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(If you don't know what it REALLY !an"# in) &o%n $!%! i" a &%i!f 'id!o !(ho%tation f%o No% Ra" u""!n %!)a%din) &!*o a)ain+

By: Norm Rasmussen

The quest on comes up f!om t me to t me as to whethe! o! not a pe!son s really "saved," an"/o! really "born again." #ome nee" to ta$e se%f& nvento!y of the ! sp ! tua% con" t on' because t s poss b%e that (o" s wa!n n) them that they a!e not really save" an"/o! sp ! tua%%y bo!n a)a n. *s the!e a " ffe!ence between be n) +save"+ an" +bo!n a)a n?+ No, ,ou can-t t!u%y be save" un%ess you become bo!n a)a n' an" you can-t t!u%y be bo!n a)a n an" not be save". The p!ob%em o! confus on somet mes comes' howeve!' w th peop%e who may have p!aye" +the s nne!s p!aye!'+ .o! somet mes !efe!!e" to as a +p!aye! of sa%vat on+/' atten" chu!ch !e)u%a!%y an" maybe even jo n a chu!ch' fo! nstance ... an" the!e s no obv ous 0h! st&% $e chan)e be n) man feste" n the ! % fe as t me passes .common%y $nown as (o"%y' 0h! st&% $e' 1o%y #p ! t f!u t man fest n) n the ! % fe/. Thou)h they may confess 2esus 0h! st as the ! pe!sona% 3o!" an" #av o!' they cont nue to )o on s nn n) just % $e befo!e' see$ n) (o"-s cont nua% fo!) veness' but neve! en)a) n) n t!ue !epentance .wh ch means: *han)!- ... not just cont nua%%y as$ n) fo! (o"-s fo!) veness an" %eav n) t at that/ fo! the ! c! m na% acts a)a nst (o" .wh ch s what s n !ea%%y is' n the h )hest e4tent/ an"/o! se! ous obe" ence to the comman"s of the 5ew Testament .The 5ew 0ovenant/. T!y n) to $eep t s mp%e .thou)h t s not so seem n)%y s mp%e at a%% n many cases' * !ea% 6e/' f!om a ba%ance" 7 b% ca% pe!spect ve ... the pe!son who "oes not )enu ne%y man fest any (o"%y f!u t n "ue season us n) the 5ew Testament 7 b%e as the ! measu! n) "ev ce n wh ch to ju")e the ! thou)hts an" act ons . . . that pe!son s not save"' ne the! s that pe!son t!u%y bo!n a)a n. They a!e on%y hoping they a!e. They a!e se%f&"ece ve"' sa"%y. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." && 8atthew 9:2: ;ve!&! " n) the above . . . (o" s the so%e 2u")e of who w %% ma$e t to heaven an" those who w %% not. (o" $nows the hea!t of each of us' an" no me!e human can see what (o" sees' o! $nows. ,et confus on aboun"s about th s ssue' an" so * w %% ma$e my best attempt to t!y to "o the top c some just ce that (o" w %% not fau%t me fo! at the 2u")ment #eat of 0h! st. <%ease a%%ow me to bu %" on hopefu%%y a p!ope! foun"at on' as we a""!ess th s top c of be n) +save"+ an" +bo!n a)a n'+ an" sp ! tua% ssues !e%ate" to t. 8y p!aye! an" hea!t-s "es !e s that the 1o%y #p ! t pou!s out 1 s )!ace upon me n "o n) so' so * "o not confuse peop%e anymo!e than what they a%!ea"y may be. #a%vat on .o! becom n) +save"+/ s a f!ee ) ft. 7ecom n) sp ! tua%%y bo!n a)a n s a%so a f!ee ) ft. 7oth a!e not someth n) you o! * "o on ou! own exclusively. (o" the =athe! "!aws us

to 2esus 0h! st th!ou)h the 1o%y #p ! t an" we subm t to that "!aw n). >e "on-t ma$e a "ec s on to fo%%ow 2esus 0h! st so%e%y on ou! own ... whe!eby the 1o%y #p ! t then su""en%y just shows up to he%p us n ou! sp ! tua% !e%at onsh p w th 0h! st. *t-s the othe! way a!oun". The =athe! f !st "!aws us th!ou)h the 1o%y #p ! t && we then be) n to subm t to 1 s "!aw n) .an" e4pe! ence teaches us th s +"!aw n) p!ocess+ can be ove! a %on) pe! o" of t me fo! many && a sho!t pe! o" of t me fo! othe!s/. >e )et some un"e!stan" n) f!om the fo%%ow n) sc! ptu!es of how th s sp ! tua% p!ocess wo!$s: "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him and ! will raise him u" at the last day." && 2ohn ?:44 .5@2V/ "!t is the #"irit who gives life the flesh "rofits nothing. $he words that ! s"eak to you are s"irit, and they are life." && 2ohn ?:?A .5@2V/ "%nd ! will "ray the Father, and he will give you another &el"er, that &e may abide with you forever, even the #"irit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees &im nor knows &im but you know &im, for he dwells with you and will be in you." && 2ohn :4::?&:9 .5@2V/ "&owever, when &e, the #"irit of truth, has come, &e will guide you into all truth for &e will not s"eak on &is own authority, but whatever &e hears &e will s"eak and he will tell you things to come. &e will glorify Me, for &e will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. %ll things that the Father has are Mine. $herefore ! said that &e will take of Mine and declare it to you." && 2ohn :?::A&:B .5@2V/ (For an expanded understanding of what really saves a person, you may want to click: Here . (For an expanded understanding of what it means to become "born again," you may want to click: Here . The!e a!e some 42 " !ect o! n" !ect !efe!ences n the 5ew Testament 7 b%e conce!n n) be n) +save".+ The!e a!e some n ne " !ect o! n" !ect !efe!ences n the 5ew Testament 7 b%e conce!n n) be n) +bo!n a)a n+ o! +bo!n of (o"+. *t s mpo!tant to bu %" on a so% " foun"at on when bu %" n) a house' 2esus to%" us n !atthew ":#$. *f we bu %" on san"' soone! o! %ate! we-%% be n t!oub%e. To bu %" a proper foun"at on on !oc$&so% " )!oun"' one must f !st un"e!stan" what (o"-s "ef n t on of be n) +#ave"+ is. Th s becomes the first brick n ou! foun"at on' an" the most important brick% *f we bu %" too qu c$%y on th s b! c$' we w %% )et n t!oub%e soone! o! %ate!' an" ou! sp ! tua% house w %% be sha$y. * encou!a)e you to &'(') fo!)et this "ef n t on of "SAVED": 'elivered from (od's "unishment for your sins. *t-s that s mp%eC To a"" to th s "ef n t on . . . o! a%te! t n any way . . . w %% ma$e the "ev %-s hea!t ve!y )%a". Dn" * mean very )%a". 7y the "ef n t on just ) ven' how then must * meet (o"-s !equ !ement to have 1 s pun shment !emove" f!om me?

The answe! s s mp%e' yet n the be) nn n)' seem n)%y unbelievable% # mp%e n "ef n t on' because (o" wants t that way. #eem n)%y unbe% evab%e' because at f !st t soun"s almost too good to be true% Th s s whe!e #atan h sses an" sp ts venom n !a)e. 1e wants no one un"e!stan" n)' %et a%one believing . . . just how )oo" th s (oo" 5ews s about how easy t s to have (o"-s w!ath an" subsequent pun shment .ju")ment/ !emove" f!om us fo! ou! s ns. *hen techn ca%%y "oes one become +#ave"+? >hen one p!ays +the s nne!-s p!aye!?+ >hen one confesses out %ou" +that 2esus s the ! 3o!" an" #av o!?+ >hen one +as$s 2esus to come nto the ! hea!t an" save them f!om the ! s ns?+ >hen one s mp%y as$s (o" +fo! fo!) veness?+ ,ou may f n" th s ha!" to accept' but t-s not nea!%y as mpo!tant when you ma"e " a%o)ue w th (o" to fo!) ve you of you! s ns as t was com n) to un"e!stan" why 1e wou%" even want to fo!) ve you n the f !st p%ace. =u!the!mo!e' t was not nea!%y as mpo!tant how o! where you went about .o! will be' f you haven-t yet/ as$ n) (o" to fo!) ve you of you! s ns as t s understanding that a legal binding contract will be the final word on a matter if opinion differs. <%ease a%%ow me to e4p%a n. D c%ea!%y w! tten %e)a% cont!act w %% ho%" up every time n the cou!ts of the %an". D %e)a% cont!act s the highest form of e4ecut n) one-s w %% the!e s on p%anet Ea!th. (uess what (o" has ) ven human ty e4p!ess n) 1 s h )hest w %%? D legal contract. (o" wou%" not ) ve you an" * a means of e4p!ess n) ou! h )hest w %% about %e)a% matte!s that s any " ffe!ent than 1 s. ;the!w se how cou%" we poss b%y $now what (o" wants us to $now about 1 m? >hat then s (o"-s %e)a% cont!act to you an" *? ,ou p!obab%y a%!ea"y $now the answe!: 1 s Holy +ible. (o" has spe%%e" out 1 s h )hest w %% fo! you an" * by ) v n) us th s mpo!tant "ocument' o! sp ! tua%%y %e)a% cont!act. ,et to un"e!stan" th s %e)a% "ocument clearly' t ta$es some effo!t on ou! pa!t. (o" has 1 s !ep!esentat ves an" means to he%p us un"e!stan" th s %e)a% cont!act' an" #atan has his !ep!esentat ves an" means to he%p us $eep from un"e!stan" n) th s %e)a% cont!act. *n fact' #atan-s !ep!esentat ves an" means have been so successfu% that many peop%e have % ve" an" " e" on th s p%anet neve! reali,ing a %e)a% cont!act even e4 ste" f!om (o" on th s p%anet. ,et th s autho! ta$es the pos t on that not one pe!son w %% spen" ete!n ty n he%% w thout first be n) ) ven the oppo!tun ty to somehow !eject the author of (o"-s ete!na%' %e)a%%y b n" n) cont!act. =o! those who "o not $now who the autho! is' 1 s name s 2esus 0h! st (-ee: Hebrews .#:# . The 1o%y #p ! t f%owe" th!ou)h human be n)s to pen the wo!"s of the 1o%y #c! ptu!es' but on%y as (o" the =athe! an" 2esus 0h! st )u "e" 1 m. (-ee: # /imothy 0:.$ . The!e has been a +sp ! tua% cou!t!oom batt%e+ that has !a)e" on "ay an" n )ht s nce (o" an" #atan .ant &(o"/ went nose to nose ove! who has c%a m an" ! )ht to you! an" my sou% an" sp ! t fo! ete!n ty. (o"-s %e)a% cont!act w %% neve! pass away. 1eaven an" ea!th w %% pass away' but 1 s %e)a% cont!act w %% not. (-ee: !ark .0:0. . To fu%%y un"e!stan" (o"-s %e)a% cont!act' you must un"e!stan" why 1 s cont!act ha" to be w! tten n the first p%ace. 1e!e-s the !eason beh n" t:

$&) (*)%$)#$ $)#$!M+N, )-)* $+L'

(o" c!eate" D"am an" Eve. They we!e the f !st two peop%e to nhab t th s p%anet as fa! as we $now. (o" )ave them !u%es on how to % ve' an" a wa!n n) on how they wou%" " e f they ate the f!u t of one pa!t cu%a! t!ee. .>e can !ea" th s fo! ou!se%ves n the ;%" Testament po!t on of the 1o%y 7 b%e n the f !st boo$ of (enes s/. ;ne "ay' the h )hest fa%%en an)e%' #atan' showe" up on the scene an" tempte" Eve to b!ea$ the one comman"ment (o" sa " not to b!ea$' othe!w se she wou%" " e. #atan was successfu% n t! c$ n) Eve nto "o n) what (o" ha" sa " not to "o because she " "n-t see$ +%e)a% counse%+ f !st f!om the one whom c!eate" the fo!b ""en f!u t n the f !st p%ace. D"am ate of the fo!b ""en f!u t as we%% not %on) afte!. *mme" ate%y (o" ha" to a%%ow the sentence of "eath to be p!onounce" upon D"am an" Eve. The f !st +man festat on+ o! +ev "ence+ of the ju")ment of "eath p!onounce" upon them was the sepa!at on of nt macy they ha" w th (o" p! o! to " sobey n) o! s nn n) a)a nst 1 m. >hat was not !ea" %y appa!ent to them was someth n) of fa! )!eate! s )n f cance. #atan ha" succee"e" n t! c$ n) them to +b!ea$ the cont!act+ they ha" w th (o"' an" t now was +nu%% an" vo "+. #atan now became %e)a% !u%e! of p%anet Ea!th' an" was now the sp ! tua% =athe! of D"am an" Eve by +"efau%t. >o!se yet' he was now the sp ! tua% fathe! of eve!y offsp! n) that wou%" come f!om the ! %o ns the!eafte!. ,ou! an" my )!eatest of )!eatest (!an"pa an" (!an"ma we!e (!an"pa D"am an" (!an"ma Eve. ;u! b%oo"% ne an" % nea)e )oes a%% the way bac$ to them. #atan ha" %e)a% c%a m to eve!y pe!son bo!n afte! D"am an" Eve. 1e won %e)a% ! )ht to !u%e them' !emembe!' because D"am an" Eve w %%fu%%y b!o$e the cont!act they ha" w th (o" to enjoy ete!na% % fe && enjoy unb!o$en nt macy w th (o". >hat s " ff cu%t to comp!ehen" fo! many peop%e s that #atan ha" %e)a% c%a m of you an" * the moment ou! fathe!-s spe!m un te" w th the e)) of ou! mothe! .see Romans A:2A&24/. #atan automat ca%%y becomes ou! sp ! tua% fathe! at b !th' an" he w %% !ema n ou! sp ! tua% fathe! unt % we " e .an" fo!eve! th!ou)hout ete!n tyC/ . . . until we "o what 2esus says we must "o n 1 s +cont!act'+ wh ch s to become sp ! tua%%y bo!n a)a n .2ohn A:A/. 5ot on%y " " #atan have %e)a% c%a m ove! you an" *' he a%so won the +%e)a% ! )ht+ to put h s s nfu% natu!e n us at the moment of human concept on. *n othe! wo!"s' because by "ece t an" cunn n) t! c$e!y' he became ou! sp ! tua% +fathe!+ w thout ou! $now n)' %et a%one ou! pe!sona% consentC .*sn-t t )!eat se!v n) a maste! who has cont!o% ove! us w thout even as$ n) ou! pe!m ss on?C/. (o" st %% ha" the ! )ht to "o what 1e wou%" w th p%anet ea!th an" the human !ace' an" #atan h mse%f an" the !est of the fa%%en an)e%s ass st n) #atan' because afte! a%%' 1e c!eate" a%% of them. The 0!eato! a%ways !eta ns that ! )ht. 1 sto!y te%%s us n the ;%" Testament that the s n con" t on of man$ n" )ot so ba" that (o" f%oo"e" p%anet ea!th an" ! " t of a%% % v n) th n)s e4cept what su!v ve" on the boat (o" ha" 5oah bu %". To tempo!a! %y "ea% w th man-s s nfu% con" t on afte! that' (o" "eman"e" that nnocent b%oo" be she" of the most unb%em she" an ma%s fo! those who wante" to have the ! s ns "ea%t w th' o! cove!e". *t " "n-t cause (o" to tota%%y fo!) ve the ! s nsF t just "e%aye" (o"-s

w!ath upon them. * say +tempo!a!y+' because (o" ha" a bette! means of "ea% n) w th the s n con" t on of man$ n" than the she"" n) of b%oo" of me!e an ma%s. (o"-s bette! means was beyon" the w %"est comp!ehens on of eve!y % v n) c!eatu!e. (o" wou%" she" 1 s own, nnocent b%oo" .c% c$ fo! e4pan"e" e4p%anat on/ . . . n "ue seasonC Ente! the 5ew Testament boo$ of 2ohn' 0hapte! one. The secon" pe!son of the ete!na% (o"hea"' The .o%d' tempo!a! %y %eft heaven an" m !acu%ous%y )ot p%ace" ns "e the e)) of 8a!y & h s ea!th%y mothe! .#ee: 8atthew :::G/. The 1o%y #p ! t was the spe!m that un te" w th 8a!y-s e))' an" whammo . . . fo! the f !st t me n a%% c!eat on . . . a un que spec es was c!eate"C D c!eatu!e that was fu%%y man' yet a c!eatu!e that was fu%%y (o". .Ds fa! as #atan was conce!ne"' th s was not just a +un que c!eatu!e+. Th s (o"&8an c!eat on wou%" u%t mate%y become h s pe!sona% monster ... h s pe!sona% an" fo!eve! living nightmare%/.

).%/$L, 0&%$ 1!N' +F /*)%$!+N 0%# $&!#2

E4act%y what $ n" of c!eatu!e was th s? Th s new c!eat on . . . be n) fu%%y (o"' !emembe! . . . " " not have 1 s (!an"pa D"am-s an" (!an"ma Eve-s s nfu% natu!e mpa!te" to 1 s )enet c H5D % $e eve!y othe! offsp! n)' because (o" s ncapab%e of a%%ow n) s n to pe!meate 1 m o! affect 1 m n any way. ,et because 1e was a%so a fu%%y f%esh an" b%oo" man' 1e was fully capable of choos n) to s n as he )!ew o%"e!' f he "es !e" to "o so. #atan ha" %e)a% c%a m to "o eve!yth n) n h s powe! to tempt h m to. Dn" be% eve me' #atan t! e"C ,et AA yea!s of #atan t!y n) to )et the man&s "e of 2esus 0h! st to s n fa %e" :II out of :II t mes' p!a se (o"C .#ee: 1eb!ews 4::B/. #o what-s the b ) "ea% about that? Now (od the Father had &imself a "erfect sacrifice to be the ultimate unblemished ransom3 demand "ayment &e needed to deal with man's sinful condition for all time and eternity4 >hat was so un que about th s sac! f ce was that t was a human be n) that ha" neve! s nne" once n h s % fet meC *n fact' th s (o"&man && man&(o" sac! f ce was so pe!fect . . . so nnocent . . . so pu!e . . . so wo!thy . . . so cost%y . . . so p! ce%ess . . . t wou%" no %on)e! !equ !e $ %% n) an ma%s any %on)e! to be tempo!a!y subst tutes to pac fy (o"-s an)e! n !e)a!"s to the s ns of man$ n". +ne sac! f ce wou%" now meet (o" the =athe!-s eve!y "eman" to have 1 s !t!%na/ w%ath and "u&"!0u!nt 1uni"h !nt %! o'!d off you and I fo% a// ti ! and !t!%nity4 *t has been sa " that #atan n a%% the w s"om he use" to have befo!e he fe%% f!om heaven has been $nown at t mes to be the most unw se c!eatu!e eve! to have been c!eate". *f on%y he wou%" have sou)ht the counse% of the autho! of the +o! ) na% cont!act of % fe+ he no "oubt wou%" have "one eve!yth n) n h s powe! to $eep 2esus 0h! st f!om "y n) on that o%" !u))e" c!oss. ,et #atan wasn-t w se enou)h to see$ counse% f!om 1 s 0!eato!. 1e " " what was n h s be n) to "o' wh ch was to attempt to +"est!oy+ that wh ch he cou%" not cont!o%. #atan t! e" to "est!oy 2esus 0h! st a%! )ht' by putt n) h m to "eath' but someth n) fa! mo!e mpo!tant was )o n) on ns "e of 2esus 0h! st as 1e hun) the!e on that c!oss n pa n. (o" the =athe! was "ump n) 1 s ent !e w!ath upon 2esus the >o!" fo! the past' p!esent an" futu!e s ns of eve!y pe!son to eve! be bo!n on th s p%anet. Ete!na% pun shment fo! D"am an" Eve-s s ns we!e be n) "umpe" on 2esus' as we!e yours an" mine' as 1e hun) the!e pa nfu%%y "y n). #atan was b% n" to t as he %oo$e" on. D%% he cou%" see was comp%ete' f na% v cto!y ove! the human !ace fo! the ve!y %ast t me. *n #atan-s m n"' (o" ha" t! e" the best that 1e cou%"

come up w th' but t just wasn-t )oo" enou)h. 12od might have more power than me1, #atan was th n$ n) to h mse%f' 1but he doesn1t have my craftiness or wisdom.1 * can-t p!ove th s of cou!se' but * choose to be% eve the ea!thqua$e that s spo$en of n 8atthew 29:B: n pa!t may have actua%%y been #atan-s hea!t f b! %%at n) f!om shoc$ an" te!!o!C >hen #atan hea!" The #on of 8an utte! those f na% "y n) wo!"s on the c!oss' he $new someth n) wasn-t qu te ! )ht. >hat " " 1e mean . . . 1Father, into your hands 3 commit !y spirit41 .#ee: 3u$e 2A:4?/. Hoes th s somehow mean * can-t "est!oy 1 m afterall24- #atan thou)ht to h mse%f. *f the!e was any "oubt n #atan-s m n"' t was comp%ete%y !emove" sho!t%y the!eafte!. The tomb was opene" an" emptyC D s )n hun) outs "e the +"ev %-s )!aveya!"+: VA2AN2Y =;R D33 ETER5*T,C *n the sp ! t " mens on' 2esus the @ n) wa%$e" up to #atan' an" #atan ha" to han" the +%e)a% cont!act fo! cont!o% of human ty+ bac$ to 1 m. 2esus !etu!ne" the "ocument to ts ! )htfu% owne! when 1e sat "own at the ! )ht han" of the =athe!. #atan was not st! ppe" of h s ab % ty to tempt human ty to s n a)a nst (o" afte! that' an" the s n natu!e of D"am an" Eve was not now !emove" f!om peop%e bo!n nto the wo!%" afte! that. (o"-s sentence of w!ath wou%" still ab "e on eve!y pe!son bo!n nto th s wo!%"' but now t cou%" be com"letely removed . . . if n" v "ua%s chose .co&ope!ate" w th (o"/ to have t !emove". 1ow "oes one now )et the w!ath of (o" !emove" off themse%ves fo! the pun shment of the ! s ns? 7y sac! f c n) an ma%s the way (o" "eman"e" n the ;%" Testament? 7y hav n) p! est%y ! tua%s pe!fo!me" eve!y yea!? 7y the $eep n) of !u%es? Not any /on)!%- (o" )ave human ty a bette! wayF a mo!e su!e wayF a mo!e %ast n) an" pe!manent way. D way so easy that at f !st t seems a way too easyC >hat way s t? D5#>ER: 7y doing what the %e)a% cont!act (o" has ) ven human ty to "o .#ee: 2ames ::2B/. The 5ew Testament s th s cont!act. The ;%" Testament cont!act .covenant/ was nu%% f e" once the 5ew Testament cont!act .covenant/ was ) ven.

5e %bsolutely /)*$%!N $o *ead $he "#mall 6rint" of (od's /ontract4

1e!e s the +sma%% p! nt+ of (o"-s 5ew 0ovenant cont!act: . 1+elieve on the 5ord 6esus 7hrist and be bapti,ed, and you will be saved.1 (!ark .$:.$8 9cts #:#. . 7e% eve what4 (-ee: 6ohn 0:.":.; < 0$ . 7e% eve that 2esus 0h! st was a%% of (o" befo!e 1e came "own f!om 1eaven whe!e 1e a%ways was' an" too$ the fo!m of a me!e man. 7e% eve that because 1e was tempte" to s n % $e eve!y othe! human eve! was' o! w %% be' yet 1e neve! ;50E )ave nto those temptat ons' that qua% f e" 1 m to be the tota% an" comp%ete sac! f ce that wou%" be acceptab%e to (o" the =athe! fo! a%% t me an" ete!n ty. (-ee: Hebrews =:#":#;8 )omans >:$:.?8 )omans >:.#:.>8 # 7orinthians >:.=:#.8 'phesians #:;:=8 9cts @:.#8 )omans $:#0 . #ave" f!om what4 #ave" o! "e% ve!e" f!om (o"-s ete!na% w!ath upon "y n) that was upon you an" * f!om b !th ()omans >:;:.? . #ave" f!om you! an" my nab % ty to save ou!se%vesC #ave" f!om you! an" my nab % ty to somehow +be )oo" enou)h+ to have (o"-s w!ath

!emove" f!om us. #ave" f!om somehow th n$ n) that f we just $eep 1 s ;%" Testament :I 0omman"ments most of the t me' we-%% be o$ay afte! we " e. .@eep n m n"' D"am an" Eve we!e not ab%e to have the cu!se of sp ! tua% an" eventua% phys ca% "eath f!om (o" !emove" f!om them by somehow !e)u!) tat n) the fo!b ""en f!u t they ateC The ! $eep n) the :I 0omman"ments wou%"n-t !eve!se what (o" spo$e to them about what wou%" happen f they s nne"' ne the! wou%" na % n) themse%ves to a t!ee an" "y n) a pa nfu% "eath. *f D"am an" Eve cou%"n-t come up w th a way to have t !emove"' how "o you an" * th n$ we a!e somehow mo!e spec a% to (o" that D"am an" Eve?/. 2/ 3f you will confess with your mouth, and believe in your heart that 2od raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved. ()omans .?:=:.?8 . 7orinthians .#:0 . 0onfess what4 7e% eve n my hea!t what4 2esus s 3o!" of what o! who4 Remembe! what the "ef n t on of +#DVEH+ s: Aelivered from the eternal wrath (or punishment of 2od . . . the first and most important building block to be set in place.

0hy #ome 6eo"le (et !n $rouble

<eop%e who quest on the ! +#a%vat on+ may not have !ece ve" suff c ent !eve%at on o! un"e!stan" n) of ete!na% #a%vat on f!om (o"-s cont!act .e the! wasn-t awa!e of the +sma%% p! nt'+ o! " "n-t fu%%y un"e!stan" t/' o! they ente!e" #a%vat on fo! the w!on) !eason.s/. #atan a%ways wa ts fo! an oppo!tune t me to )et someone to quest on whethe! they really eve! we!e +save"'+ o! eve! we!e really t!u%y bo!n a)a n' f they " " not )et the f !st b! c$ f !m%y seate" n p%ace. (-ee: !atthew .0:.= . 5o matte! how * m )ht feel . . . no matte! what * m )ht believe at a vu%ne!ab%e moment . . . no matte! what someone e%se thinks about my sp ! tua% con" t on . . . the +b n" n) cont!act says what it says and means what it meansC+ The +cont!act+ "oes not !ea": -T!ust n the 3o!" 2esus 0h! st' an" 1e may or may not #ave you- ."e% ve! you of ete!na% pun shment fo! you! s ns/ "epen" n) on what moo" 1e m )ht be n at the t me. The cont!act "oes not !ea": -*f you w %% confess w th you! mouth' an" be% eve n you! hea!t . . . if you never sin anymore . . . that 2esus s 3o!"F you w %% be save"..Those who a!e t!u%y save" were s nne!s save" by (o"-s )!ace. 9fter they became save"' n (o"-s s )ht ... they a!e sa nts who occas ona%%y s n J%ess an" %ess as they matu!e n 0h! st & hopefu%%yK. (o"-s heaven%y +cont!act+ nowhere says: ,ou must first be )oo" enou)h to be #ave" f!om (o"-s w!ath. 5e the! "oes t !ea" that your type of sins, nor the amount or severity of your sins e4empts o! " squa% f es you f!om what 2esus accomp% she" on the 0!oss of 0a%va!y. (o"-s heaven%y +cont!act+ "oes not !equ !e you! ) v n) of money .t th n)/ o! +chu!ch membe!sh p+ o! he%p n) n m n st!y' to have (o"-s w!ath !emove" f!om you' ne the! w %% the p! v %e)e an" w s"om of ) v n) of money o! chu!ch membe!sh p o! he%p n) n m n st!y !emove (o"-s w!ath f!om you an" *. The!e s on%y B&' way n (o"-s 5ew 0ovenant cont!act that !emoves (o"-s pun shment fo! the s n an" the s n natu!e we a!e bo!n w th . . . an" the s ns we comm t as we t!ave% th!ou)h th s % fe: /he total and 7B!C5'/' acceptance that 955 of 2od1s wrath is removed from me . . . if 3 simply take Him at His word by believing that He would not lie to me%

D)a n & why w %% 1e "o so? 7ecause of the )9&-B! of 2esus 0h! st' the on%y pe!son who has neve! s nne" on th s p%anet. .*f you have not !ea" th s w! t n)' * encou!a)e you to "o you!se%f a )!eat favo! by !ea" n) t: The 7!eastp%ate ;f R )hteousness. *t w %% a"" )!eat c%a! ty an" un"e!stan" n) to what !ea%%y +saves+ you/.

#atan &as M+*) $ricks !n &is 5ag

The quest on eventua%%y a! ses: once * have as$e" the 3o!" to fo!) ve me of a%% my past s ns' what "o * "o about the s n * m )ht comm t tomorrow? (o"-s 5ew 0ovenant cont!act p!ov "es ou! answe!: *n : 2ohn ::G&L the cont!act !ea"s: 3f we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 3f we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. To say that th s po!t on of sc! ptu!e only app% es to ou! past s ns s an nco!!ect nte!p!etat on of the cont!actua% %an)ua)e. *f p!esent o! futu!e s n s not fo!) vab%e by (o" once we have comm tte" ou! % fe to 2esus 0h! st' the Dpost%e <au% " " not $now what he was ta%$ n) about n : 0o! nth ans B:B. *s t acceptab%e to (o" to $eep on continually s nn n) once we have become +#ave"?+ * 2ohn A::&:I ) ves us sobe! n) wo!"s to pon"e! !e)a!" n) th s ve!y mpo!tant quest on: -ee how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of 2od8 and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. +eloved, now we are children of 2od, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. *e know that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him Dust as He is. 9nd everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, Dust as He is pure. 'veryone who "ractices sin also practices lawlessness8 and sin is lawlessness. 9nd you know that He appeared in order to take away sins8 and in Him there is no sin. &o one who abides in Him sins8 no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. 5ittle children, let no one deceive you8 the one who practices righteousness is righteous, Dust as He is righteous. /he one who "ractices sin is of the devil8 for the devil has sinned from the beginning. /he -on of 2od appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil. &o one who is born of 2od "ractices sin, because His seed abides in him8 and he cannot sin, because he is born of 2od. J*mpo!tant e" to! a% note he!e: The!e s a hu)e " ffe!ence between ) v n) nto a temptat on to an occas ona% s n' an "racticing a s n on a f!equent bas s. To s n on occas on s )o n) to happen n the % fe of eve!y save" ch %" of (o" f they

% ve %on) enou)h on th s p%anet. 7ut when one be) ns to practice s n on a !e)u%a! bas s ... (o" wants us to ta$e a se! ous %oo$ at ou!se%ves an" sobe!%y quest on whethe! we t!u%y "es !e to ) ve ou! all to (o"' o! a!e we just %oo$ n) fo! a +f !e nsu!ance po% cy+ once we " e' an" cheap fo!) veness before we " e?K +y this the children of 2od and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of 2od, nor the one who does not love his brother. T1*# above po!t on of (o"-s >o!" s about as " ff cu%t as t )ets n un"e!stan" n) what (o" e4pects out of a 0h! st an once they have become +#ave".+ &o one cou%" eve! poss b%y +stay #ave"+ f one too$ th s sc! ptu!e 53/')955E wo!" fo! wo!" just as t !ea"s. 8ost 0h! st an scho%a!s have t!ans%ate" th s po!t on of sc! ptu!e to be un"e!stoo" n this conte4t: 7hildren of 2od (saved, born again people who are serious about desiring to be pleasing to 2od do everything in their power . . . with the help of the Holy -pirit . . . to acknowledge sin in their life and submit to conviction of the Holy -pirit that their sin is grieving 2od every time they submit to it. 6udgment of some kind almost always visits the saved 7hristian if the sin is constantly practiced, which grieves 2od all the more. Ceople who understand that 2od forgives our sins when we simply ask and trust Him to do so . . . but keep right on falling back into their old sinful ways and possibly even grow cold to Him become prime candidates for 2od1s chastisement and correction (-ee: Hebrews .#:>:.. , so that they will Fuit sinning and draw closer to Him. 2od1s chastisement is never Doyous or fun ... but it serves its purpose Fuite well, if we embrace it and allow it to motivate us to get right with 2od if we need to do so. Dt th s junctu!e' the "ev % sta!ts sc!eam n) 1eb!ews ?:4&? n ou! ea!. =o! those who a!e not fam % a! w th th s passa)e of sc! ptu!e' t !ea"s: For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy -pirit, and have tasted the good word of 2od and the powers of the age to come, and $&)N have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the -on of 2od, and put Him to open shame (&9- /ranslation . The au" ence (o" is a""!ess n) n th s po!t on of sc! ptu!e wou%" be those who a!e $now%e")eab%e of (o"-s >o!"' bo!n a)a n' +1o%y #p ! t bapt 6e"+ 0h! st ans who pu!pose%y !efuse any %on)e! to wa%$ n the c%oseness w th (o" they once wa%$e" n an" e4pe! ence". #ay n) t anothe! way . . . one can be eternally secure n $now n) that f one t!u%y wants to spen" ete!n ty n he%% away f!om the p!esence of (o" . . . (o" w %% not stan" n the way of a%%ow n) t to happen. Dbove everything else, (o" hono!s ou! f!ee w %%. *n 2 Thessa%on ans 2:A' t spea$s of +a )!eat fa%% n) away+ p! o! to the ant &0h! st be n) fu%%y !evea%e". *-m of the camp that be% eves that what (o" s a""!ess n) he!e p! ma! %y a!e 0h! st ans whose hea!ts have )!own sp ! tua%%y co%" to 5ew 0ovenant T!uth' an" essent a%%y )!own co%" towa!" (o" an" the a"vancement of 1 s @ n)"om n the % ves of othe!s. 8y thou)ht fo! the ! "o n) so w %% p! ma! %y be because of the ! an)e! an" b tte!ness towa!" (o" "ue to ha!"sh p & suffe! n) & va! ous fo!ms of pe!secut on & " s %%us onment. * %eave open the )!eat poss b % ty 1eb!ews ?:4&? m )ht we%% be a""!ess n) peop%e % $e th s as we%%. J'nding t here' howeve!' s unw se' * be% eve. * pe!sona%%y wou%" cons "e! myse%f the b ))est foo% to eve! have % ve" when * stan" befo!e (o" one "ay an" ) ve an account to 1 m about what * have tau)ht about 1 s 1o%y #c! ptu!es f * s$ !t /H3- pa!t cu%a! po nt o! ssue:

2od forgives 955 sin when we 97G&B*5'A2' our sin to Him and ask His forgiveness. The A9&2') comes n when we !efuse to +'53'(' o! 9A!3/ /B BH)-'5('- that ou! s n !# s n. ,ou can be% eve what you choose to be% eve about 1eb!ews ?:4&?' but *-m )o n) on !eco!" as say n) that * be% eve (o" s also including n t a secondary mean n) . . . the warning that * wa%$ on ve!y "an)e!ous )!oun" w th 1 m comm tt n) s n that * !efuse to admit to 1 m s s n as s clearly "ef ne" n 5ew Testament sc! ptu!e' an" cont nue to % ve n t' o! p!act ce t w th no )u %t o! ntent on of !epentance .tu!n n) f!om t an" as$ n) fo! he%p to qu t "o n) t any %on)e!/. *f you be% eve that * am "ece ve" about th s matte!' * as$ that you fo!) ve me an" p!ay that (o" w %% "e% ve! me of my b% n"nessK.

0hy 'o 5orn %gain /hristians (ive !n $o #inful $em"tations2

,et on the othe! han"' peop%e who th n$ that a +#ave"' 7o!n D)a n+ 0h! st an w %% neve! s n afte! they have fu%%y comm tte" the ! % ves to 2esus 0h! st a!en-t % v n) n 5ew 0ovenant sp ! tua% !ea% ty e the!. .*mpo!tant to !ea": Romans' 0hapte! 9 an" G/. 1e!e-s some thou)hts to pon"e!: *f (o"-s peop%e n the ;%" 0ovenant we!e not ab%e to $eep f!om s nn n)' what ma$es anyone th n$ that the "eath' bu! a% an" !esu!!ect on of 2esus 0h! st an" the ) v n) of the 1o%y #p ! t ma$es peop%e n the 5ew covenant that much " ffe!ent? T!ue & hav n) the fu%%ness of The 1o%y #p ! t .Ephes ans B::G/' w %% enab%e save"' bo!n a)a n 0h! st ans to qu t s nn n) eas e! than peop%e who % ve" befo!e the fu%%ness of The 1o%y #p ! t was ) ven' but e4pe! ence teaches that the 1o%y #p ! t w %% a%%ow you an" * to s n f we !ea%%y want to whethe! we ha" % ve" n the ;%" Testament t mes o! the 5ew Testament t mes. The 1o%y #p ! t hono!e" the ! f!ee w %% then' an" 1e w %% hono! ou! f!ee w %% now. 1e was the same then as 1e s now. 1e-%% he%p us to qu t s nn n) f we t!u%y want 1 s he%p' but 1e won-t just automat ca%%y vo%untee! t w thout ou! t!u%y "es ! n) t' an" somet mes see$ n) " % )ent%y fo! t.

(od !s % (od +f %bsolutes

3et-s )o bac$ to the be) nn n) t t%e of th s w! t n). Dm * RED33, save" an" bo!n a)a n? >e a!e w se to answe! that quest on about ou!se%ves n this % )ht: (o"-s w!ath s e the! !emove" o! t s not .#ee: Romans B:G&:IF 2ohn A:A?/ once * "o my pa!t. E the! 1e fo!) ves my s ns o! 1e "oesn-t. E the! we can ta$e 1 m at 1 s wo!" n 1 s cont!act' o! we can-t. To wave! n between && t!y n) to come up w th some suppose" +%e)a% %oopho%e+ && s "o n) no mo!e that p%ay n) nto the han"s an" pu!poses of #atan. D""!ess n) s tuat ons #atan %oves to )et us nto: 0an a person lose their -alvation? >hen that quest on comes up' as$ you!se%f th s: +0an (o" !emove 1 s w!ath tota%%y f!om me 7E0DU#E of what 1e accomp% she" on the 0!oss of 0a%va!y an" then change His mind4 *f 1e "oes' he nu%% f es 1 s own cont!act' wh ch ma$es 1 m a % a!. 1e has "ec%a!e" n 1 s cont!act that 1e cannot % e .#ee: T tus ::2/. Ds we a""!ess ssues of: 1Bnce -aved : always -aved8 'ternal security8 7an a person lose their -alvation8 *as 3 ever )'955E -aved to begin with4 . . . !emembe!' #atan has seve!a% n c$names that "esc! bes h s natu!e an" cha!acte!: -)'955E41, an" -H9- 2od41 a!e two of them. #atan spo$e a half:truth to Eve when he quote" bac$ to he! what (o" ha" sa " about eat n) the fo!b ""en f!u t' then a""e" the wh ppe"&c!eam of doubt to cove! up h s "ece t an" pu!pose beh n" t. 1e still uses the same tact c to"ay to )et us s "et!ac$e". 1e a%so s

the genius of )ett n) us to as$ ou!se%ves a quest on that has no relevance to state" fact n (o"-s cont!act to us. 1e most eas %y )ets away w th th s p! ma! %y fo! two !easons: :/ >e have e the! not hea!" .o! chose not to believe f we H9(' hea!"/ what 955 of the 5ew Testament cont!act has to say to usF an"/o! . . . 2/ >e a!e n ou! nfancy n ou! sp ! tua% bo!n a)a n & sp ! tua% !eb !th p!ocess spo$en of n 6ohn 0:0.

0hat 'oes !t Mean $o 5ecome $*7L, "5orn %gain"2

=o! a conc se "ef n t on an" un"e!stan" n) of be n) +bo!n a)a n'+ f you have not a%!ea"y "one so' you may want to first c% c$: 1e!e ... befo!e !ea" n) fu!the!. 5ow fo! a mo!e n&"ept %oo$ at be n) +bo!n a)a n'+ spo$en of by 2esus n 6ohn 0:0:;: $he s"iritual birth and growth by which a "erson becomes fully aware and a""reciative of 0&, (od the Father "rovided 8esus /hrist as the sacrifice for our sins as documented in New $estament holy scri"ture, and the determination to +5), New $estament &oly #cri"ture with the desired hel" of the &oly #"irit whereby it will become outwardly evident to others. 7ecom n) +bo!n a)a n+ can be % $ene" to the % fecyc%e of a beaut fu% !ose .o! any othe! beaut fu% f%owe! o! f!u t t!ee' f you w %%/. The stem of the !ose can be % $ene" to the +save"+ po!t on of the p%ant. The actua% b%oom n) of the f%owe! can be % $ene" to the +bo!n a)a n+ po!t on of the p%ant . . . the most beaut fu% pa!t to see an" sme%%. The natu!a% o! phys ca% % fecyc%e of a pe!son sta!ts as a baby. Ds a newbo!n nfant' we a!e tota%%y "epen"ent upon o%"e! peop%e to ta$e ca!e of ou! nee"s. *f unmet' a baby w %% " e. Ds we )!ow o%"e!' we %ea!n to ta$e ca!e of ou! own nee"s to su!v ve. The sp ! tua% +bo!n a)a n+ b !th teaches us ce!ta n pa!a%%e%s about % fe. ,ou can as$ 2esus to fo!) ve you of you! s ns' pa!t c pate n an a%ta! ca%%' p!ay a p!aye! of fo!) veness n the p! vacy of you! home watch n) a 0h! st an b!oa"cast o! f!om ou! Crecious /estimonies webs te. . . but that "oesn-t teach you how to )et you! spiritual nee"s met. ,ou a!e "epen"ent on othe!s to he%p you sp ! tua%%y unt % you !each a p%ace whe!e you can essent a%%y ta$e ca!e of you!se%f .w th the a " of the 1o%y #p ! t' of cou!se/. 1ow "oes one !each th s p%ace n the ! sp ! tua% wa%$ w th (o"? 7y stu"y n) the >o!" of (o"' p! ma! %y 5ew Testament sc! ptu!eF un"e!stan" n) what (o" wants a pe!son to un"e!stan" about tF then obeying t. +7e% eve!s only+ of the >o!" of (o" can en" up n he%%% (6ames #:.= ++elievers and Aoers+ of the >o!" of (o" a!e the ones who w %% be assu!e" of ete!na% !ewa!" n heaven. (o" ma$es t pe!fect%y c%ea! n 1 s heaven%y cont!act who truly s o$ay w th 1 m an" those who a!e not: "Eou shall know them by their fruits." (-ee: !atthew ":.$8 . 7orinthians .#:08 . 6ohn @:.:08 2alatians >:## . ;bv ous%y a youn)' nfant 0h! st an s not )o n) to have most of these +sp ! tua% f!u ts+ man fest n) n them as spo$en of n (a%at ans B:22. *t ta$es t me fo! (o" to )!ow these f!u ts n them' an" eve!yone )!ows at " ffe!ent t mes' n " ffe!ent ways.

*n the 6ohn 0:0' sc! ptu!e says a pe!son must be bo!n a)a n to see the @ n)"om of (o". "-eeing" the @ n)"om of (o" s "seeing the necessity of accepting 6esus 7hrist as one1s personal 5ord and -avior because of their lost sinful condition." The!e s mo!e to the comp%ete sp ! tua% !eb !th p!ocess than just "seeing" what a pe!son nee"s to "o. "Aoing" must fo%%ow. ;ne be) ns "doing" by open%y confess n) to (o" .out %ou" so #atan an" h s "emons can hea! you/ that you ac$now%e")e what sc! ptu!e says about youF that you nhe! te" D"am an" Eve-s s nfu% natu!e at b !th' an" that you want t !emove". ,ou as$ 2esus 0h! st to fo!) ve you of any an" a%% s ns you have comm tte"' wh ch 1 s cont!act says 1e "oes. ;nce you-ve "one th s' techn ca%%y you have become +save".+ (o"-s w!ath s !emove" f!om you. 6ohn 0:> says to enter the @ n)"om of (o" .not just stan" on the outs "e an" %oo$ at t' n othe! wo!"s/' one must be bo!n of the water an" of the spirit. >hen a pe!son becomes +save"'+ t can be sa " that they have steppe" ankle deep nto the water, wh ch s the most important step. To be fully immersed in the water, they must be) n to feast on the >o!" of (o" .5ew Testament 1o%y #c! ptu!e/' an" show an nc!ease" w %% n)ness to obey a%% of t. ;bv ous%y th s s a p!ocess that happens ove! t me' so one can conc%u"e that the!e a!e "e)!ees o! sta)es of be n) bo!n of the water. .* "on-t be% eve th s ne)ates ou! !espons b % ty to be bapt 6e" n wate!' howeve!' f we a!e ab%e to "o so. 1oweve!' befo!e we sp% t ha !s ove! the +necess ty+ to be bapt 6e" n any way' shape o! fo!m' %et us a%ways !emembe! the th ef on the c!oss who was p!om se" that he wou%" soon be n pa!a" se w th 2esus. The th ef ne the! ha" the oppo!tun ty to !ea" the >o!" of (o"' no! be bapt 6e". 2esus saw the hea!t of the th ef' an" $new that was enou)h fo! the th ef to be qua% f e" fo! heaven. 1e!e a!e some some ns )htfu% sc! ptu!e passa)es to suppo!t my statements above: "#anctify them by ,our truth. ,our word is truth.+ && 2ohn :9::9 -ince you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the -pirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of (od which lives and abides forever. && : <ete! ::22&2A 5@2V Dnothe! passa)e of sc! ptu!e conf !m n) the above two sc! ptu!e passa)es s foun" n Ephes ans B:2B&29: &usbands, love your wives, 9ust as /hrist also loved the church and gave &imself for it, that &e might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that &e might "resent it to &imself a glorious church, not having s"ot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. 7e n) bo!n of the spirit spea$s of the wo!$ of the 1o%y #p ! t .the ;ne 2esus sent f!om the =athe! afte! 1 s !esu!!ect on fo! a%% 1 s fo%%owe!s' 6ohn .@:.$:.;/ n one-s % fe. *t can % $ew se be sa " that when one has become +save"'+ one has steppe" ankle deep nto the spirit ("My words are s"irit, and they are life" : : 6ohn $:$0 . To be fully immersed in the spirit' one not on%y nee"s to "es !e to be fully immersed n the water' but show an act ve w %% n)ness to make the Holy -pirit one1s closest friend. To ma$e

the 1o%y #p ! t one-s c%osest f! en" means to ma$e 2esus 0h! st one-s c%osest f! en". To ma$e the 1o%y #p ! t one-s c%osest f! en" means to ma$e the =athe! one-s c%osest f! en" (6ohn .@:#?:#0 . The th!ee " st nct pe!sons of the (o"hea" a!e nsepa!ab%e. ,ou can-t be f! en"s w th one of them w thout becom n) nt mate w th a%% th!ee. ;bv ous%y the awareness an" Fuality of th s nt macy that s ava %ab%e to a%% 0h! st ans usua%%y happens ove! t me as we%%' so one can conc%u"e that the!e a!e equa%%y "e)!ees o! sta)es of be n) bo!n of the spirit' as the!e s the water. (/o "formulate" these issues can lead to all kinds of misunderstandings, in my opinion. ;ne can as$: +0an a pe!son be +save"+ yet not fu%%y +bo!n a)a n?+ * choose to assume so. D)a n: The th ef on the c!oss !ece ve" +sa%vat on'+ o! was +save"'+ when he humb%e" h mse%f to 2esus n h s "y n) moments on ea!th. 2esus assu!e" h m that he wou%" be w th 1 m n <a!a" se' wh ch s how we can $now that he was +save".+ (5uke #0:@0 . 7ut " " he have t me to hear an" fully obey (o"-s >o!"? = !st of a%%' 5ew Testament sc! ptu!e ha" not even be !eco!"e" on pape! as we have access to t to"ay' so the!e was no way he cou%" meet ou! above "ef n t on of ente! n) nto the water an" the spirit to the fu%%est e4tent. 7ut by the "ef n t on ) ven' he did the most mpo!tant pa!t of the bo!n a)a n p!ocess. 1e stepped nto the water' by outwa!"%y show n) h s w %% n)ness to "o whateve! 2esus as$e" h m to "o at that moment. (o" saw h s hea!t' an" that was a%% that matte!e". =!om that "ay unt % now' many have steppe" nto the water of ete!na% % fe by tu!n n) the ! % ves ove! to 2esus 0h! st just prior to "y n). ,es & on%y (o" can see the ! hea!t an" $now the s nce! ty of the ! act ons' but by "ef n t on' they have done o! taken the most important step n the bo!n a)a n sp ! tua% !eb !th p!ocess. (o n) bac$ to the % fe cyc%e of a !ose...*t ta$es a see" p%ante" n the )!oun" at a p!ope! "epth befo!e a stem can )!ow. The stem w %% not )!ow hea%thy an" st!on) out of the )!oun" w thout p!ope! tempe!atu!e' mo stu!e an" nut! ents. The !ose that w %% eventua%%y )!ow out of that stem w %% be beaut fu% to sme%% an" %oo$ at' but t w %% neve! man fest tse%f un%ess the stem s ca!efu%%y nu!tu!e" an" ca!e" fo!. #ome of us sta!t )!ow n) ou! +!ose stem+ ea!%y n % fe. ;the!s % $e myse%f sta!te" %ate! n % fe. #ome w %% sta!t the ! +stem+ )!ow n) just p! o! to "eath. >e have % tt%e awa!eness of what (o" has n p%ace fo! those n heaven afte! "eath who sta!t the ! +stem+ )!ow n) just p! o! to "y n) on ea!th' but * suspect the "y n) th ef on the c!oss w %% have a%% the answe!s on the othe! s "e fo! them. Dnothe! way of un"e!stan" n) the " ffe!ence of the n t a% entering of the water an" the spirit ve!ses be n) fully immersed s % $ene" to someth n) we hea! common%y n 0h! st an c !c%es: +The!e s a b ) " ffe!ence between %ett n) 2esus 0h! st be one-s #av o! vs. %ett n) 1 m become one-s 5ord. 8any have an" w %% as$ 2esus to fo!) ve them fo! the ! s ns an" become the ! #av o!' an" s mp%y %eave t the!e. To a%%ow 1 m to become one-s 5ord !equ !es se%% n) out' su!!en"e! n) fu%%y an" completely to 1 m. ;ne s foo% n) themse%ves n th n$ n) they a!e comp%ete%y su!!en"e! n) to 1 m by not se%% n) out completely to 1 s >o!"' .5ew 0ovenant 1o%y #c! ptu!es/.+ *n conc%us on' %et us !ecap these v ta%%y mpo!tant t!uths about (o". #c! ptu!e says that we a!e sp ! tua%%y sepa!ate" f!om 1 m upon ou! b !th nto th s wo!%". #c! ptu!e says that we a!e bo!n nto s n. #c! ptu!e says that the B&5E way we can be !eun te" o! !econc %e" w th (o" s to accept the p!ov s on 1e )ave to !econc %e each of us bac$ to 1 m n 5ew 0ovenant 1o%y #c! ptu!e. To say that we "on-t need what 1e has p!ov "e" fo! us to be !econc %e" bac$ to 1 m n ! )ht stan" n)' o! that we "on-t believe 5ew Testament 1o%y #c! ptu!e can be t!uste"

to mean what t says t means .an"/o! t!y to ma$e t say someth n) t isn1t say n)/' s say n) to (o" that you o! * $now mo!e about (o" than 1e $nows about Himself an" the con" t on of human ty an" ou! ete!na% fate. >hy wou%" (o" want someone to be w th 1 m fo! ete!n ty that thinks they $now mo!e than 1e "oes? Dfte!a%% . . . who c!eate" whom?

Th s may be ove!"o n) t somewhat' but *-" !athe! ove!"ue th s top c nstea" of +un"e!& "o n)+ t. 1e!e a!e a coup%e of nsp !e" pa!a)!aphs ta$en f!om anothe! 0h! st an webs te: +*f you a!e a t!ue be% eve!' you! % fe w %% "emonst!ate t an" the 7 b%e te%%s us that ove! an" ove! a)a n. =o! us 0h! st ans' * be% eve that n ou! 6ea% to stem the cu%ts' we emphas 6e fa th an" "o not put % $e p!ope! emphas s on the ev "ences of sav n) fa th wh ch s a % fe of ho% ness. * can say' +* !ea%%y want to )o to 1a!va!".+ 7ut f * s$ p schoo%' "on-t "o my homewo!$' an" )o to s%eep n c%ass' "o * !ea%%y want to )o? 5; >D,C Dnybo"y cou%" see that because my act ons bet!ay my confess on. *t s no " ffe!ent n confess n) 2esus. <eop%e say' +* be% eve 2esus s 3o!"'+ yet they cu!se w thout aban"on' "on-t )o to chu!ch' %ove eve!yth n) th s w c$e" wo!%" has to offe!' "on-t fee% conv cte" of s n' an" a!e un nte!este" n the th n)s of (o". Hoes th s pe!son be% eve to the sav n) of the sou%? (oo" chance that the answe! s no. *s th s a matte! of t!y n) to be (o" an" "ete!m ne who w %% ma$e t n? 5oC *t s a quest on of % fe an" "eath an" te%% n) peop%e the t!uthC +#av n) fa th w %% man fest tse%f n )oo" wo!$s. 2ust !ea" 2ames' 1eb!ews' * 2ohn' Romans&& the )ospe%s. *f no chan)e occu!s n a pe!son-s % fe' we have p%enty of sc! ptu!es to %et us $now that the!e s a VER, )oo" chance t!ue conve!s on neve! too$ p%ace to be) n w th. >o!$s "o not save' but a sav n) fa th w %% cause )oo" wo!$s. Dnothe! ana%o)y&&app%es "o not ma$e an app%e t!ee an app%e t!ee. 7efo!e any f!u t appea!e" t was an app%e t!ee. > th t me' sunsh ne' wate! an" othe! facto!s' the p!ec ous f!u t cometh fo!th. #ame th n) w th a save" pe!son. They have 2esus 0h! st w th n. > th the wo!" of (o"' wo!$ n) of the 1o%y (host' the b!eth!en an" t me' )oo" wo!$s w %% come fo!th % $e f ne t!easu!e h ""en f!om w th n an ea!then vesse%.+

*herever you are in your spiritual life, 3 would now like to encourage you to read a timely article written by Aavid *ilkerson, titled: 0ithout Fault 5efore the $hrone of (od Here are a couple of links that addresses Fuestions such as: /an a believer lose their #alvation2 Must a believer never sin, once they are born again, otherwise they will lose their #alvation2 'oes sin cause a born again believer to lose their #alvation2 /hristian #ecurity /an ,ou Lose ,our #alvation2

3f you would like to read &orm1s born again testimony, you can click on this link: http:IIprecious:testimonies.comI+orn9gainI5:&I&orm.htm

'ear *eader 3 are you at peace with 2od4 3f not, you can be. Ao you know what awaits you when you die4 Eou can have the assurance from 2od that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. 'ither 6esus 7hrist died for your sins, or He didn1t (He did4 . 9re you prepared to stand before 2od on the 6udgment Aay and tell Him that you didn1t need the shed blood of 6esus 7hrist on the 7ross to have your sins forgiven and get in right: standing with 2od4 *e plead with you ... please don1t make such a tragic mistake. /o get to know 2od8 to be at peace with 2od8 to have your sins forgiven8 to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity8 to make certain that you are in right:standing with 2od right now ... please click here to help understand the importance of being reconciled to 2od. *hat you do about being reconciled to 2od will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Eour decision to be reconciled to 2od is the most important decision you1ll ever make in this life.

/he staff and our ministry supporters so greatly appreciate hearing how 2od is touching lives for His glory through this outreach. 3f this ministry has blessed you in some special way, would you please consider taking a brief moment and share your blessing with us4 -imply email us at: *e truly thank each of you who allow us to publish your testimony, for those who faithfully pray (and fast for this outreach, for those of you who help support the ministry financially, and for those of you who pass along these testimonies and other ministry writings to others. /he part the Holy -pirit has you play is vital in helping win lost souls and being engaged in discipleship, and we can never thank you enough for the labor of love and support you provide on behalf of our 5ord 6esus 7hrist. 6recious $estimonies is supported financially by those 2od directs to sow into this ministry. *e ask each person reading this to please ask 2od on an on:going basis if He would have you sow a financial gift to this evangelistic outreach of His : trust that He will clearly communicate His will to you in the matter : then simply be obedient. Clease feel free to contact us if you have any Fuestions about the current financial needs of this outreach, or any other Fuestions you may have.

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