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DAILY LESSON PLAN FOR YEAR 2 Name : Bahjatu Sholihah binti Raman Year : 2 Jaya Unit : 3 No.

Of Students : 26/26 Date : 09/02/2014 Theme : World Of Self, Family and Friends Topic : Where Am I? Duration : 60 minutes Focus : Phonemic Awareness Time : 7.55 am 8.55 am Day : Sunday

Lesson Summary: Teacher introduces the words by showing picture cards to the pupils. Then, the pupils will identify the sound / phoneme in each word. Next, they will do the segmenting and blending. The pupils will associate the picture with the correct sounds. In the production stage, the pupils will be able to blend words correctly on the worksheet given.

Content : Phonemic Awareness Learning Standard

Content Standard 1.1 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation

1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance : (g) oral blending and segmenting

Pupils previous knowledge: Pupils have known the meaning of some of the words used by the teacher.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: 1. Identify the sound / phoneme of igh and oa. 2. Do segmenting and blending. 3. Associate the picture cards with the correct sound. Moral Values/ Educational Emphases: 1) Self confident 2) Follow instruction 3) Multiple intelligences Teaching Aids: Picture cards, black board, worksheet, word cards, glue tacks Elements of Smart Learning Management/ Generic Skills: Making association and connection Future Studies: Pupils are able to say the words correctly in their daily life conversation.


Content Focus/ Skills

Teaching and Learning Activities Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Teaching Aids/ Values

Remarks/ Teachers Notes



Teacher shows two picture cards Pupils look at the picture Picture cards to pupils. First picture card : GOAT Second picture card : LIGHT cards shown by the teacher.

Moral values: Self confident

Teacher asks pupils what are the Pupils give response and pictures. name the picture cards that they seen just now. Pupils : GOAT , LIGHT



Teacher :

Pupils say out loud the word


glue LO1

Class, today we are going to phonemes of igh and oa tacks learn how to say the sounds of loudly. igh and oa correctly.

Teacher :

Pupils respond :


Can you segmenting the sound of /g/ + /oa/ + /t/ goat and light? /l/ + /igh/ + /t/


Content Focus/ Skills

Teaching and Learning Activities Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Teaching Aids/ Values

Remarks/ Teachers Notes

Teacher makes two columns on PRACTICE 20 minutes Writing the black board. One for igh and another for oa.

blackboard, picture Moral cards, glue tacks


Educational Emphases : Follow instruction Multiple intelligenc es

Teacher asks pupils to come in front to paste the picture cards on the right column.

Teacher guides pupils to paste Pupils




the correct picture cards on the picture cards on the blank column prepared. column given.


Content Focus/ Skills

Teaching and Learning Activities Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Teaching Aids/ Values

Remarks/ Teachers Notes

PRODUCTION 15 minutes


Teacher distribute worksheet to pupils.


Elements Smart



Management/ Teacher instructs the pupils how Pupils do the worksheet. to complete the worksheet. Generic Making association Teacher discusses the correct Pupils respond their answer answer with the pupils. to the teacher. LO3 connection and Skills:

CLOSURE 5 minutes


Teacher emphases the pupils on Pupils to respond. what they had learnt.

Moral values: Self confident

Reflection :

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