou$ht and expression. 3e should speak in the style he would employ when he speaks in public. 3e can state his ar$uments as clearly and precisely to one as he would to five hundred. +t is true that, for the lar$er occasion, he must have lar$er vocal effects, but this must all be done naturally and symmetrically. A man should cultivate an ear for his own voice. 3e must know what he is about at all times, and suffer no occasion to permit of slovenly speech. A man makes a series of speeches every day of his life, and these should be the very best preparation for public effort. To be thorou$hly self(confident, a man must hold himself superior to his surroundin$s((not in the sense of pride or self(exaltation, but in the better sense of bein$ superior throu$h knowled$e. 3e must dominate by the force of his stron$ personality and his thorou$h $rasp of his sub<ect. 3e must have himself well in hand, and know definitely the ob<ect of his speakin$. 6o one has a ri$ht to speak in public unless he has somethin$ worth while to say. +f he has somethin$ of the kind to say, let him say it

distinctly, deliberately, and earnestly. 5eliberateness of speech will save the be$inner from many pitfalls. The trouble with a rapid speaker is that he does not take time to breathe properly, pronounce his words distinctly, or to frame his sentences in his mind before $ivin$ them expression. All within is a <umble and the outward style follows as a matter of course. The effect of a slow and easy style in speakin$ is illustrated in a story of @ord Palmerston, who was known always to take his time. %hile he was addressin$ an audience, a member of the audience, as is the custom in )n$land, interrupted him, askin$ if he would $ive a plain answer to a plain =uestion. %hen asked what the =uestion was, the man said, ;%ill you vote for such(and(such measure of reformE; @ord Palmerston very slowly answered, ;+ will;((then. paused lon$, while some of the audience cheered, and added, ;not,; while others cheered, and then he said, ;tell youE; whereupon the whole audience broke forth into hearty and vociferous applause. 3aste is not only waste, but means inferiority. A man can not hope to be self(possessed in public speakin$ unless he is deliberate. A reasonably slow style of speakin$ $ives increased wei$ht to one:s words, and $ains credit for depth and profundity, not always, however, wholly deserved. #ut more than this, it $ives the speaker time in which properly to formulate his sentences, to observe their effect upon the audience, and to express exactly what he wishes to say. A rapid speaker is forever sayin$ the wron$ thin$, or somethin$ he did not intend, or runnin$ off into dreary discursiveness. A deliberate speaker is likely to be more careful and accurate, his words more particularly rounded out into clearness and fullness, and his whole style more emphatic and ener$etic. 3e must not drawl, nor $ive the impression of tardiness, since these, too, are faults to be avoided. The deliberateness of which we speak simply means that he be self( possessed, sincere, and deeply solicitous that everyone should understand him. %hat has been said must not be confounded with a monotonous delivery. 6othin$ is more uninterestin$ than to listen to an unvaried tone of voice, however $ood the speaker:s ideas may be. %e are recommendin$ ener$etic and expressive deliberateness, not drawlin$ monotony or hesitation. T3) .AAT(PAT3 TA P)AC) To be $lad of life because it $ives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars9 to be satisfied with your possessions but not contented with yourself until you have made the best of them9 to despise nothin$ in the world except falsehood and meanness, and to fear nothin$ except cowardice9 to be $overned by your admirations rather than by your dis$ust9 to covet nothin$ that is your nei$hbor:s except his kindness of heart and $entleness of manners9 to think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends, and every day of Christ9 and to spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit, in 2od:s out(of(doors, these are little $uide(posts on the foot(path to peace. 3enry 7an 5yke. GCeprinted from The Autlook. Copyri$ht, 1100, by the Autlook Company. Permission of 3enry van 5yke.

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Chapter 1, T#!ARD T E EIG TS

%hen we $o forth to do our work with $ladness of heart, a hi$her power seems to lend us its beneficent aid. %ork that is cheerfully done is usually well done. The mi$hty deeds wrou$ht for humanity invariably have sprun$ from hearts inspired by $ladness of life. To be $rateful for opportunity to act, to work, to love, and to serve, is one of the supreme <oys of earth. ;%e are livin$ now in eternity and the time to be $lad is to(day. 3ow often must we remind ourselves that heaven is within us and that cheerfulness is a habit of the soulD Phillips #rooks somewhere says that no man is content to live a half life when he knows of the hi$her half life that is his. To be truly $lad of life we must come into conscious reco$nition of our rich inheritance. An every side there is so much to inspire $ladness of life: the love of men, the beauties of nature, the sweetness of friendship, the <oy of service. )very day is the dawn of $olden opportunity and every ni$ht a purple benediction of rest and peace. %e should $o forward with blithesome heart son$, happy in the consciousness of livin$ here and now. %e are not to be $lad of life simply because it $ives us riches and houses and books and worldly possessions, but because it $ives us the chance to love the true and beautiful and $ood everywhere. #ecause it enables us to develop all that is best in us and to raise ourselves to empyrean hei$hts. #ecause it reveals the divinity within us and the $lorious destiny <ust beyond. everal years a$o a successful man retired from business, wishin$ to live a life of ease and comfort. 3e entered society, and with little to do became a slave to drink. 2radually he $rew more unhappy, until illness and discoura$ement took possession of him. Ane day he determined a$ain to en$a$e in business, and as a result he is to(day as well and happy as ever. The worst misfortune that can befall a man in this world is enforced idleness. To have nothin$ to do, no set purpose, no ambition, is as dan$erous as it is disinte$ratin$. The record of many rich men:s sons livin$ in luxury and ease is a startlin$ testimony to the insidious power of indolence. The will to labor is a $reater thin$ than $enius. Perseverance and determination have been the distin$uishin$ marks of all $reat men. %ho can for$et Carlyle:s heroic will to work when the accident befell his manuscript of the first volume of the ;.rench Cevolution;D 3e had lent the precious document to a literary friend, ?ohn tuart 4ill, who left it lyin$ carelessly in his room. :%hen he wished to return it 4ill could not find it. +t was then discovered that the maid, seein$ it on the floor, had thrown it into the fire. Carlyle:s an$uish can easily be conceived, for much of his valuable data had been cast aside or destroyed. ;%ith iron coura$e he set dili$ently to work and reproduced the manuscript. 3e it was who said: ;#lest is the man who has found his work.; The work we aim to do is an index of our mind. %hen @eonardo chose the @ast upper for his theme he forthwith proclaimed the =uality of his spirit. 6ot every one is born a $enius, but if your work be $ood and ri$ht, what matter if it be $reat or smallD +t is the spirit in which we labor that determines the value of what we do. %e may learn to sin$ with 4rs. #rownin$:

#eloved, let us love so well our work shall still be better for our love, and still our love be sweeter for our workE The <oy of work is enhanced by occasional periods of relaxation. )very man should have a ;playtime; daily. +t is well to let the mental and physical machinery down at fre=uent intervals in order that one may return to his labor re<uvenated. There is a world of philosophy in the sayin$, ;All work and no play makes ?ack a dull boy.; A man who is merely a machine and money($rubber, who knows not how to play, misses much of the best in life. The railroad ma$nate who cuts his life in two throu$h overwork, has failed to apply his business astuteness to the important matter of ri$ht livin$. +t is possible to take life too seriously and to blunt one:s abilities by too constant use of them. The worker, however earnest and ambitious, should not overlook the law of action and reaction which runs throu$h all nature. The flow and ebb of the tide, the rise and fall of the fountain, the alternatin$ of day and ni$ht, remind us of this principle of work and play that should characteri8e a man:s life. +t is easy to $rovel. 4en sometimes become so intent upon their work that they lose si$ht of the wonders all about them. The artist finds it necessary to stand off from his picture every little while in order that he may observe the proper effect of li$ht and shade, of perspective and proportion. %hen a man turns his thou$hts for a time entirely away from his re$ular work, he returns to it with renewed ener$y and clearness of vision. +t is an inspiration upon a clear ni$ht to stand and survey the stars as they seem to sin$ to$ether. 3ere is music and mystery to satisfy the lon$in$ soul. There is no haste, no confusion, no discord, but a silent symphony of the skies. And the more intently we look the nearer they seem to come, until at len$th we appear to dwell amon$ them. The lives of many men are like the wonderful stars, pourin$ down on us, as Phillips #rooks says, ;the calm li$ht of their bri$ht and faithful bein$, up to which we look, and out of which we $ather the deepest calm and coura$e.; 4en are often possessed by their possessions. A Turkish wrestler, sailin$ from America toward his home, turned all his money into $old, placed it in a belt, and wrapped it around him for safe(keepin$. #y some irony of fate, the ship was wrecked, and the wei$ht of the $old carried him more swiftly to his watery $rave. %hen a man:s possessions are a burden to him, he is not well off. 6ot how much, but how $ood and how useful, should be the criterion from which to <ud$e what a man has. %hat end does it serve always to be covetin$ the thin$s that are not ours, while ne$lectin$ to use what we haveD +s it not better to own a #ible and a hakespeare that we have read than a whole library of books with uncut leavesD A few years a$o a book called ;The imple @ife; had an immense circulation. +t struck a responsive chord in thousands of lives. 4en were feelin$ the strain and the responsibility of over(accumulation, of too many of this world:s $oods, and this appeal on behalf of simplicity profoundly impressed them. The pursuit of money is still intense. Probably the most difficult and unsatisfactory way to obtain it is to aim at it directly. %e know a successful man who seldom thinks of money. 3is theory is that by devotin$ his time and ener$ies to $ood work the financial results will take care of themselves. .or over ten years he has persistently followed this plan and not once has he been without an abundance. 3is <oy in his work is incomparably $reater than that of

the man who is merely money mad. 3appy is the man who has found out early in life that the accumulation of money for its own sake is not a worthy ambition. +f you have books, read them9 if you have friendships, stren$then them9 if you have money, use it intelli$ently9 if you have time, spend it wisely9 if you have talents, cultivate them. 4en often achieve $reatness throu$h turnin$ small thin$s to $reat account. ;6ot failure, but low( aim, is crime,; says @owell. %hen a distin$uished musician was complimented upon his apparently natural $enius, he replied: ;Ah, but you do not know with what difficulty this ease has been ac=uired.; ir ?oshua )eynolds was asked how lon$ it had taken him to paint a certain picture. ;All my life,; he answered. The man who makes the best of his talent is constantly buildin$ reserve power. uch a man was %ebster. +n the $reat debate with 3ayne, when he was suddenly thrown upon his own resources, he incorporated into his speech material that was prepared lon$ before and had been reposin$ in his desk. 4odesty does not mean weakness and self( effacement. +t is one of the supreme =ualities of manhood. +t dislikes sham and pretense. +t is an enemy to all that is unreal. +t =uickly reco$ni8es truth and sincerity, but is =uick to condemn the mean and false. 4ontai$ne said: ;The only thin$ + fear, is fear.; The coura$eous man is at a premium, but the wibbly(wobbly person has always been and ever ill be in disfavor. The world awards its pri8es to men of firmness and self(reliance. .ear has for$ed more chains for men than iron links have ever done. To see the best side of life is more a matter of habit than of heredity. A man has a sense of personal uplift when he shows sincere appreciation toward others. @ike mercy, ;it blesseth him that $ives, and him that receives.; A man:s world is $overned by his likes and dislikes, and what he looks for that he invariably finds. %e should be ea$er to possess the $reat =ualities of mind and heart that lift some men above the common crowd. And if we think as we should of our friends, we shall have no time for bitterness toward our foes. ome one who knows has said that if you would have a friend, be one. Thoreau describes friendship as a plant so delicate that the least unworthiness vitiates it. +t is a commin$lin$ of sympathy and unselfishness. %hen Charles Fin$sley was asked the secret of his beautiful life he answered: ;+ had a friend.; A $reat friendship is a priceless possession, and lucky is the man who can claim more than one. chiller says: +f thou hast somethin$, brin$ thy $oodsE A fair return be thineE +f thou art somethin$, brin$ thy soul and interchan$e with mineE + remember as a boy the burnin$ of the 2rand Apera 3ouse in Toronto, Canada. After witnessin$ a hakespearian performance, the audience had dispersed to their homes, when at midni$ht a cry went throu$h the city ;.ireE .ireE The Apera 3ouse is on fireE; Thousands of people $athered to see the brilliant spectacle. uddenly the flames burst out afresh, drivin$ the firemen back, and at that moment there appeared at a small window close to the roof two men, and a woman with a babe clasped in her arms. %hat should they doD 6o ladder in those days could reach such a hei$ht. #elow was nothin$ but a frail wood(shed on which they would be dashed to pieces were they to <ump. The $reat crowd stood dumb and helpless as they watched the blanched and terror(stricken faces in that little window. The flames had now reached so close to them that soon they must <ump or perish. There was a moment of breathless anxiety, when men, woman and child fell back from view.

Then suddenly a sheet was thrown from the window, and a man followed clin$in$ to it desperately as he fell to the $round. 3e was carried to the hospital with body bruised and broken, but afterward miraculously recovered. %hen asked to $ive an account of his experience, he said he had tried to induce his companions, the <anitor and his wife, to <ump from the window with him, but they could not brin$ themselves to do it. 3e felt, as they did, unable to <ump out into open space. 3e thou$ht he must have somethin$ to clin$ to. Then it occurred to him to throw out the sheet which saved his life. To every man there comes at some time a stron$ reli$ious intuition that he is dependent upon some hi$her power, that he must have somethin$ to which he can clin$. .or two thousand years men have been tellin$ others that there is no one to whom they can clin$ so well as to Christ. 5r. 7an 5yke does not say ;Think once in a while of Christ,; but counselMs men to ;think of him every day.; 6o better substitute has ever yet been found, nothin$ comparable to 3im ever will be. This is the new day of healthful livin$. A man is no lon$er content to shut body and soul within four walls. 3e must have air and sunshine9 he must hear the birds, and inhale the perfume of bud and flower. o every man may throu$h $ladness, love, work and play, move steadily toward the hei$hts, inspired by coura$e, kindness and $entleness of heart, thinkin$ every day of the 4aster, until at last he comes to his own, where all is <oy and peace.

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A $reat deal of talent is lost in the world for the want of a little coura$e. )very day sends to their $raves a number of obscure men who have only remained in obscurity because their timidity has prevented them from makin$ a first effort9 and who, if they could have been induced to be$in, would in all probability have $one $reat len$ths in the career of fame. The fact is, that to do anythin$ in this world worth doin$, we must not stand back shiverin$ and thinkin$ of the cold and dan$er, but <ump in and scramble throu$h as well as we can. +t will not do to be perpetually calculatin$ risks and ad<ustin$ nice chances9 it did very well before the flood, when a man could consult his friends upon an intended publication for a hundred and fifty years, and then live to see his success afterward9 but at present a man waits, and doubts, and consults his brother and his particular friends, till one fine day he finds that he is sixty years of a$e9 that he has lost so much in consultin$ his first cousins and particular friends that he has no more time to follow their advice. --Sydney Smith. All one:s life is a music if one touches the notes ri$htly and in time((but there must be no hurry.--Ruskin. The man who seeks one thin$ in life, and but one, may hope to achieve it before life is done9 but he who seeks all thin$s, wherever he $oes, only reaps from the hopes which around him he sows a harvest of barren re$rets.--George Meredith. Character is more than intellect. A $reat soul will be stron$ to live, as well as to think. 2oodness outshines $enius, as the sun makes the electric li$ht cast a shadow.(()merson. ow an act and you reap a habit9 sow a habit and you reap a character9 sow a character and you reap a destiny.--Anon. .ail, yet re<oice, because no less the failure that makes thy distress may teach another full success. +t may be that in some $reat need thy life:s poor fra$ments are decreed to help build up a lofty deed. Thy heart should throb in vast content, thus knowin$ that it was meant as chord in one $reat instrument9 That even the discord in thy soul may make completer music roll from out the $reat harmonious whole.((A. A. Proctor. Cesolve, resolveE and to be men aspire, exert that noblest privile$e, alone here to mankind indul$ed9 control desire9 let 2od(like reason, from her soverei$n throne, speak the commandin$ word: ;+ will,; and it is done.--Thompson. @et your coura$e be as keen, but, at the same time, as polished, as your sword.--Sheridan.

A friends, be men, and let your hearts be stron$, and let no warrior in the heat of fi$ht do what may brin$ him shame in others: eyes9 for more of those who shrink from shame are safe than fall in battle, while with those who flee is neither $lory nor reprieve from death.--Homer. True bravery is shown by performin$ without witness what one mi$ht be capable of doin$ before all the world.--La Bochefoucau d. All lan$ua$es and literatures are full of $eneral observations on life, both as to what it is, and how to conduct one:s self in it9 observations which everybody knows, which everybody repeats, or hears with ac=uiescence, which are received as truisms, yet of which most people first truly learn the meanin$, when experience, $enerally of a painful kind, has made it a reality to them. 3ow often, when smartin$ under some unforeseen misfortune or disappointment, does a person call to mind some proverb or common sayin$, familiar to him all his life, the meanin$ of which, if he had ever before felt it as he does now, would have saved him from the calamity.((!ohn Stuart Mi . elf(consciousness is one of the $reatest hindrances to the best manner. 5o not ima$ine that every one is lookin$ at you. 5o not try to be some one else, but be simply and naturally yourself9 second, do not be in a hurry. ;%hoever,; says @ord Chesterfield, ;is in a hurry shows that the thin$ that he is about is too bi$ for him.; To be courteous does not take much time, but it takes a little. 3e who would be courteous must not be in such haste that he can not be sympathetic, nor so absorbed that he can not be considerate of others. ((Lyman A""ott. As to moral coura$e, + have very rarely met with the two(o :clock(in(the(mornin$ coura$e. + mean, unprepared coura$e, that which is necessary on an unexpected occasion, and which, in spite of the most unforeseen events, leaves full freedom of <ud$ment and decision.(( #apo eon. .or they can con=uer who believe they can--$ryden. Confidence imparts a wondrous inspiration to its possessor. +t bears him on in security, either to meet no dan$er, or to find matter of $lorious trial.--Mi ton. Lnder what shinin$ colors does 5emosthenes represent Philip9 where the orator apolo$i8es for his own administration, and <ustifies that pertinacious love of liberty, with which he had inspired the Athenians. :: + beheld Philip,:: says he,:: he with whom was your contest, resolutely, while in pursuit of empire and dominion, exposin$ himself to every wound9 his eye $ored, his neck wrested, his arm, his thi$h pierced, whatever part of his body fortune should sei8e on, that cheerfully relin=uishin$9 provided that, with what remained, he mi$ht live in honor and renown. And shall it be said that he, born in Pella, a place heretofore mean and i$noble, should be inspired with so hi$h an ambition and thirst of fame: while you, Athenians,; etc. These praises excite the most lively admiration9 but the views presented by the orator carry us not, we see, beyond the hero himself, nor ever re$ard the future advanta$eous conse=uences of his valor.--Hume. A decent boldness ever meets with friends.--Homer.

Coura$e is the armed sentinel that $uards liberty, innocence and ri$ht.((Anon. 3ardly less than mental ability are bodily health and vi$or necessary to success. +n the learned professions, especially, $reat constitutional stren$th and power of endurance are absolutely indispensable. The demand on the vitality of a successful cler$yman, lawyer, doctor, architect, or en$ineer, is continuous and exhaustin$. Talents alone, however fine, will not insure success. The ax may be sharp, and may be ;driven home; with the utmost force9 but the power of dealin$ reiterated and prolon$ed blows is e=ually needful. +n other words, the mind may be keen, carefully cultured, and full of knowled$e and resources9 but, to achieve $reat results it must be capable of sustained ener$y((of intense and lon$(continued labor.(( %i iam Mathe&s. +f we work upon marble, it will perish9 if we work upon brass, time will efface it9 if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust9 but if we work upon our immortal minds, if we imbue them with principles(( with the <ust fear of 2od and our fellow man((we en$rave on those tablets somethin$ which will bri$hten to all eternity.(($anie %e"ster. #efore puttin$ yourself in peril, it is necessary to foresee and fear it9 but when one is there, nothin$ remains but to despise it.(('ene on. +n ordinary life a man who is unwatchful, waverin$, unmanly, and weak, achieves nothin$, $ains neither respect nor confidence, and, if he does not become an absolute wreck, is still as nothin$ but a piece of driftwood floatin$ aimlessly down the stream of life, and carried whithersoever chance currents may direct its course. uch a life accomplishes nothin$ for its possessor, and no man is helped or bettered by it. +t may not be markedIprobably it will not be((by any $reat crime or wickedness, but its very barrenness and uselessness are crimes, and it simply cumbers the earth until its end is reached. 5an$ers and temptations not watched a$ainst, and therefore carelessly yielded to, must leave blots and defects, to say no more, that lon$ years of sorrow and effort may not wholly remove and cure. Apportunities suffered, throu$h lack of watchfulness, to pass by unheeded and unused, are not likely to occur a$ain.((Ro& and %i iams. Coura$e, the hi$hest $ift, that scorns to bend to mean devices for a sordid end. Coura$e((an independent spark from heaven:s bri$ht throne, by which the soul stands raised, triumphant, hi$h, alone, $reat in itself, not praises of the crowd, above all vice, it stoops not to be proud. Coura$e, the mi$hty attribute of powers above, by which those $reat in war are $reat in love. The sprin$ of all brave acts is seated here, as falsehoods draw their sordid birth from fear.(( 'ar(uhar. 7iolence is transient. 3ate, wrath, ven$eance, are all forms of fear, and do not endure. persistent effort will dissipate them all. #e stron$.(() "ert Hu""ard. ilent,

3e only is advancin$ in life whose heart is $ettin$ softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain =uicker, whose spirit is enterin$ into livin$ peace. And the men who have this life in them are the only true lords and kin$s of the earth((they, and they onlyE((Buskin. True worth is in bein$, not seemin$((+n doin$ each day that $oes by ome little $ood, not in the dreamin$ Af $reat thin$s to do by and by. .or whatever men say in blindness, And spite of the fancies of youth, There:s nothin$ so kin$ly as kindness, And nothin$ so royal as truth.((

A ice *ary. 6ay, never falter9 no $reat deed is done by falterers who ask for certainty. 6o $ood is certain, but the stedfast mind, the undivided will to see the $ood: :Tis that compels the elements, and wrin$s a human music from the indifferent air. The $reatest $ift the hero leaves his race is to have been a hero. ay we failE %e feel the hi$h tradition of the world and leave our spirit in our children:s breasts.((George ) iot. 6o man ou$ht to be convinced by anythin$ short of assiduous and lon$(continued labors, issuin$ in absolute failure, that he is not meant to do much for the honor of 2od and the $ood of mankind.IThomas 'o&e Bu+ton. The men whom + have seen succeed best in life have always been cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their business with a smile on their faces, and took the chan$es and chances of this mortal life likemen, facin$ rou$h and smooth alike as it came.I*har es ,ings ey. %hatever you want, if you wish for it lon$, with constant yearnin$ and ceaseless desire9 +f your wish soars upward on win$s so stron$ that they never $row lan$uid, never tire, why, over the storm clouds and out of the dark it will come flyin$ some day to you, as the dove with the olive(branch flew to the ark, and the wish you:ve been dreamin$, it will come true.((Anon. @ife should be full of earnest work, our hearts undashed by fortune:s frown9 let perseverance con=uer fate, and merit sei8e the victor:s crown9 the battle is not to the stron$, the race not always to the fleet, and he who seeks to pluck the stars will lose the <ewels at his feet.(( Phoe"e *ary. 3eart, take coura$eE %hat the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.((Henry %ard Beecher. 3e who ascends to the mountain tops shall find the loftiest peaks most wrapped in clouds and snow9 he who surpasses or subdues mankind must look down on the hate of those below. Thou$h hi$h above the sun of $lory $low. And far beneath the earth and ocean spread, bound him are icy rocks, and loudly blow contendin$ tempests on his naked head9 and thus reward the toils which to those summits led.((Byron. /ou con=uer fate by thou$ht. +f you think the fatal thou$ht of men and institutions, you need never pull the tri$$er. The conse=uences of thinkin$ inevitably follow.((*ar y e. A $enerous prayer is never presented in vain9 the petition may be refused, but the petitioner is always, + believe, rewarded by some $racious visitation.((Ro"ert Louis Ste-enson. The boy:s bri$ht dream is all before9 the man:s romance lies far behind. 3ad we the present and no more, fate were unkind. #ut, brother, toilin$ in the ni$ht, still count yourself not all unblessed, if in the east there $leams a li$ht, or in the west.((Anon. %hat men most covet, wealth, distinction, power, are baubles nothin$ worth9 they only serve to rouse us up, as children at the school are roused by exertion9 our reward is in the race we run, not in the pri8e. Those few, to whom is $iven what they ne:er earned, havin$ by favor or inheritance the dan$erous $ifts placed in their hands, know not, nor ever can, the $enerous

pride that $lows in him who on himself relies, enterin$ the lists of life. 3e speeds beyond them all, and foremost in the race succeeds. 3is <oy is not that he has $ot his crown, but that the power to win the crown is his.((Samue Rogers. @ord, for to(morrow and its needs, + do not pray9 keep me from stain of sin, <ust for today. @et me both dili$ently work and daily pray9 let me be kind in word and deed <ust for today. @et me be slow to do my will(((prompt to obey9 3elp me to sacrifice myself <ust for today. @et me no wron$ or idle word unthinkin$ say9 set thou a seal upon my lips <ust for today. o for to( morrow and its needs + do not pray9 but keep me, $uide me, hold me, @ord, <ust for today.((( %.LB)R'/R*). The time will come when every human bein$ will have unbounded faith and will live the life triumphant. Then there will be no poverty in the world, no failures, and the discords of life will all vanish.((Marden. The utility of coura$e, both to the public and to the person possessed of it, is an obvious foundation of merit. #ut to any one who duly considers the matter, it will appear that this =uality has a peculiar luster, which it derives wholly from itself, and from that noble elevation inseparable from it. +ts fi$ure, drawn by painters and by poets, displays, in each feature, a sublimity and darin$ confidence, which catches the eye, en$a$es the affections, and diffuses, by sympathy, a like sublimity of sentiment over every spectator.((Hume. %hatever + have tried to do in life, + have tried with all my heart to do well9 whatever + have devoted myself to, + have devoted myself to completely9 in $reat aims and in small, + have always been thorou$hly in earnest.(($ickens. Coura$e enlar$es, cowardice diminishes resources. +n desperate straits the fears of the timid a$$ravate the dan$ers that imperil the brave.((Bo-ee. The thin$ we lon$ for, that we are, for one transcendent moment.((Lo&e . True coura$e is cool and calm. The bravest of men have the least of a brutal bullyin$ insolence, and in the very time of dan$er are found the most serene, pleasant, and free.(( Shaftes"ury. Aur stren$th is measured by our plastic power. .rom the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovels9 one warehouses, another villas9 bricks and mortar are mortar and bricks until the architect makes them somethin$ else. Thus it is that in the same family, in the same circumstances, one man rears a stately edifice, while his brother, vacillatin$ and incompetent, lives forever amid ruins9 the block of $ranite, which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, becomes a steppin$(stone in the pathway of the resolute.((Le&es. %hat a piece of work is manE 3ow noble in reasonE 3ow infinite in facultyE +n form and movin$ how express and admirableE +n action how like an an$elE +n apprehension how like a $odE The beauty of the worldE The para$on of animals.((Shakespeare. Coura$e consists not in ha8ardin$ without fear, but bein$ resolutely minded in a <ust cause.(( P utarch.

3abit at first is but a silken thread, fine as the li$ht(win$ed $ossamers that sway +n the warm sunbeams of a summer:s day9 a shallow streamlet, ripplin$ o :er its bed9 a tiny saplin$, ere its roots are spread9 a yet unhardened thorn upon the spray9 a lion:s whelp that hath not scented prey9 A little smilin$ child obedient led. #ewareE That thread may bind thee as a chain that streamlet $ather to a fatal sea9 that saplin$ spread into a $narled tree9 that thorn, $rown hard, may wound and $ive thee pain9 that playful whelp his murderous fan$s reveal9 that child, a $iant, crush thee :neath his heel.((Anon. %e may not kindle when we will the fire that in the heart abides9 the spirit bloweth, and is still, in mystery the soul abides9 but tasks in hours of insi$ht willed, in hours of $loom can be fulfilled.((Sir )d&in Arno d. )very man has experienced how feelin$s which end in themselves and do not express themselves in action, leave the heart debilitated. %e $et feeble and sickly in character when we feel keenly, and can not do the thin$ we feel.((Ro"ertson. #e firm9 one constant element of luck is $enuine, solid, old Teutonic pluck. tick to your aim: the mon$rel:s hold will slip, but only crowbars loose the bulldo$:s $rip9 mall thou$h he looks, the <aw that never yields dra$s down the bellowin$ monarch of the fieldsE((Ho mes. 3ow much $rows everywhere if we do but waitE 6ot a difficulty but can transfi$ure itself into a triumph9 not even a deformity but, if our own soul have imprinted worth on it, will $row dear to us.((*ar y e. .or every spirit as it is most pure, and hath in it the more of heavenly li$ht, so it the fairer body doth procure to habit in, and it more fairly di$ht with cheerful $race and amiable si$ht9 for of the soul the body form doth take9 for soul is form, and doth the body make. ((Spenser. %e are not sent into this world to do anythin$ into which we cannot put our hearts. %e have certain work to do for our bread, and that is to be done strenuously9 other work to do for our deli$ht, and that is to be done heartily((neither is to be done by halves or shifts, but with a will, and what is not worth this effort is not to be done at all.((Buskin. +n the still air the music lies unheard9 in the rou$h marble beauty hides unseen9 to wake the music and the beauty, needs the master:s touch, the sculptor:s chisel keen. 2reat 4aster, touch us with Thy skilful hand, let not the music that is in us die9 2reat culptor, hew and polish us, nor let, hidden and lost, Thy form within us lie. pare not the stroke, do with us as Thou wilt9 @et there be nau$ht unfinished, broken, marred9 complete Thy purpose that we may become Thy perfect ima$e, A our 2od and @ordE((Bonar. + venture to point out to you what is the best temperament, namely, a combination of the despondin$ and resolute9 or, as + had better express it, of the apprehensive and the resolute. uch is the temperament of $reat commanders. ecretly, they rely upon nothin$ and upon nobody. There is such a powerful element of failure in all human affairs, that a shrewd man is always sayin$ to himself, ;%hat shall + do, if that which + count upon does not come out as + expectD; This foresi$ht dwarfs and crushes all but men of $reat resolution.((Sir Arthur He ps.

)verythin$ yields before the stron$ and earnest will. +t $rows by exercise. +t excites confidence in others, while it takes to itself the lead. 5ifficulties before which mere cleverness fails, and which leave the irresolute prostrate and helpless, vanish before it. They not only do not impede its pro$ress, but it often makes them steppin$(stones to a hi$her and more endurin$ triumph.((Tu och. 6o life is wasted unless it ends in sloth, dishonesty or cowardice.((Hu+ ey. ;%hat shall + do lest life in silence passD; and if it do, and never prompt the bray of noisy brass, what need:st thou rueD Cemember ay the ocean deeps are mute9 the shallows roar9 worth is the ocean((fame is the bruit alon$ the shore. ;%hat shall + do to be forever knownD;(( Thy duty everE ;This did full many who yet sleep unknown;((AhE never, neverE Think:st thou perchance that they remain unknown whom thou know:st notD #y an$el trumps in heaven their praise is blown, divine their lot. ;%hat shall + do to $ain eternal lifeD 5ischar$e ari$ht the simple dues with which each day is rifeD; /ea, with thy mi$ht. )re perfect scheme of action thou devise, will life be fled, while he who ever acts as conscience cries shall live, thou$h dead.((Schi er. The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. (($israe i. %ithout our hopes, without our fears, without the home that pli$hted love endears, without the smile from partial beauty won, ohE what were manD((a world without a sun. ((*amp"e . + have known instances of men of naturally moderate powers of mind who, by a disinterested love of truth, and their fellow creatures, have $radually risen to no small force and enlar$ement of thou$ht. ome of the most useful teachers in the pulpit and in schools have owed their power of enli$htenin$ others, not so much to any natural superiority as to the simplicity, impartiality, and disinterestedness of their minds, to their readiness to live and die for the truth.((%i iam ) e"y *hanning. Coura$e in dan$er is half the battle.((P autus. 2ive us menE 4en((from every rank, fresh and free and frank9 men of thou$ht and readin$, men of li$ht and leadin$, men of loyal breedin$, the nation:s welfare speedin$: men of faith and not of fiction, men of lofty aim in action9 $ive us menE + say a$ain(( a$ain(($ive us menE tron$ and stalwart ones9 men whom hope inspires, men whom purest honor fires, men who trample self beneath them, men who make their country wreath them as her noble sons, worthy of their sires9 men who never shame their mothers, men who never fail their brothers, true, however false are others: $ive us men((+ say a$ain, $ive us menE 2ive us menE 4en who, when the tempest $athers, $rasp the standard of their fathers in the thickest fi$ht: men who strike for home and altar >@et the coward crin$e and falterR, 2od defend the ri$htE True as truth thou$h lorn and lonely, tender, as the brave are only9 men who tread where saints have trod, men for country((home((and 2od: $ive us menE + say a$ain((a$ain(($ive us menE((Bishop of )+eter. .ear makes man a slave to others. This is the tyrant:s chain. Anxiety is a form of cowardice embitterin$ life.I%i iam ) eey *haining.

A noble heart, like the sun, showeth its $reatest confidence in its lowest estate.((Sidney. Coura$e consists not in blindly overlookin$ dan$er, but in seein$ it and con=uerin$ it. ((Richter.

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