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7306 Total Quality Systems Spring 2014 (Jan. 15 May !

! Mon"ay 3#01 $M to 5#45 $M %i&'ter(Mat' )ngineering %oom 213 Instructor# Textbook# *en Jure+i&,- ).....- M*. 210(3/6(6055 me01+orl"(

Montgomery- 2ouglas 3.- Statistical Quality Control, 7th Edition, 4iley- 3opyrig't 2013- 111 %i5er Street 6o0o7en- 8J 07030- 9S*8 7/(1(11/( 146/1(1. :n"ergra"uate Statisti&s ; 3al&ulus Quality 9mpro5ement in t'e Mo"ern *usiness )n5ironment T'e 2M.93 ; <t'er Quality $ro&esses T'e *asi& Quality Tools Mo"eling $ro&ess Quality 6ypot'esis Testing ; 9n=erential Statisti&s Statisti&al $ro&ess 3ontrol ; 3apa0ility .nalysis 3ontrol 3'arts =or >aria0les ; .ttri0utes <t'er Statisti&al $ro&ess Monitoring ; 3ontrol Te&'ni?ues @irst )Aam Se&on" )Aam $aper %eport $arti&ipation 35.0B 35.0B 20.0B 10.0B

Prerequisite: Topics#

Gradin #

!""ice #ours: T'e 'our 0e=ore an" a=ter &lasses or as s&'e"ule". Course !b$ecti%es and &esired !utco'es: The student should learn the following# 1. @un"amentals o= ?uality impro5ement. 2. Quality 9mpro5ement pro&esses. 3. :se o= statisti&al pro&esses in ?uality. 4. :se o= t'e 0asi& ?uality tools. 5. $rin&iples o= pro&ess &ontrol. 6. $ro&ess &apa0ility measurements. 7. Sele&te" ot'er a"5an&e" pro&ess ?uality system mo"els The student should be able to apply the concepts above to accomplish the following 1. 2e=ine an" "e5elop a ?uality systems plan. 2. Mo"el a operational system =or impro5e" ?uality. 3. $er=orm &al&ulations an" interpret ?uality statisti&al measures. 4. :se ?uality pro&ess tools in a 5ariety o= situations. 5. 3reate ; analy,e pro&ess &ontrol &'arts =or 5aria0les ; attri0utes. 6. .ssess pro&ess &apa0ility in "i==erent systems. 7. 2esign appropriate &ontrol &'arts =or operational syastems. /. :n"erstan" t'e appli&a0ility o= sele&te" a"5an&e" te&'ni?ues. Spring 2014 (Jan. 15 May ! Mon"ay 3#01 $M to 5#45 $M %i&'ter(Mat' )ngineering %oom 213


7306 Total Quality Systems T'e =ollo+ing s&'e"ule an" &o5erage o= material =rom t'e teAt 0oo7 are planne". 6o+e5er- s&'e"ule a"Custments +ill 0e ma"e as ne&essary 0y t'e instru&tor. $lease rea" t'e liste" &'apters prior to ea&' &lass to in&rease parti&ipation.
Date 20-Jan 27-Jan 3-Feb 10-Feb 17-Feb 24-Feb 3-Mar 10-Mar 17-Mar 24-Mar 31-Mar 7-!)r 14-!)r 21-!)r 2--!)r 0*1 Topic No class Quality Processes Modeling Process Quality Modeling Process Quality In erences !bout Process Quality In erences !bout Process Quality First $%a& No 'lass - ()ring *rea+ Met,ods & P,iloso),y o (P' Met,ods & P,iloso),y o (P' 'ontrol ',arts or /ariables 'ontrol ',arts or /ariables 'ontrol ',arts or !ttributes Process 'a)ability !nalysis (elected 0o)ics (econd $%a& Chapter Assignment 1&2 3 3 4 4 1 to 4 " " # # 7 . to 1" " to 1"

Class 1 2 3 4 " # 7 . 10 11 12 13 Finals


3lass atten"an&e is 5ery important. T'e uni5ersity poli&y &on&erning &lass atten"an&e an" a0sen&es +ill 0e =ollo+e". 8o ma7eup tests- eAams or late 'ome+or7 +ill 0e a&&epte" unless appro5e" 0y t'e 9nstru&tor. .ssignments +ill 0e ma"e regularly to support t'e learning o= material. )D)E an" statisti&s +ill 0e use" to support &lass material an" assignments. Stu"ents are eApe&te" to rea" t'e teAt material 0e=ore &lass an" to &ontri0ute to t'e &lass "is&ussion. T'ere +ill 0e a &lass proCe&t relate" to &lass material. 3riteria +ill 0e "is&usse" in t'e =irst &lass.

Disabilit y State m e n t :

St. MaryFs :ni5ersity is &ommitte" to ma7ing reasona0le a&&ommo"ations to assist stu"ents +it' "isa0ilities in rea&'ing t'eir a&a"emi& potential. 9= you 'a5e a "o&umente" "isa0ility- +'i&' may impa&t your per=orman&e- atten"an&e- or gra"es in t'is &lass an" are re?uesting a&&ommo"ations- t'en you must =irst register in person +it' 2isa0ility Support Ser5i&es- in t'e Stu"ent $sy&'ologi&al an" Testing o==i&e (=ormerly 3ounseling an" Testing Ser5i&es! lo&ate" in t'e 3enter =or Ei=e 2ire&tions 0uil"ing.

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