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TEST DE EVALUARE INITIALA Anul scolar 2011-2012 Limba engleza Clasa a -a Numele si !

renumele ele"ului Da#a sus#inerii #es#ului $en#ru rezol"area corec#a a #u#uror cerin#elor %in $ar#ea I si %in $ar#ea a II-a se acor%a &0 %e !unc#e' Din o(iciu se acor%a 10 !unc#e' Tim!ul e(ec#i" %e lucru es#e %e )* %e minu#e'

$ARTEA I++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,0 %e !unc#e

I' 1' Rea% #-e #e.# belo/ an% com!le#e #-e (ollo/ing #as0s' 1ri#e all 2our ans/ers on #-e Ans/er S-ee#'

THE FOUNDING OF PHILADELPHIA The woodlands were alive with color when William Penn arrived for the first time, in 1682. It was late October, still the best time of the year in the Northeast. !t he wasn"t there to admire the countryside. #e had already $iven it a name, of co!rse. It was the same name as that of one of the early %hristian cities in &sia 'inor which, when translated, means (%ity of rotherly )ove*. (1) Penn borrowed the name from them beca!se it s!ited +erfectly the ideal comm!nity he had in mind. The s+ot he +ic,ed, on the ban,s of the -elaware .iver, had a small harbor and a beach. (!) What he wanted, he said, was a ($reen co!ntry town*. In his travels he had seen the $reat cities of /!ro+e and hadn"t always li,ed what he saw. (") #is new city wo!ld have a +lan for $rowth and that, he was convinced, wo!ld ma,e it one of the $reat cities of the world. 0or o+eners, he ordered that Philadel+hia wo!ld have no croo#ed streets. ($) #e told his s!rveyors that he also wanted the roads to lead o!t of the city, so that it wo!ld be convenient to reach other cities yet !nb!ilt. #e s+ecified that no ho!ses co!ld be b!ilt within 211 +aces of the harbor so there wo!ld be +lenty of room for a f!t!re commercial center, and he as,ed that home b!ilders center their str!ct!res on b!ildin$ lots (2so there may be $ro!nd on each side for $ardens, orc%ards or field, that it may be a $reen co!ntry town which will never be b!rnt and will always be wholesome.* Harris: Pennsylvania I& 1& a& Four sentences %a'e (een re)o'ed *ro) t%e te+t& ,elect t%e a--ro-riate sentence *or eac% .a- in t%e te+t& T%ere is one e+tra sentence w%ic% you do not need to use& /rite your answers on t%e Answer ,%eet& 0 -oints A They wo!ld all be strai$ht and wide, and they wo!ld all lead to the river. B It had been ta,en by a reli$io!s $ro!+ in /n$land, whose beliefs were similar to those of the 3!a,ers, for an ideal comm!nity they had ho+ed to establish. %. efore arrivin$ in &merica, Penn sent a letter to the Indians which he ended (I am yo!r lovin$ friend.* -. The land aro!nd it was hi$h eno!$h to +rovide a +erfect +lace for a city and William Penn had a +erfect city in mind. /. #e was also well aware of the cities that had already been established in the New World and ,new they were $rowin$ witho!t a +lan. I& 1& (& 1atc% t%e words in (old in t%e te+t to t%eir de*inition .i'en (elow& T%ere is one e+tra de*inition w%ic% you do not need to use& /rite your answers on t%e 1

Answer ,%eet& $ -oints A& 2& 3& D E& 1&an area o* land *illed wit% trees !&not strai.%t "&t%e area outside town and cities wit% *ar)s4 *ields and trees $&an area o* sand or s)all stones (eside t%e sea or a la#e 5& areas o* land w%ere *ruit trees are .rown

I& 1& c For t%e *ollowin. sentences4 c%oose t%e answer (A4 24 34 D) w%ic% *its accordin. to t%e te+t& /rite your answers on your Answer ,%eet& 16 -oints& 1. When did William Penn arrive for the first time in Philadel+hia4 &. in 1518 %. in October . in 1682 -. never 2. #ow was Philadel+hia called4 &. one of the early %hristian cities in &sia 'inor %. ($reen co!ntry town*. . (%ity of rotherly )ove*. -. the ideal comm!nity 6. What did William Penn order4 &. the roads to lead o!t of the city %. no ho!ses co!ld be b!ilt within 211 +aces of the harbor %. Philadel+hia wo!ld have no croo,ed streets -. one of the $reat cities of the world. 7. Where did he +ic, the s+ot4 &. in the centre of the town %. near the seaside . on the ban,s of the -elaware .iver -. in /!ro+e 8.What did he want to create4 &. a f!t!re commercial center %.a bi$ city . a $reen co!ntry town -.a harbor I&! 7ead t%e te+t (elow and *ill in t%e )issin. in*or)ation&On your answer s%eet4 write only t%e )issin. words ne+t to t%e nu)(er indicatin. eac% (lan# s-ace& 12

What will the aero+lane of the f!t!re loo, 91: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;4&n increasin$ n!mber of <o!rneys are bein$ made 92: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; air, and the airlines are demandin$ a new ,ind of +lane 96: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hel+ them co+e with increasin$ +assen$er n!mbers.97: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;of the revol!tionary new desi$ns 98: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; develo+ed is a (flyin$ win$* which is short b!t very wide, in contrast 96: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;most +lanes, which are lon$ and narrow.

I& "& 7ead t%e te+t (elow and use t%e words .i'en in ca-itals (elow to *or) words t%at *it in t%e .a-s& T%e words in ca-itals are .i'en in t%e order you need to use t%e)8 11 -oints

,POON4HEAD4TE77IF943ONT7O:E7,94I1AGE4 A33EPT4I1PL94 INTE7P7ET4INTENTION43ON,3IOU,4EN3OU7AGE4 & man ta,es a sin$le ;;;;;;;;;;;;1 of a s!bstance and +!ts in his mo!th.Instantly he is trans+orted to another world,a +lace of s!rreal visions and swirlin$ colo!rs.#e r!shes ;;;;;;;;;;2 into this +arallel !niverse.What is this ;;;;;;;;;6 com+o!nd with the +ower to ind!ce s!ch a mind=blowin$ tri+4Is it some ,ind of dr!$ that ma,es the !ser hall!cinate4No, it"s <!st a h!mble cereal ad on T>.The 0r!ity Wheat ad is the latest in a lon$ line of ;;;;;;;;;;;7 ads whose ;;;;;;;;8 a++ears to draw on the effects of mind=alterin$ s!bstances.%olin .ees of the (?ho+ Tv &dvertisin$* $ro!+, said@*I find this and other s!ch ads totally ;;;;;;;;;;;6.Ta,e this st!ff and yo! will eA+erience somethin$ o!t of this world Bthe ;;;;;;;;;C of the ad seems clear to me.The com+anies who ma,e them will say that any relation to dr!$s is <!st one ;;;;;;;;;8 of the advert, and not one that they ;;;;;;;;;5.When I com+lained abo!t this ad,I was told that it didn"t contain any ;;;;;;;11 messa$es.I tho!$ht that was a bit rich=I thin, the messa$e in it is blantly obvio!sD&nd I don"t thin, we sho!ld be $ivin$ T> viewers any ;;;;;;;;;11 in that res+ect.* I&$ 7e-%rase t%e *ollowin. sentences so t%at t%e )eanin. stays t%e sa)e& /rite your answer on your answer s%eet&15 -oints 1. It started snowin$ on ?!nday and has not sto++ed yet. It 222222222222222222222. 2. This is the craEiest thin$ I have ever heard. I 222222222222222222222.. 6. ?he had only to as, me to find o!t what really ha++ened there. If yo!2222222222222222222. 7. Nobody co!ld do anythin$ to hel+ them. Nothin$ 222222222222222222. 8.*'y brother $ave !+ smo,in$ last year* said )!cy. )!cy said 22222222222222222.. PA7TEA a II;a ("6 de -uncte) 7ead t%e te+t (elow& In one paragraph write your own endin. o* t%e story& (0; 16 lines) *In the f!t!re television will become, maybe, a +lace of creative ideas. Instead of +assively watchin$ +ro$rammes the way we do now, new develo+ments will allow !s to +artici+ate in shows and to feel and sense directly the emotions of the actors we watch. &lso, there will be methods that will let !s sha+e and create o!r own shows. We may even be able to +ress a b!tton and have o!r own li$ht show +resented on the screen. We will be able to thin, of an ima$e and see that ima$e in front of !s on the screen and different +eo+le in different +laces will be able to chan$e ideas.* Prof.%onstantin )acramioara

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