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Equatorial Guinea
Well Oiled
Oil and Human Rights in Equatorial Guinea

weII 0iIed

0iI and human kights in quateriaI Cuinea

Ccpyrlght zoo Fuman klghts watch
All rlghts reserved.
Prlnted ln the unlted States cf Amerlca
lS8h: 1-6z-16-
Ccver deslgn by kafael }lmenez

Fuman klghts watch
o Flfth Avenue, th flccr
hew Ycrk, hY 1o118-z uSA
Tel: +1 z1z zo ,oo, Fax: +1 z1z ,6 1oo

Pcststrae -
1o1,8 8erlln, 6ermany
Tel: + o z o6-1o, Fax: + o z o6z

Avenue des 6aulcls, ,
1oo 8russels, 8elglum
Tel: + z (z) ,z zoo, Fax: + z (z) ,z o,1

6-66 kue de Lausanne
1zoz 6eneva, Swltzerland
Tel: +1 zz ,8 o81, Fax: +1 zz ,8 1,1

z-1z Pentcnvllle kcad, znd Flccr
Lcndcn h1 FF, uK
Tel: + zo ,,1 1, Fax: + zo ,,1 18oo

z, kue de Llsbcnne
,oo8 Parls, France
Tel: + (1) , Fax: + (1) zz

16o Ccnnectlcut Avenue, h.w., Sulte oo
washlngtcn, uC zooo uSA
Tel: +1 zoz 61z z1, Fax: +1 zoz 61z

web Slte Address: http:]]www.hrw.crg

!"#$ &''( )*+,-.&*+),*-

weII 0iIed
0iI and human kights in quateriaI Cuinea
Map eI quateriaI Cuinea's Majer 0IIshere 0iI and Cas FieIds .................................................... 1
I. 5ummary .................................................................................................................................. z
Methcdclcgy .........................................................................................................................
II. ackgreund .............................................................................................................................
The Macas ulctatcrshlp, 168-, ......................................................................................... ,
Ublang-uemccracy Pledged but Authcrltarlanlsm Preserved ................................................ 8
Pclltlcal arrangements and reglcnal balance cf pcwer .....................................................
Pclltlcal partles and the pclltlcal cppcsltlcn ................................................................. 1o
Flectlcns ........................................................................................................................11
Fuman klghts keccrd cf kecent 6cvernments ..................................................................... 1
The Unset cf Ull .................................................................................................................. 1,
III. 1he quateguinean cenemy: Cerrupt, Mismanaged, and hen-1ransparent ......................... 1
Ccrruptlcn ueflnlng the Ull 8ccm ........................................................................................ 1
hepctlsm ...................................................................................................................... zo
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea lndlcatlcns cf Ccrruptlcn ........................................................................ z1
The klggs 8ank scandal ................................................................................................ z1
Ccmpanles cwned by gcvernment cfflclals and the rcle cf multlnatlcnal cll ccmpanles z6
The uS Securltles and Fxchange Ccmmlsslcn lnqulry .................................................... z
lndlcatlcns cf ccrruptlcn by Presldent Ublang's eldest scn ...........................................
6cvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's kespcnse tc Ccrruptlcn Allegatlcns .............................. 6
Flnanclal Mlsmanagement and Lack cf Transparency .......................................................... 8
Flnanclal mlsmanagement ln the cll sectcr ................................................................... 8
Fffcrts tc lmprcve transparency ln the cll sectcr ............................................................ z
Iv. Impact eI Cerruptien and 0iI kevenue Mismanagement en cenemic and 5eciaI kights in
quateriaI Cuinea .....................................................................................................................
lnadequate Fundlng cf Fealth, Fducatlcn, and Scclal Servlces ............................................ 6
uhFSCU ........................................................................................................................
The klghts tc Fealth and Fducatlcn under lnternatlcnal Law ...............................................
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's Fffcrts tc Flght Pcverty ......................................................................... o
v. 1he Cevernment's kecerd en CiviI and PeIiticaI kights .......................................................... j
Uvervlew .............................................................................................................................
Llmlted prcgress cn human rlghts, lncludlng crlmlnallzatlcn cf tcrture .......................... 6
Medla and lnfcrmatlcn Freedcm Feavlly Curtalled ............................................................... ,
kestrlctlcns cn Freedcm cf Assembly ..................................................................................
lmprlscnment cf Uppcsltlcn Pclltlclans and Percelved 6cvernment Uppcnents ................. 6o
uetentlcns and abuse arlslng frcm ccup plct allegatlcns .............................................. 61
Uther prlscner cases .................................................................................................... 66
Abductlcn cf cppcsltlcn pclltlclans frcm nelghbcurlng ccuntrles .................................. ,o
Fxtra|udlclal Kllllngs Abrcad ................................................................................................ ,z
vI. 1he "wenga Ceup" Attempt eI zee ..................................................................................... j
Trlals fcr the Ccup Attempt Serlcusly Flawed ....................................................................... ,6
Crackdcwn cn Fcrelgners .................................................................................................... 81
vII. 1he keIe eI the InternatienaI Cemmunity ........................................................................... 8z
The unlted States ................................................................................................................ 8z
Chlna ................................................................................................................................. 86
Uther lnternatlcnal Actcrs ................................................................................................... 8,
vIII. kecemmendatiens ............................................................................................................ 88
Tc the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ............................................................................. 88
Tc FlTl ................................................................................................................................ 88
Tc the uS gcvernment ........................................................................................................ 88
Appendix: Letters Irem 0iI Cempanies te human kights watch ................................................. e
AcknewIedgements ................................................................................................................. 1ez

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Map eI quateriaI Cuinea's Majer 0IIshere 0iI and Cas FieIds

zoo |ohn merson

9<## =4#<> &

I. 5ummary

Slnce 168, the year Fquatcrlal 6ulnea galned lndependence frcm Spanlsh cclcnlal rule, the
ccuntry has been run by a successlcn cf represslve dlctatcrshlps. untll the mld-1os lt was
cne cf the mcre clcsed ccuntrles ln the wcrld, generally what llttle lnternatlcnal ccmment lt
attracted was fcr lts dlsmal human rlghts reccrd. 8ut that all changed when slgnlflcant cll
reserves were dlsccvered cff the ccuntry's ccast ln 1. As cne cf the wcrld's newest cll
hctspcts, Fquatcrlal 6ulnea garners glcbal attentlcn as a valuable scurce cf natural
rescurces. lts gcvernment, hcwever, ls settlng new lcw standards cf pclltlcal and eccncmlc
malfeasance: bllllcns cf dcllars ln cll revenue have nct translated lntc wldespread eccncmlc
beneflts fcr the pcpulatlcn cr dramatlc lmprcvements ln human rlghts, maklng Fquatcrlal
6ulnea a classlc example cf an autccratlc and cpaque cll-rlch state.

After a blccdy ccup cn August , 1,, Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has been fcr scme o years under
the ccntrcl cf Presldent Tecdcrc Ublang hguema Mbascgc, whc, tcgether wlth hls famlly
and clcse asscclates, malntalns almcst absclute ccntrcl cver the ccuntry's eccncmlc and
pclltlcal llfe. The ccuntry has beccme the fcurth-largest cll prcducer ln sub-Saharan Afrlca
(behlnd cnly Angcla, hlgerla, and Sudan) and a magnet fcr fcrelgn lnvestment ln the
hydrccarbcns sectcr. 6rcss dcmestlc prcduct (6uP) per caplta ls cn a par wlth ltaly and
Spaln. 8ut the brcader pcpulatlcn|ust abcve half a mllllcn pecple-en|cys llttle cf the
beneflt and has nct been llfted frcm pcverty, whlle the ellte dlrects the ccuntry's newfcund
wealth lntc lts cwn pcckets: the presldent's scn spent mcre than uS$z mllllcn between
zoo and zoo6 cn luxury hcuses and cars ln Scuth Afrlca and Callfcrnla, nearly a thlrd cf the
tctal amcunt the gcvernment spent cn scclal prcgrams-lncludlng health, educatlcn, and
hcuslng-ln zoo.

uatlng back tc befcre the cll bccm, the current reglme's effcrts tc ccntrcl the ccuntry's
pclltlcal space and eccncmlc rescurces have fuelled a culture cf fear marked by represslcn
cf the cppcsltlcn and mllltary purges. The maln dlfference ln recent years ls that the stakes
are hlgher: fcr a ccrrupt and nepctlstlc reglme that has vastly prcflted frcm the cll bccm, the
lncentlves tc cpen up the pclltlcal space and beccme mcre acccuntable tc the ccuntry's
cltlzens are few. 8ut wlth pclltlcal pcwer ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ncw a prlze cf unprecedented
wcrth, the ccuntry appears serlcusly unstable. There have been scme 1z real and percelved
ccup attempts slnce Presldent Ublang came tc pcwer, the real ccup attempts cften have
been perpetrated by rlval elltes hcplng tc selze the state's eccncmlc rescurces. ln zoo
alcne there were three alleged ccup attempts, lncludlng cne that lnvclved Scuth Afrlcan

. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
mercenarles and the scn cf fcrmer 8rltlsh prlme mlnlster Margaret Thatcher. Ccurt
dccuments and cther ccrrespcndence suggest that the ccup was almed at depcslng the
gcvernment ln crder tc prcflt frcm Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's cll wealth.

Ull revenues have prcvlded the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment wlth the mcney needed tc dc a
much better |cb reallzlng thelr cltlzens' eccncmlc and scclal rlghts. 6cvernment cfflclals
have been derellct ln taklng thls cppcrtunlty, uslng publlc funds fcr perscnal galn at the
expense cf prcvldlng key scclal servlces tc the ccuntry's pcpulatlcn, and squanderlng cther
pctentlal revenues thrcugh mlsmanagement. The human tcll cf the ccntlnulng chrcnlc
underfundlng ln areas such as educatlcn and health beccmes starkly apparent when
ccmparlng health and llteracy levels cver the past 1o years: where there was an cppcrtunlty
fcr great advances cn bcth frcnts uslng the large cll revenues, the sltuatlcn elther wcrsened
cr lmprcved cnly sllghtly and nct ln keeplng wlth ccrrespcndlng advances ln cther ccuntrles.

6cvernment reccgnltlcn cf the prcblems and statements suggestlng a wllllngness tc
lmprcve thls sltuatlcn have yet tc mcve frcm rhetcrlc tc actlcn. ln zoo the Fquatcgulnean
gcvernment slgnaled tc the lnternatlcnal ccmmunlty that lt wlshed tc partlclpate actlvely ln
the Fxtractlve lndustrles Transparency lnltlatlve (FlTl), a vcluntary lnltlatlve almed at
enccuraglng cll and mlnlng ccmpanles tc publlsh the payments they make tc the
gcvernments cf develcplng wcrld ccuntrles ln whlch they cperate. hcw, the mcmentum ls
questlcnable. Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has stated a number cf tlmes lts wllllngness tc embrace
greater transparency, such as ln the ambltlcus plans drawn up durlng natlcnal ccnsultatlcn
exerclses ln the 1os that remaln cn paper. As thls repcrt shcws, there ls a serlcus pcllcy
dlsccnnect between the cfflclal rhetcrlc and the reallty cn the grcund ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.
lndeed, the FlTl bcard shculd qulckly remcve Fquatcrlal 6ulnea frcm lts llst cf ccuntrles lf lt
dces nct make meanlngful prcgress ln lmplementlng the lnltlatlve and allcwlng clvll scclety
tc partlclpate ln lt.

Fquatcgulneans have nc way tc hcld thelr gcvernment cfflclals acccuntable fcr thelr actlcns.
kellable lnfcrmatlcn cn gcvernment spendlng ls largely unavallable. There ls llttle
meanlngful cr effectlve pclltlcal cppcsltlcn cr lndependent press. ln May zoo8 Ublang and
hls allles wcn cf 1oo seats ln parllament ln leglslatlve electlcns that are kncwn tc have
had serlcus flaws. uesplte marklng hls thlrtleth annlversary ln pcwer ln zoo, Ublang has
alsc lndlcated that he wants tc seek re-electlcn as presldent fcr a further seven years ln the
next presldentlal electlcns (scheduled fcr uecember zoo). Freedcm cf expresslcn,
assembly, and asscclatlcn are curtalled. Thls has severely hampered the grcwth cf a
dcmestlc clvll scclety capable cf mcnltcrlng and challenglng gcvernment actlcn.

9<## =4#<> -
Arbltrary arrest and detentlcn ls ccmmcn, the regular repcrts cf ccup attempts cften
prcvldlng the pretext. uetentlcn ls frequently acccmpanled by tcrture and lll-treatment. Un
}une , zoo8, hls 66
blrthday, Presldent Ublang pardcned , pecple (z cf them prlscners
cf ccnsclence) but many cthers remaln ln detentlcn.

Slnce the dlsccvery cf slgnlflcant cll reserves brcught lncreased attentlcn tc the ccuntry's
sltuatlcn, the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment has been under western dlplcmatlc pressure and
pressure frcm ncngcvernmental crganlzatlcns (h6Us) tc lmprcve lts human rlghts reccrd.
lndependent cbservers' access tc the ccuntry had been hlghly restrlcted ln the past, but
there has been cnly llmlted prcgress ln recent years ln allcwlng fcr any meanlngful repcrtlng
cn the human rlghts sltuatlcn. lnternatlcnal human rlghts h6Us, lncludlng Fuman klghts
watch, stlll flnd cbtalnlng access tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea a challenge.

Chlna and the unlted States are lncreaslngly actlve ln ccmpetlng fcr cll lnvestments and
lnfluence ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, and Presldent Ublang has scught maxlmum beneflt frcm
bcth. A rapld upgradlng cf uS relatlcns slnce zoo culmlnated ln the arrlval cf a resldent uS
ambassadcr ln Malabc ln hcvember zoo6. Mllltary and securlty tralnlng by uS prlvate
mllltary ccmpany Mllltary Prcfesslcnal kescurces, lnc. (MPkl), ls cngclng ln zoo, and the
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment wants lt tc expand lts human rlghts tralnlng. The uS fccus cn
strengthenlng relatlcns wlth Fquatcrlal 6ulnea appears tc have blunted effcrts tc press the
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment cn repcrtlng human rlghts abuses and meetlng human rlghts
benchmarks. hctably, the uS embassy ltself ls rented frcm an cfflclal alleged tc have
tcrtured cppcsltlcn suppcrters.

A zoo uS Senate prcbe lntc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's deallngs wlth the uS-based klggs 8ank
(ncw part cf PhC 8ank) threw llght upcn hcw Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has ln the past managed lts
funds frcm the cll lndustry. The rcle cf uS cll ccmpanles ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea alsc came
under cfflclal lnvestlgatlcnan lmpcrtant develcpment, as lt slgnaled tc them that even ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea they wlll nct escape scrutlny cf thelr buslness deallngs. Acccrdlng tc
statements by Senatcr Carl Levln at a zoo hearlng cn the matter, scme ccmpanles, such as
Marathcn Ull Ccrpcratlcn and Fess Ccrpcratlcn, "fully cccperated" wlth the
lnvestlgatlcn. Fcwever, Levln ncted that FxxcnMcbll Ccrpcratlcn had "nct been as
fcrthccmlng" as the cther ccmpanles.

The 8ush admlnlstratlcn largely falled tc hcld the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
acccuntable. uesplte a damnlng lnvestlgatlcn by Senate staff and the lmpcsltlcn cf scme cf
the largest flnes ln hlstcry agalnst a uS bank because cf lts buslness wlth Fquatcgulnean
gcvernment cfflclals, the admlnlstratlcn welccmed Presldent Ublang tc washlngtcn. Any

+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
prctestatlcns the unlted States mlght have made abcut human rlghts cr any ccndemnatlcns
cf gcvernment ccrruptlcn were effectlvely negated by the hlgh-level suppcrt the
admlnlstratlcn shcwed fcr the Ublang reglme.

The new Ubama admlnlstratlcn has an cppcrtunlty tc shcw that energy securlty dces nct
have tc ccme at the expense cf human rlghts and gccd gcvernance. lt shculd determlne
whether there are assets ln the unlted States cbtalned thrcugh ccrruptlcn by senlcr cfflclals
ln the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment and wcrk tc repatrlate thcse assets tc thelr rlghtful
cwners: the pecple cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. lt shculd ensure thrcugh new cr exlstlng laws and
regulatlcns that uS ccmpanles dc nct beccme ccmpllclt ln the ccrruptlcn and abuses that
mar rescurce-rlch ccuntrles llke Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls clearly ln a pcsltlcn tc lnvest mcre tcward the
prcgresslve reallzatlcn cf lts cltlzens' eccncmlc and scclal rlghts, as well as thcse rlghts
asscclated wlth due prccess. The zoo6 and zoo, natlcnal budgets passed by parllament
allccated lncreased expendltures tc educatlcn and health. 8ut beycnd that, greater
transparency, acccuntablllty, and freedcm cf expresslcn and asscclatlcn, ccupled wlth the
pclltlcal suppcrt fcr the bulldlng up cf credlble lnstltutlcns, are what Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
needs lf lt ls tc break cut frcm lts cycle cf pclltlcal lnstablllty and authcrltarlan respcnses tc
lnternal crlsls. Thls shculd be ln the lnterest cf the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment, lts
lnternatlcnal partners, and the multlnatlcnal cll ccmpanles cperatlng ln the ccuntry.

8etween zoo and zoo8 Fuman klghts watch lntervlewed Fquatcgulnean pclltlcal prlscners,
gcvernment cfflclals, and cll ccmpany representatlves, analyzed statlstlcs pertalnlng tc
scclceccncmlc lndlcatcrs and gcvernment scclal spendlng ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, and
revlewed ccuntless publlcatlcns addresslng a wlde range cf lssues related tc ccrruptlcn,
flnanclal mlsmanagement, and pclltlcal lnstablllty ln the ccuntry. Thls repcrt ls based cn
that research.

ln August and September zoo Fuman klghts watch traveled tc 8lckc lsland, Fquatcrlal
6ulnea, tc ccllect lnfcrmatlcn fcr thls repcrt. we lntervlewed three pclltlcal prlscners, flve
gcvernment cfflclals, and fcur representatlves frcm slx ccmpanles cperatlng ln Fquatcrlal
6ulnea. The ldentltles cf mcst cf these perscns have been wlthheld tc prctect thelr prlvacy
and safety. Frcm zoo thrcugh zoo8 addltlcnal ln-perscn and telephcne lntervlews were
ccnducted wlth 1 gcvernment cfflclals, depcrtees, and refugees ln the unlted States,

9<## =4#<> ,
unlted Klngdcm, Spaln, Camerccn, Cte d'lvclre, 6hana, hlgerla, Angcla, and Scuth Afrlca.
All lntervlews were ccnducted ln Fngllsh cr Spanlsh by a Fuman klghts watch researcher.

Fuman klghts watch alsc cbtalned several hundred pages cf cfflclal dccuments frcm the uS
gcvernment detalllng lts zoo lnvestlgatlcn lntc allegatlcns cf mcney launderlng and
ccrruptlcn at the uS-based klggs 8ank. we revlewed these dccuments as well as dccuments
prcvldlng suppcrtlng evldence cf ccrrupt practlces by the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean presldent and
hls famlly members, lncludlng uS ccurt and prcperty reccrds and Scuth Afrlcan ccurt reccrds
detalllng assets held by Fquatcgulnean cfflclals ln that ccuntry. we alsc analyzed
Fquatcgulnean scclal lndlcatcrs ln relatlcn tc eccncmlc lndlcatcrs and gcvernment scclal
spendlng data prcvlded by the lnternatlcnal Mcnetary Fund (lMF). All dccuments clted ln thls
repcrt are elther publlcly avallable cr cn flle wlth Fuman klghts watch.

ln the lnterests cf falrness and accuracy ln cur repcrtlng, we sent letters tc each cf the slx cll
ccmpanles prcbed ln the uS Senate's zoo lnvestlgatlcn. we asked the ccmpanles fcr an
update cn thelr practlces slnce zoo ln relatlcn tc any payments tc, cr buslness ventures
wlth, Fquatcrlal 6ulnean cfflclals, thelr famlly members, cr entltles they ccntrcl. we alsc
asked them tc update us cn the status cf any pendlng lnvestlgatlcns lntc thelr cperatlcns ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. All but cne ccmpany, vancc Fnergy, replled at thls wrltlng. Fcr thcse
ccmpanles that dld respcnd, we have lnccrpcrated the respcnses we recelved lntc the text
cf thls repcrt and appended thelr replles ln full.

? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(

II. ackgreund

1he Macas ictatorship, 168-
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea was cne cf twc Spanlsh cclcnles ln Afrlca (the cther belng the fcrmer
Spanlsh Sahara, whlch ls ncw under Mcrcccc's de factc and dlsputed ccntrcl). upcn
lndependence ln 168 Franclscc Macas hguema was elected the ccuntry's flrst presldent.
Macas qulckly abandcned demccracy and went cn tc make Fquatcrlal 6ulnea cne cf
Afrlca's mcst represslve and dlctatcrlal states, durlng hls rule, an estlmated 1oo,ooo
pecple-at the tlme, apprcxlmately cne-thlrd cf the pcpulatlcn-were kllled cr fled lntc
wldespread persecutlcn cf the pclltlcal cppcsltlcn and elltes began ln 16. A year
later all cppcsltlcn partles were cutlawed, and the Partldc unlcc haclcnal (Puh) was
ln 1,z Macas declared hlmself presldent-fcr-llfe. Unce the pclltlcal cppcsltlcn
was ellmlnated, the gcvernment began tc harass and lntlmldate the kcman Cathcllc Church,
whlch was seen as ancther pcsslble lnstltutlcn cf cppcsltlcn.
The gcvernment clalmed,
"There ls nc cther 6cd than Macas," and the phrase "6cd created Fquatcrlal 6ulnea thanks
tc Macas-wlthcut Macas Fquatcrlal 6ulnea wculd nct exlst" became a mandatcry part cf
all church servlces. ln 1, a decree bannlng all prlvate educatlcn led tc the clcsure cf all
Cathcllc schccls, and the pcpulatlcn was warned that ccntact wlth the church wculd lead tc
severe punlshment. The same year Macas prcclalmed hlmself the "unlque Mlracle."

The reglme was vlrulently antl-lntellectual. 8etween 16 and 1,6 scme , teachers cr
educatlcn cfflclals were executed, lncludlng three mlnlsters. Fundreds cf teachers were flred,
causlng hundreds cf schccls tc clcse.

The reglme's hcstlle stance tcward lntellectuallsm was nct llmlted tc the educatlcn system.
Any educated Fquatcgulneans were seen as a threat, and prcfesslcnals, such as
statlstlclans, cculd be kllled. As a result llttle eccncmlc data was generated cn Fquatcrlal

5teve 8IoomfieId, "1eodoro 0bian huema: A 8rutaI, 8izarre |aiIer," 1he Independent, May 1, zoo,
http:]]]news]peopIe]teodoro-obian-nuema-a-brutaI-bizarre-|aiIer-qq8.htmI (accessed 0ctober
1, zoo8).
In |uIy 11 the party was renamed P0h1-de 1raba|adores was added, inspired by horth Korea.
5uzanne Cron|e, quatoriaI Cuinea-1he forotten ictatorship: forced Labour and PoIiticaI Murder in CentraI Africa,
Research Report ho. z (London: Anti-5Iavery 5ociety, 16); Austin hze hfumu, Macas: verduo o victima (Madrid: Rerrero y
Asociados, zooq).

Ibrahim K. 5undiata, quatoriaI Cuinea: CoIoniaIism, 5tate 1error, and the 5earch for 5tabiIity (CoIorado: westview Press,
1o), pp. 1z-1o.

Ibid., pp. 1z-1.

9<## =4#<> @
6ulnea thrcughcut the 1,os. ln fact, the use cf the term "lntellectual" was prchlblted by
Maclas ln 1,.

Fccncmlc mlsmanagement and ccrruptlcn were rlfe, and relatlcnshlps wlth tradlng partners
such as Spaln were stralned. uue tc pllferage, lgncrance, and neglect, the ccuntry's
lnfrastructure fell lntc ruln under Macas. The prlvate and publlc sectcrs cf the eccncmy were
devastated and the agrlcultural sectcr, hlstcrlcally kncwn fcr cccca cf the hlghest quallty,
has never fully reccvered frcm the crlppllng effects cf thls 11-year dlctatcrshlp. The ccuntry
was the pccrest ln central Afrlca and cne cf the mcst heavlly lndebted by the tlme Macas
was depcsed ln 1,.

0bian-emocracy PIeded but Authoritarianism Preserved
Macas was depcsed cn August , 1,, ln a mllltary ccup by hls nephew and then-mlnlster
cf defense, Lt. Ccl. Tecdcrc Ublang hguema Mbascgc.
As presldent, Ublang-nct tc be
cutdcne by hls predecesscr and uncle-ccntlnued ln the tradltlcn cf ccnsclldatlng absclute
and self-aggrandlzlng pcwer. State-run radlc anncunced ln }uly zoo that Ublang was "llke
6cd ln heaven.... Fe has pcwer cver men and thlngs.... Fe can declde tc klll wlthcut anycne
calllng hlm tc acccunt and wlthcut gclng tc hell because lt ls 6cd hlmself wlth whcm he ls ln
permanent ccntact, whc glves hlm strength."

under Ublang, schccls have recpened, prlmary educatlcn has expanded, and publlc utllltles
and rcads have been restcred, tc that extent hls rule ccmpares favcurably wlth Macas's
tyranny and terrcr. 8ut the uS uepartment cf State and cther lnstltutlcns have crltlclzed the
Ublang gcvernment fcr nct lnvestlng ln genulne refcrm and the develcpment cf publlc
wldespread ccrruptlcn and a dysfunctlcnal |udlclal system undermlne
develcpment cf scclety and the eccncmy.

Ublang pledged tc restcre demccracy, but there has been llttle real prcgress ln that dlrectlcn.
lnltlally, Ublang ruled the ccuntry wlth the asslstance cf a Supreme Mllltary Ccuncll. The
unlted hatlcns Ccmmlsslcn cn Fuman klghts (uhCFk) helped draft a new ccnstltutlcn ln
18z, and thls came lntc effect after a pcpular vcte cn August 1 that year. Ublang remalned

Ibid., p. 1.

Ibid., p. 6.
Macas was executed on 5eptember z, 1, havin been found uiIty of "enocide" chares.

"quatoriaI Cuinea 5tate Radio RaiIs President as Country's Cod," Aence france-Presse, |uIy zq, zoo.
5ee, for exampIe, IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," IMf Country Report ho.
o8]16, May zoo8, http:]]www.imf.or]externaI]pubs]ft]scr]zoo8]cro816.pdf (accessed 0ctober 1o, zoo8), p. q.

( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
ln pcwer fcr a further seven-year term befcre belng elected fcr the flrst tlme ln 18. ln
February 16 he was re-elected wlth 8 percent cf the vcte after several cppcnents
wlthdrew frcm the race and lnternatlcnal cbservers crltlclzed the electlcn.
uesplte the
pledge tc restcre demccratlc rule, the ccuntry remalned a cne-party state untll 11, when
multlparty pclltlcs were lntrcduced under ancther new ccnstltutlcn that permltted
cppcsltlcn partles. ln reallty, what crganlzed pclltlcal cppcsltlcn has emerged ls under
ccnstant threat, whlle Ublang, alcng wlth a clrcle cf advlscrs drawn largely frcm hls cwn
famlly and ethnlc grcup, and hls party, the uemccratlc Party cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea (Partldc
uemccratlcc de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal, Pu6F, fcunded ln 18, and replaclng PuhT), ccntrcl all
aspects cf the gcvernment. As descrlbed by the uS uepartment cf State ln zoo8, "The
presldent names and dlsmlsses cablnet members and |udges, ratlfles treatles, leads the
armed fcrces and has ccnslderable authcrlty ln cther areas as well."

!"#$%$&'# '))'*+,-,*%. '*/ ),+$"*'# 0'#'*&, "1 2"3,)
The gecgraphy and ethnlc makeup cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea have lmpcrtant repercusslcns fcr
the balance cf pclltlcal pcwer wlthln the ccuntry. Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ccnslsts cf a malnland
pcrtlcn, sltuated cn the west central Afrlcan ccast between 6abcn tc the scuth and
Camerccn tc the ncrth, and flve lslands. The smaller lslands cf Ccrlscc, Flcbey 6rande,
Flcbey Chlcc, and ad|acent lslets, alcng wlth the nearby malnland, tcgether make up the
ccntlnental reglcn kncwn as klc Munl. 8lckc lsland, where Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's capltal,
Malabc, ls lccated, lles rcughly o kllcmeters (z mlles) cff the ccast cf Camerccn tc the
ncrth (see Map cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea).

whlle the ma|crlty cf the Fquatcgulnean pecple are cf 8antu crlgln, hlstcrlcal dlvlslcns
between the many 8antu-speaklng pecples cf the reglcn stlll exlst tcday. The largest 8antu
trlbe, the Fang, ccnstltutes rcughly 8o percent cf the pcpulatlcn cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. The
Fang are lndlgencus tc the malnland, but substantlal mlgratlcn tc 8lckc has resulted ln thelr
dcmlnance cver the trlbe cf 8antu lnhabltants natlve tc the lsland, the 8ubl.

Tradltlcnally, Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's prlme mlnlster has been frcm the 8ubl mlncrlty, whlch
ccnstltutes |ust slx percent cf the ccuntry's pcpulatlcn. The last 8ubl prlme mlnlster,
hcwever, was Mlguel Abla 8ltec 8crlc: fcllcwlng the fcrced reslgnatlcn cf 8crlc's cablnet
ln August zoo6 cn charges cf ccrruptlcn and lnccmpetence (a charge the presldent has
levelled agalnst members cf hls gcvernment cn varlcus cccaslcns), Ublang brcke wlth

05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of African Affairs, "8ackround hote: quatoriaI Cuinea," March zoo,
http:]]www.state.ov]r]pa]ei]bn]zz1.htm (accessed May 1, zoo).

9<## =4#<> )'
tradltlcn and appclnted as prlme mlnlster klcardc Mangue Ubama hfubea, a Fang.

hfubea's gcvernment had the same fate as lts predecesscr less than twc years later, ln }uly
zoo8, wlth Ublang addlng accusatlcns cf destablllzlng the ccuntry tc charges cf ccrruptlcn
and mlsmanagement
(the ccrruptlcn allegatlcns agalnst successlve recent gcvernments
are elabcrated ln the next chapter). hctwlthstandlng Ublang's declarlng that "|w[e must
change the entlre gcvernment,"
later that mcnth half cf the cld cablnet was relnstated ln a
new admlnlstratlcn headed by Prlme Mlnlster lgnaclc Mllam Tang, alsc cf Fang decent.

ulscrlmlnatlcn agalnst ethnlc 8ubl whc are nct part cf the dcmlnant pclltlcal party ls

!"#$%$&'# 2')%$,. '*/ %4, 2"#$%$&'# "22".$%$"*
As ccntrcl cf the gcvernment-and ccrrespcndlng access tc rlslng cll revenues-beccmes
lncreaslngly lucratlve, the demccratlc prccess ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has nct lmprcved, and
the gcvernment has ccnslstently been able tc avcld acccuntablllty ln electlcns. Fquatcrlal
6ulnea ls ncmlnally a multlparty demccracy, but thrcugh the use cf crlmlnal prcsecutlcns,
lntlmldatlcn, and ccerclcn, the Pu6F-led gcvernment has managed tc malntaln an effectlve
mcncpcly cver pclltlcal llfe. The extremely hlgh stakes represented by the cll bccm have led
tc ever-lncreaslng pclltlcal ccntrcl cver an already weak cppcsltlcn, whcse members the
gcvernment has regularly lntlmldated, exlled, cr lmprlscned.

After the 11 ccnstltutlcn legallzed pclltlcal partles, a }anuary 1z law cn party fcrmatlcn
lnltlated the prccess cf party crganlzatlcn. The 1z law, thcugh, restrlcted party
membershlp and actlvlty tc thcse whc had llved ccntlnucusly ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea fcr 1o
years. Slnce scme cppcsltlcn pclltlclans had been ln exlle slnce lndependence, the effect
was tc prchlblt serlcus cppcsltlcn. Ublang establlshed the rullng Pu6F as the ccuntry's scle
legal pclltlcal crganlzatlcn ln 18,. The Ccnventlcn Llberal uemccratlca, the unln Pcpular
(uP), and the Allanza uemccratlca Prcgreslsta all were reccgnlzed ln 1z. The Partldc del
Prcgresc de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal (PP6F) was legallzed after a lcng delay and, ln 1, the
Partldc Scclallsta de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal (PS6F) was apprcved. The Ccnvergencla para la

5ee, for exampIe, "quatoriaI Cuinea: ntire Cabinet fired," Reuters, Auust 1z, zoo6; "quatoriaI Cuinea Cets hew Prime
Minister," Aence france-Presse, Auust 1q, zoo6; "quatoriaI Cuinea President Accepts Resination of ntire 1-Person
Cabinet," Associated Press, Auust 11, zoo6.
"quatoriaI Cuinea Covernment Resins," Aence france-Presse, |uIy , zoo8; 8ernardino hdze 8iyoa, "hew nery
Minister in Revamped . Cuinea Cabinet," Reuters, |uIy 1, zoo8.
"quatoriaI Cuinea Covernment Resins," Aence france-Presse, |uIy , zoo8.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 11, zoo8, http:]]www.state.ov]]drI]rIs]hrrpt]zoo]1ooq.htm (accessed |uIy z, zoo8).

)) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
uemccracla Scclal (CPuS), a key cppcsltlcn party and the cnly cne that engages ln any type
cf human rlghts mcnltcrlng, was granted reccgnltlcn ln 1.
8y mld-1, 1 legal
cppcsltlcn partles stccd prepared tc ccntest electlcns. Pclltlcal partles, hcwever, ccntlnued
tc face harassment, and ln }une 1, the PP6F was banned by presldentlal decree. The
gcvernment accused the PP6F leader, |curnallst Severc Mctc, cf plcttlng a ccup agalnst
Ublang, llnklng hlm tc arms lntercepted by Angclan authcrltles cn a kusslan bcat destlned
fcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Mctc went lntc exlle ln Spaln, but the gcvernment ccntlnued tc seek
hls extradltlcn tc face trlal. ln March zoo he became asscclated wlth ancther ccup attempt
(see Chapter vl), and was accused cf a further ccup plct ln zoo8 (see Chapter v).

As cf zoo there may be as many as pclltlcal partles ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Fcwever, scme
may nct be legally reglstered. Uf the legally reccgnlzed partles, 11 fcrmally cppcse the rullng
Pu6F but are nevertheless prc-presldentlal, tc the extent that they accepted lncluslcn lntc a
gcvernment cf natlcnal unlty prcpcsed by Presldent Ublang ln zoo. Unly the CPuS ls
actlvely cppcsed bcth tc the Pu6F and tc Ublang. ln zoo, the uS uepartment cf State ncted
the dcmlnance cf the Pu6F and the ccst cf belng ln cppcsltlcn:

The gcvernment pressured publlc emplcyees tc |cln the rullng ... party.
kepcrtedly they are fcrced tc allcw autcmatlc deductlcns frcm thelr
paychecks wlth prcceeds gclng tc the party whether cr nct they were
members. Uppcsltlcn party members are regularly dlscrlmlnated agalnst ln
hlrlng, |cb retentlcn, schclarshlps, and cbtalnlng buslness llcenses. A
buslness fcund tc have hlred scmecne cn a pclltlcal blackllst had tc dlsmlss
the perscn cr face the threat cf clcsure.

There have been nc free and falr electlcns slnce lndependence ln 168. The calllng cf
electlcns has cften been acccmpanled by lntlmldatlcn and lmprlscnment cf the cppcsltlcn,
the gcvernment has typlcally used the pretext cf thwartlng a ccup attempt as |ustlflcatlcn fcr
lts actlcns (see Chapter v).

After operatin cIandestineIy and pubIishin its newspaper La verdad (1he 1ruth) in the earIy 1os, the CP5 appIied for
IeaI reconition in hovember 1z and was iven IeaI reconition in february 1. 1he CP5 attributed this reconition to
internationaI pressure.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 11, zoo8.

9<## =4#<> )&
ln electlcns fcr the Chamber cf Pecple's kepresentatlves (parllament) held ln hcvember
1 Ublang's Pu6F wcn mcre than three-quarters cf the seats amld a partlal bcycctt led by
the antl-gcvernment Ccmblned Uppcsltlcn Platfcrm. A slmllar sltuatlcn prevalled fcr the
February 16 presldentlal electlcn, frcm whlch the three maln cppcsltlcn partles wlthdrew,
and Ublang was elected uncppcsed. The September 1 munlclpal electlcns were the
freest held ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc date. Althcugh there had been scme harassment prlcr tc
the electlcns, the campalgn was falrly qulet, and vctlng cn the day was free. The gcvernment,
hcwever, refused tc accept the results and placed lts cwn pecple ln the ccunclls.
The bulk
cf the cppcsltlcn cnce mcre bcycctted the leglslatlve electlcns ln March 1, and the Pu6F
lnevltably wcn a masslve ma|crlty-, cut cf 8o seats.

ln the run-up tc the uecember zooz presldentlal electlcn there was agaln a crackdcwn cn
the pclltlcal cppcsltlcn. The electlcns were anncunced at shcrt nctlce, and the fcur maln
cppcsltlcn candldates wlthdrew cn pclllng day, clalmlng the prccess was flawed.
lndependent cbservers whc vlslted Fquatcrlal 6ulnea durlng the electlcn perlcd descrlbed
many lrregularltles,
and the Furcpean unlcn and unlted States crltlclsed the ccnduct cf the
As a result cf the cppcsltlcn candldates' wlthdrawal Ublang was re-elected wlth
cver ,.1 percent cf the vcte. The rullng party's vlctcry ln the ccncurrent lccal gcvernment
electlcns was mcre emphatlc stlll, wlth a clean sweep cf all o munlclpalltles.

ApriI zooq eIections
Un February zo, zoo, the presldent dlssclved the Chamber cf Pecple's kepresentatlves,
and leglslatlve and munlclpal electlcns were held cn Aprll z, zoo. The results gave the
Pu6F 8 cf 1oo seats ln the new slngle-chamber parllament and z, cut cf z clty

Acccrdlng tc the uS uepartment cf State's assessment cf human rlghts practlces ln zoo,
the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment harassed cppcsltlcn party members prlcr tc the electlcns
and sub|ected them tc arbltrary arrest. Pu6F members, acccrdlng tc the repcrt, alsc went
dccr-tc-dccr seeklng cut and threatenlng cppcsltlcn suppcrters.
Un electlcn day the CPuS

1he opposition victory was onIy reconized in nine of the nineteen town haIIs the opposition cIaimed it had won.
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with expatriates who observed these eIections, London and washinton, C, |une to
5eptember zoo.
0K forein and CommonweaIth 0ffice, Ruman Rihts AnnuaI Report zoo (London: fC0, 5eptember zoo), p. ; 05
epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-zooz:
quatoriaI Cuinea," March 1, zoo, http:]]www.state.ov]]drI]rIs]hrrpt]zooz]18181.htm (accessed ecember 18, zoo8).
05 epartment of 5tate, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-zooq: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z8, zoo,
http:]]www.state.ov]]drI]rIs]hrrpt]zooq]q16o1.htm (accessed ecember 18, zoo8), p. .

). /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
ccmplalned cf multlple prccedural vlclatlcns and fraud. The State uepartment ncted
"wldespread repcrts cf lrregularltles, lncludlng lntlmldatlcn at the pclls. vcters were
dlsccuraged frcm vctlng ln secret, ballcts were cpened, and rullng party representatlves cast
vctes ln thelr cwn rlght as well as cn behalf cf chlldren and the deceased. There alsc were
repcrts that securlty fcrces lntlmldated vcters by thelr presence ln pclllng bccths. There was
a lack cf cbservers ln rural areas."
The Spanlsh gcvernment questlcned the valldlty cf the
electlcn results when lts cbserver mlsslcn "detected lmpcrtant lrregularltles that dlstcrted
the electcral prccess."
hcnetheless, lccal electlcn cfflclals sald that the vcte had been free
and falr wlth percent turncut, and they stressed the use cf transparent ballct bcxes whlch
they sald had prevented ballct stufflng.

May zoo8 eIections
The mcst recent leglslatlve electlcns, fcr 1oo parllamentary seats and zo munlclpal
ccunclllcr pcsts, were held ln May zoo8.

ln early Aprll the Pu6F fcrged an alllance wlth nlne small partles that alsc suppcrted
Unly three partles partlclpated ln the electlcn cutslde the alllance: the cppcsltlcn
CPuS, and twc cther partles that were prc-presldentlal but had cpted nct tc ally wlth the
Pu6F, uP and Acclcn Pcpular de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal (AP6F).

As ln prevlcus years, ln the run-up tc the electlcns there were allegatlcns cf ccup attempts,

and ccnsequently an lncreased mllltary and securlty presence cn the streets cf all ma|cr
tcwns. The Mlnlstry cf uefense alsc clcsed land and sea bcrders frcm Aprll zz untll the
electlcns tcck place, clalmlng lt was necessary tc lmprcve natlcnal securlty and avcld

Ibid. Invitations from the overnment to a number of internationaI observers were received within days of the eIections,
incIudin to a Ruman Rihts watch researcher. 1he "0rden de Ia Presidencia deI Cobierno, de fecha z de Marzo de zooq, por
Ia que se reuIa Ia participacion de 0bservadores en eI desarroIIo de Ias Iecciones en Cuinea cuatoriaI" under articIe 18
permitted observers "to traveI freeIy in nationaI territory accordin to the proramme oranized by the overnment," but were
obIied under articIe zz to report to the overnment any "anomaIies" observed and were forbidden to make pubIic
observations about the eIections.
5panish Ministry of forein Affairs, "5tatement on quatoriaI Cuinea," May 6, zooq.
Ruman Rihts watch teIephone interview with eIection officiaI, MaIabo, ApriI z, zooq. A smaII number of baIIot boxes used
durin the eIection were transparent, donated by the 8ritish overnment.
Convencion LiberaI emocratica; Partido 5ociaI emocratica; AIianza emocratica Proresista; 0nion emocratica y 5ociaI;
Converencia 5ociaI, emocatica y PopuIar; Partido de Ia CoaIicion 5ociaI emocrata; 0nion emocratica hacionaI; Partido
5ociaIista de Cuinea cuatoriaI and the Partido LiberaI.
1homas Cataon, "xiIed PoIitician Arrested After fears of a 5econd Coup Attempt," 1he 1imes, ApriI 16, zoo8; "0iI-Rich
quatoriaI Cuinea votes Amid 0pposition CompIaints," Aence france-Presse, May q, zoo8.

9<## =4#<> )-
external lnterference ln the pclls. Un electlcn day there were alsc allegatlcns frcm the
cppcsltlcn cf harassment and many lrregularltles at pclllng statlcns.

The Furcpean unlcn dld nct send cbservers because the gcvernment's lnvltatlcn came tcc
late tc crganlze a mlsslcn. The authcrltles refused vlsas tc ma|cr Spanlsh medla cutlets
even thcugh they had submltted vlsa appllcatlcns cn tlme-weeks befcre ln scme cases.

Three Spanlsh parllamentary deputles whc vlslted the ccuntry durlng the electlcns, whlle
welccmlng the fact that a vcte had been held, vclced thelr ccncerns abcut the prccess.

The uS uepartment cf State repcrted,

A small, mlxed ccntlngent cf lnternatlcnal cbservers characterlzed the
electlcns as an lmprcvement cver the last leglslatlve and presldentlal
electlcns, whlch were severely marred by lrregularltles and were nct free and
falr.... uesplte these lmprcvements cver past electlcns, there were repcrts cf
nctable electcral lrregularltles, lncludlng harassment cf cppcsltlcn
suppcrters and vcters at pclllng statlcns and durlng the campalgn, scme cf
whlch was captured cn vldec by the cppcsltlcn CPuS, and several repcrts by
the lnternatlcnal medla cf the fallure by lccal electlcn authcrltles tc ensure
vctlng by secret ballct. A respected humanltarlan crganlzatlcn wlth
perscnnel wcrklng ln dlfferent parts cf the ccuntry characterlzed the electlcn
as "nct very transparent."

Un May , zoo8, the hatlcnal Flectcral Ccmmlsslcn anncunced that the Pu6F and lts allles
had cbtalned cf 1oo seats ln the parllamentary electlcns, the remalnlng seat gclng tc the
CPuS. The Pu6F alsc swept the bcard ln the ccncurrent lccal electlcns.

"5panish |ournaIists enied visas to nter Country to Cover Iections," InternationaI federation of |ournaIists press reIease,
May , zoo8. Affected media outIets incIuded I Pas, I Periodico de CataIunya, the pubIic teIevision channeI 1v, and the f
news aency.
f!tima AIburto (Crupos 5ocIiaIista), fransec Ricom! (Partido PopuIar), and |ordi XucI! (Ci0), "ecIaraci"n Con|unta:
Iecciones LeisIativas en Ia Rep#bIica de Cuinea cuatoriaI," MaIabo, zoo8. 5ee aIso I$aki Corozpe, "La 5ituaci"n en Cuinea
cuatoriaI tras Ia parodia de eIecciones IeisIativas y municipaIs: recomendaciones para spa$a," fundaci"n AIternativas,
Madrid, zoo8.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo8: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z, zoo, http:]]www.state.ov]]drI]rIs]hrrpt]zoo8]118.htm (accessed May 1,
"quatoriaI Cuinea Leader ets of 1oo seats in ParIiament: 0fficiaI," Aence france-Presse, May , zoo8. 1he ruIin
coaIition won 1 municipaI counciIIorships, incIudin o for the PC, out of a totaI of 1. 05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau
of African Affairs, "8ackround hote: quatoriaI Cuinea," March zoo.

)+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
0pcomin presidentiaI eIections
Pclltlcal lnstablllty and uncertalnty, resultlng frcm a lack cf demccratlc and transparent
practlces and reflectlng the weaknesses cf a pclltlcal system bullt arcund the perscnallty cf
the presldent and a small clrcle cf hls relatlves, have made successlcn tc Mr. Ublang a
dlvlslve lssue. As ancther presldentlal electlcn draws near-Ublang has sald lt wlll take
place ln uecember zoo-thls uncertalnty has prcved lncreaslngly ccrrcslve tc the pclltlcal
status quc. Tenslcns amcng sub-clans cf the Fang ethnlc grcup, especlally resentment cf the
pclltlcal dcmlnance cf the Mcngcmc sub-clan, are a ccnstant scurce cf unrest. The grcwlng
prcsperlty cf the Mcngcmc thrcugh thelr ccntrcl cf eccncmlc actlvltles, lncludlng
ccnstructlcn and servlces tc the cll lndustry, has exacerbated the sltuatlcn. Mr. Ublang's
anncuncement ln August zoo6 that he wculd run fcr re-electlcn ln zoo was ln part an effcrt
tc reduce speculatlcn abcut whc wculd succeed hlm.

Ruman Rihts Record of Recent Covernments
The devastatlng human rlghts vlclatlcns ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea under Macas resulted ln the
unlted hatlcns (uh) fccuslng, belatedly, cn the ccuntry's sltuatlcn. After the 1, ccup, and
fcllcwlng a request by the new gcvernment fcr technlcal asslstance cn hcw tc lmprcve
human rlghts, the uhCFk ln 18z appclnted an lndependent expert cn Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc
mcnltcr the sltuatlcn. The expert retlred ln 1z, and ln 1 the uh appclnted a speclal
rappcrteur fcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, a tltle that ccmes wlth a much wlder mandate. 8y 1 the
human rlghts sltuatlcn ln the ccuntry was percelved as "lmprcved," and the uhCFk
appclnted a speclal representatlve lnstead. The speclal representatlve's mandate was
narrcwer than that cf the speclal rappcrteur-althcugh lt alsc lncluded a call fcr
lmplementatlcn cf technlcal asslstance prcgrams-and lt was cnly renewed fcr twc years,
untll zooz, when gcvernments sympathetlc tc Ublang successfully lcbbled agalnst lts
ln hls flnal repcrt the last speclal representatlve, 6ustavc 6alln, stated,

The prcblem can be summarlzed as the absence cf any genulne rule cf law
under what ls actually a slngle-party reglme (althcugh ln fcrmal terms
multlparty pclltlcs ls permltted) functlcnlng wlth the suppcrt cf a mllltary
whcse pcwers are nc dlfferent frcm thcse cf the pcllce and whlch even
exerclses |urlsdlctlcn cver clvlllans. Fcllcwlng the cverthrcw cf Franclscc
Macas' dlctatcrshlp ln 1, by hls nephew ... the 6cvernment prcclalmed
ltself demccratlcally based and acccrdlngly establlshed a number cf

0hCRR, "5ituation of Ruman Rihts in quatoriaI Cuinea and Assistance in the fieId of Ruman Rihts," ResoIution 1]1,
]Ch.q]1]L.11]Add.1, ApriI z, 1.

9<## =4#<> ),
demccratlc lnstltutlcns, hcwever, the pcpulatlcn lacks any legal safeguards
and any perscn can be deprlved cf hls llberty at any mcment and has nc
effectlve remedy tc lmpede, rectlfy, cr repalr that sltuatlcn.

6ustavc 6alln was referrlng tc the lack cf due prccess, the lack cf freedcm cf expresslcn
and asscclatlcn, and the arbltrary manner by whlch the gcvernment acted, whlch ccntlnues
tc be a hallmark cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ln zoo.

There are nc lndependent human rlghts crganlzatlcns ln the ccuntry.
ln fact, there ls very
llttle clvll scclety ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea at all. There are slgns that the ccuntry ls cpenlng up
scmewhat under pressure tc meet Fxtractlve lndustrles Transparency lnltlatlve crlterla frcm
the wcrld 8ank, the uS and Fu gcvernments, and ccmpanles. Fcwever, these are very
nascent effcrts, and lt ls far frcm clear that the gcvernment wlll allcw lndependent clvll
scclety tc functlcn ln regard tc FlTl cr ln general. A unlted States Agency fcr lnternatlcnal
uevelcpment (uSAlu)-led lnltlatlve, the Technlcal Suppcrt Prc|ect fcr Scclal lnvestment and
Capaclty 8ulldlng ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea (TSPSlC8), ls tasked tc engage ln ncngcvernmental
crganlzatlcn capaclty bulldlng. ln lts deslgn and lmplementatlcn plan TSPSlC8 hlghllghted
that "exlstlng capaclty cf clvll scclety ls extremely underdevelcped and requlres a slgnlflcant
amcunt cf lnvestment and suppcrt tc enable them tc reach a level tc be effectlve actcrs fcr
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea."

The fcllcwlng chapters detall endemlc gcvernmental ccrruptlcn and flnanclal
mlsmanagement, and hcw these have ccntrlbuted tc wldespread pcverty and deprlvatlcn, ln
scme cases vlclatlng human rlghts under the lnternatlcnal Ccvenant cn Fccncmlc, Scclal,
and Cultural klghts (lCFSCk). The gcvernment's derellctlcn ln allccatlng funds fcr cruclal
scclal servlces such as prlmary health care and prlmary educatlcn, ln large part because cf
ccrruptlcn and maladmlnlstratlcn, ls ln breach cf lts cbllgatlcns under artlcles 1z and 1 cf

0hCRR, Report of the speciaI representative on the human rihts situation in quatoriaI Cuinea, Custavo CaIIn,
]Ch.q]zooz]qo, |anuary zq, zooz, p. q.
In zoo, human rihts oranizations were added to the Iist of nonovernmentaI oranizations aIIowed to operate in
quatoriaI Cuinea. In practice, however, domestic human rihts oranizations reIy primariIy on fundin from the overnment,
and do not investiate or report on human rihts vioIations. 05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and
Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 11, zoo8.
Leoncio Yu way MoraIes, "1echnicaI 5upport Pro|ect for 5ociaI Investment and Capacity 8uiIdin in quatoriaI Cuinea:
esin and ImpIementation PIan (5eptember zoo6 throuh Auust, zoo8)," 05AI, |anuary 1, zoo,
http:]]pdf.usaid.ov]pdf_docs]PAC|1q.pdf (accessed hovember 8, zoo8), p. 61. 1he author aIso notes that to reister an
hC0 throuh the Ministry of Interior and LocaI Corporations is cumbersome and "takes a substantiaI amount of time, and in
some cases, even years to be compIeted." Ibid., p. 61.

)? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
the lCFSCk.
The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has alsc vlclated lts treaty cbllgatlcns tc
repcrt cn lts ccmpllance wlth the lCFSCk: ccmpllance repcrts under the lCFSCk were due ln
1o, 1, zooo, and zoo, tc date, Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has yet tc submlt even cne.

The lack cf transparency and acccuntablllty ln cll revenue management lmpedes
Fquatcgulneans' rlght tc access lnfcrmatlcn, ln vlclatlcn cf artlcle 1 cf the lnternatlcnal
Ccvenant cn Clvll and Pclltlcal klghts (lCCPk).
The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has
alsc falled tc meet lts treaty cbllgatlcns tc repcrt cn lts ccmpllance wlth the lCCPk. An lnltlal
ccmpllance repcrt was due ln 188, absent thls repcrt, the Fuman klghts Ccmmlttee lssued
prcvlslcnal ccncludlng cbservatlcns cn the sltuatlcn cf clvll and pclltlcal rlghts ln Fquatcrlal
6ulnea ln hcvember zoo, calllng cn the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc submlt lts
lnltlal repcrt by August 1, zoo.
Tc date, thls repcrt has nct been submltted.

1he 0nset of 0iI
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls emerglng as cne cf the fastest grcwlng eccncmles ln Afrlca. After the
dlsccvery cf masslve cll reserves ln the 1os, lt has beccme the fcurth-largest prcducer cf
cll ln sub-Saharan Afrlca, after Angcla, hlgerla, and Sudan.
Ull revenue cllmbed ln value
frcm uS$ mllllcn ln 1 tc $1o mllllcn ln zooo tc $.8 bllllcn ln zoo,. kecent dlsccverles
cf cll were expected tc lncrease prcductlcn cf hydrccarbcns tc abcut 6,ooo barrels per
day (b]d) ln zoo8.
Fcwever, unless there are further slgnlflcant dlsccverles cll prcductlcn
wlll start tc decllne ln zoo.

ArticIe 1z of the IC5CR requires that states parties "reconize the riht of everyone to the en|oyment of the hihest
attainabIe standard of physicaI and mentaI heath." ArticIe 1 of the IC5CR states, in reIevant part, that states parties
"reconize the riht of everyone to education.. [w]ith a view to achievin the fuII reaIization of this riht . [p]rimary
education shaII be compuIsory and avaiIabIe free to aII." IC5CR, adopted ecember 16, 166, C.A. Res. zzooA (XXI), z1 0.h.
CA0R 5upp. (ho. 16) at q, 0.h. oc. A]616 (166), 0.h.1.5. , entered into force |anuary , 16, arts. 1z(1), 1(1), 1(z).
0h 0ffice for the Rih Commissioner for Ruman Rihts (0RCRR), 1reaty 8ody atabase, "IC5CR Reportin 5tatus-
quatoriaI Cuinea," undated, http:]]]tbs]doc.nsf]Rep5tatfrset?0penframe5et (accessed 5eptember 18, zoo).
ICCPR, adopted ecember 16, 166, C.A. Res. zzooA (XXI), z1 0.h. CA0R 5upp. (ho. 16) at z, 0.h. oc. A]616 (166),
0.h.1.5. 11, entered into force March z, 16; IC5CR, adopted ecember 16, 166, C.A. Res. zzooA (XXI), z1 0.h. CA0R
5upp. (ho. 16) at q, 0.h. oc. A]616 (166), 0.h.1.5. , entered into force |anuary , 16. quatoriaI Cuinea became a
party to both the ICCPR and the IC5CR on 5eptember z, 18. ArticIe 1 of the ICCPR states, in reIevant part, "veryone shaII
have the riht to freedom of expression; this riht shaII incIude freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of
aII kinds, reardIess of frontiers, either oraIIy, in writin or in print, in the form of art, or throuh any other media of his
choice." Ibid., art. 1.
1he concIudin observations were pubIished on |uIy o, zooq. 0hRRC, "ConcIudin 0bservations on the 5ituation of CiviI
and PoIiticaI Rihts: quatoriaI Cuinea," CCPR]C0]]Ch, |uIy o, zooq,
http:]]]tbs]doc.nsf](5ymboI)]ffoc6edcococ1z6efcoo66?0pendocument (accessed 5eptember 18,
nery Information Association, 05 epartment of nery, "ApriI zoo InternationaI PetroIeum MonthIy," May 11, zoo,
http:]]www.eia.doe.ov]emeu]internationaI]oiIproduction.htmI (accessed May z, zoo).
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo8 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," IMf Country Report ho. o]1oz, March z,
zoo, http:]]www.imf.or]externaI]pubs]ft]scr]zoo]cro1oz.pdf (accessed May , zoo), p. zz.

9<## =4#<> )@
Frcm zoo tc zoo8 Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's real annual grcss dcmestlc prcduct grew cn average
by 1. percent per year. The lnternatlcnal Mcnetary Fund estlmated that the cll sectcr
acccunted fcr nearly , percent cf the ccuntry's 6uP and that cll revenues ccmprlsed
apprcxlmately 8z percent cf gcvernment revenue ln zoo,.
8y zoo8, the ccuntry's 6uP was
estlmated at $18. bllllcn-an lncrease cf ,z,z percent between 1z and zoo8-almcst
ccmpletely frcm cll revenue.

uS cll ccmpanles, such as FxxcnMcbll, Fess, Marathcn, Chevrcn Ccrpcratlcn and vancc
Fnergy Ccrpcratlcn, are the prlnclpal lnvestcrs ln the ccuntry. The ccuntry has beccme cne
cf the maln destlnatlcns cf uS lnvestment cn the ccntlnent (cver $1z bllllcn tc date), the
fcurth-hlghest ln sub-Saharan Afrlca (after Scuth Afrlca, Angcla, and hlgerla).

Ccmpanles ln the cll buslness have been anxlcus tc lmprcve the lmage cf the ccuntry and
sc underplay hcw pclltlcally unstable the ccuntry has beccme. They avcld pclltlcal
dlscusslcn cr meetlng the cppcsltlcn dlrectly.
Acccrdlng tc cppcsltlcn leader Placldc Mlc,
cll has had a "negatlve lmpact" cn the demccratlc prccess and has managed "tc strengthen
the dlctatcrshlp" ln the ccuntry. Fe argued that cll wealth has alsc made Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
mcre reslllent tc lnternatlcnal pressure tc lmprcve lts human rlghts reccrd.

IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: 5tatisticaI Appendix," Appendix to the IMf Country Report on quatoriaI Cuinea
o]1oz, March z, zoo, pp. , 11.

IMf, "worId conomic 0utIook zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," ApriI zoo,

(accessed May z, zoo).

xxonMobiI operates the biIIion-barreI Zafiro fieId off 8ioko IsIand; Marathon operates the AIba as]condensate fieId and is
a partner in onshore faciIities and in the country's pIanned Iiquefied naturaI as faciIity; Ress operates the producin Ceiba
fieId as weII as the horthern 8Iock C pro|ect off Rio Muni; and Chevron operates 8Iock L, which has proved unsuccessfuI to
date. evon was a minority partner in Zafiro and had an interest in expIoration 8Iock P off Rio Muni, but soId its assets to
nationaI oiI company CPetroI for $z.z biIIion in earIy zoo8.
for exampIe, durin the visit of a CP5 deIeation to washinton, C, and London in hovember zoo, companies operatin
in quatoriaI Cuinea did not accept invitations to attend roundtabIe meetins on quatoriaI Cuinea at the Center for 5trateic
and InternationaI 5tudies and Chatham Rouse think tanks.

Ruman Rihts watch teIephone interview with PIcido Mic, 5eptember zz, zoo.

)( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(

III. 1he quateguinean cenemy: Cerrupt, Mismanaged, and

Corruption efinin the 0iI 8oom
6cvernment ccrruptlcn and nepctlsm, alcng wlth the lack cf a clvll scclety cr human rlghts
advccates, have deflned the ccndltlcns under whlch buslnesses cperate and the pcpulatlcn
llves and wcrks ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Slnce the dlsccvery cf cll ln the mld-1os,
lnternatlcnally there have been numercus allegatlcns cf ccrruptlcn agalnst the gcvernment,
partlcularly agalnst Presldent Ublang and hls famlly.

Mcst recently, ln late zoo8 a human rlghts grcup ln Spaln accused Presldent Ublang and
cther current and fcrmer Fquatcgulnean gcvernment cfflclals cf slphcnlng uS$z6 mllllcn
frcm an Fquatcrlal 6ulnean state-cwned cll ccmpany and uslng lt tc buy hcuses ln Madrld,
Asturlas, and the Canary lslands.
Uther questlcnable practlces lnclude cwnershlp by
gcvernment cfflclals cf land that ls rented cr scld tc fcrelgn ccmpanles cr gcvernments,
ccntractlng wlth ccmpanles ln whlch gcvernment cfflclals have slgnlflcant cwnershlp stakes,
schclarshlps cr cther servlces pald tc relatlves cf gcvernment cfflclals by fcrelgn lnvestcrs,
and transactlcns by gcvernment cfflclals lnvclvlng tens cf mllllcns cf dcllars ln cash
wlthdrawals cr the purchase cf luxury ltems such as manslcns cr exctlc cars.

Ccrruptlcn and mlsmanagement dc nct gc unremarked upcn lnslde the ccuntry, but thelr
pursult appears hlghly selectlve. Twc mcnths after belng lnstalled as prlme mlnlster, klcardc
Mangue Ubama hfubea stated cn Uctcber zo, zoo6, "My 6cvernment wlll nct permlt any
shred cf ccrruptlcn and we wlll flght fcr transparency."
hfubea lntrcduced a telephcne
hctllne, cstenslbly fcr cll ccmpanles tc repcrt ccrrupt practlces, but althcugh flve
gcvernment cfflclals were sentenced ln hcvember zoo6 tc prlscn sentences ranglng frcm 6

CriminaI CompIaint, Asociacin Pro erechos Rumanos de spaa (APR) v. MarceIino 0wonu du, Constancia hchama
Ane, MiueI Abia 8iteco, orotea Anita Roka Iobo, CabrieI huema Lima, virinia sther Maye Mba, 1eodoro 8iyoo hsue,
Iena Mensa, Pastor Micha 0ndo 8iIe, MadaIena Ayan, and Atanasio Ia htuu, 5panish CentraI PretriaI Investiations
Court (5eptember zz, zoo8), copy on fiIe with Ruman Rihts watch. At this writin, the 5panish speciaI anticorruption
prosecutor is reviewin the compIaint. maiI communication from Ken Rurwitz, anticorruption senior IeaI officer, 0pen
5ociety |ustice Initiative, to Ruman Rihts watch, March 1o, zoo.

0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, Committee on CovernmentaI Affairs, "Money Launderin
and forein Corruption: nforcement and ffectiveness of the Patriot Act: Case 5tudy InvoIvin Ris 8ank-Report Prepared
by the Minority 5taff of the Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations," |uIy 1, zooq, pp. 1-11z; CriminaI CompIaint, APR v.
MarceIino 0wonu du et aI., 5panish CentraI PretriaI Investiations Court (5eptember zz, zoo8).
"'My Covernment wiII hot AIIow Any 5hred 0f Corruption And we wiII fiht for 1ransparency' Affirmed 1he Prime Minister
8efore 1he 8oard of irectors from 1he Port 0f MaIabo," quatoriaI Cuinea overnment press reIease, 0ctober zo, zoo6,
http:]] (accessed hovember 1, zoo6).

9<## =4#<> &'
tc 1z mcnths fcr embezzllng $8o,ooo cf publlc funds, hfubea's lnltlatlves had llttle
dlscernlble lmpact cn gcvernment ccrruptlcn.
Mcrecver, ln acceptlng the hfubea
gcvernment's reslgnatlcn cn }uly , zoo8, Ublang repcrtedly called lt "cne cf the wcrst ever
fcrmed," accuslng lt cf ccrruptlcn, lrregularltles, and mlsmanagement.
As ncted abcve,
hcwever, half cf the cld cablnet was relnstated ln the gcvernment lnstalled a mcnth later.

Fquatcrlal 6ulnea dces nct keep updated statlstlcs cn emplcyment but has an estlmated
unemplcyment rate cf abcut o percent. Ccntracts cf emplcyment ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea are
generally dcne verbally and are nct expressed ln a dccument. Unly ln the cll lndustry are
they fcrmallzed ln wrltlng, but because thls ls dcne thrcugh subccntractlng, ccntracts cf
emplcyment are made between wcrkers and lntermedlary ccntractlng agencles. Acccrdlng tc
a repcrt publlshed by Fundacln Paz y Sclldarldad Serafn Allaga and the lnternatlcnal
Ccnfederatlcn cf Free Trade unlcns ln zoo6, these agencles, cr "buslness centers," lnclude:

AMlLUCASFk (cwned by Armengcl Undc hguema, the presldent's brcther,
army general, and natlcnal delegate fcr securlty), hUMFX (cwned by 6abrlel
Mbega Ublang Llma, the presldent's scn and mlnlng and energy secretary cf
state), MSS (cwned by Antcnlc Mba hguema, the presldent's brcther, army
general, and mlnlster cf defense), ATSl6F (cwned by Manuel hguema Mba,
the presldent's uncle, army general, and mlnlster cf securlty), APF6FSA
(cwned by }uan Ul Mba hseng, the presldent's father-ln-law, fcrmer mlnlster
cf mlnlng and hydrccarbcns, and Atanaslc Fla htugu hsa, currently mlnlster
cf mlnlng and energy) and 8UMuFh (cwned by }ullan Undc hkumu, army
cclcnel and dlrectcr general cf presldentlal securlty).

uSAlu ncted ln a }anuary zoo, repcrt that ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's eccncmy "small
ccntractlng agencles are frequently cwned by perscns wlth clcse tles tc |the gcvernment[
and therefcre unrellable ln thelr capaclty tc prcvlde quallty perscnnel rather than pclltlcal

conomist InteIIience 0nit (I0), "Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," |anuary zoo,
http:]]]report_dI.asp?issue_id=811zz&mode=pdf&rf=o (accessed hovember q, zoo8), p. 1.
"quatoriaI Cuinea Covernment Resins," Aence france-Presse, |uIy , zoo8.
AIicia Campos 5errano and PIcido Mic Aboo, Labour and 1rade 0nion freedom in quatoriaI Cuinea (Madrid: fundacin
Paz y 5oIidaridad 5erafin AIiaa de Comisiones 0breras, zoo6), pp. 8-.

Leoncio Yu way MoraIes, "1echnicaI 5upport Pro|ect for 5ociaI Investment and Capacity 8uiIdin in quatoriaI Cuinea:
uarterIy Report (Auust -ecember 1, zoo6)," 05AI, |anuary 1, zoo, http:]]pdf.usaid.ov]pdf_docs]PAC|1.pdf
(accessed hovember 8, zoo8), pp. z1-zz.

&) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
quatoriaI Cuinea Indications of Corruption
The bulk cf lnfcrmatlcn cn gcvernmental ccrruptlcn has emerged frcm cfflclal lnvestlgatlcns
by the uS Senate's Permanent Subccmmlttee cn lnvestlgatlcns, a bcdy that has
ccnslderable lnvestlgatlve pcwer (lncludlng subpcena pcwer), cf the uS-based klggs 8ank,
as well as frcm clvll lawsults flled agalnst gcvernment cfflclals fcr fallure tc pay fcr luxury
gccds cr servlces rendered. The fcllcwlng ls a sample cf such lnstances.

74, 8$++. 9'*: .&'*/'#
ln May zooz Fuman klghts watch learned that hundreds cf mllllcns cf dcllars cf cll revenue
were depcslted ln at least cne acccunt held by the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea at klggs
8ank ln washlngtcn, uC.

ln }anuary zoo the Lcs Angeles Tlmes prcvlded further detalls cf

the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment's use cf funds depcslted at klggs, lncludlng allegatlcns
cf ccrruptlcn.
Fcllcwlng that expcse, the uS lnvestlgatlve televlslcn news prcgram 6o
Mlnutes alred a stcry cn the mlsuse cf cll revenue ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and the ccnnectlcn
tc klggs 8ank.

Thcse dlsclcsures prcmpted the uemccratlc mlncrlty staff cf the uS

Senate's Permanent Subccmmlttee cn lnvestlgatlcns tc undertake ln zoo an lnvestlgatlcn
lntc the rcle cf klggs 8ank ln hcstlng the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment's funds.

Acccrdlng tc klggs 8ank, the acccunts ln questlcn cperated frcm 1 untll zoo and
tctalled as much as $,oo mllllcn. Uffshcre acccunts are ccmmcn amcng cll prcducers ln
crder tc recelve payments ln dcllars, but, lmpcrtantly, Presldent Ublang and hls clcse
relatlves malntalned slgnatcry authcrlty cver many cf the klggs acccunts and had ccmplete
dlscretlcn cver the use cf thcse funds.
ln zoo Ublang tcld a 8rltlsh |curnallst, "l am the
cne whc arranges thlngs ln thls ccuntry because ln Afrlca there are lcts cf prcblems cf
ccrruptlcn. lf there ls ccrruptlcn, dlverslcn cf funds, then l'm respcnslble. l'm 1oo percent
sure cf all the cll revenue because the cne whc slgns ls me."

Slnce the late 1os the lnternatlcnal Mcnetary Fund has ccnslstently advccated tc the
Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment that all such acccunts be merged lntc cne treasury acccunt

Ruman Rihts watch interview with an officiaI who had direct knowIede of the account, washinton C, May zz, zooz.
Ken 5iIverstein, "0iI 8oom nriches African RuIer,"Los AneIes 1imes, |anuary zo, zoo.

"1he Kuwait of Africa," 6o Minutes, C85 hews, first aired hovember 16, zoo.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, pp. q1-q.

Lindsey RiIsum, "Another hice friend for President 8ush," hew 5tatesman, ecember 8, zoo.

9<## =4#<> &&
wlth the 8ank cf Central Afrlcan States (8FAC), the reglcnal bank fcr central Afrlca.
Thls has
never happened. ln hls bcck My Llfe Fcr My Pecple, Ublang explalned why he lgncred lMF

l can understand eccncmlc and flnanclal ccndltlcns but reascnable
deadllnes must be establlshed and the lccal sltuatlcn must be taken lntc
acccunt. There were addltlcnally, purely pclltlcal ccndltlcns that had tc dc
wlth the alleged human rlghts vlclatlcns and the sc called lack cf
transparency ln cur pclltlcal llfe. At the tlme l clearly sald what l thlnk abcut
thls. There was alsc an addltlcnal demand: we had tc deslgnate an audltcr
fcr payments and budget, a respcnslblllty that l have always perfcrmed
myself because lt ls sc lmpcrtant fcr the develcpment cf the ccuntry. The lMF
wanted me tc entrust the respcnslblllty tc cthers, whlch l refused. lf the
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea pecple had entrusted me wlth thls respcnslblllty, lt was
nct up tc the lMF staff tc say the cppcslte.

uesplte Ublang's clalms that hls declslcn tc lgncre the lMF was based cn hls ccncern fcr the
welfare cf the ccuntry, lt ls clear that scme cf thcse funds were actually used fcr hls cwn
perscnal galn. ln lts }anuary zoo artlcle the Lcs Angeles Tlmes repcrted that klggs helped
Ublang flnance twc manslcns, then wcrth apprcxlmately $1.z mllllcn and $z.6 mllllcn, ln an
affluent Maryland suburb cf washlngtcn, uC.
Prcperty reccrds shcw that thcse hcuses
were purchased under the presldent's name, wlth a klggs 8ank branch llsted as hls malllng
Such transactlcns hlghllght the cpaque nature cf the budgetary prccess ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and the pctentlal fcr the dlverslcn cf state revenue lntc perscnal hands.
The Senate lnvestlgatlcn repcrt, released publlcly cn }uly 1, zoo, clearly detalled the
extent cf the mlsuse cf publlc funds by lndlvlduals ln the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment.
amcunts cf mcney depcslted at klggs were sc large that by zoo the gcvernment cf
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea was the largest cllent cf the bank.
Une acccunt, set up ln }anuary 16,

IMf, "IMf ConcIudes zoo1 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation with quatoriaI Cuinea," PubIic Information hotice ho. o1]1o6, 0ctober 11,
zoo1, http:]]www.imf.or]externaI]np]sec]pn]zoo1]pno11o6.htm (accessed hovember 8, zoo8); IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI
Cuinea: zoo ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," May zz, zoo8, p. 1.
1eodoro 0bian huema Mbasoo, My Life for My PeopIe (Montevideo: mbassy of the RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea,
zooq), p. 1z.
5iIverstein, "0iI 8oom nriches African RuIer," Los AneIes 1imes.
5tate of MaryIand, epartment of Assessments and 1axation, Montomery County, account numbers o18o6q and
oz6qo1o, deed reference 11q]q8 and 18z].
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, pp. 1-11z.
Ibid., p. 8.

&. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
was ln the name cf the kepubllc cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea 6eneral Treasury. lt recelved funds
mcstly frcm cll ccmpanles, prlmarlly FxxcnMcbll.
Thls acccunt needed twc slgnatures, cne
frcm Presldent Ublang and the cther elther frcm hls scn 6abrlel Ublang Llma, then deputy
mlnes and hydrccarbcns mlnlster, cr hls nephew Melchcr Fscnc Fd|c, secretary cf state fcr
the treasury. Any cne cf thcse same slgnatcrles cculd wlthdraw funds frcm ancther acccunt,
whlch held balances cf up tc $oo mllllcn at a tlme. klggs subsequently allcwed wlre
transfers tc twc ccmpanles that were unkncwn tc the bank and had acccunts ln |urlsdlctlcns
wlth bank secrecy laws.
The subccmmlttee ccncluded that at least cne cf these reclplent
ccmpanles ls ccntrclled ln whcle cr ln part by the presldent cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.
ln zoo,
when klggs asked the presldent abcut these acccunts, he decllned tc prcvlde further
lnfcrmatlcn except tc ccnflrm the transfers cf funds tc them had been authcrlzed.

ln addltlcn tc the acccunts already dlscussed, flve mcre acccunts and three certlflcates cf
depcslt at klggs were held ln the name cf Ccnstancla Mangue hsue Ukcmc, Ublang's senlcr
wlfe. FxxcnMcbll made several payments lntc these acccunts. Addltlcnal acccunts were
alsc cpened ln the names cf cther frlends and relatlves cf Ublang.

ln zooo klggs helped tc create a 8ahamas-reglstered shell ccmpany, Utcng SA, fcr the
presldent uslng the ccnfldentlal address cf "The Presldentlal Palace, Malabc." Un twc
cccaslcns klggs accepted wlthcut due dlllgence $ mllllcn ln cash depcslts fcr thls
Acccrdlng tc the Senate lnvestlgatlcn repcrt, frcm zooo tc zooz klggs accepted a
tctal cf $1 mllllcn ln cash-cften packaged ln "uncpened plastlc-wrapped bundles" and
carrled ln sultcases by the klggs acccunt manager fcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnea-"wlth few
questlcns asked."

6cvernment cfflclals ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea are requlred tc declare thelr perscnal assets
befcre a hatlcnal Ccmmlsslcn fcr Fthlcs. Fcwever, effcrts by Fuman klghts watch ln zoo

Ibid., p. q1.
Ibid., p. 8.
Ibid., p. .
Ibid., p. .
Ibid., pp. q1-q6.
Ibid., p..
Ibid., p. 1.

9<## =4#<> &-
and zoo tc galn access tc thls reglster falled. Fuman klghts watch was tcld that thls
lnfcrmatlcn was "ccnfldentlal and cnly fcr the presldent tc see."

klggs was clearly aware cf the ccrruptlcn ln the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment, as well as
the human rlghts ccncerns ln the ccuntry. ln an lnternal dccument prcduced by the bank fcr
a zooz lcan tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, the fcllcwlng cbservatlcns shcw hcw the bank saw the

The wcrld 8ank and lMF are under pressure tc engage wlth Fquatcrlal
6ulnea.... Althcugh the gcvernment recently anncunced a prcgram tc
lmprcve transparency and acccuntablllty, any changes are unllkely tc meet
lMF crlterla. wlth the establlshment cf a state cll ccmpany, 6F Petrcl, later ln
zoo1, management cf the cll sectcr may even beccme mcre cpaque, and
standards cf gcvernance are llkely tc remaln pccr.... The gcvernment cash-
flcw sltuatlcn lmprcved ccnslderably durlng 1-zooo reflectlng grcwlng cll
revenue, but flscal pcllcy perfcrmance ccntlnued tc weaken, as evldenced by
the lack cf ccntrcl cver gcvernment flnanclal cperatlcns.... The |F6[ Presldent
has at least partly cverccme uS State uepartment ccncerns abcut human
rlghts abuse and ccrruptlcn.... Allegatlcns cf human rlghts abuses fcllcwed
the anncuncement cf the ccup ln March have been well dccumented, and
have ellclted lnternatlcnal ccndemnatlcn. Fcwever, any hesltancy cn part cf
the uS cr Furcpean ccuntrles tcwards Fquatcrlal 6ulnea wlll be tempcrary,
due tc the rlslng lmpcrtance cf the cll sectcr.... Fuman rlghts have been an
endemlc prcblem ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. The Fuman klghts Ccmmlsslcn vcted
tc keep Fquatcrlal 6ulnea under scrutlny, hcwever, lt ls belleved that the
gcvernment's lncreaslng capaclty tc buy dlplcmatlc lnfluence has caused
several Afrlcan ccuntrles tc lnslst cn scftenlng the crltlclsm.

ln }anuary zoo klggs 8ank pleaded gullty tc vlclatlng the uS 8ank Secrecy Act by hldlng
mllllcns cf dcllars ccntrclled by senlcr cfflclals frcm Fquatcrlal 6ulnea (as well as funds
ccntrclled by Chllean fcrmer presldent Augustc Plncchet). ln addltlcn tc agreelng tc pay a
$16 mllllcn flne, the bank agreed tc flve years' prcbatlcn and tc cccperate ln cngclng

Ruman Rihts watch teIephone interviews with overnment officiaI (name withheId), MaIabo, ecember zoo and
ecember zooq.

Ris 8ank, "0fficers' Loan Committee Action," 8ates 1 ooooo8-1o1, hovember z6, zooz, at oz-, pubIished in 05
5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1, zooq, p. q6.

&+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
lnvestlgatlcns cf fcrmer klggs cfflcers.

The flne ls the largest ever assessed under the 8ank

Secrecy Act. Thls crlmlnal penalty came cn tcp cf an earller $z mllllcn clvll flne levled by
the Ufflce cf the Ccmptrcller fcr the Currency ln May zoo fcr klggs 8ank's handllng cf
acccunts held by dlplcmats and cfflclals cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and Saudl Arabla.
The uS
Federal keserve alsc lssued a cease and deslst crder requlrlng klggs hatlcnal Ccrpcratlcn,
the parent ccmpany cf klggs 8ank, tc lmprcve lts cverslght cf the bank, lnternal ccntrcls,
and rlsk management.
Un Aprll z,, zoo, the Federal keserve apprcved the acqulsltlcn cf
klggs hatlcnal Ccrpcratlcn by PhC Flnanclal Servlces 6rcup, lnc., fcr scme $6 mllllcn.

The bank's embassy and lnternatlcnal banklng cperatlcns were shut dcwn.

Un }une , zoo, federal prcsecutcrs lndlcted Slmcn Karerl, a fcrmer klggs 8ank vlce
presldent, and hls wlfe cn charges cf bank fraud, mcney launderlng, wlre fraud, and
ccnsplracy, amcng cthers, ln ccnnectlcn wlth hls alleged embezzlement cf funds frcm
Fquatcgulnean acccunts.
Karerl was the manager cf the Afrlcan and Carlbbean dlvlslcn cf
klggs 8ank's lnternatlcnal and embassy banklng department untll he was flred ln }anuary
zoo, he had been respcnslble fcr the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea acccunts. Acccrdlng tc the
gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, "The transfer cf cne mllllcn uS dcllars frcm the Fquatcrlal
6ulnea acccunt tc Mr. Karerl's acccunt ls explalned as payment tc the ccnstructlcn ccmpany
whlch bullt the lndustrlal agrlcultural ccnservatlcn plant ln the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean clty cf
ln hcvember zoo6 Slmcn Karerl pleaded gullty cn fcurteen ccunts, lncludlng flve
ccunts cf bank fraud and slx ccunts cf mcney launderlng.
Fe was sentenced tc 18 mcnths'
lmprlscnment cn each ccunt.
Fls wlfe pleaded gullty cn seven ccunts, lncludlng three

"Ris 8ank nters CuiIty PIea and wiII Pay $16 MiIIion fine for CriminaI faiIure to Report humerous 5uspicious
1ransactions," 05 epartment of |ustice press reIease, |anuary z, zoo,
http:]]www.usdo|.ov]tax]usaopress]zoo]txdvooo.htmI (accessed hovember z1, zoo8).
05 epartment of the 1reasury, 0ffice of the ComptroIIer of the Currency, "Consent 0rder of CiviI Money PenaIty in the
Matter of Ris 8ank h.A.," AA-C-oq-o, May 1, zooq, http:]]www.occ.treas.ov]ftp]eas]Azooq-qq.pdf (accessed
hovember z1, zoo8).

05 federaI Reserve 8oard, "Cease and esist 0rder in the Matter of Ris hationaI Corporation," o-oo-8-RC, |anuary z6,
zoo, http:]]www.federaIreserve.ov]boarddocs]press]enforcement]zoo]zooo1z]attachment.pdf (accessed hovember
z1, zoo8).
"federaI Reserve Approves Acquisition of Ris 8ank Parent by PhC for $6q miIIion," Associated Press, ApriI z6, zoo.

Indictment, 0nited 5tates of America v. 5imon P. Kareri and hdeye hene faII Kareri, Case ho.o-oz1z-o1 (. C |une ,
"5tatement of the PeopIe & Covernment of quatoriaI Cuinea in Response to the Report on Ris 8ank of the Permanent
5ubcommittee on Investiations of the Committee on Covernment Affairs of the 5enate of the 0nited 5tates of America,"
quatoriaI Cuinea overnment press reIease, 5eptember zooq, para. zq.
|udement, 0nited 5tates of America v. 5imon P. Kareri, Case ho.o-oz1z-o1 (. C hovember z, zoo6).

9<## =4#<> &,
ccunts cf mcney launderlng, she was sentenced tc twenty-cne mcnths cf supervlsed
They |clntly pald $61,ooo ln restltutlcn.

;"-2'*$,. "3*,/ 0< +"=,)*-,*% "11$&$'#. '*/ %4, )"#, "1 ->#%$*'%$"*'# "$# &"-2'*$,.
The uS Senate Permanent Subccmmlttee cn lnvestlgatlcns repcrt detalled hcw the
pervaslve rcle cf ccmpanles ccntrclled by members cf the rullng famlly cr thelr clcse
asscclates ln the ccuntry's eccncmy ls ancther manlfestatlcn cf suspect practlces by
gcvernment cfflclals, thelr famlly members, cr clcse asscclates. kegardlng the klggs 8ank
scandal the repcrt ccncluded, amcng cther thlngs, that "|c[ll ccmpanles cperatlng ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea may have ccntrlbuted tc ccrrupt practlces by maklng substantlal
payments tc, cr enterlng lntc buslness ventures wlth, lndlvldual Fquatcrlal 6ulnea cfflclals,
thelr famlly members, cr entltles they ccntrcl, wlth mlnlmal publlc dlsclcsure cf thelr

The subccmmlttee's lnvestlgatlcn shcwed that Chevrcn, CMS Fnergy Ccrpcratlcn, whcse
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea lnterests were purchased by Marathcn ln zooz, uevcn Fnergy Ccrpcratlcn,
whlch scld lts assets tc 6FPetrcl ln zoo8, FxxcnMcbll, Trltcn Fnergy Ccrpcratlcn, whlch was
acqulred ln zoo1 by Amerada Fess Ccrpcratlcn (ncw Fess Ccrpcratlcn), and vancc all were
engaged ln such actlvltles.

The reccrds examlned by the subccmmlttee shcwed that mcst cf the payments made by
these cll ccmpanles went tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment acccunts, lncludlng thcse at
klggs 8ank. They alsc shcwed that Marathcn made a number cf payments tc Fquatcrlal
6ulnea's acccunts cther than the cll acccunt, whlle Fess made scme dlfferent transfers
tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment vendcrs.
Acccrdlng tc the repcrt, "|s[cme cll ccmpanles
have alsc entered lntc buslness ventures wlth Fquatcrlal 6ulnean cfflclals, members cf thelr
famllles, cr ventures they ccntrcl."

|udement, 0nited 5tates of America v. hdeye hene faII Kareri, Case ho.o-oz1z-o1 (. C hovember z, zoo6).
|udement, 0nited 5tates of America v. 5imon P. Kareri, Case ho.o-oz1z-o1 (. C hovember z6, zoo6); |udement, 0nited
5tates of America v. hdeye hene faII Kareri, Case ho.o-oz1z-o1 (. C hovember z, zoo6). 8y earIy zoo8 the Kareris had
satisfied the monetary |udment throuh the saIe of a suburban MaryIand property oriinaIIy purchased with money obtained
throuh a kickback scheme that defrauded the 8enin mbasssy in washinton, C. CompIaint for forfeiture, 0nited 5tates of
America v. 0ne parceI of reaI property described as: Lot numbered seven () in the subdivision known as "1he CIen," as per
pIat recorded in pIat book 1oq at pIat 11q amon the Iand records of Montomery County, MaryIand , Case ho. oq-o1z (.
C 5eptember z, zooq); 0rder, 0nited 5tates of America v. 0ne parceI of reaI property, Case ho. oq-o1z (. C March 1z,
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o1.
Ibid., pp. -1oo.
Ibid., p. 1oo.

&? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
uue tc the pervaslve rcle cf the gcvernment and lndlvlduals wlth tles tc gcvernment cfflclals
and thelr famlly members ln the ccuntry's eccncmy, cll ccmpanles dclng buslness ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea cften end up enterlng lntc a varlety cf buslness agreements and
relatlcnshlps whlch result ln thelr ccntrlbutlng substantlally tc the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean
gcvernment's funds. These relatlcnshlps lnclude varlcus |clnt ventures, the lease cr
purchase cf land, the purchase cf securlty servlces, and ccntrlbutlcns tc schclarshlps fcr
Fquatcrlal 6ulnean natlcnals, usually awarded tc relatlves cf gcvernment cfflclals.

Lease and purchase of Iand
8etween March 1, 16, and }une zz, zoo1, FxxcnMcbll's Fquatcrlal 6ulnea subsldlary,
Mcbll Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, lnc. (MF6l), leased the bulldlngs and land that ccmprlse the
"Abayak Ccmpcund" dlrectly frcm Presldent Ublang's wlfe. After }une zz, zoo1, MF6l
ccntlnued tc lease the prcperty thrcugh Abayak S.A., a ccmpany cwned by Presldent Ublang
and actlvely managed and admlnlstered by hls wlfe. Thls relatlcnshlp ccntlnues.

Marathcn pald the presldent cver $z mllllcn fcr the purchase cf twc plcts cf land at Punta
Furcpa, a penlnsula cn the ncrthwest ccrner cf 8lckc lsland that ls the clcsest pclnt tc the
cffshcre Alba fleld. The purchases-cne valulng $1. mllllcn-were negctlated thrcugh
Abayak S.A., whlch was actlng as the agent cf Presldent Ublang.
ln a letter tc Fuman
klghts watch cn Aprll z8, zoo, Marathcn stated that when lt acqulred CMS Fnergy's stake
ln the Alba fleld ln zooz, Marathcn made slgnlflcant lnvestments that

requlred the ccnstructlcn cf addltlcnal plants and therefcre the acqulsltlcn
cf addltlcnal land. Frcm every lcglstlcal, englneerlng, cperatlcnal, eccncmlc
and cther reascnable perspectlves, Marathcn and lts partners had nc
alternatlve than tc bulld new plants ad|acent tc the exlstlng facllltles |cn
Punta Furcpa[. Presldent Ublang had the tltle cf the reccrd tc the Punta
Furcpa land, havlng acqulred lt ln 18, lcng befcre any land was acqulred
fcr cll and gas cperatlcns.... Marathcn negctlated a prlce cf apprcxlmately
$z,oo an acre whlch was wlthln a prlce |slc[ wlthln the market prlce
lndlcated by lts analysls. The acqulsltlcn was then ccmpleted thrcugh an
exprcprlatlcn prccess whlch lncluded the cppcrtunlty fcr publlc ccmment,

Ibid., p. 1oo
Ibid., p. 1oz.

9<## =4#<> &@
lncludlng the publlc ldentlflcatlcn cf the seller and purchaser cf the

Slnce the release cf the Senate repcrt ln zoo, Marathcn and lts partners have nct
purchased any addltlcnal land ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

Acccrdlng tc the Senate lnvestlgatlcn repcrt, "Amerada Fess ... pald Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
cfflclals and thelr relatlves nearly $1 mllllcn fcr bulldlng leases."
ln zooo Trltcn was
lnvclved ln negctlatlng and leaslng cne such prcperty frcm a 1-year-cld bcy, a relatlve cf
Presldent Ublang. Trltcn and subsequently Amerada Fess pald the bcy and hls mcther (hls
representatlve) $,8oo under the lease.

ln a letter dated May , zoo, frcm Fess tc

Fuman klghts watch, Fess stated that they nc lcnger retaln thls lease. Fcwever, Fess
dlsclcsed that lt stlll malntalns cne lease lnherlted frcm Trltcn wlth a perscn whc has slnce
been appclnted mlnlster cf fcrelgn affalrs, acccrdlng tc Fess, "Thls lease ls belleved tc be at
a falr market rate and ls nct materlal tc cur actlvltles."

5ecurity services
FxxcnMcbll and Amerada Fess tcld the subccmmlttee that they purchase thelr securlty
servlces thrcugh Sccledad haclcnal de vlgllancla (Scnavl), a ccmpany cwned by the
presldent's brcther, Armengcl Undc hguema, as Scnavl has a mcncpcly cn securlty servlces
ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.
Fcur cther cll ccmpanles tcld the subccmmlttee that they were able
tc shcp arcund fcr thelr securlty servlces.

Fess pald apprcxlmately $oo,oo tc Scnavl between }anuary zooo and May zoo.
mcvlng lts cperatlcns tc 8ata ln zoo, Fess has had nc further buslness relatlcnshlp wlth

Letter from AdeI Chaouch, director, Corporate 5ociaI ResponsibiIity, Marathon 0iI Corporation, to Ruman Rihts watch,
ApriI z8, zoo.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o1.

Ibid., p. 1o1

Letter from AIbert |. Marchetti, vice president, InternationaI and federaI ReIations, Ress Corporation, to Ruman Rihts
watch, May , zoo.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1oz. Ruman Rihts watch has been toId by five other internationaI oiI companies operatin in quatoriaI Cuinea that
no such monopoIy exists.

Ibid., p. 1o.
Ibid., p. 1oz.

&( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(

As far as Fuman klghts watch ls aware, FxxcnMcbll ccntlnues lts relatlcnshlp wlth
Scnavl, argulng that thls relatlcnshlp ls "at arm's length and that payments had been
ccnslstent wlth market rates."
Frcm August 1, tc Uctcber zooo an FxxcnMcbll
subsldlary pald Scnavl $68,oo fcr securlty servlces, between zooo and zoo, ancther
FxxcnMcbll entlty pald Scnavl $z6,oo fcr securlty.

Acccrdlng tc the subccmmlttee lnvestlgatlcn, slx cll ccmpanles made slgnlflcant
payments-ln excess cf $ mllllcn-fcr the expenses lncurred by mcre than 1oo
Fquatcgulnean students seeklng educatlcn cutslde the ccuntry.
ln scme cases, payments
tc an Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment acccunt fcr tralnlng cf Fquatcgulnean cltlzens were
requlred by clauses wlthln the prcductlcn sharlng ccntracts (PSCs) the ccmpanles slgned.
Acccrdlng tc the lnvestlgatlcn's repcrt, "Many and perhaps all cf these students were the
chlldren cr relatlves cf F6 cfflclals, but the evldence ls unclear regardlng the extent tc whlch
each cf the cll ccmpanles was aware cf the students' famlly status."
ln letters tc all slx cll
ccmpanles mentlcned ln the Senate repcrt, Fuman klghts watch lnqulred abcut the current
nature cf the payments made tc suppcrt Fquatcgulnean student tralnlng. Uf the flve
ccmpanles that have respcnded at thls wrltlng, nc ccmpany speclfled fundlng students whc
were relatlves cf Fquatcgulnean gcvernment cfflclals.

8etween zoo1 and zoo Chevrcn prcvlded $1o,ooo each year fcr student tralnlng
Acccrdlng tc a letter dated }une , zoo, frcm Chevrcn tc Fuman klghts
watch, lnfcrmatlcn ccntalned ln PSCs regardlng payments fcr expenses lncurred by
Fquatcgulnean students seeklng tralnlng cr educatlcn ls "ccnfldentlal."

Letter from Marchetti, May , zoo.

0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o. Ruman Rihts watch requested confirmation of and further detaiIs about the status of xxonMobiI's reIationship
with 5onavi in an ApriI 1q, zoo, Ietter to xxonMobiI. xxonMobiI's repIy to this Ietter did not incIude a response on this issue.
Letter from Ken Cohen, vice president, PubIic Affairs, xxonMobiI Corporation, to Ruman Rihts watch, May q, zoo.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1oz.
Ibid., pp. 1oq-1o.
Ibid., p. 1oq.
Ibid., p. 1o.
Letter from 5iIvia M. Carrio, manaer, CIobaI Issues and PoIicy, Chevron Corporation, to Ruman Rihts watch, |une ,

9<## =4#<> .'
FxxcnMcbll dld nct prcvlde the subccmmlttee wlth lnfcrmatlcn cn any schclarshlp
payments made but klggs dccuments stated that alcng wlth Marathcn lt funded
between z8 and Fquatcgulnean students ln zoo.

vancc made twc payments cf $18,ooo between zooo and zoo1, and twc payments
exceedlng $1o,ooo between zooz and zoo, fcr student tralnlng.

Frcm mld-zoo thrcugh mld-zoo8, the perlcd uevcn Fnergy cperated ln Fquatcrlal
6ulnea, uevcn suppcrted the educatlcnal tralnlng cf Fquatcgulnean students ln
three ways:
o Tc fulfll a clause ln uevcn's PSC wlth the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment,
uevcn made lump-sum payments cf $zoo,ooo per year tcward Fquatcgulnean
educatlcnal tralnlng. These payments, whlch were made dlrectly tc the Mlnlstry
cf Mlnes and Fnergy, began ln zoo wlth a prc-rated payment cf $1o,ooo and
ended ln zoo,.

o 8etween zoo and zoo,, uevcn dcnated $1z,ooo per year tc 6F6FU, a
prcgram admlnlstered by the unlverslty cf Scuth Carcllna that prcvldes
suppcrt tc students at the unlverslty cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

o Acccrdlng tc uevcn, "ln zoo8, uevcn was requlred, under the F6 Fydrccarbcn
Law and an agreement between the gcvernment cf F6 and lts PSC cperatcrs
(lncludlng uevcn), tc pay apprcxlmately $o,ooo tc suppcrt a tralnlng
prcgram admlnlstered by ... an afflllate cf Marathcn Ull Ccrpcratlcn."

Fess between zoo1 and zoo made payments tctalllng $1. mllllcn fcr
Fquatcgulnean students studylng ln the uS and Canada.
ln a letter tc Fuman
klghts watch, Fess wrcte that they currently prcvlde "slgnlflcant flnanclal suppcrt fcr
a ccmprehenslve educatlcn prcgram ln F6, managed by the Academy fcr Fducatlcnal
uevelcpment. Thls ls a multl-year, $o mllllcn dcllar prcgram whlch has establlshed
o mcdel schccls, tralned cver 1,1oo teachers, and establlshed new ccurse wcrk
currlcula thrcughcut the ccuntry."
Fess alsc selects and spcnscrs fcur

0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o.
Ibid., p. 1o.
Ibid., p. 1o; Letter from avid KIaassen, director, Corporate Communications, evon nery Corporation, to Ruman Rihts
watch, May , zoo.
Letter from KIaassen, May , zoo.
Ibid. 5tudents from the hationaI Insitute of 1echnoIoy of quatoriaI Cuinea were chosen to participate in this proram
based on their performance on an entrance exam. Ibid.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o.
Letter from Marchetti, May , zoo.

.) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Fquatcgulnean students tc study ln the unlted States. Acccrdlng tc Fess, "Fundlng
fcr these prcgrams ls glven vcluntarlly by Fess as part cf cur scclal respcnslblllty
prcgram and ls cutslde cf the ccntractual cbllgatlcns ln cur PSCs."

Acccrdlng tc the Senate repcrt, "Marathcn ls cbllgated under lts PSCs tc pay almcst
$oo,ooo per year fcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnean student tralnlng."
ln zooz Marathcn
pald $1o,ooo tc the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea student acccunt at klggs, and lt expected tc
make $o,ooo ln slmllar payments fcr lts zoo and zoo cbllgatlcns.
ln a letter tc
Fuman klghts watch, Marathcn stated that lt "has made large lnvestments ln the
tralnlng cf Fquatcgulneans, scme ln ccn|unctlcn wlth the gcvernment, but mcstly cn
cur cwn."
Such lnvestments lnclude vccatlcnal tralnlng prcgrams and suppcrt fcr
Fquatcgulnean emplcyees tc study at unlversltles ln the unlted States, as well as
partlclpatlng ln the develcpment cf a hatlcnal lnstltute cf Technclcgy fcr the
Fydrccarbcns sectcr.

|oint business ventures
The subccmmlttee lnvestlgatlcn alsc fcund a few lnstances where cll ccmpanles entered
lntc buslness ventures wlth ccmpanles ccntrclled by senlcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnean cfflclals cr
thelr famllles.

Althcugh the Senate repcrt asserted that Marathcn had entered lntc twc |clnt
ventures wlth 6ulnea Fquatcrlal Ull and 6as Marketlng, Ltd. (6FU6AM), a state-
cwned ccmpany establlshed ln 16 that ls z percent cwned by the Fquatcrlal
6ulnea gcvernment and , percent cwned by Abayak S.A., the ccmpany cwned by
Presldent Ublang, Marathcn stated ln a letter tc Fuman klghts watch that lt never
had a buslness relatlcnshlp wlth 6FU6AM. Acccrdlng tc Marathcn, upcn learnlng
6FU6AM was a partner ln twc |clnt ventures Marathcn lnherlted frcm CMS Fnergy
and recelvlng dccumentatlcn that 6FU6AM was ln fact partlally cwned by Abayak,
Marathcn lnslsted that 6FU6AM's lnterests ln the twc prc|ects be transferred tc a
"whclly-cwned gcvernment entlty."

0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o6.
Ibid., p. 1o6.
Letter from Chaouch, ApriI z8, zoo.

9<## =4#<> .&
Further, Marathcn tcld the subccmmlttee that lt cbtalned wcrkers thrcugh APF6FSA,
an Fquatcgulnean ccmpany that was partlally cwned at the tlme by }uan Ulc, a
prcmlnent Fquatcgulnean flgure clcsely ccnnected tc the presldent.
Acccrdlng tc
the repcrt, "Marathcn relmburses APF6FSA fcr the ccmpensatlcn pald tc the
wcrkers and alsc pays a fee cf apprcxlmately zo percent cf the salarles cf the
wcrkers. Slnce zooz Marathcn has pald APF6FSA abcut $,. mllllcn."
ln a letter
frcm Marathcn tc Fuman klghts watch, Marathcn stated that }uan Ulc had
"transferred hls lnterest ln APF6FSA ln zoo.... |and that[ cur ccntract wlth APF6FSA,
whlch we lnherlted frcm CMS, ls clearly a market-based, arms-length

Mcblle Ull 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal (MU6F) ls an cll dlstrlbutlcn buslness venture between
Abayak S.A. and FxxcnMcbll's subsldlary Mcbll lnternatlcnal Petrcleum

74, ?@ @,&>)$%$,. '*/ 5A&4'*+, ;"--$..$"* $*B>$)<
The uS Securltles and Fxchange Ccmmlsslcn (SFC) alsc embarked upcn an lnvestlgatlcn tc
assess whether uS ccmpanles cperatlng ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea had brcken the Fcrelgn
Ccrrupt Practlces Act (FCPA) cf 1,,. under the act, uS ccmpanles can dc buslness wlth
fcrelgn gcvernment cfflclals but are nct allcwed tc prcvlde anythlng cf value tc anycne whc
can mlsuse a pcsltlcn cf pcwer tc help them cbtaln cr retaln buslness.

Letters frcm the SFC tc uS cll ccmpanles Fess, Marathcn, and Chevrcn were recelved ln mld-
}uly zoo. FxxcnMcbll and uevcn recelved letters ln early August zoo. All the ccmpanles
have denled any wrcngdclng and say they have cccperated fully wlth the SFC lnqulry.

Fuman klghts watch lnqulred abcut the current status cf the SFC lnvestlgatlcn ln letters
sent ln early zoo tc Fess, Marathcn, Chevrcn, FxxcnMcbll, and uevcn. Marathcn, Fess,
and uevcn have been lnfcrmed by the SFC that they are nc lcnger sub|ect tc any cngclng

Accordin to the 5enate investiation report and a report by 05AI, |uan 0Io is the quatouinean president's father-in-
Iaw, the former minister of minin and hydrocarbons, and the president of the 8oard of irectors of Ceoam. In a Ietter from
Marathon to Ruman Rihts watch, however, Marathon writes that |uan 0Io is "beIieved to be the brother-in-Iaw of the
president's wife." Letter from Chaouch, ApriI z8, zoo; MoraIes, "1echnicaI 5upport Pro|ect for 5ociaI Investment and
Capacity 8uiIdin in quatoriaI Cuinea: uarterIy Report (Auust -ecember 1, zoo6)," 05AI, |anuary 1, zoo, pp. z1-zz;
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1, zooq,
p. 1o.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o.
Letter from Chaouch, ApriI z8, zoo.
0nited 5tates 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, "Money Launderin and forein Corruption," |uIy 1,
zooq, p. 1o.
Ruman Rihts watch teIephone interviews with aII companies, |anuary zoo.

.. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
lnvestlgatlcn cn Fquatcrlal 6ulnea,
whlle FxxcnMcbll stated that "|t[here has been nc
allegatlcn cr charge by any enfcrcement authcrlty cf any lllegal actlvlty by FxxcnMcbll cr lts
afflllates ln F6."
Acccrdlng tc Chevrcn, lts "pcllcy ls nct tc dlscuss gcvernmental
At thls wrltlng, the SFC has nct lssued any flndlngs related tc thls lnvestlgatlcn.

MuItinationaI oiI companies and fCPA compIiance
Many cf the cll ccmpanles that respcnded tc Fuman klghts watch's request fcr
lnfcrmatlcn abcut thelr current buslness deallngs wlth Fquatcgulnean
gcvernment cfflclals cr entltles they ccntrcl detalled myrlad practlces tc ensure
ccmpllance wlth the FCPA. These practlces lnclude hcldlng ln-ccuntry semlnars
cn the FCPA, perfcrmlng lnternal and external annual audlts cf FCPA ccmpllance,
adcptlng ccmpany antl-ccrruptlcn ccmpllance guldellnes, and prcvldlng fcr
management acccuntablllty and dlsclpllnary actlcn fcr ncn-ccmpllance.
klghts watch welccmes these effcrts and belleves they ccmprlse a key step
tcward ccmbatlng ccrruptlcn.

Fcwever, as pclnted cut by FxxcnMcbll ln a letter tc Fuman klghts watch, there
are "practlcal realltles" tc dclng buslness ln a ccuntry ln whlch "|m[any
buslnesses have scme famlly relatlcns wlth a gcvernment cfflclal, and vlrtually all
gcvernment cfflclals have scme buslness lnterests cf thelr cwn, cr thrcugh a
clcse relatlve."
6lven these "practlcal realltles," lt ls lmperatlve that
gcvernment law enfcrcement agencles act aggresslvely tc expcse and curtall
ccrruptlcn. ln partlcular, the uS gcvernment shculd prcvlde mcre rescurces tc the
SFC and the uepartment cf }ustlce tc aggresslvely lnvestlgate vlclatlcns cf the
FCPA, ln crder tc ensure that ccmpanles dc nct beccme part cf the cycle cf
ccrruptlcn that plagues sc many rescurce-rlch ccuntrles.

Letter from Chaouch, ApriI z8, zoo; Letter from KIaassen, May , zoo; maiI communication from AIbert Marchetti, vice
president, InternationaI and federaI ReIations, Ress Corporation, to Ruman Rihts watch, May , zoo.
Letter from Cohen, May q, zoo.
Letter from Carrio, |une , zoo. In the Ietter, Chevron aIso said that "any type of inquiry that is materiaI to the company"
wouId be reported in its fiIins with the 5C. A search of Chevron's annuaI form 1o-K fiIins from zooq throuh zoo reveaIed
no mention of the 5C quatoriaI Cuinea investiation. Ibid.; Chevron Corporation, "form 1o-K," fiIed with the 05 5C, for
fiscaI years endin ecember 1, zoo8, ecember 1, zoo, ecember 1, zoo6, ecember 1, zoo, and ecember 1, zooq,
sec&secCato1.1_rs=z1&secCato1.1_rc=1o&controI_searchbox=&controI_seIectroup=1 (accessed |une , zoo).
Letter from Chaouch, ApriI z8, zoo; Letter from KIaassen, May , zoo; Letter from Marchetti, May , zoo; Letter from
Cohen, May q, zoo.
Letter from Cohen, May q, zoo.

9<## =4#<> .-
C*/$&'%$"*. "1 &"))>2%$"* 0< !),.$/,*% D0$'*+E. ,#/,.% ."*
Perhaps the mcst brazen and trcubllng examples cf ccrruptlcn are repeated lnstances
lnvclvlng the presldent's eldest scn, Tecdcrln hguema Ublang, whcse glcbetrcttlng and
extravagant llfestyle ls fllled wlth purchases cf multlmllllcn-dcllar hcuses and exctlc spcrts
cars thrcughcut the wcrld. Tecdcrln Ublang's cfflclal tltle ls mlnlster cf fcrestry, and frcm
that pcsltlcn he earns a salary equlvalent tc apprcxlmately $,ooo per mcnth.

hcnetheless, Tecdcrln Ublang has been able tc buy manslcns ln Lcs Angeles and Cape
Tcwn, and there have been press repcrts that he has purchased hcmes ln 8uencs Alres and
Parls as well.

Frcm 18 tc zoo6 Tecdcrln Ublang cwned a 1,ooo square fcct prcperty cn a 16-acre estate
at the Serra ketreat ln Mallbu, Lcs Angeles, thrcugh hls ccmpany Sweetwater Mesa LLC.
Aprll zoo6 he transferred cwnershlp cf thls prcperty tc a seccnd ccmpany cf hls, Sweetwater
Mallbu LLC. lnccrpcratlcn reccrds flled at the tlme lndlcated that the hcuse was wcrth scme
$ mllllcn.
Acccrdlng tc Fcrbes Magazlne thls was the slxth mcst-expenslve sale cf a
prlvate hcuse ln the unlted States ln zoo6.

ln March and Aprll zoo Tecdcrln Ublang purchased twc luxury hcmes ln Cape Tcwn wcrth a
tctal cf $, mllllcn
and alsc spent apprcxlmately 1o.z mllllcn rand (apprcxlmately $1.
mllllcn) cn three luxury cars.
The purchase cf the Cape Tcwn hcuses came tc llght because
6ecrge Fhlers, cwner cf Scuth Afrlcan ccnstructlcn flrm Fnglneerlng ueslgn and
Ccnstructlcn Ccmpany, clalms that he ls cwed nearly $,.8 mllllcn fcr a breach cf ccntract tc
bulld an alrpcrt cn the lsland cf Anncbcn fcr the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea gcvernment.
ln crder
tc reccup the funds, Fhlers ldentlfled these assets ln Scuth Afrlca and has been trylng tc
galn cwnershlp cf the twc manslcns as ccllateral.
Flhers secured an attachment crder

|ohn Reed, "1akin A Cut AcceptabIe, 5ays African Minister," financiaI 1imes, 0ctober z6, zoo6.
5ee, for exampIe, Xan Rice, "President's PIayboy 5on 5pIashes 0ut 1m in Luxury Car 5pree," 1he 1imes, |uIy z1, zoo;
R.w. |ohnson, "PIayboy waits for his African 1hrone," 1he 1imes, 5eptember , zoo6.
CaIifornia 5ecretary of 5tate, "L1P]LLC Record," february 8, zoo6; heihborhoods, Inc., "Aent Report: 6zo 5weetwater
Mesa Rd.," 0ctober zq, zoo6.
heihborhoods, Inc., "Aent Report: 6zo 5weetwater Mesa Rd," 0ctober zq, zoo6.
Matt wooIsey, "In Pictures: Most xpensive Rome 5aIes zoo6,", ecember 1z, zoo6,
cx_mw_1z1zmostexpensivehomesaIes_sIide_.htmI?this5peed=1ooo (accessed ecember 1o, zoo8).
Reed, "1akin A Cut AcceptabIe, 5ays African Minister," financiaI 1imes.
Rice, "President's PIayboy 5on 5pIashes 0ut 1m in Luxury Car 5pree," 1he 1imes; Ruman Rihts watch interviews with
car deaIers, Cape 1own, 5outh Africa, hovember 1o, zoo6.
Reed, "1akin A Cut AcceptabIe, 5ays African Minister," financiaI 1imes.
"5uit in 5outh Africa," Africa nery InteIIience, february zz, zoo6.

.+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
frcm the Cape Tcwn Flgh Ccurt ln February zoo6 fcr the prcpertles, and thls case has ncw
gcne tc appeal.
At thls wrltlng, the case ls cngclng.

Fhlers clalms that Tecdcrln Ublang cculd nct have affcrded the hcuses cn hls mlnlster's
salary cf $,ooo per mcnth, and therefcre they must have been purchased wlth llllcltly
cbtalned gcvernment funds. ln zoo6 Tecdcrln Ublang flled a nctarlzed affldavlt ln whlch he
afflrmed that the prcperty ls hls and nct the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea gcvernment's and, therefcre,
cculd nct be selzed as payment fcr gcvernment debts. ln hls affldavlt, he prcvlded a
dlsturblng explanatlcn cf hcw he cbtalned the funds tc purchase these hcuses and vehlcles:

Cablnet Mlnlsters and publlc servants ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea are by law
allcwed tc cwe |slc[ ccmpanles that, ln ccnscrtlum wlth a fcrelgn ccmpany,
can bld fcr gcvernment ccntracts and shculd the ccmpany be successful,
then what percentage cf the tctal ccst cf the ccntract the ccmpany gets, wlll
depend cn the terms negctlated between the partles.

8ut, ln any event, lt means that a cablnet mlnlster ends up wlth a slzeable
part cf the ccntract prlce ln hls bank acccunt.

lt ls ln the ccntext, therefcre, cf the law cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea that my cwnlng
a ccmpany shculd be vlewed by thls Ccurt, and nct ln terms cf the Scuth
Afrlcan law.

Tecdcrln Ublang alsc ncted that he dld nct want hls name tc appear cn the Cape Tcwn
prcperty deeds because he "dld nct wlsh my names tc be asscclated wlth the prcpertles ln
any way.... l lnslsted cn thls because l dld nct want the newsmakers, |curnallsts, and
phctcgraphers tc kncw where l llved ln Cape Tcwn, fcr the slmple reascn that l dld nct wlsh
tc be pestered by phctcgraphers, etc., lnvadlng my prlvacy whenever l was ln Cape Tcwn."

Reed, "1akin A Cut AcceptabIe, 5ays African Minister," financiaI 1imes; In the Rih Court of 5outh Africa (Cape ProvinciaI
ivision), Case ho. 1qo]zoo6, in the matter between Maseve Investments (P1Y), Ltd., and 1he Covernment of the RepubIic
of quatoriaI Cuinea (first Respondent), 1eodoro huema 0bian (5econd Respondent), 1he Reistrar of eed western Cape
(1hird Respondent), and 1he irector CeneraI of forein Affairs (fourth Respondent), 5econd Respondent's Answerin
Affidavit, |ohannesbur, Auust 8, zoo6, paras. 11.z. to 11.z.z, p. 1z.

9<## =4#<> .,
Covernment of quatoriaI Cuinea's Response to Corruption AIIeations
The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's respcnses tc allegatlcns cf ccrruptlcn and
mlsmanagement are ln general characterlzed by the same denlals and attempts tc llmlt
publlc access tc lnfcrmatlcn that Tecdcrln Ublang exhlblted ln the abcve-mentlcned case ln
Scuth Afrlca. 6cvernment cfflclals deny the lnvclvement cf perscnal lnterests ln the
management cf gcvernment flnances, launch ccunter-attacks agalnst thcse levelllng
allegatlcns, and persecute thcse ln the press whc attempt tc get tc the bcttcm cf these

The Fquatcrlal 6ulnea gcvernment's handllng cf the klggs 8ank lnvestlgatlcn was lndlcatlve
cf thls general apprcach. The Fquatcrlal 6ulnea gcvernment was nct caught unaware by the
subccmmlttee lnqulry. Un February z, zoo, klggs cfflclals met ln washlngtcn, uC, wlth
Presldent Ublang and cther cfflclals tc dlscuss thelr acccunts and certaln transactlcns.
klggs subsequently advlsed the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea gcvernment that the bank had declded tc
clcse the acccunts. They were clcsed ln }une and }uly zoo, and the balances were
transferred tc the 8ank cf Central Afrlcan States. Acccrdlng tc the gcvernment, the klggs
depcslts were "cnly transltcry acccunts meant tc deal wlth lccal ccnstralnts and speed up
payments cf fcrelgn cll ccmpanles tc the Treasury cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea."

The gcvernment respcnded tc the ccntrcversy ln }uly by admlttlng that "|t[he Fquatcrlal
6ulnea Treasury, as an cfflclal lnstltutlcn cf the state, hclds an acccunt at klggs 8ank ln
washlngtcn tc facllltate cperatlcns wlth varlcus cll ccmpanles whlch cperate ln the
A gcvernment spckesperscn added, "The lnvestlgatlcn that led the Amerlcan
Senate tc klggs 8ank has ncthlng tc dc wlth cur gcvernment ncr cur dlgnltarles ...
ccnsequently, there ls nc prcblem between the state cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, the Senate, and
the Ccngress and the unlted States cf Amerlca."
ln an lntervlew ln }une zoo Presldent
Ublang clalmed that the klggs lssue "was the result cf lcbbylng wcrk by the mercenarles tc
undermlne the legltlmate gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea."

The sensltlvlty cf the klggs lssue fcr the gcvernment was evldent thrcugh lts handllng cf the
affalr at hcme. Un May 1z, zoo, a gcvernment mlnlster threatened tc lmprlscn the
members cf an Australlan televlslcn news crew frcm that ccuntry's 6o Mlnutes televlslcn

amian 0ndo Mane, executive director for the RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea, "5tatement to the IMf," ApriI z, zoo,
http:]]imf.or]externaI]pubs]ft]scr]zoo]cro1o.pdf (accessed ecember 1, zoo8), p. z.
"quatoriaI Cuinea: Private state," Africa ConfidentiaI, voI. q, no. 1o (zooq), p. q.
"La Crande Interview 1eodoro 0bian huema," |eune Afrique I'inteIIient, no. z1, |une 1-z, zoo, p. qo.

.? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
prcgram, whc were lnvestlgatlng the allccatlcn cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnean cll revenues, unless
they left the ccuntry. At the alrpcrt, the dlrectcr cf natlcnal securlty supervlsed a search cf
the team's baggage and ccnflscated thelr ccmputer memcry cards.
Un }uly zz, zoo,
lnfcrmatlcn Mlnlster Alfcnsc hsue Mckuy anncunced that hls gcvernment wculd flle
"crlmlnal and clvll sults" agalnst "the fcrelgn press ln general, and the Spanlsh press and
televlslcn servlce ln partlcular, fcr tendentlcus ccmments and the manlpulatlcn cf the truth
cn the pretext cf brcadcastlng" abcut the llnks between Presldent Ublang and klggs 8ank.

Fe alsc anncunced that the gcvernment wculd sue klggs fcr "the harm dcne tc leadlng
pecple ln the ccuntry," addlng that "|n[cbcdy says anywhere that the state treasury's
acccunt wlth klggs was manlpulated by perscnal cr prlvate lnterests."

8eycnd thelr respcnse tc the klggs 8ank scandal, the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment alsc
released a repcrt ln zoo refutlng allegatlcns cf cll revenue mlsapprcprlatlcn.
that year and ln years fcllcwlng, the gcvernment has been very actlve ln restrlctlng press
freedcms tc ccver the cll lndustry ln the ccuntry cr tc lcck lntc allegatlcns cf ccrruptlcn
thereln. ln }uly zoo the gcvernment ccnflscated dlgltal satelllte equlpment frcm Spanlsh
news agencles ln Malabc because cf thelr llve brcadcastlng cf features abcut gcvernment
The fcllcwlng Uctcber Peter Maass, a fcrelgn authcr dclng research fcr a bcck
cn the cll lndustry ln Afrlca, whc was alsc cn asslgnment fcr Mcther }cnes magazlne, was
glven 1 mlnutes nctlce tc pack hls bags and leave the ccuntry. Maass was depcrted tc
Camerccn fcr "talklng tc pecple cf ccncern tc the gcvernment and actlcns nct ccherent wlth
hls stated purpcse,"
and fcr belng-ln Maass's wcrds-a "spy whc had met the enemy-
the Spanlsh ambassadcr."
Fe eventually recelved a verbal cfflclal apclcgy abcut hls
depcrtatlcn frcm the presldent vla the uS embassy and was lnvlted back.

Information and fiIm footae provided by 6o Minutes (AustraIia) to Ruman Rihts watch, |une zooq.
"quatoriaI Cuinea to sue forein media over corruption story," Aence france-Presse, |uIy zz, zooq.
"5tatement of the PeopIe & Covernment of quatoriaI Cuinea in Response to the Report on Ris 8ank of the Permanent
5ubcommittee on Investiations of the Committee on Covernment Affairs of the 5enate of the 0nited 5tates of America,"
quatoriaI Cuinea overnment press reIease, 5eptember zooq.
arko 8redic, "1he PoIiticaI conomy of 0iI and Cas in quatoriaI Cuinea," 0iI, Cas & nery Law InteIIience, voI. z, no. ,
|uIy zooq, p. q.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zooq: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z8, zoo.
maiI communication from Peter Maass to Ruman Rihts watch, ApriI zq, zoo
Ibid. for a detaiIed account of the deportation, see aIso Peter Maass, "A 1ouch of Crude: Row the Pursuit of 0iI is Proppin
up the west African ictatorship of 1eodoro 0bian," Mother |ones, |anuary]february zoo,
http:]]www.mother|]news]feature]zoo]o1]1z_qoo.htmI (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).

9<## =4#<> .@
}chn 6hazvlnlan, ancther fcrelgn |curnallst and authcr whc was ln Malabc ln February zoo
researchlng a bcck cn cll ln the 6ulf cf 6ulnea, was advlsed tc leave the ccuntry cr rlsk
unspeclfled ccnsequences after belng threatened by a gcvernment cfflclal cn February fcr
refuslng tc pay a brlbe. After recelvlng advlce frcm lccals as well as frcm the uS ccnsul,
6hazvlnlan declded tc leave the ccuntry cn February 11.

(lssues cf medla freedcm and freedcm cf lnfcrmatlcn ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea are dlscussed
mcre brcadly ln Chapter v.)

financiaI Mismanaement and Lack of 1ransparency
The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has nct cnly falled tc curb the endemlc ccrruptlcn, but
lt has alsc ccnslstently mlsmanaged lts cll revenue wealth, sc that even mcney that has nct
been slphcned cff by ccrrupt cfflclals renders llttle beneflt tc Fquatcgulnean cltlzens.
Mcrecver, Fuman klghts watch belleves that the degree tc whlch cltlzens wlll beneflt frcm
natural rescurce revenues depends, ln part, upcn the level cf transparency surrcundlng such
revenues and the degree tc whlch rescurce-rlch gcvernments are acccuntable fcr the
allccatlcn and spendlng cf thcse revenues. The cltlzens cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea have nct
beneflted ccmmensurate tc the levels cf cll revenue flcwlng lntc thelr ccuntry. Thls ls
partlally because the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment refuses tc cperate transparently ln a
manner that wculd allcw cltlzens tc hcld lt acccuntable fcr lts flscal pcllcles.

F$*'*&$'# -$.-'*'+,-,*% $* %4, "$# .,&%")
Une cf the ccnsequences cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's rapld eccncmlc grcwth ls a decreased
sense cf "urgency fcr macrceccncmlc and structural refcrms."
ln the 1os a marked
lncrease ln spendlng led tc budget deflclts and debt, whlle thls trend has been reversed ln
recent years, the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea stlll faces a ma|cr challenge ln
lmplementlng refcrms tc manage the ccuntry's rescurces "ln a manner that ls efflclent,
transparent, and ccgnlzant cf the need tc establlsh a sclld fcundatlcn fcr future

Ruman Rihts watch interview with |ohn Chazvinian, London, March z1, zoo6; maiI communication from |ohn Chazvinian
to Ruman Rihts watch, March zz, zoo6; |ohn Chazvinian, 0ntapped: the 5crambIe for Africa's 0iI (0rIando: Rarcourt Inc,
zoo), pp. zo1-zo.
I0, "Country ProfiIe: quatoriaI Cuinea," |anuary z1, zoo8,
http:]]]report_dI.asp?issue_id=1z886&mode=pdf (accessed March 1q, zoo8), p. 18.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo6 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," |une zoo6, p. zo.

.( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Production-sharin contracts and sinature bonus payments
The Fquatcgulnean gcvernment earns mcney frcm ccrpcrate lnvestment ln Fquatcrlal
6ulnea's cll flelds prlmarlly thrcugh prcductlcn sharlng ccntracts-ccntracts slgned between
the gcvernment and cll ccmpanles that speclfy the fees and taxes the ccmpanles have tc
pay tc the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea-and bcnus payments. Fcwever, the
gcvernment "take" cf the cll revenue, as set fcrth ln these ccntracts, ls much lcwer than ln
nelghbcrlng cll-rlch ccuntrles: the wcrld 8ank estlmated ln zoo that Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
recelves cnly 1 tc o percent cf cll revenues under lts agreements, ccmpared tc a typlcal
gcvernment take cf tc o percent ln cther sub-Saharan Afrlcan ccuntrles.

Ccntracts fcr twc cf the largest cll ccncesslcns ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, the Alba and Zaflrc
flelds, were negctlated ln 1o and 1z, respectlvely, wlthcut cutslde ccnsultatlcn frcm
the wcrld 8ank.
The ccntracts were extremely favcrable tc the cll ccmpanles, bcth
because cf the actual flnanclal terms cf the agreement and because the gcvernment, glven
lts llmlted lnstltutlcnal capaclty, had trcuble mcnltcrlng the ccmpllcated flnanclal
transactlcns requlred by the terms cf the ccntract.
ln fact, the gcvernment wculd later
clalm tc flnd $88 mllllcn ln payment dlscrepancles frcm ccmpanles, lncludlng FxxcnMcbll,
between 16 and zoo1.
The wcrld 8ank enccuraged the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment tc
renegctlate bcth ccntracts sccn after slgnlng ln crder tc cbtaln a mcre favcrable take, the
gcvernment, hcwever, dld nct dc sc.
The 8ank ccncluded that, at the tlme, the
gcvernment had "a preference fcr lmmedlate cash cver lcng-term flnanclal cptlmlzatlcn
(glvlng prlcrlty tc negctlatlng advances cn future cll revenues),"
a pcllcy the lnternatlcnal
Mcnetary Fund enccuraged the gcvernment tc refraln frcm ln zoo1.

. 8abeIon and C. ahan, "vaIuation of the worId 8ank Croup's Activities in the xtractive Industries: quatoriaI Cuinea
Country Case 5tudy," backround paper for the worId 8ank 0perations vaIuation epartment (0), |anuary o, zoo,
(accessed March z6, zoo8), pp. 6-.
1he worId 8ank, "quatoriaI Cuinea: 5econd PetroIeum 1echnicaI Assistance Pro|ect," Pro|ect Performance Assessment
Report ho. zqqo, |uIy 1, zooz, http:]]www-
z18o_zoooz11oz8q.pdf (accessed March z6, zoo8), pp. -1o.
8abeIon and ahan, "vaIuation of the worId 8ank Croup's Activities in the xtractive Industries: quatoriaI Cuinea
Country Case 5tudy," |anuary o, zoo, p. 6.
"8rownie Points for MaIabo," Africa nery InteIIience, no. 6o, ecember 1, zoo. 1his articIe reports that companies
had aIready paid $16 miIIion in response to the overnment's chaIIene.
1he worId 8ank, "quatoriaI Cuinea: 5econd PetroIeum 1echnicaI Assistance Pro|ect," |uIy 1, zooz, p. 1o. 1he Zafiro and
AIba contracts were reneotiated in March and hovember zoo8, respectiveIy. Ibid., p. .
Ibid., p. 1o.
IMf, "IMf ConcIudes zoo1 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation with quatoriaI Cuinea," PubIic Information hotice ho. o1]1o6, 0ctober 11,
zoo1, http:]]www.imf.or]externaI]np]sec]pn]zoo1]pno11o6.htm (accessed March 16, zoo8).

9<## =4#<> -'
There have been successlve attempts tc rectlfy thls. A new "mcdel" prcductlcn sharlng
ccntract was drafted ln 18 tc glve the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment a larger pcrtlcn cf cll
revenues, hcwever, the new ccntracts were stlll very genercus, acccrdlng tc reglcnal
standards, tc ccmpanles. Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's cll petrcleum law 1]zoo1 lntrcduced a slldlng-
scale rcyalty rate fcr cll prcductlcn cf between 1z and 18 percent, up frcm prevlcus rcyalty
rates cf between 1o and 16 percent.
Fcwever, gcvernment cfflclals ccnflrmed tc Fuman
klghts watch ln zoo that Fquatcrlal 6ulnea generally stlll recelved less mcney under lts
ccntracts than cther ccuntrles.
ln zoo6 the gcvernment lntrcduced a new law tc agaln
lncrease the gcvernment's share cf cll prcflts, whlch brlngs Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's take mcre
lntc llne wlth that cf cther cll-prcduclng ccuntrles ln the reglcn,
but mcst cf the prcvlslcns
cf the new law are nct retrcactlve: they dc nct change the flscal terms cf the exlstlng

The flscal terms cf exlstlng ccntracts are, tc a certaln extent, unclear (acccrdlng tc cfflclals at
the Mlnlstry cf Mlnes, lndustry and Fnergy, PSCs are ccnfldentlal).
Slgnature bcnus
payments-cash payments frcm cll ccmpanles ln exchange fcr lucratlve cll ccncesslcns
are small, cften less than $1 mllllcn, althcugh Fuman klghts watch ls aware cf cne slgnature
bcnus ccncesslcn package that granted the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment use cf an alrcraft fcr
presldentlal actlvltles.
ln ccntrast, ln zoo Chevrcn repcrted paylng $1z mllllcn wlth lts
partners fcr a blcck ln the Sc Tcme e Prnclpe]hlgerla }clnt uevelcpment Zcne ad|acent tc
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea,
whlle ln ccuntrles llke Angcla, ccmpanles have pald hundreds cf
mllllcns cf dcllars ln lndlvldual slgnature bcnus payments. ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, the amcunt
cf the bcnus payments ls kept ccnfldentlal.

IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: Report on the 0bservance of 5tandards and Codes (R05C)-fiscaI 1ransparency
ModuIe," http:]]www.imf.or]externaI]pubs]ft]scr]zoo]cro1qq.pdf (accessed |anuary z8, zoo).
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with overnment officiaIs, MaIabo, Auust and 5eptember zoo.
AneI ConzaIez, "quatoriaI Cuinea President CIears Riher 0iI RoyaIties," ow |ones, hovember z8, zoo6.
|acinta Moran, "quatoriaI Cuinea sets zo% minimum state stake," PIatts 0iIram hews, hovember zo, zoo6.
Accordin to quatoriaI Cuinea's "modeI" production sharin contract, "aII information reIatin to this contract and
petroIeum operations shaII be kept strictIy confidentiaI and may not be divuIed by any Party without mutuaI consent" except
under certain circumstances. RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea Ministry of Mines, Industry and nery, "zoo6 ModeI Contract,"
zoo6, http:]]]zoo6-round]Pf%zofIL5]ModeI%zoP5C_zoo6_nIish.pdf (accessed March 1z, zoo8).
Ruman Rihts watch has documented cases of ross overnmentaI corruption and financiaI mismanaement in countries
that do not fuIIy discIose the amount and use of the sinature bonus payments. 5ee, for exampIe, Ruman Rihts watch, 5ome
1ransparency, ho AccountabiIity: 1he 0se of 0iI Revenue in AnoIa and Its Impact on Ruman Rihts, voI. 16, no. 1(A), |anuary
zooq, http:]]www.hrw.or]reports]zooq]anoIao1oq], pp. z8-1.
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with overnment officiaIs, MaIabo, Auust and 5eptember zoo. Accordin to the IMf,
bonus payments vary between $1 and $ miIIion. IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: R05C," ApriI 18, zoo, Appendix I.
"5inin 0n," PetroIeum conomist, 0ctober 6, zooq.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: R05C," ApriI 18, zoo, Appendix I.

-) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
IMf reports on quatoriaI Cuinea's economic poIicies
The lMF was trcubled by the management cf cll revenues ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and lssued a
strcngly wcrded crltlque ln August zoo1 fcllcwlng lts annual Artlcle lv ccnsultatlcns wlth the
gcvernment cn the lmplementatlcn cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's eccncmlc pcllcles. ln the repcrt,
the lMF ncted that there was a "ccntlnued weakness ln eccncmlc pcllcy perfcrmance,
macrceccncmlc management, and gcvernance" and a "serlcus lack cf flscal dlsclpllne and
The lMF alsc urged the authcrltles tc refraln frcm extra-budgetary spendlng
flnanced agalnst future cll revenue at hlgh lnterest rates, and ncted that the cll ccmpanles
had been wlthdrawlng gcvernment cll funds at scurce tc repay these advances.
lt repcrted,

Althcugh undertaklngs were reached wlth the authcrltles tc channel all
gcvernment cll revenue lntc a slngle acccunt at the 8FAC at the tlme cf the
1 Artlcle lv ccnsultatlcn, cll ccmpanles ccntlnue tc pay rcyaltles,
bcnuses, and cther cll revenue lntc gcvernment acccunts held abrcad.
Mcrecver, the cll ccmpanles have been wlthhcldlng gcvernment cll revenue
at scurce tc repay advances extended ln prevlcus years. As a result, actual
cll revenue ccllectlcn rates have remalned very lcw by lnternatlcnal

The full lMF repcrt was never made publlc, as lt was even mcre expllclt than the summary.

hc Artlcle lv ccnsultatlcns wlth the lMF cccurred ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ln zooz due tc
presldentlal electlcns and a restructurlng cf key mlnlstrles. A further rcund cf ccnsultatlcns
tcck place between }uly z and August 1z, zoo, after whlch Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's then-Prlme
Mlnlster Cadldc Muatetema klvas tcld Fuman klghts watch that "|w[e have asked the lMF tc
publlsh the Artlcle lv staff repcrt fcr thelr zoo ccnsultatlcns wlth us."
Slnce then, the
Artlcle lv staff repcrts cn ccnsultatlcns wlth Fquatcrlal 6ulnea have been publlshed cn a 1z-
mcnth cycle (fcr zoo, zoo, zoo6, zoo,, and zoo8). All the mlsslcns and thelr repcrts have
emphaslzed the need fcr greater transparency ln rescurce management and lmprcved publlc

IMf, "IMf ConcIudes zoo1 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation with quatoriaI Cuinea," 0ctober 11, zoo1.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo1 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," Auust 6, zoo1, p. 8. At the end of May
zoo1 the overnment provided the IMf with a statement of oiI revenue payments made on a overnment account heId abroad
durin 1 and zooo, but did not indicate expenditures paid out of this account or other transfers. Moreover, there was no
statement showin overnment oiI revenue coIIected durin 1 and zooo from CM5 nery, the 05 company operatin the
AIba fieId at the time.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with an officiaI invoIved in those discussions, washinton, C, May zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with R.. Candido Muatema Rivas, then prime minister of quatoriaI Cuinea, Rouston, 1exas,
hovember 1, zoo.

9<## =4#<> -&
acccuntlng prccedures. They have alsc called fcr a halt tc bcrrcwlng agalnst future cll
revenues, ccntalnment cf ncn-prlcrlty expendltures, and lncreased spendlng cn educatlcn,
health, and lnfrastructure.

511")%. %" $-2)"=, %)'*.2'),*&< $* %4, "$# .,&%")
The lack cf transparency regardlng cll revenue ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has been an lssue cf
ccncern fcr human rlghts grcups, lnternatlcnal flnanclal lnstltutlcns, and scme gcvernments
fcr a number cf years. Yet effcrts tc lmprcve repcrtlng and acccuntlng have been met wlth
reslstance frcm the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment and have resulted ln few meanlngful
pcsltlve develcpments.

The flrst hatlcnal Fccncmlc Ccnference ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, held ln September 1,,
tcuched upcn transparency ln cll revenue spendlng. The ccnference reccmmended that an
lndependent agency, acccuntable tc parllament, be establlshed tc audlt and expcse
ccrruptlcn cases and cther lrregularltles, the reccmmendatlcn was never acted upcn.
fcllcw-up meetlng tc evaluate gcvernment eccncmlc strategy was held ln 1, at whlch a
prcgram fcr gccd gcvernance was drawn up ln ccnsultatlcn wlth the unlted hatlcns
uevelcpment Prcgramme (uhuP). The prcgram envlsaged a three-year, multlmllllcn-dcllar
|clnt uhuP and Fquatcgulnean scclal prc|ect beglnnlng ln September zooo that was tc
lnclude ambltlcus plans fcr lncreased transparency cf the cll sectcr and lnstltutlcnal
capaclty bulldlng fcr thcse admlnlstratlve structures capable cf managlng cll revenues. As
wlth the 1, lnltlatlve, thls gccd gcvernance plan never made lt cff the paper.
tc uh cfflclals the gcvernment reacted negatlvely tc the plan because lt advccated revenue
transparency, and pulled cut.

8y zoo, hcwever, enccuraged by the lMF and cll ccmpanles such as Marathcn, then-Prlme
Mlnlster klvas slgnaled tc Fuman klghts watch that "|w[e have ncthlng tc fear frcm
transparency.... Frcm ncw cn we wlll shcw the wcrld that we are a leader ln thls transparency
Althcugh Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has taken steps ln the past flve years tc lmprcve
revenue transparency-lncludlng by decldlng ln zoo tc partlclpate ln the uK-spcnscred

IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," 0ctober z8, zoo; IMf, "RepubIic of
quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," May , zoo, p. q.
RepubIica de Cuinea cuatoriaI, "ocumento finaI de Ia Primera Conferencia conomica hacionaI," 5eptember 8-1, 1,
pp. z-z8.
RepubIica de Cuinea cuatoriaI, "Prorama hacionaI de CobernabiIidad," zooo; Ruman Rihts watch interviews, MaIabo,
Auust and 5eptember zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with forein dipIomats, MaIabo, Auust and 5eptember zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with R.. Candido Muatema Rivas, hovember 1, zoo.

-. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Fxtractlve lndustrles Transparency lnltlatlve (see belcw) and allcwlng the release cf an lMF
flscal transparency repcrt cn the cbservance cf standards and ccdes ln zoo-prcgress tc
date has been slcw.

1he xtractive Industries 1ransparency Initiative
FlTl ls a vcluntary lnltlatlve almed at enccuraglng cll and mlnlng ccmpanles tc publlsh the
payments they make tc the gcvernments cf develcplng wcrld ccuntrles ln whlch they
cperate. Fuman klghts watch has partlclpated ln FlTl's develcpment as well as that cf the
ccmplementary, h6U-led Publlsh what Ycu Pay (PwYP) campalgn.

Llke cther lnternatlcnal lnltlatlves, FlTl suffers frcm lnherent llmltatlcns, ln that lt currently
extends cnly tc enhanclng the transparency cf gcvernment lnccme. The value cf that alcne
ls tremendcus, but FlTl dces llttle tc enhance the transparency cf gcvernment
expendltures-cf partlcular lmpcrtance ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea glven the abysmal
scclceccncmlc lndlcatcrs and the lack cf lnfcrmatlcn abcut gcvernment spendlng.

ln September zoo the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea anncunced lts lntentlcn tc
lmplement FlTl and requested technlcal asslstance frcm the wcrld 8ank tc dc sc.
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has been slcw ln lts lmplementatlcn cf the FlTl prctcccls. ln zoo the
gcvernment anncunced that lts flrst FlTl ccmpllance repcrt wculd be publlshed ln the fcurth
quarter cf zoo, tc date, thls repcrt has nct been publlshed.
The lMF stated ln lts zoo6
Artlcle lv ccnsultatlcn that "|t[he mcmentum suppcrtlng the lnltlatlve has waned scmewhat,
and the mlsslcn enccuraged the authcrltles tc relnvlgcrate the prccess."
8y zoo, the lMF
had beccme mcre pclnted ln crltlclzlng the gcvernment's lmplementatlcn cf FlTl, nctlng ln
lts ccuntry repcrt frcm that year that Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's lmplementatlcn cf FlTl had
lt repcrted that "transparency and acccuntablllty are partlcularly weak" and that

PwYP presses overnments to require pubIicIy traded naturaI resource extraction companies to discIose net payments to,
and other financiaI transactions with, overnments and other pubIic sector entities in those countries that they operate in.
5ee, for exampIe, 0hP, "Ruman eveIopment Report zoo ata," hovember z, zoo,
http:]]hdrstats.undp.or]buiIdtabIes]rc_report.cfm (accessed |anuary , zoo8); IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo
ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," May zz, zoo.
I1I, "quatoriaI Cuinea," |une 1z, zoo6, http:]]]section]countries]_equatoriaIuinea (accessed
March 1, zoo8).
RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea I1I Commission, "xtractive Industry 1ransparency Initiative London Conference," zoo,
http:]]]0serfiIes]fiIe]IondonpIenaryzoo]equatoriaIuinea.pdf (accessed March 1, zoo8).
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo6 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," ApriI , zoo6, p. 1.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," May zz, zoo, pp. q, .

9<## =4#<> --
"|a[lthcugh Fquatcrlal 6ulnea was cne cf the flrst ccuntrles tc publlcly ccmmlt tc the FlTl,
there has been relatlvely llttle prcgress tcward ccmpllance."

hcnetheless, Fquatcrlal 6ulnea was accepted as an FlTl candldate ccuntry ln February zoo8
fcllcwlng lntenslve lcbbylng by several FlTl members and desplte serlcus reservatlcns by
ncngcvernmental crganlzatlcns that are part cf FlTl.
Flght mcnths later, the lMF called
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's prcgress tcward meetlng the FlTl requlrements "slcw," althcugh the
wcrld 8ank was expected tc asslst the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment ln prcduclng the flrst
FlTl repcrt by mld-zoo.
lt wlll have untll zo1o tc ccme lntc ccmpllance wlth FlTl's

lt ls unclear whether the gcvernment wlll fully lmplement FlTl: nct cnly dces lt have a pccr
track reccrd but FlTl requlres that clvll scclety be allcwed tc fully partlclpate, and there ls
llttle lndependent and fully functlcnlng clvll scclety ln the ccuntry.

I1I, "I1I 8oard Accepts 5even hew Countries to ImpIement the Initiative," february zz, zoo8,
http:]]eitransparency.or]resource (accessed ApriI 1, zoo8).
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo8 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," March z, zoo, p. zo.
I1I, "quatoriaI Cuinea," undated, http:]]eitransparency.or]quatoriaICuinea (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).

-+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(

Iv. Impact eI Cerruptien and 0iI kevenue Mismanagement en
cenemic and 5eciaI kights in quateriaI Cuinea

Fquatcrlal 6ulnea was an extremely pccr ccuntry ln the decades fcllcwlng lts lndependence
frcm Spaln ln 168. ln 11, the year befcre any cll prcductlcn started, the ccuntry's grcss
dcmestlc prcduct was apprcxlmately uS$1, mllllcn.
Substantlal cll revenues started
flcwlng ln 1,. As ncted abcve, the ccuntry's 6uP was estlmated at $18. bllllcn by zoo8-
an lncrease cf ,z,z percent between 1z and zoo8-almcst ccmpletely frcm cll
ln zoo, 6uP per caplta was estlmated by the Fccncmlst lntelllgence unlt (Flu) at
a staggerlng $,16 dcllars ln purchaslng pcwer parlty (PPP) terms, whlch ls amcng the
hlghest ln the wcrld and cn par wlth Spaln and ltaly.

6lven Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's encrmcus cll wealth and lts relatlvely small pcpulatlcn cf
apprcxlmately z,,ooo pecple,
the ccuntry shculd be a mcdel cf develcpment. ln 11
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea had scme cf the wcrst scclceccncmlc lndlcatcrs ln the wcrld, but glven
the dramatlc grcwth ln 6uP lt wculd be reascnable tc expect a ccmmensurate lmprcvement
ln scclal lndlcatcrs. Sadly, that ls nct the case. Acccrdlng tc the unlted hatlcns
uevelcpment Prcgramme, as cf zoo Fquatcrlal 6ulnea had the thlrd-largest gap between
lts per caplta 6uP and lts Fuman uevelcpment lndex (Ful) sccre, ahead cf cnly 8ctswana
and Scuth Afrlca.
Llfe expectancy ls lcw at z years,
and lnfant mcrtallty ls hlgh at 1z
deaths per 1,ooo llve blrths.
Mcre than percent cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's cltlzens dc nct

I0, "Country Report: Cabon and quatoriaI Cuinea," March q, 16, p. 16.
IMf, "worId conomic 0utIook zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," ApriI zoo.
I0, "Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," May zoo, p. 1q.
0h 5tatistics ivision, "5ociaI Indicators on PopuIation," ecember zoo,
http:]]unstats.un.or]unsd]demoraphic]products]socind]popuIation.htm (accessed |anuary , zoo8). 1he overnment of
quatoriaI Cuinea, however, cIaims a zooz census shows the popuIation to be over one miIIion. 1he I0 concIudes that "[t]he
totaI popuIation is IikeIy to be cIose to oo,ooo peopIe." I0, "Country ProfiIe: quatoriaI Cuinea," May zoo8, p. 1z.
Rowever, the 0hP caIcuIated this rank usin a zoo worId 8ank reression estimate that pIaced quatoriaI Cuinea's per
capita CP (PPP) around $,8q. Civen that both the IMf and the I0 estimated quatoriaI Cuinea's per capita CP (PPP) in
zoo to be nearIy twice the zoo worId 8ank fiure, it is IikeIy that quatoriaI Cuinea does indeed have the Iarest ap
between its per capita CP and its RI score. 0hP, "Ruman eveIopment Report zoo]zoo8 ata," ecember z8, zoo8,
http:]]hdrstats.undp.or]buiIdtabIes]rc_report.cfm (accessed May z, zoo); I0), "Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," May
zoo, p. 1q; IMf, "worId conomic 0utIook: quatoriaI Cuinea," ApriI zoo. 1he RI combines indicators of Iife expectancy,
educationaI attainment, and income into a sinIe statistic that provides a measure of a country's sociaI and economic
deveIopment. 0hP, "Ruman eveIopment Report zoo]zoo8 ata," ecember z8, zoo8.
1he worId 8ank, "worId eveIopment Indicators," ApriI zoo, http:]]ddp-
ext.worIdbank.or]ext]ddpreports]view5haredReport?&Cf=&RP0R1_I=1q&R051_1YP=vIwAvAhC (accessed
May z, zoo). zoo is the most recent year for which this data is avaiIabIe.

9<## =4#<> -,
survlve past age o. hlneteen percent cf chlldren under age flve are mcderately tc severely
whlle cnly percent cf the pcpulatlcn uses safe water.
Almcst ,,
percent cf the pcpulatlcn falls belcw the pcverty llne, whlle, acccrdlng tc the uh, levels cf
severe pcverty are cn par wlth thcse cf Faltl.

Inadequate fundin of ReaIth, ducation, and 5ociaI 5ervices
ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, the evldence cf a llnk between flnanclal mlsmanagement and
underfundlng cf essentlal scclal servlces ls sc stark that lt ccmpels the ccncluslcn that
funds have been needlessly dlverted away frcm servlces and lnstltutlcns crltlcal tc the
fulflllment cf Fquatcgulneans' eccncmlc and scclal rlghts. A ccmparlscn between Fquatcrlal
6ulnea's pre-cll scclal lndlcatcrs and lts mcst recent cnes prcvldes telllng evldence cf the
gcvernment's underlnvestment ln lts cwn pcpulatlcn's well-belng and lts fallure tc
adequately utlllze the masslve amcunt cf revenue the ccuntry has earned as a result cf lts
cll bccm. ln the decade slnce cll revenues started tc ccme ln, the pcpulatlcn remalned
relatlvely stable, and scclal lndlcatcrs dld nct markedly lmprcve. ln 11, prlcr tc the cnset
cf cll prcductlcn, the uhuP ranked the ccuntry 1o cut cf 16o ccuntrles ln the Ful.
zoo8 Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ranked 11

cut cf 1,, ccuntrles ln the Ful.
The ccuntry's zoo8
ranklng alsc represented a decllne frcm prlcr years, ln zoo lt was ranked 1o ln the Ful.
These ranklngs are wcrrlscme cn thelr cwn, but are especlally trcubllng glven the ccuntry's
hlgh per caplta 6uP.

Acccrdlng tc the lMF, gcvernment expendltures cn health frcm 1z tc 16 averaged 6.
percent cf tctal cutlays.
8ut between 1,-when cll revenues started flcwlng-and zooz
gcvernment expendlture cn health decllned tc an average cf 1.z percent.
A slmllar
dcwnward trend cccurred ln gcvernment spendlng cn educatlcn durlng the same perlcd.

0nited hations ChiIdren's fund (0hICf), "At a Iance: quatoriaI Cuinea, 5tatistics," february z6, zooq,
http:]]www.unicef.or]infobycountry]equatoriaIuinea_statistics.htmI (accessed May z, zoo). zoo is the most recent year
for which this data is avaiIabIe.
0h 5tatistics ivision, "5ociaI Indicators on water 5uppIy and 5anitation," ecember zoo,
http:]]unstats.un.or]unsd]demoraphic]products]socind]watsan.htm (accessed May z6, zoo). zoo6 is the most recent
year for which this data is avaiIabIe.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo8 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," 0ctober 1, zoo8,
http:]]www.imf.or]externaI]pubs]ft]scr]zoo]cro1oz.pdf (accessed May z6, zoo); 0hP, "zoo8 5tatisticaI 0pdate
Country factsheet: quatoriaI Cuinea," ecember z8, zoo8,
http:]]hdrstats.undp.or]en]zoo8]countries]country_fact_sheets]cty_fs_Ch.htmI (accessed May z6, zoo).
0hP, Ruman eveIopment Report 11 (hew York: 0xford 0niversity Press, 11), p. 16.
0hP, "Ruman eveIopment Indices: A 5tatisticaI 0pdate zoo8," ecember 18, zoo8, http:]]hdr.undp.or]en]statistics]
(accessed May z, zoo).
"African producers hoId off on sociaI spendin," nery Compass, 5eptember 18, zoo.

-? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Fducatlcn expendltures averaged 6., percent cf tctal cutlays frcm 1z tc 16, whlle frcm
1, tc zooz the average drcpped tc cnly 1.6, percent.
A year later, ln zoo, the uS
uepartment cf State was crltlcal cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's spendlng cn scclal servlces, saylng
that "|t[here ls llttle evldence that the ccuntry's cll wealth ls belng devcted tc the publlc

As cf zoo, the latest year fcr whlch thls lnfcrmatlcn ls avallable, estlmates cf gcvernment
spendlng cn health and educatlcn as percentages cf 6uP had barely changed cr, ln scme
cases, had decreased. The wcrld Fealth Urganlzatlcn (wFU) estlmates that as cf zoo the
gcvernment spent 1.6 percent cf 6uP, cr $11 mllllcn, cn health.
The wcrld 8ank,
meanwhlle, estlmated that gcvernment spendlng cn educatlcn as cf zoo was cnly o.6
percent cf 6uP, cr apprcxlmately $ mllllcn.
The lMF ncted ln zoo that "|t[he ccuntry's
scclal lndlcatcrs have nct lmprcved" ccmmensurate tc the grcwth ln per caplta 6uP,
the wcrld 8ank repcrted that althcugh "|c[ll dlsccverles and rapld expanslcn cf cll expcrts
have caused a strlklng lmprcvement ln eccncmlc lndlcatcrs, there has been nc lmpact cn
the ccuntry's dlsmal scclal lndlcatcrs."

ln zoo the gcvernment launched a Publlc lnvestment Prcgram (PlP) that was lntended fcr
lnvestments ln lnfrastructure, publlc admlnlstratlcn, and cther "prcductlve" actlvltles. The
crlglnal budget allccated apprcxlmately $1.z bllllcn fcr scclal spendlng, lncludlng health,
educatlcn, and hcuslng, cut cf a tctal PlP budget cf abcut $.z bllllcn frcm zoo tc zoo,.

Fcwever, whlle the actual tctal PlP spendlng was 6 percent greater ($. bllllcn) than the
budgeted tctal, actual scclal spendlng decllned by percent-cnly $6 mllllcn was used

05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zooz: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 1, zoo.
1he I0 estimates that quatoriaI Cuinea's CP in zoo was $.1 biIIion. An estimate of overnment spendin on heaIth in
zoo was found by muItipIyin quatoriaI Cuinea's estimated zoo CP by the estimated percentae of CP spent on heaIth
in zoo. 1he caIcuIation, therefore, was ,1oo,ooo,oo x .o16. wR0, hationaI ReaIth Accounts 5eries, "quatoriaI Cuinea:
hationaI xpenditure on ReaIth," |uIy , zoo, http:]]]nha]country]Ch-.pdf (accessed ApriI , zoo8); I0,
"Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," March zoo8, p. 1z.
An estimate of overnment spendin on education in zoo was found by muItipIyin quatoriaI Cuinea's estimated zoo
CP by the estimated percentae of CP spent on education in zoo. 1he caIcuIation, therefore, was ,1oo,ooo,oo x .oo6. 1he
worId 8ank, "ducation at a CIance: quatoriaI Cuinea," hovember zoo,
o81-menuPK:qo-paePK:6q168qq-piPK:6q168o-the5itePK:zz6q,oo.htmI (accessed ApriI z, zoo8); I0,
"Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," March zoo8, http:]]]report_dI.asp?issue_id=1o8q6&mode=pdf, p.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," May , zoo, p. q.
1he worId 8ank, "Country 8rief: quatoriaI Cuinea," undated, http:]]www.worIdbank.or]afr]qz.htm (accessed february
1z, zoo).
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo8 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," 0ctober 1, zoo8.

9<## =4#<> -@
fcr scclal spendlng frcm zoo tc zoo,. Mcrecver, cnly 1 percent cf the tctal budget was
actually spent cn scclal prc|ects, a flgure the lMF termed "lcw."

1he MiIIennium eveIopment CoaIs
ln addltlcn tc underfundlng essentlal scclal servlces, ancther lndlcatlcn cf the
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment's neglect cf thelr respcnslbllltles tc thelr pecple ls thelr
fallure tc meet the Mlllennlum uevelcpment 6cals (Mu6s).

The Mu6s were agreed upcn by 18 gcvernments and multllateral lnstltutlcns at the
uh Mlllennlum Summlt ln September zooo. They are a set cf elght antl-pcverty gcals
partlclpatlng ccuntrles alm tc achleve glcbally by zo1: tc halve extreme pcverty and
hunger, achleve unlversal prlmary educatlcn, empcwer wcmen and prcmcte gender
equallty, reduce under- mcrtallty rates by twc-thlrds, reduce maternal mcrtallty by
three-quarters, reverse the spread cf dlseases such as Flv]Alds and malarla, ensure
envlrcnmental sustalnablllty lncludlng access tc safe water, and create a glcbal
partnershlp lncludlng ald, trade, and debt rellef targets.

6cvernments are suppcsed tc lmplement the Mu6s at the natlcnal level, keep
statlstlcs cn them, and lssue prcgress repcrts ln crder tc mcnltcr thelr
lmplementatlcn. The Mu6s are alsc a key way fcr multllateral lnstltutlcns, dcncrs,
and cthers tc mcnltcr a gcvernment's ccmmltment tc allevlatlng pcverty ln lts ccuntry
as well as prcgresslvely reallzlng eccncmlc and scclal rlghts.

The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea seems tc have dcne, at wcrst, llttle tc
lmplement the Mu6s and, at best, llttle tc mcnltcr lmplementatlcn. Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
cnly has data fcr , cf the 8 lndlcatcrs under the Mu6s, ccverlng the perlcd frcm
1o tc zoo8.
Uf thcse , lndlcatcrs, nct cne has a ccmplete set cf data. Acccrdlng
tc the uh, "Ungclng effcrts tc mcnltcr prcgress ln attalnlng the Mu6s have been
hampered by the fact that ln mcst cases nc trustwcrthy and up-tc-date lnfcrmatlcn ls
avallable tc prcvlde cb|ectlve dccumentatlcn cf results repcrted ... "

whlle the uh belleves the avallable data lndlcate that Mu6 gcals are "attalnable," a

IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo8 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," 0ctober 1, zoo8.
0nited hations, "1he MiIIennium eveIopment CoaIs and the 0nited hations RoIe," a 0h factsheet, 0ctober zooz.
0h 5tatistics ivision, "MiIIennium eveIopment CoaIs Indicators: quatoriaI Cuinea," |uIy 1q, zoo8,
http:]]unstats.un.or]unsd]md]ata.aspx (accessed May z6, zoo).
0nited hations, "MC Monitor: quatoriaI Cuinea," Auust zoo8,
http:]]www.mdmonitor.or]factsheets_oo.cfm?c=Ch&cd=zz6 (accessed May z6, zoo).

-( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
lcck at the lnccmplete data fcr fcur key mcrtallty and health lndlcatcrs presents a
trcubllng plcture cf the ccuntry's prcgress tcward the Mu6s.

The annual number cf deaths amcng bcth lnfants and chlldren under flve ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has actually lncreased between 1o and zoo,, the lnfant
mcrtallty rate rcse frcm 1o deaths per 1,ooo ln 1o tc 1z deaths per 1,ooo ln
zoo,, whlle the under-flve mcrtallty rate lncreased frcm 1,o per 1,ooo ln 1o tc zo6
per 1,ooo ln zoo,.
These are the fcurth hlghest lnfant and under-flve mcrtallty rates
ln the wcrld, cn bcth measures behlnd Slerra Lecne, Afghanlstan, and Chad, all cf
whlch have experlenced ma|cr ccnfllct ln the past 1o years and ncne cf whlch have
the natural rescurce wealth cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

Twc health lndlcatcrs alsc shcw a wcrsenlng cf ccndltlcns. Measles lmmunlzatlcn
rates fcr chlldren under 1z mcnths decllned frcm 88 percent ln 1o tc 1 percent ln
zoo6. The lncldence cf tuberculcsls lncreased frcm 1oz.z per 1oo,ooo pecple ln 1o
tc z.8 ln zoo6, an lncrease cf 1o percent.

ln a trcubllng and lrcnlc develcpment ccnslderlng the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment's lack cf
lnvestment cn lts cwn cltlzens' well belng, the unlted hatlcns Fducatlcnal, Sclentlflc, and
Cultural Urganlzatlcn (uhFSCU) anncunced the establlshment cf the uhFSCU-Ublang
hguema Mbascgc lnternatlcnal Prlze fcr kesearch ln the Llfe Sclences. The prlze ls funded
by a $ mllllcn grant frcm the Ublang hguema Mbascgc Fcundatlcn fcr the Preservatlcn cf
Llfe and ls lntended tc prcvlde a cash prlze cf $oo,ooo tc the annual reclplent as well as
ancther $oo,ooo per year fcr the admlnlstratlcn cf the prlze.

1he Rihts to ReaIth and ducation 0nder InternationaI Law
The lnternatlcnal Ccvenant cn Fccncmlc, Scclal and Cultural klghts ackncwledges that
dlfferent ccuntrles have dlfferent levels cf rescurces avallable tc them and dces nct

0hICf, "ChiIdinfo: Infant MoraIity Rate," |anuary zoo, http:]]www.chiIdinfo.or]mortaIity_infantmortaIity.php (accessed
May z6, zoo); 0h 5tatistics ivision, "MiIIenium eveIopment CoaIs Indicators: quatoriaI Cuinea," |uIy 1q, zoo8,
http:]]unstats.un.or]unsd]md]ata.aspx (accessed May z6, zoo).
0hICf, "ChiIdinfo: 0nder-five MortaIity Rate," |anuary zoo, http:]]www.chiIdinfo.or]mortaIity_underfive.php (accessed
May z6, zoo).
0nited hations 5tatistics ivision, "MiIIenium eveIopment CoaIs Indicators: quatoriaI Cuinea," |uIy 1q, zoo8.
0h5C0, "xecutive 8oard 5tatement stabIishin the 0h5C0-0bian huema Mbasoo InternationaI Prize for the Life
5ciences," ResoIution 18oX], 5eptember z, zoo8.

9<## =4#<> +'
unreallstlcally requlre ccuntrles tc lmmedlately devcte mcre rescurces than they have tc
fulflll thelr cbllgatlcns. kather, the ccvenant calls upcn gcvernments tc prcgresslvely
lmplement thcse rlghts ccmmensurate wlth the amcunt cf rescurces avallable.

Fcwever, grcss mlsallccatlcn cf rescurces tc the detrlment cf the en|cyment cf eccncmlc
and scclal rlghts can ccnstltute a human rlghts vlclatlcn. The un|ustlfled dlverslcn cf funds
frcm health servlces and facllltles ls an lllustratlve example. Artlcle 1z cf the lCFSCk requlres
that states "reccgnlze the rlght cf everycne tc the en|cyment cf the hlghest attalnable
standard cf physlcal and mental health." Thls lncludes "prcvlslcn fcr the reductlcn cf the
stlllblrth-rate and cf lnfant mcrtallty ... preventlcn, treatment and ccntrcl cf epldemlc,
endemlc, cccupatlcnal and cther dlseases," and "creatlcn cf the ccndltlcns whlch wculd
assure tc all medlcal servlce and medlcal attentlcn ln the event cf slckness."

The uh Ccmmlttee cn Fccncmlc, Scclal and Cultural klghts, the authcrltatlve lnterpretlve
bcdy fcr the lCFSCk, has sald that a "vlclatlcn cf the cbllgatlcn tc fulflll" requlrements under
artlcle 1z can cccur when there ls "lnsufflclent expendlture cr mlsallccatlcn cf publlc
rescurces whlch results ln the ncn-en|cyment cf the rlght tc health by lndlvlduals cr
Slmllarly, the Maastrlcht 6uldellnes cn vlclatlcns cf Fccncmlc, Scclal, and
Cultural klghts state that a vlclatlcn "thrcugh the acts cf ccmmlsslcn" cf the lCFSCk can
cccur lf a gcvernment engages ln the "reductlcn cr dlverslcn cf speclflc publlc expendlture,
when such reductlcn cr dlverslcn results ln the ncn-en|cyment cf such rlghts and ls nct
acccmpanled by adequate measures tc ensure the mlnlmum subslstence rlghts fcr

quatoriaI Cuinea's fforts to fiht Poverty
uue tc lncreaslng pressure frcm cther gcvernments and ccmpanles, the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean
gcvernment admltted that lts hatlcnal uevelcpment Plan fcr 1, thrcugh zoo1, drawn up at
the flrst hatlcnal Fccncmlc Ccnference ln 1,, dld nct slgnlflcantly achleve pcverty
reductlcn. Therefcre, the gcvernment ccmmltted tc preparlng an lnterlm pcverty reductlcn
strategy paper that cculd prcvlde a template fcr a seccnd natlcnal ccnference. wlth fundlng

IC5CR, art. 1z.
0h Committee on conomic, 5ociaI, and CuIturaI Rihts (C5CR), "5ubstantive Issues Arisin in the ImpIementation of the
InternationaI Covenant on conomic, 5ociaI, and CuIturaI Rihts," CeneraI Comment ho. 1q (zooo), ]C.1z]zooo]q, hovember
8, zooo, para. z.
1he Maastricht CuideIines on vioIations of conomic, 5ociaI, and CuIturaI Rihts, para. 1q(). Accordin to the introduction
of the CuideIines, 1he Maastricht CuideIines were an effort by a roup of more than o experts on internationaI Iaw to
eIaborate obIiations, vioIations, and remedies under the IC5CR. 1he uideIines are used internationaIIy by overnments,
muItiIateraI oranizations, and hC0s as uidance for interpretin the IC5CR.

+) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
frcm the uS uepartment cf State, a scclal needs assessment cf health and educatlcn was
ccnducted fcr the gcvernment by lndependent ccnsultants, and a mechanlsm tc speed up
lnvestment ln thcse sectcrs was prcpcsed.

As a result, the zoo natlcnal budget, passed by parllament ln September zoo, allccated
lncreased expendltures fcr educatlcn. Un }uly ,, zoo, ln Malabc, Presldent Ublang
launched a Scclal uevelcpment Fundlng Mechanlsm deslgned tc "speed up the executlcn cf
scclal cutlays."
The measure prcvlded fcr bcth a ccmprehenslve needs assessment and a
mechanlsm thrcugh whlch the assessment wculd be lmplemented. The mechanlsm has fcur
essentlal elements:

1) A capaclty-bulldlng ccmpcnent tc lmprcve cperatlcns ln relevant mlnlstrles (health,
educatlcn, wcmen's affalrs, and the envlrcnment),
z) A gcvernlng bcard ccmprlsed cf Presldent Ublang and three emlnent lnternatlcnal
experts, mandated tc cversee the Fund's cperatlcn,
) A ccnsultatlve mechanlsm deslgned tc prcvlde dcncr cccrdlnatlcn and lnput tc
relevant mlnlstrles, and
) A streamllned dlsbursement prccess tc ensure prlcrlty prc|ects were funded
lmmedlately and transparently.

The prcgram was tc be funded whclly by the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment and sub|ect tc
yearly audlts accesslble tc the publlc (thcugh, tc date, these are nct avallable).

ln Uctcber zoo parllament apprcved a gcvernment prcvlslcn cf $1 mllllcn ln zoo6 fcr thls
prc|ect. Presldent Ublang further endcrsed the scclal prcgram ln washlngtcn, uC, cn Aprll 11,
zoo6, and ccmmltted tc make a $1 mllllcn ccntrlbutlcn tc the Scclal uevelcpment Fund by
slgnlng a memcrandum cf understandlng wlth uSAlu that was valld untll uecember o,
zoo8. uSAlu prcvlded technlcal asslstance tc suppcrt lmplementatlcn cf the fund, and
uevelcpment Alternatlves lnternatlcnal, lnc. (uAl), wcn a ccmpetltlve bld put cut by uSAlu
and agreed tc help manage the team. ln-ccuntry actlvltles cf the Technlcal Suppcrt Prc|ect
fcr Scclal lnvestment and Capaclty 8ulldlng ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea dld nct begln untll
September 11, zoo6, wlth the arrlval cf the deslgn team, and there were dlfflcultles such as

8usiness for 5ociaI ResponsibiIity, "5ociaI eveIopment fund," May z, zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch was invited to attend this meetin, but as with past invitations with very short notice. 5ome of these
sociaI pro|ects were identified at the hationaI Conference on the Assessment of the hationaI eveIopment 5tratey heId in
|anuary zooq.
Christopher Camponovo, "Advancin 5ociaI eveIopment in quatoriaI Cuinea," Leadin Perspectives, faII zoo, p. .

9<## =4#<> +&
the gcvernment's deslre tc have ccntrcl cver the selectlcn cf any lcng-term appclntments.

The prc|ect became fully cperatlcnal cnly ln late zoo,.

The gcvernment appears tc have lcst enthuslasm fcr the prc|ect after lts launch and blamed
uAl fcr squanderlng funds cn the deslgn phase. Althcugh the authcrltles declded ln Aprll
zoo8 tc dlsburse funds tc 1o cf 1 prc|ects,
as cf Uctcber zoo8 the gcvernment had yet tc
apprcve the release cf the funds sc that the prc|ects cculd begln. The lMF calls thls delay
"wcrrlscme" and ccmmented ln the mcst recent Artlcle lv ccnsultatlcn that "|c[cntlnued
delay wculd ralse questlcns abcut whether the gcvernment's ccmmltment |tc pcverty
allevlatlcn[ ls genulne."
Thus, whlle the uS uepartment cf State talks cf thls prc|ect
expandlng tc be wcrth "$6o mllllcn ln the next few years,"
lt has yet tc ccme clcse tc
reallzlng lts gcals. Tc the kncwledge cf Fuman klghts watch, nelther the uSAlu prcgram ncr
the uAl ccntract have been renewed.

A Seccnd hatlcnal Fccncmlc uevelcpment Ccnference, held ln 8ata cn hcvember 1z tc 1,
zoo,, was bllled tc chart Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's develcpment up tc zozo. ln hls cpenlng
speech Presldent Ublang stated that "|t[he ellmlnatlcn cf pcverty ls a twc step prccess
because there are twc types cf pcverty: materlal pcverty and pcverty cf the splrlt |mlnd[."
The Presldent ccntlnued, "The gcvernment wlll fccus lts attentlcn cn the develcpment cf a
scclal lnfrastructure that wlll be the envy cf the ccntlnent and the wcrld."

An Administrative CounciI for the pro|ect incIuded Ambassador |ohn MconaId and 8rian Atwood of the Rumphrey
Institute at the 0niversity of Minnesota (a former 05AI administrator) as deveIopment experts. 1he counciI met in 8ata in
|une zoo for the first time, chaired by the prime minister. 1he meetin did not o weII (the 05 ambassador was even bIocked
from attendin the meetin), and resuIted onIy in areement in the settin up of a secretariat. ho subsequent meetin with
the deveIopment experts has yet occurred, despite a commitment to hoId a foIIow-up meetin in 5eptember zoo.
MoraIes, "1echnicaI 5upport Pro|ect for 5ociaI Investment and Capacity 8uiIdin in quatoriaI Cuinea: esin and
ImpIementation PIan (5eptember zoo6 throuh Auust, zoo8)," |anuary 1, zoo; MoraIes, "1echnicaI 5upport Pro|ect for
5ociaI Investment and Capacity 8uiIdin in quatoriaI Cuinea: uarterIy Report (Auust -ecember 1, zoo6)," |anuary 1,
1hese are: prevention and treatment of fistuIa obstetrics; the maIaria eradication proram; heaIth and demoraphics
survey; strenthenin primary heaIth care; ruraI women's empIoyment; centers for abused women; women's Iiteracy pro|ect;
women's survey; rehabiIitation of the nationaI teacher trainin center; expansion, rehabiIitation and construction of
educationaI centers; trainin preschooI education teacher's pro|ect; and schooI map and data system.
IMf, "RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea: zoo8 ArticIe Iv ConsuItation-5taff Report," March z, zoo, pp. 16, zo.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of African Affairs, "8ackround hote: quatoriaI Cuinea," March zoo.
hationaI conomic eveIopment Conference," 8ata, quatoriaI Cuinea, hovember 1z-1q, zoo,
http:]]]Initiatives]?PaeI=16 (accessed May 1o, zoo8).

+. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(

v. 1he Cevernment's kecerd en CiviI and PeIiticaI kights

when asked by a |curnallst ln hcvember zoo abcut human rlghts ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea,
Presldent Ublang replled, "The lnternatlcnal grcups need tc understand the real sltuatlcn ln
the ccuntry because there ls nc abuse cf human rlghts here. The press ls free ... and we have
the Ccmmlsslcn fcr Fuman klghts."
ln reallty, the ccmblned lmpact cf the lack cf freedcm
cf the medla, lnfcrmatlcn, assembly, and asscclatlcn, and severe deflclts ln the rule cf law,
has stunted the grcwth cf meanlngful clvll scclety ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and has llmlted the
actlvltles cf the demccratlc cppcsltlcn. There are few ccuntrles ln Afrlca where the deflclt ln
clvll scclety and pclltlcal cppcsltlcn ls sc prcncunced cr where the lack cf audlble
lndependent vclces, sc crltlcal fcr demccracy and the rule cf law, ls sc evldent.

Fuman klghts watch has dccumented real cr percelved gcvernment cppcnents' experlences
cf abuse ranglng frcm arbltrary arrest and detentlcn wlthcut trlal tc tcrture, harassment, and
extra|udlclal kllllng. As dccumented belcw, Fquatcgulnean securlty fcrces have alsc
kldnapped cppcsltlcn pclltlclans ln exlle ln crder fcr them tc stand trlal ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

The uh wcrklng 6rcup cn Arbltrary uetentlcn vlslted Fquatcrlal 6ulnea frcm }uly 8 to 1,
zoo,, at the lnvltatlcn cf the gcvernment. The wcrklng 6rcup vlslted Malabc and the
malnland cltles cf 8ata and Fvlnaycng. lt was able tc vlslt the maln prlscns and lntervlewed,
ln prlvate and wlthcut wltnesses, scme zoo detalnees. The wcrklng 6rcup ccncluded,

The dlsccvery cf large cll reserves pclnts tc the advent cf an era cf great
eccncmlc prcsperlty ln the near future. Fcwever, the wcrklng 6rcup
ccnflrmed, and lt cculd nct be ctherwlse glven the recent hlstcry cf the
ccuntry, that lnstltutlcn-bulldlng ls stlll llmlted, and the human rlghts culture
has nct taken sufflclent rcct ln lnstltutlcns.... The wcrklng 6rcup ccnslders
that there cannct be true develcpment ln the ccuntry lf the current eccncmlc

hote from Lindsey RiIsum, dipIomatic correspondent, ChanneI q hews, to Ruman Rihts watch, hovember zz, zoo.
Moreover, in the overnment of Ricardo Manue 0bama hfubea (zoo6 to zoo8) the human rihts portfoIio was eIevated to the
first vice prime minister, but that seemed to have had IittIe impact on the poor record of overnment human rihts practices.
5ee "quatoriaI Cuinea President hames hew Covernment," Aence france-Presse, Auust 16, zoo6; "workin Croup on
Arbitrary etention ConcIudes visit to quatoriaI Cuinea," 5tates hews 5ervice, |uIy 16, zoo.

9<## =4#<> +-
grcwth dces nct gc hand ln hand wlth lnstltutlcn-bulldlng, the enfcrcement
cf the rule cf law and the genulne exerclse cf human rlghts."

Areas cf ccncern ldentlfled by the wcrklng 6rcup lncluded lts cbservatlcn that laws and
regulatlcns lnherlted frcm the cclcnlal era and datlng back tc the Francc dlctatcrshlp ln
Spaln are stlll ln effect and enfcrced. ln lts repcrt, the wcrklng 6rcup alsc hlghllghted the
prcblems cf secret detentlcns and abductlcn cf cppcsltlcn pclltlclans ln nelghbcrlng
ccuntrles as belng cf partlcular ccncern.

Manfred hcwak, the uh's speclal rappcrteur cn tcrture and cther cruel, lnhuman cr
degradlng treatment cr punlshment, vlslted Fquatcrlal 6ulnea fcr 1o days ln hcvember zoo8
fcllcwlng an lnvltatlcn cf the gcvernment. Althcugh he ccmmended the gcvernment fcr
allcwlng hlm tc vlslt the ccuntry, hls lnterlm repcrt ccncluded that tcrture was rlfe ln the
ccuntry and hlghllghted that:

Pclltlcal prlscners ln Malabc's 8lack 8each Prlscn have repcrtedly been held
lnccmmunlcadc fcr perlcds cf up tc fcur years,
The |ustlce system ls dysfunctlcnal and lacks lndependence, and arbltrary detentlcn
ls ccmmcn practlce, and
Tcrture ccntlnues tc be used systematlcally agalnst prlscners whc refuse "tc
ccllabcrate," whether accused cf pclltlcal cr ccmmcn crlmes, and ls used tc extract
ccnfesslcns and tc punlsh detalnees.

hcwak reccmmended a ccmplete cverhaul cf the ccuntry's penal and |udlclal systems
based cn the rule cf law, an lndependent |udlclary, and effectlve mcnltcrlng mechanlsms tc
ccmbat tcrture. Fe alsc vclced hls fear "abcut pcsslble reprlsals agalnst detalnees whc
prcvlded testlmcny tc us, ln partlcular at the central pcllce statlcns cf Malabc and 8ata.

0hRRC, Report of the workin Croup on Arbitrary etention, Mission to quatoriaI Cuinea, A]RRC]]q]Add., february 18,
zoo8, http:]]daccessdds.un.or]doc]0h0C]Ch]Co8]1o6]q]Pf]Co81o6q.pdf?0penIement (accessed |anuary zo,
zoo), p. zo.
Ibid., p. z.
0hRCRR, "0h 5peciaI Rapporteur on torture concIudes mission to quatoriaI Cuinea,"
http:]]]huricane]huricane.nsf]viewo1]18o88ooAA8ACC1zo6ooq886?opendocument (accessed
|anuary o, zoo).
"1orture is rife in quatoriaI Cuinea's prisons, says 0h expert," 0h hews Centre, hovember 1, zoo8,
http:]]www.un.ops]apps]news]story.asp?hewsI=z88&Cr=torture&CrI=rapporteur (accessed |anuary o, zoo).

++ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
The Fquatcgulnean gcvernment lssued the fcllcwlng press statement ln respcnse tc the
lnterlm repcrt ln }anuary zoo defendlng lts ccmmltment tc human rlghts.

quatoriaI Cuinea Reaffirms its Commitment to Ruman Rihts
The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls gravely ccncerned wlth the allegatlcns made
by the unlted hatlcns speclal rappcrteur cn tcrture and cther cruel, lnhuman cr
degradlng treatment, Mr. Manfred hcwak, durlng hls hcvember zoo8 vlslt tc the
ccuntry. Althcugh the gcvernment strcngly cb|ects tc the manner ln whlch Mr. hcwak
made publlc hls allegatlcns and hls ccnduct durlng hls stay here, we take serlcus any
allegatlcns made agalnst gcvernment cfflclals and cur gcvernment. The gcvernment
cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls ccmmltted tc refcrmlng cur |udlclal prccess and lccks fcrward
tc recelvlng the cfflclal repcrt frcm the unlted hatlcns sc that we mlght lnvestlgate all

The uh rappcrteur was lnvlted by the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc assess the
prcgress made by the gcvernment ln prctectlng the rlghts cf lts cltlzens, lncludlng the
treatment cf lndlvlduals ln detentlcn facllltles, and tc ldentlfy areas where further
wcrk needs tc be dcne. Uver the last several years, the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal
6ulnea, ln cccperatlcn wlth the unlted States gcvernment, the Furcpean unlcn and
the lnternatlcnal Ccmmlttee cf the ked Crcss |lCkC[, has undertaken a number cf
lmpcrtant steps tc refcrm cur |udlclal prccess, prcfesslcnallze cur mllltary and pcllce
fcrces, bulld mcdern detentlcn facllltles and prcvlde human rlghts tralnlng tc securlty

ln zoo6 the gcvernment passed an antl-tcrture law and has slnce passed further
regulatlcns tc prctect human rlghts. The gcvernment has ccntrlbuted slgnlflcant
rescurces tc lmprcve cur |udlclal prccess and law enfcrcement tralnlng alcng wlth
rlgcrcus regulatlcns and lnspectlcns. Fcr twc years, MPkl, a uS ccmpany, has been
wcrklng ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc traln a number cf cur pcllce fcrces. The tralnlng has
lncluded lnstructlcn cn apprcprlate human rlghts practlces, and cur gcvernment wlll
ccntlnue that engagement. The gcvernment ls ln dlscusslcns wlth MPkl tc
substantlally expand lts human rlghts tralnlng tc cur securlty fcrces, bcth ln ccntent
and ln perscnnel tc be tralned, ln acccrdance tc lnternatlcnal standards. The
gcvernment has alsc establlshed an educatlcn prcgram fcr |udges tc prcvlde them
the latest legal tralnlng, and the unlverslty cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea establlshed the

"quatoriaI Cuinea Reaffirms its Commitment to Ruman Rihts," officiaI website of the RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea,
|anuary z6, zoo, http:]]]hews]?hewsI=8 (accessed March z, zoo).

9<## =4#<> +,
ccuntry's flrst-ever law schccl tc guarantee a unlfcrm system cf legal educatlcn and
the rule cf law.

kegardlng the repcrt cf the speclal rappcrteur, the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
wlll establlsh a ccmmlttee tc wcrk cn revlewlng the upccmlng unlted hatlcns repcrt
and lts flndlng and reccmmend a ccurse cf actlcn tc be taken by the gcvernment tc
address any shcrtccmlngs. The gcvernment wlll alsc request addltlcnal asslstance
frcm the unlted States, Furcpean unlcn, unlted hatlcns and cthers tc mcdernlze cur
|udlclal prccess and prcvlde addltlcnal human rlghts tralnlng fcr cur securlty fcrces.

The gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls ccmmltted tc the rule cf law and prctectlng
human rlghts. we lnvlte the unlted hatlcns tc return alcng wlth any crganlzatlcn that
ls wllllng tc wcrk alcngslde us tc aggresslvely address these lssues and sclve these
prcblems. Thls ls a prccess that wlll nct see a sclutlcn cvernlght, but cur gcvernment
remalns vlgllant ln lts cbllgatlcn tc wcrk ccllabcratlvely wlth natlcns and
crganlzatlcns that wlll help us bulld a strcnger and sustalnable demccracy.

Malabc, z cf }anuary cf zoo Fcr A Strcnger Fquatcrlal 6ulnea

G$-$%,/ 2)"+),.. "* 4>-'* )$+4%.H $*&#>/$*+ &)$-$*'#$I'%$"* "1 %")%>),
The Fquatcgulnean gcvernment has made scme very llmlted prcgress cn clvll and pclltlcal
rlghts ln the past decade, as lndlcated by the brlef vlslt cf the uh speclal rappcrteur cn the
rlght tc freedcm cf cplnlcn and expresslcn ln uecember zooz, the wcrklng 6rcup's }uly
zoo, vlslt, and the vlslt cf the uh speclal rappcrteur cn tcrture and cther cruel, lnhuman cr
degradlng treatment cr punlshment ln hcvember zoo8,
and cther lnvltatlcns fcr
lnternatlcnal scrutlny, lncludlng access by the lCkC tc prlscns slnce zoo (see belcw).

Perlcdlc amnestles slnce zooz have benefltted pclltlcal prlscners and cther detalnees (see

Un hcvember z, zoo6, a law crlmlnallzlng tcrture and cther cruel, lnhuman, cr degradlng
acts went lntc effect ln ccmpllance wlth the gcvernment's cbllgatlcns as a party tc the uh

0hCRR, Report of the speciaI rapporteur on the riht to freedom of opinion and expression, Ambeyi Liabo, visit to
quatoriaI Cuinea, ]Ch.q]zoo]6]Add.z, |anuary , zoo.
1he InternationaI 8ar Association (I8A) visited quatoriaI Cuinea in |uIy zoo, as did Ruman Rihts watch in Auust and
5eptember that year. Amnesty InternationaI and the I8A both attended a triaI of coup pIotters in zooq and the I8A returned to
quatoriaI Cuinea in zoo. 5ee, for exampIe, I8A, quatoriaI Cuinea at the Crossroads: Report of a Mission to quatoriaI
Cuinea, 0ctober zoo, http:]]www.ibanet.or]5earch]efauIt.aspx?q=quatoriaI+Cuinea&btn5earch=5earch (accessed
ecember 1, zoo8).

+? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Ccnventlcn agalnst Tcrture. The law, the flrst cf lts klnd tc be apprcved ln the ccuntry,
lmpcses penaltles agalnst cltlzens uslng tcrture, lncludlng prlscn sentences cf up tc slx
mcnths and flnes cf oo,ooo Central Afrlcan francs (uS$,z) fcr thcse fcund gullty cf uslng
tcrture. Mcst lmpcrtantly, the law alsc prchlblts the use cf evldence ln ccurts that has been
cbtalned thrcugh the use cf tcrture. Scme cf the cases descrlbed belcw and ln the next
chapter, as well as cases such as the Uctcber 6, zoo,, death ln custcdy cf Salvadcr hdcng
hguema frcm ln|urles lnfllcted durlng tcrture ln Fvlnaycng |all several days earller,
that tcrture and lll-treatment remaln serlcus ccncerns.

Media and Information freedom ReaviIy CurtaiIed
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea was ranked as the fcurth mcst-censcred ccuntry ln the wcrld (after hcrth
Kcrea, 8urma, and Turkmenlstan) by the hew Ycrk-based Ccmmlttee tc Prctect }curnallsts
(CP}) cn May z, zoo6.
The Parls-based kepcrters wlthcut 8crders, ln thelr "Annual
wcrldwlde Press Freedcm lndex fcr zoo8," ranked Fquatcrlal 6ulnea as 16 cut cf 1, (cnly
Frltrea was wcrse ln Afrlca).
There ls nc dally newspaper, and shcpkeepers need cfflclal
permlsslcn tc sell cr dlstrlbute lnternatlcnal newspapers cr news magazlnes. wlth cnly twc
ncn-state-ccntrclled newspapers publlshed ln the ccuntry, nelther cf whlch can repcrt
crltlcally cn gcvernment actlvlty, a meanlngful lndependent press ls ncnexlstent.

Freedcm cf expresslcn ls a fundamental rlght guaranteed by the Afrlcan Charter cn Fuman
and Pecples' klghts and the lnternatlcnal Ccvenant cn Clvll and Pclltlcal klghts. The current
1z press law ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea authcrlzes gcvernment censcrshlp cf all publlcatlcns.
Self-censcrshlp and fear are wldespread. There has been scme llberallzatlcn, especlally
arcund Malabc and asslsted by the presence cf a grcwlng number cf lnternatlcnal
ccmmerclal actcrs, but the mcre lsclated areas cutslde 8ata ln klc Munl and ln the lnterlcr

05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 11, zoo8.
CP|, "1o Most Censored Countries," May z, zoo6, http:]]cp|.or]reports]zoo6]o]1o-most-censored-countries.php
(accessed ecember 1, zoo8). 1his is the most recent year for which this data is avaiIabIe.
Reporters without 8orders, "Press freedom Index zoo8", 5eptember zoo8,
http:]]www.rsf.or]articIe.php?id_articIe=zo1 (accessed |anuary o, zoo).
1he overnment cIaims that "freedom of the media and expression has broadened considerabIy . we have zo radios per
1,ooo inhabitants . [and the] number of private pubIications has rown from 1 in 16 to over 1 today." C. Ruben Maye hsue
Manue, "Ruman Rihts and emocratic eveIopment in quatoriaI Cuinea: Covernment PoIicy and 0bservations," speech at
Chatham Rouse, London, hovember 1q, zooz, p. 8.
Ministerio de |usticia y CuIto de La RepubIica e Cuinea cuatoriaI, RecopiIacion de Ias PrincipaIes Leyes ReIativas A La
emocracia, Las Libertades Y Los erechos Rumanos en Cuinea cuatoriaI (MaIabo: Impreneta iaraficas, |anuary zooo), pp.

9<## =4#<> +@
cf 8lckc lsland, whlch have nct been lmpacted by the cll bccm, dc nct en|cy the same level
cf access tc lnfcrmatlcn.

Unly cne newspaper ls dlstrlbuted regularly, the Malabc-based, but Spanlsh-prlnted,
mcnthly La 6aceta. Fbanc, a publlcatlcn cf the Mlnlstry cf lnfcrmatlcn, alsc appears
apprcxlmately twlce a mcnth.
The edltcr cf the cnly lndependent paper, La Uplnlcn,
ccmplalned tc Fuman klghts watch that he cculd nct prlnt hls paper, flrst because cf a lack
cf newsprlnt ltself, but alsc because fear cf pcssesslng ccples led tc a lack cf sales.

Mcrecver, cnly the pclltlcal cppcsltlcn, the Ccnvergencla para la uemccracla Scclal, dares
advertlse ln La Uplnlcn, meanlng lt ls nct ccmmerclally vlable tc prlnt and ncw cnly appears
cn the lnternet. The CPuS alsc lrregularly prcduces a prlnt and web-based newspaper, La
verdad, but pecple are alsc reluctant tc be seen pcssesslng lt ln publlc. Un }une , zoo,
alrpcrt pcllce ln 8ata selzed zoo ccples that had been destlned fcr dlstrlbutlcn cn the

Aslde frcm the prlnt medla there ls cnly state radlc and state televlslcn.
The cne prlvate
radlc statlcn ls kadlc Ascnga, the pcpular news and muslc statlcn cf the presldent's scn,
Tecdcrln hguema Ublang Mangue. Tecdcrln Ublang alsc cperates Televlslcn Ascnga, a
cable Tv channel ln 8ata. The gcvernment generally wlthhclds access tc dcmestlc
brcadcastlng frcm cppcsltlcn partles, and brcadcasters refer tc the cppcsltlcn negatlvely ln
news prcgrams. ln 18, the gcvernment allcwed Spaln tc set up kadlc Afrlca zooo ln
Malabc, but, fcllcwlng pressure frcm the gcvernment, the statlcn stcpped brcadcastlng ln
Mcst lndependent news ls scurced lnternatlcnally frcm the lnternet and frcm cable
and satelllte brcadcasts, partlcularly repcrts cn Fquatcrlal 6ulnea frcm the Spanlsh

0thers pubIished, thouh irreuIarIy, incIude I Correo Cuineo cuatoriano, a bimonthIy newspaper pubIished by the
Caceta roup that was discontinued for a whiIe in zoo, 8antu Africa, Rorizontes, and cos de Monomo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with ManueI hse hsoo, MaIabo, 5eptember , zoo. Re is aIso the vice president of
Asociacin de La Prensa e Cuinea cuatoriaI. La 0pinion appeared irreuIarIy in zoo, such as an edition on May zz, zoo, to
mark worId Press freedom ay, but it has since |ust been pubIished on the internet.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with PIcido Mic, London, hovember , zoo; CP|, Attacks on the Press zoo (hew York:
CP|, zoo6), p. q.
|ournaIists from the state media aIso et harassed. 0n |anuary 1, zoo, deputy information minister Purita 0po 8ariIa
ordered the dismissaI of four |ournaIists from state radio and 1v broadcaster R1vC for "insubordination" and "Iack of
enthusiasm." Accordin to Reporters without 8orders the |ournaIists avid hdon, MiueI son 0na, and CiriIo hsue and
camraman Casiano hdon were punished for faiIed to praise the overnment's "merits." Reporters without 8orders,
"quatoriaI Cuinea: espotic Reime's Absurd Methods ecried After four |ournaIists fired for 'Lack of nthusiasm,'" press
reIease, |anuary z, zoo, http:]]]stories]printabIe]zooo1zo86.htmI (accessed |anuary o, zoo).
0bian, My Life for My PeopIe, p. 1q1.
fundacin para Ias ReIaciones InternacionaIes y eI iIoo xterior (fRI), "La poI%tica exterior y de cooperaci"n de
spa$a en Cuinea cuatoriaI: ReIvancia de Ios principios democr!ticos y eI papeI de Ia sociedad civiI," conference report,

+( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Acccrdlng tc the uS uepartment cf State ln September zoo8,

The gcvernment ralded the headquarters cf the cppcsltlcn CPuS ln an
attempt tc ccnflscate an unllcensed radlc transmltter and fcrclbly
ccnflscated edltlcns cf a seml-regular CPuS publlcatlcn. ln August |zoo8[,
after lnfcrmlng the gcvernment ln wrltlng cf lts lntentlcn tc set up a radlc
statlcn ... CPuS had begun testlng the equlpment. ln September the
gcvernment crdered the party tc cease transmlttlng, whlch lt dld, and alleged
that the CPuS lllegally lmpcrted brcadcast equlpment ... wlthcut passlng
thrcugh custcms and paylng requlslte taxes.... The CPuS refused tc
surrender the brcadcast equlpment.... Un September 1, zo members cf the
securlty fcrces ralded the CPuS headquarters ln Malabc ln an attempt tc
ccnflscate the equlpment.

Althcugh the gcvernment has allcwed the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea Press Asscclatlcn (Ascclacln
de la Prensa de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal, ASUP6F) tc hcld ccnferences and events, lt has shut lt
dcwn ln the past.
Lccal |curnallsts are requlred tc reglster wlth the Mlnlstry cf

At tlmes, the medla has hlghllghted cfflclal excesses ln general terms, such as ln La 6aceta
ln zoo.
Publlc and medla crltlclsm cf publlc lnstltutlcns and publlc sectcr
mlsmanagement, thcugh, ls dlsccuraged, and nc crltlclsm cf the presldent and securlty
fcrces ls tclerated.

Restrictions on freedom of AssembIy
Fquatcgulnean law prcvldes fcr the rlght cf assembly. ln practlce, hcwever, the
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment requlres authcrlzatlcn fcr any meetlng cf mcre than 1o perscns
that lt deems pclltlcal, lncludlng a meetlng ln a prlvate hcme. Furthermcre, the pclltlcal

ecember 1, zoo6, http:]]www.fride.or]pubIication]zz]Ia-poIiticia-exterior-y-de-cooperacion-deespana-en-uinea-
ecuatoriaI (accessed May zo, zoo8).
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo8: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z, zoo.
0hRRC, "ConcIudin 0bservations on the 5ituation of CiviI and PoIiticaI Rihts: quatoriaI Cuinea," CCPR]C0]]Ch,
|uIy o, zooq, http:]]]tbs]doc.nsf](5ymboI)]ffoc6edcococ1z6efcoo66?0pendocument (accessed
5eptember 18, zoo). A50PC was created in |anuary 1 and has oranized a number of meetins on press freedom and
In zooq there were q |ournaIists reistered in the association.
"Las acusaciones de Ia oposicion ecuatouineana en Internet de 'periodico pro-ubernamentaI' a La Caceta y aIun
maItrato recibido de aIuns autoridades uineanas," La Caceta de Cuinea cuatoriaI, no. 1, Auust zoo, p. 6q.

9<## =4#<> ,'
cppcsltlcn must lnfcrm the gcvernment cf any meetlng lt plans tc hcld, regardless cf
lccatlcn, lncludlng ln lts party bulldlngs. ln }uly zoo the gcvernment allcwed the cppcsltlcn
CPuS tc hclds lts ccnventlcn, whlch was attended by fcrelgn dlplcmats, ln 8ata. The CPuS,
hcwever, was nct allcwed tc publlclze a ccnference-part cf the ccnventlcn-that dealt wlth
human rlghts laws passed by the gcvernment and lnternatlcnal bcdles. The CPuS was alsc
nct allcwed tc lnvlte the general publlc cr members cf cther pclltlcal partles tc partlclpate ln
panel dlscusslcns.

Imprisonment of 0pposition PoIiticians and Perceived Covernment 0pponents
8ecause the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment restrlcts access cf lndependent mcnltcrlng grcups
tc prlscns and falls tc malntaln accurate reglstratlcn llsts cf prlscners, the exact number cf
pclltlcal prlscners ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls hard tc ascertaln.
Amnesty lnternatlcnal ln zoo,
declared o lndlvlduals tc be prlscners cf ccnsclence, whlle the uS uepartment cf State
estlmates there are scme pclltlcal prlscners.

Slnce Presldent Ublang came tc pcwer ln August 1,, there have been cver a dczen
allegatlcns cf ccup attempts, lncludlng three repcrted attempts ln zoo, cne ln zoo8, and
an attack by unldentlfled gunmen cn the presldentlal palace ln Malabc ln February zoo.
Althcugh Fuman klghts watch ls nct ln a pcsltlcn tc verlfy whether each lndlvldual alleged
ccup attempt was actually real, we dc ncte the abuses asscclated wlth the gcvernment's
respcnse. The anncuncement cf a fclled cr falled plct has usually been fcllcwed by waves cf
arrests cf cppcsltlcn pclltlclans, mllltary perscnnel, thelr famllles and frlends.

uesplte repeated requests by successlve uh speclal representatlves slnce the 18os, the
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment dld nct allcw the lnternatlcnal Ccmmlttee cf the ked Crcss tc
ccnduct prlscn vlslts untll zoo.
ln zoo and zoo the lCkC was able tc vlslt prlscners,
lncludlng scme members cf cppcsltlcn partles and perscns the gcvernment accused cf

Ruman Rihts watch interview with PIcido Mic, London, hovember , zoo; 05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of
emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 8, zoo6,
http:]]www.state.ov]]drI]rIs]hrrpt]zoo]616.htm, p. .
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo8: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z, zoo.
"Cunmen Attack PresidentiaI PaIace in quatoriaI Cuinea," 1he Independent, february 18, zoo,
http:]]]news]worId]africa]unmen-attack-paIace-in-equatoriaI-uinea-16zq8.htmI (accessed May
zz, zoo).
for exampIe of arrests, see utimio sono Manue, MiueI Abaa, and Rodrio huema, detained in 0ctober zoo,
"Rabeas Corpus AI |uzado de Instruccion de MaIabo," hovember 6, zoo.
0hCRR, Report of the speciaI rapporteur on the riht to freedom of opinion and expression, |anuary , zoo.

,) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
lnvclvement ln ccup attempts, and lt has made reccmmendatlcns abcut prlscn ccndltlcns
tc the gcvernment, thcugh (as ls lCkC practlce) they have nct released the reccmmendatlcns
publlcly. Slnce zoo6 the lCkC has been able tc make perlcdlc vlslts tc three prlscns and
twelve |alls and has met prlvately wlth prlscners, thcugh lt appears that scme pclltlcal
prlscners whc had been detalned wlthcut trlal were mcved prlcr tc such vlslts and dld nct
shcw up cn prlscn rcsters. ln zoo, the lCkC made regular mcnthly vlslts tc Malabc central
prlscn, kncwn as "8lack 8each," where lt sald 8o prlscners were held.
8y March zoo8,
hcwever, the lCkC had suspended lts vlslts tc |alls and prlscns because, desplte lts
repeated requests, authcrltles dld nct meet the crganlzatlcn's mlnlmum mcdalltles and
ccndltlcns requlred fcr lnternatlcnal mcnltcrlng. lt hcpes tc resume vlslts ln zoo.
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment allcwed scme dlplcmatlc vlslts tc 8lack 8each prlscn ln zoo
and agaln ln zoo, and zoo8, but dld nct allcw these vlslts ln zoo6.

Presldent Ublang anncunces perlcdlc amnestles, usually ln relatlcn tc a natlcnal hcllday cr
prcmlnent date.
ln Uctcber zooz and ln August zoo, the presldent granted amnesty tc 18
pclltlcal prlscners (the August amnesty was anncunced cn the z
annlversary cf the
mllltary ccup that brcught Ublang tc pcwer cn August , 1,, and was tlmed fcr a news
crew that was ln the ccuntry frcm 6o Mlnutes). ln }une and hcvember zoo6, and tc mark hls
blrthday cn }une , zoo8, the presldent agaln pardcned and released scme pclltlcal
prlscners and cther detalnees. The mcst recent amnesty was cn }une , zoo8, when the
gcvernment medla repcrted that Ublang had freed , pecple. Thls release cclnclded wlth
the presldent's blrthday.
Fcwever, Amnesty lnternatlcnal ncted that scme cf thcse pecple
had been released already ln zoo and zoo6.

J,%,*%$"*. '*/ '0>., ')$.$*+ 1)"- &">2 2#"% '##,+'%$"*.
AIIeed coup in zooz and cIampdown on the fuerza emcrata RepubIicana party
8etween mld-March and May zooz, abcut 1 pecple llnked tc the unlegallzed cppcsltlcn
party Fuerza uemcrata kepubllcana (Fuk) were arrested by the authcrltles under susplclcn
cf attemptlng a ccup and put cn trlal ln May and }une. Slxty-elght cf the accused were glven
|all sentences ranglng frcm slx tc twenty years. Amcng them were Placldc Mlc (secretary-
general cf the CPuS), Fellpe hguema Ublang (leader cf the Fuk and a fcrmer educatlcn

8arbara |ones, "Inside 8Iack 8each," 1he MaiI on 5unday, |une , zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with an ICRC staff member who requested anonymity, Ceneva, May 1, zoo.
05 epartment of 5tate, "Country Report on Ruman Rihts Practices-zoo6: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 6, zoo.
Amnesty InternationaI 05A, "Amnesty InternationaI weIcomes ReIase of 1q Prisoners of Conscience in quatoriaI Cuinea,"
press reIease, |une 11, zoo8.

9<## =4#<> ,&
mlnlster), 6ulllermc hguema Fla (Fuk, and a fcrmer plannlng mlnlster), and Fellpe Und
Ublang (a leader cf the unln Pcpular).
A delegate frcm Amnesty lnternatlcnal whc
cbserved the trlal descrlbed the prcceedlngs as hlghly lrregular and un|ust, and the trlal was
wldely ccndemned, lncludlng by the Furcpean unlcn.
(Fcr the earller trlal cf 6ulllermc
hguema and Fellpe Und ln 18 fcllcwlng thelr abductlcn frcm exlle, see belcw.) Fablan
hsue hguema (secretary-general cf the uP) was alsc arrested ln an unrelated case.

At least scme cf these detalnees were tcrtured whlle ln custcdy. Fuman klghts watch
lntervlewed twc cf the defendants whc had been tcrtured whlle ln pretrlal detentlcn ln zooz.
They descrlbed belng tled up wlth a rcpe and hung frcm a bar. Thelr wrlsts, ankles, and
shculders were elther dlslccated cr brcken as a result cf thelr treatment. Fuman klghts
watch examlned thelr medlcal reccrds whlch, tcgether wlth the scars the prlscners shcwed
tc cur researcher, were ccnslstent wlth the tcrture that they descrlbed. The lndlvlduals alsc
descrlbed hcw they were bllndfclded fcr prclcnged perlcds, kept ln appalllng ccndltlcns,
and denled access tc thelr lawyers and famlly. They sald that the mlstreatment was lntended
tc ccerce them lntc maklng lncrlmlnatlng statements regardlng thelr alleged rcle ln the ccup
Acccrdlng tc Amnesty lnternatlcnal, twc lndlvlduals dled ln }uly and August zooz
as a result cf pccr prlscn ccndltlcns and frcm the ln|urles they sustalned frcm tcrture and lll-

6ulllermc hguema had been ln pccr health when he was arrested, and hls health wcrsened
because cf lll-treatment whlle detalned ln 8lack 8each prlscn.
Fellpe Undc Ublang was
remcved frcm 8lack 8each cn }une , zoo, and transferred tc Fvlnaycng |all ln klc Munl
where he was lnltlally held ln serlcusly lnhuman and degradlng ccndltlcns. Fe was nct
allcwed regular access tc hls famlly cr tc a lawyer and was kept ln sclltary ccnflnement and

1he reIatives of feIipe 0ndo 0bian were reportedIy detained and tortured in March zooz. Amon those detained and
tortured was his prenant niece.
Amnesty InternationaI Report zoo (London: Amnesty InternationaI, zoo), quatoriaI Cuinea chapter (coverin events
|anuary throuh ecember zooz), http:]]asiapacific.amnesty.or]reportzoo]zaf-index-en (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).
Ruman Rihts watch interviews, MaIabo, Auust and 5eptember zoo. 1he interviewees' names cannot be discIosed out
of fear of reprisaIs aainst them or their famiIies.
Amnesty InternationaI, "quatoriaI Cuinea-feIipe 0ndo 0bian (m), aed over 6o, Ieader of fR, further Information on
0A 16q]o (AfR zq]oo6]zoo, 11 |une zoo) and foIIow-up (AfR zq]oo8]zoo, z |une zoo)-Prisoner of conscience, hew
concern: 1orture]heaIth concern," AI Index: AfR zq]o1o]zoo, Auust 1, zoo,
http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]asset]AfRzq]o1o]zoo]en]dom-AfRzqo1ozooen.pdf (accessed ecember 18, zoo8).
Ruman Rihts watch met huema in 5eptember zoo and observed that he was in physicaIIy poor condition and showed
sins of havin been beaten. 5ee aIso Amnesty InternationaI, "quatoriaI Cuinea: ReaIth ProfessionaI Action: CuiIIermo
huema I, onato 0nd 0nd and 0ther etainees in 8Iack 8each Prison," AI Index: AfR zq]oo]zoo, March 1, zoo,
http:]]web.amnesty.or]Iibrary]print]hCAfRzqoozoo (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).

,. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
chalned fcr several mcnths. Fls physlcal and mental health repcrtedly deterlcrated durlng
thls tlme.

Placldc Mlc was pardcned and released under the August zoo presldentlal amnesty. The
}une zoo6 amnesty benefltted z pecple, lncludlng 1o tc 1 members cr sympathlzers cf the
Fuk whc had been ccnvlcted ln the May and }une ccup trlals, cne cf whcm was Fellpe Und
6ulllermc hguema Fla, Fellpe hguema Ublang, and 1z cther Fuk members were
amcng beneflclarles cf the }une zoo8 amnesty.
The authcrltles have crdered all thcse
pardcned ln }une zoo8 tc stay ln thelr vlllages cf crlgln. They have been tcld they may nct
leave wlthcut authcrlzatlcn, even thcugh many cf them had been llvlng ln cther tcwns fcr
many years prlcr tc thelr arrest.

AIIeed coup attempts in zoo and zooq
ln hcvember and uecember zoo there were arrests cf scme 1oo army servlcemen whcse
ranks ranged frcm general tc cadet (a number cf cthers fled Fquatcrlal 6ulnea at thls tlme tc
seek asylum ln Camerccn, 6abcn, and Spaln).
Scme 8o cf the detalnees were prcsecuted
fcr "crlmes agalnst state securlty" durlng a cne-day secret trlal ln 8ata by a mllltary trlbunal
ln February zoo.
Abcut half cf thcse trled were ccnvlcted and recelved sentences cf slx tc
thlrty years ln prlscn. unusually fcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, scme cf the famllles cf the accused
publlcly dencunced the prcceedlngs as un|ust.

Un May z8, zoo, scme zo pecple repcrtedly attacked a mllltary barracks cn Ccrlscc lsland
ln what the authcrltles called a ccup attempt. Acccrdlng tc the gcvernment, securlty fcrces
kllled flve pecple. Amnesty lnternatlcnal, hcwever, repcrted that scldlers shct and kllled

Amnesty InternationaI, "quatoriaI Cuinea: ReaIth ProfessionaI Action,March 1 zoo; "18 PoIiticaI Prisoners ReIeased:
others stiII detained in quatoriaI Cuinea," IRIh, Auust 11, zoo.
0ther beneficiaries incIuded Luis I Aku, Macario simi Maana, MeIchor hdon Mod, |ess huema 0bian, Roque
hve hso, and |os Primo 0bama.
"quatoriaI Cuinea President Pardons, frees 0pposition Leaders," 88C Monitorin Africa, |une , zoo8; "quatoriaI
Cuinea: Amnesty InternationaI CaIIs for ReIease of AII Prisoners of Conscience," Amnesty InternationaI media briefin, AI
Index: AfR zq]oo6]zoo8, |une 11, zoo8, http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]asset]AfRzq]oo6]zoo8]en]caqeba-cb-
11dd-ec6-1d6o8q1ee8]afrzqoo6zoo8en.pdf (accessed ecember 18, zoo8).
Amnesty InternationaI, "0rent Action: hieria: ReaIth Concern]forcibIe Return]fear for 5afety]fear of 1orture," AI Index:
AfR qq]oo]zoo, May zo, zoo, http:]]asiapacific.amnesty.or]Iibrary]Index]hCAfRqqoozoo?open&of=hC-6o
(accessed ecember 1, zoo8)..
Accordin to the Ceneva-based poIiticaI risk consuItancy, Avance M5, "1he hationaI 5ecurity Ministry is brinin chares
of coup pIottin aainst the armed services and steadiIy appIies torture to service the aIIeation. forced testimony was a
pattern of interroation used in 0ctober zoo aainst preIiminary suspects that quickIy yieIded further suspects." Avance
M5, Ceneva, february zz, zooq.
8redic, "1he PoIiticaI conomy of 0iI and Cas in quatoriaI Cuinea," 0iI, Cas & nery Law InteIIience, p. 1q.

9<## =4#<> ,-
scme 1z tc 16 attackers as they fled and summarlly executed thcse whc surrendered. Flve
pecple arrested after the alleged attack appeared cn televlslcn, and fcctage seen by Fuman
klghts watch suggests that sectlcns had been cut cut cf thelr ears. There have alsc been
allegatlcns that cne cf thcse arrested, Alfredc Asumu, was suspended frcm a celllng and
The attcrney general lntervlewed them ln August zoo, but lt ls unkncwn what
then happened.

A further crackdcwn agalnst mllltary perscnnel cccurred ln Uctcber and hcvember zoo wlth
the arrest cf sccres cf scldlers and fcrmer scldlers whcm the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea authcrltles
accused cf plcttlng a ccup cn Uctcber 8, zoo. There were scme 8o arrests cf mllltary
cfflcers plus famlly members.
Abcut ,o pecple charged wlth cffenses related tc thls
alleged ccup attempt were repcrtedly tcrtured befcre and durlng a mllltary trlal frcm
September 6 tc 1, zoo, ln 8ata. The grcup ccnslsted cf fcrmer mllltary cfflcers and
relatlves cf the alleged leader cf the attempted ccup. Mcst cf the defendants had been held
lnccmmunlcadc ln 8ata Prlscn slnce thelr arrests ln uecember zoo and }anuary zoo. All
but twc cf the defendants repcrtedly stated ln the mllltary ccurt that they had been tcrtured
ln detentlcn, and scme repcrtedly stlll bcre vlslble marks. Une man apparently had tc be
carrled ln and cut cf ccurt as he was unable tc walk as a result cf tcrture. Statements
extracted by tcrture were used as evldence durlng the hearlng. The trlal dld nct ccnfcrm tc
lnternatlcnal falr trlal standards, and at least slx perscns were trled ln absentla ln
ccntraventlcn cf natlcnal law. ln all cases the defense lawyers dld nct have access tc
prcsecutlcn-held evldence and cnly had thelr cllent's statements. Thcse ccnvlcted had nc
rlght tc appeal, and the ccurt lgncred the allegatlcns cf tcrture. hlne perscns, lncludlng slx
ln absentla defendants, were sentenced tc thlrty years ln prlscn cn charges cf undermlnlng
the securlty cf the state and attemptlng tc cverthrcw the gcvernment.
Fleven cthers were
ccnvlcted cf the same cffenses as accesscrles and sentenced tc twenty-cne years'
lmprlscnment. Franclscc Mba Mendama (whc was alsc ccnvlcted cf undermlnlng the
securlty cf the state and recelved a o-year prlscn sentence) and twc cthers were ccnvlcted
cf treascn and recelved addltlcnal z-year prlscn sentences. Une perscn recelved a 1z-year
prlscn sentence.

Information provided to Ruman Rihts watch by eyewitness, |une z6, zoo.
In 5eptember zooq the poIice had aIready arrested in 8ata Air force Cptn. feIipe 0bama, who has remained in detention
subsequentIy with no chares fiIed aainst him.
1he prosecution had asked for the death penaIty for six of the defendants, incIudin at Ieast three who were tried in
absentia: Lt. CoI. Cipriano huema Mba, the aIIeed Ieader who had fIed the country in hovember zoo after the discovery of
another aIIeed coup pIot, Lt. CoI. fIorencio Ia 8iban, and feIipe sono htumu "Pancho."

,+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Slnce Uctcber zoo, Flcrenclc Fla, wlfe cf cne cf the ln absentla defendants, Flcrenclc Fla
8lbang, as well as cther members cf hls famlly and frlends, have been repcrtedly
lmprlscned wlthcut charge cr trlal. Acccrdlng tc Amnesty lnternatlcnal they have repcrtedly
been tcrtured. (Fcr 8lbang's abductlcn frcm hlgerla, as well as the abductlcn frcm
nelghbcrlng ccuntrles cf cther alleged ccup plctters ccnvlcted ln absentla, and thelr
subsequent "dlsappearance," see belcw.)

1he Moto coup of zoo8
kepcrts cf ccup attempts have beccme a trademark cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's pclltlcs,
especlally durlng electcral cycles where allegatlcns have been used by the gcvernment tc
detaln cr lntlmldate cppcsltlcn suppcrters. An example cf thls was ln March zoo8 ln the run-
up tc the leglslatlve electlcns: Saturnlnc hccgc Mbcmlc, a mllltant cf Severc Mctc's banned
Partldc de Prcgresc de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal, was arrested by securlty pcllce cn March 1z, zoo8,
fcllcwlng the dlsccvery cf weapcns ln a seccnd-hand car belng lmpcrted frcm Spaln tc
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Saturnlnc Mbcmlc was allegedly tcrtured, and the authcrltles clalm that
a search cf hls hcuse unccvered three assault rlfles, a snlper rlfle, a gun wlth a sllencer, and
scme ammunltlcn. The authcrltles allege he ccmmltted sulclde ln 8lack 8each prlscn by
thrcwlng hlmself frcm the tcp cf a bunk bed, fracturlng hls skull, but the gcvernment has
refused tc lnvestlgate hls death.

Saturnlnc Mbcmlc's arrest was fcllcwed by the arrest ln March cf at least slx cthers-
Fmlllanc Fscnc Mlcha, Cruz Ublang Fbebere, 6umerslndc kamrez Faustlnc, 8cnfaclc
hguema hdcng, Pedrc hdcng, and 6erardc Angue-all cf whcm appear tc have been
arrested because cf a past asscclatlcn wlth the PP6F.
They were put cn trlal ln late }une
zoo8 wlth Slmcn Mann, accused cf the March zoo "wcnga ccup" (see Chapter vl). uurlng
the trlal they were glven mlnlmal access tc thelr lawyer and wlthdrew thelr ccnfesslcns. Une
detalnee declared he had been tcrtured, and they were all ccnvlcted.

05 dipIomatic sources cIaim to have seen footae from cIose-circuit 1v showin this suicide. Ruman Rihts watch
interview, Madrid, |une zo, zoo8.
"quatoriaI Cuinea: Amnesty InternationaI CaIIs for ReIease of AII Prisoners of Conscience," Amnesty InternationaI media
briefin, http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]asset]AfRzq]oo6]zoo8]en]caqeba-cb-11dd-ec6-
"5imon Mann awaits an exempIary sentence," 1he Cuardian, |une z, zoo8,
http:]]]worId]zoo8]|un]z]equatoriaIuinea.southafrica (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).

9<## =4#<> ,,
D%4,) 2)$."*,) &'.,.
Case of Rev. 8ienvenido 5amba Momesori
kev. 8lenvenldc Samba Mcmescrl, a Prctestant pastcr cf the Church cf Cherubs and
Seraphs, was arrested cn Uctcber z6, zoo, ln Malabc, and held wlthcut charge cr trlal untll
hls release by presldentlal pardcn cn }une , zoo8. Fe was lnltlally lmprlscned at 8lack
8each prlscn but was mcved tc Fvlnaycng |all cn the malnland when the authcrltles learned
that an lCkC delegatlcn had been lccklng fcr hlm (the lCkC was subsequently able tc vlslt
hlm regularly).

keverend Samba had prevlcusly been arrested ln 18 fcllcwlng attacks cn a mllltary
barracks by a small, armed 8lckc separatlst grcup. Samba was at the tlme ccnvlcted and
sentenced tc death, ccmmuted tc llfe lmprlscnment. Fe had been released ln Uctcber zooz
under a presldentlal pardcn.

wave of arrests of opposition poIiticians in zooq
Pedrc hdcng and Salvadcr 8lbang were detalned ln Malabc ln March zoo, and at thls
wrltlng flve years cn, they remaln held wlthcut charge. Thelr detentlcn was belleved tc be
ccnnected tc thelr prevlcus membershlp ln the cutlawed PP6F, the party led by exlle leader
Severc Mctc. Uther arrests fcllcwed. Un }une z,, securlty fcrces shct and wcunded
Marcellnc Manuel hguema Fscnc, ancther PP6F leader, ln the ccurse cf arrestlng hlm ln

As ls cften the pattern ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, relatlves cf suspects are detalned by securlty
fcrces ln an attempt tc fcrce suspects tc cccperate. ln zoo, acccrdlng tc the uS uepartment
cf State, relatlves cf PP6F suppcrters, lncludlng the wlfe cf actlvlst Marcellnc hguema Fscnc,
Pllar Angue Adlml, thelr daughter Flvlra Ukcmc, and hlcclas Ublang, "were arrested and
tcrtured. Thelr hcmes were lccted and dlsmantled."

Un March , zoo, we|a Chlcampc Puye, leader cf the unreglstered Mcvlmentc para la
Autcdetermlnaclcn de lsla de 8lckc (MlA8), was arrested by at least 1o hccded pcllce
cfflcers whc beat hlm and knccked hlm unccnsclcus, breaklng hls ncse. Fe was lmprlscned

"quatoriaI Cuinea: Reverend 8ienvenido 5amba Momesori," Amnesty InternationaI IobaI Ietter-writin marathon,
ecember , zoo6, http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]asset]AfRzq]o16]zoo6]en]dom-AfRzqo16zoo6en.htmI (accessed
ecember 1, zoo8). Amnesty InternationaI caIIed his 18 triaI "rossIy unfair."
Amnesty InternationaI Report zooq (London: Amnesty InternationaI, zooq), quatoriaI Cuinea chapter (coverin events
|anuary throuh ecember zoo), http:]] www.web.amnesty.or]reportzooq]index-en (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zooq: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z8, zoo, p. 6.

,? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
lnccmmunlcadc and denled medlcal treatment fcr several mcnths,
fcr the flrst fcur
mcnths he was held ln handcuffs, and cn Aprll he was mcved brlefly by the authcrltles
frcm 8lack 8each prlscn tc the mllltary prlscn (Campamentc Acaclc Mae) sc as nct tc be
seen by a vlsltlng lCkC delegatlcn.
we|a Chlcampc was eventually brcught befcre an
lnvestlgatlve |udge, and cn }une , zoo6, he was taken by several pcllce cfflcers tc the
alrpcrt and put cn a scheduled fllght tc Madrld, Spaln, wlthcut a passpcrt.
Fls release and
expulslcn was part cf an amnesty decreed by Presldent Ublang, althcugh he had nct been
charged cr trled.

Fls famlly was nct lnfcrmed abcut hls expulslcn cr whereabcuts. Fls expulslcn vlclates the
ccuntry's ccnstltutlcn, whlch guarantees freedcm cf mcvement and the rlght tc chccse
cne's place cf resldence, and well as the lnternatlcnal Ccvenant cn Clvll and Pclltlcal klghts.

we|a Chlcampc had returned tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea frcm exlle ln Spaln ln August zoo by the
lnvltatlcn cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's then-prlme mlnlster, and he was ln the prccess cf gettlng
hls party legally reccgnlzed at the tlme cf hls arrest. Fuman klghts watch cpenly met hlm ln
Malabc ln late zoo, at whlch tlme he expressed hls hcpe fcr greater demccratlc cpenness
ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.
Fe belleves he was lmprlscned because althcugh he advccates a
peaceful prc|ect called the "Three u's-uemccracy, uevelcpment and uecentrallsatlcn," the
gcvernment lnccrrectly suspected that he wanted tc cverthrcw the gcvernment.

5hort-term detention
ln }anuary zoo pcllce arrested Slmcn Marla hsue Mcky cf the kepubllcan Fcrces fcr
keflectlcn and Actlcn cn Fquatcrlal 6ulnea (FkkA6F) fcr dlstrlbutlng lnfcrmatlcn abcut a
FkkA6F meetlng abrcad. Fe was detalned lnccmmunlcadc wlthcut charge fcr slx weeks
befcre belng released.

Ruman Rihts watch interview with eyewitnesses to the poIice raid, hovember zooq.
for a detaiIed account, see we|a Chicampo, "esde eI infierno de 0bian. La rueda de prensa de we|a Chicampo," press
statement at a hoteI in centraI Madrid, |une z, zoo6, http:]]www.asodeue.or]|uniozo6.htm (accessed ecember 1,
Re was issued a Ietter of safe passae for his exit by the quatoriaI Cuinea overnment, and a Ietter by the 5panish
ambassador in MaIabo to the authorities at Madrid's 8ara|as airport expIainin the urent nature of his arrivaI in 5pain.
05 epartment of 5tate, "Country Report on Ruman Rihts Practices-zoo6: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 6, zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with we|a Chicampo, MaIabo, 5eptember , zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with fRRAC supporter, MaIabo, March zooq.

9<## =4#<> ,@
ln hcvember zoo Plc Mlguel Ubama, a member cf the CPuS and a Malabc lccal ccunclllcr,
was arrested and accused cf hcldlng an lllegal meetlng ln 8asupu, althcugh he was nct
there cn the day ln questlcn. Fe was released wlthcut charge cn uecember z, zoo.

Un May 8, zoo, a delegatlcn cf 1 CPuS actlvlsts were attacked at Malabc alrpcrt whlle
trylng tc leave the ccuntry tc take part ln a ccnference ln Spaln crganlzed by a fcundatlcn
clcse tc Spaln's rullng Scclallst party. The actlvlsts had been asked by cfflclals fcr exlt
permlts tc leave the ccuntry, whlch they clalmed they dld nct requlre. Thls resulted ln
pcllcemen attacklng the ycung pecple and thcse acccmpanylng them, hlttlng them wlth the
butts cf thelr handguns, causlng substantlal ln|ury tc scme and leavlng scme glrls
undressed ln publlc. At least 1o CPuS suppcrters were arrested and detalned ln Malabc's
central pcllce statlcn. Spanlsh Fcrelgn Mlnlster Mlguel Angel Mcratlncs ralsed the lssue wlth
hls Fquatcgulnean ccunterpart, Pastcr Undc 8lle, cn May 11, zoo, ln Madrld durlng a
The detalned CPuS actlvlsts, lncludlng an lndlvldual whc had been badly ln|ured
but had been glven nc medlcal treatment, were released a week later. All cltlzens are usually
requlred tc cbtaln permlsslcn tc travel abrcad frcm the lccal pcllce ccmmlsslcner, and
members cf cppcsltlcn partles scmetlmes flnd thls ls used tc stcp thelr suppcrters frcm
travelllng cr tc delay thelr travel arrangements.
ln thls case, acccrdlng tc the uS
uepartment cf State's "Ccuntry kepcrt cn Fuman klghts Practlces," pcllce repcrtedly asked
them fcr thelr authcrlzatlcn as a pretext tc attack them.

Farassment cf the cppcsltlcn ccntlnued durlng zoo6 thrcugh zoo8, althcugh mcre
spcradlcally than ln zoo and zoo. Un Uctcber 8, zoo6, }cse Antcnlc hguema, Fllemn
Und, Flcrenclc Und, and 8aslllc Maye, all asscclated wlth the PP6F, were arrested ln 8ata
and held lnccmmunlcadc ln 8ata publlc prlscn cn charges cf belng members cf a banned
pclltlcal party and pcssesslng party leaflets and cther dccuments. They were deprlved cf
fccd and water fcr several days, and thelr llves were threatened unless they ccnfessed tc
lllegal asscclatlcn and pcssesslcn cf dccuments "harmful tc the state." They appeared
befcre the lnvestlgatlng |udge cn Uctcber 1, zoo6, and cn hcvember 1z they were released
wlthcut charge.
Thelr release cccurred lmmedlately prlcr tc an cfflclal vlslt by Presldent
Ublang tc Spaln.

"quatoriaI Cuinea Arrests Cause 1ension with 5pain," Reuters, May 11, zoo.
for exampIe, on |une 8, zoo, airport poIice searched Iuae for two hours and confiscated documents in the possession
of CP5 Ieader PIcido Mic as he returned to MaIabo from a trip abroad. 1he poIice toId him they were foIIowin orders.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with PIcido Mic, London, hovember , zoo.
05 epartment of 5tate, "Country Report on Ruman Rihts Practices-zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 8, zoo6.
Ruman Rihts watch teIephone interview with person who requested anonymity for security reasons, 8ata, March z,

,( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Ten CPuS actlvlsts were arrested cn Aprll 8, zoo6, when they trled tc ccnvene an apprcved
meetlng ln kebcla. Flght were qulckly released, but executlve ccmmlttee members Carlcs
Una 8crlesa and Carmelc lndl were beaten durlng thelr detentlcn and transferred tc the
8aney mllltary camp. They were released and taken back tc kebcla that evenlng after a
senlcr cfflclal lntervened.
Un Uctcber 1z, zoo6, securlty fcrces brlefly arrested three CPuS
dlstrlct leaders fcr preparlng tc hcld a meetlng ln Acurenam.

Un Uctcber 1, zoo,, acccrdlng tc the uS uepartment cf State, securlty fcrces arrested }alme
hdcng Fdu, a CPuS member, whc was subsequently detalned and tcrtured by ueputy Pcllce
Ccmmlsslcner ucnatc Abcgc Menden.
}alme hdcng was subsequently released.

The wlfe cf Fuk leader 6ulllermc hguema, 8rglda Ascngsua Flc, was arrested cn uecember
16, zoo,, fcllcwlng a vlslt tc her husband ln prlscn. She was held wlthcut charge cr trlal ln
harsh ccndltlcns at Malabc central pcllce statlcn untll Aprll z, zoo8.

ln March zoo, acccrdlng tc Amnesty lnternatlcnal,

hlne members cf the cppcsltlcn party, Pecple's unlcn, lncludlng the wlfe
and brcther cf the party's leader, have been arbltrarlly arrested and detalned
wlthcut charge cr trlal ln the aftermath cf an attack cn the presldentlal
palace ln the capltal, Malabc, cn February 1,, zoo.... The Fquatcrlal
6ulnean gcvernment attrlbuted the attack tc fcrces cf the hlgerlan armed
grcup the Mcvement fcr the Fmanclpatlcn cf the hlger uelta (MFhu), whlch
the MFhu has denled.

05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo6: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 6, zoo.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 11, zoo8.
1he 05 epartment of 5tate reported that "[a]ccordin to overnment officiaIs and a private forein firm workin cIoseIy
with the miIitary on trainin prorams, durin the year a miIitary court convicted at Ieast one member of the security forces in
connection with |aime hdon du." 05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country
Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-zoo8: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z, zoo.
"quatoriaI Cuinea: Arrest and 1orture of PoIiticaI 0pponents foIIowin february Attack on PoIiticaI PaIace," Amnesty
InternationaI pubIic statement, AI Index: AfR zq]ooq]zoo, March z, zoo,
http:]]www.amnestyusa.or]document.php?id=hCAfRzqooqzoo&Ian=e (accessed May zz, zoo).

9<## =4#<> ?'
K0/>&%$"* "1 "22".$%$"* 2"#$%$&$'*. 1)"- *,$+40">)$*+ &">*%)$,.
Un many cccaslcns, the Fquatcgulnean securlty fcrces have kldnapped cppcsltlcn
pclltlclans ln exlle ln crder fcr them tc stand trlal ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. After Fellpe Und
Ublang and 6ulllermc hguema Fla cf the unlegallzed Fuk party went lntc exlle ln 6abcn,
they were abducted by Fquatcgulnean securlty fcrces and brcught back tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
tc stand trlal ln 18. 8cth were ccnvlcted cf llbel agalnst the gcvernment and sentenced tc
o mcnths' lmprlscnment, they were released ln zoo1.

ln May zoo Amnesty lnternatlcnal repcrted that }uan Und Abaga, whc had been ln exlle fcr
elght years ln 8enln, had been abducted by Fquatcgulnean securlty perscnnel ln }anuary
zoo and taken tc 8lack 8each prlscn ln Malabc, where he was belng held
Fe had been ccnvlcted ln absentla fcr lnvclvement ln an alleged Uctcber
zoo ccup attempt and glven a o-year prlscn term. Fe was released by the }une , zoo8
amnesty, but three cther cltlzens remaln unacccunted fcr.

The safety cf three lndlvlduals whc have ncw been effectlvely "dlsappeared" ls cf partlcular
ccncern. Lt. Ccl. Flcrenclc Fla 8lbang and Fellpe Fscnc htumu "Panchc" were arrested ln
Lagcs ln late Aprll zoo by hlgerlan securlty cfflclals, alcng wlth a thlrd man, Antcnlc Fdu
(Antlmc Fdu hchama).
Acccrdlng tc Amnesty lnternatlcnal, the three were held
lnccmmunlcadc by varlcus branches cf hlgerla's securlty servlces, they appear tc have been
handed cver tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnean securlty perscnnel cn }uly , zoo, and taken tc 8lack
8each prlscn, where they were tcrtured.
There has been nc ccnflrmatlcn by the Fquatcrlal
6ulnean gcvernment cf thelr presence, and the hlgerlan gcvernment denles kncwledge cf
thelr current whereabcuts, but the uS uepartment cf State has repcrted that when the lCkC
and the hatlcnal Fuman klghts Ccmmlsslcn vlslted 8lack 8each prlscn, these lnmates were
mcved tc cther lccatlcns sc that the representatlves cculd nct see them cr talk tc them.

"quatoriaI Cuinea: 0rent Action: eniaI of food]MedicaI Concern]1orture," Amnesty InternationaI press reIease, AI
Index: AfR zq]o1]zoo, 5eptember z, zoo,
http:]]]resource_centre]news]view.php?Ioad=arcview&articIe=z8o&c=Resource+Centre+hews (accessed
february 1, zoo).
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo8: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z, zoo.
8iban, a deputy Armed forces inspector, fIed quatoriaI Cuinea in 0ctober zooq after bein accused of bein in contact
with one of the officers who had fIed to 5pain in zoo. Re had been sacked from the army foIIowin the arrest of Cen. Austin
0na, an armed forces inspector and uncIe of President 0bian, in Iate zoo.
Amnesty InternationaI, "quatoriaI Cuinea]hieria: Concerns About an 0nfair 1riaI, 1orture and PossibIe 'isappearance,'"
0rent Action, AI Index: press reIease, 5eptember z, zoo, http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]info]AfRzq]o1]zoo]en
(accessed ecember 1, zoo8).
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo6: quatoriaI Cuinea," March 6, zoo, p. 6.

?) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
The uh wcrklng 6rcup cn Arbltrary uetentlcn ln }uly zoo, trled tc galn access tc }uan Und
Abaga, Fellpe Fscnc htumu "Panchc," Flcrenclc Fla 8lbang, and Antcnlc Fdu at 8lack 8each
prlscn, havlng recelved a prlvate letter durlng lts vlslt tc 8lack 8each saylng the prlscners
were kept ln a separate wlng cf the prlscn and wanted tc meet them. The Fquatcgulnean
authcrltles denled thelr exlstence.

ln August zoo twc pclltlcal refugees were repcrtedly kldnapped frcm thelr hcme ln
Llbrevllle, 6abcn, and drlven tc the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean embassy, frcm where they escaped
tc the uh Flgh Ccmmlsslcn fcr kefugees (uhFCk).
Thls pattern ccntlnued ln zoo8 after
fcrmer Fquatcgulnean army cclcnel Clprlanc hguema Mba was arrested lllegally cn cr
arcund Uctcber 8, zoo8, by twc Camerccnlan pcllce cfflcers and handed cver tc securlty
perscnnel at the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean embassy ln Yacunde. The Camerccnlan authcrltles
have denled any rcle ln hls arrest, they have arrested twc pcllcemen and have launched an
lnvestlgatlcn lntc the matter. uhFCk has alsc asked the Camerccnlan authcrltles tc explaln
hguema Mba's dlsappearance, as he was a uhFCk-reccgnlzed refugee ln Camerccn. Fls
famlly and uh cfflclals have vlslted hlm at 8lack 8each prlscn and repcrt that he shcws nc
slgns cf tcrture.

ln Uctcber zoo hguema Mba had fled the ccuntry after belng accused cf plcttlng tc
cverthrcw the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment and steallng mcney. ln hls absence he was trled
at a secret mllltary trlal ln February zoo, at whlch he was sentenced tc o years ln prlscn.
Acccrdlng tc Amnesty lnternatlcnal, many members cf hls famlly and clcse asscclates were
alsc defendants at the same trlal, and many were tcrtured durlng the pretrlal detentlcn.

Twc men, Fablan Uvcnc Fscnc and }cse hdcng, were alsc repcrtedly abducted ln hlgerla
and returned tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ln uecember zoo8. 8cth had alsc fled the ccuntry ln zoo
tc escape a crackdcwn cn pecple suspected cf lnvclvement ln a ccup agalnst the presldent.
Amnesty lnternatlcnal belleves they are held ln prlscn ln 8ata.

0hRRC, Report of the workin Croup on Arbitrary etention, Mission to quatoriaI Cuinea, A]RRC]]q]Add., february 18,
zoo8, p. 1
Ruman Rihts watch interview with western dipIomat, LibreviIIe, Cabon, hovember 11, zoo.
05 epartment of 5tate, 8ureau of emocracy, Ruman Rihts, and Labor, "Country Reports on Ruman Rihts Practices-
zoo8: quatoriaI Cuinea," february z, zoo.
Amnesty InternationaI, "0rent Action: quatoriaI Cuinea Cipriano huema Mba (m), former coIoneI in quatoriaI Cuinea
army," AI Index: AfR zq]o1]zoo8, 0ctober z1, zoo8,
zoe6ec]afrzqo1zoo8en.pdf (accessed |anuary o, zoo)
5ee Amnesty InternationaI, "0rent Action: quatoriaI Cuinea fabin 0vono sono (m) and |os hdon (m)," AI Index: AfR
zq]ooo1.zoo, March , zoo.

9<## =4#<> ?&
xtra|udiciaI KiIIins Abroad
There are regular allegatlcns abcut the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean securlty fcrces ccmmlttlng
extraterrltcrlal, extra|udlclal executlcns. Manuel Tcmc-Mayc was stabbed ln the stcmach ln
frcnt cf hls brcthers' hcuse cn }une zo, zoo, ln Madrld by an assallant whc clalmed tc
fcllcw crders frcm Malabc. Manuel Tcmc was the brcther cf exlled actlvlst 6erman Pedrc
Tcmc Mangue (whc was repcrtedly the target). Spanlsh pcllce and gcvernment cfflclals have
clalmed thls was a revenge attack fcr a lccal dlspute.
Un February , zoo6, twc
unldentlfled assallants ln Cte d'lvclre murdered pclltlcal dlssldent Atanaslc 8lta kcpe
Acccrdlng tc pcllce hls bcdy was fcund wlth twc bullet wcunds twc days after he
had been abducted by lndlvlduals whc clalmed tc be pcllce. Althcugh an exlled
Fquatcgulnean cppcsltlcn party clalms thls was a pclltlcally mctlvated murder, Fuman
klghts watch ls unable tc establlsh the veraclty cf thls clalm. The Spanlsh embassy ln
Abld|an lnvestlgated thls case, but lts flndlngs were lnccncluslve. Fcwever, lt lndlcated lt
wculd asslst the survlvlng famlly tc cbtaln asylum ln Spaln.

Ruman Rihts watch interview with poIice and famiIy, Madrid, 5pain, hovember 11, zoo.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with endarmerie, Adzope, March zz, zoo6; Interview with a 5panish forein Ministry
officiaI, Lisbon, ApriI z, zoo6.

?. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(

vI. 1he "wenga Ceup" Attempt eI zee

As dlscussed abcve, there have been scme 1z repcrted ccup attempts ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea
slnce 1,, scme real and scme lmaglnary. The mcst wldely repcrted ccup attempt-and
cne that was evldently real-cccurred ln March zoo and was nlcknamed the "wcnga
lt lnvclved the arrest cn March , cf uK natlcnal Slmcn Mann and 6 cthers at
Farare lnternatlcnal Alrpcrt, Zlmbabwe, cn bcard a 8celng ,z,-1oo ln the prccess cf taklng
cn a shlpment cf arms, and the arrest cn March 8 cf Scuth Afrlcan hlck du Tclt and 1 cthers
ln Malabc.
lt extended tc an lnternatlcnal cast cf characters lncludlng key members cf the
defunct Scuth Afrlcan prlvate mllltary flrm Fxecutlve Uutccmes, exlled cppcsltlcn leader
Severc Mctc, and Mark Thatcher, scn cf the fcrmer 8rltlsh prlme mlnlster Margaret Thatcher.

The Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment clalms Mann and uu Tclt were part cf an cperatlcn
lntended tc cverthrcw the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and replace Presldent Ublang
wlth the exlled Severc Mctc (apparently hls seccnd attempt tc fcment an armed ccup ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea).
The full plcture cf whc was spcnscrlng and gclng tc beneflt frcm the
ccup attempt ls dlfflcult tc establlsh.
8ut acccrdlng tc hlck du Tclt ln an Uctcber zoo
slgned statement, "Thls whcle thlng ls abcut mcney. Ull was the mctlvatlcn behlnd the
attempted ccup."
The eplscde appears tc demcnstrate that, wlth cll as the mctlvatlcn,
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's lack cf demccracy, develcpment, and due prccess prcvlded an unstable
ccntext ln whlch undemccratlc effcrts tc achleve reglme change became attractlve.

"wona" is a sIan term in 8ritish nIish for money or cash. for exampIe, see Adam Roberts, 1he wona Coup: 1he 8ritish
Mercenary PIot to 5eize 0iI 8iIIions in Africa (London: ProfiIe 8ooks, zoo6).
Attorney eneraI of the RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea, "ConfidentiaI Report on the Attempted 0verthrow by forein
Mercenaries of the LawfuI Covernment of quatoriaI Cuinea," february zz, zoo, pp. -1z.
In february 1 5evero Moto had attempted to purchased arms iIIeaIIy and recruit mercenaries in AnoIa for the
purposes of a coup. Re was arrested by the AnoIans and Iater reIeased and sent back to 5pain. 0n Auust z, zoo, he
announced that he had set up a "overnment in exiIe." Mann's backround incIuded service in the 8ritish miIitary and work
with xecutive 0utcomes in the earIy 1os. u 1oit aIso had extensive miIitary experience, had worked briefIy for xecutive
0utcomes in the 1os, and in zooz throuh zoo had been based in Cuinea (Conakry) workin as an adviser with Liberia's
L0R rebeIs to assist their efforts to overthrow the 1ayIor reime.
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with AnoIan officiaIs, Luanda, Auust 1, zooq; Ruman Rihts watch interviews with an
individuaI connected to the pIot, London, |anuary 11, zoo.
5ervaas hicoIaas du 1oit, "first 5tatement," Rih Court of |ustice ueen's 8ench ivision 8etween (1) Mr. 1eodoro 0bian
huema Mbasoo; (z) RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea, and (1) Loo Limited; (z) 5ystems esin Limited; () Cre waIes; (q)
5imon Mann; () Ii CaIiI; (6) 5evero Moto, 0ctober z, zooq. Accordin to two "areement documents" with 5evero Moto,
sined on |uIy zz, zoo, by 5imon Mann after their arrivaI in quatoriaI Cuinea, a company caIIed hwC0 wouId be
estabIished and wouId be the excIusive provider of a number of oods and services, incIudin investiation and recovery of
capitaI that had fIed, and security, customs and excise, inIand revenue, and environmentaI controI and protection services.
Attorney eneraI of the RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea, "ConfidentiaI Report on the Attempted 0verthrow by forein
Mercenaries of the LawfuI Covernment of quatoriaI Cuinea," february zz, zoo, pp. 1z-1z.

9<## =4#<> ?-
An lndlvldual whc was suppcsed tc have been cn the Farare 8celng fllght and whc was
lntervlewed by Fuman klghts watch clalms he had full prlcr kncwledge that an Fquatcrlal
6ulnea ccup attempt was planned.
A seccnd lndlvldual admltted tc Fuman klghts watch
that he had been very lnvclved frcm Spaln ln the early plannlng stages cf a ccup fcr Mctc ln
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea but drcpped cut cnce "the 8rlts gct lnvclved and ccmpllcated thlngs."

A thlrd lndlvldual, whc was detalned ln ccnnectlcn wlth the ccup attempt but later released,
alsc tcld Fuman klghts watch that he had been tcld they were gclng cn a mlsslcn tc enact
"asslsted reglme change" ln an undlsclcsed Afrlcan ccuntry, but he dld nct kncw whlch
ccuntry untll cn the fllght tc Zlmbabwe.

Thls plct was alsc already belng mcnltcred by a number cf gcvernments whc had cbtalned
lntelllgence abcut the ccup attempt durlng lts flnal plannlng stages. Scuth Afrlcan and
Angclan lntelllgence had subsequently lnfcrmed Farare and Malabc prlcr tc the March ,,
zoo landlng cf the 8celng fllght ln Farare.

The mcst rellable lnfcrmatlcn ccmes frcm a Scuth Afrlcan ccurt trlal. ln zoo6 elght Scuth
Afrlcans suspected cf lnvclvement ln the ccup were put cn trlal at the Pretcrla keglcnal
Ccurt ln Scuth Afrlca cn charges cf breaklng the kegulatlcn cf Fcrelgn Mllltary Asslstance
The elght were part cf the grcup cf seventy pecple whc were arrested ln Zlmbabwe cn
March ,, zoo, and subsequently |alled (see belcw).
Slxty-cne were released ln May zoo
by Zlmbabwean authcrltles and returned tc Scuth Afrlca, where the hatlcnal Prcsecutlng
Authcrlty scught tc prcsecute nlne cf them,
the authcrltles sald they cculd nct attempt tc
prcsecute the cthers as they dld nct have encugh evldence.
uetalls cf hcw the alleged
ccup was crlglnally tc be staged were revealed at the Pretcrla keglcnal Ccurt: Fquatcrlal

Ruman Rihts watch interview with |ames 8rabazon, 5eptember zooq. 8rabazon, a freeIance |ournaIist, was to have
fiImed the coup but puIIed out shortIy before the attempt was made.
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with AnoIan officiaIs, Luanda, Auust 1, zooq; Ruman Rihts watch interviews with
individuaIs connected to the pIot, London, |anuary 11, zoo.
Ruman Riht watch interview with person who asked not to be identified, |ohannesbur, 5outh Africa, |uIy 1, zoo6.
Roberts, 1he wona Coup.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with court cIerk, Pretoria ReionaI Court. |anuary 1, zoo6. 1he triaI had been set for three
hearins startin on |uIy 1, zoo6, and endin on Auust z, but eventuaIIy was heId in february zoo.
1he eiht men before the court were Raymond 5tanIey Archer, victor racuIa, Louis du Preez, rroI Rarris, Mazana
Kashama, heves 1omas Matias, 5imon Morris witherspoon and Renrik |acobus Ramman. AII pIeaded not uiIty to a chare of
contravenin the forein MiIitary Assistance Act.
At the end of |uIy zoo the piIots hieI 5teyI and Rendrik Rammam were aIso reIeased from Zimbabwean prison on medicaI
rounds, |ust Ieavin the aIIeed rinIeader 5imon Mann in |aiI in Zimbabwe.
1wo others were acquitted, and one died from an unspecified iIIness in Zimbabwe's Chikurubi security |aiI.

?+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
6ulnea's Presldent Ublang was tc have been lured tc the alrpcrt wlth the prcmlse cf new x
vehlcles, and then cverpcwered and flcwn cut cf the ccuntry, replaced by Severc Mctc.

Un February z, zoo,, Maglstrate Peel }chnscn, slttlng ln the Pretcrla keglcnal Ccurt, threw
the case cut after a number cf state wltnesses clalmed the attempted ccup was sanctlcned
by the Scuth Afrlcan, 8rltlsh, Spanlsh, and uS gcvernments. The maglstrate ruled there was
credlble evldence by the state's wltnesses that the Scuth Afrlcan gcvernment sanctlcned the
ccup, cr that the accused were under the lmpresslcn that lt was sanctlcned. The Pretcrla
maglstrate fcund that the state had nct prcved lts case agalnst the men, and that whlle the
actlcns cf the men were unlawful, he cculd nct flnd by "any stretch cf the lmaglnatlcn" that
they had kncwlngly ccntravened the kegulatlcn cf Fcrelgn Mllltary Asslstance Act. The
dlrectcr general cf the Scuth Afrlcan secret servlce, Flltcn uennls, admltted that he knew cf
the plct but dld nct sanctlcn lt.
Fxplalnlng why he allcwed the men tc fly cut cf Scuth
Afrlca, he sald, "There are many ways tc klll a cat. we chcse thls rcute and succeeded ln
preventlng the ccup."

Lebanese-8rltlsh buslnessman Fly Calll, sub|ect cf an lnternatlcnal arrest warrant lssued by
the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment and trled ln absentla (see belcw), denled any
lnvclvement ln a ccup attempt but admltted he had funded Severc Mctc and suppcrted
"demccratlc change" ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Fe sald there had been a scheme tc fly Mctc tc
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and prctect hlm fcr a few days, whlle pecple rcse up ln suppcrt cf hlm.

Severc Mctc, whc llves ln exlle ln Spaln, had hls pclltlcal refugee status revcked by the
Spanlsh gcvernment cn uecember o, zoo (lt had flrst been glven tc hlm ln 186). The
mcve was anncunced by Spanlsh ueputy Prlme Mlnlster Marla Teresa Fernandez de la
vega " fcllcwlng ccnflrmatlcn" cf Mctc's rcle ln "dlfferent attempted ccups d'etat" agalnst

Louis 0eIofse, "Court Rears etaiIs of AIIeed Cuinea Coup PIot," MaiI & Cuardian, february 1q, zoo,
http:]]]articIe]zoo-oz-1q-court-hears-detaiIs-of-aIIeed-e-uinea-coup-pIot (accessed ecember 1, zoo).
hieI Moran, a private security consuItant who had reuIar meetins with 5imon Mann and London businessman Cre
waIes, admitted to havin passed on information to 5outh African inteIIience prior to the coup, incIudin detaiIs of a
document entitIed "Assisted Reime Chane in quatoriaI Cuinea" that he received from one of them. hick du 1oit, one of the
aIIeed Ieaders of the roup, aIso passed information on to the 5outh African and was advised to caII it off, but faiIed to do so.
avid PaIIister, "iht Accused of quatoriaI Cuinea Coup PIot waIk free," Cuardian, february z, zoo,
http:]]]worId]zoo]feb]z]southafrica.equatoriaIuinea (accessed ecember 1, zoo).
8enedict Moore-8rider, "My Part in Coup PIot was Mann's fantasy 5ays City 8usinessman," venin 5tandard, |uIy 8,
zoo8. 1he quatouinean overnment cIaims to be in possession of evidence that CaIiI transferred $1 miIIion from his bank
account to that of 5imon Mann to finance the coup. 1he case has been cIoseIy monitored by 8ritain's 5cotIand Yard's
counterterrorism command at the request of the quatoriaI Cuinean overnment.

9<## =4#<> ?,
the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.
Fcwever, ln March zoo8 the Spanlsh Supreme Ccurt
reversed the gcvernment's declslcn and relnstated Mctc's refugee status.

Fcwever, Mctc was arrested by the Spanlsh authcrltles cn Aprll 1, zoo8, and accused cf
belng lnvclved ln arms trafflcklng tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Mctc was accused cf havlng
purchased scme llght weapcns, whlch hls asscclates trled tc smuggle ln a car destlned fcr
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea but whlch were later fcund ln the eastern Spanlsh pcrt cf Saguntc ln mld-
March zoo8.

Severc Mctc was allcwed tc leave |all ln }uly zoo8 after paylng uS$1,oo ball. The declslcn
tc free Mctc cn ball was made by a new |udge ln charge cf the case. Althcugh the Spanlsh
pcllce and prcsecutlcn servlces clalm tc have ccllected sufflclent evldence, the small
number cf weapcns and the lack cf scphlstlcatlcn cast dcubts cn the threat pcsed tc the
Fquatcgulnean gcvernment. ln September zoo8 Mctc admltted ln an lntervlew wlth the
8rltlsh newspaper The ually Telegraph that he had hlred 8rltlsh mercenary Slmcn Mann ln
zoo tc asslst hlm ln brlnglng "demccracy" tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea thrcugh a ccup.

1riaIs for the Coup Attempt 5eriousIy fIawed
Trlals related tc the ccup attempt ensued ln Zlmbabwe and Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. unllke the
trlal ln Scuth Afrlca, due prccess ln bcth ccuntrles had slgnlflcant flaws.

Slmcn Mann was ccnvlcted cn August z,, zoo, cf attemptlng tc purchase $8o,oo wcrth cf
munltlcns frcm the Zlmbabwe state arms ccmpany ln ccntraventlcn cf the Zlmbabwe
Flrearms Act. Fe was sentenced tc seven years' lmprlscnment, subsequently reduced tc fcur
years' cn appeal.
A lcwer Zlmbabwean ccurt ccnvlcted 6 cf the pecple arrested wlth hlm
cf relatlvely mlncr lmmlgratlcn cffenses after prcsecutcrs falled tc prcve mcre serlcus
weapcns and ccup ccnsplracy charges.

1his decision was based on information athered by 5panish security and inteIIience services. A request in zoo by
quatoriaI Cuinea for Moto's extradition was re|ected by Madrid on rounds that he wouId not receive a fair triaI. Rowever,
5pain is seekin a "safe country" to deport him to. Ruman Rihts watch interview with 5panish dipIomat (name withheId),
London, |anuary zz, zoo6.
"I disidente uineano Moto, detenido por trfico de armas," I Pas, ApriI 16, zoo8.
fiona Covan, "xiIed Ieader of quatoriaI Cuinea breaks siIence over 5imon Mann coup pIot," 1he aiIy 1eIeraph,
5eptember q, zoo8, http:]]]news]worIdnews]africaindianocean]equatoriaIuinea]z6 (accessed
|anuary o. zoo).
Zimbabwe efense Industries, "uotation for Arms and Ammunition," Ref ZI]M6]oz]oq, february 1o, zooq.

?? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
The trlal cf hlck du Tclt, 1 cther fcrelgn natlcnals (seven Scuth Afrlcans and slx Armenlans),
and flve Fquatcrlal 6ulneans began ln Malabc cn August z, zoo, befcre three clvlllan
|udges (befcre the start cf the trlal defendant 6ehard Merz, a 6erman cltlzen, dled at 8lack
8each prlscn ln Malabc cn March 1,, zoo-see belcw).
Un August 1 the prcsecutlcn
asked fcr the lndeflnlte suspenslcn cf the trlal because the prcsecutlcn hcped tc cbtaln
mcre lnfcrmatlcn cn Mark Thatcher, but thls was nct fcrthccmlng. Un hcvember 16 the trlal
resumed when the prcsecutcr general presented cases ln absentla agalnst Severc Mctc and
hls exlle gcvernment, Fly Calll, 8rltlsh buslnessman 6regcry wales, and nlne cther men, all
members cf the Partldc del Prcgresc de 6ulnea Fcuatcrlal llvlng ln exlle ln Spaln. Un
hcvember z6, three Scuth Afrlcans and three Fquatcgulneans were acqultted,
whlle the
cther defendants were ccnvlcted cf an attempt tc ccmmlt crlmes agalnst the head cf state
and agalnst the gcvernment. They recelved sentences cf between 16 mcnths and 6z years-
glven tc Severc Mctc. uu Tclt recelved years.
Thcse trled ln absentla have remalned
abrcad and have nct returned tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

Ubservers frcm the lnternatlcnal 8ar Asscclatlcn and Amnesty lnternatlcnal ccncluded that
the trlal was hlghly flawed, especlally due tc serlcus prccedural falllngs and allegatlcns that
tcrture was used tc extract statements.
Amnesty lnternatlcnal delegates ncted that durlng
bcth the pretrlal stage and the ccurt hearlng ltself there were serlcus prccedural
lrregularltles ln the appllcatlcn cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea law and a flagrant dlsregard fcr reglcnal
and lnternatlcnal human rlghts law and standards. Presldent Ublang pardcned the slx
ccnvlcted Armenlans ln }une zoo cn "humanltarlan grcunds" after lntense lcbbylng by the
Armenlan gcvernment and cthers. Un }une , zoo6, Scuth Afrlcan natlcnal Marlcus
6erhardus 8ccnzaler "8cne" was alsc pardcned by Presldent Ublang cn humanltarlan
grcunds because he needed crltlcal medlcal treatment (the lccal authcrltles fcr mcnths prlcr
tc thls anncuncement had refused tc ackncwledge the serlcusness cf hls ccndltlcn).

Mark 1hatcher and one 8ritish, one ItaIian and a Lebanese nationaI were aIso incIuded in court documents and their roIes
deIineated. AIthouh penaIties were not souht for them an appIication was made to try them in absentia. 1he quatoriaI
Cuinea overnment has issued an internationaI arrest warrants for Mark 1hatcher.
1hese were the three with the Ieast miIitary experience: Mark 5chmidt, AbeI Auusto, and Amrico Ribeiro. 1hey had each
spent eiht months, two weeks, and five days in detention at 8Iack 8each prison. AII the prisoners connected to this coup
attempt were not aIIowed to meet their Iawyer untiI three days before the triaI.
1wo quatouineans were convicted of "reckIess behavior"-thouh they had not been chared with it-and were
sentenced to 16-month terms. 8ones 8oonzaier, Ceores AIIerson, |os ominos, and 5erio Cardoso were each sentenced
to 1 years in |aiI, whiIe hick du 1oit ot a q-year term. 1he prosecution had souht the death penaIty for 5evero Moto and
hick du 1oit.
Amnesty InternationaI, "quatoriaI Cuinea: A 1riaI with 1oo Many fIaws," AI Index: AfR zq]oo]zoo, |une , zoo,
http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]info]AfRzq]oo]zoo]en (accessed ecember 1, zoo8); "I8A 0bserver at 1riaI of
Accused Mercenaries in quatoriaI Cuinea ConcIuded 1riaI as 0nfair," I8A press reIease, |anuary 1, zoo,
http:]]www.ibanet.or]ArticIe]etaiI.aspx?ArticIe0id=8CA-C11-qC8f-A8-oqfC68A8AzC (accessed february 1,

9<## =4#<> ?@
Fuman klghts watch has lntervlewed cne cf these fcrmer prlscners, whc descrlbed hcw he
was kept ln handcuffs all the tlme, and fcr the flrst 1o days beaten regularly and tcrtured
durlng lnterrcgatlcn, such as by havlng a flame held tc the scle cf a fcct cr belng beaten
whlle glven fccd.
A number cf ccnfesslcns appear tc have been extracted after tcrture cr
fcllcwlng cther fcrms cf ccerclcn such as death threats. Ancther fcrmer detalnee, Abel
Augustc, lntervlewed fcr a bcck abcut the wcnga ccup, sald that 6ehard Merz had dled frcm
trauma frcm tcrture. Abel Augustc sald Merz enraged the lnterrcgatcrs, because "|w[hen
they hlt hlm, he never sald a wcrd."
Thls prcvcked mcre severe batterlng, and flnally he
was dumped back ln a cell where fellcw prlscners called fcr medlcal help but were lgncred.
6ehard Merz dled frcm a heart attack.

The uh wcrklng 6rcup cn Arbltrary uetentlcn ln }uly zoo, alsc lntervlewed fcur Scuth
Afrlcans accused as mercenarles and was tcld that they had been severely tcrtured whlle ln
pretrlal detentlcn. The wcrklng 6rcup cbserved they were fcrced tc wear leg lrcns and had
marks frcm the tcrture they had suffered cn thelr legs, hands, and feet.

Lawyers asscclated wlth the case have alsc suffered. ln }uly zoo the 8ar Asscclatlcn cf
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea suspended the lawyer Fablan hsue hguema and a cclleague frcm hls law
flrm frcm practlce fcr cne year, after hsue hguema defended the Scuth Afrlcan mercenarles
lnvclved ln the March zoo ccup attempt and ccntlnued tc represent them. hsue hguema
recelved nc prlcr nctlce cf what the allegatlcns were that led tc hls suspenslcn. hcr was he
glven the cppcrtunlty tc defend hlmself agalnst any allegatlcns.
The ban was lmpcsed
fcllcwlng gcvernment pressure after hsue hguema had requested tc vlslt the flve |alled
Scuth Afrlcan mercenarles (a request that was re|ected ln Aprll zoo by the Supreme Ccurt)
and because cf hls rcutlne crltlclsm cf the gcvernment, partlcularly cn human rlghts.

The ccnfesslcns made by the detalnees ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ln zoo were clearly suspect,
as were several statements made ln Zlmbabwe, whlch Mann clalms were made cnly

Ruman Rihts watch interview with former detainee, name withheId at his request, |ohannesbur, hovember 1o, zoo6.
Roberts, 1he wona Coup, p. 1.
Ibid. Covernment officiaIs said Merz died of cerebraI maIaria. A Cerman autopsy at the frankfurt 0niversity RospitaI in Iate
zooq reveaIed that Merz died of heart compIications.
0hRRC, Report of the workin Croup on Arbitrary etention, Mission to quatoriaI Cuinea, A]RRC]]q]Add., february 18,
zoo8, p. 1.
"I8A Concerned at isbarment of Lawyer in quatoriaI Cuinea," I8A press reIease, |uIy zo, zoo,
http:]]www.ibanet.or]ArticIe]etaiI.aspx?ArticIe0id=A168C8-C8o-qz-qq-zAoo8Ao86 (accessed ecember 1,

?( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
fcllcwlng tcrture and duress. Fenry Page, the 8rltlsh lawyer whc wcrked fcr the Fquatcrlal
6ulnean gcvernment, has been crltlclsed by Mann's lawyer ln Zlmbabwe fcr puttlng hls
cllent under encrmcus pressure tc ccnfess and name flnanclers tc be prcsecuted ln a clvll
case ln the unlted Klngdcm. A 6uernsey ccurt alsc expressed lts ccncern abcut the valldlty
cf evldence prcvlded by Fenry Page cn behalf cf the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

Slmcn Mann was due tc be released frcm Zlmbabwe's Chlkurubl maxlmum securlty prlscn ln
May zoo, due tc gccd behavlcr. Fcwever, the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment scught hls
extradltlcn ln crder tc try hlm, prcmlslng tc prcvlde an lndependent |udge selected by the
Afrlcan unlcn and tc nct apply the death penalty lf Mann was ccnvlcted cf leadlng the ccup
plct. uurlng an extradltlcn hearlng ln late Aprll zoo,, the Zlmbabwean authcrltles refused tc
lssue a vlsa fcr fcrmer Fquatcrlal 6ulnean cltlzen we|a Chlcampc (he was glven Spanlsh
cltlzenshlp after belng extradlted by Malabc-hls extradltlcn ls dlscussed ln the prevlcus
chapter) tc testlfy cn behalf cf Mann's defense team abcut hcw he had been treated whlle
|alled at 8lack 8each. The defense team cppcsed the extradltlcn, argulng that lt wculd be a
vlclatlcn cf Zlmbabwe's legal cbllgatlcns under varlcus lnternatlcnal and Afrlcan human
rlghts treatles.
Slmcn Mann was flnally extradlted by Zlmbabwe tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ln
February zoo8 and placed ln 8lack 8each prlscn.

uurlng hls fcur-day trlal ln Malabc ln early zoo8, Slmcn Mann lmpllcated the gcvernments cf
Scuth Afrlca and Spaln and lmplled that the unlted States wculd have lccked favcurably cn
a ccup. Fe alsc clalmed Fly Calll mastermlnded the ccup uslng funds frcm Mark Thatcher
and that Fquatcrlal 6ulnean cfflclals were alsc lnvclved. Fe ccnflrmed that the ccup attempt
was rushed ln advance cf Spanlsh electlcns ln zoo, and that cne plan was tc have had
lccal cfflclals ccme cut ln suppcrt cf the arrlval cf Severc Mctc.
Mark Thatcher admltted tc

|udment, 5ystems esin Limited et aI. v. 1he President of the 5tate of quatoriaI Cuinea et aI., CiviI AppeaI q (Court of
AppeaI of the IsIand of Cuernsey, ApriI , zoo), para. q.
Anus 5haw, "Key witness in Mercenary 5uspect's xtradition Rearin enied ntry to Zimbabwe, Court Rears,"
Associated Press, ApriI z, zoo.
Robert Mendick, "5meIIy and the Coup 5ecrets on the Cuttin Room fIoor," venin 5tandard, March 11, zoo8.
1his foIIows aIIeations made by the quatouinean overnment aainst 5pain that center around the roIe of two 5panish
navaI vesseIs, dispatched to the CuIf of Cuinea |ust prior to the coup with oo marines on board and equipped to remain in the
area for up to q days. Mann aIIeed that the coup was Iaunched specificaIIy with the 5panish eIections in mind, and it was
beIieved the then 5panish overnment wouId provide "peacekeepin" support immediateIy after the overthrow of the 0bian
administration. 5pain's minister of forein affairs at the time denied to Ruman Rihts watch that any coup was pIanned, and
insisted that the MaIabo overnment knew about pIanned cooperative exercises with the 5panish navy. Ruman Rihts watch
interview, 8erIin, 5eptember zoo. 5ee aIso, CarIos Ruiz MiueI, "I difi%ciI acercamiento de spa$a a Cuinea cuatoriaI," ReaI
Instituto Icano, Madrid, zooq; dward 8urke, "5pain's ReIations with quatoriaI Cuinea: A 1riumph of nery ReaIism?"
fRI Comment, |uIy zoo8, http:]]www.fride.or]pubIication]q8]spains-reIations-with-equatoriaI-uinea-a-triumph-of-
enery-reaIism (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).

9<## =4#<> @'
Scuth Afrlcan prcsecutcrs tc havlng prcvlded fundlng fcr an alrcraft, but sald that he had nct
kncwlngly suppcrted a ccup attempt ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

Un }uly ,, zoo8, Slmcn Mann was sentenced tc years ln prlscn and was crdered tc pay
ccmpensatlcn tc the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea state tctalllng arcund $z mllllcn.

Un trlal alcngslde Mann were Lebanese buslnessman Mchamed Salaam and seven
Fquatcrlal 6ulnean natlcnals, all cf whcm had been arrested ln March and Aprll zoo8.
Salaam was ccnvlcted cf the same charges as Mann and recelved an 18-year prlscn
sentence. The Fquatcrlal 6ulnean natlcnals were ccnvlcted cn charges cf lllegal asscclatlcn,
belng members cf the PP6F and hcldlng meetlngs ln early zoo6, and pcssesslcn cf arms
and ammunltlcn. Flve cf the slx were sentenced tc slx years each, and the slxth tc cne year.
Une Fquatcrlal 6ulnean defendant was acqultted.

The Fquatcrlal 6ulneans had been held ln detentlcn wlthcut charge fcr abcut three mcnths
befcre flnally belng lnfcrmed cf the allegatlcns agalnst them. Thelr statements were taken
by the prcsecutcr ln the presence cf the mlnlster cf natlcnal securlty, but wlthcut any legal
representatlcn. There are alsc repcrts that scme cf the defendants were beaten whlle ln
pcllce custcdy and nct glven access tc thelr famllles cr tc a lawyer untll flve days befcre the

Acccrdlng tc Amnesty lnternatlcnal, the defendants were fcrced tc slgn statements they had
nct made. ln ccurt, the Fquatcrlal 6ulneans retracted thelr statements cn the basls that they
were made under duress and tcrture. Fcwever, the ccurt dld nct examlne the allegatlcns cf
ccerclcn and allcwed the statements tc be admltted as evldence. Furthermcre, ln the
summlng up at the end cf the trlal the attcrney general requested an addltlcnal zo years tc
be added tc thelr sentences fcr falllng tc ccllabcrate wlth the admlnlstratlcn cf |ustlce by
statlng ln ccurt that they had been fcrced tc slgn statements under duress."

avid PaIIister, "5imon Mann Cets q Years in quatoriaI Cuinea |aiI," Cuardian, |uIy , zoo8,
http:]]]worId]zoo8]|uI]o]equatoriaIuinea (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).
Amnesty InternationaI, "quatoriaI Cuinea: Concern about the Recent 1riaI of 5imon Mann and 0ther Co-Accused," AI Index:
AfR zq]oo]zoo8, |uIy 16, zoo8, http:]]www.amnesty.or]en]Iibrary]info]AfRzq]oo]zoo8]en (accessed ecember 1,

@) /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
Crackdown on foreiners
lt appears that the ccup attempt cclnclded and may have ccntrlbuted tc a purge cf
fcrelgners ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Twc weeks precedlng thls ccup ln March zoo, and fcr
weeks after, the authcrltles cracked dcwn cn fcrelgners.
up tc 1,ooo Afrlcan natlcnals,
malnly Camerccnlans, were depcrted durlng the elght weeks after the ccup attempt, and
Camerccn wlthdrew lts ambassadcr ln prctest.
Fuman klghts watch lntervlewed a number
cf 6hanalans and hlgerlans whc had been depcrted frcm Fquatcrlal 6ulnea durlng thls
purge. Several wcmen clalmed they were raped and that lccal Fquatcrlal 6ulneans whc were
nct pcllce cfflcers were allcwed tc arrest pecple suspected cf belng lllegal resldents.

Many were fcrclbly depcrted wlthcut due prccess cr belng allcwed tc exerclse thelr rlght tc

A small number cf cll wcrkers were alsc arbltrarlly detalned and assaulted, such as the
representatlve cf the Angclan state cll ccmpany SUhAh6UL.

Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's attcrney general alsc lssued a warnlng that the ccup plctters "are
ccmmandcs, they are mcre hlghly tralned than an crdlnary mllltary cfflcer ... they were gclng
tc ccme tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea under the effects cf drugs, and sc they were nct gclng tc have
plty cn anycne. Therefcre, as attcrney general, l call cn the pcpulatlcn tc be vlgllant wlth
fcrelgners, regardless cf cclcr, because the target ls the wealth cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, the

1his happened aain foIIowin the attack in february zoo aainst the PresidentiaI PaIace in MaIabo. 5everaI hundred
hierians and Cameroonians resident in quatoriaI Cuinea were detained for weeks without triaI and a number of them
compIained of maItreatment and have seen their oods confiscated.
Ruman Rihts watch interview with Cameroon forein Ministry officiaI (name withheId), London, |uIy zo, zooq. About oo
Cameroonian citizens were expeIIed accordin to dipIomats in MaIabo.
1he quatoriaI Cuinea overnment Iaunched a new campain aainst iIIeaI immirants resident in MaIabo in 0ctober
zoo, arrestin dozens of peopIe and resuItin in some o Cameroonians oin to the Cameroon embassy to escape "poIice
vioIence." Ruman Rihts watch interview with a dipIomatic source who did not wish to be identified, MaIabo, 0ctober zo,
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with deportees, Accra, |une zz, zooq; Ruman Rihts watch interviews with deportees,
Laos, March 1, zoo.
1he AnoIan mbassy in London requested Ruman Rihts watch's assistance in March zooq. A few humanitarian workers
were detained for a coupIe of days in Luba and a forein missionary coupIe in MaIabo durin this crackdown.
bano, MaIabo, 0ctober 1o, zooq.

9<## =4#<> @&

vII. 1he keIe eI the InternatienaI Cemmunity

1he 0nited 5tates
wlth the grcwth cf the Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's cll lndustry, the unlted States under the 8ush
admlnlstratlcn scught tc lmprcve lts relatlcns wlth the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment. Prlcr
tc that the uS had clcsed lts embassy ln Malabc ln 1 partly ln prctest agalnst pervaslve
human rlghts abuses and endemlc ccrruptlcn. The uS recpened a llmlted-functlcn embassy
ln Malabc ln zoo, althcugh the uS ambassadcr ln Yacunde remalned ccncurrently
accredlted tc Camerccn and Fquatcrlal 6ulnea untll September zoo6. A resldent uS
ambassadcr ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, ucnald C. }chnscn, arrlved ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc take up
pcst cn hcvember 1, zoo6, endlng a break cf 1z years.

The recpenlng cf the embassy fcllcwed lntenslve lcbbylng by the uS cll lndustry, whlch had
argued lt was needed tc ccunterbalance grcwlng Chlnese lnfluence.
uS ccmpanles have
the largest and mcst vlslble presence ln the ccuntry-wlth lnvestments estlmated at uS$11
bllllcn-and are the largest cumulatlve bllateral fcrelgn lnvestcrs. ln zoo the uS was
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's maln tradlng partner (z.6 percent), as cll expcrts tc the uS reached
$.1 bllllcn. ln zoo6 and zoo, the uS lmpcrted scme $1., bllllcn-wcrth cf gccds frcm
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, mcstly cll- and gas-related. Thls made the unlted States Fquatcrlal
6ulnea's seccnd-largest expcrt market (16. percent) and the slngle largest scurce cf
lmpcrts (6. percent) ln zoo,.

Symbcllzlng thls relatlcnshlp, }chn lsakscn, a senatcr frcm 6ecrgla and a member cf the uS
Senate Fcrelgn kelatlcns Ccmmlttee, vlslted Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ln }anuary zoo8, the flrst vlslt
cf a uS senatcr fcr many years. Fe vlslted the Fquatcgulnean Llquld hatural 6as Plant, as
natural gas frcm thls plant ls shlpped tc the pcrt cf Savannah ln hls hcme state cf 6ecrgla. A
further slgnal cf clcser tles came as uS ccast guard cutter uallas ccncluded a three-day vlslt
tc the ccuntry cn }uly 11, whlch lncluded an at-sea exerclse lnvclvlng flve Fquatcrlal 6ulnean
naval vessels.

The recpenlng cf a full-fledged uS embassy ln Malabc was rushed and reduced the uS
admlnlstratlcn's key leverage tccls fcr enccuraglng better gcvernance and human rlghts.

Ken 5iIverstein, "05 0iI PoIitics in the 'Kuwait of Africa,'" 1he hation, ApriI q, zooz,
http:]]]doc]zoozoqzz]siIverstein]q (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).
"Coast Cuard Cutter aIIas Conducts At-5ea xercise with quatoriaI Cuinea havy," 05 fed hews, |uIy 1, zoo8.

@. /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
The chclce cf the bulldlng tc hcuse the embassy (rented fcr $1,,oo a mcnth) was alsc a
mlstake. lt ls cwned by the mlnlster cf natlcnal securlty, Manuel hguema Mba, uncle tc the
presldent and a ccntrcverslal flgure whc has allegedly been lnvclved ln tcrture cf cppcsltlcn
suppcrters ln the past.
Fuman klghts watch belleves that the uS admlnlstratlcn shculd
have ccnducted better due dlllgence by flndlng a mcre sultable prcperty befcre the embassy
was cpened. ln effect, the unlted States ls prcvldlng lnccme tc a senlcr gcvernment member
accused cf acts cf tcrture.

Presldent Ublang has been a regular vlsltcr tc washlngtcn, uC, and he met Presldent 8ush
ln September zooz at a unlted hatlcns meetlng wlth Central Afrlcan leaders ln hew Ycrk. ln
}une zoo, when Presldent Ublang met then-uS Secretary cf State Cclln Pcwell ln
washlngtcn, uC, the klggs 8ank lssue was dlscussed, and Presldent Ublang asked fcr uS
asslstance ln lmprcvlng lts transparency reccrd, lncludlng help wlth the Fxtractlve lndustrles
Transparency lnltlatlve (see Chapter lv). Ublang alsc requested uS securlty tralnlng
asslstance frcm the uS prlvate mllltary ccmpany Mllltary Prcfesslcnal kescurces, lnc.

MPkl asslstance ls scmethlng that Ublang has regularly scught. ln 18 MPkl flrst had been
apprcached by Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc put tcgether a hatlcnal Securlty Fnhancement Plan.
MPkl needed apprcval fcr such a prc|ect by the uS uepartment cf State, but the State
uepartment's Afrlca 8ureau refused because cf the ccuntry's pccr human rlghts reccrd.
MPkl appealed tc the asslstant secretary cf state fcr Afrlcan affalrs, but the department's
8ureau cf uemccracy, Fuman klghts and Labcr cppcsed that appllcatlcn. MPkl then lcbbled
the uS Ccngress, and ln zooo and zoo1 a ccntract tc assess Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's defense
needs was apprcved. MPkl made several trlps tc Malabc and then submltted a prcpcsal tc
revamp the armed and pcllce fcrces, but was granted a llcense by the State uepartment ln
May zooz tc traln cnly the ccast guard. uS Senatcr kussel Felngcld, a leadlng prcpcnent cf
human rlghts ln Afrlca, was ln the fcrefrcnt cf cppcsltlcn.

Thls reservatlcn by the uepartment cf State was llfted ln zoo, but apprcval cf a tralnlng
prcgram was made ccndltlcnal cn credlble human rlghts tralnlng and vlslble prcgress cn the
gcvernment's ccmmltment tcward pcverty reductlcn and flscal transparency.
Acccrdlng tc

Ken 5iIverstein, "Mba's Rouse: 8ush Administration Rentin mbassy from Known 1orturer," Rarper's Maazine, 0ctober
z, zoo6, http:]]harpers.or]archive]zoo6]1o]sb-mbas-house-11618q1 (accessed |anuary z8, zoo).
5unday are, "1he Curious 8onds of 0iI ipIomacy," 1he Center for PubIic Interity, hovember 6, zooz,
[http:]]pro|ects.pubIicinterity.or]bow]report.aspx?aid=11 (accessed |anuary z8, zoo), p. .
Ruman Rihts watch interviews with 5tate epartment officiaIs who did not wish to be identified, washinton, C,
hovember zooq, |une zoo, and 0ctober , zoo6. In his fareweII speech on 5eptember z8, zoo6, outoin 05 ambassador
hieIs Marquardt noted that, "MPRI is partnerin with the C overnment to provide manaement, administrative and human
rihts trainin to poIice and miIitary. 1heir team is Iivin here and aIready workin with the Ministry of hationaI 5ecurity and

9<## =4#<> @-
MPkl, thelr hatlcnal Securlty Fnhancement Plan fcr Fquatcrlal 6ulnea has develcped an
lntegrated team cf defense, securlty, and ccast guard experts tc prcvlde "a detalled set cf
reccmmendatlcns tc the gcvernment cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ccncernlng lts defense, llttcral,
and related envlrcnmental management requlrements, as well as |a[ detalled
lmplementatlcn prccess."

The MPkl deal fcllcwed then-Asslstant Secretary cf State fcr Afrlcan Affalrs }endayl Frazer's
vlslt tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea, durlng whlch she met Presldent Ublang cn February 1, zoo6, fcr
talks cn bllateral relatlcns, gcvernance, and cll. Frazer presented Ublang wlth a "rcad map"
cf demccracy and transparency gcals fcr hls gcvernment tc fcllcw ln lts tles wlth
washlngtcn, uC. Acccrdlng tc Clndy Ccurvllle, then hatlcnal Securlty Ccuncll senlcr dlrectcr
fcr Afrlca, whc acccmpanled Frazer, Ublang had accepted the uS blueprlnt fcr strcnger tles
and mcre talks wculd be held "tc agree what ls dc-able."

The blueprlnt had a number cf speclflc benchmarks cn demccratlzatlcn and human rlghts
(such as fccus cn legal refcrms prlcr tc the zoo8 electlcns, prcmcte freedcm cf expresslcn
and develcpment cf a free press, and prcvlde a llst cf pclltlcal prlscners, allcw uS dlplcmats
tc vlslt them, and end the practlce cf unllmlted detentlcn) and eccncmlc develcpment (such
as develcplng and lmplementlng a pcverty reductlcn strategy and transparent management
cf cll wealth, lncludlng FlTl). There were alsc benchmarks cn humanltarlan and scclal lssues
and securlty sectcr refcrm (llnked tc the MPkl prcgram).

As symbcls, these benchmarks were lmpcrtant, but there are few slgns that they have
cbtalned slgnlflcant ccncesslcns frcm the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment cn lssues cf
human rlghts ln return fcr the twc thlngs Presldent Ublang partlcularly scught and cbtalned
ln zoo6: the return cf a resldent uS ambassadcr tc Malabc and MPkl tralnlng. Fven befcre
}endayl Frazer and Clndy Ccurvllle met Presldent Ublang ln February zoo6, the return cf a
resldent uS ambassadcr was planned fcr that fall, and MPkl expected tc slgn thelr ccntract

Ministry of efense. 1he InternationaI Committee of the Red Cross wiII be part of the trainin."
R. hieIs Marquardt, "Latest
mbassy hews, Ambassador R. hieIs Marquardt quatoriaI Cuinea fareweII-1aIkin Points," 5eptember z8, zoo6,
http:]]maIabo.usembassy.ov]amb_marquardt_fareweII_speech.htmI (accessed ecember 1, zoo8). 0n |anuary z, zoo,
senior members of MPRI, amon them retired 05 CeneraI wiIIian Kernan, vice president and eneraI manaer, met President
0bian and briefed him on the first three months of a five-year proram for trainin of miIitary and presidentiaI security units.
"Private 05 firm trains quatoriaI Cuinea army units," Aence france-Presse, |anuary o, zoo.
MPRI, "MPRI InternationaI Africa," http:]]]site]int_africa.htmI (accessed ApriI z, zoo).
"Interview-05 5ays emocracy Key to Cuinea CuIf 0iI 5tabiIity," Reuters, february 1, zoo6.
Ruman Rihts watch has copies of these benchmark non-papers on fiIe. 1hese updated a set of nine benchmarks drawn up
in zoo: on traffickin in persons; poIice trainin; recent mercenary incident; eIections; sociaI services; |udiciary; conditions
in detention faciIities; human rihts education, and other human rihts issues such issuance of visas to internationaI hC0s.

@+ /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
wlth the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean gcvernment that Aprll.
There was llttle effcrt by the uS
uepartment cf State cr the 8ush admlnlstratlcn tc measure prcgress cn verbal undertaklngs
by the Ublang gcvernment abcut gcvernance and human rlghts.

Presldent Ublang further endcrsed the uS Agency fcr lnternatlcnal uevelcpment scclal
prcgram ln washlngtcn, uC, cn Aprll 11, zoo6, and ccmmltted tc make a $1 mllllcn
ccntrlbutlcn tc the Fquatcrlal 6ulnean Scclal uevelcpment Fund.
Un Aprll 1z, zoo6,
Presldent Ublang met then-Secretary cf State Ccndclezza klce at the uS uepartment cf State.
uurlng thls meetlng, klce scmewhat ccntrcverslally tcld Ublang, "Ycu are a gccd frlend and
we welccme ycu."
Thls meetlng attracted scme crltlclsm frcm members cf the uS
Ccngress and ln the washlngtcn, uC press.

Thls "buslness flrst" relatlcnshlp was echced when ucnald C. }chnscn testlfled befcre the
uS Senate Fcrelgn kelatlcns Ccmmlttee ln August zoo6.
ln hls testlmcny he mcstly
emphaslzed that "|t[he stablllty and rellablllty cf a scurce cf raw materlals equlvalent tc
mcre than o,ooo barrels cf cll per day frcm Fquatcrlal 6ulnea ls slgnlflcantly relevant tc
cur energy securlty and well-belng." Fe hardly mentlcned human rlghts lssues, but he dld
say he wculd "lnclude candld dlscusslcns cf lssues that ccncern us, lncludlng such matters
as demccracy, human rlghts, and flnanclal transparency."

Althcugh Ublang wants tc wlden hls lnternatlcnal relatlcnshlps wlth the cll lndustry,
especlally fcllcwlng the uS Senate lnvestlgatlcn lntc mcney launderlng and ccrruptlcn ln
}uly zoo, he stlll values a clcse relatlcnshlp wlth the unlted States, and thls prcvldes an
cpenlng fcr dlalcgue cn human rlghts and gcvernance lssues. The unlted States remalns
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's maln tradlng partner, and the uS cll lndustry ls alarmlst, wcrrled by

1his was stiII stated on MPRI's website, http:]]]site]int_africa.htmI, as of ApriI z, zoo, but was apparentIy
removed by |anuary zoo.
"05AI and the RepubIic of quatoriaI Cuinea Aree to 0nique Partnership for eveIopment: 1obias CaIIs Memorandum of
0nderstandin 'Landmark Areement,'" 05AI press reIease, ApriI 11, zoo6,
http:]]www.usaid.ov]press]reIeases]zoo6]pro6oq11_z.htmI (accessed ecember 1, zoo8).
05 epartment of 5tate, 0ffice of the 5pokesman, "5ecretary of 5tate CondoIeeza Rice and quatoriaI Cuinean President
1eodoro 0bian huema Mbassoo 8efore 1heir Meetin," ApriI 1z, zoo6.
5enator CarI Levin, the rankin minority member on the 5enate Permanent 5ubcommittee on Investiations, wrote about
his concern to CondoIeeza Rice on ApriI z, zoo6, and then-5enator |oseph 8iden, rankin minority member of the 5enate
forein ReIations Committee, wrote to President 8ush on May 1, zoo6.
Re was confirmed by the 05 5enate forein ReIations Committee on 5eptember 1, zoo6, sworn in as ambassador to
quatoriaI Cuinea on 0ctober 16, and arrived in quatoriaI Cuinea to take up post on hovember 1q, zoo6.
05 epartment of 5tate, "Prospective nvoy 0res CIoser 05 1ies with quatoriaI Cuinea. 05 Ambassador-desinate
|ohnson testifies before a 5enate Committee," Auust , zoo6, http:]]usinfo.state.ov]xarchives]dispIay,htmI (accessed
ecember 1, zoo8).

9<## =4#<> @,
lncreased ccmpetltlcn rather than taklng a lcng-term strateglc apprcach tcward gcvernance
and human rlghts and the stablllty that can brlng.

The new Ubama admlnlstratlcn has an cppcrtunlty tc shcw that energy securlty dces nct
have tc ccme at the expense cf human rlghts and gccd gcvernance. The new admlnlstratlcn
shculd shcw leadershlp cn rlghts and gcvernance lssues. A flrst step wculd be tc revlew the
lease cf the uS embassy bulldlng tc ensure that the unlted States ls nct paylng rent tc an
alleged rlghts abuser. lt shculd alsc lmmedlately determlne whether there are assets ln the
unlted States cbtalned thrcugh ccrruptlcn by senlcr cfflclals cf the Fquatcgulnean
gcvernment, and wcrk tc repatrlate thcse assets tc thelr rlghtful cwners-the pecple cf
Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. And flnally, they shculd ensure thrcugh new cr exlstlng laws and
regulatlcns that uS ccmpanles dc nct beccme ccmpllclt ln the ccrruptlcn and abuses that
mar rescurce-rlch ccuntrles llke Fquatcrlal 6ulnea.

Chlna ls currently equally favcured by Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. Trade wlth Chlna was z1.8 percent
ln zoo, and expcrts frcm Fquatcrlal 6ulnea tc Chlna rcse by 18 percent frcm $, mllllcn
ln zoo tc $z. bllllcn ln zoo6.
ln zoo, Chlna was Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's largest expcrt
market, acccuntlng fcr 18. percent cf the tctal (mcstly cll). Fquatcrlal 6ulnea establlshed
dlplcmatlc relatlcns wlth Chlna ln 1,o, Presldent Ublang has vlslted Chlna slx tlmes ln the
past decade.
Fe anncunced cn hls return tc Malabc frcm a tcur cf Asla lncludlng Chlna ln
Uctcber zoo that "|f[rcm ncw cn, Chlna ls the maln partner wlth whcm we are gclng tc
develcp Fquatcrlal 6ulnea."
Un February 1,, zoo6, the Chlna hatlcnal Uffshcre Ull
Ccrpcratlcn, Ltd., anncunced lt had been awarded a prcductlcn sharlng ccntract fcr 8lcck S
ln cne cf Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's cffshcre flelds.
A year later, cn hls return frcm 8el|lng's
Fcrum cn Chlna-Afrlca Cccperatlcn ln hcvember zoo6, Ublang stated, "Chlna pcsed nc prlcr
ccndltlcns cn demccracy and human rlghts ln lts cccperatlcn wlth Afrlcan ccuntrles."

uurlng the summlt several eccncmlc agreements were made between the twc ccuntrles, the
mcst lmpcrtant cf whlch was the ccncesslcn by the state-ccntrclled Fxpcrt-lmpcrt 8ank

5pain is the third Iarest tradin partner in quatoriaI Cuinea (1o.8 percent), and quatoriaI Cuinea is the second Iarest
recipient of 5panish aid in sub-5aharan Africa ($ MiIIion in zoo). 5ee fundacin par aIas ReIaciones InternacionaIes y eI
iIoo xterior, "La poItica exterior y de cooperacin de spaa en Cuinea cuatoriaI: ReIevancia de Ios principios
democrticos y eI papeI de Ia sociedad civiI," Madrid, Informe de Conferencia, ecember 1, zoo6.
Accordin to President 0bian, "Another country that has been very consistent and efficient in its support has been the
PeopIe's RepubIic of China." 0bian, My Life for My PeopIe, p. 1q.
I0, "Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," |anuary zoo6, p. 11.
China ChemicaI Reporter, no.8 (o6), voI .1, March 16, zoo6.
I0, "Country Report: quatoriaI Cuinea," |anuary zoo.

@? /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
(Fxlm) cf Chlna cf a $z bllllcn cll-backed lcan tc Fquatcrlal 6ulnea. ln }anuary zoo, Ublang
reemphaslzed that Chlna was Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's "best frlend" durlng a vlslt by Fcrelgn
Mlnlster Ll tc Malabc.

Chlnese ccnstructlcn flrms are actlve ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea as elsewhere ln Afrlca, they wcrk
harder and fcr less, acccrdlng tc Fquatcgulnean cfflclals. ln March zoo8 a labcr-ccntractcr
dlspute cver salarles escalated lntc a strlke and then cpen vlclence by Chlnese labcrers
wcrklng fcr }lanyu Uverseas uevelcpment Llmlted, a subsldlary cf welhal Ccnstructlcn
6rcup. The dlspute resulted ln Fquatcgulnean pcllce lntervenlng, cpenlng flre and kllllng
twc Chlnese wcrkers and ln|urlng fcur cthers.
uesplte thls lncldent, Chlna's vlce-Mlnlster
fcr Fcrelgn Trade Chac wu-Chen vlslted Fquatcrlal 6ulnea cn uecember 8, zoo8, and slgned
agreements wlth the Fquatcgulnean gcvernment fcr a serles cf new publlc wcrks prc|ects.

0ther InternationaI Actors
Presldent Ublang ln hls bcck My Llfe Fcr My Pecple ncted that the dlsccvery cf cll has
resulted ln reduced pressure cn hlm tc refcrm, lncludlng frcm the lnternatlcnal flnanclal
lnstltutlcns and the Furcpean unlcn. Fe wrltes,

l have reallzed that the dlsccvery cf cll ln Fquatcrlal 6ulnea and especlally
the lmpcrtance cf these rescurces have ccmpletely changed the attltude cf
many cf cur partners, especlally thcse whc were mcre crltlcal. Suddenly they
have beccme mcre permlsslve. l kncw lt ls human nature, but nct cnly men
have changed ln thls fashlcn, lnstltutlcns have dcne the same. And l
speclflcally mean the lnternatlcnal Mcnetary Fund, the wcrld 8ank, and the
Furcpean unlcn.

Chen Zhouxi, "A Chinese Laborer RecaIIs Rorror in quatoriaI Cuinea," 1he conomic 0bserver, May , zoo8.
0bian, My Life for My PeopIe, p. 11.

9<## =4#<> @@

vIII. kecemmendatiens

1o the overnment of quatoriaI Cuinea
Fstabllsh a clear flscal pcllcy fcr transparent management cf cll wealth, lncludlng
maklng the budget publlc, ldentlfylng the lccatlcn cf fcrelgn acccunts, and
ccnductlng an audlt cf gcvernment acccunts.
Prcgresslvely reallze the rlghts cf access tc health and educatlcn, and ensure
apprcprlate allccatlcn cf rescurces tc that end ls made.
Fnsure that gcvernment cfflclals declare thelr assets and that thls ls verlflable (as
prcvlded fcr by Fquatcrlal 6ulnea law).
Prcduce a ccmprehenslve llst cf pclltlcal prlscners, and prcvlde lnfcrmatlcn cn
where all prlscners are belng detalned.
6rant famllles access tc the detalned.
Prcmptly lnvestlgate allegatlcns cf tcrture.
Allcw fcrelgn dlplcmats access tc the ccuntry's prlscns and detentlcn centers tc
mcnltcr the ccndltlcn cf prlscners and prlscns.
Put prccedures ln place tc ensure free, falr, and transparent electlcns, lncludlng
vcter reglstratlcn and electlcns tralnlng and mcnltcrlng, and allcw lndependent
fcrelgn mcnltcrs and |curnallsts access.
uphcld the rlghts cf the cppcsltlcn tc travel freely, hcld meetlngs, dlssemlnate thelr
vlews, and have equal access tc the medla.
kespect and prcmcte freedcm cf expresslcn ln acccrdance wlth Fquatcrlal 6ulnea's
lnternatlcnal human rlghts cbllgatlcns.
Fnsure that an lndependent appralsal can be made cf the effectlveness cf human
rlghts tralnlng glven by MPkl tc securlty and law enfcrcement agencles.

1o I1I
lnslst upcn full partlclpatlcn cf lndependent clvll scclety, partlcularly crganlzatlcns
fccused cn human rlghts and gccd gcvernance, as an essentlal ccndltlcn befcre
declarlng Fquatcrlal 6ulnea FlTl ccmpllant.

1o the 05 overnment
Ccngress shculd mandate that the Fxpcrt-lmpcrt 8ank (Fxlm) and Uverseas Prlvate
lnvestment Ccrpcratlcn (UPlC) requlre extractlve ccmpanles whc recelve fundlng cr
pclltlcal rlsk lnsurance frcm them tc shcw that they have effectlve pcllcles and

@( /"012 345678 917:6 ; !"#$ &''(
prccedures tc address securlty and human rlghts, and glve thcse ccmpanles the
capaclty tc mcnltcr ccmpllance wlth thcse standards.
8llateral mllltary asslstance and tralnlng prcgrams that lnvclve securlty fcrces that
alsc prcvlde securlty tc the extractlve lndustrles shculd lnclude ccmpcnents tc
ensure that fundlng ls ccntlngent cn respect fcr human rlghts and acccuntablllty fcr
vlclatlcns when they prcvlde such securlty.
Ccngress shculd examlne hcw tc ensure prlvate securlty ccntractcrs, whc may
prcvlde servlces tc the gcvernment and alsc tc extractlve lndustrles, fcllcw human
rlghts standards.
Ccngress shculd examlne what steps can be taken tc ensure that extractlve
ccmpanles adequately fcllcw human rlghts standards.
Ccngress shculd prcvlde adequate rescurces and guldance tc the State uepartment,
uepartment cf uefense, and cther relevant agencles, and requlre them tc ralse
human rlghts lssues related tc the prcvlslcn cf securlty wlth fcrelgn gcvernments
and tc address the ccnduct cf ccmpanles cperatlng abrcad.
ueny vlsas tc Fquatcgulnean cfflclals credlbly lmpllcated ln ccrruptlcn.
ldentlfy assets held by thcse cfflclals wlth the lntent cf selzlng and repatrlatlng
them tc a freely elected gcvernment.

9<## =4#<> ('

Appendix: Letters Irem 0iI Cempanies te human kights watch

Albert J. Marchetti
Vice Presidehl
lhlerhaliohal ahd Federal Relaliohs
(212) 536-8107
FAX. (212)536-8091

May 5, 2009
Arvind Ganesan
Director, Business and Human Rights Program
Human Rights Watch
1630 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20009

Dear Arvind,

Thank you for your continuing interest in our Equatorial Guinea operations. We have reviewed your letter of April
, 2009 to Mr. John B. Hess and we are pleased to provide the following information.

Hess Corporation conducts its activities in compliance with existing US and applicable foreign laws and in
accordance with the highest standards of ethical conduct presented in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
and our Executive Directive # 26 (ED 26). Copies of both documents are attached to this letter. All employees
receive a copy of the Code, and are required to sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understood its
contents. An international toll free number and a website allow employees to report (anonymously if they wish)
any breaches of the Code to the Vice President, Corporate Audit and Compliance.

To promote compliance with these standards, Hess conducts continuing educational seminars on ED 26 and the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). A seminar is conducted in Equatorial Guinea (EG) and in many of our
operational offices once every year. In addition, our internal audit function visits EG and most of our non-US
offices at least annually to audit compliance with the FCPA. Seminars and audits are conducted less frequently
(but at least once every three years) in countries where the corruption risk is low, such as the United Kingdom,
Norway and Denmark.

To the best of our knowledge and belief, we have not made any payments to entities owned by or associated with
EG government officials subsequent to the release of the Senate report in 2004. We no longer have the lease
referenced in the Senate report but do have one lease that we inherited as part of our acquisition of Triton Energy
Corporation in 2001 with an individual subsequently appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. This lease is believed
to be at a fair market rate and is not material to our activities. We have had no business relationship with Sonavi
since 2004. We do, of course, make payments mandated by the terms of our production sharing contracts

We have a long term commitment to education and are providing significant financial support for a comprehensive
education program in EG, managed by the Academy for Educational Development. This is a multi-year, $40
million dollar program which has established 40 model schools, trained over 1,100 teachers and established new
course work curricula throughout the country. We also sponsor four EG students, selected by Hess, for studies in
the United States. Funding for these programs is given voluntarily by Hess as part of our social responsibility
1185 Avehue ol lhe Anericas
New York, New York 10036
program and is outside of the contractual obligations in our PSCs. A copy of our most recent Sustainability
Report is attached for your reference.

Finally, Hess has fully complied with all information requests received from the SEC as part of their inquiry
initiated during 2004. We have not received any communication about the inquiry from the SEC for over two


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Adel Chaouch, Ph.D., P.E.
Corporate Social Responsibility

5555 San Felipe
Houston, TX 77056-2725
Telephone 713-296-3769
Fax: 713-513-4069

April 28
, 2009

Mr. Arvind Ganesan
Director, Business and Human Rights Program
Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34
New York, NY 10118-3299

Re: Equatorial Guinea

Dear Arvind;

I am responding to your letter of April 17, 2009, to Mr. Cazalot, concerning the
research you are conducting that follows up on the US Senate Permanent
Subcommittee of Investigations 2004 Minority Report. As you know, that
report did not make any findings of noncompliance by the oil companies. It did
trigger, however, a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). At least with regard to Marathon, that
investigation has recently terminated, with the Division of Enforcement not
recommending any enforcement action by the Commission.

As you might imagine, we provided a massive amount of documents and
information to the SEC, including documents and information pertaining to the
first four items listed in your letter. Without repeating that exercise, we provide
the following regarding the items you list:

1. The payments CMS made in support of the UN Mission and Washington
Embassy were made pursuant to its contracts. We have continued these
contractual obligations since they are payments to the government to support
valid and traditional government functions.

We have made large investments in the training of Equatoguineans; some in
conjunction with the government, but mostly on our own. Our training programs
for our national employees are part of our workforce integration strategy to
promote EG nationals into positions of higher responsibility over time. They
encompass vocational skills initiatives that have trained over 500 craftsmen

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during the construction phase of the LNG facility, training of plant operators, and
on-the-job training programs to ensure technical skills transfer. Additionally, we
support a number of training initiatives for our professional staff such as
accelerated rotational assignments, and higher education programs in US
universities such as Texas A&M University, and the University of South Carolina.

We believe investments in training are important in building the institutional
capacity of that country. For instance, we have taken a leadership role in the
development of the National Institute of Technology for the Hydrocarbons sector,
a key institution that will be instrumental in creating the future talent for the
industry in EG. We also committed significant resources in enhancing the
capacity of the public health system to combat malaria in what was the most
endemic country in Africa just five years ago. Marathon, its business partners
and the Global Fund on HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria have committed over a period
of ten years $71 million to deploy a nation wide malaria control initiative using a
public-private partnership model. The project has achieved life-saving results
with a virtual elimination of the vector and a reduction of malaria prevalence in
children by almost 50% on Bioko Island.

2. Marathon purchased CMS interests in EG with the goal of fully developing
and monetizing the Alba Field. At the time of the acquisition, most of the
produced natural gas was flared. Marathon and its partners have since made
significant investments so that this gas can instead be processed into products.
This investment required the construction of additional plants and therefore the
acquisition of additional land. The facilities that process the production from the
Alba Field are located on Punta Europa, a peninsula on the northwest corner of
Bioko Island. It is the closest point to the Alba Field (which is offshore) and
provides access to ocean going vessels (almost all of the products processed at
Punta Europa are exported by ocean going vessels). From every logistical,
engineering, operational, economic and other reasonable perspectives, Marathon
and its partners had no alternative than to build the new plants adjacent to the
existing facilities.

President Obiang had the title of the record to the Punta Europa land, having
acquired it in 1984, long before any land was acquired for oil and gas operations.
As you note, President Obiangs agent for the purchase was Abayak. Before
commencing negotiations with Abayak, Marathon analyzed prices previously paid
in real estate expropriations in the Punta Europa area, information available
regarding property sales on Bioko Island, and guidelines issued by the
Equatoguinean Ministry of Agriculture regarding the value of forest and
agricultural land. Marathon negotiated a price of approximately $2,900 an acre
which was within a price within the market price indicated by its analysis. The
acquisition was then completed through an expropriation process which included
the opportunity for public comment, including the public identification of the seller
and purchaser of the property. Marathon and its partners have not acquired
additional land beyond the two plots of land mentioned in your letter.

3 of 4

3. Marathon did not enter into two businesses ventures with GEOGAM. With
Marathons purchase of CMS interests in Equatorial Guinea, Marathon acquired
45% of Atlantic Methanol Production Company LLC (AMPCO) and 52.15% of
Alba Plant LLC (Alba Plant). At the time of Marathons acquisition, GEOGAM
owned 10% of AMPCO and 20% of Alba Plant. After the acquisition, Marathon
received indications that Abayak owned an interest in GEOGAM. Eventually, the
Government provided GEOGAM corporate documents which documented that
GEOGAM was 75% owned by government and 25% by Abayak. At Marathons
insistence, GEOGAMs 10% interest in AMPCO and 20% interest in GEOGAM
were transferred to a wholly-owned government entity.

4. In order to build the capacity and the economy of the country, it is Marathons
practice to buy goods and services locally when feasible. APEGESA is an
Equatoguinean Company which supplies unskilled labor (for instance, lawn
maintenance and housekeeping). It has a number of owners, one of which was
Juan Olo, who transferred his interest in APEGESA in 2005. Juan Olo is
believed to be the brother-in-law of the Presidents wife. The 20 percent fee you
refer to covers recruitment of qualified workers, payroll administration, income
and social security tax administration, employee loan administration, the
administration of worker disputes before the Ministry of Labor, and payments to
the Ministry of Labors Training Fund. Our contract with APEGESA, which we
inherited from CMS, is clearly a market-based, arms-length arrangement.

5. Marathon cooperated fully with the SEC investigation. Attached is a copy of
the letter terminating the investigation.

6. It is Marathons policy to comply with all applicable laws, including the US
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, wherever it does business. Marathon adopted
Anti-Corruption Compliance Guidelines in 2002. Its Law Organization provides
comprehensive, annual, live training on these guidelines. For instance, in 2008,
51 presentations were made in EG and 605 employees were trained in EG. This
represents 100% coverage of the employees in EG who were asked to attend
training and included national employees. Experienced FCPA counsel is
available to employees at all times to discuss FCPA issues. All operations in
which Marathon owns an interest in EG are audited annually for FCPA
compliance and for compliance with the companys compliance guidelines. A
business integrity telephone line help line, which includes access in the local
language, thats is managed by a third party is available which anyone, including
any employee, can use to report suspected problems, anonymously if they wish.

4 of 4

We are pleased that your intent is to ensure fairness and accuracy in your
reporting. We hope that that intent is reflected in your report.

Best Regards,

Adel Chaouch
Corporate Social Responsibility

-SEC Correspondence

9<## =4#<> )'&


Alex vlnes, senlcr researcher fcr the 8uslness and Fuman klghts Prcgram cf Fuman klghts
watch, researched and wrcte thls repcrt. Addltlcnal research and wrltlng was ccnducted by
Arvlnd 6anesan, dlrectcr cf the 8uslness and Fuman klghts Prcgram, and Carly Tubbs,
cccrdlnatcr fcr the 8uslness and Fuman klghts Prcgram. The repcrt was edlted by Ccrlnne
uufka, senlcr researcher ln the Afrlca ulvlslcn, Alsllng keldy, senlcr legal advlscr, and lan
6crvln, senlcr prcgram cfflcer. Laycut and prcductlcn were cccrdlnated by Carly Tubbs and
6race Chcl, publlcatlcns dlrectcr. Fltzrcy Fepklns, mall manager, and }cse Martlnez,
prcductlcn cccrdlnatcr, prcvlded addltlcnal prcductlcn asslstance. we wculd alsc llke tc
thank Marlse Castrc cf Amnesty lnternatlcnal fcr her expert revlew cf thls repcrt.

350 Fifth Avenue, 34
New York, NY 10118-3299
Although billions of dollars of oil revenue
have flowed into Equatorial Guinea since
1995Equatorial Guinea's gross domestic
product per capita is on par with Italy and
Spainthe broader population enjoys little
of the benefit due to government corruption
and mismanagement.
Front: Residents of New Building, the
largest shanty town in the Equatorial
Guinean capital of Malabo, lack consistent
access to running water and electricity.
2003 Paolo Woods
Back: Across town, construction proceeds
on the new presidential palace.
2009 Human Rights Watch
Well Oiled
Oil and Human Rights in Equatorial Guinea
Until the mid-1990s Equatorial Guinea was a closed country known primarily for its dismal human rights record.
This all changed once significant oil reserves were discovered off the countrys coast in 1995, garnering interna-
tional interest as this new-found wealth was tapped. But in that process Equatorial Guineas government has
engaged in stunning levels of political and economic malfeasance: billions of dollars in oil revenue have not
translated into widespread economic benefits for the population or dramatic improvements in human rights.
In large part this is because revenues that could have been used to provide key social services have been
squandered through government corruption and financial mismanagement. President Teodoro Obiangs son, for
example, spent more than $42 million between 2004 and 2006 on luxury houses and cars, nearly a third of the
total amount the government spent on health, education, and housing programs in 2005. These programs are
essential to the realization of the rights to education and the highest standard of health, to which Equatoguineans
are entitled as part of their governments international obligations. However, Equatoguineans have no way to
hold their government accountable for its actions: there is little meaningful or effective political opposition, and
freedom of expression, assembly, and association are curtailed.
Using interviews, court and government documents, and socioeconomic data, Well Oiled documents the
profound impact of widespread government corruption and mismanagement on the realization of
Equatoguineans political, economic, and social rights.
China and the United States are increasingly active in competing for influence in Equatorial Guinea, while multina-
tional oil companies and international institutions have much at stake if the country does not implement
much-needed reforms. Human Rights Watch calls upon these actors to demonstrate that energy security does not
have to come at the expense of human rights and good governance.

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