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Magic three coins to raise money When you have to deal or important meeting, the outcome of which depends

on your material success, take the following morning witchcraft. Toss three coins at the same time as long as one of them will fall tails, while the other two eagle. By doing this, utter each roll:

Gamilon safrason.
And when the goal is achieved, mark this event with the words:

Vidmalah izgamu Adon.

Collect all the coins together, put on top of the coin with eagle coin with tails, and over it again with an eagle. Hide the collected coins in a safe place, until the end of the day that they were together one above the other, and half your success achieved, the remaining half of work to make yourself.

Ritual to attract money To attract money will make a magical ritual . P leave on the table at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other green and white candles. Imagine that white candle - it's you, and green - it's money and prosperity. Light the candles on one match, first white, then green. After some time, blow out candles and remove them in a secret place. Repeat this sorcery ten consecutive days, each day bringing candles to each other by 2 centimeters. When the candles touch each other, take your secret action for the last time, and then tie the candles gold ribbon and store them as a money talisman.

Money back Put on the table a green candle. Spread around the paper bills and coins. Ignite the wick. Think of green mist coming from the candle flame and rolling on the money. After some time, collect the money, put out the candle. Paying the money for the purchase, rest assured that they would soon return to you. To do this every day for five minutes kindle your ritual candle, which will be the center of attraction for both the old and new wealth.

Magic attracting money Spread out on the floor in the center of your home a piece of white thick rope so that it formed a circle.Light the four candles and put them on the four sides of the circle. Stand in a circle. Imagine a huge space on the tube (cornucopia), from which you drop huge amounts of money, multiple checks, credit cards and other forms of wealth. Do not be afraid to be too greedy, but do not repeat the mistakes punished golden antelope Indian sultan, do not stop the fall of the money in your mind as long as do not leave the limits of the circle. Ending ritual, exit circle, blow out the candle and stop the endless drop money. Spend a visualization as often as possible in order to become part of an imaginary abundance of your real life.

Cash tradition of attracting money

Many peoples have exactly the same beliefs, traditions and customs associated with attracting money and maintaining the welfare of the family home. It is believed that if every Wednesday to light three candles traditionally money - green - the colors, or do the same on Thursday, using yellow or orange candle, then you will never be in danger of ruin. Besides dedicated customs put in the northern part of the house three red carnations and keep a regular broom broom necessarily up. But piggy bank with copper coins can bring trouble, especially if they stand next to the head of your bed. If you decide to collect the money, they shall be white. Many people know that borrowing money should be on the growing moon, when there is a natural flow coming astral forces and influences, and return when the energy of the Moon is decreasing.When this money is better left to take, and give the right hand. This will help create the right relationship between you and your money, and if I do not bring special benefits, be sure to save from wasting and loss. Talisman to attract money Find oceanfront or buy in the store a large white shell (you will need one of the wings bivalve shells). Put it in the cavity of a metal coin. Put a coin on the three drops of essential oil of bergamot, sandalwood and basil. Light a green candle. Tilt it over the sink so that the melted wax or paraffin wax dripped into the sink and fills out her entire cavity. When the wax cools and hardens, hide the sink in the place where he has his business and do business. Such a talisman to attract major new investment and money.

Tangle money To attract money, wrap a copper coin or paper bill green yarn so that you have turned a mediumsized ball. Reinforce it so it does not unwind. Moisten the tangle of three drops of eucalyptus or bergamot oil and hang it on the free end of the thread over the front door of your apartment. All those who will go through this door, will strive to bring money and gifts into your home. To maintain the desired properties of this amulet lubricate tangle essential oil every week on Wednesday. Fat cat Collect coins in a small bag of various denominations all penny and rubles, which are currently in circulation. Lubricate each coin individually eucalyptus oil. By doing this, say the conspiracy:

Cents to pennies, penny to penny, fifty dollars to half a ruble, ruble to ruble ducat to ten rubles, all to the court.
Hide this bag in the northern part of their home.

Money ritual Want to increase the probability of multiplying money, then come into the open field, dilute a small fire, put in a bowl of dry grass wormwood, a lock of his hair, cut nail with the thumb of your right hand, bird feather, leaf clover, tuft of wool black cat and rolled into a tube note on which write how much money you want to soon find in my purse. Pour it all and put a bowl of milk on the fire. When the milk boils, pour it in a pre-dug hole and throw in all the same that was in the bowl. Dig a hole and say: "I bring this sacrifice earthly king and underground, in order to multiply in my house and in

my purse. Incidentally, it's done, all the words in case addressed. "

Attracting money To have no shortage of material resources, do the following: light a green candle and cut the green yarn skeins nine identical ropes. Add these ropes together, hold them between your palms and rub the palm of his hand, rolling and forming a rope of them cord. By doing this, utter these words:

Nine roads, nine ways to come to me that I wish: copper coin, silver rubles, gold pieces, bond paper significant, signatures and seals indicated.
Then tie the cord nine knots. The general order of knot in the cord should be: 1, 6, 4, 8, 3, 7, 5, 9, 2.That is the first node you fastened on one end of the cord, the second - on the other end, the third - in the middle column, the fourth-midway between the first and third nodes, the fifth between the third and second and so on. Knotting each node, repeat the plot:

Countersigned by the node all in one - my will, my passion, my monetary authority.

This work finished, burn cord with knots on the candle flame and develop the ashes to the wind.

Attract money into the house To attract money into the house fabricate magnetic powder. To do this, wipe with a file a piece of magnetized metal. Collect all of the powder in a bag and store it as a money talisman. You can give your mascot even greater force if cover all filings with gold paint.

Money amulet Attraction to put money in a red flannel bag nine hair from his head, paper notes and a small magnet and store the bag at home or at work.

Attracting Wealth To attract wealth store in his home a small bag of blue leather, which put a magnet in the shape of a horseshoe, bird feather, stone tourmaline or Lal and dried herbs: saffron, sage, thistle, cinnamon, anise, fennel, cardamom and cedar hulls nuts.

Ritual to attract money Set in the northern corner of the largest room in the house green candle. In the southern corner of the red place. Pick up a white candle and stand with her in the middle of the room. Light the wick white candle and say:

From darkness to light.

Go to the green candle set fire to her flame wick away the white candle and say:

Light for money and prosperity.

Cross the room and divide fire white candles with red. In this case, your mantra should be:

Light for good luck, wealth and happiness.

Set the white candle in the center of the room. When all the candles burn down, collect the remaining wax after them and hide it behind the skirting board or under the floorboards in the eastern corner of your home. In doing this, or any other wizardry with candles, even for a minute, do not leave them unattended, so they do not become the cause of an accidental fire.

Talismans to attract money Cover with gold paint five small flat stones. To do this you can use a spray, automotive enamel. Fold all the pebbles in the bag, made out of green cloth, and keep it as a talisman of wealth and prosperity.

Growing money To improve their monetary situation, collect all the metal coins, which currently are in use in the country.Put them in a flower pot filled with soil. Put in a pot cactus, geraniums or marigolds. With the growth of the flower will grow and your well-being.

Rite to attract money Cover the table with a tablecloth dark. Put it on a plate of black, filled with rice. Put the rice on top of the five five-ruble coins so that they amounted to a cross. Light the four green candles and put them in a plate on the four sides of the cross formed by coins. When all the candles burn through completely, gather cinders, all the melted wax, rice and coins in a green pouch that store as a talisman of prosperity and wealth.

Money Candle Cut a sheet of paper square with the side seven centimeters. Write on it in red pencil the amount of money you want to get in a short time. Place the paper on the table and set it to the green candle. Burn it for five minutes every day until accumulate until the desired amount.

Talisman money This traditional autumn witchcraft, the results of which will be visible in the spring. Collect twelve large acorns. Bury them all together on the south side of his house, adding to them a few coins of different denominations - all copper and nickel coins, which at the moment are in circulation. In the spring of your wealth should be increased by 12 times. But, of course, do not forget that in this world nothing goes for nothing, and therefore apply their own abilities and efforts to acquire the money that you promised this magic. In this case, you can be assured that your efforts will not be wasted.

By ak attract luck and money

Fill the bathtub with warm water, throw silver coins into it and lie down. While in the water, it seems that silver gives you a portion of their fluids, which will attract to you the new value and benefits.

Money Mascot Nail over the front door to your house horseshoe ends up so that its shape is reminiscent of the "full cup" and say these words:

How this bowl is full, and my house is always full of prosperity and happiness.

Attracting good luck and money In order to succeed and get rich, take from the deck of playing cards of diamonds ten. Apply on the surface drop bergamot oil or basil oil and rub it all over the map. Keep this card in your wallet as money mascot.

Attract money into your life To guarantee the security of their financial position, do the following: take twelve coins of the same denomination, minted only in even-numbered and leap years. Once the sun disappears behind the horizon, start your witchcraft. Keep all the coins in the castle between the folded palms. Shake them so that they move freely between your palms and overturned. Then release your hands, and throw a coin in front of him on the table. Put aside all the coins fell tails up, and those that have fallen eagle, gather again and shake hands and throw on the table. Again set aside coins with tails and collect coins with the eagle.Repeat these steps as long as you will not have only one coin. Wrap it in red cloth and keep it as a money talisman.

Improvement of financial situation To increase their income and improve the financial situation, seal banknotes odd dignity (eg, five dollars) in a red envelope (or just wrap it in red paper). Replace the envelope green candle and burn it for five minutes every day for a week.

Attraction of money To attract more money, take the first dollar or ruble earned by you in the new case (just choose one of banknotes from its first profit or wages). Wrap the bill around the whole ginseng or St. John's wort and secure it with the red thread. Put this in the green talisman pouch that hide in his house.

Monetary bottle Throw in the green bottle pinch of sugar and a pinch of dried herbs basil or yarrow. Cap-Net in the same bottle or three drops of bergamot oil or tincture of eucalyptus. Every day in the bottle add one coin of any denomination. Keep this piggy bank in his home.

Augmenting If you want to increase their capital, write on a sheet of paper the amount of money that you need. Put on this paper three sesame seeds and roll the sheet several times, so that the seeds were inside and could not sleep there.

To protect your home from starvation and ruin, you need to sacrifice to the spirits of the earth. To do this, bury it near the front door something to eat (for example, a loaf of bread) and say:

Let peace and prosperity will be in this house, yes it will come down to earth and heavenly grace, so that forever and ever and visit. My words are strong, sculpting, conspiracy and executed.

*** If lately you pursue some failure and frustration, put on the table black, red and orange candles: so that they form a triangle. Place in the center of this triangle white candle. Light it and say:

This fire - a symbol of my immortal soul.

Then light the black candle and continue conspiracy:

This fire - a symbol of my failures, which today leave me.

Light a candle next orange and say:

This fire - a symbol of change for the better in my life.

Finally, light a red candle and finish the plot:

This fire - a symbol of my wealth, success and good luck.

All candles should burn completely. Must first be extinguished black candle, then orange, then red, and finally white. For this to happen this way, use of ritual candles of different lengths.

*** For protection from ruin and bankruptcy sprinkle ceramic jug alfalfa, put this pitcher in the farthest corner of your home or office and say : , .


If you expect or anticipate any failure or misfortune, light yellow or orange candle, describe on paper unwelcome but highly probable event that could or should happen in your life. Can simply write one word - "failure", "crash" or "ruin." Use the red ink. Then grab a pen and cross out black large cross made you sign. By doing so, you should feel that his action did eliminate unwanted out of your life. Ignite the paper from the flame of a candle and say a magic spell :

Purify the sacred fire from all evil, from all defilement, from all evil thoughts that what was, what is, what should be. On the left path to get off on the right road to go, all evil, and evil side bypass not against fate but will afford me.
Gather the rest of the paper ash and develop it in the wind.

*** Sit down at the table, put in front of a white candle and imagine that this candle represents yourself. Say:

This is me in all things.

Then light the black candle and say:

This is a problem that slows down and stops and does not give way Fortunately, order and prosperity.
After that, the gray light the candle from the flame black and say:

This transition from dark to light, from black to white, from failure to victory, from misfortune to happiness.
Zaduyte black candle and light the flame of orange sulfur, saying: "It is the light of happiness and well-being that close to me and around me." Now light the white candle on orange. Every time you pass the fire from the candle to candle necessarily represent the external and internal changes in his life. Put the orange and white candles on the table next (next to each other) and let them burn down completely and turn off. Collect the remaining mixed white-orange wax and keep it as a mascot for getting rid of the old symbol of failure and future victories.

*** If you have already touched on monetary troubles, black candle grease or oil of lemon geranium, imagining that all your troubles go away from you. Light a candle and say:

Veruda Azlan iurash.

Then grease a white candle or patchouli oil of bergamot, thinking at this moment only the good or its main dream. Light a white candle and say:

Kaalaro Zain, Idel Kaul headlights.

After that, a yellow candle grease or oil heliotrope laurel, put it between the black and white candles, give it to the wick and flame cast a spell:

Flutter down, iza Libura, Casa Anga.

Let candles burn down completely, then collect them after the remaining wax and bury it in the yard - on the north side of the house where you live or work.

*** If you have any problems or experiences that do not give you peace of mind and from which you want to get rid of, grab a red wool rope. Submit your problem in detail, add to their notions your feelings, passion, tears, anger, and make a symbolic act - to tie the knot on the rope, thereby concentrating the energy of your experiences into a single point in space. Put the rope on the table, covered with a white cloth, and then go off to another room or go outside. Daily activities and try to forget about the node on the rope. When your senses will bounce back, and inner passions subside, again take the rope in his hands, untie the knot and feel that all your previous anxiety disappeared and were dissolved and ceased to be an oppressive power of your inner part is that now you are free and has no negative past that power over you, what was before.

*** Step into the sparsely populated place, such as an open field or in the woods. Find there is a large flat stone. Slide on the two white candles. Put them between the glass beaker with pure spring water. Stand in front of get "altar" to its knees. Keep your hands on the glass and imagine that all your negative energy, all the problems and troubles spill over into the water in the glass. By doing this, repeat the plot:

Quad aina cola yes, lag viruda Fain, clean water, clear fire, black earth, take all the dark, all light Multiply, Quad aina Colada lag Fain viruda.
Then tilt the glass to all the water poured on the stone and glass with him on the black earth. While others say the words:

Site ella kafon, gibur Kaita, allafon.

Blow out the candles, leave them together with a glass on a stone and go home. On the way back with no one to say hello and do not talk.

*** If you are faced with obstacles and challenges in any case, do the following: hold between the palms of large ripe apple. Imagine that all your difficulties and troubles go into the fruit. Then cut the apple into four pieces and bury them in the ground in various places. By doing this, be aware that you bring a sacrifice forces of nature, in particular the forces of the Earth, and that these forces will have to contribute to the successful resolution of your affairs.

*** Put the old iron bowl short gray candle, which would embody your problems and unhappiness. Pour into a bowl infusion of yarrow, light a candle and say the secret words:

Sabargo halls Kabush ain on.

When the candle burn down to the level of the present and it will extinguish its wick, your problem will be solved. Pour the infusion and then bury the candle along with a bowl of black earth.

*** To get rid of all the bad things in my life, the whole house obmetite new broom, saying: I do not litter and dirt Met, I destroy charms dismiss,

failure of home scram.

After that, discard the broom on the intersection of two roads on foot, and say,

With this broom will leave all my misfortunes and sorrows. In the new day will come all that I myself wish.

*** Remember that in one house can not sweep the floor two different brooms - otherwise razmetete the corners all his wealth.

*** To get rid of the trouble, write on a sheet of paper, what or who is your problem. Burn this note on a blue candle flame, saying at the same time such a conspiracy:

Through the fire depart from me my grief, my trouble and suffering. They have no more place in my life and will not be, so it was not, and will.
*** Wanting to avoid unnecessary meetings, asserted and unpleasant conversations, wipe the front door knob in your home or office juice, squeezed from odorous geranium leaves. You can do this by the leaves, strongly pressing it to wipe the surface.

*** To solve a problem, and describe it on a small piece of paper and fold the paper several times inscriptions inside. Cut in half and cut out the big apple in the center of each half of a small

depression. Fold the two halves of the apple together, putting your note in the cavity formed by the notches in these halves. Apple folded tie string or pierce him through the wooden spokes to apple halves held together and did not disintegrate. Apple bury in the ground in a deserted place, and your problem will disappear completely when it rots and istleet.

*** To protect against possible failures purchase a short candle, in which the upper part of the red, and the lower - black. If you can not buy a candle, manufacture its own different colors of wax or paint a white candle, red and black colors. Pour into an old bowl of clean water. Keep a candle at the middle horizontally over a bowl. Light the wick with its two sides. At a time when the molten wax will drip into the water, think that all your sorrows and troubles disappear and evaporate. When the candle burns out almost to the middle and start to burn your fingers, throw it in a bowl with water. Having finished this sorcery, bury all of its attributes (bowl and paraffin residues) into the ground in a deserted place. Speak luck If you go to the state house or elsewhere, where solve your petitions and cases, then, before you enter into it, grasp the doorknob and say conspiracy luck:

As this opens the door bracket, and all the works will be opened in favor for me.
Sitting down at the negotiating table or gaming table, left hand lightly pull it out and say barely audible or not opening his mouth:

All my everything to me.

If you decide to play in the casino, bet on horse races or enter into contracts and transactions, the first stroke is very slow tail of a black cat. Make it nine times. If the cat will escape and run away, do not play, otherwise the morning all the money will go to you.

Conspiracy for good luck and money That your house always had money, hide under the threshold of three shiny new coins minted in a non-leap year, and say the plot:

Gold for gold, silver for silver, money makes money to this threshold in this house.

Conspiracy for success in business For success in business and business gather in a small green bag ten pinches of basil, mint five pinches, three pinches of coarse salt, dried and powdered rind attrition from three apples, three copper coins and one coin of the white metal. Recite this bag conspiracy for good luck and hang it in the place where his conduct of affairs:

Case behind, in front of the case, the middle income.

At the beginning of each working week take this bag in his hands and fingers flexing its contents, repeat conspiracy.

Attracting good luck and fortune To gain more strength and energy to attract good luck and fortune, pour a small plateful three heaped tablespoons of salt. Pour over it three tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of uncooked rice. Open the safety pin and slide it on top of the needle into the contents of the plate. Leave everything as it is for the whole night and in the morning, before going about their business, pin it to your clothing so that it was invisible to prying eyes.

Laurels for good luck and fame Buy on Wednesday three bay leaves. On the first page write the word geranium oil " Zaaks ", the second -" Mufaoks "and the third -" Kramor ". Fold the sheets together and tie them to the ends of brown thread.Keep this talisman with them for success in a game of chance and luck in all affairs and business. Thismagic is effective especially for men.

Attracting luck To attract good luck, mix powdered sugar with yarrow. Sprinkle a few pinches of this composition at the threshold of his office and around the premises, which do business. If you have a competitor, then scatter around his office powdered herb motherwort mixed with dining soda.

For success in every affairs To attract good luck on his side, light a large candle. The color of the candle, choose according to your desires: take the green candle for money, red - to defeat enemies, pink - for love and passion, yellow - for the health of the blue - to cure diseases, purple - for the acquisition of new knowledge, brown - for professional success, and white - for the successful completion of any important things for you. Keep the candle between your palms and breathe at the same time slowly and deeply. Look at the flame and mentally imagine your dream. Pass through the hands of candle power and energy of his desire to return and get the confidence and the realization that everything is now in your hands, and that all your actions and deeds will be successful.

For good luck, fame and career In order to become famous, famous or succeed in life, get a marker, writing gold or silver ink. Every morning, write on a piece of paper your name and surname gold marker, imagining that success, wealth and money close to you. You can also buy silver or gold glitter and showered them the paper on which your name will be written in regular ink.

For luck in gambling If you decide to play cards, betting on horse racing, or enter into contracts and transactions, the first stroke is very slow tail of a black cat, do it exactly nine. If the cat will escape and run away, do not play, otherwise the morning all the money will go to you.

Conspiracy to win at cards

Planning for the coming days, a card game to take the next magic. Erase in a powder dried root fern, while saying this:

Yes come with me the wisdom and strength of the grass forest. Mother Earth of her age, on the mystery of her determined to wealth profit on my dream.
Sitting down at the negotiating table or gaming table, quietly scatter on the floor at his feet three pinches vegan powder pinch drop one right, the other on the left, and the third straight ahead.

For good luck in business Cut from a large goose feather lower part, where there is no hair, and sprinkle its cavity plantain seeds.Close up the open part of the white candle wax pen. Keep this talisman with you when you play cards, bet on horses or buy a lottery ticket, and to make business transactions and do business, and then you will always be in abundance and profits.

Good luck charm Write on a piece of paper: " Aba + athai + agara + fato + aznax ". All words must be drawn in black ink, and the crosses you draw blood from four fingers (except the thumb) left hand. When the ink and blood dry out, turn the paper into a tube and sprinkle poppy seeds in it, and then dip the ends of the tube into the melted candle wax, sealing thus your good luck charm. Keep it with you each time you play cards or do business and business.

Good luck to you accompanied To luck never left you, and financial flows you never dwindled, gather in the green bag all metal coins that are in use at the moment. Also throw in a bag three peas black pepper, bay leaf and a bird feather. Hang this good luck charm in the room where you conduct your business or spend the most time.

Magnet to attract the good luck To have success in the game, wear in the left pocket of a magnetized piece of iron, stone, cat's eye, or aquamarine beryl, angelica root, shark tooth or a piece of alligator skin. Besides all this, under the insole of the left shoe, you can put a tuft of wool white cat.

To win money In order to win money at the casino or the lottery, write in red ink on a sheet of green paper the amount that you want. Before you go to the gambling establishment, burn the paper, and the remainder of her ashes pour under the insole of his left boot.

Winning the lottery

Want to win the lottery? Then Peremel mortar black pepper and cinnamon and sprinkle the powder obtained at the corners of your house and around your bed. A pinch of this powder, pour in your wallet.

Magic win Before you fill out a lottery ticket or bet chips on roulette cherished by, light a purple candle and carefully look into the flame, trying to see in his quiver vague images, symbols and numbers. Seeing the first digit in the fire, make it into a ticket. Repeat the same fortune telling and all other figures, each time using a new candle.

Energy of good luck To win the lottery or at the casino, write on a small piece of paper the amount of money you want to get this way. Fold the paper three times inscription inside and hybrids it in a small vessel, which was then half fill peas black pepper. Before the game, shake the jar in his left hand, imagining that you transferred to the special energy and strength, attracting good fortune and luck.

Game mascot Going to play cards, remove such unintended game deck jack of spades. Write on the back of the card the amount of money you want to win. Place the card in a small jar or bag which fill peas black pepper. Keep this good luck charm with him during the game.

Mortar and pestle In many voodoo rituals used items such as mortar and pestle. In a magical sense they symbolize male and female sexual organs, and any work, where they are used, mean intercourse that will lead to a new life or development: for example, the promotion of affairs, development plans and so on. In a mortar and pestle can crush ordinary salt and sprinkle it where you conduct your business, for more fruitful business development. Also you can pound in a mortar different dried herbs: lavender, jasmine or rose petals - for the development of love, eucalyptus leaves, pine needles, cinnamon or ginger - to multiply money, grass clover, fennel or endive - for success and career growth. Sprinkle these herbs in a bag and store it as a talisman of good luck. Good luck in all matters

Magic Cord To attract good luck and fulfillment of their desires weave magic cord. For this yarn can be used in different colors. Red symbolizes passion and physical strength, green - wealth, blue - a dream come true.If you have only one goal, take three strands of the same color and weave of them a small pigtail ends are joined together: so that they form a bracelet. Wear it on the ankle of the left leg. You can also weave a cord of three strands of different colors that provide a balance between your physical and sensual desires.


During any day, before sunrise, one needs to recede into solitude and quietness. During that night, the person that wants to contact a Djinn, needs to pray and praise God. During the next day fasting is practiced. Before one starts to fast, which lasts from sunup till sundown one needs to eat unsalted food out of barley, unsalted olives, dried grapes, Dates and a few pieces of fruit and vegetables. Under no circumstances can one consume anything that is of animal origin such as: meat, milk, eggs, honey, etc. When one breaks his fasting, one needs to consume the same. An hour and a half before nightfall one needs to start summoning Djinn by repeating the following prayer a thousand times:

Beshmasheymahin (x2), shamihin ala kulli berahin aksemtu aleyke eyyuhel avnul muin biizeti shemlehin (x2), shemalehin en te'tiyne ve takdi hajeti bihakki sha'shain esh'ashin esh'ushin (x2), barekellahu fiyke ve aleyke ve innehu lekasemun lev ta'lemune azim.
After the prayer is repeated for the last time a Djinn will appear in front of the summoner in a human form. If that happens there is no reason to panic, one needs to go to sleep peacefully. During the night, while the man is sleeping, the Djinn will come and wake him. After a short conversation a contract will be made between them and the Djinn will be bound to a lifelong servitude which includes fulfilling realistic wishes and informing the human about the questions that he sets to the Djinn. Ancient Arabic wizards warn that if there is no response from the Djinn during the first time, that one must persist and repeat the process a couple of times until a contact is successfully made.

Section on sending Maymoon as a messenger

Write these five names on the fingers of your left hand. The charge is on the inside of your palm. Hold your penis with your left hand and incense with the right hand and recite the names one thousand times. The incense is frankincense and benzoin. These are the names: Anish x2, Mashlamish x2, Aysh x2, Maqash x2, Kayhoosh x2. Be charged, O servants of these names , do to N. as I am doing from the evening till morning, by right of the burster of days.


When contacting the Jinn, weather it is an exorcism or invocation, it is necessary that the person who is being treated or is invoking the Jinn reaches a state of light trance. In the first case such a state is reached by repeating verses from the Qur'an during which the spiritual being is stirred and for a short time it controls the body because it is panicking, in order to communicate and defend itself. In the second case, the wizard fasts and drains himself of the physical and mental strength and in such a way he creates ideal conditions for communication with a foreign entity. When a Jinn leaves the wizards body, he slowly comes to his senses, usually feeling empty inside. During the contact of the medium (wizard) with the Jinn the medium feels coldness. Namely, the Islamic theology claims that the Jinn have been created thousands of years before the creation of the first man, the Jinn was created out of fire which is different than the one we humans know. That fire is in its nature cold and cannot warm up anyone. In my contacts with the possessed I myself had the opportunity to convince myself of the truth of these claims. Placing a hand on the body of the diseased while repeating the verses from the Qur'an an opportunity for a contact with a Jinn, or more of them, is presented. In my first exorcist work I was more surprised by the cold that I felt somewhere deep in me than the fact that the Jinn spoke out through the man's mouth. That feeling was present when the

Jinn first addressed me. Proper work with the Jinn asks for a moral and just attitude. Jinn mustn't be killed or punished. With persistent repetition of prayers, every Jinn will sooner or later leave the human body, every experienced exorcist knows that. Today however we come across more and more situations when the exorcist wants to gain fame and demonstrate spiritual strength in order to profit more, in the light of that they punish and even burn Jinn. Liquidating one of the members of the spiritual world leads to family revenge or tribal revenge which usually has grave consequences for the exorcist. Similarly one shouldn't have conversations with the Jinn. Even though establishing communication with the Jinn has its charms since one can learn information such as the name of the person that sent the Jinn or did black magic, however it is an unnecessary part of the exorcism. If the exorcist begins communication with the Jinn he immediately breaks off the chanting of verses, endangers the strength that accumulates through the chanting and weakens the ritual. Of course, this gives the Jinn an opportunity to outsmart the exorcist and stay inside the body for longer or even forever. When in danger every Jinn is keen on lying and deception. If the Jinn is exorcised from a house then the exorcist must place the Jinn in another location after he repeats certain prayers and commands, he is usually moved to an abandoned house or a mill, through oaths to king Tari, their ruler. At the end of the ritual the exorcist communicates with the Jinn using telepathy and explains in a calm way that they cannot stay in the house which they have occupied since their presence negatively effects the people living in it. Then he wishes them God's grace and a peaceful life in the new location that he has chosen for them.

Method of the Arabic alphabet In Arabic magic there are several methods which can be used to establish if someone (patient) is under the influence of negative energy (evil eyes, black magic, Jinn,...). One of the methods is called "Method of the Arabic alphabet" in which one analyses the first letters of the patients name to establish his disease.


letter Elif

1.A person whose name begins with the letter ELIF/ALIF is possessed by the Jinn. The patient needs to drink water for seven days, over which the following Qo'ran verses were cited and to carry an amulet (hirz) which was created by recording the same verses. With help from Allah the patient will be cured.


Letters Ba and Ta 2. A person whose name begins with the letter BA is possessed by fairies. An amulet must be created and the person must be fumigated for three days: 1. Gaded jehennem nashal, 2. Jehennem atshan, 3, Jehennem erban. With the help from Allah the patient will be cured.

3. A person whose name begins with the letter TA will experience fear every Sunday night. It is necessary for that person to wear an amulet on which the following verses are written and to drink water over which the same verses were pronounced. Amulet that have inscriptions of the Surat Falak, Nas and Ayatul Kursi are also effective.


letter Jim 5. A person whose name begins with the letter JIM, will fear graveyards during tuesdays. The fear will be neutralised by making an amulet which will contain inscriptions of the Surat Falak, Nas, Ayatul Kursi and the following verses.


letter He

6.A person whose name begins with the letters HA will be possessed by the Jinn or will be ensnared by a spell. It is necessary that the person carries an amulet that contains inscriptions of the Surat 2. ( Ayatul Kursi) and the following verses.


letter Ha 7. A person whose name begins with the letter HA will fear on Wednesday from an object that looks like a snake. It is necessary that the patient carries an amulet that contains the following inscription. The inscription is written in musk and saffron.


letter Dal 8. A person whose name begins with the letter DAL will be affected by curses. It is necessary that the patient wears the following inscriptions.


letter Zal 9. A person whose name begins with the letter ZAL will be affected by curses. The patient will be cured if he wears the amulet that contains Surat Nas, Ayatul Kursi and the following verses.


letter Ra 10. A person whose name begins with the letter RA will be ensnared by a spell that his/hers enemy has made or he will be seduced by a woman. It is necessary that the person wears an amulet that contains the inscriptions of Bismila, Surat Falak, Nas, Fil and Ayatul Kursi.


letter Za 11. A person whose name begins with the letter ZA will be seduced by a woman and his heart will be filled with doubt and confusion. It is necessary that the person carries an amulet that contains Surat Falak, Nas and Ayatul Kursi.


letter Sin

12. A person whose name begins with the letter SIN will have a fear of dogs. It is necessary to undertake fumigation with dog hair, and to carry an amulet that contains Surat Falak, Nas and Ayatul Kursi and the patient will soon recover.


letter Shin 13. A person whose name begins with the letter SHIN will be possessed by the Jinn from the underworld. Heart problems will appear. The patient will be cured if he is fumigated with African Rue weed (Peganum harmala) and an amulet is made that contains Surat Fil, Falak, Nas and Ayatul Kursi.


letter Sad 14. A person whose name begins with the letter SAD will catch a contagious desease. It is necessary that the patient gives charity and carries an amulet that contains the following inscriptions.


letter Dad 15. A person whose name begins with the letter DAD will be sick on Tuesday. The patient will recover if he is fumigated by African Rue weed and if he carries an amulet that contains the following inscriptions.


letter Ta 16. A person whose name begins with the letter TA will have issues with his heart and walking. It is necessary to inscribe Bismila and the Surat Inshirah and to carry that amulet.


letter Za 17. A person whose name begins with the letter ZA a symptom of high fever will appear. It is necessary to carry an amulet that contains Bismila and Surat Falak and Nas.


letter Ayn 18. A person whose name begins with the letter AYN will be ensnared by a spell. It is necessary to inscribe the following verses and to carry that amulet.


letter Gayn 19. A person whose name begins with the letter GAYN will be affected by spellbound eyes from an old woman. It is necessary to eat red sugar seven days on an empty stomach. It is also necessary to carry an amulet that has Bismila inscribed on it and Surat Falak, Nas and Ayatul Kursi.


letter Fa 20. A person whose name begins with the letter FA will have a nightmare of a group of people. It is necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila and the Surat Kevser.


leter Kaf 21. A person whose name begins with the letter KAF will have mental problems. It is necessary to carry an amulet with a Bismila and the following verses and the Surat Ayatul Kursi.


letter Kef 22. A person whose name begins with the letter KEF will be possessed by the Jinn. For protection it is necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila, this verse and Surat Ayatul Kursi.


letter Mim 24. A person whose name begins with the letter MIM will be possessed by the Jinn. He will feel pain under his ribs on the right side. It is necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila and the following verses.


letter Nun 25. A person whose name begins with the letter NUN will have pain all over his body and in his eyes. It is necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila and the following verses.


letter Vav 26. A person whose name begins with the letter VAV will be afraid of a certain group of Jinn. It is necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila and these verses.


letter He
27. A person whose name begins with the letter HE will be possessed by the Jinn. It is necessary that the patient carries an amulet with these names and he will soon be cured.


letter Lamelif
28. A person whose name begins with the letter LAMELIF will have pain in his cheast and his head. It is necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila and Surat Falak, Nas, Nur and Ayatul Kursi.


letter Ya
29. A person whose name begins with the letter YA will fall in love with a Jinn. The patient must eat honey on an empty stomach for three days. It is also necessary to carry an amulet with Bismila and the following verses.

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